TORTURE IN ZIMBABWE, PAST AND PRESENT PREVENTION, PUNISHMENT, REPARATION? A SURVEY OF LAW AND PRACTICE JUNE 2005 THE REDRESS TRUST, 2005 3rd Floor, 87 Vauxhall Walk, London SE11 5HJ Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 1777 Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 1719 Registered Charity Number 1015787, A Limited Company in England Number 2274071
[email protected] (general correspondence) TORTURE IN ZIMBABWE, PAST AND PRESENT ii REDRESS/AMANI FOREWORD The Redress Trust (REDRESS) is an international human rights organisation with a mandate to assist torture survivors to seek justice and other forms of reparation for the harm they have suffered. Its national and international programmes are aimed at ensuring that the rights of torture survivors, whoever they are, and wherever they are located, are realised in practice. Over the past few years, we have produced a number of reports on the prevalence of torture in Zimbabwe and the prospects for Zimbabwean victims to obtain redress nationally and internationally. This Report is written to draw attention to the ongoing difficulties such victims face, given the impunity which perpetrators continue to enjoy. It is an update of a report produced by REDRESS in March 2003 as part of a survey of law and practice in thirty-one selected states and published on our website as the Zimbabwe Country Report along with the other countries surveyed. We believe it is important that all interested parties at the international, regional and national level be kept as fully informed as possible both of the reality of torture in Zimbabwe and the problems with which torture survivors and those working with them, especially human rights lawyers and other human rights defenders, have to deal.