NCPC File No. 7146


516 10th Street, NW Washington, DC

Submitted by the United States Department of the Interior,

Delegated Action of the Executive Director

August 26, 2010

Pursuant to delegations of authority adopted by the Commission on October 3, 1996 and 40

U.S.C. § 8722(b)(1) and (d), I approve the preliminary and final site and building plans for the rehabilitation of the Petersen House at the Ford’s Theatre National Historic Site in Washington,

DC, as shown on NCPC Map File No. 21.10(38.00)43122.

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The National Park Service (NPS) has requested preliminary and final site and building plan approval for the rehabilitation of the Petersen House, the house where died, across from Ford’s Theatre on 10th Street, NW in Washington, DC. The rear porch, which has been altered over time, will be rehabilitated to include the construction of a wooden staircase to the rear yard, from which visitors can conclude the tour by walking through a passageway to 10th Street. The new use of the adjacent property, which contains an elevator, will allow the Petersen House to be accessible to all visitors for the first time. The proposal is consistent with the Federal Elements of the Comprehensive Plan of the National Capital. NPS has concluded its National Environmental Policy Act requirements with a Finding of No Significant Impact and has concluded its Section 106 consultation with the District of Columbia State Historic Preservation Office with a finding of no adverse effect. The Commission’s categorical exclusion for minor alterations satisfies NCPC’s requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act. The project was coordinated by all agencies attending the August 11, 2010 Coordinating Committee meeting.

______Marcel C. Acosta Executive Director