

Jeventh Beliefs A Study Guide

T nr The Helping Hand Seventh Day

Lesson Date Page Using The Helping Hand Devotions 5

1. Introduction September 2 6 Janet Thomgate 2. God—The Father September 9 12 Stephen Osbom 3. God—The Son September 16 18 Scott Hausrath 4. God—The Holy Spirit September 23 24 Kenneth B. Burdick 5. The Bible September 30 30 Andrew J. Camenga 6. Mankind October 7 36 Eric Davis 7. Sin and Salvation October 14 42 Matthew G. Olson 8. Eternal Life October 21 48 Andrew Samuels 9. The October 28 54 Kenneth D. Chroniger 10. November 4 60 Kevin J. Butler 11. The Lord's Supper November 11 66 Gordon P. Lawton 12. The November 18 72 Gabriel E. Bejjani 13. November 25 78 Don A. Sanford

Contributors 84 Next Quarter's Lessons 86

Fall 2000 Vol.116, No.4 The purposes of The Helping Hand in Bibie Study are: •to provide for adults and older youth a quarterly for personal or group use in gaining a continually renewed knowledge of the Bible, Christian beliefs and church life, particularly that charac teristic of Seventh Day . •to enable such study of Christian convictions as will develop the students' abilities to share their faith. •to strengthen appreciation of Seventh Day Baptist heritage and conviction of the Sabbath's truths. •to nurture moral and spiritual aspects of daily living and decision- making. •to provide resources for daily devotions. •to encourage the educational ministry of around the world.

Lessons and readings (except this special quarter) are based on Inter national Bible Lessons for Christian Teaching, copyright © 1996 by the Committee on Uniform Series. The Helping Hand (USPS 239-700) is published quarterly by the Seventh Day Baptist Board of Christian Educa tion, Inc. 892 Route 244,P.O. Box 115, Alfred Station, , 14803. Second class postage paid at Janesville, WI53547. Subscription rates: Single copies $2.50 Individual mailing four times a year $9.00 Five or more copies to a single address in USA $7.00 each per year Five or more copies outside USA $5.00 each per year

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Helping Hand 3120 Kennedy Rd., P.O. Box 1678, JanesviUe, WI 53547-1678

Correspondence about Lessons may be sent to the Seventh Day Baptist Board of Christian Education,Inc., P.O. Box 115,Alfred Station, NY 14803-0115. Orders should be sent to the Tract and Communication Council,3120 Kennedy Rd., P.O. Box 1678, Janesville, WI 53547-1678. Scripture quotations marked (NIV)are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. All rights reserved. Using The Helping Hand Devotions Gordon P. Lawton The Helping Hand has suggested Bible readings and short devotional thoughts for each day. To help your personal devo tional time with God, the following outline is offered.

Get settled in your devotional spot. A place where you can read, pray and think without interruption is best. Being in the same place for your devotions helps develop this positive habit. Begin with prayer. A suggested prayer follows. Your prayer should help you focus on God and recognize His presence with you. I am here in Your presence my Lord and my God. Knowledge of You and directionfor the hours ahead are what Iseek. You know my heart and my thoughts. Instruct me in Your way. Encourage and direct me. May the memory ofthis intimate season with You be sweet and whet my appetitefor ourfuture appointments. Amen. Read the Scripture. Think about the Scripture. Is God saying anything to me today in this passage? What can I learn about life as a follower of Christ from this passage? Did I learn something I did not know or had forgotten? Read the devotional thought. Ask similar questions to those above. Think about the day ahead and the need for God's encourage ment and intervention. Pray. Tell God about your love for Him, needs for the day, concerns for others, anything that is in your heart or mind. Go. Be productive and aware of God's presence with you in all your activities. Introduction Janet Thorngate

Seventh Day Baptists consider liberty of thought under the guidance ofthe Holy Spirit to be essential to Christian belief and practice. Therefore we encourage the unhindered study and open discussion of Scripture. We uphold the individual's freedom of conscience in seeking to determine and obey the will of God. Thefollowing statement is not intended to be exhaustive, but is an expression ofour common belief, which is derivedfrom our understanding of Scripture.

Study Scriptures and Daily Meditations — 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 Liberty of Thought As I approach this study of Seventh Day Baptist beliefs, do I feel free to follow my own thoughts? Dare I express my honest questions? Am I afraid to expose my beliefs to examination and discussion? Today's Scripture reminds me that "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." Fa±er, may I be open to your Spirit's freeing power, bold to seek the truth—and to reflect it. Monday — John 14:26 Guidance of the Hoiy Spirit For twenty centuries Christians have been examining and express ing their beliefs. Libraries are filled with statements,creeds, catechisms, commentaries, Christologies, theologies. Father, as 1 approach this study,send your Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name,to teach me and to remind me of all the things Jesus said to us.

Tuesday — Mark 9:24 Essentiai to Christian Beiief and Practice What makes our belief and practice Christian? Are you a person in the crowd around Jesus who says,"I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"? In this attitude we find the essential freedom of God's spirit. Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 7 the reminders given by the Counselor. Father, give me the honesty, the openness, the vulnerability necessary to believing and doing your will. Wednesday — 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Encourage Unhindered Study of Scripture What hinders my study of Scripture? My mind is made up? I've heard it all before? The Spirit speali to me directly? Do I encourage unhindered Scripture study by others? By my example? By my toler ance? Father, help me remove hindrances to Bible study.

Thursday — 2 Timothy 2:15 Encourage Open Discussion of Scripture Does my participation in group discussion of Scripture reflect my own prayerful study? Do I listen as much as I speak? Does my listening say to others in the group,"I believe the Spirit of God can guide you in your interpretation—^which may be different from mine and could change mine"? Father, guide our discussion, that we may "correctly handle the word of truth."

Friday — Romans 12:2 The Individuai's Freedom of Conscience Why must it be so hard to discover God's will for me? So many pressures in our world to think this, to believe that! How am I to "be transformed by the renewing of my mind"? Who formed my con science? Whose consicence do I form? Whose do I pressure? Whose freedom of thought do I restrict? Father, help us to test and approve your good, pleasing and perfect will.

Sabbath — Ephesians 4:3-6,15 Expression of our Common Belief Am I apprehensive about the disagreements that may surface as I participate in this study? Do I trust myself to "speak the truth in love"? Can I believe others are capable ofit? Father, help us to remember there is "one God and Father of us all." Help us through this experience "in all things to grow up into Christ." 8 Introduction The Testimony from Scripture The Gospels, which describe 24:25-27). He knows it will be a Jesus'life and teachings,contain a continuous struggle, this belief constant refrain of challenges to ±ing,because they are human,so believe: Believe my words,believe he assures them the Father will the Scriptures, believe that I came send the Holy Spirit who will"teach from God, believe and be healed, you all things and will remind you believe the good news,beheve and of everything I have said to you" be saved. (John 14:26). He also knows they We see Jesus constantly will need the support and encour teaching, encouraging, correcting agement ofeach other:"For where misunderstandings—sometimes two or three come together in my patiently, sometimes impa name, there am I with them." tiently—trying to get through to Throughoutthe letters to new those who will Usten and those churches from Paul and the other who won't."You have heard that it apostles, the litany of "believes" was said to the people long continues: Beheve in God, believe ago...but I say to you...." Always in Christ, believe that he died and he challenges our literal under rose again,believe the word.Right standing and application of the behef is key to Christian faith in Old Testament laws, urging us to ±e emerging church. Paul sharp a deeper spiritual realm of belief ens the contrasts between old and and right living. new covenant—^law (works) vs The greatest sin ofmany who behef (faith)—a transformation opposed Jesus was narrow- "by the renewing of your mind" mindedness—^too narrow an un (Rom. 10:17; 12:2). derstanding of who God is and Paul echoes Jesus' freedom what his word is, not a big enough theme: behef brings a spiritual understanding to accept Jesus' freedom from doubt, guUt, sin, larger interpretation of God and fear.Yet we are constantly warned his laws (John 8:31-41). He re against abuses of that freedom warded the man who cried(Mark and the worst are those which 9:24),"I do believe; help me over weaken the body ofbehevers. Unity come my unbelief!" in the body is to be based on belief, Even after his resurrection "unityin the faith and in the knowl Jesus continues:"How foolish you edge of our Lord Jesus Christ," are and how slow of heart to be and is to be maintained "by speak lieve...." So as he walks with dis ing the truth in love(2 Cor. 3:17- ciples on the road to Emmaus, he 18; Eph. 4:3-6,15; Gal. 5:13-14). is again explaining, based on fa When false prophets and miliar Scriptures, who he is (Luke teachers threaten behef, as pre- Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs dieted, leaders like Timothy are themes of "liberty of conscience" nurtured in how to foster and and "priesthood of all believers" strengthen true belief: through further than most o±er groups. faithfulness to their Christian heri They emerged from the late refor tage, through right handling of mation period (17th Century)with the Scriptures, through following a congregational form of church the guidance of the Holy Spirit(2 organization based on a covenant Tim. 2:15; 3:14-18). relationship rather than an agreed- Most important is thie spirit upon creed of behef. in which the issue ofbeliefs is to be No statement of belief has handled in the church. Believers been found for the earliest known are warned against quarreling Sabbathkeeping Baptist church in about words and are reminded (Mill Yard, 1650s). A ±at once we think we know it all, simple Scriptural motto echoes we don't. We must take care that through their three centuries of the exercise of our freedom does writings and records:"Those who not become a stumbling block to obey God's commandments and the weak(2 Tim.2:14; 1 John 4:1- hold to the testimony of Jesus" 3). (Rev. 12:17b). Similarly, no statement of The Testimony from History belief has been found for the first A church historian, C. C. Seventh Day Baptist Church in Goen, reminds us that "If the his America (Newport, , tory of Christian thought shows 1671). Tlieir covenant makes it anything, it shows that no one clear thatthey expected God might person or group has ever grasped yet reveal to them, within their God's truth whole."^ covenantfellowship, new truth not For half of the twenty centu yet understood.^ ries since Jesus'time on earth, the By 1801 when the Seventh Roman Catholic Church preserved, Day Baptist General Conference interpreted and defended the body was organized,several ofthe eight of Christian belief, both Scripture churches had statements of belief, and other writings. As Protestant and as new churches wereformed, denominations began to develop an average of one a year. Confer out offailures to reform the estab ence was often asked to review lished church, those with more their statements of faith. Thus it authoritative diurch structure de was the growth ofthe church, new veloped doctrinal statements and leaders and new members from creeds to define accepted belief. different backgrounds,that caused Baptists carried the the Conference to appoint a com- 10 Introduction

mittee to draft its first"expose' of In the continuing effort to the doctrinal sentiments of the simply, clarify, verify anew the denomination" in 1835 as a safe core of the Christian faith for new guard against possible errors. The generations of believers, the Gen expose' was "not adopted as hav eral Conference again revised the ing any binding force in itself, but Statement in 1987 and the World simplyas an exhibition ofthe views Federation created its own State generally held by the denomina ment in 1991. Both were respond tion." The second Expose' was ing to increasing diversity of reli adopted in 1880 at the peak of gious life in an expanding global growth for American Seventh Day context. Baptists with the westward fron tier movement and the opening of A Faith for Today overseas missions. In the early 1960s, a period Over 50 years later the de of social and political unrest in nomination had been through the America, this writer was a college intense theological conflicts of±e student struggling, as most young 1920s(fundamentalist-modernist adults do, with what to keep and controversy). A study in The Help what to discard of the faith of her ing Hand devoted to the Expose' fathers. The local church offered a gave impetus to revision which study of Seventh Day Baptist be produced the new Statement of liefs in The Helping Hand (April- Belief adopted in 1937. Members June 1960). I still have that copy, of the committee to draft it repre heavily marked and annotated sented moderate as well as "lib during that three-month study. eral" and "conservative" view I remember with grateful rev points. Wide response was sought erence, nearly 40 years later, from lay members and theological several teachers of those weekly students. Thus a key purpose was classes. I can remember no spe to help affirm and preserve de cifics of what each believed, but nominational unity through a how each encouraged right han statementof "views generally held dling of Scripture, openness to by Seventh Day Baptists." the Spirit's guidance, reverence A study guide prepared for for the church's long faith expe use with the 1937 Statement, rience, healthy discussion within emphasized that the effort to en the community of faith. These rich and clarify it would make it helped me clarify my beliefs "more available for religious nur which give my life meaning. ture, missionary and evangelistic A recent study of six Protes purposes. Sabbath publicity...."^ tant denominations (including Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 11

Baptists) showed that many satis can Sabbath Tract Society, 1941; reprint 1983. fied church members hold beliefs '^Study reported in Winthrop S. which seem to be in conflict with Hudson's Religion in America, 6th ed.. traditional Christian beliefs. Re Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice spondents to the study said that Hall, 1999, p. 420. ^Daniel Day Lewis' "The Mystery of the truths of are re the Baptists" reported in Winthrop Hudson, vealed in the Bible and through Baptists in Transition,Valley Forge: Judson direct involvement of God in the Press, 1979, p. 16. world, but one-third also believed Questions for Discussion that "all spiritual truth and wis 1. What part does the Bible dom is within me" and "an indi playin the formation of vidual should arrive at his or her own beliefs independent of any Christian belief statements? Most churches claim that church.'"* their beliefs are based on The extreme individualism Scripture; how then do we of American culture continues to erode acceptance of any corpo account for the differences? rate expression of"common be 2. Why is "liberty of thought lief." What historian Winthrop under the guidance of the Hudson identified as the intense Holy Spirit" considered so tension between individual free "essential to Christian belief dom and corporate unity can and practice"? What is the challenge not only the use of but danger in too much "indi the very existence of a denomi vidual freedom"? national Statement of Belief. Yet 3. What are the purposes others contend that Baptists seem served by a statement of to prove the Christian church belief? Seventh Day Bap can live and grow, based not tists claim to have no upon creed or highly articulated binding creed as a test of ecclesiastical organization, but membership. Why was it on the power of the Spirit itself.^ developed historically? *Clarence C. Goen,"Church History is What are its uses today? My Vocation," American Baptist Quarterly, 4. How does the tension 10:4 (Dec. 1991, p. 311). between individualism and ^The Newport Church Covenant and church authority affect the later references to development of the de nominational Statement of Belief are docu process of developing the mented in Don A. Sanford's, A Choosing Statement of Belief? People: TTie History ofSeventh Day Baptists. 5. How did you personally Nashville: Broadman Press, 1992, p. 99. arrive at your Christian ^Seventh Day BaptistBeliefs: A Manual beliefs? for Study. Janesville, : Ameri God—The Father Stephen Osborn

W^e believe in one God, infinite and perfect, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe who exists eternally in three persons— Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and desires to share His love in a personal relationship with everyone. We believe in God the Father, who is sovereign over all, and is loving and just as He forgives the repentant and condemns the unrepentant.

Study Scriptures and Dally Meditations Sunday — 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 Father, with so many others vying for my devotion, I must acknowledge and recognize that You are the only true God, Creator of everything. All that I have...all that 1 see... all that is...comes from you. In that sense. You are the father of the universe and yet You have called one so insignificant as myself to be Your child. Amazing!

Monday — Epheslans 4:4-6 Father, the word "all" really describes much about You: all powerful, all knowing, all wise, all loving, all encompassing. 1 tend, sometimes, to think of myself as being pretty important until I stop and think of You. I exalt You as the sovereign Master, in control of the entire universe.

Tuesday — Ezeklel 33:10-20 Father,if I were You 1 would revel in punishing evil people who had sinned so greatly against me. Praise You for Your tender mercy, Your compassion. Your grace and Your patience. Help me never to take advantage of your wondrous gift of forgiveness.

Wednesday — 2 Thessalonlans 1:6-8 Father, as injustice swells all around me,I take comfort in the shelter of Your justice. It seems so often that people who do not pay any heed to the rules, who use and abuse others in order to get Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 13 ahead,who do not fear You are the ones who get ahead in this world. I thank You for defending Your holiness and vindicating Your children by judging and punishing every form of evil and sin.

Thursday — John 5:24 Father, Your beautiful plan of redemption undeniably proves Your love for mankind. Knowing that my sins will never be held against me and that You have already rescued me from death and granted me eternal life overwhelms me with gratefulness and humility. I can do nothing to earn it and cannot even begin to repay You for this remarkable act of grace. Thank You!

Friday — John 3:16-18 Father, You paid the highest price possible, the life of Your one and only Son,to purchase my miserable life. And I know this was no accident, for this was Your plan from the very beginning of time. Only an all-loving Father would create a people knowing that we would reject You and rebel against You and that You would have to provide for our redemption and restoration. Thank You for loving us that much.

Sabbath — Romans 8:14-17 Father, I am overjoyed to be considered a part of Your family. You care for me, provide for me, protect me and nurture me in ways that no earthly father ever could. The privilege of being called Your child and the knowledge of the inheritance which You have prom ised me give me confidence to strive to live boldly a life that honors You. 14 God-The Father The Testimony from Scripture We are in good company in and rightly displays sovereignty calling the first person of the over everything that exists (1 Godhead "Father." For it was Cor. 8:6; Eph. 4:6). The Father Jesus' favorite title for God (see watches over us. His children, John 5:17-24 for an example) working in our best interest ac and also the way he taught his cording to His sovereign plan disciples to address God when (Rom. 8:28). In the same way they prayed (Matt.6:9). "Father" that children(in a perfect world) suggested far too great a famil live under the authority of their iarity to be used comfortably with earthly father, who gave them a Jewish concept of God. But the life, eveiything that has life and title seems quite natural in the breath must submit (voluntarily context of Christian theology. or involuntarily) to its Creator- Jesus was, after all, called God's Father. Son (John 3:16), and we who Our Heavenly Father is just have believed on Jesus Christ for (2 Thes. 1:6-8). This means He salvation have become God's chil always does what is right. His dren through adoption(Eph. 1:4- justice, combined with His holi 6; Rom. 8:14-17). ness, demands that Hejudge and The Father's primary func punish sin. Because God is holy tion within the Godhead as it and perfect, no sin abides in Him. relates to the world seems to be Nor can He tolerate sin's exist in planning, implementing and ence in His holy presence. If He sustaining actions ±at are car did, he would cease to be holy ried out by God the Son and/or and subsequently would cease the Holy Spirit (Creation and to be God. So the Father contin Redemption are two important ues to mete out the just penalty examples). The Father sent the for sin—death (Rom. 6:23). Son into the world (John 3:17- However, because He 18) and has sent the Holy Spirit deeply loves humanity, the Fa to dwell in all believers (John ther takes no pleasure in this 14:16). Because of this, we tend condemnation. He would much to see the Father as the head of rather see men and women re the three persons of God, even pent and turn from their wicked though all three are equal and ways(Ezek. 33:11). His desire is inseparable. for all of His creatures to be In essence, God "Fathered" reconciled to Him and enjoy the all of Creation—Heaven and right relationship for which He Earth—through His creative plan created them. His love compelled and power. And so He naturally Him to provide a way that He Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 15 could forgive man's sins. In or fice to provide an opportunity der to balance His justice with for His people to be forgiven and His deep love for mankind, the made right with Him. Father designed the plan of re Varied responses have been demption by which His justice is utilized in an attempt to either satisfied, His holiness kept in explain away or accept this situ tact and loving forgiveness be ation. One who went to the ex stowed upon repentant sinners treme on the denial end was (John 5:24; 3:16-18). Marcion of Pontus, who made a complete distinction between the The Testimony from History two. He called God in the Old Throughout history theolo Testament the "demiurge" and gians and laymen alike have credited Him with creating the struggled with fitting the con world and being the God of the cepts of this Statement together Jews. "Savior God" was his title in the nature of God the Father. for God in the New Testament. On the one hand, we say that the He saw this as the Christian God, Father is loving and forgiving, full of love and mercy, whose and on the other, we state that kingdom was spiritual rather He is just and condemning of than material. Of course the dis sin. For many this creates an tinction is artificial, and as a apparent contradiction. They result, Marcion was deemed to might ask,"How could a loving be a heretic.^ Father send people to hell?" During the Reformation, The same confusion arises Martin Luther's understanding when people begin to compare of God as a loving Father who and contrast the ways in which wanted to relate to each of us God interacts with humanity in personally caused him to reject the Old and New Testaments. the concept of intermediaries The harsh, strict, and sometimes through which one must go to even angry God in the Old Testa gain access to God. He believed ment does not seem to fit with that, through Christ, all Chris the tender, gracious and loving tian have been granted the free God portrayed in the New. The dom to approach God on their former is pictured repeatedly own behalf. We would expect punishing Israel for her short this from a God who wants us to comings and threatening the call Him,"Father." death penalty for all who would Of course, no real contra not comply to His morality. The diction is posed by our Father latter made the ultimate sacri God when He displays both love 16 God-The Father

and justice. They are both part imperfect men has diminished, of His character and must be for many people, the intimacy carried out for God to be God. inherent in the father-child rela He cannot deny any part of His tionship. A special bond should character without forfeiting His form between father and child. deity. Because of His holiness, Paul encourages this level of in God cannot tolerate sin. Because timacy with God the Father when of His justice, God must punish He says that we call God,"Abba, all sin equally. However,because Father"(Rom. 8:15). "Abba," an of His great love, God has cho affectionate Aramaic title, goes sen to allow the punishment for beyond our closest equivalents, the sins of the repentant to fall "Daddy" or "Papa". With it we upon His own Son, Jesus Christ. envision the flood of emotions that rise up in the heart of a child A Faith for Today racing across the airport termi Good fathers seem to be a nal to greet her father returning dying breed, headed for extinc from a long trip. "It is a personal tion. Divorce, desertion, addic term reflecting trust, depen tion, abuse and just plain lazi dence, intimacy, and love. Once ness have left many children in we were sinners living in fear; this day and age either lacking a now we are sons in the care of quality father figure or hating our Heavenly Father. Once we every image the word "father" were strangers; now we are inti brings to mind.This has left some mate friends. Our adoption confused as to their relationship means that we can come into with God the Father. I have even God's majestic presence and say, heard some say, "If God is like Daddy."2 my real father, I do not want Along with the intimacy of anything to do with Him." Scrip a restored relationship with God ture makes it clear that Chris the Father comes the authority tians are God's adopted children with which He empowers His (Eph. 1:4-6; Rom. 8:14-17). children. Paul calls us "...heirs Within our Father-child relation of God and co-heirs with Christ," ship with Him lies a great deal of (Rom. 8:17, NIV). As co-heirs, intimacy, authority and respon we gain the same inheritance sibility with which we must come from the Father that the Son, to grips if we are to relate to the Jesus Christ, has. That includes Father and live in the world in the restoration of the authority the ways which He desires. to rule the earth with which He It seems unfortunate that a created us. This authority is not rash of irresponsibility among based on our own greatness or Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 17

Questions for Discussion power, but rather solely on our 1. What image does the word relationship with God the Fa "father" bring to your ther, the source of power and mind? authority. Through this author Do you have certain feel ity, we are called to act as God's ings or emotions (positive witnesses (Acts 1:8) and ambas or negative)attached to sadors (2 Cor. 5:20). your concept of father With authority,comes great hood? responsibility to live in a manner that honors God and represents 2. What is the role of God the Him well to the world. In the Father within the Trinity? same way that many of us have 3. What are the benefits of high performance expectations having God as our Father? for our own children, God the Father has high expectations of 4. What does "sovereignty" excellent living for His children. mean as it relates to God After all. He has called us to and His governing of the "[b]eperfect...as[our] heavenly events of the universe? Father is perfect" (Matt. 5:48). 5. Is it possible for God to be This does not mean that He ex completely loving and pects sinless lives from weak completely just? people like ourselves who are completely incapable, without 6. If God can do anything, His help, ofliving up to His stan why doesn't He simply dards. It does mean that God's forgive all sin? children seek to know His will and strive to do it with all their 7. How will your life change as heart, mind, soul and strength. you come to a fuller under ^Don A.Sanford, "Seventh Day Baptist standing of the Fatherhood Beliefs," in The Helping Hand.(Alfred, New of God? York: Seventh Day Bapdst Board of Chris- dan Education, 1983), 12. ^John MacArthur,Jr., God:Coming Face to Face with His Majesty. Wheaton, Illinois: Victor Books, 1993), 127. God—The Son

Scott Hausrath

V/e believe in one God, infinite and perfect, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe who exists eternally in three persons— Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and desires to share His love in a personal relationship with everyone. We believe in God the Son, who became incarnate in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. He gave Himself on the cross as the complete and final sacrifice for sin. As our Risen Lord, He is the mediator between God the Father and mankind.

Study Scriptures and Daily Meditations

Sunday — John 1:34 Jesus, Son of God, my Creator, my Redeemer, my Lord, my Savior—I too, like John, have seen you. How can I put into words your beauty? And yet I must,for I too, like John, testify that you are the Son of God. Today may my words and my actions testify that I have seen you and that I know you.

Monday — John 1:14-18 Jesus, Son of God, Word of God, God the One and Only—You came before me; you will come after me; may you come through me today. You came full of grace and truth. I cling to your grace—I bow down to your truth. As you have made the Father known, so today may I make you known.

Tuesday — Hebrews 1:3 Jesus, Son of God, Radiator of God's glory. Representative of God's being—^You performed the work that purified me and you radiate God's mercy. You sustain every cell of my body through your powerful word. You represent God's caretaking. I bow down to look up to your throne in heaven. I worship you. Son of God.

Wednesday — Hebrews 10:10-14; 1 John 2:1-2 Jesus, Son of God, Atoning Sacrifice, Once-and-for-all Sacri fice, Righteous One—^You have made me holy and perfect forever. Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 19

Today may I submit to your leading on this path of holiness. You speak to the Father in my defense. Today may 1 speak to others in your defense.

Thursday — 1 Corinthians 15:20-21; Romans 1:3-4 Jesus, Son of God, Descendant of David, Resurrected Lord— How is it that God was born to a human mother? And yet you were. How is it that God was raised in human flesh? And yet you have been. How is it that God understands from experience my human frailty? And yet you do. 1 am not alone, for the God who created me is the God who died for me,is the God who lives with me,is the God who will raise me.

Friday — 1 Timothy 2:5-6; John 14:6-7 Jesus, Son of God, Mediator, Ransom, the Way,the Truth, the Life—^You came not to block the way but to be the way to God for me. What motivated you not only to pay the price for my misdeeds, but also to be the price? Today 1 bend my knee before you, asking you to lead me in your way. Your truth is what I seek. Your life is what I need. May I find myself in you this day.

Sabbath — 1 John 3:16; 1 Peter 2:24 Jesus, Son of God, Bearer of my sins. Architect of real love— In laying yourself down, you lifted me up. Through your injuries I am restored. I no longer need to carry my sins because you bore them for me. You took them away. I am now dead to sin; I can live for righteousness. May I make that choice today as I invest myself in your people. Today may I model your love: may I lay myself down to lift others up. 20 God-The Son The Testimony from Scripture It is natural to divide the Christ's sacrifice was complete Gospel into three foundational because it provided propitiation: statements: 1) Jesus Christ was it satisfied God's requirements born; 2) He died for our sins; 3) of righteousness and holiness He was raised from the dead. (Rom. 3:25). The Seventh Day Baptist State Additionally, Christ's death ment of Belief on God the Son is effected redemption and recon itself divided into three sen ciliation for us. Romans 6 de tences, each affirming one of scribes how our union with these foundational Gospel state Christ's death achieves our re ments. demption from sin, so that we "We believe in God the Son, may live for righteousness. Our who became incarnate in Jesus reconciliation means that we Christ, our Lord and Savior." To who were formerly at war with become incarnate means to take God are now at peace with Him on flesh. Specifically, by being (Rom.5:10; Col. 1:19-20; 2 Cor. born to a human mother, the 5:18-20). Son of God, already possessing Finally, the death of Jesus the nature of deity, took on an Christ has resulted in both the additional nature, that of hu forgiveness of our sins(Eph. 1:7), manity. John 1:1-2 affirms and our justification (Rom. 5:8- Christ's divine nature, and John 9). God hasjustified us by apply 1:14 affirms His human nature. ing Christ's righteousness to our Though Christ took on the lives. nature of humanity, he did not "As our Risen Lord, He is take on the nature of sin, be the mediator between God the cause His incarnation was Father and mankind." A crucial achieved through a virgin birth, result of Christ's resurrection was fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah its validation of Jesus' sonship 7:14. Moreover, Matthew 1:22- (Rom. 1:4).The resurrection also 23 affirms that Jesus is this redeemed the Christian faith prophecy's fulfillment. from futility(1 Cor. 15:17). Our "He gave Himself on the faith is in a God who has the cross as the complete and final power to defeat even death. We sacrifice for sin." The death of bow our knee not to a dead Sav Jesus Christ is significant for ior, but rather to one who is many reasons. First, it was a alive. substitutionary death, as noted After the resurrection came in 1 Peter 2:24. He died in the Christ's ascension,which enabled place of sinful humans. Second, Him to send the Holy Spirit down Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 21 to US (John 16:7). When he as ers who answered the charges of cended into heaven, Christ also those who were misunderstand took on the role of mediator be ing and slandering Christianity. tween God the Father and man A major apologetic writing kind. Jesus Christ, both fully was Epistle to Diognetus, written human and fully divine, is now in approximately 150 A.D. by an our high priest, sitting in heaven unknown author. This work fur with the Father and interceding ther developed the ideas of for us (Heb. 1:3; 10:12; John Christology, asserting, for ex 1:18; 1 John 2:1). ample, that Christ had been sent from God in order to be rejected The Testimony from History by His chosen people and ac The notion of Christ's in cepted by the Gentiles. This writ carnation, that a divine being ing also described Christ as "a took on human nature, has been ransom for us, the holy for the the subject of much scrutiny and lawless, the guileless for the evil, debate over the centuries. the just for the unjust, the incor Christology is the term used to ruptible for the corruptible, the denote this study of God the Son. immortal for the mortal.'"^ Christology began with the The Fathers and the Apolo period of the Apostolic Fathers, gists were very active, as the first a select group of Church leaders few centuries of the Church saw who were alive during the life much heresy regarding the na time of the New Testament ture of Christ. The Docetists in apostles. The Christology of the the first century, The Ebionites Apostolic Fathers affirmed the in the second century,the Arians basic truths about Jesus Christ. and the Apollinarians in the Ignatius,for example,upheld the fourth century, and the deity ofChrist, calling Him "Jesus Eutychians in the fifth century Christ our God."^ Ignatius also all took their turns denying or declared that Christ lives within reducing the human and/or di His followers: "He Himself may vine nature of Christ. be in us as our God."^ This period also saw the Clement declared that Jesus convening of numerous church was"sent forth from God."^More councils, for the purpose of re over Polycarp, in addition to af futing these different heresies. firming Christ's divinity, also Familiar are the Council of Nicea upheld His humanity. in 325, the Council of Con The Ancient Apologists fol stantinople in 381, the Council lowed the Apostolic Fathers. The of Ephesus in 431,and the Coun Apologists were Gentile believ cil of Chalcedon in 451. 22 God-The Son

Space limits us from con for it was Jesus' humanity which tinuing this survey into the Me made our salvation possible. dieval, Reformation, and Mod Since the penaltyfor sin is death, em periods, but hopefully this and we who have committed sin short excursion into the Ancient are human,the penalty paid must period will give us cause to re be the death of a human (Heb. flect on our amazing Savior. 2:14-17). The sins which we, in It is the nature of Christ, our human nature, have com the"hypostatic union,"which has mitted were paid for by Jesus been under such scrutiny for so Christ, who also possesses a hu many centuries. Paul Enns de man nature. scribes the hypostatic union: However, Christ's divine "The second person, the nature also makes a huge differ preincarnate Christ came and ence for us, since it is another took to Himself a human nature necessary ingredient for our sal and remains forever undimin- vation. Had Jesus not been di ished Deity and true humanity vine, He would have possessed united in one person forever."® the sin nature, making Him a It is this Christ whom Sev blemished sacrifice, unable to enth Day Baptists affirm as"God pay the penalty for our sins(Heb. the Son, who became incarnate 7:26-28). in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Because of Christ's dual Savior. He gave Himself on the nature, then, both His divinity cross as the complete and final and His humanity, we can live sacrifice for sin. As our Risen out every day with the confi Lord,He is the mediator between dence that we have been rescued God the Father and mankind." from the penalty for our sins. We no longer need to fear death; we A Faith for Today can focus on life. (For further "What difference does it assurance see 1 John 5:11-13.) make?" This is a question we Another result of Christ's should be asking ourselves about human nature is that He was our belief in Jesus Christ. We tempted to sin (even though He believe that the Son of God has did not give in to the tempta both a divine nature and a hu tions). Jesus actually suffered man nature. So what? What dif because of His temptations(Heb. ference does it make in our ev 2:18). Furthermore, because of eryday life? the resurrection and ascension Christ's human nature of Jesus Christ, we now have a makes a huge difference for us. fi-iend who knows what it's like Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 23 to endure temptation. We no 2. What does the term "incar longer need to feel alone in our nate" mean? How did God battles against sin. We can trust become incarnate? What that Jesus fully understands the was the reason that God struggles we face every day. became incarnate? Could Moreover, because of God have accomplished His Christ's divine nature, He is able mission in any other way to give us the power we need to than by becoming flesh? defeat temptation. Is there a 3. Who was the historical habit, an attitude, or an addic Jesus Christ? What does tion which you are fighting ev ery day of your life? Let Hebrews it mean that Jesus Christ is our "Lord and 7:23-25 remind you that you can Savior"? win this daily battle,through the assistance of Jesus Christ, the 4. Why did Jesus give Himself Son of God. Not only does He on the cross? What was His know your temptation, but He specific objective? During can also help you to defeat it. Jesus' death were there Call on your Lord and Savior things occurring that man throughout your day. could not be see?

^"ihe Epistles of Ignatius:Ephesians," 5. What is sin? How was Jesus 1, in Paul Enns, The Moody Handbook of the "sacrifice" for sin? In Theology. Chicago: Moody Press, 1989,410- 415. what way was Jesus' sacri ^"xhe Epistles ofIgnatius: Magnesians," fice "complete and final"? 12, in The Moody Handbook of Theology, 410-415. 6. What difference does it ^"Xhe First Epistle of Clement of Rome make that Jesus Christ rose to the Corinthians," 42,in The Moody Hand from the dead? book of Theology, 410-415. ^"Epistle to Diognetus,"9, in The Moody 7. What is the specific mecha Handbook of Theology, 410-415. nism for Jesus' mediation ®Paul Eims, The Moody Handbook of between God the Father Theology. Chicago: Moody Press, 1989,227. and mankind? Questions for Discussion

1. What does it mean to "be lieve in" God the Son? Does our belief have any practical implications for everyday life? God—The Holy Spirit

Kenneth B. Burdick

IVe believe in one God, infinite and perfect, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe who exists eternally in three persons— Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and desires to share His love in a personal relationship with everyone. We believe in God the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, who gives spiritual birth to believers, lives within them, and empowers them for witnessing and service. We believe the Holy Spirit inspired the Scriptures, convicts of sin and instructs in righteousness.

Study Scriptures and Dally Meditations Sunday — Psalm 139:1-12; Ezekiel 39:29 Oh LORD, my God, you are there wherever I am, personally and powerfully, in the person of your Spirit. Even if I wanted to run away from you, I could not do it, and you are always ready to guide me and hold me fast. How 1 rejoice in that knowledge, though I cannot completely comprehend it! The farthest place, the deepest darkness is made bright by the light of your presence.

Monday — Epheslans 1:13-14; 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 Father, thank you for the assurance from your word that I will always belong to you. From the day 1 first believed the Gospel, your Spirit has lived in my heart, testifying to me who I am in Christ. He is my guarantee that you will make me stand firm in Christ. Fill my heart with that assurance, today!

Tuesday — Galatlans 5:16-26 Dear God, help me live by the Spirit and keep in step with him today. It's so easy to slide back into what I was before I received Christ. Though I've counted my sinful nature as crucified in him, its ways are still with me. Help me step away from them and into your love,joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentle ness and self-control. Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 25

Wednesday — Ephesians 2:19-22; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 LORD, build me together with my brothers and sisters in Christ, that we might be a fitting temple for your Holy Spirit. Make our church a holy place because those who gather there in Jesus' name are joined together in his love and patience, kindness and truth. Let me never speak or act so as to cause damage to your church and desecrate the temple you have made us.

Thursday — Ephesians 4:1-6, 29-32 Father, give me insight into what I might do to help keep the unity your Spirit has given us in our church through the bond of peace. Help me evaluate the things I've said and bring them into line with what will build others up and benefit them. Forgive me ifI have grieved your Spirit by what I've done or said.

Friday — 1 Corinthians 6:18-20; 2 Corinthians 7:1; Ephesians 5:15-18 My God, I desire to always honor you with my body. For like your church, my body also is a temple of the Holy Spirit. I am not my own.I admit it. I am yours. In the Holy Spirit's power, enable me to purify myself from everything that contaminates body and spirit. Keep on filling me with the Spirit's power and presence.

Sabbath — Genesis 1:1-2; Psalm 104:24, 30 Heavenly Father, your mighty works of Creation testify to me that you indeed are God! Let them remind me also to honor the divinity of your Holy Spirit. It was he who hovered over the waters, and when you send him, your creatures are created. Praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit! 26 God-The Holy Spirit The Testimony from Scripture From Genesis (Gen. 1:2) to Cor. 12:13) the Holy Spirit, by Revelation (Rev. 22:17), Scrip whom all believers are "born ture testifies to the existence and again" (John 3:5-8). The Spirit activities of the Holy Spirit, lives within believers (John though he is so identified only 14:17), and it is impossible to twice in the Old Testament(Psa. belong to Christ and not have 51:11, Isa. 63:10-11). That he is the Spirit (Rom. 8:9). But effec God in the same sense as the tive service for Christ requires Father and Son can be seen from dependence upon the Spirit (lit. his divine attributes and activi "keep on being filled with the ties. He is eternal (Heb. 9:14) Spirit," Eph. 5:18), and his wit and omnipresent (Psa. 139:7). ness makes ours effective (John He joined with the Father (1 15:26-27). Cor.8:6) and the Son (Col. 1:16) The New Testament term in creating the universe (Gen. Comforter (Counselor, Helper) 1:2; Psa. 104:30), an undivided has a broad meaning, including action of the one true God, car the ideas that the Spirit is called ried out coequally by the three alongside us to be our counsel persons of God. In Acts 5, Ijdng for the defense, encourager, "to the Holy Spirit"(v. 3)is lying helper, interceder, teacher and "to God"(v. 4). guide. He convicts unbelievers But the Holy Spirit is not of their sin, the judgment it de just the Father in disguise. serves, and the saving righteous Rather, he is sent from the Fa ness of Christ (John 16:7-11). ther (John 14:26), who knows The Spirit's ministry through his mind and receives his inter human authors (John 14:26; cession for the saints (Rom. 16:12-16;2 Pet. 1:20-21)insured 8:27). Jesus speaks of him as that the Scriptures they produced "another Counselor" (John were inspired ("God-breathed," 14:16), to indicate the Spirit is a 2Tim.3:16). distinct person from himself. The Spirit is not an impersonal force The Testimony from History because he can be grieved (Isa. Scripture shows the Holy 63:11; Eph. 4:30); we can know Spirit to be God to the same his fellowship (2 Cor. 13:14); extent as the Father and the Son, and he speaks (Acts 28:25) and while he is also distinct from teaches (John 14:26). both of them. So it would be Anyone who receives Christ false to say that such ideas about is, at that moment, sealed with the Spirit didn't come into exist (Eph. 4:30) and baptized by (1 ence until the controversies in Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 27 the church during the second detail in a statement of beliefs; through the fourth centuries, 2) since 1852, we have been when the doctrine of the Trinity more inclined to highlight the was formulated. It is more accu "work" of the Holy Spirit than rate to say that a deeper under his "nature". These trends re standing of these truths was flect a reluctance to use complex gained during that period, as a theological language to express result of defending them against our beliefs and a desire to avoid new errors. committing the denomination in A.H. Lewis mentions Sev the theological controversies of enth Day Baptist beliefs about the day. Even in those about the the Spirit as follows:"As a branch work of the Spirit, such as that of the Baptist family, they have raised by the twentieth century been in harmony with the Bap Pentecostal/Charismatic move tists concerning the divinity of ment, we have avoided commit Christ, the personality and di ting the denomination. Whether vinity of the Holy Spirit, the im refusing to address such issues material nature and the immor will prove wise or short-sighted tality of the human soul, and is yet to be seen. other fundamental doctrines of Christianity."^ A Faith for Today Interestingly, no mention is What the Holy Spirit means made of "the personality and to me immediately and person divinity" ofthe Spirit in the 1880 ally as a believer is that my con statement of faith current when version was not just a change of Lewis wrote. The Spirit's "office" attitude or an act ofself-improve (i.e. work)is described,but noth ment. It was a genuine miracle ing at all is said about his nature. of God, by which my sinful, con The previous statement (1833/ demned self was born again as a 52)had affirmed,"that there is a new creation (John 3:5-8; Titus union existing between the Fa 3:5; 2 Cor. 5:17). This gives me ther,the Son,and the Holy Spirit; great assurance (Rom. 8:16) of and that they are equally divine my salvation, since if it was not and equally entitled to our ado by my own efforts that I was ration." saved (Titus 3:5), neither is it by This reveals two trends them that I remain saved (Gal. among Seventh Day Baptists: 1) 3:2-3; 1 Peter 1:5). when we agree with other Chris Second, the Holy Spirit's tians about "fundamental doc work in my life means that my trines," we have often not found efforts toward holiness are it necessary to address them in backed up by God's power. 28 God-The Holy Spirit

Though I will never attain sinless by that. To pray in the Spirit is to perfection (Phil. 3:12; 1 John do the same in prayer, and to 1:8), the Spirit is active in me to pray with dependence upon him take me the next step in the to"intercede" for me(Rom. 8:27) process ofsanctification (2 Thes. and lead me. I will live with the 2:13; 1 Peter 1:2; Rom. 8:11- "sword" of the Spirit(Eph. 6:17) 13). It is his work to strengthen in hand—^being guided by both me so that Christ lives in me the Spirit and the word. (Eph. 3:16-17). ^Seventh-Day Baptist Hand Book,1896, Third, the fact I possess at p. 34. least one "gift" of the Spirit (1 Cor. 12:11) means I have a di Questions for Discussion vinely empowered ministry to 1. What does Jesus' character fulfill in building up the church ization of the Holy Spirit as (1 Cor. 14:12, 26; Eph. 4:12). It "another Counselor"(John is "in the church"(1 Cor. 12:28) 14:16) tell us about his that I find the context for using nature? For instance, is this this gift. It is for building up, not an appropriate title for an myself, but others (1 Cor. 12:7; impersonal force? Would 1 Peter 4:10). Jesus have used the word Fourth, the indwelling of "another" if the Son and the the Spirit calls for yielding my Holy Spirit were really just self to God in every aspect of my the same person (i.e., the life. I am to "live by the Spirit" Father), appearing differ (Gal. 5:16) and "pray in the ently to us? What other Spirit" (Eph. 6:18) and, be "led Scriptural evidence supports by the Spirit"(Rom. 8:14). When your conclusions about the doing so, I need not conform to nature of the Holy Spirit? the man-made rituals and for mulas being pushed today. Some 2. Why is it appropriate to speak of the Spirit as "God ofthem would have me treat the Spirit as if he were a force to be the Holy Spirit"? (See Acts "unleashed" or manipulated to 5:3-4; Heb. 9:14; Ps. 139:7; do my will. Neither should I con Ps. 104:30.) fuse prayer in the Spirit with 3. What answer would you some modern notion ofspeaking give to the person who says, in tongues. "I don't need to know what To live by the Spirit is to set Scripture says about things my mind on what the Spirit de since the Holy Spirit speaks sires (Rom. 8:5), and be guided to me directl/'? Study the Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 29 following before giving your response: 1 Cor. 4:6; Matt. 22:29; Eph. 6:17; 2 Tim. 2:15 & 3:16-17; Acts 17:11; Acts 20:30-32. 4. What is power received from the Holy Spirit for? (See Acts 1:8 & 4:33; Eph. 3:16- 17; Luke 4:1-2; Rom. 15:13; Col. 1:11.) 5. How can believers guard against doing things in the flesh but attributing them to the Spirit? 6. According to 2 Timothy 3:16, is inspiration a quality of the human writers of Scripture or of Scripture itself? What is implied about Scripture, to say it was "God breathed" (NIV—i.e., "breathed out by God," as if spoken by him)? 7. Because the Spirit is a person, it is possible to pray to him; however, there is not one example of this in Scripture. Though believers experience a closeness to the Spirit (2 Cor. 13:14), which person is normally addressed in prayer? (See Matt. 6:9.) 8. Does the Holy Spirit live in everyone, or just in believ ers (John 3:5-8; John 14:17; 2 Cor. 1:21-22; Rom. 8:9- 10, 14-16)? The Bible Andrew J. Camenga

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is our final authority in matters offaith and practice. We believe that Jesus Christ, in His life and teachings as recorded in the Bible, is the supreme interpreter of God's will for mankind.

Study Scriptures and Dally Meditations

Study Scriptures — 2 Peter 3:1-2; Psalm 119:105

Sunday — 2 Peter 1:19-21 Savior, we thank you for giving us a word that shines like a light in the darkness. Help us to disengage from the opinions and interpretation that we have created. Allow your Holy Spirit to guide our interpretation of Scripture and lead us to your will.

Monday — Romans 3:1-2 Lord, you entrusted Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with your covenant. You chose Moses and the people of Israel to guard and keep your oracles. We praise you for keeping these words safe and delivering them to us through your chosen messengers.

Tuesday — 2 Timothy 3:14-17 Master, we do not always turn to you for answers to the problems of life. Yet, you have given a reliable source of guidance. Allow us to study your Scriptures anew. Encourage us to submit ourselves to the teaching and correction that You have provided.

Wednesday — Matthew 5:17-19; Isaiah 55:10-11 God, you have said that your word always accomplishes the goal you set for it. We know that you gave the law and prophets to provide guidance to your people. Allow us to fully appreciate the endurance of your word. Seventh Day Bapdst Beliefs 31

Thursday — 2 Peter 3:15-16 Father,it is not always easy to understand the writing you have prepared for us. There are people in the world who work to distort the truth that you have presented. Guard our hearts and our minds by your spirit that we may represent your will to the world.

Friday — John 20:30-31 Author of Salvation, your plan has been laid before our eyes in detail. The work of your hands has been described for a purpose. Do not let us become so absorbed in the specific details of your word that we neglect its purpose. Help us to believe.

Sabbath — Hebrews 1:1-2 Almighty God, you break into our world and disclose yourself. You touch and guide our history. You spoke to us through the prophets of old. You have revealed yourself in the Son of Man,Jesus Christ. Help us to see your glory, understand your goal, and walk in the righteousness of your Son. 32 The Bible The Testimony from Scripture The introduction to our with the texts. The Bible also Statement of Belief says that we states that we can learn things of consider liberty of thought and significant value. It encourages freedom of conscience to be cru us to spend considerable time cial in seeking to determine the learning what the texts have to will of God. Yet, we do not pro say. Paul encouraged Timothy claim that every understanding to remember what he had learned is of equal value. In fact, we in the Scriptures. He further told modify the idea of liberty of him that Scripture is valuable thought by placing it under the for teaching and training.In fact. guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Scripture is crucial to producing first scripture listed in our state people who are ready to do the ment on the Bible supports this good works that God has pre modification. pared (2 Tim. 3:15-17). The prophecy of Scripture This production of people is not a matter of personal inter ready to do good works is not the pretation (2 Pet. 1:20-21). The only function of Scripture. Part reason for this is that humans of the function is to bring bless did not invent the material. In ing on those who work with the stead, God,working through the Scripture frequently(Ps. 1). Part Holy Spirit, caused these things ofthe function is to provide daily to be written. Peter followed this guidance for our travel on earth description of prophecy with a (Ps. 119:105). A major function warning about those who create of Scripture is to produce belief false teaching. He warned his that Jesus is the Son ofGod (John readers about the consequences 20:31). It brings those who be of speaking false words, Peter lieve into a relationship with called them to heed the words of Jesus that produces life in His

God and the command of Christ name. as repeated by the apostles (2 God chose to reveal Him Pet.3:1-2). Later,Peter described self to humanity in a variety of the letters of Paul as part of ways. He used creation (Ps. 19). Scripture. He also stated that He spoke directly to people(Gen people find Paul's work hard to esis 15:13). The author of He understand and distort his teach brews wrote of this kind of rev ing (3:15-16). elation. He then established Scripture acknowledges Jesus as a greater revelation. The that humans can distort its in author described Jesus as "the tended meaning.Distortion is not radiance of His glory and the the only outcome of our work exact representation of His na- Seventh Day Baptist Belief 33 ture" (1:3, NASB). As the exact ways of giving reason, experi representation of the nature of ence, tradition, and the Bible God, we can be assured that xhe var3dng degrees of related au way Jesus worked with Scrip thority. ture is in accord with the will of In the last hundred years, God. It is for that reason we groups have asked a question declare the example of Christ as that strikes more closely at the recorded in the Bible as the stan core of Biblical authority. They dard by which all other interpre have asked, "Can the Bible be tation of God's will is measured. trusted?" This question has been answered in three basic ways: The Testimony from History no, partially, and yes. If the Bible The Bible is a collection of cannot be trusted, then a belief documents representing a long in Jesus as the Savior of human period and gathered by people ity is misplaced. For that reason, of faith to serve as a guide for only a few within the Christian their community. It contains movement have proclaimed that many forms of written material: the Bible is not trustworthy. poetry, prose, narrative, geneal Those who proclaim the ogy, and parable. The original Bible is partially trustworthy typi authors wrote in Hebrew, Ara cally make a distinction between maic, and Greek. This book de the "central saving message of scribes the action of God and Scripture and all the difficult God's people through history. We surrounding material that sup call it our final authority in mat ports the message."^ This ap ters of faith and practice. proach assumes that the separa This understanding of the tion between God and humanity final authority of Scripture is not is so great that He must use meth universally shared among those ods that introduce error in com who call themselves Christian. munication. However, they con The Protestant movement of the tend that errors can exist in the 1500s claimed to rely only on text without destroying its abil Scripture for matters of doctrine. ity to communicate salvation. In response, the Roman Catholic From this perspective, in mat Council of Trent declared, in ef ters of salvation the Bible can be fect, that both "Scripture and trusted. In all other matters, the Tradition must be accepted and Bible may or may not be reliable. honored with equal sentiments Among those who proclaim of devotion and reverence."^ that the Bible can be trusted, Other groups have worked with two groups emerge. One group 34 The Bible

states that the Bible is fully true Our answer is that God provided in matters of history, science, a written record of His activity geography, math, and salvation. with humans. That written This group struggles with every record is the Bible. In matters of text in the Bible and works to faith and practice there is no make sure that every statement greater authority. fits in a logical and precise frame work. For example, the descrip A Faith for Today tion in 2 Chronicles 4:2 of a Several years ago a break round tank of bronze (TEV)that fast cereal manufacturer ran an does not produce the known advertising campaign that asked valieofyi is a problem that must customers to "Try it again—for be answered. They explain in the first time." They recognized great detail the construction of that humans tend to become the tank and demonstrate how comfortable, even complacent, this produces an accurate value with decisions made long ago. for pi. This ad tried to break the com The other group"holds that placency in order to expand their the Bible is completely true. market. While the Bible does not prima The tendency that the com rily aim to give scientific and pany noticed is not limited to historical data, such scientific our choice of breakfast food. It is and historical assertions as it one that touches most areas of doesm ake aiB fiiTy tzue/^ This our life. People worry about de- position allows an author to write sensitization to violence. We can things as they seem to the eye become so familiar with a set and to use a variety of literary ting that we no longer notice forms to communicate with the minor changes. We can discover reader. answers to questions and accept Many years separate us them without further investiga from the events that surround tion. the life of Jesus of Nazareth. We What is true in other areas did not see him. Our parents did of life is true in our approach to not see him. To claim that God the Bible. The "old, old story" is revealed in Jesus Christ is the one that we can repeat verbatim core of our faith makes some without hearing a word of what people laugh. It makes others is said. We overlook the humor question how we know that our in the image of a man with a log proclamation of Jesus, our con hanging out of his face trying to fession of faith, is trustworthy. dislodge a speck of dust in the Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 35 eye of someone else. We ignore ^Catechism ofthe Catholic church. New the children's stories of the Old York: Image/Doubleday, 1955, 31. ^Jack B. Rogers and Donald B. McKim, Testament and so fail to recog The Authority and Interpretation ofthe Bible: nize and deal with the bloodlet An Historical Approach. New York: Harper & ting that often accompanied Row, 1979, 461. 'Millard Erickson, Christian Theology. these heroic tales. It is easy to Grand Rapids: Baker, 1985, 222. read and answer questions with formulas learned long ago. Questions for Discussion We believe that the Bible is our final authority in matters of 1. How does the example of faith and practice. We also be Christ function as a guide lieve that Scripture equips Chris to the interpretation of tians to be prepared for every God's will? good work. For the equipping to 2. Are there matters of practice take place and the authority to be exercised, we must allow our that the Bible does not lives to be touched continually discuss? by God's Word. I am very much 3. How do the commands of aware that a challenge to daily God to the people of Israel Bible study is something we hear function in our lives? often. We hear it often because it is a good challenge. 4. Does all the Bible have However, the challenge we equal value for determining have today is more than redou our faith and practice? bling our efforts to plow through the Biblical text. The challenge for today is to take a step back from the answers we already have. It is to approach the scrip tures as though we do not al ready know it all. Ask a new question. Force yourself to para phrase a passage. Diagram a sen tence. Summarize a chapter in poetry. Use these methods or try something else. In other words, "Read it again—for the first time." Mankind Eric Davis

l^e believe that mankind was created in the image of God and is therefore the noblest work of creation. We believe that human beings have moral responsibility and are created to enjoy both divine and humanfellowship as children of God.

Study Scriptures and Dally Meditations

Sunday — Genesis 1:26-27 What is an image? It is either a reflection or representation of an original object or person. We are told in Genesis that as human beings we have been created in God's image. As creatures, we are a reflection of the Creator. We must remember that we are the representatives of God and we are to respect one another as holders of the image of God.

Monday — Psalm 8:3-9 As creatures created in the image of God, we have been given a high place in the universe. God has made us only a little lower than the heavenly beings. We are higher than the animal kingdom. We are much more than a randomly collected blob of cells. We are very special to Him. He has crowned us with glory and honor. He has made us rulers over the works of His creation.

Tuesday — Psalm 139:13-17 God himself put us together. He took special care in putting His creation together. Because He is involved with the intimate details of our creation. He knows us intimately. Each individual is precious to the Lord.

Wednesday — MIcah 6:8 God has an expectation of the way people are to live. He has created humanity in His image, and we have an obligation to live up to that image. The Lord requires that we act justly and love mercy and walk humbly with God. Seventh Day Baptist Beliefis 37

Thursday — Matthew 5:44-48 Jesus provided us with a way of knowing that we are the children of God. He said that we are sons of our Father in heaven if we love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. He also called us to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect. These are difficult tasks to carry out, but these are the duties of God's children. We carry them out through the power of Christ in us.

Friday — John 1:12 Christians can have confidence of who they are in Christ. When we receive Christ we are given a new title. We have a special identity in Christ. We are told that all who receive Him become the children of God. We should not take a low view of ourselves. As Christians we are not worthless lumps of nothing. We know who our Father is, and that makes us special.

Sabbath — 1 John 1:3 As image-bearers and as children of God, we have two impor tant connections. We have fellowship with each other and with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. The first connection is to God. We are joined to Him through accepting Jesus as our Lord. The second connection is to our fellow Christians. We mustlove and care for one another and share each other's burdens. 38 Mankind The Testimony from Scripture The wording of our State of the materials that God has ment of Belief about humanity given us, but we have never been comes straight out of scripture. able to create something out of Genesis 1;26-27 provides two key nothing. Only God the Creator phrases to our statement that can do that. are worth commenting on. The When God created humans. first is "God created man," and He did so in a special way that the second is "in the image of distinguished them from the rest God." of creation. When God made the Our Statement of Belief af first man and the first woman. firms that we are indeed cre He placed in them the "image of ated. The universe did not come God." What does it mean to be into being by happenstance. created in God's image? Much There was a Creator, God, who has been made over what that spoke everj^hing into existence. might mean. It is a difficult con Where there was void. He cre cept to grasp, and many people ated order. Human beings were have tried to give an interpreta notsimply a biological byproduct tion ofthe phrase"image of God." that came about by random In the context of Genesis chance. God planned out exactly 1:26-27, two descriptions begin what he would do. God made to explain what the image of humans. The Bible teaches that God might be. When God said, God took special care to create "Let us make man in our image," humans. Genesis 2:7 describes He followed the decision with a the scene where God formed the mandate that humans will rule first man out of the dust. An over the rest of creation. Hu image is given of a loving and mans were given charge over the careful sculptor. Psalm 139:13 seas, air, earth, and all the crea even goes so far as to say that He tures that reside in those realms. "knits" us together. It would appear from this con Because we are created, we text that to be created in the know that we are creatures and image of God means that we not the Creator. As creatures, have a great responsibility for humans are distinct from the His creation. Just as God is the Creator. We do not presume to ultimate caretaker of creation, take His place. We are the no we who are in His image must be blest work of His creation, but good stewards of what He has we are still a long way off from given to us. being on the level of God. Hu There is a second descrip mans can create many things out tion within the text that informs Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 39 our understanding of what it to one another. As we fellowship means to be created in the image together, we are to love and for of God. Genesis 1:27(NIV) says, give one another. We are to bear "So God created man in his own each other's burdens. Finally we image, in the image of God he are to walk humbly with God. created him; male and female he We do so by remembering our created them." It appears that it position. We are the creatures; takes both male and female to He is the Creator. We are in His complete the image of God. image, so we are special; but we While it may be difficult to are human, not God. pinpoint what being created in the image of God means, we can The Testimony from History identify what the image of God As I mentioned in the Testi does for us. When God decided mony from Scripture, it is diffi to create humanity in His image. cult to pinpoint what the phrase, He proclaimed humans to be the "image of God" means. Over the noblest work of His creation. He centuries, many have tried to gave humans the right to rule give different interpretations. over creation. Psalm 8:5 (NIV) Some people have said that "the says that He gave humans a very image of God"refers to the moral high position,just "a little lower responsibility that God has given than the heavenly beings." to us. God as Creator has the The Statement on Mankind power to choose, and He has goes on to affirm that we have a also given this power to us. When moral responsibility and we are we exercise our free will, we are to enjoy both divine and human displaying the image of God. fellowship. 1 John 1:3 states that Others have said that the image we are to have fellowship with of God in us is our capacity to one another and with God. Micah reason. God is a rational being 6:8 gives the purpose statement who creates and thinks in an for humanity. God states His ex orderly way.As humans,we may pectation of us very succinctly. not always act rationally, but we "What does the Lord require of do have a capacity to reason you? To act justly and to love things out and this reflects the mercy and to walk humbly with image of God in us. Still others your God"(NIV). As humans and think the image has to do with as children of God, we are to the spirit within us. God is spirit, treat each other with justice. We and He has created us with a must not take advantage of one spirit. Our spirit will live forever another. We are to show mercy with the eternal God. 40 Mankind

Whatever interpretation of ourselves than of others, we one takes about what the image must remember our position in of God means, we can probably Creation. Psalm 8:5 says God agree that the image was tar has placed us just a little lower nished by sin. As creatures we than the angels and He has were already a poor reflection of crowned us with glory and honor. the Creator. As sinners, that im We are important in His eyes. age is so distorted that it appears We are so special to God that He to be gone. Jesus Christ came to endowed us with His image. We restore that image of God to hu should not think of ourselves as manity. He was the perfect hu worthless creatures on the level man. He was without sin. When ofthe animal kingdom. After the He died in our place. His blood heavenly beings, we are above cleansed us from our sins. With all God's creation. our sins washed away,the image Secondly, the knowledge of God begins to shine in us that all humans are created in again. the image of God ought to affect the way we interact with one A Faith for Today another.In Leviticus 19:18(NIV) Being created in the image God told His people,"Love your of God is one of the many great neighbor as yourself." Jesus re truths of Scripture. But how peated this command in Mat should this theological concept thew 22:39 and said it was the impact our lives? There are at second greatest commandment. least three areas where the im We are to treat one another with age of God ought to influence respect because we each hold the way we live. The concept of within us the image ofGod. When being made in the image of God you encounter another human ought to affect the way we think being, you are looking at some about ourselves,the way we treat one who reflects the image of each other, and the way we use God.Thus the way we treat other the world's resources. humans affects the way we treat First, knowing that we have God. That is why 1 John 4:20 been created in the image of God says,"If anyone says,1 love God,' ought to impact the way we think yet hates his brother, he is a liar" about ourselves. Many Christians (NIV). How can a person love confuse humility with a negative God yet hate someone who car self-image. They put themselves ries within him or her the image down thinking that is a mark of of God? holiness. While it is true that we Finally, the fact that hu ought not to think more highly mans have been created in the Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 41 image of God needs to direct the Questions for Discussion way we treat the rest of creation. 1. Genesis 1:26-27 According to Genesis 1:26, one How are human beings of the characteristics of being distinguished from the rest created in the image of God of creation? What responsi means to be a ruler over God's bility does God give to creation. God gave humankind them? dominion over His creation. We who have been given the image 2. Psalm 8:3-9 of God must be godly caretakers As we look at the immensity and majesty of the universe, of what God has entrusted to us. what negative attitude We must use the resources He has given to us, but we must also might we form of our selves? be careful not to waste those resources. We must not destroy 3. Micah 6:8 that which the Creator has cre What does God expect from ated. We need to take care ofthe people? How might we live environment and work to cor out this expectation? rect the mistakes we have made that pollute it. We show that we 4. Matthew 5:44-48 are good stewards of God's gifts How are we to treat other by taking care of the earth and people? How does this let the creatures that live here. How us Imow that we are chil ever, once again we must re dren of God?

member our position in the or 5. John 1:12 der of creation. As bearers of How does one receive the God's image, we are more im right to become a child of portant than the rest of creation. God? Animals and plants do not su persede humans. We have been 6. 1 John 1:3 given dominion over all that lives How do we have fellowship in the seas, air and land. Hu with one another? How do mans are not on the same level we have fellowship with as the rest of creation. Nor are God? we on the level of God. We must keep our position in mind as we deal with God, ourselves, each other and the world around us. Sin and Salvation

Matthew G. Olson

We believe that sin is disobedience to God and failure to live according to His will Because of sin all people have separated themselvesfrom God. We believe that because we are sinners, we are in need of a Savior. We believe that salvationfrom sin and death is the gift of God by redeeming love accomplished by Christ's death and resurrec tion, and is received only by repentance and faith in Him. We believe that all who repent oftheir sin and receive Christ as Savior will not be punished at thefinal judgment but enjoy eternal life.

Study Scriptures and Daily Meditations Sunday — Romans 7:7-12 The Law makes us aware of sin, but it does not cause us to sin. Having been made conscious of our sin through the Law, the law of sin and death is put into motion. We may struggle to put the genie back into the bottle but find we cannot. The Law which was to result in life led to sin's deception and our death. Once we have been reconciled to God, however, that same Law which condemned us becomes our invaluable guide and friend.

Monday — Romans 7:13-25 The principle that evil is present within each of us is not that difficult to demonstrate: Paul makes it clear earlier in Romans that we have each one of us sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Though we may concur with God's law, the law of sin and death is hard at work within us, with the result that we end up practicing the very evil we do not wish. God has provided a way of escape through His Son, and for that we can rejoice.

Tuesday — Romans 8:1-11 Here Paul reveals to us a different law, which is the law of the Spirit. The Law could not save us because it had been made weak through the flesh, which is to say through our own weakness. But God's Son overcame the law of sin and death by dying in our place Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 43 on the cross. If we have had planted within us the faith to accept Christ's free offer of salvation, then, though we were dead in our sins, we are raised with Him to new life through His Spirit.

Wednesday — Romans 8:12-17 What a marvelous transformation is accomplished through the blood of Jesus Christ! We who were as good as dead have been brought back to life and have been adopted as God's own sons and daughters! Since God has done that for us, we are under obligation to live according to the Spirit. When we were in sin we were bound by that sin; now we are freed by the Spirit to walk in the Spirit.

Thursday — Romans 8:18-25 Creation itself was subjected to futility. How far-reaching are the effects of our sin! Even the world around us is suffering under a curse because of our actions. Thus the earth groans along with us for that day when we will be made new—for the day when our redemption will be complete and we will be made whole again. That is the hope of the earth, and it is our hope as well. What a joy it will be to be made perfect and to stand before God, holy and blameless. Until then, Paul charges us to persevere.

Friday — Romans 8:26-30 While we await the Day of the Lord, we struggle with our weakness. But we have been given the Holy Spirit, who helps us in our weakness. That is true in regard to what we do, what we think and what we say. At those times when we struggle to find the words to say, the Spirit speaks for us with groaning too deep for words. Even in our inability to articulate our needs, God causes all things to work together for our good and ensures that we who love God will be heard even if we cannot speak.

Sabbath — Romans 8:31-39 Although we were bound by sin, we have been set free through the grace of God and the gift of His Son. No one can condemn us. No one can separate us from God's love. Nothing can come between us and God. There was a time when we were far from God. But now we have been brought near and can never be taken away from Him. Instead, in all of these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting? Praise be to God! 44 Sin and Salvation The Testimony from Scripture If there is one thing today's cial death a bridge was built passage is pretty clear about, it which makes it possible for us to is that you and I have a big return to Him. problem. Our problem is that we It is through the power of do things that displease God. the Holy Spirit that we are led to The Bible calls that problem sin. avail ourselves of God's solution Paul wanted those who read the to our problem. You and I were book of Romans to understand trapped in our sin. There was that the problem of sin is a uni nothing we could do to save our versal one and that it is a prob selves. So God, in His infinite lem that you and I cannot solve mercy, provided a way out. He on our own. It doesn't make any planted in us the faith we would difference who we are or what need to turn away from our sin nation we belong to. We are all and to turn to Him,trusting Him guilty of breaking God's laws. to save us rather than ourselves. We are all guilty of, as our state God's righteousness demanded ment of belief says, "failure to that we be held accountable for live according to His will." That our sin. The law was God's way is a big problem. of holding us accountable. We Fortunately for us, God has were not able to keep the law an even bigger solution. That because of our inherent sinful- solution involves the sacrifice of ness. Because we are not able to God's Son, Jesus Christ, on the solve our own problem,Paul said, cross. We have all sinned and we had nowhere to turn but to fallen short of God's glory. The God in order to find the solution result of that is death and eter for our problem. nal damnation. But God, in His The result of our turning to mercy, made it possible for Jesus God in order to find the solution Christ to pay our debt—to die in to the problem of sin is our re our place and, by the shedding demption and eternal life with of His blood, cleanse us from all God. There is another result as unrighteousness. God's gift en well. In the last verse of Romans ables us to be justified before 3, Paul states that by our faith Him. God's gift makes it possible we "establish" the law. Our faith to come to God, to bridge the does not make the law void. In gap which exists between us and stead, it proves that the law is God. We had a big problem: sin legally binding. Because of our had separated us from God. But sin, we were condemned. The God had an even bigger solu law held us accountable for our tion: through His Son's sacrifi actions. When we turned to God Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 45

in faith, the law did not lose its painfully aware of how far from power to do that. God's law does the mark he was.Paul could have not change. Sin must be ac insisted that he, more than any counted for. But the mechanism one else, deserved to go to by which that is done has heaven. But through his encoun changed for us. It is our faith in ter with Christ on the way to Jesus' blood which settles our Damascus,Paul came to see that account, proving that it is only he had failed utterly in his at by faith that we can be saved and tempt to make himself righteous. thus establishing the power of When Jesus appeared to him, the law. the folly of his life was laid bare. So Paul turned away from his The Testimony from History attempt to win his salvation by Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a works and accepted the grace Lutheran pastor who lived and God offered through Christ. That worked in during the grace, Paul said, came at a ter time of Hitler's reign. He was rible price: the death of Jesus, compelled by his conscience to God's Son, on the cross. join those who sought Hitler's Like the apostle Paul, overthrow. He was jailed for his Dietrich Bonhoeffer was well efforts and, at the age of 39, was aware of the terrible price God executed at the Flossenburg con paid to release him and every centration camp. In life and in one else who follows Christ from death, Dietrich Bonhoeffer in sin. He decried our tendency to spired the faith of others and led cheapen grace by assuming that countless people to consider we somehow deserve to be saved God's claim on their lives. It or by thinking so little of the cost mightseem strange,then, to hear of sin that we do not strive to that this man who had given his overcome it. It was the price of life for his beliefs would have as sin which led him to write The one of the central themes of his Cost of Discipleship, in which writing the problem of sin and Bonhoeffer forcefully reminded the cost involved in solving that his readers of the costly grace problem. God has poured out upon us. In that regard, perhaps, The only proper response to such Bonhoeffer was not unlike the grace, he said, was to answer the apostle Paul. Like Bonhoeffer, call to discipleship with obedi Paul lived an exemplary life. If ence. there was anyone who could Through the example of claim to have "earned" salva men like the apostle Paul and tion, it was Paul. Yet he was Dietrich Bonhoeffer, we are re- 46 Sin and Salvation

minded that God purchased our certain choices I had made re lives for a fearful price. It was no sulted in my becoming an out small thing for God to solve our cast in school, I figured 1 was problem with sin. Sometimes, I only getting what 1 deserved. It think, we forget that. We as was at ±at moment that God led sume that God didn't mind so me to someone who already much. We forget how offensive knew that no one "deserves" sal and repulsive God finds sin. We vation. That person, Marty think that what we do isn't so Pederson, went out of his way to bad really, especially in com help me discover that too. parison to those around us. But By showing me kindness God doesn't measure sin by com when no one else would, Marty paring us to others. He measures led me to wonder what his moti it by comparing us to Himself. vation was. In talking with him, Obviously we do not fare well in going to youth fellowship and to such a comparison. Given that, church with him, I discovered we must be careful to live in a his motivation: love. God had way that acknowledges our own loved Marty enough to die for shortcoming and the wonderful him,and Marty believed that God grace of Jesus. loved me that much too. He knew that in spite of my condition God A Faith for Today loved me enough to provide a My story isn't much like the solution. I knew I could never be apostle Paul's or Dietrich Bon- good enough to solve my own hoeffer's. I can hardly claim to problem. But unlike most of the have led an exemplary life. 1 was people around me, Marty under well aware of my shortcomings stood that although that was and had no illusions about my true, it did not mean that I was problem with sin. What I did not without hope. know was that God had provided Marty and his family and a solution. How 1 came to know his pastor, David Taylor, all did God's solution is the mostimpor their best to help me find the tant thing that has ever hap solution to my problem. Pastor pened to me. Dave patiently explained God's As I said, 1 knew that 1 was plan to me over and over again. not the kind of person who de Marty told me his own story, and served to go to heaven. In fact, 1 why he had come to believe that was pretty sure that I was not the God's plan was the only solution kind of person God would be the to the problem of sin. His par least bit interested in. And when ents provided an example of how Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 47

God calls us to live once we have Why does Paul feel com turned to Him for salvation. All fortable applying it to all of those things led to a day in people? When did you first October of myj unior year in high understand that they school when I was ready to turn applied to you? to God. 2. Romans 3:19-20 At a Nicky Cruz crusade, Who is under the law? sitting next to Marty, the truth What is the result of our finally hit home. I already knew being "under the law"? that I could not solve my prob How does that make it lem with sin. But at last I knew impossible for us to be that God could. When Nicky in justified by the law? vited people forward, the Holy What does the law teach us Spirit led me up out my seat and about sin? What have you down to the front. The time had learned about sin through come to experience God's grace. the law? I believed that I deserved to die 3. Romans 3:21-30 for the sins I had committed. But How do we become righ I also believed that God had sent teous? What part does His Son,Jesus, to die in my place. Jesus Christ play in that? That gift made it possible for Why was it necessary for God to bridge the gap between Jesus to die in our place? us. I was not righteous enough How does Jesus' blood to save myself, but God was, and atone for our sins? Whose through His righteousness 1 was righteousness is demon made right. I can claim no credit strated by our atonement? for this, but I can give glory to How does that prevent us the God who saved me. Can you from boasting? do the same? 4. Romans 3:31 Questions for Discussion In what sense do you 1. Romans 3:9-18 believe Paul uses the word According to the Apostle "law" here? How does the Paul, what is man's condi gospel fulfill the law? Are tion? Does it make any we able to fulfill the law difference what our race, through Christ? If so, how? color, or social status If not, why not? How is it is? From which Old Testa that we can "establish" the ment passages did Paul law? How are you seeking quote here? To whom were to do that as you walk with those quotes first spoken? God each day? Eternal Life Andrew Samuels

We believe that Jesus rose from the dead and lives eternally with the Father, and that He will come again with power and great glory. We believe that eternal life begins in knowing God through a commitment to Jesus Christ. We believe that because He died and lives again, resurrection with spiritual and imperish able bodies is the gift of God to believers.

Study Scriptures and Dally Meditations Sunday — John 3:14-21 We did nothing to motivate God to save us. His motivation came from within Himself. He saw our plight and felt compassion for us. Probably the best known verse in the entire Bible tells us that it is God's love for the world that caused Him to give His Son Jesus to die for the sins of the world. So,love is the reason God has offered to us eternal life. Pray today that you may receive His unconditional love as well as His offer of eternal life.

Monday — John 5:24-30 What further assurance could anyone need than to hear Jesus say that whoever hears His word and believes Him who sent Him (the Father) has eternal life and will not be condemned. That is more than reason to celebrate. Have you personally placed your faith completely in Him and received His"no condemnation" assur ance? You can do that today. Pray for His assurance that, having trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you will not be condemned.

Tuesday — John 6:47-59 A starving man needs food to sustain his physical life. The words of Jesus imply that without Him we starve to death—eternal death. Only the food that is found in Jesus can provide eternal life. According to our Lord, whoever eats of Him will live forever with Him. What a promise! Have you eaten of Him? Will you live forever with Him? Pray that your appetite for Him may be opened so that you can feast yourself on Him and enjoy eternal life. Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 49 Wednesday — John 10:22-30 Those who become part of the family of God through faith in Jesus Christ are called sheep. Jesus promises that His sheep will never perish, nor can they be snatched out of His hand. This is another magnificent promise of our Lord. Do you have God's guarantee? Are you in His hand? If you're not there, respond to the voice ofthe Shepherd and pray to become one of His sheep. Nothing else gives you eternal life.

Thursday — Acts 13:44-48 What a joy it is to know that we have been included in God's marvelous plan of salvation. What a waste it would be not to seize the opportunity of a lifetime— to be recipients of God's free gift of eternal life. The way has been made for us. All we need to do is walk through the door which God has opened. Have you made that step of receiving Christ, who died to save you? If not, why not do it right now? Jesus is waiting to receive you.

Friday— Hebrews 9:11-15 The blood of goats and bulls, and the ashes of a heifer are inadequate to cleanse persons from sin, thus making them ready for eternal life with God. That is what made that old covenant insuffi cient. Only the blood of Christ can cleanse our sinfulness. That is the essence of the new covenant. When we come to Christ in repentance and faith, we become related to Him by blood. We therefore receive His eternal inheritance which was promised to us. Are you an heir? Have you made sure of your inheritance? You can do that by accepting the death of Christ and the shedding of His blood as payment for your sins.

Sabbath — 1 John 5:6-13 The Apostle John clearly wants his readers to know that they have eternal life. That knowledge, that certainty, comes from believing in Jesus Christ. Why then do so many people say they believe and at the same time are reluctant to say they have eternal llife? O that God may grant to us the wonderful assurance that faith in the finished work of His Son, Jesus, gives us that assurance of eternal life. Is that assurance yours? It can be today. 50 Eternal Life The Testimony from Scripture Does Jesus offer eternal life Jesus was asking the man to us based on "saying the right to prove his claim to having been words" or "having a warm reli faithful to the commandments, gious feeling"? Is His offer based especially the one which sum on an emotional moment when marizes the last 6. His unwilling you felt you ought to do some ness to do so, demonstrated that thing and "walking an aisle his claim to having kept the com seemed like the appropriate thing mandments was false, hence he to do"? Or is it based on a need stood in need of salvation like for assurance that you wouldn't everyone else. Jesus' questioner have to go to hell? There is one made the same mistake that and only one way to receive eter countless people have been mak nal life, and it isn't how a great ing, and that is to attempt to many people think it is. gain eternal life through the The man who came to Jesus keeping of the commandments. to ask Him the all-important On the one hand,our attempts at question oflife appears to reflect eternal life by this means is un typical Jewish thought ofthe day, derstandable, since as we have which is that performing a single already shown, perfection to the act would guarantee salvation letter of the Decalogue is God's (Matt. 19:16-21). That way of requirement. On the other hand thinking is not only typical of however, ever3rthing we know Jews at the time of our Lord, but about ourselves from God's it may also be the common per Word, confirmed by our own spective in our day. When Jesus actual experience, is that we are quoted to him from the Ten Com incapable of meeting God's stan mandments, He was telling the dards by ourselves. It is a human man that God's requirements and impossibility. God's standards are perfection, It is precisely for that rea that is, keeping the Ten Com son that Jesus paid the penalty mandments without fail. God's for our sins and then extends to requirements have always been us His gracious offer of eternal the same. They do not change. It life. We must receive it by faith, is interesting that Jesus quotes that is a complete trust in His to His inquirer five of the Com finished work. That involves liv mandments, numbers 5 through ing our lives in His power and 9, and then includes what I be strength. Probably the most lib lieve is a summary of the last 6 erating discovery I made in my Commandments, "Thou shalt life was when Ilearned that when love thy neighbor as thyself." it comes to my eternal life, God Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 51 The Testimony from History is not looking for a series of It has always been the goal promises from me. He is not so of the Christian Church to show concerned with what I can do; people the way to eternal life. He does not want to hear all the Some interesting statistics reveal things I intend to do for Him. He that in mainline churches, 50 is more concerned with what 1 percent of the members are not will let Him do for me. certain of their salvation. This Faith is therefore the means means that in the pews of the through which we receive eter churches,about halfof those who nal life. The terms "grace" and are members, are not sure of "faith" need to be clarified. We eternal life, although they would are not saved by our faith. We describe themselves as practic are saved by God's grace. Grace ing Christians. My own conclu is the instrument of salvation. It sion to this suggested problem is was God's plan carried out that churches in general have through Christ. We had no part done a poor job of communicat in it, and deserved none of it. ing to people how they can have Faith is the agent whereby God eternal life. That is tragic be has been able to apply His grace cause the primary reason Jesus to the life of the sinner. Faith is established His Church was to simply the way we say yes to show mankind the way to eter God's free gift of eternal life. nal life. The reality of faith which One of the reasons the is gives us God's free gift of eternal sue has become so complicated life is demonstrated by the proof is that man has added to and of a transformed life. Faith is not subtracted from the purity ofthe a fleeting emotional desire, nor Gospel. Jesus eloquently pointed is it blind acceptance. It is not out this very idea to the Phari merely accepting a set of facts, sees and teachers of the law. He nor is it just believing in the told them that they had let go of teachings of Jesus. Faith is the the commands of God and were reality offollowing Christ, which holding on to the traditions of by its nature, gives evidence of a men (Mark 7:7). The traditions transformed life. Faith is one's of men have led to the develop life-response to Christ. To be ment of so many denominations sure, one is not saved by works; within Christianity. Many people that is heretical. But the quality are confused because they are ofgenuine faith is shown in Scrip aware of so many churches and ture to be that which is living are genuinely puzzled as to which and productive. one is the right one. 52 Eternal Life

The Protestant Reformation It is time to return to the heralded a return to the basic basic, fundamental, pure, un tenets of the Christian faith, adulterated truth of the Gospel. which had been lost in the Ro If the Church had done a better man Catholic Church.The people job of conveying the message of in the pews again began reading eternal life to people, so many the Bible for themselves, instead church members would not be in of depending on their spiritual doubt about their own eternal leader to read and interpret it destiny. For the most part, for them. They began to redis churches differ on what 1 con cover the simple truths of God's sider to be the non-essentials of Word, including the all-impor the faith. In trying to maintain tant doctrine of eternal life. The their distinctiveness, churches theme of the Reformation; Sola corrupt the purity of the Gospel, Scriptura, Sola Gracia, Sola Fide adding man made traditions. emphasized that the way to eter The idea of eternal life as a nal life is to be found only in the gift is foreign to humans. We revealed Word of God (the Scrip have been indoctrinated into tures), and it comes through the thinking that nothing good in grace of God alone, by the means life is ever totally free. Our de of our faith alone. Anything less ceptive society makes us "free" or more represents an adultera offers in large print, but then tion ofthe Gospel ofJesus Christ. brings us to reality with what's Eternal life does not come written underneath in smaller through faith plus anj^hing. lettering. Maybe you are famil Historically,the Church has iar with these expressions: "The had a tendency to place require large print giveth, but the fine ments for eternal life upon people print taketh away," or "There's that are not Biblical. The cardi no such thing as a free lunch." If nal difference between the Chris God commissioned any of us with tian faith and religion is that the task ofcoming up with a plan religion is man attempting to for extending eternal life to hu reach up to God through his own manity,our plan would certainly self efforts, while Christianity is have some Idnd of requirement. God reaching down to man and We tend to give things to those making something out of him. who deserve it. The Bible teaches Religion is trying to do things for that God's plan that provides God that are thought will ap eternal life is the exact opposite pease Him.The Christian faith is of that. It is extended to unde about what man will allow God serving humanity absolutely free. to do for him. Praise God! Seventh Day Baptist Belief 53 A Faith for Today There is overwhelming evi extending to us eternal life, God dence especially in the Gospel of makes us part of His family. We John from the words of our Lord, can think of our heavenly Father that eternal life can and should in the most intimate way, as a be a present reality. John again Daddy. in the epistle that bears his name, Assurance of eternal life declares that he is writing so also gives an inexpressible joy that his readers may know that and peace which characterize they have eternal life (1 John one's attitude, perspective, and 5:13). They don't have to won approach to life. This inner joy der or doubt or question it. They and peace from God helps to can know for sure. remove the limitation on our For all of our important ability to love unconditionally. possessions,such as a house or a An individual who knows car, we have no doubts whether that he or she has eternal life we are in possession ofthem. We will not be motivated by fear. have a document to prove our Fear and love do not mingle well. stewardship ofthese things. Why One will always dilute the other. then should we be uncertain The joy of sharing one's about our most important pos faith is another benefit of know session? And, we have the docu ing that one has eternal life. That ment to prove it—God's Word. knowledge becomes a strong Such assurance has practi motivator to share the greatest cal benefits. It brings with it the gift that can be received. removal of our guilt. That is done through Jesus' being credited Questions for Discussion with our sin. It was actually an 1. Discuss the sincerity of the exchange—our sin credited to rich man in asking Jesus Him,and His righteousness cred about getting eternal ited to us. Imagine the tremen life. Why did Jesus respond dous liberation there is in know by telling the rich man to ing that we have been completely obey the commandments? forgiven of our sins 2. Is eternal life a reward or a The assurance ofeternal life gift? also makes us children of God. What is the difference? So, we receive not only the judi cial benefits ofjustification, but 3. When does eternal life begin? there are also the relational val ues described in the Scriptures 4. Can a person be assured of as "adoption" and "sonship." In eternal life now? The Church Kenneth D. Chroniger

We believe that the church of God is all believers gathered by the Holy Spirit and joined into one body, of which Christ is the Head. We believe that the local church is a community of believers organized in covenant relationshipfor worship,fellow ship and service, practicing and proclaiming common convic tions, while growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ We believe in the priesthood of all believers and practice the autonomy of the local congregation, as we seek to work in association with othersfor more effective witness.

Study Scriptures and Dally Meditations Mark and JoAnne Kandel

Study Scriptures — Matthew 16:13-20; Acts 2:41-47; Romans 12:4-5; 15:5-7; 1 Corinthians 12:12-13; Ephesians 2:19-22; 4:11-16; Colossians 1: 18; Hebrews 10:23-25 Sunday — Ephesus — Revelation 2:1-7 You know the work I do in Your kingdom. I persevere in the work because it is pleasing to You.Your word instructs me to beware of false teachers. Strengthen me to constantly seek to learn and do Your will in all things. Help me to combine the experience and wisdom of years with the zeal of the youthful believer.

Monday — Smyrna — Revelation 2:8-11 You are our Savior who died and came to life again. You are life, the beginning and the end. Help me to remember that while I may have little material wealth, I am rich in You. My trials are temporary. If 1 remain faithful to You, my reward is eternal life. Guide me in following the course that You have provided that I may not be swayed by ungodly influences. Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 55 Tuesday — Pergamum — Revelation 2:12-17 I live in an evil world where believers are reviled rather than revered. You know my faith. Thank You for the Faith of the saints who have died, whose testimonies inspire me to remain faithful in trial and persecution. Use the strong in faith, encouraging those in need to overcome in You.

Wednesday — Thyatira — Revelation 2:18-29 Thank you for being my morning star. You provide me with hope and guidance. When there is no end to the dark night of despair. You shed light on me. Guide my paths. Guide my church. Help me to have discernment about those who would lead me away from You.

Thursday — Sardls — Revelation 3:1-6 Sometimes my church is able to put on a good front and impress others, appearing as a great church. Yet, a beautiful building and full pews on the Sabbath are nothing if Your Spirit is not with us. Guide the church in ministries so that we may focus on things of the Spirit. Help me to follow the spiritual leaders that my church may be brought closer to You. Friday — — Revelation 3:7-13 Thank you for the wisdom in the study of Your word. You hold the key of eternal life. You open the door to life and welcome me in as Your child. You have purchased my salvation with your life. Thank you for understanding the trials 1 face. Help me to endure patiently until You deliver me to my reward. May 1 be worthy of Your name.

Sabbath — Laodicea — Reveiatlon 3:14-22 Help when my church gets too comfortable. Wake us up before we sink from complacency to spiritual death. You rebuke and discipline those you love. Your discipline has benefit. Your rebuke affirms Your love. The door is open. 56 The Church The Testimony from Scripture "And I also say to you that it had both the title of the Em you are Peter,and upon this rock peror and the name of the pup I will build My church; and the pet ruler Herod Philip. Its loca gates of Hades shall not over tion 120 miles from Jerusalem power it" (Matt. 16:18, NASB). made it ideal to challenge the In this text and the surrounding popular notions about who Jesus passage we discover the essence was said to be. It is this confes of the doctrine of the church. In sion which separates and calls this scripture we are given the the church out. derivation, declaration, defini The Definition tion and deputation of the What is it that was to be church. called into being? The answer The Derivation perhaps lies in the Greek word The text makes it clear that Ecclesia. B.H. Carroll wrote, "Its the church is not that which be primary meaning is: An orga gins in the heart and mind of nized assembly, whose members individuals or groups.The church have been properly called out is called into being by someone from private homes or business beyond humanity. The confes to attend public affairs. This defi sion of Peter leading to this pro nition necessarily implies pre nouncement ofJesus specifically scribed conditions of member is revealed by the Father. The ship."^ What bearing does this initiator, who brings the church have on how we understand what into being, who creates, who Jesus would build? builds,is the Son "... 1 will build". l)The church was to be an The Declaration assembly. It could be equated The church will be built in with a synagogue—"a together." connection with specific decla 2)The church was to be sepa ration "...Thou art the Christ, rated from other institutions. the Son ofthe living God"(Matt. 3)The church would be a public 16:16, NASB). This declaration institution, not a private con was made in the suburbs of cern.4) There would be by impli Caesarea Philippi. cation conditions of membership. Why at this place? Its his The Deputation tory made it a place to challenge What task did Jesus give the gods, having been a Canaan- the "called out public assembly"? ite sanctuary and having a cav The picture is one of battle be ern reminding the Greeks of the ing waged. It is the laying siege god Pan. Its name made it a to a city, called "Hades." Hades place to challenge authority, as is the place or abode ofthe dead. Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 57

In this siege victory is assured, of the "Organific Laws" exempli for the gates of the city itself will fies the historic fact that the Sev be opened. This assembly re enth Day Baptist Doctrine of The ceives the commission to con Church has placed its primary quer the city of death in all its focus on the "Covenant Commu forms. nity"—"the locally called out gathered congregation." The Testimony from History Consider the statement on Johnathan Allen, Seventh the Church in the 1833 Expose: Day Baptist scholar and from "As we deem it unscriptural to 1867-1892 president of Alfred admit, to the membership of the University, wrote, "...it follows church, any person who does that the church in its essential not yield obedience to the com nature is an organic life growth." mandments of God, and the in In the same article he wrote, stitutions of the Gospel, or who "...a simple unity, without vari would be a subject of church ety faultlessly faultless, icily censure (discipline), were he a regular, splendidly null, dead member of the church, so we perfection, no more, nothing deem it equally improper to re more."^ ceive such at the Lord's table, or Allen suggests to us several to partake with them ofthe Lord's things about the church that are Supper." true by virtue of definition: l)lt The emphasis here, to ex has definite shape and form. 2)It pand Allen's metaphor of the or is a unity. 3)It is alive. ganism, is upon the single cell— Because the church is an the local congregation. organism, there are three func Concerning the necessity of tioning "Organific Laws" in ef organization into a body,we read fect: l)"Equality of rights and in Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs— privileges." 2)"Liberty.... Every A Manual of Study, "When any member ofthe church has a right truth becomes central and vital to the legitimate and harmoni to the individual, there comes to ous use of all his or her powers him the desire to give it to oth for attaining the ends of a Chris ers, not only through personal tian life." 3)"Diversity of func contact, but through organiza tion or activity."® tion. Therefore, beliefs crystal While not denying a doctrine lize into institutions. Christian of a universal Christian commu faith and belief are more vital nity called "The Church," Allen's than ordinary beliefs of the definition and the working out world. By linking the soul to 58 The Church

Christ,they bring Christians into out wavering, for He who prom living fellowship with one an ised is faithful; and let us con other before bonds of outward sider how to stimulate one an organization exist. The outward other to love and good deeds, organization expresses and sym not forsaking our own assem bolizes this inward union ofspirit bling together, as is the habit of to Christ and to one another.'"* some, but encouraging one an Herein lies the value of the com other; and all the more as you ing together of the called out see the day drawing near"(Heb. public assembly. 10:23-25, NASB). Consider our present state How important is your ment of belief. There are ninety- church? Don Erickson asks us to four words that make up the ponder, in excerpts from an il Statement. Twenty-six of them lustration titled "Funny." speak about the "Universal "Funny how a one hundred Church," even though some dollars looks so big when you might question this upon the take it to church, but so small basis of the word "church"—not when you take it to the mall. "Church." Sixty, or just over 64 Funny how long it takes to serve percent, of the words speak of God for an hour but how quickly the local church,and eight words a team plays sixty minutes of could be placed in either cat basketball. Funny how long a egory. In fact, the emphasis is couple of hours spent at church placed so much on the local are but how short they are when church in the present Statement watching a movie. Funny how that its purposes are set forth: we get thrilled when a baseball "worship, fellowship, and ser game goes into extra innings, vice, practicing and proclaiming but we complain when a sermon common convictions." is longer then regular time. The doctrinal history of our Funny how people want to get a people would suggest that the front seat at any game or concert shape, unity and the aliveness of but scramble to get a back seat at the organism called the church church services. Funny how we is found in the local Seventh Day need two or three weeks advance Baptist congregation. notice to fit a church event into our schedule, but can adjust our A Faith for Today schedule for other events at the How important is your last moment."® How important is church? The writer of Hebrews your church? put it this way:"Let us hold fast Some of you remember the confession of our hope with standing around an evening Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 59 campfire at one of our Seventh 2. Since our statement speaks Day Baptist camps. The pastor of the local church in shared the value of the church to covenant relationship, how the individual by removing a important is your church burning coal away from the fire. covenant? What does it As you watched, soon the coal contain? burned out completely,while the 3. In reviewing what might be rest of the fire would continue cited as the reasons for into the night. When the main covenant relationship— fire had turned to coals, you worship, fellowship, could still be warmed by the heat. service, practicing and At the same time that lonely coal proclaiming common had become so cold that you convictions rank—them in could pick it up in the palm of the order of importance your hand, and squeezing it you and be able to explain why. could turn it to powder. How important is your church? 4. How does your church help 'B. H. Carroll, Ecclesia—The Church. you grow in grace and Litde Rock: Challenge Press, nd., 8. knowledge of Jesus Christ. Jonathan Allen, "The Church," The Sabbath Recorder. Westerly, Rhode Island: 5. What does it mean when our George Utter Publisher, 20, (January 14, statement says,"We believe 1864), 6. 'Ibid., 6. in the Priesthood of all "Ahva J. C. Bond, Alva L Davis, and believers?" How does this Brio E. Button,Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs: A affect the way you think of Manualfor Study. Janesville,Wisconsin: The American Sabbath Tract Society, 1941, re your ministry in the print 1983, 49. church? 'Don Erickson, "Funny," in Sermons [email protected],ed. Shelton Cole,Septem 6. Why is autonomy of the ber 8, 1999. local congregation impor tant? Is there a difference Questions for Discussion between being Indepen 1. What requirements are dent, and autonomous? necessary to belong to the universed Church? 7. How is your church like or Are they different from different than the local those required to belong Lions/Rotary club, a small to the local church? business, or a local charity? Baptism

Kevin J. Butler

"Wt believe that baptism of believers in obedience to Christ's command is a witness to the acceptance ofJesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We believe in baptism by immersion as a symbol of death to sin, a pledge to a new life in Him.

Study Scriptures and Dally Meditations Sunday — Matthew 3:1-6,11-17 Father, help me to truly repent and turn away from my wicked ways. May I seek Your truth and Your ways, and once being awakened to them, have the courage to do what is right. Guide me to Your desire for me to be righteous. Monday — Matthew 28:18-20 Lord, how often do we flounder and wonder what we should do? Thank you for this clear and uncompromising commission to make disciples, to baptize, and to teach. And we thank you for the promise of your authoritative and loving presence as we "Therefore go."

Tuesday — Acts 2:36-41 Heavenly Father, because the three thousand followed Peter's command to "Repent and be baptized," and accepted his invitation for baptism, I can include myself as one of those to whom these promises were given: forgiveness and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Wednesday — Romans 6:1-11 Dear God, as Christ died, I have died. As Christ was raised, so I am raised to eternal life. Thank you that since death no longer has mastery over Jesus, I am fully alive to You through Christ.

Thursday — Colosslans 2:8-12 Lord,thank you for revealing Yourselfcompletely to us through Christ Jesus. May my baptism remind me that my sins have been Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 61 buried and washed away through that same power that raised Jesus from the dead.

Friday — Galatians 3:26-27 Father, what a privilege it is to call You "Father." Through faith in You we are now Your children. Thank You for wrapping Your loving arms around us and clothing us in a righteousness that can only come through Your Son, Jesus.

Sabbath — Matthew 10:32-33 Lord, I thank You for guiding me toward a believer's baptism. May that public testimony be a true and loving acknowledgment of You before other people. And may my public testimony of worship ing You today acknowledge to others that You are the True and Loving Lord of my life. 62 Baptism The Testimony from Scripture In the Old Testament, puri with the old life, and a joyful fication ceremonies were in acceptance of the new. (3) It voked for situations of"unclean- was an act of dedication. (4) It ness." At first, much of the un- carried with it the idea of cleans cleanness carried little moral ing.(5) It was more than a sym content. "Purification" was the bol or declaration; it was an ef removal—usually by water—of fective sign.2 a ceremonial taint by ceremo We can see many similari nial means(Exod. 30:19-21; Lev. ties between Jewish proselyte 15-16.) baptism and John's baptism. Yet As religious ethics devel where the Jewish ritual put em oped, these cleansings became phasis on a change of creed, connected with moral behavior. Christian baptism places empha In his book. History ofReligions, sis on the change of heart. And G.F. Moore states,"The result of John's baptism also added an the 'inclusion ofthe moral'in the end-time association; he looked sphere ofthe religious is that the forward to the dawn of the Mes physical means effective in re sianic age and sought to prepare moving uncleanness are em people for it. ployed to purify a man from Jesus submitted to His own moral defilement, or to protect baptism as part of the Father's him against the consequences of plan to fulfill all righteousness his wrong doing. (Matt. 3:15). And it became for The whole system of purifi him a moment of decision and cation may have lost much of its consecration to the tasks of pub inner meaning,revealing the ten lic ministry. In the gospels, each dency of man to give ritual per telling of Jesus' baptism is fol formances a symbolic meaning. lowed by his temptation from Against this background Satan. came Jewish proselyte baptism— The baptism of our Lord a ceremony,with water,for those was also an act of identification who converted to Judaism. Ac with the people whom Jesus had cording to Alec Gilmore, it was come to save. We are called to an initiation ceremony, and dif baptism. ferent from other purification Half of the Scripture refer rites in these ways:(1) It was for ences from which we draw our convinced and instructed con Statement ofBelief carry the allu verts, and it was a witnessed sion to our being baptized into ceremony. (2) It was an initia Christ's death, buried and raised tion ceremony, marking a break with Him to new life. The mode Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 63

ofimmersion—best supported by Apostles' Creed, followed by an Scripture (Matt.3:16; Mark 1:10; other anointing of oil(of thanks Col. 2:12)—signifies this death giving) and the laying-on-of- and burial. In baptism, we have hands by the bishop. clothed ourselves with Christ Nowhere mentioned is the (Gal. 3:27) and have become age of the candidate, although one in Him by faith. strongly implied is the ability to understand the process and its The Testimony from History importance. Different opinions and Since the Church grew so teachings concerning baptism rapidly during those early cen emerged in the early Church. turies, this kind of baptismal During the final decade of the preparation became necessary. second century,Tertullian wrote By Hippolytus' time, the prepa in strong protest against the prac ration had been institutionalized. tice of infant baptism. With more stress on the But Tertullian must have connection between baptism and formed his opinion by observing the forgiveness of sins, two ef the actual practice and not from fects resulted. If the ritual truly the writings of the period. In the caused forgiveness, then many Didache (Teaching of the Twelve candidates would postpone the Apostles), the only dictates at ceremony as long as possible so tached to baptism concerned the that more of their sins would be candidate's pre-ritual fasting, the absolved. On the other hand,the officiant's threefold invocation desire to have sins cleansed of the Godhead, and the desire caused parents to bring forth for running water. their children to receive the sac Justin Martyr's Apologies rament. mentioned similar concerns,add During and after the fifth ing his view that the one bap century, paedobaptism (baptism tized obtains the remission of of infants) became widespread. former sins. According to Justin, It was impossible for the bishop the ritual was to be followed by to preside at all . Yet congregational prayers and the because paedobaptism was be celebration of communion. lieved to be imperative, and be In the Apostolic Tradition of cause many infants died shortly Hippolytus, this Church father after their birth, the complex gets more elaborate. Baptism is initiation rite had to be split up. preceded by an anointing with Soon after birth, the water the oil of exorcism, the baptism was received, while the candidate's affirmation of the anointing and laying-on-of- 64 Baptism

hands was given later when the when we start using the words bishop visited the parish. This "rite," "ritual observance," and two-step approach was consid "ordinance." As long as it re ered as one rite of initiation into mains a sign or symbol, it is a the Church. as it points to a sa The Reformers apparently cred, spiritual truth. misunderstood the purpose of We can retain the sacra the episcopal visitations, seeing ments, but avoid sacramental- them as times when the baptized ism. We must watch out for doc "confirmed"their baptismal vows trines which say that a sacra and were thereby fully admitted ment, or even the Church, is a into the Church. Thus began the source ofgrace. The Church does Protestant rite of infant baptism not dispense grace; it is not a co- and confirmation.^ redeemer. Grace is a gift from John Smyth,founder of the God alone. first modern Baptist church, Baptism belongs to the for called for a return to New Testa given. It is neither initiation nor ment times and a rejection of all for the forgiveness of sins. It is later developments in ministry for those already forgiven and and liturgy.'* Smyth put this call initiated by commitment to into action by first baptizing him Christ. self, then his disciple Thomas The Church and its ordi Helwys, who in 1612 founded nances are but instruments of the first Baptist church on En God's grace. Our baptism does glish soil.^ not cause repentance but wit nesses to the change in one's life A Faith for Today (Acts 10:47-48). Immersion sig So, is baptism a "sacra nifies the burial of the old man ment"? Some folks in the Re and the rising to new life in formed or Protestant tradition Christ. would rather not use the term. We must remember that it Webster defines sacrament as: is not the mode, not the person "a formal religious act that is conducting, not the water (wa sacred as a sign or symbol of a ter cannot save anyone unless spiritual reality." they are dying of thirst; and then I see no problem with that, it is only temporary and not the as long as it remains a sign or living water that wells up to eter symbol of a spiritual reality. nal life [John 4:13-14]) that When the spiritual reality is lim saves. The external act will not ited to and must manifest itself transform an unbeliever into a through the sacrament—that is Christian. Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 65

I was raised in a church ®Dale Moody,Baptism: Foundationfor which practiced infant baptism. Christian Unity. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1967, p. 241. Following several years of wor shiping and fellowshiping with Questions for Discussion Seventh Day Baptists, I was for 1. What does being "baptized tunate to experience baptism by into Christ Jesus" mean to immersion as a newlywed.It was you (Rom. 6:1-11)? How my choice and my public confes are we baptized "into his sion that I was a believer. death"? Did your baptism My membership into the experience cause you to feel local church did not take place united with Jesus—in His immediately. That was not the death and His resurrection? reason I was baptized. My plung How have we been freed ing under the frigid waters of from sin? Do you count Fish Creek in Verona, New York, yourself dead to sin and signified a step of obedience that alive to God in Christ? led me onto a path of ministry. As Christ's earthly ministry 2. What did Jesus commission began after his baptism, so it His disciples to do should be for believers today. (Matt. 28:19-20)? The candidate not only becomes How are you involved in linked to the Church and local these three mandates? congregation, but he or she is 3. How has baptism "clothed" linked to continual spiritual us with Christ (Gal. 3:26- growth. 27)? A new relationship with God through the resurrected 4. How can you support bap Christ has begun(1 Pet. 3:21). A tism by immersion when public confession has been made. the majority of Christendom An irrevocable commitment to baptizes infants? Christ has been born. 5. How significant was your ^G. F. Moore, History of Religions. baptism experience? To Edinburg: T&T Clark, 1914-20, voL 1,43. yourself? To the one offici ^Alec Gilmore, ed., Christian Baptism. Chicago: The Judson Press, 1959,68-70. ating? To those observing? ^Donald Bridge and David Phypers, To the world right now? The Water that Divides: The Baptism Debate. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1977, p. 84. %.T.Whidey, The Worksof John Smith. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1915, Vol. 1, pp. 269-320. The Lord's Supper

Gordon P. Lawton

"Wt believe that the Lord's Supper commemorates the suffer ing and death of our Redeemer until He comes, and is a symbol of union in Christ and a pledge of renewed allegiance to our risen Lord.

Study Scriptures and Daily Meditations

Study Scriptures — Mark 14:22-25; Matthew 26:26-29; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; 11:17-34. Sunday — Exodus 12:1-13 How strange your commands to captive Israel seem our Father. The special food—the chosen lamb,the blood—are all symbols with meaning old and new. May 1 be ready to obey your command even if it is to be different. Thank you for your special mark on all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Monday — Exodus 12:14-30 Father, we sing, "to God be the glory, great things He hath done." This hymn line could have been sung by the children ofIsrael as they plundered Egypt (Ex. 12:35-36) while leaving. Your might was shown in the ten plagues, as was your protection by saving Goshen from most of them. Vividly your protection was shown as you passed over the houses marked with the blood of the Passover lambs. Open my eyes and heart to see and accept your protection. Ready my hands, feet and voice to be obedient to you. Amen.

Tuesday — Matthew 26:17, 26-30 How powerful, Lord, are the illustrations of bread and cup: broken bread for your body, the cup for your blood poured out for the forgiveness of sins. Thank you for your willingness to become a servant. May 1 also give of myself to others and to the building of your church. Amen. Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 67 Wednesday — 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 Almighty God, thank you for being present when we gather in your name. Your Spirit encourages and empowers so that sincerity and truth will prevail. Enable me to discern my sin and reject it. You call us to do hard things. Hard, because we love people who say they love you but do what you say is wrong. May the fellowship of your people be sweet and pure, and may the discipline of your church be redemptive and bring reconcilia tion. Amen.

Thursday — 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 At your table. Lord, your act of atonement is again demon strated and the unity of your body is shown. In taking the bread and cup I affirm my dependance on you alone for my salvation and my need for and dependance on those who are my sisters and brothers because ofour common allegiance to you.If I am worshipping at any other altar. Lord, show me. My desire is to serve and worship you alone. Amen.

Friday — 1 Corinthians 11:17-26 Eternal Father, our daily duties direct our focus toward our families, friends, work and responsibilities. Sometimes we forget to look for you in the normal routine. Each week as your Sabbath begins we are reminded of your care and love for us. When we gather as your body,we sense your presence and celebrate our unity because of you. Coming to your table is special and full of meaning. There we remember anew your sacrifice and by partaking declare again, "Jesus did die for me." Thank you God for your great gifts. Amen.

Sabbath — 1 Corinthians 11:27-34 Praise to God,it is Sabbath! Help me.Master, to recognize your body as we gather for worship today. Let not my fears and feelings blind me to the worth and potential of all my covenant brothers and sisters. Send your Spirit to encourage and convict. Let not a wrong unforgiven,jealousy, anger or covetousness cloud my focus on you. As I wholeheartedly join others in worshipping today, give us all a glimpse of the joy and beauty that surrounds your throne. Amen. 68 The Lord's Supper The Testimony from Scripture The context of the Lord's his sacrificial atoning death. A Supper is the Passover meal. It study of the Passover meal as was this meal which Jesus ate celebrated by Jews today can with his disciples in that upper deepen our appreciation for the room (Matt. 26:17). It was to symbolism which Jesus took and remember and celebrate God's redirected. deliverance of His people Israel All the gospels record the from Egypt(Ex. 13:3). The Feast meal. Matthew and Mark speak of Unleavened bread occurred of Jesus' using the bread and the for one week immediately fol cup. Luke notes a cup,then bread lowing the Passover (Lev. 23:6). and the cup. This is not a contra This was the first feast on the diction but additional informa Jewish religious calendar (Ex. tion about the Passover meal. 12:1-28) and was like our Inde John speaks of the "evening pendence Day. meal"(John 13:2) and in retro The Old Testament history spect of "the supper" (John books tell of the Passover being 21:20). He does mention bread celebrated during the reigns of (13:26-30), but this was not the Hezekiah (2 Chr. 30:1) and bread which Jesus broke and to Josiah (2 Chr. 35:18), as well as which he gave new meaning. by Ezra and the returning exiles John does not mention either (Ezra 6:19). It is implied in 2 the broken bread or the cup; Chronicles 35:18 that the Pass rather, he records the teaching over had been celebrated con that surrounded the meal, in tinuously, although specific de cluding His teaching about tails are not given for each gen servanthood as He washed the eration. disciples' feet. Jesus'family celebrated the Outside the gospels the only Passover in Jerusalem each year. other references which speak of When Jesus was 12, he caused a the "Lord's Supper" are in 1 Co stir by not returning home at the rinthians 10 and 11. The early appointed time (Luke 2:41f). church "broke bread" together John records many of Jesus' en (Acts 2:42, 46; 20:7,11; 27:35) counters with the religious lead which has been interpreted by ers at Passover times (2:13; 6:4; some as the Lord's Supper. Com 11:55). Herod kept Peter in pri munion may have been cel son over a Passover (Acts 12:4). ebrated at their fellowship meals, During the Passover meal but the breaking of bread had with His disciples, Jesus used more to do with eating and shar elements in the meal to point to ing a meal than with celebrating Seventh Day Baptist Belieis 69

the Lord's Supper. It is possible These principles are mir that the early church celebrated rored in the Passover meal. Only the Lord's Supper only annually those men who have taken the at Passover. sign of the covenant (circumci Our Biblical source ofteach sion) could partake, the meal ing regarding the Lord's Supper reminded of and declared de after Jesus' resurrection is in pendence on God for redemp Paul's first letter to the Corin tion, and the meal was taken in thians. He presents the Lord's family units, not as a great con Supper as being taken with a gregation of the whole nation, meal and as a powerful display although the families of the na of unity in the church. tion all took the meal at the same Paul makes it clear that only time (Ex. 12:27, 43-49). those who have an undivided allegiance to God should be at The Testimony from History the Lord's table (1 Cor. 10:14- For the first Sabbath-keep 22),that by eating the bread and ing Baptists in the new world, drinking the cup the participant communion was more than a testifies to his or her dependance personal participation at the on Christ for salvation (1 Cor. Lord's Table. Partaking showed 11:23-26), and that by partak the unity of Covenant relation ing together we are recognizing ship between those who shared the body of Christ to which we at the Lord's Table.^ belong (1 Cor. 11:29,12:27). In When the belief that Chris 1 Corinthians 11:26-29, the ele tians should observe the ten com ments of the Lord's Supper are mandments, including the sev spoken of together: bread and enth day of the week as the Sab cup, eat and drink, body and bath of the Bible, was spread by blood. There is one exception in Stephen Mumford and others verse 29 regarding recognizing who accepted this truth,the lead "the body of the Lord" (NIV). ers ofthe Baptist church in New Was the blood not to be recog port, Rhode Island, began to nized too, or is something else preach strongly against this be intended? If chapter 11 is seen in lief, saying that these people had context with chapter 12, then gone back to "beggarly elements" this variation in verse 29 is not (Gal. 4:9).^ Some of those who speaking of the elements or the had embraced the Sabbath mystical presence of Christ other turned back under this pressure than as present in the individu and said they were wrong, the als who make up the local body Sabbath was not to be observed. of the church. The remaining Sabbath-keepers 70 The Lord's Supper refrained from taking commun were accused of denying Christ ion with those who had turned by refusing to take communion. back (Heb. 6:4-6) and conse They refrained for they saw the quently from taking communion turning back of some from the with the church. The leaders of Sabbath as covenant-breaking the church called for a time of and therefore they could not re discussion, which was not a fair new their covenant with them at hearing, but rather a time to the Lord's Table. point out the "error" of their In the middle of the 19th Sabbath belief and an opportu century Jonathan Allen (1823- nity for them to repent. It be 1892) wrote in The Sabbath Re came clear "that they could not corder that baptism "...gives keep the Sabbath and walk in church membership. An unbap- fellowship with the church"^ — tized person is out ofthe church; so withdrawing from member a baptized person is in the ship was the only way to be true church."® He continued, "...as to the Word of God. Five with baptism is the formal initiating drew in December 1671,and six covenant, whereby the individual teen days later seven persons becomes a consecrated member covenanted together to form the of the outward body of Christ, so First Seventh-day Baptist Church communion is the ever-recurring of Newport, Rhode Island. formal covenant whereby each Although the controversy participant declares himself a had been brewing over the Sab member of this body—an ever- bath, with whom to commune at renewing consecration to this the Lord's Table was a question brotherhood, with all of the which helped focus the problem rights, privileges, and responsi and brought it to a conclusion. bilities of membership. ...No "...It was expected, even de church has a right, according to manded, that the covenant be our argument, to receive to its renewed in the sacrament ofcom communion a person that it is munion. This is one of the rea not willing to receive to its mem sons why so many of the old bership, with his faith and prac church records are filled with tice; nor on the other hand, has attempts to discipline members a person a right to commune who had given evidence ofbreak with a church that he is not will ing the covenant. They took seri ing and ready to become a mem ously Christ's instructions about ber of, with its doctrines and being reconciled to one's brother practices. And why? Simply be before going to the altar"(Matt. cause, by communion, he does 5:23-24) The Sabbath-keepers become a member."® Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 71 Questions for Discussion As a child I did not under 1. Is there a Biblical standard stand the connection between for those who may take the salvation, baptism, communion Lord's Supper (1 Cor. and church membership and dis 10:14-22; 11:26-27)? cipline. I knew it was there, for Is there a Biblical standard my mother informed me that to for those who may serve or take communion I needed to be officiate at the Lord's baptized. Not all see this con Supper? nection today. 2. Is there a connection be tween baptism, church A Faith for Today membership and the Lord's Some Seventh Day Baptist Supper? Is there an order Churches find meaning in par ticipating in World Wide Com in which these should be experienced? munion each year at the begin ning of October. Members of oth 3. Is the Lord's Supper strictly ers churches choose not to par between God and you? If ticipate in Communion outside not, how do we show this their local church, refraining beyond sitting together in even at the General Conference. the same room while we Some see only elements participate in the Lord's which remind us of Jesus sacri Supper? Why do we gener fice, others see Christ actually ally wait to partake until present in the elements. Some all are served? call Baptism and the Lord's Sup per ordinances while others list 4. Does the church covenant these events and others as sacra have a place at the Lord's ments. Table? Is discipline in the 'Don Sanford,"Entering Into Covenant: church, with an eye toward The History of Seventh Day Baptists in New reconciliation, connected at port," in Newport History: Bulletin of New all with the Lord's Supper? port Historical Society,(Summer 1994), 4. ^Lewis A.Platts, "Seventh-Day Baptists 5. During your communion in America Previous to 1802."Vol. I,Seventh Day Baptists in Europe and America. service is there an aware Plainfield, New Jersey: American Sabbath ness of the unity of the Tract Society, 1910, 123. believers present, or is the %id., 124. focus only on Jesus' suffer ■•Sanford, "Entering Into Covenant," 4. Jonathan Allen, "Communion," in The ing and death and on an Sabbath I^corder, 21, (July 27,1865). individual union with and ®Allen, "Communion," (August 3, recommitment to Him? 1865). The Sabbath Gabriel E. Bejjani

l^e believe that the Sabbath of the Bible, the seventh day of the week, is sacred time, a gift of God to all people, instituted at creation, ajfirmed in the Ten Commandments and reaffirmed in the teaching and example of Jesus and the apostles. We believe that the gift of Sabbath rest is an experience of God's eternal presence with His people. We believe that in obedience to God and in loving response to His grace in Christ, the Sabbath should befaithfully observed as a day of rest, worship, and celebration.

Study Scriptures and Daily Meditations Sunday — Genesis 2:2-3 At the end of creation, God ordained the seventh day to be special. God blessed the day and made it holy. In other words, the Sabbath was set aside as a vessel of imparting a blessing to all of God's creation.

Monday — Exodus 16:4-5, 22-30 This is the first reference of the seventh day or Sabbath since the creation record in Genesis two. Exodus 16:23 is probably the key verse of the text. It is the first time that the seventh day is called the Sabbath; it is at this point that God repeated that the seventh day was holy. This is also the first time that God "commanded" the day to be kept as holy.

Tuesday — Exodus 20:8-11 The Sabbath commandment was the fourth. It is at the end of the commandments dealing with our relationship with God and the beginning of our relationship with other people. The Sabbath reminds us of our obligation to worship God and to love Him by putting Him first. As a result of that, we move on to the other commandments of loving others as we love ourselves. Seventh Day Baptist Belief 73

Wednesday — Ezekiel 20:20 The Lord is taking the initiative to establish a covenant rela tionship with His people. They have done nothing to deserve to be His people; on the contrary, they continuously rejected Him by disobeying His laws and profaning the Sabbath. So now the Lord calls on them to accept Him as their God and act as His people. The Sabbath was to be the "sign" of their allegiance to God.

Thursday — Isaiah 58:13-14 These two verses give us principles on how to keep the Sabbath (v. 13), and the blessings that result from keeping it (v. 14). A principle is something that can be applied to all people in all ages regardless of cultural orientation. If we keep the Sabbath as pre scribed in verse 13, we will enjoy what the Lord will do in our lives; we will find our joy in Him and ride on the heights of the land.

Friday — Matthew 5:17-19 Jesus said that His purpose in coming was not to do away with the law but to fulfill it. The word "fulfill" has several possible meanings. However, as we look at Jesus'life and preaching, we get the sense that Jesus came to bring out the full meaning of the law. He was the perfect sacrifice for our sins that the law required, and thus He fulfilled the law.

Sabbath — Mark 2:27-28 Jesus'disciples havejust been accused of breaking the Sabbath by plucking and eating ears of corn on the Sabbath. They have not broken any biblical Old Testament laws, but rabbinical laws. Sab bath observance had deviated from it original intention. Notice the use of two words:"man" and "made." The Sabbath was "made" at creation and not given with the law. The Sabbath was not made for the Jewish people, but for all humanity. 74 The Sabbath The Testimony from Scripture The Sabbath has gone from without a soul. It was on the being an unquestioned practice, seventh day that the world was to a hotly debated issue in many given a soul."^ Christian circles, and finally to God indeed gave us a "soul" being considered not binding on by giving us the Sabbath that Christians by the majority of was blessed and made holy. churches and denominations. In Exodus 20:8-11, we see However, the seventh day Sab the Sabbath as part of the Ten bath is a biblical command that Commandments. Since, the Sab cannot be refuted. It was set bath is in the Decalogue,we must apart at the end ofcreation, com enter the realm of the law. Our manded in Exodus 20:8-11, prac understanding of the law to a ticed by Jesus and the early great extent will shape the way church, and is still valid for us we interpret the Sabbath com believers today. mandment and its validity for us In Genesis 2:2,3, God rested today. Most Christians conjure on the seventh day after finish up images of obligations and ing His creation,and He"blessed" spiritual slavery when jthey hear the seventh and "made"it "holy." the word "law." The Psalmist, There was more to it than God's however, exclaims that the law taking a break from His labor. is to be loved. "Oh, how I love God did not need to rest; He was your law! I meditate on it all day declaring that the foundations long" (Ps. 119:97, NIV). Why is of the earth were not all laid out there an apparent contradiction ("rest" then in Genesis 2 is ceas between the way many Chris ing from creating). tians have come to feel about the The word "bless" has to do law and the way it was viewed in with a spiritual power that fills the Old Testament? an object or a person with God's Let us begin by viewing peace. Applied to the Sabbath, it Jesus'and Paul's attitudes about became a conductor of God's the law. Jesus in Matthew 5:17- power. When something is 19 states clearly that He came to "holy," it means that it is set fulfill the law or accomplish it. apart for God's service. "Every How did He do that? seventh day a miracle comes to In Paul's major treatise on pass,the resurrection ofthe soul, the law in the book of Romans, ofthe soul of man and the soul of he discusses the law in several all things. A medieval sage de points. "The wages of sin is clares: the world which was cre death." Sin is breaking the law. ated in six days was a world But, the major point of Romans Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 75

7:7-13 is the weakness of the Sabbath became a day of bur law. The weakness is in our in dens and notjoy. That is why he ability to keep it. The same theme declared that, "the Sabbath was was given by Christ in the Ser made for man, not man for the mon on the Mount. He magni Sabbath"(Mark 2:27, NIV). fied the requirements of the law The disciples and Paul in to let us know that we cannot the book of Acts worshipped on keep it on our own. Romans 8:1- the Sabbath, preached, and 4 sums up the matter by stating taught on it (e.g. Acts 17:2; that the law was powerless to 13:14; 16:11-13). The Council save us. God sent His son to die of Jerusalem was called to dis on the cross as a sin offering. So, cuss the gentile Christian's ac the Holy Spirit gives us the power ceptance of Christ and the rela to live the righteous life. Paul tionship to the Jewish laws and was trying to correct the practices. The Sabbath issue was Judaizer's concept that the law never questioned (Acts 15:1-29). was needed for salvation. To The Sabbath was not only prac day,we need to realize that keep tical, but was accepted with no ing the Sabbath is not the cause question or controversy. of our salvation; we are saved by grace through faith in Christ. The Testimony from History But, the Sabbath observance is In Exodus 19:3-8, God the fruit of our salvation. Be called His people to enter into a cause we are saved, we acknowl covenant relationship with Him. edge Christ by worshipping Him In verse 5, God told the people, in obedience on His Holy Day. if you "obey" and "keep" my cov In the New Testament, enant, you shall be my treasured Christ practiced Sabbath obser possession. Inverse 8,the people vance: "on the Sabbath day he agreed to do all that the Lord went into the synagogue, as was wants from them. The covenant his custom" (Luke 4:16b, NIV). is followed by giving of the Law Jesus performed miracles on the in Exodus 20. Obedience was the Sabbath. All these miracles were response that God wanted from not necessary to be done on the His people—the response to the Sabbath. He did them on pur grace of choosing them to be His pose to challenge the Pharisaical people. and rabbinical rules and regula The Sabbath was to be the tions concerning the Sabbath ob sign of the covenant between servance. They had surrounded God and His people. It was so God's gift to man with so many important that God repeated it rules and regulations that the twice in Exodus 31:13,17 and in 76 The Sabbath

Ezekiel 20:12,20.Itwasaweekly In Luke 4:16-30, Jesus on reminder to them that they are the Sabbath day proclaims the His. He has delivered them out purpose of his mission. His mis of bondage; He has redeemed sion was to proclaim the good them. There are many Sabbath news ofredemption. Luke brings passages in the Old Testament out the theme more in the ac which reiterate the fourth com count ofa Sabbath healing(Luke mandment or give applications. 13:10-21). After Jesus healed the In the New Testament, the crippled woman, He was repri concept of obedience is empha manded. He responded by say sized not as an option for believ ing, "Then should not this ers, but as a requirement. John woman,a daughter of Abraham, 14:15 (NIV) says, "If you love whom Satan has kept bound for me keep my commandments." eighteen long years, be set free We need to notice the similarity on the Sabbath from what bound with Exodus 19:5, "If you wiU her?" (Luke 13:16). obey me fully and keep my cov So Jesus did not break the enant..." (NIV). Sabbath, but brought out its full The Sabbath is still a valid intent and meaning. Paul in the command in the New Testament book of Acts worshipped and and for us today. We have seen taught on the Sabbath. He how the Sabbath was instituted preached the Gospel of Christ, at creation and reminded the which ties the Sabbath to re people of their redemption. The demption. Observance of Sun same themes are repeated in the day began among Christian Gospels. Mark 2:27 ties the Sab groups in the second century and bath to creation. John 5:17 says, was made official in the fourth "My Father is working until now, century. Although some theolo and I myself am working" gians today hold the position (NASB). This is also an indica that the Sabbath was transferred tion to the creation origin of the to Sunday because of Christ's Sabbath. Some Christians have resurrection, there is no biblical interpreted this to mean that basis for it. since God has been continually Sabbath-keepers existed working in creation and preser throughout history. Seventh Day vation this abrogates the Sab Baptists became the bearers of bath law. However, God is not Sabbath-keeping since the sev doing the work of creation, but enteenth century. Many Chris that of redemption. This brings tians are either re-thinking their out the redemptive significance position on the Sabbath issue or of keeping the Sabbath. accepting its biblical basis. Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 77 A Faith for Today My personal faith in Christ and kept Holy. Our challenge is has grown over the years. In the to put God first in our lives by beginning of my experience as a giving the twenty-four hour pe believer,arguments over the Sab riod to him. The Sabbath is not bath issue were frequent. I loved kept by just worshipping for an to prove how right my position hour in church and then pro was because it was biblical and ceeding to do "our" own thing. how wrong Sunday observance We are to obey God be was. However, I realized that cause He saved us. The devil this was not helpful at all. Re puts obstacles in our way. My cently, one pastor from a Sun own experience tells me that God day church asked me why we will always honor us for our obe keep the Sabbath. My answer dience. We might suffer tempo was because it was biblical and rarily, but God will give us the asked him to tell me why he victory. Keeping the Sabbath in keeps Sunday. His silence and a Muslin country brought me hesitation in answering spoke troubles, but my Savior always volumes on his inability to jus delivered me. Trust God,and He tify his position biblically. A pro will bless you as you keep His fessor at Fuller Seminary said in Sabbath Holy. class, "Our friend here who is a ^Abraham J. Heschel, The Sabbath: Seventh Day Baptist keeps the Its Meaning for Modern Man. New York: SSNG, 1986, 84. real ." The debate over the Sab Questions for Discussion bath basis in scripture is not a 1. Why do some people famil burning issue for us today as it iar with Scripture accept used to be. And the believer who the Sabbath as an intellec investigates scripture with a clear tual concept but fail to and unbiased attitude will not observe the Sabbath? be able to deny that the Sabbath 2. What are some of your is the day to be kept. The real Sabbath Day activities? issue for us at the present is to Are they consistent with keep the Sabbath faithfully. your understanding of The Sabbath was given for Scripture? our benefit. God, who created me, knows that ±e keeping of 3. Do you believe the Old the Sabbath is vital for me. With Testament law applies to all the distractions of work, lei Christians? sure, television, and sports. Sab 4. How did Jesus fulfill the bath is not being "remembered" law? Evangelism

Don A. Sanford

We believe that Jesus Christ commissions us to proclaim the Gospel, to make disciples, to baptize and to teach observance of all that He has commanded.We are called to be witnesses for Christ throughout the world and in all human relationships.

Study Scriptures and Dally Meditations Ronald J. Elston, Sr. Sunday — Matthew 24:1-14 Sharing the Good News of God's Kingdom is the thrust of Evangelism. As the light of the world we have good news to share. We are to share this precious news with the whole world, not just a few but with everyone. We as Christians must stand first in the faith, knowing that not all will believe but we must make them hear. Christ will return for his people,and you and I must do our part in proclaiming the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. Are you letting your light shine for the Lord?

Monday — Matthew 28:18-20 The Great Commission gives us our marching orders in the powerful Army of God (Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47;John 17:18;20:21; and Acts 1:8). The orders come from the Commander and advise us of the direction we should follow. We do not do this on our own but based upon His authority. Go and make disciples of all nations. We will not go alone; He has promised to be with us. What a wonderful privilege to know that we are going in His name with His message of salvation. Have you shared the good news today?

Tuesday — Acts 1:1-8 A key passage for evangelism is found in Christ's final words to His disciples prior to His ascension with the assertion of power. Jesus declared that He has all power in heaven and earth; therefore He had the authority to give his followers power. He told them where and what their mission was to be. Their theater of operation was to be the world. They would teach conversion symbolized by Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 79 baptism, and they would teach obedience to His Commandments. They were to give a witness and be a witness where they lived. Have you asked for power in becoming a greater witness where you live?

Wednesday — 2 Corinthians 4:1-2, 5-6 Through God's mercy we are given this special Ministry. However, we know that it can be hindered by deception. We must let the light of the Lord's truth shine through our lives. We must set forth the truth plainly in the sight of God. We must preach Jesus our Lord and ourselves as servants for Jesus' sake. Jesus is the heavenly magnet that draws men to God. Are you letting him lead in your life?

Thursday — 2 Corinthians 5:17-20 Can the old become new? Yes! Each of us becomes a new person through Jesus Christ. All of this is from God, who reconciled us to Himselfthrough Christ. We have been adopted into His family. He is our heavenly Father. We are Christ's Ambassadors. We represent Christ and God before men. He has given us new life, made us new creatures. We are to tell others of the wonderful love of God. Have you accepted the position of Ambassador to the Most High God?

Friday — Ephesians 6:14-20 We see God's provision that every soldier of God has the proper battle gear for the Spiritual Warfare in which we are to engage. We are to stand and not be blown around by unsound doctrine. We are to be on alert, standing guard over the precious word that God has given us as Ambassadors of His Kingdom to proclaim the Good News of Salvation. No matter what the circumstances, we are to give account fearlessly. Have you put on the whole armor of God so that you can take your stand?

Sabbath — 1 Peter 3:15 Set aside a special place for Christ in your heart. Jesus is to be the Lord of our life. Christ through His presence gives us the power to respond to those who wish us to account for our faith. We are to do this with gentleness and respect. Christ enables us to be effective Ambassadors for Him and to present His message with the spirit of Love. Will you seek Christ's will for this to take place in your life? 80 Evangelism The Testimony from Scripture The key scriptural passages only variable in the parable— for evangelism are found in the the sower is the same and the Great Commission and in Christ's seed is the same. Jesus' applica final words to the disciples prior tion of this parable was to the to His ascension in Acts 1:8. Both hearers—to those who do not begin with an assertion of power. hear,to those whose understand Christ declared that He had all ing was shallow, to those whose power in heaven and earth, and lives are too cluttered as well as therefore He had the authority to those who do hear and pro to give His disciples power. He duce. Every evangelist has to told where and what their mis recognize that not all his labors sion was to be. Their field of produce fruit. Modern tech operation was the world. They niques of communications make were to teach for conversion sym it easier to sow the gospel mes bolized by baptism. They were sage, or put in more modern to teach obedience to His com terms, broadcast the Gospel and mandments. They were to give a put it"on line," hoping that some witness and to be witnesses be of it will fall on good ground and ginning where they were. yield fruit. The word "witness" is used The parable of the sower as both a noun and a verb. The takes on more meaning if one disciples were witnesses because views it from the point of the they had seen. The word also is sower. A good farmer selects used as a statement of truth. where he sows seed. He does not John was sent by God to bear scatter it on the highway. If the witness in preparation for rev ground is hardpan, he plows and elation in Christ.Paul called upon disks. If soil is rocky he picks up God as his witness. The Greek the stones. If there are thorns he word for witness is martus; thus removes them. The sower never the word "martyr" was applied forgets that growth is from God, to those who gave their lives as a but preparation, cultivation and witness to Christ. harvest is man's responsibility. Jesus taught evangelism through such figures of speech The Testimony from History as the metaphor, simile, and hy Christian Evangelism began perbole imbedded in parables. with those who had grown up in Matthew, Mark and Luke e the teachings of the Old Testa record the parable of the sower. ment and were gathered in a Sometimes this is referred to as celebration ofPentecost. Though the parable ofsoils, for this is the they came from all parts of the Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 81

known world, the Holy Spirit ied. When the Protestant Refor gave them understanding. The mation came in the 16'^ and Gospel spread through the centuries, there was seed avail preaching of the Word as some able in the Scriptures which pro three thousand were added fol duced an abundant harvest. It lowing Peter's witness. The Gos was from the reading of Scrip pel spread as the church ap ture that Seventh Day Baptists pointed the first from had their beginnings. the laity. Philip was able to in Evangelism among Seventh terpret the teaching of Isaiah as day Baptists in early America being fulfilled in Christ. One of was largely by colonization. As the greatest evangelists was Paul, families migrated, they estab who was converted from an op lished churches. In 1802 a Gen ponent ofChristianity to its great eral Conference was organized est supporter whose training was to send missionaries to these scat able to bridge the gap between tered churches. The 1820s saw the Jews and the Gentiles. the beginnings of organized so Often we think of Paul an cieties within the local churches itinerant missionary preaching and the Conference. The print from city to city, but his greatest ing ministry of tracts and peri impact upon Christianity was his odicals was targeted largely to writings. If he had not written the promotion of the Sabbath letters to the churches and fel among other Christians. Some of low Christians, how impover this led to the adoption of the ished we would be. Similarly, Sabbath by those who included the very life and teachings of this in the teachings of Advent- Christ and the early church might ism. Aside from the sending of have been lost had not Matthew, missionaries to China and the Mark,Luke and John put the pen Jewish people, most of the mis to paper. Luke prefaced his writ sions were in response to re ings by expressing to Theophilus quests for assistance. that he had investigated every thing from the beginning"so that A Faith for Today you may know the certainty of One definition of an evan the things you have been taught" gelical is "emphasizing salvation (Luke 1:3-4, NIV). by faith in the atoning death of The Dark Ages, in spite of Jesus Christ through personal its name, proved to be a time of conversation,the authority ofthe germination. The writings of Scriptures and the importance both the Old and New Testa of preaching as contrasted to ment were translated and cop ritual." However, Seventh Day 82 Evangelism

Baptists are evangelicals with a at that dealership were driving a special emphasis on the author car made by another company, I ity of the Scriptures in teaching would be hesitant to buy from the observance of all that has that dealer. If I were hiring a tax been commanded. consultant, I would expect him Evangelism is a form of to be familiar with the tax code. salesmanship. Many of the prin Similarly, an evangelist should ciples that make a good sales "practice what he preaches" and person can be applied to evange be familiar with God's code given lism. in the Scriptures. First, a good sales person Thirdly,there is nothing like must begin with a good product satisfied customers to clinch a that meets a real need.The prod sale. I have observed in one city uct that the evangelical promotes a large turnover in some restau is salvation by faith in the aton rants, while others have been in ing death of Christ. There is no business for years. The differ question concerning the need of ence is often the presence of salvation for all of mankind. It is satisfied customers who know for this purpose that Christ came they can get a good meal at a into the world. One does not reasonable price. When people have to look far to see the need. are well fed in a place that makes Seven± Day Baptists believe that people feel welcome, you can a part of God's plan for man is find satisfied customers who re the need for consecrated rest as turn again and again. a weekly reminder of God as the Fourth, a good sales orga Supreme Creator and should not nization must have readily avail be replaced by a substitute or able service with personnel who counterfeit. When God blessed can meet the needs of its cus the Sabbath, He put His trade tomers. The apostles recognized mark on it. No matter how much this need by appointing deacons man has attempted to replace it to meet the needs of the people with a substitute, no other day so that they could spend their has that God-given blessing or time in preaching the gospel. command to remember it. But at least two ofthem (Stephen Secondly, a good sales per and Philip) went way beyond son must personally be familiar "serving tables." with his product and able to ar Fifth, there is the need to ticulate clearly its operation from identify a target area for concen his own experience. If I were tration of resources. The shot buying a new car and noticed gun approach has its value in that most of the people working gaining name recognition, but it Seventh Day Baptist Beliefs 83

is essential that a salesperson for one better adapted to the end concentrate on those who are desired." With the new methods the likely prospects who will ac ofcommunication now available cept his product. Jesus told his and the mobility of people,some disciples to go into the whole of the traditional evangelistic world, and this is still the ulti methods are no longer as effec mate objective. But he also told tive as in the past. Changes can his disciples to begin where they be made without violation to the were and then spread out. Paul essential message. began with people in the syna gogue who were already famil Questions for Discussion iar with the prophecies that were 1. How does the Great Com fulfilled in Christ. His entrance mission relate to your into Europe was at the invitation church covenant and ofone who said,"Come over into practice? Macedonia and help us" (Acts 2. With the wide use of the 16:9, NIV). In Athens, Paul ap Internet, it is now possible pealed to people who were curi to literally witness to the ous about new ideas, and Paul whole world. What are turned this interest into a proc some ways Seventh Day lamation of the Gospel. Yet it Baptists are now using the was in Corinth that he shook his Internet to sow seed. raiment and declared, "Hence 3. Should we have target areas forth I will go unto the Gentiles" to sow the seed of the (Acts 18:6). Gospel in order to reap Finally, a salesperson must greater harvest? If so, what have flexibility in approach with are some of these areas for out compromise to his product. you, your church and the In 1890 a successful business denomination? man, Henry Babcock, was presi dent of the General Conference. 4. Are you a good salesperson In his opening address,he stated, for the Gospel and our "when one line of policy is fol mission to the people with lowed for a fair length of time whom we have contact? and found to fail or to be at 5. In what ways can the Gen tended with less loss than gain, eral Conference and its or where the gain is not com agencies assist in making mensurate with the amount of our churches and its mem money and energy expended,the bers more effective evange line of policy should be changed lists? 84

Contributors Gabriel E,Bejjani is Director ofPastoral Services for the Seventh Day Baptist Council on Ministry. He served as pastor of the Riverside, California, Church (1984-1999).

Kenneth B.Burdick is pastor of the Seattle Area Church, Auburn, Washington, and a member of the General Conference Committee on Faith and Order.

Kevin J. Butler is Director of Communications for the American Sabbath Tract and Communication Council and editor of The Sabbath Recorder magazine. He and his family are members of the Milton, Wisconsin, Church. Andrew J. Camenga is Executive Director of the Seventh Day Baptist Board of Christian Education, and editor of The Helping Hand. He served as pastor of the Adams Center, New York, Church (1995-1999).

Kenneth D. Chroniger is the pastor of the Alfred Station, New York, Church and is president of the Seventh Day Baptist Board of Christian Education.

Eric Davis is interim pastor of the Riverside, California, Church, where he has served as Associate Pastor since 1995.

Ronald J. Elston, Sr., is National Extension Minister for the Seventh Day Baptist Missionary Society and pastor of the Faith Church, Doniphan, Missouri.

Scott Hausrath is pastor of the Foothill Community Church—a Seventh Day Baptist Congregation—located in Montrose, California.

Mark Kandel is chairman of the diaconate and a member of the Alfred Station, New York, Church. 85

JoAnne Kandel is a member, deaconess, and licentiate of the Alfred Station, New York, Church. She and her husband Mark live in Chaffee, New York. Gordon P. Lawton is pastor of the Little Genesee, New York, Church and chairman of the Committee of the Seventh Day Baptist Board of Christian Education. He was a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Council on Ministry (1984-1999). Matthew G. Olson is pastor of the Berlin, New York, Church and chairman of the Youth Committee of the Seventh Day Baptist Board of Christian Education. Stephen Osborn is pastor of the Lost Creek, , Church. He has been serving with the Lost Creek Church since 1996, where he is a member with his wife Angie and children, Seth, Michaella and Gabrielle. Andrew Samuels is pastor of the Miami, Florida, Church, where he has served since 1988. He is a member of the Ameri can Sabbath Tract and Communication Council. Don A. Sanford is historian for the Seventh Day Baptist Histori cal Society. He is the author of many books: Conscience Taken Captive, A Choosing People: The History of Seventh Day Baptists and Greater Than Its Parts. Janet Thorngate is a member and Sabbath School teacher of the Salem, West Virginia, Church. She also teaches English at Salem-Teikyo University and is chairman of the General Conference Committee on Faith and Order. Janet was librarian for the Seventh Day Baptist Historical Society (1982-1992). 86

Next Quarter's Lessons

Good News of Jesus (The Gospel of Luke)

Unit I — A Savior is Born

1. Preparing the Way (Luke 1:5-25; 3:2-3, 7-18) December 2 2. Responding to God (Luke 1:26-38) December 9 3. Praising CJod (Luke 1:39-55) December 16 4. A Savior is Bom (Luke 2:4-20) December 23 5. Presented in the Temple (Luke 2:25-38) December 30

Unit II — Mission and Ministry

6. Jesus in Nazareth (Luke 4:16-26, 28-30) January 6 7. The Cost of Discipleship (Luke 9:57-62; 14:25-33) January 13 8. Lost and Found (Luke 15:1-2,11-24) January 20 9. Threat of Riches (Luke 16:1-13) January 27

Unit III —Cross and Resurrection

10. Going to Jemsalem (Luke 18:31-34; 19:1-10) Febmary 3 11. One Who Serves (Luke 22:14-30) February 10 12. Dying on a Cross (Luke 23:33-49) Febmary 17 13. Witness to the Resurrection (Luke 24:33-49) Febmary 24

Scripmre quotations marked (NASB) are from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE © Copyright The Lockman Foundation, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977. Used with permission. >.Notes < > Notes < Ernest K. Bee. Jr.

'To know the Lord is the goal and experience, content and practice, of ourfaith."

"I believe the objectives of Christian Education are to understand our relationship with God, to teach the way to this relationship, and to prepare teaching leaders of our churches to know God and to be models and guides of the Christian way." These words begin a book written to Seventh Day Baptists to encourage us to invite, train, and encourage teaching leaders. It describes biblical keys and guides to knowing God. It presents a model for developing teaching leaders. If you want to increase leadership within your church, read this book. If you simply want a clearer picture of your call to know the Lord, read this book. The author is Ernest K. Bee Jr., who served the SDB Board of Christian Education as Executive Director for 15 years. He has worked with denominational agencies for more than 35 years. His graduate degrees were received from Alfred University (B.D., M.S.Ed.) and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (D.Min.).

To order, contact: Seventh Day Baptist Center P.O. Box 1678 Janesville, WI 53547-1678 (608) 752-5055

Cover photo: The pulpitfrom the Newport, R.I., SDB Church, ourfirst congregation on American soil,formed in 1671.