Parallel Computing Hardware and Software Architectures for High Performance Computing
Proceedings of Student-Faculty Research Day, CSIS, Pace University, May 1st, 2015 Parallel Computing Hardware and Software Architectures for High Performance Computing Leigh Anne Clevenger, Hugh Eng, Kevin Khan, Javid Maghsoudi, and Mantie Reid Seidenberg School of CSIS, Pace University, White Plains, New York Parallel computing can be found in the science and engineer- Abstract — Parallel computing is critical in many areas of com- ing fields: electronic circuit designs, molecular sciences such puting, from solving complex scientific problems to improving the as pharmacology, and gene engineering, for example. Other computing experience for smart device and personal computer us- parallel computing applications include medical imaging, med- ers. This study investigates different methods of achieving paral- ical radiation therapy, and oil exploration. For the military, lelism in computing, and presents how parallelism can be identi- problems that require parallel computing include weapons de- fied compared to serial computing methods. Various uses of par- sign, stealth designs of planes and ships, and tracking move- allelism are explored. The first parallel computing method dis- cussed relates to software architecture, taxonomies and terms, ment of planes, ships, and troops. memory architecture, and programming. Next parallel computing In 1966, Michael J. Flynn proposed what is known as Flynn’s hardware is presented, including Graphics Processing Units, Taxonomy. This is a classification that breaks computer archi- streaming multiprocessor operation, and computer network stor- tecture down by the number of instructions that can be handled age for high capacity systems. Operating systems and related soft- concurrently. The first classification is Single Instruction, Sin- ware architecture which support parallel computing are dis- gle Data Stream (SISD).
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