Contributing Editor: JOHN GIBSON, J.P. Editor: W. H. ROSE, 130a Murray Street, Perth, W.A. Phone BA 5562

A "Full" Friends! * Remember the Driver Temperance 1s a League in Fool Driver. Your Will.

"Cobber-Friend, Companion or Fell«>w Worker."-Sydney Walker. -{:( Registered at General P.O., Perth, for tra.nsmission by Post as a Periodical.

Vol. 18- No. 194 PERTH : JANUARY 1, 1953 4d. (3/~ per annum)

CRICKbT CtlRONICLb:S OR T.HE R AD-" '';'t'' "' "'• '~-.,.,'·~-- !cl -'1':!"- ~~ - s~p-..-nj-~ -~ ·You·n Nevt~l' bet. Them )Out" FOUR "H AT-TRICKS" IN TEMPERANCE LEAGUE COMPETITIONS. Birch, of Claremon t seniors, took 3 for 7; R. Tapscott (Inglewood Qobbers) , 7 for 11; L. Bartlett (Scarllorough Cobbers), took 6 for 8 and his team-mate Haig 4 for 9. All four secured the "hat-trick." which is the ambition o · every bowler: Good work, fellows. senior c1icketers resume games on Sat­ urday, J anuary 10, but the Cobbers and the Eastern Goldfields do not recommence till Saturday, February 7, at the end of the school vacation. Ray Willison is the captain of the Bel­ revue Cobbers, side with Michael Middel­ ton as vice-captain, and his brother as secretary. Oolin Anderson is the skipper of Car­ lisle Seniors. Norman McDiarmid or­ ga.nised a Cobbers team at Mount Haw- thorn.

OUR YOUNG COMPETITORS Unfortunately there was a mistake in stating the closing date of our last com­ petition and this doubtless discouraged many frcm taking part. However, this ttme we will make sure and here state that the closing date for this competition is FEBRUARY 21, 1953. This will give all competitors, even those living in other States, plenty of time to en ter. (Block by courtesy Victorian All iance) The winners of the last competition are: RATH CAKE, of South Fremantle, and GEOFFREY FEWSTER, of Morowa, to ( 4) - and what to make a kind of (1 2) The same as (4). grain? whom book ptizes have been sent. (1 3) The same as (8). Now here goes for the January issue: ( 5) What letter in HAT must be chang­ ed for "F" to m ake "stout"? (14) What letter must be added to HAT A Hat Trick (6 )What letter must be changed for "A" to make more? The answer to each of the sixteen ques­ in HAT to make very warm? (15) The same as (6). (7) What letter must be changed for tions below is a letter, and the letters, when (16) If you drop the "H'' in HAT what 'vritten in the order given, make a four­ "T" in HAT to make a boy? (8) What letter must be changed for letter must be added to AT to word sentence that all Cobbers should make an insect? know by heart. "A' in HAT to make a blow? (9) - and what for "H" in HAT to (1) What letter must be taken from make the seventh day of the week? Work it out. Then print or write the· HAT to leave a kind of battery? (10) Which letter in HAT must be answer and send to "Cobbers" before FEB­ (2) What letter must be added to HAT changed for "U" to make a small RUARY 21, 1953 . to make "Stop!"? bul:lding? (3 ) What letter must be changed for (11) What letter must be changed for Book prizes for girl winner and same for "H" in HAT to make a pet? "H" in HAT to make a tap? boy. Page 2 COBBERS January I, 1953 ALCOHOL UNFITS YOU IM-EL 'f' NO CHAMPION ATHLETE USES ALCOHOL It poisons brain and nerves, paralyses the muscles and slows up the tMP£RAnC£ whole human machine. OPICS TEMPERANCE LEAGUE STAFF AC'l'IVE Marjory Jackson Since his return from vacation, Mr. C. World Champion, broke world records at Helsinki M. Wooldridge, State Organiser, has been busHy engaged on his deputation work and won two coveted Olympic medals. She drank no visiting Qollie, Harvey, Kellerberrin, Mer­ alcohol. redin and other centres. The State Director, Mr. W. H. Rose, has visited the Murchison area, including The Human Machine Cue, Big Bell and Mt. Magnet. His journey­ The perfect human body is a perfect machine, domi­ ings also took him to Mullewa, Gera.ldton, Morowa, Perenjori, Meek.atharra, Latham. nated by the brain. It is the most wonderful machine Caron, Buntine and Goomalling. He also ever built, but soon becomes out of order if treated visited Kalgoorlie and Boulder and spent badly. Champions can only be cbampiO'IlS if their body a day at Kellerberrin. and bmin crdinate properly. Thus they are trained Numerous meetings have also been held to the degree. Alcohol has no part in such train­ in the metropolitan area. ing. Our Financial Representatives, Mr. Fred W. Jeffe1ies and Mr. E. T. Birch. continue their important work. Mr. A. Gannaway Dr. Haven Emerson and Mr. T. W. Stock do part-time service in this department. Dr. Haven Emerson, a celebrated authority, says: MORE DRUNK DRIVERS HERE THAN " Remember. You don't need alcohol for health, you IN ANY OTHER STATE-SAYS don't need it for streng-th, you don't need it for food, "SUNDAY TIMES." you don't need it for drink; it never does you any good.'' That is in p·roportion to our population, of course. "The Times" article says: "How­ ever, the following figures are even more illuminating. They show the number of Professor Osbome fatalities in each State (in the past two Professor Osborne, Melbourne University, says: "There years) in which intoxication was consider­ is not an organ of the body with which alcohol ccmes ed by the police to be the primary cause ir. contact that is not injured by it." of accident: New South Wales, 68 ; Victoria, 6 ; Queensland 26: South Australia, . 5; West Australia. 25; Tasmania, 3." Professor MacCallum "The Sunday Times" neglects to l'emind its readers tha.t our pet· head consumption Professor Maccanum, Professor of Pathology, Mel­ bourne University, declares: As a pathologist, he could of liquor is the highest of all States and say nothing good of the consumptton of alcohol. He that we have longer trading hours. would be less than honest if he failed to expose it for Mr. F. 0. Swaine, Vice-President of the the fraud he knew it to be. W.A. Temperance League, who has been away some months and who attended the International Good Templars Sessions in Hamburg, Germany, and the International Don Bradman BUl·eau of Against Alcoholism meetings in Don Bradman, World Champion Batsman, writes: Paris, will arrive home in Western Aus­ " Total abstinence from all alcoholic liquors is a big tralia about Easter, 1953. fact

GOLDflf;LDS CONSULT fLASHfs:,~: ..z-~ ...... ~....,_....-.-~--_,__, BOANS Pen Doctor TEMPERANCE CRICKET LEADERS. Gordon Bremner is the captain of the WHO WILL REP AIR ANY MAKE Boulder team; Doug. Krepp leads the North Kalgoorlie side, whilst Kevin Tre­ aona is skipper of the South team. OF FOUNTAIN PEN OR ESPERANCE "H APPY HOURS" PROPELLING Thursday, February 5 and Friday, Feb­ PENCIL ruary 6, are the days set aside for the BOANS GROUND FLOOR, MURRA Y STREEI' END. Phone No. BF 1231 beach "Happy Hours" at Esperance. The gatherings will commence at 10 a.m. near t he old jetty.

CHAMPIONS FAVOUR .BeNDo/UOPE ABSTINENCE Mr. Charlie Collier, leader of the Perth Band of Hope, organised his members in Russell Mockridge, of Geelong, Victoria, a card distribution scheme. Neatly printed 'Celebrated cyclist and the fi rst man to win on a eh c ard were the words: "The Christ­ two Olympic gold medals for Australia, is mas spirit is found in the heart not in a Games and competitions followed the pic­ a teetotaler and non- smoker. At the 1952 bottle." Good meetings each fortnight torial story of the visitor. We regret the Olympic Games at Helsinki he clock ed an Kuli~m p B a n~ of Hope now meets Satur­ departure of our leader, Rev. D. Tan·an, Olympi.


'I'he annual "Happy Hour" Gatherings of the W.A. Temperance Leag·ue and Band of Hope Union are now in progress. The bright red and white banner of the Cobbers Club has made its re-appearance on the beaches, and crowds of eager young Westralians are hearing the temperance message under the happiest conditions. After a round of the metropolitan beaches the campaign will be carried to Bunbury, Busselton, Dunnsborough, Albany, Esper­ ance, Rockingham, Mandurah and Gerald­ ton. Games, competitions, and always a tem ­ perance story will be features of each day's proceedings. Friends who have not a.h-eady done so arc asked to send a contributi0o11 to help this important and wides}lt-ead e1'fo1·t.

Seated left to right in front: ROBERT TAYLOR, England, Hon. International Sec­ THE MONKEY'S VIEWPOINT retary, Intemational Band of Hope Council: M'DME IRJA KUUSIJARVI, of Finland, International President, and NORMAN RILEY (England). Three monkeys sat in a coconut tree, Standing at rear: Three members of the Finish Temperance Staff. discussing things as they're said to be. Said The pi'cture was taken on the occasion of the visit of a number of English Band of one to the others- "Now listen you two, Hope Leaders to Finland. there's a certain rumour that can't be true The Australian Band of Hope Union, of which Western Australia is part. is affiliated that man descended from our noble race, with the International Band of Hope Council. the very idea is a disgrace. (Block by courtesy of the U.K. Band of Hope Union). "No monkey ever deserted his wife, starved her babies and ruined her life, and you've never known a mother monk to leave her babies with others to bunk, or pass them on from o-ne to the other, till hardly is SUBSCRIBERS ! NO "STAGGER JUICE" IN THIS known who is their mother. PLEASE CUT THIS OUT. HOUSE, BROTHER "And another thing you'll never see, a: monk build a fence around a coconut tree, and let the coconuts go to waste, forbidding ~50UT· · -··•··· This is what the 98 -year old King all other monks a taste. Why if I'd ptUt a O'Malley, founder of the Commonwealth fence a!'ound the tree, starvation would and mail to "Cobbers" Newspaper, Bank, said to a pressman who interviewed force you to steal from me." 130a Murray Street, Perth. him at his Melbourne h ome recently. Mr. - "The Leicester Leader," England. O'Malley is one of the two surviving mem­ Life Subscription, £1. - e- Annual Subscriptiou, 3/ -. bers of the first Federal Parliament. In giving advice on how to live to be 98 Name he said, "Battle hard; never give up in a THE HCOBBERS" (Sta.te whether Mr., Mrs., or Miss) good cause; never drink hard liquor (stag­ Full Address ...... ger juice is what I call it). Excellent advice from a man who has ren­ CLUB dered splendid service to Australia. MY PROMISE. promise, God helping me, to abstain from all intoxicating liquors as beverages. .,------+ ~ ------~------~ ------,' and to get others to do the same. . .; SURE! ! F'ull Name ...... I will help the work of the Temperance Movement in Western Australia, ' 'I Address including the School Lectures and Essays, Beach Meetings, Sporting 91ubs 'I and the opposition to new liquor licenses. • • NAME ...... •' (Please state whether Mr., Mrs. or Miss). ' Town ' ADDRESS ...... •' Age ...... Birthday ...... •' .' Date ' My Gift £ I I 'I Mail this to the Editor of "Cobbers" and Send to HON. TREASURER, W.A. Temperance League. ' a membership card will be sent to You free Temperance Headqual'ters. 130a Murray Street, Perth (BA5562) . •'I of charge. Please enclose stamp for postage ~ on card. ------~------· Printed bl f!.:llpping Newspapers Ltd.. 1on "Beaufort· Street. Perth, and published by W. H. Rose (Proprietor). l30a Mmray Street Perc Contributing Editor: JOHN OIBSON. J .P . Editor: W. H. ROSE. 130a Murray Street, PerLh, W.A . Phone BA 5561

A.n Al.arm Clock First the Ma·n is a Device Takes a Drink for Waking a Then the Drink Childless Takes the Man. Household.

"Cobber-Friend, Companion or Fellow Worker."-Sydney Walker. Registered at General P.O., Perth, for transmission by Post as a. Periodical.

\'lo,. 18-No. l95 PERTH: MARCH 2, 1953 4d. (3/- per annum)


Temperance League Football Begins on April 25 Com petit.ion games will commence on sat­ urdsy, April 25, w1Lh the Seniors (under- 18 ) and Cobbers (unci-:r-15 ) en Saturday. May 2. There wil: be p1·act1se m atch es on Saturday. At:>ril 11 and 18 and teams will be notified in due course. At a Delegates' Meeting held in December it was decided t.hat "No person shall i:Je eligible to play in this League who has at­ tained the ::-ge of 18 prior t-o January 1 of the year th<:n current." (In. the cas of the Cobbers it shall be 15 J)l'ior to January 1 of the year then cur­ rent) . and players are asked to facilitate arrangements by sending· in forms and fee 11romptlr. CRICKbT CNRONtCLb:S HE WAS ONLY NiBBLING AT IT lUode1·ate drinking pru·ents shou!d be a.wat·e tl1at they ma.y very weU IJe ~ ""t'""' .. ~ sanctioning a.nd encow-aging the use of drink by their children. And not '~~ ill ~- ,,J!/J--sfl ~. 1J1:in ;ruling to recognise the dangers of drink, they profess complete surprise when drink finally lays hold of some fine yloung life. 'vou·\\ Nevet' bet Them· )Out" (Block by courtesy Californian Temperance Federation, U.S.A .). Every Drunkard Was Once A Moderate Drinker TEMPER-ANCE LEAGUE CRICKET. F'inaJs Being Pla.yed-centu.ry by Ro~ Bed­ fm'(l, of Carlisle (102). As we go to press our Temperance League Riddles For Cobbers Cricket Competition is r€aching tl~ e stage of the finals. In the Senior Grade. East· What goe up and down at. the same time·? A certain kind of flower.-Tulips-~wo Perth leads, witll Claremont second anrl -A stai.rwa·;. lips. Carlisle thiTd. Ho\\· did they illuminate t he :u·k?-With RIDDLE FOR FUN. In the Gabbers Gmde. Sou th FremanLie arc lights. Who would win. if a drum and a. comet lead jn the Western Division; Floreat Par When a boy gets his socks on the w1·oug il ad a race.-The con1et. because the drum in in Central No. 1; Perth Central No. 2; i.> always beaten. elmcnt in Southem. and Midland Junc­ side out. does his mother do?-Turns tion Police Boys in the Eastem. the hose on him. What device can help you to see through .Ross Bedford, the skipper of the Carlis_.·' What sort of a tune do we mo t enjoy: a brick wall?-A window. Cobbers, in a game against Rivervale made -A for-tune. .. I." said the temperance man, •· strongly 102. Nice WO\l'k. Wh~t author' name is a tasty brea...ldast object to the custom of chlistening ships Theo Christopher, of the Perth Cobbers dish?-Bacon. with champagne." ~ am. took the hat-trick in a match against "PART OF THE BODY" RIDDLE . .. I don't." replied the other msn. " I Belmont in the final round. his tally was Something necessary to a carpentel'--a think there's a temperance lesson in it." 5 for 7. Theo is a member of the State l1ail. ·' How can that be? " schoolboys' cricket team which has gone to A kind of box-Chest. .. Well. immediately after the first bottle Brisbane. Prior to his depa1tur his t' am­ Always marked on a rule.-Foot. of champagne, the ship takes to wster and mates made him a prescnt3t lm~. What doas often get.-Bones. she sticks to it ever after." Page 2 COBBERS March 2, 195.) SPINNING WHEELS

Drink And Dignity The thought 11·a expressed in the Licen­ sin ~·: Court t}J at premises where drink J~ sold should bt •· dignified." We referred this matter to our Tame P oet. ~ne! he has forwarded the fcllowing: (One dictionary gil·es tlv- meaning o! "dignity": Nob! ness of mind, based n moral rectitude. grandeur of beanng, etc." 'Tis news to u:: that we sh~uld know. That beer has "noble bearing" E'en though its victims In lhe gutte!' an~ dirt-sharing.

'Tis news agnin. to h ar that wme On "m~ra! rcct'tude'· is based. Cr tMt a slobb'ry drunk With whisky h~.~ ufen graced.

'Tis news. once more, stumbling­ 'l't tn ~lowly :lllcl y(! u .,.;u see t..."tat the outside wheels ;;o one Along the road, Police daring, " -~ y ani! the ;u ide wbc~ l another. Should be described as being (Block by courtesy ·· SknYays," :vielbourne) . "A fine grandeur of bearing." Written by Silas Sa.usagement Single X, Double X, Triple X (the '·dignified" poet '. (By Thomas Cramp) . Wily is the letter X crossed with ale? Success Eecause it. Xactly X-presses its character. On X-amining this X-alted and highly Success is in the wav >'Ou \\'a .- the pati1s X- tolled X-cisable liquor, we learn that it of life each d ay_ is an X-tract of malt and hope with prob­ It's in the Jittl things Y<' u do and in t iw ably some X-tras. things ·ou say : THAT the g-reat Dr. Samuel Jolmso.1 It is X-ceedingly X-pensiv ·; X -tremel ..­ Suecess is not h1 R'ett ing rich or risine · not alone in v:iJUling JC'llls which all words for thoughts." ates a nd X-hausts the spirits: it X-c it<>~ men hope to claim: THAT the Iraq Parliament request d tht' anger; it X-pels reason : it X-tinguishe; Suc~e:SS fs being big of heart and clean and removal of electric signs advertising beer energy; it X-poscs weakness. ruins X-cel­ broad of mind. in BaJ:>hdad. Iraq are Mcslems and dis­ Jence; and it X-tirpates friendship. It. It's b~ in g faithful t C1 your friends and 1o npprove of the oropagation of a habit makes X-orbitant X-actions on the body; the sl.nnger, kind: which is coutrar lO the religiOn and wel­ and X -erts an X-traordinary influence on It's in the children whom you love and .1ll fare of their countr-y. The signs were the mind. Its deadly X-ploits are every­ they learn from you; turned off though they cost £3000.-From where X-hibited, and fearfully X-pPrienced. Success depends on character and every­ WC1 rld W.O.R.U. Bulletin. X-tains 5wake!-" National Voice." thing ~ · ou do. THAT there Is a Temperance Group "n - Authr. r unknown. the British Parliament. There arc t30 Where They Learned to Drink iC - - members of the Commons and seven from In Hl50 a survey was taken of 200 new Mary. Mary, quite contrary. the· House of Lords. There are members admissions to the Washington State jaiL Of How does your temper grow ? of the Conservatives, Liberal and Labour t hese 200. 94 per cent. were drinkers and Good as gold Partifs in the group. in response to a questionnaire it was dis­ Since I've ber n bold THAT the State of Mi sissippi ndous socis..l pressure that Is exerted thes~ years. d~y:> on young p; ople to d1ink intoxicants THAT victims of alcoholism outnum~r nt social fimctions, while the fact that o n~ VICTORY. known cancer cases by 66 per cent. in the in five learned to drink in their own homes Gre t minds have purpose. others ha-.:e U S.A., and known public p :;.lio cases by 23.:3 shows the tremendous power and influenee wish es. Little minds are tamed and sub­ plr cent., says the Chicago Research Cmm­ of parental example.-Fr•) m the ".1\uckl and dued by misfortune, but ~reat minds ri.

IMt.L~ CONSULT tMP£RAnC£ OPICS BOANS Pen octor '1'P.l\IIPF!RA N0E LEAGUE ACT fV ITIES. 'I1~ temperance film, ·· lt!s the Brai;1 WHO WILL REPAIR ANY MAKE That Count•." ll.ns been used in aftfl'­ church services at Kalgcorl'e. '\Jb3ny. OF FOUNTAIN PEN OR 3ubiaco. Ma.ndnrah. Goomalling nd Nm·th Perth this vear. Our sincere thanks ar~ PROPELLING PENCIL due to M.r. · R. E1li C't l. wlw used his pro­ BOANS GROUND FLOOR, MURRA Y STREET jector and provided Lransport. for metro­ END. Phone No. BF 1231 politan fixt;ures. Mr E1liott ha< helped in this way for som.' time: also Mr. J . .f\ . ' and Nl'r. Andrew P.aterson. Nrrs. J essie Reid. our Presidem, addrcs~ .. Temperance Facts Bible Quiz 'I'd the ManJurah Methodist cm1gre!?,ation and also poke at the presentation c:f : he L Who was the first man Temperanc· E-; <:~. Shieid b the Ma~·land~ on record to g· urunk State School. winners of ihe Metropolitan t on wine? Section of the competition. 2. Where is the commandment: •· Do m:t "HOME AND FA 1lLY WEEK " drink "ine or strong drink? " The Temperance League will have an ex­ 3. Where in th:: Scriptures is drunk n­ hit:ii. at the "Hon c .nd Week" Ex­ n :s !}Ut in the same c:ategory with x-, . ..,....,...._ hibition, which \\'ill be opened at th;:: r·trt!~ adultery. idclat··~ · - witchcraft a nd r - .. . -..,;.., . -·- ._ .. -e murder? Mr. A. L. :burgess. who was Hon. Secr ~ ­ Town Hall on Mondav. Ma. · 18. iary of the We t Ausf.rallan Band of Hop ~ SUCCESSF l JL . 'EASIDE C.'\MPAlG::-< t,, \Vh t Bil.lie \'erse pronounces a "Woe" D'nion some years "Ha.ppy Hour" Beach me tings \\'ere h elcl. upon those who drink liquors .. ear!~: ag . died recently in Per~b - M r. Burgess hac\ been an enthusias on 22 separa te beaci1e ~ in \Vestern Austra­ m the morning?" ­ lia during t.he scho(' J Ya::ation. Tll€se in­ 5. \"lhat Scripture pa;;sage pronounces ::1 tic worker not only for th ·~ Band of Hop . but for ducted cou ntry and :-uburban b ~ aelles. the " \~roe " upon tho e whc serve drinks to other good causes. Miss longest trip b eing to Esp~rance (600 m iles their neighbours?" I da Lucralt. ieader of the B ridge­ tovm from Perth). Thousands of boys and girl ~ 6. \Vhat pro\'erb warns against the decen- Ba nd :>f Hope. reports a good meetin G" attended and heard the temperance me;;s­ t ·ve character of wine? · for February. when Mr. Costello was tlw age- under the hgppit>sl conditions. A tea­ 7. What Scripture warns national leader. speaker. "Mystery p reel'' amused and t.urc· of the Esperance gatherin~> was ~hr a~cnnst drinking· of wine? educated t,lle mem b people or \\·hat nation were ·,md ~ r · Ba n-11 of Hope lea ders a re reminded to :vrargaret Native Mission. pro! ibition for 40 years? · ~e ntl in reporl,s for thls colw1ul. A R-EMINDER ! 9. Where is the record of 33 kings get­ Teveral ilumlred remindet-s have gone out tmg drunk t ogether? 1 to those who have p1·omi e.:l to make :1 0. At whose drunken feast did God pro­ qpartetrogress and has been interviewing our 14. l~l' Scriptusr e raises ix q uestions on t)rizes to the following for the n eatest co,·­ contributors in Albany and right along the tne evil of spilituous drinks and gives rect efforts: rhe answer to a. solemn waming? G reat Southern Line. COR AL STIVEY. North Cottesloe 15. In what way did Paul relate temnc:·- . Mis. Jessie Reid. League President. nre­ KEVIN DAVIES. Leederville. sented the "H . H. Fennell" Shield to · thf! ance to the Christian life ? · Maylands State School for making the best 16. What church of t .he l'<'ew Testament To each a book pt;ze has been forwarded. effort in the Temperancl" Essay Competi­ \Yas d isgraced by drunkenness? Now for a new one. This is a bit harder 17. Does tion in the metropoiitan area. A v~r:v han;Jv the Bible tea ch total ab st i nenc ~ ., and you Will haV 4 to use your brai11 S. occasio 18. ~h a.t is the b

If yo u \\oall t to be strong FATHERS AND MOTHERS, JUST In your organs and muscles. SUPPOSE WHAT? Then be sure what you're drinking Won't hurt the corpuscles. Weil, here is one sort of life -situation that could be described under a t iWe like t.hat. The white corpuscles in your blood have It is taken from Clip Sheet: "The Booze Cow Eats M 1ore the important job of killing the d:isease Suppose. some day, when you1· son is a germs that find a way in. When alcohol ·S Than young man, you have to say to him: "Son, She Produces" in the blood it weak ens the white corpuscles you are drinking entirely t oo much and I so that t hey are not as quick and not as am wonied about you." Suppose 11e an­ Some people thilLl( that license fees and effective as they should be. swers: premiums, etc .. pai

Do Not Forget the -·- UNUSUAL EXPENSES THE HCOBBERS" of These Days CLUB A CONTRIBUTION WILL HELP GREATLY­ MY P'.ROMISE. I promise, God helping me, to abstain MAKE YOUR MONEY WORK from all intoxicating liquors as beverages. and to get others to do the same. HELP · THE LEAGUE WITH ITS BIG JOB Full Name ...... , ...... MY GIFT Address NAME ...... (Please tate whethf"' _if>· .. Mr ·. or Mi~.s l.

ADDRESS ...... To"·n ......

Age ...... Birthday ...... AMOUNT £ Date (Make cheque.s payable 1Al W.A. Tempeunce League (Inc.). Mail this to the Editor of "Cobbers" and 130 .1\ MURRAY ' 1.'RF:ET, PERTH). a membership card will be sent to you free or charge. Please enclose stamp for postage on card.

Printed b :-~ ~pping Newspapers Ltd .. 121 aeaufort Street. Perth, and published by W. H . Rose (Proprietor), 130a Murray Street Perte '- on trlll tlling Editor: JOHN GIBSON, J .P. Editor: W. H. ROSE. 130a Murray Street, Perth, W.A . Phone BA 556~

The Man Drink Does Not W ho Has D1'0 wn Care, The Right But Waters It To Boast And Makes It Does n't Ha ve To. Grow Faster.

" Cobber-Friend, Companion or Fellow Worker."-Sydney Walker. Registered at General P.O., Perth, for transmission by Post as a. Periodical. Vol. 18-No. 196 PERTH: JUNE 1, ======1953 ====4d. (2/======- per annum, posted)

Kevin Brealand occupies bo th position of Captain and Secretaty at Carlisle Cobbers with Peter Buckley as v.c. Claremont Seniors, with Norman Bell as ~ kipper and Brian Furyas v.c., are w ell in the n ews in the Western Division. John Birch is secretary. Be wise . . . don't alcohol:sc. One of the smallest captains in the Cob­ hers is Kevin McLaren, Of East P~ rth. It is better to have a loaf on the table than a loaf in the pub. 11 "Old" Easts have Alan McTaggert as their secretary and manager, whilst Skipper Jack Groves is an inspiring leader. 11 Ron navies, our Cobbers secretary at East Fremantle, a nd Ewan Muir, secretary of the neighbouring team at Palmyra, are two of li our best y oung officials. Bill Jones as usual is doing a good job as coach of Lhe South Fremantle Cobbe:s. I Temperance is not only the moderate use of a good thing, but it is the tight ! use. Alcoho is such a very use ul drug that it is a pity it should be waste-d (and worse), by its use as a beverage. Inglewood Cobbers, always a leading team. will have Will Burnett as their captain and secretary, and Kevin Carter as v.c. A new side in the competition is Kensing­ ton (South Perth). At a v ery enthusiastic meeting Jim Scale was elected captain, Des Payne v.c., and Gerald Clingin, sectetary. Brian L. McGee is secretary of the Senior side at Mount Hawthorn and is one of our (Court; sy of Lansing State J ournal '<~ nd Michiga n T emperance keenest officials. Foundation, U.S.A.). Darryl Packard is the keen secretary of the Mosman Park seniors, he has played in The Downward Movement from Social our competition for many years, starting as Drinking to Chronic one of the smallest in the Gobbet s grade. Alcoholism Nedlands has not figured much in our football competitions of recent seasons, but BE SMART - DON'T START this time things appear better. Allan Rob­ ertson is thP captain, Barry Munns the v.c., and Colin Sanders secretary. Keith Ooumbe is the captain and Dcug. own choosing and they llave done al] the North Perth, always a stronghold of ours, Mills the vice-captain of quite a new com­ orga nising themselves. has a good Cobbers team, all very young be­ bination that h as en tered the Cobbers• ginners lead by Brian Rice, the captain, with Grade. Their team is known as the Mid ­ Good luck t:> the new side, which will Rodney MmTay as his deputy, and Ron Philp Districts because they -are midway between play in the Cen tral Division of the competi­ as secretary. Perth and West Perth. The name is of their ticn. I.Jage 2 COBBE~S June I, 1953

Temperance Friends, Don't Be Riddles For Cobbers Side-tracked When is a cricketer a coward?-When he hits and then runs. What is the difference between a riddle SHOULD WE ADVOCATE REDUCTION a nd a lot of elephants sitting on a bun?­ OF THE ALCOHOL CONTENT? From time to time well-meaning oppon­ One is a conundrum and the other is a bun Glasses have an amazing effect on a en ts of the liquor traffic, like the ancient under 'em. driver's vision, especially when they have Athenians, ever seeking some new thing or When must a sailor be small?-W~1en he been filled and emptied a number of times. perchance impatient and anxious to get some sleeps on his wa tell. 2:601 school children in 20 schools (51 clas­ 1esults, advocate the reduction of the al­ Why ought a boy to stop throwing dust ses), he9.rd illustrated temperance lectures cohol content of beer, and sometimes other in his teacher's eyes?-Because it is sme to in W.A. schools last month under auspices liquors. harm the pupil. of W.A. Temperance League. To the lover of compromise it has its What is the difference b: tween soldiers Wattl.c Grove Y.C.T.U. is a live concern. '· ppeal also, as is anything that does not and smart young ladies?-The soldier faces "Cobbers" Editor had pleasure of addressing leave one open to a charge of extremist, fan­ the powder and the young ladies powder the this fine group . Wally Williamson is pres­ atic, etc. Of course we would like to see faces. ident, and Arlene Puddy secretary. (Y.C.T.U. the alcoh ol content lowe1ed to nil. What is black and white and red all over? is Youn g Peoples' section of the W.C.T .U.). To suggest that a little alcohol is harm­ -A newspaper. less is to be at variance with scientific truth Why should people think twice before The Per~ ia.n Parliament, at a session on they go into the country summertime?-Be­ February 8, voted unanimously for the pro­ and to depart from the ethical standard of abstinei"lce. It is an old idea tha.t only cause then the flowers have pistils (pistols) hibition of all alcoholic drinks and opium the grass has blades, the plants shoot. products throughout P ersia.·-The Associated stronger liquors cause kout le. In England the alcol.ol content was low­ What is the proper len gth for an evening P1ess. gown?-A little above two feet. The Official Bulletin of the Municipality ered dttrine; the Wa··, and for some time afterw::.i·ds. lt has now been increased. How does a sailor describe a kiss? - A of P aris (Oct. 12, 1952), states that "45 per pleasure smack. The "Alliance N ~ w1;" says: "We view the re­ cent. of accidents at work were due to al­ Why is t r.e inside of anything so mys­ coholism, and 57 per cent. of traffic accidents cui r.ence of imobriety as the inevitable con­ eequenr·' of the promotion of wet canteens terious?-Because no-one can make it out. were due to drivers under the influence of With what pair of animals do we always alcohol." There are people who would tell amon g:: t young service men and women and the rei :r11 t.o stronger beers after th e appe­ go about?-Two calves. us that there is no drunkenness in Franc~. When is a pig.eon like a glass?-\Vhen it As a matter of fact, France has one of the tite h r.s been formed and fostered by the war-time brews (lowered is a "tumbler." worst d r in~ and health 1ecords in the world. alcohol content). We h:.plore our friends not to follow this What is worse than a gil affe with a sore Few people realise that the West Austra­ side-tracking and dangerous idea. A lowered throat?-A centipede with chilblains. lian Temperance League has a bigger a.rea alcohol content woul1 tempt young people What animal is equal to nothing a dded than any temperance organisation in the to drink, and fasten the liquor habit more to ten?-Ox. British Commonwealth. Licensing cases firmly on our people." Which is the happiest letter of the al­ and other activities keep us busy throughout To those well-meaning, but misguided phabet?-U, because it is alwr..ys in fun. Lhis vast area. friends, who advocate th is "reform" we What fish is most valuJd by a married A "breathless" beer has arrived. A York­ would say : Stand !irm in your opposition to lady?-Her-ring. shire (England) , filln says it can treat beer all alcoholic liquo rs and see that a ]] the Why is the letter G like the sun ?-Because with a chlorophyll process that won' t change children and young people of your church it is the centre of light. tl:e taste or quality but will take away the and Sunday School are trained and pledged What is the difference between a sailor after-drinking breath. This has been re­ in temperance principles. in gaol and a blind man?-The one cannot ceived with enthusiasm by drinkers, but one Our present t ~ oubles are largely caused by go to sea, and the other cannot see to go. woman objected. She complained that the decline in the temperance teac;;ing Why is a boy being licked like a person's odorless beer made it easier for errant hus­ amongst youth, intensified by the apathy of eye?-They are both under the lash. bands. some church leaders and members, and Why cannot a man starve in the desert?­ social drinking in such circles. Because of the sand which is there (sand­ (For much of the above we are in debt wiches there) . Special Notice To Readers to Mr. 0. A. Piggott, secretary of the N.S.W. What thre~ letters of the alphabet are missing in a lazy person?-N. R. G. The great Temperance Alliance, in "Grit"). increase in 11rinting costs Whr.t is the longest word in the English has effected "Cobbers" as it has other language?-Smiles, because there is a mile papers throughout the world. Our Young Competito~s between the first and last letter. For the Olll" meantime pape1· will When is a cricketer a very c;·uel ma n?­ become a Quarterly publication. We had a lesser number of competitors When he bowls a maiden c\er. The annual subscription will be 2/ ­ last time, afraid that the competition was a What is the only thing tha t remains alive posted. We shall resume monthly little difficult. However, CORAL STIVEY, in a fire?-A live coal. i . .u as at as early a date as possible. of North Cottesloe, and KEVIN FITCH, of Bunbury, were the winners. Here is the puzzle for this issue. After Downwards Step By Step Temperate Use Of Alcohol you have solved it please print or write it, In his famous book "Les Miserables" the dcin g your best work and mail it to reach French writer, Victor Huge, describes the ef­ us before June 30 next. fect drinking has on a man. The first glass ·'Ah," said Mr. Superior Person, "but you Book prizes for best effort by a gill, and oi wine he calls Monkey Wine, because it believe in abstinence, not temperance." same fer the boys. makes the drinker excited; the second glass "Not at all," was the reply; "I use alcohol An ADD and SUBTRACT Puzzle he calls Lion Wine, because it makes him m y.~elf-temperately. I abstain from its use Take T from AT sa•:age; the third he labels Sheep Wine, be­ as e. beverage, only. I u se it to rub aching Add T to WE cause after swallowing it the drinker be­ muscles or clean spots off the wall." Add R to DIVER comes silly and stupid; and the fourth glass Now that is truly temperate use of alcohol, Take R from MAKERS Pig Wine, because that makes him nothing bncause it is rationally used. Add N to EVE but a disgusting animal. Tal·e S from AS The Russian writer, Tolstoy, in his story, TBI:e A from DRAY "The Little Devil and the Cn1st of Bread" Take B from BROAD describes drink as making people first sly Cried a thoughtful- young·- fellow called Ned Add OUS to DANGER and cunning as foxes and then savage as "We should really take care what is said, When you have added and subtracted the wolve3, finally turning them into sheer pigs It.'s surely all wrong letters correctly so as to make a new word content to wallow in the mud of the ditch. To call a drink strong in each case, you will have a fact all moto­ Don't let drink turn you into a menageiie; When it weakens your limbs and your head." rists should know. leave it alone and be a man. J une I, 1953 COBBERS

CONSULT BOANS Pen Doctor Geraldton Seventh-Day Adventist church WHO WILL REPAIR ANY MAKE is the latest church to form a Band of Hope. Mr. S. J. Manning is the enthusiastic leader. OF FOUNTAIN PEN OR Mr. w. H. Rose will conduct a week's spec­ ial campaign for the Geelong Band of Hope Union (Victoria) , in September. PROPELLING PENCIL Bickley Band of Ho}Je had a splendid rally 1 BOANS GROUND FLOOR, MURRAY STREET END. Phone No. BF 1231 in May. Mr. W. D. D y ~ on , Su erintendent., 1 p.esic.e ::l . ·~======~ ·· c ::..c ..i u,;- •O•lg-tailed monkeys" was the theme of the story told by the :Sand of Hope Union secretary. Flannelglraph and Other I M-ELY Eighty boys and girls c :' ended a special Demonstrations rally at Mosman Park Metho dist. Rev. R. Boulter, the Minister, s;: ~ : : e at recent meet­ The Temperance League will be t:MP-ERAnC-E: ing. The Misses C. . am .ers doing good job pleased to arrange for Flannclgraph here. Stories, Stop Film Exhibitions for Mrs. L. W. Vincent is now secretary of Sunday Schools, Temperance Lodges OPICS Rivervale Band of Hope. Mr. Charles Brown and other youth groups. Temperance League Annual spcke at recent meeting. Rivervale Cobbers There is no charge for this service. Football team is part of this society. Contact- Meeting TE·M.PERANCE HEADQUARTERS, E~s . .ressie Reid was re-elected President What tree is nearest to the sea?- The 130a Murray Street, Perth. (BA 5562) . of the West Australian Temperance League Beech (beach). at the annual meeting held in May. The report of the State Director, Mr. W. H. Rose, showed that the year has been an active. one. We g·ive a brief summary of the more importan t .•·ect;ons : 263 illustrated school lessons given in day schools. 7,500 Temperance essays written in annual Test. Football and cricket com­ petitions conducted. After-Church film ser­ vices conducted in 25 cent1es. Ninety sep­ arate towns outside the Metropolitan area visited for meetings. After school meetings held in Metropolis and country. 45 beach meetings on 22 separate beaches held in the holidays. We opposed 30 applications for new licenses in the Licensing Court in 1952. Mr. c. M. Wooldridge, our State OrganiSer, visited many country centres with hiS appeal for funds. Special worl;; in the Eastern Goldfields, where we conduct football and cricket competitions. We keep contact with the International Bureau aJainst Alcoholism, and this year we were directly represented at the Paris con­ ference by Mr. F . C. Swaine, a vice President of the League. In addition to re-election of Mrs. Jessie Reid as President, Mrs. Kelly, M1s. V. Mor­ ton, F. C. Swaine and V. G. Golder were elected as Vice Presidents. Good Tcmplars 70th Session The 70 th annual session of the Grand Lodge of I.O.G.T. was held at Midland J unc­ tion oYer Easter. The Grand Chief Templar, Bro. G. R. Stewart, presided over a well attended gathering. The meeting protested a gains~ t!1e continued advertising of intox­ icating liquor on tram tickets, and also aga inst t:1e provision of beer lounges for women at tlle Royal Show. Bro. J:o' . C. Swaine, D.I.C.T., reported on his recent visit to the Internatiomtl Session of the Order in Hambmg, where he repre­ sented t: e W.A. Grand Lodge. 0 ~~ ) native boys from McDonald li{)use, West Pet·th, BILL LEWIS (16 ) and IAN WILKES When is a doctor like a bad-t hold off Mt. Hawthorn's rover, empered BRIAN McGEE and r uckman HAROLD PARKER in man?- When Temperance ga me at Beatty Park. he loses his patients (pat­ (Block by courtesy "Spmts News") . ience). COBBERS June 1, 1953

. GOLDfl~LDS Ministers, Church Officials The Temperance League has t wo sound Temperance Films, which are quite suitable for sho-wing on Sunda y fLASNfs:,~: evenings. These are suitable for a dults '1-,z.-.-z.-....._.-~---..-:---.....-­ ,a nd young people. East Perth Wins Senior Cricket Mr. C. M. Wooldridge, Sta te Organiser of ' We will be pleased to arrange for Competition the W.A. Temperance League, is paying his ,the showing of these films in eitht:r annual visit to the Eastern Goldfields, a nd .town or country. AND PERTH THE COBBERS' will be in that area for 3 months. H e will Ph:ase oontact- and subscrib- . 'OlVIPETITION be calling on our contributors 1'EMPERANCE HEADQUARTERS, ers. . 130a Murray Street, Perth. (BA 5562). competition of the Cobbers The Senior cricket competition of the The Football '!'here is no chat·ge for this service. Young Sports Temperance League was won Club will commence on Saturday, May 30, !y; East Perth, under the inspiring leadership and in the previous week Mr. W. H. Rose, of Doug H artshorn, the skipper. State Director of the League, will address UNMAPPED This is Easts' fifth Premiership in the 20 meetings of the four Cobbers Clubs. The Newlyweds had bought a turkey for years of the competition. Christmas Day, and as Newlywed was a Perth Cobbers won the Cobbers compe­ novice at carving, his wife insisted on his ' 'tion after an exciting grand final with the OUT OF THE FRYING PAN learning how to· carve from the cookery book Midland Junction Police Boys, who had a At a musical evening a woman was sing­ so that he should not display his ignorance good grip of the game till the P erth batsmen in g and one of the guests leaned towards before their guests. "1 ved the position right at the end of the the man next to him and muttered: "What When the turkey appeared on the table ga1ne. :.'. n awf ul voice! I wonder who she is." however, the host was plainly at a loss hO\~ "She happens to be my wife," replied the to begin. other stiffly. "Why don't you carve it, dear?" asked his Churches, Sunday Schools, "Oh·, I'm awfully sorry," apologised the wife an xiously. "You know exactly how it's first. "Of course, it really isn't her voice done." C. E.. and Ot.her Youth that's so bad, but that terrible stuff she has "Of course I do, love," said Newlywed. Groups to sing. Wonder who wrote the ghastly "but I can't find the dotted lines!" THE TEMPERANCE LEAGUE OF song." WESTERN AUSTRALIA "I did," was the even stiffer reply. -ie- Vice~President F. Claude Swaine will be pleased to arrange for Talkie Film Displays, Flannelgraph Lessons, JUST AS GOOD Returns From Abroad Still Films Displays, etc., in any part A correspondent wrcte to a. Birmingham of t.he State. firm asking them to forward a packet of Mr. F. C. Swaine, Vice-president of th3 1'here is no charge for this service. shaving paper-without enclosing payment. W.A. Temperance League. retnrned to Make early application. He receive d a reply referring him to page Perth afLer his second world tour. H e r ep­ 445 of their catalogue, where it was distinc­ resented the League at the International Liy stated: ":All small orders should be ac­ Uonfer·ence in Paris, and served the I.O. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN companied by a remittance." G.T. in the same way a.t their International The Temperance Leag·ue has a stock of The man replied: "Dear Sirs,-If I had Sessions at Hamburg, Germany. - empentnce books and also handbooks for been possessed of a catalogue with 445 pages, !.hose engaged in Band of Hope and Tem­ I should not have written for any shaving perance work. We shall be pleased to serve paper. Please send catalogue now. and ob­ Why should you be sorry for the let ter E ? leaders in this way. lige,---- - Because it is never out of danger, and is rlways lacking in funds. !I T'HE CHILD OF T·O-DA V­ I HCOBBERS" THE CITIZEN TO-MORROW THE THE TEMPERANCE LEAGUE OF W.A. CLUB makes Earnest Appeal to Churches, Societies and Individual MY PROMISE. Youth Work. I promise, God helping me, to abstain Friends for a Gift to further its from all intoxicating liquors as beverages. e School Lectures and to get others to do the same. " Essay Competitions Pull Name ...... ~ Sporting Clubs, ek. Address ...... ···· · ...... MY GIFT

•••• 0 •••• •• •••••••••••••••••••••• • NAME...... (P lease state wheLhe'· M!' .. Mrs. or Mi~s l . Town ...... ·········· ...... ! DDRESS ...... Age ...... Birthday ...... Date AMOUNT £ Mail this to the Editor of "Cobbers" and League (Inc.) . (Make cheques payable to W.A. Temperance ~ membership card will be sent to you free 130.'\ MURRAY STREET, PERTH). :-. f charge. Please enclose stamp for postage on card.

· ·r mterl 1· ' Newsp11pers Ltd. 1'21 Reanfort street. Perth. Rn d published by W. H. Rose (Proprietor). 130a Murray Street ?ertt ;ontrlbutlng Editor:_ JOHN GIBSON, J.P. Editor: W. H. ROSE, 130a Murray Street, Perth, W.A. Phone BA 5562

r..ocl Gioes Moderate Drinking E oe1*·y Bird is Not *the Solu­ Food tion of the Drink But He Does Problem. Not Deliver it It is the Main to the Nest: Cause of it.

" Cobber-Friend, Companion or Fellow Worker."-Sydney Walker. Registered at General P.O., Perth, for transmission by Post as a Periodical. * The West Australian Temperance Paper * Vol. 18-No. 197


SENIOR GRADE REACH FINALS As these notes are being prepared the Senior Grade of the Young Sports• Tern·· perance League Football Competition has reached the final stages. The "final four" in the three divisions are: Western: East Fremantle, South Fremantle. Park, North Fremantle. Central: Mt. Hawthorn. West Perth, F'loreat Park and Wembley. Ea tern: Perth, North Perth, South Perth anct East Perth. In the Cobbers• Grade th e fixtures are a week longer than the Seniors. By the time this paper reaches the read­ ers !:nth gr-ades will have advanced several stages. Results appear in the week-end Papers and they are r.lso broadcasted. If there was a trophy for the "Best Losers'• it would surely go to our East Perth Senior side. As far as winning are concerned, they have had a bad season. But for good sportsmanship and cheerfulness in defeat, they al·e "tops." Aft~ r all. the Winning of premierships is not the sJle aim of our competition. we want to encourage gcod sportsmanship and games played under Wholesome conditions, the absence of booze and oth er tmdesirable influences. Doug. Hartshorn is the skipper and has done a good job under ci ifficult conditions. Let us bear in mind, however, that this same sid e as cricketers car­ ried all before them in (Block by courtesy of the Board of Temperance Of the the last season, captur­ Methodist Church of U.S.A. (Washington, D.C.) . • ing the sixth cricket premiership for Perth. Doug. Hartshorn. ·" BEERLESS FORTNIGHT" East Perth's Skipp~r . REDUCES CRIME CALLS 80 TO 40 DAILY Coach Maguire did a good j-:: b right throughout the footba-ll season. Melbourne recently had a "beerless fortnight" on account of industrial trouble at the breweries. A MINISTER AND A MEMBER OF An article in the "Melbourne Age" quoted Russel! Street police head­ PARLIAMENT quarters as revealing that Melbourne's "beerless fortnight" reduced crime From th e former footballers of the Young calls from 70 to 80 to about 40 per day. As soon as the beer was "on" again Sports• Temperance League we now have a the crime incidence orose to its "wet" average. Minister, Rev. Ban-y Angus, and a Member of the State Parliament, Mr. Colin Ja.mie­ son , M.L.A.. for Canning Electorate. BEER AND CRIME GO HAND IN HAND Page 2 COB,BERS September 1, 1953

I M-ELY CONSULT tMP£RAnC£ OPICS BOANS Pen Doctor· Yes, Mr. Temperance Man, WHO WILL REPAIR ANY MAKE We're Pointing At You OF FOUNTAIN PEN OR W·e know you hate i rlnk and all its do­ PROPELLING PENCIL ngs. You have so often BOANS GROUND FLOOR, MURRAY STREF:I' END. Phone No. BF 1231 ' aid: " We must train ~ he children on Tern- compelled to d isplay large "D" platEs at the But, good friend, front and in the rear ? ~ omething morre than (This is from a letter signed "Victim" in talking is neces- the "Lombard News," Northern Ireland). The editor adds: "It would-and at the sides, too. TEMPERANCE LEAGUE ACTIVITIES Resolve to start a Band of Hope (or Cob­ Since last issue, Mr. W. H. Rose, the State hers' Club) on modern lines. Gather in the Director, has v isited and addressed gather­ children in your own centre. il1gs of various kinds at the following cen­ Send to us for lite·rature. We will help tres, these including schools and church Band Of Hope Opened At you. services: Gosnell.s, Northam, Darlington, 9 0'clock In The Morning Write Beverley, York, Mundijong, West Leederville, TEMPERANCE HEADQUARTERS Victoria Park, Canning Vale, Hamilton Hill, At this unusual hour en Friday, July 17, 130a Murray Street, Perth (BA 5562). Maddington, Bayswater, Nedlands, E. Can­ the West Leederville Seventh-Day Adventist A Royal Snub For A "Pub" nington , Kenwick. Midland Junction, Har­ Band of Hope was instituted. It is ass ~ ­ An English Brewery Company that wished vey, Bunbury, Mosman Park, Palmyra, Fre­ ciated with the Day School conducted by to name one of its Public Houses "The mantle, Attadale. Greylands, Armadale, our Adventist friends. Mr. R. S. Bower is Prince Charles" has been informed that Her Nannup, Brunswick Junction, Yarl1r p, the Leader, and Miss Lynette Thompson, the Maj€Sty objects to the name of Her children Waroan.a, Pinjarra, Southern cross, Bull­ Secretary. Mr. F. C. Swain, Vice-President, being used for this purpose. finch, Albany, Wagin, Mount Barker and of the W.A. Temperance League and Band Ing!ewood. of Hope Union, was the guest speaker. How To Contact Alcoholics Mr. Ray El~io t t and Mr. J. A. Bridge h ave Mr. G. E. Hale has been elected as Secre­ Anonymous rendered splendid service by screening the tary cif the Kulikup Band of Hope. films for us In a number of metropolitan Mr. F . C. Swa.ine, V. -P ., Band of Hope Ministers and others who are sometimes c e ntre~ valuable help indeed. Union, spoke en "Courage" at Perth Band called on to help alcoholics are advised t hat Northam Police Boys' Club rendered simi­ of Hope. August meeting, Don Markham. alcoholics, Anonymous address is Box 1243, lar service in that centre, whilst Pastor D. G.P.O., Perth. A. Brcnnan, of the Seventh Day Adventist METHODISTS LEAD THE WAY The Methodist churches in W.A. Temperance Essay In Conference. screened the films at Palmyra. England have commenced a campaign to re-establish the Schools Band of Hope in Methodist churches. In Th's will be cc·nducted by the Temp: rance Courage conjunction with the U.K. Band of Hope Lea.,"tte with the apprr, val of the Education Courage is not just Union a sp ~ cial Manual is being print-ed. Departmen t. The theme is "Keep Fit" and To bare one's bosom to the Many Bands of Hope operate at present, but the date. FRIDAY. OOTOBER 16. sabre thrust the aim of the campaign, led by the Metho­ The Man Who Gave The Drink Alone in daring dist Department of Christian Citizenship, is Courage is to grieve, to materially increase the number. Was Punished Also To have the hurt, and make Albany Band of Hope, foTmed under In Prague, Czechoslovakia, a man gave the world believe leadership of Mrs. Williams. Ninety boys his friend a drink of an alcoholic beverage You are not caring. and girls at opening rally. just before the latter took to the road in Courage does not lie New Bands of Hope will function shortly Alone in dying for a cause, his car. An accident took place. and not at Annadale and at Brunswick Junction. to die only was the drinker pm1ished, but also the Mr. E. H. Wallace, of Seville, Victoria, Is only giving. has man who gave him the drink. He was sent ,lust been re-elected Secretary of the Seville b gaol. and fined. Courage is to feel The dally daggers of relentless Band of Hope for the 53rd year in succes­ Everest Climbers Drink steel sion . A splendid recprd. Sweetened Lemonade And keep on living. Twenty-one present at last meeting. Films -Author unknown. and readings. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chambers According to the "West Australian," on ===== acted as hosts to our meeting.-G. E. Hale. June 27, 1953, the Everest climbers sa.!d: Secretary, Kulikup Band of Hope. "A swig of sweetened lemonade refreshed State Organiser Wooldridge On us." Long Trip Mr. C. M. Wooldrid A Good Idea From Ireland ge, State Organiser PROFITABLE In Great Britain a pers0n learning to of the West Australian Temperance League, A shopkeeper had for some time displayed drive a car is required to display conspicu­ is just on completing his longest campaign in his window a card inscribed " ous "L" plates at the front and rear of the of the year-his three months' visit to the Tickle." car as a warning to other motorists to be­ Eastern cr>ldfields. He then comes on to A customer drew his attention to the spel­ ware and give the learner a wide berth. But Northam and other centrC's nearer Perth. ling. "Hasn't anyone tofd you of it before?" as drinking drivers a re much greater danger The work of our friend helps the League to "Hundreds," replied the dealer, "but when­ and menace r n our roads than learners, finance its extensive programme. Thanks ever they drop in to tell me they alway~ would it n ot be a g·ooct idea If they were again. Mr. Wooldridge. spend something." September I , I 9 53 COBBERS Page 3 Alcohol The Remover Booze Is No Respecter Of Ministers and· Church (From "The Dry Legion"). Persons Some one has said alcohol will remove Officials AN INTERESTING STUDY staiP..s from :,ummer clcthes. The Temperance League has two In a recent bulletin of the K eeley Institute 'I'his may be true, but stains from sum­ "sound" Temperance films, which are in the United States an interesting attempt mer clothes are n ot the only things alcohol quite suitable for showing on Sunday is made to trace the social groups from will remove. evenings. which alcoholics come. Alcohol will remove the stain all right, These appeal to young people and The basis of the inquiry is, the pati£nts will remove the summer clothes as adults. but it who come to them for treatment, which, as e spring clothes, and the autumn The League will be pleased to ar­ well, and th they claim, represents "a reasonably fair the winter clothes. range for the showing of these films clothes, and sample" of the population of the United not oniy do this for the man either in the metropolis or in the Alcohol will States. On examination they find the dis­ who drinks it, but it will do it for all those country. Please contact tribution as follows: for whom he is responsible. Per Cent. TEMPERANCE HEADQUARTERS, Alcohol will remove good food from the Slnall business (merchants, sales- 130a Murray Street, Perth. dinner table and sh0€s from the baby's feet. men, etc.) ...... 28 BA 5562. It will re~ove happiness from the home, Professional men ...... 21 NO CHARGE FOR and then remove the possibility of its ever THERE IS Labourers (skilled) ...... 17 returning. THIS SERVICE. Farmers ...... 16 It will remove smiles from the face, and Labourers (unskilled) 13 laughter from the lips of innocent children. Managers and Executives ...... 3 It will remove school books from the arms Miscellaneous group ...... 2 and hope fl·om the hearts cf your boys and N.B.: Of all the alcoholic patients, the girls, anct then the shoes from their feet, largrst group have attended high school ; and t.he warm clothing from their bodies. and 12 per cent. of them have had college Yes, alcohol is a great r emo'Ver ! As a training. remover of things, alcohol has no equal competitor. But removing things is not a!J that alco­ hol will do. Temperance Cricket Com­ It will remove stains from your summer mences on Sat., Nov. 14 , but it will leave stains of a far clothes PRACTISE MATCHES ON NOV. 7 worse character on your manhood. I t will remove stains from your sun;mer Teams and members are ad vised clothes, but it will leave pain a million times that the great summer game will com­ deeper in your heart. mence in November. There will be Yes, alcohol L~ a great remover. two grades: It will remove stains and leave pain. Seniors, under-18, with concessi ~ ns It will remove fame and leave shame. re over-age players, and Cobbers (un­ It will remove plenty and leave poverty. der-15). It will rem' VP h0nom and leave humilia- Write early and enter your team. tion. It will remove fine homes and leave hovels. TEMPERANCE HEADQUARTERS, In fact, a lcohol will remove anything 130a Mlurray Street, Perth. (Blcck by courtesy International Tem­ BA 5562. from stains on summer clothes to the great­ perance Association, Sth. African Division). est fortunrs ever amassed by intE-lligent man. It will remove everything, great or small, India Means Business In The that make life worth while. What Is that which you break If you Fight Against Booze whisper its name ever so softly?-Silence. When has a man four hands.-When he The Government of India has issued a GENEROUS BOY doubles his fists. number of regulations aimed at eliminating Said a mother to her small son: "Those WhY is it Impossible to have the last word liquor from public life. There is to be: little orphans have no father and mother, with a distiller?-Because -he has a retort. "No alcoholic drink served at state func­ and no Aunt Sarah. Would you like to give When is a picture magnate like an astron­ tions; them something?" omer?-When he discovers a new star. "No liquor advertisements accepted In "Yes. What about giving them Aunt Which is the largest room in the world?­ India owned newspapers; Sarah?" The room for Improvement. "Elimination of al! drinking scenes from motion pictures; "No serving of liquor on all dining cars of trains and in refreshment rooms of the railways; MY GIFT TO HELP PLANT THE SEED FROM WHICH "Diplomatic representatives abro~d are to WILL GROW THE WILL TO ABSTAIN substitute fruit-juices for cocktails at all official functions; "Provincial co-operation and constructive ...... NAME...... policies of state prohibition; "No person who carries on trade in liquor Street..... or is addicted to drink shall be eligible for election as a Congress delegate." Town ..... -International Press Bulletin, 1/ 2/ 53. Amount of gift £ ...... is the difference between the North Cut out and send with your contribution to the­ What Pole and the South Pole?-A world of dif­ TEMPERANCE LEAGUE OF W.A., ference. 130a Murray Street, Perth. What has four legs and only one foot?­ A bed. What trees should fie worn in the winter? -The fir tree. : : : COBBERS September I , I 9 53

Another Life Subscriber to DRY AT THE TOP Our Young Competitors General Ridgway, Supreme Commander of "Cobbers" the Allied Forces in Europe, is a total ab­ stainer, so is his second in command, Lord Our last competition prov ~ d one of the Mr. G. S. Thompson, of Queens Park, in most successful we have ever held. AlmcsfJ Montgomery- Monty. There is no reason sending a Life Subscription to "Cobbers" 200 entries came Irom town and country, why young Wide-Awakes doing their period for his wife says: "Both my wife and self and even some from oth er States. of National Service, should feel awkward or have been teetotalers all our• lives and we peculiar because th ey cannot join their Gennifer Northcott, of Albany, secures the friends in drinking. While those at the head have two married sons and two' married book prize for the girls, whilst Willia.m Wal­ daughters who have followed our way of of the Forces set such a fine exam·ple, young ker, of East Perth, is the winner in the life. None of us have ever needed the servicemen can be proud to follow them. boys' section. Prize books have been for­ b ~·ewe rs' poison. Good luck to all the warded to each. "Cobbers". Stick to your guns, boys. Riddles And Stories CAN YOU READ THIS ! Wha t tree is not attractive?-- The plane If U R YYY tree. U'll UUU your III What lady is always unlucky?-Miss For­ 2 C how Drink tune. Makes 4-tunes shrink. What dog is always three feet long?-A Only a J yard dog. Thinks Drinlc O.K . If your uncles sister is not your aunt, what If u would CCC l"€lation is she to you.- Your mother. With greatest EEE On what side of the jug is the handle.­ Life's many opportuniT'TTTT The outside. Then U must B Behead an animal of three letters and A strict TT. you have a bigger animaL-Fox-ox. Why is coffee like a blunt knife?-Neither Print or write your solution and send it to are any good till they are ground. the Editor "Cobbers" before October 31 next. Book priz·es for the best effort by a girl and NOW liE KNOWS the same for best work by a boy. A fond mother received the following letter from her son: "Dear Mum: I joined the Navy because I Sunday School Leaders, liked t he way the ships were kept so clean and tidy. But I never knew until this week C. E. and Other Youth who keeps them so clean and tidy.- Love, Workers Jimmy." The Temperance League can help HOW TRUE you bring th e important matter of "It's nice to see you again. Are you Tem perance before your members in married?" (Block by courtesy International Tem­ uy es." perance Association , Sth. African Division) . an interesting way. We h ave "talkie" films, stop films, fiannelgraph and "I remember you always used to tell me other illustrative matter. in the old days that you w:mldn't marry the best man on earth." Contact "I didn't." You Have No Enemies, 'l'EMPERANCE HEADQUARTERS, 130a M'urray Street, Perth. A NEW POST You Say! A woman advertised for a girl to do light BA 5562. housework. She received a long letter from "You have no enemies, you say, THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS a girl who said she would take the position. Alas! my friend, the boast is poor SERVICE. She thought the sea air would do her good, He who has mingled in the fray but she wanted to know where the light­ Of duty, that the brave endure, house was situated ! Must have made foes; if you h ave none, Small is the work that you have done. THEY DRIVE DRY You've smote no traitor on the hip, In Madagascar there is a Taxi-Drivers' You've dashed no cup from perjured lip, Total Abstinence Society. Members are You've never turned the wrong to right, given a special police permit and show the You've been a slacker in the fight." total abstinence Blue cross on their cabs. Taxi-drivers in Switzerland are forbidden by Jaw to drink any intoxicant while on duty. MY PROMISE. How does a sailor know there's a man in It is time we learnt here that drink and promise, God helping me, to abstain the moon ?- He's been to see (sea). driving do not mix well. from all intoxicating liquors as beverages. a nd to get others to do the same.

Full Name ...... THE TEMPERANCE LEAGUE Address ... ····· ·· ···· ···· ...... ·...... IS DEFINITELY ASSOCIATED with the United Front formed in Western Australia to resist the Town

attempts of the Liquor Trade to secure longer hours and to Age ...... Birthday ...... extend Sunday Trading. Date NO MORE CONCESSIONS TO THE LIQUOR Mall this to the Editor of "Cobbers" and a membership card will be sent to you free TRADE of charge. Please enclose stamp for postage on card.

Printed bJ" Shipping NewspB.pers Ltd.. 1\ll Beaufort Street, Perth, and published by W. H. Rose (Proprietor), 130a Murray Street Pert!: ·ontrlbutlng Editor: JOHN GIBSON. J.P. Editor: W. H. ROSE, 130a Murray Street, Perth, W.A. Phone BA 55112

Motorists I . You Can* Finish A Man Who Has Your Car With No Enemies is Either of Two Not Worth Things­ Shaking Hands Lacquer or Liquor With.

~ " Cobber-Friend, Companion or Fellow Worker."-Sydney Walker. Registered at General P.O., Perth, for transmission by Post as a Periodical. The West Australian Temperance Paper

Vol 18- No. 198 PERTH: DECEMBER 1, 19 S3 4d. (2/- per annum, posted)


Temperance League Competition Makes Good Start Ten senior teams (under 18) and 20 Cob ­ hers teams (under 15) are taking pal't in the annual cricket competition Of the Young Sports Temperance League. A feature of the competition is a n in­ crease in the seni'"> r sides, the n: w teams being "Bird wood" (Perth), Cannington, Centr-a.! Crick·et Club, South Fremantle Rovers, East Perth Rovers. Beaconstield a nd Postal Institute.

Husbands are of three varieties: Prizes, Surprises and Consolation Prizes.

Scores a re published in the week-end Press and also broadcasted in the Sports Rours of the National Station. Ron Innes has been selected by the Bas­ sendean cobbers as their captain for the second season in succession ; Errol Carman is the vice-captain and secretary. (Continu:d in next column).

SEASIDE "HAPPY HOURS" TEMPERANCE WORK ON THE BEACHES. The 21st Annual Seaside "HAPPY HOURS" CAMPAiGN of the Tem­ perance League and Cobbers Club will open at MOSMAN BAY BEACH on " THE CUP THAT CHEERS" ? Boxing Day, Saturday, December 26, at 2 p.m. and will continue right through the chool vacation. secretary Sirnonette, of the Central Cric­ the secretary, with R. Doig as skipper and ·s includes, ~ The plan of meeting ket Club, successors to Perth, is one of our K. Malone as his assistant. usual, all the Metropolitan Beaches keenest o:fficials. Alex Slater is the skipper Sorry that we cannot include notes of all and also those at Geraldton, Dongara, and Ron Hanson, the vice-captain. the teams owing to shortage of space. Some Esperance, Middleton Beach and Emu of those not referred to this time may be Point Alba11y, B1mbury, Busselton, Ken 'IIaylor has again rallied the "troops" dealt with in next issue (we hope) . Mandurah and Rockingham area. for the East Cannington Cobbers side. Sand castle competitions for the The SQ!meider-Sullivan combdnation of will do juniors with a varied programme ' East Perth Rovers are a group that A small boy had taken his mother's pow­ Temperance games and competitions well in the competition, we feel sure. J ohn der-puff and was in the act of powdering will be features of each afternoon's Maquire is the coach. his face, when his small sister snatched it Cobbers, always in the meeting. Look out for the Red and East Fremantle from him. "You mustn•t do that!" she ex­ have White Banner on the beaches. lead in both football and cricket, claimed. "Only ladies use powder-gentlemen made a good start. Ron Davies is again wash themselves." Page 2 COBBERS December 1, 195 3

IMt:LY CONSULT -EMPtiRAnCt OPICS BOANS Pen Doctor T em,perance Postage Stamp \VHO WILL REPAIR ANY MAKE The Friends of Temperance has complet­ ed 100 years' work. The centenary has OF FOUNTAIN PEN OR been marked by the issue cf a postage stamp by the Government. The stamp is PROPELLING PENCIL blue and bears the image of a man and BOANS GROUND FLOOR, MURRA Y STREET END. Phone No. BP 0121 woman holding aloft a torch with the li superscription: "Abstinence" in Finnish and ======Swedish. This is not the first time that Temper­ Rechabites Live longer And ance work has been recognised by a stamp. Eire recogniesd the work of Father Matthew Have Less Sickness (The Apostle of Temperance) in this way The West Australian District of the In­ and the U.S.A. honored Prances Willard in dependent Order of Rechabites, a world­ the same manner. wide temperance benefit society, has just Mrs. Jessie Reid, State President cf th ~ held its cenference in Northam. M·. T. N. West Australian Temperance League, pre­ Hancock, of Subiaco, was elected District sided at the November meeting of the Chief ruler, and Rev. Norman Hicks, the League Council, after an absence of some Superintendent of Junior work. months on account of illness. The public Actuary of South Australia, re­ Dr. M. M. Freeman has taken over the Mr. F . c. Swaine was elected as National counting 25 years experience, says that all leadership of the Collie Band of Hope, with Grand Counsellor of the National Gr-and friendly societies have a 5.8 per cent. less Mrs. A. BrooksbanJc as assistant, and Les Lodge of Australia of the I.O.G.T. death rate than expected, but the temper ­ Sheppard, Secretary. Th8 Band of Hope ance friendly societies, the Rechabites and will meet fo rtnightly. Temperance League Staff Active the Sons of Temperance had a 33 .8 less Geelong Ba nd of Ho~ Union (Victoria) death 1-ate than expected. All the societies had a sp·ecial four days' campaign, when In the three months that have pa!'Sed had a 20.9 less sickness rate than expected. Mr. c. H. Carter, National Band of Hope since our last issue the staff of the West This is even better than it seems, for there serretary, and Me.ssrs. W. H. Rose and F. Australian Temperance League have been would be many total abstainers in the soc­ c: Swaine. of West Australia, visited that busily engaged in their official duties. ieties where abstinence is not a condition centre. School lectmes, special children's Mr. w. H. Rose. the State Director, has of membership. It may be assumed that the ra lliP.s ·and a workers• conference were the been in 50 different centres for school lec­ South Australian experience would apply to main features. The whole planning was t v · ~. -after church services fi nd a variety the whole Commonwealth, living conditions done by Mr. D. L. Butt: rworth, the hon. of other meetings. being the same in all States. secretary of the Geelong Band of Hope Mr. c. M. Wo oldridge. the State Organiser. Union, in his usual effi cient manner. whose main care is the financial side of Miss E. Madill, leader of the East Gee­ our work, has also been in a large number ]lmg Congregational Band of Hope, reports of country towns and at the time of writ­ Opportunity-·­ 14 new membfrs as a result of special rally inv is calling; on our subscribers at Collie. A stranger knocked at a man's door and - 30 members in all now. Mr. F. Jefferys. Mr .. E. J. Birch and Mr. told him of a fortune to be made. Whilst in South Austmlia, on the way to c. Beale have been active in their work "Hm!" said the man. "It appears that the Australian Temperance Conference in as Metropolitan Financial Representatives. considerable effort will be involved." Melbourne. Messrs. Swaine and Rose visitert "Oh yes," said the strangeT . "You will pass the Birkenh ~ ad and the Tapperoo Bands of "Here's five cents, poor man," said the old manv sleepless nights and toilsome days." Hope. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Davey have been lady. "Tell me, how did you become so des­ "Hm!" said the man. "And who are you?" !faders of the former society for 35 years, titute?" "I am called Opportunity." and at Tapperoo the superin tendent is Miss "I was like you mum.'' replied the beggar, "Hm!" said the man. "You call yourself Underdown and th-:; ecr~tary, Mi .~s "always giving away vast sums to the poor." Opportunity, but you look like Hard Work." Evelyn Stevens. -"Patriot." And he slammed the door ! Mr. Swai ne also visited the Se •ille Band of Hop:.> in Victoria. Mrs. A. Kelly, Vic e-president. was the The ACCOMPLlSHMENT of Yesterday guest speaker at the Nov' mber meeting of The CHALLENGE for To-morrow, but the West Leederville ~ . D . A. Band of Hope. THE TASK IS FOR TOaD AY A Wide-Awake Wife HELP THE LEAGUE RENDER ITS INDISPENSAJ;ILE SERVICE IN THE FIELD OF TEMPERANCE EDUCATION AND TEMPERANCE ACTION. In the State of Massachusetts in America e. man recently drove up to a tavern, left MY GIFT his car outside and went in for a drink. NAME When he came out he found his car had only th ree wheels! Street ...... He hurried off to the police to report that Town ...... his wheel had been stolen. The police smiled-they knew all about it already. The Amount of gift £ ..... man's wife had seen what he did. and to preven t him driving home under the in­ Cut out and send with your contribution to the­ fluence of drink and probably getting into TEMPERANCE LEAGUE OF W.A., trouble she ha.d taken the wheel away her­ 130a Murray Street, Perth. self and phoned the police to tell them what she had done! December 1, 1953 COBBERS Page 3

Exploits Of Shawn.


Shawn is a Red Indian girl who lives in a fishing village a.cross the Atlantic.

Blocks and story by courtesy of the United 2. She went out to ccllect firewood, an

3. Being a Band of Hope and Cobbers 4. While she was collecting more stic'·" ;; . J u;:t then Shawn returned and toid Club member she knew the prop~ r uses of her uncle came home, quite drunk. He nim the dead snake was hers. "Alcoholic alcohol and' remembered that specimens reached for one of the bottles. Then he liquor is good for dead snakes which need COuld be preserved in spirit. So she decided gazed at it in horror. There was a snake preserving, but bad for human beings," she to ktep the dead snake in one of her in it. He thought he had gone mad through told hin1. "There's a serpent in every gl-ass uncle's bottles of liquor. drinking, and was seeing things. of booze.''

! HEREBY RESOLVE OUR YOUNG Ten Chinese Proverbs By F. J. Johnson COMPETITORS A man thinks he knows, but a woman I will be cheerful. I' will not let little knows better. The winners of competition in our last If fortune smiles-who doesn't? If fortune'! things irritate me-to make me miserable, issue were: and others near me sad and depressed. doesn't-who does? GAIL CROFTS, of Bassendcan, and I will be thoughtful. I will be ever mind­ Armies are maintained for years, to be ful of my tongue, which may at an un­ JACK WILLIAMS. of Inglewood, t::> whom used on a single day. books have been sent. In misfortune, gold is dull; in happiness, guarded moment hurt someone with a word Now here's our competition this time: iron is bright. carelessly spoken. If you fear that people will know-don't I will be myself. I wHl not be a copycat, A SPELLING EXERCISE do it. because I admire someone else's dress and In the following list of animals there is Long visits bring short compliments. personality. Neither would be suitable for one letter too many in each name. If these The highest towers begin from the ground. me. extra letters are written down in the order Free sitters at the play always grumble I will look for the good in others. No one given you will have a four word sentence the most. is perfect, nor is anyone unalterably bad. stating a fact that an Cobbers know. Gold is tested by fire; man, by gold. There is at least one saving grace. I will No image maker workships the gods. He learn to find it. STICKLEDBACK. knows what stuff they are made of. I will cultivate laughter. I will learn to GORILLAR. CRAINE. --e- laugh at myself. Life can be lived better ANNTELOPE. Adv]ce From A Murderer if it is liberally sprinkled with genuine COCKKEREL. CAMMEL. humour. ~ ·.. ~ND MARTAIN. Private Jam-?s E. Long, U.S.A., wh~le under I will look on the brigh t side. Dark and SNAKKE. EMUE. r. deatl: sentence for the murder of an aged troubled days are sure to come. But there PEACOCKS BUTTERFLY. Ko"ea n wcman wrote a "last letter" to his is a silver lining to every cloud and a glor­ RHINOCHEROS. younger brother, Bud, who had jus.t been ious at the end of every storm. DOREMOUSE. HOARSE. inducted into the Army. I will work hard to accomplish my aim in RATTLED-SNAKE. Among other things, the convicted ki~ler life. God has put me here on earth to fulfil HIPPO POTAMUSS. advised his brother: " .. If you don't dnnk a certain pa.ttern. PARTRIDDGE. now please don't start. It will get you in I will play hard. All work and no play POLUAR BEAR. SNAILL. r.. lnt of trouble." builds a dark and gloomy character. There PELLICAN. The death sentence was later commuted must be windows of enjoyment to brighten ! o liie imprisonment. The news item does the whole. Print or write your answer, doing your not mention any punishment for the liquor I will pray sincerely. My prayers will be best work, and mail it to the Editor of "Cob­ deale:·s who sold him the drinks which led words from my heart, not just a memorised J· en" before January 31, 1954. There will to the crime. ritual. he r. book prize for the best effort by a girl I will be a willing worker in God's fields. and the same for the boys. Why is it that~-·- when you hunt for some- I will do an I can do to leave the world a (Several competitors in the last issue thing mislaid, you always find it in the last little kinder, a little better, than I fo und it. failed to put their name and address on their place you !ook?- Because you do not go on UmAfrika, 3.1.53. entry, please watch that). looking when it is found. eage 4 COBBERS December 1, 1953 "Drink Causes Nine-tenths of Crime," Says Senior Detective

Senior Detective J . B. Finlay, of New Zea­ land, says : "I was present at the unveiling of the Auckland Grammar Sch o; Me­ morial when mention was made of the acta­ genal form of the memorial represen ting East Fremantle Win Senior the eight cardinal virtues. From where I Football Pennant and West stood I could see a brewery and part of Perth The Cobbers Football for 1953 is over after a series of Please Let Us Know most inter,sting games in both the Senior and Cobbers Grade of the Young Sports If for any reason our read, rs happen WILL KEEP WHAT DAD'S BEEN Temperance League. to be receiving two copies of "Cobbers,'' 6 EARNING. East Fremantle won the Senior Pennant, we should appreciate a card from you giving us the proper information. WILL MAKE "HOME SWEET HOME" the third that has gone to this famous 6 fo otball district in the 20 years of our com­ Also, if any of you have moved or petition. expect to move in the near future, won't 6 WILL KEEP THE HOME FIRES West Perth won the second Oobbers pre­ you pl: ase notify us, stating both old BURNING. and new addresses ? WHY W ORRY IF THE BREWERS miership for that equally famous football MOAN. district. The 6 O'clock Closing League has been Ken Armstrong was the winner or the the Auckland Gaol. I could not reflect how formed to secure for the people the right to "Cyril Norton" Meeal, whilst Ross Lawtie, far opposed they are from the cardinal vir­ vote on this important issue. of the new Mid-districts side, won the "F. tues and how closely relak d they are in All from tha Headquarters of the C. Swaine" Medal in the Cobbers Grade. cause and effect to sordidness, misery and W.A. Temperance League, 130a Murray St ., Congratulations to both th se young crime. Perth (BA5562). sportsmen who now join the ranks of that ". . . In the preponderance of crime. honoured band of "Fairest and Best" medal liauor is the root cause. It is my honest Don't Like lt winners. opinion that liquor is responsible for 90 In the "Lombard News," the organ of the "Have a drink?- " ·- per cent. of the crime of this country."­ Irish Temperance League (Belfast), we read "No, thanks! I don't like it! " from the "New Zealand Herald, " May 8, "Wadda y'mean, you don't like it " of their Lombard Youth Club playing 1953. "summer football." Tough fellows, these "Well, in 20 years of liking it, I lost 15 Irishmen! jobs, two good wives, got held up and rob­ bed once, got in gaol five times, spent 250 And whilst we are writing of the Emer­ Guess This Vegetable ald Isle may we say that we are always --- dollars for a 'cm;e,' lost hundreds and hun­ pleased to have the "Pioneer," the Tem­ dreds of dollars from time out from work with hangovers--couldn't work-too sick, pe rance org·an from Southern Ireland. Th MY first is in pen but not in ink; Pioneer Total Abstinence Society of the and a judge let me know through my pre­ My second's in rose but not in pink; sent wife that the next drunk will get me six Sacred Heart has done, a nd is still doing. MY third is in tart but not in pie, a wonderful work in training and pledging months straigh t time-no buying out. I My fourth is in wheat but n r t in :•ye; just don't like it any more. Some fun the young men and women to total abstin- MY fifth is in two but not in one; ence. wasn't it?" My sixth is in moon but not in sun; "Yeah some fun. Give the guy a coke." My seventh's in house but not in barn; -Wait K. in St. Petersburg, Fla., "Grape­ My eighth is in sew but not in darn; vine" and "Idaho Challenge." The Call-·- To Youth My whole is a vegetable goOd to eat-­ It may be Irish, it may be sweet. (By Thomas Curtis Clark). Answer: POTATOES. THE. COBBERS' CLUB You whose hearts possess a dream, You whose vision still is true, -ie­ Will you follow still the gleam? Will you build the world anew? RIDDL---­ES MY PROMISf. Vain are all the tools of war, Why is a trous: r button li ke a n event 1 promise, God helping me, to abstain Vain the boastings of success. that is constantly happening?-'I'hey are from alJ intoxicating liquors as beverages. These the dreams you battle for­ both continually coming of!'. and to get others to do the same. Faith a.nd hope and righteousness. Why should Ireland soon be rich ?-Be­ cause its capital is Dublin (Doubling) . Full Name ...... Let who will despise your youth, What is it that no man wants to h ave, Let them trail your words in dust; but If he did have it, he wouldn't sell it Address You shall conquer with the truth; for £5000 ?-A bald head. In your visions be your trust. When doe a Scotchman resemble a don­ key?-When he stands on his banks and You whose hearts possess a dream braes. Town God is God: His work is true. Why is a policeman like an aeroplane?­ Follow still the luring gleam They both take people up. Age .•... • . . Birthday ...... Till the world is built anew. Wby is the letter F. like a banana skin ? Date -Because they both make all fall. What most frequently becomes a woman? Why is the letter w. like a scandal-mon ­ Mall this to the Edit or of "Cobbers" and -A girl ger?-Because it makes ill-will. a membership card will be sent to you free Why is an egg--- like a colt?-It is no use Why is a caterpillar like a greedy boy?­ of charge. Please enclose stamp for postage until broken in. Because they both make the butter-fly. on car

Printed b:, Blll.pping Newspapers Ltd., 1'U Eeaufort Street, Perth, and published by W. H. Rose (Proprietor), 130a Murray Street Pertt