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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 11 SEPTEMBER, 1931. 5937 Re EDWIN TINSLEY, Deceased. •writing, of their claims and demands to the under- signed', the Solicitors for the eaid executor/t>n Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925. or before the 17th day of November, .1931, after LL persons having claims against the _ estate which date the said executor will proceed to A of Edwin Tinsley, late of 1, Lloyd Street, distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst Droylsden, in the county of Lancaster, deceased, the persons entitled thereto, having regard only who died on the 7th day of June, 1931, and whose to the claims and demands of which it shall then will was proved in the Principal Probate Registr,- have had notice; and will not be liable for the on the 7th September, 1931, by Gladys Taylor an< assets of the deceased, or any part thereof, so Charles Albert Jackson, the executors therein distributed, to any persons of whose claims or named, are required to send particulars thereof, demands it shall not then have had notice.— in writing, to us, the undersigned, on or before Dated this seventh day of September, 1931. the 14th day of November, 1931, after which date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets, PARK NELSON and CO., 11, Essex Street, having regard only to the claims of which they Strand, W.C. 2, Solicitors to the said shall then have had notice.—Dated this 10th day (]69) Executor. of September, 1931. HIBBERT and POWNALL, 127, Old Street Ashton-under-Lyne, .Solicitors for the said (191) Executors. URIAS EPHRAIM BAYER, Deceased. Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925. LL persons having any claims against the l A estate of Urias Ephraim Sayer, late of 53, Re LOUISA CARTER Deceased, late of 93, Park- Junction Road, Norwich, Grocer (retired), who stone Road, Poole, Dorset, formerly of died on August 22nd, 1930, and whose will was " Kirkella," Parkstone Road, " Penhale," proved in the Norwich District Probate Registry Parkstone Road, Poole, " Torvaine," Park- on February 10th, 1933, by Laura Elizabeth Sayer stone, and " St. Winifreds," Commercial Road, and Louis Austin Culling, the executors therein Parkstone, Dorset, Widow. named, are required to send particulars thereof, The Trustee Act, 1925. in writing, to the undersigned, on or before OTICE is hereby given that creditors and November llth, 1931, after which date-the execu- N others having claims against the estate of tors will distribute the assets, having regard only the above deceased should give notice thereof, in to the claims of which they shall then have had writing, to the undersigned, who is the Solicitor notice. to William Hatton Budge, .of Poole 'aforesaid, the S. GARERD HILL and SON, Opie Street, sole executor of the will of the said Louisa Carter, (127) Norwich, Solicitors to the said Executors. within two months from the date hereof, after which time the said executor intends to distribute the estate of the said Louisa Carter among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received by the ELLA MARGARET BEEOHING, Deceased, said executor or his Solicitor.—Dated this llth Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925. day of September, 1931. LL persons having any claim against the J. W. MILLER, Equity Chambers, Poole, I estate of Miss Ella Margaret Beeching, late (192) Solicitor for the said Executor. of St. Clair, The Strand, Ryde, Isle of Wight (who died on 4th July, 1931, and whose will was proved in the Principal Registry on 24th August, 1931, by Lloyds Bank Limited, the sole execu- Re JOAN ELIZABETH BRADLEY, Deceased. tor therein named), are hereby required to send particulars thereof to the Trustee Department, Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1926. Lloyds Bank Limited, 39, Threadneedle Street, OTICE is hereby given tfliat all creditors and London, E.G. 2. or to the undersigned, on or N other persons having any claims against the before the llth November, 1931, after which date estate of Joan Elizabeth Bradley, late of 6, Hulme the executor will proceed to distribute the said Place, The Crescent, Salford, in the county of estate, having regard only to the claims then Lancaster, deceased (who died on the 26th day of notified.—Dated the day of September, 1931. March, 1931, and letters of administration of STONE SIMPSON and HANSON, 23, Church whose estate were granted by the Manchester Dis- Road, Tunbridge Wells, Solicitors for the trict Probate Registry on the 1st September, 1931, (0215) said Executor. to Ernest Bradley and Jessie Mindella Dresch- field, the administrators of the said estate), are hereby required to send written particulars thereof to the undersigned before the llth day of Novem- ber next, after which date the. said administrators HENRY EDWARD PIERCE, Deceased. will proceed to distribute the assets of the said ' Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925. deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they LL creditors and other persons having claims shall then have had notice.—Dated this 7th Sep- A agains1 t the estate of Henry Edward tember, 1931. Pierce,' lately residing and carrying on business at 27, Featherstone Street, City Road, London, LAWSQN COPPOCK and HART, 18, Tib E.G. 1 (who died on the 23rd day of June, 1931), Lane, Cross Street, Manchester, Solicitors are required to send particulars to us, on or (047) for the Administrators. before the 23rd day of November, 1931, after which date the executors will distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims then received.— Dated this 7th day of September, 1931. Re the Estate of ANNIE MARIA ALLEN, COLE and MATTHEWS. 35, Norfolk Street, Deceased. Strand, W.C. 2, Solicitors for the Execu- Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925, (157) tors. section twenty-seven. OTICE is hereby given that all creditors and N other persons having any claims or demands JOHN HOLLAND, Deceased. against the estate of Annie Maria Allen, late of 14, Albany Road, Bex(hill-on-Sea, in the county of Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925. Sussex, Widow, who died on the 14th day of June. OTICE is hereby given that all creditors and 1931, and whose will was proved at the Principal N other' persons having any debts, claims or Probate Registry on the 1st day of September, demands against the estate of John Holland, late 1931, by Westminster Bank Limited, whose regis- of Lavender Cottages, Bath Road, Hounslow, in tered office is at No. 41, Lothbury, in the city the county of Middlesex, Market Gardener, who of London, the executor named in the -said will, died on the 12th day of July 1931, and whose will are hereby required to send tfae particulars, in was proved in the Principal Probate Registry of.