About Us

The Diana Award is a legacy to Princess Diana’s belief that young people have the power to change the world for the better. We identify and develop young people, then engage them in social action.

We are proud to have the enthusiastic support of HRH Prince William and HRH Prince Harry and their team at the Royal Charities Forum of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry. Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire and recognise social action in young people. We do this by:  empowering young people to make a difference and achieve their full potential  engaging young people in programmes that allows them to make a difference through social action  encouraging young people for their contribution to their communities

We achieve our mission through our four core programmes which are:

1. The Diana Award Programme 3. The Diana Award Anti- giving young people value. Bullying Campaign – gives young people, professionals and parents the skills and to 2. The Diana Award Network tackle all forms of bullying. Programme – The Diana Award Mentoring supports social mobility and furthers 4. social action for young people. Programme – supports at risk young people.

Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

Welcome to Selfies & Self-Esteem!

As a Be Strong Online Ambassador YOU will be talking to younger students about the selfie craze and whether it has an impact on self-esteem in an interactive 20 minute session.

By running this session you will be improving your skills in presentation, public speaking, mentoring, and more. You will also help students to increase their digital literacy, argument formation skills and more– just look out for the skills icons next to each activity.

In your training session with the staff leader, you will go through this Lesson Plan and practice running the activities and leading a discussion.

After your training, this Lesson Plan will act as a guide for you to use with your Be Strong Online Ambassador partner in your lesson with students.

The Selfies & Self-Esteem session you will be running is split into four parts:

1. Intro

2. Video & discussion

3. One activity from a choice of four

4. A follow-up activity to take home, feedback and handing out information sheets for students

3 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors


Your session with younger students will last for around 20 minutes. This guide is designed to be flexible, so tailor the lesson to the time you have available.

When deciding which activity to choose out of the four make sure you take the difficulty level into consideration. Each activity will have a level 1,2 or 3 badge on the top right depending on the difficulty level ( ). Ask your staff leader to help you decide which one would work best for the group you will be working with.

1. Level 1: A straight forward, structured activity to use if you want the group you will be working with to understand the issue quickly 2. Level 2: Moderately challenging activity which may need some extra time to practice and research 3. Level 3: If you have more time and feel the students you will be working with are more advanced in this area, use this activity

Look at the ‘preparation’ section of the activity you choose, find out how many students will be in your lesson and make sure you have all the materials you need. There may be activity sheets to print out or you may need to use slides on the PowerPoint Presentation for your activity.

Make sure you arrive 10-15 minutes early to set up in advance if possible. Load the presentation on a and set up an overhead projector or large computer screen so that the class can see it. Load the YouTube video [youtu.be/kMU_z5IY6PQ] and make sure it works.

There should always be a staff member present during your lesson. Find out who this will be – the Lead Staff Member for Be Strong Online, the form tutor, subject teacher or someone else – and talk to them in advance about your session. Let the teacher know which activity you will be running as they may have some recommendations about which activities from the selection would work well with that particular group.

4 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

Top Tips!

There is an activity below for you to complete in advance with your Be Strong Online Ambassador partner to help you start a conversation with students when you run the lesson:

How to get students talking

If none of the class wants to talk, you could try…  Throwing a completely random question in to get rid of nervous silence, like ‘what’s your favourite food?’  Getting the group into pairs to discuss with their partner before coming back to a group discussion  Asking students to ‘describe in one word how you feel about this’. Students could even write answers on a piece of paper and hold them up  Having a box at the front for questions and reading them out at the end  Asking students to elaborate: ‘that’s interesting, why do you say that?’ ‘Can you tell me more about that?’ Have you got any other ideas to help start conversations? Discuss with your Be Strong Online Ambassador partner and write your ideas below…

My Ideas:

Winning the class over

The Selfies & Self-Esteem session works best when students feel open and comfortable talking about their thoughts and experiences.

You can try the following tactics to encourage discussion:  You could start the session with a ‘Yes Set’: three things that students can say ‘yes’ to before the session has started. This way they get used to responding in a positive way. For example: “is everyone having a good day?” “We’re here today to talk about selfies, is that right?” “Are you looking forward to taking part in some fun activities?” There may be students who deliberately say ‘no’ to try to disrupt the class – but don’t worry, move on and remember that the teacher will be there to help if any students misbehave.  Use humour and think about ways to make the topic light-hearted. For instance, for this session you could ask ‘has anyone ever seen any selfie fails? How about Photoshop fails?’

 Where possible seat the class in a circle to encourage open discussion. It’s great for students to feel like they’re not in a traditional ‘lesson’ as they’re more likely to take part and have fun.

5 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

Selfies & Self-Esteem – Lesson Plan

Intro (2 minutes)

Preparation: you will need a whiteboard and pen; load the ‘How do you take a perfect selfie?’ video [youtu.be/kMU_z5IY6PQ]; load the PowerPoint presentation

a◯ Introduce yourselves as the Be Strong Online Ambassadors and explain today you’ll be running a short session on Selfies & Self-Esteem, part of the Be Strong Online Ambassadors Programme from The Diana Award charity and Vodafone

a◯ Before you start, explain that the teacher will be present during the session

This session will explore self-esteem. This can be a sensitive topic so there are a few things to bear in mind. What do students think everyone should do to make this an open and honest session?

Show Slide 3 to give them some ideas:

◯ Everyone has the right to ‘pass’ on a question if they don’t want to answer

◯ Everyone has the right to be listened to

◯ There should be no shouting out

◯ Everyone should feel comfortable asking questions

◯ Show the learning objectives slide and read these out:

◯ Students will be able to identify some of the main reasons why people take selfies

◯ Students will demonstrate an understanding of self-esteem and

whether selfies could have a positive or impact

◯ Add in the learning objective from the activity you choose

6 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

Selfies Discussion & Video (3 minutes)

Explain that the aim of this session is to explore the selfie craze and whether a selfies can have an impact on our self-esteem.

Ask - does anyone know the minimum age limit for most social networks? Why do they think these age limits are in place?

Most social networks have a minimum age of 13. Some apps have a higher minimum age, for instance WhatsApp which you have to be 16 or over to use

◯ Introduce the topic and get students talking by asking a few starter questions:

Hands up if you’ve ever taken a selfie?

If you have taken one, how many selfies do you think you’ve taken in the past?

Watch the ‘How do you take a perfect selfie?’ video

Ask if anyone has ever done one of those poses they were demonstrating in the video?

◯ The teens in the video mentioned the different reasons why people take selfies – ‘attention seeking’, ‘document your life’, do you agree with these? What other reasons do you think people have for taking selfies?

Suggested answers: to stay in touch with others; to communicate with friends; to control the way pictures of yourself look; boredom; for fun; to show off (new clothes or hair, showing others that you’re on holiday, etc.); to document your life; to express yourself; to get attention from others…

7 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

Ask: can anyone explain what they think ‘self-esteem’ means?

Show Slide 4 on the PowerPoint to help you

◯a Explain that self-esteem is something which changes - we all go through times when we feel great and when we don’t feel so good about ourselves. There are lots of things that can influence your self-esteem

Ask students: do you think taking and looking at selfies can have a positive or negative impact on self-esteem? Why?

◯ Explain that you’re now going to do an activity which explores selfies and self- a esteem in more detail

Now it’s time for the 10 minute activity!

3. Activity (10 minutes)

There are four activities to choose from. During your training with the staff leader you will practice these activities and choose your favourite.

A. The Journey of a Selfie B. Impact of Likes

C. Are Selfies Realistic? D. My True Selfie

8 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

A. The Journey of a Selfie (10 minutes)


Summary: In this exercise we will explore selfie editing, the reasons people edit selfies, howe we feel when we choose to edit selfies, and what does the ability to edit selfies mean about their credibility

Learning objective: Preparation:

You will be able to identify the effect You will need: one piece of A4 paper per taking selfies and editing them could student, felt-tip pens, a whiteboard and have on your sense of identity pens. You will need: one ‘Journey of a Selfie’ sheet in the appendix

Running the Activity:



◯ Reflect on the a Explain the background to this reasons selfies are activity: One of the reasons popular, and what preparation goes selfies are popular so is into a selfie before because it has become a way

it is posted of expressing your identity.

But what happens to your identity when the selfies you post become unrealistic and different to what you’re like in

real life? This is a question we will

explore in this activity.

9 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

◯ If any students are unclear on What do you think we mean what ‘identity’ means, ask: when we talk about your ‘identity’?

Hint: your personality, characteristics and all the attributes which make you who

you are, the way you think about yourself…

Show the Activity C slide (slide 6) in the PowerPoint. Explain that

these are a few things people do to change the selfies they take.

◯ Explain that you’re now going to a do an activity which explores the

journey a selfie goes on from the original to the final version.



◯ Explore how a selfie ◯ Ask everyone to stand up. changes from the ◯ original to the final Choose two students to stand at the front of the room. The rest of version that is posted the class should then form two lines behind these students

◯ Give students one piece of paper

and one felt-tip pen each

a Explain the instructions for this ◯ You are going to show activity before starting: the person at the back of each line an image. (Don’t

say what the image is!) ◯ That person should then place their piece of paper on the back of the person in

10 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

front of them and draw the image

◯ That person will then draw the image that they think has been drawn on the back of the person in front of them using their piece of

paper, and so on ◯ When you get to the front of the line you will compare the

difference between the original and the final version

◯ After the final image has been drawn, ask everyone to sit back down



◯ Reflect on how we ◯ Compare the first and last What are the differences perceive selfies, drawing for each of the two between these images? What and whether the teams and ask students: are the similarities? fact that some are

manipulated changes our Hint: You can also look at the perceptions different versions along the line a Say: so if each person in the line to see where the image changed represents a change that can be made to a selfie (such as a filter, a pose or angle, etc.), you can see how the final version might be slightly or dramatically different to the original photo taken



◯ Reflect on the ways ◯ Ask the following questions: Do you think that posting selfie-editing lots of selfies that have been

influences the edited can change the way a person posting; and person thinks about what does it mean themselves? Why/why not?

11 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

when someone Why do you think people chooses to edit make these changes? Is it to

selfies appeal to others, because they’re trying to fit in with what people think is

‘attractive’, or a different reason?

Optional extra question: Do you think it’s possible

for someone to create an online identity- using selfies that are different to

real life – that they find hard to ‘live up to’ in real life?


Has anyone ever heard the ◯ Finally ask: phrase “the doesn’t lie”? Thinking about today’s activity, how do you feel about this statement?

Top Tips  If there isn’t enough open space in the room to form two lines, this activity can be run by the room in two and asking students to stand behind their desks. They can then draw on the person standing next to them so that the line snakes around the classroom.

 If you’re pressed for time, choose 5 students for each line to do this activity at the front of the class.

 If you’re worried about felt-tip leaking through onto students’ clothes, you could ask them to trace the image using their finger. The final person then draws what they think has been drawn on a piece of paper. Just miss out the step which looks at the different images that have been drawn along the line.

By the end of activity you should have discussed and communicated the following key messages:

Posting lots of selfies has become a way of establishing an identity, but they encourage people to put their appearance first. Your identity is about more than just your appearance

12 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

If you’re regularly taking selfies, changing them lots and posting them online, be aware that this could have an impact on how you see yourself offline

People sometimes post selfies that have been manipulated or edited in some way to appeal to others, but you shouldn’t feel pressured to share lots of selfies or change them just because others are

B. Impact of Likes (10 minutes)


Summary: In this exercise you will consider the impact of ‘likes’ on our personal lives, the way we feel about ourselves, and our mood. You will also look into whether the possibility of being ‘liked’ motivates us to post

Learning objective: Preparation:

You will be able to analyse the impact Print off the emoji signs and stick them that the ‘like’ function on social media around the room. can have on self-esteem Give students one piece of A4 plain paper per person. If possible, set the room up so that everyone is sitting on chairs in a circle. Sit down as part of the circle when asking questions to encourage students to be open Post-It notes)

Important! This activity is more suitable for running with a group of young people aged 13 and over. The activity is focused on social media popularity, and most social media networks state that their users have to be 13 or over to use them. You could adapt

this activity to younger students by asking them to think about older friends or siblings and how they would feel in these scenarios they might feel if this happened to them in the future.

13 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

Running the activity:



◯ Reflect on why we a Explain that this activity want ‘likes’ on our explores the impact of ‘likes’ on This can be a sensitive selfies our self-esteem. issue. Point out the information sheets which you will be handing out at the end of the class and remind students that if

they’re feeling down they can speak to a trusted adult, such as parent or teacher, or

a support service such as ChildLine


◯ Ask students: Whose photos do you ‘like’? Friends, celebrities, or both?

What’s your criteria for liking a selfie – when would you look at a selfie but not like it?



◯ Reflect on how we ◯ Ask students to stand up. They feel about receiving should imagine they’ve taken a

certain amounts of selfie and posted it on social likes media

◯ You’re now going to name a

number and students should imagine that they’ve received this amount of likes

(By ‘likes’ explain that you mean any of these types of functions on social networks, such as RTs, hearts, etc.)

14 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

◯ They should imagine that this amount of likes has been

received within the first one or two days the selfie has been online

◯ Students should move to the

emoji sign which represents how

they’d feel if they received that ◯ 20 likes? amount of likes: ◯ 90 likes?





Optional: when students go to the ◯ 4 likes? emoji sign you could say to them: ◯ 0 likes? ‘turn to the person next to you and make the face you’d make if you got ◯ 150 likes?

this many likes!’



◯ Reflect on the ◯ Ask students to sit back down impact that the ◯ ‘So most of you have said that amount of likes we a Summarise what the students receive (or fail to have said in this activity, e.g.: you would be happy if you receive) has on our received over X amount of likes,

mood and self- and unhappy if you received X esteem amount of likes or under’

Encourage two or three volunteers to give answers

------◯ Ask the students: Why is this? What’s going through your mind when your selfie receives a high or low

amount of likes?

15 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

a Next, say: “some students have told us that they would delete a

selfie that didn’t receive any likes on social media”

◯ Ask students to put their hands up if they would also do this?

Ask the people who put their ◯ Answers to this question hand up to write down how long tend to be anywhere they would wait to see if they between 1 week and 2 received any likes. Show these to minutes! Encourage the rest of the class students to explain why they would wait for this amount of time



◯ Reflect on the way ◯ Then finally, ask students the Do you think the amount of the potential of following questions: likes you get on a selfie can many ‘likes’ have an effect on how good or ◯ Advice: If they are a quiet group motivates us to bad you feel about yourself post online; and you can ask them to ‘think, pair, as a person? Why/why not? why the way we feel share’ – think to themselves, then becomes discuss with their parter, then share dependent on ‘likes’ with the rest of the class Do you think that people who

post selfies which gets loads of likes automatically feel good? And do people who receive a

small number – or none - feel bad? Why/why not?

If ‘likes’ didn’t exist would you still take selfies?


16 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

◯ Go round the room and ask: what’s one thing you’ve learned from this activity?

Ask the teacher as well – they will definitely have learned something from hearing students’ views!

By the end of activity you should have discussed and communicated the following key messages:

The amount of likes you get on a selfie shouldn’t dictate how good or bad you feel about yourself. Think about the other aspects of your personality that aren’t shown in a selfie and check out the top tips in the Information Sheet for how to build self-esteem

17 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

C. Are Selfies Realistic? (10 minutes)


Summary: In this activity you will look at the impact that seeing selfies of other people your own age online can have on self-esteem. You will also be discussing how these images can be manipulated or changed

This can be a sensitive topic so make sure you remind students about the areas of support on the information sheet you’ll be giving out at the end of the session.

Learning objective: Preparation:

You will be able to think critically about You will need 2 sheets of flipchart/A3 the impact that seeing selfies that have paper, the Activity B Selfie sheet, been edited or manipulated can have on some Blu Tack and felt-tip pens self-esteem Write ‘Before’ at the top of one of the sheets and ‘After’. Stick these at opposite sides of the room and stick the selfie image in the middle

Running the activity:



◯ Reflect on the ◯ Explain that in this activity we Tip 1: by ‘realistic’ you a credibility of online will be talking about selfies that mean true to how they look in selfies, and whether are posted permanently online real life celebrity selfies are (not on , for example) realistic

Hint 2: we’re used to seeing Remind students that the age photos of celebrities that have limit for most social networks is been retouched or edited, but 13, so if students are younger – seeing people our own age do it explain that we will be thinking is a fairly new phenomenon

18 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

about social media in general rather than asking people to

talk about their personal experiences ------

◯ Ask students to stand up, and sit ◯ They think that selfies down if: celebrities usually post online are realistic

◯ They think that selfies that people their own age take and post online are realistic (see tip 1 on the previous page)


◯ Next, ask: ◯ What do you think has more of an impact on you: seeing a selfie that a celebrity has taken which has been changed in some way, or one which your friend has taken? Why? (see tip 2 on the previous page)

------◯ Say: raise your hand if you think a that selfies which people post online are usually changed in some way.



◯ Reflect on the ◯ Ask everyone to stand up. Point amount of effort to the worksheet in the middle of

that goes into the room showing the point at taking the ‘perfect which a selfie is taken selfie’ before and after it is shot ◯ At one end of the room is the ‘before’ sheet, and at the other

side is ‘after

Students should grab a felt-tip pen and write on each sheet all

19 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

of the things which happen before and after a selfie has Before been taken to make it look good ◯ Choosing an outfit ◯ Use the list on the right to help ◯ Changing own you and to fill in any gaps: appearance – for instance hair, outfit, makeup… ◯ Including certain objects or people in the selfie ◯ Choosing an attractive

location or background ◯ Changing lighting ◯ Posing or choosing a

flattering angle


◯ Choosing the best picture out of a selection of many

◯ Adding a filter ◯ Adding text or images (e.g. emojis)

◯ Removing ‘flaws’ ◯ Writing a caption and ◯ Cropping ◯ Changing brightness /

contrast / saturation ◯ Adding a vignette or fading the background ◯ Everyone should sit back down. Go over the answers that people have written on the sheets



◯ Reflect on the way we ◯ Ask the class: How many selfies do you think use selfies to compare have not had any of these ourselves to others, and whether we should changes made to them? compare ourselves to others’ selfies When people see selfies that have been changed in this way on social media, how do you

20 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

think it causes them to feel about themselves, their

lifestyle or the way they look?


◯ Finally, ask: Do you think people should feel pressured to compare themselves to selfies of people their own age on social media?

What could we do to make sure that other people’s selfies don’t make us feel bad about ourselves?

By the end of activity you should have discussed and communicated the following key messages:

Think critically about the full picture - not just what you see in the selfie. How has this image been changed and is it realistic?

People often post selfies that present themselves in the best light, so you shouldn’t feel pressured to compare yourself to these images.

21 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

D. My True Selfie– 10 minutes


Summary: In this exercise you will explore whether selfies express our personality, and create a ‘My True Selfie’ to explore your identity

Learning objective: Preparation:

You will be able to explore areas of You will need pieces of flipchart paper, their personality and identity which Blu Tack and coloured pens aren’t shown through a selfie and If you’re running this activity, hand out the reflect on their strengths, positive pieces of paper before the session starts to qualities and interests. save time. Complete a My True Selfie of your own in advance to demonstrate to


Running the Activity:



◯ Considering ◯ Ask students the following When you see a selfie that whether our selfies questions: someone has shared online, reflect who we do you get a sense of what

really are that person’s personality is ◯ Introducing the really like? Why/why not? exercise ------

Explain that you’re now going to a create a ‘My True Selfie’

Students should stick their piece of paper on the wall and ask

22 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

another student to draw around their head and shoulders to

create an outline

Then will then spend 6-7 minutes using different coloured pens

writing words and drawing pictures which reflect their personality around the outline

a Explain that for the first couple

of minutes they should focus on


◯ Hobbies

◯ Interests ◯ Favourite things

◯ For the second half they should focus on their: ◯ Things they enjoy doing ◯ Things they’re good at ◯ Positive things friends say about them

◯ They can swap the colour of pen they’re using halfway through



◯ Reflecting on our ◯ Once they have drawn their Selfie ◯ Note: if phones aren’t personalities and they can then stand back in the allowed at school say that whether or not they outline and take a selfie which students can take a photo of can be conveyed in includes all of the words and their True Selfies at home a selfie images around their head and


◯ Demonstrate your My True Selfie which you have prepared in advance before starting

23 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors


◯ Make sure you give students the signal after 1 minute to move on from completing their outline and start writing and drawing

o Remind students what they should focus on in the first half and in the second half of the activity



◯ Reflecting on our ◯ Go around the room and help o Ask what positive things their personalities and students to complete their selfies. friends or family say about the ways in which If they struggle to write positive them we express them, things about themselves, you ◯ Suggest that they get one and how these can could: of their friends in the be included in our class to help them ‘True Selfie’

o Ask: what do you like doing?

◯ Suggest that they focus on their favourite things, such as food, colours, animals,

music, films etc.

◯ After 6-7 minutes, ask one volunteer to show the rest of the class what they’ve written



◯ Reflecting on how Finally, ask students: Why do you think we did this we feel about our activity? true selfies, and how we present How are these ‘True Selfies’ ourselves in selfies different to selfies on social media?

24 a

Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors


It’s really important to keep an eye on the time during this activity. Students usually love this activity so much that they want to keep drawing.

Make sure you do a countdown while they are drawing around their outline to let them know when the 1 minute is up. If students want to redo their outline they can draw it freehand!

By the end of activity you should have discussed and communicated the following key messages:

There is more to you than your appearance

Nobody’s True Selfies will be exactly the same, which shows that everyone is unique and everyone’s differences should be celebrated

25 Selfies & Self-Esteem Lesson Plan for Be Strong Online Ambassadors

4. Follow-Up & Feedback (10 minutes)

Finally, hand out the following to students;

◯ Follow-up activity sheet ◯ Student information sheet ◯ Parent information sheet to take home

Go overa the follow-up activity:

◯ Explain the activity to the group ◯ Let students know when and how you will get their feedback on the activity To complete the session, ask for feedback to see what went well and what could be improved next time.

You could cut out the following sheet and ask students to complete this anonymously:

What I enjoyed about the session: What could have been better:





We would love to have your feedback! Ask the staff lead to send your responses ______to [email protected]. Well done, that’s the end of the session! ______




Selfies & Self-Esteem Follow-Up Activity Sheet

In your lesson with the Be Strong Online Ambassadors you learned about selfies and self-esteem.

Learning statement

Write a sentence about what you learned from today’s session using these sentence starters to help you:

In my opinion...______

I wonder why...______

I feel/felt...______

I predict...______

I don’t/didn’t understand...______

What if...______

Activity Option 1

Watch the ‘How do you take a perfect selfie’ video at home! Ask a friend or relative to watch the video with you on Youtube [youtu.be/kMU_z5IY6PQ]. Then fill in the activity sheet by interviewing them on what they thought about the video – do they agree with the reasons given for taking selfies? Have they ever taken a selfie before, and if so what was the reason they took the last one?

Activity Option 2

Create a ‘My True Selfie’ of someone else! Find a friend or relative who is happy to work with you on this activity. Either take a photo of them, print it off and stick it in the square below, or draw a picture of them in the square. Then around the image write all of the things that you like about them: what makes up their personality? What are their hobbies, interests and positive qualities? Use lots of different colours and use words and pictures to illustrate their True Selfie. Ask them whether they enjoyed the activity and what they learned from doing it, and write a sentence underneath with their feedback.

Activity A– Journey of a Selfie sheets

Choose TWO images from the selection below. Give one to the person at the back of Line 1 and the other to the person at the back of Line 2. They shouldn’t give away what the picture is!

They will draw on a piece of paper on the person in front’s back, and they should then draw what they think has been drawn on the person in front, and so on.

Hint: this task is easier if they draw the image large!

Activity B – EMOJI SIGNS

Activity B – EMOJI SIGNS

Activity B – EMOJI SIGNS

Activity B – EMOJI SIGNS

Activity B – EMOJI SIGNS

120 Moorgate, London EC2M 6UR The Diana Award is a registered charity (1117288 / SC041916) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales number 5739317