Hart Carries All but Capital
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«r%f — » — -~ --- -• r -- - „- Placement question delays decision on Bolton soccer field by the Recreation Commission will $100,000 he will recommend scrap BOLTON - The Public BuildinK ''Inembers still came down on the and officials from the. school ball on the proposed field in the fall cost considerably more than the ping the project aUbgether, but Commission decided Monday to side of caution. The exception was board, the Recreation Commission will tear up the ground so badly it $89,000 Mortensen has estimated, added he woulcP^ke to have Praise the Lord delay work on the Bolton High John F. Sambogna, who argued and the Board of Selectmen take a cannot be used for softball in the Department heads submit Meese welcomes probe, especially if the workds done over engineering estimates for each School soccer field until school and that the project is bogged down. look at it. spring and summer. The Recrea several years, as Mortensen has yerly phase of the project before town officials determine if a "They'll say, 'I don't like this, I PBC member Michael P. Mis- tion Commission has proposed that pass the chill proposed. worrying about the cost of the extensive town “wish llsf says he can do good fob proposal to move the field 10 feet don't like that'; pretty soon they're sar! made an impassioned .plea two softball fields by cut next to the Mortensen remained unmoved project itself. west of the site originally proposed going to say, 'Hey, you didn't get Monday to Recreation Director exisUng two at Herrick Park and by Missari's alternate proposal, V ... page 13 will encroach on an adjacent the soccer field done,"' Sambogna Gary Mortensen for a scaled-down that" a football field be laid in the page 3 ... page 4 saying that the football and soccer softball field. said. improvement plan at Herrick center of all four. organizations in town would never Julius Caesar conquered the Frustrated by other officials' Chairman Ronald Heim said he Memorial Park and a combined Preliminary plans also call for a agree to share one field. Netherlands In 55 B.C ., when It was’ conflicting opinions of the plans hopes to settle the plans in a week, football-soccer field at Bolton High fence around the area and lighting Mortensen said if the park inhabited by Celtic and Germanic and eager to deliver a playable after town engineer A.R. Lom School. to make night games possible. improvements cost more than tribes. field to the town, commission bardi stakes out the proposed field Missari predicted .allowing foot Missarls said the plan conceived NOTICE ouraen on current foxes, with the result that current taxes revenue are 68% of the proposed totol revenues for F Y 1984/85, an Increase of 1% from FY 1983/84. i„u..*m .nfk PUBLIC HEARINQ Other revenue Item changes which are worthy of mention Include InterMton njmstmeniM. BOARD OF DIRECTORS which has Increased by 850,000, presuming Increased principal to Investpndo m o l^ o n c e o f Manchester, Conn. Area Towns RECOIitfwMENDED BUDOETB OF GENERAL MANAOER MONDAY, APRL 2, IBM — IDO P.M. current Interest rates, ond Federal Revenue Sharing, which will decreoM b y ^ jO W d u e to ^ Cloudy today; WADDELL SCHOOL AUDITORIUM reduction In our eligibility In the latter holt of FY 1984/85 as determined by the Federal Wednesday, March 28,1984 103 BROAD STREET Government. • ' storm Thursday In Brief MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT Single copy: 25« A Public Heorlno on th« General AAonoeer'i Recommended Town Budget for the Fiscal Year PERSONNEL — See page 2 July 1, 1984 - June 30. 1985 will be held on Mondoy. April 2, 1984 at 8:00 P.M . at the Waddell The Personal Services fntrles for all elements ot this budget are based upon an Library to open late School Auditorium, 163 Brood Street, Monchester, C T. estimated 5% cost of living Increment for personnel representedbv bargaining units ondfor 1M4-05 RECOMMENDED BUDGET SUMMARY department heads and mid-management personnel. All bargaining unit controctsare ^ e r BOLTON — This Wednesday Bentley Memorial Expendeded Adopted Estimoted Recommended negotiation for the upcoming tiscol year. Any changes In thpf percentage resulting from the Library will not open until 2 p.m. It will remain negotiations orposslblesubsequontarbltrotlonwlllalter the Personal Services requirements open until 5 p.m. and open again in the evening General Fund 35,495,082 38,481,935 39,481,706 42,027,434 for departments emplovlng bargaining unit members. I will recommend that department- Data Processing 777,476 305,976 305,976 321,768 heads and mid-management personnel receive the some cost of living increase as tne from 7 to 9 p.m. Water Fund 3,907,541 4,159,599 4,335438 4,998,437 bargaining unit personnel receive to maintain equity. Sewer Fund 1,570428 1,612440 1,573,961 2,039,230 Within the personnel area I feel consideration must be given In the near future to fll inG Town Fire District 2,763,439 3,047,149 3,023421 3,332,256 the currently vacant position of Personnel Supervisor. The t***!*?,;?* 1!^^ Plea out to clear graves Parking District Fund 77,022 104,000 101437 109,800 recruiting, Affirmative Action, contract negotiations and administrat on, staff training, ona TOTALS 44,091,188 47,711499 48,822,339 52,828,925 the need to develop on employee evaluation system require full time otrentlon of a Hart carries BOLTON — Those who have set decorations on staffperson coordinated and directed by the Assistant Town (Manager. The fuirts to fill tlws FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING BUDGET position ore not In this recommended budget, however, I hope thot you will give this need graves in Bolton Center and Belknap cemeteries Adopted Recommended serious attention during or subsequent to your budget review. must remove them before April 9 if they wish to j m a i ___ _______ 19M/15___ Also, I have recommended the reclassification of seven Individuals and/or positions os keep them, the Board of Selectmen has Generol Fund_______ the result of lob analyses conducted during the past year. I feel that these ortlons ore reoulrM. 2 announced. Debt Retirement 200400 200,000/ in order to mointain equity between positions with comparable responsibilities and duties. Street Lighting 188,222 195,000 The reclassificotlons and their costs In F Y 1984/85 ore: , 1. After that the grounds will be cleared to Insurance 175400 175,000 • Reclassification of the Police Mechanic Foreman to Master Mechanic — ( + s l,M l. all but capital prepare for spring mowing. Pension Contribution 250400 210,000 • Reclassification of the Human Services Secretary to Executive Secretary — (♦ 82681. r Fire District__________ • Reclassification of the Clerk II position In the Sanitation DIvIslontoClerk III — (+ 8525). • Relocation of the position of Gym Supervisor to Wage Group 36— ( + 8 1 ,^ ). Insurance 65,000 65,000 • Relocation of the position of Recreation Center Supervisor to .Wage Group 37 — Bv ClGV F. Richards Seniors get potiuck lunch ■ Soeclol Taxing District ( + 8286). United Press International Insurance 2400 2,500 • Relocation of the position ot Building Supervisor to Wage (5roup44— (+8181). Related stories BOLTON — Members of the Bolton Women's TOTAL REVENUE SHARING 080,722 847,500 • Relocation of the position ot Superintendent of Communications to Wage Group 52— Club will serve their favorite dishes at a luncheon ( + 81,183). ' HARTFORD - Sen. Gary Hart on pages 7 and 8 GENERAL MANAGER'S BUDGET MESSAGE carried the cities and the suburbs, for. the Bolton Senior Citizens Club Wednesday at March 20, 1984 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 12: 30 p.m. at Community Hall. Seniors are asked TO: Board of Directors Jewish and labor voters, the young, the The recommended appropriation (or Transfer to the Capital Improvement Reserve Is to bring their own place settings. FROM ; Robert B. Weiss, General Manager old and the affluent to overwhelm RE; RECOMME NDED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1984/85 8748,756. This Is a significant Increase over the 8240,745 adopted appropriation (or F Y 1983/84 W alter.. Mondale in the /Connecticut Blood pressure checks will be offered at 12:15, In accordance with Section 5-2 of the Charter of the Town of Manchester, I submit my Re . but one which I feel Is very necessary. The copltol prelects recommended In the General here last week and not much more time and a short meeting will follow lunch. commended Budget for the fiscal year July 1,1984 through June 30,1985. The Recommended I Manager's Budget In recent years have been severely reduced. Based on the comments I Democratic presidential primary. General Fund Budget totals 842,027,434. This represents on Increase of 83,545,499, or 9.2%, have received from the public and political leadership In the community, and punctuated by The only thing Hart didn't carry was in New Haven Monday night. recent problems In State Infrostructure, I have determined that It Is appropriate to The victory was Hart's first in a over the adopted budget for FY 1983/84.1 hove provided o summary table below which sets the capital city of Hartford and the out the dollar and percentage Increase for each molor General Fund activity and Indicates recommend thot this amount, which Is In excess of one mill In revenues, be transferred to the primary in two weeks, bu* it repres Drug group to meet again what percentage of the total Increase recommended Is being assigned toeoch activity. I trust Capitol Improvement Reserve. Included In the list of prelects to be supported by this state's black vote, which went strongly that this table will be helpful to you In reviewing the Recommended General Fund Budget.