THE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE OVERSEAS PRESS CLUB OF AMERICA, NEW YORK, NY • July-August 2016 Board Election Slate Brings New Generation to OPC By Jane Ciabattari helpful in recommending candi- receive an e-mail in early July with a In leading this year’s election dates to fill these posts. We also sent link to the election at the e-mail ad- committee, Brian Byrd and I made an invitation to the membership to dress where you receive OPC elec- it our mission to nominate a slate of nominate and self-nominate. We are tronic correspondence. If you have officers and board candidates with grateful for all contributions, and for not received this link by the end of the energy and talent to provide the the willingness of our candidates to July e-mail Patricia@opcofamerica. next generation of leadership for the engage in our mission. org to obtain the link. OPC. The club’s continuing chal- Finally, we want to emphasize Each ballot requires a log-in, lenge is to continue to make itself how important it is for each mem- which is your e-mail address where relevant to international journalism ber vote in this election. We firmly you received the ballot link. The sys- as it is being practiced today. believe the OPC is only as strong as tem allows one voting ballot and de- This year we will elect a new the board of governors who guide it. lineates between Active and Associ- president and other officers. We Your vote will ensure a slate that re- ate members. For those averse to the also will choose nine Active board flects OPC’s great diversity of jour- Web, fear not: you may still cast a members and three Associate board nalistic experiences. paper ballot by e-mailing Patricia@ members. In filling out our slate, the The OPC is continuing to use the or calling the OPC nominating committee drew from online voting website office at 212-626-9220. The OPC a range of demographics, ages, and to host its secure election. You will slate of candidates starts on page 2. media organizations. We included candidates who are working in tele- OPC Honors Jacqueline Albert-Simon vision, print, radio and photojour- By Bill Holstein nalism, as well as those who are As we dig through the dustbins pioneering new digital forms. Our of history, the first documentary evi- slate includes OPC award winners dence that Jacqueline Albert-Simon still working in the field, and many had been elected to the OPC Board who have contributed to the OPC was in a letter that H.L. Stevenson, by their service on our awards com- the former editor in chief of United mittees. We continue to encourage Press International, wrote to me in a new generation of journalists to July 1991. Reporting on the results Patricia Kranz take responsibility for the work of of a recent election, Steve informed Jacqueline Albert-Simon the OPC, and we’re thrilled with this me that Ms. Albert-Simon had been and Marcus Mabry. year’s candidates. elected as an alternate to the board. dent, then rotate back to being a reg- Our nominating committee – I was moving up from alternate to ular governor. During that time, she Alexis Gelber, Azmat Khan, Bob become a full-fledged board mem- was the go-to person for OPC presi- Nickelsberg and Minky Worden – as ber. “Steve,” as he was called, was dents who needed advice on how well as many board members were responsible for resuscitating both the to handle messy situations. She put OPC and the OPC Foundation, after on several excellent programs (and years of wandering in the wilderness. has one more coming up in Septem- Inside. . . No one dared call him Hubert Lamar. ber about international sports). And Election Slate...... 2-6 After that date, Jackie never left. on the OPC Foundation board, she endowed the Flora Lewis scholar- People Column...... 7-9 Not for 25 years. She was astute ship and helped endow one for I.F. Press Freedom Update...... 10 enough to take a term as a regular governor, then rotate into becoming Stone, along with Rick MacArthur Q&A: Justin Doebele...... 11 secretary or treasurer or vice presi- of Harper ’s magazine. New Books...... 12 (Continued on Page 9) Having served my first 2-year term on the OPC Press Club, the Newswomen’s Club of New York and 2016 Election Slate board, I am privileged to be among such a talented group many others. I’m currently writing a book for Harper- PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENTS of journalists who bring forward ideas and execute on Collins about a young woman who escaped a childhood plans that enable our members to do their work safely, massacre in Africa and moved to America, where she is DEIDRE DEPKE DEBORAH AMOS confidently and with the knowledge that what they do becoming a powerful voice for displaced people. I’ve I’m honored and tremendously excited to be nomi- I have been an international correspondent for three matters and will be recognized for the value it brings to been a board member of the OPC for six years, serving nated for this very important role. I’ve served as an OPC decades, covering the . I report on wars, in- a worldwide dialogue. as an officer for four. governor for four years, the past two as secretary. During vasions, and most important, the humanitarian fall-out. It was gratifying to be able to help in the launch of the redesigned OPC website by providing a feed of Get- SECRETARY that time, I worked with Patricia Kranz My career covers reporting for NPR, ty Images international news pictures to be used free of and the OPC team to rebuild the organi- PBS and ABC. My awards include the DuPont-Columbia, a Peabody, and charge on the website as well as in the Bulletin. LIAM STACK zation’s web site. As president, I would I hope to be able to continue in growing the influence I cover national and international breaking news as a continue the work Marcus Mabry has a George Polk. I am also an educator, teaching journalism at Princeton, Co- of the OPC by asking for your vote in this election. reporter for . I have been a member done to expand our member rolls, par- lumbia and SUNY New Paltz. I am a of the Overseas Press Club board for two years, where I ticularly with younger journalists, and relatively new member of OPC. CALVIN SIMS serve as chairperson of the social com- to provide tools for members with new technologies and I was emcee for the OPC’s annual awards dinner in I spent two decades at The New York Times as a di- mittee. In that role, I began a series of new training programs. 2015, and was elected a governor in the last election. rector, television producer, and foreign correspondent monthly mixers at The Half King in I began my journalism career at BusinessWeek as a This year I wrote a feature article for Dateline, the OPC based in Buenos Aires, , and Jakarta. I Chelsea aimed at fostering a sense of reporter covering Silicon Valley before moving into the award magazine. I am running for vice president because covered guerrilla insurgencies, busi- OPC community and attracting new ness and economics, dictatorships and members at all stages of their careers. magazine’s front-of-the-book section. After nearly a de- I want to do more for young journalists. I meet them as democratic transitions, and natural di- Before my current assignment at The Times, I was the cade, I moved to Newsweek to serve as the magazine’s students and watch their careers unfold. I want to de- sasters. I anchored a weekly podcast editor of Watching ’s War, an award-winning proj- foreign editor. In 2000, I helped launch, velop more support for “local” journalists. These brave with Times foreign correspondents and ect that used social media and video to help tell the story managing the site’s coverage of the September 11 at- professionals are the bedrock of international reporting. produced “Struggle for the Soul of Is- of the conflict in Syria. From 2005 until 2012 I lived and They share our risks while sharing their expertise. The tacks, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the disputed lam” a critically acclaimed documentary for PBS on the worked in , where I covered the late Mubarak pe- presidential election of 2000, among other stories. Af- world is ever more dangerous for us and especially for rise of radical Islam in Indonesia. riod, the Egyptian revolution and the uprisings in , ter a stint as general manager for, I took them. I want to emphasize the Overseas in our title. After The Times, I spent six years at the Ford Foun- Syria and elsewhere. over The Daily Beast. Currently, I’m New York bureau dation, administering a $60 million portfolio of grants chief for Marketplace, the public radio show. Again, I PANCHO BERNASCONI to develop and improve news coverage and increase ACTIVE NOMINEES (Electing 9) am humbled by the OPC nomination and I deeply ap- The value of the OPC of America press freedoms globally. I currently serve as president preciate your support. lies within its membership ranks and and CEO of International House, which has a mission RUKMINI CALLIMACHI their professional abilities to help in- to train the next generation of global leaders. I write on I am a foreign correspondent for The New York form, explain and comment on these foreign affairs for GroundTruth, Huffington Post, Linke- Times. Before joining The Times in 2014, I spent seven worldwide news events. dIn and other media. years as the West Africa correspondent, and later the At OPC, I have served as an awards judge, moder- West Africa bureau chief for The Asso- OVERSEAS PRESS CLUB OF AMERICA • BOARD OF GOVERNORS ated panel discussions, hosted speaker events, and ac- ciated Press. My work has three times quired funding for Global Parachute and for OPC Foun- been named a Pulitzer Prize finalist for PRESIDENT ACTIVE BOARD Scott Gilmore Paul Moakley ASSOCIATE BOARD PAST PRESIDENTS Marcus Mabry Jacqueline Albert- International Columnist Deputy Director ­MEMBERS EX-OFFICIO dation conferences and interns. I believe OPC plays a International Reporting. In 2014, I won U.S. Lead Simon Maclean’s Magazine Photography and Brian I. Byrd Michael Serrill vital role in advancing foreign reporting. I am eager to two OPC prizes for my series on al- U.S. Bureau Chief Visual Enterprise Program Officer David A. Andelman Twitter Moments Politique Internationale TIME magazine Peter S. Goodman NYS Health John Corporon serve another term on the OPC board to assist the orga- Qaida based on a trove of confidential FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Hannah Allam European Economic Robert Nickelsberg Foundation Allan Dodds Frank nization in insuring its relevance, visibility, and institu- al-Qaida documents I recovered in Mali. Calvin Sims Foreign Affairs Correspondent Freelance Alexis Gelber The New York Times tional sustainability. After joining the OPC board in 2015, I focused my President and CEO Correspondent Photojournalist Bill Collins William J. Holstein McClatchy Director, Public & Marshall Loeb attention on one of the holes I experienced when I was International House Charles Graeber Mary Rajkumar International Enterprise Business Affairs Larry Martz posted overseas: The fact that bureaucrats in most de- Freelance Journalist Ford Motor Company Roy Rowan TREASURER SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Deborah Amos and Author Editor veloping-world countries require reporters to present a Abigail Pesta Correspondent The Larry Smith Freelance Journalist NPR Emma Daly Richard B. Stolley ABIGAIL PESTA “Press ID” before awarding them accreditation. So we Steve Herman Lara Setrakian Communications Molly Bingham Bureau Chief Co-Founder & CEO Director I’m an award-winning journalist who has lived and came up with the idea of creating an OPC-issued Press Southest Asia News Deeply EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR THIRD VICE PRESIDENT President & CEO Human Rights Watch Patricia Kranz Pancho Bernasconi Voice of America worked around the world, from New York to to ID pass. It’s my hope that these IDs will ease one of the OrbMedia, Inc. Martin Smith Vice President/News President Daniel Sieberg OFFICE MANAGER Hong Kong. My investigative and feature reporting has few unpleasant aspects of being a foreign correspondent Getty Images Rukmini Callimachi Anjali Kamat Rain Media Foreign Correspondent Global Head Boots R. Duque appeared in news outlets including Cos- – dealing with bureaucrats and crossing checkpoints. Correspondent of Media Outreach TREASURER Fault Lines Liam Stack mopolitan, The New York Times, The The New York Times English Breaking News Google EDITOR Tim Ferguson Reporter Chad Bouchard Wall Street Journal, NBC News, Marie CHRISTOPHER DICKEY Editor Anupreeta Das Azmat Khan The New York Times Minky Worden Claire, The Atlantic, New York Maga- Forbes Asia Reporter Director of Global I’ve been a foreign correspondent Wall Street Journal Investigative Reporter BuzzFeed News Charles Wallace Initiatives OPC zine and many others. In Hong Kong, I since 1980, first in Central America Financial Writer SECRETARY Chris Dickey Human Rights Watch ISSN-0738-7202 ran a team of reporters across Southeast and the Middle East for The Washing- Deidre Depke Foreign Editor Dan Klaidman Vivienne Walt ­Copyright © 2015 New York Bureau Chief The Daily Beast, Deputy Editor Correspondent Over­seas Press Club Asia for The Asian Wall Street Journal. ton Post, then for Newsweek in Egypt Marketplace Yahoo News TIME and FORTUNE of America In London, I ran an editing desk handling copy from and . I’m currently the Paris- across Europe. I’ve received awards from the New York 40 West 45 Street, New York, NY 10036 USA • Phone: (212) 626-9220 • Fax: (212) 626-9210 • Website: (Continued on Page 4) OPC Bulletin • July/August 2016 • Page 2 OPC Bulletin • July/August 2016 • Page 3 (Continued From Page 3) has heard. I know more than I want to about the interface the media band together to provide institutional support RACHAEL MOOREHOUSE of tech money and journalism, and I still believe deeply based world news editor for The Daily Beast, work- for the kind of vital, independent reporting that OPC I’m an Associate Producer at CBS News 60 Minutes. in international reporting. I hope to keep channeling this ing with staff and freelance correspondents around the stands for. It is essential that OPC continue to do ev- I have worked at the program since 2007, winning mul- experience into fighting the good fight at OPC and mak- globe. They’re young, talented, very energetic, living- erything in its power to ensure that journalists are able tiple journalism awards including five Emmy Awards ing it possible for the next generation of international on-the-edge people committed to discovering how the to report freely from war zones, disaster areas and other and two Alfred I. DuPont Awards for reporters to do what they do while getting paid, not get- world works and documenting what they find out. hostile environments that demand the free flow of infor- stories that range from the raid that ting injured and making the world smarter. As a board member of the OPC, I want to focus on mation. That means raising awareness about the kinds killed Osama bin Laden to reports on expanding membership and opportunities for such jour- of threats journalists face on a daily basis around the the 2008 economic crash. My work has nalists working abroad, coordinating with other press CHARLES GRAEBER globe, including murder, physical attacks, imprisonment covered interviews with world leaders I’m a former recipient of the OPC’s Ed Cunningham associations overseas to find useful common interests, and censorship, as well as investigating those threats, such as President Assad in Damascus, Award for best magazine reporting on an international and helping to organize meetings for members in Eu- Aung San Suu Kyi and Secretary Kerry to reporting story and a contributor to publications such as The New providing legal defenses and protecting international re- rope, the Middle East and North Africa. What else might from conflict zones on human rights issues and the rise Yorker, New York Magazine, GQ, Out- porting in myriad other ways. I am thoroughly commit- I say? I’m also the author of seven books, mainly deal- of ISIS inside of Syria and Iraq. I also received the OPC side Magazine, Bloomberg Business- ted to helping OPC carry out this crucial mission. ing with insurgencies, terrorism and espionage; I am Murrow Award for our hour-long piece “Killing Bin week, etc. I spent 8 years reporting my a contributor to NBC News; and I’ve won a couple of Laden.” Needless to say, OPC has played an important non-fiction book The Good Nurse, an MARKOS KOUNALAKIS awards from the OPC in years past. role in my work as a journalist and producer. Edgar Nominated New York Times best- I’m a former foreign correspondent and reported If elected to this prestigious board I would love to seller. My journalistic work has also from Europe and the USSR in the 1980s and 1990s. I focus on the need for more foreign reporting especially JOSH FINE been honored with a New York Press Club prize, several write a foreign affairs column for The I am an investigative producer for HBO’s Real Sports as many overseas bureaus are being shuttered. I believe National Magazine Award nominations and inclusion in Sacramento Bee (distributed nationally with Bryant Gumbel. My 2014 report on Qatar’s ques- strongly in the importance and mandate of the OPC and I the 2014 Best American Magazine Writing, The Best via McClatchy-Tribune) and am a visit- tionable methods and abusive practices for achieving hope to help continue its mission and expanding its reach. American Crime Reporting, The Best American Science prominence in world sport received the ing fellow at the at Writing, The Best American Business Writing, The Best OPC’s Andelman/Title Award for best . I’m the president MICHAEL ORESKES of 10 Years of National Geographic Adventure and The international reporting in the broadcast and publisher emeritus of The Washing- I am NPR’s Senior Vice President of News and Editorial Best of 20 Years of Wired. media showing a concern for the hu- ton Monthly and former chairman of the board of In- Director. I joined NPR in 2015 following seven years with I’m a freelancer by choice, and I believe the OPC can man condition. The piece also won an ternews Network. I also served on the Columbia Jour- The Associated Press. Prior to my tenure at AP, I served as play an important role for the bureau-less. Accredited Alfred I. duPont- nalism School board and am currently on USC’s Annen- executive editor at the International Her- press ID’s are a start, making one less vulnerable in a far Award. My series on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s berg School board. ald Tribune. off situation – hence my cheerleading for the new OPC outsized use of the Russian treasury helped Real Sports My unique contribution is as an active From 2001-2005, I was deputy man- Photo ID’s, now available to all members. win a 2012 Peabody Award for television excellence and member. I am looking both to integrate and develop the aging editor/assistant managing editor meritorious public service. potential membership base on the West Coast. To that at The New York Times. During my two Before arriving at HBO I was an associate producer DOUGLAS JEHL decades at the Times I had many roles, I’m foreign editor of , oversee- end, I organized a first meeting at my home in April to at CBS News/60 Minutes where I helped produce seg- including Washington bureau chief, chief political corre- ing a staff of 21 correspondents in 17 locations around explore developing OPC West, hosted an organizing ments on Chinese President Jiang Zemin, Russian Presi- spondent, metropolitan editor and city editor. I came to The the world. Previously, I spent 16 years as a correspon- committee meeting in May at my downtown offices, and dent Boris Yeltsin, PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat, and Times in 1981 from The Daily News. dent and editor at The New York Times, held a social event in June at ’s Mechan- Kuwait and Syrian opposition to American activities in I am co-Author (with Eric Lane) of The Genius of Amer- including four years based in Cairo. ics’ Institute. the region after 9/11. ica, How the Constitution Saved Our Country and Why It Over the years, I have covered conflicts I started my journalism career as an off-air reporter Can Again. I am a member of the board of the American in Panama, the Persian Gulf, SCOTT KRAFT for the ABC News Investigative Unit where I reported Society of News Editors, CUNY Graduate School of Jour- and , and I have reporting from I’m deputy managing editor of the Times, on the East Africa bombings and the LAX Millennium nalism, Columbia Journalism Review and Media Leaders dozens of countries. responsible for top stories and Page One. I spent a de- plot. I graduated with a B.A. in political science from the Council, World Economic Forum. I earned a Bachelor of I am a six-year member of the OPC, and have served University of Michigan and am a former term member cade abroad, as bureau chief in Nairobi, Johannesburg Arts degree from City College of New York. on several OPC prize juries. I spent many months work- of the Council on Foreign Relations. and Paris, and covered Mandela’s re- ing to win freedom for The Post’s correspondent, lease, among other stories. Returning to ROXANA SABERI Jason Rezaian, who spent 18 months held without cause LA, I was deputy foreign editor and then I am currently a freelance journalist, after reporting PETER GOODMAN in Iran’s worst prison. I have written for the OPC Bulle- After five years in the management ranks of digital national editor, leading a team that won for Al Jazeera America, covering stories in the U.S. and tin and escorted Jason and his family to the 2016 Awards media (I ran business, tech and international reporting four Pulitzer Prizes. I’ve also been a Pu- abroad. From 2003 to 2009, I reported from the Middle Dinner. If elected to the board, I would hope to focus my at the Huffington Post, then was global editor-in-chief litzer juror in International Reporting. East, serving as the Iran correspondent efforts on contests and on issues related to journalists’ of International Business Times), I’ve I’d be honored to serve on this important board and for the U.S.-based Feature Story News safety and security. just returned to The New York Times and contribute to championing the courageous work of cor- and filing reports for organizations in- am preparing to move to London where respondents, using the OPC’s voice to press for greater cluding NPR, BBC and ABC Radio. In I will be the European economic corre- DAN KLAIDMAN 2009, I was detained for 100 days on a I am deputy editor of Yahoo News. access as well as protections for journalists. Also, I’m spondent. trumped-up charge of espionage. Back I am honored to run again for the board very interested in exploring new ways the OPC can en- This makes me at least nominally in the US, these experiences became the basis of Be- of the Overseas Press Club of America. courage powerful international storytelling online and in conversant in the (sometimes dark) arts of digital me- tween Two Worlds: My Life and Captivity in Iran. During these uncertain times for jour- print. For the last three years, I had the privilege of lead- dia yet grounded in the core crafts of reporting, story- I have been fortunate to receive awards including the nalism – and foreign correspondence in ing OPC Award juries and came away deeply impressed telling and wandering around in pursuit of tales no one Medill Medal of Courage, the Ilaria Alpi Freedom of the particular – it is imperative that we in by the OPC’s ability to inspire great journalism. (Continued on Page 6)

OPC Bulletin • July/August 2016 • Page 4 OPC Bulletin • July/August 2016 • Page 5 (Continued From Page 5) must find additional sources of income so our media or- Press Award, the NCAA Award of Valor, and Project for ganization can continue to thrive. The OPC has always By Trish Anderton Middle East Democracy Award. recognized the finest international reporting and advo- PEOPLE... Raised in North Dakota, I graduated from Concor- cated for press freedom. So, it would dia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, with degrees in be my privilege to find more innovative OPC SCHOLARS reality, and the need for updated OPC First Vice President Calvin presided over the International communications and French. I hold master’s degrees in ways to support the OPC’s high ide- “Sometimes they called me a ‘cat ethical standards in documentary Sims production. House 2016 Awards Gala on June 7, journalism from Northwestern University and in inter- als of journalism and press freedom, in herder,’” 2005 Emanuel R. Freed- man scholar Marina Walker Gue- honoring American Express Chair- national relations from the University of Cambridge. addition to raising money to help fund vara says about the task of coordi- UPDATES man and CEO Kenneth I. Chenault; new events. I’m a former journalist who nating 376 reporters at more than NEW YORK: Lack of economic Japan Society President Motoatsu LARA SETRAKIAN leads a communications team at Ford Motor Co. based 100 news outlets on one of the high- diversity poses a threat to photojour- Sakurai; and philanthropist and As an ABC News and Bloomberg Television correspon­ in New York. I currently serve on the Advisory Panel for dent in the Middle East, I took a pause to focus on redesign­ est-profile journalism projects of the nalism, OPC Governor Paul Moak- longtime International House Trust- the Committee to Protect Journalists, in addition to the decade: the Panama Papers. In an ley told Time Maga- ee Kathleen Burns. Sims is the presi- ing news in the digital domain. I felt there were more sto- OPC Board of Governors. ries to be told, much more knowledge to interview with Pro Publica, Guevara zine in a May 4 ar- dent of International House, a resi- be shared. The tools of technology­ gave said she frequently had to push the ticle. “Many people dence which challenges its tenants to us a chance to reimagine how we convey EMMA DALY reporters to share information with I encounter from become the next generation of global what’s happening in the world. I wanted After 20 years as a foreign correspondent and 10 at other outlets. Guevara is the deputy non-Ivy League leaders. He previously worked at the to put them to work in covering a story I Human Rights Watch I have a deep understanding of director of the International Con- schools are stifled Ford Foundation and in several roles cared about, deeply. That led to the launch what international journalism can and should be, and sortium of Investigative Journalists, by not having a path at The New York Times, including re- of Syria Deeply. With it came the birth of what reporters need to cover the world which spearheaded the global inves- to break through,” Moakley porting from Buenos Aires, Tokyo, what I do now: create news platforms that combine edito- as effectively as possible. tigation into 11.5 million leaked fi- said Moakley, Time’s deputy direc- Seoul and Jakarta. rial skills and user-centric design. I know how valuable the Overseas nancial and legal records. tor of photography. “It is very elitist We are in a state of transition, reinventing how we do Press Club network can be and how in a sense, and we have to be care- Past OPC presidents (and cur- what we’ve always done. That’s a journey I believe in important it is to generate support for WINNERS ful about that as editors, as curators rent members) Michael Serrill and taking­ together and hope to help shape as a member of our mission – including by expanding OPC Governor Anjali Kamat and as photographers.” While little David A. Andelman have assumed the OPC board. I am a journalist-turned-entrepreneur, but and diversifying our membership. We should continue shared the 2016 National Asso- is known about the economic back- leadership roles on the board of the proudest to simply call myself a foreign correspondent. to host a broad range of social and educational events ciation for Multi-Ethnicity in Com- grounds of the world’s news photog- Society of the Silurians. Andelman to build and strengthen our community. And we should munications Vision Award in the raphers, a recent World Press Photo has been elected first vice presi- TOM SQUITIERI speak out on critical issues, including government sur- Documentary category with former report found nearly 65 percent of the dent, while Serrill will serve as sec- Each day our profession needs passion, experience, veillance, press freedom and safety of freelancers (and colleagues from Al Jazeera America. photographers surveyed originated ond vice president. The Silurians creativity and determination to keep it strong and ward off staff) covering dangerous stories. The AJAM team won with the Fault from Europe and North America, are a New York-based organization attacks. One term on the OPC board added to my perspec- Lines episode “Baltimore Rising,” and only 15 percent were women. for veteran journalists. Founded tive and depth to maintain the OPC’s vi- an investigation into police brutality in 1924, they are among the oldest SARAH LUBMAN tal role in our craft – from supporting Associated Press standards edi- press clubs in the nation. I’m a partner at Brunswick Group, a global corpo- allegations leading up to the 2015 journalists in their first foreign assign- death of Freddie Gray in custody. tor Tom Kent is celebrating a long- rate communications firm specializing in critical issues. ments to battling governments taking planned retirement – while taking on OPC member Marcus Brauchli Before joining Brunswick in 2005, I was a journalist for away freedom of the press. I have been a Washington Post reporter Jason a new role as president of Radio Free chaired the jury for the Osborn El- 17 years, including 6 years in Tokyo and judge of OPC awards and helped on the Rezaian, who lit the Candle of Con- Europe/Radio Liberty. Kent will be liott Prize for Excellence in Journal- freedom of the press committee. , starting with a night editing job cern for missing, imprisoned or slain based at the broadcaster’s headquar- ism on Asia. Also on the jury were I am proud to have been honored three times by the OPC in ABC News’ Tokyo bureau. I covered journalists at this year’s OPC Awards ters in Prague. He worked for the AP OPC members Dorinda Elliott and and White House Correspondents’ Association. Today my Tiananmen Square as a stringer for The Dinner, has won a Nieman Fellow- for more than four decades, includ- Michael Elliott, as well as Bobby work includes writing a column for The Hill Washington Post and subsequently be- ship. He will use the year-long Har- ing stints as bureau chief Ghosh of Quartz, who won a citation and teaching communications at American University. came a Beijing correspondent for UPI vard University program to study and international editor. for the Best Commentary Award ear- My career began at an underground newspaper in west- and a regular contributor to NPR and The Boston Globe. U.S.-Iran relations and their impact lier this year. OPC member Norman ern Pennsylvania, then my hometown paper, then to Wash- After China, I was a reporter for The Wall Street Jour- on Middle East policy. Rezaian was OPC member David Callaway Pearlstine is Chairman Emeritus of ington, D.C., where I last worked for USA TODAY. Along nal, state/national/foreign editor at The San Jose Mercury released in January after more than a is stepping down as Editor in Chief the jury. This year’s prize went to the way I served multiple terms as an officer in the National News and Asia editor at Newsweek International. year in captivity in Iran’s notorious of USA Today to hit the street – or, Sudarsan Raghavan of The Wash- Press Club and reported all over the world. I look forward I’ll always be a news junkie with a bottomless appe- Evin Prison. more precisely, TheStreet. Callaway ington Post for a year-long series of to continuing to serve the OPC and our fine profession. tite for well-told stories and compelling international re- will be CEO of the digital financial articles on Afghanistan. Raghavan is porting. I’m an energetic advocate for the OPC’s annual 2012 Best Multimedia News Pre- media company, which owns TheS- a two-time OPC Award winner. ASSOCIATE (Electing 3) awards dinner, which I co-chaired in 2015. I look forward sentation Award winner Tom Jen-,, Bank- and other proper- OPC Third Vice President BILL COLLINS to expanding the roster of OPC’s corporate supporters in nings is also a 2017 Nieman Fellow. Pan- After 14 years of working with the Overseas Press 2016 and many years to come. I previously served on the Jennings is an independent producer ties. Before taking the helm at USA cho Bernasconi recalled slain pho- Club, I understand the challenges facing the OPC. We’re OPC’s board (from 2010 to 2014), when I helped the OPC and director for PBS FRONTLINE. Today in 2012, Callaway worked tographer Chris Hondros in a recent focused on growing our membership, especially among update its award categories and move to online access for He’ll study new nonfiction story- at MarketWatch and at Bloomberg, Time magazine story. “I’m struck young, diverse and freelance journalists, though we all award nominations. telling techniques, including virtual where he led its European team. (Continued on Page 8)

OPC Bulletin • July/August 2016 • Page 6 OPC Bulletin • July/August 2016 • Page 7 most by Chris’s ability to be pres- PHILADELPHIA: NPR’S risky sex-reassignment surgery. The wood was an OPC Governor from Warshow worked for Army Times Foreign correspondent and jour- ent and in the moment,” Bernasconi Deborah Amos, an OPC Governor, called Transfixed 1996 to 2001 and was active on the and the Stars and Stripes in Europe nalism teacher John “Jack” Virtue said. “It’s what made him such a was the master of ceremonies for a “sensitively wrought profile in Freedom of the Press Committee. He in the mid-1950s. He went on to a died on June 3 at age 81. Virtue got profoundly talented photographer this year’s Eisenhower Awards. The courage, hope and self-respect that’s professionalized the Foundation’s position in public relations at New his start with United Press Interna- but it’s what also made him such ceremonies honored Doctors With- truly transfixing.” money management and helped put it York’s Batten, Barton, Durstine & tional covering Cuba. He moved dear and important friend to so many out Borders and Shahid Mahmud, on solid financial ground. Osborn. He then went into the tex- on to run bureaus in Sao Paulo and tile business. Warshow remained an of us.” Hondros and fellow photog- chief executive officer of Interactive : OPC Governor Lara . Virtue spent most of rapher Tim Hetherington were killed Group. Setrakian sat on the jury of the OPC member John Bausman active and engaged member of the the 1980s as executive editor of El in Libya in April 2011. Bernasconi is Editors Lab Final hackathon at the died on June 9 at age 92. Bausman OPC until his death. Mundo, a daily paper in San Juan. vice president for editorial at Getty DURHAM, NC: Did the United Global Editors Network Summit. joined the Associated Press in 1950, Images and was a longtime editor of Nations start a 2010 cholera epi- Winning teams from regional com- covering Europe from cities includ- Former OPC member David He then became a journalism trainer Hondros’ work. demic that has claimed thousands of petitions around the world gathered ing Warsaw, Budapest and Frank- Lamb died on June 5 at the age of throughout Latin America in a pro- lives in Haiti? OPC member Jona- in Vienna to build news apps at the furt. He final overseas assignment 76. Lamb began his work as a for- gram sponsored by USAID, teach- Two years after changing their than Katz writes in Slate that a map three-day competition. Indonesia’s was as chief of the Moscow bureau eign correspondent in Vietnam with ing more than 8,000 journalists from rules to allow certain magazines to released by the CDC shows the cen- Tempo magazine team emerged vic- from 1968 to 1972. He went on to United Press International in 1968. 14 countries. enter five journalism categories, the ter of the epidemic as the location of torious, with a project inspired by the cover the United Nations and work He moved to the Los Angeles Times Pulitzer Prizes will likely continue a UN peacekeeping country’s intractable forest fires. The in the World Services Department in 1970 and would remain until his Telemundo assistant producer to evolve, says administrator Mike base established by game Green Saviour: Stop the Haze until his retirement. He then spent retirement in 2004, filing from more and aspiring journalist Jonathan several years teaching English and than 100 countries and writing sev- Pride. “Two questions we are ask- soldiers from Ne- aims to explain what causes forest Camuy, 24, was among those killed journalism in Shanghai, China on eral books along the way. Lamb “not ing ourselves are: How well and how pal after the Haiti fires and how they affect health and in the Pulse Club massacre in Orlan- fairly can our juries judge the works earthquake. Neither the environment. a Fulbright fellowship. Bausman only captured the human micro-dra- joined the OPC in 1997. ma behind cataclysmic world events, do on June 12. Camuy was a mem- of various media – newspapers, news the UN nor the CDC ber of the National Association of sites, magazines – against one anoth- wants to acknowl- : OPC Governor he lifted it to an epic scale,” OPC Hispanic Journalists. He had moved er?” he told in a recent edge the origin of Katz Steven L. Herman is the Voice of Longtime OPC member Henry member and Times assistant man- from Puerto Rico to Florida to pur- interview. “How well does journal- the epidemic, which is still raging America’s new Senior Diplomatic Warshow died on Sept. 11, 2015 aging editor Kim Murphy told The ism from various media fit our Plan today, he explains. Katz is currently Correspondent. Herman is leav- at age 85. Warshow joined in 1955. Washington Post. sue a career in television. of Award and categories?” But, Pride writer in residence at Duke Univer- ing Bangkok, where he is currently (‘Albert-Simon’ Continued From Page 1) That helped precipitate the departure of the club manag- concluded, “further expansion is sity’s John Hope Franklin Humani- VOA’s Southeast Asia Bureau Chief/ Jackie is rotating off the board with this summer’s er. We then hired Sonya Fry, also in attendance on June probable.” This year The New Yorker ties Institute. Correspondent, for an office at the elections. We have every intention of enlisting her to 22. We were, in fact, bankrupt. United Nations in New York. He has became the first magazine to win a run again next summer. But in the meantime, a num- John Corporon and Larry Martz, both former presi- Journalists spent 26 years reporting throughout Pulitzer, taking home awards in both LOS ANGELES: ber of us decided to honor Jackie with an “appreciation dents, hailed Jackie for her friendship and behind-the- the feature writing and criticism cat- are in “a war to continue to tell the Asia, where his stations have includ- night,” which we did at Club Quarters on the evening scenes advice. Allan Dodds Frank and Michael Serrill, egories. truth,” OPC member Christiane ed Seoul, New and Tokyo. of June 22. more recent presidents, chimed in with similar senti- Amanpour told a audience at the Eight OPC presidents (past, present and future) at- ments. Current president Marcus Mabry and incoming Ireland’s 1916 Easter Rising was annual Daniel Pearl Memorial PEOPLE REMEMBERED tended. Larry Smith, who was president from 1992 to president Deidre Depke, who represents the future and a watershed in the history of for- Lecture at UCLA. While members This month we remember several 1994, described the board meetings at the time Jackie is better equipped for that task by understanding some of eign correspondence, OPC Gover- of the news media face violence journalists who have made signifi- joined as resembling “a peasants’ revolt.” Steve had the past, also were in attendance. nor Liam Stack wrote recently in around the world, she added, “mer- cant contributions to the profession A proclamation was presented to Jackie, which read a volcanic temper, but labor writer Victor Reisel used The New York Times. Even though chants of doubt” in the U.S. spread and to the OPC. in part: to revel in provoking Steve with senseless proposals. communication links between Dub- false narratives to sow confusion. “Whereas, Ms. Albert-Simon sought to prevent hos- Henri Gellerman, a former German soldier captured lin and London had been cut, the Amanpour, CNN’s chief foreign Former OPC Governor and OPC tile board members, presidents and executive directors during World War II who was turned into an interpreter Times printed more than 50 stories correspondent, was a friend of the Foundation Treasurer Donald Un- from coming to bodily blows; about the five-day rebellion. The slain Wall Street Journal reporter derwood died at home on June 2 at for the Allies, and perhaps subjected to particularly in- “And whereas she generally injected more dignity paper supplemented the news from and is a longtime supporter of the the age of 86. As a staff correspon- tense mental pressures as a result, was president of the and grace into our proceedings than we generally de- Ireland by talking to Irish-American Daniel Pearl Foundation. dent and editor for Life magazine, foundation, but refused to tell anyone how much money served; leaders and people who had recently Underwood reported from England, the foundation had or what it was doing. Jackie was an “Therefore, let it be known to all savants and sag- returned from the country. “We talk Transfixed, a documentary co- Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti and the Domin- island of stability amid the madness. es, both at hand and in distant lands, that the OPC and about technology allowing us to do produced by OPC member Felix ican Republic. He worked on a ma- I was president from 1994 to 1996. I described other OPC Foundation offer their unanimous thanks and ap- things so quickly in journalism today, Golubev, debuted this spring in Los jor photographic essay with Alfred correspondence from Steve lamenting the fact that the preciation to Jacqueline Albert-Simon for navigating us but here is a major story on an event Angeles and New York. The film fo- Eisenstaedt on the Ford Motor Co. club manager would not tell him how much money the through these most perilous of journalistic times.” that leads the Sunday magazine of the cuses on the relationship between a when it went public. He left Life in club had. He could not find a copy of the club’s constitu- Jackie was characteristically understated in her part- paper the week that it occurred,” Dr. straight man, John, and a transsex- 1966 to teach journalism at the Uni- tion or bylaws. And board elections were routinely mis- ing comments sent around via email to the board: “I will Robert Schmuhl of the University of ual woman, Martine, both of whom versity of Utah, and then returned to handled by aforesaid club manager. Larry and I moved miss planning, talking, arguing and yelling over each Notre Dame tells Stack, calling that have Asperger’s syndrome. The cou- New York to establish an internal TV a rather large owl from our former headquarters at the other’s voices,” she said. “The OPC is close to my heart a “pretty amazing” accomplishment. ple struggles in the face of Martine’s network at Merrill Lynch. Under- Women’s Republican Club on 51st Street into the club’s and mind and I wish all of you luck, satisfaction and then headquarters at the Tudor Hotel on East 42nd Street. safety in work, and in your playtime as well.”

OPC Bulletin • July/August 2016 • Page 8 OPC Bulletin • July/August 2016 • Page 9 Meet the OPC Members: Q&A With Justin Doebele PRESS FREEDOM UPDATE... v By Trish Anderton When traveling, you Only 13 percent of the world’s in Chile and Peru could have a chill- ing in their field. “Very few rights in Justin Doebele is chief editorial advisor for Forbes like to…try to stay in population has access to truly inde- ing effect on the news media there. the Universal Declaration of Human Indonesia, the monthly Indonesian edition of Forbes the hotel as little as pendent media, according to the 2016 Chilean President Michelle Bach- Rights and International Refugee Magazine, a post he has held since 2010. A few years possible. The hotel Freedom of the Press report from elet sued the magazine Qué Pasa Law are fully applied to Syrian refu- ago ForbesLife Indonesia was launched, published as a should be the place Freedom House. Forty-one percent on May 31 over what the magazine gee journalists,” the report concludes. quarterly magazine providing high-end lifestyle cover- where you sleep, oth- live with a Partly Free press, and 46 claimed were transcripts of phone It adds that the neighboring countries age. He is based in Jakarta, and for more than 20 years erwise it’s always a percent are in Not Free media envi- conversations implicating her and could improve the situation by pro- has lived in Asian countries including Hong Kong, Ja- good idea to get out ronments. The report finds press free- her family in corruption. In a sepa- viding “official and legal recognition pan and Singapore. Previously his posts at Forbes in- and explore a new dom has fallen to its lowest point in rate case in Peru, Félix Moreno, the of Syrian journalists and their jour- cluded special projects director, Asia Rich List project area. a dozen years, with Bangladesh, Tur- governor of Callao, sued the news- nalistic work.” editor, and senior editor for Forbes Global, becoming key, Burundi, France, Serbia, Yemen, paper Perú21 over a story involving that magazine’s first foreign correspondent in 2000, Most memorable in- Egypt, Macedonia and Zimbabwe allegations of an illegal eviction by MURDERS originally covering the region from Singapore. He has terview: His Majesty seeing steep declines. Moreno as part of a land deal. “Def- ● The body of journalist Luka reported articles from Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, Bhumipol Adulyadej, amation should never be handled Popov was found in his home in Japan, Korea, Laos, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thai- Rama IX, King of Courtesy of Justin Doebele The Committee to Protect Jour- as a criminal matter, but the use of Srpski Krstur, Serbia on June 17. Ac- land and Taiwan. He also developed the magazine’s fa- Thailand. I have been Justin Doebele nalists has created a powerful inter- these outdated laws is even more cording to Reporters Without Bor- mous “Rich Lists” for all the major economies of Asia, one of the few journalists allowed to interview the king. active feature on the kidnappings and egregious by public officials, who ders, Popov worked for two local a project that has become one of the magazine’s most killings of media workers by Islamic should be subject to a much higher radio stations in the northern towns successful franchises. Previously, he was Bloomberg’s Advice for journalists who want to work overseas: State. The layered map tells the story level of scrutiny and criticism,” said Čoka and Novi Knezevac. While tor- first editor in Asia from late 1989 to early 1993. He has They should join the OPC. It’s a great way to meet fel- of each journalist, and also shows a Carlos Lauría, senior program coor- ture was initially suspected, Mapping also covered Asia for Intelligence Unit chronology of the attacks. The map dinator for the Americas at the Com- low international journalists and get plugged into the Media Freedom carries unconfirmed and Dow Jones Capital Markets. He is president of the community. can be found here. mittee to Protect Journalists. reports that Popov was fatally beaten Jakarta Foreign Correspondents Club and a member of by burglars after he discovered them the U.S.-based Council on Foreign Relations. ’s war on journalism con- An appeals court in has Is there an Asia story you feel deserves more atten- in his house. He was 60 years old. tion? Indonesia, naturally. Now a $1 trillion economy, tinued in June as a court ordered the upheld a 10-year sentence for free- Hometown: Cambridge, MA. arrest of Reporters Without Borders lance photographer Sayed Ahmed Al it’s a member of the G20. It’s the largest emerging mar- ● Journalist and real estate agent representative Erol Önderoglu, Mousawi. Mousawi, who has won ket in Asia after China and India. The country is also Jacinto (Jay) Torres Hernández Education: Harvard BA, Columbia Journalism MSJ. along with journalist Ahmet Ne- more than 100 international awards, the world’s largest by population, and accounts for ap- was found shot to death on June 13 sin and Sebnem Korur Fincanci, was arrested in February 2014 af- proximatly 50 percent of the combined economies of in Garland, Texas. Hernández, 57, Languages: English, rusty Japanese and Spanish, cur- the chair of Turkey’s Human Rights ter photographing anti-government rently learning Bahasa Indonesia. ASEAN. Foundation. The three were charged demonstrations. He was convicted wrote for La Estrella, a Spanish-lan- guage publication of the Fort Worth with spreading “terrorist propagan- under the country’s anti-terrorism Dream job: The one I have now. Star-Telegram. His wife and children Year you joined the OPC: Many moons ago. I even da” after guest-editing a newspaper laws and has had his nationality re- edited the OPC’s Bulletin for a while, with Sonya Fry on Kurdish issues and speaking out voked. Bahraini authorities have also believe he was killed because of his and the late Al Kaff. Favorite quote: When in doubt, cut it out. against efforts to censor it. arrested leading human rights cam- journalism, saying he was working paigner Nabeel Rajab on charges of on stories about human trafficking What drew you to international reporting? What’s Place you’re most eager to visit: Anywhere in Asia I Saudi blogger Raif Badawi has “spreading false news.” Rajab is the and illegal immigration. not to like? International reporting allows one to get paid haven’t been yet, and I try to make that list smaller every begun his fifth year in prison. Badawi, president of the Bahrain Center for to travel to interesting places, meet interesting people year. the co-founder of the Liberal Saudi Human Rights and the founder of the ● TV journalist Víctor Hugo Val- and write about them. We also help inform others about Network, was convicted of “insulting Gulf Center for Human Rights. dez Cardona was gunned down in the eastern city of Chiquimula, Gua- people, places and opportunities. Most over-the-top assignment: Probably whitewater Islam” in May 2014 and sentenced to rafting of a river in northern Myanmar. We had to get 10 years and 1,000 lashes. His first At least 51 professional journal- temala on June 7 while walking with special military permission to visit the area, as it is near lashing in January 2015 provoked ists and 144 citizen journalists have his grandson. Valdez was the founder Best journalism advice received: Who, What, Where, the Myanmar-Chinese border. As far as we could tell, international outrage, and he has not been killed in Syria since the outbreak and host of “Chiquimula de Visión,” When, How and Why. we were the first foreigners to ever raft down the river. been subjected to any further ones. A of war there in 2011, and around 50 a cultural program which had been total of 10 professional and citizen are currently missing or detained, ac- on air for well over two decades. Worst experience as a journalist: Being on assign- journalists are currently detained in cording to a new report from Report- Chiquimula Journalists’ Association ment in South Korea when my son was born in Sin- Country you most want to return to: Wherever there’s Saudi Arabia. ers Without Borders. Many more president Gerson Rodas told Carib- gapore. He arrived a month premature. I wrongly as- a good story. have fled to neighboring Turkey, bean News Now that Valdez had sumed I had time for one more overseas assignment. Twitter handle: Sorry, I don’t tweet. Free press advocates are con- Lebanon and Jordan, where they face never reported receiving any threats. All the flights back to Singapore had already left Seoul cerned that criminal defamation suits ongoing threats to their lives as well He speculated that the murder might by the time he was born. But thankfully I was able to Want to add to the OPC’s collection of Q&As with mem- filed by politicians against journalists as legal issues and difficulties work- be an effort to intimidate local media. arrive the next day. bers? Please contact [email protected].

OPC Bulletin • July/August 2016 • Page 10 OPC Bulletin • July/August 2016 • Page 11 It seemed inevitable that they would Hussein, sliced open by pro-regime New Books be targeted. doctors and tossed onto a pile of corpses. He survived only because AFRICA So Haidara and his colleagues N THE 13TH THROUGH 16TH spirited the documents away to safe another doctor took pity on him, de- I centuries, Timbuktu was a flour- houses throughout Timbuktu. Then, claring him dead so that he could go ishing center of ideas and culture. as the threat grew, they sent them to the morgue and escape. By the end of that period, a quarter away in trucks and small boats to Di Giovanni also talks to support- of its 100,000 residents the capital, Bamako. There ers of the regime, some of whom can- were students, working in they remain to this day. not bring themselves to believe their disciplines ranging from In The Bad-Ass Librar- government is doing such terrible poetry to physics and med- ians of Timbuktu And Their things to its own citizens. icine to mathematics. The Race to Save the World’s — By Trish Anderton manuscripts they produced Most Precious Manuscripts [Simon and Schuster, April WELCOME TO reflect the tolerant Sufism OUR NEW MEMBERS that held sway at the time; 2016], Joshua Hammer the secular and the reli- tells the story of this rescue Kristen Chick gious coexisted peacefully. and the larger story of the Freelance documents and their sig- Over the following Damstadt, Germany nificance. Hammer, who centuries, however, these Active Overseas – Young won the 2009 Morton Frank Award works came under threat from radi- (30 to 34) cal Islamists and French colonizers. citation, is a contributing editor to Smithsonian and Outside Magazine. Families hid their manuscripts in Anand Gopal their houses, in caves, or anywhere SYRIA Freelance else that seemed secure. Starting in Middle East/New York the 1980s, archivist and historian WANTED PEOPLE NEVER Active Overseas Abdel Kader Haidara spent twenty “I to forget,” writes Janine di years rounding up these historic Giovanni in the Introduction to The documents, roaming the country Morning They Came For Us: Dis- Kumiko Makihara to buy them in remote villages. He patches from Syria [Liveright, May Adjunct Associate Research collected some 370,000 of them for 2016]. She’s talking about her previ- Scholar preservation. ous commitment to writing about the Columbia University Then Al Qaeda came to town. horrors of the Balkan wars, but it’s New York The branch known as al-Qaeda in clear that she feels the same kind of Active Non-Resident the Islamic Maghreb arrived in 2012 emotional duty to bear witness to the and began imposing its strict ver- conflict in Syria. Fahrinisa Fatima Oswald And Syria has no shortage of sion of sharia law. The manuscripts, Freelance horrors. There’s Nada, who shrinks Hammer writes, “epitomized the , reasoned discourse and intellectual when di Giovanni touches her hand in greeting. Though she’d been re- Active Overseas – Young inquiry that the militants, with their (30 to 34) rigid views of Islam, their intoler- leased from prison months ago, “she still had the reflexes of a prisoner, of ance, and their hatred of modernity Alfonso Panico and rationality, wanted to destroy.” someone huddling in a corner, pro- tecting her face and her body from Correspondent blows,” di Giovanni writes. An oppo- America Oggi sition activist, Nada is so traumatized Connecticut by her eight months in prison that she Active Non-Resident Upcoming Events vomits while recounting her experi- ences: beatings, Lisa Shannon sleep depriva- Freelance Mixer at The Half King tion, exposure Portland, OR 6:00 p.m. July 28 to the torture of Active Non-Resident fellow prisoners, and the memory Annual Meeting Chirag Wakaskar she can’t talk Freelance about: rape. *open to all members* , India 6 p.m. Aug. 9 There’s also Active Overseas

OPC Bulletin • July/August 2016 • Page 12