Miso is an essential condiment WANTED Super markets, in . Since 1854, Department stores we have supplied fermented food (Retailing stores) (especially ) to our customers for more than 150 years. We have Restaurants, Hotels always been in search of new ideas, methods, and inventions. We have (Professional use) now become the largest miso supplier in .

Ekimiso Ryotei no Aji (Liquid miso) P R

Making is not easy for overseas consumers even they want to make by themselves. We recommend more authentic miso soup to overseas consumers providing with Japan’s No.1 branded miso paste.

Japan’s No.1 branded liquid type miso paste for Expiration date ▶ 360days more consumer’s convenience to make authentic miso soup. Net weight ▶ 430g

HALAL Ryotei no Aji (Miso paste) H R

Japanese food market is expanding in ASEAN and Muslim consumers. We developed products in order to meet their demands and interests for Japanese food culture.

Japan’s No.1 branded HALAL certi ed miso paste. Expiration date ▶ 360days Also this miso paste is USDA and JAS certi ed organic miso. Net weight ▶ 750g

Amazake (Fermented ) W R

It contains no alcohol so that even babies can drink. It is really rich in nutrition and also good to prevent "summer heat fatigue" as it contains essential amino acids.

It is a traditional and popular drink in Japan. Natural sweetness is made from just 3 simple ingredients: rice, Expiration date ▶ 300days koji ( fermented rice ) and salt. No , preservatives Net weight ▶ 125ml added.

Contact Daisuke Takizawa Tel +81-3-5285-0111 Company information E-mail [email protected] URL Address 1-34-7 Takadanobaba Shinjuku Tokyo 169-8580