The Communicator, December 13, 1973
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the Communicator STUDENT PUBLICATION OF THE BRONX COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK VOL XXVI NO. 7 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1973 23Z BY SUBSCRIPTION Grad Photos Baraka Urges Struggle For Annual For Self Determination By PAULINE WIGGAN To Be Taken "(Our identity and history have been destroyed by Coordinator of Student colonialism. We have to struggle to gain power for self- Activities Frank Petrone is determination, self-respect, and self-defense of the people inviting all students who in- we call our nation," said Imamu Baraka, Chairman of the tend to graduate in January, Congress of African People. June or August, 1974, to Addressing a predominantly icy involved in sending $2.2 bil- take senior photos that will Black audience in Gould Memo- lion to Israel yet only $30 mil- be used in the yearbook, rial Library on November 30, lion to starving Africans. But, he Photos will be taken in room Baraka (Le Roi Jones) pointed said, he could not blame Pres- 310 of the Gould Student Center out that African people are "vic- ident Nixon because it took Black on Thursday, January 3, 10 a.m. tims of a cultural aggression— Americans six months of struggle to 7 p.m.; and on Friday, Janu- one set of values imposed on to raise $40,000, whereas the ary 4, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There is another." He said that this cul- ro charge for a photo sitting. Zionists amassed $50 million in SIGN OF THE TIMES?: In this world of constant change, tural aggression causes Blacks to one night. Mr. Petrone emphasized that some things apparently stay the same. Even though BCC turn against themselves, so there the picture-taking does not The most difficult step to rev- has been housed at the Heights for the past fo«r months, is a "need to recreate our iden- olution is making the revolu- mean that there will definitely the signs at the Burnside Avenue station of tihe Woodlawn- tity and history. You need to be a yearbook for the class of tionary, Baraka indicated. In out- Jerome IRT still proclaim the area as the domain of NYTJ, know who you are to know who lining the role of the professional '74. "If students want a year- the enemy is." book, they will have to rally and former Heights occupant. A spokesman for the Transit revolutionary, Baraka said that Authority says the request for a sign change has never Baraka believes that the first he cannot be so revolutionary as do the work," he said. step toward this goal is national- The publication of a yearbook been made by BCC officials. Either that or the request has to alienate himself from the ism which "cannot be just a hair- is in doubt because of a lack of been side-tracked. masses. Blacks struggle to be- students and faculty willing to style or a hip handshake." Pan come revolutionary because if work on the project. Even if Africanism, he said, means that they do not, they will be de- work should start on the year- "wherever we are, we are Afri- stroyed with the United States, book within the next few weeks, Women's Center Opens; cans with a common struggle he asserted. the book could not possibly be and a common enemy." There- Baraka urged Black students ready for early summer distri- fore, he sees the need to unify to try to gain a skill before the bution. Draws Crowd to House Africans all over the world. international movement for de- According to Mr. Petrone, By RICHIE FEDDERMAN ities of the Women's Center Baraka attacked prominent termination crystallizes. He said money allocated for the publica- The BCC Women's Center is which include counseling, con- Black athletes and entertainers they should "be concerned with tion of a yearbook, some $6,000, now open. After a ribbon cutting sciousness raising, rap sessions, who he said have done nothing scientific methods and learn and will go back into the BCC Inc. ceremony and a program which martial arts demonstrations, and to liberate Black people. He also understand technology without fund. BCC Inc. is operating un- featured Dean Dolores Bullard the expansion of an already well- criticized the United States pol- being turned into whites.'' der a $97,000 deficit this aca- as guest speaker, the house at stocked library of women's mate- demic year. 206 W. 180th St. officially be- rials. came the meeting place for BCC A moving speech by Dean Open Letter From Colston women and men who care about Dolores Bullard, Assistant Dean Since the opening of school it the like, have been recommended. women. for Academic Programs, was the has been observed that some We expect to implement many Prof. Elfrieda Ross of the Stu- highlight of the program. She members of the college commu- of these. dent Development Department, spoke of her struggles to attain nity are violating the campus An information session will be president of the Women's Cen- a meaningful career for herself code of behavior and/or federal, held today, Thursday, December ter, welcomed the large crowd in the face of opposition from all state laws. The campus code of 13, at 12:15 p.m., in the snack of guests and introduced the sides. She said that when she behavior was published in the Inir of the Gould Student Center speakers. First on the program was growing up in a small town Thursday, November 29, 1973 is- in order to inform members of were representatives of the in Indiana she dreamed of com- sue of the Communicator; the the college community of the Bronx Maternity Health Guid- ing to New York. "Ah, New York, Wednesday, December 4 issue of campus code of behavior. ance Center which occupies the the big city, with lots of oppor- the Newsletter; and the Tues- We will continue to work with second floor of the house: Mrs. tunities, even for women. Right? day, December 11 issue of The the students, faculty and staff M. Grayson of the Community Wrong!" Evening Reporter. to seek solutions to the drug, Advisory Council, Mr. John Simp- She first became a secretary Specifically, people are using alcohol, and gambling problems son of the Patterson Community while attending college at night. non-prescription and illegal drugs, on this campus. In the future, Clinic, and Mrs. Sonia Hartman, A male advisor once told her alcohol, and participating in gam- violations of the campus code of director of the clinic. that the cost of continuing to try bling. For approximately the past behavior will be observed and FASHION SHOW: Fresh- Mrs. Hartman explained that to change her life would be very month, a substantial and increas- enforcement followed as outlined man Julia Brown will he the purpose of the center is "to great. "But I continued to try, ing number of violations has been in that code. We ask all, for the among the models featured provide a link with the surround- to struggle, and to maintain my observed in the Gould Student good of all in the college commu- ing community." The Federally- own goals. Real changes did nity, to cooperate. in the fashion show and 1 Center, primarily in the snack dance sponsored by BCC's funded clinic is staffed with happen.' bar. Prior to the past month, they —President James A. Colston International Club, to be held trained externs from Albert Fin- She applauded the opening of were observed, for the most part, tomorrow, December 14, in stein Hospital and plans to pro- the center because it means that on the lawns of this campus. the Gould Student Center, vide medical services such as women will no longer have to family planning, pre-natal care, fight these battles alone. "This We have consulted with the Theatre Workshop will inaugu- starting at 6 p.m. Advance office of the Dean of Students, tickets are available in room pap smears, and V.D. testing. center can mean so much for rate the new campus theatre Ms. Susan Fawcett, English those who have struggled alone." the office of the Dean of Admin- with its first major production 414, Loew Hail, at $2. ($2.50 istration, the Administrator of at door). Department, spoke on behalf of Dean Bullard affirmed that wo- Picnic by William Inge, on De- the Women's Center, saying that men do not have to be satisfied the Student Center, Student Gov- cember 13. The play to be di- "for . me, this opening signifies with what she called a "park ernment, the Ad-Hoc Human Re- rected by Prof. Al Cosentino, will COMMUNICATOR SCHEDULE lations group and many other This is the final issue of the a new era for wornen to use their bench society." "We can truly run for five performances De- talents without anyone saying, select and not settle," she con- students and faculty regarding cember 13 to 16 at 7:30 p.m. with Communicator for first semester. these problems. The Communicator will resume 'You are not allowed to.'" Ms. cluded. a 2:00 p.m. matinee on Saturday. publication for second se:nester Paulette Nordmann, student The Women's Center is now Many suggestions, including December -15. All seats are re- with an issue on February 14. president of the BCC Women's open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon- holding rap sessions, peer coun- served and tickets are now avail- Club, outlined the future activ- day through Friday. seling, information programs and able in Room 400 of the theatre.