Introduction to the Identification of Beetles (Coleoptera) P

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Introduction to the Identification of Beetles (Coleoptera) P 23 — Dichotomous Keys to Some Families of Florida Coleoptera Introduction to the Identification of Beetles (Coleoptera) P. M. Choate, 1999 The order Coleoptera may contain the largest Suborder Adephaga number of described species of any insect order. They are to be found in almost every habitat, and range Carabidae - ground beetles, includes Rhysodidae in size from 1 – 100mm. in length. The heaviest and Cicindelidae known insect is a scarab beetle. Cicindelidae - tiger beetles now treated as Cara- The diversity of this order contributes to the bidae, tribe Cicindelini complexity of writing classification keys that encom- Rhysodidae - now placed in Carabidae pass all exceptions. Frequently keys that are writ- Haliplidae - aquatic ten to cover all species become so complex and Noteridae - aquatic lengthy that even experts get bogged down in de- Dytiscidae - aquatic tails. In order to introduce you to this order without Gyrinidae - aquatic, surface inhabitants only adding to the difficulty of identification I have con- stucted a key to the 50+ families of beetles that you Suborder Polyphaga should be able to identify (Florida). Keep in mind that there are more than 100 families of beetles, and Staphylinidae - rove beetles, elytra reduced, ex- that this key is only intended to introduce you to posing several abdominal tergites the terminology and morphology that you will use Silphidae - carrion beetles in other, more comprehensive keys. Pselaphidae - short-winged beetles (very small, The keys that follow are dichotomous, mean- <3mm). ing that each couplet has 2 paragraphs of charac- Hydrophilidae - mostly aquatic, maxillary palpi ters from which you are to pick the best match. appear as antennae when viewed from above, an- Through process of elimination you should be able tennae shorter than palpi, with well developed to work your way through this key to a reasonable club. identification choice. If you find that every couplet Histeridae - clubbed antennae, many species very seems to be a difficult choice, you have likely made convex and capable of retracting legs into grooves. a mistake or the specimen you are trying to identify Scirtidae - (= Helodidae) small (<7mm), pubes- belongs in a family not included in the key. When cent species, with swollen femora for jumping. you arrive at a tentative identification, look at ex- Lucanidae - stag beetles; antennae elbowed, large amples of the family to see if you have a specimen beetles (>20mm.) 3 genera in Florida, found in that fits members of that family. Realize that some panhandle only. of the larger families have many different morpho- Passalidae - Large shining black beetles, adults and types, so be cautious here! larvae occur in colonies in rotting logs. Both sex- Terminology: Beetle identification requires es with horns you to become familiar with antennal shapes, tarsi Scarabaeidae - "June", "dung", flower inhabiting (formulas, shapes of segments) mouthparts (labi- beetles. One of the largest families of Coleoptera. al and maxillary palpi), ventral characters (ster- Lamellate antennae, size quite variable. na, pleura, coxae), and other morphological charac- Buprestidae - metallic wood borers. Closely resem- ters. Size and color of specimens will not usually ble click beetles but lack clicking mechanism help you identify beetle families unless you are al- Many species brightly colored or at least with ready familiar with the morphological characters metallic reflection. that identify each family. Therefore, do not try to Callirhipidae - (= Rhipiceridae) remember families from pictures or by size and col- Elmidae - aquatic or. There is too much variation. Learn the morphol- Dryopidae - aquatic ogy that sets each family apart. Heteroceridae - semi-aquatic Ptilodactylidae - unusual antennal shapes in males of some species Elateridae - click beetles Eucnemidae - false click beetles Cebrionidae - males fly when its raining, females are brachypterous. Lycidae - net winged beetles Identification of Beetles (Coleoptera) — 24 Phengodiae - glow worms; males fly, female larvi- families: Scarabaeinae, Aphodiinae, Hybosorinae, form Ochodaeinae, Geotrupinae, Acanthocerinae). Arthro- Lampyridae - fireflies pods of Florida and Neighboring Land areas. Volume Cantharidae - soldier beetles 8. 220p. Young, F. N. 1954. The water beetles of Florida. Univer- Dermestidae - skin beetles sity of Florida Press, Gainesville. 238p. Bostrichidae Anobiidae - death watch beetles Lyctidae Coleoptera: sub-order Adephaga or Cleridae Polyphaga? Trogossitidae Nitidulidae These 2 sub-orders are based on the positions of Cucujidae - flat bark beetles the hind coxal cavities in relation to the 1st visible Languriidae - lizard beetles sternite. If the hind coxae divide the 1st visible ab- Coccinellidae - lady bugs dominal sternite (Figs. 1, 4), the specimen belongs Endomychidae - pleasing fungus beetles in Adephaga. If hind coxae do not completely di- Melandryidae - false darkling beetles vide the 1st visible sternite (Fig. 2), the specimen Anthicidae - ant-like flower beetles belongs in Polyphaga. Tenebrionidae - darkling beetles, frequently mis- Once you are satisfied that you have correctly identified as ground beetles by beginning stu- placed the specimen into its correct sub-order, pro- dents. ceed to the next level of keys (to family). Mordellidae - Tumbling flower beetles Meloidae - blister beetles Rhipiphoridae - Lagriidae - Cerambycidae - "long horned beetles" Bruchidae - seed weevils Chrysomelidae - leaf beetles, with 4 distinctly dif- 1st visible sternite ferent body shapes. Curculionidae - "weevils" Hind (meta-) Coxa Anthribidae Brentidae Platypodidae Scolytidae - bark beetles In order to identify these families you must first be able to separate them into 2 major subor- ders (Adephaga and Polyphaga). Beetle family keys are numerous, frequently regional, and rarely comprehensive. A few of the more comprehensive are: References Fig. 1. Adephaga - coxa divides 1st visible sternite Arnett, R. H., Jr. 1960 - 1963. The beetles of the United States. Washington, DC. Catholic University Press. xii Hind (meta-) coxa + 1110p.(includes keys to all of the genera for all fam- ilies in USA). Blatchley, W. S. 1910. An illustrated Descriptive Cata- logue of the Coleoptera or beetles known to occur in Epimeron Indiana. Indianapolis. 1386p. Downie, N. M., and R. H. Arnett.1996. The beetles of 1st visible sternite Northeastern North America. Vol. 1: Introduction; Suborders Archostemata, Adephaga, and Polyphaga, thru superfamily Cantharoidea. The Sand Hill Crane Press, Gainesville, Florida.880p.(includes species keys for all families). Edwards, J. G.1949. Coleoptera or Beetles East of the Fig. 2. Polyphaga - coxa does not divide 1st sternite; be Great Plains.Edwards Brothers, Inc. Ann Arbor, sure not to confuse the epimeron with the coxae. Michigan.181p. Woodruff, R. E. 1973. The scarab beetles of Florida. (Co- leoptera: Scarabaeidae) Part 1. The Laparosticti (sub- 25 — Dichotomous Keys to Some Families of Florida Coleoptera pro-femur meso-tibia elytron meta-tarsus Fig. 3. Dorsal view of Adephaga beetle, Carabidae. Tarsal formula 5-5-5. Antennae filiform. A few reasons why we can't generalize about beetle families: – There are many long-horned beetles that do not have long horns. – There are snout beetles without snouts. – There are beetles with snouts that are not weevils. – There are "June beetles" that appear in Au- gust. – There are ground beetles that live in trees. – There are aquatic beetles that never go near water (some Hydrophilidae live in dung). – There are ectoparasitic beetles. – Many beetles have fused elytra, with flight procoxa wings reduced to small pads. – There are blind, eyeless subterranean beetles. mesocoxa – There are beetles other than fireflies (Lampy- ridae) that produce light. metacoxa – The same family may have species that range in size from 1mm to 100mm. sterna 1-6 – The same genus may have brightly colored spe- cies as well as dull, uniformly colored species. – The are many volumes of literature dealing with the classification of beetles, but rarely do they agree on higher classification. Fig. 4. Ventral view of Adephaga beetle, Carabidae. Having said all of this, we will introduce you to the diversity of beetles, while emphasizing that this diversity will initially make it seem difficult to be- come familiar with these families. Identification of Beetles (Coleoptera) — 26 Key to some Florida families of Adephaga Coleoptera 1. Hind coxae greatly enlarged, forming a plate that coxal plate covers attachment of hind legs. Body size 3mm., pale with dark spots (Fig. 5) ....... Haliplidae – Hind coxae not greatly enlarged into plates. Size and color various ........................................... 2 2. Eyes divided into 2 portions by lateral margin of head; one dorsal and one ventral when viewed from the side (Fig. 6). Body dorsally flattened. Antennae reduced to short peg-like structures. Fig. 5. Adult Haliplidae. Left - ventral aspect showing Whirligig beetles .......................... Gyrinidae coxal plates; right - dorsal aspect. – Eyes not divided by lateral margin of head. An- tennae variously shaped ............................... 3 dorsal part of eye 3. Hind legs modified for swimming, posterior mar- gin with fringes of hairs (Fig. 7. Antennae long ventral part of eye and moniliform or filiform ............................. 4 – Legs not modified for swimming. Antennae monil- iform Carabidae (Figs. 3, 4) (including Cicin- Fig. 6. Side view of Gyrinidae head. Eyes are split into 2 delidini,
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    geosciences Review A Review of the Curculionoidea (Coleoptera) from European Eocene Ambers Andrei A. Legalov 1,2 1 Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Frunze Street 11, 630091 Novosibirsk, Russia; [email protected]; Tel.: +7-9139471413 2 Biological Institute, Tomsk State University, Lenina Prospekt 36, 634050 Tomsk, Russia Received: 16 October 2019; Accepted: 23 December 2019; Published: 30 December 2019 Abstract: All 142 known species of Curculionoidea in Eocene amber are documented, including one species of Nemonychidae, 16 species of Anthribidae, six species of Belidae, 10 species of Rhynchitidae, 13 species of Brentidae, 70 species of Curcuionidae, two species of Platypodidae, and 24 species of Scolytidae. Oise amber has eight species, Baltic amber has 118 species, and Rovno amber has 16 species. Nine new genera and 18 new species are described from Baltic amber. Four new synonyms are noted: Palaeometrioxena Legalov, 2012, syn. nov. is synonymous with Archimetrioxena Voss, 1953; Paleopissodes weigangae Ulke, 1947, syn. nov. is synonymous with Electrotribus theryi Hustache, 1942; Electrotribus erectosquamata Rheinheimer, 2007, syn. nov. is synonymous with Succinostyphlus mroczkowskii Kuska, 1996; Protonaupactus Zherikhin, 1971, syn. nov. is synonymous with Paonaupactus Voss, 1953. Keys for Eocene amber Curculionoidea are given. There are the first records of Aedemonini and Camarotini, and genera Limalophus and Cenocephalus in Baltic amber. Keywords: Coleoptera; Curculionoidea; fossil weevil; new taxa; keys; Palaeogene 1. Introduction The Curculionoidea are one of the largest and most diverse groups of beetles, including more than 62,000 species [1] comprising 11 families [2,3]. They have a complex morphological structure [2–7], ecological confinement, and diverse trophic links [1], which makes them a convenient group for characterizing modern and fossil biocenoses.
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