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The relationship between and the tourism industry: A case study on ,

Katelyn Drummond Western Michigan University, [email protected]

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Recommended Citation Drummond, Katelyn, "The relationship between droughts and the tourism industry: A case study on Cape Town, South Africa" (2019). Honors Theses. 3113. https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/honors_theses/3113

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The Relationship Between Droughts and the Tourism Industry: A Case Study on Cape Town, South Africa Katelyn Drummond Lee Honors College Western Michigan University Spring 2019



The has been a worsening problem for the city since its start in 2016, although there has been some alleviation in the second half of 2018. Several researchers have developed a framework for analyzing the impact that droughts have on a location, with some insight into the impact of this occurrence on the tourism industry specifically. This thesis aims to examine the relationship between droughts and the tourism industry through the case study of the

Cape Town water crisis. The hypothesis of this study was that the number of tourists visiting

Cape Town has been lower during the than it otherwise might have been, due to water usage restrictions and negative images presented of the city. Passenger movements through Cape

Town International Airport and tourism revenue before and during the drought were examined, with comparisons to movements in South Africa and the world. Additionally, a headline analysis of articles published about Cape Town by the top United Kingdom and United States news outlets was conducted, as well as an examination of the Cape Town government tourism website.

It was found that passenger movements alongside GDP and tourism job creation in Cape Town have continued to increase during the drought years, but not to the degree that they would have in the absence of the drought. The study also found a combination of encouraging and discouraging headlines mentioning Cape Town in British and American news outlets, while the city’s government has continued to support tourism. This paper found that the extreme drought has had a dampening effect on tourism activity in Cape Town, as well as suggested ways to alleviate the drought and its impacts on tourism. The ability to sustain a successful tourism industry during time of drought will become increasingly important as extreme weather events become more common in the future as a result of population demand and climate change.

Keywords: drought impacts, tourism industry, Cape Town, South Africa DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 3


The occurrence of drought has been an ongoing struggle for many places in the African continent, most recently having a heavy impact on the global , South Africa.

The city experienced its worst drought in history beginning in 2016, with potential of becoming the first major city to run out of water in 2018 (Torchia, 2018). There were several contributing factors to the creation of the drought. The beauty and Mediterranean climate of the city surrounded by desert landscape has caused the population of the city to increase, creating far more demand for water than the location was ever meant to support (Welch, 2018). It is also likely that climate change exacerbated the drought (Torchia, 2018).

One way of measuring the drought over time can be seen through a timeline of the levels of the dams that hold the for Cape Town. In 2015, the overall dam levels hovered around 66% full, dropping to just 38% full in March of 2016 (City of Cape Town, 2019). Water levels continued to drop in the year 2017, reaching an all-time low in 2018 with major dams around 24% full on average (City of Cape Town, 2019). However, with restrictions in place to help alleviate the situation, dam levels rose by the end of 2018 and into 2019, showing improvement in the water crisis (City of Cape Town, 2019). It is worth noting that these numbers came from March of each year, at the end of Cape Town’s summer, when the least annual rain had been received. These numbers therefore represent the lower end of average dam levels, while more wet times of the year saw higher levels. A timeline of these dam levels from City of Cape

Town Dam Level Report can be seen below (City of Cape Town, 2019). DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 4

Total Percentage Major Cape Town Dam Levels on March 4 (2015 - 2019) 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 1. Dam level totals for Cape Town’s major dams (Taken on March 4, 2015 - 2019). Produced by author. Data Source: City of Cape Town, 2019

Another way of conceptualizing the drought is through the water restrictions that have been placed on residents and visitors of Cape Town. Level 1 water restrictions have been in effect in the city for many years, urging residents to always be water conscious due to the climate of the location. However, in January 1, 2016 the restrictions were raised to level 2, placing some restrictions on the activities that were allowed and what times of day they were permitted (Flynn,

2018). Water restrictions rose to level 3 with more restrictions on activities in November 2016, before being raised to level 4 in June of 2017, with a maximum usage of 100 liters per person per day (Flynn, 2018). Level 5 water restrictions then went into effect in September of 2017, capping each resident’s water usage at 87 liters per day, before maximum water restrictions were reached in January of 2018, which allowed only 50 liters of water per person each day (Flynn, 2018).

With residents increasingly conserving water and rain levels increasing during South Africa’s winter of 2018, the water situation improved in 2018. As a result, water restrictions were lifted to level 5 with “revised” restrictions that included a maximum of 70 liters per person per day

(Dordley, 2018). A timeline of these restrictions can be seen in the graphic below. DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 5

•Level 2 •Level 3 •Level 4 water water water Jan 1, restrictions Nov 1, restrictions June 1, restrictions 2016 •Limited 2016 •Limited 2017 •Max of 100 activities activities L/day

•Level 5 •Level 6 •Level 5 water water "revised" Sept 3, restrictions Jan 1, restrictions Oct 1, restrictions 2017 •Max of 87 2018 •Max of 50 2018 •Max of 70 L/day L/day L/day

Figure 2. Timeline of Cape Town Water Restrictions (2016 - 2018). Produced by author. Data Sources: Flynn, 2018 & Dordley, 2018

Despite water restrictions and concerns of running out of water, tourism continued to be seen as an essential industry for Cape Town and South Africa. As the fastest growing industry in the country, the direct tourism revenue totaled R38 billion rand, or approximately $2.7 billion

US dollars in the year 2017 (Bizcommunity, 2018). In 2016, direct tourism revenue made up

7.5% of the total GDP of the country, not including revenue that was created indirectly through tourism (World Travel and Tourism Council & Oxford Economics, 2017). Of visitors to the country in 2015, the greatest number came from the United Kingdom, with visitors to the United

States making up the second greatest contribution (Lombard, 2016). Additionally, the year 2016 saw 158,500 people, or 10.8% of South Africa’s population, employed directly in the tourism industry (World Travel and Tourism Council & Oxford Economics, 2017). These numbers demonstrate that the tourism industry is a vital piece of a prosperous South Africa. Cape Town, as the most major tourism destination in the country, must remain a popular destination in order for tourism in the country as a whole to continue thriving. As stated in one article, “Cape Town, DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 6 and its surrounding areas, is the “crown jewel” in the overall South African tourism offer, and if it falls off the travel list, South Africa may fall off the consideration list too,” (Bizcommunity,

2018). If this were to become the case, the extensive job and revenue losses would be devastating to not only the city of Cape Town, but across the entire country.

However, it has also been noted that if Day Zero, the day that the city would have to turn off the taps, ever does arrive, all non-essential travel to Cape Town would have to be cancelled due to the potential dangers and complete lack of resources available (Twigg, 2018). Therefore, there have been many preventative measures put into place in an effort to raise water- consciousness among visitors to the city. For example, when airplanes arrive in the city, drought times have brought announcements on the plane immediately after landing and signs covering the airport to ensure that travelers are aware of the ongoing water crisis (Khan, 2017). Similarly, the “Save Like a Local” campaign, which will be explored in more detail later in this paper, provided many simple ways that tourists in particular could save water while visiting Cape

Town. While these constant reminders to conserve water can be intimidating and inconvenient for tourists, the need to conserve water is a far greater consideration. Lisa Scriven, director of a sustainable tourism practice implementation company, stated, “Tourists traveling to a destination, in terms of being a responsible traveler, should always be aware of context of a destination to which they’re traveling, whether it’s cultural sensitivity or religious sensitivity.

This is water sensitivity,” (Khan, 2017).

Literature review

While the impact of climate change as a whole has become a hot topic in recent years, including its relation to the tourism sector, there has been far less research done on the impact of droughts specifically in relation to this industry. As noted by Ding et al, droughts normally DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 7 develop over a relatively long period of time with little visible impact, unlike many other natural disasters associated with climate change such as floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, and hurricanes

(Ding et al, 2011). This slow and quiet development has likely contributed to the tendency of drought’s relationship to the tourism industry to be overlooked in research. Furthermore, when the impacts of droughts are studied independently of climate change as a whole, their effect on the agricultural sector often overshadows those to the tourism and other sectors (Thomas et al,

2013). Still, there has been some framework developed for conceptualizing this connection between the tourism sector and drought occurrence, as well as a few case studies with significant findings. The case studies specifically considered in this literature review include the Colorado rafting industry, a rural getaway near Sydney, Australia, mass tourism in Benidorm, Spain, and the safari sector of Kruger National Park in South Africa.

In order to conduct meaningful research on the correlation between drought conditions and the tourism sector, it is important to understand this conceptual framework. There are four worsening categories of droughts, including meteorological droughts which relate to rapidly developing dry weather patterns, hydrological droughts resulting from the low water supply in groundwater and reservoirs, agricultural droughts that occur when crops become affected, and socioeconomic droughts, which relates to implications of the supply and demand of commodities impacted by the drought (National Centers for Environmental Information, n.d.). Of the four drought types, hydrological and socio-economic droughts create the most vulnerability for the tourism and recreation sector (Thomas et al, 2013). Exposure to drought is first influenced by these hydrometeorological conditions of the environment and climate that create the possibility of a natural disaster (Thomas et al, 2013). These conditions can include variables of location such as the latitude and wind patterns that impact a particular location. Furthermore, a region’s DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 8 exposure to drought may vary throughout the year, impacting the environment and economy differently across the seasons of the year (Thomas et al, 2013). This issue of seasonality is especially important as it relates to tourism and popular tourist activities in a certain area.

Once drought exposure has been determined, the socio-ecological components become important. These non-climatic factors, including variables such as land use, population demand for water, degree of urban development, water access policies, and diversity of economic activities, determine the level of drought sensitivity a system will have in a certain location

(Thomas et al, 2013). In areas of drought exposure with a high development and demand for water, exhibiting little diversity in economic activity, the sensitivity of the environment and economy to a drought disaster is bound to be much higher than a system with lower development and a varied economy. In the case study of Cape Town, rapid rise in population by about 80% since the year 1994 has seemingly contributed very heavily to the drought sensitivity and the severity of the water crisis (Torchia, 2018).

Finally, an area’s adaptive capacity relies on the ability to alter the environmental, social, and economic systems in place in order to manage the drought occurring presently and those possible in the future (Thomas et al, 2013). In locations where exposure and sensitivity to drought are high, adaptive capacity is particularly important. The flexibility of a system can transpire in a multitude of ways, such as using social networks, changing marketing strategies, persuading local attitudes and practices, or developing new technologies (Thomas et al, 2013). In

Cape Town, the tourism industry has been a major contributor to the adaptive capacity of the city in the face of drought, with the largest hotel corporation in the area, Tsogo Sun, decreasing their water consumption by 40% (Bizcommunity, 2018). These changes undertaken by the tourism sector, including marketing strategies and , make it possible for tourists to DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 9 continue to visit the city. These three major components for analyzing drought vulnerability, including drought exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity, are demonstrated in the figure below as they relate to tourism (Thomas et al, 2013).

Figure 3. Vulnerability of the tourism and recreation industry to drought. Adapted by author. Graphic adapted from: Thomas et al, 2013

Aside from understanding the causes and variables that influence the ability of a location’s society and economy to survive a drought, the framework calls for consideration of whether the effects of the drought are always negative or can at times be considered positive.

Contrary to the arguably logical assumption that a water crisis cannot be positive, there are some ways in which a lack of water, especially due to little rainfall, can be beneficial to a tourism DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 10 destination. For example, dirt roads and trails to certain wooded areas may be more easily traversed when dry, opening up activities such as mountain biking or horseback riding earlier in the year or in a greater area (Thomas et al, 2013). Furthermore, since exposure to droughts can be heavily correlated to rainfall, the occurrence of a drought is often connected to a lack of rainfall that creates drier and more pleasant weather for outdoor activities, especially in higher latitudes or areas with normally cloudy summers (Thomas et al, 2013). While residents of the city who depend on the water supplied by rainfall may be concerned with low precipitation, tourists are often times more concerned with the short term weather experience during their visit.

Therefore, the components of a drought may not be universally negative when put into the context of travel and tourism.

However, while lower levels of water and rainfall can provide some economic and recreational benefits, the severe lack of water associated with droughts still often produces negative impacts on the local area and its tourism industry. One of the major ways that this occurs is through the impact on water and snow related activities, which are dependent on precipitation for their very existence (Thomas et al, 2013). Many of these are integral tourism activities, including canoeing, rafting, fishing, snowmobiling, and water or snow skiing. Less rain and snowfall typically correlates to a shorter season for these activities, or one with less than desirable conditions, which heavily impacts the revenue from tourism. An example can be seen in the Colorado rafting industry, in which an ongoing drought in the early 2000s threatened revenue from this water dependent activity, causing the industry to lose an estimated $30 million in revenue in the year 2002 (Harmon, 2002). These negative impacts are multiplied when a drought continues for several years, over time depleting the water available in lakes and reservoirs (Ding et al, 2011). DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 11

The immediate and direct impact of less precipitation through water and snow dependent activities is not the only way that droughts hurt the tourism industry. The inconveniences of water restrictions or dehydrated, brown landscapes can create negative experiences for tourists, which are often shared with others (Thomas et al, 2013). In this way, the negative experience of one visitor can multiply and reduce the number of people interested in visiting a location due to its newly created poor reputation. Television and papers reporting news can have a similar and even more widespread impact. To return to the Colorado rafting example, while the drought harmed the rafting industry as a water-dependent activity, the Colorado River Outfitters

Association believes that the national news surrounding the state’s wildfires caused by the drought had a greater impact deterring potential customers than lower water levels (Harmon,

2002). Similarly, Dr. Warren who runs a rural getaway spot near drought-stricken Sydney,

Australia anecdotally reported that, “Whenever there’s media coverage about the drought, the phone stops ringing” and bookings drop off (Ford, 2018). The spreading of negative news surrounding an area, whether by individuals or news outlets, has the potential to greatly harm the reputation of possible tourism destinations.

Two major case studies have used the framework described above and others similar in order to investigate the correlations between drought and tourism in the locations of Benidorm,

Spain and Kruger National Park, South Africa. Martinez-Ibarra’s study on the Benidorm drought took on the methodology of analyzing the local news from the years 1969-2003, a period over which the city experienced water supply issues (Martinez-Ibarra, 2014). In accordance with the framework outlined above, the study found that due to the mass tourism that concentrates tourists in the coastal regions with little water, the drought was just as related to sensitivity created by human factors as actual precipitation levels that determined their exposure (Martinez-Ibarra, DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 12

2014). Despite the city’s adaptive capacity that allowed Benidorm to mitigate water losses throughout most of the drought, the year 1978 presented with serious losses of economic revenue and damages to the reputation of the city as a vacation destination (Martinez-Ibarra, 2014). In this year, the researchers found that the tourism sector faced many challenges, including tourists departing early, hotel cancellations, negative images of the city, and the added expense of importing water to make available to guests (Martinez-Ibarra, 2014). These challenges speak to the disruptions that can be caused for a tourism destination experiencing a water crisis, and that even under such intense circumstances, tourism remains a top priority.

To move toward a case study more geographically related to Cape Town, Kruger

National Park, the most popular conservation area in South Africa for safaris and game drives, has also served as a destination of interest for understanding the relationship between droughts and tourism. In this study, researchers took the approach of analyzing 31 years of tourist arrivals in order to study long term climate change (Mathivha et al, 2017). The results of this study showed that, despite the drought, only 5 of the 31, or 19.36%, of the years included experienced a decrease in tourism arrivals (Mathivha et al, 2017). For these years with a negative change in tourists, researchers considered that social unrest in the area, alongside two consecutive droughts, were the most likely causes of this decrease (Mathivha et al, 2017). Overall, this study showed that there can be several factors that influence changes in tourist arrival statistics, especially in a long term study, and that these factors must all be considered before causation can be considered. In moving forward with this study on the impact of the water crisis on tourism in

Cape Town, the frameworks and examples provided through this literature will all be used for reference and consideration.



Enver Duminy, the chief executive officer of Cape Town Tourism stated, “There’s no doubt that the knock-on effect of the water conservation crossroads we find ourselves in has had an impact on tourism,” (Oteng, 2018). The aim of this study was to discover whether or not this claim has been true and, if so, to what extent. Specifically, the study aimed to learn whether tourism numbers have been impacted by the Cape Town water crisis, as well as what factors may be correlated to these changes, if any.

Based on the information collected in the literature review, the hypothesis of this study was that during the Cape Town water crisis, the number of tourists visiting the city has been lower than it might have otherwise been due to fear of water usage restrictions and negative portrayals of the city in the media.


In search of a better understanding of the correlation between the drought in Cape Town and the city’s tourism industry, a methodology including quantitative and qualitative measures was followed. The independent variable identified in this study was the occurrence of the drought, defined as January 2016 – November 2018 in the data set. The beginning of this time period corresponded to the time of the first water restrictions placed on the city as a part of the current drought, while the end of the time period designated the present at the time this study was completed, during which drought restrictions were still in effect. The dependent variable in the study was the tourism activity in the city. This measure was quantitatively defined by the passenger movements through Cape Town International airport, the central access point of the city, as well as through the gross domestic product (GDP) created by the tourism industry.

Additionally, factors with a possible correlation to tourism activity in Cape Town were DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 14 qualitatively measured through a review of the United States and British news produced about the Cape Town water crisis and the government resources put forth during the drought, which can serve to encourage or deter potential tourists to visit the city.

In the quantitative section of this study, the number of international and overall passenger movements through Cape Town International Airport over the past 14 fiscal years was studied through statistics provided by Airports Company South Africa. This measure was determined to be the best metric that could be used to gain an understanding of how many people visited Cape

Town, given that this data was available through the most recent years while many other datasets more specifically related to tourism were not yet available. The data collected from this source was then used to create bar graphs that visually demonstrate the rises and falls in passenger movements over the past 14 fiscal years. The total passenger movements throughout the world and South Africa were also collected from the World Development Indicators. In order to analyze the drought years more closely, Cape Town passenger movements by month as presented by Airports Company South Africa were added up to determine the passenger movements for the calendar year, rather than the fiscal year. In this examination of the drought years, the world air passenger data was collected from Statistica, as the most recent data was not available in the World Development Indicators. In all studies, the percent change from the previous year for Cape Town, the world, and South Africa was calculated using the formula ((Y2

– Y1)/Y1). In order to determine if the drought has impeded the growth of tourism in Cape

Town, a difference in difference study was conducted by comparing the percent change of world air passenger movements to that of Cape Town between 2016 to 2018.

As an additional source of a tourism trend, the travel and tourism GDP and percentage of the population employed by the tourism sector were included. These statistics were taken from DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 15 the World Tourism and Travel Council and Oxford Economics, serving as a source of corroboration for the number of passenger movements through Cape Town in order to strengthen the trend. Both the passenger movements and economic factors display a timeline of at least 10 years so that the data prior to the water crisis in 2016 can be sufficiently compared to the data from 2016, 2017, and, when possible, 2018.

The qualitative section of this study aimed to provide insight into the possible factors that influence whether a tourist chooses to visit Cape Town. In order to obtain this data, a qualitative analysis of newspaper headlines from the top two countries of origin of South Africa’s tourists was conducted. To analyze newspaper headlines from the United Kingdom, the top source of tourists to South Africa, the 17 UK newspapers most accessed on onlinenewspapers.com were used (Online Newspapers, 2019). The newspaper headlines used to analyze the Unites States included those published by the 11 most popular newspaper and 6 most popular broadcasting sites in the country as determined by the Pew Research Center (Mitchell & Rosenstiel, 2011).

For both headline analyses, articles published between January 1, 2016, the start of the drought restrictions of the current drought, and November 7, 2018, the day that the articles were collected, were used. These articles were determined using the input for each news outlet studied, for example “site:cnn.com intitle:‘Cape Town’” into Google, using the first three pages of results if more than three pages were offered. However, the only sites that yielded more than three pages of search results for the UK headlines analysis were British Daily Mail, BBC News, and The Guardian. In the US headline analysis, only CNN, British Daily Mail, and BBC News yielded more than three pages of search results. It should be noted that British Daily Mail and

BBC News were used in both the UK and US headline analyses, since these outlets were in the top 17 news outlets for both countries. Additionally, no articles matching the search parameters DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 16 were found from Windsor Express or Cornish Gazette in the UK analysis, or from MSNBC in the US analysis, and therefore none were used.

In order to analyze the headlines, the title of the article or video result was labeled as either encouraging, discouraging, or neutral in relation to potential tourists. It is important to note that the articles themselves were not analyzed, only the headlines. For consistency, some parameters were determined. If Day Zero, the day when Cape Town is predicted to run out of water, was mentioned as a possibility, even if it was pushed to a later date, the headline was considered discouraging. Headlines were also labeled as discouraging if they included a variation of the phrase “running out of water” or mentioned crime. Headlines were labeled as encouraging if there was a mention of a famous person visiting, the drought was said to be improving with no mention of “Day Zero” or “running out of water,” or if the article did not mention the drought or another negative factor.

In order to determine the role of the Cape Town and South African government in encouraging or discouraging potential tourists to visit the city, the Cape Town tourism website was inspected. This process was less formal and extensive than the review of newspaper sources.

The main campaign aimed at tourists visiting Cape Town during the drought, the “Save Like a

Local” campaign, was also examined.

Given the limitations of this study, this paper did not focus on outside variables which may have had an impact on the tourism industry during the drought years studied. Potential influences not considered in this study may have included, but are not limited to, crime rates, political tensions, or the economic conditions of top source nations for tourists to Cape Town.



As collected from Airports Company South Africa, it can be seen that the number of passenger movements, both specifically international passengers and total passengers, has increased since 2013, including the drought years from 2016 – 2018 (Airports Company South

Africa, 2018). The international and total passenger movements from the most recent 14 fiscal years can be seen in the chart below.

Fiscal International Change from Total Passenger Change from Year Passenger previous year Movements previous year Movements

2004–05 1,176,958 - 6,214,903 - 2005–06 1,167,661 - 0.8% 6,834,173 - 10.0% 2006–07 1,246,016 + 6.7% 7,518,543 + 10.0% 2007–08 1,309,822 + 5.1% 8,426,618 + 12.1% 2008–09 1,378,160 + 5.2% 7,813,170 - 7.3% 2009–10 1,284,990 + 6.8% 7,810,069 - 0.0% 2010–11 1,261,024 - 1.9% 8,200,547 + 5.0% 2011–12 1,400,487 + 11.1% 8,576,338 + 4.6% 2012–13 1,325,481 - 5.4% 8,434,799 - 1.7% 2013–14 1,355,524 + 2.3% 8,392,989 - 0.5% 2014–15 1,452,360 + 7.1% 8,755,872 + 4.3% 2015–16 1,564,464 + 7.7% 9,659,589 + 10.3% 2016–17 1,934,641 + 23.7% 10,211,390 + 5.7% 2017–18 2,243,367 + 16.0% 10,752,246 + 5.3%

Table 1. International and Total Passenger Movements through Cape Town Airport (2004 - 2018). Produced by author. Data Source: Airports Company South Africa, 2018 DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 18

In order to more easily see the rises and falls of passenger movements as presented by

Airports Company South Africa, the breakdown of international and overall passenger movements can be viewed on the following charts.

Cape Town International Airport: International

Passenger Movements by Fiscal Year 2,500,000






Figure 4. International passenger movements through Cape Town Airport (2004 - 2018). Produced by author. Data Source: Airports Company South Africa, 2018

Figure 5. Total passenger movements through Cape Town Airport (2004 - 2018). Produced by author. Data Source: Airports Company South Africa, 2018 DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 19

As a comparison, the number of passenger movements in South Africa, according to the

World Development Indicators, were also studied. It was found that the pattern of passenger movements in South Africa closely followed that of Cape Town.

Year Total Passenger Movements Change from Previous Year 2004 9,878,598 - 2005 11,844,657 + 19.9% 2006 12,932,671 + 9.2% 2007 12,870,324 - 0.4% 2008 13,135,437 + 2.1% 2009 12,503,629 - 4.8% 2010 15,781,210 + 26.2% 2011 16,407,785 + 3.9% 2012 17,571,565 + 7.1% 2013 16,311,250 - 7.2% 2014 17,026,643 + 4.4% 2015 18,882,898 + 10.9% 2016 19,744,932 + 4.6% 2017 20,821,044 + 5.5%

Table 2. Total passenger movements through South Africa (2004 - 2017). Produced by author. Data Source: World Development Indicators, 2017

South Africa Total Air Passenger Movements 25





0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 MILLIONS OF PASSENGEROF MOVEMENTS MILLIONS YEAR

Figure 6. Total passenger movements through South Africa (2004 - 2017). Produced by author. Data Source: World Development Indicators, 2017 DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 20

Finally, the air passenger movements throughout the world were recorded, as reported by the World Development Indicators in 2017. This data set showed that world air passenger travel, which includes tourism, has grown relatively steadily over the past 14 years.

Year Total Passenger Movements World Change from Previous Year 2004 1,888,695,284 - 2005 1,969,590,799 + 4.3% 2006 2,072,413,898 + 5.2% 2007 2,209,136,496 + 6.6% 2008 2,208,218,737 - .04% 2009 2,249,728,546 + 1.9% 2010 2,628,261,258 + 16.8% 2011 2,786,953,830 + 6.0% 2012 2,894,054,972 + 3.8% 2013 3,048,275,073 + 5.3% 2014 3,227,291,387 + 5.9% 2015 3,466,478,485 + 7.4% 2016 3,705,101,897 + 6.9% 2017 3,978,849,402 + 7.4%

Table 3. Total passenger movements around the world (2004 - 2017). Produced by author. Data source: World Development Indicators, 2017

World Total Air Passenger Movements 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 MILLIONS OF PASSENGEROF MOVEMENTS MILLIONS YEAR

Figure 7. Total passenger movements around the world (2004 - 2017). Produced by author. Data Source: World Development Indicators, 2017 DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 21

A comparison of the percent change in passenger movements calculated in this study demonstrated that while specific rate of change may vary between the three data sets, the three generally rise and fall in the same years. One notable spike in the graph shows a stark increase in

South African passenger movements in comparison to Cape Town and the world, as this was the year that South Africa hosted the World Cup in Johannesburg.

Rates of Change in Passenger Movements 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 -5.00 -10.00

Percent Change from Previous Year Previous from Change Percent 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 World Cape Town South Africa

Figure 8. Comparison of growth rates in passenger movements through Cape Town, South Africa, and the world. Produced by author. Data Source: Airports Company South Africa, 2018 / World Development Indicators, 2017

In order to more closely analyze the Cape Town drought years, 2016 to 2018, a comparison of the rates of change in passenger movements between Cape Town and the world was also conducted. In this comparison, the world air passenger movement data was taken from

Statistica, in order to capture the most recent year. Overall, the growth rate of passenger movements throughout the world from 2016 to 2018 was calculated to be 13.8%. In comparison, the growth rate of passenger movements in Cape Town during the drought years, between 2016 to 2018 was only 6.4%. Therefore, in a year by year breakdown, this study showed that passenger movements throughout Cape Town and the world both continued to increase during the Cape Town water crisis. At the start of the drought in 2016, passenger movements through DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 22

Cape Town increased at a slightly higher rate than that of the world. However, this growth rate fell to be less than the world growth rate in 2017, and then dropped far below the world’s growth rate of passenger movements in 2018, which reflected the worst year of the drought. Despite exhibiting similar average growth rates to that of the world over the previous 14 year, the growth rate of passenger movements in Cape Town fell to nearly 0% in 2018, almost six percentage points lower than the growth rate of the world passenger movements in the same year. These results, which can be seen in the graph below, suggest that the drought years have had a diminishing effect on Cape Town passenger movement growth rates, even though the absolute value of passengers did not decrease.

Year Cape Town Passenger World Passenger Movement Movement Growth Rates Growth Rates 2016 + 7.0% + 7.3% 2017 + 7.3% + 6.0% 2018 + 6.1% + 0.4%

Table 4. Comparison of passenger growth rates between Cape Town and the world during drought years. Produced by author. Data Sources: Airports Company South Africa, 2018 & Statistica, 2019

Rates of Change in Passenger Movements: Examination of Drought Period

8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00

Percent Change from Previous Year Previous from Change Percent 0.00 2016 2017 2018

Cape Town World

Figure 9. Comparison of passenger movement growth rates during drought years. Produced by author. Data Sources: Airports Company South Africa, 2018 & Statistica, 2019 DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 23

While these numbers were used as a representation of the amount of tourists visiting the city, additional numbers that speak to tourism activity in Cape Town can be seen through GDP and employment in the tourism sector. Both the GDP and tourism employment statistics have followed a very similar trend to the passenger movement statistics displayed above. The tourism and travel GDP and employment statistics from 2016, as well as projections for the year 2026 can be observed below (World Travel and Tourism Council & Oxford Economics, 2017).

2016 2026 2006 – 2016 2016 – 2026

Tourism & Travel $ 2.0 billion $ 3.7 billion 1.5% growth 6.1% growth GDP (US $bn) Total GDP (%) 7.5% 8.7% - -

Tourism & Travel 158.5 thousand 234.5 thousand 4.7% growth 4.0% growth Employment (000) Total Employment 10.8% 13.2% - - (%)

Table 5. Summary of Cape Town Tourism Industry (2016 and projected growth). Produced by author. Data Source: World Travel and Tourism Council & Oxford Economics, 2017

In analyzing the news headlines that have been published in the United Kingdom between January 1, 2016 to November 7, 2018, it was found that a majority of the articles published by the top news outlets were discouraging to potential tourists to Cape Town. Of the

187 articles analyzed, 92 were considered encouraging to tourists, mentioning the best things to do in Cape Town, stating that the drought had improved into a nonissue, or simply not mentioning the drought at all. Eighty-four of the articles analyzed were labeled as discouraging to potential tourists due to their discussions of Day Zero, the city running out of water, or inequality and crime that may or may not have been related to the drought. The 11 remaining articles from these newspapers were labeled as neutral, including either equal parts of encouragement and discouragement or simply presenting a fact that would not impact tourist DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 24 decisions of whether or not to visit the city. These totals can be seen in the table and graph below.

Encouragement Level of United Kingdom News Articles on Potential Tourists

Encouragement Level Articles (out of 187) Percentage

Encouraging 92 49.2%

Discouraging 84 44.9%

Neutral 11 5.9%

Table 6. Encouragement level of UK news articles in relation to Cape Town drought. Produced by author. Data Source: Original Research (Appendix A)


Encouraging 49% Discouraging 45%

Figure 10. Encouragement level of UK news articles in relation to Cape Town drought. Produced by author. Data Source: Original Research (Appendix A)

Of the United States headlines studied, a majority of the articles published in the examined time period were found to be discouraging to readers. Of the 161 articles published by the top United States’ news outlets, only 56 were labeled as encouraging, with 95 considered DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 25 discouraging. Ten articles were labelled as neutral, or having no influence on potential tourists.

The results of the United States headline analysis can be seen in the table and graph below.

Encouragement Level of United States News Articles on Potential Tourists

Encouragement Level Articles (out of 161) Percentage

Encouraging 56 34.8%

Discouraging 95 59%

Neutral 10 6.2%

Table 7. Encouragement level of US news articles in relation to Cape Town drought. Produced by author. Data Source: Original research (Appendix B)


Encouraging, 35%

Discouraging, 59%

Figure 11. Encouragement level of US news articles in relation to Cape Town drought. Produced by author. Data Source: Original research (Appendix B) An informal review of the Cape Town government’s tourism website showed that city officials have remained in strong support of tourism. In doing a simple search on the website, the searches “water crisis,” and “Day Zero” bring up no results, while the search “drought” brings up DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 26 only three. All three of these articles seem to aim to be encouraging to tourists and discuss the ways in which the tourism industry and individuals are able to adapt to less availability of water.

These article results, entitled “Save Like a Local: How Visitors Can Help During Cape Town’s

Drought,” “How the Tourism Industry is Adjusting to the Cape Town Drought,” and “Water-

Wise Tips for Tourists Visiting Drought-Stricken ,” can be seen below.

Figure 12. Search results for "drought" on Cape Town's official tourism website. Data Source: Screengrab from capetown.travel (Taken November 13, 2018)

The middle article, “How the Tourism Industry is Adjusting to the Cape Town Drought,” provides encouragement to tourists by stating that accommodation providers and restaurants have reduced their water use while remaining fully operational, and that “Cape Town remains a great place to visit,” (Cape Town Tourism, 2018b). The bottom article in the search results,

“Water-Wise Tips for Tourists Visiting Drought-Stricken Western Cape,” is a relatively neutral article, simply stating that water-usage by residents and visitors alike must be kept to under 70 liters per day, while suggesting ways to meet this water-saving goal (Cape Town Tourism, DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 27

2018c). These tips to save water while visiting Cape Town are referred to as the “Save Like a

Local” campaign.

The top result on the Cape Town tourism website, “Save Like a Local: How Visitors Can

Help During Cape Town’s Drought,” introduces the Save Like a Local campaign, which is comprised of 10 water saving tips for tourists visiting the city. These tips include simple steps that can be taken to reduce water usage, such as shortening showers, reducing flushes, not letting taps run, and only washing clothes when necessary (Cape Town Tourism, 2018a). The full steps can be seen below (Cape Town Tourism, 2018a).

Figure 13. Tips given to Cape Town visitors to "save like a local." Data Source: Screengrab from Cape Town Tourism, 2018a (Taken November 13, 2018)

Additionally, this top result on the Cape Town tourism website includes a section to answer “frequently asked questions,” reassuring tourists that they will be able to have access to clean and sufficient water for drinking and hygiene and be able to enjoy the city’s most popular attractions, such as Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, , and (Cape

Town Tourism, 2018a). Finally, the article supports tourists coming to Cape Town by pointing out that even during the peak season of tourism between November and March, the number of tourists only increases the total population of the city by 1%, while at the same time providing DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 28 vital jobs and revenue to the city (Cape Town Tourism, 2018a). This overview of the Cape Town tourism website suggests that the city’s government has continued to support tourism during the occurrence of the drought.


Quantitative research revealed that the number of passenger movements through Cape

Town International Airport has increased since the beginning of the drought in 2016, suggesting that the number of visitors to the city increased overall. However, further analysis of Cape

Town’s passenger movement trends when compared to that of the world showed that although

Cape Town’s passenger movements continued to rise during drought years, they likely did not rise as much as they would have without the occurrence of the extreme drought. Prior to the beginning of the Cape Town water crisis, the growth rate of passenger movements in Cape Town for 2016 was .3% higher than the world as a whole, suggesting that tourism was rising in Cape

Town at a greater rate than the rest of the world. However, when the drought began to worsen,

Cape Town’s passenger movement growth rates began to slow and fall below that of the world.

Specifically, these rates of increase for Cape Town were 1.3% and 5.7% lower than that of the world in 2017 and 2018, respectively. This correlated to the drought conditions, which began to worsen in 2017, and reached all-time low dam levels and highest restrictions through 2018.

Therefore, the data collected in this study demonstrates a correlation between these drought conditions and a slower rate of tourism growth in the city.

When comparing this data set to the number of passenger movements through South

Africa as a whole, the trend showed that South Africa and Cape Town’s passenger movements exhibited similar behavior, rising and falling at similar rates over the past 14 years. The data also showed that Cape Town’s passenger movements accounted for approximately half of all of DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 29

South Africa’s passenger movements throughout the time period studied. This data demonstrates the importance of Cape Town to South Africa’s tourism industry as a whole, as visitor rates within the two data sets seem to be linked. The significance of Cape Town’s tourism industry to the country validates the reason that it was so important for the city to maintain this strong industry, even during such an extreme drought. This comparison of data, as collected from

Airports Cape Town and World Development Indicators, can be seen below.

Total Air Passenger Movements: Cape Town and South Africa 25,000,000





0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Cape Town South Africa

Figure 14. Total passenger movements through Cape Town and South Africa (2004 - 2017). Produced by author. Data Source: Airports Company South Africa, 2018 / World Development Indicators, 2017

One component of the hypothesis considered that news outlets may serve as a source of influence for potential visitors to Cape Town. As the leading source of tourists to South Africa, the United Kingdom’s encouraging news articles likely played a role in maintaining and increasing tourism in Cape Town during the water crisis. On the other hand, an analysis of the top United States news outlets, the second greatest source of tourists to Cape Town, found that the majority of articles mentioning the city were discouraging to potential tourists. These DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 30 discouraging headlines may have contributed to the dampening of the tourism industry during the drought. Therefore, this study found that the encouragement level of news articles from the

UK may be positively correlated with a continuing increase of tourism numbers in Cape Town, while US headlines may be correlated to the inability of Cape Town’s tourism industry to grow at the same rate as the rest of the world.

Although these headline analyses provide insight into potential correlations between world news and tourism behavior, it is also possible that individuals strongly considering a visit to Cape Town may have sought out encouraging information by the nature of their search terms.

For example, potential tourists may make searches such as, “Best things to do in Cape Town,”

“Top attractions in Cape Town,” or even “How to save water while visiting Cape Town.”

Searches such as these would bias the selection of articles and yield more positive results than a standard search for “Cape Town,” which displays many results relating to the water crisis as this is the most globally significant news. Similarly, as news outlets from only two countries were studied, these headline analyses cannot account for tourist behavior from other source nations.

Still, the results collected from the top two sources of Cape Town tourists corroborates possible correlations to the rise in the city’s passenger movements alongside the decreased rate of growth.

Finally, there is a possibility that global news about Cape Town in the midst of its worst drought in history has increased familiarity of the city around the world, creating the potential for increased tourism whether the news reported is good or bad. To support this, the number of

Google News searches for “Cape Town” from 2008 – 2018 can be seen below. DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 31

Figure 15. Google News searches for "Cape Town" (2008 - 2018). Data Source: Screengrab from Google Trends (Taken January 30, 2019) Although the city has seen decreased passenger movement growth rates in response to the drought, the Cape Town tourism industry has prevented a negative growth rate, which may be due in part to government support and tourism marketing. This study found that the government has continued to support the tourism industry by encouraging tourists to come to Cape Town during the water crisis. The official tourism website of the city had only three search results pertaining to the drought, all of which were encouraging to tourists by insisting that visiting tourists help the economy and society of Cape Town more than they negatively impact the water crisis. However, arguably the most substantial contribution that was made by the government in connection to the water crisis and tourism was the “Save Like a Local” campaign.

This campaign, while aiming to increase water awareness, is not intimidating and does not incite fear in tourists to the area. The truth seems to be quite the opposite, as the logo sends a message that as long as tourists are willing to save a little water while visiting, they will have a great trip and not cause any harm. In fact, the “Save Like a Local” logo seems to be almost an advertisement for Cape Town, including city tour busses, the famous colors of Muizenburg

Beach and Bo Kaap, the Ferris Wheel at the V&A Waterfront, Table Mountain, and the national flower of South Africa. Similarly, the logo includes images that are cartoon like, such as the faucets and showerheads, as well as images that are suggestive of childhood fun, like the beach DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 32 pails. The icon for the campaign can be seen in the photo below (Responsible Cape Town

Tourism, 2017).

Figure 16. Logo for Cape Town's "Save like a local” campaign. Data Source: Screengrab from Responsible Cape Town Tourism, 2017 (Taken November 13, 2018)

This strategy of handling the drought through marketing is one that may be correlated to the avoidance of decreased passenger movements despite the slower growth rate during the drought. Dr. Christopher Warren, the owner of a rural Australian getaway in a drought-stricken area, has also aimed to overcome the potential tourism revenue losses in a time of drought.

Warren stated “We appeal to people’s sense of the right and responsible action to take, to their ethics. We find people draw on the positive side of life when they need to, and that can be enriching,” (Ford, 2018). This appeal to tourists about what is right and responsible is exactly the aim of the “Save Like a Local” campaign, asking for the help of the tourist and trusting that they DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 33 will make ethical decisions. Similarly, Warren’s business has put clocks and buckets in the showers, asking tourists to time their showers and pour their grey water into the garden to water it (Ford, 2018). In this way, the rural resort has been able to make tourists feel that they are a part of the community, while adding humor to the situation and even adding another dimension to their experience while visiting the area. Several of the suggestions included in the “Save Like a

Local” campaign follow this same principle, such as suggesting that tourists can skip a shower by getting clean in the saltwater of a pool or the ocean. The slogan of the campaign itself even suggests that while visiting Cape Town, tourists are not simply visitors, but become a part of the local community. This process of making tourists feel that they are a part of the solution, rather than an additional stressor on the environment, has perhaps been vital to the perseverance of the tourism industry in Cape Town during the drought. Strategies such as these are essential for any tourist destination experiencing a drought, as while the location may not be able to avoid decreased growth during times of extreme drought, Cape Town has shown that it is possible to maintain a growing tourism industry using creative solutions.

In addition to water usage restrictions and encouraging more sustainable individual practices, such as through the “Save Like a Local Campaign,” there have been other city-wide steps to alleviate the water crisis. One of these has been the removal of alien plant species, which require significantly higher intakes of water than native species. Non-native tree species in Cape

Town, most notably pines, use more water than other plants, drawing up more groundwater, using more runoff that would otherwise contribute to dam levels, and releasing excess water into the air through evapotranspiration (The Nature Conservancy, 2018). A study by the Nature

Conservancy in 2018 found that by clearing these trees, the city could retain an additional 56 billion liters of water in about six years, almost enough to fill , one of the DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 34 largest in the city. According to the study, the city could eliminate all alien plant species from the major areas that supply about 75% of Cape Town’s water, and free up more than 100 billion liters of water per year by undertaking a 30 year program (The Nature Conservancy, 2018). This

30 year process comes at a price tag of approximately R372 million rand, or $25.5 million US dollars (The Nature Conservancy, 2018). However, this 2018 study by The Nature Conservancy states that this cost is still an average of ten times cheaper than the process of , considering the amount of water saved. While this solution has potential to alleviate water concerns in the long term, the immediacy of the Cape Town water crisis and its potential to impact tourism has created the need for new water sources.

In considering potential water sources, groundwater, although it can be overexploited easily, is the most readily accessible, followed by water re-use projects through water treatment plants (Department of Water & Sanitization, 2018). The next two potential sources are desalination, which is costly but effective, and surface water, which relies solely on retrieving rainfall (Department of Water & Sanitization, 2018). These possible sources and their estimated potential to add to the water supply, are outlined in the graph below (Department of Water and


Potential Sources for Cape Town to add to Current Water Supply 350






Yield (in millions of liters per day) per liters of (in millions Yield 50


Groundwater Reuse Desalinization Surface Water

Figure 17. Potential additional water sources for Cape Town and respective yields. Adapted by author. Figure adapted from: Department of Water and Sanitization, 2018 Of these, the most popular topic has been the introduction of desalination, a process in which seawater is made safe to drink through reverse osmosis. The city first began testing the potential for desalination in Cape Town in 2017, when a plant was built at the bustling V&A

Waterfront to produce 2 million liters (ML) of fresh drinking water per day (City of Cape Town,

2017). Since then, two more temporary desalination plants were added in 2018 at Monwabisi and

Strandfontein, each providing approximately 7 ML/day (Pankratz, 2018). These plants took a lesson from other cities who have undertaken this process by starting small and showing that desalination was a possibility for Cape Town, while providing insight as the city moved towards larger-scale desalination. It has been officially recommended that the city not pursue any more temporary desalination plants or barge-based marine desalination, instead focusing on permanent plants in the harbor (Department of Water & Sanitization, 2018). Specifically, the recommendation was to build a permanent desalination plant at Cape Town Harbour, considered DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 36 a low-risk site, to produce between 100-150 ML/day (Pankratz, 2018). Estimations calculated that this project will take between five to seven years, costing approximately R 2.139 billion rand, over $152 million US dollars (Pankratz, 2018). While this process requires a lot of financial and environmental resources, it has been predicted that a permanent desalination plant could go a long way towards alleviating the water crisis for residents, and eliminate the concern for potential travelers to the city. Programs such as alien plant species replacement, groundwater access through boreholes, water re-use with water treatment, and diversified water sources through desalination are potential long term solutions to the Cape Town water crisis, and consequentially for the dampening effect that the drought has had on the city’s tourism industry.


The Cape Town water crisis has been an ongoing and worsening struggle for the city for several years, though it has seen some alleviation and hope for recovery in the year 2018. Still, it is important to consider the many ways in which the occurrence of a drought impacts that particular location. This paper examined the ways in which the Cape Town drought has had an impact on the tourism industry of the city, as well as possible factors correlated with these changes. Overall, it was found that despite the worsening drought into 2018, the number of passenger movements, which indicated tourist arrivals in this study, continued to rise throughout the drought. However, in corroboration with the hypothesis of this study, the extreme drought in

Cape Town has correlated to a diminished tourism growth rate in the city. During the drought years, Cape Town’s passenger movements did not increase as quickly as air passenger movements throughout the rest of the world, despite following a similar trend during the 13 years leading up to the drought. DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 37

Furthermore, a majority of the news articles that were published in the United Kingdom, the source nation of the highest percentage of Cape Town’s tourists, by the top news outlets in the country during the time period of the drought were encouraging to tourists. This positive press may have served as a boost to Cape Town’s tourism industry. Conversely, the top news outlets in the United States, the second highest source of tourists to Cape Town, published a majority of discouraging articles during the drought period. While this may have contributed to the drought’s dampening effect on tourism, it is also possible that any publicity for the city contributes to increased tourism.

There have been many encouraging steps taken by the Cape Town government which may account for at least some of the rise in tourism. One of these specifically identified is the

“Save Like a Local” campaign, which suggests simple ways for tourists to conserve water while visiting Cape Town. However, while working to urge visitors to save water, this study also found that the campaign uses positive imagery, such as the campaign poster that is reminiscent of a water park, in order to put tourists at ease. Similarly, this study found that the tourism industry as a whole has used a sense of humor and appeal to the common good in order to encourage water conservation among visitors. In this way, it has become important to make water conservation in some way a part of the experience of visiting Cape Town, rather than positioning the drought as a barrier to an enjoyable visit to the city.

This continued support of the tourism industry by the Cape Town government demonstrated that tourism remains a vital component of the economic success of the city of Cape

Town and of South Africa as a whole country. As is pointed out on the Cape Town Tourism website, during the peak tourism season, visitors still only contribute a 1% increase to the population of Cape Town (Cape Town Tourism, 2018a). It seems that the economic benefits DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 38 provided to the city by revenue and job creation of the tourism industry continue to outweigh this small increase in population and water demand, especially with many tourism businesses working to cut their water consumption as well. For this reason, tourism has continued to be supported, and it has been indicated that this will remain the case unless a situation such as Day

Zero does one day arrive and make continuation of the industry an impossibility. However, despite this continued support, the tourism industry has been unable to fully overcome the impacts of the drought such as negative imagery of the city, usage restrictions, and uncertain conditions. It is hopeful that as long term solutions are put into place and water supplies continue to increase, that the tourism industry in Cape Town will be able to grow at the same and higher rates than it was prior to 2016.

It is vital to understand the impact that severe drought can have on a location, especially a major city and travel destination, because while Cape Town may have been one of the first cities to almost completely run out of water, it will likely not be the last. Torchia reported in 2018 that

University of Cape Town scientists have suggested that man-made global warming has contributed to the severe weather patterns that created the water crisis in Cape Town, and that it is likely that these types of extreme droughts become more common in the future. For this reason, the results of this study and further research in the future are vitally important for the wellbeing of the tourism industries and economies of affected locations.

Further Research

With the conclusions that were drawn from this study, there are many prompted questions and opportunities for further research. First and foremost, the next step in this research seems to be to take the methodology of this study beyond the case study of Cape Town. With this framework applied to more case studies and to droughts that have occurred around the world DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 39 throughout history, it would be possible to investigate many potential correlations between droughts and tourism. In further case studies, it may be advisable to conduct interviews or surveys of tourists considering a visit to a drought-stricken area in order to determine what factors are of highest importance in their consideration process.

Additionally, it is essential that proper policies be put into place in order to mitigate the impact of the tourism industry. Determining tourism policies that meet the needs of tourists for a positive and comfortable experience with the needs of the city or country to reduce water usage and mitigate the drought requires a delicate balance. For this reason, it is important to seek out ways that the tourism industry can decrease water usage, while still accommodating the needs of tourists. It is crucial to then implement and enforce these restrictions on tourists and tourism service providers in order to reduce the area’s drought sensitivity and improve adaptive capacity.



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Appendix A: UK Headline Analysis

News Headline Date Impact Link Outlet British The city break... 9/1/2018 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/a Daily Mail Cape Town: From rticle-6121389/How-spend-48-hours- historical Cape-Town.html landmarks to an iconic cable car ride, see it all in 48 hours British From Cape Town's 9/2/2017 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/a Daily Mail beaches and scenic rticle-4479478/An-ultimate-guide- mountain hikes to Cape-Town-s-hotels-beaches- its best vineyards wine.html and hotels: An ultimate guide to the South African hot spot that has it all British Shocking satellite 2/2/2018 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar Daily Mail images show Cape ticle-5339593/Shocking-satellite- Town drying out as images-Cape-Town-drying-out.html water doomsday approaches British Cape Town is the 9/14/2018 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/tr Daily Mail cheapest long-haul avel_news/article-6163683/Cape- destination for Town-cheapest-long-haul- British destination-British-holidaymakers- holidaymakers Seychelles-priciest.html followed by Tokyo British Cape Town is 1/29/2018 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar Daily Mail warned it faces ticle-5324817/Drought-hit-Cape- riots as it prepares Town-braces-9-11-level-crisis.html for 'the worst crisis any city has faced since 9/11' with water due to run out by April 12 British Cape Town's water 2/3/2018 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/a Daily Mail crisis highlights p/article-5347463/Cape-Towns- city's rich-poor water-crisis-highlights-citys-rich-poor- divide divide.html British Massive icebergs 7/4/2018 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencet Daily Mail could be wrapped ech/article-5916649/Icebergs-towed- in insulation and 1-200-miles-Cape-Town-provide- towed 1,200 miles water-drought-stricken-South- from Antarctica to Africa.html DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 46

provide water for drought-stricken South Africa, claims marine salvage expert Nick Sloane British Cape Town is 90 1/16/2018 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar Daily Mail DAYS away from ticle-5275997/Cape-Town-90-DAYS- running out of away-running-water.html water: Seaside metropolis could become the first major city in the world to run dry, mayor warns British South Africa puts 3/13/2018 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/a Daily Mail on a show: A rticle-5473757/New-art-gallery-V- thrilling new Waterfront-Cape-Town.html makeover of the waterfront has given Cape Town a fresh face British Woman, 22, is 3/8/2018 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar Daily Mail found guilty of ticle-5477109/Woman-convicted- beheading and beheading-Sottish-grandmother- totally Cape-Town.html dismembering 74- year-old Scottish grandmother after breaking into her home in Cape Town British Cape Town is the 9/16/2016 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/tr Daily Mail cheapest long-haul avel_news/article-3793181/Cape- resort this year, Town-cheapest-long-haul-resort- beating Bali for the year-beating-Bali-time.html first time British Shocking satellite 2/2/2018 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/n Daily Mail images show Cape ews/video-1620186/Shocking- Town drying out satellite-images-Cape-Town-drying- out.html British Nicole Scherzinger 2/19/2017 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshow Daily Mail shows off her biz/article-4240014/Nicole- ample assets and Scherzinger-shows-assets-Cape- incredibly toned Town.html abs in tiny sports bra as she films a commercial in Cape Town DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 47

British Michaela Strachan 5/12/2018 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/y Daily Mail on dancing, ou/article-5703633/Emotional-ties- droughts and her Michaela-Strachan-dancing-droughts- really wild life in really-wild-life-Cape-Town.html Cape Town British Feel like a right 12/29/2017 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshow Daily Mail mug': Richard E. biz/article-5221035/Richard-E-Grant- Grant reveals he robbed-cash-machine-Cape- was ROBBED at Town.html an ATM in Cape Town... but brushes off the unfortunate incident by joining his daughter Olivia at the beach British 8 dead as storm 6/7/2017 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/a Daily Mail brings rain to p/article-4579984/Storm-brings- drought-hit Cape relief-parched-Cape-Town.html Town British How was YOUR 10/20/2017 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar Daily Mail journey to work? ticle-5000158/Passengers-smash- Desperate windows-cling-train.html passengers smash train windows so they can cling to the side of overcrowded carriages in South Africa British Son accused of 4/24/2017 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar Daily Mail slaughtering his ticle-4439476/Son-accused-killing- millionaire parents parents-axe-murder-testify.html and brother with an axe claims they were killed by a 'laughing attacker' as he fights to retain huge inheritance British Witness insists 5/16/2017 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar Daily Mail 'loud and ticle-4512110/Witness-insists- aggressive' family overheard-fatal-Cape-Town- fight before attack.html slaughter of wealthy couple WASN'T just them watching Star Trek film at full volume on their new home cinema DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 48

British Six month old girl 1/3/2017 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar Daily Mail dies in her father's ticle-4084680/Six-month-old-girl- arms after she's hit dies-father-s-arms-s-hit-stray-bullet- by a stray bullet shootout-gang-members-Cape- during a shootout Town.html between gang members in Cape Town British Smile! Divers take 10/16/2018 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar Daily Mail stunning selfie with ticle-6281231/Divers-stunning-selfie- SIX FOOT LONG SIX-FOOT-LONG-sunfish-Cape- sunfish after the Town.html cartoon-like creature surfaces and swims alongside them off Cape Town British Makeup-free Kate 1/28/2018 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshow Daily Mail Beckinsale puffs biz/article-5322475/Kate-Beckinsale- on electronic films-new-ITV-drama-Widow-Cape- cigarette as she Town.html takes break from shooting scenes for her new ITV drama The Widow in South Africa British PM dons her 8/28/2018 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/p Daily Mail dancing shoes on a/article-6105361/May-dons- Cape Town school dancing-shoes-Cape-Town-school- visit visit.html British Duo cycle the 6/13/2017 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/tr Daily Mail length of the planet avel/video-1482491/Duo-cycle- from Nordkapp to length-planet-Nordkapp-Cape- Cape Town Town.html British Millie Mackintosh 12/28/2016 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshow Daily Mail is body-beautiful in biz/article-4070364/Millie- a tiny black bikini Mackintosh-poses-bikini-Cape-Town- in Cape Town... as 18th-holiday-2016.html she ends the year with her 18th holiday British He NOSE it's 8/20/2016 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshow Daily Mail nasty! Ethan biz/article-3750485/Ethan-Hawke- Hawke indulges in indulges-unsavoury-habit-waits- unsavoury habit as flight-Cape-Town.html he waits for flight in Cape Town British Kate Beckinsale 11/6/2018 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/tv Daily Mail films 'The Widow' showbiz/video-1622024/Video-Kate- DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 49

on location in Cape Beckinsale-films-Widow-location- Town Cape-Town.html British Bikini-clad Millie 12/29/2016 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshow Daily Mail Mackintosh and biz/article-4073146/Bikini-clad-Millie- beau Hugo Taylor Mackintosh-boyfriend-Hugo-Taylor- show off their inked-backs-hit-beach-Cape-Town- inked backs as they holiday-18-2016.html hit the beach in Cape Town on holiday number 18 of 2016 Daily Huge icebergs 4/30/2018 discourage https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/worl Mirror could be towed d-news/huge-icebergs-could-towed- from Antarctica to antarctica-12456271 Cape Town to solve South African drought crisis Daily Charlotte Crosby 11/3/2018 discourage https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celeb Mirror rushed to hospital rity-news/charlotte-crosby-rushed- with broken nose in hospital-broken-13529906 Cape Town after terrifying accident Daily Watch ball boy get 11/30/2016 neutral https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/row- Mirror SENT OFF by zed/watch-ball-boy-sent-referee- referee as Cape 9366376 Town look for winner in clash with Kaizer Chiefs Daily Laurence Fox 12/30/2017 encourage https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celeb Mirror whisks new love rity-news/laurence-fox-whisks-new- Lilah away to Cape love-11774766 Town to see in the New Year Daily South African 2/21/2018 discourage https://www.express.co.uk/travel/art Express tourist hotspot icles/921897/south-africa-holidays- Cape Town faced 2018-cape-town-tourism-drought with 'Day Zero' as water runs low Daily DROUGHT 1/2/2018 discourage https://www.express.co.uk/news/wo Express WARNING: South rld/899044/South-Africa-drought- Africa's Cape cape-town-water-dam-day-zero Town may become first major city to run out of WATER Daily Is it safe to travel 2/13/2018 discourage https://www.express.co.uk/travel/art Express to Cape Town as icles/918342/cape-town-water- ‘Day Zero’ water drought-South-Africa-may-effect- drought hits South flights Africa? DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 50

Daily South Africa 3/12/2018 discourage https://www.express.co.uk/news/wo Express WATER CRISIS: rld/930517/South-Africa-news-Cape- Shock images Town-drought-latest- show lake BONE Theewaterskloof-dam-water- DRY as Cape shortage Town RAVAGED by drought Daily Cape Town's 'Day 2/5/2018 discourage https://www.express.co.uk/news/wo Express Zero' water crisis: rld/914719/Cape-Town-water-crisis- Why is Cape town update-water-shortage-why-is-cape- running out of town-running-out-of-water water? Daily South Africa 2/16/2018 discourage https://www.express.co.uk/news/wo Express declare drought rld/919679/South-Africa-Cape-Town- ‘NATIONAL Day-Zero-crisis-water-shortage- DISASTER’ – drought-rainfall-water-ration Cape Town desperately fights ‘DAY ZERO’ Daily Cape Town Airport 4/17/2018 encourage https://www.express.co.uk/travel/art Express to be renamed to icles/947323/cape-town- honour this anti- international-airport-renamed- icon - can nelson-mandela-winnie-mandela you guess who? Daily Cape Town chaos: 1/30/2018 discourage https://www.express.co.uk/news/wo Express City facing rld/911896/cape-town-day-zero- DISASTER as water-drought-level-5-level-6-water- huge water drought restrictions-national-emergency to see taps CUT OFF Daily Rationed WATER 1/24/2018 discourage https://www.express.co.uk/news/wo Express 'new gold' in Cape rld/909043/Cape-Town-water- Town with city on drought-shortage-rationing-city-run- edge of CHAOS as out-South-Africa-taps-drinking long tap queues form Daily Hiker horror as ex- 1/16/2018 discourage https://www.express.co.uk/news/wo Express pat Britons stabbed rld/905685/expat-britons-cape-town- while hiking to south-africa-table-mountain-stab Cape Town’s Table Mountain Daily Lunar eclipse: 7/27/2018 encourage https://www.express.co.uk/videos/5 Express Blood Moon 48579/Lunar-eclipse-Blood-Moon- footage from Cape footage-from-Cape-Town Town Daily Drug addict gets 6/29/2018 discourage https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/ Express life for beheading 981743/Drug-addict-gets-life-for- Scots gran in Cape beheading-Scots-gran-in-Cape-Town Town DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 51

Daily Security steps in 3/23/2018 discourage https://www.express.co.uk/videos/5 Express after Cape Town 32646/Security-steps-in-after-Cape- fan makes jibe at Town-fan-makes-jibe-at-David- David Warner Warner Daily Charlotte Crosby 11/4/2018 discourage https://www.express.co.uk/videos/5 Express BREAKS her nose 62616/Charlotte-Crosby-BREAKS-her- in Cape Town nose-in-Cape-Town Daily Is there something 2/17/2016 neutral https://www.express.co.uk/news/nat Express in the water? ure/644853/Cape-Town-five-sharks- Woman woman-swims-metres-away unwittingly swims just METRES away from FIVE sharks The How Cape Town 4/4/2018 encourage https://www.theguardian.com/world Guardian was saved from /2018/may/04/back-from-the-brink- running out of how-cape-town-cracked-its-water- water crisis The Cape Town faces 2/3/2018 discourage https://www.theguardian.com/cities/ Guardian Day Zero: what 2018/feb/03/day-zero-cape-town- happens when the turns-off-taps city turns off the taps? The The alternative city 2/18/2016 encourage https://www.theguardian.com/travel Guardian guide to Cape /2016/feb/18/alternative-city-guide- Town, South to-cape-town-south-africa Africa The Cape Town told to 1/24/2018 discourage https://www.theguardian.com/world Guardian cut water use or /2018/jan/24/cape-town-to-run-out- face losing supply of-water-by-12-april-amid-worst- by 12 April drought-in-a-century The In the Cape Town 8/19/2018 discourage https://www.theguardian.com/world Guardian enclave that /2018/aug/19/cape-town-bo-kaap- survived apartheid, muslim-enclave-gentrification the new enemy is gentrification The What Cape Town 2/16/2018 neutral https://www.theguardian.com/global Guardian can learn from -development/2018/feb/07/day- Australia’s zero-what-cape-town-can-learn- millennium from-australia-millennium-drought- drought water-crisis The The world's best 11/23/2016 encourage https://www.theguardian.com/travel Guardian hidden beaches: /2016/nov/23/worlds-best-hidden- Cape Town beaches-cape-town The Sights to see in 2/18/2016 encourage https://www.theguardian.com/travel Guardian Cape Town, South /2016/feb/18/cape-town-sights-city- Africa: readers’ guide-readers-tips tips DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 52

The Day Zero, How 2/3/2018 discourage https://www.theguardian.com/cities/ Guardian Cape Town is ng-interactive/2018/feb/03/day-zero- running out of how-cape-town-running-out-water water The 10 of the best 11/2/2016 encourage https://www.theguardian.com/travel Guardian places to eat in /2016/nov/02/10-best-eats-cape- Cape Town, South town-south-africa-cafes-restaurants Africa The Day Zero: how 5/5/2018 encourage https://www.theguardian.com/enviro Guardian Cape Town nment/video/2018/jun/05/day-zero- stopped the taps how-cape-town-stopped-taps- running dry running-dry-video The How Cape Town 4/11/2018 encourage https://www.theguardian.com/world Guardian cracked its water /2018/may/11/how-cape-town- crisis, and other cracked-its-water-crisis-and-other- tales of hope tales-of-hope The Let Cape Town 2/3/2018 discourage https://www.theguardian.com/comm Guardian revolutionise the entisfree/2018/feb/04/let-cape- way we think about town-revolutionise-the-way-we- water think-about-water The A ride-along into 5/6/2016 discourage https://www.theguardian.com/world Guardian the heart of Cape /gallery/2016/may/06/ridealong-to- Town’s ganglands the-heart-of-cape-town-ganglands-in- pictures The 'End spatial 5/25/2017 discourage https://www.theguardian.com/cities/ Guardian apartheid': why 2017/may/25/spatial-apartheid- housing activists housing-activists-occupy-cape-town- are occupying gentrification Cape Town The The Freedom 7/17/2018 encourage https://www.theguardian.com/travel Guardian Swim: from /2018/jul/17/robben-island-cape- Mandela’s Robben town-south-africa-freedom-swim Island to the Cape Town shore The 10 of the best 11/2/2016 encourage https://www.theguardian.com/travel Guardian places to eat in /capetown+travelfoodanddrink Cape Town, South Africa The That's blown it: 3/13/2017 neutral https://www.theguardian.com/world Guardian high winds cause /2017/mar/13/high-winds-chaos- chaos at Cape cape-town-cycle-race-toilets Town cycling race The Water crisis in 2/3/2018 discourage https://www.theguardian.com/world Guardian Cape Town as 'day /video/2018/feb/03/cape-town- zero' approaches water-crisis-approaches-day-zero- video-report The Mocaa, Cape 9/16/2017 encourage https://www.theguardian.com/world Guardian Town: grain silo /2017/sep/16/mocaa-cape-town- reborn as Africa's DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 53

answer to Tate grain-silo-reborn-as-africas-answer- Modern to-tate-modern The How Cape Town's 7/12/2016 encourage https://www.theguardian.com/small- Guardian tech entrepreneurs business-network/2016/jul/12/cape- are solving towns-tech-entrepreneurs-solving- problems for small problems-for-small-business business The 'Africa's Tate 9/21/2017 encourage https://www.theguardian.com/travel Guardian Modern' – Cape /2017/sep/21/cape-town-zeitz- Town’s Zeitz- mocaa-art-museum-africa-open- Mocaa gallery september-2017 opens The Barbecue and beats 4/7/2016 encourage https://www.theguardian.com/travel Guardian in Cape Town’s /2016/apr/07/mzolis-meat- gugulethu-cape-town-south-africa township The Street art adds 10/21/2017 encourage https://www.theguardian.com/travel Guardian gloss to Cape /2017/oct/21/street-art-boho- Town's boho woodstock-cape-town-south-africa Woodstock area The Cape Town, the 12/12/2017 encourage https://holidays.theguardian.com/hol Guardian Garden Route & idays/cape-town-the-garden-route- Big Five Safari and-big-five-safari- f8e1a5a005d31fd99ed153692dcc227 4 The World 2/14/2018 discourage https://www.theguardian.com/news/ Guardian weatherwatch: 2018/feb/14/world-weatherwatch- from drifts in Paris from-drifts-in-paris-to-drought-in- to drought in Cape cape-town Town The Contemporary, 9/12/2017 encourage https://www.theguardian.com/world Guardian controversial and /2017/sep/12/buzz-building-for- coming soon: Cape opening-of-zeitz-mocaa-africas-tate- Town's vast new modern art museum The Bid for freedom: 8/11/2016 neutral https://www.theguardian.com/global Guardian rescuing trafficked - fishermen as they development/2016/aug/11/rescuing- dock in Cape Town trafficked-fishermen-cape-town- south-africa-slave-like-conditions The Drum majorettes of 11/10/2017 neutral https://www.theguardian.com/world Guardian Cape Town – a /2017/nov/10/drum-majorettes-of- photo essay cape-town-a-photo-essay The Julia Gunther's best 12/1/2016 encourage https://www.theguardian.com/artan Guardian photograph: The ddesign/2016/dec/01/julia-gunther- church brigade best-photograph-south-african- leader giving Cape churchgoer-in-band-uniform- Town kids hope interview DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 54

The Daily A weekend break 5/3/2017 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph in... Cape Town destinations/africa/south- africa/cape-town/articles/a- weekend-break-incapetown/ The Daily Cape Town: 5/3/2017 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph getting there destinations/africa/south- africa/cape-town/articles/cape-town- gettingthere/ The Daily The world's 50 4/14/2016 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph greatest cities – galleries/The-worlds-best-cities-in- according to you pictures/cape-town/ The Daily Cape Town's most 2/26/2018 discourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph expensive destinations/africa/south- restaurant to use africa/cape-town/articles/cape-town- paper plates to help drought-water-crisis-how-visitors- tackle the drought help/ The Daily 22 reasons why 7/18/2016 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph Cape Town is the destinations/africa/south- world’s best city africa/galleries/reasons-why-cape- town-is-the-best-city-in-the-world/ The Daily Guaranteed sun 1/22/2018 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph and Africa's answer destinations/africa/south- to the Tate Modern africa/cape-town/articles/why-cape- – why Cape Town town-should-be-your-next-city-break/ should be your next city break The Daily Cape Town 10/5/2017 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph holidays: a guide to destinations/africa/south- the best areas and africa/cape-town/articles/cape-town- hotels holidays-a-guide-to-the-best-areas- and-hotels/ The Daily How Cape Town 7/6/2018 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph beat the worst destinations/africa/south- drought in its africa/cape-town/articles/day-zero- history averted-cape-town-drought/ The Daily The best waterfront 5/21/2017 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph hotels in Cape destinations/africa/south- Town africa/cape-town/articles/the-best- cape-town-waterfront-hotels/ The Daily Top 10: the best 8/1/2017 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph five-star hotels in destinations/africa/south- Cape Town africa/cape-town/articles/best-five- star-hotels-in-cape-town/ The Daily Top 10: the best 6/20/2017 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph boutique hotels in destinations/africa/south- Cape Town africa/cape-town/articles/the-best- boutique-hotels-in-cape-town/ DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 55

The Daily 18 fascinating early 5/12/2016 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph photographs of destinations/africa/south- Cape Town africa/cape-town/articles/fascinating- early-photographs-of-cape-town/ The Daily Cape Town 5/3/2017 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph shopping destinations/africa/south- africa/cape-town/articles/cape-town- shopping/ The Daily Looming water 1/26/2018 discourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2 Telegraph shortages spell 018/01/26/looming-water-shortages- catastrophe for spell-catastrophe-cape-town/ Cape Town The Daily Wilbur Smith's 5/23/2017 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph Cape Town: 'I like destinations/africa/south- the way the city africa/cape-town/articles/wilbur- changes with time' smith-interview-cape-town- recommendations/ The Daily Been to Cape 5/14/2018 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph Town once before? explore-south-africa/cape-town- Here’s what to do second-visit/ on your second visit The Daily Cape Town events 5/3/2017 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph destinations/africa/south- africa/cape-town/articles/cape-town- events/ The Daily One & Only Cape 2/17/2016 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph Town destinations/africa/south- africa/cape-town/hotels/one-and- only-cape-town-hotel/ The Daily Cape Town's 3/2/2018 discourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/c Telegraph drought has shown omment/cape-town-drought-new- us the future of normal-responsible-travel/ travel – even if it means not flushing the toilet The Daily The best luxury 7/26/2017 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph hotels in Cape destinations/africa/south- Town africa/cape-town/articles/the-best- cape-town-luxury-hotels/ The Daily Mike Rutherford of 5/31/2017 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph Genesis: Why I fell destinations/africa/south- in love with Cape africa/cape-town/articles/mike- Town rutherford-genesis-interview-cape- town-tips/ The Daily The best budget 4/27/2017 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph hotels in Cape destinations/africa/south- Town DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 56

africa/cape-town/articles/best- cheap-hotels-in-cape-town/ The Daily Brian Blessed's 2/27/2016 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph Cape Town: 'It’s destinations/africa/south- where I feel most africa/cape-town/articles/brian- alive' blessed-cape-town-my-kind-of-town- celebrity-travel/ The Daily Dream Suite: 4/18/2016 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/luxury/ Telegraph One&Only Cape travel/dream-suite-oneonly-cape- Town Presidential town-presidential-suite/ Suite The Daily Theresa May 8/28/2018 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2 Telegraph shows off her 018/08/28/theresa-may-shows- dance moves dance-moves-cape-town-school-visit/ during Cape Town school visit The Daily Belmond Mount 6/29/2018 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph Nelson Hotel destinations/africa/south- africa/cape-town/hotels/belmond- mount-nelson-hotel/ The Daily Cape Cadogan 6/26/2018 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph destinations/africa/south- africa/cape-town/hotels/cape- cadogan-hotel/ The Daily Rouge on Rose 7/12/2018 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph destinations/africa/south- africa/cape-town/hotels/rouge-on- rose-hotel/ The Daily Taj Cape Town 7/13/2018 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ Telegraph destinations/africa/south- africa/cape-town/hotels/taj-cape- town-hotel/ The Daily Cape Town, the 12/12/2017 encourage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/t Telegraph Garden Route & ours/partners/newmarket- Big Five Safari holidays/cape-town-the-garden- route-and-big-five-safari/ The Sun Giant Antarctic 5/1/2018 discourage https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/618 icebergs to be 3938/giant-antarctic-icebergs-cape- towed to thirsty town-water-crisis/ Cape Town in bid to end the water crisis The Sun Life-changing 5/23/2017 encourage https://www.thesun.co.uk/living/363 transplant gives 40- 4314/life-changing-transplant-gives- year-old man a new 40-year-old-man-a-new-penis-but-its- penis… but it’s the the-wrong-colour/ WRONG colour DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 57

BBC Icebergs and empty 5/13/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News pools: Five things africa-43989106 Cape Town's Day Zero taught us BBC Cape Town water 1/24/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News crisis: 'My wife africa-42787773 doesn't shower any more' BBC Cape Town 2/13/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News drought declared a africa-43047833 'national disaster' BBC Cape Town water 1/26/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News crisis: Residents africa-42836560 urged to turn off toilet taps BBC Cape Town 3/7/2018 encourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News drought: South africa-43321093 African city may avoid 'Day Zero' BBC Cape Town anger 8/5/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News over slave quarter africa-44777755 gentrification BBC Will Cape Town be 1/12/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/business News the first city to run -42626790 out of water? BBC Why Cape Town's 10/29/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News trains are on fire in africa-45990981 South Africa BBC Drought-hit Cape 2/10/2018 encourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News Town rejoices at africa-43016321 rainfall BBC Cape Town storm 6/7/2017 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News kills eight africa-40185177 BBC Cape Town’s slave 10/23/2018 encourage http://www.bbc.com/travel/gallery/2 News ship secret 0181022-cape-towns-slave-ship- secret BBC Is India's 3/6/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News Bangalore doomed asia-india-43252435 to be the next Cape Town? BBC Cape Town braces 6/6/2017 discourage https://www.bbc.com/weather/featu News for Heavy rains res/40178282 BBC Cape Town storm: 6/7/2017 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/av/worl News Waves crash into d-africa-40191625/cape-town-storm- carpark waves-crash-into-carpark BBC South Africa: Cape 1/18/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News Town slashes water africa-42731084 use amid drought DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 58

BBC Cape Town 1/26/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/av/news News running out of beat-42831917/cape-town-running- water is 'nothing out-of-water-is-nothing-new-for- new' for some some-people people BBC Africa's biggest 9/22/2017 encourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News modern art gallery africa-41362753 opens in Cape Town BBC What happened to 5/18/2018 encourage https://www.bbc.com/news/av/busin News Cape Town's 'Day ess-44170561/what-happened-to- Zero'? cape-town-s-day-zero BBC Why is Cape Town 2/18/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/ News Running Out of w3csvsyq Water? BBC Nigeria's Victor 9/24/2017 encourage https://www.bbc.com/sport/football News Obinna chose Cape /41378951 Town City over Europe BBC Cape Town give 1/19/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/pidgin/tori- News people only 2 42692922 minutes to bath BBC Drought in Cape 12/8/2017 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/av/busin News Town hits local ess-42281867/drought-in-cape-town- economy hits-local-economy BBC Sanctions see Ajax 5/18/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/sport/football News Cape Town /44124485 relegated after end of season BBC Morris Minor 6/4/2018 encourage https://www.bbc.com/news/uk- News Aberdeen to Cape scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland- Town trip in 44355681 father's memory BBC Triathlon World 2/12/2018 encourage https://www.bbc.com/sport/triathlon News Cup: Vicky /43036779 Holland wins gold on return in Cape Town BBC Celtic: Ajax Cape 8/21/2018 encourage https://www.bbc.com/sport/football News Town announce /41006511 that deal agreed to sell Rivaldo Coetzee The CAPE TOWN 2/5/2018 discourage https://www.independent.co.uk/trav Independe DROUGHT: THE el/africa/cape-town-drought- nt ALTERNATIVE alternative-tourist-destinations- PLACES TO south-africa-holiday-day-zero- VISIT ON YOUR johannesburg-a8194716.html SOUTH DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 59

AFRICAN HOLIDAY The Cape Town is 3/3/2018 discourage https://www.independent.co.uk/envi Independe approaching ronment/cape-town-drought-day- nt drought ‘Day zero-climate-change-global-warming- Zero’, and climate south-africa-a8236511.html change could be to blame The CAPE TOWN 2/26/2016 encourage https://www.independent.co.uk/trav Independe TRAVEL TIPS: el/48-hours-in/cape-town-travel-tips- nt WHERE TO GO where-to-go-and-what-to-see-in-48- AND WHAT TO hours-a6897581.html SEE IN 48 HOURS The CAPE TOWN 3/7/2018 discourage https://www.independent.co.uk/trav Independe DROUGHT: ‘DAY el/news-and-advice/cape-town- nt ZERO’ WILL BE drought-day-zero-cancelled-2018- AVOIDED IN water-shortage-government- 2018, a8244116.html GOVERNMENT SAYS The CAPE TOWN 2/2/2018 discourage https://www.independent.co.uk/trav Independe DROUGHT: el/news-and-advice/cape-town- nt FROM NOT drought-water-shortage-luxury-five- FLUSHING THE star-hotels-day-zero-laundry- TOILET TO NOT showers-toilet-flush-pool- WASHING YOUR a8191966.html HANDS, HERE'S WHAT YOU'LL EXPERIENCE AT A LUXURY HOTEL The CAPE TOWN 1/30/2018 discourage https://www.independent.co.uk/trav Independe DROUGHT: HOW el/africa/cape-town-drought-latest- nt LOCALS AND updates-local-south-africa-tourists- TOURISTS ARE effects-travel-holidays-business- BEING a8185166.html AFFECTED The EVERYTHING 2/2/2018 discourage https://www.independent.co.uk/trav Independe YOU NEED TO el/news-and-advice/cape-town- nt KNOW ABOUT drought-day-zero-safe-to-travel- THE CAPE effect-travellers-western-cape-day- TOWN zero-a8192316.html DROUGHT The CAPE TOWN 2/2/2018 discourage https://www.independent.co.uk/trav Independe DROUGHT- el/news-and-advice/cape-town- nt AFFECTED drought-day-zero-approaches- RESIDENTS bottled-water-limits-south-africa- NOW ON 50 tourism-a8190551.html LITRES OF DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 60

WATER PER DAY AS CRISIS WORSENS The Cape Town dreads 2/24/2018 discourage https://www.independent.co.uk/arts- Independe ‘Day Zero’ when entertainment/photography/cape- nt the taps will run town-drought-water-shortage-day- dry zero-a8223106.html The Day Zero: The city 2/6/2018 discourage https://www.independent.co.uk/new Independe of Cape Town is s/long_reads/day-zero-cape-town- nt about to run out of drought-no-water-run-out-reservoir- water – its main supply-12-per-cent-16-april-south- reservoir is only africa-a8195011.html 12% full The CAPE TOWN 2/6/2018 discourage https://www.independent.co.uk/trav Independe DROUGHT: ‘DAY el/news-and-advice/cape-town- nt ZERO’ drought-latest-day-zero-11-may- PROJECTION pushed-back-water-shortage-south- PUSHED BACK africa-a8196516.html TO 11 MAY The Cape Town could 1/17/2018 discourage https://www.independent.co.uk/new Independe become first major s/world/africa/cape-town-run-out- nt city in world to run water-major-city-south-africa-90- out of water after days-drought-a8164141.html 90-day warning The CAPE TOWN 1/24/2018 discourage https://www.independent.co.uk/trav Independe DROUGHT: CITY el/news-and-advice/cape-town- nt BEYOND ‘POINT drought-water-shortage-tourists- OF NO RETURN’ reservoir-south-africa-a8175686.html AND WILL RUN OUT OF WATER IN APRIL, WARNS MAYOR The Cape Town 2/10/2018 encourage https://www.independent.co.uk/new Independe residents rejoice as s/world/africa/rain-cape-town-south- nt rain falls on africa-latest-drought-hit-city-3mm- drought-hit South rationing-a8204571.html African city The CAPE TOWN’S 8/24/2017 encourage https://www.independent.co.uk/trav Independe BEST TIDAL el/africa/cape-town-tidal-pools-wild- nt SWIMMING swimming-st-james-millers-point- POOLS soetwater--saunders- rocks-a7907076.html The FORGET WINE – 8/23/2018 encourage https://www.independent.co.uk/trav Independe CAPE TOWN el/africa/cape-town-gin-tour-south- nt NOW HAS A africa-wine-craft-spirits-pepperclub- NEW GIN TOUR hotel-a8504191.html The CAPE TOWN: 3/14/2016 encourage https://www.independent.co.uk/trav Independe GOURMET el/africa/cape-town-gourmet- nt delights-and-a-weak-rand-make-the- DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 61

DELIGHTS ON city-a-tempting-prospect- THE CHEAP a6925571.html The HOW CAPE 7/12/2017 encourage https://www.independent.co.uk/trav Independe TOWN BECAME el/africa/cape-town-modern-art-hub- nt AFRICA'S south-africa-woodstock- MODERN ART contemporary-up-and-coming-artists- HUB zeitz-mocaa-a7832701.html The CAPE TOWN’S 9/30/2018 discourage https://www.independent.co.uk/life- Independe UNFINISHED style/design/cape-town-s-unfinished- nt FREEWAYS: freeways-what-it-will-take-to- WHAT IT WILL complete-the-job-a8556446.html TAKE TO COMPLETE THE JOB The THE SCARIEST 5/25/2017 neutral https://www.independent.co.uk/trav Independe EXPERIENCES el/news-and-advice/worlds-longest- nt OF WOMAN bike-ride-scary-experiences-woman- WHO CYCLED alice-morrison-timbuktu-bbc-cairo- FROM CAIRO TO cape-town-12000km-a7749581.html CAPE TOWN ON WORLD'S LONGEST BIKE RIDE The From Cairo to 7/20/2018 neutral https://www.independent.co.uk/arts- Independe Cape Town: 125 entertainment/photography/africa- nt years of Africa in photos-national-geographic-cairo- photos egypt-cape-town-century-125-years- a8450931.html The Daily Charlotte Crosby 11/3/2018 discourage https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/enter Record rushed to hospital tainment/celebrity/charlotte-crosby- with broken nose in rushed-hospital-broken-13529906 Cape Town after terrifying accident Belfast PM dons her 8/28/2018 encourage https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/ Telegraph dancing shoes on news/uk/pm-dons-her-dancing- Cape Town school shoes-on-cape-town-school-visit- visit 37259337.html The Times Antarctic icebergs 4/30/2018 discourage https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/a to be towed to ntarctic-iceberg-offers-relief-to- thirsty Cape Town parched-cape-town-399n6j53r The Times Cape Town: South 9/10/2017 encourage https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/c Africa’s new ape-town-south-africas-new-capital- capital of culture of-culture-5x85cwq55 The Times Cape Town asks 1/30/2018 discourage https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/c for disaster zone ape-town-asks-for-disaster-zone- status to stave off status-to-stave-off-drought- drought 3ktqsw33g DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 62

The Times Wasteful wealthy 2/10/2018 discourage https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/ put Cape Town on wasteful-wealthy-put-cape-town-on- brink of brink-of-water-crisis-5b6ps23mw water crisis The Times Cape Town will 1/29/2018 discourage https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/c run out of water ape-town-weeks-away-from-running- within weeks out-of-water-stgfdx0g6 The Times Secret Cape Town: 11/24/2016 encourage https://www.thetimes.co.uk/expert- five intriguing traveller/destinations/africa/south- things to do africa/secret-cape-town-five- intriguing-things-to-do The Times Gangsters’ lawyer 10/30/2018 discourage https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/g shot dead on angsters-lawyer-shot-dead-on- school run in Cape school-run-in-cape-town-83b0vrbvk Town The Times Henri van Breda 11/1/2017 discourage https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/h tells trial in Cape enri-van-breda-tells-trial-in-cape- Town how axeman town-how-axeman-murdered-family- murdered family 25qb2x9cb Irish Cape Town water 3/7/2018 discourage https://www.irishtimes.com/news/w Times supply unlikely to orld/africa/cape-town-water-supply- hit ‘Zero Day’ this unlikely-to-hit-zero-day-this-year- year 1.3418416 Irish Cape Town: A 9/22/2018 encourage https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and- Times perfect base for a style/travel/long-haul/cape-town-a- sea adventure with perfect-base-for-a-sea-adventure- the marine 'Big with-the-marine-big-five-1.3629388 Five' Irish ‘Day Zero’ pushed 2/7/2018 discourage https://www.irishtimes.com/news/w Times back as Cape Town orld/africa/day-zero-pushed-back-as- responds to water cape-town-responds-to-water-crisis- crisis 1.3383555 Irish Time trickling 1/27/2018 discourage https://www.irishtimes.com/news/w Times away for Cape orld/africa/time-trickling-away-for- Town’s water cape-town-s-water-supply-1.3369700 supply Irish Cape Town in May 12/14/2017 encourage https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and- Times from €695 and style/travel/cape-town-in-may-from- other great holiday 695-and-other-great-holiday- bargains bargains-1.3327203 Irish Wild Geese: A new 3/23/2018 neutral https://www.irishtimes.com/business Times leaf and three /work/wild-geese-a-new-leaf-and- careers in Cape three-careers-in-cape-town- Town 1.3435106?mode=sample&auth- failed=1&pw- origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.irishti mes.com%2Fbusiness%2Fwork%2Fwil DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 63

d-geese-a-new-leaf-and-three- careers-in-cape-town-1.3435106 Irish Dancefloor 8/28/2018 encourage https://www.irishtimes.com/news/of Times diplomacy: Theresa fbeat/dancefloor-diplomacy-theresa- May dances with may-dances-with-school-kids-in-cape- school kids in Cape town- Town 1.3610094?mode=sample&auth- failed=1&pw- origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.irishti mes.com%2Fnews%2Foffbeat%2Fdan cefloor-diplomacy-theresa-may- dances-with-school-kids-in-cape- town-1.3610094 Irish Sensors help police 10/10/2016 discourage https://www.irishtimes.com/business Times curb gang violence /sensors-help-police-curb-gang- in Cape Town violence-in-cape-town- 1.2854954?mode=sample&auth- failed=1&pw- origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.irishti mes.com%2Fbusiness%2Fsensors- help-police-curb-gang-violence-in- cape-town-1.2854954 Irish Heavy lifting puts 2/2/2018 neutral https://www.irishtimes.com/business Times Irish strongman /work/heavy-lifting-puts-irish- back on his feet in strongman-back-on-his-feet-in-cape- Cape Town town- 1.3377757?mode=sample&auth- failed=1&pw- origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.irishti mes.com%2Fbusiness%2Fwork%2Fhe avy-lifting-puts-irish-strongman-back- on-his-feet-in-cape-town-1.3377757 Irish Wild Geese: ‘Cities 5/17/2018 encourage https://www.irishtimes.com/business Times like Cape Town /work/wild-geese-cities-like-cape- and Nairobi are town-and-nairobi-are-already-world- already world-class class-innovation-hubs- innovation hubs’ 1.3498002?mode=sample&auth- failed=1&pw- origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.irishti mes.com%2Fbusiness%2Fwork%2Fwil d-geese-cities-like-cape-town-and- nairobi-are-already-world-class- innovation-hubs-1.3498002 Irish Ireland claim 6/11/2016 neutral https://www.irishtimes.com/sport/ru Times historic victory gby/international/ireland-claim- over South Africa historic-victory-over-south-africa-in- in Cape Town cape-town- DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 64

1.2681431?mode=sample&auth- failed=1&pw- origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.irishti mes.com%2Fsport%2Frugby%2Finter national%2Fireland-claim-historic- victory-over-south-africa-in-cape- town-1.2681431 Evening 10 reasons to visit 10/23/2017 encourage https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle Standard Cape Town as soon /travel/10-reasons-to-visit-cape- as possible town-this-year-a3663151.html Evening Your ultimate 7/13/2018 encourage https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle Standard guide to Cape /travel/georgia-hopkins- Town itsbeautifulhere-cape-town-guide- a3881571.html Evening What to do about 2/2/2018 discourage https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle Standard your Cape Town /travel/cape-town-run-out-of-water- holiday if the city travel-cancellation-a3756576.html runs out of water Evening A weekend away in 1/25/2016 encourage https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle Standard Cape Town /travel/a-weekend-away-in-cape- town-south-africa-a3164591.html Evening Cape Town 1/24/2018 discourage https://www.standard.co.uk/news/w Standard drought: South orld/cape-town-warned-it-could-lose- Africans warned clean-water-supply-by-april- they could lose a3748601.html clean water supply by April Evening The Silo in Cape 11/9/2017 encourage https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle Standard Town might well /travel/the-silo-hotel-cape-town- be the most review-a3686136.html incredible hotel you ever stay in Evening Africa by rail: from 2/12/2018 encourage https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle Standard Cape Town to Dar /travel/travelling-africa-by-rail-from- es Salaam cape-town-to-dar-es-salaam- a3764556.html Evening Kensington Place, 11/21/2017 encourage https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle Standard Cape Town - hotel /travel/kensington-place-cape-town- review hotel-review-a3697471.html Evening Cape Town 2/2/2018 discourage https://www.standard.co.uk/news/w Standard residents rationed orld/cape-town-residents-rationed- to 50l of clean to-50l-of-water-per-day-as-day-zero- water per day as approaches-a3756736.html drought worsens Evening Theresa May visits 8/28/2018 encourage https://www.standard.co.uk/news/w Standard Nelson Mandela's orld/theresa-may-visits-nelson- cell on Robben mandelas-cell-on-robben-island-cape- Island in Cape Town hours after DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 65

securing first post- town-hours-after-securing-first- Brexit trade deal a3922011.html


Appendix B: US Headline Analysis

News Headline Date Impact Link Outlet NY A $1,000 Day in 11/8/2017 encourage https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/08 Times Cape Town for $100 /travel/cape-town-budget.html NY Dangerously Low 1/30/2018 discourage https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/30 Times on Water, Cape /world/africa/cape-town-day- Town Now Faces zero.html ‘Day Zero’ NY 36 Hours in Cape 7/19/2018 encourage https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/ Times Town 2016/07/15/travel/what-to-do-36- hours-in-capetown.html NY There Is a Water 12/27/2017 discourage https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/27 Times Crisis in Cape /travel/water-crisis-cape-town- Town. Travelers travelers.html Should Be Prepared (and Can Help). NY Running Dry in 2/1/2018 discourage https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/01 Times Cape Town /opinion/cape-town-drought-day- zero.html NY Cape Town’s New 4/14/2018 neutral https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/14 Times Masculinity /style/cape-town-south-africa- masculinity.html NY Cape Town Pushes 2/20/2018 discourage https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/20 Times Back ‘Day Zero’ as /world/africa/cape-town-water-day- Residents Conserve zero.html Water NY House Hunting in ... 4/12/2017 encourage https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/12 Times Cape Town /realestate/real-estate-in-cape- town.html NY A Beachside Home 3/6/2016 encourage https://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/ Times in Cape Town 2016/03/06/realestate/a-beachside- home-in-cape-town.html NY Converted Winery 4/12/2017 encourage https://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/ Times Near Cape Town 2017/04/12/realestate/converted- winery-near-cape-town.html Washingt After years of 2/8/2018 discourage https://www.washingtonpost.com/gra on Post drought, Cape Town phics/2018/world/capetown-water- is about to run out of shortage/?noredirect=on&utm_term=. water f1349c0c5c84 Washingt What do tourists 2/26/2018 neutral https://www.washingtonpost.com/life on Post need to know about style/travel/what-do-tourists-need-to- the Cape Town know-about-the-cape-town- drought? drought/2018/02/25/46c178dc-1670- 11e8-8b08- 027a6ccb38eb_story.html?utm_term= .73ea6514521b DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 67

Washingt Cape Town has a 7/10/2018 discourage https://www.washingtonpost.com/ne on Post new apartheid ws/theworldpost/wp/2018/07/10/cape -town/?utm_term=.4b6c7354a383 Washingt Cape Town still has 4/23/2018 discourage https://www.washingtonpost.com/ne on Post water — for now. ws/monkey- This may take cage/wp/2018/04/23/cape-town-still- political solutions as has-water-for-now-this-may-take- well as technical political-solutions-as-well-as- fixes. technical-fixes/ Washingt Divided by drought 2/23/2018 discourage https://www.washingtonpost.com/ne on Post ws/world/wp/2018/02/23/feature/as- cape-towns-water-runs-out-the-rich- drill-wells-the-poor-worry-about- eating/ Washingt On 'Day Zero,' Cape 2/5/2018 discourage https://www.washingtonpost.com/ne on Post Town will run out of ws/monkey-cage/wp/2018/02/05/on- water. It's not the day-zero-cape-town-will-run-out-of- only city at risk. water-other-cities-are-in-the-same- boat/ Washingt Cape Town pushes 2/20/2018 discourage https://www.washingtonpost.com/wor on Post back ‘Day Zero’ to ld/africa/cape-town-pushes-back-day- July 9 in water crisis zero-to-july-9-in-water- crisis/2018/02/20/6f01fbea-1630- 11e8-930c- 45838ad0d77a_story.html?utm_term =.6d1feffb0b0a Washingt Cape Town water 2/3/2018 discourage https://www.washingtonpost.com/vid on Post crisis prompts fears eo/world/fears-that-tourism-could- tourism could slump dry-up-amid-cape-town-water- crisis/2018/02/03/48ff12c8-08f9- 11e8-aa61- f3391373867e_video.html?utm_term =.bb3accbe428d Washingt Cape Town is 1/17/2018 discourage https://www.washingtonpost.com/vid on Post running out of water eo/world/cape-town-is-running-out- of-water/2018/01/17/53e6f28c-fb7f- 11e7-9b5d- bbf0da31214d_video.html?utm_term =.93dda8027409 Washingt Water donations 2/6/2018 discourage https://www.washingtonpost.com/vid on Post gush into Cape eo/world/water-donations-gush-into- Town to push back cape-town-to-push-back-day- 'Day Zero' zero/2018/02/06/f72f6be4-0b43- 11e8-998c- 96deb18cca19_video.html?utm_term =.6f424ff55f08 DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 68

Washingt Cape Town grain 9/18/2017 encourage https://www.washingtonpost.com/vid on Post silo turned into eo/world/cape-town-grain-silo- Africa's largest art turned-into-africas-largest-art- museum museum/2017/09/18/16769bb8-9c8f- 11e7-b2a7- bc70b6f98089_video.html?utm_term =.483dfb7ad886 Washingt Strong winds nearly 3/13/2017 neutral https://www.washingtonpost.com/vid on Post blow cyclists over, eo/world/strong-winds-nearly-blow- force cancellation of cyclists-over-force-cancellation-of- Cape Town event cape-town- event/2017/03/13/0399be6c-07e3- 11e7-bd19- fd3afa0f7e2a_video.html?utm_term=. 8bb228650038 USA Cape Town could be 1/19/2018 discourage https://www.usatoday.com/story/news Today the first major city /world/2018/01/19/cape-town-could- in the world to run first-major-city-run-out- out of water water/1047237001/ USA Cape Town Climate 3/21/2018 encourage https://traveltips.usatoday.com/cape- Today & Weather town-climate-weather-14031.html USA Cape Town could 2/14/2018 discourage https://www.usatoday.com/story/news Today run out of water by /world/2018/02/14/water-crisis-cape- June town-day-zero-june/337844002/ USA What's next if Cape 2/3/2018 discourage https://www.usatoday.com/story/news Today Town becomes the /world/2018/02/03/cape-town-runs- first major city to out-water-day-zero-predicted-happen- run out of water? april/303863002/ USA Day Zero': What 2/8/2018 discourage https://www.usatoday.com/story/news Today Cape Town's water /world/2018/02/03/day-zero-what- crisis says about cape-towns-water-crisis-inequality- inequality south-africa/303542002/ USA Cape Town suffers 1/19/2018 discourage https://www.usatoday.com/picture- Today major water gallery/news/world/2018/01/19/cape- rationing town-suffers-major-water- rationing/109619834/ USA Cape Town may 3/7/2018 discourage https://www.usatoday.com/story/news Today have averted water /world/2018/03/07/cape-town-tap- crisis – for now closure-less-likely-because- conservation/403104002/ USA Russell Wilson, 7/8/2018 encourage https://seahawkswire.usatoday.com/2 Today Ciara honeymoon to 018/07/08/russell-wilson-ciara- Cape Town, South honeymoon-to-cape-town-south- Africa africa/ USA Cape Town crisis: 4 2/14/2018 discourage https://www.usatoday.com/videos/ne Today million people will ws/2018/02/14/cape-town-crisis-4- run out of water million-people-run-out- water/110417852/ DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 69

USA Cape Town is 90 1/16/2018 discourage https://www.usatoday.com/videos/ne Today days away from ws/world/2018/01/16/cape-town-90- running out of water days-away-running-out- water/109503066/ USA Theresa May dances 8/28/2018 encourage https://www.usatoday.com/videos/ne Today with students in ws/have-you- Cape Town seen/video/2018/08/28/theresa-may- dances-along-students-cape-town- school/1119816002/ USA Drought-devastated 1/11/2018 discourage https://www.usatoday.com/videos/ne Today Cape Town looks ws/world/2018/01/11/drought- for water in major devastated-cape-town-looks-water- aquifer major-aquifer/109373290/ USA Cape Town grain 9/18/2018 encourage https://www.usatoday.com/videos/tra Today silo turned into vel/2017/09/18/cape-town-grain-silo- Africa's largest art turned-into-africas-largest-art- museum museum/105756174/ Wall Cape Town May 2/21/2018 discourage https://www.wsj.com/articles/cape- Street Dry Up Because of town-may-dry-up-because-of-an- Journal an Aversion to Israel aversion-to-israel-1519254816 Wall A Museum of 9/14/2017 encourage https://www.wsj.com/articles/a- Street Contemporary museum-of-african-contemporary-art- Journal African Art to Open to-open-in-cape-town-1505426400 in Cape Town LA How Cape Town 4/1/2018 neutral http://www.latimes.com/world/africa/ Times found water savings la-fg-south-africa-drought-20180401- California never story.html dreamed of LA In Cape Town, 'Day 1/19/2018 discourage http://www.latimes.com/world/africa/ Times Zero' is coming very la-fg-south-africa-water-crisis- soon — the day the 20180119-story.html water runs out LA Sam Heughan on 8/3/2018 encourage http://www.latimes.com/fashion/la-ig- Times Cape Town, the wwd-spying-on-sam-heughan- power of exercise 20180803-story.html and 'The Spy Who Dumped Me' NY Daily Cape Town 1/31/2018 discourage http://www.nydailynews.com/newswi News tightening water res/news/world/cape-town-tightening- restrictions again water-restrictions-drought-article- amid drought 1.3790132 NY Daily South Africa’s Cape 3/13/2017 neutral http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/ News Town Cycle Tour more-sports/cycle-tour-cancelled- cancelled after riders-blown-wind-article-1.2996657 riders get blown over by 62 mph wind NY Post Cape Town pushes 2/6/2018 discourage https://nypost.com/2018/02/06/cape- back dreaded ‘Day town-pushes-back-dreaded-day-zero/ Zero’ DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 70

NY Post Salvagers want to 5/1/2018 discourage https://nypost.com/2018/05/01/salvag tow icebergs to ers-want-to-tow-icebergs-to-solve- solve Cape Town’s cape-towns-drought/ drought Boston As Cape Town’s 2/24/2018 discourage https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/ Globe water runs out, rich world/2018/02/24/cape-town-water- drill wells and poor runs-out-rich-drill-wells-and-poor- worry worry/AuOB0vfLezDfNOPwwhGQ4 O/story.html Boston Great beauty - and 2/20/2016 encourage https://www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyl Globe gradual progress - in e/travel/2016/02/20/great-beauty-and- Cape Town gradual- progress/Q0E0hHLsFgUAgF2bES8r LI/story.html Boston This home 8/2/2016 encourage https://www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyl Globe practically beckons e/real-estate/2016/08/02/cape-town- you to the Cape home-captures-colors-allure-sand- and- sea/UBq9GEsK36ONdm3oosf4LK/st ory.html San Water woes wane in 10/31/2018 encourage https://www.sfgate.com/chris- Francisco Cape Town- but mcginnis/article/South-Africa- Chronicle tourists still skittish drought-wanes-13351406.php San Rain finally falls in 2/18/2018 encourage https://www.sfgate.com/chris- Francisco Cape Town mcginnis/article/Rain-finally-falls-in- Chronicle Cape-Town-12605213.php San As Cape Town's 2/23/2018 discourage https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/ Francisco water runs out, the As-Cape-Town-s-water-runs-out-the- Chronicle rich drill wells. The rich-drill-12703921.php poor worry about eating. San Essay: Scrounging 2/13/2018 discourage https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/ Francisco for Water in Cape Essay-Scrounging-for-Water-in- Chronicle Town drought is my Cape-Town-drought-12609557.php daily chore San Cape Town artist 10/13/2018 neutral https://www.sfgate.com/news/world/a Francisco fights gang violence rticle/Cape-Town-artist-fights-gang- Chronicle with beach violence-with-beach-13304424.php calligraphy San Cape Town 1/31/2018 discourage https://www.sfgate.com/world/article/ Francisco tightening water Cape-Town-tightening-water- Chronicle restrictions again restrictions-again-12540896.php amid drought San 60 mph winds 3/13/2017 neutral https://www.sfgate.com/technology/b Francisco wreaked havoc on a usinessinsider/amp/60-mph-winds- Chronicle cycling race in wreaked-havoc-on-a-cycling-race-in- South Africa and 11001189.php sent riders' bikes flying DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 71

Chicago Cape Town pushes 2/5/2018 discourage https://www.chicagotribune.com/new Tribune back 'Day Zero' — s/nationworld/ct-cape-town-water- when water taps will crisis-20180205-story.html turn off due to drought — by a month Chicago As Cape Town's 2/24/2018 discourage https://www.chicagotribune.com/new Tribune water runs out, the s/nationworld/ct-south-africa-water- rich drill wells. The 20180224-story.html poor worry about eating. British The city break... 9/1/2018 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/art Daily Cape Town: From icle-6121389/How-spend-48-hours- Mail historical landmarks Cape-Town.html to an iconic cable car ride, see it all in 48 hours British From Cape Town's 9/2/2017 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/art Daily beaches and scenic icle-4479478/An-ultimate-guide- Mail mountain hikes to its Cape-Town-s-hotels-beaches- best vineyards and wine.html hotels: An ultimate guide to the South African hot spot that has it all British Shocking satellite 2/2/2018 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti Daily images show Cape cle-5339593/Shocking-satellite- Mail Town drying out as images-Cape-Town-drying-out.html water doomsday approaches British Cape Town is the 9/14/2018 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/tra Daily cheapest long-haul vel_news/article-6163683/Cape- Mail destination for Town-cheapest-long-haul-destination- British British-holidaymakers-Seychelles- holidaymakers priciest.html followed by Tokyo British Cape Town is 1/29/2018 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti Daily warned it faces riots cle-5324817/Drought-hit-Cape- Mail as it prepares for 'the Town-braces-9-11-level-crisis.html worst crisis any city has faced since 9/11' with water due to run out by April 12 British Cape Town's water 2/3/2018 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/ Daily crisis highlights article-5347463/Cape-Towns-water- Mail city's rich-poor crisis-highlights-citys-rich-poor- divide divide.html British Massive icebergs 7/4/2018 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencete Daily could be wrapped in ch/article-5916649/Icebergs-towed-1- Mail insulation and towed DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 72

1,200 miles from 200-miles-Cape-Town-provide-water- Antarctica to drought-stricken-South-Africa.html provide water for drought-stricken South Africa, claims marine salvage expert Nick Sloane British Cape Town is 90 1/16/2018 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti Daily DAYS away from cle-5275997/Cape-Town-90-DAYS- Mail running out of away-running-water.html water: Seaside metropolis could become the first major city in the world to run dry, mayor warns British South Africa puts on 3/13/2018 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/art Daily a show: A thrilling icle-5473757/New-art-gallery-V- Mail new makeover of Waterfront-Cape-Town.html the waterfront has given Cape Town a fresh face British Woman, 22, is 3/8/2018 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti Daily found guilty of cle-5477109/Woman-convicted- Mail beheading and beheading-Sottish-grandmother- totally Cape-Town.html dismembering 74- year-old Scottish grandmother after breaking into her home in Cape Town British Cape Town is the 9/16/2016 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/tra Daily cheapest long-haul vel_news/article-3793181/Cape- Mail resort this year, Town-cheapest-long-haul-resort-year- beating Bali for the beating-Bali-time.html first time British Shocking satellite 2/2/2018 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/ne Daily images show Cape ws/video-1620186/Shocking-satellite- Mail Town drying out images-Cape-Town-drying-out.html British Nicole Scherzinger 2/19/2017 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowb Daily shows off her ample iz/article-4240014/Nicole- Mail assets and incredibly Scherzinger-shows-assets-Cape- toned abs in tiny Town.html sports bra as she films a commercial in Cape Town British Michaela Strachan 5/12/2018 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/yo Daily on dancing, u/article-5703633/Emotional-ties- Mail droughts and her Michaela-Strachan-dancing-droughts- really-wild-life-Cape-Town.html DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 73

really wild life in Cape Town

British Feel like a right 12/29/2017 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowb Daily mug': Richard E. iz/article-5221035/Richard-E-Grant- Mail Grant reveals he was robbed-cash-machine-Cape- ROBBED at an Town.html ATM in Cape Town... but brushes off the unfortunate incident by joining his daughter Olivia at the beach British 8 dead as storm 6/7/2017 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/ Daily brings rain to article-4579984/Storm-brings-relief- Mail drought-hit Cape parched-Cape-Town.html Town British How was YOUR 10/20/2017 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti Daily journey to work? cle-5000158/Passengers-smash- Mail Desperate windows-cling-train.html passengers smash train windows so they can cling to the side of overcrowded carriages in South Africa British Son accused of 4/24/2017 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti Daily slaughtering his cle-4439476/Son-accused-killing- Mail millionaire parents parents-axe-murder-testify.html and brother with an axe claims they were killed by a 'laughing attacker' as he fights to retain huge inheritance British Witness insists 'loud 5/16/2017 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti Daily and aggressive' cle-4512110/Witness-insists- Mail family fight before overheard-fatal-Cape-Town- slaughter of wealthy attack.html couple WASN'T just them watching Star Trek film at full volume on their new home cinema British Six month old girl 1/3/2017 discourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti Daily dies in her father's cle-4084680/Six-month-old-girl-dies- Mail arms after she's hit father-s-arms-s-hit-stray-bullet- by a stray bullet shootout-gang-members-Cape- during a shootout Town.html between gang DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 74

members in Cape Town

British Smile! Divers take 10/16/2018 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti Daily stunning selfie with cle-6281231/Divers-stunning-selfie- Mail SIX FOOT LONG SIX-FOOT-LONG-sunfish-Cape- sunfish after the Town.html cartoon-like creature surfaces and swims alongside them off Cape Town British Makeup-free Kate 1/28/2018 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowb Daily Beckinsale puffs on iz/article-5322475/Kate-Beckinsale- Mail electronic cigarette films-new-ITV-drama-Widow-Cape- as she takes break Town.html from shooting scenes for her new ITV drama The Widow in South Africa British PM dons her 8/28/2018 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/pa/ Daily dancing shoes on article-6105361/May-dons-dancing- Mail Cape Town school shoes-Cape-Town-school-visit.html visit British Duo cycle the length 6/13/2017 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/tra Daily of the planet from vel/video-1482491/Duo-cycle-length- Mail Nordkapp to Cape planet-Nordkapp-Cape-Town.html Town British Millie Mackintosh is 12/28/2016 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowb Daily body-beautiful in a iz/article-4070364/Millie- Mail tiny black bikini in Mackintosh-poses-bikini-Cape-Town- Cape Town... as she 18th-holiday-2016.html ends the year with her 18th holiday British He NOSE it's nasty! 8/20/2016 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowb Daily Ethan Hawke iz/article-3750485/Ethan-Hawke- Mail indulges in indulges-unsavoury-habit-waits- unsavoury habit as flight-Cape-Town.html he waits for flight in Cape Town British Kate Beckinsale 11/6/2018 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/tv Daily films 'The Widow' showbiz/video-1622024/Video-Kate- Mail on location in Cape Beckinsale-films-Widow-location- Town Cape-Town.html British Bikini-clad Millie 12/29/2016 encourage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowb Daily Mackintosh and iz/article-4073146/Bikini-clad-Millie- Mail beau Hugo Taylor Mackintosh-boyfriend-Hugo-Taylor- show off their inked inked-backs-hit-beach-Cape-Town- backs as they hit the holiday-18-2016.html DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 75

beach in Cape Town on holiday number 18 of 2016

CNN 30 best things to do 7/27/2018 encourage https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/ca in Cape Town, pe-town-best-things/index.html South Africa CNN In less than 3 1/31/2018 discourage https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/24/afri months, a major ca/cape-town-water-crisis- international city trnd/index.html will likely run out of water CNN For the first time in 3/11/2018 encourage https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/20/opi a long time, I'm nions/cape-town-day-zero-delay- optimistic opinion-joseph/index.html CNN Satellite images 1/31/2018 discourage https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/31/afri show Cape Town's ca/cape-town-satellite-images- dwindling reservoir trnd/index.html as the city slowly runs out of water CNN Cape Town drought: 2/16/2018 neutral https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/ca Should travelers still pe-town-drought-visit/index.html visit? CNN Best things to do in 2/16/2018 encourage https://www.cnn.com/travel/gallery/th Cape Town ings-to-do-in-cape-town/index.html CNN In my city of Cape 3/11/2018 discourage https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/01/opi Town, there is only nions/cape-town-water-crisis-opinion- one topic of joseph/index.html conversation: water CNN Cape Town: Insider 3/25/2017 encourage https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/in Travel Guide sider-guide-cape-town/index.html CNN How businesses in 3/21/2018 neutral https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/21/afri Cape Town keep the ca/cape-town-water- taps from running business/index.html dry CNN I almost got into a 3/11/2018 discourage https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/26/opi fight over water in nions/cape-town-johannesburg-water- an airport bathroom opinion-joseph/index.html CNN Could icebergs be 5/2/2018 neutral https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/01/afri the answer to Cape ca/iceberg-cape-town-drought- Town's water crisis? wxc/index.html CNN Cape Town's 'Day 2/5/2018 discourage https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/05/afri Zero' pushed back ca/cape-town-day-zero- amid decline in intl/index.html agricultural water use CNN Cape Town cuts 2/1/2018 discourage https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/01/afri limit on water use ca/cape-town-water-crisis- intl/index.html DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 76

by nearly half as 'Day Zero' looms CNN Cape Town's 'Day 2/20/2018 discourage https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/20/afri Zero' forecast ca/cape-town-day-zero-delayed- pushed to July intl/index.html CNN Cape Town rejoices 2/13/2018 encourage https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/11/afri as rain falls on ca/cape-town-rain-day-zero- drought-stricken city intl/index.html CNN 7 stunning Cape 2/6/2017 encourage https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/se Town vineyards ven-best-cape-town- with food as good as vineyards/index.html the wine CNN Day Zero looms 2/5/2018 discourage https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2018/ over Cape Town 02/05/exp-water-crisis-deepens-in- south-africa.cnn CNN Cape Town is 3/7/2018 discourage https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/07/vr/c running out of water ape-town-south-africa-water-crisis- vr/index.html CNN Cape Town business 2/13/2018 discourage https://money.cnn.com/2018/02/13/ne owners fear water ws/economy/cape-town-water-crisis- taps running dry day-zero/index.html CNN Cape Town's water 2/20/2018 discourage https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/01/afri crisis ca/gallery/cape-town-drought-water- restrictions/index.html CNN Meet the Cape 6/20/2016 encourage https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2 Malays of Cape 016/06/20/inside-africa-the-cape- Town malays-spc-b.cnn CNN Fall in love with 7/20/2018 encourage https://www.cnn.com/videos/travel- Cape Town in 60 stay/2018/07/20/cape-town-south- seconds africa-video-tour.cnn CNN Cape Town: The 2/12/2018 encourage https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2 new Hollywood? 018/02/12/marketplace-africa-cape- town-the-new-hollywood-b.cnn CNN Cape Town may be 1/25/2018 discourage https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2 running out of water 018/01/25/cape-town-drought- michael-holmes-cnni.cnn CNN The Silo: Is this 6/21/2017 encourage https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/so Africa's best new uth-africa-hotel-silo/index.html hotel? CNN Cape Town Needs a 5/26/2017 discourage https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/ Miracle 2017/05/26/exp-cape-town-needs-a- miracle.cnn ABC The apocalyptic 2/21/2018 discourage https://abcnews.go.com/International/ News atmosphere in Cape reporters-notebook-apocalyptic- Town as residents atmosphere-cape-town-residents- struggle to survive: struggle/story?id=53217859 Reporter's notebook DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 77

ABC Cape Town may 3/8/2018 encourage https://abcnews.go.com/International/ News 'completely' avert cape-town-completely-avert-day- 'Day Zero’ water officials/story?id=53607900 crisis, officials say ABC What to see and 5/13/2017 encourage https://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/skip News what to skip in Cape -cape-town/story?id=47390627 Town ABC One family's 2/21/2018 discourage https://abcnews.go.com/International/ News struggle to conserve familys-struggle-conserve-water-dire- water in dire Cape cape-town- Town drought drought/story?id=53199256 ABC Cape Town 2/10/2018 discourage https://abcnews.go.com/International/ News welcomes much- cape-town-welcomes-needed-rain- needed rain, but day-looms/story?id=52985293 'Day Zero' still looms ABC Cape Town tightens 2/1/2018 discourage https://abcnews.go.com/International/ News water restrictions as cape-town-tightens-water-restrictions- 'Day Zero' looms day-looms/story?id=52767410 ABC Drought-stricken 1/17/2018 discourage https://abcnews.go.com/International/ News Cape Town, South drought-stricken-cape-town-south- Africa, could run africa-run-water/story?id=52402170 out of water by April's 'day zero' ABC Drought-stricken 1/23/2018 discourage https://abcnews.go.com/International/ News Cape Town, South drought-stricken-cape-town-south- Africa, moves up africa-moves-day/story?id=52553321 'day zero' date in April when it could run out of water ABC Drone Captures 1/24/2017 encourage https://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/dro News Breathtaking Sunset ne-captures-breathtaking-sunset- Proposal on proposal-glistening-cape- Glistening Cape town/story?id=45008514 Town Hilltop ABC Cape Town awaits 2/8/2018 discourage https://abcnews.go.com/International/ News 'Day Zero,' when the video/cape-town-awaits-day-drought- drought-plagued city plagued-city-runs-52936322 runs out of water Fox Cape Town braces 2/5/2018 discourage https://www.foxnews.com/world/cape News for civil unrest as -town-braces-for-civil-unrest-as-citys- city's water crisis water-crisis-continues-to-worsen continues to worsen Fox Cape Town prepares 1/24/2018 discourage https://www.foxnews.com/world/cape News to run out of water -town-prepares-to-run-out-of-water- as severe drought as-severe-drought-worsens-ahead-of- worsens ahead of day-zero 'Day Zero' DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 78

Fox Day Zero': Water 1/26/2018 discourage https://www.foxnews.com/world/day- News shut-off looms in zero-water-shut-off-looms-in-south- South Africa's Cape africas-cape-town Town Fox Drought-stricken 1/18/2018 discourage https://www.foxnews.com/world/drou News Cape Town tightens ght-stricken-cape-town-tightens- water restrictions water-restrictions Fox Cape Town's water 2/3/2018 discourage https://www.foxnews.com/world/cape News crisis highlights -towns-water-crisis-highlights-citys- city's rich-poor rich-poor-divide divide Fox Cape Town's water 2/1/2018 discourage https://www.foxnews.com/world/cape News restrictions bring -towns-water-restrictions-bring- creative responses creative-responses Fox Cape Town pushes 2/13/2018 discourage https://www.foxnews.com/world/cape News 'Day Zero' back to -town-pushes-day-zero-back-to-june- June 4 in water 4-in-water-crisis crisis Fox Cape Town artist 10/13/2018 discourage https://www.foxnews.com/world/cape News fights gang violence -town-artist-fights-gang-violence- with beach with-beach-calligraphy calligraphy Fox Cape Town pushes 2/20/2018 discourage https://www.foxnews.com/world/cape News back 'Day Zero' to -town-pushes-back-day-zero-to-july- July 9 in water crisis 9-in-water-crisis Fox Desmond Tutu 10/7/2018 encourage https://www.foxnews.com/world/des News spends 87th birthday mond-tutu-spends-87th-birthday-in-a- in a Cape Town cape-town-hospital hospital Fox British PM Theresa 2/28/2018 encourage https://video.foxnews.com/v/5827786 News May dance in Cape 457001/?#sp=show-clips Town Fox South African 1/29/2018 discourage https://www.foxnews.com/world/sout News charity to stockpile h-african-charity-to-stockpile-water- water for dry Cape for-dry-cape-town Town CBS Cape Town, on 1/19/2018 discourage https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cape- News verge of running out town-drought-water-shortage-south- of water, braces for africa/ "chaos" CBS Water crisis spurs 2/14/2018 discourage https://www.cbsnews.com/news/south News new breed of -africa-water-shortage-cape-town- criminal in Cape drought-water-restrictions-patta/ Town CBS Gunshot detection 7/11/2018 encourage https://www.cbsnews.com/news/afric News system helping awatch-gunshot-detection-system- police crack down helping-police-crack-down-on-crime- on crime in Cape in-cape-town/ Town DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 79

BBC Icebergs and empty 5/13/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News pools: Five things africa-43989106 Cape Town's Day Zero taught us BBC Cape Town water 1/24/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News crisis: 'My wife africa-42787773 doesn't shower any more' BBC Cape Town drought 2/13/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News declared a 'national africa-43047833 disaster' BBC Cape Town water 1/26/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News crisis: Residents africa-42836560 urged to turn off toilet taps BBC Cape Town drought: 3/7/2018 encourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News South African city africa-43321093 may avoid 'Day Zero' BBC Cape Town anger 8/5/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News over slave quarter africa-44777755 gentrification BBC Will Cape Town be 1/12/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/business- News the first city to run 42626790 out of water? BBC Why Cape Town's 10/29/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News trains are on fire in africa-45990981 South Africa BBC Drought-hit Cape 2/10/2018 encourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News Town rejoices at africa-43016321 rainfall BBC Cape Town storm 6/7/2017 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News kills eight africa-40185177 BBC Cape Town’s slave 10/23/2018 encourage http://www.bbc.com/travel/gallery/20 News ship secret 181022-cape-towns-slave-ship-secret BBC Is India's Bangalore 3/6/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News doomed to be the asia-india-43252435 next Cape Town? BBC Cape Town braces 6/6/2017 discourage https://www.bbc.com/weather/feature News for Heavy rains s/40178282 BBC Cape Town storm: 6/7/2017 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world- News Waves crash into africa-40191625/cape-town-storm- carpark waves-crash-into-carpark BBC South Africa: Cape 1/18/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News Town slashes water africa-42731084 use amid drought BBC Cape Town running 1/26/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/av/newsb News out of water is eat-42831917/cape-town-running-out- 'nothing new' for of-water-is-nothing-new-for-some- some people people DROUGHTS AND TOURISM IN CAPE TOWN 80

BBC Africa's biggest 9/22/2017 encourage https://www.bbc.com/news/world- News modern art gallery africa-41362753 opens in Cape Town BBC What happened to 5/18/2018 encourage https://www.bbc.com/news/av/busine News Cape Town's 'Day ss-44170561/what-happened-to-cape- Zero'? town-s-day-zero BBC Why is Cape Town 2/18/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w News Running Out of 3csvsyq Water? BBC Nigeria's Victor 9/24/2017 encourage https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/4 News Obinna chose Cape 1378951 Town City over Europe BBC Cape Town give 1/19/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/pidgin/tori- News people only 2 42692922 minutes to bath BBC Drought in Cape 12/8/2017 discourage https://www.bbc.com/news/av/busine News Town hits local ss-42281867/drought-in-cape-town- economy hits-local-economy BBC Sanctions see Ajax 5/18/2018 discourage https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/4 News Cape Town 4124485 relegated after end of season BBC Morris Minor 6/4/2018 encourage https://www.bbc.com/news/uk- News Aberdeen to Cape scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland- Town trip in father's 44355681 memory BBC Triathlon World 2/12/2018 encourage https://www.bbc.com/sport/triathlon/4 News Cup: Vicky Holland 3036779 wins gold on return in Cape Town BBC Celtic: Ajax Cape 8/21/2018 encourage https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/4 News Town announce that 1006511 deal agreed to sell Rivaldo Coetzee