Easy Interpretation of Qur’an

www.finalrevelation.net 1 Few important features included… 1. Used Noble Qur’an translation (Darussalam, ). 2. tree with 25 . Used English names. 3. Prophet r’s life with events every year. 3. Last Sermon & letters to Leaders, Kings. 4. Qur’an compilation - today’s Qur’an is the same as compiled. 5. All words translated except , Rabb. No use of ‘’. Extra words in parenthesis are for clarification only. 6. All numerical values are expressed like…1/6, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 100, 1,000, 50,000. 7. Chapter # and Ayat # are numbered: Ya-Seen Last ayat: 36:83

www.finalrevelation.net 2 Some Surah with 2 Names # Surah Name Name Used 35 Fatir (Originator of Creation) / Fatir Al-Mala’ikah (The ) 40 Ghafir (Forgiver) / Ghafir Al-Muminun (The Believer) 47 Muhammad (Muhammad) / Muhammad Al-Qital (The Fighting) 76 Ad-Dhar (Time) / Ad - Dhar Al-Ihsan (Man)

www.finalrevelation.net 3 Use regular quotations: “……..” even for several ayats

1st Quotation Use Quotation in Quotation like this: “ ‘………….’ ” 1st Quotation 2nd Quotation

nd Lower case 2 Quotation Continuation 109. Al-Kafirun : The Disbelievers In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful 109.1 Say (O Muhammad r): “O disbelievers! 109.2 ‘I do not worship that whom you worship, 109.3 nor will you worship that whom I worship. 109.4 I will never worship those (deities) whom you worship, 109.5 nor will you ever worship (Allah) whom I worship, 109.6 to you be your religion, and to me my religion ().’ ” www.finalrevelation.net 4 Use regular quotations: “……..” even for several ayats Lower case 78. An-Naba : The great News In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful 78:6 Has not Allah made the earth like a bed, 78:7 the mountains as pegs, 78:8 created you in pairs, 78:9 made your sleep for rest, Continuation 78:10 made the night as a covering, 78:11 made the day (to work) for livelihood, 78:12 built above you 7 strong (heavens), 78:13 placed in it a shinning lamp (sun), 78:14 sent down abundant water from the clouds, 78:15 thereby to produce corn and vegetation in it, 78:16 and gardens of thick growth? www.finalrevelation.net 5 Prophets mentioned in the Qur’an English Names

Abraham Salih

Ishmael Shuaib Isaiah

Zachariah Elias John Muhammad www.finalrevelation.net # Prophet Places, Nations, Landmarks Map Locations 1 Adam Makkah, Jeddah, India, Sri Lanka, 1, 3, 75, 76, 74 2 Enoch , Hebron, Manf 64, 35, 30 3 Noah People of Noah (Kufah), Mt. Judi 65, 72 4 Hud Al-Ahqaf, People of Ad (former houses) 19, 21 5 Salih Hadramawt, Madain , People of 24, 23, 22 6 Ur, Babylon, Harran, Aleppo, , Hebron, Makkah, Al-Gizah 66, 64, 52, 57, 33, 35, 1, 31 7 Isaac Ur, Babylon, Urfa, Jerusalem, Hebron 66, 64, 67, 33, 35 8 Makkah, Mina, Muzdalefa, Arafat 1, 4, 5, 6 9 Lot , Dead Sea, Sughar 54, 39, 55 10 Jacob Hebron, Jerusalem, Harran, Faddan, Manf, Heliopolis 35, 33, 52, 41, 30, 29 11 Joseph Jerusalem, Hebron, San Al-Hajar 33, 35, 32 12 Shuaib , Al-Aikah (Tabuk) 18, 16 13 Moses Manf, Midian, Al-Aqabah, Mt. Tur, Heliopolis, Red Sea, Sinai, River, Mt. 30, 18, 60, 17, 29, 47, 73, 51, Nibu 62 14 Aaron Sinai, Mt. Haur 73, 61 15 Elias Balabak, Jal'ad, B'ir Sheva, Sinai 45, 53, 42, 73 16 Elisha Balabak, Jal'ad, B'ir Sheva, Sinai 45, 53, 42, 73 17 David Ashdod, Bait Dajan, Ramlah, Abu Ghush, Jerusalem 48, 44, 37, 59, 33 18 Solomon Jerusalem, Ashdod, Asqalan (Valley of the Ants), (Yemen), Queen Bilqis 33, 48, 49, 26, 27 19 Job Bathaniyyah, Damascus, Adoum 46, 38, 58 20 Isaiah Mt. Qasiyun (Damascus) 56 21 Jonah Jaffa, Aleppo, Nasibain, Minawa (Mosul) 50, 57, 63, 68 22 Zachariah Jerusalem, Aleppo 33, 57 23 John Jerusalem, Damascus 33, 38 24 Jesus Bethlehem, Nazareth, Gaza, Farma, Heliopolis, , Jerusalem 34, 36, 40, 43, 29, 51, 33 25 Muhammad Makkah, Syria, Taif, Jerusalem, Al-Aqabah, Madinah, Badr, Uhud, Hudaibiyah, 1, 74, 11, 33, 60, 2, 9, 8, 10, Khaibar, Mutah, Hunayun, Tabuk, Mina, Muzdalefa, Arafat 13, 14, 12, 15, 4, 5, 6 www.finalrevelation.net 7 Location of Places, Nations, Landmarks 70 72 Caspian Sea 71 69 Turkey 67

52 41 63 57 68 Jordan Iraq Syria 74 Euphrates Tigris Cyprus

Palestine 64 Persia 66 65 Sinai 73 45

17 38 18 15 16 56 46 Mediterranean Sea 22 13 36 The Gulf 23 8 50 51 53 2 37 Saudi Arabia 44 59 9 48 33 34 28 49 39 62 Sudan 3 1 4 32 40 35 10 5 43 14 42 7 6 54 12 11 31 55 29 30 58

20 60 Red Sea 21 61 19 47 24 Arabian Sea Jerusalem Makkah 1 M6 Abyssinia 26 33 25 Yemen 27

J1 J2

Kabah M5

M1 M2 1 M3 India M4 75

www.finalrevelation.net Sri Lanka8 76 Year Life of Prophet Muhammad (r) - Example Age Muhammad (r) Event participated CE Event * Age 570 Birth of Prophet Muhammad (r) at Makkah (March / April). 0 His father Abdullah died several months before he was born. He was raised by Halimah as wet-mother’ 610 First revelation came (August) to Muhammad (r) at Cave 40 Hira with a message (verses 96:1-5) from Allah by the . 630 Victory of Makkah (January); The Prophet entered Makkah 60 with 10,000 without any bloodshed. The Makkans joined the Muslims after they saw no revenge or retaliation rather he announced general amnesty to all the enemies and treated the citizens of the city with generosity. Hunain Expedition (February); Tabuk Expedition (October - December). * Prophet Muhammad (r) participated in expeditions in Bold. www.finalrevelation.net 9 Prophet’s reaching out to Kings and Leaders Heraclius Seal of the Prophet (Rome) Al-Mada’in Damascus Jerusalem Persia Alexandria 1. Abyssinia Bahrain 2. Bahrain Madinah213456789 3. Al-Madain Oman 4. Jerusalem Yamamah 5. Alexandria Makkah 6. Oman 7. Yamamah 8. Damascus 9. Heraclius Abyssinia

www.finalrevelation.net 10 632 Death of Muhammad (r) (June). He was buried in Madina 62+ Masjid. During the last 10 years of his life… • he destroyed idolatry in Arabia; • raised status of women to complete legal equality with men; • stopped drunkenness and immorality in the society; • made people live with faith, sincerity and honesty; • transformed the nation from the ignorance of darkness into fully knowledgeable societies. • His mission transformed a society from all forms of injustice into universal human brotherhood as servants of Allah.

Within 100 years, Islam and his way of life had spread from the remote corners of Arabia to as far EAST as Indo-China and as far WEST as Morocco, France, and Spain. He is the LAST messenger for the entire world from the SAME Allah of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. The Qur'an is the FINAL REVELATION. The Last Sermon of the Prophet Muhammad. The History of Compilation of the Qur'an. www.finalrevelation.net 11 Numbering Surah Example System 1. Al-Fatihah : The Opening 1.1 In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. 1.2 All the praises be for Allah, the Rabb (few meanings are: Master, Owner, Sustainer, Guardian) of the worlds.

1.3 The Gracious, the Merciful. Extra 1.4 Owner of the Day of Judgment. Word 1.5 You (Allah) alone we worship and you (Allah) alone we seek help. 1.6 Guide us to the right way. 1.7 The way of those whom you (Allah) have favored; not of those who have earned your (Allah’s) wrath, nor of those who have lost the way.

www.finalrevelation.net 12 Letters from Pentagon

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