DISPLACEMENT TRACKING MATRIX (DTM) DASHBOARD #14 Data collection: Feb. – March 2021 | Round 14 PROVINCE Date of publication: April 2021 Assessment method Displacement overview Demographic profile

In-person interviews 96% 228 Locations assessed 457,797 Individuals (+10 compared to round 13) 5 Individuals per 8% Elderly 52% 54% Phone interviews 4% 101,369 Households 171 sites household on average (aged 60 +) Minors Female 57 host communities

Number of displaced persons Context and methodology Village Site Since 2015, Chad has been the target of repeated attacks by armed groups conducting an insurgency in the 1 – 2,220 1 – 3,700 Lake Chad Basin (, Chad, , ), which have caused significant internal and cross-border 2,221 – 12,491 3,701 – 13,577 population displacements. In Chad, IOM has been implementing the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) since May 2015 in Lac Province to gather updates on the number, profiles and needs of 12,492 – 30,522 13,578 – 29,374 populations displaced due to the crisis, in order to inform humanitarian and development programmes. This Displaced persons, dashboard presents key results from DTM assessments carried out with key informants between 17 February by sous-préfecture and 17 March 2021 in 228 displacement locations.

1 – 21,893 During this round of data collection, the number of displaced persons increased by 16 per cent as compared to 21,894 – 42,788 round 13. This increase can be explained by the continued worsening of security conditions since the end of 2020, mainly in the sous-préfectures of Kangalam and Ngouboua. Insecurity forced many individuals to flee their 42,789 – 79,318 homes, notably towards the sous-préfecture of Baga-Sola, where the identified displaced population increased 79,319 – 127,322 by 75 per cent as compared to round 13. In addition, key informants indicated that 21,000 individuals moved from one location to another in order to increase their chances to access humanitarian assistance. Nine locations Country boundaries host more than 10,000 individuals (see page 2). The concentration of displaced persons in certain locations could Province boundaries be further exacerbated, depending on the availability of assistance in these locations. Département boundaries 6% Sous-préfecture boundaries 6% 401,511 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) Disclaimer: The maps included in this report are for illustrative purposes only. Representations and the use of boundaries and geographical names Returnees from abroad on these maps may include errors and do not imply judgment of the legal status of a territory, nor official recognition or acceptance of these 30,160 boundaries by IOM. Geographic coordinates of villages and sites were collected during field assessments. For the locations which were assessed remotely, the geographic coordinates were taken from the previous round. 88% 26,126 Returnees – Former IDPs Number of displaced persons, by sous-préfecture Total number Sex and age distribution of the displaced population # Returnees from # Returnees – Change since Département Sous-préfecture # IDPs of displaced abroad Former IDPs round 13 persons Age range Female (54%) Male (46%) Fouli Daboua 30,496 4,609 7,683 42,788 -2% < 1 Kaiga-Kindjiria 6,542 766 280 7,588 -50% 4% 4% Liwa 119,673 6,999 650 127,322 +15% 1 – 5 6% 6% Total Fouli 156,711 12,374 8,613 177,698 +5% Kaya Baga-Sola 96,019 14,539 159 110,717 +75% 6 – 12 8% 7% Ngouboua 75,645 645 3,028 79,318 -2% Total Kaya 171,664 15,184 3,187 190,035 +32% 13 – 17 9% 8% Mamdi Bol 61,002 1,886 5,283 68,171 +14% Kangalam 12,134 716 9,043 21,893 +10% 18 – 59 23% 17% Total Mamdi 73,136 2,602 14,326 90,064 +13% 60+ Total Lac Province 401,511 30,160 26,126 457,797 +16% 4% 4%

DTM ACTIVITIES IN LAC PROVINCE ARE SUPPORTED BY: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION (IOM) Contact: [email protected] — https://displacement.iom.int/chad — https://dtm.iom.int/chad When quoting paraphrasing or in any way using the information mentioned in this report the source needs to be stated appropriately as follows: “Source: International Organization for Migration (IOM) [Month Year] Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM)”. DISPLACEMENT TRACKING MATRIX (DTM) DASHBOARD #14 Data collection: Feb. – March 2021 | Round 14 CHAD — LAC PROVINCE Date of publication: April 2021 Periods and reasons for displacement and return Internally Displaced Persons Returnees from abroad Returnees – Former IDPs

Reason for first displacement % Reason for return % Reason for return % Armed attacks 89% Armed attacks 94% Looking for livelihood Looking for livelihood 61% 9% opportunities Preventive displacement / Fear 3% opportunities Looking for better Preventive displacement / Fear 1% 39% Floods / Rising water levels 3% Floods / Drought <1% security conditions Year of arrival (% of locations) Year of arrival (% of locations) Year of arrival (% of locations) 60% 60% 80% 60% 40% 40% 40% 20% 20% 20% 0% 0% 0% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Majority Last group Majority Last group Majority Last group Assessed locations hosting the largest number of displaced persons Changes in the number of displaced persons identified in the last 5 rounds (more than 10,000 persons)

Number of displaced persons in Round 14 (Feb-March 2021) 401,511 56,286 the main host locations +19% -2% Round 13 (Sept-Oct 2020) 336,124 57,359 10,742 – 13,577 +13% +1% 13,578 – 24,603 Round 12 (June-July 2020) 297,187 56,851 +26% - <1% 24,604 – 30,522 Round 11 (April 2020) 236,426 57,085 +13% -2% XX : Location name Round 10 (Jan-Feb 2020) 208,380 58,232

Country boundaries IDPs Returnees from abroad and former IDPs Province boundaries Département boundaries 75% of displaced persons live in displacement sites Sous-préfecture boundaries 25% of displaced persons live in host communities

DTM ACTIVITIES IN LAC PROVINCE ARE SUPPORTED BY: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION (IOM) Contact: [email protected] — https://displacement.iom.int/chad — https://dtm.iom.int/chad When quoting paraphrasing or in any way using the information mentioned in this report the source needs to be stated appropriately as follows: “Source: International Organization for Migration (IOM) [Month Year] Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM)”. DISPLACEMENT TRACKING MATRIX (DTM) DASHBOARD #14 Data collection: Feb. – March 2021 | Round 14 CHAD — LAC PROVINCE Date of publication: April 2021

53 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Lac Province as of 23 March 2021 (including 50 recoveries and 3 deaths). No cases have been identified among displaced populations. Distance to the closest health services General awareness of COVID-19 in assessed locations % of locations Distance to the closest health Estimated level of COVID-19 awareness service (walking time) Round 14 Round 13 Everyone is aware (> 75%) 65% 69%

No access Most individuals are aware (50 – 75%) 23% 13% Less than half of individuals are aware (25 – 50%) 4% 8% 15 – 30 minutes None or very few are aware (< 25%) 5% 4% 30 – 50 minutes Does not know / No answer 3% 6% More than 50 minutes ʺ Are there measures implemented in the assessed location to prevent ʺ If yes, which measures ? ʺ or limit the spread of COVID-19 ? ʺ Country boundaries Installation of 54% Province boundaries handwashing stations 89% with soap Département boundaries 40% Sous-préfecture boundaries 52% Awareness-raising on the risks of COVID-19 and 97% 81% protective measures

Awareness of COVID-19 and preventive measures taken in assessed locations Distribution of soap 51% 60% and/or hydroalcoholic gel 69% % of individuals who are 48% aware of the pandemic Limitation of exits from 5% < 25% houses / locations 3% 25 - 50% Round 14 Round 13 50 - 75% Yes No Round 13 Round 14 > 75% No answer Implementation of protective measures among displaced populations % of locations where preventive living in assessed locations measures are implemented 86% 85% Round 14 Round 13 61% % Yes % No 32% Country boundaries 23% 22% 14% 14% Province boundaries Département boundaries Sous-préfecture boundaries Frequent hand washing Avoid touching eyes, Social distancing (avoiding No awareness mouth and nose close contacts)

DTM ACTIVITIES IN LAC PROVINCE ARE SUPPORTED BY: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION (IOM) Contact: [email protected] — https://displacement.iom.int/chad — https://dtm.iom.int/chad When quoting paraphrasing or in any way using the information mentioned in this report the source needs to be stated appropriately as follows: “Source: International Organization for Migration (IOM) [Month Year] Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM)”.