Shelburne, Heath scuttle change to Mohawk agreement

Shelburne defeats regional school amendments, 71–61 Heath postpones school budget articles, refuses regional agreement changes By Don Stewart event of a school closure. Fol- the vote, Smith explained that, next budgetary year, but said that don@sfi lowing the vote, Selectman Terry with a dramatically declining passage of the amendments was HEATH—Voters here on May 6 passed over most of the ——— Dun assumed that the remaining student population, many of the necessary to “allow the school money articles at annual town meeting, including the $703,160 two amendments were “moot.” district’s schools were operating committee to control some of the operating assessment from the Mohawk Trail Regional School SHELBURNE—Following more Those amendments would have at 50 percent of their capac- costs that are being passed onto District and that of the Franklin County Technical School, at than 40 minutes of discussion required a two-thirds weighted ity. The buildings, however, are the towns.” $100,118. during annual town meeting on vote of the school committee for increasingly costly for heating, Former School Committee The about three-hour meeting was spent in large part dis- May 2, Shelburne residents voted school reassignments and would electricity and insurance. She Chairwoman Marian Taylor, how- cussing potential changes to the Mohawk regional agreement, down one of three amendments have spread remaining capital noted that the school commit- ever, was opposed to amendment which selectmen had been on record not supporting at this to the Mohawk Trail Regional costs of a closed school among the tee was exploring “imaginative passage at this time. time. The potential changes to allow the school committee to School District agreement 71-61 district towns. Dun asked School ways to control these costs so “With all the things that have close a school and move students to another location within in a paper ballot vote. Committee member Cindy Smith we can bring a better budget to been happening...and all the the district were defeated by voters as well. The amendment would have whether the remaining amend- the towns. We are looking at the uncertainty,” she said, “I would But voters did pass a nonbinding resolution, as “a gesture provided the school committee ments could be passed over and possibility of moving students.” personally vote against this. I of good will.” It stated that the town “supports the efforts authority to move students from she agreed. Smith made clear that no clo- don’t think we are fully aware of Superintendent [Michael] Buoniconti and members of the one facility to another in the In opening remarks, prior to sures were contemplated for the continued on page 7 continued on page 7

If you are cold, tea will warm you. If you are too heated, it will cool you. If you are depressed, it will cheer you. If you are excited, it will calm you. —GLADSTONE www.sfi

Vol. II No. 21 • Issue No. 46 Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts May 11–24, 2006 $1.00

END OF Ashfield, Buckland pass school budget THE LINE contingent on Prop. 2½ override votes Ashfield voters face alternative: severe cuts across the board

By Don Stewart in line,” he said. deliberately underfunded, more don@sfi The Finance Committee recom- fi nancing has been sought with ——— mended passage of the school voter approval at special town Husband-and-wife ASHFIELD—At annual town budget. Committee member Tom meetings later in the year. team Dennis Avery and meeting on May 6, following Carter spoke in support, noting “That cycle,” he said, “it’s pretty Karen Hogness in front more than an hour of debate that for the last four years the much written on the wall, that of the meat counter. The Ashfi eld voters agreed to fi nance municipal budget had been un- will stop. We are fully funding the couple has announced a Mohawk Trail Regional School derfunded in order to reduce the budget this year...and to have some their intention to sell District (MTRSD) operating bud- tax shock to residents. To balance money in reserve we need to have the store, marking the get of $1,757,447. The budget is annual fi nancing, surplus “free” a $90,000 override. The painful end of family ownership contingent upon a $90,000 over- cash has been used frequently part is that you can pay $90,000 since the Civil War era. ride. A special election on June to offset costs. When line items, this year or you can get hit with SFI photo/Jeff Potter 14 will ask for approval of the such as “winter roads,” have been continued on page 7 override, the first proposed in this town in more than 15 years. If passed, this will raise the tax valuation for the average After contentious debate, Buckland homeowner by approximately $1 per $1,000 of valuation. Of that voters raise police private detail pay amount, 42 cents will fund the By Nate Walsh ballot vote will be held June 7 at override. The new tax rate would nate@sfi Town Hall. be approximately $12.28. ——— Mohawk Trail Regional School In opening remarks, Select BUCKLAND – Buckland vot- Superintendent Michael Buo- Board Chairman Bill Perlman ers have approved the language niconti was on hand with the said that without the override change to the Mohawk Trail district’s lawyer to answer ques- provision, the town would face School District’s regional agree- tions. Buoniconti said that “severe cuts” in services, includ- ment to allow students to attend without funding, the school ing fi nancing for the public beach schools outside their hometowns would need to make cuts to physi- and the Belding Memorial Li- but within the district, and to cal education, music, and art brary. He also noted what would accept the proposed budget programs along with eliminating happen if the budget were voted including funding the school 20-30 staff positions. However, down. assessments for Mohawk and some of the most emotional sup- “We’d have to revisit the bud- the Franklin County Technical port for funding Mohawk get and make the cuts, painful school, subject to an override of came from its high school stu- though they may be, to bring us the Proposition 2½ tax cap. That continued on page 7 Sixth graders enjoy tea for twenty By Laura Rodley laura@sfi ——— SHELBURNE FALLS—Thanks to former Principal of Buckland Shelburne Regional Elementary Photo courtesy of Dennis Avery School Paul Swem, Cindy Toma- A busy day at A. L. Avery’s in the 1880s. sini’s sixth-grade class enjoyed tea in high style at the top of the McCusker building recently. Swem won tea for 20 from Fifth generation will be last, one of the town’s new business, Meeting In Style, which is in the McCusker building, at the Shelburne Falls Area Business as Averys seek buyer for store Association auction and donated the special event to the class, “One of the things that makes us By Don Stewart ing the business, the building, which has been studying the 1773 who we are is that we’ve main- don@sfi and their adjacent 19th-century Boston Tea Party. tained the same sort of attitude... ——— home for sale. “Paul Swem wanted to give it SFI photo/Laura Rodley A lot of it is not just business, but CHARLEMONT—Ending “Our kids have moved on to to someone and someone men- Sebastian Bassett, in foreground, and classmates Aileen Monahan of also a closer social net, friend- an Avery family lineage that their new lives and both are tioned my name,” Tomasini said. Buckland and Michael Gleason of Shelburne participate in “Tea at ships in a lot of cases. That hasn’t has owned and managed Char- doing really well,” Avery, 54, “Last year some of the children the Top of the Stairs.” The event was a gift from Paul Swem, a past changed. I wouldn’t be doing it lemont’s landmark grocery said. as fi fth-graders studied American BSR principal (sitting at rear table with Mohawk District Superin- if that had changed.” and hardware store for five His son, Luke, 27, works for history and were introduced to tendent Michael Buoniconti), to Cindy Tomasini’s sixth-grade class —Dennis Avery, owner, generations, Dennis and his a nonprofi t fi rm in Minnesota continued on page 7 to augment their study of the Boston Tea Party. A.L. Avery & Son General Store wife, Karen Hogness, are list- continued on page 6

SHELBURNE FALLS INDEPENDENT PRSRT STD 8 Deerfi eld Ave., Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 US POSTAGE Colrain backs regional agreement change PAID www.sfi Permit #183 ——— Turners Falls, MA but votes down school assessment Address service requested By Nate Walsh a vote, which was not recom- sible if we recommend it,” said nate@sfi mended by the fi nance commit- Saffron. ——— tee, by a vote of 76 to 40. When Members of the board of select- COLRAIN—In a 75 to 42 de- asked why the fi nance committee men all weighed in with their cision, the citizensat Annual did not recommend the proposal, thoughts on the proposed tax Town Meeting on May 2 voted panel member Bob Saffron asked hike. Board Chairman Joseph to change the wording of the re- those in attendance who were Sacco was concerned with the gional school district agreement town employees to stand, and unbalanced budget, which he be- that would allow students to be when the majority of the room lieved to be due to the proposed sent from their hometown school stood, he explained that they school assessment. He was con- to different schools within the knew the strain that the town cerned about where additional school district. was under fi nancially. He said funds would come from. Voters struck down a motion that the budget that was brought “Don’t vote this budget and that would put a Proposition 2½ before the town was not a bal- then not fund it,” said Sacco. levy limit override in the amount anced budget. Selectman Duane Scranton of $202,089 before the town for “We can’t be fi scally respon- continued on page 3 DATED MATERIAL — PLEASE DELIVER PROMPTLY page 2 • Shelburne Falls Independent • May 11–24, 2006 • New Senior Center director arrives Ulrich elected to Select Board ON THE WEB SITE SHELBURNE—Barbara Vil- seniors and the people in the lanueva said that she is “very community,” said Villanueva of ASHFIELD—Thomas Ulrich will take a seat on the select If you purchased this newspa- excited to be here” at the Shel- her feeling for seniors. “Just be- board here after defeating Michael Dekoschak for the post per and wish to access our new burne Senior Center, shared by ing able to be in the community 223-40 at annual election Saturday. Web site (available on the morn- seniors from Ashfi eld, Buckland, and get to know seniors on a dif- Other’s elected by the 266 voters of the town’s 1,230 registered ing of Thursday, May 11), use this Colrain and Shelburne on her ferent level is really something voters who turned out to the polls are: code: fi rst day, Monday. I’ve always been drawn to so Moderator - one year - Stewart Eisenberg - 236 votes. e-mail: [email protected] “It’s been tremendous, I’ve met this position just seemed like a Tree Warden - one year - Thomas Poissant - 236 votes. password: earlgrey so many wonderful people and natural.” Assessor - three years - Mark Graves - 232 votes. If you buy the paper at a store, the staff here is just incredible,” In fact, Villanueva has been School Committee - Michelle Olanyk - 222 votes. look here each week for this she said. “I had that sense before, working with seniors, she said, Board of Health - Edward Lagoy - 230 votes. code so you can enjoy the addi- but it’s really been reinforced; since she was about 20 years Constable - Donald Bates - 228 votes. tional material we’re presenting the staff and seniors I’ve met are old. Park Commissioner - Patricia Thayer - 233 votes. online. really fantastic.” “I found out when I was quite Sewer Commissioner - Nancy Hoff - 235 votes. If you’re a subscriber who Villanueva, who pronounces young that this is what I was Planning Board - fi ve years - Kenneth Miller - 223 votes. would like to access the news- her name “Villa-nova,” moved called to do,” said the new direc- Library Trustees - fi ve years - Virginia Wiswell - 217 votes. paper online, e-mail a request to Franklin County 18 months tor, who lost her mother a month to [email protected], and ago and lives in Greenfi eld. She ago. “As I was driving here this we will enable your account comes to the post here following morning, I was thinking of my promptly. the December death of former mother and she always said that I Editor’s note: Why not just make Director Neil Katz. was born to work with seniors.” SFI photo/Jeff Potter Hawley fire chief warns of all this free? The answer’s simple: Prior to taking the post here Taxpayers of the Center’s four Barbara Villanueva, the new di- It’s not fair to the hundreds of read- she worked for a year and-a-half member towns support the Cen- rector of the Shelburne Senior consequences of dry weather ers who pay for the print version. as an elder care advisor with ter with additional monies raised Center. Our staff and contributors work Franklin County Home Care and by the Friends of the Shelburne HAWLEY—The recent dry have a fi re) we’re going to come incredibly hard, and we think their before that she was director of Senior Center, Inc. and I want to have a chanced to weather has made for perfect and put it out. The fi rst time we efforts online are worthy of equal the Adams Council on Aging for Villanueva, says she doesn’t know everyone and work with the brush fi re conditions. On Sunday, issue a warning. The next time affi rmation. 14 years. have any big plans to change board,” she said, “but everything April 30 a brush fi re in Hawley the person is charged $100 for “It’s something I’m drawn to anything. I can see here is really high qual- spread and burned more than a every truck and $25 for every because I like the opportunity to “I am very sensitive to the fact ity; wonderful programming and quarter of an acre by the time hour of manpower. On Sunday, really have that connection with that Neil died six months ago, dedicated staff.” the fi re department extinguished that would have been the cost it. of nine people and three trucks Greg Cox has been the fire committed for two hours to put chief for Hawley since 1987. out the fi re.” “We have 16-17 volunteer fi re- Being fi re chief of Hawley, for Buckland voters elect town offials men,” Cox said. “The fi re was a which he is paid $700 a year to cooking fi re that got out of con- protect Hawley’s 330 residents is BUCKLAND--In Buckland, 154 ee - three years - Mary Ellen Finance Committee - two years trol. A spark fl ew out of the fi re. Cox’s second job. He also works of the town’s 1,218 registered vot- Jepsen - 148 votes. - Cheryl Dukes received 10 write- We issued a warning. In for the forestry association. ers turned out on May 1 to elect Moderator - Phoebe Walker in votes, but has declined another we have a one mistake policy. If Ashfield weather observer the following town offi cers: - one year - 132 votes. term after having served for you burn without a permit, (and Steve Sauter notes that ‘”March Selectman - three years - Stefan Mohawk Trail Regional several years. was the driest month in Ashfi eld Racz - 143 votes. School District Committee - in the 40 years that I have been Board of Health - three years three years - Peggy Hart - 122 keeping records.” - Richard Warner - 151 votes. votes. “March was down four inches Finance Committee - two three- Assessors - three years - Sam (in rain), believe it or not,” he year terms - Dena Willmore (132 Purington, who has served on Cannavo elected to Board of Health said. “April was down one-and- votes) and Michael Turley (138 the panel before but didn’t take one-half. That’s fi ve-and-one-half votes). out nomination papers this elec- in what became three-way race inches less than normal. That’s Recreation Committee - three tion, has agreed to serve again pretty signifi cant. years - Eric Temple -145 votes. after garnering 17 write-in CHARLEMONT— In Monday’s a two-year seat on the Planning “In the past, if you have a SFI photo/Jeff Potter Buckland Public Library Trust- votes. town election Ruth Cannavo, Board with 193 votes to Shane month that was an exceptionally Retiring Mohawk Business Man- who was not on the ballot, but Furlon’s 96 votes. And a fi ve-year dry month, on record, that whole ager David Fraser. has served as chairwoman of term on the Park and Recreation year was potentially dry.” Sauter the town’s Board of Health, was Commission went to Jean Briffon said, “I could say that this is go- elected to another three-year with 132 votes over James Heist’s ing to be dry year, based on my term. 110 votes. records.” Mohawk business Cannavo received 145 votes A three-year term on the Mo- The effects of the dry weather manager to retire dvtupn!mfbuifs!tboebmt while declared candidates Earl hawk Trail Regional School Dis- mean that the tree growth will be Bowen and Robert Engstrom re- trict Committee will require a less than normal for this time of BUCKLAND—Mohawk Trail ceived 120 and 20 respectively. selectmen’s appointment after year. Regional School District Business In another contest on the bal- three eligible candidates re- “Because the ground was so Manager David Fraser will retire lot incumbent Amy Wales took ceived a handful of write-in votes. dry in March and April, and the at the end of the current school Marguerite Willis, who is already ground water is less, all of a sud- year after seven years here. Uncommon handcrafted jewelry serving on the panel, received den trees leaf out-—they need an The Wilmington, Massachusetts fi ve votes and former school com- enormous amount of water—it resident says he’ll still be travel- Diverse New Books mittee representative Julia Aron means a restriction in growth and ing, but not to and from Boston’s received three votes. Douglas smaller trees, which affects log- north shore. Objets d’Art Dean and Linda Roland each ging,” said Sauter. “All the leaves “We’re planning a trip to Af- received two write-in votes. that are growing right now, that rica,” he said of himself and his Nearly three percent of the you see in the summer, bud out wife, who also retired, from the town’s 804 registered voters and grow now. If that water is not Reading School District, where turned out at the polls to elect there, the leaves are smaller.” she was director of METCO, a the following: The milder winter—with 78 program involving administration ANDERING --Selectman – three years inches of snowfall recorded by of students from other districts. W – Winston Healy - 238 votes. Sauter as of April 21 for Ashfi eld Fraser has four grown children; OON --Moderator – one year – in- in the winter 2005-2006—means a graphic artist, a Massachusetts M cumbent Charlotte Dewey - 247 that fewer insects died off over state police offi cer, an attorney Wednesday–Saturday 10:30–5 votes. the winter. and a nurse. Sunday 11–4 --Town Clerk – one year – in- “There will be a stunning sup- He has spent 13 years in educa- Tuesday by chance / Closed Monday cumbent Linda Wagner - 279 ply of insects.” he said. While tion and before that worked as a votes. there may be a smaller supply of municipal fi nance director.  --Assessor – three years – in- mosquitos, which breed larvae in Fraser said that he’s leaving 59 Bridge St., Shelburne Falls cumbent Michael Kane - 254 puddles, or black fl ies, since the the Mohawk District “with less (413) 625-9667 votes. edges of stream beds and rivers state dollars coming to it than --Assessor – one year – Andrea where black fl ies hatch are dried when I started.” Santos- 235 votes. out, “there will be more insect “Organization is better [here --Hawlemont Regional School pests that damage trees and now], but the sad part is that you J H SHERBURNE District Committee – three years crops,” said Sauter don’t have enough money to do F I N E A R T – Jennifer Mooney- 243 votes. These pests include caterpil- what you want.” PORTRAITS --Tree Warden – one year – Er- lars and beetles. These are two The business manager’s posi- win D. Reynolds, Sr. - 240 votes. stresses that will require irri- tion has been advertised and &F R A M I N G --Planning Board – fi ve years gating crops and pest vigilance. resumes are in hand for the per- • Beautiful • – incumbent Daniel Miller - 229 And, for the meantime, vigilance sonnel subcommittee to review votes. during any permitted burning to prior to an ultimate school com- • Unique • --Tyler Memorial Library Trust- prevent brush fi res. mittee appointment. • Affordable • ee – three years – incumbent Mary Campbell - 262 votes. PHOTO FRAMES --Constable – three years – in- Custom framing cumbent Jared Bellows - 264. by the Artist/Owner Rowe elects town officers PPFA Certified Picture Framer ROWE—Voters here will choose Finance Committee - two three- 40 State Street • Shelburne Falls their favorites in four races on year seats - Cynthia M. Laffond 413.625.8306 the annual town election ballot and Cara L. Morano. Overlooking the Bridge of Flowers May 13 from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. at Town Board of assessors - three years Hall. - incumbent Ellen L. Babcock and Running are: challenger Valerie A. Williams. Board of selectmen - three Board of health - three years years - Robert J. Clancy and Su- - incumbent Angela F. Foshay and san C. Wood. challenger Margaret B. Rice. Cemetery Commission - three years - incumbent Richard A. Tower. 351 Mohawk Trail, Shelburne Falls • (413) 625-6100 Why settle for less than Barbecue to help Library trustee - three years - incumbent JoAnn Brown. Monday–Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 8–6 the life you deserve? Thursday, 8–8 • Sunday, 9–5 colleagues Park Commission - three years - incumbent Mary Jo Phelps and Do you desire quality health ASHFIELD—The Ashfi eld Fire challenger Earl Carlow. and pain-free living? Department is planning a July 1 Planning Board - five years barbecue on the Town Common to - none. Try the revolutionary raise funds for former Ambulance Planning Board - two years Quantum Reflex Analysis. Director Doug Mollison and for- - JoAnn M. Brown. Now scooping mer Fire Chief Bob VanIderstine, Rowe School Committee - three both of whom were taken ill this years - incumbent Lisa Danek Deme\\[h_d] year. Burke. \h[[dkjh_j_edWbthe Valley’s Yekdi[b_d] Æbest 9ec[l_i_j CWh_Wice KEYSTONE cream MARKET to be enjoyed whilst sauntering the bridges 50.,&)0& Monday, Tuesday & Saturday 800%803,*/($0/4536$5*0/ 7 am–6 pm

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday WINTER HOURS &.0%&-*/( *5$)&/ "5) */& */*4) 03, t3 t, # t' ' 8 7 am–7 pm 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Wednesday–Sunday Sunday 10 am–3 pm Closed Monday and Tuesday )&(+'*".)&& 2VBMJUZ8PSL Bridge Street • Shelburne Falls Shelburne Falls, MA Open daily • Mon-Thurs, 7-7 • Fri and Sat 7-8 • Sun 7-5  Overlooking the Glacial Potholes 625-8400 3 State St., Shelburne Falls • ."-*$$4 )*$ 413-625-6789 Shelburne Falls Independent • May 11–24, 2006 • • page 3

SFI photo/Ted Cahill Girl Scouts volunteered Colrain logger on the mend from injury to help members of the Shelburne Falls COLRAIN—Treeman Blue Sky cut in the tree and it didn’t come Hospital in Springfi eld. He has Women’s Club Bridge is doing well despite a frighten- back as he thought it would and two fractured ribs and a “very of Flowers Committee ing accident on May 5. it hit him,” explained his wife, injured, but not broken” right prepare for its annual “He was taking down the Joyus. “Since he was safety shoulder. fundraising plant sale, second of four pine trees in belted, he was concerned about “He is home now and one very which will take place Shelburne Falls, and he made a not getting hit in the head and lucky man,” Joyus said. “He is on Saturday, May 20 tried to get as far out of the way vastly improved by being home at 9 a.m. on the Bap- as possible. Unfortunately he got and it was an all-day affair to get tist Lot. Pictured: Sa- whacked in the back with about him here.” mantha Miller, Franc- 500-600 pounds of log and was She said that Sky is sleeping in esca Maroney, Nicole compressed against the trunk of a chair rigged to accommodate Yezerski, Tasha Bun- Heath elects the tree. He was able to rappel his height and that the fam- tin, Maria Maroney, himself down, but knew he was ily has been overwhelmed with Hannah Lessels, Cathy town officers in trouble and had difficulty support. Buntin, Abbi Yezerski, breathing.” “We’ve gotten over 100 calls,” Alyse Leonard, Cheryl HEATH—Sixty-six voters of Sky was taken by ambulance she said. Leonard, Elaine Par- the town’s 499 registered voters to Franklin Medical Center Workers from Asplundh mett, and Julie Petty. turned out to the polls Saturday and then air-lifted to Bay State cleaned the job site on May 8. Not pictured: Kristen to elect a slate of offi cers all run- Shippee. ning unopposed. They are: Selectman - three years - in- cumbent Sheila Litchfield - 60 THE HILLTOWN YOUTH SOCCER LEAGUE votes. sponsored by The Academy at Charlemont Assessor - three years - incum- in partnership with The Mary Lyon Foundation, Colrain______from front page bent Richard Gallup - 63 votes. presents Town Clerk - three years - said that he didn’t agree with elected Mohawk School Commit- ties of the Friends of the Library incumbent Hilma Sumner - 59 voting for a tax cap override. tee member Dave Purington for as they work to raise funds to votes. “Once you start dipping into advice, which Purington refused cover the shortfall in the town’s Finance Committee - two three- the override scenario, you’re nev- to offer. appropriation for the library” year seats - incumbents Budge Summer er going to stop it,” said Scranton, “I won’t vote for all of you,” was requested to be passed over Litchfi eld (63 votes) and Edwin adding that he was concerned said Purington. by the vice president of the Wolf (66 votes). with town citizens who are al- It was unanimously approved Friends of the Library and was Finance Committee - three occer ready struggling fi nancially. that the town should vote to raise voted to be passed over. years - write-in candidate Janis S Selectman Michael Beausoleil and appropriate $206,822 and Voters also approved the mo- Carr - 26 votes. said that he was concerned with transfer $550 from the Quintus tion to ask that the state leg- Mohawk Trail Regional School The Youth Instructional League the sacrifi ces that were already Allen Fund to total $207,372 to islature adopt a special act for District Committee - one year for grades 1–6 made by town employees outside be used for the Franklin Coun- the recall of any elected offi cial -incumbent Robert Gruen - 65 July 11– August 18, Tuesdays & Thursdays or of the school system. ty Technical School District’s in Colrain, the closure of a sec- votes. Wednesdays & Fridays, 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. “I do think the school is out assessment. tion Shattuckville Road and to Mohawk Trail Regional School of control. I think we are being All other money articles un- instruct the town’s Open Space District Committee - three years The High School Clinics for grades 7–12. charged way too much,” said der consideration were passed, Committee to investigate adopt- - Pam Porter - 63 votes. Session One: Evening Clinic: Beausoleil. “I don’t think we can however only $15,000 of the sug- ing the Community Preservation Heath Library Trustee - three June 26 – June 30, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., First 4 days of Session One, afford the budget.” gested $17,100 toward interest Act. years - incumbent Deborah Porter at The Academy at Charlemont. 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. at Former Mohawk School Com- on current debts was approved. - 66 votes. Session Two: Mohawk Regional High School. mittee member Joe Slowinski During the motion to allow the Constable - one year - incum- Goalie Days: urged the town to vote against town to vote on the salaries of bent Robert Tanner, Jr. - 61 July 31 – Aug. 4, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. school budget. elected town officers, resident votes. at The Academy The last day of each session, special “Staffi ng levels are too high,” Mary Parsons requested that Planning Board - five years at Charlemont. two-hour clinics start at 9 a.m. said Slowinski. “We can’t afford salaries be frozen at the 2005 - write-in candidate Calvin Carr it.” level due to the town’s dire fi nan- Women meet - 66 votes. For more information contact Mohawk Trail School Super- cial straits. It was not supported Dog Offi cer - one year - write-in Abe Loomis • [email protected] • 413-339-4912 (w) 413-625-6594(h) intendent Michael Buoniconti and the motion was passed as SHELBURNE FALLS—The Dave Cote has not been reached CJ Holt • [email protected] • 774-219-9434 was on hand to answer questions written. Shelburne Falls Area Women’s to fi nd out if he will serve again Anthony Agrillo • 413-775-3557 about the language change in the The citizens’ petition to ask Club will end the year in style, as dog offi cer. Visit, “Summer Programs” to download registration form agreement, request support voters to approve aid to the li- combining the group’s annual Constable - one year - write-in for the school and to voice his brary by “supporting the activi- meeting with a spring banquet Jeffrey Simmons - 10 votes. concerns about cuts that could at the Mary Lyon Church in mean the loss of physical educa- Buckland on Wednesday, May 10 tion, art, music and classroom at 6 p.m. Church members, who teachers, which he said would reliably produce delicious home hurt the students. cooking, will cater the $10/person “The cuts are local, the pain is dinner of chicken potpie, salad, local and the kids will be feeling Trolley volunteers needed vegetables and dessert. it,” said Buoniconti. “If you’re go- Club members will hear annual ing to take a stand, you’re going SHELBURNE FALLS—The reports and install offi cers for the to hurt our kids.” Shelburne Falls Trolley Museum coming year. There will be no Mohawk Trail Regional High is an all-volunteer organization additional program in order to School junior Erin Kimberly read dedicated to preserving and allow for a timely adjournment. a letter addressing her concerns displaying railroad history and All members are encouraged to about cuts at the school. the local social history of the attend and guests are welcome. “Some of our favorite teach- 1890-1920s. The museum fea- Reservations and advanced pay- ers might not be returning,” tures a restored 1896 trolley car ment are necessary to Karen said Kimberly. “I know so many and operators and conductors Dobosz, 49 Elm Street, Shelburne things that I might never have are needed to run the trolley on Falls, Mass. 01370. known if they weren’t here.” its 15-minute interpretive trips. She asked voters to fi nd a way Ticket sellers, carpenters, paint- to raise the money to help future ers, office help and yard work- WE’RE CELEBRATING students. ers are also needed. Training is Resident Bill Cole, noting that provided for trolley car crew, and he’s lived here for a year, said can train other work as well. To 25 YEARS that he was undecided as to how volunteer visit or to vote and called on recently call (413) 625-9443. 1100--2255%% OOFFFF SSTTOORREEWWIIDDEE** %FMJWFSJOH.PSF5IBO 1SPQBOF A CHANCE TO WIN GIFT CERTIFICATES "OOKKEEPING"ARNPG ,OPXJOH 8FOEZ,SJWJDLZ 0XOFS IPXZPVSFEPJOH 4IFMCVSOF'BMMT ."  [email protected]  1SPQBOF 6DIH&OHDQ(IÀFLHQW)XHOIRUKHDWLQJFRRNLQJ KRWZDWHU DINING IURPDFRPSDQ\UHFRJQL]HGDVDOHDGHULQWKHLQGXVWU\ 5LFH&RPSDQLHVFRP  7ROO)UHH&DOO /LF 6HUYLQJ6RXWKHUQ9HUPRQW)UDQNOLQ&RXQW\0DVVDQGPRUH


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Phone 834-5683 413-773-3139 2174137 page 4 • Shelburne Falls Independent • May 11–24, 2006 •

Men’s Group, he serves the com- sure I am prepared to answer Finance Committee. Wes is one of munity and region in service them. “What will Wes ask?” is those rare individuals who is the to Habitat for Humanity. His my mantra. fi rst to arrive, takes hold tasks INDEPENDENT volunteerism and service to this Bob Dean also noted the without any delay, works on a worthy cause is apt to happen dedication to Wes in the 2000 group effort, usually fi nds a bet- any time of the year. And Wes Buckland Annual Town Re- ter or more commonsensical way can be called upon and counted port: This report is dedicated to to a job, be it a pencil and paper on to provide manual labor and Wesley Rice, in recognition of or toolbox and trailer situation. THINKING support no matter where or how more than 25 years of dedicated If you have the good fortune to be long the project. service to the town of Buckland. on a committee with Wes, things He’s currently serving as the Wes is stepping down from the happen and they get done. He’s treasurer of the Trinity Church fi nance committee after 13 years the reasons problems disappear and served on and chaired other of shepherding the town fi nances and solutions are reached. He Editorials • Commentary boards and for the past 30 years, and preparing operating and comes from a thrifty farm origin. including moderator, executive capital budget recommendations. He was raised by hardworking, board, properties committee, and We know Wes as a man of high wholesome, good-willed parents Letters to the Editor stewardship. principle, whose faithfulness and and surrounded by happy family. In summary, and on a personal thoughtfulness defi ne the term Is it native intelligence? Yankee note, I have great admiration “public service.” upbringing? Self-confi dence? Or for the way that Wes is able to the combination of all these that maintain such a high level of ANOTHER PERSON nominating best spell the Wes Rice we nomi- visibility in the community, yet Wes Rice offered a personal nate as recipient of the SFABA remain grounded and devoted to note. community service award? family and friends. There are few The fi rst I knew of Wes Rice And fi nally, in closing, this that can devote as many hours as was as a good father. From that, comment. Wes does to one or to the other: I observed that he was always Through selfl ess donation to community service, to work, available to help individuals, ex- of time, committment to civic to church, or to family. However, pecting no compensation, helping and community organizations, Wes is consistently able to devote neighbors do their farm work or church and family, Wes clearly impressive reserves of energy as a driver taking people to work serves “as a beacon to all.” Wes and enthusiasm to all that he as necessary. Wes was extremely lives life by example, enriching does, and he does so with grace, involved in 1979 when the town all our lives. concern, and a touch of class. of Buckland celebrated its 200th I have to have a disclaimer. birthday. He gave hundreds of The committee went through THE NEXT PERSON can’t remain hours with no pay and expected the fi ve nominations and ar- anonymous — it’s Buckland no pay. He was also involved rived at Wes as our recipient Town Administrator Bob Dean. in the more recent town of for this year. Wes Rice was on the town Buckland birthday celebration, You’d have no idea from all screening committee when I was 225 years. He was not [here’s these accolades I just read hired as the fi rst town admin- a committee he wasn’t on!] on to you that Wes found a little istrator for the town of Buck- the Buckland Public Library part-time retirement job as the land. It was Wes who pushed to fundraising committee, but last offi ce assistant at the SFABA. create the position, and he had fall, when the library had its This honorable man feared that the vision to see the direction pumpkin fest, he was right in the his receiving it would be per- in which the town meetings go. middle of the work that needed ceived as a confl ict of interest. I was fortunate to work with to be done. That’s a job. This award has Wes during his tenure as chair Wes Rice seems to be on hand nothing to do with that little of the Buckland Finance Com- when a community project needs job. He is being honored for mittee. He taught me the details attention. He is not all talk, the depth, the breadth, and the and idiosyncracies of the town but defi nitely all work; and he longevity to his community, budget, and I learned a lot about deserves to be the receipient of and we thank him — very, very how to speak to residents at town the Marvin Shippee Community much. 4 meeting. Wes told the truth, and Service Award. people listened to him. They still Carol Bolduc, a real estate agent SFI photo/Jeff Potter do. SOME OTHER THOUGHTS: at Coldwell Banker Upton-Mas- Wes Rice listens to Carol Bolduc as she quotes letters from the community nominating him for the Wes pulled no punches, and We have experienced fi rsthand samont Realtors and fellow SFABA’s annual Marvin Shippee Community Service Award. asked diffi cult questions when the depth and breadth of Wes’s recipient of the Marvin J. Ship- there was no way around it. abilities in understanding and pee Award in 2000, serves on To this day I prepare for town explaining the town of Buckland the committee that awards the VIEWPOINT ■ By Carol Bolduc meetings I think about questions budget at town meeting in his honor. I know Wes will ask and I make role as chairman of the Buckland Service to community VIEWPOINT ■ By Sylvia Garfi eld-Wright Shelburne Falls Area Business Association honors Getting Darfur into the Wes Rice, a volunteer who sets an example for all realm of public consciousness SHELBURNE FALLS licited nominations from the after year Wes impressed me at OR THOSE who may not community, we received fi ve Town Meeting with his intimate Fknow, Marvin Shippee nominations this year. All of knowledge of Buckland fi nances BUCKLAND There are about 1,951 people sage. Write to the president, was the true founding them were fabulous; the com- and his ability to explain town AVING LIVED in in Shelburne Falls. Multiply to your senators, and to your father of the Shelburne Falls mittee had a very hard time budgets and other fi nancial HFranklin County that number by 92, and, ac- representatives, and encour- Area Business Association. giving one award. matters affecting Buckland with my whole life, I cording to the Washington age them to keep the pres- He really represented what Our winner received not one, detail and with clarity. feel very connected with the Post, that is the number of sure on to end this terrible volunteer community service but six nominations. Interest- In addition to Wes’s long community. I know many people who have died so situation. If people can’t do is all about. The briefest way ingly, they were vastly different tenure in these two critical people in the area and on far. Then multiply the same that...well, that really doesn’t I can explain his legacy is to perspectives of this person. The positions, he served as Finance many levels it feels like my 1,951 by 1,127: that number say much for who we are as read what’s on the plaque in only fair thing to do is to take Committee representative to the greater family. There are is the number of people who humans! the information center. The excerpts from each one of them Mohawk Municipal Advisory towns all over the world like have been displaced from Being part of a community beautiful lights on the front of to illustrate the breadth and Committee, the Buckland Screen- ours. Some aren’t as fortunate their homes. The numbers like Shelburne Falls brings the Village Information Center depth of this man’s service. And ing Commitee, he was a mem- as ours, though. Imagine are astounding. 180,000 dead a sense of peace. Let’s bring are dedicated to Marvin, and interestingly, each one of these ber of the Buckland Town Hall communities like ours be- and more than 2 million that same comfort to com- this is the inscription that was nominations gives a fabulous Building Committee, and the ing completely burned and displaced. munities that need support. done at the time: “Presented summary. Master Planning Committee that everyone dying…your entire So why aren’t people do- Everyone deserves the right to Marvin J. Shippee, a beacon produced the town’s fi rst master family dead within days. This ing anything? That question to a peaceful home. of community pride: The lights THE FIRST NOMINATION talks plan. Wes was also a member is happening right now in the has been in my mind since Besides letting our lead- which adorn the exterior of this about Wes Rice’s service in the of the Buckland Volunteer Fire Darfur Region of Sudan in I heard out about Darfur. I ers know that we care, there center are today dedicated to school committee. Department and currently serves Africa. The United Nations have been pondering this, are many more measures for Marvin J. Shippee, who sets a Wes was on the Buckland-Shel- on the prudential committee. hasn’t officially declared it a and I really can’t come to any concerned people to take. shining example to everyone. burne Regional School Commit- Although I’m not familiar with genocide, though the United conclusion. Letter-writing campaigns and Marvin has offered inspired tee for years, much of that time the work of these committees, I’m States has confirmed that it In 1994 the Rwandan geno- buying a t-shirt or wristband leadership and direct involve- as chairman. He put countless certain that Wes was centrally is. The situation does fit the cide killed 800,000 people from the Darfur Group at ment to countless community hours and even more care and involved in every issue that came definition of genocide, which and orphaned 95,000 chil- Mohawk both raise aware- projects. The lights on the Vil- concern into his role, always before that committee. is a mass killing of people dren. Afterwards, Senator ness. The shirts are $12, and lage Information Center in thinking for himelf rather than Finally, not long ago, he due to their ethnic, religious, Paul Simon said, “If every the wristbands are $2. All Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts aligning himself with one of began playing the tuba, some- national, or racial beliefs. member of the [U.S.] house the proceeds go to Darfur. will serve as a beacon to all the competing camps, for which thing he hasn’t done in many Two groups of people and senate had received 100 Make a donation if you’re and will honor Marvin, whose the school committee was often years. He joined the Shelburne — one of Arab decent and the letters from people back not interested in the shirts or warm congeniality and hard known. He was always a voice Falls Military Band. True to his other non-Arab — have been home saying we have to do bands. Wear a green ribbon work he has exhibited through of reason rather than emotion. nature, it was not long before he living in this region of West- something about Rwanda, pin. Simply tell people. Raise a lifetime of contributions and Wes served honorably on the volunteered for the job of hauling ern Sudan for centuries. Now when the crisis was fi rst de- awareness! achievements and innumerable Buckland school committee and music, lighting, and equipment the Janjaweed, the group veloping, then I think things As this fresh new season committees and civic groups. was also a representative to (and setting it up, of course) for associated with the Arab, has would have been different.” brings optimism to the hills May these lights prove an inspi- the Mohawk school committee, each weekly concert. He plays his been conducting a military Things would have been of Franklin County, let us con- ration for each of us to take re- guaranteeing he would be at a tuba annually at Tuba Christmas campaign against the refu- different. tinue the same hope towards sponsibility in our community.” meeting several nights a week. In with his son Steve, and, of course, gees. The Sudanese govern- Darfur. 4 That’s what Wes Rice is in 1989, he accepted appointment works at setting up the concert ment, while it has been pub- SO NOW IS OUR CHANCE to spades. to the Buckland Finance Com- site. licly denying that it supports make things different for the Sylvia Garfi eld-Wright is a The committee that reviews mittee and became chairman What’s so special about Wes the Janjaweed, has been sup- people of Darfur. There are ninth grader at Mohawk, where the nominees — Mike Mc- the same year. He served on that is he doesn’t take roles where he plying arms and weapons. It already pre-made postcards she and eight classmates in Leo Cusker, Art, Karen Laudon (our committee for over a decade, dur- will be visible or in the limelight. has even participated in joint at to send Baldwin’s geography class par- treasurer for life), and our past ing a time of tremendous fi nan- Wes is everywhere, contributing attacks with the Janjaweed. to President George Bush; all ticipated in videoconferences on recipient, Ruth Anderson — so- cial turmoil and challenge, year tirelessly and quietly, usually This confl ict has been going you have to do is write your genocide and became interested behind the scenes (often scenes on since February of 2003. name and an optional mes- in the Darfur situation. which he has created). Wes would certainly would be noted if he Shelburne Falls Independent stopped doing all that he does. LETTER TO THE EDITOR THIS NEXT PERSON sees Wes 8 Deerfi eld Ave., Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 through his volunteerism at (413) 625-8297 • fax (413) 625-6661 Trinity Church. Celebration will honor inclusion, acceptance • e-mail: [email protected] Wes Rice has been a frequent To the Editor of the Independent: volunteer cook and server at the The First Congregational these past two years is exactly open to everyone. We will begin regular Friday night community Church of Ashfi eld is hosting its the opposite. If anything, gay at 7 p.m. Please bring family An independently owned newspaper meal at Trinity Church. His ser- second annual Celebration of marriage strengthens families, members and friends, also in- serving Shelburne Falls and the surrounding hilltowns vice and devotion to this worthy the State Supreme Court’s Deci- communities, and society. struments, and voices, your and cause helped provide countless sion Affirming the Equality of More importantly, we believe others’ readings, wedding photos, Jeff Potter, Editor and Co-Publisher ([email protected]) meals to the less fortunate and Marriage. The event will consist that if Jesus’ ministry on earth and the like for an evening of fun Ted Cahill, Co-Publisher/Advertising and Operations ([email protected]) hungry of our town and region. of a brief ceremony with music, could be distilled into one sen- and inspiration for the journey • He’s participated in the Trinity poetry, and personal testimoni- tence it would be that love and ahead. Please bring fi nger foods Virginia Ray, Managing Editor ([email protected]) team that walks each fall to sup- als addressing the importance acceptance of all humans is far and desserts to share. Tea, coffee, • port the CROP Walk initiative. and validity of the court deci- more important than adherence and cake will be provided. Linda Rollins, Advertising Sales ([email protected]) He’s committed countless hours sion followed immediately by a to religious doctrine. The First For more information about the • to the upkeep and beautifi cation, celebratory party. Congregational Church of Ash- celebration, contact Kate Stevens Regular contributors include: Christopher Baldwin, Brian Duffey, Stephanie not just around the church itself Members of the congregation fi eld, a member of the mainline at (413) 625-6967 or Gary Lane at Funk, Kate Higginbotham, Laura Rodley, John Snyder, Don Stewart, Nate but the Baptist lot at the corner believe it is important for the Protestant denomination United 413-522-0309. Walsh. of Main and Water streets in public to know not all religious Church of Christ, welcomes FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF Shelburne Falls, which we all en- institutions share the same per- people regardless of gender, ASHFIELD Shelburne Falls Independent is published every other week on Thursdays by Dialogos joy, but there’s volunteerism that spective on gay marriage. The age, ability, ancestry, religious Gary Lane Media, Inc. Annual subscription rate: $20 per year. goes on to make that happen. First Congregational Church of heritage, or sexual orientation. Kate Stevens Diverse viewpoints are presented in our Independent Thinking section — viewpoints that might not represent the views of this newspaper, its editors, its contributors, or From April through October he Ashfi eld is taking a fi rm stand This welcome is extended to all Ashfi eld, May 5 its advertisers. coordinates mowing and ground- against the commonly accepted aspects of our religious life and is Package, presentation, and most news content © 2006 Dialogos Media, Inc.; some skeeping for these very visible stereotype that people of faith affi rmed in our declaration as an Kate Stevens is the pastor of the material may be owned by individual contributors. Reproduction of material in this newspaper is prohibited without permission of the publishers. community sites. see gay marriage as evil or a “Open and Affi rming” church. church. As a member of the Trinity threat to society. Our experience The celebration on May 12 is Shelburne Falls Independent • May 11–24, 2006 • • page 5 Program teaches girls to resist self-loathing, bullying

By Laura Rodley “We had full support from the they are out of earshot, she looks had told her, ‘I’m going to hurt laura@sfi principal, and guidance counsel- at these babies, and calls them you and hurt you until you die.’ ——— or,” she says. “The teachers didn’t stupid babies, and torments these The other second-graders had all ASHFIELD—“This is the fi rst have the attitude that ‘you’re babies. In ‘Hey, Arnold,’ the lead heard it.” year that Sanderson Academy in putting our program 40 minutes character, the girl protagonist, is Sever says that today some- Ashfi eld has used ‘Think Zink,’ behind.’ [And] the parents were angry, bitter, hateful, revengeful times these types of hurtful which is a national program run all behind us.” and loathes her sister. The Think and frightening comments are through the Girl Scouts,” says The beginning of Think Zink Zink program makes an attempt sent via email to students after Sanderson Academy Principal includes asking the girls if they at countering those messages. school. Ann-Marie Mislak of a fi ve-week have ever been teased, or teased The project is not a quick fix. The language of the Think Zink program just completed at the somebody, or done something They need at least that many program is consistently geared to • Mini hydraulic excavators • Multi-terrain loaders • Genie boom lifts elementary school after being that they later regretted. classes to replace those mes- the younger child’s comprehen- adapted for students in grades “How many of you actually sages—30 shows a month.” sion. In it a bully is likened to • Challenger tractor backhoes • Skid steer loaders • Telehandlers 2-4 went back and did something Girls in the classes have told a tick, since a tick is dependent Many attachments available • Hydraulic hose repairs While the girls were learning about it?” Sever asks. “You re- Sever that they are fat and ugly and needs a host. Sever instructs, Think Zink, the boys were learn- turn to a girl you said something when in fact, “There is not even “A bully needs somebody who is ing the Second Step program to that you later regret, like tell- one pound extra on them.” negatively impacted by the bully. used by the entire Mohawk Trail ing the girl ‘you’re fat and stupid,’ “I grew up on Yogi Bear and You have to have a reaction, or Regional School District, which and say, ‘I told you two things Snagglepuss,” she says. “Some- you’re not feeding a bully, and is a nationally accredited drug about you that aren’t true; I’m thing’s gone wrong. The children they’ll fall off (like a tick). Not prevention program. For the el- sorry.’ The girls looked at me are hearing negative comments to have a reaction is the goal.” SHELBURNE FALLS ementary school aged boys, their like I had 50 heads.” about themselves much more For more information about cell 413-834-1671 Second Step program is geared to At this juncture of the pro- frequently, and at a younger age. Think Zink, call the Girl Scouts, 413-625-6463 residence 413-625-6387 self esteem. gram, admitting that they did In a class I ran in the Berkshires, at (413) 584-2602 or visit www. Think Zink was inspired by a something wrong or unkind and a second-grader told me a student girl named Kelly Weil, who was returning to undo what they said born in 1982 and died in1993, is too embarrassing for many who was poorly treated by her students. Hilltown Tree & Garden peers during her battle with bone Think Zink works to remove MA Certified Arborist cancer. the embarrassment factor of re- MA Certified Horticulturist “She was a Wisconsin-based pairing the damage from words. Rowe voters approve kid, a perfectly healthy child “It is the bravest of brave to Cottage Garden Design • Installation • Maintenance in elementary school,” explains take your inner thought [and $2.9 million budget —— Anita Sever, membership direc- apologise]. If you could pull it • General Tree Care • Fine Pruning tor for the Girl Scouts in Western off, you rule,” says Sever. ROWE—With 126 of the town’s improve the fi eld from surplus • Residential Orchard Rejuvenation Massachusetts and an Ashfi eld At fi rst, she says, the girls are 289 registered voters turning out, cash rather than taxation, the ORGANICALLY ORIENTED • EXCELLENT REFERENCES • NATIVE PLANTS resident. “She had very normal, hypervigilant and apologize for town meeting voters have agreed budget was balanced. James McSweeney, M.C.A., M.C.H. • Chesterfield, MA healthy relationships. After she not saying hello in the hallways. to a $2.9 million budget for the “We have a balanced budget (413) 582-4088 • got cancer, she lost her hair [and] “With practice, they bring it coming year. and we were able to put another there was a change in the way she down to the school culture to fi t Much discussion ensued Mon- $60,000 into stabilization,” said was treated, not only in the way it in. They are taught to ‘Think day night over an article to again Selectman Myra Carlow, adding the children treated her—her Zink.’ At any time during the fund a technology support posi- that this year, with a revaluation, peers were ruthless, sadistic—but week, if they are out of their tion at the Mohawk Trail Re- the residential tax rate went from MkZ]bmbhgZe also the teachers were awkward. comfort level, [ in a social interac- gional High and Middle schools, $3.56 per $1,000 of valuation to There was an ignorant feeling tion] there is a choice point; what something Rowe voters have $4.10 per $1,000. M bf[^k?kZf^ of contagiousness [to cancer] did they do? Did they challenge been paying for several years In other business voters agreed that got generalized into their themselves to do the best pos- now. The original warrant article to spend:




FOR'RADESnAND0OSTGRADUATE SFI photos/Jeff Potter The main building at Avery’s Store seen from the barn across the street, the location of more merchandise. OROVERTWENTYYEARS OURSMALL SIZE OURCOMMITMENTTOTHEARTS & ______from front page ANDOURDEMANDINGACADEMICSTANDARDS Avery’s HAVECREATEDACOMMUNITYOFINDE and his daughter, 25-year-old PICKING FORBIDDEN.” In the Tessa, is a high school teacher in early 1900s, Avery explained, PENDENCE UNBOUNDEDCREATIVITY AND Brattleboro. several companies contracted for RIGOROUSLEARNING/URCOMMUNITYISAS “That puts us in what we call picking rights on private lands ‘Stage Three’ of life,” Avery said. for and Boston fl orists SUCCESSFULASITITUNIQUEOURSTUDENTS “We realized we were going to and posted signs to ward off the HAVEEARNEDPLACESATSOMEOFTHEMOST sell the place at some time, not unaware. Charlemont ferns were to continue as a family operation. used for greenery in bouquets. SELECTIVECOLLEGESANDUNIVERSITIESIN We wanted to do it while we were THECOUNTRY young enough to be strong about Competing with Springfi eld it, and while the store was doing Avery began working for his really well.” father in the store as a stock boy “It’s not really that we’re tired while in his teens, and, upon his 4HE AT of it and wanted to get out,” his return as a newly-married col- !CADEMY wife added, while the couple lege graduate, he and his wife spoke in their kitchen last week. began upgrading the store. Back #HARLEMONT “It’s that we want to see it go on, rooms, stocked with hardware, and if we want to see it go on, became public, and the storage &INANCIALAIDAVAILABLE we need to be able to put some barns across the street became #ONTACT"RETT#AREYINTHEADMISSIONSOFlCEFORMOREINFORMATION energy into finding somebody packed with building material who can do that.” and tools. Since fi nishing college at Ober- “It’s a full-scale hardware store lin 32 years ago, the couple has now,” Avery said. “I’ll take on MOHAWKTRAIL CHARLEMONT MA worked in managing the store. Av- anybody on that.”   sFAX   ery became a co-partner with his Indeed, if you have the wood, E MAILACADEMY CHARLEMONTORG fourth-generation father, Henry the store has every other attach- Jr., in 1980. Upon his father’s able object, from electrical con- retirement a few years later, the nections to plumbing fixtures, young couple began managing to make a house. Kitchen sinks? the store as a team. They hover above you, wired from In those early years Hogness the ceiling. From Cuisinarts to Post and can recall entering data on ac- hip waders to vegetable seeds, if count books by hand. Avery they don’t have it, you may real- Beam remembers that in the 1970s the ize you just don’t need it. Buildings store still had horseshoe nails and “We’re often the store you parts for horse-drawn plows built can call if you’re having trouble 25 years solving at the turn of the century. fi nding something, because we’ll the storage do the homework for you,” Av- problems of History lives on Main Street ery said. “And you can talk to In 1861, at a time when Queen the buyers. You can walk into Franklin County! 20x30 Victoria’s reign was in its 24th the store and get your hands on A shopper at Avery’s peruses greeting cards in an aisle that features Custom built on year and when Alaska was still me.” toiletries, stationery, gardening supplies, and at least one clock. your property by a possession of Alexander II of If you think that Avery has Bill Lamore Russia, Amos L. Avery — Dennis no competition, however, think charge account? Avery said. “For the fi rst time in Avery’s great-great-grandfather again. “If you work for me it’s much my life I don’t really know, and I • Sheds — started a dry goods store in “We certainly do,” he said. more of a family sort of concept, don’t really want to.” • Barns the four-story Greek Revival “People out in these woods the relationship between me and They intend to remain in the • Garages • Pool Cabanas building. In the early 1890s his think nothing of driving to my people, than it would be in a area, and they’re in agreement • House Additions son, Oscar C., joined him as a Springfi eld—” modern retailer. The same goes that their next job won’t be in • Fishing Camps partner. Oscar’s son was Henry, “—or Greenfield,” his wife with the relationship to our cus- retail. the third generation. interjects. tomers,” Avery said. “It’s hard to think about being • Hunting Camps 12x20 • Screen Houses “Every once in a while, we still “We were in competition with As to what awaits the couple the last Averys to run the store. • Pavilions fi nd handwriting that I recognize the Springfield Home Depot after they bid adieu to a 50-hour That’s a burden in a way,” Hog- as Henry Senior’s,” Avery noted. when they opened. We watched work week, both are enthusiastic ness said, smiling. “But it’s not, if “I used to find the occasional the Greenfi eld Home Depot open, in not knowing precisely what we think about selling the store Bark ‘O.C.’, but it’s getting rarer to fi nd and we’re in direct competition they’ll be involved with next. to someone who continues to his hand.” with them, but we’re fine with “We’re pretty happy not to keep it as an important part of Mulch The barn directly across the that. We have ways of saving be certain what is next for us,” the community.” street, where lawn equipment is money that they don’t do,” Avery Natural — $19/yard now sold, was a carriage house, said. Dyed — $24/yard and to its rear, a horse stable In terms of sales, the store’s stood. The building is still rigged grosses are split between hard- Winged masters to be featured at RiverFest 724 Greenfield Rd. • Rts. 5 and 10 • Deerfield, MA 01342 with the original 19th-century ware and the sales of produce 413-773-8388 • winch for raising barrels of mo- and clothing. SHELBURNE FALLS—This cans fl ew hawks and some of the lasses and fl our to second-fl oor Recognition of Avery’s can year’s RiverFest on Saturday, artifacts they used. There will storage. A short distance away, even be found across the Atlan- June 10 will feature demonstra- be a demonstration in both the across the Deerfi eld River, was tic. Dennis Avery relates a story tions with birds of prey such as morning and afternoon to try to the train depot, a prime economic of a gentlemen seated at a side- the gyrfalcon, sharp-shinned give everyone a chance to enjoy conduit for the business. In the walk table in Paris, who noticed hawk, red tailed hawk and vari- other RiverFest events, such as 1890s, Avery recalled, O.C. fre- another gentleman wearing an ous owls brought by Julie Ann quiet river rafting, making books quently traveled by rail to Boston Avery’s General Store T-shirt. Collier and Jim Parks. about the Deerfi eld River, games to broker local farm produce to “It turned that the first cus- They will have many birds for families and children, many the city trade, returning with ma- tomer was a second-home person on hand and demonstrate how street musicians and the annual chinery and parts. In the Averys’ who had a home here on Legate they are used. Collier is also an Frog and Flower Parade. Tapas kitchen there’s a strong, antique Hill, and the second person had accomplished artist of birds of This is the 18th annual River- oak wicker basket with clasps a second home in Heath,” Avery prey and her pictures will be Fest sponsored by the Deerfi eld used to transport bread by train recalled. “And they met, thanks on display at the Franklin Land River Watershed Association Cocktails from the ovens of North Adams to my T-shirt.” Trust offi ces on State Street. The and other local businesses as an to the homes of Charlemont. couple will concentrate remarks educational celebration of the “There’s a family story,” Avery Ending an era around how the Native Ameri- river for the community. said, “About O.C., the second Avery’s may well be the oldest Dinner generation, riding a bike to Shel- family-run grocery store in the burne Falls to do his banking and Commonwealth, a business run getting home again by throwing a by fi ve generations over a course A Subterranean Slice of bike on the mail car and coming of 145 years at the same location. Colrain business group distributes funds back on the train.” Over a 32-year period, Avery and Heaven Serving Latin & The store itself, built in 1842, his wife have seen a transition in COLRAIN—The Colrain Busi- aine Village Fair, the Shelburne still displays wares on shelving Charlemont. ness Association (CBA) is an- Senior Center, the Brick Meeting Indian–Influenced Cuisine built by Avery’s grandfather and “The town has changed charac- nouncing funding awards to 15 House, the Colrain Soccer League great-granddad. ter somewhat,” she said. “It used local organizations for the group’s and the Franklin County Family “You can walk on the floors to be that the same people lived 2006 annual grant program. Network. Tapas served 4–10 p.m. that were [installed] then,” Hog- in these houses for years and They will go to the Western In addition the CBA also fund- New specials ness said. “You can look up at the years and years, so you knew ab- Massachusetts Food Pantry, the ed five $600 scholarships for Dinner served 5–9 p.m. tin ceiling and know that it’s the solutely everybody. There’s much Colrain Baseball Association, Colrain students attending or Friday, Saturday, same tin ceiling that Amos L.. more turnover now, many more the Griswold Memorial Library, entering accredited college and 413.625-0200 opened up his business with.” apartments instead of residences the Vision of Excellence and the universities in the 2006-2007 Sunday nights In corners of the store you can that are owned by a single fam- Mediators programs at Colrain academic year. find a wooden delivery basket ily. In the ’70s, you pretty much Central School, Colrain The CBA’s grant program has Come meet 10 Bridge St. linked to horse-and-buggy times recognized everybody.” Boy Scout Troop 121, the Col- contributed more than $100,000 the new owner! along with spring-loaded gas What has endured, however, rain Crafts Studio Tour, the Col- to local civic and service groups Shelburne Falls lanterns and fi ve-gallon ceramic is the couple’s concern for their rain VolunteerAmbulance As- in its 14-year history. The pro- jugs. employees and a confi dence in sociation, the Colrain Volunteer gram is made possible through Behind the cashier’s counter their customers. How many other Fire Department, the Colrain proceeds from the annual Home is a century-old notice: “FERN businesses offer an in-house store Historical Society, the Coler- for the Holidays auction. Shelburne Falls Independent • May 11–24, 2006 • • page 7

Shelburne ______from front page Tea party ______from front page yet of all the potentials.” Smith again noted the “prohibi- loose tea last year. This year, as to have such a pleasant setting Middle school teacher Jeff tive” costs of running all the el- sixth-graders, they are studying arranged just for them. And they Johansmeyer disagreed. “Right ementary schools. She added that world culture, which includes the dressed up for the occasion, upon now the entire district is being the present budget was brought British Isles, and all around the request of Meeting In Style, to dissected piece by piece,” he said. to a manageable four per cent world. Some of the sixth-graders add to the special fl avor of the “It’s the staff, it’s the programs, increase in operating costs by had had tea, but not had loose event. Tables were set with red it’s the people that make a school, eliminating all physical educa- tea.” linen napkins and each colorful not a building.” tion classes in the high school Once Swem started it, the place setting had its own teapot He added that “already signifi - and by cutting “a good part of chain of giving continued. When for the children to pour from. For cant” cuts had been made in the music and art.” the owner of Meeting In Style, those who did not want tea, hot fiscal year 2007 budget, which “If we cannot make some ma- Meta Nisbet, contacted her sup- chocolate was served, as were oth- could affect the population of jor changes in the near future,” plier, Upton Teas, based in, she er sweets. Cucumber sandwiches school-of-choice students who pay she concluded, “we are going explained that the class was were neatly arranged and served tuition to attend district classes. to have to start cutting whole studying the Boston Tea Party. on platters, and a decorating William Sweeney, who had programs.” Upton Teas found replicas of two station for teapot shaped sugar served as a school committee More than a two-thirds major- teas that had been thrown into cookies stood ready for students member 30 years ago, also spoke ity of voters passed Shelburne’s the harbor then, China Congou to design their own. in favor of the amendments. share of the MTRSD operating and Young Hyson teas, and do- “It was a good idea to do that,” “If we don’t send some message budget of $1,726,017 for the next nated them to Meeting In Style said student Morgan Mazanac. of support to the school com- fi scal year, subject to approval at to serve at the party. “The cookies we decorated were mittee they’re going to be para- the ballot box June 12 to cover On May 2 the party was held really good. I never had a cucum- lyzed,” Sweeney said. “Let them $81,500 of that sum. literally “At the Top of the Stairs,” ber sandwich before.” know we understand what they Smith said that if the budget (the name of the event) of the Mc- “I learned about the English face...otherwise paralysis and de- override question fails to pass, Cusker’s building in the former tea,” said student Alina Schmidt. moralization will set in and that the school would revert to the ballroom with its highly polished “It was fun, all the different teas, will only make matters worse.” previous year’s operating assess- wood fl oors. and the Boston Harbor teas.” Buckland-Shelburne Elemen- ment, requiring an additional The children of Tomasini’s Swem also enjoyed a cuppa, as tary (BSE) parent Jackie Walsh $800,000 in cuts and numerous SFI photo/Laura Rodley class, approximately 16 members, did Mohawk’s Superintendent of argued against providing the staff and faculty layoffs. She Morgan Mazanac of Shelburne gets ready to fi ll her cup of tea. beaming in anticipation, pleased Schools Michael Buoniconti. school committee closure author- added, that, with an approved fi s- ity. cal year 2007 budget, in tandem “If the school committee had with some additional revenues the power to close BSE it would recently received from the state, Ashfield ______from front page have happened in the fall,” she the school committee has been said. “I think it needs to be in given an additional year to study $240,000 next year.” ful change and long in coming,” Molly Robinson told residents Mary Ellen Abbatello ex- the townspeople’s hands, not the options in cutting costs. In 2007 the town will begin he said. that, of 59 classrooms in the four pressed concern that too much school committee’s hands.” “We’re not alone,” Finance payments for the new $1.3 million He added that although many elementary schools, by next year power was placed in the hands Echoing Walsh, Faith Williams Committee Chairman Gerry town garage. Depending on the towns cut their own school fund- 29 classrooms will be used, due of the school committee. She spoke of BSE as “a great school” Dubie told the assembly. “Every loan program, the town will pay ing in the wake of the economic to depopulation in the district. suggested that the authority pro- and added that, “as a realist,” she town in the state, every state in $70,000 to $95,000 annually. largesse, Ashfield maintained She added that $330,000 had vided by the amendments should knew that it may be closed. the union is coming up against Former Finance Committee the tax rate and ran a realistic already been cut from next year’s be shared with district boards of “But I’m not ready to abdicate this. We’ve got a system that, I Chairman Thomas Cranston budget. operating budget to meet the ap- selectmen. that decision when it has to be think, is broken...We as a com- cautioned voters that there was “Ninety thousand dollars is proval of district towns. In response Ulrich noted that made,” she said. “I trust the munity have to figure out how a worse fate if the school budget very responsible. It looks to the “So, again, we are reducing all school committee meetings school committee. I think that we can change this system.” didn’t pass in the majority of future,” he concluded. “We don’t some staff. We are reducing were open to the public and agen- they do a great job, but I think it’s Selectman Terry Dun explained district towns. The school would want to clean out our reserves.” some programs, but, really, it is das were routinely published in too early to make the decision.” that the Mohawk budget was the then go into a month-by-month The budget passed with a stopgap,” she said. local newspapers. “We have never acted as a re- only line item that exceeded fi nancial operation, or per month show of hands 140-15, with one MTRSD Superintendent Mi- “It’s not like it’s a hidden gional district,” Kevin Hollister costs beyond the Proposition 2½ funding, with fi nancing capped abstention. chael Buoniconti told residents process,” he said. “It’s a public said. “We’ve acted as individual tax cap. This year’s increase of at the previous year’s operat- that “if we didn’t have the fi- deal.” towns...If we’re a regional, let’s $180,000 would be met in part ing costs. That would mandate School amendments pass nancial crisis we have now, we Carter made an analogy to act as one, not as individual by the taxes; however, $81,500 more than $850,000 in further In preliminary remarks be- wouldn’t be talking about this.” indicate, in his opinion, how towns.” would require an override as it reductions. fore residents considered three He also made clear that he hamstrung the school committee Indecisive voters may have exceeded the town’s levy limit. “We were in that position once amendments to the MTRSD re- and the school committee “have presently is in attempting to ad- been swayed by Taylor’s fi nal re- He noted that school budgets before,” he said. “When Superin- gional agreement, Select Board heard a lot of scenarios, but there minister a $19 million operating marks, when she suggested that take up 56 percent of the town’s tendent Cormier was shown the member Rick Chandler spoke. is no plan [for a closure]. The fi - and capital budget. the school committee return “to annual costs. Earlier Dun had road out of town.” Serving his fi nal week in offi ce, nancial component is critical, but “It’s the same as putting water the drawing board and present noted that Shelburne’s $2.5 During that period, in the late he described himself as a “lame there’s no preconceived plan.” in a bathtub and giving them a another plan.” million fi scal year 2007 budget 1990s, the school budget was not duck bureaucrat with one last Underlining the student de- teaspoon to move it to a pail, and Despite school offi cials’ repeat- would add $1 per $1,000 of valua- approved until December. chance to talk on policy.” population numbers, Phil Pless then tying their hands,” he said. edly stating that no decision has tion to the average homeowner. Mary Fitz-Gibbon, who has He supported the amendments said that the new Sanderson “It will be messy, it will be ugly, been made as to which school, or It was clear that what Dun attended town meetings for and said that they “ask you to show Academy is designed for 300 pu- and it will be wasteful...If you’ve schools, may be closed, Taylor ap- called “a very complicated bud- 25 years, spoke against the a specifi c example of faith.” pils. When the former wood frame got a school committee, at least peared to suggest that a closure get” caused additional municipal override. The legal wording provides Sanderson Academy was vacated, change things around so they can of BSE would take place if the tightening. John Payne, a mem- “I’ve never been to a town authority to the MTRSD School there were 235 students. Current spend some money on education, amendment passed. ber of the Open Space Commit- meeting when things weren’t Committee to move students enrollment is 155 pupils. instead of facilities.” “You won’t be discussing it tee and candidate for selectman put in terms of crisis and pain from one school to another and There was opposition, however, Following a series of lengthy here,” she said. “It would be a in the June 12 election, explained and what would be lost if there to close a school with a two-thirds to the amendments. Richard Todd debates, all three of the amend- done deal, you’d be giving them to voters that two proposals, in were not enough money,” she majority vote. It also apportions, said that he was not sure if the ments passed by a majority voice the power.” aggregate of $10,000, had been said. She explained that taxes among the district towns, any dissolution of a town’s school vote. All remaining articles of the Before the vote was taken, withdrawn. The committee had were already “a huge burden” on ongoing capital costs a closed “constituted realism...It would be warrant also passed, creating a sought to split that requested many residents on fi xed incomes school may have. The proposal disastrous to the fabric of life in budget of $3.2 million. The sta- amount between Agricultural and for those who didn’t receive for school closure, or closures, is these communities. It is really to bilization account now stands at Preservation Restriction fund- annual increases in their wages. a cost-cutting measure. say to the state ‘we’re no longer $219,044 and surplus cash tallies ing and the land preservation Speaking in favor of the bud- School committee member a problem to you...’” to roughly $76,000. account. get, Ken Kipen asked “Are we a Heath Payne said that this year “in community here or are we not? ______from front page view of the very tight budget We need to support the schools. and very severe pressure on That’s the bottom line.” Buckland ______from front page everybody’s pocketbooks” the Tom Ulrich, a former school school committee, LECs and proposals would be shelved. He committee member who was dents, including senior Kati rate of “paid details” for police since you’ve only been with the town task force with regard to expressed hope that funding elected to a seat on the select Delaney. offi cers from the current rate of department for a year,” said Fox. education and funding problems” could be restored next year. board Saturday, explained that, “It breaks my heart when I $25 per hour to a rate similar to “This has never been personal.” in the Mohawk Trail Regional Voters did pass an Open Space during the administration of look at the programs being cut,” what state police receive at $37 “This is not their job. It’s a School District and “pledges its Contribution Account, which Michael Dukakis, the governor said Delaney. “When I fi rst came an hour. The motion ultimately part-time job they choose to support to carefully consider” all will receive bequests, grants and increased state funding to schools to Mohawk, we had so many ex- passed by a paper ballot vote take,” said Racz. proposed options in future. donations for land preservation. by 20 percent. tracurricular activities. I have 86-36. Police Chief Jim Hicks said A special town meeting to The formation of a fi ve member “That was a great and wonder- seen so many get cut through my Selectmen Stefan Racz and that the lower pay rate has been vote a budget for the coming fi s- Agricultural Commission was six years here. Kevin Fox did not support the a burden for him as area police cal year is now set for Saturday, also approved. “My little brother is two years motion, while Selectman Clay offi cers have been reluctant to June 17 at the Heath Elementary The Arms Library, with annual ing $50,000 from the town’s stabi- younger than I am, and I don’t Herbert supported the motion. work details in Buckland. Hicks School at 9 a.m. expenses of $59,673, may be re- lization account for the purchase want to see him lose his educa- Racz, citing a study conducted was satisfi ed with the outcome duced to three operating days a of a 2000 International dump tion,” said Delaney who then at Suffolk University, said that of the vote. week and closed Wednesdays. truck, Judd brought laughter. became overwhelmed with by using non-police fl aggers for “I’m pleased that it’s over,” The library assistant’s hours have The selectman said that the emotion and turned the micro- traffi c details, millions of dollars Hicks said. “I think the board of been halved and the director’s town’s aging dump truck can no phone over to Mohawk junior could be saved on construction selectmen are pleased that it’s • Eyeglasses job has been reduced by 15 longer pass annual testing. Allison Footit. projects, paid by contractors on over. It’s out of their hands, like • Eye Exams percent. “We were told by the inspec- “The college rate for Mohawk a state level. Racz also said that they wanted it to be. They put • Contact Lenses Voters agreed to a two-year tion station not to bring it back,” is absolutely incredible this not supporting the motion was it before the residents and they lease/purchase of a new John he said. The motion passed by a year,” said Footit. “I know that I not personal and didn’t refl ect approved it. I don’t consider this • Industrial Protective Deere loader for the highway de- majority. and most of my peers are incred- on what he saw as the character to be a problem. It’s a disagree- Eyewear partment which will cost $87,149 Early in the meeting, Judd ibly excited about going of the police force or the job that ment. This disagreement will after the town’s 12-year-old Cat- noted that this would be Dun’s to college.” its members perform. not change things. It’s the only erpillar is traded in. The funding “last town meeting in which he She asked that the budget “The paid detail rate has disagreement we’ve had with the will derive from state Chapter 90 sits...for a while, anyway.” be approved so that future stu- plagued the board of selectmen board of selectmen.” Stop squinting! road money. Refl ecting upon his nine years dents would have the educa- for years,” said Racz, adding that Hicks added that he “didn’t PROTECT YOUR EYES “Our equipment is moving to as a selectman, Dun referred to tional advantage to continue on by putting the issue for a vote like the idea of putting our laun- Come in and choose the other side of the ridge, for his tenure as “a privilege” and to college. before the town, he hoped the dry out to air in front of the from a vast array lack of a better phrase,” Select- told attendees he would “look Also representing Mohawk disagreement would be put to public.” of sunglasses man Joe Judd said. A few minutes forward to being on your side of was junior Keifer Gammell, who rest. As for other articles voted later, in making the case for draw- the fence.” said that he felt that cutting the Herbert rebutted the comments upon, a motion for the town to music program is ridiculous given made by Racz and explained his establish a committee to regu- the quality the program support for the motion, which late the atmospheric pollution, “For People Who Value Their Vision” possesses. lead to a contentious debate most notably from wood-burning Respect, Integrity, Compassion . . . Resident Bill Brewer asked between Herbert and the police stoves, was defeated. A survey 27 Bridge St., Shelburne Falls Buoniconti or a member of the and the two selectmen opposed. question that asked that the school committee to outline “This is 100 percent personal. Mohawk Trail Regional School 413-625-9898 40 Church Street, Shelburne Falls each staff member and program This is baloney,” said Herbert. District elementary schools be (413) 625-2121 to be cut, to which Buoniconti “We’ve got the lowest paid chief consolidated in an elementary SK Pamela J. Kelleher said that he felt it inappropri- in the county.” school building as opposed to ——— ate to list names; however, he Herbert acknowledged the dif- the high school building was de- Ç?YWdÊjiWo[dek]^WXekj 87 Franklin Street, Greenfi eld added that the cuts would be very fi culties faced by the Buckland feated in a vote of 41-36. A vote ^emldcYZg[jaVcY (413) 773-8853 unpleasant. police department and said they for no action to be taken was ap- jea^[i^c\_j_ijemeham_j^ Timothy P. Kelleher “There’s just no fat. We’re should be supported. proved by the town concerning a CWkh[[d$?ijWhj[Z_dZ_l_ZkWb trying to hold on to any muscle “You’re going to tell them motion for repairs to the highway Yekdi[b_d]m_j^^[hWdZ we’ve got left,” said Buoniconti. that they can’t make the money garage, as Dean explained that ^WZdjihiVcY^c\gZhjaih$ The vote to change the lan- that everybody else gets?” said not enough information about the ?Êl[d[l[h\[bjie]h[WjÈ guage in the school district agree- Herbert. “It doesn’t cost us any repairs could be provided by the Å86GDANCC>BHB8A:AA6C ment was questioned given its money.” time of the meeting. ™>cY^k^YjVa defeat by Shelburne voters [see Part-time police Offi cer Jason A motion to establish an ag- Cjig^i^dcVa story, page 1]. Larose described fi rst-hand the ricultural commission “to sup- 8djchZa^c\ “Does it make sense to even job that police offi cers perform port any and all agriculture vote on them since Shelburne and the responsibilities they pos- and farming activities in the ™;djg"LZZ` voted them down?” asked Town sess, such as informing people of town of Buckland” was approved LZ^\]iAdhh Moderator Phoebe Walker. “The a death of a loved one or possibly unanimously. VcY=ZVai]n answer is yes.” risking his own life, but ac- 8aZVchZ The town also voted in favor cepted the conditions under Special Town Meeting Ldg`h]deh Ag`fkgfÛ=mf]jYdÛ?ge] of spreading out any potential which he works. An hour before the annual ™8aVhhZhVcY ˆ%STˆ costs to close a school in the “I am not complaining. This town meeting, a special town Ldg`h]deh future across the school district, is something that I accept,” said meeting was held to vote on as opposed to allowing an indi- Larose. “I compliment Mr. Fox fi nancial issues concerning the &AMILY/WNED/PERATEDFOR/VER9EARS vidual town to accept the burden and Mr. Racz that their argu- present fi scal year. All articles !4RADITIONOF#ARING 0ERSONAL3ERVICE incurred from the potential clo- ments are consistent and clear, passed, including the transfer sures of school buildings result- and have been over the past eight of $1,620 to the police salaries ing in the cut off of aid from the years, but it lacks reason.” account at the request of Chief "RIDGE3TREET $EBRA*OHNSON "OLASKI state for their payment. Larose was quickly rebutted Hicks for reserve offi cer shifts to 3HELBURNE&ALLS -! $IRECTOR An issue that was hotly con- by Fox. maintain police presence in the +'*"'-*)    tested, even among selectmen, “I don’t know how you know town that he might otherwise not was the question of raising hourly about my position for eight years, be able to afford. page 8 • Shelburne Falls Independent • May 11–24, 2006 •

Program: A tree TURNERS FALLS by any other TUESDAY, SATURDAY, name: A Closer Look at Trees 16 20 with Gini Traub. Adults will learn MAY MAY CALENDAR that trees are punny (like funny) and children will learn that tree cookies are for exploring but not Concert: Chapel jazz Contra dance: Brad for eating. For school-aged chil- AMHERST ensemble: Under the GREENFIELD Foster calls with dren, their families and the child direction of UMass Amherst Pro- Randy Miller, fiddle; Allisone in all of us. 1-2 p.m. Free. Great fessor David Sporny, the Chapel First, fl ute; Eric Anderson, piano, Falls Discovery Center, 2 Avenue Jazz Ensemble will perform its and Tom Hodgson, piano. Begin- historical societies lack the funds literary readings today and on A. Information: (413) 863-3221; fi nal show of the 2005-2006 year. ners welcome; no partner needed. THURSDAY, to preserve their collections. Col- May 25th. She will be conducting 8 p.m.; Center Auditorium (note 8 p.m. $8; $6, students. Guiding 11 rain Historical Society member readings of poetry and prose that location change). $10; $5, students, Star Grange, 401 Chapman St. JoAnne Sherburne, proprietor of she has authored. She has been Historical preservation under 18, seniors. UMass Amherst Information: (413) 774-2830; www. MAY HATFIELD J H Sherburne Fine Arts, Portraits teaching in Franklin County for programs: Two presen- Department of Music. Information and Framing in Shelburne Falls, 18 years and is the author of three tations for members of historical and tickets: (413) 545-2511; www. Exhibit: Stu- will show how to select items to books of poetry and two memoirs. commissions in Hampshire and Fesival: Great SHELBURNE FALLS dent art: Young be saved, how to save them and She is also a frequent contributor Franklin Counties. Bonnie Parsons, TURNERS FALLS Falls Art Fest: artists demonstrate a variety of how to raise the necessary funds. to The Sun magazine and to Na- principal manager for historic Art and craft booths, live music, techniques and creativity at their Sherburne is a certified picture tional Public Radio. She also has preservation programs for the Pio- WEDNESDAY, and food. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; center annual gala art exhibit. 5-7 p.m. framer with experience in handling an ongoing creative writing course neer Valley Planning Commission, 17 open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Through Free. Buckland-Shelburne Regional objects for conservational fram- in Shelburne. 7 p.m. Free. Mocha and Christopher Skelly, director of MAY Wednesday, December 21. Great Elementary School, 75 Mechanic ing. 7 p.m., Brick Meeting House, Maya’s, 47 Bridge St. Information: local government programs for the Falls Discovery Center, 2 Avenue St. Information: (413) 625-2521; Route 112. Free. Colrain Historical (413) 828-1413; Massachusetts Historical Commis- A. Information: (413) 863-3221; Society. Information: beldenm@ mochamayas. sion. 1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Hatfi eld Film: Winter Congregational Church, 41 Main SHELBURNE FALLS Soldier: This Program: Conservation St. Free. Hatfi eld Historical Com- fi lm documents the “Winter Sol- Tour: Geology of COLRAIN of local antiques: A lot Reading: Genie mission. Information: (413) 247- dier Investigation” conducted TURNERS FALLS Turners Falls: To SHELBURNE FALLS FRIDAY, of local history is in jeopardy of Zeiger: Author 12 9853; frederickmartin1099@comcast. by Vietnam Veterans Against learn about regional geology top- loss because small museums and Genie Zeiger will be conducting MAY net. the War. More than 125 veterans ics ranging from dinosaur fossils give testimony to war crimes and and volcanic basalts to armored atrocities they either participated mud balls, join Steve Winters, Concert: Swing SUNDAY, in or witnessed. Documentary Discovery Center friend and local SHELBURNE FALLS Caravan: Gyp- 14 footage—often taken by the vet- geology columnist, for a 3-mile, The deck is open! sy jazz. 7 p.m. Free; tips appreci- MAY erans—supports their testimony. family-oriented tour around the Serving Mothers’ Day Breakfast, 8 a.m.–noon ated. Mocha Maya’s, 47 Bridge St. Local veterans will be present village. Begins at the Discovery Information: (413) 828-1413; www. for discussion. 95 minutes. Film Center lobby, moves outdoors to Concert: ““Connec- at the Arms Library, Bridge and explore the courtyard, and then on NORTHFIELD Friday, May 12 - Art Steele Band tions to the Earth”: Main Streets. Free. Reel World to mapping of sidewalk outcrops ic! Program: Chil- The NMH chorus will sing, among Documentary Film Series. Informa- and armored mud balls in Unity Live mus Saturday, May 13 - Mark Snow Band SHELBURNE FALLS Friday, May 19 - Jake Larkin Band dren’s health: other selections, Haydn’s four tion: (413) 625-9708; kaufmann@ Park. 1-2 p.m. Please wear walking Saturday, May 20 - David Soltz Franklin Medical Center and “Seasons,” which illustrate our shoes and dress for the weather. Ac- Franklin County libraries join integration with the cycle of life. cessible. Free; donations accepted. to present “Blood and Guts,” a The piece is a fugue, or a composi- Great Falls Discovery Center, 2 program designed to give elemen- tion in which a theme is extended THURSDAY, Avenue A. Information: (413) 863- tary school-age children a greater and developed mainly by imitative 18 3221; understanding of human anatomy, counterpoint. The World Music MAY to lessen fears about hospitals Combo will accompany the Alumni Walk: Be an ear- and health care and to encourage Choir and the Concert Choir for “It GREENFIELD ly bird: Join Pat Just a 10 mile ride from Shelburne Falls! continuing exploration of the sci- Takes a Village” by Joan Szymko. Multimedia Serrentino on this morning bird TURNERS FALLS Dinners 5–9 weekdays, until 10 weekends ence resources available at their Organ player Karen Guthrie will presentation: walk at Poet’s Seat Tower and Lunches Wednesday–Monday from 11:30 a.m., Tuesday from 3 p.m. local library. This is a hands-on accompany the Alumni Choir for Habitats, birds, and migration: Rocky Mountain Park and look Children’s Menu • Open 7 nights a week program in which participants the exuberant “Psalm 150: Praise Photographer Shawn Carey will for spring migrants on the trails 141 Buckland Rd. • Ashfield, MA • 628-0158 visit nine stations, each represent- Ye the Lord” by Cesar Franck. illustrate the diversity of habitats, at this well-known local hot spot ing another aspect of health care. 2:30 p.m., auditorium, Northfi eld birds, and animals found in the for birds. If conditions are right, Refreshments and prizes. 6-8 p.m. campus. Free. Northfield Mount watersheds of New England. 7-9 you’ll see migrating warblers, Free. Arms Library, Bridge and Hermon School. Information: (413) p.m. Accessible. Cosponsored by vireos, thrushes, raptors, and local Main streets. Information: (413) 498-3000; Silvio O. Conte National Fish and resident birds. 8 a.m.; meet at the Bring this ad to the diner and save 10 percent! 625-0306; [email protected]. Wildlife Refuge and the Friends of parking lot adjacent to Mountain Event: Free the Great Falls Discovery Center. Road. Free. Deerfield River Wa- SHELBURNE FALLS trolley rides Free; donations accepted. Great tershed Association. Information, SATURDAY, for moms: Celebrate Mother’s Falls Discovery Center, 2 Avenue registration (required), and di- 13 Day with a ride on the historic A. Information: (413) 863-3221; rections: (413) 772-0520; pserr@ MAY #10 trolley. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free for mothers. $2.50, other adults; $1.25, ages 6-12; free for kids 5 and under. Performance: Dance pro- Benefi t: Giant tag sale: Concert: Student com- Shelburne Falls Trolley Museum, GILL gram distills drama from HAWLEY Second annual indoor AMHERST posers: New works 14 Depot St. (at the freightyard). daily life: Impetus, the spring tag sale on May 20. Fun for the written by UMass Amherst music Information: (413) 625-9443; www. dance performance from the dance whole family. Food and drinks students. 4 p.m.; Bezanson Recital companies at Northfield Mount available. Proceeds support the Hall. Free. UMass Amherst Depart- Hermon School, gathers moments Sons and Daughters of Hawley Accepting takeout orders ment of Music. Information: (413) Concert: Local compos- from our daily lives and distills building restoration fund. drive. 9 AMHERST 545-2511; ers: Singers from three from them music and movement. 7 a.m.-4 p.m. at Old Boys Club build- Call ahead for fast service choral ensembles will be sharing p.m., Grandin Auditorium, Mount ing in the center of East Hawley. Beautify state parks the stage as the chamber choir, Hermon Campus. Through Tuesday, Also May 27 and 28. Through GOSHEN with Park-Serve Day: chorale, and women’s choir of the December 20. $5; $2, NMH stu- Wednesday, December 21. Free. Mohawk Diner First annual Park-Serve Day, a UMass Amherst Department of dents, faculty and staff. Northfi eld Sons and Daughters of Hawley. large-scale volunteer effort to Music & Dance perform under the Mount Hermon School. Informa- Information: (413) 339-0124; beth- at the Arrowhead Shops beautify and protect Massachusetts direction of Professor E. Wayne tion and reservations: (413) 498- [email protected]. state parks, forests and reserva- Abercrombie and graduate student 3017; 1105 Mohawk Trail, Shelburne tions. Other sites include Mount Jeffrey Kempskie. Editor’s note: Concert: Ka- Tom State Reservation in Holyoke, We inadvertently listed this event Gathering: SHELBURNE FALLS tie Clark Trio: Open Monday–Friday 5 a.m.–3 p.m. Pittsfi eld State Forest in Pittsfi eld on the wrong date in the last issue. SHELBURNE FALLS Open mic Katie Clarke and her band mix and Greylock Glen in Adams. Or- Fine Arts Center Concert Hall. $10; night: Come show off your talent! 8 traditional country and bluegrass Saturday and Sunday 6 a.m.–3 p.m. ganized by the Massachusetts $5, students, under 18, senior citi- p.m. Free. Mocha Maya’s, 47 Bridge traditionals with contemporary DINNER SERVED Department of Conservation and zens. UMass Amherst Department St. Information: (413) 828-1413; originals. 7:30 p.m. Free; tips ap- Recreation (DCR), in cooperation of Music. Information: (413) 545- preciated. Mocha Maya’s, 47 Bridge Friday and Saturday 4–9 p.m. with the Student Conservation As- 2511; St. Information: (413) 828-1413; sociation (SCA) Massachusetts 625-6643 • [email protected] Parks AmeriCorps Program. Volun- Concert: Sarah FRIDAY, teers will be working with trained SHELBURNE FALLS Lee Guthrie Benefit: An- Michael Ryan, Proprietor 19 SHELBURNE FALLS SCA AmeriCorps members, and and Johnny Irion with Mark Erelli: MAY nual Bridge of persons of all ages and abilities are This husband-and-wife duo (www. Flowers Plant Sale: Sale features welcome. Volunteers may come and “strike a perennials divided from the Bridge go as they please, but are encour- collaboration of musical richness Poetry and and other local gardens, nursery aged to arrive at the campground and psychological depth that is ir- SHELBURNE FALLS prose reading propagated wildfl owers from Hill- parking lot at 9 a.m. for greetings refutable proof that the disarming series: Third Friday Open Poetry side Nursery, geraniums, specially Honda. Built To Last. and instructions. Free. D.A.R. State granddaughter of Woody/daughter and Prose series. Refreshments. selected garden-inspired art and Forest, Route 112. Information: of Arlo and the prodigious South 7 p.m., downstairs reading room. other items of interest to the avid EU1000iA2 (413) 339-6631; Carolinian quite naturally bring Free. Arms Library, Bridge and gardener. Editor’s note: The Inde- • 1000 Watts (8.3 A) of Honda Inverter 120V AC Power • Eco-Throttle™ - Runs Up to 8.3 Hours on 0.6 gal. of Fuel connectandserve. out the best in each other,” Hill- Main streets. Information: (413) pendent inadvertently listed this town Folk coordinator Gayle Olson 625-0306; [email protected]. event on the wrong date in our Center School 25th writes. Mark Erelli (www.marker- last issue. Rain or shine at green GREENFIELD anniversary celebra- also provides honky-tonk Open house: Camp between Main and Water streets. tion: Work day (noon-4 p.m.), alum- and western swing. 7:30 p.m. $15, SHELBURNE Apex: Open House Free. Shelburne Falls Women’s ni gathering (2-4 p.m.), presenta- advance; $17, at door; $10, stu- for families with children ages 5-14 Club. Information: Julie Petty, tions (4-5 p.m.), potluck dinner (5 dents. Hilltown Folk, 51 Bridge years old. The camp director and (413) 625-9830. p.m.), music (6 p.m.), and winding St. (Memorial Hall). Information specialty staff will be available down with a campfi re, songs and and tickets: (413) 625-6878; www. for tours and to answer any ques- stories (7 p.m.) Noon. Free. Green- tions about Camp Apex, which is SUNDAY, $729 fi eld Center School, 71 Montague located on 13 acres of forest, fi eld 21 City Rd. Information: (413) 773- Concert: Espresso and streams. Families can try some CHARLEMONT MAY FG110 1700; Jazz: Entertain- archery, play games, check out the • 9” Tilling Width - Weighs Less Than 27 lbs.! • Powerful Honda Mini Engine Runs on Regular Gas ment in the banquet room for obstacle course and complete a Concert: Wild- Mother’s Day with Espresso Jazz craft project. Snacks. Drawing for Discussion: • Optional Attachments Include Aerator, Border/Edger, SHELBURNE FALLS SHELBURNE FALLS Digging Tines and Dethatcher wood: Wild- (, provid- a free week of summer camp at any “Meditation wood blends adult contemporary ing jazz standards and blues. 11 one of the Y’s four camps. 5-8 p.m. and Theater: Being Here Now – on folk, bluegrass and pop, playing a.m.-3 p.m. No cover. Charlemont Camp Apex, Peckville Road, 200 Stage and in Meditation”: Jean- everything from originals to covers Inn, Route 2. Information and yards off Route 2. YMCA Greenfi eld, Claude van Itallie, award-winning ranging from Nickel Creek to Jack- reservations: (413) 339-5796; www. 451 Main St. Information: (413) playwright, longtime Buddhist son Browne. 7 p.m. Free; tips appre- 773-3646; practitioner and an early student ciated. Mocha Maya’s, 47 Bridge St. of Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, Information: (413) 828-1413; www. Concert: Brook will redefi ne performance, includ- $ SHELBURNE FALLS 349 MONDAY, Batteau: Brook ing acting, singing and dancing as Batteau mixes rock with folk, jazz joyful practices given by the gods HRR216TDA 15 Hike: Northfi eld MAY and blues infl uences. 7 p.m. Free; and available to all. He will inves- • Three Speed, Self-Propelled Rear Bagging/Mulcher TURNERS FALLS Bird Trip: Join tips appreciated. Mocha Maya’s, tigate using theater techniques as • Exclusive Twin Blade Honda Quadracut System Friends of the Great Falls Discov- 47 Bridge St. Information: (413) forms of meditation in action, and ery Center and members of the Discussion: Economic 828-1413; the parallel usefulness of being AMHERST Athol Bird and Nature Club as club inequality: “The Grow- chamayas. aware of breathing in meditation, founder and trip leader Bob Coyle ing Economic Divide: Inequality in “performance” and in life. He leads the 43rd Annual Northfi eld and the Roots of Economic Inse- Movie: King defines enlightenment as being Bird Trip. Meet at the Northfi eld curity” asks, “What can we do to SHELBURNE FALLS Kong: See the fully present in the moment, and Country Club. 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. help create a movement for a Fair original, classic version of the will suggest how to attend to the Free. Friends of the Great Falls Economy?” Facilitated by Prakash beauty-and-the-beast tale. A fi lm physical body and to train it as a Discovery Center. Information: Laufer, board member UFE, ex- crew on a remote tropical island means of being more present. Van $419 (978) 249-6083. CEO of Motherwear, and dancer; brings a giant ape back to civiliza- Itallie is founder and artistic direc- and Felice Yeskel, codirector Class tion. The beast falls in love with tor of Shantigar, an educational Walks: Birding Action, founder UFE, and cochair, the blonde Fay Wray and wreaks foundation for theater, meditation TURNERS FALLS Frank LaBelle’s Sales & Service Inc. hot spots: Silvio Tikkun Olam Committee of the havoc on . Amazing and healing in Rowe. 1-3 p.m. O. Conte National Fish & Wildlife JCA and co-author of Economic special effects with mythic conclu- Sunday morning sitting medita- 296 Ashfield Road (Rte 112) Buckland,MA 01338 Refuge staff will lead walks start- Apartheid in the US. Dessert pot- sion at Empire State Bldg. Ernest tion to follow (bring lunch, drinks 413-625-2101 ing at the Great Falls Discovery luck; coffee and tea will be pro- B. Schoedsack, Robert Armstrong. provided). Free. Shelburne Falls Center to explore local birding hot vided. 7-9 p.m., Social Hall. Free. Directed by Merian C. Cooper. Shambhala Center, 71B Ashfi eld spots. Binoculars and fi eld guides Jewish Community of Amherst, 1933. Unrated. 103 minutes, black- St. Information: (413) 625-2982; recommended but not required. 742 Main St. Information: (413) and-white. 7:30 p.m. Through Tues- [email protected]. Dress for the weather. 10 a.m. and 256-0160; day, December 20. $6 at the door 2 p.m. Free and accessible. Great or one prepurchased ticket. Pothole Concert: North- SHELBURNE FALLS Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Falls Discovery Center, 2 Avenue Pictures, 51 Bridge St. (Memorial side Saxo- Consult a qualified electrician. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner’s manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. (c) 2006 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. A. Information: (413) 863-3221; Hall). Information: (413) 625-2896; phone Quartet: A mix of swing, ragtime, classical, Celtic, modern Shelburne Falls Independent • May 11–24, 2006 • • page 9

PROPERTY TRANSFERS and motown all played with saxo- Reading: Genie phones. Noon. Free; tips appreci- SHELBURNE FALLS Zeiger: See en- Ashfi eld ated. Mocha Maya’s, 47 Bridge St. try for May 11. 7 p.m. Free. Mocha Papoose Lake Dr. Transferred on and Ute Stebich of Plainfield Jean Paul Migeon of Shelburne. Information: (413) 828-1413; www. Maya’s, 47 Bridge St. Information: • Wayne M. Bilger of May 4 for $45,000. to David M. Briggs and Bettie Property: Skinner Road. (413) 828-1413; Easthampton to James M. H. Briggs of Melrose. Property: Transferred on April 29 for mochamayas. Bilger and Thomas S. Bilger of Plainfi eld Prospect Street. Transferred on $110,000. Easthampton, Glenn J. Bilger of April 28 for $15,000. • Glenn R. Nichols of Deerfi eld WEDNESDAY, Pittsfi eld, and Maryann Lafl am • Karl Mitterbauer and Susanne and Ward W. Nichols of Shelburne 24 FRIDAY, of Easthampton. Property: Bird Mittenbauer of Ridgewood, Shelburne to Marc C. Carcio and Katherine MAY 26 Hill Road. Transferred on April N.Y. to Charles O. Nickel J. Moynihan of Charlemont. MAY 24 for $1. and Katherine S. Nickel of • Marie S. Van Dyck and Anthony Property: 3 Bardwells Ferry Easthampton. Property: 238 N. C. Van Dyck of Skowhegan, Maine Rd. and Old Mohawk Trail. Film: Hidden Buckland Central St. Transferred on March to Joseph A. Trainor and Eileen J. Transferred on May 3 for SHELBURNE FALLS in Plain Sight: HELBURNE FALLS Concert: 16 for $40,000. Trainor of Chelmsford. Property: $152,000. Documentary on U.S. foreign policy SSwing Caravan: Swing Caravan • David C. Brooks of Greenfi eld, • George Tkachuk of Andover Old Gorge Road (transfer also in Latin America and its use of returns to play their engaging trustee of Western New England to Natalie Tkachuk of Windsor includes 620 Colrain Rd. in The School of the Americas at Fort upbeat renditions of Django Re- Trust V, of Greenfield, to Greg Locks, Conn. Property: 17 Stetson Greenfi eld). Transferred on April Benning, Ga. to implement this inhardt and Gypsy Jazz classics. 7 E. Stacy and Krista A. Schatz of Ave. Property transferred on 26 for $702,500. policy. Noam Chomsky, Eduardo p.m. Free; tips appreciated. Mocha Whately. Property: 15 Hodgen April 25 for $1. • Heath R. Hutchinson and Galeano, Christopher Hitchins and Maya’s, 47 Bridge St. Information: Rd. Transferred on April 28 for • Ruby Goodnoff of Plainfi eld Elisha Poulin of Greenfield to Michael Parenti address issues of (413) 828-1413; $175,000. militarism, globalization, national mochamayas. • Peter A. Bravmann of security and international terror- Shelburne to Andrew P. Soles ism. Community members who and Catherine A. Dollard of No obituaries were submitted for this issue of the Independent. We take this as good news. have participated in the campaign Williamsburg. Property: 62 North to close the School will be present St. Transferred on May 1 for for discussion. 71 minutes. 7 p.m. $325,000. RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY Free. Reel World Documentary Sweetheart to be Film Series. Information: (413) Charlemont 625-9708; [email protected]. sold at auction First Congregational Church, UCC: 9:45 a.m. Offi ce hours: Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m.–noon. • Joshua D. Smith and Jenna ASHFIELD Rev. Kate Stevens, Main Street, at the church. Women’s Group: 2 p.m., second SHELBURNE FALLS—The L. Smith of Heath to JJ Smith (413)628-4470; Monday. Executive Committee: 7:30 p.m., fi rst THURSDAY, future of the former Sweetheart Properties, L.L.C., principal place church/. Q GENERAL INFORMATION: Sunday School for Wednesday. Communion on the first Sunday of 25 Restaurant once again hangs in of business in Heath. Property: children in kindergarten through grade six led each month. MAY the balance at press time. 97 Main St. Transferred on April by Maryellen Abbatiello, minister of children’s Today, Wednesday, May 10, the 5 for $1. education. Child care is provided for preschool- All Souls Church: Jonathan Reh- historic landmark will be sold • Edward W. Lively of ers, and there is a nursery from which you can GREENFIELD mus, minister; 399 Main St., (413) Talk and walk: at public auction after mort- Charlemont to Thomas R. Library listen to the service on intercom. Coffee hour, 773-5018; Q GENERAL INFORMA- TURNERS FALLS Whip-poor-wills gage holder Dena Willmore of of Charlemont. Property: Heath with fair trade coffee served, follows worship. TION: All Souls is a non-creedal church in which of the Montague Plains: Dave Buckland foreclosed on the prop- Stage Terrace. Transferred on Q UPCOMING SERVICES AND EVENTS: Sunday, May 14 is members are encouraged to develop their own Small, president of the Athol Bird erty, bought in 2005 by Elizabeth May 2 for less than $1. Choir Sunday. The music program will include philosophies of life in the light of conscience, a and Nature Club, will give a talk Sheehan of Shelburne Falls and Psalm 23 by Randall Thompson, led by Margery liberal religious tradition and experience. Uni- and lead a walk on whip-poor-wills. Alicia mith and Kostas “Boolie” Conway Heins, Music Directr; accompanied by tarian-Universalists treasure the universal truths Co-sponsored the Athol Bird and Argyropoulos of Jamaica Plain. taught by great teachers of humanity in every Nature Club. Meet at Great Falls The three are offi cers of Sweet- • Virginia Crafts of Conway, my Crawford, Organist. Sunday School for age and tradition. Q SCHEDULE: Sunday services, Discovery Center for the talk, heart Connections L.L.C. individually and as trustee of the Achildren ages three to twelve led by Maryel- 10:30 a.m. then hike through the Montague The trio has been trying to sell Phillip A. Crafts Trust, to David len Abbatiello, Minister of Children’s Education. Sandplains to see and hear these the building, asking $610,000. P. Thibault and Faith Thibault We also have a Nursery where ou can listen to the Unity in the Pioneer Valley: Rev. Car- unusual birds. Accessible. 7-9 p.m. It has been estimated that the of Conway. Property: Shelburne service with your infant. Please stay for coffee GREENFIELD ol Kelshaw. 322 Deerfield St., (413) Free; donations accepted. Great building needs an estimated $1.3 Falls Road (no street number; hour following worship. Fair trade coffee will 774-5552; Q GENERAL Falls Discovery Center, 2 Avenue million in repairs and improve- transfer also includes land in be served. Friday, May 12, 7 pm - Celebration INFORMATION: Association of Unity Churches Inter- A. Information: (413) 863-3221; ments to bring the distressed Buckland). Transferred on April Party. The second annual Celeration of the State national: “Unity is positive, practical Christianity.” inn to modern-day building 20 for $232,500. Supreme Court’s decision Affi rming Equality in As a gift to those who are chemically sensitive, standards. • Frank R. Riordan of Conway Marriage. Please join us for an evening of fun the congregation strives to be a scent free to Heidi L. Riorden of Conway. and inspiration for the journey ahead. Please community. Q SCHEDULE: Sunday services, 10 Property: 88 Pleasant St. bring partners, family & friends, insturments a.m.; child care is available from 9:50 to 11:15; Transferred on April 28 for $1 and voices, poems and readings, fi nger foods or youth education/Sunday school, 10–11 a.m. “A desserts. Our celebration is open to everyone. Course in Miracles” class meets every Sunday Hawley Saturday, May 20, 9 am - Annual Plant Sale. (No noon–1p.m. Caroline Wenck and Don Wheeler 1745 Route 2 E. Charlemont • earlybirds please.) Sunday, May 21 - Coffee Hour are the facilitator. Class: The Quest, Thursdays, • Tanya Zoe Bryant of Hawley to will be at Wilderbrook Farm in Charlemont. 7 p.m. Q UPCOMING SERVICES AND EVENTS: We will Tanya Zoe Bryant and Margaret E. continue a four-part series based on the book “I Fitzpatrick of Hawley. Property: St. John’s Episcopal Church: Rev. Jane of the Storm.” Rev. Carol Kelshaw’s Mother’s Day Mother’s Day 35 Forget Rd. Transferred on April ASHFIELD Dunning; Main Street, (413) 628-4402. lesson will be “Sacred Marriage” and for May 21 27; no monetary consideration. Q UPCOMING SERVICES AND EVENTS: Wednesday, April the topic will be “Who is the Enemy.” 26: Offi ce hours, 10-11:30. Sunday, April 30: Holy We are serving Breakfast Buffet 8 am-noon Heath Eucharist 10 a.m. Visit of Bishop. Heath Union Church: 5 East Main St., HEATH (413) 337-4845. Q SCHEDULE: Sunday • Russell Manz, administrator of First Congregational Church of services, 10 a.m. Dinner 1-5 BUCKLAND the estate of Margaret A. Sykes, Buckland, UCC (Mary Lyon Church): also known as Margaret A. Ress, to Rev. Dr. Kenneth R. Downes, acting pastor. 17 Upper Rowe Community Church: 294 Zoar Rd. ROWE Call 625-6200 for information or reservations Heidi Williams of Colrain, Robin St., (413) 625-9440. Q SCHEDULE: Worship service (413) 339–4222. Tower of Charlemont, and Russell on Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Manz of Bernardston. Property: Communion, first Sunday of the month. Q UPCOM- First Congregational Church SHELBURNE 8 West Main St. Transferred on ING SERVICES AND EVENTS: Sunday, May 14: Mother’s of Shelburne: Phyllis Evelyn, pas- April 27 for $115,000. Day, Spaghetti Sauce Sunday. Folks attending tor; 22 Church Commons, Common Road; (413) • Darryl McCloud, also known the service are asked to bring spaghetti sauce 625–0028; [email protected]. Q GENERAL INFORMA- Wilder Brook Farm as Daryll McCloud, of Colrain for distribution at the Hilltown Food Pantry. TION: Handicap accessible. Audio amplification (for Community Supported Agriculture to William Southers and Maria Acting pastor Rev. Dr. Kenneth Downes will be the hearing impaired). Q SCHEDULE: Sundays, 10 —— Southers of Heath. Property: 1 speaking about: “Her Heart Was Filled With a.m.; Sunday School, 10:15-11 a.m. Social hour Compassion” 1 Kings 3:16-28, Sunday, May 21: follows at the church hall. Child care is available 10 minutes from Shelburne Falls Children’s Sunday. Potluck worship: a collec- during the service. We have shares available tion of poems, readings, special music, and art. Potluck lunch and All Committee Meeting. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s —— SHELBURNE FALLS John and Kate, 625-6967 Witnesses: 412 Mohawk Trail, Charlemont Federated Church: 175 (413) 625-2976. Q SCHEDULE: Services on Sundays, CHARLEMONT Main St., (413) 339-4294. Q GEN- 10 a.m.; Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m., and Thursdays, 7:30 ERAL INFORMATION: Child care is provided for young p.m. Home Bible studies available. children during the worship service and coffee is served afterward. Sunday School for children Seventh–day Adventist will be held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the SHELBURNE FALLS Church: Ashfield Street, (413) month at the same time as the worship service. 625–2489. Choir practices are held on Saturdays at 4 p.m. and Sundays at 9 a.m. To join, call Esther Haskell Shelburne Falls Shambala SHELBURNE FALLS at 339-4282. Q SCHEDULE: Worship service on Meditation Center: Tony and Sundays, 9:30 a.m. Gisela Walker, 71b Ashfield St. (413) 625–2982; [email protected]. Q GENERAL INFORMATION: Community Bible Church: Rev. Mi- Beginners are welcome. Q SCHEDULE: Sundays, CHARLEMONT chael Looman; 108 Main St., (413) 10 a.m.–noon, meditation. Q UPCOMING CLASS: 339-4488. Q GENERAL INFORMATION: A Baptist Gen- “Pema Chodren: No Tome To Lose.” Join us for eral Conference Church. Child care is available another class on the teachings of Shantideva during all worship services. Q SCHEDULE: Tuesdays: on Patience brought close to our lives today by 7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous open meeting. Pema Chodren, popular Buddhist author and Wednesdays: 8 a.m. and 7 p.m.: Fire and Reign nun. Her profound commentaries on working Prayer. 6 p.m.: Community Supper, followed by with our own aggression and promoting pa- Small Group Bible Study and Prayer at 7 p.m. tience and appreciation for those who irritate Sundays: 10:30 a.m. worship service. 10:30 a.m. us always go right to the heart of our daily King Kong Sunday School and Junior Church, for children experience. The class will use audio tapes and POTHOLE in grades six and under. will meet Tuesday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 9 May 19-20 p.m., May 9 for 6 weeks.A $5 donation per class Maranatha Bible Chapel: Rev. Paul is welcome but not required. Call or e-mail for PICTURES 7:30PM CHARLEMONT Norcross, 1977 Main St., Mohawk more information. Directed by Merian C. Cooper. 1933. NR. 103 Trail. (413) 625–9284 or (413) 339-8630; www. On the big screen Q SCHEDULE: Sunday services, 10:30 St. Joseph Parish: Father John min. b&w. SHELBURNE FALLS in beautiful a.m. Tuesday Bible Study, 2 p.m. Tuesday prayer Roach. 34 Monroe Ave., (413) Shelburne Falls See the original, classic version of the beauty and healing night, 7 p.m. Sermons broadcast 625–6405. Q SCHEDULE: Mass on Sundays, 8 a.m. at the historic and the beast tale as a film crew on a remote Sundays, 2 p.m. on WPLV (107.9 FM). and 10:30 a.m. and 8 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, MEMORIAL tropical island brings a giant ape back to Wednesdays. Confessions: Sundays, 9:45 a.m. and Colrain Community Church: Pastor first Thursday of the month, 7 p.m. HALL civilization. The beast falls in love with the COLRAIN THEATER Robert Szafran; 306 Main Rd., (413) blonde Fay Wray and wreaks havoc on New SCHEDULE: 51 Bridge St. 624-3808 or (413) 624-3840. Q Services: The Tiferet Center: Rachel York City. Amazing special effects with mythic Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Weekly offi ce hours: Tuesday, SHELBURNE FALLS Cohen-Rottenberg and Bob (above town hall) conclusion at Empire State Bldg. This original 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday and Saturday 9 a.m. Rottenberg; 71 Ashfield St. (Shambhala Medita- —— SCHEDULE version is still the best. Ernest B. Schoedsack, to noon, and by appointment. tion Center). (413) 624-3921. Q : Shab- $6 at the door bos morning services, 10 a.m., fi rst and third or 1 prepurchased ticket Robert Armstrong. First Baptist Church of Colrain: Rev. Saturdays of each month. Potluck lunch and COLRAIN Robert W. Peck; Foundry Village Road, Torah study follow the service on the fi rst Sat- (413) 624–8886. Q SCHEDULE: Sunday school for urday of each month. Food Bank donations of everybody: Sundays, 9:15 a.m. Worship service: non-perishable food items are accepted at all We insure boats Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Prayer meeting: Wednes- Shabbos morning services. • Homeowners • Business Owners days, 7 p.m. Quaker Worship Group: Holly and motorcycles St. John’s the Baptist Catholic: Church SHELBURNE FALLS Iglesias; 28 Elm St., (413) 625- COLRAIN • Contractors • Workers’ Compensation Street; (413) 625–6405. Q GENERAL INFOR- 2451. Q SCHEDULE: Meeting for worship followed Bring in or fax your current policy MATION: A mission of St. Joseph Parish, Shelburne by potluck supper and fellowship is held on the • Auto (Personal & Commercial) Falls Q SCHEDULE: Mass: Saturdays, 4 p.m. fourth Sunday of each month at 6 p.m. for free quote (413-625-9473) St. Mark’s Catholic: Delabarre Avenue; Trinity Church: Rev. David Neil; CONWAY SHELBURNE FALLS (413) 665–4535. Q GENERAL INFORMA- 17 Severance St., (413) 625- TION: A mission of St. James Parish, South 2341. Q GENERAL INFORMATION: Multidenominational Insuring what we care most about in West County Deerfield. Q SCHEDULE: Call for Mass schedule. congregation (Congregational, Episcopal, Baptist and Methodist). Q SCHEDULE: Sunday worship, Locally owned • Personal service United Congregational Church Rev. 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. Fridays: Free community CONWAY Dr. Candice M. Ashenden; 44 Whately meal, open to all. 5 p.m., coffee and fellowship; MIRICK INSURANCE AGENCY Rd., P.O. Box 214, (413) 369–4040; www.uccweb- 5:30 p.m., meal served in Fellowship Hall. Q GENERAL INFORMATION: Special services are held to celebrate holidays Religious groups in the West County area are wel- P.O. Box 375 • 28 Bridge St. • Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 throughout the year. Universally accessible. come to list their services and events here free of Audio amplification available. SCHEDULE: Wor- charge. Send to us at 8 Deerfield Ave., Shelburne Tel: 413-625-9437 • Fax 413-625-9473 • ship service: Sundays, 9:30 a.m. Sunday school: Falls, MA 01370 or [email protected]. page 10 • Shelburne Falls Independent • May 11–24, 2006 •

Cystic fibrosis walk on May 21 On 625-9914 New music venue The House SHELBURNE FALLS— The brosis Foundation, whose Mas- Builders begins in Ashfi eld seventh annual Shelburne Falls sachusetts/Rhode Island chapter “Great Strides” walk to raise is organizing the walk, more than money and awareness in the 30,000 people live with the fatal, Specializing in Interior Renovations By Laura Rodley fi ght against cystic fi brosis will genetic disease that causes the • kitchens and bathrooms laura@sfi take place Sunday, May 21 at the body to produce abnormally ——— Buckland/Shelburne Regional thick, sticky mucus that clogs • single rooms to entire homes ASHFIELD—A Plainfi eld cou- Elementary School. the lungs and can result in fatal • additions — porches — dormers ple is bringing music to town in Check-in begins at 1 p.m., and lung infections. The mucus also • full-service renovation services two ways — with a music store the walk starts at 2 p.m. obstructs the pancreas, causing • What would you like to do? that will soon sell folk instruments, Both this walk and the walk diffi culty for the person to absorb and with a new series of public in South Deerfield at Frontier nutrients. Call today for an estimate performances in the Town Hall. Regional School are in memory For more information, contact The Hunger Mountain Boys and of Kurt Metzler and Greg Bielski the foundation at (800) 966-0444 5 Bridge St., Shelburne Falls • [email protected] Boulder Acoustic Society came to and in honor of Audrey Clark. or visit Ashfield Town Hall on April 26 According to the Cystic Fi- for the first of “Maude’s Closet Concerts,” sponsored by Maude’s Music. Both groups wowed a crowd of fi fty. Jamie Bishop and Daniel Frank, the husband-and-wife owners and creators of the series and the store, said they have been working to- Classifi ed Ads ward a musical venue for Ashfi eld for a few years. “Last year we started seriously,” ANIMALS FOR RENT FOR SALE SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES Bishop said. “We started at a festi- X X X X X X val level and were looking to take PIONEER VALLEY NEWLY RENOVATED HOUSE BUY NOW AND SAVE! Un- PIANO TUNING AND RE- WISDOM WAY SELF STOR- WRITING COACH/TUTOR/ that forward, as a storefront.” HUMANE SOCIETY in Buckland, 3BR, 2 Baths, seasoned hardwood fire- PAIRS. Dave Locke, 413- AGE. Safe, clean, secure. EDITOR. All ages. Experience Maude’s Music will open in the 155 French King Hwy $1,400+, no pets. (413) wood. Cut, split, delivered. 634-0130, drlocke@map. “We’ll keep your stuff buff!” with homeschoolers. Weekly last days of May at 347 Main St., SFI photos/Laura Rodley Greenfield, 413-773-3148 625 8383. $150 cord. 339.5322. com. Greenfi eld, 775-9333. creative writing workshops. the blue house next to Countrypie Part of the trio Hunger Mountain Edite Cunhã, MFA, Iron Bridge Pizza, Boys, Kip Beacco and Teddy Tetlow All pets are spayed/neu- APARTMENT FOR RENT- REPRINTS OF ALMOST ANY Writing Studio, 413 625-6987. The name of the venture de- Weber, play at the Ashfi eld Town tered and Vaccinated Great, large 1 bedroom in INDEPENDENT PHOTO- [email protected] rives from Bishop’s favorite scene Hall. Here Beacco plays a mando- Accepting pets by appoint- country. $1,000 includes GRAPH for your personal in a movie Harold and Maude, a lin and Weber plays a guitar. ments only. heat, cable, broadband. Call photo album. Really, really 1971 cult fi lm about a love affair Daniel 413.625.8137 nice, and in their original CHOCOLATE LABS, ready between an eccentric, much-older playing, and teaching they make color. $10 for 5x7, $15 for 6/3. Four male. Smart, ex- woman (played by Ruth Gordon their living. The BAS are back in X FOR SALE 8x10. photos@sfi ndepen- cellent disposition, great as Maude) and a young man (Bud the area in last August.”, 625-8297. fi eld trial, and hunting pedi- SEA KAYAKS, CANOES! Cort as Harold). The Hunger Mountain Boys New gree. Hips, eyes guaran- “Maude asks Harold if he plays played early country music from and used, mtn bikes, sales, X FREE teed. $650. 413-624-5115. an instrument,” Bishop said. “She the 1920s, ’30s and ’40s, put through repairs, rentals. Berkshire reaches into a closet and begins a time capsule and adapted to 2006 Outfitters, Rt. 8, Adams. FREE HORSE MANURE in pulling out instruments, and says with injections of rock, fusion, jazz, X FOR RENT 413-743-5900. Conway. You take away. 625-6588. to Harold, ‘Everyone needs to play blues and folk. SHELBURNE FALLS LADIES’ 26-INCH MAGNA. a little music.’” When Boulder Acoustic Soci- Large, bright fi rst-fl oor in 10-speed bicycle. Excel- X INSTRUCTION In selecting the music for their ety came onstage, Aaron Keim village, walk to everything! lent condition. $50 or best concerts, Bishop said, the duo uses quipped, “Our instruments come Updated with period charm offer. Call Don at (413) IRISH DANCE LESSONS. a simple criterion: “When we fi nd from the factory pretuned.” Just and character, 2 bedrooms, 625-6665. Children's traditional Irish something really moving or inspir- recently, his double bass had a study, eat-in kitchen, wide step dancing or adult tradi- ing we want to share it with the crack running up the bottom half HIMILAYA STONE WORKS. floors, porch, and garage tional Ceili dancing. Begin- whole world.” of it, so he was playing on an un- Yard work, cleanup, stone stall. $800/month plus ners are welcome. Call Kay, As for the store, it will special- familiar bass — a disconcerting walls, patios, stairs, what- utilities. 624-3233. ize in folk instruments and sell experience for him. ever you need! Thinley R. C. Dils Real Estate Dhargay, 413-834-0498. instructional books and videos. “I think this one came from the (413) 625-2383 “We are hoping relatively soon to Rubbermaid factory,” he said. References available. have space for teaching music, and The group launched into a blend for holding teaching workshops,” of ukulele, xylophone, snare drum, Frank noted. and violin, playing a selection that Bishop plays the ukulele, and included an orchestral rendition of “tinkers” with the penny whistle a Frank Zappa tune. and the recorder, he said. Frank Bishop and the couple’s young- plays the guitar, ukulele, bass, and est son, nine-year-old Galen Frank- hurdy gurdy. Bishop, introduced each group on The three festivals where the stage, The couple are homeschool- couple sold ukuleles, and folk ing their two youngest children, instruments were the Ukulele Cei- Galen and Cole, who helped set lidh Nova Scotia, Midwest Yukef- up, were joined by other children CONWAY COLRAIN DEERFIELD est in Indianapolis and NoMAD with whom they are homeschooled (Northest Organization of Music — Lyle Hawthorne of Plainfi eld, NEW PRICE and Dance), in New Haven, Conn. Aidan Talbot of Cummington, and They met The Boulder Acoustic Joli Lobrose of Plainfi eld — who Society (BAS) at the Ukulele Cei- helped sell tickets and staff the lidh in Nova Scotia and formed a ticket booth. “We try to incorpo- friendship. rate them all into what is happen- “All of these people — the Hun- ing,” Bishop said. “They enjoyed ger Mountain Boys and the BAS doing it a lot.” — are good, dedicated musicians,” Frank said. “The BAS are active Bishop and Frank can be reached at teachers, and all of them teach (413) 634-0324 or at maude’smusic@ their instruments. Between their

Enjoy the Easterly views from this 1.23 acre This is a great affordable starter with Deerfield Colonial with almost 3 acres Come see the lot. Clearing has been done, septic design and enclosed porch large living room 3 bedroom, 1 of beautiful land and a brook at the back of Pashmina Shawls animals – and construction permit included. $79,900 bath, 1.6 acres and outbuildings. $149,000. the property and a barn, perfect for horses. 4 The finest in the world, from Cashmere more – at the farm! bedrooms, 1½ baths. $339,000. and Nepal — now in the farm shop Wednesday–Sunday Including summerweight — perfect for 10:30–5. Graduation and other special occasions Follow signs from 87 Bridge Street Route 112 and T-shirts • new handcrafted items Clesson Brook Road, from Nepal • and more Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 Buckland (413) 625-6038 • 625-6640 fax Richard A. Joe Also: 110 North Hillside Rd., South Deerfi eld, MA 01373 Baker Zaccari ;YLNLSS`Z FIBER FARM (413) 665-3760 • 665-0482 fax BROKER BROKER 413-625-6448 Dodge Road, Hawley • distinctive building lots


HJC96NH/Feast on the LONGEST-RUNNING BREAKFAST BUFFET IN THE COUNTY! All you can eat, 7:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m...... -#.. L:9C:H96NH are WAFFLE DAYS! Featuring waffles from around the world all day and evening ;G>96NH/$1 TACOS & FRESH FISH Specials H6IJG96NH/LIVE MUSIC every Saturday night. ith an approved septic plan and an approved his surveyed 6.187 acre residential building lot is HJC96N!B6N&)ÅMothers’ Day Seafood Wsubdivision permit to divide the subject par- Tjust 2 minutes to the village and a short drive to Festival - Including lobster! from $11.99 AND Cabaret short walk to Ashfield Lake and the village, this cel into two separate building lots, as well as an ‘Hamp, Amherst & Greenfi eld. This nicely wooded with Espresso Jazz & Charlotte Noon - 4. Breakfast Aunique parcel can only be used for residential improved road into the property, accessing both parcel (Veneer grade Red Oak) f ronts on Conway purposes by virtue of a special permit to build a Buffet 7 a.m. - 11 am $8.99 potential lots. Pow er has already been brought into Road and offers several nice, private building locations single-family home on the lot. Open space and the property with a meter and pole on the lot. This for your new home, affording protection, privacy and Charles Neville with mixed woods slopes gently upward toward a cleared attractive lot offers the immediate opportunity for a the quiet beauty of a wooded site surrounded by open area for building. Power on the site and drilled well! recreational site with real building opportunities in farm land with views to the hills to the west and afford- Gina Coleman & Misty Blue +)#,''% a terrifi c location with views, close to some of the ing southern and eastern exposures for your house and best 4-season recreation central and southern Ver- outbuildings. Town water is available, but septic is re- Friday, May 12, 8 p.m. (no cover!) mont offers! Includes very nice 30’ Sunline Travel quired. Seller will provide the perc. Come and select Saturday, May 13, 7 p.m. Tom Carroll Trailer to use and enjoy while building your home. the spot you want to tuck your new home aw ay from Saturday, May 20, 8 p.m. Susan Angeletti ()0#,'' the hustle & bustle of everyday life!  (*0 #,'' The Charlemont Inn nnn%_fd\j$\kZ%e\k on the scenic Mohawk Trail Serving buyers and sellers in western Massachusetts and Vermont 413-339-5796 10 Maple St., Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 Charlemont, MA 01339 • ——— +(* -),$)*/*›kfcc]i\\ /.. FB$?FD<$(›fax (413) 502-3502