International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences 1: 11-13 (2007) 11

Nutrition Contents of the Some Wild Edible in Central Black Sea Region of

Tuğba Bayrak ÖZBUCAK Öznur ERGEN AKÇİN Sevda YALÇIN [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

University of Ordu, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology Perşembe-Ordu, TURKEY Received : 26 May 2006 Accepted : 01 July 2006 Abstract:

The Central Black Sea region is in the northern part of Turkey. This region has a rich diversity. This study was car- ried out to determine the food values of some edible plants (Amaranthus retroflexus, Heracleum platytaenium, Ornithogalum sigmoideum, Chenopodium album, Cichorium intybus, Epi lobium angustifolium, Malva sylvestr is, Oxalis acetos ella, Plan- tago media, cognatum and Smilax excelsa ) . The plants were collected in Ordu in 2004. The dry matter, nitro- gen, phosphorus and protein contents were investigated in the studied plants. Dry matter contents were the highest in the stem of H. platytaenium. While the richest nitrogen and protein contents were the leaves of P. cognatum, the lowest contents were found in the stem of P. media. Although the maximum concentration of phosphorus was determined in the leaves of A. retroflexus, the lowest phosphorus concentration was found in the leaves of P. media.

Key Words: Nourishment plants, Regional wild plants, Central Black Sea. INTRODUCTION The green leaves of the plant are consumed as vegetables by people [8,9]. The Black Sea region is situated at the junction of Irano- Chenopodium album L. (Chenopodiaceae) : It is an Turanian and Euro-Siberian phytogeographic regions. These glabrous, mealy or glandular herb. This species is 15-100 regions have their own endemic species and natural ecosys- cm of height. Its local name is ‘‘Hoşkıran’’. It occurs in the tems. Therefore, the region has a great diversity of wild moisture places and the corn fields. The green leaves of the plants. In some studies it has been reported that many wild plant are consumed as vegetables by people. Chenopodium plants have been used as food in Turkey, especially in the album is used as medical plant, as well [8, 9]. Black Sea Region [1,2,3,4]. Cichorium intybus L. (Asteraceae): It is a perennial Plants have been used as the source of food since the herbaceous plant which has a height of 20-120 cm. human existed. Cultivated plants are widely used today Cichorium intybus is known as ‘‘Yılan Yastığı, Dana Ayağı, although edible plants have the significant medical and the Hindiba and Nivik’’ in Turkey. It occurs in the garbage dump, other economical properties (i. e. as a food source). It is the cultivated lands and the meadows. The fresh leaves of known that the plants which are consumed in the world plant are consumed as salad. The plant is also used as a today are mostly cultivated plants and the consumption of medical plant [8, 9] . local wild edible plants are restricted comparatively. Edible Epilobium angustifolium L. (Onagraceae) : It is a per- plants may have different uses in different areas of the same ennial herbaceous plant which is 50-250 cm. of height. It has country. Additionally, people use them for some medicinal red or white flowers. Its local name is ‘‘Yakı otu’’. It is purposes due to economical and geographical reasons [4]. widely spread around the wetland places and the marshes. Plants have been used as food, dye, ornamental and me- The roots of plant are used medically [ 8, 9] . dicinal purposes by people since ancient times. Williams Heracleum platytaenium Boiss. (Umbelliferae) : It is a emphasized the need to preserve new plant resources to perennial herbaceous and monocarpic endemic plant. This broaden the biological diversity in human nutrition [5]. species is 100-200 cm. of height and it has white flowers. Many local wild plants have been used as salad and vegeta- Its local name is ‘‘Yavşan otu ’’. It occurs in the mixed ble dishes in Turkish cuisine [6]. Wild plant species provide forest, the rocky slopes, and the stream sides. The stem of minerals, fibre, vitamins and essential fatty acids and en- plant is consumed as pickle [10, 11] . hance taste and colour in diets [7]. Malva sylvestris L. (Malvaceae) : This is a plant whose The aim of this study was to investigate some nutritional purple flowers are perennial to biennial. Malva sylvestris is value of some edible wild plants [A. retrofle xus L. known as ‘‘Ebegümeci’’. It spreads in the scrubs and the (Amaranthaceae), H. platytaenium Boiss. (Umbelliferae), O. fields. The leaves of the plant are consumed as vegetables sigmoideum Freyn and Sint. (Liliaceae), C. album L. and used as a medical plant by people [ 8, 9]. (Chenopodiaceae),C.intybus L. (Asteraceae), E . Ornithogalum sigmoideum Freyn and Sint., (Liliaceae) Angustifolium L. (Onagraceae), M. sylvestris L. : It is a bulbous plant. Its regional names are ‘‘Sakarca and (Malvaceae), O. acetos ella L. (Oxalidaceae), P. media L. Çökülce’’. It occurs in the fallow fields and meadows. The (Plantaginaceae), P. cogna tum Meissn. (), S. leaves and bulbs of fresh plants are consumed as vegetables excelsa L. (Liliaceae)]. Some of the botanical properties of [ 8, 9]. plants which occur in Central Black Sea Region are given Oxalis acetosella L. (Oxalidaceae): It is a perennial herb below; which has scaly rhizomes. Its local name is ‘‘Ekşi yonca ’’. Amaranthus retroflexus L. (Amaranthaceae): It is an It is usually widespread in the forest clearings. The fresh annual herbaceous plant which has a height of 15-100 cm. leaves of the plant are consumed as salad and the dried Its local name is ‘‘Kırmızı Köklü Tilki Kuyruğu’’. It is leaves are consumed as tea and a medical plant. [8, 9]. widespread around the roadsides and the cultivated lands. 12 T. Bayrak Özbucak et al / IJNES 1: 11-13 (2007)

Plantago media L. (Plantaginaceae): It is a perennial and the stem of plant are consumed as vegetables. The dried herb which is 100-200 cm. of height. Its local names are plant is used as a medical plant[8, 9,11]. ‘‘Kuzukulağı and Labada ’’. It occurs in the montane slopes, Smilax excelsa L. (Liliaceae): It is a climbing scrub up the steppe and the roadsides. The leaves and the fresh stem to 20m. It is known as ‘‘Melocan, Melvocan, Silcan, Diken of the plant are consumed when they are raw and they can otu, Mamula (Rize), Melevcen, Sıraca (Mersin), Kırçan and also be cooked. The plant is used as a medical plant as well. Çıtırgı’’ in Turkey. It occurs in the deciduous forests, the [ 8, 9,11]. scrubs and the roadsides. The shoots of the plant are con- Polygonum cognatum Meissn. (Polygonaceae) : It is a sumed as vegetables and it is known as a medical and eco- perennial herb with a slender woody stock. Its regional name nomic plant, as well. [ 8, 9, 11] is ‘‘Madımak ’’. It is widespread in the roadsides, the slopes, the cliffs and the cultivated lands. The fresh leaves Table 1. Edible parts of plants.

Plant Edible part MATERIALS AND METHODS Leaf The plant specimens were collected in the vicinity of A. retroflexus C. album Leaf Ordu. The city is situated in the northern part of Turkey ( C. intybus Leaf, Stem 37º10 E, 41º22 N). Eleven wild plants were investigated in E. angustifolium Root this study. The studied plants were collected from the late H. platytaenium Stem winter to spring in 2004. Taxonomic nomenclature followed M. sylvestris Leaf Flora of Turkey [12]. Plants were separated as the edible and O. sigmoideum Leaf, Bulb the discarded parts (Table 1).The plant parts were dried at O. acetosella Leaf 70°C until the constant weight was provided and then they P. media Leaf, Stem were milled. Nitrogen and phosphorus in the plant samples P. cognatum Leaf,Stem were determined by standard methods [13]. Protein contents S. excelsa Shoot of the plant species were determined by multiplying N con- tents by a coefficient of 6.25 [14]. DISCUSSION RESULTS The nutrient content and the moisture vary with topog- The dry matter %, N %, P % and Protein % values are raphic position within an ecosystem [16]. Sympatric plant given in Table 2. The nitrogen concentration was extended species take the mineral elements in different a concentra- from 1.1-4.2 (2.77±0.284), while the phosphorus concentra- tion and accumulate them in various tissues, mainly in the tion was extended from 0.006-0.16 (0.048±0.011). The leaf tissue [17]. Macroelement concentrations of the leaves highest N % concentration was observed in the leaves of P. (particularly N) are closely related to the photosynthetic cognatum and the lowest N % concentration was found in capacity [18]. the stem of The leaves of A. retroflex us had the Generally, nitrogen contents of the plants vary according highest P % concentration and the shoots of S. excelsa had a to the different factors. The most common factors are tem- lowest P% concentration. The protein values are followed perature and light intensity [19]. High N% concentrations the similar trend with N% values. Therefore, the highest were found in the present study because the cultivated lands protein value was determined in the leaves of P. cognatum, cover a great part of the study area. According to Table 2, the lowest protein value was found in the stem of P. media. P% concentration was found rather low. The low P% con- The dry matter values are extended from 7.17-21.38 centration may be reflected to low soil P% levels. (17.60 ±1.79). The highest dry matter was found in the stem As a result of the developments in agricultural tech- of H. platytaenium and the lowest dry matter was found in niques and marketing facilities, using of wild edible plants the leaves of O. sigmoideum. was remarkably decreased [20]. However, many of wild A. r etroflexus, H. platytaenium and O. sigmoideum are plants are nutritionally important because of their high used as vegetables, others are used as both vegetables and vitamin, mineral and fiber contents and they can be used as medical plants[15]. food and will be used alternatively for the poverty problem [21]. Therefore, it is important to determine nutrition con- tents of wild edible plants and to use them as food.

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Table 2. %N, P, dry matter concentrations of plants.

Plant %N %P %Protein (%)Dry matter A. retroflexus (Leaf) 3.4 0.16 21.38 6.8 C. album ( Leaf) 4.2 0.10 26.42 3.7 C. intybus (Stem) 1.3 0.01 8.43 19.9 C. intybus ( Leaf) 2.5 0.03 16.17 4.3 E. angustifolium (Root) 1.9 0.06 12.21 14.8 H. platytaenium ( Stem) 3.2 0.02 20.58 23.8 M. sylvestris ( Leaf ) 3.5 0.06 22.33 23.1 O. sigmoideum ( Leaf ) 3.4 0.04 21.73 2.1 O. sigmoideum ( Bulb ) 2.1 0.05 13.1 8 O. acetosella ( Leaf ) 3.93 0.10 24.56 6.1 P. media ( Stem ) 1.1 0.02 7.17 10.7 P. media ( Leaf ) 2.2 0.009 14.10 2.4 P. cognatum ( Leaf ) 4.4 0.05 28.03 2.7 P. cognatum ( Stem ) 3.29 0.01 20.56 12.3 S. excelsa (Shoot) 1.16 0,006 7.28 15.2 Mean ± SE 2.77± 0.048± 17.60± 10.35± 0.284 0.011 1.79 1.94

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