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Fall 12-10-1942 Maine Campus December 10 1942 Maine Campus Staff

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Vol. XLIV Z 265 Orono, Maine, December 10, 1942 Number 8 Student Leaders Launch 'Elizabeth Clough Realistic Hauck Optimistic About Second Drive Next Week As Maine Masque Stages Stamp Success With Green Cast Term; Normal Program Planned • Voluntary Pledge Cards Will Be By 1,01-g, Beare.. sell, as Abby Brewster, made almost an equally good impression and was College Approves Army Institute Plan; Distributed In Campus-Wide Campaign The 2slaine Masque Theatre has particularly noteworthy in her war made a good start for the 1942-43 sea- appeal at the end of the second act. Happy New Year; Students May Receive Semester's Credit The student body of the University not afford to, no one is going to force son with its production of "Arsenic deWever in Natural Part will be given their greatest chance to him to do so. "Of course there will be a second semester," declared President and Old Lace." With a play so uni- Pat deWever as Elaine Harper was Be Back Jan. 7 participate whole-hcartedly in the war Committees Appointed Arthur A. Hauck today in answer to the question, "What about a formly good, it is almost out of place a natural in the part and did her bit effort, as a campus-wide war stamp The committee which has arranged Due to the proximity of the spring term?" to mention any insignificant details toward introducing sex appeal into campaign gets underway next week. the stamp campaign includes: Bertis projected issue of next week to "It is not anticipated," he said, "that the University's present which might be criticized. the play. It gave plenty of life to the The program will start in the form of Pratt, Frances Sheehy, Frances Dono- the Christmas vacation, the war training courses or any war programs which may be added It was hardly expected that such play. Laurence Hadley as Mortimer a pledge campaign, and each and every van, Mary Fogler, Alfred Hutchinson, Maine Campus Board has de- will interfere materially with conducting the University program an inexperienced cast could work into Brewster put in a splendid perfor- college student will be asked to sign Wilbert O'Neill, and Talbot Crane. cided to forego the pleasure of as planned for the entire academic year. such a smooth production. Only three, mance also. cards, pledging to buy war stamps each The other committees follow: publishing until Jan. 7th. Re- Pat deWever, Jim Haskell, and Web- Some of the character parts were "The University also is planning fore week. South Estabrooke, Alicia Coffin; member, then, there will be no ber Mason have had important parts also well done. Of course the original admission of freshmen for the next on academic credit, President Hauck The pledges are to be made volun- North Estabrooke, Muriel Medina; issue of the Campus next week, in previous Masque productions. New York production was made for academic year and expects to continue stated that students who are called tarily, but it is expected that machinery Salentine, Barbara Stearns and Ro- inexperienced but we'll be back with renewed Again it is found that Boris Karloff, and for that reason it offering courses which useful into War Service between December to collect the amounts promised will be berta Dow; Colvin, Joan Potter; vim and vigor the first week in will be actors do a better job than Masque is hard for anyone else to do the part to the student and to the nation during 18 and January 22 will receive credit set up soon. Every pledger will take Elms, Priscilla Loring and Ellen Lou- prin- January. veterans would do. And so the with the same degree of effectiveness. the war and in time of peace. for the semester's work based on their upon himself the responsibility of buy- gee; Off-Campus Women, Joan Man- The Christmas recess starts cipal credit goes to Herschel Bricker The same difficulty came up in "The records at the time of withdrawal. ing the amount of stamps he has prom- well. Each of these will appoint her at 11:30 a.m., Friday, Dec. 18, "It is difficult at this time to make a for his excellent stage direction. Man Who Came To Dinner." Robert Records of students called before ised to buy, but an effort will be made own floor representatives. and classes reconvene at 8 a.m., reliable prediction as to the number Pleases Audience Wilkinson in this part certainly did December 18 will be evaluated by the to allow stamp sales in all of the fra- House Presidents Are Agents Monday, Dec 28. of students who will be enrolled next The audience really liked the play. better than anticipated. faculty of the college concerned and ternities and dormitories, within reach House representatives: Alpha Gam- Merry Christmas and a Hap- semester. Undoubtedly some men, not Some of the lines were not those the Committee on Administration. of all students. ma Rho, Richard F. Jones; Alpha Tau Shurtleff Amusing py New Year. in reserves and not deferred to con- which a housemother would approve Dr. Einstein, taken by Gene Desco- tinue their studies in fields where a Institute Plan Approved A Voluntary Campaign Omega, William Brown; Beta Theta • of, perhaps, but the audience certainly team also deserves praise, and mention personnel shortage exists, will be in- In order that students may continue There will be no coercion in this Pi, Gordon B. Smith; Delta Tau Del- did. The play itself required no artis- should be made of John Shurtleff for ducted through Selective Service, college training while in military ser- campaign, directly or indirectly. It is ta, Marlowe S. Perkins; Kappa Sigma, tic taste for appreciation. An audi- his amusing characterization of Offi- Women students may be expected to vice, the faculty of the University has hoped, however, that everyone will Talbot H. Crane; Lambda Chi Alpha, ence likes a good down-to-earth melo- cer O'Hara. the drama-crazed Brook- carry on with their work as at present. voted to approve in principle the Army take advantage of this opportunity to Philip E. Johnson; Phi Eta Kappa, Rushing Later drama, if there can be such a thing. As lyn cop. As to the future of the reservists, Institute Plan which provides corre- pledge financial aid to his country. John F. Whitten; Phi Gamma Delta, a matter of fact the play was one of The set, constructed by Lewis Chad- everything depends upon forthcoming spondence courses for men in the The purchase of a 25 cent stamp, or Richard Y. Chadwick; Phi Kappa Sig- the best which the Masque has pro- wick, lived up to all the publicity SemesteI decisions of the War and Navy De- armed forces, for which college credit even a 10 cent stamp, by each student ma, Bernard A. Etzel; Phi Mu Delta, Next duced in recent years. which it had previously been given in partments and the directives now be- will be given. in college will amount to a consider- Robert C. Worrick; Sigma Alpha Ep- The fraternity rushing period this The play started rather weakly, the Campus. It was well done and ing worked out by Manpower Corn- Students in service may also present able amount in the course of a semes- silon. Stanley F. Gilman; Sigma Chi, year will take place later in the second when, largely because there was too appeared in style. The lighting effects missioner Paul V. McNutt. for evaluation for credit the records ter. Sumner A. Claverie; Sigma Nu, John semester than in the past, it was de- much noise in the audience, the first were well co-ordinated, the action was "Students may rest assured that any of educational training or experience There are several points about the A. Enman, Jr.; Tau Epsilon Phi, Roy- cided at a meeting of the Interfrater- few lines were not clear. In a few quick and easy. The make-up given to announcement of government plans gained in service through work in pledge that should be kept in mind- al J. Deixel; Theta Chi, Richard W. nity Council Tuesday night. minutes, however, the audience was Boris Karloff was not quite effective concerning their future will be re- specialized technical schools, officers' (1) The pledge is not an order Henderson. rolling in the aisles. enough, however. No decision other than this was layed to them as soon as possible. candidate schools, instruction in for- for the purchase of stamps, but a West Oak: Montague Higgins, Hen- The first portrayal of notice was A backhanded criticism of the audi- made, and it was decided to make all Meanwhile speculation and rumors eign languages, and other sources ap- promise to buy a certain amount of ry Plate. Center Oak: Joseph Boyer, that of Elizabeth Clough as Martha ence is now in order. They did a rushing plans at a Council meeting must be discredited." proved by the Army Institute and the stamps at regular intervals through an George Stone. East Oak: Leon Hig- Brewster, one of the finest acting jobs very poor job of singing "The Star the first week of next semester. Clarifying the University's policy University. authorized agency. gins, Myron Peabody. North Ham- done on the Masque stage. Isabel An- Spangled Banner." Rushing ordinarily comes the first pledge is confidential. No lin: Ralph Abercrombie, Richard Hag- (2) The two weeks of the second semester, and the student who buys and the gett, Virgil Adams, John Stewart one but house quotas, according to the Con- officials will know how much Center Hamlin: Philip Brown, Rich- recording stitution by-laws, are required to be pledged. This informa- ard Dennison. South Hamlin: Clay- Embassy Speakers Outline anyone has in the hands of the Council four weeks be guarded. ton VanTassel, Richard Lutts, Leroy $500 Prize For Best Thesis On tion will before the start of rushing. It is pledge is voluntary. If a Noyes, Donald McCusker. North (3) The noted that this by-law may be revised Our Wartime Responsibilities not want to sign or can- Hall: Harold Rogers. person does Principles Of The Constitution by a two-thirds majority vote of the • While you're waiting to be called, Council, to shorten the period between • A prize of $500 will be awarded for the time when quotas must be in and prepare yourself spiritually and tech- the best thesis in support of the prin- the start of rushing. All Enlistments nically," said Chaplain John P. Fel- Glee Clubs and Orchestra Will Curtis-Wright ciples of the Constitution and the first Under no conditions will the period lows of the Bangor Air Base, one of ten amendments, it was announced re- Stopped On Dec. 5 start the first week of the second se- the five speakers in the round table To Train Women cently by the presidents of the Univer- mester. All matters concerning quo- Provide Music For Vespers on "Christian Responsibility" which sity of Vermont and Yale University, tas, exact time of rushing, etc., will be Allow Exception The Curtiss-Wright Corporation has opened the annual men's embassy combined glee clubs of the University of Maine, the Uni- and the chairman of the Faculty of decided at that meeting the first Tues- The announced a plan to pay 800 college For Names Recorded Tuesday. orchestra, and a brass quartet will provide the music for the Williams College. day of the second semester. versity women to attend engineering colleges annual Christmas Vespers which will be held next Sunday, Decem- The prize, established by the will of Some discussion of abbreviating the In accordance with the announce- Rev. Robert James, General Secre- tary of the University of New Hamp- ber 13, at 4:00 p.m. in Memorial Gymnasium. in order to meet the shortage of engi- the late Governor Percival Wood rushing period has been made, but the ment made on Saturday, December 5, neers in the aircraft industry. Clement of Rutland, Vermont, is open question will be referred to the respec- shire Christian Association, was chair- The Sunday morning service to be all enlistments in the college reserve to the students of the junior and sen- tive houses before action will be taken man of the discussion. Those taking held in the Little Theatre next Sun- To be eligible women students must Marine ior classes of many New England col- plans of the Army, Navy, and part were Rev. Roy L. Minich, Mal- day. December 13, will be a special Penny Carnival have completed two years of college by the Council. Corps have been closed, with the ex- den, Mass.; Chaplain John P. Fellows Christmas program. The sermon will leges, including the University of work including elementary college of Dow Field; Rev. John N. Feaster, be delivered by Dr. Frank T. Littorin Form of Maine. ception that students whose names To Be In mathematics, and be at least 18 years Bangor; Dr. Howard L. Runion; and from Waterville, Director of Chris- College Presidents Judges Elect Officers were recorded by the University on or old. Those chosen will be sent to one Bob Worrick. tian Education and Evangelism of the Air Raid Party The prize %sill be awarded by a before December 5, as applicants for of eight engineering colleges scattered "Peace," said the Rev. Mr. Feaster, Baptist Convention of Maine. board of judges. For Home Ec Club Penny Carnival, the only costume over the United States: Cornell, Iowa enlistment, may be enlisted in the ten- "must be prepared for during war or Special music for the service will Essays should not midnight stag dance of the year, will be on Fri- State, Universities of Minnesota and be over three At a recent meeting of the Home (lay period terminating at there will be no peace." We must include a violin duet by Lloyd Trecar- thousand words long, and competitors day night, December 11. The air raid Texas, Penn State, Purdue, North- Ec Club the following officers were 1)ccember 15. realize what kind of a world to ask for tin and Paul Petrin; and for the Offer- are advised to select some part of shelter theme of this year's party of- western or Rennselaer Polytechnic In- the elected: president, Phyllis White; vice Students who wish to complete their when the time comes. "Hate must tory, The Carol of the Russian Chil- entire field to which they may do ade- fers a wide variety of costume ideas. stitute. They will be called "Engi- president, Esther Pike; secretary- application for the Army Enlisted Re- not be allowed to get out of hand," he dren. Lo, A Rose E'er Blooming, by quate justice within this limit. Some students are planning to come in neering Cadettes" and will receive $10 treasurer, Ruth Stearns. set se Corps should make preparation said, "for if it does, the horrors of Praetorius, and Angels We Have a week in addition to having tuition, the costumes which they might have Each essay must be typewritten on Plans for a Salvage Drive were for the visit of Captain Walker of the the coming peace will be much greater Heard on High. board, and room paid for by the Com- been in when the air raid whistle blew, one side of 8'A by 11 inch Lefts, and made. For this drive boxes will be Recruiting Service who arrived on than this war. Victory with ven- pany. Selwood Directs while others will be dressed to repre- the sheets must not be foltled. The placed in all the dorms, the M.C.A. campus 'Wednesday, December 9, and geance means ultimate defeat." sent the people who might be in an study for two outside page should contain only the building, and Merrill Hall, and every- James Gordon Selwood will direct The Cadettes will who will stay as long as it is necessary We should take the opportunity of air raid shelter, such as policemen, air title, the date, and an assumed name, one is asked to contribute any old silk the glee clubs at the vespers, Professor semesters of five months each, at- to complete these impending enlist- this peace to solve some of the ills of raid wardens, nurses, ballet dancers, and each essay must be accompanied or rayon stockings and any scrap met- Adelbert Sprague will lead the con- tending classes thirty hours a week. ments. Students must have parents' democracy, Mr. Feaster continued. storekeepers, actors, factory workers. by a sealed envelope containing on its al. This drive is under the leadership gregational singing, and A. Stanley At the completion of the training they consent forms, the release from their England's India problem and our Ne- A prize will be offered for the most be assigned to Curtiss-Wright outside the title and assumed name of Louise Eastman and a salvage com- Cayting will direct the orchestra. Ac- will draft board, if the student is classified, gro problem must be dealt with. companists are C. Winfield Richmond, individual costume, and, in addition, plants with a salary between $130 and and within the real name, college and mittee made up of: Ethrlyn Brad- and a letter of permission from this Mary Lovely, and Stanley Murray. there will be a prize awarded to the $150 a month. Recruiting is under honie address of the writer, together street, Constance Carter, Natalie office. We Must Not Hate People group, fraternity or dormitory, with way in order to start the training in with a statement from the registrar Jones, Pauline Spears, Pauline Scree, The program follows: Immediate steps should be taken to "Education and clearer thinking are the largest percentage of members February. Women students who quali- that he is registered in the junior or and Helen Stacy. needed to make a pcace after the war," Prelude of carols, brass quartet; cho- obtain and complete these necessary present in costume. Bob Smith and fy and are interested should see Dean class leading to a bachelor's At the next meeting, Dec. 30, the said Dr. Runion. "We must learn to ral prelude, Break Forth, 0 Beaute- forms as this week will definitely be his orchestra will furnish the music. Edith G. Wilson within a few days. degree. new members will be presented. think not in terms of hate toward a ous Heavenly Light, Bach, by the glee the last and final opportunity for join- people as a whole but toward the ideas clubs and orchestra; carols: 0 Come ing the reserve program. that people hold." All Ye Faithful, 0 Little Town of T Students who have already made Bethlehem, by congregation, glee application to the Navy and Marine It is the duty of the churches to keep clubs, and orchestra. een-Agers To Register Here On December i6, 29 Corps and are waiting to be enlisted something of beauty and worth for the service to come back to, The Prophecy from Isaiah, by Wen- should consult with Mr. Brockvray's the men in said the Rev. Mr. Nfinich. dell Stickney ; Glory to God in the Students Who Register At Home Should Notify Registrar's Office At Once office for instructions. Highest, Pergolesi, O'er the Cradle of "We have a responsibility in the the King, French Carol, Carol of the Registration of students for the Se- minutes is required for the registra- l'ointing out that the 18-year-old 1V1sen the local board has cards for world at war to live up to our code of Roses. Koontz, by the glee clubs; The lective Service will be held in the tion procedure. men who register next month are li- two or more registrants born on the •the Christian way of life," said Bob Angelus, Massanet, by the orchestra. Little Theatre on Wednesday, Decem- The schedule is as follows: able for military service under the same date, such cards shall be arranged Worrick. Speaking from the student ber 16, for those who were born on or December 16-Those who were born Selective Training and Service Act of in alphabetical order. Gala Brawl For viewpoint, he emphasized that now, The Story of Christmas after July 1, 1924, but not after Octo- on or after July 1, 1924, but not after 1940, as amended, National Headquar- 2. Serial numbers will be assigned more than ever, we need something to The Story of Christmas: Wendell ber 31, 1924. Those who were born Oct. 31, 1924. ters said that these registrants will be to the registrants so that the regis- New Year's Eve stand on. Stickney, narrator; The Friendly on or after November 1, 1924, but not December 29-Those who were born given their order numbers in the fol- trant whose card heads the list will be A New Year's Eve Brawl, Patriotism from the Heart Beasts, English Carol, by the glee after December 31, 1924, will be regis- on or after Nov. 1, 1924, but not after lowing manner: given Serial No. W-1. The registrant similar to the tramp party held A patriotism which is not forced clubs; Recitatives and Aria Rejoice tered in the Little Theatre on Tuesday, Dec. 31, 1924. 1. The local board will arrange the whose card is second from the top will Thanksgiving Eve, will be held but comes from the heart is another Greatly (The Messiah), Handel, by December 29. Roosevelt's Proclamation Registration Cards (Form 1) of reg- get Serial No. W-2, and so on through on Thursday, Dec. 31, at 8:00 Christian responsibility," Worrick Sylvia Smith; What Can This Mean!' Blanks which are to be filled out President Roosevelt's recent proc- istrants of the Sixth Registration in a the list. p.m., it has been announced. said. "Besides this we must appreci- Staley, The Slumber of the Infant Je- and brought to the Little Theatre at lamation ordering the registration pro- pile according to their respective dates 3. The registrant with Serial No. The program will be spon- ate and sympathize with the thoughts sus, Gevaert, by the glee clubs; Halle- the time indicated on the blank were vides that during the continuance of of birth so that the cards of regis- W-1 will be given the next available sored by the W.S.G.A. and the of the other fellow. Pacifists should lujah (The Messiah), Handel, by the mailed from the Registrar's office on the present war, "those who were born trants born on July 1, 1924, will be on order number in Isis local board fol- Student Senate. W.S.G.A. com- not be condemned, for this is still a glee clubs and orchestra. December 9. Please come to the Lit- on or after January I, 1925, shall be the top, the cards of registrants born lowing the last order number given to mittee members include Betty free country and one has a right to his The Procession of the Mastersingers, tle Theatre promptly at the time indi- registered on the day they attain the on July 2, 1924, will follow the cards a registrant who registered on June Price, Margaret Church, Alicia opinion." Wagner, by the orchestra; carols: cated. Any students of draft age who eighteenth anniversary of the day of of those born on July 1, 1924, the cards 30, 1942. Coffin. Betty Brackett, and Bar- "Bibles, Psalms, and New Testa- The First Noel, Silent Night, by the do not receive a bllnk are asked to their birth; provided, that if such an- of registrants born on July 3, 1924, will Classification of the 18- and 19-year- bara Stearns. ments are as important as ammuni- congregation, glee clubs, and orches- call at the Registrar's office for a niversary falls on a Sunday or legal follow the cards of those born on July olds who registered on last June 30, for further announce- tion," said Chaplain Fellows. "The tra; benediction carol, In the Bleak copy. Any students who intend to holiday, their registration shall take 2, 1924, and so on to the bottom of the 1942, will he completed before those Watch only answer to the threat of death is Mid-Winter, Hoist, by the glee clubs; register at home are asked to notify place on the day following that is not pile where the cards of those born on who register next month are classified, ments. postlude of carols, brass quartet. the office of their plan. About eight a Sunday or a legal holiday." December 31, 1924, will be located. it was stated. an adequate religious basis."

11 December io, 19142 The Maine Campus Page Two Scher Says: College Shake-up Due .. . ce Ali-I I .`iq to M MIMI< Realized Great Reports Yon Washington to the demands Billy Mitchell AC/P's lay flicittet That American colleges have failed to live up N. Shuster, presi- of the hour was recently charged by Dr. George Air Force this statement with some Significance of dent of Hunter College. He reinforces are twofold: to help solve our war part that he got for his far-sightedness was FOR TEEN ACERB- should provoke much thought on the By Martin Seller manpower problem and to gain ex- strong arguments which relief from his command and an ulti- WASHINGTON -(ACP) - Right perience for use in placement of dis- of the college student. Last Sunday, on the anniversary of mate court martial in 1925. now the lid is down tight on informa- abled veterans and industrial workers war has revealed a lack of any kind the perfidious Japanese attack on Pearl Plans tion concerning the Army's plan for Dr. Shuster said that the Warns of Jap after the war. catered to "any Harbor, the United States Navy re- sending drafted 'teen age men back to on a national scale. Educators have Nevertheless, though he was sus- and deaf per- of leadership leased to the public figures which 1-larris Tweed college. Officials and educators here Hard of hearing intellectual demands," he continued, pended from the Army for five years, major pool of number of fallaciously created revealed for the first time the extent say it soon will be spelled out in de- sons make up the However, he Billy Mitchell continued his campaign served desserts instead of solid courses." of the havoc visited upon the Pacific handicapped manpower. "and have for the recognition of aircraft's posi- Makes Ideal tail. blamed American youth themselves for fleet by the Japs. The most amazing certainty Many persons with defective vision defended the professors and tion in future warfare and for the However, it is a virtual students have looked thing about the event is that the Japa- who also could do effective work in impor- going unprepared in war. Often, he said, the establishment of a separate airforce. that all 18- and 19-year-olds nese did not follow up the very definite Four-Year Coat tant jobs. In one large plant, approxi- challenged "easy, journalistic theses." In 1926 he told us that Japanese are drafted-whether or not they're far ahead and advantage which they held at that time. to take mately 90 per cent of the positions there is a great seizure of the Philippines, Hawaii and college men-sill be eligible these reasons Dr. Shuster believes The Japanese Admiralty must have War Has Brought shall might be filled by persons who are For these Alaska was no impossibility and that tests to determine shether they education. A revision of college booted itself long and hard when they blind in one eye but have good vision shake-up due in United States they had plans at the time to do just Many Restrictions be assigned to colleges and universi- for both peacetime and found that they had destroyed or scientific in the other. curricula is necessary to prepare students that. Of course, so-called sensible ties for technical and soldier damaged half the dreadnought strength On Campus Styles important job, he said, is to "teach the young people could not see it, and the airplane training. wartime. The of the fleet, that a large number of of handicapped per- continued to be considered merely an By Frances Higgins They probably will be selected on the The survey understand his task." and destroyers had been sunk provision for to cruisers auxiliary of the Army and the Navy, basis of education, as well as for sons also included be devoted mainly to liber- or damaged, and that most of the air- on which the abili- women in indus- The first two years of college should rather than an arm of both offensive The coat is the basis "qualities of leadership, military study of the use of experiences of their craft at Pearl Harbor had been dis- is built. Essential for that-with proper al arts to give students a deep insight into the and defensive strength capable of de- coed's wardrobe ty and aptitude for more education." try. It was found advocated Dr. abled on the ground. The opportunity the classic topcoat to be worn for is unlikely the 'teen age plan training-they could perform the its institutions, and the problems of this war, ciding the outcome of battle. It country, presented at that time was one which, semesters to come is tailored perfec- the current "contract" of a majority of industrial and all spare moments, training for Mitchell always insisted that if the will resemble duties Shuster. By utilizing summers if followed up, might have smashed all tion. The typical topcoat has big pock- both the Army and time. Above all, Air Force was separated from the arrangement jobs. tasks can be carried on at the same our chances for offensive action in the generous lapels, and more often with some col- has specific war and the Navy and made a ets, Navy already have One ordnance plant already men and women only those Pacific for a long time. Army buttons or a however, colleges should teach young itself it would than not sports leather leges. Under the contract plan, hired women for 50 per cent of its From Invasion complete unit within learn in the armed services or in the Saved The fly-front. The beloved Harris tweed nten already in the services are as- work is high grade and things they will not be able to at the save us many heartaches later. jobs. Their Those critics who carped with its muted herringbone weave is for short periods of men. ability of the Royal Air Force to hold signed to colleges sometimes superior to that war industries. Navy for not releasing information established classic of classics. It • • • • edu- the superior hordes of German the of training, usually three months. contrary to those of the majority of must certainly bow their heads in off year coat. Camel Dr. Shuster's ideas are prove this point. is the ideal four It appears that 'teen age men will Speaking of women, the Civil Ser- interesting it was undoubtedly the planes goes far to At the same time, they do present an shame now, for Major hair coats in natural beige have always get longer periods of training of a is seeking Junior cational leaders. kept Some of the statements of vice Commission about. very fact that the information was correct for most every occasion, and intensive char- inter- side of the picture and are well worth thinking Alexander de Seversky in the Decem- been highly specialized Chemists and is particularly so closely guarded that saved us from they still are. four -Natalie Curtis ber issue of Esquire are worth quot- and acter. ested in co-eds who have had a possible invasion. The war has brought certain restric- -college plan, or what- ing. " there were two basic ideas The back-to years of college, sith 30 semester The full facts on this attack must manufacture. Among General Billy Mitchell kept tions on coat ever it may be called, is likely to hit hours of chemistry. Pay, $2,000 General Billy Mitchell turn on which following have made of his these regulations some of the , small arts colleges hard. The Army r written test. as Janu- insisting throughout the years Ily; no over in his grave. As early are included: no patch pockets, so there take over impassioned crusade. The first was and Navy will probably sought are Chemical Aids who ary, 1921, almost 22 years ago, this ones; no wool linings, so Also 7, 1941 .. . navies were hopelessly are stitched the physical facilities of many of of college, with December advocate of the superiority of that surface that butt, need only three years zealous from the skies there are linings of chamois them to train men in technical sub- Pay, to the people of vulnerable to attack 24 semester hours of chemistry. of blood around a date on the air power pointed out was into the coeds all-weather coat. Oil of war leaves little Americans have drawn a circle and that consequently sea power jects. The art $1800; no test. the United States that a battleship was (Continued on Page Four) it forever. On this, the first anni- (Continued on Page Four) room for other arts. research in synthetic calendar and vowed to remember match for concerted air attack. All Expanded inward to no for of Pearl Harbor, it is fitting that we turn silently FOOTNOTE ON WAR- rubber may double the demand versary in asking ourselves what is it exactly that we There is a manpower problem chemists during coming months. confront our own minds, Prep- treachery of Japan? Yes. ';crmany with tragic overtones. are remembering. Is it the murderous are reported under way for Texas A. & M. college has hit an Surely. Is that Minded Co-eds arations Is it the shameful state of our own unpreparation? est For You WAACY !professional military training of boys all-time record enrollment of 7,695. PEARL HARBOR" blood type, the person to notify in all? If that were all, the cry "REMEMBER but four, better look into the WAVES her r 11 and 15 years old. (ACP) con- For the benefit of many WAACY emergency, her religion. limited, and, in the end, empty meaning up for the nearest airplane case of an JOBS- would have but the offers a or sign military per- of mere ven- minded coeds, the Campos Dog tags are worn by all U. S. Office of Education is in all cries of mere vengeance-and in all acts spotter post!) The tained little test to help them make the big sonnel at all times. on a government commit- 1. What is retreat? represented geance. decision, or at least display their mili- 3. "Police up" is the army term for tee studying. job possibilities for the with as much shame 2. What is a dog tag? SHAVE December 7th is a day for us to remember tary knowledge! housekeeping. It means keeping your physically handicapped. It 3. What does "police up" signify? Consider the dreadful kernel of its meaning. Answer seven of the following ques- barracks so clean that your command- A recent survey showed that thou- HITLER as indignation. 4. What is the purpose of the fin- the shattering of our ships, the tions correctly and your rating is ing officer can run his inquisitive sands of jobs in arsenals, navy took the death of many Americans, W. A. A. C.? chair, the good; answer eight-you're excellent; ger around the bottom rung of a yards, and other government indus- Zs; of our planes-it took all this to make us recognize 5. What brick buildings at Fort SAVE destruction answer ten, and you're appointed Di- and find no dust. trial plants could be filled by the It took the sacrifice of American lives Des Moines were converted in- fact that this was our war. rector Hobby's aide! (If you rate 4. The Women's Army Auxiliary handicapped. Altogether, the sur- AMERICA that the war really began to barracks for auxiliaries? to make us realize, with tragic tardiness, Corps was organized to make avail- vey revealed 1,300 different kinds of 6. Why do \V. A. A. C.'s Drill? almost ten years ago. A sensational act able to the national defense, when of eork that might be done by such when Hitler took office 7. Can you buy an army "gig" a nation, abandon (and needed, the skills, knowledge, and persons. treachery was needed before we could, as at the P? WAR STAMPS self- trzoc-tztctvg special training of the women of the Objectives of the continuing study , some of us are still blind, or worse) our 8. Do W. A. A. C's wear ruffles only in part, for States. of the dictators. It took and flourishes on their olive United seeking, our lethargy, our half-admiration was. of ostriches gift drab underclothes? 5. At Fort Des Moines where blood to make men and women of us, instead was a row of spilled Suggestions 9. \Via) can join the W. A. A. C.? once a cavalry post, there T EMPO isolation. It took men lying twisted row of brick with our heads in the sands of 10. What British General recently brick stables, behind the from our petty internal purposes G and dead on a Pacific island to call us away addressed a W. A. A. C. Officer barracks. For conservation 0041 stables were converted into bar- fight, our interest in our own small individualities. Candidate class at its gradua- these 7th. It means that we acted tion ceremony? racks. That is the meaning of December 6. W. A. A. C.'s drill to enable the ii to come 1. Retreat, a ceremony held at late. It means that our country was forced Commander to move her conunand late, almost too Army Posts at five o'clock each after- matured from 1933 on, under from one place to another in an or- of age overnight when it should have noon, signifies the closing of routine If we remember Pearl derly manner, to provide a means, the bitter schoolmastering of Adolf Hitler. duties for the day. The bugler sounds remember through ceremonies, of enhancing the remember it with silent shame. And as we retreat, the cannon booms, and the Harbor, let us morale of troops, and giving interest- DO IT RIGHT IN 800TS be late again, that when we see band strikes up "The Star Spangled on* VASS it, let us resolve that we shall never ing spectacles to the public, to give reaching, BalIFICT." Oon't Miss out on the full fun of skiing because our and tyranny rising-and BOOTS the bloody hand of intolerance junior officers and non-commissioned skis eon'."do as c,i nil etir'. Wear BASS SKI dog tag is a small light, metal to contml your in its threat-we shall unite at 2. A officers practice in commanding troops, and be sure that the motions you make whatever distance, to include sill le Carri011 through properly. HASS 41 boots from oblong on which is stamped a and skis men and women have made and to attain habits of precision, ••,ery bature pm want and need: it off. In fifty centuries name, her serial number, ankle • Full leather once to cut W. A. A. C.'s to the leader's orders. (If %orlagi. viit • 1..1.1,1 hoattie 111.1 be yours, you response • %lint-a-round strap • A new one is now being made. It will the year she took her tetanus shots, lining • 111.1.0 1111.-h many worlds. you gave one of the above reasons 1.1,5'- ill,heel • stilt. pegg,1 leathur Attie. Finest as allable do you want? fit - Perfect comfort! men and women. What kind of a world your answer, count the question leathers • Waterproof • Perfect young for niMce -Clifton Fadiman FREE-Send earl ta looklm •hossine nriny correct.) and women's It Sc.'. Iti Ito fs, I; WEI:JUNS, 7. No. An Army "gig" is a de- II,,. favorite ;1,1 •nH•r ••,• • no a•• 412 N. Main St., Wilton, Maine. merit. \ MO SKIII4i , G. H. Bass & Or, 5 with you and +AM us_ Mean* hays Jan. Deadline 8. No. Ruffles are rolls on the drum ‘, MOM MIS \ UNCLE SAM COMES FIRST 1 om•einc• Irmth temporary detays and shortage, doe in nor `m,t, BaSSIDirts Campus On Scholarships as the bugle plays the flourishes in fat Maine rendering honors to a designated per- The i applications for son. i college year by the students of the Scholarship Published Thursdays during the at the fit woman citi- 1 University of Maine 1943-44 should be filed 9. Any physically office of the Director of Admis- zen, between the ages of 21-44 inclu- •DV.471•11.00 .1 than January 5. who has an excellent character, Member ...... 0 OOP 114•T10,14•1. sions not later sive, be ob- test, and National Advertising Service, Inc. Application forms may and can pass an intelligence Associated Collegiate Press Pabbsbers Represeluatirre tained at the offices of the deans an interview, is eligible to join the vows. H. v. PAJANIAS Distributor al 420M,laillOte AV& New of the various colleges. W. A. A. C. • 1.05 A•011.II • Su reaacesce i.,..y1 man-tailored Conc.* • 90110111 Schedule for the 10. Major-General jean Knox, Chief DitSest piping trim. Ideal for The Time Colle6ide pbright spring semester will be available of the British Auxiliary Territorial correspon• V lounging. 34-40. correspondence to the Business Manager, all other at the Registrar's office shortly Service, spoke to a graduating class at Alldr•ss all bustsies• on the third Boor. M.C.A. building. Telephone deem te else Idator-is•Chiet. Office 2.98-3.50 after the Christmas recess. Fort Des Moines, October 14, 1942. ma tension II. 50 cents per column inch. fl Sebeeriptioa: ft per year. Advertising rate: Printed at the -The Vermont Cynic Revered as second-class matter at the post office, Orono, Maine. BATIIROBES • LIel•ereity Piens, Orono. 100% wool flannel, fluffv quilt• Editordn-Chief chenille, luxurious satin WILBERT E. O'NEIL eel robes. Perfect for winter Business Manager RUSSELL S. BODWELL inights! 12-20. CORRESPONDENCE -8,95 to the public on pertinent sub- 7.98 (The correspondence columns of The Campus ore open EDITORIAL BOARD 5.98 All letters should be signed with the author's real Cotton Quilted Hobe, jects, and letters are welcomed. ideas Editor used lo publication of the letter if desired. The Sam Collins News lame, but a pen name will be be Martin Scher Associate Editor necessarily those of The Campus and should not j HOUSECOATS Started in these columns are sat part of any Natalie Curtis Society Editor ...... , the right to withheld any letter or • Donald (" ro‘sland J t .idc range-front practical ge considered. The editor Editor Dorothy Ouellette letter.) Managing 3,F seri-mm.4e- with wide sweeps Editor Women's News Editor r Will Johns .. Sports to sleek embroidered satin Once again there was a break-up Weston Evans .. Photographer Finds Stabilises Everywhere that make you feel like a but even when I was sent to fighter Ruth Troland, Dear Ed, YOUR TRAIN CAREFREE! EDITORS-Betty Brackett, Talbot Crane, princess. 12-44. school at Miami I met Bill Laliberte -AND TAKE CONTRIBUTING Higgins. I received my Cam/'us today and France, Nelson. Alicia Coffin, Frances who had been a constant companion at just phone Helen Clifford. thought perhaps you would like to Dcccit Aart for home cluttered up with luggage REPORTERS-Paul Smith, Bernard Marsh, 2.98-8.95 school. Bill was commissioned sever- STAR know how a Maine man can be found RAILWAY EXPRESS and we'll call for your trunks and bags, REPORTERS-Albert Barmby, Martha Cilley. BLousEs . . al months ahead of me and since has Lorraine Davis, long and wherever you go. to your home, and save you time and needless REPORTERS-Priscilla Hopkins, Bob Wilkinson, `4oft pastel crepes, left for parts unknown. At the mo- speed them CUB Hilda It's been a year since I left school on the train, too, Powell, Bob Wensley, Therese Dumais, Ishort mine$en, in tailored and no Maine men down worry. Gives you more room and comfort Elizabeth Sewall, Norman V and almost ment there are types. 'see the season's and joined Naval Aviation, of pick-up and delivery at no ectra charge Wing. here but I guess I'll meet them all to say nothing Thomas, Bud as quickly as I did I started meeting cities and riocipal WRITERS-Bob Krause, Francis Murphy, Norman hit-, Illi101,11 vionl flannel farther along the line within our regular vehide limits in all SPORTS former Buddies. While at New York Fogs. shirt it, high shades and pax. The past month I've been in the towns. Hale, Norman elimination base I met Art Teal who Ws. Ti, go with jumper, but I look forward to shoving Ex- was luckily placed in the same flight. hospital You can send "collect" too, when you UN RAILWAY BUSINESS STAFF skirt, slacks. A lovely gift! offi again. My next stop is the Pacific, at service. A. Gould, Jr. We made this training together but PRES3. Just phone for iifonnation Advertising Manager Ralph 30-46. but even out there I intend to look for Raymond D. Jones, fortune frowned and we were sent to Advertising Aqsist.ints the Maine "hello" and give those Black Hanson 1.98-3.98 different advanced bases. Art went Barbara Smiley, Ruth Bear wings a try. Higgins Mail order. filled to Jacksonville and I shoved off for SS Manager Barbara A. RAILWA XPRE Circulation Pensacola. At Pennsy I met Phil Sincerely. leers7.4 INC. Robert Anderson, Elinor Hodgkins, 1.. W. Godson .%(.1 Circulation Assistants The SYSTEM Co. Pierce whom a lot of the seniors will Ensign Marion Crocker, Elizabeth Furbish his doings around the Naval Air Station RANCOR remember for NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE SubsiriptIons Massager Marilyn Coy CRITIQUIL Miami, Florida Mary Limsell klitatZaiA30a2rai Subscriptions Assistant Dec•mber:io, i942 The Maine Campus Page Throe Trackmen Seek Class Honors; Basketeers Meet R. I. Rams Seniors Favored f••••••••••••••••• Sezak'sCage Squad Hoopster Forward Three League Cub Courtsters Veteran Center To Win Interclass : BEAR Meets 3 Teams Meet On Saturday Champions In • Ready For 1943 On N. E. Trip With the cinder paths of Memorial FACTS By Monty Higgins Armory still glowing after last Satur- Title Play-offs Game Schedule The University of Maine's basket- • day's track clash between the sopho- ball Black Bears will invade Kingston, •111111111111111111111•••■••••111 Interclass Faculty, Lambda Chi Coach Crowther mores and freshmen, the it. Will Johns Rhode Island, to open the season Meet this week should give Pale Blue And Phi Mu Meet Works With Star against Rhode Island State on Decem- fans just about all the cinder thrills The Nlame Black Bears will stalk ber 16. On the following day, De- they could ask for. Tonight In Volleyball far and wide this week before taking Frosh 1-loopsters cember 17, the team will travel to Storrs, Seniors on Top their annual Christmas hibernation, 117, Bert 11111 Connecticut, to play the Uni- and Pale Blue fans will have a variety versity of Connecticut. On Friday, It will be the seniors ruling the twenty-six The intramural volley ball season is in their athletic offerings. With a squad cut to December 18, the team will play favorite's throne this Saturday. The well under way with the winners of For a look at the entire personnel players after the first week of practice, Northeastern at Boston. four-year men have three straight vic- the three leagues known. All three of the freshman basketball team this of the Pale Blue indoor track squad Ready and Able tories under their belts and Dodge, the leagues enjoyed some fast competi- week greeted their new coach, George one needs only to journey as far as All of these teams, including Rhode Harding, Martinez, Hamm, Youlden, tion and the winners well deserve the W. Crowther, former star center at the Armory next Saturday when it Island, will have played two or three Crane, and company are aiming to credit they have received. Cornell and present assistant professor will be time for the annual inter- games by the time Maine hits them. complete their reign of glory over the of Agricultural Engineering. Old Men Take Title class meet. And judging things by However, Maine fans may rest as- annual All-Maine track show. Nine Since the first contest will not be The winner of the northern league the results of last week's meeting of sured that the Maine Varsity will firsts are predicted for the class of '43 played until after the Christmas vaca- was the Faculty team which was com- the freshmen and sophomores the really hit them. Although the team with plenty of seconds and thirds to tion, a definite first team has not yet posed of members of the faculty who cinders will be red-hot conic night- has been corning along rather slowly, substantiate their claims to champion- been named by Coach Crowther. The are more on the athletic side of things. fall with the seniors out to protect it is beginning to take shape. The ship. starting aggregation will probably be GENE HUSSEY LLOYD QUINT They were Crowther, Murphy, Wood- their title. The four-year men have team will probably be in as good fight- Cianehette Meets Dodge drawn from a group of about ten men bury, and Whitney. The teams that won three titles and stand a good ing trim as is to be desired by the time Bob Dodge and Bill Harding are the who have stood out during the first they had to overcome in order to be chalice again this year. they take on Rhode Island next Wed- senior favorites In the hammer with eligible for the finals were Kappa Sig- practice sessions. Track Toasts nesday. Clair Cianchette, outstanding freshman ma, Beta Theta Pi, Theta Chi, Sigma This outfit includes Ken Cosseboom, Looking u.k at last Saturday's The squad will leave for Rhode Is- weight star, given a better than even Nu, North Hall, Delta Tau Delta, and the former Brewer High luminary, at Juventa Bear Tracks track tangle between the first- and land on next Tuesday, December 15. break to beat those two out. Cian- Dorm B. forward, Dave Duplissea, a center second-year men, it was the frosh who probably be con- By Helen Clifford Fifteen men will go on the trip. The chette should have little difficulty in By Fran Murphy and Bob Krause On Central Time from M.C.I. who will really wanted to win. And they really to forward this year, Thurlow, games on this New England trip, taking the shot put, and sophomore Lambda Chi Alpha was the winner verted The Hockey Rally, climax of this basketball team opens won, too. alumnus, John Hussey, which is usually made after Christmas, Earl Vickery is the choice in the jave- The varsity of the central league which was com- a Lee Academy year's hockey season, will be held in Clair Cianchette started off his col- guard, and Nundi are always interesting, and advance lin. Dodge and Cianchette rule the its season against Frank Keaney's posed of Phi Eta Kappa, Sigma Chi, former Bangor High the Alumni Gym on Wednesday, De- legiate track career in the cham- Romano, an all New England guard information seems to indicate that this top-roosts for taking the discus throw. notable Rhode Island State aggrega- Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Gamma cember 16, at 7:00 p.m. At this time pionship trails left by Maine's great from Portland. Also in- year will be no exception. Leelair Picked for Two tion in Kingston on Dec. 16...four- Rho, East Oak, Dorm A, and the who hails the All-Maine Hockey Team for 1942 weightmen of yesteryear with a this company are Danforth Old Town's Applebee With Rams In the running attractions it will be teen players will make the journey Independent Students Organization. cluded in will be announced. Numerals, letters, clean sweep of the weight esents of Higgins Classical, Van Voorhis, a The Rhode Island squad has quite sophomore Joe Leclair running with with Coach Sezak ... This trip, which Their team was composed of Bail, chevrons, and one Maine Seal, highest and a new record in the hammer center or forward, Tuck, Schmidlin a few veterans left from last year's the lowest odds in the 45 yard high will see the Maine team play three Keniston, McKeen. Ford, Wheeler, women's athletic honor, will be awar- throw. The big Pittsfield boy may and Hatch, all guards. team. Their stellar guard, Cure, is hurdles and 70 yard lows. Senior Dick tough games on three successive Johnson, Long, Smith, and Hay. ded. Miss Rogers will show ski, ten- well be on his way to the fame of still going strong. Another of their Martinez should cross the finish line nights, is a tough, gruelling grind, Draft and Height nis, and hockey movies as a part of the Southern Title Seeker Maine's Olympic star, Don Favor. stars, Applebee, is front Old Town. first in the mile run, but Elmer Fol- but evidently is a condition which can't Coach Crowther, queried about the program. All women students are cor- Phi Mu Delta downed the Cabin The team has plenty of material up the sophomores and Jack be remedied this year, at least, be- The Stars Shine Bright effects of the new draft law, replied dially invited. som for Colony, West Oak, Phi Kappa Sigma, from its strong freshman team of last Dempsey for the yearlings will make cause of war transportation restric- Jack Dempsey is well along the cin- that it was rather early to say whether Beginning Phi Gamma Delta, Alpha Tau Omega, this week, the Archery year. As none of the teams that Maine Hamm is the tions. der tracks that lead to the halls of or not the law would be detrimental a close race for it. Phil and Tau Epsilon Phi to become the Club will hold shooting matches on will play next week have the freshman There was a noticeable lack of fe- Pale Blue track champions with his to the frost] team. Thursday at senior choice in the mile and a half winners of the southern league. Mem- 2:25. rule, the famous unknown quantity in male Frosh rooters at the Frosh-Soph wins in the mile and mile and a half Speaking of innovations in the game, with Dempsey again given a good bers of their team were Hussey, The commando routine of the men's the form of Rhode Island freshman track meet last Saturday afternoon, events last Saturday. Ralph Bartlett the coach, although he prefers tall men, chance for victory. White, Pratt, 'Meloon, Tooley, and physical education department has standouts may provide a few thrills. what's the matter, girls? inter- started his collegiate track career on stated that the elimination of the center Youlden Favorite Twice Mahar. nothing on the conditioning exercises Sophomores on the Maine varsity est ...We are told that the freshman the right foot with a tie for first in the jump has tended to equalize the func- Senior John Radley, sophomore Action Tonight given to the freshman and sophomore up from last year's strong freshman basketball schedule calls for twelve high jump and a second in the javelin, tions of all the players. He believes a Howie Ba.ber, and freshman Leon The play-offs for the championship women taking basketball. All upper- team are pushing the lettermen. Al- games and all within the space of and Agostinelli, Hagopian, Wood. and good hoopster should be able to sub- Shalek are picked in that order to fin- of all three leagues will be played classmen breathe a sigh of relief that though most of Maine's first stringers seven weeks ... some fun, we'll say... Ricker also came in for their share of stitute at any position in the gatne as ish the 440 yard dash, and senior Dick Thursday night, December 10. All they have passed their two years of re- were lost last year through graduation, With Cianchette (pronounced "chin- glory. All in all, it was a great day it is now played. Youlden, sophomore Ken Vennett, and three teams are fairly equal and the quired gym when they see the under- this year's team is very promising. chet") starring in the field events, and for the yearlings—they didn't have the junior Al Hutchinson are the finish competition will be keen. Even though classmen limping home from their Dempsey and Hagopian in the running experience but they certainly had the choices in the 220. Youlden should only one of these three teams can be (Continued as Pigs Poor) Patronize Our Advertisers events, the Frosh track team gave evi- fight. 1942 All-American score another first in the 70 yard dash the final winner, they all deserve cred- dence of being a well-balanced unit David and Goliath and the results may be a repetition of it for having gone as far as they did in last Saturday afternoon when they Next Wednesday the varsity waxed Eleven Chosen By the 220, with Vennett and Hutchinson in the tournament. The winners of "took over" the Sophs ...Gene "Tiny" court specialists will inaugurate the trailing. the three leagues did not lose a game Hussey, 6 ft. 3 in. varsity basketball that they played, which is a good current season by playing Dasid in Collegiate Writers Brady and Clements High Men center, should get a lot off "the boards" record to go into the finals on. One a one-night stand at Kingston, Senior ‘Valt Brady and junior Al this winter. can see from this that when the finals Rhode Island, where the Kenney- 482 Players Named Clements are the favorites in the high Hussey at center, McKeen and are played off they will be filled with coached Rhode Island Rams will be jump, with seniors Crane and Hadlock, In Ninth Annual Work at guards, and Quint and Pratt plenty of speed and action. playing their usual role of Goliath. sophomore Leclair, and freshman Bart- at forwards look like certain starters It can hardly be said that Maine National Survey lett all battling it out for third place. on "Smiling" Sam's quintet... The NOTICE seeks out the easier court combines represented on In the broad jump it will be senior word is out to keep a weather eye on All intramural organizations that to break in their basketball sched- Eleven colleges are Icky Crane ruling the odds-on favor- Don Presnell, this may well be his arc planning to enter teams in the ules, and to complete this year's gala the 1942 All-American football team college sports ite with sophomore Bob Emerson and year to bloom...One of Maine's bet- intramural basketball tournament opening the Maine basketeers will selected by the nation's freshman Martin Hagopian the second ter athletes of the past few years, Lt. can obtain use of the gym for hour be playing Connecticut and North- writers and announced yesterday in national sports and third place choices. Emerson is Don Kilpatrick, was back for a visit practice sessions next week. All eastern on the following two nights. the Sporting News, the top-ranking choice for first place to the alma mater last week ... Keep arrangements should be made After encountering that formidable weekly. It is the first time in the nine- some one in the pole vault with freshmen Kit tabs on Dave Duplisea, Frosh bas- through the Physical Education of- court trio, year in and year out the year history of the poll that on (Continued on Page Four) keteer fice. top-ranking teams in the New England college has failed to place two men Conference, the Bears will be on vaca- the honor eleven. Honors tion until 1943. Of course, that doesn't Sinkwich Gains Top ,,,,,•••••••••••••- ,,,,Mer walked Big Black Bear necessarily imply that Coach Sam Se- of Georgia the captain- VOCIt LATEST 017TSTANDING SCREEN HITS zak's boys will need it. After all, look away with top honors and and his ,Writes Annual what happened to Boston College two cy of the star aggregation, Governali of weeks ago. backfield mates are Paul BANGOR and ORONO Columbia, Bill Hillenbrand of Indiana, Note To Santa Rhode Island will sorely miss the and Bob Steuber of Missouri. Line- sersices of Stan Modzelewski who men named to the team are Dave M & P Theatres Christmas List graduated last spring. The bright- 1 Schreiner of Wisconsin and est star of last year's stellar court This Year Gives of Notre Dante, ends; quintet passed the 1,596 four.year of Minnesota and Gil Bouley of Bos- point record of the former Stanford St. Nick Big Job ton College, tackles; Alex Agate of great Hank Luisetti, and wound up OPERA HOUSE Bear's Den Illinois and Chuck Taylor of Stan- as the highest scorer in the history RANGOII University of Maine ford, guards; and Joe Domnanovich 5TRPfl of collegiate basketball with a grand December 10, 1942 af Alabama, center. Thum., Fri., and Sat. ORONO total of 1,714 points before he left Dear Santa: There were 482 players nominated Dee. 10-11-12 Kingston last May. mistletoe season again, so I de- to the all-star team by the 86 writers Fri. & Sat., Dec. 11-12 It's "SEVEN SWEETHEARTS" cided to forego my nice deep sleep long (Continued on Page Four) who represented colleges in 40 states Starring "ORCHESTRA WIVES" enough to let you know what to drop and the District of Columbia in the Kathryn Grayson Geo. Montgomery on the beautiful Maine campus when balloting which was compiled by Rob- Van Heflin and Ann Rutherford you make your tour of collegiate ath- '43 Basketball ert S. Kunkel, Executive Secretary of Marsha Hunt Glenn Miller and his Band letic departments. Frosh the National Intercollegiate Sports News—Novelty—Sports I Q Last year I asked for some assis- Writers Association. Tues., and Wed. Released Sun., Mon., tance for Eck Allen and his football Schedule Campus Ballot 14, 15, 16 Dee. 13, team. Eck is at Chapel Hill now, but 1943 schedule for the freshman sent from the University Sun. & Mon., Dec. 13-14 I he The ballot Hedy Leman. and he still could use plenty of huskies for basketball squad was released this of Maine had a backfield combine of Clark Gable, Lana Turner in Walter Pidgeon his pre-flight outfits. All we ask for week by Ted Curtis, Faculty Manager Sinkwich, Hillenbrand, Kuzma of FIGHTING WORDS I'LL in "SOMEWIIERE is—football in 1943. of Athletics. The yearlings will be Michigan, and Bertelli of Notre Dame. delivered by FIND YOU" "WHITE CARGO" Sam Sezak got his frosh basketeers playing 12 games during the coming The line selections were Dove and Paramount News straightened out okay, but now he ends, Wildung and Bou- Western Electric field telephones with Frank Morgan season, one less than last year. Schreiner at Feature Sun.. 3:15, 6:45, 9:00 needs some help with the varsity boys. Newcomers to Maine's Cub court ley at tackles, Taylor of Stanford and Mon., 6:45, 9:00 so how about ringing up a few scores game this year include Stearns High Daley of Minnesota at guards, and "Get the message through!"— that's the tradition of for Smiling Sam? And George Crow- of Millinocket, Dover-Foxcroft acade- Mosely of Yale at center. the Army Signal Corps. And on every battle front ther's yearlings, too? Bangor High, and an second team chosen by the col- switchboards Tuesday, Dee. 15 my of Dexter, The you'll find field telephones, wire and BIJOU And say, Saint Nick, how about one army quintet from Dow Field, Bangor. legiate sports editors is as follows : "FINGERS AT TIIE right in there helping! I resent early? I want to see that senior The game with the khaki courtsters Poschner of Georgia and Gantt of BANGOR WINDOW" Radio telephone sets ride into battle in Army class track team complete its career will mark the first time that Maine has Duke, ends; Wistert of Michigan and planes and tanks— in PT boats and Coast Guard Thurs. and Fri. I.ew Ayres, Lorraine Day hv capturing its fourth interclass vic- met a non-scholastic team on the Csuri of Ohio State, tackles; Ramsey battle announcing Dee. 10-11 Cartoon—World at NVar lory. Yes, there are three other teams waxed boards since 1918. of William and Mary and Wright of craft. On larger naval vessels, Around; but how about a push for '43? The schedule, all games played at Notre Dame, guards; Moseley of systems and telephonesdeliver fighting words "EYES IN THE NIGHT" Ted says winter sports will go on as Orono, is as follow,: Yale, center; and Holovak of Boston instantly. Turning out vast quantities of with Wed. & Thurs.. Dee. 16-17 usual, but not if we don't get some January 9 Brewer College, Bertelli of Notre Dame, Har- the war job of Feature such equipment is Edward Arnold Double snow pretty soon. Wisconsin, and Dobbs of Tulsa. Gosh, Santa, I can't 12 Old Town der of Western Electric—maker of Donna Reed "MUMMY'S TOMB" even find enough snow on campus to 16 Stearns Bell Telephones. Dick Foran, Joan Hubbard make a snowball to throw at my best 23 Dover-Foxcroft backsThirdi team: Kelleher of Army and "THUNDER BIRDS" Plus girl! How about some frozen precipi- 30 Dow Field Shaw of Ohio State, ends; Whitmire Texas John Sutton with "JOAN OF THE OZARKS" tation? February 3 Ricker of Alabama and Palmer of And finally, you know we are in 6 Maine Central Institute Christian, tackles; Franks and Pre- Gene Tierney Judy Canova, Joe E. Brown session New Year's eve. This is my 9 Higgins gulman, both of Michigan, guards; In Technicolor Metro News request for Xmas—for $R1?•#="# 13 Hebron Naumets of Boston College, center; Bijou and Opera House operate continuously from bring me some sleep for that night! 15 Kent. Hill and Daley of Minnesota, Castlebury of 1 to to 11 k. Matinee Prii es 5 o'clock Most sincerely and devotedly, 20 Coburn Georgia Tech, Fekete of Ohio State, ARSENAL OF COMMUNICATIONS Big Black Bear 22 Bangor and Graham of Northwestern, backs. Decombor 10, 1942 The Maine Campus Page Four Bear Facts Deutscher Verein 1Seniors Favored - - Be Campus _Brevities . . . (Continued from Rage Three) Collected Coins Must (Costumed from Page Three) To Present Play Only One Drawback Agostinelli and Johnny Richter offer- The next meeting of the recreation- As the Voluntary Health Program Circulated To Save Metals The Deutscher Verein, as has been ing next best competition. al workshop will be held tomorrow, advances into the fifth week, the fol- But Rhode Island will undoubtedly its custom since 1936, will present the The summary of the freshman-sopho- Dec. 11 from 4:00 to 5:30 in Merrill lowing tally of the percentage partici- score with characteristic speed again "Crack open those piggy banks and. Krippenspiel or Nativity Play. This more meet : hall. Miss Margaret Nesbitt, Director pation in each women's dormitory in- Kingston court haul out those old coin hoards" is the ! this year. Keaney's year the play will be given in the 70—Sophomore 65 of Nursery School, will demonstrate dicates that only the Elms and Balen- new cry in the campaign to scrape Harris Tweed Freshmen kings don't waste time trying to keep Little Theatre, Sunday, Dec. 13, at hurdles: Won by Le- handwork for young children. tine are keeping up their resolutions. together critical war materials. 45 yard high possession of the ball, and they hurl it (Continued from Page Two) 8:00 p.m. This year's play, "Der second, Littlefield (S); in First Week Fifths Week The critical shortage in this coun- clair (S); The workshop will offer practice at the nets as quickly and frequently Stern von Bethlehem," was written Per cent are now third, Ricker (F). Time-6 sec. certain skills useful in volunteer work Per cent as possible Their *stem has only one try of certain metals that L-85 restrictions on clothing listed by Grebenstein. The cast is as by Fritz (New meet record) with children, such as paper cutting, House 100 25 acutely needed for cartridges, ships, pockets Practice drawback in that it allows the opposi- the WPB are the limiting of follows: story- airplanes, and big guns has prompted One mile run: \Von by Dempsey group games, singing games, Colvin 90 39 tion to roll up a big score also, but to a single thickness, and the saving of Josef Giulio Barber° rhythm bands, the Director of the United States Mint (F); second, Danforth (F); third, telling, clay-modeling, Elms 85 90 then, they almost never meet a team material once used for flaps, now re- Maria Eva Woodbrey and other activities. 36 to request that everyone assist in the Emery (F). Time-4 min 44.7 sec. So. Estabrooke 75 that Call shoot better titan they. Last stricted like the cuffs on slacks and die Wirtin Barbara Doore 78 undertaking to get back into circula- 70 yard (lash: Won by Vennett (S); The workshop is a war-time project Balentine 60 year opposition to the Rams averaged trousers. Kuno Allan Solomon 30 22 tion the idle coins that are lying hid- second, Hagopian (F); third, Bailey of the YWCA committee on com- No. Estabrooke 56.4 points per game, and Maine scored Removable Linings Stoffel Andrew Novak which games it den in piggy banks, sugar bowls, glass (S). Time-7.5 sec. (Eics meet munity service, the chairman of 48 points in each of the two The ideal campus coat has a remova- Steffi Sylvia Belden !long (Jimmy) Yuen, a Chinese minute" jars, boxes, and bureau drawers in record) is Barbara Stearns. Many students played with the "two-point per ble lining. The coed wears the coat schwarze Mathias... Paul Smith help in the refugee and a student at the Univer- homes all over the country, tying up 440 yard run: Won by Barber (5); are asking for a chance to team. until that Maine cold sweeps across der alte Andreas Henry Holland There is a great sity of Maine, will speak at the priceless metals. second, Shalek (F); third, Shorey present emergency. Just One More Reason or buttons in a der Ifirtenbube Jennie Bridges Women's Forum meeting on Dec. 15. For every penny or five-cent piece the campus, then zips shortage of workers in all kinds of (F). Time-54.6 sec. "Chinese Na- Another reason for Keaney's phe- scarce warm removable lining and strolls The choir will be made up of: Flor- volunteer capacities, especially work Jimmy's subject will be hidden away, the Mint must use PA mile run: \Von by Dempsey nominal success with his rampag- leisurely to eight o'clocks, warm and ice Dunham, Katherine Jackman, Bet- and teen-age groups. tionalism and Youths." The meeting metals to make another to replace it, (F); second, Wensley (F); third, with children fact that he has with inner knitted assisted is to be held on Tuesday, December ing Rams lies in the so great is now the demand for these comfortable. Coats ty Wilson, and Jane Hardy, The workshop is intended not only Cole (S). Time-7 min 34.9 sec. o'clock in the Balentine a comparatively small squad to work the penny. cuffs that hug the wrists are perfect to at the organ by Elsa Klein. in IS, at 4:15 small coins, especially for 880 yard run: \Von by \Vood (F); for those wishing to participate with. Rhode Island has been taking billion 437 keep the cold wits4 from rushing up After the play refreshments con- sun parlor. Last year the Mint made 1 second, Danforth (F); third, Dempsey "N" projects in Orono, but for any very thickest of the cream sleeves and making things very un- sisting of German Christmas cookies, only the million pennies. Into that one denomi- 5 sec. (Ties meet interested students who may sign up to wear over suits and cof- (F). Time-2 min. CAROLERS WELCOME off the crop of New England high nation alone went 4,600 tons of cop- pleasant. Coats pfeffernuesse, and springerll for the whole series, or attend only at the arms record) and prep school basketball stars, to mention the tin and zinc. should be deeply squared fee will be served. of special interest to to per, not 70 yard low hurdles: \Von by ',eclair those activities Students are cordially invited and Rhode Island cage squads never of those metals are now on to fit well. Waterproof and windproof All three (S); second, Ricker (F); third, Lit- them. attend the Annual Christmas Carol number more than twenty men. the critical list, sorely needed for war linings are also excellent. President tlefield (S). Time-8.4 sec. Singing at the home oi mod- A typical everyday coat is the Scher Says - - Demonstrations on the use of slide The coach who revolutionized purposes. 220 yard dash: Won by Vennett and Mrs. Hauck on Tuesday eve- reversible of wool and rayon rules, planimeters, and electrical cal- ern waxed court tactics works with Everyone Saves Pennies gabardine (Continued from Page Two) third, ning, December 15, beginning at (S); second, Hagopian (F); both the freshmen and varsity squads It appears that there is scarcely a with reversible cotton gabardine lining destined to become an auxiliary of air culating machines were given at the 7 o'clock. Bailey (S). Time-23.5 sec. and, thus, can dish out a concentrated family in the country in which some and stitched collar and hem. Sonic power. The second was that America first meeting of Sigma Delta Zeta, High jump: Won by ',eclair (S); of his winning system to every member is not saving pennies; promp- coeds are wearing warm alpaca coats could not fully develop and utilize air mathematics club, on Thursday, No- All men -indent. rested in be- dose I second, Ricker (F); third, Emerson playing collegiate brand of basket- ted by the praiseworthy purpose of of fleecy wool with collars and band- power until we had unity of command vember 19, in Stevens Hall. coming intramural basketball offi- man (S). Height-5 ft. 8 in. Rhode Island. Rhode Island accumulating savings, not realizing ings of felt, embroidered in contrasting in the air and an autonomous status The next meeting of the club will be cial. .1 Id report at the Physical hall at 12 lb. shot put: \Von by Ciancliette bases its whole athletic claim to fame that in withdrawing them from circu- braid. Other styles include the regular for the new weapon." held in 105 Stevens on Thursday, De- Educa office next Wednesday, (F); second, Vickery (S); third, But- squads, and the Rants they are forcing the Mint to balmaccan, the polo coat with huge The December 16, between 1:30 p.m. on its basketball lation Aircraft Strategic Service ft. 2I/.: in. cember 10, at 7 p.m. program stake reefer, the ler (Si. Distance-52 exami- play their games with more at make an unnecessary tax upon the pearl buttons, the draped say, "Our program will be similar to the one mentioned and 5:00 p.m.. to take the Ile goes on to Broad jump: Won by Emerson (S); sport for sport's sake. metal resources of the country. plaid reversible, and the more dressy above. Everyone interested is welcome. na • . than seems to be to build the world's great- / second, Hagopian (F); third, Ricker The 4,600 tons of copper consumed coat with fur collar. Several coeds est army and a seven-seas navy, and (F); Distance-20 ft. 3% in. last year in making the one-cent piece are wearing gabardine numbers with to provide vast masses of aircraft to Pole vault; Won by Emerson (S); would have met the combined require- sheepskin linings. It seems that the assist these services. We shall remain second, Agostinelli (F); third, Rich- ments of copper for building 2 cruis- lining is the thing. bogged down in the swamps of habit ter (F). height-11 ft. 5/34 in. ers, 2 destroyers, 1,245 flying fortres- Coat With a Future and precedent until we realize that Javelin: Won by Vickery (S); sec- ses, 120 field guns, and 120 howitzers; campus M. Students! New this year to the Maine what started as a tactical and auxiliary ond, Bartlett (F); third, Johnson (S). U. of or enough for one and one quarter mil- red di010" is the Chesterfield. This coat in weapon has matured into the most Distance-176 ft. 9 in. lion shells for our big field guns. anywhere or black can go practically important strategic and primary ser- 28 lb. hammer: Won by Cianchette correct. An exact looking classically vice." (F); second, Goodell (S); third, Mi- 1 Soon You Will Be Going Home Chesterfield is found copy of the man's It is time for the United States to ninni (S). Distance-46 ft. 53.i in. Juventa - - a velveteen collar, in black wool with learn from the events which have be- (New meet and freshman cage record) : Vacation (Continued from Page Three) back, the perfect For A Christmas fly-front and vented fallen us. It appears that unless we Discus: Won by Cianchette (F); black coat. Worn with daily practice sessions at the women's all around come to realize the role that air power second, I.eclair (S); third, Faulkner , campus it provides an effective Festivities gym. clothes can serve in achieving victory we will (S). Distance-120 ft. 8 in. Of Holiday Upperclassmen should see their class contrast for soft pastel sweater shades. be left behind in a moras of tradition trim leaders to arrange for team practices With more dressy outfits, it is and hide-bound procedure. Far-think- Seventy-three students are holding will be so full of fun and before Christmas vacation. Class lead- and strikingly simple. Several of ing men like Mitchell, de Seversky and undergraduate cash scholarships for Your Christmas Vacation ers are Evelyn Tondreau, seniors; these appeared at Military Ball worn Rickenbacker point the way. Let us the 1942-43 school year at the Univer- frolic ...of Christmas parties varying from teas to evening Phil MacNeil, juniors; Peg Stackpole, over evening gowns as an create a separate airforce and eliminate sity of Wisconsin. (ACP) those on ski slopes ...from New Year's Formals to Ouellette, wrap. The Chesterfield is a coat with de sophomores; and Dottie the conditions where, as Seversky Candy-pulls at home. And of course you won't have a future. says, "Even our highest-ranking air- freshmen. your Christmas gifts or Holiday ward- men are glorified consultants to the time to select admirals and generals, rather than robe, so... A Good Variety of VOCC-M-W.MVC-tattV A equal partners in shaping our military Campus Calendar destiny." CHRISTMAS CARDS n for All the Family h., eala ig rhursday Dec. 10 Student "heat cops" police dormi- at Come This Week-End To .. 6 A , 30 p.m. University of Maine tories to hold down fuel oil consump- V Hour, WLBZ tion at Mount lioly,,l,e college. V. 1' :1 T A I, 0 A• Friday Dec. 11 (ACP) V oit Penny Carnival, Alumni Gym At least 39 colleges and professional PARK'S lei4AVArtet 0 R I) E R i Phi Kappa Sigma House schools have closed their doors or PLUMBING & HEATING merged with other institutions since Party 31-17 MILL ST. ORONO. MAINE 1.1 Alpha Tau Omega Vic spring. (ACP) FREESE'S w 11 11; S li Sigma Alpha Epsilon Vic V TV.V_Q+7,114WV:... ar.rtettfrewtiortiarte2 ZO.Cie4FltsitetrVe014cottv_lart 'EA Saturday Dee, 12 t31, .VARs•• • V - V • • v • SZa•'%:i'Un Beta Theta Pi Vic U I lig Sigma Alpha Epsilon The Bangor Hydro-Electric Co. CIIIIIS1111S-1,1111 Vic MERRY Alpha Tau Omega Vic All Colvin Hall Vic Wishes You Delta Tau Delta Vic Sunday Dee. 13 For Holiday Party Gowns 1100 a.m. Services, Little Theatre fit Dr. Frank T. Littorin , reese's has a wondrously lovely collection of 4:15 p.m. Christmas Services Very ,Alerry Christmas flci4" holiday evening gowns in formal and in- Memorial Gym formal lines. Many are asparkle with jewelry Tuesday Dec. IS and sequin trims. 8.95 to 39.95. Third Floor. 4:15 p.m. Women's Forum rbiliZZ'atalf;;;ZiirZaiaaiaaaaiAlaikili-11 Speaker : Hong Yuen For Holiday Afternoon Dresses Buy Your Mate 7aott ! %mows Freese's has pretty soft warns wool and crepe Cheery Rooms from $1.75 your daytime activities 1 5 minutes from street length dresses for V GIFTS R. R. station and not-so-formal evening get-togethers. 5.98 to MAINE 0 BANGOR. 35.00 Third Floor, ?.?tit NOW has a annidttely new stock of exquisite costume jewelry . . wooden beads . . . V THROUGH pastel pearls . . sterling silver pins . . . gold anti For Christmas Gifts THIS silver bracelets . . . and a great variety of earrings CONVENIENT Ilillson's Tailor Shop When in Bangor Remember Rifles Co. for the Freese's has every type of gift that you could wear toiletries, acces- SERVICE CLEANING AND PRESSING finer things in women's conceive of giving ... luggage, furni- You can select just wh,t Specializing in Ladies' sories, silverware, electrical appliances, you want from about 100,- Gowns and Dresses * ture. lingerie, and clothing. 000 catalog items at Sears Mil! St Omit° Catalog Order Department. r— • Items for the home, the family, from baby to 66 Baffle Filter granddad. Sar;ItCh to Yiratrk For Sport Clothes Helpful salespeople will he Freese's has plaid skirts, warm sweaters, tailored more than glad to answer Thrills Smokers your questions and write blouses, jackets, suits, reversibles, knitted novel- /our order! )6:1 Witose USED IN MED:CO PIPES, CIGAR, ty caps, mittens in a host of holiday colors and DIU 8271 MEDICO AND CIGARETTE HOLDERS styles. Third Floor. Piciwte New York-1 he scientific, And lour Order has Br Promptly and FILTERED SMOKING absorbent idler contributed V. ill II over the smoking Courteou•lv Taken mightily to For Ski Suits Iii. cot? pleasure of millions of nom and who have 'twitched !Ana Turner's women Freese's has just the Sno Suits for you who want to Medico Filtered Smoking. Not on your Act milk-, the pain towd t ray( I Iii cut a figure on the ice ...or make your mark Tintype! It'll thron-h 66 "baffle." hilt•r( skiing. Warns and pretty in gabardine styles. mouth. Flakes nnd 1114, yours. in one of reaching the MOW III.11111 FOR shwa are trapprd; anti the 10.98 to 25.00. Third Floor, those newest UfOtCO PACKtO 051.515 ntnoke as it winds TIN its I RACK MU its way through the filter. SHOP NOW, SAVE! (Burdell's FREESE'S IS PROBABLY THE LARGEST STORE IN THE U. S. A. FOR A CITY THE 11111111M11111211 Junkie Miss Dresses SIZE OF BANGOR. P. 0. Square Bangor, Me f. tome in In See Them kaila1124a44ille