RESOURCES IN EDUCATION: PROGRAM CURRICULA NYS Parenting Education Partnership/Prevent New York Updated November 2011

The following chart lists selected parenting education curricula, including stand-alone curricula, sets of curricula (e.g. for varying ages of children), home visiting programs and multi-audience programs that include parenting education.

The chart includes: o Program Title and Contacts for additional descriptive and ordering information o Audience for whom it is designed and Intended Outcomes o A very brief description, "Goals, Focus, Features, Format, Languages" o Cost and training information o Whether evaluation tools are available with the program o Whether the program is cited on evidence-based-practice websites (see below).

Additions and corrections to the list are welcome; contact Christine Deyss, [email protected], or Judy Richards, [email protected].

Evidence-Based Web Citation This section of the chart refers to the following organizations' reviews of evaluative research and consequent ratings of program effectiveness. Rating scales and definitions of effectiveness vary among the websites. Not being cited on one or more of these websites does not mean that a program is not effective, but relates to the availability and quality of evaluative research on the program.

Center for Study and Prevention of Blueprints for Violence Prevention (BVP) Blueprints programs meet rigorous tests of effectiveness in the field. Several important criteria are considered when reviewing program effectiveness; three are given greater weight: evidence of deterrent effect with a strong research design, sustained effect, and multiple site replication. Blueprints Model programs must meet all three of these criteria; Promising programs must meet only the first criterion.

California Evidence Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare (CEBC) Provides access to information about selected child welfare related programs. Research for each program is reviewed and rated on a scale of 1 to 5, a lower rating indicates a greater amount of research support, i.e., 1 = well supported, 2 = supported, 3 = promising, 4 = evidence fails to demonstrate effect, 5 = concerning practice.

Office of Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Model Programs Guide Evidence ratings are based on the evaluation literature of the programs and include: Exemplary, when implemented with a high degree of fidelity, robust empirical findings based on a reputable conceptual framework and experimental evaluation design. Effective, when implemented with sufficient fidelity, adequate empirical findings based on a sound conceptual framework and a quasi-experimental evaluation design. Promising, when implemented with minimal fidelity, promising empirical findings based on a reasonable conceptual framework and a limited evaluation design.

Promising Practices Network (PPN) Offers research-based information on what works to improve the lives of children and . "Programs that work" include: Proven At least one outcome is changed by 20%, statistically significant at the 5% level; randomized-control trial or some quasi- experimental designs, evaluation documentation publicly available. Promising At least one outcome is changed by more than 1%, significant at 10% level; comparison group but may exhibit some weakness; evaluation documentation publicly available. Screened have not undergone a full review by PPN, but evidence of their effectiveness has been reviewed by one or more credible organizations that apply similar evidence criteria.

SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP) A searchable online registry of mental health and substance abuse interventions that have been reviewed and rated by independent reviewers, to assist in identifying mental and/or substance use prevention and treatment approaches that have been scientifically tested and that can be readily disseminated to the field. Intervention (program) descriptions include outcomes and quality of research ratings, on a 0-4 scale.

Resources in Parenting Education

Group Programs & Curricula Page: Active Parenting Now 1 Children in the Middle 1 Common Sense Parenting 1 Confident Parenting 1 Creating Lasting Connections 2 Discipline Is Not A Dirty Word 2 Effective Black Parenting Program 2 Every Person Influences Children 3 Family Talk 3 Guiding Good Choices 3 Los Niños Bien Educados 4 and Logic 4 MELD 4 Nurturing Program 5 1-2-3 Magic 5 ParentCorps 5 Effectiveness Training (PET) 6 Parenting a Second Time Around (PASTA) 6 Parenting Journey 6 Parenting Skills Workshop Series 7 Parenting Through Change 7 Parenting Wisely 7 Parents Anonymous® 8 Parents Apart 8 Partners in Parenting Education (PIPE) 8 Peaceful Parents…Peaceful Kids 9 Positive Parenting Program (TRIPLE P) 9 Smart Steps 9 Strengthening Families Program 9 Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP) 10 The 5 Essentials of Successful Parenting 10 The Incredible Years: Parents and Children Series (IY) 10

Home-Based Programs Page: Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up Intervention (ABC) 11 Healthy Families New York (HFNY) 11 Nurse-Family Partnership 11 Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP) 12 Parents As Teachers (PAT) 12 (SPIN) Stichting Promotie Intensieve Thuisbebandeling Nederlands 12 The Carolina Abecedarian Program 12 Resources in Parent Education: Group Programs & Curricula

. Program Title . Audience Brief Description . Costs Eval Evidence-Based . Contacts . Intended Outcomes (Goal, focus, features & format) . Training Tool Web Citation Active Parenting Now Parents of children ages 5-9 . Focused on encouragement, building child’s self-esteem and creating $200 - $600 per kit a relationship with child based on active listening, honest depending on 800-825-0600 To increase cooperation, communication and problem solving, using natural and logical program http://www.activeparent responsibility and self- consequences to reduce unacceptable behavior. SAMSHA: . Video-based, six 2-hour sessions, weekly or monthly 3.1 -3.2 esteem from child; and to Training is . 6 Basic Programs: Children 5-12, Teens, Self-Esteem, Dealing with Loss, (supported evidence) reduce power struggles Divorce, Actively Parenting today (Children 5-12) in Spanish. available, but not Yes . Training materials: Video program, leaders guide, participants guide, required. and Power Point presentation are available in Spanish. Children in the Parents with divorce . Specific parenting skills with a focus on communication skills are Video kit $290, OJJDP: Promising Middle conflicts aimed at reducing parental conflict, loyalty pressures and familial including 20 parent conflict that could be stressful experience of children. and 20 child books PPN: Screened – full Center for Divorce To improve communication . One or two 90-120 minutes classroom sessions (for parents only) that review not can be tailored to meet specific needs. Part I focuses on adults and completed Education skills, reduce conflict and No training is Yes Part II on child’s issues. 740-594-2526 less litigation required. www.divorce- . Training materials: video, parents’ guidebook, children’s guidebook, SAMSHA: 2.0 – 2.4 leader’s guide are available in Spanish (Acceptable htm evidence) Common Sense Parents of 6-16 year olds . Aimed at enhancing the role of parents as teachers, using effective Video set and Outcome studies Parenting discipline, clear communication, effective praise, proactive teaching trainer resources: using Child Behavior (used also by parents To develop or enhance and corrective teaching. Additionally, parents learn to teach self- $699 Checklist, Family for self-education) parenting skills that control and ways to stay calm to their children. Satisfaction Scale and . Six to eight 2-hour sessions weekly Child Abuse Potential encourage positive Not required, but . Training materials: parenting book, videotapes-2 VHS/DVD videos and Scale showed a Boys Town Press behavior, discourage parent’s activity book are available in Spanish. Some materials are also the 3-day training No decrease in behavior 800-545-5711 negative behavior and in Russian. Books are also available for parents of toddlers, at the cost of $675 problems and an http://www.parenting.or alternatives to problem preschoolers and for teens. per participant at increase in family g/catalog/index.asp behavior . Trainer’s kit includes all materials needed for conducting the parenting the Boys Town or satisfaction. class. on site. CEBC: Promising Confident Parenting Parents with 2 – 12 year . 4 Basic Programs emphasize positive parent role modeling, Leader’s kit $242, Findings in several olds and logical consequences. additional studies on the impact Center for the . Ten 2-hour weekly sessions; separate topics, such as effective praise, materials available of the program Improvement of Child To improve parenting skills can be presented in one-session parent meetings. showed parent and . Training is provided through short lectures, demonstration, discussion, child behavior Caring or enhance effectiveness Instructor training No role playing of skills, homework and behavior change projects. changes for 818-753-1054 and improve parent-child $975, includes kit http://www.ciccparentin . Training materials: books, videos and instructors kits. The Spanish strengthening the interaction Training held at adaptation, Los Niños Bien Educados Programs is also available, family relationship. aspx various places and at site as needed

Compiled by the NYS Parenting Education Partnership, Updated November 2011 Page 1

Resources in Parent Education: Group Programs & Curricula . Program Title . Audience Brief Description . Costs Eval Evidence-Based . Contacts . Intended Outcomes (Goal, focus, features & format) . Training Tool Web Citation Creating Lasting Youth ages 9 – 12 and their . Designed for youth and their parents to improve social skills, refusal $1,600 for all Family Connections parents skill, alcohol and drug knowledge, understanding of healthy beliefs curricula, and risk factors. Content also focuses on reducing violence and participants’ Resilient Futures To reduce teen alcohol and uncontrolled behavior as well as inappropriate sexual behavior and notebooks, posters the transmission of STDs. OJJDP: Effective Networks, LLC other drug use; increase and evaluation kit 502-897-1111 . 6 training modules, 2.5-hour session for 5-6 week to assist the family resiliency and participants through increased self-awareness, expression of feelings, Yes PPN: Promising community connections Training highly s.php interpersonal communication and self-disclosure. recommended, but . Training can be implemented flexibly in different settings and partially for parent training or youth training without the other. not required . Training materials: curricula, participants’ notebooks, posters and custom evaluation kit are also available in Spanish, Discipline Is Not A Anyone who lives and/or . Seven principles of discipline designed to help families through Survey of CCE Dirty Word works with kids difficult times, for example:”do” rather than “don’t” statements, safe Educators in Fall (used also by parents for limits, changing the environment. 2004 showed 52% self-education) To improve discipline and . Practice episodes demonstrate how the principles can be translated survey respondents into action. statewide are management skills Free download of Cornell Cooperative . The parenting handbook can be used as a practical resource for involved in this anyone who lives or works with kids as well as a guidebook for leading handbook No curriculum. Extension Handbook can be classes or seminars. No training needed download at . Content of the handbook is appropriate for varying levels of literacy http://www.parenting.cit and easy for parents to understand. DINADW.html Effective Black African-American families . Adaptation of Confident Parenting focuses on the cultural specific Instructor kit $413 Several studies Parenting Program parenting strategies within the framework of values, history and supported the To strengthen families and contemporary culture of the African-American community. The Instructor training program’s Center for the confident, healthy children; training incorporates elements of parents as models and teachers, the $975 includes kit. effectiveness in child characteristics of high self-esteem, self-discipline, pride in reducing risk factors, Improvement of Child and also to prevent child Training can be Yes Caring identity, and life goals. increasing positive abuse, juvenile . 15 one-hour weekly sessions held for a small groups of 15-30 parents. arranged at site. parenting practices, 800-325-CICC delinquency, drug abuse http://www.ciccparentin A one-day seminar is available for large group. & social competency and school failure . Training materials: Parent Handbook, training video, DVD on of children. aspx recruitment and marketing CEBC: Promising

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Resources in Parent Education: Group Programs & Curricula . Program Title . Audience Brief Description . Costs Eval Evidence-Based . Contacts . Intended Outcomes (Goal, focus, features & format) . Training Tool Web Citation Every Person Parents of children from . Designed as a community-based continuum of programming to Evaluations of Influences Children birth through engage parents, children teachers, and community members to documented results develop parenting skills, parent advocacy, and education. show participants’ . Three program components: Hospital Room Visit, Newborn Class and improvement in (EPIC)-Pathways to To help parents, teachers, Training and Community Workshop Series that parents can choose to participate in confidence and Parenting and members of the licensing all three components or any combination. competency in being 475 Riverside Drive, Suite community raise . Workshop series cover a variety of topics for parents of newborns requirements: a parent. 1268, NY 10115 responsible and through young adolescents. Contact EPIC Yes 212-870-291 academically successful . Workshops for teachers, community leaders, and youth are also 716-332-4100 children available. http://www.epicforchild . Training materials: provided with training. NYCinfo@epicforchildre

Family Talk Parents of 0 – 12 year olds . Designed for parents of young children and teen to become the training materials: A study found the primary sexuality educators of their children. $900 program may be Family Resource Centers To increase comfort and . Four consecutive weekly sessions cover topics on talk with children effective in increasing of Crestwood Children’s competence with sexually about their bodies and sexuality, age appropriate information, body 12-hour training is communication and reproduction, and standard for sexual behavior for children. about health, Center related questions advisable. Yes 585-436-0370 ext.303 . Training materials: Handouts for parents and training manual for sexuality and values [email protected] facilitators are available in Spanish. with children and children’s healthy decision on sexuality. Guiding Good Choices Parents with children ages 9 . Focus on developing parents’ effective family management and instructor kit: BVP: Promising -14 communication skills before their children reach adolescence. $839, and $1,079 Channing Bete Company . Based on the social development model that strong bonding to with 25 family OJJDP: Exemplary 877-896-8532 To prevent substance abuse positive influences reduces problem behaviors, such as delinquency guides and substance abuse. PPN: Proven http://www.channing- among teens Yes . Five 2-hour sessions, on parent education support format Training is programs/guiding-good- . Training materials: Leaders guide, workshop videos, family guide, CDs SAMSHA: 2.6 – 3.1 available, but not choices/ for PowerPoint presentations, handouts, and evaluation tools are (acceptable evidence) required available in Spanish.

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Resources in Parent Education: Group Programs & Curricula . Program Title . Audience Brief Description . Costs Eval Evidence-Based . Contacts . Intended Outcomes (Goal, focus, features & format) . Training Tool Web Citation Los Niños Bien Latino parents . Designed to teach parenting skills from a Latino cultural frame of instructor kit: $415 Evaluation studies of Educados reference, using Latino proverbs, that is respectful of the traditions parent book: $19 1,418 parent and customs of Latino families and sensitive to adjustment needed to participants in L.A. To improve parenting Center for the acculturate to life in our society. Instructor training areas from 2001- skills, effectiveness and . Twelve 13-hour sessions cover culturally-specific parenting strategies, 2004 found positive Improvement of Child $975, including kit, parent-child interaction general parenting strategies, basic parenting skills and special program Yes improvement in Caring can be arranged at 800-325-CICC topics. parenting behaviors, site. http://www.ciccparentin . Training materials: Instructor’s manual, parent handbooks, attitudes and transparences, and other resources are available in English and knowledge. Spanish. Love and Logic Any parents . Focus on the principles to raise and teach children in ways that build facilitator kit: Limited empirical strong and positive communication and relationships with them, $730, including 10 research conducted preserving the child’s self-concept and teaching the child to solve their on the program The Love and Logic To improve parents’ parent books Institute respectful and healthy own problems. showed evidence to . Six – eight group sessions, with “How to’s” for ways of working with support using the 800-588-5644 relationships with children Training children that would put parents and teachers back in control, and No techniques. It is a http://www.loveandlogic conferences are .com//teach.html children would be responsible. project that is . Curricula: Early Childhood, Toddlers, Teens, Grand-parenting available, but not currently under . Training materials: Instructional video, CDs, facilitator’s guide, parents required. review. handbooks are available in Spanish. MELD Parents of preschool . Designed with a parental developmental perspective to help at-risk MELD has children parents to improve parenting skills. demonstrated a 780 W. Main St Avon . Focused on developing appropriate expectations of child’s abilities, positive and 508-588-0447 ext. 230 To help re-establish family empathic awareness of child’s needs and appropriate response. significant shift in . Educational and interactive group-based workshop is provided in parents’ attitudes [email protected] ties, build parenting skills No No libraries or free community-based locations. Topics include self- and beliefs toward and develop self-confidence eld.html discipline, becoming child advocate, tantrum troubles, routines and parenting and for at-risk parents rituals, avoiding power struggles, resolving conflicts, winning nurturing children. cooperation and helping young children with anger issues, etc. . Training materials: available at the group

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Resources in Parent Education: Group Programs & Curricula . Program Title . Audience Brief Description . Costs Eval Evidence-Based . Contacts . Intended Outcomes (Goal, focus, features & format) . Training Tool Web Citation Nurturing Parents At –risk families with . Designed to meet the specific needs of families with children of $900 - $1,925, Program children ages 0 – 18 various ages, and at different level of prevention, primary and depending on the secondary, and treatment through building the nurturing skills as an program ordered Family Development To stop the generational alternative to abusive parenting. . Training topics include nurturing self-awareness, positive self-esteem, Resources cycle of child abuse, reduce Training cost empathy, developmental expectations and needs, healthy 800-688-5822 rate of recidivism in juvenile $250 – 300 development, and family communication, etc. Yes CEBC: Promising http://www.nurturingpar delinquency, alcohol abuse recommended, . Group-based for parents and children, home-based, or a combination and teen pregnancies. and can be of the two. Group sessions run from 2-3 hours once a week for 12-45 weeks. arranged at site. . Training materials: Lesson guides, DVDs, parent handbooks, assessment inventories, available in Spanish and other adapted versions. 1-2-3 Magic Parents and caregivers of . Based on a behavioral theoretical framework which emphasizes the (used also by parents for children of ages 2 -12 effect of the environment on people’s development. self-education) . Aimed at changing or eliminating negative parenting behavior, such as ParentMagic, Inc 800- To improve child nagging by providing simple, clear and positive strategies, such as Leader’s timeout, and other practical suggestions to deal with problem 635-8301 cooperation and behavior; presentation behaviors and behavioral disorders. CEBC: Supported and to reduce parental package: $295 – 495 Yes Parentshop Pty Ltd . 4 one-hour weekly sessions stress, hostility and PO Box 102 Byron Bay, . Training materials: leader’s guide, DVDs, PowerPoint CD, Training is not depression NSW.2481 transparencies, masters for participants’ booklets for take-home required. 1300738278 materials, evaluation forms, and other resources [email protected] ParentCorps For families enrolled in Pre-K . Designed to take account of the important role of family cultural A study published in programs in public schools in values, beliefs and traditions, and encourages parents to share the February 2011 NYU Child Study Center underserved urban experiences of challenges often faced in their communities as they set issue of Child 577 First Avenue communities. and work toward goals for their children. Development details . 14 weekly parent groups for parents, preschoolers and older children Cost and training can evidence that pre- New York, NY 10016 To help children succeed in in the family, held in the early evening at the child’s school, and co- be contacted at NYU school children were 212-263-6622 Yes http://www.aboutourkid school by supporting families facilitated with the school staff. Child Study Center. better behaved and and schools . Topics include building self-confidence, love of reading, enjoying more socially and _programs/ special time, nurturing, teaching, coaching child, organizing routines, emotionally ready for praise and rewards, plan and supports, etc. learning in school . Training to school personnel, professional development and teacher after 13 weeks’ consultation are available. participation.

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Resources in Parent Education: Group Programs & Curricula . Program Title . Audience Brief Description . Costs Eval Evidence-Based . Contacts . Intended Outcomes (Goal, focus, features & format) . Training Tool Web Citation Parent Effectiveness Any parents . Focuses on communication, decision-making and conflict resolution Instructor Two major studies Training (PET) skills to build and maintain an effective relationship with a child. Certification showed overall To develop child self- . Provided in eight 3-hour, or two 4-hour instruction sessions, through required positive effect of PET Thomas Gordon Training discipline and self-control; discussion, practice and application of exercise with a commitment to on parental attitude, learn communication skills. understanding of 800-628-1197 and to promote families Training cost: No . Training materials: Study Guide, Adult Resource Book, Young Adult children, empathy for working together and $2,200 – 1 week m/parentingclass.html Resource Book for kids over 12, and audio CD are available in Spanish their children and participating in rule-setting and 14 other languages as well. session, including acceptance of them. trainer materials Parenting a Second Grandparents or other . Focuses on providing an overview of ; mental health The curriculum is Time Around (PASTA) parenting relatives issues, community resources; discussion on sensitive issues; and being used in 24 encouragement for grandparents to take an active role in accessing states. In 2003 it was Cornell Cooperative To improve the confidence legal, medical, social and educational services. $45.50 awarded National . Training and support: provided in small groups first Place for Extension of Orange in grandparents and relative County . Training materials: Handouts at the meeting Educational caregivers who are No training No Curriculum Package 845-344-1234 parenting again or for the required [email protected] by the National first time www.parenting.cit.cornel Extension of Family and Consumer Services. Parenting Journey Any parents, especially for . Based on David Merrill’s Component Display Theory (CDT) and Facilitator training, The parenting those who have not had the emphasized on the parent as a person rather than on the child or the $500 - $650, program has Parenting Journey kind of upbringing of their child in a disciplinary relationship with the parent. include curriculum, demonstrated the . Training Institute own that serves as a Focused on promoting positive parental attitude that enhances good program materials effectiveness in parenting, such as respect, helping each other, and listening helping parents learn 212-430-5909 resource and supportive and free post empathetically, and being curious, etc. more about The Family Center relationship to their training technical 413-663-6593 . Twelve 2-hour weekly education and support sessions involve themselves and children assistance. Yes http://www.familyservic experiential exercises. The sessions are divided into four groups with examining the origins their own period goals. Training is of both their rentingJourney.html To increase parent’s self- provided in major productive & http://www.thefamilyce awareness, self-care, cities. Contact counterproductive parenting skills and to build website for details. parenting skills. mation.htm nurturing family relationships

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Resources in Parent Education: Group Programs & Curricula . Program Title . Audience Brief Description . Costs Eval Evidence-Based . Contacts . Intended Outcomes (Goal, focus, features & format) . Training Tool Web Citation Parenting Skills Parents with children of any . Based on themes consistent with STEP (Systematic Training and $13.95 Evaluations on 226 Workshop Series age, of varying literacy levels, Effective Parenting) and PET (Parent Effectiveness Training). participants 2005-09 who benefit from hands-on . Eight 2-hour weekly workshops focus on learning new skills in a format Training is reported significant Cornell Cooperative learning format that emphasizes action in “real” situations. The five foundational recommended. improvement in their parenting skills are Encouragement, Can Do, Choices, Self-Control and ability to use the five Extension Contact Nancy http://ecommons.library. To enhance parents’ parenting Respecting Feelings. Facilitators provide feedback and technical foundational skills and parent-child assistance in using the skills during practicing time when participants Potter of CCE parenting skills, Tompkins Yes /3498 relationships talk about and work on situations they are struggling with in the confidence and [email protected] Evaluation information present. satisfaction with their http://www.parenting.cit . Training materials: trainer’s manual, handouts, posters, and families. Parents certificates of achievement reported increased ml ability to deal with challenging situations. Parenting Through Separated mothers with . Goal is to provide recently separated single mothers with group $1,000 per Change elementary school children sessions to learn effective parenting practices, including skill participant, including encouragement, limit-setting, problem-solving, monitoring, and parents materials for Implementation Sciences To enhance child adjustment positive involvement. 10-15 parents, SAMSHA: and to prevent behavioral and . 14 weekly group sessions, presenting topics in an integrated, step-by- recording system, 3.4 – 3.8 International Yes 541-485-2711 emotional problems step approach typically introduced in one or more sessions, then incentives, etc. (supported evidence) [email protected] reviewed and revisited throughout the remainder of the program. . Training materials: Materials for parents are available in Spanish.

Parenting Wisely Parents of children ages 3 – 18 . Based on social learning, cognitive, behavioral, and family system CD-ROM: $599; CEBC: Promising (used also by parents for years theories, that can be for individual or group education. video-tape set with self-education) . Training topics cover communication skills, problem solving skills, CD $199; and OJJDP: Promising To increase parenting skills, speaking respectfully, assertive discipline, reinforcement, chore $299 for others problem solving and family compliance, homework compliance, supervising children hanging out PPN: Screened FamilyWorks, Inc. 866-234-WISE unity; also to reduce problem with peers who are a bad influence, step-family problems, single It is a self- Yes 740-594-2502 behaviors parents’ issues, violence, and others. administered SAMSHA: troy@divorce- . Training materials: in CD-ROM or online formats, DVD/VHS are also program. Training is 2.7 – 2.8 available. CD and DVD, Service provider’s guide, parent handbooks, not required. (acceptable evidence) WWW.parentingwisely.c brochures, referral cards, floppy disk with evaluation forms are om available in Spanish.

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Resources in Parent Education: Group Programs & Curricula . Program Title . Audience Brief Description . Costs Eval Evidence-Based . Contacts . Intended Outcomes (Goal, focus, features & format) . Training Tool Web Citation Parents Anonymous® It is an innovative parent . Based on the belief that parents are in the best position to help other A National Outcome Inc. education and parent mutual parents. Program principles are mutual support, parent leadership, Study by the National support-shared leadership shared leadership, and ethos including anonymity, confidentiality and Council on Crime &

675 W. Foothill Blvd., group on child abuse a commitment to bettering oneself and lives of one’s children. Delinquency prevention for mothers, . Parents Anonymous® meetings are co-led by a professionally trained Prevention (NCCD) Suite 220 fathers, grandparents and facilitator and a participating parent who is selected by other parents Contact the national found promising Claremont, CA 91711 caregivers in the community. in the group. Participating parents’ contribution to the group is an program for details No results of reduced 909-621-6184 x207 essential part of the process. of training and child maltreatment www.parentsanonymo Goals are to eliminate risk . Meetings are ongoing, open-ended, weekly, and free of charge, taken program outcomes, reduced factors, negative parental place in schools, community centers, centers, religious implementation. risk factors and attitude and low parenting institutions, etc. in partnership with public and private agencies, increased protective competency while involving volunteers as well. factors among parent strengthening the family. . Participants’ children join in Parents Anonymous® Children’s Program participants over 6 while their parents are attending the meeting. months. . Participants’ individual progress will be transmitted to the national program database for tracking of program success. CEBC: Promising Parents Apart Divorcing and separating . Training topics include how children react to their parents’ There were findings parents separation/divorce, what parents can do to help their children adjust, from social science Cornell Cooperative how to keep children out of the middle of their parents’ conflict, how research on divorce, Extension of Tompkins To improve child coping during to parent after separation and divorce, listening skills, avoiding Training available developmental and parents’ separation and common pitfalls, understanding mediation and legal processes, and Contact CCE environmental County divorce legal resources to families. Tompkins for details factors that impact 607-272-2292 ext. 243 . 2 weekday evening workshop sessions for a total of 6 hours, with local Yes children and adults. psychologists, family therapists, social workers, lawyers and mediators The program was arentsApart/intex.htm . Training materials: Handouts at the meeting are available in Spanish. considered to be effective in providing strategies for an adjustment in transition. Partners in Parenting For adolescent parents and . A child-focused experimental model based on attachment-theory and Curriculum package: The PIPE is an Education (PIPE) parents who have had less designed to strengthen relationships between parents and children by $450 evidence-based than optimal parenting increasing the emotional availability. Educator’s Guide: program that has 628 East Bridge Street, examples themselves . Aimed at teaching emotional communication, parent/infant $280 demonstrated Suite 200 interaction, and skills for emotional regulation. Parent Handouts & positive effects on Brighton, CO 80601 To strengthen relationship . Training can be conducted at home visits, or small groups. CD ROM: $100 Yes emotional 303-655-9900 between parents and children . Training materials: Curriculum package, parent handouts, and activity relationship between info@howtoreadyyourba by increasing the emotional cards are available in Spanish. Training: $900 per parent and child. availability participant www.howtoreadyyourba

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Resources in Parent Education: Group Programs & Curricula . Program Title . Audience Brief Description . Costs Eval Evidence-Based . Contacts . Intended Outcomes (Goal, focus, features & format) . Training Tool Web Citation Peaceful Parents … Parents of school age children . Based on Dr. William Glasser’s Choice Theory, including a parent and a Peaceful Kids child component. To enhance parenting skills . Focused on teaching parents to look at themselves as leaders; providing flexibility and opportunity for parents to have self- Curriculum available Jennie Mose Family evaluation and personal accountability. without cost upon Resource Center, . 4-week program covers the topics for parents to understand behavior consultation with JM No N/A Addison, NY and why we do what we do, communication, the “deadly habits” we FRC Karen Sweeney practice and discipline, which involves problem solving, consequences 607-359-3839 and self-discipline. [email protected] . Training materials: curriculum rg Positive Parenting Parents of children from birth . Based on social learning theory to ensure a safe, engaging, and Accreditation Studies demonstrate Program (TRIPLE P) to age 16 positive environment, using assertive discipline, realistic expectations, Training costs, effectiveness in and taking care of oneself as a parent. including Facilitator’s developing Level 2, 1201 Lincoln To improve parenting skills . The multi-level program includes five levels of intervention, each Manual & CD ROM, appropriate Street, Columbia featuring a different means of delivery and intensity of service. Tip Sheet Series, parenting methods, SC 29201 . Training materials: Facilitator’s manual, Tip Sheets, Parents’ handouts Parents’ Survival reducing parental 803-451-2278 are available in Spanish. Guide & Coping with Yes stress & depression; [email protected] Stress DVDs, and reducing child http://www.triplep- Evaluation Forms: behavioral and $790 - $1,905, emotional problems. depending on the level of training. CEBC: Well supported Smart Steps Step-parents and their children . Focused on building family strengths with sound and practical A study done in Utah information for step-parents and partnering couples. Curriculum: $80 in 2006 showed Cornell Cooperative To strengthen families with . Six 2-hours weekly sessions held concurrently for parents and children curriculum plus promising results of Extension of Jefferson step-parents, partnering with a family activity at the end of the session. Adult and child group supplemental video: Yes participants’ healthy County couples facilitators provide interactive learning opportunities for the entire $105 (Man of the relationships and 315-788-8450 ext 224 family. House & Stepmom) relationship stability. http://counties.cce.corne Another 5-year study in Alabama will be completed in 2011. Strengthening Parents or caretakers with 3 – . Based on behavioral and cognitive skills training to provide parenting CD master set of BVP: Promising Families Program 16 years olds skills, children’s life skills and family life skills. materials to . Training content includes academic achievement, antisocial/ reproduce: $450 OJJDP: Exemplary 801-581-7718/583-4601 To increase resilience and aggressive behavior, social and emotional learning, booster sessions, www.strengthening reduce risk factors for children parent-child interactions, parent training and skills development. Training required, Yes PPN: Screened . 14 2-hour sessions consisted first hour for parents and children $3,650 2-day training separately, then together. for up to 35, includes SAMSHA: 3.1 . Modified for African American, Asian/pacific Islander, Hispanic and one master set. (supported evidence)

American Indian families, rural families and families with early teens.

Compiled by the NYS Parenting Education Partnership, Updated November 2011 Page 9

Resources in Parent Education: Group Programs & Curricula . Program Title . Audience Brief Description . Costs Eval Evidence-Based . Contacts . Intended Outcomes (Goal, focus, features & format) . Training Tool Web Citation Strengthening Multi- Ethnically and culturally . Integrated with various prevention/intervention strategies geared Parent Manual: $17 Evaluation reports: Ethnic Families and diverse parents of children toward reducing violence against self, the family and the community. per parent or family helps with child Communities: ages 3-18 . Twelve 3-hour sessions delivered in consecutive weeks at a variety of rearing challenges, Violence Prevention locations, such as community agencies, schools, and churches, etc. Training required, promotes family To increase parenting . The curriculum includes five major components: Cultural/Spiritual $535-$625 for an bonding, promotes Parent Training competency, positive family Focus; Rites of Passage; Positive Discipline; Enhancing Relationships; intensive 5-day pride in cultural

relationships, child self- and Community Involvement. Facilitator Workshop, heritage, promotes 1220 S. Sierra Bonita esteem, self-discipline and . Materials are available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Korean. plus travel expenses community bonding Ave.L. A., CA 90019-2552 social skills. Long term: reduce Cambodian and Russian translations are being completed. Facilitator for one trainer. and reduces life- 323-936-0343 drug/ alcohol use, teen suicide, manuals are available in English and Spanish. Implementation of Yes threatening risks for Http://www.strengtheni juvenile delinquency, gang . Child Activities Supplement to augment the program is also available. parents’ pre and post children. involvement, child abuse and . Agencies are recommended to consider providing child care, tests evaluation rams_1999/ domestic violence refreshment and a graduation ceremony. required. OJJDP: Promising ml Systematic Training Parents of children from birth . Designed for parenting groups in four basic programs: Early Childhood Training kit: $345, for Effective Parenting to teen years (birth-6), Children 6-10, Teens, and STEP Programs in Spanish. For additional (STEP) . Seven sessions that cover the topics: understanding yourself and your parents @$13 - $17 To improve skills and child, beliefs and feelings, encouragement, communication, discipline, Yes CEBC: Promising relationships with children self-esteem, cooperation, problem solving, family meetings and Training is not others. required. . Programs and materials are available in Spanish. The 5 Essentials of Parents of young children to . Designed for parenting education groups to address needs that are $325 Successful Parenting ages 5 unique to parents with young children. The program was . 5-part video series parenting education classes include the topics on Training is not highly recommended Various vendors: To increase positive parent love and stability, time together, inspire and challenge, positive required. by Video Librarian. http://cambridge.films.c involvement and nurturing discipline, and safety and health. om/id/5779/The 5 parent-child relationships . Training materials: DVD or VHS, facilitator’s guide and handouts No Essentials of Successful . (JM Family Resource Center uses in conjunction with “Peaceful Parenting.htm Parents”.) http:www.sociallearning. com/catalog/items/DVD 6178.html The Incredible Years: Parents of children from ages 0 . Based on social learning and attachment theories to design as Tapes: $1,000-$1,300 BVP: Model Parents and Children – 12 intervention and prevention for parents, teachers and children, Leader’s manual: CEBC: Well- Series (IY) especially dealing with children diagnosed with conduct disorders. $150 To increase parent . Group-based program with the use of video modeling methods to supported

th competencies; and to reduce focus on discussion, practice of parenting strategies, and modeling of Training is required. 1411 8 Avenue West OJJDP: Exemplary conduct problems and increase problem solving, discipline strategies and positive communication. On-site training for Seattle, WA 98119 social, emotional and academic . 4 to 14 2-3 hour weekly sessions, depending on the program and focus group: $1,500-$2,000 PPN: Proven 888-506-3562 competence in children of children’s age. (Contact website for Yes http://www.incredibleye . Training materials: Video as prompts for discussion, supplemental cost for planning.) SAMSHA: 3.6 – 3.7 book for parents, home assignments. Audio-tapes available in Spanish. (supported evidence)

Compiled by the NYS Parenting Education Partnership, Updated November 2011 Page 10

Resources in Parent Education: Home-Based Programs . Program Title . Audience Brief Description . Costs Eval Evidence-Based . Contacts . Intended Outcomes (Goal, focus, features & format) . Training Tool Web Citation Attachment and Parents/caregivers for young . Designed to help parents/caregivers to provide nurturance naturally Macbook $1100 Clinical trials Biobehavioral Catch- children between 10 and 24 even when children do not appear to need it and to provide a educational price supported that up Intervention (ABC) months who have been predictable environment so the children can learn to regulate their Video Camera about children whose neglected and caregivers of behavior and emotion. $375 caregivers have young children in . 10 one-hour sessions conducted in the home of the caregiver focused received the ABC Mary Dozier on the interaction between caregiver and the children through Weekly supervision intervention show [email protected] To target key problematic discussion, review of the caregiver’s diary of how the child responds through video- better outcomes with Tel: 302-831-8801 issues among children who when distressed and review of the video-taped of their interaction. conferencing over a regard to attachment Fax: 302-831-3645 have experience early year and submission No and normative cortisol http://www.abcintervent maltreatment and/or of three full sets of production than disruption in care videos (10 sessions children in alternative

each) are required intervention. for Certification. Healthy Families New Parents expecting a child, . Designed with an ecological theory of human development to assist Evaluation study York (HFNY) prenatally and up to five years new or expectant parents who are deemed at risk of abusing or reported a reduction old or enrolled in Kindergarten neglecting their children through home visiting services to develop of serious physical and promote positive parenting skills, parent-child interaction, optimal Training provided by abuse, physical and To promote positive parenting prenatal care and child health and development. Healthy Families New psychological http://www.healthyfamil Yes skills and parent-child . Scheduled home visit held weekly or as needed with the parent York aggression, and harsh interaction, to prevent child . Training materials: delivered to the parent at home visit parenting behavior. abuse and neglect and support optimal prenatal care and child PPN: Proven health and development CEBC: Well-supported Child Trends: Effective Nat Gov Assoc: Best Practices Nurse-Family First-time mother throughout . The one-on-one home-based education model draws on the theories Extensive research on Partnership her pregnancy and the first of human ecology, self-efficacy and attachment to build within a A nurse home visitor the model was two years of her child’s life professional nursing framework. is required to have at conducted with three Nurse-Family . Client is enrolled early in her pregnancy and receives the first visit by least a bachelor’s diverse populations To improve pregnancy no later than the end of 28th week of pregnancy. A nurse home visitor over last three Partnership National degree in nursing outcomes, child health and delivers program services to a participant’s home during scheduled and completion of decades. Findings Service Office development and self- visits. The visits will be conducted throughout the participant’s the core training of revealed consistent 1900 Grant Street, sufficiency for low-income pregnancy and the first two years of child’s life. Other supporting Nurse-Family and strong program Suite 400 first-time parents through a family members are encouraged in attendance. Partnership. Yes effects, lifetime Denver, CO 80203 voluntary evidence-based . In support of the participant’s goal, the nurse home visitor will assess, benefits to mothers, 866-864-5226 nurse home visitation program plan, intervene, teach and evaluate the care. Prospective agencies and lifetime benefits www.nursefamilypart . The program collects data on health indicators and progress of should contact the to children. Please mothers and children in the program. Certain risk factors will be Nurse-Family refer to the agency’s followed closely, such as gestational age at which prenatal care began, Partnership National website for details of substance abuse, preterm births, low birth weight and NICU use, etc. the outcomes study. Office to get help . Service linkages for clients will be made when necessary. with development of the program. PPN: Proven

Compiled by the NYS Parenting Education Partnership, Updated November 2011 Page 11

Resources in Parent Education: Home-Based Programs . Program Title . Audience Brief Description . Costs Eval Evidence-Based . Contacts . Intended Outcomes (Goal, focus, features & format) . Training Tool Web Citation Parent-Child Home Parents of children from 16 . Designed to promote children’s quality verbal interaction and to Supported evidence Program (PCHP) months to 4 years old expose them to and interactive experiences that encourage Training and showed on helping 1415 Kellum Place, Suite problem-solving and appropriate social-emotional development. certification required parents to have better 101, Garden City To strengthen parent-child . Trained home visitor conduct a series of 46 free, twice-weekly home - performance in New York 11530-1690 verbal interaction and child’s visits to families in the child’s first two years to model reading, play Contact PCHP for positive interaction 516-883-7480 academic readiness and activities, verbal interaction and emotional responses to the child, details. Yes quantitatively and [email protected] success rather than teaching behaviors. qualitatively with their . Training materials: colorful books, toys, play activities children.

CEBC: Promising Parents As Teachers Parents of preschool children . Focused on providing information, support and encouragement to Training cost and The program has (PAT) parents to help their children develop optimally during the crucial curriculum from shown parents’ To increase parents’ early years of life at home visits. $200 - $900, increased knowledge 2228 Ball Drive, understanding of child . The home-based parent education curriculum was developed by PAT. depending on of child childhood St. Louis, Mo 63146 development and to improve . Training materials: materials given to parents at home visits location and training Yes development, health 314-432-4330 parenting practices type. Contact issues and preventing http://www.parentsaste website for details. child abuse and neglect. PPN: Promising (SPIN) Stichting Parents, teachers, principals, . Based on the belief that warm, responsive, nurturing interactions are No direct individual A few experimental Promotie Intensieve managers, social workers and the key to healthy family life and develop lasting positive change. training, but studies showed that a Thuisbebandeling direct care staff . Thirteen 1-hour weekly visits conducted by a trained Video Home interested agencies video feedback Nederlands therapist to tape and edit activities at home to highlight the positive can be assisted in intervention improved To provide strengthen-based parent-child interaction effecting the child. The goal is to help parents designing a training interaction skills of

video home training for build strong, loving bonds with child by watching video-taped program that suits No early childhood 394 Lowell Street parents to highlight positive interaction with child that shows the positive connection and help the agency. Contact caregiver/educator Harrington Park parent-child interactions and parents with strengthening their skills and child’s development. SPIN USA for details. and children. Suite #5 to reinforce positive parenting . Training: 6 taping visits, 6 viewing visits, and the last visit to view the Lexington, MA 02420 behaviors DVD with edited video and slide show of still photos. 781-652-0710 . Training is available for providers to strengthen family interaction and [email protected] maximize performance.

The Carolina Parents of children from . Based on the theory that early intervention for children living in For information on The program has Abecedarian Program infancy through age 5 poverty and for children with developmental disabilities can yield training and program demonstrated long- significant improvements in cognitive, academic, and social outcomes. replication, Contact lasting benefits for FPG Child Development To provide highly structured . A systematic curriculum consists of educational “games” incorporated Dr. Joe Sparling at mothers and their Institute home-based early childhood into the child’s day, with the focus on social, emotional, cognitive [email protected] Yes children in achieving CB 8180 Chapel Hill intervention with a formal areas, and much emphasis on language development. 919-929-1017 higher educational NC 27599-8180 parenting education and employment 919-966-2622 component for at-risk families status.

Compiled by the NYS Parenting Education Partnership, Updated November 2011 Page 12