
THE POLICE SERVICES BOARD (hereinafter referred to as “the Board”)



THE BARRIE POLICE ASSOCIATION (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”)


JANUARY 1, 2019 TO DECEMBER 31, 2023




33.0 ARTICLE 33 – LAY-OFF AND RECALL ...... 39 34.0 ARTICLE 34 – SHIFT PREMIUM ...... 40 35.0 ARTICLE 35 - TRAINING PREMIUM ...... 40 36.0 ARTICLE 36 – SUCCESSION PLANNING ...... 41 37.0 ARTICLE 37 – INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP CONTINGENCY BANKS ...... 41 38.0 ARTICLE 38 – TERM OF AGREEMENT ...... 41 APPENDIX “A” ...... 43 APPENDIX “B” ...... 45



Except where a contrary intention appears, in this Agreement:

1.1 Chief – means the , from time to time, of the Service.

1.2 Service – means the Barrie Police Service.

1.3 Civilian Member – means any person holding a classification as set out in Appendix “A” to this Agreement.

1.4 Part time Member – a member who works a regular schedule but is not consistently scheduled to work full time hours and the position is not meant to circumvent the creation of a full time position.

1.5 Casual Member – a member who is not guaranteed a minimum amount of hours and is scheduled in accordance with the needs of the service.

1.6 Contract Member or Contract Period of Employment – is a defined period of employment worked by a temporary member who is employed for a specified period of time.

1.7 Length of Service – shall mean service on the Barrie Police Service and length of service for the purposes of vacation entitlement only shall also include full time past service as a peace officer in , full time service at the City of Barrie, full time service at a first responder agency other than the Barrie Police Service, or in the case of members who require a professional certification or designation to carry out their employment, the date that the certification or designation was received. It is the responsibility of the civilian member to provide written documentation from past employers which will confirm their previous service.

1.8 Seniority – shall mean length of employment with the Barrie Police Service and include all hours accumulated as a full time civilian member. Hours accumulated in permanent part time positions, or contract periods of employment during which the civilian member becomes a full time member will be credited to the civilian member on a pro-rata basis for amount of vacation entitlement but not apply to the order of draw for vacations or towards the calculation of Service Pay.

1.9 Police Act – means the Police Services Act of , the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act or the Community Safety and Policing Act 2019.

1.10 Vacation – includes annual leave and statutory holiday leave only.



2.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the salaries, hours of work, and other working conditions of the civilian members covered by this Agreement.


3.1 The Board recognizes the Association as the exclusive bargaining agent for the civilian members covered by this Agreement.


4.1 The Association recognizes that, subject to the provisions of the Police Services Act, the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act or the Community Safety and Policing Act 2019 as the case may be and the Regulations made thereunder by the lieutenant Governor in Council, it is the exclusive function of the Board to:

4.1.1 Maintain order, discipline and efficiency;

4.1.2 Hire, discharge, direct, classify, transfer, promote, demote or suspend, or otherwise discipline any civilian member.

4.2 The Board agrees that no civilian member will be dealt with adversely without reasonable cause, and that it will exercise the functions outlined in paragraph 4.1.2 without discrimination and in a manner consistent with this Agreement, the Police Services Act, the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act or the Community Safety and Policing Act 2019 as the case may be, and the Regulations made thereunder by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

4.3 If a civilian member claims that the Board has exercised any of the functions outlined in paragraph 4.1 in violation of this Agreement, then such a claim may be the subject of a grievance under the provisions of the grievance procedure outlined in this Agreement, or the arbitration procedure set out in the Police Services Act, the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act or the Community Safety and Policing Act 2019 as the case may be, or dealt with under the procedures within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Ontario Civilian Police Commission as prescribed in the Police Services Act or the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, as the case may be.



5.1 It shall be a condition of employment that all civilian members, whose salary rates are set out in this Agreement, whether or not they join the Association, shall pay to the Association an amount equal to the monthly dues payable to belong to the Association, but, subject to this provision, no civilian member shall be required to join the Association nor shall any civilian member be refused to join the Association.

5.2 The Board agrees to deduct an amount equivalent to Association dues and other amounts duly authorized by the Association from the regular pay of each civilian member and within one month after making each such deduction, pay the sum so deducted to the Association. The Association will save the Board members harmless against any and all claims against it for the deductions made as set out above.

5.3 The Board, shall, when remitting such dues and other amounts, provide the Association with the names of the civilian members from whose pay such deductions have been made, together with the names of any civilian members who have since last payment, ceased to be employed by the Board.

5.4 The Board agrees that there will be no discrimination, restraint, interference, or coercion exercised or practiced, directly or indirectly by any of its representatives against any civilian member in respect to their employment because of their membership or activity in the Association.

5.5 The Association agrees that there will be no discrimination, restraint, interference or coercion exercised or practiced, directly or indirectly by any of its representatives against any civilian member of the Service who is not a member of the Association.

5.6 The Board shall grant time off without loss of pay to the Association’s bargaining committee when required from time to time for bargaining with the Board.


6.1 The Board shall pay each civilian member the salary set out in Appendix “A”.

6.2 The Board shall pay each civilian member by direct payroll deposit to a financial institution of the civilian member’s choice, the net amount of the civilian member’s bi- weekly pay. Such deposit shall, normally, be made by Thursday of each pay week. Deposits shall be reasonably guaranteed to be made by Friday if the civilian member’s account is in a financial institution with “prime serviceability”.


6.3 The Board shall provide each civilian member with an itemized electronic statement of salary, overtime and other supplementary pay and deductions prior to the deposit being made.

6.4 The Board shall not make any deductions from a civilian member’s salary unless authorized by statute, court order, arbitration, or this Agreement, or authorized by the civilian member, except where a civilian member has received vacation entitlement in advance of normal entitlement and the civilian member leaves the Service.

6.5 The Board may make deductions from a civilian member’s salary in the case of a promissory note signed by the member. Promissory notes must be paid in full if the member leaves the employment of the Board.


7.1 Shift Types

7.1.1 Civilian members may be assigned to: Eight (8) hour shifts, Ten (10) hour shifts, or Twelve (12) hour shifts

7.1.2 Civilian members assigned to communications and records unit attached to a uniform platoon shall be assigned to twelve (12) hour shifts.

7.1.3 Courts unit supervisors may be assigned to eight (8) or ten (10) hour shifts.

7.2 Eight (8) Hour Shifts

7.2.1 The usual tour of duty which a civilian member assigned to eight (8) hour shifts is required to perform shall consist of eight (8) consecutive hours.

7.2.2 The usual start times for civilian members assigned to eight (8) hour shifts are: Night Shift 00:00 hrs, Dayshift 08:00 hrs, and Afternoon Shift 16:00 hrs.

7.2.3 A civilian member who performs their duties of one (1) period of eight (8) consecutive hours shall be allowed one (1) hour for lunch. When the requirements of the service do not permit them to take their full lunch period, any such lost time shall be granted to them during that tour of duty or at some other period of time mutually agreeable to both parties.


7.2.4 A civilian member’s days off in each week shall, subject to the requirements of service, be consecutive.

7.3 Ten (10) Hour Shifts

7.3.1 The usual tour of duty which a civilian member assigned to ten hour shifts is required to perform shall consist of ten (10) consecutive hours.

7.3.2 The usual start times for civilian members assigned to ten (10) hour shifts are: Dayshift 07:00 hrs, 10:00 hrs and Afternoon Shift 17:00 hrs.

7.3.3 A civilian member who performs their duties of one (1) period of ten (10) consecutive hours shall be allowed seventy-five (75) minutes for lunch. When the requirements of the service do not permit them to take their full lunch period, any such lost time shall be granted to them during that tour of duty or at some other period of time mutually agreeable to both parties.

7.3.4 A civilian member’s days off shall, subject to the requirements of service, be consecutive.

7.4 Twelve (12) Hour Shifts

7.4.1 The usual tour of duty which a civilian member is required to perform shall consist of twelve (12) consecutive hours.

7.4.2 The usual start times for civilian members assigned to twelve (12) hour shifts are: Dayshift 07:00 hrs, Afternoon Shift 15:00 hrs, and Night Shift 19:00 hrs

7.4.3 The normal period of duty which a civilian member is required to perform shall be of four (4) days duration. The tours of duty shall consist of two (2) day shifts, followed by two (2) night shifts, or the relief shift tour of four (4) consecutive days of afternoon shift. Criminal Investigations civilian members may have a tour of duty from 1400 hours to 0200 hours or 1900 hours to 0700 hours, which will be their night shift.

7.4.4 A civilian member who performs their duties of one period of twelve (12) hours shall be allowed two (2) periods for lunch, which will be of forty-five (45) minutes each. When the requirements of the service do not permit them to take their full lunch period, any such lost time shall be granted to them during


that tour of duty or at some other period of time mutually agreeable to both parties.

7.4.5 A civilian member’s days off shall, subject to the requirements of service, be consecutive.

7.4.6 Civilian members assigned to a twelve hour shift shall accumulate one hundred and ten (110) hours, pro-rated, per calendar year, of time worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a calendar week period due to the twelve (12) hour shift. This shall be referred to as banked time which shall be accumulated in a separate bank and an effort will be made by the civilian members to take this banked time off in lieu of payment. The civilian members will have up to May 1st of the year to utilize banked time off, at a mutually agreeable time.

After that date, Management will have the remainder of the year to assign banked time off at a mutually agreeable time, but if no agreement can be reached, then such time off shall be allotted by the Chief of Police. Bank Time credits are granted to the civilian member and are not transferable to another member except in case of an authorized shift change.

7.4.7 A civilian member who is scheduled off on bank time shall be afforded forty eight (48) hours’ notice prior to cancellation of that time.

7.5 A civilian member may be required to perform their tour of duty up to two (2) hours prior to or two (2) hours later than the usual scheduled commencement time without prior notice at the discretion of the Chief of Police or their designate. Overtime shall not apply to this provision.

7.6 A civilian member’s usual shift schedule may be altered by the Chief of Police or designate on being given fourteen (14) days notice, except in emergent situations.

7.7 When a civilian member assigned to a twelve (12) hour shift is required to attend court during off-duty hours and is scheduled for a tour of duty which commences 1600 hours or later the same day, the civilian member shall be granted a minimum of eight (8) hours between the completion of the attendance in court and being required to report for duty. This time shall be granted without loss of pay or accumulated time credits and without change of work schedule.


8.1 Overtime shall be deemed to be any time, including court, drills, parades, in-service training courses, and staff meetings which civilian members are required to spend in the performance of their duty in excess of a civilian member’s regular daily hours of work.


8.2 “Court” or “Courts” shall mean all Courts of Law and shall apply to Coroners’ Inquests, Criminal Injury and Compensation Board Hearings, WSIB Hearings, Public Inquiries Act Hearings and Police Service Act, the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act or Community Safety and Policing Act 2019 Hearings as the case may be. Court time in this article shall mean all time spend by the civilian member of the Service as a witness in Court as herein defined by reason of the performance of their duties as a civilian member of the Service.

8.3 When a civilian member is required to remain on duty for more than fifteen (15) minutes after completion of their regular shift, they shall be granted time and one half (1 ½) their hourly rate of pay for all such excess time.

8.4 Where a civilian member is called back to overtime duty they shall be paid at a rate of time and one half (1 ½) their hourly rate of pay with a minimum of four (4) hours being granted for any one (1) call back to duty as overtime worked.

8.5 Where a civilian member is required to attend at court during their time off, they shall receive time and one half (1 ½) for all hours of attendance, with a minimum of four (4) hours for the attendance. When two (2) separate court cases are scheduled for the same day, and one (1) appearance is scheduled for the morning while the other is scheduled for the afternoon, the civilian member shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours for the appearance before lunch recess and a minimum of four (4) hours for the appearance after the lunch recess at the rate of time and one half (1 ½) the civilian members hourly rate of pay. However, in the event, the civilian member is scheduled to commence their regular tour of duty within four (4) hours of the commencement of their afternoon court appearance, they shall receive time and one half (1 ½) for all hours of attendance until their scheduled time for commencement of their regular tour of duty if the case has not been completed.

8.6 When it is anticipated that a civilian member is required to attend court for a period of one (1) or more weeks in duration, the Chief of Police, may at their discretion, revert that civilian member to an eight (8) hour shift, with Saturday and Sunday as days off. The hours of work, in this instance, shall be deemed to be 0900 hours to 1700 hours. If the civilian member is unable or not permitted to return home for their days off, they shall receive four (4) hours banked time for each day off interfered with.

8.7 When a civilian member is required to return to duty for any day or part thereof or for Court during their vacation, they shall be entitled to two (2) days pay at their regular daily rate of pay for each such day or part thereof worked, or time off in lieu.

8.8 When a civilian member is required to work on a designated statutory holiday and is not scheduled to work they shall receive two (2) times the regular rate of pay for hours worked and a minimum of four (4) hours pay. Eight (8) hours of statutory leave will be returned to the member’s statutory leave bank.


8.9 When one (1) week of Vacation is taken, the days off prior to and days off following the leave days will be deemed to be Vacation when a court appearance or a call back to duty is required by the civilian member.

8.10 Any civilian member, not at their permanent residence, outside the boundary of Barrie while on vacation, and required to attend court, shall receive a travel allowance at the current City of Barrie mileage rate, return trip, from the area in which they are vacationing to the City of Barrie, plus, supported by receipts, per diem meal costs in accordance with the City of Barrie rates.

8.11 All witness fees paid to civilian members shall be turned over to the Board by the civilian member through the Chief of Police. Any reimbursement to which the civilian member is entitled shall be reported by the civilian member concerned to the Chief of Police.

8.12 All overtime credits shall be accumulated and shall not exceed forty-eight (48) hours at the conclusion of each calendar month unless otherwise agreed to by the Chief of Police.

8.13 Any civilian member may elect to receive all or any part of their accumulated credits as time off in lieu of cash payment, and shall make their request in writing, on or before the last day of each month, to the Chief of Police or their designate and subject to manpower requirements of the Service, such request shall be granted.

8.14 Accumulated overtime credits exceeding forty-eight (48) hours shall be paid out on the second pay of each month.

8.15 Overtime credits are granted to the civilian member and are not transferable to another member.

8.16 Upon resignation or retirement from the Service, a civilian member shall receive full cash payment for accumulated outstanding credits owing to them at the time of their separation. In the case of the civilian member’s death, their estate shall forthwith receive full cash payment for the total value of the then outstanding credits.

8.17 For each twenty-four (24) hour period or less that a civilian member is required to standby such civilian member shall be entitled to one hundred dollars ($100), unless such civilian member is called in within four (4) hours of having been required to stand by.

8.18 Where a retired civilian member is required to attend court resulting from their duties while employed as a civilian member for the Service, they shall be paid by the Board at an hourly rate, subject to a four (4) hour minimum, equal to the straight time current salary of the rank/classification the civilian member retired at.


8.19 Where a civilian member is scheduled to attend court on a scheduled day off and is cancelled for their appearance within twenty four (24) hours of the scheduled start time of the court appearance, the member shall receive a minimum pay of four (4) hours pay at one and a half (1 ½) times their hourly rate.


9.1 When a civilian member is required to carry out an assignment outside the City of Barrie they shall be paid:

9.1.1 In accordance with the provisions of this Agreement for the time they are actually performing the duties of such assignments;

9.1.2 At their regular rate of pay for the travelling time, to and from the place of the assignment;

9.1.3 Actual reasonable costs for accommodations, supported by receipts, and

9.1.4 Per diem meal costs in accordance with City of Barrie rates and Service policy. Rates will be posted annually.

9.2 Accommodations shall, where possible, be provided on a one (1) member per room basis.

9.3 The mode of travel shall be determined by the Chief of Police or their representative, but a civilian member shall not use their own vehicle. It is agreed that such mode of travel shall not include inter-city bus.

9.4 When the mode of travel is by motor vehicle:

9.4.1 The travel time allowed shall be one (1) hour for each eighty (80) kilometres travelled calculated to the nearest half (½) hour plus a lunch and rest period allowance at the rate of one (1) hour for every four hundred (400) kilometres travelled. The kilometres shall be determined in accordance with the current Official Road Map for the Province of Ontario.

9.4.2 The maximum daily distance a civilian member may be required to travel shall be eight hundred (800) kilometres.

9.5 When the mode of travel is by air:

9.5.1 The travel time allowed shall be for actual travel time not exceeding ten (10) hours per day.

9.5.2 Travel time includes travel to and from the airport, waiting time at the airport and flight time.



10.1 Where a vacancy occurs or a new position is created and such appointment may provide promotion for any member or where a part time position is converted to a full time position, notice shall be posted through force broadcast message where possible for a minimum of fourteen (14) calendar days and copy of the notice shall set out a job description of the position, normal working hours, list of tests and qualifications required, the wage rate, and date of posting.

10.2 All vacancies including promotions and new positions, shall be filled on the basis of ability and efficiency, with the following factors being taken into consideration:

10.2.1 Candidates must be evaluated on all the relevant qualifications for the job as set out in the position description;

10.2.2 The various methods used to assess the candidates should address their relevant qualifications insofar as possible;

10.2.3 Irrelevant factors should not be considered;

10.2.4 All members of a selection committee should review the personnel files of all the applicants;

10.2.5 The applicants supervisors should be asked for their evaluations of the applicants;

10.2.6 Information should be accumulated in a systematic way concerning all of the applicants;

10.2.7 Seniority shall be a determining factor only if two or more candidates are demonstrably equal at the conclusion of the selection process.

10.3 Job Evaluation

10.3.1 The Joint Job Evaluation Committee shall consist of four (4) representatives, two (2) appointed by Service management and two (2) appointed by the Association.

10.3.2 New positions or existing positions undergoing significant change shall be evaluated by an external consultant agreed to by the committee to determine the appropriate rating and salary level.

10.4 Civilian member’s performance evaluations will be completed annually according to the member’s anniversary date. The supervisor who assesses a member’s performance must have observed or been aware of the member’s performance for at


least one half (1/2) of the period for which the member’s performance is evaluated up to six (6) months of observation.


11.1 Paid Duty is duty performed by a civilian member apart from their regular duty, at the request of and paid for by individuals, corporations, or other organizations, and sanctioned by the Chief or their designate.

11.2 Paid Duty shall be voluntary and shall be distributed among those civilian members willing to undertake such duties as fairly and equitable as possible. Paid Duty may only be performed by civilian members who are capable of the assignment and have completed their basic training and are, or can be, assigned to work alone.

11.3 The rate to be paid for Paid Duty will be one and one half (1 ½) times the hourly rate of a first class classification.

11.4 A member while on paid leave who requests or volunteers to perform their duties to supplement the service shall be paid one and one half (1 ½) times their hourly rate of pay for all hours of attendance, with a minimum of three (3) hours pay. The provisions of this article are in no way intended to erode the overtime provisions contained in Article 8.


12.1 Adequate clothing and equipment shall be issued to every uniformed civilian member of the Service at the discretion of the Chief of Police.

12.2 If a civilian member’s watch or other personal property other than clothing are lost or damaged while in the performance of their duties, due to no fault of their own, the cost of repair or replacement will be borne by the Board up to a maximum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) per incident. If a civilian member’s glasses are lost or damaged while in the performance of their duties, due to no fault of their own, the cost of repair or replacement will be borne by the Board up to the maximum current year vision coverage as defined in Article 25.7 per incident.

12.3 Every civilian member who does not receive a clothing allowance shall be entitled to have thirty (30) uniforms dry cleaned per calendar year at the expense of the Board and at such time as may be warranted by extraordinary wear and tear occasioned in the line of duty. The Board shall also pay for the cleaning of sweaters, raincoats and coats twice each calendar year. All cleaning shall be done by a cleaner designated by the Board.

12.4 Every civilian member who does receive a clothing allowance shall be entitled to have fifty (50) uniforms dry cleaned per calendar year at the expense of the Board and at


such time as may be warranted by extraordinary wear and tear occasioned in the line of duty. The Board shall also pay for the cleaning of sweaters, raincoats and coats twice each calendar year. All cleaning shall be done by a cleaner designated by the Board.

12.4.1 For the purposes of clause 12.3 and 12.4 one (1) uniform consists of: One (1) pair of pants and two (2) shirts; or, Two (2) pairs of pants; or, Four (4) shirts. or One (1) pair of pants and one (1) tunic.

12.5 Persons employed by the Board as Mechanics will receive a pro-rated annual tool reimbursement of six hundred fifty dollars ($650) and pro-rated annual licensing fees for 310S and 310T classifications. Claims must be substantiated by itemized receipts and submitted by December 1st of each year.

12.6 Persons employed by the Board as Corporate Communications Coordinators shall be allowed to purchase clothing in the amount of thirteen hundred dollars ($1300) per year and a prorated part of that sum for any period of time of less than one (1) year during which they perform such duties provided that they shall be allowed a minimum clothing purchase of three hundred dollars ($300) per year in any event. Any such purchase shall be approved by the Chief of Police. Reimbursement for purchases shall be made upon submission of approved original receipts and, except for final payments, submissions shall not be less than three hundred dollars ($300). Receipts must be submitted no later than December 31st of the current year.

The annual clothing allowance will increase to fifteen hundred dollars ($1500) effective January 1, 2020.

12.7 No civilian member shall be required to repay any portion of the clothing allowance specified in Section 12.6 for any period of absence due to injury or illness or if the civilian member spends six (6) months or more in a calendar year assigned to the position of Corporate Communications Coordinator.


13.1 Whenever a prisoner escort travels outside the City limits the escort shall be comprised of at least:

13.1.1 Two (2) fully trained and armed police officers, or

13.1.2 One (1) fully trained and armed police officer and one (1) fully trained , or

13.1.3 Two (2) fully trained special constables.




14.1.1 A maximum of seventy-five dollars ($75) per civilian member shall be paid for miscellaneous items while attending such courses. Expenses must be legitimate and receipts provided to the Chief of Police. The mode of transportation shall be determined by the Chief of Police. Civilian members required to drive their own car shall receive a travel allowance of five hundred and ten (510) kilometres per week in accordance with the current City of Barrie rates.


14.2.1 For other courses, conferences, seminars, etc. at locations other than the OPC, the mode of transportation shall be determined by the Chief of Police. Civilian members required to drive their own car shall receive a travel allowance as determined by the Chief of Police in accordance with the current City of Barrie rates.

14.2.2 Civilian members shall receive: Approved actual reasonable costs for accommodations, supported by receipts, and Per diem meal costs in accordance with City of Barrie rates and Service policy, unless such costs are included as part of the course fee.

14.2.3 Accommodations shall, where possible, be provided on a one (1) member per room basis.


14.3.1 Civilian members required to travel to overnight course locations during their time off shall be granted travel time for the trip to the course at straight time rates. For courses at the OPC travel time allotment shall be three (3) hours. Travel time for courses at locations other than OPC shall be determined by the Chief of Police.

14.3.2 Civilian members required to travel daily to course locations shall be granted travel time to and from the course at straight time rates. Travel time shall be determined by the Chief of Police.

14.3.3 When the mode of travel is by motor vehicle:

16 The travel time allowed shall be one (1) hour for each eighty (80) kilometres travelled calculated to the nearest half (½) hour plus a lunch and rest period allowance at the rate of one hour for every four hundred (400) kilometres travelled. The kilometres shall be determined in accordance with the current Official Road Map for the Province of Ontario. The maximum daily distance a civilian member may be required to travel shall be eight hundred (800) kilometres.

14.3.4 When the mode of travel is by air: The travel time allowed shall be for actual travel time not exceeding ten (10) hours per day. Travel time includes travel to and from the airport, waiting time at the airport and flight time.


14.4.1 Overtime is not paid for civilian members attending courses.


15.1 Subject to the following clauses, the Board shall pay legal costs that any civilian member of the Association, and any retired civilian member may incur in defending themselves against civil or criminal action arising out of the performance of the duties of a civilian member. This shall include legal costs incurred as a result of a Coroner’s Inquest; a Board of Inquiry under part V of the Police Services Act; any investigation or inquiry under Part II of the Police Services Act; an investigation under Part V of the Police Services Act, any investigation or inquiry under Parts VII, X, VIII, XI and XII or the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act or the Community Safety and Policing Act 2019 and any other legal tribunal.

15.2 The entirety of Clauses 15.1, 15.3 and 15.5 are subject to:

15.2.1 Legal indemnification will be made on the basis of all legal costs incurred. The Board’s financial liability under this clause shall not exceed two (2) times the current tier two (2) Ontario legal aid rate plus disbursements.

15.2.2 The legal costs incurred are: In the defence of a civil action, if the civilian member is not found to be liable;

17 In the defence of a criminal prosecution, if the civilian member is found not guilty; In respect of any proceeding in which the civilian member’s manner of execution of the duties was an issue, if the civilian member is found to have acted in good faith.

15.3 Representation

15.3.1 Where an investigation is commenced under Part V of the Police Services Act or Parts X, VII, XI and XII under the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act or the Community Safety and Policing Act 2019 as the case may be, the Board shall indemnify immediate and urgent legal counsel during the investigative period to a civilian member subject to enquiry and witness officers. Neither the Board nor the Chief shall provide legal counsel after the completion of the investigation or the laying of information(s) as Clause 15.2 is intended to govern such matters. Counsel retained under this clause will be compensated at a maximum of two (2) times the current tier two (2) Ontario legal aid rate plus disbursements.

15.3.2 The Board and Chief agree to permit an Association representative of the civilian member’s choice to immediately speak with the civilian member(s) under investigation, at the time of the incident.

15.4 A civilian member shall not be indemnified under this Article for legal costs arising from:

15.4.1 A grievance or complaint under the Collective Agreement between the Board and the Association;

15.4.2 A discipline charge under the Police Services Act or the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, the Community Safety and Policing Act 2019 as the case may be, and the regulations except for the provisions of clause 15.1.

15.5 Where a civilian member is a defendant in a civil action for damages because of acts done in the course of their employment or duties as a civilian member, a civilian member shall be indemnified by the Board for the legal costs as defined in clause 15.2 incurred in the defence of such an action in the following circumstances only:

15.5.1 Where the Board is not joined in the action as a party pursuant to Section 50(1) of the Police Services Act, or Section 47 of the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act or the Community Safety and policing Act 2019 as the case may be, and the Board does not defend the action on behalf of itself and of the civilian member as joint tort feasors at the Board’s sole expense.


15.5.2 Where the Board is joined as a party or elects to defend the action but the solicitor is retained on behalf of the Board and the civilian member is of the view that it would be improper for the solicitor to act for both the Board and the civilian member in that action.


16.1 Three (3) members, duly elected or otherwise authorized by the Association for the purpose shall, with a minimum of fourteen (14) days’ notice, be granted leave of absence with pay to attend each Quarterly Executive Meetings, Education Workshops, Annual Convention of the Police Association of Ontario, Canadian Police Association events, arbitrations and conciliation hearing and/or Police Act Hearings. Such leave granted shall not exceed a total of five hundred (500) hours per annum, and will be the total amount of leave granted the entire executive. The police and civilian members of the executive will share this bank of hours.

16.2 The Association shall have the right to post notices in buildings occupied by the Service in locations satisfactory to the Chief of Police.


17.1 Entitlement

17.1.1 Every civilian member shall be entitled to a vacation with pay between January 1st and December 31st of each year, as set forth in Appendix “B” annexed hereto and forming part of this Agreement.

17.1.2 Length of service for the purpose of vacation entitlement only shall also include full time past service as a peace officer in Canada, full time service at the City of Barrie, full time service at a first responder agency other than Barrie Police Service, or in the case of members who require a professional certification or designation to carry out their employment, the date that the certification or designation was received.

17.2 Vacation shall be taken by civilian members within a work unit in order of seniority with the Service.

17.3 With respect to work units containing supervisors only, the most senior supervisor shall draw vacation first, being restricted on their first vacation draw to four (4) blocks of leave. The next senior supervisor(s) shall then draw four (4) blocks of leave in order of seniority. At the conclusion of the first draw, the most senior supervisor will draw the remainder of their vacation followed by the next senior supervisor(s) drawing the remainder of their vacation.


17.4 With respect to work units containing supervisors and civilian members, the most senior supervisor shall draw vacation first, being restricted on their first vacation draw to four (4) blocks of leave. The next senior supervisor(s) shall then draw four (4) blocks of leave in order of seniority. At the conclusion of the first draw, the most senior civilian member shall commence their first vacation draw being restricted to two (2) blocks of leave. At the conclusion of the first draw the supervisors will draw the remainder of their vacation in order of seniority followed by civilian members in order of seniority.

17.5 With respect to work units containing civilian members only, vacation shall be drawn by seniority, being restricted on the first vacation draw to two (2) blocks of leave. At the conclusion of the first draw, the most senior civilian member will draw the remainder of their vacation followed by the next civilian member(s) drawing the remainder of their vacation in order of seniority.

17.6 A civilian member who is hospitalized or unable to report to duty as a result of illness or injury, at the time of commencement of their scheduled vacation, shall have their vacation re-scheduled to dates which, if possible, shall also be satisfactory to the civilian member or alternatively they shall be entitled to carry their vacation entitlement over to the following year. The civilian member will be required to furnish proof, including a medical certificate if requested by the Chief of Police, that they are unfit for duty at the time their vacation or leave is scheduled to commence. A civilian member intending to invoke this section will so advise the Chief of Police at the earliest possible date after they become aware of their disability.

A minor and temporary illness or accident which is unlikely to extend more than two (2) days into the period of vacation or leave will not constitute a reason to invoke this section. If the civilian member has already commenced their scheduled vacation when the illness occurs this article does not apply.

17.7 End of Service

17.7.1 When, in any year, a civilian member, for any reason, leaves the Service prior to receiving their annual vacation in that year, they shall be given the proportionate amount of vacation earned for that year before their name is removed from the payroll or before their resignation becomes effective, as the case may be.

17.7.2 When a civilian member retires with at least twenty-five (25) years length of service they shall, regardless of the date of their retirement, be given their full annual vacation for the calendar year in which they retire.

17.8 Civilian members going on Long Term Disability (LTD) after September 28, 2004 shall not be entitled to vacation during their period of disability.

17.9 Vacation credits are granted to the civilian member and are not transferable to another member


17.10 Full time members shall not take unpaid time off at any time, including when they have exhausted their vacation banks.

17.11 Accumulated part time hours of a member as defined in Article 32 with the Barrie Police Service since January 1, 2008, pro-rated to a maximum of 2,080 hours per year, shall be recognized within this article for the purposes of vacation entitlement only. Such service shall not be included towards seniority in the selection of annual vacation. There shall not be more than a two (2) week break in continuous service as a result of resignation or dismissal.

17.12 Annual leave entitlement will be pro-rated for members commencing or terminating employment with the Board.


18.1 Every civilian member shall be entitled to eight (8) hours compensation for each of the following paid holidays in each calendar year of the term of this agreement:

New Year’s Day Remembrance Day Good Friday Christmas Day Easter Monday Boxing Day Victoria Day Canada Day Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Family Day

18.2 In the event the federal, provincial or municipal governments proclaim a day, other than a day listed above, as a paid holiday that day shall be included in the entitlement of paid holidays.

18.3 Every civilian member required to work on a Paid Holiday shall be paid at the rate of one and one half (1 ½) times their regular rate of pay and in addition they shall be granted lieu time as provided in Section 18.4.

18.4 Accumulated time as indicated in Section 18.1 shall be given as time off duty and be accumulated and be given to each civilian member as vacation periods.

18.5 Any remaining Paid Holidays shall be granted at a time mutually agreeable to the civilian member and the Chief of Police.

18.6 Civilian members going on Long Term Disability (LTD) after September 28, 2004 shall not be entitled to paid holidays during their period of disability.

18.7 Paid holiday credits are granted to the civilian member and are not transferable to another member.


18.8 Members assigned to eight (8) hour shifts shall take statutory and paid holidays off as they fall or as otherwise directed by the Chief of Police.


19.1 Compassionate care leave or caregiver leave entitlement for civilian members shall be granted in accordance with the Employment Standards Act.

19.2 Benefit Entitlement

19.2.1 Effective the date of the signing of this Agreement and upon confirmation by the Employment Insurance Commission of the appropriateness of the Police Service’s Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) plan, a civilian member on compassionate care leave or caregiver leave who has applied for and is in receipt of Employment Insurance (EI) benefits pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act, shall be paid a supplemental unemployment benefit.

19.2.2 That benefit will be equivalent to the difference between seventy-five percent (75%), eighty percent (80%) and eighty five percent (85%) of the civilian member’s normal weekly earnings and the sum of the civilian member’s weekly EI benefits or other earnings.

19.3 Such payment shall commence following receipt by the Police Service of the civilian member’s EI cheque stub as proof that the civilian member is in receipt of EI benefits. The member is required to provide proof that she or he is in receipt of Employment Insurance benefits every two (2) weeks for the duration of their leave. Supplemental Employment Benefits are payable for the two (2) week EI waiting period and for an additional period as follows while the civilian member is in receipt of such benefits:

For compassionate care leave or A 27 week period at 75% caregiver leave commencing on or after January 1, 2020 For compassionate care leave or A 27 week period at 80% caregiver leave commencing on or after January 1, 2022 For compassionate care lave or caregiver A 27 week period at 85% leave commencing on or after January 1, 2023


20.1 Pregnancy and parental leave will be granted in accordance with the Employment Standards Act and shall include adoption.


20.2 Supplemental Employment Benefit Entitlement

20.2.1 A civilian member on pregnancy and/or parental leave who has applied for and is in receipt of Employment Insurance (EI) benefits pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act, shall be paid a supplemental unemployment benefit.

20.2.2 The benefit will be equivalent to the difference between seventy-five percent (75%), eighty percent (80%) or eighty five percent (85%) of the civilian member’s normal weekly earnings and the sum of the civilian member’s weekly EI maternity or parental benefits or other earnings as set out below.

20.2.3 Such payment shall commence following receipt by the Police Service of the civilian member’s EI cheque stub as proof that the civilian member is in receipt of EI maternity or parental benefits. The member is required to provide proof that they are in receipt of Employment Insurance benefits every two (2) weeks for the duration of their leave.

20.2.4 Supplemental Employment Benefits are payable for the one (1) week EI waiting period and for an additional period as follows while the police member is in receipt of such benefits.

For maternity or parental leave A maximum 44 week period consisting of commencing prior to January 1, 2021 15 weeks maternity leave and 27 weeks parental leave at 75%. For maternity or parental leave A maximum 50 week period consisting of commencing on or after January 1, 2021 15 weeks maternity leave and 33 weeks parental leave at 75% For maternity or parental leave A maximum 50 week period consisting of commencing on or after January 1, 2022 15 weeks maternity leave and 33 weeks parental leave at 80% For maternity or parental leave A maximum 50 week period consisting of commencing on or after January 1, 2023 15 weeks maternity leave and 33 weeks parental leave at 85%

20.2.5 The civilian member has no vested right to this benefit except as provided herein.

20.2.6 This plan shall be financed by the Board’s general operating fund.

20.2.7 SUB payments shall be specifically identified, as such, on payroll records.

20.2.8 Payments in respect of guaranteed annual remuneration or in respect of deferred remuneration or severance pay benefits shall not be reduced or increased by payments received under this plan.


20.3 Benefit Continuance

20.3.1 The Board agrees to continue to provide the civilian member, during the period of pregnancy and parental leave, with the benefits specified in the Employment Standards Act.

20.3.2 While a civilian member is on pregnancy or parental leave, the Board will continue to pay the premiums for the benefit plans as specified in Article 25 – health and Welfare, and will continue making contributions to the OMERS plan set out in Article 26 provided the civilian member continues to make the civilian member contributions to the plan.


21.1 A Civilian member shall be allowed seven (7) consecutive calendar days off without loss of pay upon the notification of the death of a relative defined as spouse, common law spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, or grandchild, and five (5) consecutive calendar days off for a relative defined as grandparent, parent-in-law, grandparent-in- law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, or a person standing in Loco Parentis.

21.2 The Chief of Police at his or her discretion may extend the time provided in Article 21.1.

21.3 When a death occurs as prescribed in Article 21.1 and the civilian member is on annual leave, statutory leave, banked time, booked time off through overtime or lunch book credits, the member shall have the time they would normally have been scheduled for regular duty during the bereavement period returned to their respective time banks and be booked off on bereavement/compassionate leave. If a death occurs while the member is on leave, the Service will be notified as soon as practicable.

21.4 In the event that internment is delayed, a civilian member may make application for approval of one (1) additional day of paid leave to allow for the members attendance at the ceremony provided it occurs within nine (9) months of the initial bereavement/compassionate leave. Such a request will be approved by the Chief of Police or their designate, and approval will not be unreasonably withheld. The Service will be notified as soon as practicable of the intention to request this leave of absence.

21.5 A civilian member may also receive a one (1) day leave of absence without pay to attend the funeral of a person not defined in Article 21.1 upon application in writing, and subject to the discretion of the Chief of Police.

21.6 A civilian member may, at the discretion of the Chief of Police, take a leave of absence not to exceed seven (7) days on any one occasion due to illness of the civilian member’s family, provided, however, that where practical and within twenty-four (24) hours, application for such leave has first been made and permission received from


the Chief of Police. Any such leave taken is to be charged against the civilian member’s sick leave credits, bank time credits, or overtime credits, at the civilian member’s discretion.

21.7 Special leave of absence on one (1) day shall be granted without loss of pay, once only, to every civilian member for the purpose of getting married and such leave is to be taken on the day of the civilian member’s marriage. Such civilian member is entitled to this leave if they are scheduled to be on duty on their wedding day.


22.1 Sick Leave Credits

21.1.1 A civilian member who is absent due to sickness or injury shall be entitled to sixty (60) hours sick leave per calendar year at full pay. A civilian member who does not use the full sixty (60) hours sick leave in a calendar year shall be entitled to bank those credits remaining unused into a sick leave credit bank.

21.1.2 Effective January 1, 2013 for members hired on or after that date, a civilian member who is absent due to sickness or injury shall be entitled to sixty (60) hours sick leave per calendar year at full pay. A member who does not use the full sixty (60) hours sick leave in a calendar year shall be entitled to bank those credits remaining unused for the purpose of covering sick days, and topping up under Article 22.5. These credits have no other cash value whatsoever.

22.2 Short Term Disability

22.2.1 A civilian member who is continuously absent due to sickness or injury more than forty-eight (48) work-hours or on admission to hospital is entitled to eight hundred and ninety six (896) working hours at seventy-five percent (75%) of the civilian member’s current salary. The seventy-five percent (75%) short- term disability protection shall be available on the fourth day of any continuous absence due to sickness or injury, but shall be available from the first day of a civilian member being admitted to hospital. In every case where short-term disability (STD) is invoked, the civilian member will provide a medical note which covers the period of absence in order to receive STD benefits. Medical notes must be acceptable to the employer and state the following: That the employee was seen during the period of absence; That the employee was unfit for work due to medical reasons;

25 An anticipated return to work date or next assessment date to assist in facilitating return to work. Short-term disability claims commencing on or after January 1, 2016 that extend beyond fourteen (14) calendar days of continuous absence are subject to third party professional claims management by a carrier chosen by the Board in order to determine preliminary and continued eligibility for STD benefits. Should a claim be denied, the Board will cover the cost of a first appeal. Grievance rights are maintained under the collective agreement for STD (but not LTD) claims once both avenues of appeal are exhausted.

22.3 Long Term Disability

22.3.1 The Board agrees to pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premiums required to provide a sick leave plan subject to the following conditions: Where a civilian member is continuously absent due to sickness or injury more than eight hundred and ninety six (896) working hours and is approved for long term disability protection, the plan will provide seventy percent (70%) of the civilian member’s salary and shall include any benefit paid under the Canada Pension Plan and OMERS pension disability provisions. Where the long term disability protection extends into a consecutive calendar year, the civilian member shall continue said benefit until returning to duty. The plan shall provide for annual indexing of benefits to a maximum of three percent (3%) per year as determined and administered by the benefit provider.

22.4 Each event of illness or disability shall be considered separately when applying Article 22.

22.5 A civilian member may utilize accumulated sick leave credits to provide one hundred percent (100%) of salary during the course of being placed on short term or long term disability protection or during a period of modified work accommodation. Their entitlement to such time off or sick leave credits will be reduced accordingly. In the event a civilian member exhausts their accumulated sick leave credits the civilian member may utilize any of their accumulated vacation, paid holiday, court time, overtime, bank time or contingency bank credits.

22.6 Every civilian member who is unable to report for duty by reason of illness or injury shall cause the station office to be so notified as soon as possible and in any case before the commencement of their shift.


22.7 Entitlement

22.7.1 All sick leave entitlement shall be calculated in all cases from the first day of employment of such civilian member.

22.7.2 A new civilian member shall not be granted sick leave until the completion of three (3) months. Upon successful completion of such period, the civilian member shall receive sick time calculated in accordance with 22 or from the first day of employment.

22.8 During a period of approved sickness and/or approved disability, the Board shall continue to pay all benefits including OMERS, CPP, Dental, Drugs, Major Medical Insurance, etc. Such benefits will continue to be paid by the Board until such time as suitable employment is secured elsewhere.

22.9 No one while on approved sickness or approved long term disability benefits will be terminated from employment.

22.10 The Board may cease to continue seniority after a civilian member has been off work on long term disability for a period in excess of two (2) years. In the event such option is exercised, the civilian member would still receive full payments of benefits but would no longer accumulate seniority with the exception of pension credits for years of service.

22.11 A civilian member who is sick beyond forty-eight (48) hours in one (1) occurrence will be deemed to be working a forty (40) hour week, Monday to Friday with Saturday and Sunday as days off each week, until their return to duty.

22.12 A civilian member upon their return to full duty for two (2) consecutive weeks, after being on long term disability, will be deemed to have returned to duty and will be entitled to those same provisions as indicated in Section 22.

22.13 Such plan may contain a two (2) year same-occupation clause.

22.14 A civilian member shall be entitled to receive a payment which equals one hundred percent (100%) of their accumulated sick leave credits referred to in Article 22.1 if they:

22.14.1 Retire from the Service to an OMERS or commuted pension, and

22.14.2 Are not dismissed from the Service, and

22.14.3 Have a minimum of three hundred (300) hours accumulated sick leave bank,

22.15 The payment referred to in Article 22.1 shall be calculated using the civilian member’s regular hourly rate of pay in effect on the effective date of their retirement to an


OMERS pension. The amount of payment which a civilian member may receive shall never exceed one thousand two hundred fifty (1250) hours.

22.16 Civilian members going on Long Term Disability (LTD) shall not be entitled to sick leave credits under Section 22.1 during their period of disability.

22.17 Civilian members in receipt of Long Term Disability (LTD) benefits shall retire no later than their normal retirement age as specified by their OMERS plan.

22.18 The Board’s obligation is to pay the premiums for the Long Term Disability plan and denial of approval for LTD shall not be subject of a grievance.

22.19 Sick leave credits are granted to the civilian member and are not transferable to another member, except, in special cases where the Chief may authorize a bank to be established through civilian members volunteering to transfer a set amount of credits for a specific purpose.

22.20 Effective January 1, 2016, each full time civilian member will be credited eight (8) hours paid time off every six (6) months calculated from January 1 – June 30 and July 1 – December 31 of each year provided the member has not utilized any sick leave credits defined in Article 22.1. Commencing January 1, 2020 each full time member will be credited twelve (12) hours paid time off every six (6) months calculated from January 1 – June 30 and July 1 – December 31 of each year provided the member has not utilized any sick leave credits defined in Article 22.1.

22.21 Should a member be on approved sick leave and has exhausted their sick bank, transfers from other time banks including annual leave, bank time, statutory leave, overtime and contingency banks may be permitted and credited towards the member’s sick bank for purposes of salary top up.


23.1 Leave of absence, without pay, without fringe benefits, and without loss of the seniority the civilian member held at the commencement of the leave may be provided to a civilian member for the purpose of obtaining a university or equivalent degree in the following circumstances:

23.1.1 That the civilian member has been a civilian member of the Service for at least two (2) years;

23.1.2 That the degree would in the opinion of the Board be of value to the civilian member’s future police work;

23.1.3 That the civilian member has obtained one or more credits for the degree during their off duty hours;


23.1.4 That the civilian member enters into an agreement with the Board that after the completion of their leave they will remain with the Service for twice the period of their leave;

23.1.5 That such leave to obtain any one (1) degree may only be granted once during civilian member’s career, and only one (1) civilian member may be absent at one time.


24.1 Any civilian member who is off duty as a result of compensable injury or illness received or contracted during the performance of duty for which they are receiving WSIB benefits shall receive net pay during the absence from duty. During the period the employee is receiving compensation payments, the payments from the WSIB, will be assigned to the Police Services Board. The Chief of Police would have authority to return a civilian member to eight (8) hour scheduling after forty (40) hours off on Workers’ Compensation and there shall be no additional accumulation of banked time hours until the civilian member returns to duty.


25.1 The Board agrees to enroll each civilian member upon employment and pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premiums of a plan to cover the following:

25.1.1 Term Life Insurance in an amount of two (2) times salary to the nearest thousand ($1000) over salary.

25.1.2 Accidental Death and dismemberment in the amount of one (1) times salary to nearest thousand ($1000) over salary.

25.2 The amounts in Article 25.1 are based on one hundred percent (100%) of gross salary as if the member were actively at work.

25.3 The Board agrees to enroll each civilian member upon employment and pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premiums of a Major Medical Plan to cover semi- private hospital care, drugs, nursing care, and out of province coverage according to the plan in effect with no deductibles. Members shall be issued a drug benefit card by the insurer. There shall be mandatory substitution of generic drugs instead of brand drugs unless the member’s physician expressly directs otherwise. The member shall pay fifty percent (50%) of the dispensing fee for any drug prescriptions.

25.3.1 Reasonable and customary limits for health and welfare benefits will not apply to any fixed per visit or per service maximum.


25.4 The Board agrees to enroll each civilian member upon employment in a dental plan, and to pay one hundred percent (100%) of premium charges for the plan with no deductibles. Such plan shall pay current Ontario Dental Association (ODA) rates for all covered charges. Such plan will provide orthodontic care which will cover eighty percent (80%) of expenses to a lifetime maximum of five thousand dollars ($5,000). Said orthodontic care coverage shall be available once for each dependent child.

25.4.1 The Board agrees to provide coverage for dental implants to a lifetime maximum as follows:

Upon Ratification Five thousand dollars ($5000) January 1, 2021 Six thousand dollars ($6000) January 1, 2022 Six thousand five hundred dollars ($6500) January 1, 2023 Seven thousand dollars ($7000)

25.5 The Board agrees to continue coverage outlined in Articles 22.3, 25.1 and 25.2 for members who remain employees of the Board beyond the age of sixty five (65).

25.6 The Board agrees to arrange for the necessary pay deductions but without Board participation, for a group Life Insurance Plan for the Association civilian members and the remission of such pay deductions.

25.7 The Board agrees to enroll each civilian member and to pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premiums for a Vision Care Plan that is equal to or better than the plan carried by the City of Barrie. Such plan shall provide coverage for the purchase of corrective lenses or contact lenses to a maximum as follows:

January 1, 2020 $650.00 every two (2) years January 1, 2021 $700.00 every two (2) years January 1, 2022 $750.00 every two (2) years January 1, 2023 $800.00 every two (2) years

25.8 The Board agrees to provide each civilian member laser eye surgery coverage to a lifetime maximum as follows:

January 1, 2020 $2500 January 1, 2021 $3000 January 1, 2022 $3250 January 1, 2023 $3500

25.9 The Board agrees to insure each civilian member for two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) for occupational loss of life.

25.10 The Board shall not reveal any health information concerning a present or former civilian member to a third party, unless otherwise required by law, without the consent of the civilian member.


25.11 The coverage in Articles 25.3, 25.3.1, 25.4, 25.7 and 25.8 only shall apply to retired civilian members and one hundred percent (100%) of the premium will be paid by the Board. The coverage that the civilian member shall be entitled to, will be the coverage that they had at the time of their retirement.

25.11.1 This coverage will only pertain to those civilian members who have retired on an unreduced pension or a commuted pension with at least thirty (30) years of service and such coverage shall be terminated at the age of seventy-five (75) years of age. Such coverage shall extend to the spouse of the civilian member until the spouse reaches seventy-five (75) years of age.

25.12 The Board agrees that the Association will be provided annually the full contract wording from the insurance carrier for all benefits provided to police and civilian members.

25.13 The Board agrees that the plan shall be at minimum the current coverage and to give ninety (90) days’ notice to the Barrie Police Association Executive when they become aware of changes to medical benefits or a change in carrier of the plan.

25.14 If an active member dies while in the Board’s employ, the member’s spouse or dependent children shall be entitled to the benefit coverage listed in Articles 25.3, 25.3.1, 25.4, 25.7 and 25.8 for a period of twenty four (24) months following the death of the member or until the surviving spouse re-marries, whichever comes first. Spouse shall be as defined in the Family Law Act of Ontario. The member’s estate shall be paid any earned but unpaid salary, and earned vacation which has not been taken, any accrued paid time off in the member’s lieu bank which the member had not taken off or for any members employed prior to January 1, 2013, any sick bank credits in excess of three hundred (300) hours but less than one thousand two hundred and fifty (1,250) hours.


26.1 The pension plan will be the OMERS basic plan to provide for retirement within ten (10) years before normal retirement date if the civilian member has completed thirty (30) years of service.

26.1.1 Basic Plan – Fifty percent (50%) of the cost to be paid by the Board and fifty percent (50%) to be paid by the Association civilian members.

26.2 Should a civilian member die as a direct result of carrying out their duties, and for which WSIB survivor benefits are awarded, the Board shall award pecuniary aid to the civilian member’s spouse or dependent children in an amount which will make up the difference between payments being made by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Bureau, The Canada Pension Plan and the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Pension Plan to the spouse or dependent child on behalf of themselves and


children and the regular salary being paid to the civilian member at the date of their death. The Board agrees that the award shall be adjusted, as required, to reflect the salary rate that would have been paid to the civilian member had they remained a civilian member of the Service at the classification held on the date of their death. The Board agrees that such an award will continue until:

26.2.1 The spouse remarries; or

26.2.2 The spouse enters common law relationship, as defined in the Family Law Reform Act or the Family Act; or

26.2.3 To age 65 or the death of the spouse, whichever comes first.

26.3 Dependent Eligibility

26.3.1 Spouse to include a man or a woman who are married to each other or a common-law spouse as defined in the Family Law Reform Act or Family Act.

26.3.2 Benefit continuation as referred to in this provision shall mean drug, dental, vision care and extended health care coverage until the deceases civilian member’s normal retirement age or until Articles 26.2.1, 26.2.2 or 26.2.3 applies.

26.3.3 Dependent child shall be defined as a civilian member’s child who is: Unmarried and under 18 years of age Unmarried and over 18 years of age but less than 25 years of age if continuing their educations; Person over 18 years of age who by reason of mental or physical disability is unable to earn a living; and Including any child who the civilian member stood in loco parentis at the time of death.


27.1 The Chief or their designate may inspect a civilian member’s locker if the civilian member is present or a member of the Association executive is present.

27.2 Every civilian member shall be entitled to review their personnel file prior to being counseled and on special request subject to the availability of Human Resources personnel.

27.3 Every civilian member shall be entitled to notice in advance of any meeting


27.3.1 Which potentially may result in discipline charges; or

27.3.2 Which pertains to unsatisfactory work performance or attendance; or

27.3.3 Which involves warnings about unacceptable conduct of any kind.

27.4 Every civilian member shall be entitled to consult with and be accompanied by an Association representative of their choice if the member so requests. The member shall be informed of the right to an Association representative when given notice of the meeting.


28.1 When a civilian member of the Association has any grievance or complaint they shall forthwith convey to their immediate supervisor (verbally) all relative facts relating to the grievance or complaint. The civilian member and the supervisor shall make every effort to resolve this issue at this preliminary stage.

28.2 If the civilian member and the supervisor fail to resolve the complaint or grievance within forty-eight (48) hours of the complaint or grievance being made or if the supervisor fails to acknowledge or discuss the issue, the civilian member aggrieved may invoke the following procedure. A complaint or grievance shall not be subject to review under the following steps unless it has first been brought to the attention of the grievor’s supervisor in Article 28.1.

28.3 The Association shall reduce the grievance to writing and present same to the Chief of Police or their designate for consideration.

28.4 The Chief of Police shall inquire into the grievance and within ten (10) calendar days deliver their decision with respect to the complaint or grievance to the Association.

28.5 The Association, if dissatisfied with the ruling of the Chief of Police, shall forward the complaint or grievance to the Board within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the Chief’s decision.

28.6 The Board shall, within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the grievance, meet with the Association and inquire into the grievance and render a decision in connection with same within thirty (30) calendar days of such meeting. The Association, when meeting with the Board, may have the grievor present with them and/or representation of the Police Association of Ontario (P.A.O.). In the event that representatives from both Associations are present, only one will be permitted to be a spokesperson.

28.7 The Association shall, if dissatisfied with the decision of the Board, forward the grievance, within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of written notice of such decision, to an arbitrator for a final and binding decision. The arbitrator shall be appointed by the


Solicitor General unless otherwise agreed to by the parties and shall, in accordance with the Police Services Act or the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act or the Community Safety and Policing Act 2019 as the case may be, act as an arbitrator under the provisions of the said Act. At the time of forwarding the grievance to an arbitrator, the Association shall provide written notification of same to the Board.

28.8 The time limits specified in this procedure may be extended with the consent of the parties at any stage in the proceedings.


29.1 All part time civilian members shall receive at the first regular pay in December, service pay in addition to their regular salaries, in accordance with the following schedule:

29.1.1 To part time civilian members with five (5) years full time continuous seniority with the Service two hundred dollars ($200).

29.1.2 To part time civilian members with over five (5) years full time continuous seniority, an additional payment of eighty dollars ($80) per year of service to an annual maximum of twenty four hundred dollars ($2400).

29.2 Part time and casual members will be credited one year for each two thousand and eighty (2080) hours worked.

29.3 Part time and casual members will only be entitled to service pay when employed and actively working at the time of payment.

29.4 In the event of a civilian member’s death, the Board agrees to pay to the estate of the deceased, an amount equal to the service pay entitlement for that year.

29.5 A full time civilian members experience pay shall be based on the civilian member’s length of service except when a civilian member has a break or lapse in service of two (2) or more years. In such cases the member’s experience pay will be calculated using their re-entry date to policing after the lapse.

29.6 A full time member’s experience pay shall be:

29.6.1 At the completion of nine (9) years’ service, beginning at ten (10) years’ service, one percent (1%).

29.6.2 At the completion of nineteen (19) years’ service, beginning at twenty (20) years’ service, two percent (2%).



30.1 When a civilian member is assigned on a temporary basis to perform work in a position other than their own, for at least one (1) complete tour of duty they shall receive compensation as per Article 30.2.

30.2 The rate differential for acting pay will be calculated using the base rate of the rank or classification held to the base rate of the rank or classification being assumed. Such pay shall not be lower than their present rate of pay.

30.3 If a member is assigned to an acting role or classification for more than thirty (30) consecutive calendar days, the rate differential will be calculated using the member’s level experience pay as per Article 29.


31.1 The civilian job classifications, other than Senior Special Constable, shall have the following graduations in descending seniority.

31.1.1 First Class

31.1.2 Second Class

31.1.3 Third Class

31.2 Eligibility

31.2.1 A Third Class civilian member is eligible for reclassification as Second Class after serving one (1) year as Third Class with the Service.

31.2.2 A Second Class civilian member is eligible for reclassification as First Class after serving one (1) year as Second Class with the Service.

31.3 In the case of outstanding or meritorious service, any of the one-year periods mentioned in 31.2 may be abridged.

31.4 In the case of any of the one-year periods mentioned in 31.2, reclassification will not be automatic, but will be based upon acceptable performance and merit, as determined by the Board upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police.

31.5 If a civilian member is not reclassified when due, they shall have the right to request from the Chief of Police, a statement of the reasons why they have not been reclassified.

31.6 A civilian member must work a total of nine (9) months active duty in each classification to be eligible for reclassification.



32.1 The employment contract for casual, part time and contract members shall be renewed on an annual basis subject to satisfactory job performance and availability for work.

32.2 Casual Members

32.2.1 Provided that a casual member performs the same duties as a full time member the casual member shall be paid at the same hourly rate as a full time member and shall be eligible to progress through the full time member pay grid upon accumulation of two thousand and eighty (2,080) hours total employment in each level.

32.2.2 In lieu of hospital, medical and insurance benefits as provided under Article 25 of this Agreement, all causal members shall receive ten percent (10%) of the hourly rate of pay of the casual member added to the member’s hourly rate of pay.

32.2.3 A casual member shall be compensated for vacation in accordance with the Employment Standards Act.

32.2.4 A casual member shall be entitled to statutory holidays in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act.

32.2.5 A casual member shall be entitled to participate in OMERS Pension Plan in accordance with the provisions of the Pension Benefit Act. The member shall be notified when the member qualifies for membership in the OMERS Plan.

32.2.6 A casual member who works one thousand and forty hours (1040) or more in a calendar year shall be entitled to thirty (30) hours of sick time to be deposited at the end of the year in the member’s sick bank. This entitles the member to full pay if absent due to illness or injury. Any unused time shall be accumulated as a credit in the member’s sick leave bank.

32.2.7 Subject to the modifications as specified in this Article, all other Articles of this collective agreement shall have full application to all casual members excluding the following: Article 17 – Vacation Article 19 – Compassionate Care and Caregiver Leave Article 20 – Pregnancy and Parental Leave Article 21 – Family Leave/Bereavement Leave Article 22 – Sick Leave Article 23 – Education Leave Article 25 – Health and Welfare Article 26 – Pensions


32.2.8 A casual member shall be entitled to other benefits on a pro-rated basis.

32.3 Part Time Members

32.3.1 Provided that a part time member performs the same duties as a full time member the part time member shall be paid at the same hourly rate as a full time member and shall be eligible to progress through the full time member pay grid upon accumulation of two thousand and eighty (2,080) hours total employment in each level.

32.3.2 In lieu of hospital, medical and insurance benefits as provided under Article 25 of this Agreement, all part time members shall receive ten percent (10%) of the hourly rate of pay of the part time member added to the member’s hourly rate of pay.

32.3.3 A part time member shall be entitled to accrue and book vacation. Such vacation shall be unpaid. Vacation pay will be paid in each pay period in accordance with the Employment Standards Act.

32.3.4 A part time member shall be entitled to Statutory Holidays in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act.

32.3.5 Pregnancy and Parental Leave Pregnancy and parental leave will be granted in accordance with the Employment Standards Act and shall include adoption.

32.3.6 Compassionate Care and Caregiver Leave Compassionate care and caregiver leave will be granted in accordance with the Employment Standards Act..

32.3.7 Family/Bereavement Leave A part time member shall be allowed seven (7) consecutive calendar days off without loss of pay for their regularly scheduled shifts upon the notification of the death of a relative defined as spouse, common law spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, or grandchild, and five (5) consecutive calendar days off for a relative defined as grandparent, parent-in-law, grandparent-in-law, son-in- law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, or a person standing in Loco Parentis.


32.3.8 Sick Leave A part time member who is absent due to sickness or injury shall be entitled to forty (40) hours sick leave per calendar year at full pay. A part time member who does not use the full forty (40) hours sick leave in a calendar year shall be entitled to bank those credits remaining unused into a sick leave credit bank.

32.3.9 A part time member shall be entitled to participate in OMERS Pension Plan in accordance with the provisions of the Pension Benefit Act. The member shall be notified when the member qualifies for membership in the OMERS Plan.

32.3.10 Subject to the modifications as specified in this Article, all other Articles of this collective agreement shall have full application to all part time members excluding the following: Article 17 – Vacation Article 19 – Compassionate Care and Caregiver Leave Article 20 – Pregnancy and Parental Leave Article 21 – Family Leave/Bereavement Leave Article 22 – Sick Leave Article 23 – Education Leave Article 25 – Health and Welfare Article 26 – Pensions

32.3.11 A part time member shall be entitled to other benefits on a pro-rated basis.

32.3.12 Subject to the exclusions and modifications as specified in this Article, all Articles of this Agreement have full application to all part time members.

32.4 Contract members

32.4.1 Provided that a contract member performs the same duties as a full time member the contract member shall be paid at the same hourly rate as a full time member and shall be eligible to progress through the full time member pay grid upon accumulation of two thousand and eighty (2,080) hours total employment in each level.

32.4.2 Contract members are entitled to the same provisions as a part time member with the addition of: Article 17 – Vacations Article 22 – Sick Time


32.4.3 Contract members shall repay the Board in full for any time banks paid in excess of entitlement.


33.1 Displacement

33.1.1 Job Security shall increase in proportion to seniority. In the event of a lay-off, civilian members shall be displaced from affected position in reverse order of their seniority.

33.1.2 In disputes concerning qualifications, ability, and level of performance, as may be related to Article 33, the Board retains the sole right and exclusive rights to determine capability to perform the work concerned.

33.1.3 A civilian member displaced from their job classification may bump a civilian member with less seniority subject to the following: The civilian member exercising the right to bump must have demonstrated qualifications and ability to perform the job satisfactorily; The civilian member may bump into a higher paying classification only if they have been previously classified in, and have demonstrated performance satisfactory to the Board in the classification.

33.2 Lay-off means the reduction in the size of the Service, to which Section 40 of the Police Services Act or Section 53 of the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act or the Community Safety and Policing Act 2019 as the case may be, applies.

33.3 If the Board issues a lay-off notice to a civilian member, the civilian member and the Association will be given full opportunity to meet with the Board to discuss the options available to the civilian member.

33.4 Recall

33.4.1 In the case of a recall, the most senior person laid off shall be the first to be recalled to the person’s former job classification or a lower classification, provided the person has the ability and necessary qualifications to perform the duties of the position.

33.4.2 If the Board declares a vacancy exists in a classification from which no civilian member has been laid off or displaced, the most senior person on lay-off shall be recalled, provided that no person shall be recalled to a higher paying classification or one with pay equal to that from which they were laid off, unless


they have been previously classified in, and have demonstrated performance satisfactory to the Board in such position.

33.5 The Board shall notify a civilian member who is to be laid off at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the effective date of lay-off, or pay salary and benefits in lieu of notice.

33.6 A civilian member laid off shall receive forthwith, a severance pay as negotiated between the parties.

33.7 The Board shall not hire any new civilian members until those laid off have been given the opportunity of recall.

33.8 The Board shall give notice of recall by registered mail to the last recorded address of the civilian member. It shall be the civilian member’s responsibility to keep the Board informed at all times of their current address.

33.9 A civilian member who is recalled and who returns to duty prior to the period represented by the severance pay received by the member shall repay to the Board that portion of the severance represented by the return to work by the civilian member. Repayment shall be on terms, as agreed to, between the Board and the Association.


34.1 Any civilian member working an eight (8) hour rotating shift or a permanent afternoon or night shift will receive an annual payment of four hundred dollars ($400) to be paid on a biweekly basis. Commencing in 2020 this amount will be paid annually in December.

34.2 Any civilian member working a ten (10) hour rotating shift of a permanent afternoon or night shift will receive an annual payment of five hundred dollars ($500) to be paid on a biweekly basis. Commencing in 2020 this amount will be paid annually in December.

34.3 Any civilian member working a twelve (12) hour rotating shift or a permanent afternoon or night shift will receive an annual payment of six hundred dollars ($600) to be paid on a biweekly basis. Commencing in 2020 this amount will be paid annually in December. January 1, 2021 this amount will increase to one thousand dollars ($1000).

34.4 Any shift premium shall be adjusted accordingly in the event a civilian member transfers from one shift schedule to another.


35.1 Any civilian member who is assigned to the training of a newly hired civilian member or when an existing civilian member is transferred from one unit to another, the employee


conducting the training shall be paid one hundred and six percent (106%) of their salary for the period of training.


36.1 When a civilian member provides in writing their intention to retire in advance of their retirement date, they shall be entitled to paid retirement leave consisting of a twenty six (26) week notice period comprised of seven hundred and twenty (720) hour work period and three hundred and twenty (320) hours of paid retirement leave. The retirement date must occur after January 1, 2020.

36.2 The retirement leave cannot be cashed out as pay. The retirement notice is irrevocable unless a member is on approved short term disability (STD), long term disability (LTD) or Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) benefits.

36.3 When a member is on retirement leave, they will be assigned to an eight (8) hour shift with Saturday and Sunday as days off. Statutory holidays will be excluded from the allotment of retirement leave.

36.4 A member required to return to duty during the retirement leave shall be compensated at one and one half (1 ½) times hours worked at their current rate of pay for a minimum of four (4) hours.


37.1 Civilian members may voluntarily transfer up to a maximum of ninety six (96) hours from any time bank other than sick bank into an individual time bank. The transfer must be submitted in writing prior to November 1st of each year. The time included in this bank has no cash value and may not be paid out at any time.

37.2 The individual contingency bank may be used as top up for approved short term disability (STD), long term disability (LTD) or WSIB benefits.

37.3 Civilian members may make any time bank deposits to a centralized time bank that may be utilized by civilian or police members in extraordinary situations if approved by a majority vote of the committee which will be comprised of two (2) members of management chosen by the Chief of Police and two (2) members of the Association as appointed by the Association. The decision of the committee is final.


38.1 This agreement is effective on a go-forward basis from the 1st day of January 2019 and shall remain in effect until the 31st day of December 2023. It shall be renewed automatically from year to year thereafter, unless either party gives notice of


amendment to the other party within the ninety (90) day period immediately prior to the anniversary date in any year.

38.2 All changes, deletions and additions to this Agreement that correspond to clauses in the Police Working Agreement will be implemented therein.

38.3 Salary increases shall be effective in accordance with Appendix “A”.

38.4 Amendments from the previous agreement shall be effective from the date of ratification of this agreement. Ratification date July, 2019.

38.5 If the Corporation of the City of Barrie offers discounts or other forms of reduced price to employees of the City of Barrie, the Board shall endeavour to secure from the City of Barrie the same reductions or discounts for members of the Barrie Police Service.

Dated at BARRIE, Ontario, this ______day of July 2019.

______Barrie Police Services Board Barrie Police Association

______Barrie Police Services Board Barrie Police Association


APPENDIX “A” Appendix "A"

Classification Jan 1/18 Jan 1/19 July 1/19 Jan 1/20 July 1/20 Jan 1/21 July 1/21 Jan 1/22 July 1/22 Jan 1/23 July 1/23 1.00% 1.25% 1.00% 1.125% 1.00% 1.125% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.25% 10.75%

annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly

Communications Administrator 1 - 20 years +2% $ 134,234 $ 64.36 $ 135,577 $ 65.01 $ 137,272 $ 65.82 $ 138,644 $ 66.48 $ 140,204 $ 67.23 $ 141,606 $ 67.90 $ 143,199 $ 68.66 $ 144,631 $ 69.35 $ 146,077 $ 70.04 $ 147,538 $ 70.74 $ 149,382 $ 71.63 102.0% Communications Administrator 1 - 10 years +1% $ 132,918 $ 63.73 $ 134,248 $ 64.37 $ 135,926 $ 65.17 $ 137,285 $ 65.83 $ 138,829 $ 66.57 $ 140,218 $ 67.23 $ 141,795 $ 67.99 $ 143,213 $ 68.67 $ 144,645 $ 69.36 $ 146,092 $ 70.05 $ 147,918 $ 70.92 101.0% Communications Administrator 1 $ 131,602 $ 63.10 $ 132,918 $ 63.73 $ 134,580 $ 64.53 $ 135,926 $ 65.17 $ 137,455 $ 65.91 $ 138,829 $ 66.57 $ 140,391 $ 67.32 $ 141,795 $ 67.99 $ 143,213 $ 68.67 $ 144,645 $ 69.36 $ 146,453 $ 70.22 100.0% Communications Administrator 2 $ 122,390 $ 58.69 $ 123,614 $ 59.27 $ 125,159 $ 60.01 $ 126,411 $ 60.61 $ 127,833 $ 61.29 $ 129,111 $ 61.91 $ 130,564 $ 62.60 $ 131,870 $ 63.23 $ 133,188 $ 63.86 $ 134,520 $ 64.50 $ 136,202 $ 65.31 93.0% Communications Administrator 3 $ 113,836 $ 54.58 $ 114,974 $ 55.13 $ 116,412 $ 55.82 $ 117,576 $ 56.38 $ 118,899 $ 57.01 $ 120,088 $ 57.58 $ 121,439 $ 58.23 $ 122,653 $ 58.81 $ 123,879 $ 59.40 $ 125,118 $ 59.99 $ 126,682 $ 60.74 86.5%

102.0% IT Supervisor, Wellness Coordinator 1 - 20 years +2% $ 108,418 $ 51.99 $ 109,502 $ 52.51 $ 110,871 $ 53.16 $ 111,980 $ 53.69 $ 113,239 $ 54.30 $ 114,372 $ 54.84 $ 115,659 $ 55.46 $ 116,815 $ 56.01 $ 117,983 $ 56.57 $ 119,163 $ 57.14 $ 120,653 $ 57.85 IT Supervisor, Wellness Coordinator 1 - 10 years +1% $ 107,355 $ 51.48 $ 108,429 $ 51.99 $ 109,784 $ 52.64 $ 110,882 $ 53.17 $ 112,129 $ 53.77 $ 113,250 $ 54.30 $ 114,525 $ 54.91 $ 115,670 $ 55.46 $ 116,826 $ 56.02 $ 117,995 $ 56.58 $ 119,470 $ 57.28 101.0% IT Supervisor, Wellness Coordinator 1 $ 106,292 $ 50.97 $ 107,355 $ 51.48 $ 108,697 $ 52.12 $ 109,784 $ 52.64 $ 111,019 $ 53.23 $ 112,129 $ 53.77 $ 113,391 $ 54.37 $ 114,525 $ 54.91 $ 115,670 $ 55.46 $ 116,827 $ 56.02 $ 118,287 $ 56.72 100.0% IT Supervisor, Wellness Coordinator 2 $ 98,852 $ 47.40 $ 99,840 $ 47.87 $ 101,088 $ 48.47 $ 102,099 $ 48.96 $ 103,248 $ 49.51 $ 104,280 $ 50.00 $ 105,453 $ 50.56 $ 106,508 $ 51.07 $ 107,573 $ 51.58 $ 108,649 $ 52.10 $ 110,007 $ 52.75 93.0% IT Supervisor, Wellness Coordinator 3 $ 91,943 $ 44.10 $ 92,862 $ 44.53 $ 94,023 $ 45.08 $ 94,963 $ 45.54 $ 96,032 $ 46.05 $ 96,992 $ 46.51 $ 98,083 $ 47.03 $ 99,064 $ 47.50 $ 100,054 $ 47.98 $ 101,055 $ 48.46 $ 102,318 $ 49.06 86.5%

Crime Analyst, Tech Data Recvry Exmnr, Financial Analyst, Strategic Planner, Fleet Sprvsr, Comm Supervisor 1 - 20 years +2% $ 101,260 $ 48.55 $ 102,272 $ 49.04 $ 103,551 $ 49.65 $ 104,586 $ 50.15 $ 105,763 $ 50.71 $ 106,820 $ 51.22 $ 108,022 $ 51.80 $ 109,102 $ 52.31 $ 110,193 $ 52.84 $ 111,295 $ 53.37 $ 112,687 $ 54.03 102.0% Crime Analyst, Tech Data Recvry Exmnr, Financial Analyst, Strategic Planner, Fleet Sprvsr, Comm Supervisor 1 - 10 years +1% $ 100,267 $ 48.08 $ 101,270 $ 48.56 $ 102,535 $ 49.17 $ 103,561 $ 49.66 $ 104,726 $ 50.22 $ 105,773 $ 50.72 $ 106,963 $ 51.29 $ 108,033 $ 51.80 $ 109,113 $ 52.32 $ 110,204 $ 52.84 $ 111,582 $ 53.50 101.0% Crime Analyst, Tech Data Recvry Exmnr, Financial Analyst, Strategic Planner, Fleet Sprvsr, Comm Supervisor 1 $ 99,274 $ 47.60 $ 100,267 $ 48.08 $ 101,520 $ 48.68 $ 102,536 $ 49.17 $ 103,689 $ 49.72 $ 104,726 $ 50.22 $ 105,904 $ 50.78 $ 106,963 $ 51.29 $ 108,033 $ 51.80 $ 109,113 $ 52.32 $ 110,477 $ 52.97 100.0% Crime Analyst, Tech Data Recvry Exmnr, Financial Analyst, Strategic Planner, Fleet Sprvsr, Comm Supervisor 2 $ 92,325 $ 44.27 $ 93,248 $ 44.71 $ 94,414 $ 45.27 $ 95,358 $ 45.72 $ 96,431 $ 46.24 $ 97,395 $ 46.70 $ 98,491 $ 47.23 $ 99,476 $ 47.70 $ 100,471 $ 48.18 $ 101,475 $ 48.66 $ 102,744 $ 49.27 93.0% Crime Analyst, Tech Data Recvry Exmnr, Financial Analyst, Strategic Planner, Fleet Sprvsr, Comm Supervisor 3 $ 85,872 $ 41.18 $ 86,731 $ 41.59 $ 87,815 $ 42.11 $ 88,693 $ 42.53 $ 89,691 $ 43.01 $ 90,588 $ 43.44 $ 91,607 $ 43.93 $ 92,523 $ 44.37 $ 93,448 $ 44.81 $ 94,383 $ 45.26 $ 95,563 $ 45.82 86.5%

Records Supervisor, Comm Trainer, IS Analyst, Corp Communications Coordinator, Mechanic 1 - 20 years +2% $ 90,405 $ 43.35 $ 91,309 $ 43.78 $ 92,451 $ 44.33 $ 93,375 $ 44.77 $ 94,426 $ 45.28 $ 95,370 $ 45.73 $ 96,443 $ 46.24 $ 97,407 $ 46.71 $ 98,381 $ 47.17 $ 99,365 $ 47.65 $ 100,607 $ 48.24 102.0%

Records Supervisor, Comm Trainer, IS Analyst, Corp Communications Coordinator, Mechanic 1 - 10 years +1% $ 89,519 $ 42.92 $ 90,414 $ 43.35 $ 91,544 $ 43.90 $ 92,460 $ 44.33 $ 93,500 $ 44.83 $ 94,435 $ 45.28 $ 95,497 $ 45.79 $ 96,452 $ 46.25 $ 97,417 $ 46.71 $ 98,391 $ 47.18 $ 99,621 $ 47.77 101.0% Records Supervisor, Comm Trainer, IS Analyst, Corp Communications Coordinator, Mechanic 1 $ 88,633 $ 42.50 $ 89,519 $ 42.92 $ 90,638 $ 43.46 $ 91,544 $ 43.90 $ 92,574 $ 44.39 $ 93,500 $ 44.83 $ 94,552 $ 45.34 $ 95,497 $ 45.79 $ 96,452 $ 46.25 $ 97,417 $ 46.71 $ 98,634 $ 47.30 100.0% Records Supervisor, Comm Trainer, IS Analyst, Corp Communications Coordinator, Mechanic 2 $ 82,428 $ 39.53 $ 83,253 $ 39.92 $ 84,293 $ 40.42 $ 85,136 $ 40.82 $ 86,094 $ 41.28 $ 86,955 $ 41.70 $ 87,933 $ 42.16 $ 88,812 $ 42.59 $ 89,701 $ 43.01 $ 90,598 $ 43.44 $ 91,730 $ 43.99 93.0% Records Supervisor, Comm Trainer, IS Analyst, Corp Communications Coordinator, Mechanic 3 $ 76,667 $ 36.76 $ 77,434 $ 37.13 $ 78,402 $ 37.59 $ 79,186 $ 37.97 $ 80,077 $ 38.40 $ 80,877 $ 38.78 $ 81,787 $ 39.22 $ 82,605 $ 39.61 $ 83,431 $ 40.01 $ 84,266 $ 40.41 $ 85,319 $ 40.91 86.5%

Sr Special Constable, Tech Resources 1 - 20 years +2% $ 85,638 $ 41.06 $ 86,494 $ 41.47 $ 87,576 $ 41.99 $ 88,451 $ 42.41 $ 89,447 $ 42.89 $ 90,341 $ 43.32 $ 91,357 $ 43.81 $ 92,271 $ 44.24 $ 93,194 $ 44.69 $ 94,126 $ 45.13 $ 95,302 $ 45.70 102.0% Sr Special Constable, Tech Resources 1 - 10 years +1% $ 84,798 $ 40.66 $ 85,646 $ 41.07 $ 86,717 $ 41.58 $ 87,584 $ 42.00 $ 88,570 $ 42.47 $ 89,455 $ 42.89 $ 90,462 $ 43.38 $ 91,366 $ 43.81 $ 92,280 $ 44.25 $ 93,203 $ 44.69 $ 94,368 $ 45.25 101.0% Sr Special Constable, Tech Resources 1 $ 83,959 $ 40.26 $ 84,799 $ 40.66 $ 85,858 $ 41.17 $ 86,717 $ 41.58 $ 87,693 $ 42.05 $ 88,570 $ 42.47 $ 89,566 $ 42.95 $ 90,462 $ 43.38 $ 91,366 $ 43.81 $ 92,280 $ 44.25 $ 93,433 $ 44.80 100.0% Sr Special Constable, Tech Resources 2 $ 78,082 $ 37.44 $ 78,863 $ 37.82 $ 79,848 $ 38.29 $ 80,647 $ 38.67 $ 81,554 $ 39.11 $ 82,370 $ 39.50 $ 83,296 $ 39.94 $ 84,129 $ 40.34 $ 84,971 $ 40.74 $ 85,820 $ 41.15 $ 86,893 $ 41.67 93.0% Sr Special Constable, Tech Resources 3 $ 72,624 $ 34.82 $ 73,351 $ 35.17 $ 74,268 $ 35.61 $ 75,010 $ 35.97 $ 75,854 $ 36.37 $ 76,613 $ 36.74 $ 77,475 $ 37.15 $ 78,249 $ 37.52 $ 79,032 $ 37.90 $ 79,822 $ 38.28 $ 80,820 $ 38.75 86.5%

Communicator, Informations Systems 1 - 20 years +2% $ 82,022 $ 39.33 $ 82,842 $ 39.72 $ 83,878 $ 40.22 $ 84,717 $ 40.62 $ 85,670 $ 41.08 $ 86,527 $ 41.49 $ 87,500 $ 41.96 $ 88,375 $ 42.38 $ 89,259 $ 42.80 $ 90,151 $ 43.23 $ 91,278 $ 43.77 102.0% Communicator, Informations Systems 1 - 10 years +1% $ 81,218 $ 38.95 $ 82,030 $ 39.33 $ 83,056 $ 39.83 $ 83,886 $ 40.22 $ 84,830 $ 40.68 $ 85,678 $ 41.08 $ 86,642 $ 41.55 $ 87,509 $ 41.96 $ 88,384 $ 42.38 $ 89,268 $ 42.80 $ 90,383 $ 43.34 101.0% Communicator, Informations Systems 1 $ 80,414 $ 38.56 $ 81,218 $ 38.95 $ 82,233 $ 39.43 $ 83,056 $ 39.83 $ 83,990 $ 40.27 $ 84,830 $ 40.68 $ 85,784 $ 41.13 $ 86,642 $ 41.55 $ 87,509 $ 41.96 $ 88,384 $ 42.38 $ 89,489 $ 42.91 100.0% Communicator, Informations Systems 2 $ 74,785 $ 35.86 $ 75,533 $ 36.22 $ 76,477 $ 36.67 $ 77,242 $ 37.04 $ 78,111 $ 37.46 $ 78,892 $ 37.83 $ 79,779 $ 38.26 $ 80,577 $ 38.64 $ 81,383 $ 39.02 $ 82,197 $ 39.41 $ 83,224 $ 39.91 93.0% Communicator, Informations Systems 3 $ 69,558 $ 33.35 $ 70,254 $ 33.69 $ 71,132 $ 34.11 $ 71,843 $ 34.45 $ 72,651 $ 34.84 $ 73,378 $ 35.19 $ 74,203 $ 35.58 $ 74,946 $ 35.94 $ 75,695 $ 36.30 $ 76,452 $ 36.66 $ 77,408 $ 37.12 86.5%

Planner Researcher, Auditor 1 - 20 years +2% $ 78,833 $ 37.80 $ 79,621 $ 38.18 $ 80,616 $ 38.66 $ 81,423 $ 39.04 $ 82,339 $ 39.48 $ 83,162 $ 39.88 $ 84,098 $ 40.33 $ 84,939 $ 40.73 $ 85,788 $ 41.14 $ 86,646 $ 41.55 $ 87,729 $ 42.07 102.0% Planner Researcher, Auditor 1 - 10 years +1% $ 78,060 $ 37.43 $ 78,841 $ 37.81 $ 79,826 $ 38.28 $ 80,624 $ 38.66 $ 81,531 $ 39.10 $ 82,347 $ 39.49 $ 83,273 $ 39.93 $ 84,106 $ 40.33 $ 84,947 $ 40.73 $ 85,796 $ 41.14 $ 86,869 $ 41.65 101.0% Planner Researcher, Auditor 1 $ 77,287 $ 37.06 $ 78,060 $ 37.43 $ 79,036 $ 37.90 $ 79,826 $ 38.28 $ 80,724 $ 38.71 $ 81,531 $ 39.10 $ 82,449 $ 39.54 $ 83,273 $ 39.93 $ 84,106 $ 40.33 $ 84,947 $ 40.73 $ 86,009 $ 41.24 100.0% Planner Researcher, Auditor 2 $ 71,877 $ 34.47 $ 72,596 $ 34.81 $ 73,503 $ 35.25 $ 74,238 $ 35.60 $ 75,073 $ 36.00 $ 75,824 $ 36.36 $ 76,677 $ 36.77 $ 77,444 $ 37.14 $ 78,218 $ 37.51 $ 79,001 $ 37.88 $ 79,988 $ 38.36 93.0% Planner Researcher, Auditor 3 $ 66,853 $ 32.06 $ 67,522 $ 32.38 $ 68,366 $ 32.78 $ 69,050 $ 33.11 $ 69,826 $ 33.48 $ 70,525 $ 33.82 $ 71,318 $ 34.20 $ 72,031 $ 34.54 $ 72,752 $ 34.89 $ 73,479 $ 35.23 $ 74,398 $ 35.68 86.5%

Special Constable, AA Payroll, HR, Major Crime, CAP, RMS Auditor/Trainer, Training Registrar, FOI Coordinator 1 - 20 years +2% $ 76,851 $ 36.85 $ 77,620 $ 37.22 $ 78,590 $ 37.69 $ 79,376 $ 38.06 $ 80,269 $ 38.49 $ 81,071 $ 38.87 $ 81,983 $ 39.31 $ 82,803 $ 39.71 $ 83,631 $ 40.10 $ 84,468 $ 40.50 $ 85,524 $ 41.01 102.0%

Special Constable, AA Payroll, HR, Major Crime, CAP, RMS Auditor/Trainer, Training Registrar, FOI Coordinator 1 - 10 years +1% $ 76,098 $ 36.49 $ 76,859 $ 36.86 $ 77,819 $ 37.32 $ 78,598 $ 37.69 $ 79,482 $ 38.11 $ 80,277 $ 38.49 $ 81,180 $ 38.93 $ 81,992 $ 39.32 $ 82,811 $ 39.71 $ 83,640 $ 40.11 $ 84,685 $ 40.61 101.0% Special Constable, AA Payroll, HR, Major Crime, CAP, RMS Auditor/Trainer, Training Registrar, FOI Coordinator 1 $ 75,344 $ 36.13 $ 76,098 $ 36.49 $ 77,049 $ 36.95 $ 77,819 $ 37.32 $ 78,695 $ 37.74 $ 79,482 $ 38.11 $ 80,376 $ 38.54 $ 81,180 $ 38.93 $ 81,992 $ 39.32 $ 82,811 $ 39.71 $ 83,847 $ 40.21 100.0% Special Constable, AA Payroll, HR, Major Crime, CAP, RMS Auditor/Trainer, Training Registrar, FOI Coordinator 2 $ 70,070 $ 33.60 $ 70,771 $ 33.94 $ 71,655 $ 34.36 $ 72,372 $ 34.70 $ 73,186 $ 35.09 $ 73,918 $ 35.45 $ 74,750 $ 35.84 $ 75,497 $ 36.20 $ 76,252 $ 36.56 $ 77,015 $ 36.93 $ 77,977 $ 37.39 93.0% Special Constable, AA Payroll, HR, Major Crime, CAP, RMS Auditor/Trainer, Training Registrar, FOI Coordinator 3 $ 65,173 $ 31.25 $ 65,824 $ 31.56 $ 66,647 $ 31.96 $ 67,314 $ 32.28 $ 68,071 $ 32.64 $ 68,752 $ 32.97 $ 69,525 $ 33.34 $ 70,220 $ 33.67 $ 70,923 $ 34.01 $ 71,632 $ 34.35 $ 72,527 $ 34.78 86.5%

Ident Tech 1 - 20 years +2% $ 73,234 $ 35.12 $ 73,966 $ 35.47 $ 74,891 $ 35.91 $ 75,640 $ 36.27 $ 76,491 $ 36.68 $ 77,256 $ 37.05 $ 78,125 $ 37.46 $ 78,906 $ 37.84 $ 79,695 $ 38.22 $ 80,492 $ 38.60 $ 81,498 $ 39.08 102.0% Ident Tech 1 - 10 years +1% $ 72,516 $ 34.77 $ 73,241 $ 35.12 $ 74,157 $ 35.56 $ 74,898 $ 35.92 $ 75,741 $ 36.32 $ 76,498 $ 36.68 $ 77,359 $ 37.09 $ 78,133 $ 37.47 $ 78,914 $ 37.84 $ 79,703 $ 38.22 $ 80,699 $ 38.70 101.0% Ident Tech 1 $ 71,798 $ 34.43 $ 72,516 $ 34.77 $ 73,423 $ 35.21 $ 74,157 $ 35.56 $ 74,991 $ 35.96 $ 75,741 $ 36.32 $ 76,593 $ 36.73 $ 77,359 $ 37.09 $ 78,133 $ 37.47 $ 78,914 $ 37.84 $ 79,900 $ 38.31 100.0% Ident Tech 2 $ 66,772 $ 32.02 $ 67,440 $ 32.34 $ 68,283 $ 32.74 $ 68,966 $ 33.07 $ 69,742 $ 33.44 $ 70,439 $ 33.78 $ 71,232 $ 34.16 $ 71,944 $ 34.50 $ 72,663 $ 34.84 $ 73,390 $ 35.19 $ 74,307 $ 35.63 93.0% Ident Tech 3 $ 62,105 $ 29.78 $ 62,726 $ 30.08 $ 63,511 $ 30.46 $ 64,146 $ 30.76 $ 64,867 $ 31.11 $ 65,516 $ 31.42 $ 66,253 $ 31.77 $ 66,916 $ 32.09 $ 67,585 $ 32.41 $ 68,261 $ 32.73 $ 69,114 $ 33.14 86.5%

Quartermaster, Property & Evidence Coord, AA - Ident, Intelligence, IT, Prof Stds 1 - 20 years +2% $ 73,061 $ 35.03 $ 73,792 $ 35.38 $ 74,714 $ 35.83 $ 75,462 $ 36.19 $ 76,311 $ 36.59 $ 77,074 $ 36.96 $ 77,941 $ 37.37 $ 78,720 $ 37.75 $ 79,507 $ 38.12 $ 80,302 $ 38.51 $ 81,306 $ 38.99 102.0%

Quartermaster, Property & Evidence Coord, AA - Ident, Intelligence, IT, Prof Stds 1 - 10 years +1% $ 72,345 $ 34.69 $ 73,069 $ 35.04 $ 73,982 $ 35.48 $ 74,722 $ 35.83 $ 75,562 $ 36.23 $ 76,318 $ 36.60 $ 77,177 $ 37.01 $ 77,948 $ 37.38 $ 78,728 $ 37.75 $ 79,515 $ 38.13 $ 80,509 $ 38.61 101.0% Quartermaster, Property & Evidence Coord, AA - Ident, Intelligence, IT, Prof Stds 1 $ 71,629 $ 34.35 $ 72,345 $ 34.69 $ 73,249 $ 35.12 $ 73,982 $ 35.48 $ 74,814 $ 35.87 $ 75,562 $ 36.23 $ 76,412 $ 36.64 $ 77,177 $ 37.01 $ 77,948 $ 37.38 $ 78,728 $ 37.75 $ 79,712 $ 38.22 100.0% Quartermaster, Property & Evidence Coord, AA - Ident, Intelligence, IT, Prof Stds 2 $ 66,615 $ 31.94 $ 67,281 $ 32.26 $ 68,122 $ 32.67 $ 68,803 $ 32.99 $ 69,577 $ 33.36 $ 70,273 $ 33.70 $ 71,064 $ 34.08 $ 71,774 $ 34.42 $ 72,492 $ 34.76 $ 73,217 $ 35.11 $ 74,132 $ 35.55 93.0% Quartermaster, Property & Evidence Coord, AA - Ident, Intelligence, IT, Prof Stds 3 $ 61,959 $ 29.71 $ 62,579 $ 30.01 $ 63,361 $ 30.38 $ 63,994 $ 30.69 $ 64,714 $ 31.03 $ 65,361 $ 31.34 $ 66,097 $ 31.70 $ 66,758 $ 32.01 $ 67,425 $ 32.33 $ 68,100 $ 32.66 $ 68,951 $ 33.06 86.5%

AA - Courts, Property, CIB, Corporate Support, Command, CPIC Auditor 1 - 20 years +2% $ 70,184 $ 33.66 $ 70,886 $ 33.99 $ 71,772 $ 34.42 $ 72,490 $ 34.76 $ 73,306 $ 35.15 $ 74,039 $ 35.50 $ 74,872 $ 35.90 $ 75,620 $ 36.26 $ 76,377 $ 36.62 $ 77,140 $ 36.99 $ 78,105 $ 37.45 102.0% AA - Courts, Property, CIB, Corporate Support, Command, CPIC Auditor 1 - 10 years +1% $ 69,496 $ 33.33 $ 70,191 $ 33.66 $ 71,069 $ 34.08 $ 71,779 $ 34.42 $ 72,587 $ 34.81 $ 73,313 $ 35.15 $ 74,138 $ 35.55 $ 74,879 $ 35.91 $ 75,628 $ 36.26 $ 76,384 $ 36.63 $ 77,339 $ 37.09 101.0% AA - Courts, Property, CIB, Corporate Support, Command, CPIC Auditor 1 $ 68,808 $ 33.00 $ 69,496 $ 33.33 $ 70,365 $ 33.74 $ 71,069 $ 34.08 $ 71,868 $ 34.46 $ 72,587 $ 34.81 $ 73,404 $ 35.20 $ 74,138 $ 35.55 $ 74,879 $ 35.91 $ 75,628 $ 36.26 $ 76,573 $ 36.72 100.0% AA - Courts, Property, CIB, Corporate Support, Command, CPIC Auditor 2 $ 63,992 $ 30.69 $ 64,632 $ 30.99 $ 65,440 $ 31.38 $ 66,094 $ 31.69 $ 66,838 $ 32.05 $ 67,506 $ 32.37 $ 68,265 $ 32.73 $ 68,948 $ 33.06 $ 69,637 $ 33.39 $ 70,334 $ 33.73 $ 71,213 $ 34.15 93.0% AA - Courts, Property, CIB, Corporate Support, Command, CPIC Auditor 3 $ 59,519 $ 28.54 $ 60,114 $ 28.83 $ 60,866 $ 29.19 $ 61,474 $ 29.48 $ 62,166 $ 29.81 $ 62,788 $ 30.11 $ 63,494 $ 30.45 $ 64,129 $ 30.75 $ 64,770 $ 31.06 $ 65,418 $ 31.37 $ 66,236 $ 31.76 86.5%

Records Clerk 1 - 20 years +2% $ 67,705 $ 32.47 $ 68,382 $ 32.79 $ 69,236 $ 33.20 $ 69,929 $ 33.53 $ 70,716 $ 33.91 $ 71,423 $ 34.25 $ 72,226 $ 34.63 $ 72,948 $ 34.98 $ 73,678 $ 35.33 $ 74,415 $ 35.68 $ 75,345 $ 36.13 102.0%

Records Clerk 1 - 10 years +1% $ 67,041 $ 32.15 $ 67,711 $ 32.47 $ 68,558 $ 32.88 $ 69,243 $ 33.20 $ 70,022 $ 33.58 $ 70,722 $ 33.91 $ 71,518 $ 34.29 $ 72,233 $ 34.64 $ 72,956 $ 34.98 $ 73,685 $ 35.33 $ 74,606 $ 35.78 101.0% Records Clerk 1 $ 66,377 $ 31.83 $ 67,041 $ 32.15 $ 67,879 $ 32.55 $ 68,558 $ 32.88 $ 69,329 $ 33.24 $ 70,022 $ 33.58 $ 70,810 $ 33.95 $ 71,518 $ 34.29 $ 72,233 $ 34.64 $ 72,956 $ 34.98 $ 73,868 $ 35.42 100.0% Records Clerk 2 $ 61,731 $ 29.60 $ 62,348 $ 29.90 $ 63,127 $ 30.27 $ 63,759 $ 30.57 $ 64,476 $ 30.92 $ 65,121 $ 31.23 $ 65,853 $ 31.58 $ 66,512 $ 31.89 $ 67,177 $ 32.21 $ 67,849 $ 32.54 $ 68,697 $ 32.94 93.0% Records Clerk 3 $ 57,416 $ 27.53 $ 57,990 $ 27.81 $ 58,715 $ 28.16 $ 59,302 $ 28.44 $ 59,970 $ 28.76 $ 60,569 $ 29.05 $ 61,251 $ 29.37 $ 61,863 $ 29.67 $ 62,482 $ 29.96 $ 63,107 $ 30.26 $ 63,895 $ 30.64 86.5%


Appendix "A"

Classification Jan 1/18 Jan 1/19 July 1/19 Jan 1/20 July 1/20 Jan 1/21 July 1/21 Jan 1/22 July 1/22 Jan 1/23 July 1/23 1.00% 1.25% 1.00% 1.125% 1.00% 1.125% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.25% 10.75%

annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly annual hourly AA - Comm Patrol, Accounts Payable, HR Recruiting, CPIC Asst 1 - 20 years +2% $ 65,784 $ 31.55 $ 66,442 $ 31.86 $ 67,272 $ 32.26 $ 67,945 $ 32.58 $ 68,709 $ 32.95 $ 69,397 $ 33.28 $ 70,177 $ 33.65 $ 70,879 $ 33.99 $ 71,588 $ 34.33 $ 72,304 $ 34.67 $ 73,208 $ 35.10 102.0% AA - Comm Patrol, Accounts Payable, HR Recruiting, CPIC Asst 1 - 10 years +1% $ 65,139 $ 31.24 $ 65,790 $ 31.55 $ 66,613 $ 31.94 $ 67,279 $ 32.26 $ 68,036 $ 32.62 $ 68,716 $ 32.95 $ 69,489 $ 33.32 $ 70,184 $ 33.65 $ 70,886 $ 33.99 $ 71,595 $ 34.33 $ 72,490 $ 34.76 101.0% AA - Comm Patrol, Accounts Payable, HR Recruiting, CPIC Asst 1 $ 64,494 $ 30.93 $ 65,139 $ 31.24 $ 65,953 $ 31.63 $ 66,613 $ 31.94 $ 67,362 $ 32.30 $ 68,036 $ 32.62 $ 68,801 $ 32.99 $ 69,489 $ 33.32 $ 70,184 $ 33.65 $ 70,886 $ 33.99 $ 71,772 $ 34.42 100.0% AA - Comm Patrol, Accounts Payable, HR Recruiting, CPIC Asst 2 $ 59,979 $ 28.76 $ 60,579 $ 29.05 $ 61,337 $ 29.41 $ 61,950 $ 29.71 $ 62,647 $ 30.04 $ 63,273 $ 30.34 $ 63,985 $ 30.68 $ 64,625 $ 30.99 $ 65,271 $ 31.30 $ 65,924 $ 31.61 $ 66,748 $ 32.01 93.0% AA - Comm Patrol, Accounts Payable, HR Recruiting, CPIC Asst 3 $ 55,787 $ 26.75 $ 56,345 $ 27.02 $ 57,050 $ 27.36 $ 57,620 $ 27.63 $ 58,268 $ 27.94 $ 58,851 $ 28.22 $ 59,513 $ 28.54 $ 60,108 $ 28.82 $ 60,709 $ 29.11 $ 61,316 $ 29.40 $ 62,083 $ 29.77 86.5%

Cadet, Quartermaster Asst 1 - 20 years +2% $ 55,896 $ 26.80 $ 56,455 $ 27.07 $ 57,161 $ 27.41 $ 57,732 $ 27.68 $ 58,382 $ 28.00 $ 58,966 $ 28.28 $ 59,629 $ 28.59 $ 60,225 $ 28.88 $ 60,828 $ 29.17 $ 61,436 $ 29.46 $ 62,204 $ 29.83 102.0%

Cadet, Quartermaster Asst 1 - 10 years +1% $ 55,348 $ 26.54 $ 55,902 $ 26.81 $ 56,600 $ 27.14 $ 57,166 $ 27.41 $ 57,810 $ 27.72 $ 58,388 $ 28.00 $ 59,045 $ 28.31 $ 59,635 $ 28.60 $ 60,231 $ 28.88 $ 60,834 $ 29.17 $ 61,594 $ 29.54 101.0% Cadet, Quartermaster Asst 1 $ 54,800 $ 26.28 $ 55,348 $ 26.54 $ 56,040 $ 26.87 $ 56,600 $ 27.14 $ 57,237 $ 27.45 $ 57,810 $ 27.72 $ 58,460 $ 28.03 $ 59,045 $ 28.31 $ 59,635 $ 28.60 $ 60,231 $ 28.88 $ 60,984 $ 29.24 100.0% Cadet, Quartermaster Asst 2 $ 50,964 $ 24.44 $ 51,474 $ 24.68 $ 52,117 $ 24.99 $ 52,638 $ 25.24 $ 53,231 $ 25.53 $ 53,763 $ 25.78 $ 54,368 $ 26.07 $ 54,911 $ 26.33 $ 55,461 $ 26.60 $ 56,015 $ 26.86 $ 56,715 $ 27.20 93.0% Cadet, Quartermaster Asst 3 $ 47,402 $ 22.73 $ 47,876 $ 22.96 $ 48,475 $ 23.25 $ 48,959 $ 23.48 $ 49,510 $ 23.74 $ 50,005 $ 23.98 $ 50,568 $ 24.25 $ 51,074 $ 24.49 $ 51,584 $ 24.74 $ 52,100 $ 24.98 $ 52,751 $ 25.30 86.5%



YEARS OF SERVICE January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019 After one (1) year length of service 120 hours After nine (9) years length of service 160 hours After fifteen (15) years length of service 200 hours After twenty (20) years length of service 240 hours After twenty five (25) years length of service 280 hours After thirty (30) years length of service 320 hours

YEARS OF SERVICE January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2023 After one (1) year length of service 120 hours After seven (7) years length of service 160 hours After fifteen (15) years length of service 220 hours After twenty (20) years length of service 240 hours After twenty five (25) years length of service 280 hours After thirty (30) years length of service 320 hours After thirty five (35) years length of service 336 hours After forty (40) years length of service 360 hours



Memorandum of Agreement


The Barrie Police Services Board

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Board”)


The Barrie Police Association

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Association”)

With respect to the administration of Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) loss of earnings benefits for members on approved WSIB claims

WHEREAS the Board and the Association have agreed that the purpose of this Agreement is that a member receiving loss of earnings benefits as a result of an approved WSIB claim will receive no more and no less than if they were actively working, the parties agree as follows:

1. This Memorandum of Agreement is in place from the date of ratification to December 31, 2023.

2. Members in receipt of approved WSIB claims for loss of earnings benefits that pre-date the date of ratification shall not be subject to the terms of this Agreement until January 1, 2020.

3. Claims for WSIB loss of earnings benefits occurring after the date of ratification shall be paid one hundred percent (100%) of gross earnings until the effective date of the OMERS waiver. Once the OMERS waiver is in effect, WSIB loss of earnings benefits shall be paid at eighty five percent (85%) of gross earnings. Such earnings are paid directly by the Board on the advice of WSIB and are subject to statutory deductions required by law.

4. It is mandatory that any member in receipt of WSIB loss of earnings benefits apply for an OMERS waiver.

5. Should WSIB cease issuing a T-5007 or similar tax slip, or should the OMERS waiver become discontinued, members on approved WSIB loss of earnings benefits shall revert to 100% of gross earnings. Such earnings are paid directly by the Board on the advice of WSIB and are subject to statutory deductions required by law.

6. Non Economic Loss (NEL) and Future Economic Loss (FEL) awards shall not be considered as loss of earnings benefits for the purposes of this Agreement.

7. Members in receipt of WSIB loss of earnings benefits shall retire no later than their normal retirement age as specified by their OMERS plan.



8. Should a member work beyond their normal retirement age and be approved for WSIB loss of earnings benefits as a result of a workplace injury, benefits shall cease in accordance with the provisions of the Workplace Safety & Insurance Act.

9. There shall be no reduction in the accrual of annual leave or sick leave in the year that the claim occurs and the calendar year following the claim.

10. In claims of approved WSIB loss of earnings benefits extending beyond 12 months, members will accrue no annual leave or sick leave. Should the member return to work mid-year this annual leave will be pro-rated and the balance returned to the member’s bank for the member to book pursuant to the provisions of the Police or Civilian Working Agreement.

11. Members on approved WSIB claims for loss of earnings benefits extending beyond 40 hours of lost time shall return to an 8 hour schedule and there shall be no additional accumulation of banked time hours until the member returns to duty.

12. Members may top up their approved WSIB loss of earnings benefits to provide 100% of gross earnings utilizing accumulated time banks.

13. For the purposes of this Agreement, each WSIB claim will be administered separately based on individual WSIB claim numbers.

14. In the event of administrative processing delays by either WSIB or OMERS with respect to a claim for benefits, the Board will continue to provide one hundred percent (100%) of salary. In the event of an overpayment once the claim is processed, the member will repay the Board any such overpayment.

15. The Board will authorize the hiring of additional front line personnel over and above the authorized complement up to the dollar value of the savings generated by this Agreement.

16. A representative of the Board and a representative of the Association shall meet on an annual basis to review the application of the savings generated by this Agreement.

17. The provisions of this Agreement shall continue for the term of each working agreement, unless something to the contrary is agreed to by the parties.

18. This Agreement is without prejudice or precedent to any matter between the parties. It may be enforced as if it is part of either of the working agreements.

Dated at Barrie, Ontario this ______day of ______, 2019.



______Barrie Police Association Barrie Police Services Board

______Barrie Police Association Barrie Police Services Board

______Barrie Police Association

______Barrie Police Association

______Barrie Police Association



Memorandum of Agreement


The Barrie Police Services Board

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Board”)


The Barrie Police Association

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Association”)

With respect to the assignment of ten (10) hour shifts assigned to the Crimes Against Persons Unit.

WHEREAS the Board and the Association have agreed that the purpose of this Agreement is to assign members of the Crimes Against Persons Unit to ten (10) hour shifts whereby Article 7.1.3 of the Uniform Collective Agreement shall apply to members of this unit.

1. This Memorandum of Agreement is in place from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2023.

2. The Crimes Against Persons Unit of the Criminal Investigations Division shall work a ten (10) hour shift for one week on schedule ‘A’ (Monday to Thursday) followed by one week on schedule ‘B’ (Tuesday to Friday). Normal hours of work on the ten (10) hour shift will be 7am to 5pm daily.

3. Police member’s days off will be as per Article 7.3.4 of the Police Collective Agreement.

4. Lunch breaks will be as per Article 7.3.3 of the Police Collective Agreement.

5. Statutory Holidays shall be taken off as they fall in the calendar.

6. Changes in schedules shall be subject to Article 7.6 of the Police Collective Agreement.

7. This Memorandum of Agreement is strictly without prejudice to the positions and rights of the parties in respect to any other matter. This memorandum and/or its terms shall not be referred to by the parties in any negotiations or arbitration or any other proceeding.

8. The Board or the Association may terminate this agreement with sixty (60) days written notice.

Dated at Barrie, Ontario this ______day of ______, 2019.



______Barrie Police Association Barrie Police Services Board

______Barrie Police Association Barrie Police Services Board



Memorandum of Agreement


The Barrie Police Services Board

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Board”)


The Barrie Police Association

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Association”)

With respect to changing member work schedules during in-service training.

WHEREAS the Board and the Association have agreed that the purpose of this Agreement is to assign temporary schedule change for members while attending in-service training.

1. This Memorandum of Agreement in place from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2023.

2. Police members assigned to an eight (8) hour shift may be assigned to a ten (10) hour shift for the week they are required to attend in-service training. Any member assigned to a ten (10) hour shift under this clause shall be assigned the Monday or Friday of the corresponding week to compensate for the ten (10) hour shift.

3. The terms of this Memorandum of Agreement may be enforced in the same way as any provisions of the Police Collective Agreement, including referral to conciliation and/or arbitration pursuant to the Police Services Act, the Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act or the Community Safety and Policing Act as the case may be.

4. The Board or the Association may terminate this agreement with sixty (60) days written notice.

Dated at Barrie, Ontario this ______day of ______, 2019.

______Barrie Police Association Barrie Police Services Board

______Barrie Police Association Barrie Police Services Board


Memorandum of Agreement


The Barrie Police Services Board

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Board”)


The Barrie Police Association

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Association”)

With respect to job sharing defined as a voluntary arrangement between two individuals and their employer to enable the employees to share what are normally the duties of one full time position.

WHEREAS the Board and the Association have agreed that the purpose of this Agreement is to permit job sharing at no additional cost or loss of operating efficiency or effectiveness to the Barrie Police Service.

1. This Memorandum of Agreement in place from the date of ratification to December 31, 2023.

2. If the MOA is modified by mutual agreement of the Board and the Association, participants will have the choice of continuing under the new agreement or reverting to full time positions.

3. Applications will be considered on a case by case basis and approved by the Chief of Police. Unless otherwise agreed to, the job share is in the member’s existing job classification.

4. Approvals will be for a period of six (6) months and may be renewed every six (6) months thereafter.

5. Job share participants will receive fifty percent (50%) of their annual rate of pay and will be compensated in a biweekly pay period based on their actual hours worked.

6. Sworn participants in a job share will be entitled to sign up for paid duties and receive the normal paid duty rate for hours worked during the paid duty.

7. To be eligible for job share, sworn participants shall forfeit their assignment to any tenured or specialty position and will be assigned to an Operations Services platoon. There is no right of recall to tenured or specialty positions at the conclusion of the job share.

8. Job share members shall be paid overtime at the normal hourly rate in accordance with their collective agreement.



9. A job share member shall receive fifty percent (50%) of their normal annual leave entitlement for the year, prorated according to the start date of the job share.

10. Job share members will be paid for statutory holidays based on average earnings in the preceding four (4) weeks. Members participating in job share will take off their statutory holidays as they occur, however in the event a job share member works a statutory holiday they will be compensated in accordance with the collective agreement.

11. A job share member shall be entitled to fifty percent (50%) of their normal sick leave entitlement for the year, prorated according to the start date of the job share.

12. A job share member shall not be entitled to the perfect attendance incentive.

13. A job share member shall accumulate seniority based on actual hours worked.

14. Job share members shall continue as members of the OMERS Pension Plan. OMERS contributions will continue to be based on their earnings and in accordance with OMERS requirements.

15. A job share member shall pay fifty percent (50%) of the premium costs for the benefits listed in Article 27 (Police Working Agreement) or Article 25 (Civilian Working Agreement) for the period of job share, with deductions made from their biweekly earnings. The Board pays the remaining fifty percent (50%) of benefit costs so the member maintains one hundred percent (100%) coverage during the period of job share.

16. In the event a member wishes to decline medical and dental benefits for the period of job share, they still must pay fifty percent (50%) of the costs of Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D), Long Term Disability (LTD), and life insurance for the entire job share period, with deductions made from their biweekly earnings.

17. For WSIB purposes, the member’s net pay will be their rate of pay in accordance with the Job Sharing Agreement.

18. The member’s work schedule will be dependent on the Unit the member(s) work in and will be agreed to by the Chief of Police, the participating members and the Association.

19. A member wishing to participate in the job share program must have a satisfactory attendance record and their most recent performance appraisal must have no “below requirement” areas.

20. Police members wishing to participate in job share must have attained the rank of First Class Constable.

21. Civilian members wishing to participate in job share must have attained Class one in their position.

22. The job share arrangement may be terminated by either party if one or more of the following occur:

22.1. A participant ceases to be an employee of the Board for any reason; 22.2. A participant obtains a different full time position through a competition;



22.3. A participant is absent from work for more than thirty (30) calendar days due to illness or injury; 22.4. All parties of this agreement agree to terminate the arrangement; 22.5. The needs of the Service, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, requires termination of the arrangement.

23. The job share agreement may be terminated by the participants at any time provided a thirty (30) day calendar written notice has been provided to the Chief of Police. The termination of the agreement shall not occur prior to the availability of a full time vacancy to be filled by the participants. At this time, the participants will revert to their original positions.

24. If a job share participant takes maternity/parental leave directly from a job share position, the member will be entitled to receive maternity/parental benefits based on their rate of pay in accordance with the Job Sharing Agreement.

25. The Chief of Police may determine that limitations be placed on the overall number of Job Sharing Agreements allowed for each unit or the Service.

26. The Board or the Association may terminate this agreement with sixty (60) days written notice.

Dated at Barrie, Ontario this ______day of ______, 2019.

______Barrie Police Association Barrie Police Services Board

______Barrie Police Association Barrie Police Services Board



Memorandum of Agreement


The Barrie Police Services Board

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Board”)


The Barrie Police Association

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Association”)

With respect to contract positions for Special Constables.

WHEREAS the Board and the Association have agreed that the purpose of this Agreement is to allow for Special Constable contract positions with duties at Barrie Police Headquarters.

1. This Memorandum of Agreement in place from the date of ratification to December 31, 2023.

2. Effective on the signing date of this document up to and including December 31, 2023 the Association and the Board agree that Special Constables may be hired on a contract basis.

3. The Association and the Board agree that there will be a total of four (4) contract positions for Special Constables during this time period.

4. The Special Constable contract positions will be for Special Constable duties at the Barrie Police Headquarters.

5. Should a member be unable or not wish to complete their contract period, the remainder of the contract period will be posted, and another selection process will occur. The remaining time period will also be covered by contract; and will encompass all provisions of the original one (1) year contract for Special Constables.

6. The Association and the Board agree that at the completion of each contract, Special Constables may reapply for a subsequent contract opportunity.

7. The Board or the Association may terminate this agreement with sixty (60) days written notice.

Dated at Barrie, Ontario this ______day of ______, 2019.

______Barrie Police Association Barrie Police Services Board 1


______Barrie Police Association Barrie Police Services Board



Memorandum of Agreement


The Barrie Police Services Board

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Board”)


The Barrie Police Association

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Association”)

With respect to assigning the President of the Association regular hours to conduct the business of the Association while on duty.

WHEREAS the Board and the Association have agreed that the purpose of this Agreement is to allow the President of the Association twenty (20) hours a week to conduct the business of the Association while on duty.

1. This Memorandum of Agreement in place from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2023.

2. The President of the Association shall receive twenty (20) hours per week off from regular duties for the purpose of carrying on the business and affairs of the Association without loss of pay or benefits. In this regard, the Association agrees to reimburse the Service the cost of ten (10) hours of the President’s regular straight time salary.

3. The Chief of Police reserves the right to assign the President to available duties in order to minimize disruption to the Service. In this regard, the Chief of Police shall not act in an arbitrary and discriminatory manner or in bad faith.

4. At the end of each quarter, the Board shall provide the Association with the number of hours worked and bill them accordingly. This time shall not include sick time, vacation time, training or any such time that the President was scheduled as absent from work.

5. The time off referred to in this MOA that is invoiced to the Association shall not be subjected to benefit markup or HST.

6. The Association shall not be invoiced for any time off for Association events such as Police Association of Ontario (PAO) conferences or meetings, but will rather utilize the current Association bank time.

7. Any Association President elected who is not scheduled on a regular eight (8) hour shift shall be dealt with on a pro-rated basis and invoiced accordingly.

Dated at Barrie, Ontario this ______day of ______, 2019.


______Barrie Police Association Barrie Police Services Board

______Barrie Police Association Barrie Police Services Board