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'.. ~ A RICH TRADITION AT ROCHESTER 2 Table of CANDIDATES' SEATING 5 COMMENCEMENT CEREMONIES 6 Contents DIPLOMA CEREMONIES 8 HONOR SOCIETIES 9 PRIZES AND AWARDS 11 RECIPIENTS OF DEGREES 18 College of Arts and Science 18 Bachelor of Arts 18 Bachelor of Science 24 Master of Arts 25 Master of Science 26 William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration 27 Graduate School of Education and Human Development 27 Master of Science in Education 2 7 Master of Science 28 Doctor of Education 28 College of Engineering and Applied Science 29 Bachelor of Science 29 Master of Science 31 University College of Liberal and Applied Studies 32 Bachelor of Science 32 Master of Science 32 Eastman School of Music 32 Bachelor of Music 32 Master of Arts 33 Master of Music 33 Doctor of Musical Arts 34 School of Medicine and Dentistry 35 Master of Science 35 Doctor of Medicine 35 School of Nursing 36 Bachelor of Science 36 Master of Science 36 University Council on Graduate Studies 37 37 HONORARY DEGREE AND AWARD RECIPIENTS AND BIOGRAPHIES OF PRESIDENT O'BRIEN AND PROVOST THOMPSON 42 EASTMAN WIND ENSEMBLE 45 CARILLON AND CARILLONIST 46 SENIOR CLASS COUNCIL 48 MARSHALS 48 COMMENCEMENT COMMITTEE 48 2

Commencement season has always stood out as the "supreme festival" A rich on Rochester's academic calendar, Arthur May notes in his history of the University: From earliest years, "Oratory flowed in fj,lll spate, the tradition at literary societies put on their finest performances, trustees convened for annual decision-making, and prizes and diplomas were handed out Rochester amidst a panoply of pomp and circumstance." Though the size of the graduating class has grown from 10 men in 1851 to more than 2,000 men and women today, and though many other developments have reshaped the ceremonies, today's program, like 1851's, marks the happy celebration of each graduate's academic preparation, and the hopeful prospect of new beginnings.

The gowns have a long history Some of the features in today's ceremony date back to medieval times, such as the academic attire which recalls the gowns that were required dress at many European universities. Yet academic regalia did not figure into Rochester's earliest commencements: Both here and at other U.S. universities, wearing the gowns was thought to be snobbish and undemocratic, possibly because university educations were associated with European upper-class privilege. So for a number of years, only the president and the person who carried the diplomas wore gowns; the graduating class didn't wear them until 1892. I me, the purpose of life is not The hood's color is the clue to be happy; it is to matter-to be The most colorful portion of the academic costume is the hood, the productive, to be responsible; to be color edging indicating the discipline to which the degree pertains: White and yellow-gold for arts and science; orange for engineering; honorable, to be compassionate; to apricot for nursing; green for medicine; pink for the Eastman School of Music; light blue for the Graduate School of Education and Human be dedicated to goals higher than Development; and drab for the William E. Simon Graduate School of the infantile self; to have it make Business Administration. some difference that you lived at all. Symbols of authority For life, so precious, so variable, The mace, originally a medieval weapon of defense, has in modern times become a symbol of authority, dignity, and privilege. English uni­ so honeycombed with richness and versities have used maces in academic processions for many centuries; Rochester's mace first appeared at the 1935 induction of Alan Valentine delight, contains nothing more as president, and has been used in academic processions ever since. About rewarding than the process by four feet long, it is made of mahogany and hand-wrought silver. On the head, the seal of the University appears. The names of the University's which- to the fullest measures of presidents are engraved on two silver bands, and the dandelion, the floral symbol of the University, is the decorative motif of the silverwork. which we are capable-we try to The mace is carried by the U niversity marshal, who leads the procession stretch the mind and the heart. alongside an associate marshal who carries the less imposing baton.

Leo Rosten, 1973 The procession The academic procession, one of the most colorful traditions, begins with participants assembling on Eastman Quadrangle, the symbolic cen­ ter of the University. The University carillonist strikes a march tune, and the parade heads down Library Road to the pealing sounds from the belltower. As the parade approaches Fauver Stadium, the University 3

marshal escorts the president, provost, and chair of the board of trustees to a reviewing stand where they greet the participants flowing into the stadium. The faculty head this procession of "The Company of Scholars." As they and their marshals pass the reviewing stand, the Eastman Wind Ensemble takes up the march tune until then sounded on the carillon bells. The many styles and colors of the faculty robes, hoods, and caps represent all the learned institutions from which our faculty have come. Today's doctoral candidates, who trail the faculty, offer a colorful con­ trast: all wear gowns in Rochester's dandelion yellow and soft, black velvet berets. Next come the master's degree candidates, and then the baccalaureate candidates, each school and degree marked by a banner matching the candidates' hoods. When the candidates have passed, those on the reviewing stand join other University officers and distinguished guests and honorees. Signaled by the Wind Ensemble's fanfare, everyone in the stadium stands while the marshals, carrying mace and baton, escort the platform party to their places on stage. Then the Commencement ceremony begins.

Music makes the day Music and prayer have been part of commencement from 1851 on­ ward, though tastes in performers and selections have changed. Scott's Brass Band punctuated the earliest ceremonies with musical interludes, and performers have changed regularly through the years. However, from the early 1920s when the Eastman School was established, com­ mencements have usually featured Eastman musical talent. The Eastman Wind Ensemble, performing under the direction of Donald Hunsberger, has appeared regularly at recent commencements. With more than SO albums to its credit, the ensemble is the 20th century's most frequently recorded wind ensemble. Last year, the group toured and recorded Carnaval with trumpeter Wynton Marsalis; this album was nominated for a Grammy. The ensemble is now at work on an album of 20th­ century music for CBS M asterworks.

Words to live by Commencement speakers have been inspiring Rochester graduates ever since Henry Ward Beecher gave a speech on "Character" at the 1851 ceremonies: Theodore Roosevelt, then governor of New York, spoke in 1900; New York Governor Mario Cuomo spoke in 1985, and another holder of the governor's seat, Thomas E. Dewey, spoke in 1957. Richard Nixon gave advice to 1966's graduates, and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, accepting an honorary doctorate by trans-Atlantic radio during 1941's commencement, pleaded for Anglo-American unity in a characteristically rousing speech.

Changing tastes Many commencement traditions have stood the test of time; others have crumbled as popular taste changed. Student oratory is perhaps the best example. From 1851 until the World War I era, student speeches were really the heart of commencement programs. While graduation 4

A rich tradition classes remained small, every candidate spoke at commencement, usually at Rochester on grand inspirational themes like "The Rewards of Mental Effort" or "Optimism vs. Pessimism" but sometimes on more topical matters such as one graduate's defense in 1879 of women's suffrage. Conditions hardly seemed to favor rapt attention: Students delivered their convictions in an overcrowded Corinthian Hall during sultry July. News reports noted that "the gentler sex" often fainted from the oppressive heat, and that graduation was a "sweating process beside which the hot-air bath is not to be mentioned." Yet crowds were enthusiastic, contemporary accounts say. Though student speeches came to be limited in length and number as graduation class sizes grew, they were a staple until the somber com­ mencement of 1917, when two-thirds of the male students had left cam­ pus to honor their country's call to war.

Women join the ranks A dramatic change in commencement happened in 1901, when Ella Salome Wilcoxen became Rochester's first female graduate. Suffragist Susan B. Anthony's nine-year campaign to have women admitted to the University reached a successful conclusion in 1900.

Aisles we've marched down The Eastman Theatre has been the venue for many commencement ceremonies since its completion in the early 1920s, though its 3,000 seat­ capacity has often been strained by commencement crowds. Even when class sizes were much smaller, the entourage of community leaders, trustees, and relatives of graduates taxed the theater's limits. With the post-World War II influx of returning servicemen attending college under the G.l. bill, class sizes swelled dramatically. Commencements moved outdoors to Fauver Stadium in 1953, where they stayed until 1967. Early May graduation dates and the risk of poor weather drove the ceremonies indoors again, until 1987. That year, the academic calendar changed, putting Commencement in late May, when prospects for good weather improve.

Happy at heart on this day Perhaps the single feature that best links today's ceremonies to 1851's commencement is the audience. From 1851 onward, enthusiastic crowds have turned out to cheer on Rochester graduates. Newspapers say thousands of spectators witnessed the first commencement, as Scott's Brass Band led a parade toward Corinthian Hall. Following the band, "presumably in ascending order of dignity" Arthur May notes, were the University janitor, Rochester schoolchildren, undergraduates, teachers at the common schools, Board of Education representatives, the mayor and his top lieutenants, officials of state and county governments, University founders, courtroom judges, the 10 graduating seniors, , trustees, the chancellor, and the high sheriff of Monroe County. Among today's thousands of spectators, many are as distinguished and, no doubt, bursting with as much pride as the onlookers of 1851. -- 1111111 (J ~ ?f~ ~ £' ...... ~ i ~-


G) Doctors of Philosophy, Musical Arts, Education 0 Doctors of Medicine I l(s) 0 A rts and Science Masters (3) j•) ~ 0 M usic Masters I ('= I @ 0 Medicine Masters 0 Education Masters ® 0 Engineering Masters ® Nursing Masters ® I I I @ ® Arts and Science Bachelors @ Music Bachelors @ Engineering Bachelors 20 50 20 @ Nursing Bachelors

FAUVER STADIUM Vl 6 Commencement Ceremonies Dennis O'Brien, President, PRESIDING

CONCERT PRELUDE Eastman Wind Ensem Donald Hunsberger, Conduc Fanfare and Allegro ]ames Clifton Williams Suite in E-flat Gustav Holst Chaconne each of you has a Scherzo Er March responsibility to the society; and "Mass" from La Fiesta Mexicana H. Owen Reed March-National Emblem E. E. Bagley the time scale of the society is CARILLON MARCH Hopeman Caril generally a long one, not a short David Caldwell, University Carillon one. To exercise this responsibility- "The Dandelion Yellow" Charles F. Cole, 192 5 Richard L. Green, 1926 e1.1en when it may be in conflict PROCESSIONAL Eastman Wind Ensem with your responsibility to your Faculty and Candidates parents, teachers, and employers­ U niversity of Rochester Commencement Fanfare I Howard Hanson will require courage as well as "Coronation March" from Le Prophete Giacomo Meyerbeer Belle of the Mohawk Vale Traditional ingenuity: for sometimes you will Homage March for King Ludwig of Bavaria Richard Wagner March-Crown Imperial William Walton find it necessary to sacrifice Platform Party U niversity of Rochester yourself because your interest for Commencement Fanfare II March-Pomp and Circumstance, the longer t~iew is not acceptable Op. 39, No.1 Edward Elgar to those who employ you. But, on INVOCATION Carol D. Gon the whole, I think you should take University Associate Protestant Chap!

this risk and inject these longer WELCOME President O'Br

perspectit~es into your careers. CONFERRING OF DOCmRAL DEGREES John C. Brau Announ Your technological fixes and social The degree Doctor of Philosophy William H. Ri fixes will thereby become more Acting University Dean of Graduate Sttu: humane; perhaps more important, The degree Doctor of Musical Arts Robert Freerr Director, Eastman School of Mt each of your lit~es will be more The degree Doctor of Education Guilbert C. Hentsc Dean, Graduate School of Education and Human Developm richly human. The degree Doctor of Medicine Robert ]. ]o Alvin M. Weinberg, 1973 Dean, School of Medicine and Denti

- 7

George H. Ford, Joseph H. Gilmore Emeritus of English, UNIVERSITY ORAmR


:ONFERRING OF BACCALAUREATE DEGREES College of Arts and Science Dean Jack A. Kamprneier University College of Liberal and Applied Studies Eastman School of Music Director Freeman College of Engineering and Applied Science Dean Bruce W Arden School of Nursing Dean Sheila A. Ryan ASTMAN WIND ENSEMBLE The Stars and Stripes Forever John Philip Sousa



ONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES President O'Brien Doctor of Humane Letters Jacob Neusner Doctor of Science Harold Abraham Scheraga Robert Leonard Brent Doctor of Music William Caesar Warfield

OMMENCEMENT ADDRESS Doctor Warfield "Commencement: Then What ?"

LOSING REMARKS President O'Brien

}IE GENESEE Sung by Steven Scheschareg, '88 with the Eastman Wind Ensemble Herve D. Wilkins, 1866

ECESSIONAL Festive Overture Dmitri Shostakovich Arrangement Hunsberger 8

COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE Diploma Anthropology Room 11 2, Harkness Hall 2:00p.m. Art and Art History Fine Arts Library, Rush Rhees Library 2:00p.m. Ceremonies Biochemistry Room 203, Meliora Hall 2:00p.m. Biology Hubbell Auditorium, Hutchison Hall 3:30p.m. Center for Special Degrees May Room, Wilson Commons 3:30p.m. Hoyt Hall 3:00p.m. Computer Science Sanctuary, Interfaith C hapel 1:30 p.m. Cognitive Science Room 201, Lattimore Hall 3:30p.m. Economics Sanctuary, Interfaith Chapel 3:30p.m. English Hubbell Auditorium, Hutchison Hall 1:30 p.m. Film Studies Room 201, Dewey Hall 3:30p.m. Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics Todd Building 1:30 p.m. General Science May Room, Wilson Commons 3:30p.m. Geological Sciences Lander Auditorium, Hutchison Hall 2:00p.m. Health and Society May Room, Wilson Commons 3:30p.m. History May Room, Wilson Commons 1:30 p.m. Individualized Interdepartmental May Room, Wilson Commons 3:30p.m. Mathematics Sanctuary, Interfaith Chapel 1:30 p.m. Microbiology Helen Wood Hall, Medical Center 2:00p.m. Music Eastman T heatre 2:00p.m. Neuroscience Room 114, Dewey Hall 1:30 p.m. Whear about pre-med Philosophy Welles-Brown Room, Rush Rhees Library 2:00p.m. Physics and Astronomy courses and pre-law courses and Hoyt Hall Lawn (Rain Site: Room 109, Bausch and Lomb Hall) 2:00p.m. Political Science Strong Auditorium 1:30 p.m. other pre-this and pre-that courses Psychology Strong Auditorium 3:30p.m. Public Policy Room 201, Dewey Hall 4:00p.m. ­ in college, but I think that all Saturday, college education is a pre-education May 21 Religious and Classical Studies Room 201, Dewey Hall 3:30p.m. course. What college does or Statistics Sanctuary, Interfaith Chapel 1:30p.m. Women's Studies Rare Books Department, Rush Rhees Library 2:00p.m. should do, is give you a basis for EASTMAN SCHOOL O F MUSIC Eastman Theatre 2:00p.m. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LIBERAL educating yourself Graduation AND APPLIED STUDIES Fairbank Alumni Center, Douglass Building 2:00p.m. from college, if you don't mind my GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN saying so, is really nothing but the DEVELOPMENT Hoyt Hall 12:30 p.m. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING end of your kindergarten days. AND APPLIED SCIENCE Fauver Stadium 2:00p.m. SCHOOL OF NURSING Auditorium, River Road Buildings 2: 15p.m. John Canaday, 1974 Diploma Ceremony Receptions Schools, Colleges, and Departments holding Receptions will announce their times and places. 9

Honor Phi Beta Kappa **Eric Hartmann Reitan (National Collegiate Honor Society) Scott Edward Richardson Ethan Stuart Rogers Gabriela Katharina Elisa Biber **Robin Elaine Rowland Societies David Daniel Blazak **Laura Louise Runge Martha Ann Brown Tara Engst Santmire **Catherine Heddy Carbonaro William S. Schlein Simo n Joel Cohen **Kristin Marie Sciortino Robert Anthony Colon Lynn Catherine Sedgwick Stephanie Susan DeBuck **Edward Burrows Seidl James Andrew DeRoche Paul Spencer Sternberger Edward Nathan Druck Mark Edward Swetz Frederick Howard Epstein Timothy Taro Takahashi Julian Falwell Richard Kenneth Tan **Susanne Leila Farzan John Charles Trueswell Stuart V. Flavin Joel Ari Turner David Harold Fogarty Kimberly Marie Van Auken Glenn Peter Foster Lee Samuel Wagmeister **David Ralph Francisco Brenda Sue Wagner **Michael Jude Froncek Scott Lincoln West Kelly Ann Gallagher Leda Louise Williams Daniel William Gibbons Paul Andrew Williams Sandra Donna Gould here are vast worlds outside Lauren Ruth Wolfson Lisa Robin Grunberger Henry Horng Yih Wu Scott Charles Gruskin the recognized professions where Deborah Sharon Wuttke **Joachim Hammer **Jenny Yu Charles Paul Harris people are needed who have the Tyler Thomas Zachem **Gregory Brian Hecht **Lynn Marie Ziegler qualities that have been ascribed Ann Susan Howard John Fitzgerald Howe to you. Therefore, even if you Patricia Ann Hrusa Timothy Joseph Karl Tau Beta Pi don't think much of the world of Richard John Koshel (College Honor Society in Engineering) business, or the media, take your **Aubrey Yuan Ku Rachel C elia Laramee Avery A. Bevin qualities there, and see what **Kathryn Clare Falvey LaSota Catherine Heddy C arbonaro Eric John Lavonas David Andrew C asper happens. Don't expect that you are **Jennifer Ann LeBaron James M. C icchiello **C heryl Ruth List Simon Joel Cohen going to raise them from the depths Eric Stuart Malden David A. C oleman Matthew E. McCarthy Duane Raymond Douglas -if indeed they are depths; wait Carole Frances Meyers Laurina Anne Ferro Stuart V. Flavin until you have discovered what Anthony Arthur Mikovsky C hristine Lynne Montoney John Matthew Freymann Daniel William G ibbons they have to teach you and then, Robert V. Morrison **Nicholas James Morrissey William John C ressler when you have learned your job, **Leonard John Mueller Jennifer Ann LeBaron Rakish Mullick Matthew E. McCarthy perhaps you can teach them. Julie Ellen Neafach Mark Brian O 'Neill Kathleen Elizabeth Norris Howard C hristopher Read Only fools despise any kind Roger William Osmun Maureen Salanger Mary Belinda Ottaway Kyle Thomas Schmackpfeffer of honest work. Lisa Marie Papp Terri Michelle Storrs A rti Jay Patel T imothy Taro Takahashi W. Robertson Dat~ies, 1983 Maria Perricone Lee Samuel Wagmeister Rodney Walter Rasmussen Brenda Sue Wagner Howard C hristopher Read Paul Andrew Williams Jenny Yu **Elected in the junior year 10

Honor Societies Sigma Theta Tau Kappa Delta Pi (College Honor Society in Nursing) (Professional Honor Society in Robin Rae Anderson Education) Barbara M. Aughenbaugh Mark D. Bangs Jennifer A. Burgher Carolina Rose C sizmadia Susan Jean Carrier Donna M. Dettman Cynthia M. Ciaschi Matthew Joseph DiRisio Joanne V. Clements Maureen Ann Doyle Patricia A. Corbett Michael Joseph Dunford Mary Lu Daly Clark John Godshall Bonnie Smith Doell Anita Lynn Hawkins Amy Louise Durr Cecile S. Horkheimer JoAnn Romano Egan Anne E. Hurley Laurie Walsh Ernest, R.N. Nancy A. Kent Meriel Friedman-Campbell Nancy L. Kizielewicz Linda Louise Gorski Ann Elizabeth McBurney Melanie Mary Granieri Molly Elizabeth Meath Janet Dermody Handy Gail Ann Stone Susan A. Hauptfleisch Conrad Harry Strack Linda Beth Hilliker Jeanne Ellen Sullivan Sandra Laurice Jack, R.N. Michele C. Tofany Nancy L. Jackson Michael David Trbovich Beth Eileen Jones Joseph L. Zawicki Kimberly Ann Kaminski Beverly Ann Kaufman Corinne S. Kiernan Alpha Omega Alpha Rita M. Knight (College Medical Honorary Society) Deborah A. Leckinger Bradford Harlow Williams Armstrong Johanna B. Lindblom Valerie Susan Esch Bruemmer Georgia Ann Lowmaster Michael E. C hen Patricia A. Macaruso Nancy Ellen Duckles Jean E. Mack-Fogg Robert Myles Elfont Marta ]. Maletzke David Yan Eng Alida Merrill Steven David Freer Marilyn K. Merritt Stella Hetelekidis Darce Lynn Metzler Jeffrey Thomas Junig Katherine I. Miller Kristina Karasek Laura Lee Murphy Mark Robert Licht Renate Porsche Katherine P. O'Hanlon Heather R. Reece, R.N. Robert Stephen O'Shea Joan M. Rossi Michael Gerald Radley Karen L. Schoonerman Kenneth Preston Rothfield Melinda S. Sciera Michael William Shedd C raig Robert Sellers Jacqueline Sue Shapiro Deborah Ann Sobieraj Judith Sternberg Spula Deborah A. Tibi Elizabeth W. Vaczy Bonnie J. Vasseur Walden 11

THE ISAAC DAVIS-CHESTER THE EMIL KUICHLING PRIZE, Prizes and DEWEY PRIZES, founded in 1864 awarded to the man in the junior class and 1866, open annually to under­ in mechanics who has shown the graduates whose original expository greatest proficiency in the work of the Awardst or persuasive speeches exhibit the course-awarded in 1987-Timothy highest excellence in content, orga­ Taro Takahashi nization, style, and delivery- THE WILLIAM MORSE THE ELIZABETH M. ANDERSON HASTINGS PRIZE, awarded each PRIZE, awarded to the senior who year for the best essay or thesis upon shows the highest proficiency in some some topic on the history of industry, subject connected with art-Paul selected by the chair of the Depart­ Spencer Sternberger ment of Economics and the Dean of the William E. Simon Graduate THE N. B. ELLISON PRIZE, awarded School of Business Administration- to the students in the senior class con­ It has been said that education is centrating in history who have done THE C HARLES ELLIS CALDWELL the best work in that department- PRIZE, awarded to the man in the what is left after you have forgotten senior class who in his college work THE ISAAC SHERMAN FELLOW­ has shown the greatest proficiency in all you learned. If this be true, of SHIP, awarded to that student who the Department of English- has shown the highest ability in what does the precious residue the work of the Department of THE JAMES D. McGILL MEMORI­ Economics- AL PRIZE, awarded to the undergrad­ consist? uate who has shown the greatest in­ THE WILLIAMS MEMORIAL terest and demonstrated the highest I think it consists of the capacity PRIZE, awarded to the woman in the achievement in the field of political senior class concentrating in English science-James Andrew DeRoche who has done the best work in the to learn. It is an attitude of mind department- THE PERCY B. DUTIDN PRIZE, which is never satisfied with its awarded to the man in the senior THE KREYER PRIZE IN GERMAN, class who, in the opinion of the Dean awarded for facility in spoken of Students, has exceeded all his men representation of the world; a mind German-Avery A. Bevin classmates in wholesome, unselfish, and helpful influence among his fel­ which invites fact to suggest theory, THE STODDARD PRIZE IN low students- Roger Barry Wolkoff however unwelcome, PHYSICS, awarded to the student in the senior class who presents the best THE FANNIE R. BIGELOW AWARD, thesis on an assigned topic of investi­ presented to the undergraduate woman and requires theory to discover fact gation in physics- in recognition of the importance of which can confirm or the contributions made by women to THE TERRY PRIZE, awarded to the cultural, intellectual, and civic life of discredit opinion. men in the senior class who by their their communities-Laura Louise industry, manliness, and honorable Runge conduct have done most for the life Gemge Edward Pelham &x, 1975 and character of the men of the River THE TAU BETA PI PRIZE, awarded Campus-Co-recipients: Stephen to the senior engineering students, James Rodney and Tyler Thomas who, through academic achievement, Zachem proven leadership, and sterling char­ acter, have excelled and inspired their THE HULL PRIZE, awarded to the fellow students- Lee Samuel Wag­ man in the senior class concentrating meister and Brenda Sue Wagner in English who has done the best work in English studies- THE RUSSELL MUMFORD TUTTLE PRIZE, awarded to the T HE CHARLES L. NEW1DN PRIZE, male student for proficiency in the awarded to the student in the applied study of Greek- sciences who shows a special profi­ ciency in that area, either in oral or T HE NEIL C. ARVIN MEMORIAL written examinations or by thesis­ PRIZE, awarded to the seniors who tRecipients' names that do not James Michael Battiato have excelled in French during their appear in the program will be undergraduate course- Keiran]. announced at the Diploma Dunne, Andreas Katsuya Lauer, and Ceremonies. Carole Diane Mitnick 12

Prizes and Awards T HE E. P. APPELT MEMORIAL THE JAY F. BIRDSALL MEMORIAL PRIZE, awarded to a student of FUND, awarded to a graduating German for progress toward overall senior in political science who has proficiency in spoken and written demonstrated an interest and com­ German- mitment in practical politics­ Gabriela Katharina Elisa Biber THE LATTIMORE PRIZE SCHOLARSHIP FOR G EOLOGY THE FLOYD GRISWOLD GREENE FIELD STUDY, awarded to under­ AND BESSIE DENNY GREENE graduates majoring in geology­ MEMORIAL PRIZE, given annually Sharon Elizabeth LaPalme and Lynn to the students majoring in economics C atherine Sedgwick or in the field of management whose records and activities reflect those THE JOSEPH A. O 'CONNOR qualities of mind and character which GRADUATE ST UDY ENDOW­ offer the greatest promise of success MENT FUND AWARD, presented in the field of law, economics, and to the woman in the senior class who accounting and/or finance- has shown marked ability in English literature, in classical languages and THE IRENE BUSH STEINBOCK literature, or in archeology-Carole AWARD, awarded annually to the Frances Meyers senior in the College of Arts and Science who has made the most THE DO NALD R. CHARLES noteworthy contributio n to human MEMORIAL AWARD, originating relations-Daniel Paul G rudus from funds subscribed by students, colleagues, and friends of Professor THE WENDY JILL FREAD PRIZE, Charles, is given annually to a worthy to the member of the senior class student who, in the judgment of the who, during four years as a student, Department of Biology, shows prom­ has given the greatest service and ise of a kind which Professor Charles shown the greatest concern for fellow so regularly encouraged and aided. students, established in memory of The award provides a sum to cover Wendy Jill Fread, Class of 1975 - limited expenses or tuition costs for an undergraduate or graduate student THE ARTHUR S. GALE MEMO­ who wishes to carry on advanced RIAL PRIZE IN MATHEMATICS, studies, or some special project, dur­ awarded annually to the student ing the summer months. In special receiving a bachelor's degree in math­ cases the award may be made for a ematics, who, in the judgment of the period within the academic year- mathematics faculty, has displayed the greatest achievement and promise THE JANET HOWELL C LARK in the field - Joseph John Palen PRIZE, awarded to the women in the senior class who have shown the THE DANIEL WARD HEALY, JR. greatest promise in creative work in PRIZE, awarded to the senior in the physics, chemistry, biology, or astron­ College of Engineering and Applied omy, and who have shown outstand­ Science who has demonstrated the ing versatility in the mastery of allied greatest interest and potential for a fields- Deborah Sharon Wuttke and career in biomedical engineering­ Kimberly Marie VanAuken Diane Hoffman

THE PEARL SPERLING EVANS THE SIMEON CHEATHAM PRIZE IN CREATIVE WRITING, AWARD, given to a student who has awarded annually to that under­ shown outstanding qualities in devo­ graduate woman who shall have tion to community service and to the demonstrated the greatest promise growth and development of children ­ in creative writing- Robert Jeffrey Cohen

DEAN'S PRIZE IN C REATIVE WRITING, awarded to the C ollege of A rts and Science annually in the categories of drama, poetry, and the short story- 13

THE HARRY DeLEON POLSTER THE ACADEMY OF AMERICAN THE BARBARA LEE RUBIN MEMORIAL PRIZE, established in POETS PRIZE, awarded for the best PRIZES IN FILM AND THEATER, I983 by fam ily members, colleagues, poem or group of poems submitted awarded to two seniors for their and friends in his memory, to be by an undergraduate to the English/ achievements in film and in theater- awarded to a senior majoring in Creative Writing Department- optics who has demonstrated through THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE academic performance or a special THE WILLIAM H. GILMAN OF CHEMISTS AWARD, given project unusual ability in the field of PRIZE, awarded to the outstanding each year to the outstanding senior optics-Barry Joel Blasenheim Doctor of Philosophy candidate in in chemical engineering-Daniel English or American literature- William Gibbons THE SUSAN B. ANTHONY SCHOLARSHIP, awarded to the THE AYMAN AMIN-SALEM woman undergraduate student from MEMORIAL. AWARD, to the the greater-Rochester area on the member of the senior class who best Eastman School basis of academic achievement, prom­ evidences qualities of good character of Music ise, and financial need- and good citizenship such as decency, reliability, responsibility, and conge­ ALLEN-FORSYTH MEMORIAL THE EDWARD PECK CURTIS niality. Established in memory of SCHOLARSHIP, to recognize under­ AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN Ayman Am in-Salem, Class of 1987- graduates with special interest and TEACHING BY A GRADUATE Clagett Anthony Wolfe, Jr. demonstrated ability in music, and STUDENT, awarded each year to satisfactory academic performance­ graduate students who have made THE JOHN H. BERMAN MEMO­ Deborah Kay Boyd, Anne Christine significant contributions to under­ RIAL AWARD, awarded annually to Cunningham, Donald Lee Gannon, graduate education -Sandra Bern­ the graduating senior who plans to Jonas Edward Gray, Gerard Keene, hard, Department of English; Mary attend law school and best evidences Richard G. Mercurio, Thomas Lynne Conti, Department of Foreign self-motivation, achievement, leader­ Michael Riccobono Languages, Literatures, and Linguis­ ship, concern for others, reliability, tics; and John Huber, Department of and commitment to high moral prin­ ARTHUR ASSUM SCHOLARSHIP, Political Science ciples-Manuel Zakhary to recognize a student(s) in voice; in memory of Arthur Assum, former THE DR. E. W. AND MAUDE V. THE SHELBY A. MILLER PRIZE IN Dean of the University School, FLAGG AWARD, awarded to an DESIGN, awarded each year by the University of Rochester-Mary Ann undergraduate chemistry major in Rochester Section of the American McCormick, Sharon Louise Sasse recognition of performance and Institute of Chemical Engineers to the promise- student or group of students judged EDITH BABCOCK SCHOLAR­ to have submitted the best design SHIP, to assist talented students THE JOHN McCREARY MEMO­ project-Charles Albert Peck and whose musical education would RIAL PRIZE, presented annually to Robert I. Zedeck otherwise be curtailed or restricted­ the graduating chemistry major with Lisa Ann Ferrigno, Gerard Keene, the highest average - THE ALBERT K. ACKOFF AWARD, Jeanmarie Kolar, Laura Cara Millman given each year by the American THE JOHN F. FLAGG PRIZE, Institute of Chemical Engineers, LOLA]. BERGNER SCHOLAR­ awarded annually to a senior in Rochester Section, to the outstanding SHIP, to provide scholarships for physics and astronomy for outstand­ junior in chemical engineering­ Eastman School undergraduate ing scholarship- awarded in 1987 -Daniel William students-Grace Sung Kang, Susan Gibbons Elizabeth Martin THE MEREDITH GOODMAN BERNSTEIN PRIZE, awarded for the THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER­ FANNY BIGELOW SCHOLAR­ best piece of writing by an undergrad­ ING FACULTY PRIZE, awarded by SHIP, to provide scholarships on a uate in fiction, poetry, or nonfiction - them each year to one or more mem­ University-wide basis for outstanding bers of the graduating class for excel­ undergraduate women-Colleen THE WINTERKORN LILLIS INC. lence in project work presented in a Marie Conway PRIZE, awarded to the graduating written report of independent study senior in the College of Arts and or research that enhances the educa­ JULIA B. BISSELL SCHOLARSHIP, Science who has shown the highest tional capability of the Department to provide scholarships for deserving promise in creative writing- for the benefit of future students- Eastman School students- Karin Addis, Deborah Kay Boyd, Colleen THE DOROTHY SCHIMMEL THE ROWLAND COLLINS Marie C onway PRIZE, awarded to that undergradu­ MEMORIAL AWARD, awarded each ate who, in the course of his (or her) year to the undergraduate or graduate FRANK S. CUNCKLE SCHOLAR­ literary studies, has submitted the best student in English who has done out­ SHIP, to assist a worthy Eastman critical essay for judgment by faculty standing work in Old English or Vic­ School Music student- Deborah Kay of the Department of English- torian literature- Boyd 14

Prizes and Awards CARL L. DEAVENPORT SCHOL­ ADELAIDE LINDSAY SCHOLAR­ ARSHIP, to support a deserving black SHIP, to provide scholarship aid to a student in vocal or instrumental voice student, with preference to a music-Steven Alan Wright mezzo-soprano-Mary Ann McCor­ mick, Steven Josef Scheschareg ELIZABETH, FLORENCE AND M.GERTRUDEDEAVENPORT LINK SCHOLARSHIP AWARD, to SCHOLARSHIP, to support a provide aid to a black undergraduate deserving student in vocal or or graduate student in voice or in­ instrumental music-Rebecca Dawn strumental studies- Kimberly Jajuan Reichenbauch Harrison

JOSE EC HANIZ MEMORIAL LILLIAN MILLER LOOS MEMO­ SCHOLARSHIP, to provide scholar­ RIAL SCHOLARSHIP, to support ship assistance to students of piano­ general scholarship aid-Brian Stuart Bradley Thomas Gam Chilton, Jonas Edward Gray

FARASH SCHOLARSHIP, ESTHER AND LOWELL to provide general scholarship MACMILLAN SCHOLARSHIP, assistance-Dawn Marie Edwards, to support general scholarship aid­ Jennifer Elowitch Robert Michael Beatty

WARREN S. AND MARGARET GEORGE McNABB SCHOLAR­ FIRMAN MEMORIAL SCHOLAR­ SHIP, to support general scholarship SHIP, to provide scholarships to men aid - Irene Beatriz Caramuta, Michel and women with scholastic attain­ Leonce Nadeau ment, financial need and high principles-Geoffrey Robert Jones ROGER MINOR MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP, to provide support HAROLD AND EDITH SMITH for students of trombone- John Allen FRANK SCHOLARSHIP, to provide Gove scholarships for needy students of violin - Gina Marie Costanza DOROTHY AND NAOMI ORNEST SCHOLARSHIP, to provide scholar­ HOWARD HANSON ORCHES­ ship support to an undergraduate TRAL PRIZE, to provide an annual with high musical and academic prize for an orchestral composition­ potential, who has spent at least one Kamran Nuri !nee year at Eastman School, and is study­ ing voice - Steven Josef Scheschareg HEINEMAN FUND, to support a graduate student in musicology ­ VERNON K. PENNY SCHOLAR­ Sylvia Maureen !meson SHIP, to provide scholarship aid to an American male, born in the U.S. of JONAH KELLEY MEMORIAL American ancestry who is a student SCHOLARSHIP, to provide scholar­ of piano-Christopher Martin ships to students of voice- Eileen Connolly Louise Strempel THE PRESSER FOUNDATION LOUIS LANE PRIZE, to provide an SCHOLARSHIP, to recognize an annual prize for the best orchestral outstanding music major in his/ her composition-Steven F. Halloran, senior year-Gretchen Jolene Allen Deniz C laudia !nee THE EMORY B. AND LAURA W. ETHEL LANNIN MEMORIAL REMINGTDN SCHOLARSHIP, SCHOLARSHIP, to provide scholar­ established in memory of Emory ship aid to students of piano-Rei Remington and Mrs. Remington by Hotoda colleagues, former students, and relatives, for scholarship aid- Jeffrey ROSE LANNIN MEMORIAL Blaine Knutson SCHOLARSHIP, to provide scholarship aid to students of voice­ Tina Carolyn Albright, Katherine Wynnan Halpenny 15

BERNARD ROGERS MEMORIAL YI KWEI AND NANCY SZE Gary Scott Press, in tuba SCHOLARSHIP, to provide an an­ SCHOLARSHIP, to provide scholar­ Andrew Jackson Spencer, in percussion nual prize to a junior in composition ship support for able and needy Mark J. Sterbank, in saxophone for award in the senior year-Deniz Chinese students who are not U.S. Joseph Lawrence Tartell, in trumpet Claudia Ince, Marc Andrew Mellits citizens-Shau.Yan Yee, Co ng Zou Keith Alan T homas, in oboe Ning Tien, in violoncello LOIS SMITH ROGERS SCHOL­ AVIS H. AND DAVID L. VAUGHN Yvonne Phyllis Toll, in trumpet ARSHIP, to provide continuing SCHOLARSHIP, to provide scholar­ Harold M. Van Schaik, in trombone scholarships to outstanding new ships to students of piano - Rei Hotoda Luanne Irene Warner, in percussion undergraduate students based on Valerie Louise Watts, in flute initial and continuing academic and G ERTRUDE VAYO SCHOLAR­ C hristopher John Wu, in violin musical potential and achievement­ SHIP, to provide general scholarship C hristopher Clark Young, in organ Irene Beatriz Caramuta, Rachel aid- Jeanmarie Kolar, Michel Leonce Theresa Kathryn Zale, in oboe Hebden Harrison, Gerard Keene Nadeau

SIMON ROSE SCHOLARSHIP, WILLIAM WARFIELD SCHOLAR­ to provide continuing scholarship SHIP, to provide scholarship support School of Medicine support to talented students enrolled to a qualified black student of voice­ and Dentistry in performance or composition Kimberly Jaj uan Harrison, Derrick degrees-Maria De Los Angeles Jerome Smith THE RUDOLPH ANGELL AWARD Rivera established in honor of Dr. Angell, ELAINE P. AND RICHARD U. graduate of the medical school 1937, MARK RUDA SCHOLARSHIP, to WILSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND, by his friends and colleagues, recog­ provide scholarship aid for a needy to provide support for students with nizes a graduating medical student student without discrimination as to outstanding achievement within and who "by virtue of outstanding per­ race, sex or nationality- Lisa Ann outside the classroom who have sub­ formance in Internal Medicine and Ferrigno stantial need-Gretchen Jolene A llen, high personal standards, exemplifies Darleen Ann C arl the ideals of the art and science of DOROTHY F. SCHLENKER the practice of medicine"-Robert SCHOLARSHIP, to aid a needy EASTMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC Stephen O'Shea female student- Gretchen Jolene PERFORMER'S CERTIFIC ATE Allen, Lisa Ann Ferrigno G retchen Jolene Allen, in flu te T HE CLASS O F 1976 PRIZE, award­ Patrick James Allen, in organ ed by the alumni of the C lass of 1976 MARSHALL SEEMAN SCHOL­ Brady Russell Allred, in flute to a graduating medical student in ARSHIP FUN D, to support a percus­ Matthew Clay Boatman, in organ recognition of promise to become an sion student-Thomas A. Nazziolo John Parsons Bodinger, in organ outstanding clinical teacher-Jeffrey Fred Blanton Bugbee, in percussion T homas Junig LINDA SEKA SCHOLARSHIP, to Darlene Ann Carl, in clarinet support a vocal major- Katherine Joel Craig Davis, in trumpet T HE BRYCE COLLIER PRIZE, Wynnan Halpenny Janine Celia Gaboury-Sly, in hom awarded to a medical student whose Genie P. Garrity, in voice performance demonstrates exceptional SLOAN SCHOLARSHIP, to provide Eugene W. Gaub, in piano qualities of responsibility and devo­ general scholarship support-Michel Terence E. G oss, in saxophone tion in the compassionate and under­ Leonce Nadeau, Thomas Michael Robert Michael Grenier, in voice standing care of the sick- Elizabeth Riccobono, Mark John Sterbank Marianne Gythfeldt, in clarinet Terry Toll and James Wilson Peterson Phenisher Samelle Harris, in voice HENRY SMITH, JR. SCHOLAR­ Rumiko Hashizume Isaksen, in piano T H E ROBERT J. HAGGERTY SHIP, to aid needy male students­ Grace Sung Kang, in hom PRIZE IN PEDIAT RICS. The Depart­ Cong Zou Young:Yul Kim, in hom ment of Pediatrics established this Yunghwa Yoon Kim, in piano award in 1988 in honor of its former BRAME SPARRAZZA MEMORIAL Jeanmarie Kolar, in clarinet chair, Robert J. Haggerty (1964-1974), SCHO LARSHIP, to support a needy Heidi Kathleen Kuhrman, in oboe "a dedicated clinician, teacher, and percussion major involved in the Jacqueline Fairchild LeClair, in oboe investigator who focused on the whole School jazz program- Richard G. Jamie Andrea Levine, in voice child, the family and their commu­ Mercurio C indy Lindeen Martin, in organ nity as the model for pediatric care." Susan Elizabeth Martin, in flute This award is presented to a gradu­ RUDOLPH SPETH MEMORIAL Elizabeth West Marvin, in voice ating medical student who demon­ SCHOLARSHIP, to aid a needy and Bryan McElhaney, in tuba strates the exceptional personal quali­ talented student of good character Matthew M. Patton, in hom ties, scholarship and concern for the planning on an orchestral career­ Robert Lewis Poovey, in organ care of all children so characteristic Jacqueline Fairchild LeClair, Dean of Dr. Haggerty. The Department of T homas O'Brien Pediatrics faculty acts as the Commit­ tee of Award - Anne Marie Dubin 16

Prizes and Awards THE WILLIAM B. HAWKINS PRIZE T HE WALLACE 0. FENN AWARD, is presented in memory of Dr. William awarded to a graduate student in any Hawkins, who was a faculty member department of the School who is in the Department of Pathology. The judged to have performed especially award is given to a graduating medical meritorious research and presented student who manifests Dr. Hawkins' a Ph.D. thesis suitable to honor the high personal standards, consideration name of Wallace 0. Fenn, the fi rst of others, and dedication to scholar­ Professor of Physiology at Rochester ship- Michael E. C hen and Nancy and a distinguished research scien­ Ellen Duckles tist-Robert A. Burne

THE NEUROLOGY PRIZE is given T HE HAROLD C. HODGE to the student who has demonstrated AWARD is given each year by the both outstanding professional quali­ Environmental Health Sciences Cen­ ties and academic excellence in clini­ ter faculty to a graduating student cal neuroscience-Valerie Susan Esch who has done especially meritorious Bruemmer research in toxicology. It commemo­ rates the career of the first chair of THE DORAN]. STEPHENS PRIZE, the Department of Pharmacology awarded by the alumni of the School who initiated toxicologic research at of Medicine to a graduating student this university-Mark Edward Hahn who shows promise of developing the personal and professional qualities T HE ROBERT KATES AWARD, that distinguished the late Dr. Doran awarded to a graduating student who ]. Stephens, a graduate of the first has demonstrated excellence in both class of the School, an inspiring clinical medicine and in research by teacher, talented investigator, kindly qualifying for both the M.D. and the and able physician- Mark Robert Ph.D. degrees in the combined pro­ Licht gram or by earning the degree of Doc­ tor of Medicine with Distinction in THE WILLIAM F. BALE AWARD, Research-Jeffrey Thomas Junig honoring Dr. William F. Bale, a fac­ ulty pioneer in , is given to THE CHARLES D. KOCHAKIAN a graduating student for rigor in re­ AWARD IN ENDOCRINOLOG Y search and for exemplary personal A ND N UTRITION established in characteristics-Scott Douglas recognition of Charles D. Kochakian, Kennedy Ph.D., a graduate of the Medical School in 1936, is awarded to a medi­ THE WALTER BLOOR AWARD, cal student for research in the field has been established in honor of Dr. of endocrinology and/or nutrition­ Walter Bloor, the first chair of the A ndrew Everett Sutton biochemistry department at the Uni­ versity of Rochester Medical School. THE GEORGE V. METZGER It is awarded to a graduate student AWARD, presented by the Biophysics from the Department of Biochemistry faculty and students, is a memorial to who is selected by a committee of fac­ a former student, George Metzger, to ulty members from the department recognize a thesis of exceptional qual­ and is based on the best Ph.D. thesis ity- Samuel Edward Navon - Anne Marie Grohs Rowlands

THE DEAN'S AWARD is presented to a fourth-year medical student in recognition of excellent academic achievement and research - Michael E. C hen 17

School of Nursing THE MARY REDING ECKL AWARD is presented to the gradu­ THE LOUISE WILSON HALLER ating baccalaureate student who has MEMORIAL PRIZE is presented to demonstrated in clinical practice the nurse completing the graduate those qualities of compassion toward program in nursing who exemplifies patients, professional integrity, and to the highest degree the spirit of sensitivity in human relationships nursing as shown by excellence in most reminiscent of Mary Reding patient care and devotion to the best Eckl-Alida Merrill traditions of the profession-Deborah Tibi THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PRIZE is awarded to a graduating bac­ THE SARAH AND ERNEST calaureate student who has demon­ TAYLOR MEMORIAL NURSING strated outstanding commitment to AWARD was established by Mr. and the University and to the School of Mrs. Thomas J. Willis, in memory of Nursing. The Award recognizes the the parents of Mrs. Dorothy Taylor student who has made the greatest Willis. Mrs. Willis served as a staff contribution to the quality of student nurse in Nursing Service at Strong life, and to the relationships among Memorial Hospital, and as a faculty students and faculty, both as a spokes­ member of the University of Roch­ person and as a leader-Melanie ester School of Nursing from 1968- Granieri 1977. The award is granted to a stu­ dent completing graduate study in THE MARGERY FANCHER DALY the Medical-Surgical Nursing Pro­ MEMORIAL PRIZE is awarded annu­ gram or in the Adult Primary Care ally to an outstanding undergraduate Program in the School of Nursing as student of the University of Rochester a source of encouragement to continue School of Nursing who best exempli­ in a nursing career in an expanded fies the life and character of Mrs. Daly, role. It is presented to a student who including compassion and competence has shown clinical and theoretical ex­ in professional nursing practice, aca­ cellence, compassion in patient care, demic achievement, and a commit­ and a commitment to the nursing ment to a career in nursing- Nancy profession-Joanne C lements Jackson

THE ELIZABETH CLINGER THE REGISTERED NURSE STU­ YOUNG AWARD was established by DENT AWARD is presented by the the friends of Mrs. Young, a nurse, in School of Nursing Faculty to a grad­ memory of her and to honor her per­ uating registered nurse student who sonal qualities of great compassion, has integrated the philosophy of bac­ courage, and concern for others that calaureate nursing education, achieved she maintained throughout a long high academic standing, demonstrated illness. The award is granted to the outstanding ability to practice profes­ student completing graduate study sional nursing, and shown evidence in the Primary Care Nursing Older of strong leadership potential­ Track component who most exempli­ Donna Harnish fies those qualities of Mrs. Young that not only endeared her to others but also provided them with a model to follow- Cynthia Munier .

THE C LARE DENNISON PRIZE is awarded to a graduating baccalaureate student who has shown the most out­ standing proficiency in general nurs­ ing care- Deborah Sobieraj

THE DOROTHEA LYNDE DIX PRIZE is awarded to a graduating bac­ calaureate student for high scholarship and outstanding skills demonstrated in the basic course of Psychiatric Nursing- Amy Durr 18

Christina Jane Behrmann, Art History/ College of Arts English Rose Marie Bell, Psychology Rachel Selina Bender, Cognitive and Science Science !Psychology Daniel Eugene Bennett, Health & Bachelor of Arts Society Vera Berenbaum, Physics Leonard Abbot, Computer Sciences: Gordon Myles Berger, Political Science / Mathematics History Maria Anne Abbruzzi, Comparative Mark Francis Bergin, Economics Literature I Psychology George Robert Bergold, Interdepart­ Michael David Adams, French mental Studies (Music & Media) Ronald Burton Adams, Cognitive Alexander David Berley, Psychology- Science Major; Statistics-Minor Julie Lynn Adelsberg, English Stuart Eric Bernstein, Cognitive Science Alan Mitchell Adelson, Economics / Eriks Zigurds Berzups, Psychology Psychology Adam Ross Bialek, Political Science Hugh D. Ahn, Economics Gabriela Katharina Elisa Biber William Harper Ahrens, Economics Economics / Political Science ' Edward Adebayo Akiwumi, Linguistics John Evans Blake, Economics David A. Albert, Economics John William Blanco-Losada, Political Frederick Scott Alderson, Economics Science Judith Grace Alexander, Biology Phillip Henry Blank, Anthropology Nancy Anisa Ali, Health & Society Barry Joel Blasenheim, Chemistry Peter Conger Allen, Cognitive Science Kevin Raymond Bock, Psychology Lorena Alonzo, Biology Susan Allen Bour, English Dennis William Alpert, Political Graham Richard Bowe, Economics/ Science / History Political Science Pauline Amaral, English Nila Safaya Bragg, Philosophy Karen Amstey, Philosophy- Major; Carol Jean Brandt, Biology Studio Arts-Minor Stephanie Amanda Broadnax John Hampton Andrews, Jr., Political Rr your own sakes as well as Biology-Major; a Science Psychology~ Social Science-Minor ours, because your life and the Yolanda Afua Asamoah, English­ Martha Ann Brown, Womens Studies­ Major; French-Minor Major; Political Science-Minor lives of the millions who will Laura Beth Ashman, Economics Philip T. Brown, History/ Political Yvette Renee Auger, Psychology­ Science follow you depend upon it, you Major; Biology-Minor John Scott Bruce, Economics Neil Alan Augustine, Economics must recognize that you can make Paula Louise Burgeson, Psychology­ William Michel A wad, Political Science I Major; Health & Society-Minor Economics a difference. You must be ready to Katherine Ann Burke, Economics Kirk Charles Baker, English Joseph Anthony Burton, Interdepart­ step outside whatever niche you Athanasios Bakolas, Political Science mental Studies (American Studies)- Gretchen Ann Barber, Psychology Major; Organizational Psychology­ envision for yourselves-medicine, Kate Amelia Barnes, Art History / Minor Philosophy Douglas Buschatzke, History business, science, the arts, aca- Mindi Barth, Psychology Doreen Ann Byers, Economics Kristin Ann Bates, Psychology demics-to help us govern our­ Monica J. Bynoe, Psychology Allison Fran Bauer, Political Science Mark Everette Byroads, Biology Jeffrey Lawson Baxter, Economics selves. Michael G. Callum, Health & Society Julia Beth Baylin, Economics-Major; Alison Campbell, Psychology Gooernor Mario Cuomo, 1985 Writing: Journalism-Minor Cassandra Claudia Campbell, Spanish Aurora Bayoneto, Economics Dawn Alana Cancilleri, Economics- William Lambert Baysinger, Major; Spanish-Minor Film Studies Ken Anthony Cannata, Economics Peter John Beck, Political Science­ Major; Applied Economics-Minor Jill Ann Carmody, Psychology / Political Science 19

Jennifer Lee Carpenter, Economics­ Andrea Lynne Cowan, English Edward Nathan Druck, Political Major; Writing: Journalism-Minor Steven Paul Cozza, Integrated Sciences Science Sergio Gabriel Carro, Political Science­ Michelle Marie Creighton, Antolin DuBois, History Major; Philosophy- Minor Psychology- Major; Classical James William Duff, History Bradley Charles Carso, Geological Civilization-Minor Scott Edward Dugan, Economics Sciences Tracie Marie Croston, Biology Keiran J. Dunne, French / Biology Carmen Marlene Caruana, Kimberly Anne Curtis, Psychology/ Maria Anne Duperron, Mathematics Psychology-Major; English: Writing­ English Amy Louise Durr, Psychology Minor Peter Lawrence Daddabbo, Psychology Jillian Marie Dyer, English Christopher David Carver, Political Anthony Peter D'Agostino, Economics Kristen L. Eberlein, History Science Meghan Matter Daly, Psychology Margaret Marie Eckenbrecht, Kathleen Ann Cashel, Philosophy Kelvin Dance, English Philosophy/ Political Science Anna Chan, Political Science Diana Lee Danielson, History Dawne Marie Edelman, Psychology Bennett Samuel Charles, Psychology John Patrick Danieu, Political Science Katherine Elizabeth Eggleston, Micah Stephen Chase, Cognitive Alicia Grace D' Aquila, Psychology Psychology Science Paul Roland Darche, Psychology Karen Marie Elliott, Political Science Adam Steven Chasnow, Economics Eftihia Dardaganis, English / Political Peter William Elliott, English / Andrew Yuen Chin Chen, Economics Science Psychology David M. Chen, English Shankar Prasad Das, Psychology- Frederick Howard Epstein, Raymond D. Chen, History/ Political Major; Biology-Minor Mathematics Science Dawn Hope Davidson, Political Science Mindy Ilene Epstein, Mathematics- Rosemarie Collett Chen, Economics Molly Scott Davis, Psychology Statistics Sarah Wenlong Chuang, Music Scott Chester Davis, Computer David Michael Ettelson, Psychology Diann Joy Ciabattoni, Psychology Sciences: Mathematics Edward John Falkowski, Economics John Michael Ciullo, Economics Robert Linley Dawson, Economics­ Julianne Falwell, Biology/ Psychology Carrie Diane Clark, Psychology Major; Organizational Psychology­ Thomas John Farrell, History/Political Shelly Denise Clements, Political Minor Science Science- Major; Psychology as a Eliseo Luis De Elorza, Economics­ Susanne Leila Farzan, Psychology Social Science-Minor Major; Latin-American Studies ­ Emily Jane Feffer, Political Science / Erik Anthony Cliette, English/ Minor Interdepartmental Studies (Hispanic Political Science John Joseph Deinhart, Political Science Studies) Joseph Cogliandro, History/Political Duane Michael DeLuca, Russian / Phillip Michael Feldhaus, Economics Science Interdepartmental Studies (Soviet & Andrew Gardner Fe IIerman, Economics Bruce William Cohen, Biology­ East European Studies) David Dominick Ferrentino, Political Major; English: Theater- Minor James Andrew DeRoche, Political Science Lisa Robyn Cohen, Psychology ­ Science - Major; Applied Economics­ Todd Edwin Ferrin, English Major; Health and Society - Minor Minor Karen Lee Ferry, Cognitive Science Michael Harris Cohen, Political Steven V. Desroches, English Eric Christian Fill, Economics - Major; Science Anne Leah Devine, English-Major; German-Minor Peter Cohen, History English: Writing-Minor Deasure Ann Finch, Psychology Robert Jeffrey Cohen, Economics Joshua M. Diamond, Computer Paul Chapin Fitzgerald, Economics Stephan Lawrence Cohen, Political Sciences: Mathematics Sharon Woloshen Flinder, Psychology Science Philip Anthony Diana, Psychology Laurie June Fluellen, Biology William D. Colavito, English / Anne Miller Dickler, Psychology / David Harold Fogarty, History Psychology Economics Michael Martin Foote, Biology- William Thomas Coleman, Economics Mark Donald Diltz, Biology Major; Psychology- Minor Christopher Joseph Colocillo, Paul Edward Dingman, English­ Lynette Sue Francis, Health & Society! Biology- Major; Religious Studies­ Major; English: Theater-Minor Psychology Minor David Lawrence Doe, Geological David Ralph Francisco, Biology - Robert Anthony Colon, Political Sciences Major; Religious Studies-Minor Science I Economics Mark Edward Donnelly, History / Michelle Theresa Franco, Psychology Rachel Meyer Conron, Classics Political Science Jeremy Philip Frank, Psychology John Howard Coons, Psychology Liliana Leonor Martins Dos Reis, Robert Paul Fredrick, Economics Shane Edward Coppola, Economics Spanish/ Biology Beth Elise Fried, Psychology Andrew Hewlett Cornell, Psychology John Alan Dougall, History Lynda Maris Friedland, Psychology Kathleen Coughlin, Economics / Stephen George Down, Political Laura Syril Friedman, Film Studies / Political Science Science / Economics Philosophy 20 John Franco Frittelli, History Stephen Alan Habbe, Psychology Miriam Noemi Funtowicz, Psychology Jennifer Lynn Halaby, Psychology Richard Bradley Fuss, Biology-Major; Wendy Janet Hammond, Health & Religious Studies-Minor Society Thomas Patrick Gaffney, English Robert A. Hansen, Psychology/ Peter Michael Gagan, Cognitive Statistics Science-Major; Psychology-Minor Charles Paul Harris, English/ German College of Arts Kelly Ann Gallagher, English/ Katherine Hart, Art History and Science Religious Studies Kathleen E. Hart, Biology John Thomas Garbarini, Economics Marjorie Rose Hatzmann, Psychology­ Rosa Del Pilar Garcia-Gil, Spanish / Major; Health & Society-Minor Bachelor of Arts Psychology Timothy Gerard Healy, English Steven S. Gareleck, Economics Deirdre Kathleen Heimer, Health & Rajnish Garg, Biology Society- Major; Health Psychology- David Allen Geisler, Psychology Minor Robert Lawrence Gelder, Political Scott David Heller, Statistics Science Diedre D. Hembree-Bey, Economics James Michael Gerlach, Political Susan Valerie Hendrickson, Political Science Science / Psychology Monica Christa Gersbach, Economics Harold Lewis Henkel, Classics Amy Eleanor Gerson, Political Scott William Hibbs, Religious Studies Science-Major; Applied Economics­ Kelley May Hickey, Biology Minor Catherine Sharon Hill, Statistics - Karen Ann Gess, Economics Major; Art History-Minor John Christopher Giglio, Economics Eric Christopher Hill, Political Science Rosalie Gigliotta, Political Science / Robert Paul Hoak, Political Science / Psychology Economics Abby Helene Gilbert, Psychology Timothy Joseph Holick, Economics­ Daniel Paul Gioia, Economics Major; Statistics - Minor Adam Morris Glasgow, English Jonathan Hollowell, Political Science / John Michael Glenshaw, Psychology History Stephen Arthur Glow, Cognitive Christine Ann Holsten, Economics Science James Warren Hopper, History Andrew Mark Goldberg, Political Richard Todd Horvatis, Economics - Science I Economics Major; Organizational Psychology­ Frank Beatman Goldsmith, Economics Minor Galit Goldstein, Economics/Political James Benedict Houton, History Science Ann Susan Howard, English/ Political Lisa Anne Golomb, Psychology Science Paul Joseph Goodman, Mathematics John Fitzgerald Howe, English Brian Thomas Goonan, Psychology Karen Zona Howell, Psychology ­ Christina Marie Gorecki, Psychology Major; English: Writing-Minor Sandra Donna Gould, Psychology Lindis Adele Hoyte, Computer Caryn Susan Gratz, Psychology Sciences: Mathematics Shari Joy Greenberg, Psychology- Patricia Ann Hrusa, Health & Society! Major; Political Science-Minor Psychology William M. Greene, Economics Andrew Goodwin Hunt, Geological Jane Marie Greenslade, Mathematics Sciences Lori Ann Groach, Psychology Jon R. S. Hunt, Computer Sciences: Julie Paige Gross, Economics- Major; Mathematics Organizational Psychology- Minor Michael Owen Hurd, Political Science Ronnie Gross, Psychology Derrick Hutchinson, Computer Daniel Paul Grudus, Cognitive Science Sciences: Mathematics Lisa Robin Grunberger, English/ Paul John Iskalo, Economics Religious Studies Douglas Alan Itkin, Psychology - Scott Charles Gruskin, Economics ­ Major; Studio Arts-Minor Major; Philosophy - Minor Paul Edward Iverson, Cognitive Science Mary Ellen Gullo, French Michael Jon Ives, English Marjorie D. Gursky, Economics- Diana Lillian Jacklin, English Major; English Literature - Minor Karla J. Jackson, Health & Society Michele Renee Guy, Psychology Terry Rae Jacobs, Psychology John Norman Gwinnell, Economics Yona Jean Pierre, Mathematics/ Sonia Nicole Gyan, Psychology Philosophy Eugene Paul Haag, Cognitive Science Patrick Andrew Jeffrey, History Donna Marie Haase, Political Science - Major; A pplied Economics - Minor 21

Michelle Ann Jermyn, Health & Kevin Connor LaMura, Political Phoebe Doane Manzi, Psychology­ Society- Major; Psychology as a Science-Major; Fine Arts: Dance­ Major; French-Minor Social Science-Minor Minor Andre Justin Marciano, Economics Jason Michael Jesner, Economics Jeffrey E. Lancet, Psychology / Biology John Roberts Marcil, English- Major; Jacqueline Ann Jess, Political Science Sharon Michelle Lane, Psychology Applied Economics-Minor Curtis Jerome Johnson, Economics / Edward Alexander Larkin, Psychology Nancy A. Marks, Cognitive Science Political Science Kathryn Clare Falvey Lasota, Patricia Elizabeth Martinez, Health & Kristin Lin Johnson, Economics­ Integrated Sciences Society Major; Organizational Psychology­ Kevin Lau, Economics Donna Jean Mason, Health & Society Minor Andreas Katsuya Lauer, Biology/ Aliya Masood, Psychology/Economics Timothy Merrill Jones, Economics French Melinda Mary Mate, Integrated Sciences Thomas J. Joynt, Geological Sciences Jacqueline Helene Lavelle, History Amy Lynne Matik, Political Science Richard Walter Julian, Political Science/ Eric John Lavonas, Health & Society Robert Matz, Political Science Interdepartmental Studies (Religion Scott Michael Lawlor, Economics Christine Marie Maxey, Health & and Politics of the Middle East) Maria Cristina Caldito Lazo, Society Gregory Paul Juros, English/Psychology English- Major; Biology-Minor Aimee Lynne Maxwell, Economics / Lorraine Stephanie Kahn, English Ellen Marie Lazzaro, Biology Political Science Joshua David Kamenecka, Computer Pamela Susan Leake, Political Science / John Vincent McCall, Economics / Sciences: Mathematics Psychology Political Science Robyn Colette Kaplan, Spanish! David Hoon Lee, Biology- Major; Matthew E. McCarthy, Mathematics Economics Applied Economics-Minor Kathleen Ruth McClenathan, Biology/ Paul William Kaptein, English Hae Won Lee, English Psychology Timothy Joseph Karl, Economics Joan Fay Lee, Biology - Major; Applied David Russ McDermott, Religious Laura Jeanette Kase, Health & Economics- Minor Studies Society-Major; Biology-Minor Michael Christopher Lee, Economics Douglas Timothy McGetchin, History / Michael Richard Kass, Psychology William Alexander Lee, Political Political Science Noah Jon Katz, Cognitive Science Science John Michael McKenna, Economics Lawrence Scott Kaufman, Health & Stephen J. Lefebvre, Economics Scott Weldon McLaughlin, Economics Society Henri Jarnier Lenogue-Ford, French Margaret Mary McNally, Political Gayle Marie Keating, Psychology Louis Charles Leone, Cognitive Science Science lphigenia Maria Kehayes, Health & Christopher Francis Leong, Cognitive Bernadette Rebecca McNary, Religious Society Science Studies-Major; Philosophy-Minor Anna-Marie Kellen, English-Major; Nancy Ann Lesko, Psychology Kate McNenny, Biology Studio Arts-Minor Mary Beth Lester, Psychology Darius Mehri, History Christine Anne Keller, Political Science Shek Kan Leung, Economics Ojas P. Mehta, Biology Lisa Elise Kenas, Mathematics Todd 0. Leventhal, Psychology Patrick L. Meldrim, Biology/ Psychology Imran Khalid, English/Economics Robert Michael Levy, Economics- George Robert Merritts, History Matthew Gene Kilbury, Economics Major; Organizational Psychology ­ Mary Elizabeth Merthan, Art History Tomi Lon Kilgore, Political Science Minor Carole Frances Meyers, English Chong Ku Kim, Economics Jon Eric Lindstrom, Cognitive Science Andrea Joan Michaud, English Dyonne Shellie King, Spanish Elkan Enpei Linn, Integrated Sciences Jayne Marie Middleton, Psychology Georgianne Marie Kirchner, Economics Cheryl Ruth List, Psychology Anthony Arthur Mikovsky, Carl Brian Klein, Mathematics- Michael Tsung-Hwa Liu, Cognitive Mathematics I Physics Statistics Science - Major; Applied Economics ­ Jacquelyn Barbara Millard, Political Stacey Anne Klein, Spanish/Political Minor Science Science Paul Scott Lockett, Political Science John Hamilton Miller, English-Major; Kathryn Louise Kline, Cognitive Science Daniel A. Lonkevich, English Writing: Journalism-Minor Mary Margaret Knoll, Integrated Edmund Oscar Loos Ill, History / Mark Stephan Miller, English - Major; Sciences Political Science English: Writing-Minor John Schaft Kodweis, Economics Lori Felice Lowen, Psychology / Political Paul Miloscia, Political Science George Teckju Koh, Anthropology/ Science Sheryl A. Misek, Mathematics Political Science Marc Jason Lowitz, Economics Cheryl Anne Misterka, Mathematics ­ Andrea Marie Koller, Film Studies - Carolynn Anne Luce, Economics Major; Statistics - Minor Major; Art History-Minor Kimberlee Alana Lupton, Political Carole Diane Mitnick, Political Kelly Jean Koller, Economics/Psychology Science - Major; Economic Theory­ Science-Major; French - Minor Linette Koren, Political Science Minor Craig Ira Mondschein, Economics Neil R. Kransdorf, Biology Kathleen Marie Lyford, Psychology Christine Lynne Montoney, Mark John Kreydt, Economics Peter Jay Lymm, Health & Society! Economics / Political Science Lisa Ann Kronthal, Art History Psychology David Christopher Moon, Political Ella Linda Krzanowicz, English - Margaret Cameron Madonian, Biology Science Major; Psychology as a Social Eric Stuart Malden, Biology Sonya Re'Shea Moore, Psychology / Science-Minor Peter Allen Mann, Statistics Anthropology Aubrey Yuan Ku, Biology David Oreste Manno, English-Major; Laura Estelle Moran, Economics Desiree Laborde, Political Science­ Religious Studies-Minor Elisa Ann Morgulis, English Major; Biology-Minor 22 Christopher William Morog, Political Susan I. Penepent, Economics / Science I Psychology Psychology Christopher Wayne Morris, Political Linda Yu-Lin Peng, Economics Science I Economics Ana Maria Perez, Biology- Major; Fine Helene Dania Moses, Psychology Arts: Dance-Minor Michael J. Mullen, Economics Kimberlee Perrine, Cognitive Science Edward Hugh Murphy, English- Thomas Sweetlove Perry, Economics College of Arts Major; History-Minor Maria Perticone, Economics and Science Tracy Jerald Murphy, Psychology / Christopher Pace Petersen, Political Economics Science Andrea Tracey Nahman, Economics Andrew George Petranek, Geological Bachelor of Arts Vandana D. Nanavati, Psychology Sciences Charles E Nardi, Biology William Winslow Pfeifer, Political Michele Francesca Nardo, English­ Science-Major; History-Minor Major; Theater-Minor Timothy Edwin Phelan, Biology Julie Ellen Neafach, Political Science­ Cynthia Nina Phon, History / Political Major; Applied Economics-Minor Science Matthew Paul Newman, Philosophy Carol Lynn Ponzi, Mathematics / Jason M. Nicholson, Philosophy / Psychology Cognitive Science joseph Richard Porillo, Political Peter Anders Nilsson, Computer Science I Economics Sciences: Mathematics Karen L. Potter, Health & Society­ Kathleen Elizabeth Norris, Health & Major; Philosophy-Minor Society-Major; Spanish-Minor Kayvon Sheryl Pourhamidi, Biology Michael Reynolds Nosbisch, Sarah Elizabeth Prance, Health & Geological Sciences Society Linda Ann Oak, Biology Christie Lynn Provost, Economics David Ochieng Ochola, Chemistry Michael Andre Quinn, Psychology Shawn William O'Connell, Economics Amer Mohammed Ali Quraishi, John E O'Connor, Political Science Economics Kemalat Fatma Okay, Mathematics Randy Gordon Raetz, Biology- Major; Alexandra Okun, Psychology Studio Arts-Minor Janna Kay Olevnik, Psychology- Anisa Lynn Raoof, Psychology Major; Art History-Minor Rodney Walter Rasmussen, Economics Julie Rose Oliverio, Biology Randall Reed Ratsch, Computer Ricardo Completa Ong, Biology Sciences: Mathematics Michael Bernard Oppedisano, Kristina Louise Rauscher, Psychology Mathematics Christine A. Rawlins, Psychology- George Andrew Orlemann, History Major; English Literature- Minor Roger William Osmun, Psychology Daniel Charles Reck, Political Science Nneka D. C. Osude, Biology Mary Catherine Reed, Russian/English Tamara Marie Otremba, Political Clinton Douglas Reid, Biology Science- Major; Applied Economics­ Eric Hartmann Reitan, Philosophy Minor Andre Robert Rene, Economics Mary Belinda Ottaway, Computer Russell Alan Renfro, Cognitive Science Sciences: Mathematics Daniel Heinrich Richter, Physics Edward Ou, Chinese Benjamin Ronald Rizzo, Political Benjamin Toong Ouyang, Political Science Science-Major; Psychology-Minor Chinda Hopkins Roach, English Joseph John Palen, Mathematics Julie Jo Roach, English John T. Palmeri, Mathematics Toni Jaye Robbins, Psychology Lisa Anne Palter, English-Major; Jacqueline Ann Robles, Political Political Science-Minor Science David Jonathan Panara, Economics Stephen James Rodney, History Barbara Lynn Panko, Biology Marc Ian Roemer, Psychology Lisa Marie Papp, History Ethan Stuart Rogers, Political Robert Carey Park, Economics / Political Science-Major; History-Minor Science Jessica Lynn Rogin, Political Science Jason Matthew Paroff, Health & Suzanne Jeanne Romajas, Psychology / Society- Major; Applied Economics­ Political Science Minor Craig Andrew Romig, Psychology Arti Jay Patel, Psychology / Biology Amy Beth Rosen, Psychology Craig Alexander Patrick, Economics Andrew Howard Rosenstein, Political Karen Theresa Paul, History Science Thomas Christian Paul, Film Studies Jonathan Payne, Cognitive Science 23

Dan Kreisler Rosenthal, Political James Peter Sheldon, Political Jessela Tan, Political Science-Major; Science- Major; Applied Economics­ Science- Major; Philosophy- Minor French-Minor Minor Mana-Kroma Sherman, Computer Marylou L. Tanael, Economics-Major; Michelle P. Ross, Psychology Sciences: Mathematics Organizational Psychology-Minor Donna Anne Rossiter, Economics Jonathan Lee Silver, Political Science Scott Allan Tannenbaum, Political Phillip David Rubenstein, Psychology Philip Levon Simonian, Biology Science Paul Loren Rubin, Political Science Kenneth Richard Slater, Health & Judith Ellen Taub, Psychology Beth Susan Rubinstein, Psychology Society I Economics Susan Helen Tellini, Psychology Ann Elizabeth Rumrill, Psychology Adrian Smalls, History George Stephen Thurston, Laura Louise Runge, English/ Women's Stephanie Marjorie Smart, Political Economics- Major; English: Studies Science-Major; Applied Economics­ Writing-Minor Jay Terence Ryan, Political Science / Minor Phillipe David Tibi, Economics Psychology Eugene Sterling Smith, Biology Robert Jay Tilliss, Political Science / Anthony Joseph Saccone, English­ Karen J. Smith, Political Science/ Psychology Major; Applied Economics - Minor Psychology John J. Tomashek, Film Studies Marie Alisa Sacher, Psychology Robert Lewis Smith, Biology/Psychology Thomas Andrew Treadwell, Economics Kelly Ruth Saletan, Political Science­ Rowland Evans Smith, Political Robin Teresa Trombley, Psychology Major; Writing: Journalism-Minor Science-Major; History-Minor John Charles Trueswell, Cognitive Melinda Jane Sammons, Economics Joseph Franklin Smyder, Physics Science Felipe Sanchez-Cuenca, Cognitive Thomas Christopher Snyder, Political Lauren Jill Turell, Psychology Science-Major; Applied Economics- Science Paul Eugene Turner, Biology Minor David Sung Chin So, Economics Charlotte Bryson Tweedie, Bernice Sanders, Economics Christopher H. Sohn, Cognitive Interdepartmental Studies Erica Eurina Sanders, Health & Society Science (Medieval English Culture)­ Franklin Dulaney Sanders, English- Marc A. Solow, Economics Major; Art History- Minor Major; Studio Arts-Minor Steven Scott Sommers, Psychology James Michael Urtis, English Tara Engst Santmire, Economics­ Lucio Mark Sorre, Film Studies David Joseph Vaccaro, Political Major; History -Minor George Sortino, Biology Science - Major; Applied James Thomas Sauer, Computer Jill Mara Sotsky, Integrated Sciences Economics - Minor Sciences: Mathematics Robert Foster Southworth, History! Edward Lorenz Vaczy, Geological Anthony Michael Scalzo, Political Psychology Sciences Science Walter John Stankewick, Political Nancy Elizabeth Valentine, Art Paul Brian Schatz, Political Science­ Science I H is tory History -Major; Studio Arts- Minor Major; Applied Economics - Minor Jamie Catherine Stark, Chemistry Michael Edward Valicenti, History­ Linda Jean Schneider, Economics­ Michael Robert Ayt Steadman, Major; Political Science - Minor Major; Organizational Psychology­ Cognitive Science Tina Vallandingham, Psychology Minor David Henry Steinberger, Psychology­ Robert E Valone, Economics - Major; Lisa Ann Schneider, Biology Major; Applied Economics- Minor Organizational Psychology - Minor Rafe Aaron Schoenfeld, English Amy Ellen Steinman, Psychology­ Nicholas Todd Vangellow, Economics Stephen Goodman Schulhoff, Major; Spanish -Minor David Michael Vara, Political Science Economics Orlee Stekel, Psychology Kirk Spencer Vartan, Philosophy James Joseph Schumacher, Biology Christopher Paul Stephan, Religious Nicholas Charles Varunes, Political Stephen Schwab, Economics Studies Science Andrew Kidd Schwaneflugel, Paul Spencer Sternberger, Art History / Brenna Katherine Veroni, Psychology Geological Sciences Integrated Sciences Kevin Joseph Visco, Mathematics Steven Andrew Schwartz, Political Laura Weber Stevens, Political Science Lynne Carol Waag, Religious Studies- Science / Psychology Monica Stevenson, Political Science Major; German-Minor Kristin Marie Sciortino, Psychology- Douglas Paul Stiller, Political Science Christopher R. Walsh, English / Major; English Literature- Minor Gary Robert Stone, Economics/ Psychology Lisa Ann Scott, Music Computer Sciences: Mathematics Eugene J. Walters, Economics Patrick Vincent Scott, Biology Jeffrey Paul Stone, Political Science Thomas Stephen Webb, Biology ­ Edward Burrows Seidl, Psychology / Jennifer L. Stone, Economics Major; Economic Theory - Minor Economics Elizabeth Ann Straut, English Heidi Lisa Weinmann, History Dean Arthur Seiff, History-Major; Lynda Marie Stroh, Political Science­ Jacqueline Ann Weisman, Political Biology-Minor Major; History - Minor Science Christopher John Seiter, Economics Cathleen Stumpf, Economics Miklos Gustav Wenczl, Political Science Michele Aileen Seprish, English Usha Subramaniam, Art History/ Sheryl Anne Wenzel, Psychology Pallavi Rasiklal Shah, Economics Political Science Scott Lincoln West, History/ Economics Mara Jane Shapiro, Economics/ Kathryn Sullivan, Political Science Erica Susan Whellan, Political Science Psychology Timothy J. Sullivan, Economics Lisa Tiffany Whitaker, English/ Anita Sharma, Economics Joseph Nathaniel Summer, Psychology Economics Andrea Lynn Sheber, Computer Brian Edward Sweeney, Cognitive Sandra Denise Whitman, Economics Sciences: Mathematics- Major; Science Guy David Whitten, History / Political English Literature-Minor Mark Edward Swetz, Biology Science Sharon Denise Sykes, Health & Mathieu Wiepert, Psychology Society- Major; Sociology - Minor Robert Stephen Wiesenthal, Political Deborah Sharon Szyfer, Psychology Science 24 Robert David Wilding, Political Science John Michael Costable, Jr., Biological Bruce Odquist Wilkinson, Political Sciences: Biochemistry Science Michelle Peppina Covi, Biology-Geology Leda Louise Williams, Political Science Gary Charles Crummer, Biological Alan Robert Wladis, Biology Sciences: Neuroscience Clagett Anthony Wolfe, Jr., Biology- Stephanie Susan DeBuck, Biological MaJor; Psychology-Minor Sciences: Ecology & Evolutionary College of Arts Lauren Ruth Wolfson, Psychology Biology and Science Roger Barry Wolkoff, Political Science Christopher Lynn Dennis, Physics Steven Brian Wolpert, Psychology- Brenda Lynn Diefenbach, Biological Major; Philosophy-Minor Sciences: Biochemistry Bachelor of Arts Natalie Yuk-Wan Wong, Economics Abraham Ghysbert de Veer, Henry Horng Yih Wu, Biology Biology-Geology Timothy C. Young, Mathematics Leonard Louis Dragone, Biological Alexia Yovanoff, Economics Sciences: Biochemistry Anne Fay Yudowitz, Health & Society Marla Anne Duperron, Physics Tyler Thomas Zachem, Political Michelle Marie Dziejman, Biological Science-Major; Applied Economics­ Sciences: Microbiology Minor Laurie Ann Ebert, Biology-Geology Andrew Howard Zack, English / Darlene Marie Elia, Biological Sciences: Political Science Molecular Genetics - Major; Psychol­ Mana! Zakhary, History ogy as a Social Science-Minor Edward Francis Zaleski, Economics Frederick Howard Epstein, Physics Preston Lee Zarlock, Biology-Major; Scott Edward Erdman, Biological Health Psychology-Minor Sciences: Ecology & Evolutionary Shelly Zeira, Health & Society Biology Jennifer Holly Zimmerman, English/ Philip Oliver Erwin, Physics Psychology Hany S. Farid, Computer Sciences: Jerome Zinni, Political Science Applied Mathematics David Owen Ferguson, Biological Sciences: Molecular Genetics Bachelor of Science Glenn Peter Foster, Chemistry Randy Jay Amster, Physics and Carrie Marie Freitag, Biological Astronomy Sciences: Microbiology Francis J. Antonawich, Biological Michael Jude Froncek, Biological Sciences: Neuroscience Sciences: Biochemistry- Major; Bruce Alan Armitage, Chemistry Spanish - Minor Robert Steven Astur, Biological Walter Ernst Galicich, Biological Sciences: Neuroscience Sciences: Neuroscience Scott Anthony Barbaritz, Physics Rick Jonathan Gehlert, Biological and Astronomy Sciences: Cell & Development­ Josefa Marie Benzoni, Biological Major; History - Minor Sciences: Neuroscience Marjorie Elizabeth Gingell, Biological Gabrielle Bercy, Biological Sciences: Sciences: Biochemistry Biochemistry David Andrew Glowny, Computer Richard Harold Berman, Biological Sciences: Applied Mathematics Sciences: Molecular Genetics David J. Graham, Biological Sciences: Rajiv Biswal, Biological Sciences: Cell Microbiology & Development Miriam B. Greizerstein, Chemistry Kevin Raymond Bock, Biological Louis Henry Hahn, Physics and Sciences: Molecular Genetics Astronomy Yvette Lee Bordeaux, Biology-Geology Joachim Hammer, Computer Sciences: Jean Anne Cardinale, Biological Applied Mathematics Sciences: Cell & Development Gregory Brian Hecht, Biological Tracie Ann Carvelli, Applied Sciences: Molecular Genetics Mathematics James Ronald Hirsch, Biological Edward James Chafart, Biological Sciences: Neuroscience - Major; Sciences: Microbiology Psychology- Minor Sarah Wenlong Chuang, Biological Thau Foo Ho, Biological Sciences: Sciences: Neuroscience Molecular Genetics Michael Anthony Colucci, Biological Michael John Hoshlyk, Sciences: Neuroscience Biology-Geology James Eric Cooney, Biological Sciences: Richard Todd Howard, Physics Molecular Genetics James Christopher Hunt, Biology-Geology 25

Neelu Jain, Biological Sciences: Leonard John Mueller, Chemistry Joel Ari Turner, Biological Sciences: Molecular Genetics Molly Lynne Napieralski, Microbiology Aimee Patricia Jircitano, Biological Biology-Geology Kimberly Marie Van Auken, Sciences: Molecular Genetics Dawn Theresa Parsons, Biological Biological Sciences: Biochemistry Brian Allyn Jones, Biology-Geology Sciences: Microbiology Norberto Vasquez, Biological Sciences: Timothy John Judson, Biological Shawn Michael Powell, Biological Neuroscience Sciences: Molecular Genetics Sciences: Ecology & Evolutionary Brendon John Wahlberg, Biological Richard William Julian, Biological Biology Sciences: Microbiology - Major; Sciences: Ecology & Evolutionary Lorrie Jean Pownall, Biological French-Minor Biology Sciences: Microbiology- Major; Kelly Marie Welsh, Biological Sciences: John Milton Kalb, Biological Sciences: Applied Economics-Minor Microbiology Biochemistry Violet Pringle, Applied Mathematics Deborah Sharon Wuttke, Chemistry Fili Kangelidis, Physics and Astronomy Laurie Ann Proia, Biological Sciences: Lynn Marie Ziegler, Biological Sciences: Richard Alan Kaplan, Biological Molecular Genetics Molecular Genetics Sciences: Microbiology Mark Ronald Pulera, Biological Janice Clare Kim, Biological Sciences: Sciences: Neuroscience Microbiology Julie Ann Pysklo, Biological Sciences: Master of Arts Jamie Lynn King, Biology-Geology Neuroscience-Major; English Georgia Afxendiou, Anthropology Jeffrey Douglas Korb, Biological Literature-Minor Alejandro E. Alarcon, Economics Sciences: Neuroscience Rodney Walter Rasmussen, Computer Joe Augustyniak, Philosophy Kenneth Kramer, Biological Sciences: Sciences: Applied Mathematics (February 12, 1988) Neuroscience Joseph Francis Reidy, Chemistry David A. Austin, Interdepartmental Alexander Bennett Krupkin, Nicholas Harold Rice, Biological Studies (Film Studies) Biological Sciences: Ecology & Sciences: Molecular Genetics Samir Bali, Physics Evolutionary Biology Susan Katharine Richter, Eric Randall Ball, Economics Michael Robert Lahr, Biological Biology-Geology Dimitris Blanis, Physics Sciences: Biochemistry Michael Paul Riley, Biological Sciences: Scott Borzillary, Physics Mark Raymond Lambrecht, Biological Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Robert William Brimlow, Philosophy Sciences: Neuroscience Thomas Evan Roach, Biology-Geology Abel Cadenillas, Statistics Sharon Elizabeth LaPalme, Robin Elaine Rowland, Biological Hong Chen, Physics Biology-Geology Sciences: Ecology & Evolutionary (February 12, 1988) Rachel Celia Laramee, Biological Biology John Patrick Conley, Economics Sciences: Microbiology Susan Elizabeth Schmidt, Biological (October 23, 1987) Dawn Marie Larson, Biological Sciences: Molecular Genetics Mary Lynne Conti, Comparative Sciences: Neuroscience Dawn Louise Schultz, Biological Literature Stephen Gordon Lomber, Biological Sciences: Cell & Development Lu C ui, Statistics Sciences: Neuroscience Maureen Lynn Schweitz, Biological Abhijit Dasgupta, Mathematics Evan A. Lurier, Biological Sciences: Sciences: Molecular Genetics Sarah Durston, Physics Biochemistry- Major; Philosophy­ Lynn Catherine Sedgwick, Robert A. Epperson, Philosophy Minor Biology-Geology Paul Eugene Fischer, Economics Melisa Ahl Markusen, Biological Louise Colette Shirley, Applied (October 23, 1987) Sciences: Neuroscience - Major; Mathematics Thomas H. Foster, Physics Psychology as a Social Science-Minor Maria Racossy Silvera, Biological (February 12, 1988) Christina Marie Martiniano, Sciences: Molecular Genetics T heresa F. Freda, English Biology-Geology Ann-Marie Carnelia Simpson, Beverly Ann Grasley, English Linda Marie McHugh, Biological Chemistry (October 23, 1987) Sciences: Biochemistry- Major; Anthony Peter Sinai, Biological Mario Greco, Economics Health Psychology-Minor Sciences: Biochemistry (October 23, 1987) Ashesh Dinesh Mehta, Biological Barbara Marie Smentek, Biological Clifford E. Griffin, Political Science Sciences: Neuroscience Sciences: Biochemistry (February 12, 1988) Scott Alan Merrifield, Biological Jeffrey Allen Solomon, Biological Bruce Gryniewski, Anthropology Sciences: Biochemistry Sciences: Microbiology Philippa M. Hall, Anthropology Joyce I. Metras, Chemistry Erik Stricker Stenn, Geological Lucia Hancock, Physics Jonathon Daniel Mintz, Sciences (February 12, 1988) Biology-Geology Krista Kay Stone, Biological Sciences: Ralph E. Hansen, Psychology Tracey Elena Mondul, Biological Biochemistry Atsup Harada, English Sciences: Neuroscience Richard Kenneth Tan, Physics and Paul Charles Harrington, English C hristopher Ivan Moore, Physics and Astronomy (February 12, 1988) Astronomy Kristine Lynn Tenebruso, Biological Susana Diaz de Hernandez, Spanish Janine M. Morales, Biological Sciences: Sciences: Neuroscience (February 12, 1988) Biochemistry Thomas Henry Thatcher, Biological Susan K. Hess, English Sharon Dianne Morgenbesser, Sciences: Molecular Genetics Richard Ira Himelfarb, Political Science Biological Sciences: Molecular John J. Tomashek, Biological Sciences: Vincent Hogan, Political Science Genetics Biochemistry (February 12, 1988) Nicholas James Morrissey, Biological Mary Ann Tomka, Chemistry Qibing Hu, Anthropology Sciences: Molecular Genetics (October 23, 1987) 26

Edmund Franklyn Hunt, Jr., History James Thomas, Anthropology Heather C. Hutton, English (October 23, 1987) Paul E. Janaskie, Political Science Paula Turner, Physics (February 12, 1988) Nikos Varelas, Physics Christina Joseph, Anthropology Evelyn Amanda Walker, History (October 23, 1987) Shayami Wallooppillai, Statistics Shazia Karim, French Li-Jun Wang, Physics College of Arts Korinna A. Kassapoglou, Economics (February 12, 1988) and Science Woosang Kim, Political Science Wei-Jian Wang, Physics (October 23, 1987) (February 12, 1988) Kristi Marwood King, Psychology Xiangdong Wang, Physics Master of Arts (February 12, 1988) Kayce Hamill Weider, History Noe Keol Kwark, Statistics John Wendel, Anthropology (February 12, 1988) Naiqun Weng, Anthropology Michael Edwin Langridge, Economics (October 23, 1987) (October 23, 1987) Samuel Shiou-Guang Wu, Political Scott Libonate, Physics Science Jee-Loo Liu, Philosophy Mark Anthony Wynne, Economics (February 12, 1988) (October 23, 1987) Lisa Marie Logan, English Paul Joseph Yakoboski, Economics Yongjia Ma, Mathematics (October 23, 1987) Guang-Qin Ma, Statistics Brian Magill, Physics John Mason, Physics Master of Science Thomas Michael McCarthy, History Stephen Paul Ayer, Biology Matthias Melich, English (October 23, 1987) Joseph Anthony Melita, Mathematics H. Christopher Boehning, Political Hildegard Mermann, English Science (Public Policy Analysis) Rajesh C. Miranda, Psychology Wayne B. Bosma, Chemistry (October 23, 1987) (February 12, 1988) Girija Ganapathy Mittagunta, Amy Braveman, Chemistry Mathematics (February 12, 1988) Walter Duenas Murphy, Psychology Lisa Ann Brown, Biology (February 12, 1988) (October 23, 1987) lchiro Nakagawa, Psychology Andrew Carey, Chemistry (February 12, 1988) (February 12, 1988) Ho Nguyen, Physics Chung Woo Chan, Chemistry (February 12, 1988) (February 12, 1988) Timothy O'Brien, Statistics Barun Chandra, Computer Science (October 23, 1987) (February 12, 1988) John Williams Palatella, English Christie L. Chappelle, Political Science Alain Paquet, Economics (Public Policy Analysis) (October 23, 1987) Donghui Cheng, Chemistry Martti H. Parssinen, Anthropology (February 12, 1988) Gary Pedeville, Physics Xiaopei Ci, Chemistry Karen Ann Porter, Anthropology (February 12, 1988) Roland Blaine Roberts, Physics David J. Coombs, Computer Science Carol Berman Rosenthal, Philosophy Alan Lee Cox, Computer Science Paul Scatena, Philosophy/ Cognitive Robert Kevin DeLong, Chemistry Science Francis A. Diliberto, Applied Laura Julie Sebastian, English Mathematics Weijian Sha, Physics Teresa A. Fama, Political Science (February 12, 1988) (Public Policy Analysis) Kiernan Shanahan, Anthropology Steven Edward Feist, Computer Science Tomoichi Shinotsuka, Economics Bruce Gartner, Political Science (Public (October 23, 1987) Policy Analysis) Paul Silberbush, Mathematics Randi S. Greenspan, Political Science (February 12, 1988) (Public Policy Analysis) Susan Dee Silverman, Economics (October 23, 1987) Koichi Tadenuma, Economics Ethan Hartenberg, Political Science (October 23, 1987) (Public Policy Analysis) Denise Eugenia June Taylor, Linguistics Todd Harold Hartman, Political Sabine G. Teichmann, Physics Science (Public Policy Analysis) (February 12, 1988) 27

Christian Haugen, Chemistry Scott Godfrey Nelson, Chemistry (February 12, 1988) (February 12, 1988) Graduate Vijay N. Hegde, Biology Claire Elizabeth O'Connor, Medical (October 23, 1987) Statistics (February 12, 1988) School of Paula Spalter Herer, Medical Statistics Joseph M. O'Connor, Medical Statistics Michael Herman, Chemistry Mary O'Reilly, Medical Statistics Education (February 12, 1988) Michael James Orwat, Chemistry Steven D. High, Political Science Stephen Parente, Political Science (Public Policy Analysis) (Public Policy Analysis) and Human (October 23, 1987) Adam Peritz, Chemistry Grace Ching Hsu, Chemistry (February 12, 1988) Development (February 12, 1988) David A. Pivnik, Geology Mary Ann Huntley, Applied Benjamin Fawzi Pualwan, Political Mathematics Science (Public Policy Analysis) Master of Science Sanjay Jain, Computer Science Rajeev Raman, Computer Science in Education Katy Johansson, Chemistry Susan D. Reynolds, Biology Veda Jo Aroesty (February 12, 1988) (February 12, 1988) (October 23, 1987) Susan Marie Bado (October 23, 1987) Diane Karlsruher, Political Science Parag Sadhale, Biology Janice Frances Ball (February 12, 1988) (Public Policy Analysis) (October 23, 1987) Mark D. Bangs Matthew Kellett, Chemistry John SantaLucia, Chemistry Joel Bloom (October 23 , 1987) (February 12, 1988) James P. Schmidt, Chemistry Julie Brocklehurst-Woods John Allen Kerber, Computer Science Gerald L. Sharp, Geological Sciences Mary Meehan Carter Paul Daniel Kingsley, Biology (February 12, 1988) Jenny Yuk Ping Chan (October 23, 1987) Patrice Y. Simard, Computer Science Teresa Ann Clarke (February 12, 1988) Scott Alan Kjar, Political Science Praveen Srivastava, Geology Carolina Rose Csizmadia (Public Policy Analysis) Lesley Ann Stolz, Chemistry Dan Ding (February 12, 1988) Kurt Warren Kramarz, Chemistry (February 12, 1988) Gregg Davis Edelmann (February 12, 1988) Lisa Tarnai, Political Science (Public (October 23, 1987) Alice E. Krol, Medical Statistics Policy Analysis) Jean Ann Flanagan John Kronicz, Chemistry Paul M. Turner, Computer Science Vanessa Francis (October 23, 1987) (February 12, 1988) David Varley, Chemistry Donney Thomas Gala Joseph Michael Lanzafame, Chemistry (February 12, 1988) (February 12, 1988) (February 12, 1988) Derek Von Langen, Chemistry Alan Glaser (October 23, 1987) Bulang Li, Chemistry (February 12, 1988) Lynnette J. Grossman (February 12, 1988) Nancy A. Watts, Computer Science Anita Lynn Hawkins Karen Marie Lumina, Geology Robert Redmond West, II, Biology Douglas Davis Hollinger (February 12, 1988) (October 23, 1987) (October 23, 1987) Xin Luo, Chemistry (February 12, 1988) Steven D. Whitehead, Computer Edel McMahon Maeder Kiran Madura, Biology Science (October 23, 1987) (October 23, 1987) Ann Elizabeth McBurney Thomas Magyarik, Chemistry (February 12, 1988) (February 12, 1988) Nancy R. McCain (October 23, 1987) Frances Markel, Chemistry Mary Rose McCarthy (February 12, 1988) William E. Penelope C. Norris (October 23, 1987) Brian D. Marsh, Computer Science Ann Mondaville Pontius Karen-Marie Mason, Political Science Simon (October 23, 1987) (Public Policy Analysis) Sara Schaffzin (October 23, 1987) Susan Mayer, Political Science (Public Graduate School Richard John Scheid Policy Analysis) (February 12, 1988) Michael James Mcinerny, Computer of Business Ann M. Schmitt Science Rekha Shrivastava (October 23, 1987) Michael Mellish, Political Science Administration Judith Simon (February 12, 1988) (Public Policy Analysis) Bruce P. Sternberg (October 23, 1987) Jose Mendoza, Chemistry Gayatri Subramaniam (February 12, 1988) Candidates for degrees from the (February 12, 1988) Scott Carson Miller, Chemistry William E. Simon Graduate School of Dorothea Thorne (February 12, 1988) Business Administration will be listed Michael David Trbovich Gary Robert Morrow, Medical in the Commencement Program for Francois Xavier Utazirubanda Statistics the ceremonies to be held on Sunday, (October 23, 1987) C lara Mota, Chemistry June 12, 1988. Maria Varelas (February 12, 1988) Arlene Koziarz Weis Susan Kimberly Moulton, Chemistry (February 12, 1988) (February 12, 1988) Marianne Wilder Young Linda Margot Mutschler, Chemistry Joseph L. Zawicki (February 12, 1988) 28 Master of Science Clark John Godshall, Administration Thesis: Job Satisfaction of New in Education York State School Business Officials awarded jointly with Nancy A. Kent, Administration ROCHESTER INSTITUTE Thesis: Medicare Readmissions and OF TECHNOLOGY Discharge Planning: Implications for Nursing Administrators Graduate School of Gilbert Barona (October 23, 1987) Nancy L. Kizielewicz, Counseling Education and Nancy A. Davis (October 23, 1987) Thesis: The Mother-Adolescent Beth Ann Fleming Daughter Relationship: A Study Human Development Ann Marie Hewitt (October 23, 1987) of Ideological Orientations, Social Ann Elizabeth Kingston Class, and Parenting Practices (October 23, 1987) Joan Monroe Lennert, Administration Michael T. Morris (October 23, 1987) Thesis: An Investigation of Conrad Harry Strack Educational Leaders' Attitudes (October 23, 1987) Toward Teacher Internship Programs Seppo Pollanen, Administration Master of Science Thesis: An Inquiry Into the Susan T. Arganbright Relationship Between Seven (October 23, 1987) School Input Variables and the Donna M. Dettman Distribution of Educational Maureen Ann Doyle Achievement (February 12, 1988) Carla Jean Rapp, Curriculum Michael Joseph Dunford (October 23, 1987) Sandra Lea Enders Thesis: Student Meaning in a Donald Ginsburg Second Language: A Different Way Theresa A. Goebel of Being in the Same Place Mary Kathryn Hartman Jeanne Ellen Sullivan, Curriculum (February 12, 1988) Thesis: What They Say and What Amy Leigh Hollen They Do: High School Students' Cecile S. Horkheimer Perceptions of Homework and Its Anne E. Hurley Relationship to the Development Kristine Ann Marguerite Kubik of Responsibility Molly Elizabeth Meath Michele C. Tofany, Counseling (February 12, 1988) (February 12, 1988) Michael Chiles Gardner Neer Thesis: The Relationship Between Elizabeth M. Paciorek Sex, Sex Role and Decision Making Kay Diane Ramsay James George Wood, Curriculum Kathryn N. Robinson Thesis: The Child's Dream Susan Poushter Rothenberg Narrative and the Curriculum Christina M. Spiegel Gail Ann Stone Doctor of Education Anita L. Cohen, Curriculum (October 23, 1987) Thesis: Teachers in Classrooms: Implications for Teacher Education Matthew Joseph DiRisio, Administration (February 12, 1988) Thesis: A Study of Rural School Superintendents' Perceptions of Ineffective Leadership 29

Alexander David Cox, Mechanical Wendy Rae Hansen, Chemical College of Engineering- Major; English: Engineering-Major; Chemistry­ Writing- Minor Minor Engineering and Gerald Philip Cox, Mechanical Chehreh Hariri, Electrical Engi­ Engineering neering-Major; Chemistry-Minor Applied Science Stephen Boyce Culbert, Electrical Roopnarine Hazarie, Chemical Engineering Engineering Barbara Sue Davidson, Optics Christopher Peter Helgesen, Electrical Bachelor of Science Sharon Lynn Davis, Chemical Engineering Kathleen Diane Anderson, Chemical Engineering-Major; Chemistry­ Timothy Winter Henkels, Electrical Engineering- Major; English Minor Engineering Literature- Minor Allen DeLattre, Mechanical Engineering S. Hamilton Hitchings, Electrical Kenneth Joseph Barniak, Mechanical Mark Craig DeRusha, Mechanical Engineering Engineering Engineering Jerome Vincent Hochmuth, Electrical Joanne Marie Barry, Mechanical John Robert Diana, Optics Engineering Engineering Mario Robert DiRubbo, Electrical Philip Henry Hoeffner, Mechanical Kenneth D. Bassler, Chemical Engineering Engineering Engineering-Major; Chemistry­ Duane Raymond Douglas, Electrical Diane Hoffman, Optics Minor Engineering Mark Peter Hughes, Electrical James Michael Battiato, Electrical James William Duff, Electrical Engineering-Major; Writing: Engineering Engineering Creative Writing-Minor Charles Terence Jesse Bennington, Eric D. Dumain, Chemical Engi­ Jon Martin Jacob, Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering neering- Major; Chemistry - Minor Jonathan Russell Jagid, Mechanical Timothy Alexander Berkoff, Optics Elizabeth E Edwards, Optics Engineering Avery A. Bevin, Optics-Major; Steven John Ellison, Mechanical Eric Virgil Johnson, Mechanical German-Minor Engineering Engineering Barry Joel Blasenheim, Optics Steven David Engler, Optics Robert Alfred Juzups, Mechanical David Daniel Blaszak, Optics Laurina Anne Ferro, Electrical Engineering Glenn Erik Bohling, Electrical Engineering David Steven Kalenak, Optics Engineering Candace J. Flattery, Optics Christopher Kester Karp, Optics George Daymon Braddon, Stuart V. Flavin, Chemical Engineering Karl David Karpa, Electrical Mechanical Engineering Susanne Marie Foley Fuerst, Engineering- Major; ]apanese­ Mary Eileen Brennan, Mechanical Engineering Minor Mechanical Engineering Christopher John Frantz, Optics Shahid Ahmad Khan, Electrical Jeffrey Allen Bugenhagen, Optics­ Gordon Scott Franza, Electrical Engineering Major; English Literature- Minor Engineering Dipinder Khurana, Electrical Mary Ellen Burda, Mechanical John Matthew Freymann, Optics Engineering Engineering Andrew Kazuo Fujiyoshi, Mechanical James J. Killalea, Mechanical David Gerard Burkhardt, Electrical Engineering Engineering Engineering Gregory Moschetti Gallousis, Optics Daniel R. Korwan, Optics David B. Calarco, Optics Craig Morris Gardner, Optics Richard John Koshel, Optics Thomas Patrick Canty, Mechanical Michael Genin, Chemical Engineering Gautham Krishnan, Electrical Engineering Daniel William Gibbons, Chemical Engineering Catherine Heddy Carbonaro, Engineering- Major; Chemistry ­ Randi Hope Kutzin, Electrical Electrical Engineering Minor Engineering- Major; Art History ­ Frank Anthony Carbone, Optics Scott Gilman, Optics Minor Alfred Clinton Carr, Electrical Kathleen Anne Giniecki, Mechanical Ronald Ernest Laird, Optics Engineering Engineering Bao Xuan Le, Mechanical Engineering Tracie Ann Carvelli, Optics Edward Francis Gobbi, Optics Jennifer Ann LeBaron, Optics David Andrew Casper, Electrical Benjamin James Goldthwaite, Michael Scott Lehrberger, Chemical Engineering Electrical Engineering Engineering Robert Joseph Castellani, Optics Laurence Perry Golob, Optics Arthur Lompado, Optics Raymond Guan Yow Chou, Jeffrey Lynn Gorsuch, Electrical Brenda Lee Luderman, Electrical Mechanical Engineering Engineering Engineering James M. Cicchiello, Optics- Major; William Augustus Grazier, Electrical Daniel Frederick Luna, Electrical Political Science - Minor Engineering Engineering Andrew Ream Clarkson, Optics William Joseph Green, Mechanical Robert Mark Margolis, Electrical Joshua Monroe Cobb, Optics Engineering Engineering- Major; Philosophy ­ Simon Joel Cohen, Optics William Gordon Greenlee, Optics Minor David A. Coleman, Mechanical William John Gressler, Optics Michael E. Marquart, Optics Engineering T homas John Grooms, Mechanical Matthew E. McCarthy, Optics Catherine Mary Cook, Optics Engineering- Major; Economic Patrick L. McCarthy, Optics Theory-Minor Jill Marie McCabe, Optics Tracey Elizabeth Gunderman, Optics Kevin Joseph Mcintyre, Optics Jayne Catherine Hahin, Electrical Andrew Patrick McKeown, Engineering Mechanical Engineering 30 Michalakis Andronicos Michaelides, Edward Frederick Ruppel, Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Daniel C. Miller, Mechanical Maureen Salanger, Chemical Engineering Engineering-Major; Chemistry­ Theodore Edward Miller, Electrical Minor Engineering Nancy Scala, Electrical Engineering Kevin Edward Milliman, Chemical Eric Hartmut Schierling, Electrical College of Engineering Engineering Engineering and Kurt Arthur Mittelstaedt, Mechanical Kyle Thomas Schmackpfeffer, Optics Engineering Gail Catherine Schneider, Optics Applied Science David John Mitten, Chemical Michael John Seymour, Electrical Engineering Engineering Bachelor of Science Mark John Mohler, Chemical Darren John Short, Optics Engineering John Michael Silvestro, Optics Steven Bruce Morien, Optics Mark Howard Snyder, Chemical Robert V. Morrison, Optics Engineering- Major; Chemistry ­ Raymond Stephen Moyer, Electrical Minor Engineering- Major; Applied Jeffrey Mark Solomon, Optics Economics- Minor Mark D. St. Germain, Mechanical Andrew John Mueller, Mechanical Engineering- Major; History-Minor Engineering Susan Atkinson Stewart, Optics Rakesh Mullick, Electrical Engineering Terri Michelle Storrs, Chemical Yoshikazu Nagatsuka, Electrical Engineering Engineering Alexander Copeland Strasenburgh, Daniel Robert Nash, Optics Mechanical Engineering Walter Grahn Nilsen, Mechanical Lawrence Todd Sunshine, Mechanical Engineering Engineering Colleen Marie O'Hara, Mechanical Timothy Taro Takahashi, Mechanical Engineering Engineering- Major; Psychology as a Mark Brian O'Neill, Optics Natural Science- Minor Harold Eliot Orlinsky, Mechanical Timothy Jonathan Talley, Electrical Engineering Engineering Stathis T. Pappas, Mechanical Keith Alan Thorp, Optics Engineering Marco Tixi, Optics-Major; Economic Divya Chandu Patel, Optics Theory- Minor Vernon Ian Payumo, Optics - Major; Lee Samuel Wagmeister, Electrical Organizational Psychology - Minor Engineering Charles Albert Peck, Chemical Brenda Sue Wagner, Optics Engineering Brent Jack Wahba, Electrical Stella Angela Perez, Chemical Engineering Engineering Andrew Frederik Ward, Mechanical Wallace Sergei Pishtey, Mechanical Engineering Engineering Bruce Robert Waring, Electrical Sanjeer Popli, Optics Engineering Pamela Ann Posster, Chemical Neil David Washburn, Electrical Engineering- Major; Chemistry ­ Engineering Minor Laurie Ann Wein, Engineering and Nicholas Curry Pressly, Geomechanics Applied Science Howard Christopher Read, Electrical Brian Scott Weinberg, Optics Engineering Mark Steven Weiner, Electrical Shawn Courtney Reven, Optics Engineering Barbara Joanne Rich, Geomechanics Mark Jason Weinstock, Optics Scott Edward Richardson, Electrical Richard Scott Weiss, Optics Engineering Daniel Alexander Welch, Electrical Evelyn Ann Roberts, Optics Engineering David Charles Robson, Mechanical Robert Michael Welch, Optics Engineering Alyson Joy Wellens, Mechanical Hugh Andreas Roghmann, Engineering Mechanical Engineering Robert Harvey Wheeler, Mechanical Elizabeth Ann Rose, Chemical Engineering Engineering Peter John Wilkens, Optics Craig Lee Rosenthal, Chemical Paul Andrew Williams, Mechanical Engineering- Major; Chemistry­ Engineering Minor Thomas John Williamson, Optics Scott Lee Rudder, Optics Jenny Yu, Optics Bobby Ken Yue, Optics 31

Robert I. Zedeck, Chemical Earle W. Gillis, Optics Mario Merri, Electrical Engineering Engineering-Major; Chemistry­ (October 23, 1987) (February 12, 1988) Minor Thomas Elliot Gordon, Optics Daniel Micheli, Mechanical and Richard Alfred Zielinski, Mechanical (October 23, 1987) Aerospace Sciences Engineering Amit Goyal, Mechanical and (October 23, 1987) Elizabeth Ann Zubritsky, Optics Aerospace Sciences Theopano Mitsa, Electrical Engineering (February 12, 1988) (February 12, 1988) Shantanu Gupta, Electrical Engineering Maureen L. Moore, Optics Master of Science Alan Hammond, Optics (October 23, 1987) Calvin E. Abplanalp, Mechanical and (October 23, 1987) Cynthia Jo Mullens, Optics Aerospace Sciences (October 23, 1987) Sherry ]ilene Harms, Optics Georg Nadorff, Optics Joseph G. Ambrose, Optics (October 23, 1987) (October 23, 1987) (October 23, 1987) James W. Holmes, Electrical Engineering Akira Nakamura, Optics Jane Anderegg, Optics Mark D. Hopler, Optics (October 23, 1987) (October 23, 1987) (February 12, 1988) Motoki Ozawa, Optics James R. Anuskiewicz, Electrical Suzanne Marie Horbatuck, Optics (October 23, 1987) Engineering (October 23, 1987) Stephanos Papademetriou, Optics Lois Ann Aude, Optics Hsiaokuo Daniel Hsuen, Chemical (October 23, 1987) Gary Ball, Optics (October 23, 1987) Engineering (February 12, 1988) David L. Peters, Chemical Engineering Paul Ballentine, Electrical Engineering Der-Ray Huang, Mechanical and Thomas L. Pratt, Electrical Engineering (October 23, 1987) Aerospace Sciences (October 23, 1987) Yoram Pressburger, Mechanical and Christian Gary Blough, Optics Patricia Mara Hughes, Optics Aerospace Sciences (October 23, 1987) (October 23, 1987) Christopher J. Progler, Optics Lin Bo, Mechanical and Aerospace Ann H. lnfortuna, Electrical (October 23, 1987) Sciences (October 23, 1987) Engineering (February 12, 1988) Alan Earl Rapkin, Mechanical and Daniel H. Burnett, Mechanical and Jerzy Kalinowski, Electrical Engineering Aerospace Sciences (October 23, 1987) Aerospace Sciences (October 23, 1987) Arthur Reardon, Mechanical and Bruce Cannon, Optics Evagelos Katsadas, Electrical Aerospace Sciences (October 23, 1987) (October 23, 1987) Engineering (February 12, 1988) Brian Rice, Mechanical and Aerospace Wei Cao, Electrical Engineering Stephen R. Kennedy, Chemical Sciences (February 12, 1988) Engineering (February 12, 1988) Bradley Russ Risinger, Optics Robert Eugene Carmola, Chemical Manoj Khare, Electrical Engineering (October 23, 1987) Engineering (October 23, 1987) (February 12, 1988) Pratap Roy, Mechanical and Aerospace Wing Hong Daniel Chan, Electrical Audrey Mei Ling Khoo, Electrical Sciences (October 23, 1987) Engineering (October 23, 1987) Engineering (October 23, 1987) Marie Russotto, Mechanical and Isabella Chang, Optics Bernd Guenther Koehler, Optics Aerospace Sciences (October 23, 1987) Yiger Chen, Mechanical and Aerospace K. N. Kumer, Electrical Engineering Mark Savan, Optics (October 23, 1987) Sciences (October 23, 1987) (February 12, 1988) Jeffrey Shimizu, Optics Yung-Ho Chuang, Mechanical and James J. Kumler, Optics (October 23, 1987) Aerospace Sciences (October 23, 1987) (October 23, 1987) Svetlana Zonis Short, Optics Ji.Yong D. Chung, Electrical BobS. W. Kuo, Mechanical and (October 23, 1987) Engineering (February 12, 1988) A erospace Sciences (October 23, 1987) Christina Sigg, Optics Stephen Paul Clark, Optics Eric J. Leinberg, Electrical Engineering William Smith, Mechanical and Laura Kelley Considine, Chemical Karen Joy Leong, Mechanical and Aerospace Sciences (October 23, 1987) Engineering (February 12, 1988) Aerospace Sciences Kevin E. Spaulding, Optics Christian Dean DeJong, Optics Diane Leslie, Optics (October 23, 1987) Kendall A. Stephenson, Electrical (October 23, 1987) Charles Alan Linn, Electrical Engineering (February 12, 1988) Virginia Jeanette Dent, Optics Engineering Kit-Ming Tang, Electrical Engineering (October 23, 1987) Alan Derek Little, Optics (October 23, 1987) John Thomas Dilko, Chemical (October 23, 1987) Xiaorong Tang, Chemical Engineering Engineering Robert P. Loce, Optics Curtis A. Vock, Optics Arif Tanju Erdem, Electrical (October 23, 1987) (October 23, 1987) Engineering (February 12, 1988) Yuh-Fun Maa, Chemical Engineering Andrew Wald, Optics John Fecho, Chemical Engineering Svetislav Marie, Electrical Engineering (October 23, 1987) (February 12, 1988) (February 12, 1988) Angie Mei-Ching Wan, Electrical James Michael Fitzgerald, Chemical Christopher I. Marshall, Electrical Engineering Engineering Engineering Shing-Hoa Wang, Mechanical and David Kirtland Fork, Electrical John David Martin, Optics Aerospace Sciences (October 23, 1987) Engineering (February 12, 1988) Jon Masyga, Electrical Engineering C harles K. Wike, Jr., Optics Michael Frankel, Electrical Engineering (February 12, 1988) (October 23, 1987) (February 12, 1988) Sanjay Kumar Mehta, Electrical David C. Winyard, Mechanical and Barbara Fuegel, Electrical Engineering Engineering Aerospace Sciences (October 23, 1987) Vicky Gauthier, Optics Sharon Birnbaum Melpolder, C i Qing Zhou, Mechanical and (October 23, 1987) Chemical Engineering Aerospace Sciences (October 23, 1987) (October 23, 1987) 32 Kristine Margaret Eils, Applied Music University (Oboe)-Major; French-Minor Jennifer Elowitch, Applied Music College of (Violin) Lisa Ann Ferrigno, Applied Music Liberal and (Violin) Christopher Addison Flint, Applied Applied Studies Music (Voice) (October 23, 1987) Kenneth Eberhard Freudigman, Applied Music (Violoncello) Bachelor of Science Donald Lee Gannon, Jr., Composition Bradley Thomas Gant, Applied Music in General Studies (Piano) Margaret M. Best-Krizan, Social Science Jason Scott Goodman, Applied Music Franklin N. Burks, Natural Science (Percussion) Nancy Marcello Corson, Natural Terence Edward Goss, Applied Music Science (Saxophone) Maxine Turner Carey, Community John Allen Gove, Applied Music Services (Trombone) Jonas Edward Gray, Applied Music (Bassoon) Master of Science Rachel Lee Green, Applied Music Darryl I. Mounts, Mathematical (Double Bass) Methods Louise Marie Guerrieri, Applied Music (Viola) Marianne Gythfeldt, Applied Music (Clarinet) Katherine Wynnan Halpenny, Eastman School Applied Music (Voice) Kimberly Jajuan Harrison, Applied of Music Music (Voice) ! Music Education Vocal Rachel Hebden Harrison, Applied Music (Viola) Bachelor of Music Rae Jean Hartley, Music Education Gretchen Jolene Allen, Applied Music Vocal (Flute) Ellen Cecilia Higham, Applied Music John Edgar Bailey, Applied Music (Viola) (Trumpet) Louis Russell Hirshfield, Applied Robert Paul Barrett, Jr., Theory Music (Piano) Robert Michael Beatty, Applied Music Rei Hotoda, Applied Music (Piano) (Organ) Deniz Claudia lnce, Composition Deborah Kay Boyd, Applied Music Akira Ishii, Applied Music (Flute) (Bassoon) Diana Lillian Jacklin, Applied Music Kristen Joy Bradley, Applied Music (Voice) (Voice) Mark James Jackobs, Applied Music Irene B. Caramuta, Applied Music (Viola) (Voice) Geoffrey Robert Jones, Applied Music Darleen Ann Carl, Applied Music (Violin) (Clarinet) Grace Sung Kang, Applied Music Brian Stuart Chilton, Applied Music (Horn)!Music Education Instrumental (Voice) Gerard Keene, Applied Music (Trumpet) Christopher Martin Connolly, Jeffrey Blaine Knutson, Music Applied Music (Trombone) Education Instrumental! Applied Colleen Marie Conway, Music Music (Trombone) Education Instrumental I Applied Jeanmarie Kolar, Applied Music Music (Horn) (Clarinet) Gina Marie Costanza, Applied Music Heidi K. Kuhrmann, Applied Music (Violin) (Oboe) Anne Christine Cunningham, Jessica Irene Lambert, Applied Music Applied Music (Flute) (Violin) Michael Eugene Davis, Applied Music Jacqueline Fairchild LeClair, Applied (Trombone) (October 23, 1987) Music (Oboe) Thomas Michael Dewey, Applied John Frederick Marcellus, Applied Music (Piano) Music (Trumpet) Dawn Marie Edwards, Applied Music Paul Richard Marquardt, Composition (Harp)

' ~ 33

Susan Elizabeth Martin, Applied Keith Alan Thomas, Applied Music Joseph Alan Gilman, Jazz Studies Music (Flute)- Major; (Oboe) and Contemporary Media German-Minor Howard John van der Sluis, Applied (October 23, 1987) MaryAnn McCormick, Applied Music Music (Violin)- Major; Bruce William Glenny, Performance (Voice) French-Minor and Literature (Harpsichord) Benjamin Bryan McElhaney, Applied Claudio Christian Vasquez, Applied Gerald Charles Greland, Music Music (Tuba) Music (Violin) (February 12, 1988) Education Marc Andrew Mellits, Composition Kelly Elizabeth Wallace, Applied Hanne-Berit Hahnernann, Kathleen Carmel Melucci, Applied Music (Violin) Performance and Literature (Violin) Music (Violoncello) David Wollenberger, Theory Virginia Louise Haisten, Performance Richard G. Mercurio, Applied Music (October 23, 1987) and Literature (~an) (Percussion) Phyllis Yuk-ying Wong, Theory (October 23, 1987) Laura Cara Millman, Applied Music Steven Wright, Applied Music (Viola) Cory David Hall, Performance and (Violin) Shau~an Yee, Music Education Vocal Literature (Piano) (February 12, 1988) Peter James Mills, Applied Music Sheau~unn Yeoh, Music Education Richard Alan Hall, Performance and (Saxophone) General Literature (Voice) Michel Leonce Nadeau, Music Cong Zou, Applied Music (Violin) Margaret Ann Hanegraaf, Performance Education Instrumental and Literature (Voice) Thomas Anthony Nazziola, Applied Phenisher Samelle Harris, Performance Music (Percussion) Master of Arts and Literature (Voice) Deborah L. Newcomb-McCausland, Anthony Edward Barone, Musicology Charlotte Anna Hellekant, Applied Music (Violoncello) (October 23, 1987) Performance and Literature (Voice) Dean Thomas O'Brien, Applied Music Camille DiTusa, Theory Lowell Lynn Hohstadt, Performance (Viola) (February 12, 1988) Robert Wallace Fink, Theory and Literature (Violin) Matthew M. Patton, Applied Music Colleen Anne Foley, Music Education Corey Jane Holt, Music Education (Hom) (October 23, 1987) (February 12, 1988) Sonha Christine Payne, Applied Dora A. Hanninen, Theory Mark Alfred Kaczmarczyk, Music (Flute) Sylvia Maureen !meson, Musicology Conducting (Choral) Patricia Pearman, Applied Music (October 23, 1987) So Young Kim, Performance and (Violin) Paul Albert Laprade, Theory Literature (Piano) Gary Scott Press, Applied Music (Tuba) Eric Lyon, Composition Carl David Klein, Performance and Laura Diane Preves, Applied Music Mary Lynn Michal, Music Education Literature (Organ) (Bassoon) Terry Lynn Moran, Music Education Melissa Ann Lesbines, Performance Holly Carol Reeves, Applied Music Laurie Anne Phillips, Musicology and Literature (Piano) (Violoncello) Susan Diane Schaeffer, Music Education (February 12, 1988) Rebecca Dawn Reichenbauch, Music (October 23, 1987) Jamie Andrea Levine, Performance and Education Vocal Rhonda Kay Wright, Theory Literature (Voice) Thomas Michael Riccobono, Applied Swang Lin, Performance and Literature Music (Trombone) (Violin) Maria De Los Angeles Rivera, Master of Music Ellie Chai~uan Liu, Music Education / Applied Music (Piano) Catherine Jane Arlidge, Performance Conducting (Choral) Jeanne Marie Rogers, Applied Music and Literature (Violin) Tressa Melora Love, Performance and (Viola) Sara Catherine Bradley, Performance Literature (Voice) Robert Andrew Sands, Applied Music and Literature (Voice) Huaya Lu, Performance and Literature (Saxoplwne) Paul Edward Brantley, Composition (Voice) Sharon Louise Sasse, Applied Music Fred Blanton Bugbee, Performance and Fredrick Allen Maxwell, Jazz Studies (Voice) Literature (Percussion) and Contemporary Media Steven Josef Scheschareg, Applied Joseph Eugene Buglio, Music Education (February 12, 1988) Music (Voice) Stuart Craig Chafetz, Performance and Chris Alan McCormick, Jazz Studies Anne Renee Sheradsky, Applied Literature (Percussion) and Contemporary Media Music (Voice) Diana Santiago da Fonseca, Michael Thomas Messina, Leon Shernoff, Composition Performance and Literature (Piano) / Performance and Literature (~an) John Winsor Spence, Applied Music Music Education Susanna Irene Misrnas, Performance (Bassoon) Joel Craig Davis, Performance and and Literature (Voice) Danica Leslie Stein, Theory Literature (Trumpet) (October 23, 1987) Mark John Sterbank, Applied Music Jill Arlene Dawe, Performance and Flora Kuykendall Parker, Music (Saxophone) Literature (Piano) Education Eileen L. Strempel, Applied Music Janine Celia Gaboury-Sly, Performance Sidney Bryan Priddy, Conducting (Voice) and Literature (Hom) (Choral) Yean Boon Tan, Music Education Fritz Peter Gearhart, Performance and Jonathan Mark Reeder, Performance General Literature (Violin) and Literature (Bassoon) (October 23, 1987) Kevin Allen Tarte, Applied Music James Jacob Gelfand, Jazz Studies and (Voice) Contemporary Media Edward Fraser Reid II, Performance Joseph Lawrence Tartell, Applied and Literature (Trumpet) Music (Trumpet) (October 23, 1987) 34 Belinda Sue Reuning, Performance and Literature (Viola) Doctor of Michael Raymond Ruszczynski, Musical Arts Composition David Arthur Billings, Performance Nancy Ellen Schechter, Performance and Literature (Organ) and Literature (Violin) (October 23, 1987) (February 12, 1988) Norman Carl Boehm, Performance Eastman School Russell Allen Schmidt, Jazz Studies and Literature (Piano) of Music and Contemporary Media (February 12, 1988) Patrick E. Sciannella, Performance and Julia Ellen Cheek, Performance and Literature (Tuba) Literature (Piano) Master of Music Dean Wade Sears, Performance and Stanley Chepaitis, Performance and Literature (Voice) (October 23, 1987) Literature (Violin) (October 23, 1987) Haejung Shin, Performance and Craig Wendell Combs, Performance Literature (Piano) and Literature (Piano) Christopher Brian Jeffery Smith, Jazz Robert Benjamin Dobey, Performance Studies and Contemporary Media and Literature (Organ) Derrick Jerome Smith, Performance (October 23, 1987) and Literature (Voice) Bruce William Glenny, Performance Pamela Lynn Start, Performance and and Literature (Organ) Literature (Trombone) Robert Micheal Francis Grenier, (October 23, 1987) Performance and Literature (Voice) Kathryn Andrea Stenberg, William Frankel Grimes, Jr., Music Performance and Literature (Violin) Education (February 12, 1988) Edith Rebecca Stewart, Conducting John Frederic Hoffacker, Conducting (Choral) (October 23, 1987) Kamran Nuri lnce, Composition Fred J. Stone, Jr., Jazz Studies and (October 23, 1987) Contemporary Media Wayne Douglas Jeffrey, Conducting Sharon Lynn Sweet, Music Education Charles Henry Luedtke, Performance (February 12, 1988) and Church Music (Organ) Philemon Demetrius Theodorou, Jr., Cindy Lindeen Martin, Performance Conducting I Music Education and Literature (Organ) Ning Tien, Performance and Literature Beth Johanna Pearce Nelson, Music (Violoncello) Education Yvonne Phyllis Toll, Performance and Lila Dawn Noonkester, Performance Literature (Trumpet) and Literature (Voice) Thanh Tuyen Ton Nu, Performance Nicole A. Paiement, Conducting and Literature (Piano) Jamal Joseph Rossi, Performance and Martha Ellen Tyminski, Music Literature (Saxophone) Education (October 23, 1987) Harold Marinus VanSchaik, Andrew Jackson Spencer, Performance Performance and Literature (Trombone) and Literature (Percussion) Michael Dean Velting, Performance Sylvia Wang, Performance and and Literature (Organ) Literature (Piano) (October 23, 1987) Luanne Irene Warner, Performance and Donna Kay Whited, Performance and Literature (Percussion) Literature (Organ) (February 12, 1988) Jeffrey Allen Watson, Performance and Carl Thomas Witt, Composition Literature (Piano) (October 23, 1987) Valerie Louise Watts, Performance and Young Mee Yun, Performance and Literature (Flute) Literature (Piano) David Graham Wiffen, Jazz Studies and Contemporary Media Stephanie Tess Wilson, Music Education /Conducting (Choral) Christopher John Wu, Performance and Literature (Violin) David Kenreich Yackley, Jazz Studies and Contemporary Media Sheau-ln Yeoh, Music Education Theresa Kathryn Zale, Performance and Literature (Oboe) 35

Tanya Mayadas, Biochemistry School of Elsee McEachin, Community Health Doctor of Medicine John Novak, Microbiology and Richard John Alioto Immunology (October 23, 1987) Claudio Gabriel Alperovich Medicine and Aytac Hilmi Apaydin Lisa I. O'Connell, Biochemistry Dentistry (October 23, 1987) Abby Joy Aspel Rebecca E. Ribovich, Community Peter Joseph Belcastro Health (October 23, 1987) Karen Ann Benner Susan Marie Robey-Bond, Toxicology David Benjamin Bittleman Master of Science Andrea Marangoni Bodine Karen Lynne Allier, Biophysics (October 23, 1987) Sharon M. Rucinski, Industrial Hygiene Gabrielle Theresa Bodnar Jacqueline Kay Berko, Community James Roy Bonner Health Paula Denise Ryan, Biochemistry Ralph Hamlin Saunders, Dental Science Howard Robert Joseph George Timothy Blieden, Microbiology and Bourdages Immunology Kurt Schilling, Microb iology and Immunology (October 23, 1987) Valerie Susan Esch Bruemmer Jayne Ellen Bouldryn-Whitin, Robert James Cerfolio Environmental Studies Dana Selley, Neuroscience (October 23, 1987) Joshua Chodosh (February 12, 1988) David W. Chui Mary Brandes, Biophysics Jianben Song, Biophysics (February 12, 1988) Paul Robert Cialone (October 23, 1987) Martha Ann David Karen Marie Cerosaletti, Microbiology Michael Spaulding, Microbiology and Immunology (October 23, 1987) Christopher R. deFilippi (February 12, 1988) Jennifer Elaine Denton Michael Chin, Biochemistry Jennifer Anne Teahan, Biochemistry (February 12, 1988) Anne Marie Dubin Nancy J. Clark, Community Health Nancy Ellen Duckles (October 23, 1987) Ann Elaine Walzer, Environmental Studies (February 12, 1988) Michele A. Dyan Shana Sinaid Wibberley Clark, Robert Myles Elfont Community Health Wendy Sue Weitzman, Community Health David J. Fischer Kazuo Cottrell, Biophysics Steven David Freer (October 23, 1987) Mary Jo Wick, Microbiology and Immunology Gregory Gardner Freund Joia Di Stefano, Community Health Michael Allen Garcia Michelle Ferrari, Community Health Janice Eileen Cripps Wolfman, Biochemistry (October 23, 1987) Gary Glazer (February 12, 1988) Steven Kyle Grinspoon Mark Fitzsimmons, Anatomy Yu-Xin Yan, Radiation Biology (February 12, 1988) Katherine Elizabeth Gundling (October 23, 1987) William Richard Hampton Timothy Louis Fortin, Pharmacology Stella Hetelekidis (February 12, 1988) Immanuel King Hang Ho Stephen Howard Gavett, Toxicology Doctor of Medicine Margaret-Mary Holyst (February 12, 1988) with Honor and Michael Bruce Horowitz Fiona Harding, Microbiology and Joseph Patrick Horrigan Immunology (October 23, 1987) with Distinction Lewis Li-yen Hsu Kathleen Theresa Jewell, Community in Research Carsten Erich Kampe Health (February 12, 1988) Kristina Karasek Michael E. Chen Allison Kempe, Community Health Peter J. Kasprzak (February 12, 1988) Steven Gary Kessler Peter Y. Kim, Biochemistry David K. Kim (October 23, 1987) Doctor of Medicine Margaret Fern Kinnard Barry Jonathan Lamphear, Susan Margaret Landgraf Biochemistry (February 12, 1988) with Honor Bradford Harlow Williams Armstrong John Terrence Lanza Diane Louise Langkamp, Community David Yan Eng Loc Trong Le Health (October 23, 1987) Jeffrey Thomas Junig Camille M. Leugers Kathleen Curran Leibenguth, Scott Marc Levine Microbiology (October 23, 1987) Mark Robert Licht C harles Levea, Biochemistry Doctor of Medicine Stewart Jay Lustik (October 23, 1987) David Harry Malamed Richard Levy, Dental Science with Distinction Abigail R. Margulis James Joseph Lynch II, Toxicology Keith Austin Marill Ann Barrett Maine, Biochemistry in Research James Thomas Mercuri (October 23, 1987) Debra Elise Khani Beth T. Mandyck, Community Health Paul Vincent Pomilla (October 23, 1987) Frederick Marciano, Anatomy (February 12, 1988) Eric Allan Marshall, Biophysics (February 12, 1988) 36 David Samuel Monsour Martin J. Murphy School of Nancy Louise Gelsomino Murphy Philip Francis Murphy Nursing James Mallory Musser Stephen Yuzo Nakada Minhtri Khac Nguyen Bachelor of Science School of Kyung Mee Noh Robin Rae Anderson Medicine and Katherine P. O'Hanlon Ann Marie Appell Dentistry Amy Elizabeth Oksa Heide Piper Balfe Carol Lynn Olnick Susan Elaine Brockman Paul Jay Orland Jennifer A. Burgher Doctor of Medicine Robert Stephen O'Shea Monica J. Bynoe Jeffrey Penikas Susan Jean Carrier David R. Peter Amy Patricia Clendenin James Wilson Peterson Diana D'Auria John Anthony Pietropaoli, Jr. Amy Louise Durr Gilbert Paul Proper Laurie Walsh Ernest David Richard Propp Cynthia Galeota Michael Gerald Radley Melanie Mary Granieri Robert Young Rhee Elizabeth Gutmann Gary Alton Rhule DonnaS. Harnish (February 12, 1988) Laura Zacchigna Rice Paula Rae Holmes Carol Rosenbaum Sandra Laurice Jack Kenneth Preston Rothfield Nancy L. Jackson Edward Saltzman Beth Eileen Jones Richard Pasquale Salzano, Jr. Kimberly Ann Kaminski Martin Edward Schwartzberg Corinne S. Kiernan Cameron Johnson Sears Jennifer Buckley Lang Michael William Shedd Lisa Lynne Liberatore Nancy Gail Shedd Shelley Ann McCormick Gary Kuo-Liang Shen Alida Merrill David Allan Sherris John A. Modrzynski Jr. Christine Ellen Skotzko Bernadette Marie Murphy Timothy Peter Sloand Deborah R. Pittinaro Linda Rebecca Spanagel David Michael Race Charles E. Stankard Janet Esther Ramirez Andrew Everett Sutton Christine Marie Ranney Mark Andrew Szal Heather R. Reece (February 12, 1988) Amy Elisabeth Taylor Ana Lucretia Rodgers Giovana Renata Thomas Terese Marie Santaro Teresa Elizabeth Thomas Jacqueline Sue Shapiro Elizabeth Terry Toll Holly Sue Shinn David Lee Waldman Lisa Marie Smith LaRoy Edwin Williams Deborah Ann Sobieraj Chifoo David Yue Laura N. Telegen Debra L. Tessier (February 12, 1988) Emily Ann Thomas Elizabeth A. Treiber (February 12, 1988) Deborah Ann Tyre Michelle Ann Ylitalo Judith A. Zuckerman Master of Science Cornelia L. Albright Barbara M. Aughenbaugh (February 12, 1988) Margaret M. Barnhart Mary T. Bazar (February 12, 1988) Cathy Ann Berendts Dawn E. Breon Anne M. Cameron Patricia Frances Cassidy 37

Cynthia M. Ciaschi Melinda S. Sciera (February 12, 1988) Eleanore Frances Berent, Education Joanne V. Clements Craig Robert Sellers Thesis: The Development and Deborah S. Cleveland (February 12, 1988) Assessment of Self-System Peter A. Coggiola (October 23, 1987) Judith Sternberg Spula Processes in Early Elementary Beverly A. Collazo Deborah A. Tibi School Children Patricia A. Corbett (October 23, 1987) Barbara A. Urich (October 23, 1987) Marcus Stephen Bermel, Chemical Mary Lu Daly Elizabeth W. Vaczy Engineering Bonnie Smith Doell Jessica L. Vance (February 12, 1988) Thesis: Characterization of (February 12, 1988) Kim Wagler Synthetic Pulmonary Surfactants Virginia G. Doster Bonnie J. Vasseur Walden (February 12, 1988) JoAnn Romano Egan (February 12, 1988) Hans Phillip Beutelman, Chemistry (February 12, 1988) Suzanne Wall (February 12, 1988) Thesis: Investigations into the Susan E. Fitzgerald Christine Nagelhout Walther Mechanism of Kinetic Enolate Rae R. Frachel (February 12, 1988) Formation (February 12, 1988) Meriel Friedman-Campbell Mary Ellen Webb Michele Bernardo-Maria Boldrin, (February 12, 1988) Lisa A. Wilt Economics JoEllen L. Gittens (October 23, 1987) Thesis: Stable, Cyclic and Chaotic Barbara Glatz-Catton Dynamics in Models of Economic (February 12, 1988) Optimization Over Time Jennifer L. Glenn (February 12, 1988) (October 23, 1987) Linda Louise Gorski University Prudence Katherine Bradley, Leigh Griffiths Chemistry Janet Dermody Handy Council on Thesis: Luminescent and Photo­ (February 12, 1988) chemical Properties of Iridium Susan A. Haupdleisch Graduate Studies Alkyl Complexes Containing the Linda Beth Hilliker Maleonitriledithiolate Ligand Lynn Greer Horowitch Sallie Craven Brennan, Anthropology Janice Elizabeth Hurley Doctor of Philosophy Thesis: Cosmogonic Use of Time Beverly Ann Kaufman Stephen Philip Adams, Toxicology and Space in Historical Narratives: (February 12, 1988) Thesis: Bioactivation of Diethylstil­ The Case with the Cronica Priscilla E. Kelley (February 12, 1988) bestrol by the Syrian Hamster Mexicayotl Karen L. Kitzman Kidney (February 12, 1988) Alan T. Brewen, Mechanical and Rita M. Knight John S. Adrian, Music Theory Aerospace Sciences Linda Kossow Thesis: Development Sections that Thesis: The Effect of Warpage, Debora M. Kriner Begin with the Tonic (October 23, Tension Variation and Stiffness Cynthia Maier Krutell 1987) Variation on the Periodic Response Deborah A. Leckinger Eveline J. Ayme, Electrical Engineering of a Tape Passing Over a Recording Johanna B. Lindblom Thesis: Transient Cavitation Head Georgia Ann Lowmaster Induced by High Amplitude Robert A. Burne, Microbiology Patricia A. Macaruso Diagnostic Ultrasound Thesis: Genetics and Physiology of (October 23, 1987) A. Reid Barbour, English Polysaccharide Metabolism by Jean E. Mack-Fogg Thesis: Deciphering Renaissance Streptococcus Mutans GS-5 Marta J. Maletzke (October 23, 1987) Prose Narrative: Plenism and the (February 12, 1988) Nancy J. McGinn (February 12, 1988) Fictions of Control Gerald Richard Bushee, Political Philene M. Meloni Olivier Barnouin, Mechanical and Science (February 12, 1988) Aerospace Sciences Thesis: Risk, Perceptions and Marilyn K. Merritt Thesis: Analysis of Thermal International Conflict: 1816-1965- Darce Lynn Metzler Transport in 351 nm Irradiation of An Expected Utility Perspective Katherine I. Miller Spherical Targets Nancy Campbell-Heider, Nursing Cynthia R. Munier Linda Staffon Seeber, Nursing Thesis: Patient Adaptation to the Laura Lee Murphy Thesis: The Relationship of Hospital Technological Environ­ Kathleen Gail O'Brien Self-Esteem, Social Support and ment (February 12, 1988) (February 12, 1988) Depressive Symptoms in Women Sonia Louise Carlson, Anatomy Monica S. O'Brien (February 12, 1988) Thesis: Involvement of Central and Anne C. J. Olek Steve Behrends, Physics Peripheral Monoamine Systems in Twila Dawn Pike Thesis: Measurement of the Tau Neural-Immune Interactions Renate Porsche Lifetime at vs=l0.5 GeV Zeynep Celik-Butler, Electrical Ellen McPhilomy Rapoza (October 23, 1987) Engineering Joanne C. Rodgers Jerome Rene Bellegarda, Electrical Thesis: l/F Noise in Semicon­ Joan M. Rossi Engineering ductor Devices (October 23, 1987) Angelina M. Santarelle Thesis: Recursive Parameter Esti­ Karen L. Schoonerman mation for Time-Varying System (February 12, 1988) Identification (October 23, 1987) 38

Bhaskar Chakravarti, Economics Gordon Dutter, History Thesis: Information, Incentives and Thesis: French Foreign and Rational Expectations (October 23, Economic Relations under the 1987) Popular Front Governments Sirithorn Chantrasmi, Political Science (October 23, 1987) Thesis: Communism in Southeast Robert P. Duttweiler, Jr., Chemistry Asia Thesis: The Activation and Func­ University Council on Andre B. Charette, Chemistry tionalization of Aromatic C-H Graduate Studies Thesis: Part I: General Synthetic bonds by Rhodium Isonitrile Protocol for the Construction of Complexes Spirocyclic lonophores: The Total Kristi Elaine Eidsvoog, Biochemistry Doctor of Philosophy Synthesis of (-)-A-23187 (Calci­ Thesis: Characterization of Two mycin). Part 2: Synthesis of the Hormone-Responsive Cell Lines Tetrahydropyranyl Moiety of Cloned from DMBA-lnduced lonophore Antibiotic X-14 54 7A. Rodent Mammary Tumors Part 3: Synthesis and Reductive Connie Erickson-Miller, Microbiology Lithiation of Cyclic Ketene Hemi­ Thesis: Macrophage, Granulocyte, thioacetals (February 12, 1988) and Granulocyte-Macrophage Richard Lee Chinn, Chemistry Colony Stimulating Factors: Thesis: An Approach Towards the Purification, Characterization, Total Synthesis of Eremantholide A Function William Roland Christian, Physics Kimberly Gail Estep, Chemistry Thesis: Effects of Backscattering on Thesis: Part I: Studies of Stereo­ the Fluctuation Properties of a He­ control and Reactivity in the Intra· Ne Ring Laser (February 12, 1988) molecular Diels-Alder Reaction. Yeon-Bo Chung, Biology Part II: Synthesis of the Cyclo­ Thesis: Studies on the Packaging of hexene Subunit of Tetronolide Bacteriophage T7 DNA (February 12, 1988) Lynn Collins-Gold, Chemistry C. Lawrence Evans, Political Science Thesis: Photoisomerization of Thesis: Influence in Senate Assembly-Bound Thioindigoes and Committees (February 12, 1988) Photosensitized Photooxidation Ada Mei Fan, English Using "Picket Fence" Porphyrins in Thesis: In and Out of Bounds: Multilayer Assemblies Marriage, Adultery, and Women in Sridhara Rao Dasu, Physics the Plays of Henry Arthur Jones, Thesis: Precision Measurement Arthur Wing Pinero, Harley of x,Q2 and A-Dependence of Granville-Barker, John Galsworthy,

R=aL/ uT and F2 in Deep and W. Somerset Maugham Inelastic Scattering Mark Alan Fanty, Computer Science Christine Ann DeGregorio, Political Thesis: Learning in Structured Science Connectionist Networks Thesis: Professional Staff Members Daniel S. Franchi, Physics in Congress: A Subcommittee Thesis: Excitation Transport and Perspective (October 23, 1987) Electrical Conductivity in Romualdo T. de Souza, Chemistry Disordered Media Thesis: The Role of the Potential Eddy Aime Gbery, Linguistics Energy Surface in the Evolution of Thesis: Studies in the Grammar of Mass and Charge Asymmetry in Abbey (October 23, 1987) Strongly Damped Heavy-Ion Rupamanjari Ghosh, Physics Reactions (February 12, 1988) Thesis: Investigation of Non­ Carel·Martijn de Sterke, Optics Classical Effects in Two-Photon Thesis: Contributions to the Interference Processes (October 23, Theory of the Electronic and 1987) Optical Properties of Si-GexSil-x Kathleen A. Gillespie, Semiconductor Superlattices Radiation Biology (February 12, 1988) Thesis: The Cloning and Robert Edwin Driver, Jr., Psychology Characterization of Three DNA Thesis: The Voice in Person Per­ Damage Inducible ("DIN") ception: An Investigation of the Promoters of Bacillus Subtillis Vocal Attractiveness Stereotype Jane Broderick Gogan, Psychology (February 12, 1988) Thesis: Self and Object Repre­ sentations: Implications for the Organization of the Self 39

Gregory Forrest Goode, Philosophy Lewis Li-yen Hsu, Biophysics Jay Philip Lambert, Music Theory Thesis: Temporal Objects of Desire, Thesis: Mathematical Modeling of Thesis: Compositional Procedures Dated Objects of Desire, and Argu­ Microcirculatory Networks­ in Experimental Works on Charles ments about the Rationality of Relevance for Oxygen Transport E. lves (October 23, 1987) Time Preference (October 23, 1987) Min-Jei Huang, Mathematics Thomas Michael Laz, Radiation Biology David Michael Gooier, Neuroscience Thesis: Dynamics for Time­ Thesis: The Sequences and Struc­ Thesis: Species Specific Vocaliza­ Dependent Quantum Mechanical tures in the Messenger RNA that tions Elicited by Microstimulation Hamiltonians Affect Translation in the Yeast of Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Scott Douglas Kennedy, Biophysics Saccharomyces Cerevisiae the Echolocating Bat, Pteronotus Thesis: Slow Molecular Motions Li Liu, Mathematics pamelli pamelli: Characteristics of in Glassy Polymers, Hydration Thesis: Processes Before Extinction Emissions and Topographic Repre­ Dependent Polypeptide Dynamics, and Comparison of Measures by sentation of Vocal Frequency and Nitrogen-14 Spin Relaxation Counting Atoms (October 23, 1987) Studied by Solid State Nuclear Ronald Prescott Loui, Computer Science Deborah Diane Graves, Chemistry Magnetic Resonance Techniques and Philosophy Thesis: Synthesis and Reactivity (February 12, 1988) Thesis: Theory and Computation Profile of a Phosphonate Reagent Janet Ellen Kester, Toxicology of Uncertain Inference and Decision Representing the Right-Hand Half Thesis: Physicochemical Character­ (February 12, 1988) of Streptolydigin (February 12, ization of the Rat Hepatic Ah Marie Anna Maier, Mathematics 1988) Receptor and its Interaction with Thesis: H-Spaces of Finite Dimen­ Russell Wayne Gruhlke, Optics 2,3, 7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo -P-Dioxin sion (October 23, 1987) Thesis: Optical Emission from (October 23, 1987) Ching-Sheng Mao, Economics Surface Waves Supported in Thin Kisik Kim, Physics Thesis: Dynamic Equilibrium Metal Films (October 23, 1987) Thesis: Field Correlations within Analysis: An Application to the Jan Marie Guida, Physics Three-Dimensional, Primary Theory of Business Cycles Thesis: Opposite-Sign Dileptons Sources (February 12, 1988) (October 23, 1987) from B-Meson Decay (October 23, Julie Marie Klotzbach, Pharmacology Robert Arthur Mee, Music Education 1987) Thesis: Studies on the Mechanism Thesis: The Integration and Joan Anne Guida, Physics of Action of2,3-Dimercaptopropane Evaluation of Computer-Assisted Thesis: Determining r(b-ulp)/ Sulfonate (DMPS): A Mercurial Instruction in a Music Listening r(b-clP) from the End-Point Complexing Agent (October 23, Course and Acoustics Course for Region of the Lepton Momentum 1987) Tenth Grade Students Spectrum in B-Meson Decay Roger Martin Knox, Music Composition Kevin E. Meyer, Physics (October 23, 1987) Thesis: Elegy. Analytic Paper: A Thesis: Study of Subpicosecond Surendra Kumar Gupta, Nec-Romantic's Tonal World: Pitch Electron Transport in GaAs Using Materials Science Organization in Jacques Hetu's Transient Photoconductivity and Thesis: Dislocation Dynamics and Ballade Op. 30. Transient Absorption Spectroscopy Frank-Read Sources Daniel Warren Koon, Physics Michele Migliuolo, Physics Mark Edward Hahn, Toxicology Thesis: The Hall Effect in Arsenic­ Thesis: AC Conductivity Thesis: Studies on the Role of Doped Silicon Near the Metal­ Measurements in Insulating Si:P the Ah Receptor in Hexachloro­ Insulator Transition (February 12, Near the Metal-Insulator Transition benzene-induced Porphyria 1988) Keith Brady Miller, Geological Sciences (February 12, 1988) Walter Philip Kosar, Jr., Chemistry Thesis: A Temporal Hierarchy of Howard H. Harriott, Philosophy Thesis: Studies of C-H Activation Paleoecologic and Depositional Thesis: Levi and the Defense Using Ruthenium-Phosphine Com­ Processes Across a Middle of Bayesianism plexes and the Synthesis of lndoles Devonian Epeiric Sea Mary Joanne Renner Heath, from o.:rolylisocyanides and Ruthe­ Frederick James Monsma, Jr., Music Theory nium-bis-(1,2-Dimethylphosphino)­ Neuroscience Thesis: A Comparative Analysis of ethane-Dihydride (February 12, Thesis: Muscarinic Receptor­ Dukas's Ariane et Barbe-Bleue and 1988) Stimulated Phosphatidylinositol Bartok's Duke Bluebeard's Castle Theodoros Koupelis, Turnover in the Rat Corpus Debra K. Heckendorn, Chemistry Physics and Astronomy Striatum: Role of Muscarinic T hesis: Studies Directed Toward T hesis: Rotation and Magnetic Receptor Subtypes and Regulation the Total Synthesis of Ereman­ Fields as an Acceleration (October 23, 1987) tholide A (February 12, 1988) Mechanism in Astrophysical Jets Sung II Nam, Economics Chung Ki Hong, Physics Carsten Kowalczyk, Economics Thesis: Essays on the Application Thesis: Investigation of Two­ Thesis: Tariffs, Reform and Welfare of Theory of Time to Labor Supply Photon Correlation Effects in and Wages (February 12, 1988) Parametric Down-Conversion Michael D. Horn, Political Science Thesis: Arms Races and the Inter­ national System (October 23, 1987) 40 Samuel Edward Navon, Biophysics Marianne Ruth Reynolds, Political Thesis: lmmunochemical Science Characterization of Transducin Thesis: Members of Parliament and (October 23, 1987) their Constituencies: A Compara­ James Jacob Newman, History tive Study of Britain and Canada Thesis: "To plow the same five (February 12, 1988) times": Estate Management Jayme Diniz Ribeiro, University Council on and Agricultural Change in the Chemical Engineering Graduate Studies Genesee Valley of New York State, Thesis: State Estimation and 1810-1865 Identification of Spectral Properties Ann B. Oaks, Education of Distributed Parameter Systems Doctor of Philosophy Thesis: The Effects of the Interac­ joseph Thomas Rogers, Physics tion of Conception of Mathematics Thesis: Limits on the Electro­ and Affective Constructs on magnetic Coupling and Density of College Students in Remedial Galactic Axions (October 23, 1987) Mathematics (October 23, 1987) Robert J. Rolleston, Optics Katherine Norwood O'Brien, Thesis: Image Recovery from Partial Chemistry Fresnel Zone Information Thesis: Reactions of Inorganic Randi Kubrick Rothmel, Biochemistry Complexes with Gaseous Sub­ Thesis: Mutational Analyses of strates in Solution and in Poly­ Regulatory Sites that Modulate meric Matrices (October 23, 1987) Gene Expression (October 23, 1987) Deborah Ann Palermo, Microbiology Susan Fish Roxin, Education Thesis: Characterization of Neis­ Thesis: Maternal Empathy: Its seria Gonorrhoeae LPS Biosynthesis Relationship to Other Maternal Genes Cloned into Escherichia Characteristics and Preschooler Coli K12 Behavior Marcia Bornhurst Parkes, Gloria Garrett Samson, History Music Education Thesis: Toward a New Social Order Thesis: The Development and - The American Fund for Public Implementation of an In-Service Service: Clearinghouse for Radical­ Course in Comprehensive ism in the 1920s (October 23, 1987) Musicianship for Elementary Band Katharine Davies Samway, Education Directors: Measurement of Teacher Thesis: The Writing Processes of Attitude Shift, Student Attitudes Non-Native English Speaking and Student Achievement Children in the Elementary Grades Richard N. Pelavin, Computer Science (October 23, 1987) Thesis: A Formal Logic for Paul M. Schlosser, Planning with Concurrent Chemical Engineering Actions and External Events Thesis: A Graphical Determination William J. Phillips, Pharmacology of the Possibility of Multiple Steady Thesis: Biochemical and Pharma­ States in Complex Isothermal cological Characterization of the CFSTRs. Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone David B. Sher, Computer Science (TRH) Receptor from Clonal Thesis: A Probabilistic Approach

GH4C 1 Pituitary Cells to Low-Level Vision (October 23, (October 23, 1987) 1987) Katalin Charlotte Posch, Radiation Sandhya Shetty, English Biology Thesis: Charting Other Worlds Thesis: The Purification and (October 23, 1987) Characterization of a Rat Liver Dong-Myung Shin, Chemistry Cytosolic Vitamin E Transfer and Thesis: Photophysics of Intramo­ Binding (February 12, 1988) lecular C harge Transfer Aromatic jules Benge Prag IV, Economics Molecules in Homogeneous Solu­ Thesis: Three Essays on the Effect tions and Microheterogeneous of Money Announcements on Media (February 12, 1988) Financial Markets Lyle Gordon Shirley, Optics Thesis: Laser Speckle from Thin and Cascaded Diffusers Mark Daniel Skeldon, Optics Thesis: Optical Phase Conjugation Enhanced by the Brillouin Interaction 41

James Francis Smith Ill, Physics David Lee Waldman, Chemistry Thesis: Statistical Nuclear Spec­ Thesis: Tc-99M Radioaerosol troscopy: New Methods and Clearance as an Index of Pulmonary Applications (October 23, 1987) Epithelial Permeability Gregory Joseph Stagaman, Optics HannTzong Wang, Mathematics Thesis: Brightfield Microscopy in Thesis: LP Estimates for the Three Dimensions Restricted X-Ray Transform David Steigerwald, History (October 23, 1987) Thesis: Between Two Worlds: Daniel Warburton, Music Composition Centrist Liberals and the Inter­ Thesis: Paris-1987. Analytic Paper: nationalist Impulse in America, Aspects of Organisation in the 1914-1940 (October 23, 1987) "Sextet" of Steve Reich Paul Leonard Stencel, Music Education (February 12, 1988) Thesis: The Value and Feasibility Robin Lynn Weintraub, Anthropology of Offering Field-Based Courses as Thesis: Telling is Being Components of a Master's Degree Dirk Edmund Wilmoth, Education Program in Music Education for In­ Thesis: The Effect of the Giving Service Teachers: The Development Club Threshold on Alumni of Two Models Annual Giving (October 23, 1987) James Sue, Physics Nancy Margaret Wineman, Nursing Thesis: Fluorescence and Raman Thesis: A Test of Two Models Line Shapes of Polyatomic Depicting the Process of Adapta­ Molecules in Solution tion in People with Multiple Terrence Edward Sweeney, Biophysics Sclerosis (February 12, 1988) Thesis: Erythrocyte Distribution in John Francis Wojciak, Chemical the Microvasculature of Striated Engineering Muscle: A Consideration of the Thesis: Theoretical and Experi­ Role of Architecture in the Coor­ mental Analyses of Aerosol Depo­ dinated Control of Blood Flow sition in the Lung: Implications for (October 23, 1987) Human Health Effects Ellis William Tallman, Economics (February 12, 1988) Thesis: Essays on Asset Premia and Peter Allen Wyman, Psychology the Macroeconomy Thesis: Follow-up Evaluation of a James Rocco Tata, Chemistry School-Based Prevention Program Thesis: Part 1: The Structure and for Children of Divorce Reactivity of Some Vinylogous (October 23, 1987) Urethane Enolates. Part 2: The Jinsung Yoo, Mathematics Development of a Stereoselective Thesis: A Lefshetz Duality Acylation-Reduction Sequence Theorem in P-ADIC Cohomology of Some Vinylogous Urethane (February 12, 1988) Enolates (February 12, 1988) Jane Coolidge Young, Nursing Christopher A. Teleha, Chemistry Thesis: The Effect of Nurse Practi­ Thesis: Part 1: Synthesis of Several tioner Self-Disclosure on the Self­ Optically Active Leukotrienes Disclosing Behavior of College which Possess Antagonist Activity Students in a College Health Against Bronchoconstriction. Setting (February 12, 1988) Part 2: Efforts in the Total Synthesis Vassilis George Zarifis, Physics of Fredericamycin A (February 12, Thesis: Electron Spin Resonance 1988) Studies Near the Metal-Insulator Josh D. Tenenberg, Computer Science Transition Thesis: Abstraction in Planning James Matthew Zavislan, Optics Siew~ean Tham, Economics Thesis: Prediction and Measure­ Thesis: Essays in International ment of Light Scattering from Trade with Unemployment or Controllably Rough Optical Duopoly Interference Coatings Margaret Hempenius Turner, (February 12, 1988) Anthropology Thesis: The Lapidary Industry of Teotihuacan, Mexico Ronald Rudolph Valente, Chemistry Thesis: Synthesis and Antitumor Activity of Tetrahydrooxazine Analogs of Cyclophosphamide 42

Honorary William Warfield, Commencement speaker Famed baritone William Warfield is a 1942 graduate of the Eastman School of Music who has had an extraordinarily long and distinguished Degree career in both musical theater and opera, and as a solo performer. He made his New York debut in 1950, quickly becoming one of the most and Award popular baritones in the world. He sang "Ole Man River" in the 1951 film Showboat, and played Porgy in George Gershwin's Porgy and Bess, Recipients first with the New York City Opera and then on tour in Europe in the mid-1950s. He has appeared at major music festivals the world over and has recorded prolifically. Now 68, he has continued to perform demand­ ing singing roles up to the present, and in 1984, won a Grammy for his narration of Aaron Copland's Lincoln Portrait recorded with the Eastman Philharmonia on Mercury Records. T he recording also included East­ man composer Joseph Schwantner's A New Morning for the World, the musical portrait of Martin Luther King, Jr. Warfield is professor of music at the University of Illinois at Urbana/ Champaign, where he has taught studio voice classes since joining the faculty in 1974. At Commencement, he will be awarded the honorary Doctor of Music degree.

By your demonstrations against Jacob Neusner Jacob Neusner, who has written a prodigious body of scholarship in apartheid, you are saying you Jewish history, literature, and tradition, is largely responsible for develop­ ing the field of university studies in Judaism as it exists today, and was care. You care that God's children the principal consultant when Rochester decided to develop its program in religious studies. He will receive the Doctor of Humane Letters degree. have their noses rubbed in the Since the early 1960s, Neusner has written, edited, or translated around dust, simply and solely because of 200 works; among them are volumes on ancient Judaism, rabbinic litera­ ture, and modern and American Judaism. Among his most recent publi­ a biological irrelevancy-the color cations are Death and Birth of Judaism; a translation of the Palestinian of their skin . . . . You are saying Talmud; and a new translation of the Mishnah, the philosophical law code of classical Judaism. there are alternatives to being predatory on ourselves. That Dr. Robert L. Brent Dr. Robert L. Brent, a native Rochesterian and University graduate, we can have a society which is will receive the honorary Doctor of Science degree. Pediatrician Brent not grasping, which is not rough has done pioneering work himself in the field of birth defects research, and has built a nationally recognized program in that field at the Jeffer­ and hard. A society that is son Medical College in Philadelphia, where he has personally trained many clinical and basic scientists. He is recognized as a statesman in compassionate. A society that medicine for his views on medical ethics and has earned great respect for says it matters to be human. his abilities as a teacher, administrator and clinician: colleagues describe him as "the physician's physician, the professor's professor, and the stu­ Bishop Desmond Tutu, 1985 dent's model." He has been editor in chief for the journal of birth de­ fects research, Teratology, and has held leading positions in many profes­ sional societies.

Harold Scheraga Harold Scheraga, whose work in physical chemistry has been cited more often than any other contributor to the field, will receive the hon­ orary Doctor of Science degree. Much of what scientists now understand 43

about protein structure and the fundamental machinery of molecular interactions derives from Scheraga's work, which has provided a basis for understanding how the composition of determines their shape, and how their shape determines their function. This kind of knowledge is fundamental to the entire field of molecular design: current applications range from drug design to recombinant DNA technology. Scheraga has trained several generations of biochemists and biophysicists in a scientific career of more than 40 years in the chemistry department at , and, at the age of 66, Scheraga continues to pub­ lish scientific treatises prolifically. The Curtis Teaching Award Less than a year ago, William H. Riker, the Joseph C. Wilson Professor of Political Science at the Univer­ sity, received the first University Award for Graduate Teaching. Now he is the choice to receive this year's Edward Peck Curtis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. Professor Riker exemplifies what the University looks for in a faculty member: Someone who can be a role model for graduate students, yet brings great imagination and energy to the teaching of undergraduates too. Students have rated Prof. Riker's classes highly, describing his lectures as "charismatic." Of his class on "The Constitution: Then and Now" one student commented, "I believe that he was at the Constitutional Convention." Faculty colleagues acknowledge Riker's skill at combining "outstanding and original scholarship with im­ aginative teaching of undergraduate students" and say that he has had a major influence in shaping the de­ partment's curriculum. Riker joined the University in 1962 as chair of the political science department. He also has served as dean of graduate studies. He is known for bringing modern mathematical and economic principles and methodolo­ gies to the field of political science. He is the author of dozens of scholarly articles and books, including The Development of American Federalism (1987) and The Art of Political Manipulation (1986). The Curtis teaching award was established in 1962 by the late Edward Peck Curtis, Sr., a life trustee of the University who died in 1987. It carries an honorarium of $2,000. The Hutchison Medal The Hutchison Medal, first awarded in 1977, is the highest honor the University gives its graduates; it recognizes outstanding achievements and notable service to community, state, or nation. George Abbott, a University graduate of the Class of 1911, has written, acted in, directed, or produced 200 plays and musicals in the 75 years he has been working in the theater. He made his Broadway debut as an ac­ tor in The Misleading Lady in 1913. Abbott's big break as a playwright and director came in 1926 when he was hired to co-author the production of Broadway. (The play was revived in New York last year, and Abbott directed.) His name has been associated with hit plays in nearly every decade since the 1920s: In the 1930s, Abbott directed hits such as Three Men on a Horse, Boy Meets Girl, Room Service, The Boys from Syracuse, and What a Life. In the 1940s, Broadway blazed with such Abbott shows as Pal Joey, Best Foot Forward, Kiss and Tell, On the Town, High Button Shoes, and Where's Charley? The 1950s brought Call Me Madam, Wonderful Town, The Pajama Game, and Damn Yankees. Just six years ago, On Your Toes, the musical he wrote in 1936 with Rodgers and Hart, returned to Broadway under Abbott's direction. It was a Tony Award winner for "Best Revival" of the 1982-83 season. Last June, Abbott celebrated his lOOth birthday at a gala tribute at the Palace Theatre for the benefit of the Actors' Fund of America. The Hutchison Medal is named for Charles Force Hutchison and his wife, Marjorie Smith Hutchison. Mr. Hutchison was a native of Rochester and a member of the University's class of 1898. He was a trustee for many years, and after his death at the age of 99 in 1974, he left most of his estate to the University; it was one of the largest gifts the University ever received. Hutchison Hall, the chemistry-biology building, bears his name. :44

President Dennis O'Brien

Dennis O'Brien became the eighth President of the University of Rochester on July 1, 1984. A native of Chicago, he received the A.B., cum laude, at Yale Uni­ versity in 1952 and the Ph.D. in Philosophy at the Uni­ versity of Chicago in 196 1. He served on the philoso­ phy faculty at Princeton, 1958- 1965, and as Assistant Dean of the College. He was Associate Professor and Professor of Philosophy at Middlebury College, 1965-1976, and also served as Dean of Men, 1965-1967; Dean of the College, 1967-1974; Acting Dean of the Faculty, 1973-1974; and Dean of the Faculty, 1975- 1976. In 1976 he became President of Bucknell University, where he served until he was called to Rochester. Mr. O'Brien is the author of God and the New Haven Railway: And Why Neither One Is Doing Very Well and Hegel on Reason in History: A Contemporary Interpretation and of numerous contributions to philosoph­ ical and religious journals. He has received honorary degrees from Wilkes College and Middlebury College and is a member of the boards of Union Theological Seminary and of several cultural, charitable, and financial institutions.

Provost Brian J. Thompson

Brian J. Thompson became the University's sixth Provost on July 1, 1984. He has served the U niversity since 1968, when he was appointed Professor of Optics and Director of The Institute of Optics. From 197 5 until 1984 he was Dean of the U niversity's College of Engineering and Applied Science. Mr. Thompson began his career in his native England, where he received from the University of Manchester the B.Sc. Tech. degree in 1955 and the Ph.D. in 1959. After service on the faculties at Manchester and at the University of Leeds, he joined the staff of Technical Opera­ tions, Inc., as senior physicist. After holding progressively more respon­ sible posts in the firm, he was transferred in 1967 to head its research and development on the West Coast of the United States, where he remained until called by this University in 1968. Mr. Thompson's book on physical optics has been widely read and translated. He edits or serves on editorial boards of many major optical journals and has made more than 160 contributions to the scientific and technical literature of optics. Major awards he has received include the Gold Medal from the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engi­ neers in 1986 and the Rudolf Kingslake Medal Prize for most original paper from SPIE in 1978. 45

The Ensemble is made up of Eastman School of Music students, Eastman many of whom are graduating at this Commencement. From its forma­ tion in 1952 by Frederick Fennell, the Eastman Wind Ensemble took an Wind approach decidedly different from that of the traditional wind band. The Ensemble served as a tutti resource, from which smaller ensembles Ensemble could be assembled as desired and instrumentation for any particular work could vary substantially according to the specific demands of the composer. The Ensemble has since become a model for others of its kind around the country, and has been credited with spurring a renaissance in sym­ phonic wind music. Since 1965, the group has been directed by Donald Hunsberger, Professor of Conducting and Ensembles. The Ensemble has toured internationally and has recorded for many of the world's finest labels, most recently, a solo album for CBS Master­ works of repertoire performed at the Music Educators National Confer­ ence in April 1988. An Ensemble compact disc (Centaur CRC2014) con­ tains Warren Benson's The Leaves are Falling, Howard Hanson's Dies Nata/is, and Henry Brant's Angels and Devils, featuring Eastman Profes­ sor Bonita Boyd as flute soloist. "Carnaval," their February 1987 release, has turn-of-the-century cornet solos with Wynton Marsalis as soloist. Last year, the Eastman Wind Ensemble with Professor Hunsberger and Mr. Marsalis received rave notices on their two-week tour of Canada and Eastern United States.

CONDUClDR BASSOON TROMBONE Donald Hunsberger *Deborah Kay Boyd *Christopher Martin Connolly *jonas Edward Gray *john Allen Gove FLUTE *Laura Diane Preves *jeffrey Blaine Knutson *Gretchen Jolene Allen *Thomas Michael Riccobono *Anne Christine Cunningham SAXOPHONE Donald Lee Gannon *Terence E. Goss EUPHONIUM *Akira Ishii *Peter James Mills *Michel Leonce Nadeau *Susan Elizabeth Martin *Robert Andrew Sands *Sohna Christine Payne *Mark j. Sterbank TUBA **Valerie Louise Watts **David Graham Wiffen *Robert Paul Barrett *Benjamin Bryan McElhaney OBOE HORN *Gary Scott Press *Kristine Margaret Eils *Colleen Marie Conway **Patrick Edward Sciannella *Heidi Kathleen Kuhrman *Grace Sung Kang *jacqueline Fairchild LeClair *Matthew Murray Patton PERCUSSION *Keith Alan Thomas **)a nine Celia Gaboury-Siy *jason Scott Goodman **Theresa Kathryn Zale *Richard Gregory Mercurio TRUMPET *Thomas A. Nazziola CLARINET *john Edgar Bailey **Fred Blanton Bugbee Robert Thomas Carroll *Gerald Keene **Stuart Craig Chafetz Michael Vaughn Kissinger *John Frederick Marcellus **Luanne Irene Warner julie Marlene Kozlowski *joseph Lawrence Tarte II ***Andrew Jackson Spencer Anne Draus Buda **joel Craig Davis Michael Edward Lowenstern William M. Williams *Bachelor's Degree Graduate Michael j. Goldberg john Robert Hagstrom **Master's Degree Graduate Gino Marcelo Mauricci David W. Bamonte ***Doctor of Musical Arts Elizabeth Anne Bentley Graduate *Darleen Ann Carl *Marianne Gythfeldt *Jeanmarie Kolar 46

The Hopeman Memorial Carillon, named for Arendt Willem Hope­ The man, a prominent Rochester builder, consists of 50 bronze bells cast by Eijsbouts of The Netherlands. The bells are precisely tuned so that Carillon many can be sounded together harmoniously. The clapper of each bell is connected by thin metal rods to a keyboard with a double row of rounded and wooden levers (the keys), plus a set of pedals. In addition to its frequent use as a performance instrument, the Hopeman Carillon has been an educational resource: students of the acoustics and physics of music have Carillonist studied its reverberations, Eastman faculty and student composers have written for it, and students and alumni study carillon technique on it. David Caldwell, the University Carillonist since 1978, coordinates these various activities and gives frequent carillon performances. A member of the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America since 1980, Mr. Caldwell is also a skilled chimesmaster, regularly performing on the historical Meneely chime at Rochester's Third Presbyterian Church. In addition to his carillon duties, Mr. Caldwell is the information synergist at the Eastman School of Music.

k first time I met Frederico Fellini we found ourselves talking about all the tragedies of the world-about VietNam, about the Bomb, about film critics, and we depressed each other mildly more and more, and there was a little pause while we were both thinking and then he said without

changing gears in any way, he said, "You know," he said, "we

are living in a wonderful time" and we are.

Mike Nichols, 1972 47

The Genesee (The Alma Mater) T. T. Swinburne, '92 Herve D. Wilkins, '66

i i i' ~ i r r But

,., ,

t.) ... f: ~· r r r ~ r r ~r r r ~·f' r more to us than an - y seems our own dear Gen- re - see. We 1 ~ I I I ~ I l I I J I r· p I r I V I r r r r 'I I

,-- fl a tempo

tJ r ~ i r r v ~r or r· dear.r: !d I_~ Ma - ter's halls, where sweet - est mem'- ries cling. l I I I ~ I I I I I i "' "' . I r· p I r I v I r I ~ r r· 2. No castled crags along her way romantic splendors cast, No fabled or historic lay recalls the golden past. But more than battlemented walls or legend they may hear, Our Alma Mater's vine-clad halls and memories ling'ring there. 3. As flows the river, gath'ring force along her steadfast way, May we along life's devious course grow stronger day by day. And may our hearts wher'er we roam forever loyal be To our beloved college home beside the Genesee!

Copyright 1898 by T. T. Swinburne Prillted io U.S. A . 48

RIVER CAMPUS COLLEGES Elisa Ann Ma rgulis EASTMAN SCHOO L Senior Class William Michel Awad Andrea Tracey Nahman O F MUSIC Kelly jean Koller Amy Ellen Steinman Robert Paul Barrett Councils Neil Kransdorf Shelly Zeira SCHOOL OF NURSING Laura Telegen

COLLEGE O F ARTS EASTMAN SCHOOL COLLEGE OF Graduating AND SCIENCE OF MUSIC ENGINEERING AND James A. DeRoche Deborah Boyd APPLIED SCIENCE Student Marshals Teresa Fama john Gave *Barbara Ann Fuegel Susan L. Farzan Phenisher Samelle Harris Daniel Craig Gibbons David R. Francisco *Grace Kang Stephen R. Kennedy Michael ]. Froncek *Russell Allen Schmidt *Michalakis Andren *Diane Karlsruher Sylvia Wang Michaelides Aubrey Ku Paul Andrew Williams Cheryl R. List SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Jenny Yu Nicholas Morrissey AND DENTISTRY *Leonard Mueller Jayne Bouldry-Whitin SCHOOL OF NURSING Eric Reitan Valery Bruemmer *joAnne Clements Robin E. Rowland *]oia Distefano *Melanie Granieri Laura L. Runge Gary Shen Laura Telegen Edward B. Seidl Mary Ellen Webb GRADUATE SCHOOL Deborah S. Wuttke OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITY COUNCIL * C hief Marshal. Each C hief AND HUMAN O N GRADUATE STUDIES Marshal introduces his or her DEVELOPMENT Marcus Bermel class from the platform for the Ceci le S. Horkheimer Mary joanne Renner Heath presentation of the degree. Jeanne Ellen Sullivan *Arlene Koziorz Weis

UNIVERSITY MARSHAL Diran Kavork Dohanian jerome P. Lysaught Faculty Marshals James W. Bartlett, M.D. William R. Drucker, M.D. jesse T. Moore, Jr. ASSOCIATE MARSHAL jon E. Engberg Mary Lou Runciman Hugh M. Van Horn A nne Clark Fehn Madeline H. Schmitt John R. Ferron FACULTY MARSHALS William B. H auser C. Douglas Angevine, M.D. Elaine C. Hubbard Richard Benson Laura A. Janda jerome D. Diver Richard Killmer

A lan L. Heyneman, Chair George L. Disc hinger Robert M. Rouzer Commencement Susan N. Allen Jerome D. Diver Mary Lou Runciman C. Douglas Angevine, M.D. Richard Edinger Linden Sargent Committee Vinod Bajaj Ruth Freeman Mark Schwartz Robert Paul Barrett '88 Janet Fitzpatrick Q Brian Sickels Mary Bartholomew joAnn Gamble Deborah Sobieraj '88 James W. Bartlett, M.D. Katherine G undling '88 M.D. William H. Spelman Robert Bennett Mary Sue Jack Janet C. Spielmann Clifton Broadhurst Kelly jean Koller '88 G regory joseph Gary Burke Keith W. Kurz Stagaman '88 Ph.D. Robert Burne '88 Ph.D. Kevin Mannix Peter G. Stark Colleen Marie Conway '88 Joyce B. Magee Theodore W. Stigler Thelma L. Dettman Elisa Ann Margulis '88 judith M. Walk Suzanne ]. O'Brien Kenneth F. Wood Donald A. Parry David Propp '88 M.D.