Do Not Submit - For Informational Purposes ONLY OMB No.: 0607-0998 Mailing this survey to the U.S. Census Bureau does not fulfill your reporting obligation Approval Expires: 05/31/2020 Do Not Mail - Report Online 2017 Economic Census RT-44592 - Confectiionery and Stores

Location Information


The reporting unit for this questionnaire is an esttablliishmentt. An establishment is generally a single physical location where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed.


Please update the location's physical address if needed.

Name 1

Store/Plant Do Not Mail - Report Online

Name 2

Number and Street

City, town, village, etc. State ZIP Code Select State or Territory 99999-9999

For Census Bureau Use Onlly

CFN Do Not Mail - Report Online

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Legal Boundary and Municipality

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:


Is this establishment physically located inside the legal boundaries of the city, town, village, etc.? Yes


No legal boundaries

Do not know

In what type of municipality is this establishment physically located? Do Not Mail - Report Online City, village, or borough

Town or township


Do not know Do Not Mail - Report Online

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Item 1: Employer Identification Number

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:


Is the Employer Identification Number (EIN) used on this establishment's latest 2017 Internal Revenue Service Form 941, Employer’s Federal Quarterly Tax Return?


No Do Not Mail - Report Online Do Not Mail - Report Online

RT-44592_mu.pdf Generated at 2018-03-16 08:51 AM 3 Do Not Submit - For Informational Purposes ONLY OMB No.: 0607-0998 Mailing this survey to the U.S. Census Bureau does not fulfill your reporting obligation Approval Expires: 05/31/2020 Do Not Mail - Report Online 2017 Economic Census RT-44592 - Confectiionery and Nut Stores

Item 1: Employer Identification Number - Enter/Update EIN

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:


What is this establishment’s 9-digit Employer Identification Number (EIN) used on its latest 2017 Internal Revenue Service Form 941, Employer’s Federal Quarterly Tax Return?

EIN 99-9999999 Do Not Mail - Report Online Do Not Mail - Report Online

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Item 3: Operational Status

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:


Which of the following best describes this establishment's operational status at the end of 2017?

In operation

Temporarily or seasonally inactive

Ceased operation

Sold or leased to another operator

Other Do Not Mail - Report Online Describe


If this establishment ceased operation or was sold or leased to another operator, what was the date?


If this establishment was sold or leased to another operator, what is the name, address, and 9-digit Employer Identification Number (EIN) of this establishment's new owner or operator?

Name of new owner/operator

Mailing Address (Number and Street, P.O. Box, etc.)

City, town, village, etc. State ZIP Code Select State or Territory 99999-9999 Do Not Mail - Report Online

EIN 99-9999999

RT-44592_mu.pdf Generated at 2018-03-16 08:51 AM 5 Do Not Submit - For Informational Purposes ONLY OMB No.: 0607-0998 Mailing this survey to the U.S. Census Bureau does not fulfill your reporting obligation Approval Expires: 05/31/2020 Do Not Mail - Report Online 2017 Economic Census RT-44592 - Confectiionery and Nut Stores

Item 4: Months in Operation

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:


Check if None 2017 What was the number of months in operation during 2017? Do Not Mail - Report Online Do Not Mail - Report Online

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General Reporting Guidelines

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:


Reporttiing Periiod Responses should cover calendar year 2017. If your fiscal year covers at least 10 months of calendar year 2017, you may report by fiscal year on all items EXCEPT payroll. Calendar year figures for payroll may be available from: IRS Form 941 (Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return) IRS Form 944 (Employer’s Annual Federal Tax Return) If you report by fiscal year, indicate the exact dates of the fiscal year on the submission certification screen.

Do Not Mail - Report Online Proviidiing Esttiimattes If book figures are not available, estimates are acceptable.

How tto Reportt Dollllar Fiigures:: Dollar figures should be rounded to tthousands of dollars.

Check if None 2017

EXAMPLE - if a dollar figure is $2,036,355.25, report 2036: $ 2036 ,000.00

Check if None 2017

EXAMPLE - if a dollar figure is "0" (or less than $500.00), check the None box: X $ ,000.00

How tto Reportt Percentts:: Percents should be rounded to wholle percents.


EXAMPLE - if figure is 38.76% of total sales, report 39: 39 % Do Not Mail - Report Online

RT-44592_mu.pdf Generated at 2018-03-16 08:51 AM 7 Do Not Submit - For Informational Purposes ONLY OMB No.: 0607-0998 Mailing this survey to the U.S. Census Bureau does not fulfill your reporting obligation Approval Expires: 05/31/2020 Do Not Mail - Report Online 2017 Economic Census RT-44592 - Confectiionery and Nut Stores

Item 5: Sales, Shipments, Receipts, or Revenue Additional Information

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:


Check if None 2017 What were the total sales of merchandise and other operating receipts? (Exclude sales taxes or other taxes collected.) $ ,000.00 Do Not Mail - Report Online Do Not Mail - Report Online

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Item 7: Employment and Payroll Additional Information

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:


IIncllude:: Full- and part-time employees working at this establishment whose payroll was reported on Internal Revenue Service Form 941, Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, and filed under the Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Excllude:: Temporary staffing obtained from a staffing service Contractors, subcontractors, or independent contractors Full- or part-time leased employees whose payroll was filed under an employee leasing company's EIN Purchased or managed services, such as janitorial, guard, or landscape services

Professional or technical services purchased from another firm, such as software consulting, computer programming, engineering, or accounting services Do Not Mail - Report Online For further clarification, click the "Additional Information" link above.

A.. Employment

Check if None 2017

What was the number of employees for pay period including March 12?

B.. Payroll before deductions (Exclude employer's cost for fringe benefits.)

Check if None 2017

1.. What was the annual payroll? $ ,000.00

$ ,000.00 2.. What was the first quarter payroll (January-March 2017)? Do Not Mail - Report Online

RT-44592_mu.pdf Generated at 2018-03-16 08:51 AM 9 Do Not Submit - For Informational Purposes ONLY OMB No.: 0607-0998 Mailing this survey to the U.S. Census Bureau does not fulfill your reporting obligation Approval Expires: 05/31/2020 Do Not Mail - Report Online 2017 Economic Census RT-44592 - Confectiionery and Nut Stores

Item 17: Principal Business or Activity

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:


Which ONE of the following best describes this establishment's principal kind of business or activity in 2017? If none of the provided selections seem appropriate, provide a specific description of the primary business activity. Sellectt onlly ONE..

445292 001 , nut, store, little or no preparing on premises

311351 002 candy store, preparing on premises

311340 002 Nonchocolate candy store, preparing on premises

722515 101 /soft serve shop Do Not Mail - Report Online

445291 001 , primarily selling goods not baked on premises for carry-out customers

311811 002 Bakery, primarily selling goods baked on premises for carry-out customers (no customer seating)

722515 702 Bakery cafe, primarily selling baked goods for eat-in customers

445110 001 Grocery store

445110 008 Natural or organic food store

445120 001 Convenience food store

447110 002 selling gasoline

445299 003 Coffee, tea, spice store

722515 501 Coffee shop

722513 003 restaurant

722511 001 Full-service restaurant, patrons order through waiter/waitress service and pay after eating

772000 001 Other principal business or activity - Describe

Describe Do Not Mail - Report Online

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Item 20: Class of Customer

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:


A.. As a general business practice, did this establishment sell to household consumers and individual users in 2017? Yes


B.. Were 75% or more of this establishment's sales to retailers/wholesalers/distributors for resale in 2017? Yes

No Do Not Mail - Report Online

C.. Did this establishment require proof of business or professional license from new customers in 2017? Yes


D.. What was the estimated percentage of this establishment's total sales by class of customer in 2017?


1.. Household consumers and individuals %

2.. Retailers for resale %

3.. Wholesalers/distributors for resale %

4.. Repair shops for use in repair work %

5.. Manufacturing and mining industrial users for use as input goods in production %

6.. Restaurants, hotels, food services, and contract feeding %

% 7.. Businesses for end use in their own operation, not for resale or production Do Not Mail - Report Online

8.. Building contractors, heavy construction, and special trade contractors %

9.. Farmers for use in farm production %

10.. Governmental bodies (Federal, state, and local) %

11.. Export sales %

12.. Other % Describe

13.. TOTAL (Sum of lines 1 through 12 should equal 100%.) %

RT-44592_mu.pdf Generated at 2018-03-16 08:51 AM 11 Do Not Submit - For Informational Purposes ONLY OMB No.: 0607-0998 Mailing this survey to the U.S. Census Bureau does not fulfill your reporting obligation Approval Expires: 05/31/2020 Do Not Mail - Report Online 2017 Economic Census RT-44592 - Confectiionery and Nut Stores

Item 21: Method of Selling

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:


Which ONE of the following best describes this establishment's principal method of selling in 2017? Electronic commerce (selling goods or facilitating the sale of goods via the Internet or other electronic means)

Store or display showroom (selling from a fixed or permanent location with physical displays of priced merchandise and/or from a counter)

Warehouse or office (including telephone/fax orders or outside sales representatives)

Mail order

Home shopping via television

Direct selling (selling in a face-to-face manner away from a fixed location, such as house-to-house, party plan, or temporary kiosk sales) Do Not Mail - Report Online

Vending machines

Other Describe Do Not Mail - Report Online

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Item 22: Detail of Sales, Shipments, Receipts, or Revenue

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:


Of the $,,000..00 of Sales, Shipments, Receipts, or Revenue reported in IIttem 5, what products and services were included? Sellectt ALL tthatt applly..

Descriipttiion Sellectt Productt Code

5000200000 1.. Retail sales of candy, prepackaged , and foods

2.. Retail sales of fresh meat and poultry 5000025000 (Report deli meats on line 7a and meats sold in a frozen state on line 8a.) Do Not Mail - Report Online 3.. Retail sales of fresh fish and seafood 5000050000 (Report fish and seafood sold in a frozen state on line 8a.)

4.. Retail sales of fresh and vegetables 5000075000 (Report frozen and vegetables on line 8a.)

5.. Retail sales of eggs and dairy (except ice cream) 5000100000 (Report deli cheeses on line 7a and ice cream and other frozen dairy products on line 8b.)

6.. Retail sales of baked goods packaged for future consumption (Include , , , and pies.) 5000125000 (Report candy and prepackaged cookies on line 1 and frozen baked goods on line 8a.)

5000150000 7.. Retail sales of perishable prepared foods purchased for future consumption

a.. Retail sales of delicatessen items, including deli meats and other service delicatessen items (except prepared 5000150003 sandwiches, dishes, and entrees)

5000150006 b.. Retail sales of soup and salad bars

5000150009 c.. Retail sales of all other perishable prepared foods, including prepared sandwiches, dishes, and entrees

5000175000 8.. Retail sales of frozen foods Do Not Mail - Report Online

5000175003 a.. Retail sales of frozen foods, excluding ice cream and other frozen dairy products

5000175006 b.. Retail sales of ice cream and other frozen dairy products

9.. Retail sales of food dry goods and other foods purchased for future consumption (Include , , fats and oils, 5000225000 coffee, , jams and jellies, pasta, and crackers.)

5000250000 10.. Retail sales of bottled, canned, or packaged soft drinks and nonalcoholic beverages

11.. Meals, , other food items, and nonalcoholic beverages, prepared and served or dispensed, for immediate 7000025000 consumption

7000060000 12.. Meals, snacks, other food items, and beverages prepared for catered events

5000300000 13.. Retail sales of bottled, canned, or packaged alcoholic beverages

RT-44592_mu.pdf Generated at 2018-03-16 08:51 AM 13 Do Not Submit - For Informational Purposes ONLY OMB No.: 0607-0998 Mailing this survey to the U.S. Census Bureau does not fulfill your reporting obligation Approval Expires: 05/31/2020 Do Not Mail - Report Online 2017 Economic Census RT-44592 - Confectiionery and Nut Stores

5000300003 a.. Retail sales of distilled spirits, including liquor, brandy, and liqueurs

5000300006 b.. Retail sales of wine

5000300009 c.. Retail sales of beer and ale

5000325000 14.. Retail sales of tobacco products and smoking accessories

15.. Retail sales of household paper and plastic products, except (Include paper towels, paper napkins, plastic 5000825000 bags, and waxed paper.) (Report toilet paper, facial tissues, and sanitary napkins on line 19.)

16.. Retail sales of tableware, kitchenware, cookware, and glassware (Include flatware, cutlery, paper and plastic 5000750000 tableware, and pots and pans.)

5001350000 17.. Retail sales of medicines, vitamins, minerals, and supplements

18.. Retail sales of cosmetics and fragrances (Include face cream and makeup.) Do Not Mail - Report Online 5001450000 (Report hair care products and nail polish on line 19.)

19.. Retail sales of personal hygiene supplies (Include hand and foot care products, eye/contact lens care products, oral 5001425000 hygiene products, deodorants, hair care products, nail polish, toilet paper, facial tissues, sanitary napkins, and disposable diapers.)

5000925000 20.. Retail sales of books (Include audio books and e-books.)

5000950000 21.. Retail sales of magazines and newspapers, including issue format comic books

22.. Retail sales of home lawn and garden goods (Include powered lawn and garden tools, outdoor grills, garden hoses, 5000800000 pool supplies, outdoor nursery stock, cut flowers, and indoor potted plants.)

23.. Retail sales of other home furnishings and accessories (Include artificial/silk flowers, plants, and trees; seasonal 5000675000 decorations; decorative accessories and home furnishings, such as lamps, lampshades, decorative glassware, vases, giftware, mirrors, pictures, picture frames, clocks, magazine racks, desk sets, and closet and bathroom accessories; and trophies and plaques.)

5001125000 24.. Retail sales of toys, games, and hobby and craft supplies

5000860000 25.. Retail sales of miscellaneous household and personal goods, not elsewhere classified

5000860003 Do Not Mail - Report Online a.. Retail sales of nonautomotive batteries

5000860006 b.. Retail sales of religious goods (except books)

5000860009 c.. Retail sales of souvenirs and novelty items

d.. Retail sales of baby goods, not elsewhere classified, including bottles, monitors, carriers, swings, collapsible 5000860012 playpens, infant and booster car seats, etc.

5000860015 e.. Retail sales of gift cards

RT-44592_mu.pdf Generated at 2018-03-16 08:51 AM 14 Do Not Submit - For Informational Purposes ONLY OMB No.: 0607-0998 Mailing this survey to the U.S. Census Bureau does not fulfill your reporting obligation Approval Expires: 05/31/2020 Do Not Mail - Report Online 2017 Economic Census RT-44592 - Confectiionery and Nut Stores

Item 22: Detail of Sales, Shipments, Receipts, or Revenue - Continued

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:


Of the $,,000..00 of Sales, Shipments, Receipts, or Revenue reported in IIttem 5, what was the value for each product or service?

Descriipttiion Vallue Productt Code

$ ,000.00 5000200000 1.. Retail sales of candy, prepackaged cookies, and snack foods

2.. Retail sales of fresh meat and poultry $ ,000.00 5000025000 (Report deli meats on line 7a and meats sold in a frozen state on line 8a.)

3.. Retail sales of fresh fish and seafood $ ,000.00 5000050000 Do Not Mail - Report Online (Report fish and seafood sold in a frozen state on line 8a.)

4.. Retail sales of fresh fruit and vegetables $ ,000.00 5000075000 (Report frozen fruits and vegetables on line 8a.)

5.. Retail sales of eggs and dairy (except ice cream) $ ,000.00 5000100000 (Report deli cheeses on line 7a and ice cream and other frozen dairy products on line 8b.)

6.. Retail sales of baked goods packaged for future consumption (Include breads, doughnuts, pastries, and $ ,000.00 5000125000 pies.) (Report candy and prepackaged cookies on line 1 and frozen baked goods on line 8a.)

7.. Retail sales of perishable prepared foods purchased for future consumption

a.. Retail sales of delicatessen items, including deli meats and other service delicatessen items (except $ ,000.00 5000150003 prepared sandwiches, dishes, and entrees)

$ ,000.00 5000150006 b.. Retail sales of soup and salad bars

c.. Retail sales of all other perishable prepared foods, including prepared sandwiches, dishes, and $ ,000.00 5000150009 entrees

$ ,000.00 5000150000 Subttottall Do Not Mail - Report Online 8.. Retail sales of frozen foods

$ ,000.00 5000175003 a.. Retail sales of frozen foods, excluding ice cream and other frozen dairy products

$ ,000.00 5000175006 b.. Retail sales of ice cream and other frozen dairy products

$ ,000.00 5000175000 Subttottall

9.. Retail sales of food dry goods and other foods purchased for future consumption (Include flour, sugar, $ ,000.00 5000225000 fats and oils, coffee, honey, jams and jellies, pasta, and crackers.)

$ ,000.00 5000250000 10.. Retail sales of bottled, canned, or packaged soft drinks and nonalcoholic beverages

11.. Meals, snacks, other food items, and nonalcoholic beverages, prepared and served or dispensed, for $ ,000.00 7000025000 immediate consumption

RT-44592_mu.pdf Generated at 2018-03-16 08:51 AM 15 Do Not Submit - For Informational Purposes ONLY OMB No.: 0607-0998 Mailing this survey to the U.S. Census Bureau does not fulfill your reporting obligation Approval Expires: 05/31/2020 Do Not Mail - Report Online 2017 Economic Census RT-44592 - Confectiionery and Nut Stores

$ ,000.00 7000060000 12.. Meals, snacks, other food items, and beverages prepared for catered events

13.. Retail sales of bottled, canned, or packaged alcoholic beverages

$ ,000.00 5000300003 a.. Retail sales of distilled spirits, including liquor, brandy, and liqueurs

$ ,000.00 5000300006 b.. Retail sales of wine

$ ,000.00 5000300009 c.. Retail sales of beer and ale

$ ,000.00 5000300000 Subttottall

$ ,000.00 5000325000 14.. Retail sales of tobacco products and smoking accessories

15.. Retail sales of household paper and plastic products, except tableware (Include paper towels, paper $ ,000.00 5000825000 napkins, plastic bags, and waxed paper.) (Report toilet paper, facial tissues, and sanitary napkins on line 19.) Do Not Mail - Report Online

16.. Retail sales of tableware, kitchenware, cookware, and glassware (Include flatware, cutlery, paper and $ ,000.00 5000750000 plastic tableware, and pots and pans.)

$ ,000.00 5001350000 17.. Retail sales of medicines, vitamins, minerals, and supplements

18.. Retail sales of cosmetics and fragrances (Include face cream and makeup.) $ ,000.00 5001450000 (Report hair care products and nail polish on line 19.)

19.. Retail sales of personal hygiene supplies (Include hand and foot care products, eye/contact lens care $ ,000.00 5001425000 products, oral hygiene products, deodorants, hair care products, nail polish, toilet paper, facial tissues, sanitary napkins, and disposable diapers.)

$ ,000.00 5000925000 20.. Retail sales of books (Include audio books and e-books.)

$ ,000.00 5000950000 21.. Retail sales of magazines and newspapers, including issue format comic books

22.. Retail sales of home lawn and garden goods (Include powered lawn and garden tools, outdoor grills, $ ,000.00 5000800000 garden hoses, pool supplies, outdoor nursery stock, cut flowers, and indoor potted plants.)

23.. Retail sales of other home furnishings and accessories (Include artificial/silk flowers, plants, and trees; $ ,000.00 5000675000 seasonal decorations; decorative accessories and home furnishings, such as lamps, lampshades, decorative glassware, vases, giftware, mirrors, pictures, picture frames, clocks, magazine racks, desk Do Not Mail - Report Online sets, and closet and bathroom accessories; and trophies and plaques.)

$ ,000.00 5001125000 24.. Retail sales of toys, games, and hobby and craft supplies

25.. Retail sales of miscellaneous household and personal goods, not elsewhere classified

$ ,000.00 5000860003 a.. Retail sales of nonautomotive batteries

$ ,000.00 5000860006 b.. Retail sales of religious goods (except books)

$ ,000.00 5000860009 c.. Retail sales of souvenirs and novelty items

d.. Retail sales of baby goods, not elsewhere classified, including bottles, monitors, carriers, swings, $ ,000.00 5000860012 collapsible playpens, infant and booster car seats, etc.

$ ,000.00 5000860015 e.. Retail sales of gift cards

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$ ,000.00 5000860000 Subttottall

26.. Retail sales of other goods, not elsewhere classified

a.. Retail sales of other goods, not elsewhere classified - write-in #1 Describe $ ,000.00 5002000003

b.. Retail sales of other goods, not elsewhere classified - write-in #2 Describe $ ,000.00 5002000006

c.. Retail sales of other goods, not elsewhere classified - write-in #3 Describe $ ,000.00 5002000009

27.. All other products and services, not elsewhere classified

a.. All other products and services, not elsewhere classified - write-in #1 Pick one Describe $ ,000.00 9000000003 Do Not Mail - Report Online

b.. All other products and services, not elsewhere classified - write-in #2 Pick one Describe $ ,000.00 9000000006

c.. All other products and services, not elsewhere classified - write-in #3 Pick one Describe $ ,000.00 9000000009

Add Additional Products

TOTAL -- Sum off lliines shoulld equall ttottall Salles,, Shiipmentts,, Receiiptts,, or Revenue reportted iin IIttem 5 $ ,000.00 9900000000 Do Not Mail - Report Online

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Item 24: Shipping and Handling

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:


Did this establishment have any receipts from customers for shipping and handling of merchandise in 2017? Yes

No Do Not Mail - Report Online Do Not Mail - Report Online

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Item 24: Shipping and Handling - Continued

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:



What were the total receipts of this establishment from customers for shipping and handling of merchandise? $ ,000.00

Are receipts for shipping and handling included in sales and receipts (reported in IIttem 5)? Yes

No Do Not Mail - Report Online Do Not Mail - Report Online

RT-44592_mu.pdf Generated at 2018-03-16 08:51 AM 19 Do Not Submit - For Informational Purposes ONLY OMB No.: 0607-0998 Mailing this survey to the U.S. Census Bureau does not fulfill your reporting obligation Approval Expires: 05/31/2020 Do Not Mail - Report Online 2017 Economic Census RT-44592 - Confectiionery and Nut Stores

Item 25: Franchise

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:


A.. Was this establishment operating under any trademark(s) or brand name(s) authorized by a franchisor in 2017? Yes - franchisee-owned establishment

Yes - franchisor-owned establishment


B.. If yes, what was the trademark(s) or brand name(s) operated under?

Describe Do Not Mail - Report Online Do Not Mail - Report Online

RT-44592_mu.pdf Generated at 2018-03-16 08:51 AM 20 Do Not Submit - For Informational Purposes ONLY OMB No.: 0607-0998 Mailing this survey to the U.S. Census Bureau does not fulfill your reporting obligation Approval Expires: 05/31/2020 Do Not Mail - Report Online 2017 Economic Census RT-44592 - Confectiionery and Nut Stores

Item 31: Remarks

EIN: Store / Plant: CFN:


Please use this space for any explanations that may be essential in understanding your reported data. (Maximum length is 1,000 characters.) Do Not Mail - Report Online

You have 1000 characters remaining Do Not Mail - Report Online

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