TABLE OF CONTENTS October 1997 Issue 441 Vol. 39 No. 4 CHARLES N. BROWN 30th Year of Publication 19-Time Hugo Winner Publisher & Editor-in-Chief MAIN STORIES MARIANNE S. JABLON Managing Editor 1997 Hugo Awards Winners/7 FAREN C. MILLER Spinrad for a Dollar/8 LoneStarCon 2/8 HarperCollins Update/8 CAROLYN F. CUSHMAN “Fear Street” Moves to Golden/8 1996 Chesley Awards Winners/8 Editors THE DATA FILE KIRSTEN GONG-WONG Assistant Editor HWA Election Results/9 Auctions/9 EDWARD BRYANT Worldcons Updated/9 Announcements/9 MARK R. KELLY Legal News/9 Readings & Signings/9 RUSSELL LETSON Awards News/9 Financial News/69 GARY K. WOLFE Online News/69 Rights & Options/69 Contributing Editors Multi-Media Received/69 Publications Received/69 JONATHAN STRAHAN Visiting Editor INTERVIEWS WILLIAM G. CONTENTO Elizabeth A. 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