ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED NEWSPAPER New S-Class Coupe hits Doha roads Business | 18 Sunday 12 October 2014 • 18 Dhu’l-Hijja 1435 • Volume 19 Number 6216
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[email protected] Editorial: 4455 7741 | Advertising: 4455 7837 / 4455 7780 Independent labs to test Brazil beat Argentina in friendly quality of materials New standards for construction sector soon DOHA: Plans are afoot to make and Specifications. Set up in 2011, quality of construction and the sure that independent labora- the committee has 50 experts as its materials used but also about the tories test the quality of con- members. Standards and specifica- rights of workers, contractors and struction materials being used tions for construction and mate- the owner. in public and private projects in rials are being amended in an For example, the new speci- the country. extensive way. Four amendments fications talk of paying install- New standard specifications have already come. ments to the contractor on for construction materials in line The Fifth Amendment was time as they also refer to pro- with international benchmarks approved by the State Cabinet in tecting the rights of the work- are ready for implementation, a April this year and these rules are ers engaged in the construction senior official said yesterday. to be unveiled during a conference work and its owner. Materials could be used in on Qatar’s construction specifica- So in a way, the new bench- construction only after an inde- tions to be held on the 26th and marks are a gist of laws as well pendent laboratory has issued a 27th of this month, Al Emadi said.