Honesty and openness Get the support you need Openness and honesty are the best gifts for your We recommend counselling, psychosocial and peer child, and your family. Secrecy creates shame and support – your primary healthcare provider should can result in unhealthy outcomes for your child and always be able to help with these. your relationship with them. We recommend making connections with Try to make sure that the choices you make today community support groups whatever you decide are ones that you can be honest about in future; about your child’s future. Your healthcare provider decisions that you can imagine talking about with and intersex-led support organisations like OII your child when they are older. Australia and AISSGA can help you to connect with other parents, and intersex adults. As your child grows up, we suggest that when you teach them about “girl parts” and “boy parts” and inform them of their difference(s). If they are Resources presented in a matter-of-fact manner, free of shame, Books your child will perceive them this way. Should their differences be noticed, they will not be vulnerable Fixing Sex: Intersex, Medical Authority and Lived to others’ opinions, having already formulated Experience by Katrina Karkazis positive opinions of their own. Golden Boy: A Novel by Abigail Tarttelin Films If the changing room is a concern for your child, arrangements for their privacy can usually be made Intersexion (2012) without difficulty. Orchids: My Intersex Adventure (2011) Speakers, articles, videos, information Information Raising your child Organisation Intersex International Australia oii.org.au/parents for parents of Cosmetic genital surgeries are often recommended Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group due to fear that children with atypical sex anatomy aissga.org.au intersex kids will be targets for bullies, but children get teased for many reasons, and genitals are not normally visible to peers. It’s not certain they will be teased. Surgeries and follow up examinations may take your child out of school, result in physical differences, or Organisation Intersex International Australia cause shame and embarrassment. The overwhelming oii.org.au majority of individuals we know who grew up without facebook.com/oii.au genital surgeries report being popular and happy. twitter @oiiaustralia Congratulations on the birth of your child! Evidence strongly suggests that the serious long- Sex characteristics are more varied than most term risks associated with surgical and hormonal people are aware. To help you welcome your newborn, this information addresses common medical interventions far outweigh potential ACON is proud to support the questions and concerns regarding variations in difficulties in school. We recommend raising your development and printing of this resource. child without such procedures. acon.org.au sex characteristics. This information will help you make decisions that promote the health and Diversity is natural, and we believe that children wellbeing of your child and your entire family. deserve the right to decide for themselves if they © OII Australia 2014 (2014-04) wish to undergo irreversible changes to their body. Funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services You are not alone! Take your time to assign a sex Possible harm Intersex people exist, and so do our families. Don’t feel pressured to make decisions. It’s more There are many possible complications and harmful important to make decisions that you can live with as consequences from early surgeries. Informed consent Intersex people account for somewhere between 1 in 2,000 your child gets older – including adolescence and after. means considering the risks and alternatives as well as and 1.7% of births. As adults, we lead happy and fulfilling Birth registrars can generally delay registration or correct the benefits, including doing nothing at all, or taking a lives. We are active in all walks of life in Australia: mayors, details as more accurate information becomes available. ‘wait and see’ approach. engineers, software developers, police officers, teachers, company owners, photographers, artists, filmmakers and We urge you to choose either male or female, the sex Gonadectomies always result in a lifelong need for taxi drivers. We are brothers, siblings, aunts and mothers. that appears most predominant in your child, based on hormone treatment. Early vaginoplasty will require all the information available to you but knowing that the repeat surgeries as your child grows, and so will many assignment or identity of your child may or may other surgeries. All surgeries destroy some nerve tissue. Announcing the birth: Boy, Girl… Healthy Baby not change. Genital surgeries and follow-up examinations often The first thing people ask about a newborn is whether create the feelings of “abnormality” that doctors think they’re a boy or a girl, and you may feel anxious if you Getting balanced medical facts they will help avoid. In October 2013, a Senate report on are unable to immediately answer this question. intersex health said that “Normalising appearance goes Because intersex variations are somewhat uncommon, Consider statements such as: hand in hand with the stigmatisation of difference”. many doctors and primary care providers are unfamiliar “We are/I am thrilled to announce the arrival of (our with issues related to surgery. It’s important for you to be beautiful baby/name), born at 6:20pm, at 3.37 kilos!” fully informed about these procedures, as the results are No proven benefit irreversible. There are lots of great and popular gender-neutral There is no firm evidence that cosmetic medical practices names, ones used for both boys and girls. In a small number of instances, such as babies with help the children subjected to them. Studies have shown salt-wasting Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) or that there is no evidence of an association between Choosing one of these can help you to take your time urogenital tract issues, immediate medical attention is genital surgery and improved psychosocial outcomes. with other decisions. required for the baby’s health. These are necessary for There is no evidence that surgery promotes stable gender Here are some tips to help you answer questions that the health and survival of your baby. identity development, and no evidence that gender will may arise from friends and family: develop as assigned. Your child’s gender identity will Confusion around the birth of an intersex baby most develop independently of any surgical or other medical We/I gave birth to a healthy child named (____), often stems from their androgynous or ‘ambiguous’ interventions. who has (diagnosis). genitals. A baby may have ovotestis, a combination of This is consistent with how people talk about specific ovarian and testicular tissue. They may have CAH: ovaries differences, and it avoids using stigmatising umbrella and XX chromosomes, and a large clitoris. Babies with Body diversity is normal terms such as ‘Disorders of Sex Development’ or ‘DSD’. XXY sex chromosomes (Klinefelter’s) will generally have testes and a small penis. Sometimes, lengthy testing is Assigning a sex does not require surgical or early Question: Are they a boy or a girl? needed, and sometimes tests are not conclusive. hormonal reinforcement. Research has shown that Answer: My/our baby is perfectly healthy and has a large numbers of men and women don’t meet cosmetic mix of traits that are typically considered male and Your doctor or medical team may recommend cosmetic standards for “normal” genitals. All sorts of people live female. Right now we’re deciding on which sex to genital surgery or hormone intervention based on happily with different bodies. raise them, based on all the facts. a desire to ease concerns about these differences. Cosmetic surgeries are intrinsically focused on Biological sex traits do not always predict gender; Question: Does that mean your baby is a appearance, not sexual function or sensation. These children sometimes grow up to identify as a gender ? irreversible interventions are contentious because they other than the one they were raised. Increasingly we Answer: No. have full sets of both may later limit your child’s range of choices, capacity for accept this as normal human variation. male and female organs, and that’s impossible in intimacy and expression. It’s ok to seek a second opinion. Parents who rush into cosmetic surgeries have often later humans. They just have differences in their anatomy. We do not recommend surgical or hormonal options reported that they regret doing so because the surgeries Question: But how will they turn out as adults? aimed at relieving your own anxiety or distress. They did not benefit their child, harmed them, or created Answer: Most intersex kids grow up identifying as must improve your child’s long term quality of life. difficulties in their relationship with their child as they grew men or women. into adulthood.