14th - 16th October 2016


TC0 Rally Start Tobermory

SS1 Mishnish Lochs S1 F1

S2 SS5 Glen Aros/ Calgary Bay

S5 SS2 Hill Road/ TC5A Loch Tuath End of Leg1 F5 Salen Hotel

F2 Regroup Garmony

F4 S4

Service A SS4 Knock 1

SS3 Loch Kinloch 1 S3


Stage Road Closed Open SS1 Mishnish B8073 from Rockfield, 1808 2308 Lochs 1 Tobermory to SS2 Hill Road/ C45 Hill Road & B8073 1825 2325 Loch Tuath from Dervaig to Gruline via Torloisk SS3 Loch Kinloch 1 B8035 from A849 at 2107 0207 Kinloch Junction to Balevulin SS4 Knock 1 B8035 from 2131 0231 Balmeanach Road to Knock Farm SS5 Glen Aros/ C46 & B8073 from 2200 0300 Calgary Bay Aros Bridge to Rev 4 Torloisk via Dervaig © Crown Copyright and database rights 2016. Ordnance Survey 2016 Mull Rally Leg 2 Saturday 15th Oct

Regroup, Service B & C Tobermory

SS10/ 13 S9/ F9/ 12 Penmore 1/2 12

SS9/ 12 Mishnish Lochs S10/ F11/ 2/3 13 14 F10/ 13

S11/ 14

SS11/ 14 Ensay/ Hill Road 1/2 TC14A End of Leg 2 Salen Hotel

F8 S8

TC5B Start SS8 of Leg 2 Knock Craignure

SS7 Loch Kinloch S7


Stage Road Closed Open SS6 C49 Ardtun Loop off the 1108 1608 B849. S6 SS7 B8035 from A849 at 1147 1647 Loch Kinloch 2 Kinloch to Balevulin F6 SS6 SS8 B8035 from 1210 1710 Ardtun Knock 2 Balmeanach Road to Knock Farm SS9/12 B8073 from Tobermory 1320 1820 Mishnish Lochs 2/3 to Dervaig SS10/13 B8073 Dervaig to Ensay 1337 1837 Penmore1/2 via Calgary SS11/14 B8073 & C45 Ensay to 1351 1851 Ensay/Hill Road 1/2 Dervaig via Torloisk and Rev 2 Hill Road © Crown Copyright and database rights 2016. Ordnance Survey 2016 Mull Rally Leg 3 Saturday 15th Oct

TC18A End of Rally Tobermory


SS18 Glen Aros /Achnadrish S15

SS15 Calgary Bay/ TC14B Start of Loch Tuath S18 Leg 3 Salen Hotel


S16 F16

Regroup & Service D SS16

SS17 Scridain F17


Stage Road Closed Open SS15 Calgary Bay/ B8073 Dervaig to Loch Tuath Killiechronan via 2053 0153 Calgary SS16 B8035 from 2129 0229 Ben More Balmeanach Road to Knock Farm SS17 B8035 from Balevulin to 2153 0253 Scridain A849 at Kinloch SS18 Glen Aros / C46 & B8073 from Aros 0005 0505 Achnadrish Bridge to Rockfield, Rev 3 Tobermory via Dervaig. © Crown Copyright and database rights 2016. Ordnance Survey

Dear Resident,

Beatson’s Building Supplies Mull Rally – 14th - 16th October 2016

The purpose of this letter is to inform you of our plans for the 2016 Mull Rally and give you some advice to be followed during the event. Every year that the rally runs it can only be done with your support and co-operation. We gratefully rely on the residents along the route of the stages for their contribution to the safe running of the event.

Included in this information booklet is both a list and maps giving the route and timings of this year’s event. We have kept the route almost the same as last year. This means that we will start and finish the Mishnish Lochs stages from Rockfield in Tobermory to allow spectators to watch at the Glengorm crossroads. The last stage of Saturday night will finish in Tobermory with the end of the stage at Rockfield and the ceremonial finish at the bottom of the hill in Ledaig car park.

This information can also be found on the event website – www.mullrally.org where you can also find contact details for the senior officials along with other general information. From Thursday 13th October and over the weekend of the rally if you have any questions or problems during the preparation and set up the Stage Commander will be pleased to help you and his contact details are given below.

Stage Commanders Shakedown Stage Keith Cowan 07879 895527 SS2 Hill Road/Loch Tuath Colin Christie 07786 017734 SS11/14 Ensay/Hill Road SS6 Ardtun Miles Whitlock 07774 977586

SS3/7 Loch Kinloch Jon Cordery 07748 809277 SS17 Scridain 07710 128824 SS4/8 Knock David Thompson 07934 008792 SS16 Ben More SS5 Glen Aros / Calgary Bay Pete Henness 07778 385128 SS10/13 Penmore 07836 228631 SS15 Calgary Bay/ Loch Tuath SS1 Mishnish Lochs Graham Frary 07855 834862 SS9/12 Mishnish Lochs SS18 Glen Aros/ Achnadrish

When the road past your property is closed for the running of the stage, If you have an emergency and you require assistance from the emergency services, please dial 999 or 112 as normal, but you must tell the operator that the road is closed for the Rally.

Please also contact the Rally Control on the emergency number given at the bottom of the page. Rally Control has members of the emergency services present.

If you have no telephone - go ON FOOT to the nearest phone, or to a Marshal, who will be at the junction nearest your home. DO NOT walk on the road, as the Stage may be active. Tell the Marshal what your problem is, and he will communicate your problem to the Rally Control by the rally radio network.

This is the only way the Rally can be stopped - so please use the procedure as outlined above if the need arises.


We would also ask for your co-operation with the following during the road closure:  Do not attempt to drive or cycle on the road as you may be putting your life and that of others in extreme danger.  Ensure that any animals, especially dogs and horses, are safely kept away from the road.  Ensure that any vehicles & machinery belonging to you is kept well clear of the road.  Inform any possible visitors to your home who may not be aware of the Road Closure Times. e.g. Milkman, Doctor, Vet, etc.

Again, we thank you for your co-operation and we will endeavour to keep your inconvenience to a minimum, and hope you enjoy the weekend.

The rally will be held under the General Regulations of The Motor Sports Association (incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA)

Beatson’s Building Supplies Mull Rally Road Closure Times 2016

Leg 1 Start Tobermory 14th/15th October Road Proposed Closure Stage Name Description of Closure Stages Number(s) Times Shakedown U12 Access road from A849 to 0900-1200 SD Mishnish Rockfield in Tobermory to Kilmore Terrace at B8073 1808-2308 1 Lochs 1 Dervaig Hill Road/ Dervaig to Killiechronan via Hill Road and C45/B8073 1825-2325 2 Loch Tuath Torloisk Junction Loch B8035 B8035 from A849 at Kinloch to Balevulin 2107-0207 3 Kinloch 1 Knock 1 B8035 from 1 mile south of Balmeanach to B8035 2131-0231 4 Gruline C46 from Aros Bridge to Dervaig and B8073 Glen Aros / C46/B8073 from Dervaig via Calgary to its junction with 2200-0300 5 Calgary Bay the C45 at Torloisk.

Leg 2 Start Craignure 15th October Ardtun C49/U57 Ardtun loop off the B849 & Millbrae Road 1108-1608 6 Loch B8035 B8035 from A849 Kinloch to Balevulin. 1147-1647 7 Kinloch 2 Knock 2 B8035 1 Mile south of Balmeanach to Gruline 1210-1710 8 Mishnish Rockfield in Tobermory to Kilmore Terrace at B8073 1320-1820 9/12 Lochs 2 & 3 Dervaig Penmore 1 & B8073 from junction with the C45 to Torloisk 10/13 & 1337-1837 2 B8073 junction 11/14 Ensay/ Hill Torloisk junction via Hill Road C45 to the B8073/C45 1351-1851 11/14 Road 1 & 2 junction with the B8073 near Dervaig

Leg 3 Start Salen 15th /16th October Calgary Bay From Dervaig to Killechronan via Calgary 2053-0153 15 / Loch Tuath B8073 Bay. Ben More B8035 from Gruline to 1 mile south of B8035 2129-0229 16 Balmeanach Scridain B8035 B8035 from Balevulin to A849 at Kinloch 2153-0253 17 Glen Aros/ C46 from Aros Bridge to Dervaig And B8073 C46/B8073 0005 - 0505 18 Achnadrish from Dervaig to Rockfield in Tobermory

Version 1 1/06/2016