Max 22º 28 Pages Min 10º 150 Fils Established 1961

ISSUE NO: 17710 The First Daily in the Arabian Gulf www.kuwaittimes.net

Mubarak Hospital runs awareness Tattoos still give Japan the Google to spend $1bn on Kohli falls to Lyon as Aussies 519campaign for colorectal cancer needle as Olympics loom 24 new campus in New York 26 close in on overdue victory

Amir’s envoy hands letter on boosting ties to Chinese leader Kuwait-China partnership essential for sustainable development

KUWAIT: HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al- Jaber Al-Sabah’s envoy, First Deputy Prime Minister Govt accepts and Defense Minister Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al- Ahmad Al-Sabah handed yesterday a written letter from the Amir to Chinese President Xi Jinping. The oil minister’s letter is related to strong bilateral relations and strengthening strategic partnership between both the resignation countries. Earlier yesterday, Sheikh Nasser stressed the importance of boosting the strategic partnership By B Izzak between Kuwait and China in an interview with China-based Phoenix TV, the Kuwaiti Embassy in KUWAIT: MP Khalil China said in a statement. The two countries’ partner- Abul yesterday said ship is like a cornerstone for attaining sustainable lawmakers have been development in the Asian continent and a base for informed that the integrating Kuwait’s “New Kuwait 2030” vision with Cabinet has accepted China’s “Belt and Road” initiative, he noted. the resignation of Oil Enhancing the Kuwaiti-Chinese partnership is Minister Bakheet Al- essential for their mutual interests and joint economic Rasheedi. The minister and commercial cooperation, Sheikh Nasser said, had come under fire adding it will contribute to broadening cooperation from several MPs over Bakheet Al-Rasheedi prospects in other fields. Kuwait and China enjoy a alleged squandering of close and historical friendship, he mentioned, adding public funds by top oil executives. Abul, who with such a relationship has flourished over the years in two other MPs had vowed to grill the minister, said political, economic, investment, commercial and cul- BEIJING: Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng shakes hands with Kuwaiti First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the grilling will be filed against Rasheedi’s successor. tural fields. Kuwait was the first Gulf country to Defense Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah at the Great Hall of the People yesterday. — AFP Meanwhile, five MPs yesterday submitted a establish diplomatic ties with China, noted the top motion calling on the National Assembly to urgently Kuwaiti official. vote on two draft laws stipulating scrapping hikes in Sheikh Nasser said his current official visit to ments between the two nations, signed during HH the tion and consultation with Chinese authorities the prices of fuel and electricity. China aims to boost anew the Kuwaiti-Chinese Amir’s July visit to China, are currently in the process regarding the “Belt and Road” initiative and finding Continued on Page 24 strategic partnership in various fields and solidify of implementation, he said. He also stressed the ways to link it with the “New Kuwait 2030” vision. their relationship. All MoUs and cooperation agree- importance of maintaining communication, coordina- Continued on Page 24

News in brief cussed the “situations and crises faced by many Arab Bashir first Arab countries”, the Syrian presidency said. They also stressed the need to build “new principles for inter- No degree, no ‘manager’ title Arab relations based on the respect of the sovereignty leader to visit of countries and non-interference in internal affairs”. KUWAIT: An official source at the manpower authority The Arab League had suspended ’s seat in Nov said an administrative circular no. 104/2018 was issued Syria since crisis 2011 in response to the Syrian government’s violent that allows residency renewals for those with the pro- attacks on pro-democracy protests. Although many fession of “manager” but without a university degree, Arab countries have closed their embassies or down- who have been working in this job before Jan 1, 2011 AMMAN: Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir arrived graded their ties with Damascus, there have been and the job was recorded in the work permit. The in the Syrian capital Damascus on Sunday, the first such growing calls in the Arab world in recent months to source said after this date, there will be no renewals visit by an Arab leader since the start of the Syrian con- normalize ties with Syria and give it back its seat in the without a university degree, adding that the work per- flict, Syrian state media said. President Bashar Al-Assad Arab League. mits of all those working as “managers” before Jan 1, welcomed him at the airport, official photos showed. A Sudanese official late Sunday said that Bashir had 2011 will be renewed automatically. — Al-Anbaa Many Arab countries have shunned Assad since the returned to Khartoum “from an important visit” to the conflict that began early in 2011 after protests calling for Syrian capital. The Sudanese president last visited the his downfall swept Syria. State news agency SANA said Syrian capital in 2008 for the Arab League summit which later the two leaders held talks in the presidential palace was held there that year. Syria’s war has killed more than Indian politician jailed for life about developments in the region and in Syria. 360,000 people and displaced millions since it started in Assad was quoted as saying his country would 2011. The International Criminal Court has issued war- NEW DELHI: A veteran Indian politician was given a life remain committed to its “Arab identity” despite the rants for Bashir’s arrest over genocide, war crimes and DAMASCUS: President Bashar Al-Assad receives his sentence yesterday over anti-Sikh riots in 1984 that conflict in which Syria had accused some Arab coun- crimes against humanity. But the Sudanese leader jetted Sudanese counterpart Omar Al-Bashir upon his arrival at killed nearly 3,000 people following the assassination of tries, led by Saudi Arabia, of fuelling it by arming rebels into Jordan last year to attend an annual Arab League the airport in the Syrian capital on Sunday. —AFP then-premier Indira Gandhi. The Delhi High Court found seeking to overthrow Assad’s rule. The two leaders dis- Sajjan Kumar, 73, guilty of instigating mobs during the summit, and Amman did not arrest him. — Agencies mass killings triggered by the death of Gandhi at the hands of her Sikh bodyguards. At the time Kumar was an MP with the then-ruling Congress party. He was found guilty over a case involving the murder of five members Miss Philippines imposed regime. of a Sikh family in New Delhi. A two-judge bench con- Afghan Taleban The Taleban, seeking to reimpose victed Kumar for criminal conspiracy, promoting enmity strict Islamic law after their 2001 and acting against communal harmony. — AFP wins 2018 Miss overthrow, say the presence of inter- hold meeting national forces in Afghanistan is the Universe crown main obstacle to peace. Even as the with US officials peace process gathers momentum, Facebook blocks Bibi’s son fighting has continued with heavy BANGKOK: Catriona Gray from the casualties on both sides. Khalilzad, an JERUSALEM: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Philippines was crowned KABUL: Afghan Taleban representa- Afghan-born former US ambassador eldest son Yair tweeted on Sunday that Facebook yesterday, the fourth time the Southeast tives and US officials met in the to Kabul, was named to oversee blocked his page for 24 hours over anti-Muslim posts. Asian country has won the international United Arab Emirates yesterday, the Washington’s peace efforts earlier this In a message posted Thursday on his Facebook page beauty pageant. Gray, a 24-year-old Taleban said, amid diplomatic moves year but the United States has insisted after deadly attacks, Yair had called for “all Muslims towards establishing the basis for that any final settlement must be led (to) leave” Israel. “Do you know where there are no Filipino-Australian model, won the title talks to end the 17-year war in by Afghans themselves. attacks? In Iceland and in Japan where coincidentally in the Thai capital Bangkok where the pageant included for the first time a Afghanistan. Spokesman Zabihullah Although the Afghan government there are no Muslims,” he wrote. Facebook deleted Mujahid also said representatives Yair’s posts, prompting him to take to Twitter to criti- transgender contestant. “My heart is has not taken part directly in the talks, from Saudi Arabia, and the cize the social networking giant, calling it a “dictator- filled with so much gratitude. There were a team from Kabul met US and Saudi ship of thought”. — AFP moments of doubt where I felt over- UAE would also take part in the talks, officials in the UAE on Sunday to dis- whelmed and I felt the pressure,” said which follow at least two meetings cuss the process, President Ashraf Gray, who wore a red and orange dress between Taleban officials and US spe- Ghani’s national security adviser, that was inspired by Mount Mayon, a cial envoy Zalmay Khalilzad in Qatar. Hamdullah Mohib, said. Ghani has He said the meeting, at an undis- Rouhani’s son-in-law resigns volcano that erupted this year. formed a team to negotiate peace Gray was asked during the contest closed location, had begun and could with the Taleban but the movement about her views on legalizing marijuana take some time while senior members once again rebuffed the opening yes- TEHRAN: Iran President Hassan Rouhani’s son-in-law of the Taleban in Afghanistan said the and replied that she supported it for BANGKOK: Catriona Gray of the Philippines terday, saying that some media resigned yesterday just two days after his appointment talks would continue for three days. as head of Iran’s geological survey sparked accusations medical uses. After she was crowned, waves to the audience after being crowned reports suggesting the two sides The US embassy in Kabul would not of nepotism, official news agency IRNA reported. Gray told reporters the question was the new yesterday. — AFP would meet were “mere propaganda”. Kambiz Mehdizadeh, in his early thirties, was appointed “definitely relevant” and “an active top- confirm any meeting was due to take “There is no plan of holding a to the senior position in the industries and mining min- ic”, in an apparent reference to the war place. Diplomatic efforts to resolve meeting with representatives of the istry on Saturday. “I thank you for finding me worthy and on drugs in the Philippines that has killed Green, 24 was the first runner-up, fol- the conflict have intensified, although Kabul administration and neither are inviting me to work alongside you in this ministry, but I thousands of Filipinos and caused inter- lowed by , Sthefany the Taleban have refused to deal they present in the meeting being ask to be relieved of my service so that I can continue national alarm. Gray said during the pag- Gutierrez, 19. , Angela Ponce, directly with the internationally rec- attended by the delegation of Islamic my scientific and research activities,” Mehdizadeh wrote eant that working in a Manila slum had 27, made history as the first transgender ognized government in Kabul, which it Emirate,” Mujahid said in a statement. in a resignation letter, according to IRNA. — AFP taught her to find beauty in difficult situ- contestant in the 66-year-old pageant. considers an illegitimate foreign- Continued on Page 24 ations. , Tamaryn — Reuters (See Page 21)

Established 1961 3 Local Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Amir meets visiting German foreign minister, newly-appointed envoys

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- Sabah meets with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas. — Amiri His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah Diwan photos meets with Sierra Leonne’s ambassador Haja Ishata Thomas. meets with Armenian ambassador Sarmen Baghdasaryan.

His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah meets with Iran’s ambassador Mohammad Akbar Irani. meets with Kuwait’s ambassador to Abdulaziz Al-Bishr. meets with Prince Sultan bin Saad Al-Saud.

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- sador Mohammad Akbar Irani. The proceedings were ister introduced to His Highness the Amir the Gulf Saad Al-Saud. Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received yesterday at Bayan attended by Minister of Amiri Diwan Affairs Ali Jarrah state’s ambassador to Nigeria Abdulaziz Al-Bishr. As In other news, His Highness the Crown Prince Palace Kuwait’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Al-Sabah, along with his deputy Sheikh Mohammad he swore his oath, His Highness the Amir offered some Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah, who were joined by the Amiri sage advice to the Kuwaiti diplomat, urging him to Kuwait’s new ambassador to Nigeria, and wished him along with his German counterpart Heiko Maas. Diwan’s Undersecretary Ahmad Al-Fahad, advisor have the nation’s best interests at heart as he kicks off the best of luck in his duty, in serving the nation, devel- Meanwhile, a bevy of newly-appointed envoys to Abdullah Abulhassan and the head of Amiri protocol his stint in the African nation. Meanwhile, His Highness oping bilateral relations between both friendly coun- Kuwait came together amid a ceremony to mark the Sheikh Khaled Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah. the Amir received a letter from Saudi Arabia’s King tries and promoting Kuwait in regional and interna- start of their respective tenures, including Sierra Assistant Foreign Minister for Protocol Affairs Dhari Salman bin Abdulaziz, which contained an invitation for tional domains. Furthermore, His Highness the Crown Leonne’s ambassador Haja Ishata Thomas, Armenian Al-Ajran and Amiri Guard Commander Brigadier Fahad His Highness to attend Saudi Arabia’s annual camel Prince received outgoing UAE Ambassador in Kuwait ambassador Sarmen Baghdasaryan and Iran’s ambas- Al-Zaid were also on hand as the Kuwaiti foreign min- race. The letter was delivered by Prince Sultan bin Rahma Al-Zaabi. — KUNA GCC states can propose council’s development to Kuwait plays address disputes: Kuwait integral role in global KUWAIT: Kuwait Foreign Minister The declaration, added Sheikh Sabah Al- Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al- Khaled, contributed to improving efficien- peacemaking, Sabah said Sunday any GCC member cy of international humanitarian assis- state has the right to table proposals to tance, as well as protecting relief workers. mediation: UK develop the way the Arab Gulf bloc func- The Kuwaiti minister said the two tioned in order to address disputes. countries’ 55-year bilateral relations are KUWAIT: German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (left) speaks during a joint press “Every Gulf Cooperation Council member solid, describing them as a “model for Minister conference with his Kuwaiti counterpart Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al- has the right to propose ideas regarding success.” This was outlined in Berlin’s full Sabah. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat the development of work in the Council,” support of Kuwait’s legitimate sovereign KUWAIT: The State Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled, also Deputy right during its 1990 occupation by Iraq. of Kuwait plays an Prime Minister, told a joint news confer- He commended the prominent status donors conferences for Syria and the Security Council status. integral role in pro- ence with German Foreign Minister Heiko Kuwaiti investments have assumed in the rebuilding of Iraq. In response to a ques- During the ministerial talks, both Berlin moting peace and Maas. He noted His Highness the Amir German public and private sectors, which tion about efforts for a UN climate change and Kuwait also agreed that the recent security both on the Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- have reached $35 billion, encouraging accord, he said this was important, adding UN-backed peace talks between the regional and interna- Sabah proposed to the Arab Gulf leaders, German firms to benefit from entering a Kuwait is open to dialogue aimed at opposing sides in Yemen, hosted by tional levels, British during the GCC summit in Kuwait in 2017, facilitated Kuwaiti market in return. reaching an agreement that aids interna- Sweden, represent a step in the right Minister of State for some ideas aimed at creating mechanisms The two officials held extensive and tional convergence. direction, underlining the need to build Middle East and to solve disputes and strengthen the fruitful negotiations, he said, which dis- upon the meeting’s outcomes. Moreover, North Africa Alistair statute. This mechanism, he added, would cussed several means to develop their Preventing conflict in regards to global climate change Burt said yesterday. enable the six GCC countries to discuss cooperation mechanisms and partnership In the meantime, the German minister efforts, he said they represent a priority Speaking in an exclu- all disputed issues. Maas reaffirmed the on numerous spectrums, particularly on said both countries, through the recent- which Berlin would be addressing during sive interview, Burt European Union’s (EU) support for the economy and trade. They both ly-signed document and their non-per- its recently-acquired 2019-20 Security commended efforts by British Minister of State Kuwait as a mediator for the Gulf dispute. expressed a keenness to unearth fresh manent Security Council status, seek to Council non-permanent membership. His Highness the Amir for Middle East and Asked about ’s call for holding a avenues in the sectors of renewable ener- cooperate and work together towards Sheikh Sabah Al- North Africa Alistair Burt conference to solve the Gulf dispute, gy, education and environmental protec- preventing conflict or reaching a settle- Kuwaiti, German MPs meet Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- Maas said the conference could con- tion as well as in the parliamentary field. ment to these disputes. He said Berlin Separately, Kuwait’s parliamentary for- Sabah in mediating the tribute to addressing the crisis but it was Regarding regional and international maintains a solid willingness to increase eign affairs committee on Sunday dis- crisis in the GCC region. He indicated that the UK not an EU suggestion. “We should talk to affairs, he said both held corresponding cooperation with Kuwait and stands cussed with German MPs the relations would support all steps to resolve the dispute the parties of the dispute in order to reach views on many matters in relation to secu- ready to dispatch experts to the country between Kuwait and Germany and ways amongst GCC brethren and hopefully a solution a settlement,” said Maas. rity and political situations and joint and support Kuwaiti diplomats of both to enhance cooperation in all fields, espe- would be reached by 2019. In regards to cooper- efforts aimed at re-establishing security genders. cially parliamentary ones. This came dur- ation with Kuwait, the British official said that he and stability in the region. Their shared Declaration of intent Describing Kuwait as a partner, he ing a meeting held by the foreign affairs had signed an action plan with Deputy Minister Meanwhile, Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Security Council non-permanent status commended its role on the humanitarian committee members headed by Dr of Foreign Affairs Khaled Al-Jarallah during the said that a declaration of intent was would enable both to increase this coop- scale and crisis management, particularly Abdulkarim Al-Kandari with the German 13th Meeting of the Kuwait-British Joint Steering signed with Germany regarding develop- eration and find peaceful solutions to in regards to Syria and Yemen. Kuwait is parliamentary delegation on the occasion Group on Sunday. During the group’s meeting, ment of partnership in humanitarian field. regional issues, he added. undertaking a responsible humanitarian of its official visit to the country, Al- the two sides agreed to beef up mutual official At a joint news conference with his He went on to praise Germany’s role in role on the Syrian crisis, he stated, reveal- Dustour news network said. It pointed out visits and reactivate all signed agreements, as German counterpart Heiko Maas, Sheikh resolving disputes through peaceful ing that Germany intends to follow in the that the MPs discussed a number of issues well as address obstacles. Sabah Al-Khaled said the declaration of means and its dedication to humanitarian footsteps of Sweden, which has had a of common interests in addition to the Meanwhile, he lauded the role played by intent stipulated exploration of funding causes, demonstrated particularly in assis- leading role in efforts to resolve the crisis importance of exchanging experiences Kuwait in addressing the crisis in Yemen espe- mechanisms for the humanitarian action. tance provided during the Kuwait-hosted ahead of the looming expiry of its among parliamentarians. — KUNA cially the recent Kuwaiti efforts facilitating the presence of Yemeni parties at UN-sponsored political consultations in Stockholm, Sweden. He Thani’s assumption to power. His Highness lauded for all initiatives launched by friends. In a joint press affirmed that Britain supports efforts by the Amir congratulates Qatar’s distinctive accomplishments over the years, conference with UN Secretary-General Antonio Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for including major development growth in various vital Guterres following the signing of agreements between Yemen, Martin Griffiths, hoping that the meet- fields, wishing Sheikh Tamim perpetual good health Qatar and the UN on the sidelines of the second day of ings in Sweden would result in a solution for the Qatar on and wellness, and further progress and prosperity for the Doha 2018 Forum, Sheikh Mohammad said His crisis. In regards to Syria, the British official Qatar. His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber commended the exceptional role played by National Day Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Al-Sabah made efforts during the last period, which is Kuwait regarding the crisis there. It is very Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad still valued by the Qatari people. “We in Qatar are important to vote in favor of a motion to support KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- Al-Sabah sent similar cables to the Qatari Amir, while open to a constructive dialogue based on mutual Syria in the upcoming meeting for the UNSC Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah sent yesterday a cable of National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Ali Al-Ghanem respect and a common vision of the substance of the later this week, said Burt who affirmed that it congratulations to Qatar’s Amir Sheikh Tamim bin sent a cable to Qatar’s Consultative Assembly Speaker dispute they are talking about,” he said. “We appreci- was essential for the global community to sup- Hamad Al-Thani. His Highness the Amir expressed his Ahmad Al-Mahmud. ate the initiatives of various countries such as the port efforts by the UN Special Envoy for Syria, utmost congratulations to the Amir of Qatar on the In other news, Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh United States in this context and we have always sup- Staffan de Mistura to find a political solution to occasion of his country’s National Day and anniver- Mohammad Al-Thani on Sunday welcomed anew ported the solution through dialogue in any conflict the Syrian crisis. — KUNA sary of its Founder Sheikh Jassim bin Mohammed bin Kuwait’s initiative to resolve the Gulf crisis as a center that may arise,” he added. — KUNA 4 Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Local

Photo of the Day

KUWAIT: St Paul’s Anglican Church in Ahmadi held a Christmas carols by candelight service yesterday evening. Though not an official holiday, Christmas is widely celebrated among Kuwait’s expatriate commu- nity including caroling, church services, family dinners and gatherings and other social events. — Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat

Zain showcases Al-Babtain Group BEAM high-speed golden sponsor of wireless internet Horeca Kuwait 2019 service at Avenues KUWAIT: Abdul Aziz Saud Al-Babtain Group, via its Consumer Goods Division announced their golden KUWAIT: Zain, the leading digital service provider in sponsorship of Horeca Kuwait 2019, which will be held Kuwait, showcased BEAM, its new high-speed wireless from January 14 to 16 in Hall 8 at the Kuwait Internet service that matches fiber optics speeds, through International Fairground - Mishref, organized by a dedicated booth at the Avenues Mall - Grand Avenue. Leaders Group for Consulting and Development, the The event, which continued throughout the entire week- leading in the field of exhibitions, conferences and end, witnessed the attendance of Zain Kuwait’s Chief tourism in collaboration with the Executive Officer Eaman Al-Roudhan and the company’s Lebanese company Hospitality executive management. Services. Zain’s dedicated booth at the Avenues witnessed posi- A press statement revealed tive turnout from customers and mall visitors alike, who that Al-Babtain Group’s learned more about the new service and the great techno- Consumer Goods Division, with logical potentials it delivers. Customers and visitors also their golden sponsorship to learned about Zain’s latest offers for BEAM subscribers, Horeca Kuwait 2019, demon- where the company offered a free Huawei Mate 20 device strates the distinctive apprecia- for the first 17 customers who subscribed to BEAM at the tion for this unique event, spe- booth during the weekend. Zain showcased the capabilities of its biggest and most cialized in hospitality and its KUWAIT: Zain Kuwait’s Chief Executive Officer Eaman Al-Roudhan with Zain’s executive management. related sectors. The exhibition advanced network through which the company offers the Hani Merhi provides the most important all-new BEAM service. Zain is the first telecom company opportunities for exchanging to offer this revolutionary technology in Kuwait, moving second). This ensures reliable and consistent speeds, get a FREE BEAM Router and a complementary LTE experiences among major companies active in local, forward towards full 5G network adoption. Zain launched enabling customers to enjoy Internet services like 4K Hotspot device with FREE 50 GBs monthly. Once sub- regional and international scenes in the fields of food this all-new service as part of its strategic vision towards streaming, virtual reality (VR), online gaming, and down- scribed to the service, BEAM technicians will visit the cus- and beverage industry and hospitality institutions rep- transforming into a fully integrated digital telecommunica- loading heavy files easily at home. tomer’s home to install the router for FREE. The primary resented by restaurants, hotels and other institutions tions provider, which represents a quantum leap in the Zain offers BEAM through two flexible postpaid plans coverage for the service includes areas between the first that provide personal care to guests or pioneers. More portfolio of technologies and solutions the company offers to meet customers’ different needs. The first plan includes and fifth ring roads, and more areas will be included soon. so, the exhibition runs daily high-level cooking compe- to its individual and enterprise customers, considered the speeds of up to 20 Mbps with unlimited capacity for KD Zain has always been one of the first companies inter- titions with the participation of chefs and jury commit- largest customer base in the Kuwaiti market. 25 monthly (24-month commitment), while the second plan ested in acquiring the latest technological applications, tees of international standard. BEAM uses the latest advanced wireless broadband includes speeds of up to 40 Mbps with unlimited capacity and attaches great interest to the convenience of the cus- Hani Merhi, Chief Executive Officer, of Al-Babtain technology, which offers high Internet speeds that match for KD 40 monthly (24-month commitment). tomer by providing its services to suit their different needs Group - Consumer Goods Division, said: “the group fiber optics speeds, reaching up 40 Mbps (Megabits per By subscribing to any of the two plans, customers will on personal and professional levels. will showcase the latest products and services at Horeca Kuwait 2019 that are of great interest to indus- try experts and will accompany the various activities and events that will take place in the exhibition, which in turn falls in line with the developmental approach NBK welcomes known to our companies since its foundation more than 70 years ago.” ‘KON’ program “Al-Babtain Group - Consumer Goods Division offers a variety of international and regional brands winners such as: Kiri, Elle and Vire, Perrier and Mazola, which the Group has been distributing for more than 40 years. More so, we are honored to introduce newly acquired KUWAIT: National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) welcomed the brands such as Sohat water, Al-Rabie Juice, Lavazza winning students in the social entrepreneurship program coffee and many other brands and products within our ‘KON’ organized by LOYAC. This social entrepreneurship portfolio to meet the growing needs of customers, program was co-created with Babson College. It aimed at shoppers, and consumers,” added Merhi. introducing young adults between the ages of 12 to 16 to Merhi also emphasized on the developmental role the world business and to turn their ideas into action. played by the exhibition since its inception in Kuwait NBK Deputy Group CEO Shaikha Al-Bahar greeted eight years ago, with its continuous contributions to the the winners along with Fadia Al-Marzouq, LOYAC Vice promotion of the hospitality and food related industries Chairman and LOYAC Executive Board Member Fetouh that demonstrates Kuwait’s ability to develop an Al-Dalali who accompanied the students. Bahar advanced exhibition industry that opens the way to expressed her happiness towards the students’ great many opportunities, especially towards the establish- work and the creative ideas they delivered in their recy- The Head of the Complaints and Customer ment of a regional and international financial and com- cling project. Al Bahar praised their efforts and encour- ABK pays special Protection Unit at ABK, Ali Bu Hamad, stated that the mercial center in the country and the needs of aged them to continue inspiring their colleagues towards ‘Customer Protection Manual’ includes an important set advanced services in all fields.” more green businesses. of guidelines and controls that create an environment Finally, he highlighted that Al-Babtain Group con- It is worth mentioning that NBK’s sponsorship and par- attention to suitable for the preservation of the customers’ rights tinuously encourages every successful work related to ticipation in the program is a part of its strategic partner- within the framework of a balanced relationship that the hospitality field, especially with the diversity of ship with Loyac. NBK is dedicated towards supporting customer protection maintains protection for the banking sector. ABK has services and products our companies offer in various talented young people and empowering them towards further developed and updated new policies, proce- fields that meet, in whole or in part, with the hospitali- achieving their goals. dures, internal controls and principles that comply with ty requirements.” The KON program goes along with NBK’s initiatives to KUWAIT: Al-Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK) has recently the requirements of the manual. The staff members are From its end Leaders Group welcomed Al-Babtain invest in youth and support their aspirations. Throughout announced the completion of its training courses to well trained to activate these controls and to put them Group’s Consumer Goods Division to the golden spon- the 5 weeks program, leaders from NBK along with a increase the awareness of the Bank’s ‘Customer Protection into practice to enhance the employees’ awareness and sors for the exhibition and expressed its appreciation group of professional leaders mentors and trainers, locally Manual’. The courses included the explanation of the to provide better services to the customers. The lec- to the Group “for its long standing presence and repu- and regionally encouraged the participants to create a contents of the ‘Customer Protection Manual’ to enhance tures, courses and workshops organized by the bank tation in the market since 1948 and its keenness to pro- profitable business that solves an environmental challenge. the concept of transparency and disclosure of the financial create the proper cultural and professional environment vide a combined experience of passion and innovation, LOYAC is a nonprofit organization that runs several and banking transactions carried out by the banks for the to enhance the protection of the customers’ rights, which represent a valuable addition to the exhibition programs for the youth to develop their professional skills, various customers of all sectors, pursuant to the instruc- which is in compliance with the instructions and controls and hospitality field in all its branches.” enhance their personal growth and help them find their tions issued by the Central Bank of Kuwait in this regard. issued by Central Bank of Kuwait. sense of purpose by extending themselves to others. Established 1961 5 Local Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Mubarak Hospital hosts colorectal cancer awareness campaign People aged between 45 and 55 advised to undergo screening

By Nawara Fattahova The patient can visit a general practitioner at the polyclinic to get a reference to any public hospital. KUWAIT: Mubarak Hospital hosted a three-day “They can then book a colonoscopy appointment. awareness campaign on colorectal cancer in prepara- Anybody experiencing any of the symptoms that are tion for the annual awareness campaign that will be suggestive of cancer is encouraged to come and do the held in March. The campaign is organized by the health screening regardless of age,” Buhamad explained. ministry in cooperation with Central Circle Company “The symptoms include change in habits, whether it’s and Johnson & Johnson. diarrhea or constipation or recent weight loss that is This campaign aims to spread awareness on the ben- unintentional - when people eat the same food and are efits of early detection of colon cancer. “The idea of this not going to the gym and still lose 5-10 kg - or blood in campaign is to detect cancer early. The management the stool or discoloration of the stool to dark color. If and prognosis of the case is anyone suffers from any of affected greatly if we catch it these symptoms, he should do early. It’s better for both the a colonoscopy,” concluded patients and surgeons if we Colonoscopy Buhamad. detect it early. We are target- ing people at Mubarak is only a Very widespread Hospital but the campaign Colorectal cancer is very involves everyone in Kuwait - 30-minute widespread. “We don’t have both men and women of all procedure exact statistics, but colon can- nationalities. The campaign is cer is the third most common being held at all public hospi- cancer worldwide when it tals,” Dr Fatemah Buhamad of comes to morbidity and mor- the general surgery team at tality among men and women. Mubarak Hospital told Kuwait Times yesterday. It can be cured completely, especially since the past five or 10 years with the improvement of medicines 30-minute procedure used along with surgery,” said Dr Bader Al-Shaban, KUWAIT: A group photo featuring Mubarak A-Kabeer Hospital surgeons, Johnson & Johnson representatives “We advise people aged between 45 and 55 to undergo specialist in general and colon and rectal surgery at and Central Circle Company staff. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat screening. This includes colonoscopy. Many people fear Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital/Jaber Al-Ahmad Hospital. the screening, as they think it’s a lengthy procedure and There are different causes for colorectal cancer. “It’s they try to avoid it till it’s too late and they start having a genetic disease affected by the lifestyle of the patient. patient won’t feel any pain before the symptoms occur polyp and remove it, this will avoid transforming it into symptoms. Colonoscopy is only a 30-minute procedure Other causes include consuming unhealthy food such as and then it’s too late,” explained Shaban. cancer. We can avoid it by screening programs, which done under sedation, and they will not feel or remember preservatives and processed food including hotdogs, The campaign focuses on the early detection of all are free of charge for both Kuwaitis and non-Kuwaitis,” anything. If it’s not beneficial, it will also not do them any salami, etc, and a lack of fibers and beans. The accumu- colorectal tumors. If this disease is detected early, the noted Mohammed Khaled, Marketing Specialist at harm, but it can make a big difference,” she added. lation of toxins can cause polyps. Unfortunately the rate of treatment reaches 100 percent. If we find the Johnson & Johnson. MoH utilizes human resources in managing modern facilities: Minister General Ahmad Al-Manfouhi, when Businessmen asked about seafront development in Garnata, Sulaibkhat, Doha, Jaber Al- Ahmad and Jahra, said recommenda- remanded in tions of the third regional study set a preliminary budget for use of the land real estate of Jahra corniche project. He said the project was presented to international consultative offices and invitations fraud case were sent, and offices desiring to par- ticipate are being followed up. As for Sulaibkhat Bay, he said the project By A Saleh was awarded to an international office to carry out advisory services, and KUWAIT: The public funds prosecu- documents are being completed prior tion remanded two businessmen in jail to signing a contract with the winning for 21 days and sent them to the company. Central Prison pending an ongoing investigation in a major real estate Firemen’s treatment fraud case. A source said more than Deputy Premier and State Minister 200 citizens complained about buying for Cabinet Affairs Anas Al-Saleh said real estate inside and outside Kuwait, firemen are treated like policemen in only to find out they were victims of a ranks and basic salaries, and are scam. The source added the total val- treated like army personnel as far as ue of the fraud is nearly KD 15 million. pensions are concerned, so it is right to treat firemen like policemen over Seafront development KUWAIT: A group photo of participants in the ‘Facilities Management’ conference. — KUNA leaves and not only over cash Kuwait Municipality Director allowances.

KUWAIT: Minister of Health Sheikh Basel regard. He added that recommendations put Attel noted that the renewable energy proj- Al-Sabah stressed Sunday keenness to uti- forward by this conference should con- ects and calls for establishing a national lize human resources in managing modern tribute to upgrading plans and programs to center to raise energy efficiency in the health facilities. Sheikh Basel made the achieve continuous development of facilities country is a contribution, to make 15 per- remarks at the opening ceremony of a two- in line with the State’s development plans to cent of energy from renewable sources. day ‘Facilities Management’ conference, ultimately honor UN’s 2030 sustainable In the meantime, General Director of the organized by the Kuwaiti Society of development goals (SDGs). Directorate General of Civil Aviation Yosef Engineers in cooperation with Kuwait Meanwhile, the president of Kuwait Al-Fozan said in a press release, partici- University College of Engineering and Society of Engineers and the President of pating in this conference was to shed light Petroleum, and Sheikh Jaber Cultural the Conference Faisal Al-Attel said there on the authority’s experience in imple- Center. The minister noted that there are were around 1,000 government facilities, menting modern government methods in clear plans, strategies and programs to and “we need to address the challege of managing operations at Kuwait achieve government objectives in this managing the facilities in a modern fashion. International Airport. — KUNA

News in brief Suicide attempt Cable thieves A Jordanian woman was rushed to Kuwaiti fashionistas richest in Arab World hospital for treatment for injuries she sustained after an alleged suicide KUWAIT: Sources knowledgeable of social send copper attempt. The Ahmadi prosecutor media said Kuwaiti fashionistas are the richest and ordered the case to be registered as a charge the most among their peers in other Arab outside Kuwait suicide attempt, while waiting to hear and Gulf countries, and the reason is the freedom the woman’s testimony. The woman that they enjoy that enables them to make appear- KUWAIT: New customs instructions screamed for help but her children ances for followers and admirers. They said revealed that thieves of Ministry of could not prevent her from falling. An Kuwaitis have unprecedented courage due to the Electricity and Water (MEW) equip- eyewitness said he heard the woman social, political and economic atmosphere that is ment send copper extracted from calling for help. She was holding on to different in Kuwait. Concerned sources said fees stolen cables outside Kuwait. Sources a piece of metal before falling. The charged by Kuwaiti influencers are much more said there is cooperation between the woman suffered extensive fractures. than what other Gulf fashonistas receive due to MEW and the customs department to their dialect and boldness in dealing with body face the increased thefts by banning Fugitive caught issues, cosmetics and fashion. —Al-Qabas the export of copper. Customs Farwaniya police arrested a citizen Director General Jamal Al-Jalawi wanted to serve a six-year jail sen- instructed that only copper in its orig- tence. He was in an abnormal condi- Govt support for e-media inal condition should be allowed to be tion. The arrest was made as he was exported, unless written permission is driving erratically, and did not stop Director of electronic publication at the informa- obtained. at police orders. He was then chased tion ministry Lafi Al-Subaei said a list of rules con- and arrested. cerned with supporting licensed news websites and Unfit for consumption social media accounts, including e-papers, is being The airport imports department at the Search for beggars prepared. He said ministerial decree 100/2016 with Public Authority for Food and Nutrition A citizen told police some women regards to the implementation of rules of electronic destroyed a quantity of zubaidi fish move in groups and knock on doors information regulation no. 8/2016 stipulated that weighing 560 kg. Department Director in Dhaher and beg. Detectives moved electronic sites be supported. The support will be Ali Al-Khanfour said after checking the to arrest them and stop this activity. technical and scientific to make it easier to cover fish of Bangladeshi origin, it was found — Translated by Kuwait Times from conferences and official activities, in addition to unfit for human consumption and was Al-Rai and Al-Anbaa material and moral support. — Al-Rai destroyed. InternationalTUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2018 Powerful blast rips through restaurant What next for Brexit? Four main scenarios in Japan; 42 injured Page 8 Page 7

SILIGURI, India : The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, also known as ‘Toy Train’ is pictured in Sukna on the outskirts of Siliguri yesterday. A new ‘Toy Train’ afternoon and evening service was launched on December 16, giving tourists the opportunity to experience the UNESCO World Heritage DHR Toy Train, local reports said. — AFP India trafficking victims push for new law Campaigners send postcards to PM, talks with MPs

NEW DELHI: From letters and postcard campaigns to meet- was a teenager, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation on leader in the fight against such crimes in South Asia - one session to iron out any such differences, and pave the path for ings with lawmakers, modern slavery victims across India are condition of anonymity. of the world’s fastest-growing regions for forced labor, its passage before political attention starts to turn towards pushing for the passage of a long-pending anti-trafficking “It is high time traffickers pay for their crimes, they begging and forced marriage. “It is sad to see how for the general elections which are due in 2019. That is why unlike bill amid fears it could be sidelined as general elections take must be convicted and punished,” the mother-of-one, who lust of money, people have shamed humanity. This must ever before, survivors - who often hesitate to share their sto- center stage in parliament. Survivors from 11 states have is part of the survivors’ organization Vimukthi, said on the stop,” said Akhilesh Prasad Singh, an upper house law- ries fearing social stigma - have teamed up and stepped up turned campaigners in the last few months by roping in their sidelines of a meeting in New Delhi between survivors and maker from the main opposition Congress party. “All par- efforts to drum up support for the bill during one of the final communities to write more than 110,000 postcards to Prime several lawmakers. India is home to the largest number of ties ... should discuss this bill in this winter session and parliament sessions before elections. Minister Narendra Modi, urging him to ensure the bill is slaves globally, with 8 million out of a global total of 40 pass it with necessary provisions.” While about 1,000 survivors have sent letters to state passed by parliament in the coming months. million, according to the Global Slavery Index by MPs, another 12,000 have signed or put their The Trafficking of Persons Bill was passed by India’s Australia-based Walk Free Foundation. Most of the 23,000 Resistance thumbprints on a petition - each accompanied with a lower house of parliament in July and is expected to be trafficking victims rescued in India in 2016 were women While the bill has been hailed by many campaigners, it has personal story of entrapment, torture and despair - to tabled in the upper house in the ongoing session that ends and girls, the latest government data shows. faced resistance from some sectors over fears that it could press parties to green-light the bill. “The bill aside, what on January 8. Campaigners, survivors and lawmakers alike The proposed law prioritizes survivors’ needs and pre- unfairly target consenting adults working in the sex industry. this campaign has done is to mainstream human traffick- fear the proposed law will be stalled or even shelved if it is vents victims, such as those found in brothel raids, from Sex workers’ organizations say the proposed law does not ing,” said Uma Chatterjee, co-founder of non-profit not passed soon as political attention turns to next year’s being arrested and jailed like traffickers, who would face distinguish between victims of trafficking and women doing Sanjog that works on gender equity and justice. “The general elections. “It needs to pass this time so that victims prison sentences ranging from 10 years to life under the sex work out of choice, and could lead to the latter being held survivors have brought the issue out in the open,” she finally get all the help and facilities to start a new life,” a legislation. Activists and lawmakers say the bill unifies in rehabilitation shelters against their will. Survivors and said. “Suddenly, common people are stopping, listening 29-year-old who was trafficked into prostitution when she existing anti-trafficking laws and aims to make India a activists are demanding that the bill be debated in the current and pledging their support. That is huge.” — Reuters

our countries to be used for harmful activities against each leader, Bashar Al-Assad. The instigator of the attack is a New Maldives leader other,” he said. Solih, 54, unexpectedly beat his predeces- 1979: Pivotal training officer from the Sunni majority, angered by the sor Abdulla Yameen to the presidency of the Indian Ocean regime’s open favoritism towards Alawites. The govern- secures $1.4bn from archipelago and upmarket honeymoon destination in elec- year in the ment reacts by cracking down on the Muslim tions in September. Brotherhood, which undertakes an armed uprising Besides being accused by critics of corruption and before being crushed in the central city of Hama in 1982 ‘closest friend’ India muzzling the media, Yameen was seen as close to China, Arab world at a cost of between 10,000 and 40,000 lives. borrowing from Beijing for infrastructure projects includ- ing a new bridge and an airport expansion. China has also Iraq: Saddam seizes power NEW DELHI: The new Maldives president, seen as closer loaned billions to other countries around the Indian Ocean PARIS: A series of dramatic events swept across the On July 16, Saddam Hussein becomes Iraq’s president to the West and India than his predecessor, secured $1.4 and beyond, stoking fears of a debt trap and riling both Arab and Muslim worlds in 1979, the aftershocks of as one of the strongmen of the Baath Party in power billion from New Delhi yesterday in his first visit abroad to India-which has traditionally held sway in the region-and which still reverberate today, 40 years later. Here is an since a 1968 coup. He goes on to rule with an iron fist, his country’s “closest friend”. Ibrahim Mohamed Solih said the United States. Solih’s party has called for a review of overview. drawing Iraq into a string of conflicts, including war with after talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi that they the projects bankrolled by China in the strategically placed Iran, until he is ousted in the US-led invasion of 2003 would also “strengthen maritime security” through patrols, Indian Ocean country. Iran: Islamic revolution and executed three years later. aerial surveillance and exchanging information. “India is Former president Mohamed Nasheed, now Solih’s On January 16, Iran’s last monarch, the pro-Western our closest neighbor and our people are bound by ties of mentor, has accused China of a land grab and condemned Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, flees the country after Iran: US embassy hostages friendship and cultural affinity,” Solih told reporters. a free-trade agreement signed by Beijing and Yameen as months of protests against his regime. The spiritual On November 4, Islamist students seize the US “Within those close links, trade and commerce have flour- one-sided. Nasheed told AFP in a recent interview that it leader who led the uprising from exile, Shiite cleric embassy in Tehran, demanding the extradition of the ished. India is not only our closest friend, it’s also one of would be “very difficult” for the Maldives to repay its Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, makes a triumphant return shah, who is receiving medical care in the United States. our largest trading partners,” Solih said. Chinese debt, which he said was estimated to be at least on February 1. The shah’s government falls 10 days later Fifty-two diplomats will be held for 444 days. It leads to The package of financial assistance is in the form of $3 billion. But China’s ambassador told the local Avas.mv when the army turns against him. The following day, the rupture of relations between Washington and budgetary support, currency swap agreements and credit website last month that only about half of the Maldives’ public radio announces the fall of the monarchy and “the Tehran, still in place today. lines, Modi said, after what he called “successful talks” to external debt pile of $1.2 billion was owed to Beijing. end of 2,500 years of despotism”. An Islamic republic is build upon the two countries’ “deep-rooted” friendship. Zhang Lizhong said the loans carried just a two-percent proclaimed on April 1, its legislation based on Sharia law. “We want greater trade ties with Maldives. There are interest rate and a five-year grace period. “We have noth- On May 5, Khomeini creates the elite Revolutionary Deadly Makkah siege increasing opportunities for Indian companies in the island ing to gain if a friendly country falls into debt,” he said. Guards who will become the regime’s elite army. A drop On November 20, more than 400 Muslim fundamen- nation. This is beneficial for both the countries,” Modi said. “There is no single (piece of) evidence to support the so- in Iran’s oil output during the revolution drives up talists storm the holiest mosque in Islam, in Makkah, “Our security interests are interlinked. We will not allow called debt trap claim.” — AFP prices, sparking an energy crisis in Western economies. western Saudi Arabia, and take hostages from among the thousands of worshippers there. They claim to have Egypt: first peace treaty with them the new redeemer, or Mahdi, whose appear- On March 26, Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and ance is predicted in several hadiths to cleanse the Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin sign in Muslim world of “impurities” introduced from the West. Washington the first ever peace treaty between the Saudi forces launch an assault two weeks later in which Jewish state and an Arab nation. The accord, inked in the at least 333 soldiers, rebels and civilians are killed. It is presence of US president Jimmy Carter, ends the state the start of the rise of Islamist extremism in Saudi of war between the neighbors and sets the terms for Arabia. Egypt to recover in 1982 its Sinai Peninsula, which Israel invaded in 1967. But Arab countries slam the treaty as a Afghanistan: Soviet invasion betrayal and break off relations with Egypt. Sadat, also On December 27, Soviet troops invade Afghanistan criticized at home, is assassinated in October 1981. to back its embattled communist government, leading to a nine-year occupation. It triggers an armed resistance Syria: cadets massacred by Afghan mujahedeen backed by the United States On June 16, 80 Syrian military cadets are massacred and Saudi secret services. Wealthy Saudi national in a hail of gunfire and grenades after being assembled Osama bin Laden plays a key role, recruiting mostly at their academy in the northern city of Aleppo. The men Arab volunteers to the insurgency and going on to are from the Alawite sect of the Shiite Islam minority, as inspire a worldwide anti-Western jihad, or holy war, as NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (right) shakes hands with Maldives President Ibrahim is the president Hafez al-Assad, father of the current the head of Al-Qaeda. — AFP Mohamed Solihas prior to a meeting in New Delhi yesterday. — AFP 7 International Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Farmer-herder violence leaves 3,600 dead in Nigeria: Amnesty Government’s failure blamed for fuelling violence

LAGOS: More than 3,600 people have been killed in attacks, which can sometimes last for days, and yet have sure of Amnesty International offices in Nigeria, if such were deployed to the village and scrambled to push out clashes between farmers and herders in Nigeria since been slow to act,” it said. In some cases, forces were recklessness continues,” he warned. The farmer-herder the militants after “fierce battle”. 2016, Amnesty International said yesterday, blaming the warned of an imminent raid but did nothing to prevent the violence is putting further pressure on President It was not clear if there were casualties in the attack government’s failure to punish the perpetrators for killings, looting or burning of homes. Muhammadu Buhari, who is battling a nine-year insur- which once again highlighted the fragile security situation fuelling the violence. The international human rights “The Nigerian government has displayed what can gency by the Boko Haram jihadist group in the northeast. in the restive region. “They (Boko Haram) came around organization said more than 2,000 were killed in 2018 only be described as gross incompetence and has failed in The 76-year-old retired general has come under fire for 5:30 pm and started firing in the village which made us alone, while the bloodshed had made thousands of other its duty to protect the lives of its population,” said Osai his inability to end the country’s security challenges as he abandon our homes and flee to Maiduguri,” Maiborti resi- people homeless. Ojigho, Nigeria’s director of Amnesty International. “Our seeks a second term in February elections. Boko Haram has dent Abacha Kaka said. Militia leader Babakura Kolo said Violence between farmers and nomadic herders is on research shows that these attacks were well planned and stepped up attacks on farmers and loggers in recent months, the jihadists were later forced out of the village by troops the increase in Nigeria over access to fertile land and coordinated, with the use of weapons like machine guns accusing them of passing information about the group to the with aerial support. “Unfortunately, the terrorists suc- water, which is becoming scarce in the face of drought and AK-47 rifles,” Ojigho said. “In some places, because military. In the latest attack, four farmers were shot dead as ceeded in setting fire to the village and burning it down and rapid population growth. “The Nigerian authorities’ of the failures of the security forces, competition over they slept in rice fields in a village outside the Nigerian city completely,” he added. failure to investigate communal clashes and bring perpe- resources is used as a pretext to kill and maim along eth- of Maiduguri, survivors and local militia said yesterday. Last Boko Haram has in recent months launched attacks in trators to justice has fuelled a bloody escalation in the nic or religious lines,” she said. “The conflict has been month, the insurgents killed nine farmers and abducted 12 a bid to capture Maiduguri, the birthplace of its founder conflict between farmers and herders across the country, dangerously politicized by some state government offi- others in Mammanti village, near Maiduguri. Mohammed Yusuf. Last month, the jihadists attacked resulting in at least 3,641 deaths in the past three years cials who have inflamed tensions by embarking on a Jimmi village just outside the city, killing one person and and the displacement of thousands more,” Amnesty said blame game along political party lines.” Hundreds flee stealing hundreds of livestock. In April, scores of Boko in a statement. The Nigerian army yesterday rejected the Amnesty In another development, hundreds fled late Sunday Haram fighters launched a gun and suicide attack on It said that of the 310 attacks recorded between report, accusing the global watchdog of “unfounded alle- after Boko Haram burned their homes near Nigeria’s Jiddari-Polo, outside the city. The Islamist group has January 2016 and October 2018, 57 percent were in 2018 gations against the leadership of the Nigerian military”. northeastern city of Maiduguri, residents said. Boko attacked at least 20 military bases in recent weeks, and were most frequent in Adamawa, Benue, Kaduna, Army spokesman Sani Usman said in a statement that Haram fighters in several trucks stormed Maiborti village, killing dozens of soldiers and carting away weapons. Taraba and Plateau. The rights group also accused Nigerians should ignore the report which he said was five kilometers outside Maiduguri, firing indiscriminately Boko Haram’s nine-year rebellion has killed at least Nigerian security forces of not doing enough to stop the intended to “destabilise and dismember” the country. and setting fire to homes, they said. A military officer who 27,000 and forced more than two million people to flee killings. “Security forces are often positioned close to the “The Nigerian Army has no option than to call for the clo- did not want to be identified said troops and fighter jets their homes. — Agencies

European Union and United States at a time Powerful blast Turkey revives when Turkey is trying to resolve diplomatic disputes that helped fuel a currency crisis this year. rips through the ghosts of Yapici, a 67-year-old architect whose activist group Taksim Solidarity was at the restaurant Gezi protests; heart of the Gezi protests, was one of 26 defendants acquitted in April 2015 of Elections loom charges carrying jail terms of up to 13 years. in Japan; 42 She said the investigations were an attempt to rewrite social memory of the protests. injured ISTANBUL: Three years after she was “They are trying to blacken the clear cele- acquitted over her role in Turkey’s Gezi Park bration of democracy that was Gezi in the protests, Mucella Yapici was called in last minds of children, youths and society,” TOKYO: A powerful blast that ripped through a month by police to face more questions Yapici said. She has not been charged restaurant in northern Japan injured 42 people about the unrest that had posed a direct again, but last month more than a dozen and caused serious damage to neighboring challenge to the authority of President people were detained as part of an investi- buildings, forcing some residents into shelters, Tayyip Erdogan. Yapici is one of dozens gation into the Gezi protests and prosecu- officials said. The explosion in Sapporo on who were involved in demonstrations that tors have issued warrants for a prominent Sunday night started fires and caused the par- brought millions onto Turkey’s streets in journalist and an actor, both living abroad. tial collapse of some surrounding buildings. 2013 to protest against the government and “Five years later the prosecutor has sud- Images from the scene showed large flames who are now caught up in a renewed inves- denly remembered the Gezi resistance and and plumes of smoke rising in the night air, and tigation, raising concerns among Turkey’s started a new witch hunt,” the Berlin-based witnesses described hearing a terrifying boom. Western allies. Opposition figures say the journalist, Can Dundar, said after details of The cause of the blast was still under investi- renewed crackdown is designed to polarise his arrest warrant emerged on Dec. 5. A sen- gation, police said. One witness reportedly public opinion and rally support for ior Turkish official said the Gezi incidents said he had smelled gas after the explosion. A Erdogan’s AK Party ahead of local elections were solely a matter for the courts. “Of police official for the Hokkaido region told course the government does not make any SAPPORO, Japan: Firefighters carry on rescue works after an explosion at a restau- in March, when it could face tight races in AFP that despite the large number of injuries, requests in this respect,” he told Reuters. rant in Sapporo, in the northern Hokkaido prefecture yesterday. — AFP some of Turkey’s largest cities. there had been no fatalities. “It is a political manoeuvre,” Yapici said “Ultimately courts and prosecutors take var- The Jiji Press agency said one of those of her questioning two weeks ago. “We ious steps in cases based on the evidence injured was seriously hurt, suffering burns to his buildings, and debris blasted out by the explo- city government opened a shelter to house were tried in Turkish courts and acquitted. which they obtain.” “It is not a matter of the face, but none of the victims had life-threaten- sion shattered the windows of nearby apart- dozens of people whose homes were damaged. And the state did not appeal,” she told incidents specially being put onto the agen- ing wounds. Several children were reportedly ments and restaurants, according to local “The number of evacuees grew to about 60 Reuters, adding that authorities had pro- da five years later,” he added. “Ultimately among those hurt in the explosion. “I heard a reports. “We are investigating details about the people around midnight, but now there are 10 duced no new evidence. The moves by pros- the judiciary will take up these dossiers and ‘bang,’ which sounded like thunder, and my damage together with police at the scene,” the people still in the evacuation centre,” Sapporo ecutors and police have been accompanied reach the necessary verdicts.” According to condo was shaken,” a man in his 50s told The official said. National broadcaster NHK said it official Yasuhiro Ishizuka said. by renewed and sharp criticism of the Gezi government estimates, 3.6 million people Japan Times. “There was an enormous sound, took firefighters several hours to extinguish the The explosion also caused a temporary protesters by Erdogan. Such attacks have took part in the Gezi protests, which began ‘bang’, then when I looked up at the sky it was flames, with dozens of vehicles mobilized to deal black-out, with 250 buildings losing electricity, been a hallmark of his election triumphs with a small demonstration against the filled with plumes of smoke,” an elderly woman with the accident. A 26-year-old female employ- but power was later restored, he said. Many since he first won power 16 years ago. But redevelopment of a park near Istanbul’s said in footage on public broadcaster NHK. The ee at the restaurant jumped from the first floor small and medium-sized older buildings in they also risk alienating allies such as the Taksim Square. — Reuters two-story wooden building that housed the and broke her leg as she tried to escape the fire, Japan are built partly or entirely from wood restaurant, a real estate agency and a clinic was media reports said. “I’m just relieved that she is and are vulnerable to fires. In February, 11 peo- seriously damaged, a Sapporo fire department alive,” her sister, who rushed to the scene, told ple were killed in Sapporo after a fire broke official said. the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper. out at a home for elderly people with financial The fire from the blast spread to neighboring The blast happened around 8.30 pm, and the difficulties. — AFP

ing of coalition air strikes. Since the start Rubble and of the operation on September 10, at least 930 jihadists and more than 540 SDF fighters have been killed, the charred cars Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor said. in jihadist hub In addition, more than 320 civilians have lost their lives, many in coalition air strikes, according to the Observatory. The HAJIN: Burnt-out cars, craters and col- coalition has however repeatedly denied lapsed buildings dot the side of a road in targeting civilians. But no civilians were the Syrian village of Hajin, after US-backed visible in Hajin on Saturday, after thou- forces expelled the Islamic State group. sands fled the village and nearby areas. A The sound of mortar fire and flying bullets convoy of armored cars ferried in US sol- resounded inside Hajin on Saturday, as diers, churning up dust along the way. On huge clouds of grey smoke billowed over a hill that used to act as the village ceme- the outskirts of the large village in eastern tery, tunnels and trenches dug by the Syria. The yellow flag of the Syrian jihadists lay covered in sheets and colorful HAJIN, Syria: Smoke billows after bombings in the Deir Democratic Forces flew above one build- blankets. Bullet and artillery shell casings Ezzor province as a vehicle of the Syrian Democratic ing, after the Kurdish-led fighters seized covered the ground. Forces (SDF) stops in Hajin, in the Deir Ezzor province, the village from IS jihadists on Friday. eastern Syria. — AFP “Hajin has come under the control of our ‘Death is their destiny’ forces,” SDF commander Zanar Awaz said. SDF fighter Bahouz, who did not give “We are now fighting on the outskirts of his last name, remembered first entering Hajin and we are preparing to enter nearby the district’s hospital. He said he took pic- villages,” he said in Kurdish, a shot of white tures of the dead jihadists he saw there. in his short black hair. “They think they’ll go to paradise, but we “We will finish off this terrorist group.” killed them,” he said, carrying a gun and Hajin lies on the east bank of the Euphrates hand grenades around his waist. “Death is in the eastern province of Deir Ezzor, their destiny as they destroyed every- about 30 kilometers (18 miles) from the thing.” IS swept across large swathes of border with Iraq. The village’s capture Syria and neighboring Iraq in 2014, imple- marks a milestone in a massive and costly menting their brutal interpretation of operation backed by a US-led coalition to Islamic law in areas they controlled. But expel IS from eastern Syria. On Saturday, they have since seen their dream of a state armored vehicles brought in SDF fighters crumble, as they have lost most of that ter- to reinforce the front lines outside Hajin, as ritory to various offensives. coalition planes and helicopters flew over- In Syria, IS fighters are holding out in head. An SDF fighter sitting on the top of a what remains of the pocket that once vehicle with fellow combatants flashed a included Hajin, including the villages of Al- victory sign. Shaafa and Sousa. They have also retained a presence in the vast Badia desert, but Tunnels and trenches that front is managed by Russia-backed The Kurdish-led SDF launched an regime forces. According to the offensive in September to expel IS from a Observatory, a total of 17,000 SDF fighters pocket including its main village Hajin, are involved in the fight to seize the eastern but their advance has been fraught with pocket, compared to around 2,000 obstacles. “We’ve been facing a lot of jihadists. Inside Hajin village, SDF fighter difficulties: IS car bombs, suicide attack- Mohammed al-Mohammed said his spirits ers. Most of them are foreign,” Awaz were high. “There’s only a bit left” to cap- said. On Saturday morning, IS launched a ture from IS, said the 19-year-old. “We will counterattack, but the SDF said it suc- head on to Al-Shaafa and Sousa to liberate ceeded in repelling them with the back- them and win, God willing.” — AFP 8 Established 1961 International Tuesday, December 18, 2018 An education: MBAs with Chinese characteristics, economic system Students learn how to navigate notoriously business world

BEIJING: At business school with Chinese characteris- net giants Tencent and Alibaba. “There is a push to be tics, undergraduate students debating how a company creative (with theory application) because the market is should deal with striking workers get a harsh reality multifaceted and very international and in the midst of check from their professor. While students suggest change,” second-year student Li Tangge told AFP. negotiating better benefits for the strikers - a textbook answer - their lecturer presents them with a classic Reading Marx Chinese company tactic: Get law enforcement to break Over 2,000 post-graduate students go through up the labor action. China’s Communist Party has adapt- Renmin’s doors every year - nearly half are in the MBA ed market economics to its own system since enacting program, with about 100 from outside China. “Foreign major reforms in 1978, paving the way for the rise of students come to Renmin University to better under- many companies - and creating the need for business stand the Chinese landscape, Chinese application of schools to train a new class of entrepreneurs. Western theory,” Mao said. He dismisses suggestions “Forty years ago, the idea of a business school would that the program is a study in contrasts, with entrepre- have been inconceivable,” Mao Jiye, dean of the busi- neurship and private ownership diametrically opposed ness school in Beijing’s elite Renmin University said. to Marxism, the bedrock of the Chinese government. “Forty years ago, we never had any business research “What we do in the day-to-day is think about how to institutions like that.” On December 18, 1978, the help enterprises increase productivity, and grow wealth. Communist Party launched “reform and opening up” I feel this is something that doesn’t conflict (with under then leader Deng Xiaoping, a series of market- Communist principles),” Mao said. State-owned compa- oriented economic reforms aimed at attracting foreign nies monopolize key economic sectors in the world’s investment. As new money flooded into the country, second largest economy. there came a need for an expertise in managing compa- Yet China is also home to over 370 billionaires and a nies that were geared towards the market economy. widening wealth gap between urban elite and rural poor. BEIJING: Students look at their mobile phones at a stadium in Renmin University, which claims to be the first At Renmin, which claims to be the first Chinese uni- The trappings of capitalism - brought about by what Chinese university to offer a master’s in business administration, in Beijing. — AFP versity to offer a master’s in business administration, Deng called “socialism with Chinese characteristics” - students learn to manage human resources and work prompted some analysts to suggest the party was mere- within organizational structures, but also get tips on ly paying lip service to Marxism and that economic con- As part of changes introduced this year, all education- since the summer, several activists fighting for the rights how to navigate China’s notoriously complex business cerns had trumped ideology. But President Xi Jinping al institutes now have Party Committees that are involved of workers striking in southern China have been rounded world. The theories are mostly Western but the case has sought to reverse this, making Karl Marx’s seminal in important decisions, said Mao, quickly adding that it up by the police. A hot-button issue, the term “strike” studies discussed are all Chinese, Mao said, citing work, The Communist Manifesto, mandatory reading for was still too early to say what the effect of this was. But it has also been heavily censored on Chinese social media, home-grown firms like electronics giant Haier and inter- cadres after taking charge of the party in 2012. has also been a difficult few months for some Marxists: with reports quickly taken down. — AFP What next for

least in comments he made in English. Brexit? Four Dutch PM In Dutch, however he warned at the summit against any move to take the Netherlands out of the EU, saying ‘If main scenarios warns against anyone in the Netherlands thinks Nexit LONDON: British Prime Minister Theresa May is a good idea, look at England and see faces a dwindling number of options over Brexit the enormous damage it does.” after EU leaders at a summit last week rebuffed copying Brexit The Netherlands has been anxiously her attempts to tweak a Brexit deal she struck watching developments in Britain, a key with them. Here are the four main scenarios fac- trading partner and one-time ally on ‘chaos’ ing Britain while the clock ticks down to March many European matters, as it prepares 29, 2019 - the day it is scheduled to depart the THE HAGUE: Dutch Prime Minister to leave the EU on March 29, 2019. Mark Rutte warned the Netherlands European project after 46 years: Rutte himself originally invited May’s LONDON: Anti-brexit campaigners wave Union and EU flags outside the Houses of yesterday against emulating the predecessor David Cameron to Deal Parliament in central London, ahead of a statement by Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa “chaos” and division of Britain’s deci- Amsterdam give the fateful speech This is the Brexit that the British govern- May in the House of Commons. — AFP sion to leave the European Union. “I leading to the 2016 referendum that led ment and EU leaders want-and one which the compare the Netherlands to a fragile to Brexit, although it ended up being British parliament refuses to accept. The deal vase, held by its 17 million citizens,” postponed and shifted to London. has been rejected from opposing wings of sudden shift to different standards would offer and that Britons never backed a no-deal Rutte said in a full-page advert, printed Observers say yesterday’s advert is the parliament for either keeping Britain tied too impact almost every economic sector-and scenario. Some members of May’s cabinet are in the popular daily tabloid Algemeen start of Rutte’s campaign for his Liberal closely or remotely to the European Union. possibly see the costs of everyday products in reported to be pushing for a second vote, but Dagblad. In order to preserve this VVD party in the run-up to European May aborted a vote on the deal set for last Britain soar. Both sides have been forced to the prime minister is against the move, warn- ‘vase’, “compromises often have to be parliament and Dutch provincial elec- week because of its certain defeat. Brexit ramp up their preparations for a disorderly ing it “would do irreparable damage to the made in which difficult problems are tions next year. backers in her party then plotted an ultimately Brexit over the past few weeks. UK business- integrity of our politics.” It is also unclear solved in a sensible way,” he said. But Known for his upbeat character and unsuccessful coup that saw more than a third es are stockpiling goods while Brussels is try- what options to give people in a second bal- Rutte, who has been Dutch premier his man-of-the-people habit of riding back a motion to force May out. May prom- ing to find a way to maintain free-flowing lot-and what happens if Brexit wins again. since 2010 and currently leads a shaky his bicycle to work, Rutte “wants to ised them she would wring concessions from operations involving London’s massive finan- coalition government, said there are beat his opponents with positivity and Brussels but apparently failed to do so at a cial services hub. Parliament votes on options examples in society “where the vase optimism,” the NOS public broadcaster summit last week. May’s government intends Another possibility that has come to the has been dropped.” said. Rutte also warned about those Second referendum fore in recent days is for several non-binding “Look at Great Britain. There, its to reintroduce the very same draft for a vote creating division in the Netherlands- EU supporters have been calling for anoth- votes to be held in parliament on different politicians and its people have forgot- some time between January 7 and January 21. compared them to “screaming football er vote ever since the first one backed Leave Brexit options to effectively determine the ten what they’ve reached together,” It will hope that fear of the chaos that a no- dads on sidelines”. He referred to by a 52-48 margin in June 2016. There is no government’s strategy. The first would be on Rutte said. “Now they are caught up in deal exit might bring will force lawmakers to recent demonstrations for and against law keeping Britain from doing it all over May’s deal but others could include a no-deal chaos,” he said. Rutte was the first stop put aside their reservations. Black Pete, or “Zwarte Piet”, a black- again, but many question whether this would Brexit, a second referendum or a “Norway on British Prime Minister Theresa face Christmas-time character accused No-deal be democratic-and why a second attempt deal” that would keep Britain much more May’s unsuccessful tour to seek assur- of being a racist stereotype. “People This is billed as the doomsday scenario should take precedence over the first. It also closely anchored to the European single mar- ances for a Brexit deal from EU leaders were so busy shouting for and against that threatens to trigger a recession in Britain threatens to be just as divisive with opinion ket and allow unfettered immigration. Business last week. The Dutch premier was one Zwarte Piet that they forgot about the and markedly slow the European Union’s eco- polls showing the country still split over the secretary Greg Clark appeared to hint at this of several leaders defending her after- children,” for whom Rutte said the early nomic growth. It is the default option if the issue. Calls for another vote have ramped up on Monday, telling BBC radio that parliament wards at a summit in Brussels-or at December festival is organized. —AFP British parliament votes against the deal and over the last few months, with former prime should be “invited to say what it would agree there are no other solutions. May’s agreement minister Tony Blair on Sunday saying “what with” if it votes against the draft Brexit agree- was meant to keep trade rules between the seemed a few months ago unlikely is now I ment on the table. Other cabinet ministers world’s fifth-biggest economy and largest sin- would say above a 50 percent likelihood.” including finance minister Philip Hammond are later is sentenced in absentia to life in gle market almost unchanged for a transition Proponents argue that the Brexit people reportedly in favor of this solution as a demo- Madagascar: prison and hard labor over protester period running through the end of 2020. A were promised looks nothing like the deal on cratic way to end the current limbo. —AFP deaths in 2009. On returning to Madagascar in 2014, he is arrested but his Three presidents, sentence is lifted and he is freed from three crises house arrest the following year. Thousands 2009-2014: Rajoelina ANTANANARIVO: Madagascar’s past In March 2009, Rajoelina seizes power protest ‘slave law’ three presidents all had their terms tar- from Ravalomanana with the backing of nished by political crises. Two of them- the military. The international community Marc Ravalomanana and Andry denounces what it deems a coup d’etat in Hungary’s Rajoelina-are through to tomorrow’s sec- and for nearly four years, foreign aid and ond-round election run-off. Here is a look investment is frozen, driving the island capital back at the turbulent recent history of the deeper into poverty. In September 2011, Indian Ocean island: the country’s main political factions sign an accord to draw up a roadmap to guide BUDAPEST: Protesters threw smoke 2002-2009: Ravalomanana Madagascar to elections. grenades at police who responded with tear Marc Ravalomanana, a milkman- gas in Budapest on Sunday as thousands of turned-millionaire dairy mogul is declared 2014-2018: Rajaonarimampianina people rallied against a new “slave law” passed winner of the presidential election in 2002 In December 2013 with the support of by the government of conservative Prime BUDAPEST: A protester holds a sign reading ‘Stop Orban’ as members and sympathizers of after a crisis lasting nearly seven months the outgoing regime, Hery Minister Viktor Orban. More than 15,000 peo- several trade unions, political parties and civil organizations march in Budapest to protest against outgoing leader Didier Ratsiraka, Rajaonarimampianina wins the presiden- ple, according to local press reports, joined the against changes to the labor code. — AFP who disputed the results. Ravalomanana is tial election, taking over at the start of demonstration-the first rally since Orban reelected in 2006. In 2009, Andry 2014. Neither Ravalomanana nor Rajoelina returned to power in 2010 to bring together all Rajoelina, a baby-faced ex-party planner were running against him in the vote, as opposition parties, from greens to the far right, Hungary’s public television headquarters to public administration cases. and media boss who became mayor of the the international community feared their under the same banner. read a petition but were refused access. The justice minister Laszlo Trocsanyi, a capital Antananarivo, emerges as an participation would reignite political tur- The protest was called by unions and oppo- Protesters then hurled missiles and smoke close Orban ally, would oversee the courts, opposition leader. He denounces attacks moil on the island. But just 16 months later, sition parties outraged at reforms that hike the grenades prompting police to respond with leading some to warn the premier could have on freedoms under Ravalomanana. parliament votes overwhelmingly to dis- annual overtime hours that employers can tear gas, as they have done in previous days. near-total political influence over the judicial The government had shut down his TV miss Rajaonarimampianina for alleged demand from 250 to 400 hours and allows “They don’t negotiate with anyone. They just system. Anger over the legislation has prompt- channel in 2008 after it broadcast an constitutional violations and general payment to be delayed by up to three years. do whatever they want. They steal everything. ed opposition parties across the spectrum, who interview with ex-president Ratsiraka, incompetence. He challenges the legality The government says the changes are needed It’s intolerable. It cannot go on,” said one pro- accuse Orban and his ruling Fidesz party of exiled since 2002. Between January 26 of the move and in mid-June the by employers short of manpower and will ben- tester, Zoli, a transport worker. Protests in the steering Hungary toward authoritarianism, to and February 7, 2009, protests and clash- Constitutional Court throws out the efit those wanting to work extra hours. past week have been the most violent in join forces. Pro-government public and com- es between Rajoelina supporters and the impeachment demand. Protesters hit the Sunday’s protest ended up at Parliament Hungary for over a decade with dozens arrest- mercial media have portrayed the protesters as presidential guard leave around 100 peo- streets of Antananarivo again in April 2018 Square, where protesters chanting “Orban get ed and at least 14 police injured. Other reforms anarchists and “mercenaries of George Soros”. ple dead. Having lost the support of the over Rajaonarimampianina’s efforts to lost!” have been gathering since the law was passed by parliament, which is dominated by The Hungarian-born US billionaire Soros has army, Ravalomanana resigns in March. He change electoral laws that opponents say adopted on Wednesday. Protesters led by two Orban’s ruling party, include a bill paving the long been accused by Orban of plotting to takes refuge in South Africa and a year are intended to favour his party. — AFP opposition lawmakers later marched to way for new “administrative courts” to oversee destabilize Hungary. — AFP 9 International Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Troops lock down Kashmir city, hold leaders to stifle protests Army warns of bid to pit civilians against security forces SRINAGAR: Indian police detained separatist leaders in services. Pakistan, which like India, claims Kashmir in full the disputed Kashmir region yesterday and sealed off but rules it in part, condemned the Saturday killings. “Only roads in an effort to stifle protests against the killing of dialogue and not violence and killings will resolve this civilians on the weekend. Unrest has intensified over recent conflict,” Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said, adding weeks in the Muslim-majority region at the heart of decades of hostility between India and Pakistan, and seven civilians were killed on Saturday when security forces opened fire at a protest over the killing of three militants. Situation Separatists leaders Mohammad Yasin Malik and Mirwaiz Umar Farooq said they were detained as they tense after marched towards an army headquarters in Kashmir’s main city of Srinagar. Another leader, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, seven civilians was under house arrest, police said. “Indian troops are killing Kashmiris,” Malik told reporters as police in riot killed gear took him away in a white vehicle. “For the last many years they are on a killing spree.” A senior police official, who declined to be identified, said Malik and Farooq would be released “once the situa- that his country would raise India’s “human rights viola- tion stabilizes”. A spokesman for India’s Ministry of Home tions” at the United Nations. Hindu-majority India accuses Affairs in New Delhi said he had no comment. Police and Pakistan of training and arming separatist militants operat- para-military forces put up barricades in various parts of ing in Kashmir. Pakistan denies that saying it only offers Srinagar, including on roads leading to the army headquar- political support to the people of the Muslim region who ters, and were patrolling in force. The army warned the pop- are being denied their rights by India’s security forces. ulation against being used to make trouble. “Army advises Indian forces say they have killed 242 militants this year people not to fall prey to such designs of anti-national in the region, while 101 civilians and 82 members of the forces,” the army said in a statement late on Sunday. “It’s an security forces have been killed, making it the bloodiest attempt to pit the civilian population against the security year in more than a decade. Meenakshi Ganguly, South forces”. One soldier was killed in the Saturday violence. Asia director at Human Rights Watch, said Indian authori- ties should investigate and prosecute those responsible for ‘Dialogue, not violence’ “indiscriminate use of force”. “Security forces are aware Shops, government offices and banks were closed in that villagers gather, protest during gunfights with Srinagar and a nearby district and traffic was off the roads. Kashmir militants and have responsibility to ensure civil- KASHMIR: Kashmiri Muslim men sit in front of closed shops as Indian paramilitary troopers patrol during the Authorities have also shut down mobile internet and train ians are not at risk,” she said in a tweet. — Reuters second day of three days strike called by Kashmiri separatists in Srinagar. — AFP

tilised egg is then surgically inserted into the uterus of a surrogate Li said over the past three years she has Two of a kind: China’s mother dog - in this case a beagle. Juice’s copy, “Little Juice”-or Chinese activists submitted over 30 freedom of information “Zhizhi” in Chinese-was born in mid-September and stayed with its requests to police, which have been sent back first pet cloning service surrogate mother in Sinogene’s lab for about a month. The puppy unanswered. In April, Li attempted to march was later given to He at a small ceremony at which the original go bald in protest, 100 kilometers (60 miles) to a detention Juice was present. While He has not committed Little Juice to show facility in neighboring Tianjin to highlight her duplicates star pooch business just yet, he sees lots of potential. “We believe he’ll be even demand justice husband’s plight before she was thwarted by better than the older Juice,” He said. — Reuters police. “I want to urge the Supreme People’s Court to perform its supervisory duties and BEIJING: Juice is a one-foot tall canine wonder who has starred in BEIJING: The wife of a detained Chinese investigate why the second intermediate dozens of Chinese film and television productions. As he gets older lawyer and three supporters shaved their court in Tianjin that is handling my husband’s and his illustrious career peaks, his Beijing-based master has one heads yesterday and attempted to submit to a case is dragging its feet,” Li said. “The court wish for the mutt - to live on. Maybe forever. A mongrel stray adopt- Beijing court a petition protesting her hus- has surpassed the time limit prescribed by ed off the streets, the nine year-old Juice-or “Guozhi” in Mandarin-is Hopes fade for 13 band’s indefinite detention. The four women law for dealing with such cases,” she said. unable to reproduce since he was neutered from an early age. But went to the Hongsecun People’s High Court his master, animal trainer He Jun, wants to continue his star pooch’s miners trapped in in south Beijing in a symbolic protest Health concerns image by making a genetic clone. “Juice himself is a piece of intellec- against what they said highlighted the “law- Liu Ermin, wife of rights activist Zhai tual property with social influence,” said He. To achieve that, He went a flooded coal pit lessness” of the country. “We can go bald, Yanmin, said she was protesting her hus- to Sinogene, China’s first biotech company to provide pet cloning but the country cannot be lawless,” the four services. Sinogene made headlines when it successfully cloned a band’s torture while in detention. “His health women shouted outside the courthouse has deteriorated and we are still under con- gene-edited beagle in May last year. A month later, it launched com- NEW DELHI: Hope has all but faded for 13 miners trapped after they were prevented by police from mercial cloning services. For at least 380,000 yuan ($55,065), pet stant surveillance,” she said. The third woman deep underground four days ago when an illegal “rat hole” entering the premises. The Chinese words was Yuan Shanshan, wife of lawyer Xie Yanyi. owners can clone their pets. coal pit flooded in remote northeastern India. Emergency for being completely bald and having a Sinogene’s CEO Mi Jidong said the company’s pet cloning busi- Xie, who defended practitioners of the crews have been pumping water from the site since the acci- state of lawlessness-”wufa”-are homonyms. ness is in its initial stages, but he plans to expand services to eventu- banned Falun Gong spiritual movement, was dent last Thursday in mineral-rich Meghalaya state, but no Their husbands were all targeted during a ally include gene editing. “We’ve discovered that more and more pet released on bail pending trial in January 2017. contact has been made with the workers believed trapped sweeping crackdown on activists and owners want their pets to accompany them for an even longer period He has since shed light on the torture of below, police say. Authorities have declined to comment on lawyers on July 9, 2015. of time,” said Mi. China’s biotech industry is growing rapidly and, detained lawyers. their fate, but concede the operation was fraught with difficul- Attorney Wang Quanzhang, who defended compared with similar enterprises in the West, faces relatively few Wang Qiaoling, wife of lawyer Li Heping, ty. “We can’t say anything now as rescue operations are still political activists and victims of land seizures, regulatory barriers. Earlier this year, a Shanghai lab produced the also joined the protest. Li Heping was given on,” said Sylvester Nongtnger, local police superintendent in disappeared in the sweep aimed at court- world’s first monkey clones, two long-tailed macaques. More contro- a three-year suspended jail term in April the area, told AFP. room critics of Communist authorities. versially, He Jiankui of China’s Southern University of Science and 2017 for subverting state power. Three years “The coal pit is very deep, some 350 feet. We are trying our Charged in January 2016 with alleged “sub- after what activists say was a coordinated Technology last month claimed he used gene-editing technology to version of state power”, Wang is the only one alter the embryonic genes of twin girls. best.” An Indian court had banned coal mining in the area in attempt to quash China’s rights movement, of over 200 lawyers and activists arrested in Tin-Lap Lee, an associate professor of biomedical sciences at 2014 after environmental activists complained it was responsi- most of those detained are in prison or the so-called “709 crackdown” who is yet to the Chinese University of , said while China has regula- ble for severe water pollution. But the practice continues with under house arrest. Some of them made be tried or released. “My husband is being tions on the use of animals for lab research, there are no laws locals illegally extracting coal using dangerous so-called rat public confessions and were sentenced in detained incommunicado without a proper explicitly covering animal cloning. “On the government side, the hole mines. This involves digging pits on the side of hills and what their families say were either secret or explanation,” his wife Li Wenzu told AFP. “I image of this cloning industry is very high-tech, and definitely...is then burrowing small horizontal tunnels into the hill to reach a scripted trials. Some of the cases have want answers as to why the authorities aren’t very supportive of those high-tech industries because of their coal seam. At least 15 miners were killed after they were attracted international attention. German following due process. I want to know why high-profit margin,” said Lee. In Juice’s case, skin samples were trapped inside a flooded rat hole mine elsewhere in Meghalaya Chancellor Angela Merkel met Li Wenzu they aren’t allowing the family’s lawyer to collected from the dog’s lower abdomen and within weeks, in 2012. Their bodies were never recovered. — AFP during a May visit to Beijing-a rare show of visit Wang,” she said. Sinogene was able to isolate his DNA and fertilize an egg. The fer- solidarity from a world leader.— AFP 10

Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Analysis


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Mauritanians face US deportation, jail

o had nothing but a set of jail clothes and the name of a distant cousin when he boarded the Mdeportation flight from the United States to Mauritania, the African country he had fled. After more than 20 years he was returning to the scene of child- hood trauma - an Islamic republic on the edge of the Sahara where members of black ethnic groups, like him, have suffered decades of slavery and persecution under a light-skinned elite. The plane descended over desert, and his fears were realized. Upon arrival in the capital, Nouakchott, he was arrested and taken to jail, where he remained for two weeks until his family paid a bribe to free him. “I never thought I would come back to this life,” said the 45-year-old, identified here by a nickname for his protection, from his cousin’s house, where he hid for five months before fleeing the country again. Mo had a good job in Ohio and had recently bought a house with his American wife where their children played basketball in the backyard. Now he sat in a dark room every day on his cell phone, afraid to GCC march will not cease to exist go outside for fear of arrest. Thousands like Mo sought refuge in the United States after a 1989 conflict By Naif Al-Zufairy aged to live up to most of the GCC peoples’ aspirations military command headquarters “Peninsula Shield” to in which black Mauritanians were stripped of their cit- and ambitions, which were manifested by the following: defend the GCC’s territorial integrity. izenship and expelled. Longstanding U.S. policy held he GCC summit held in Riyadh on Dec 9, 2018 ● Consolidation of social cohesion and fraternity as GCC countries are working seriously to issue a unified that even those denied refugee status could remain. proved that the bloc is still standing on solid ground. well as economic integration and strategic cooperation to GCC currency, which will surely boost the GCC countries’ Now they are being deported as part of an immi- TLeaders of the GCC are more determined than any counter the looming regional and international challenges monetary system. The people of the GCC honestly and gration crackdown under President Donald Trump. time before to maintain, support and continue the march of that lie ahead. seriously appeal to their leaders to be more cognizant of Because Mauritania does not recognize their citizen- the unity of the GCC. HH the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah ● Facilitation of product transshipments and transac- the enormity of the challenges that lie ahead, chief among ship, interviews suggest dozens have been interrogat- Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, out of his keenness and cir- tions, which contributed to financial prosperity. them the lingering diplomatic crisis, which behooves on ed, detained and forced to hide. Mauritanian authori- cumspection, asserted on the importance of stopping and ● Free movement of GCC people within GCC countries them to contain and tackle it seriously to remain united ties and US immigration officials declined to respond banning the malicious media campaigns which aim at sow- without lengthy passport formalities. and work as a cohesive unit. We all pray to the Almighty to questions for this story. “I have not heard of any ing the seeds of sedition and discord and drive a wedge ● Right of ownership of real estate by GCC citizens God to guide our GCC leaders to the right path of achiev- person deported who was not at least initially into the ranks of the GCC. within the GCC region. ing their peoples’ desired objectives of peace, stability and detained,” said Lynn Tramonte, director of the Ohio The GCC, since the 39 years of its foundation, has man- ● Establishment of a unified and highly coordinated economic prosperity. Immigrant Alliance, who has been following the cases. Ohio is home to the Unites States’ largest Mauritanian community, about 3,000-strong. The United States deported 98 Mauritanians in the year to October, compared to just eight in the previous 12 Bowing out, months, according to US Immigration and Customs Japan electronics Enforcement (ICE). The Thomson Reuters Foundation Kabila raises spoke with six of them, all of whom were arrested and firms look to detained immediately upon arrival and five of whom prospect of have since fled to neighboring countries in fear. re-engineer their Hundreds more are at risk, say lawyers and advocates, with about 25 men detained in the United States and a return act awaiting deportation now. design mojo

Laissez-passer month before his scheduled departure after nearly two decades as Congo’s president, Joseph Kabila kihiro Adachi, a 31-year-old audiovisual equip- Mauritania expelled up to 50,000 black citizens ment designer at Panasonic Corp, longed for after clashes with Senegal over border land in 1989, Areceived a procession of foreign reporters at his heavily guarded riverside palace for a rare series of inter- some personal space during his lengthy train forcing them to surrender ID cards and nationality In this photo taken on Dec 10, 2018, President of the A views. If the timing suggested a valedictory, the 47-year- rides from Osaka to Tokyo. So when his company set documents, according to Human Rights Watch. Democratic Republic of Congo Joseph Kabila sits in the gar- out to encourage innovation, he joined with some col- Thousands more fled on their own. Many have since old leader’s words indicated otherwise. He vowed to remain in politics and, in one interview after another, left den of his personal ranch in Kinshasa. — AFP leagues and came up with “Wear Space,” a headset that returned, but race relations are far from smooth. The open the possibility of running again in 2023 when the limits noise and peripheral vision. Many at Panasonic country’s white Moors dominate politics and business clock resets on presidential term limits. main rivals, Kabila has reason to worry about his ability to were puzzled. “Someone said the office full of people and although it is illegal, the Global Slavery Index esti- “My role will be to make sure that we don’t go back to pull the strings. wearing this would look weird,” said Kang Hwayoung, mates 90,000 black Mauritanians are still enslaved. square one, square one meaning where we found the He need only look next door to Angola, where President another member of the 10-person design team. People like Mo relied on translators to file their Congo 22 years ago,” he told Reuters inside an ornate Joao Lourenco quickly marginalized Jose Eduardo dos But the prototype unexpectedly won a global asylum applications in the United States, and many reception room with high ceilings and sweeping views of Santos, his powerful predecessor who ruled for 38 years, design award and received positive feedback from were denied for lack of credibility or documents, the churning Congo River. “In politics, in life, you shouldn’t by accusing family members of corruption. “Kabila saw unexpected quarters, such as sake tasters who want- lawyers said. They were allowed to stay and simply rule out anything,” he said when asked about a potential what happened in Angola. That’s why he chose the person ed to limit sensory input. The project is among a monitored by ICE - until late last year. “I knew it was return. “There are still other chapters to write.” who is the most loyal and, above all, the least threatening range of efforts in the Japanese electronics industry coming. They were getting everybody,” said Mo in In the 18 years since a youthful, clean-shaven Kabila to his personal power,” said Manya Riche, who advised to reinvigorate industrial design. After years of losing October, wearing the same clothes he had put on for succeeded his slain father, Laurent, the now bulked-up Kabila from 2008 to 2011. Referring to an arrangement in ground to design-first rivals such as Apple and work the morning ICE picked him up outside his president sporting a billowy grey beard has traced an which Vladimir Putin remained Russia’s dominant leader as Dyson, Japanese companies are now trying to recover house in May. unlikely trajectory from accidental and apparently reluctant prime minister until he could run for president again, she the processes and creative flair that produced iconic Under pressure from the Trump administration, the leader to the defining Congolese figure of his time. Whether said: “This isn’t Russia. At a certain point here, it’s the chief products such as the Walkman. Mauritanian embassy started issuing travel permits, the vote due on Dec. 23 brings down the curtain on the who’s in the chair who is the chief.” Panasonic, Sony and Mitsubishi Electric are among “laissez-passers”, so its citizens could be sent back, tumultuous Kabila era, which began when Laurent seized those implementing practices that have been routine at lawyers said. But when Mo presented his in power in 1997, or triggers a new phase in which Joseph Coming to power many US and European companies, such as engaging Mauritania, he was told it was not proof of citizenship becomes the power behind the throne of his preferred suc- Kabila was born in 1971 in eastern Congo in the bush designers at every step and treating packaging as part of the product. “We used to have designers involved and that he had no legal rights there, he told the cessor, Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary, remains unclear. headquarters of his father’s rebellion against long-time only in final stages of our product development Thomson Reuters Foundation. “They (the authorities) It depends in part on how the Congolese reflect on his dictator Mobutu Sese Seko but spent most of his early process, just for an aesthetic fix,” Yoshiyuki Miyabe, said anyone can make this,” said Mo, waving the flimsy rule. There were early accomplishments - ending a region- years in neighboring Tanzania. He returned to Congo to Panasonic’s technology and manufacturing chief, told document typed up on printing paper. Mauritania’s al war and holding the first open presidential elections - take part in Laurent’s Rwandan and Ugandan-backed suc- reporters. “We are revamping the process so that dusty streets are full of checkpoints and police, and cessful march on the capital Kinshasa. A period of military but also incessant conflict, lethal crackdowns on pro- designers can join us from the planning phase.” not having papers puts one at constant risk of arrest, democracy protesters and corruption that the government training in China followed and Joseph was back as army chief when a bodyguard shot his father in 2001. The Japanese government is promoting the efforts: locals said. Stressed and afraid, in November Mo paid acknowledges siphoned off billions of dollars of potential a report in May urged corporate executives to pursue someone to smuggle him out. revenue. Foreign investment has propelled Democratic The country he inherited at 29 was in disarray, frag- mented between government and rebel territories, with “design-driven management, whereby a company Interrogated upon arrival, the deportees were all Republic of Congo to the status of Africa’s top copper leverages design as a primary driver of competitive- tens of thousands of people dying each month from con- asked why they had gone to the United States. “When producer and the world’s leading miner of cobalt, a crucial ness”. It also called for tax incentives for design-relat- flict, hunger and disease. A former US official who met they know you applied for asylum in USA, that’s a big component of electric car batteries, but militia violence ed investments and new laws to better protect intel- Kabila during his first trip to Washington that year problem, you don’t want to say that,” said one depor- has persisted in the east. lectual property. The government is set to revise such described the shy, awkward leader as a “deer in the head- tee, who made up a story about migrating for econom- Denis Mukwege, the Congolese doctor who shared this laws next year. “Of course, we had an argument over ic reasons instead. Mauritania’s government says slav- year’s Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the use of lights”. With his halting French and virtually non-existent how much the government can do and should do with ery and discrimination are in the past and has jailed sexual violence as a weapon of war, said Kabila had a right Lingala - the language of the capital and the army - he private-sector issues like this,” said Daisuke Kubota, and tortured people who challenge this narrative. The to remain in politics but hoped voters would remember his struggled to connect with many Congolese. But his politi- director at the government’s design registration sys- country denied entry to a group of U.S. civil rights broken promises. “None of the elements needed to install a cal instincts were surprisingly good. tem planning office, who was involved in the panel. leaders invited by anti-slavery groups last year. real democracy have been made during his time in power,” He courted Western powers such as the United States “But a lot of design experts asked us for govern- Ahmed, a Mauritanian living in Nouakchott, was he told Reuters. and France, which his father’s anti-colonial rhetoric had ment initiatives, saying that this is really the last chance contacted by a family member to help a deportee get alienated. He passed a liberalized mining code that attract- and Japan would never be able to catch up with global out of jail. For two weeks he negotiated with police Pulling the Strings ed foreign investment. He revived a stalled peace process, rivals if this opportunity is missed.” Another member of every day. “They said we can’t let him go, these people Kabila’s critics and some analysts say concerns about leading to a 2003 power-sharing deal that kept him in the the panel, Kinya Tagawa, visiting professor at the Royal presidency even though rebels remained active in the east. go to the US to denigrate the country, humiliate the his personal security - his assassinated father’s mausoleum College of Art and co-founder of design firm Takram, “He managed to run the country, more or less,” said country, things like that,” Ahmed said. “There’s a police stands below the presidential palace - and the fortune says there has been a sharp increase in major compa- Azarias Ruberwa, a rebel leader who joined the power- officer who told me that.” He eventually found the man, reportedly amassed by his family could account for a nies’ requesting design lectures for their executives. sharing administration and is now a government minister. who had lived in the United States for 18 years, locked seeming reluctance to cede power. A report last year by a “I’m seeing a sign of change,” he said. Kabila won both rounds of voting in elections held in up with 40 people in one room. “He was in very diffi- research group at New York University found his family’s All agree there is a long way to go. C-suite design- businesses are likely worth tens of millions of dollars. 2006, which were generally viewed as fair, as well as the ers remain a rarity at most electronics companies cult conditions,” said Ahmed, whose name has been bouts of fighting that erupted after results were changed for his safety. “From then on, every day it was Kabila has called such reports “stupidity”. while technologists reign supreme, company officials announced. and industrial designers say. Japan last year received I who brought him food.” He did not specifically respond to a Reuters investiga- Those victories, followed by another vote in 2011 31,961 applications for design registrations, only a Three deportees who spoke to the Thomson tion that showed nearly a third of the purchase price of Congolese passports goes to a company in the United marred by widespread allegations of fraud, led to changes fraction of China’s 628,658 and half of South Korea’s Reuters Foundation said they were released after one Arab Emirates whose owner is believed to be a close rela- in his leadership style, according to people close to him. 67,374. In the heyday of the Japanese electronics day because they called on an influential connection. tive of the president. Even if Shadary, a former interior “The president became less tolerant of the West,” a former industry in the early 1980s, Japan had nearly 60,000 Others were held for up to two weeks and released minister who many analysts say was chosen for his loyalty advisor said on condition of anonymity. “He saw them as applications every year. — Reuters after payment of $200-300. — Reuters and lack of an independent political base, beats his two imposing their ideas on him.” — Reuters Established 1961

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2018 Business

Oil price softness, OPEC cuts to Marmore reveals ‘Top 30 Stocks Lexus tops Consumer Reports’ 12impact Kuwait’s growth outlook 13 in GCC based on RODE Metrics’ 14 annual list of most reliable cars

SHENZHEN: People take a selfie in front of a billboard featuring China’s late paramount leader Deng Xiaoping (not seen) on the eve of the 40th anniversary of the country’s “reform and opening up” policy in Shenzhen yesterday. China celebrates today the 40th anniversary of its transformative “reform and opening up” policy, which turned the world’s most populous country into an economic juggernaut that now faces slowing growth and a stern US challenge. —AFP US and China trade barbs at WTO Washington has brought back ‘the ghost of unilateralism’: Beijing

GENEVA: The United States said yesterday that Body, the world’s top trade court, a process which ty and innovation were discriminatory. China’s “unfair competitive practices” were harming requires consensus among member states. As a result, On Section 301, Zhang said the US measures vastly foreign companies and workers in a way that violates the court is running out of judges, and will be unable to increased tariffs, “bringing back to life the ghost of uni- World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, but vowed to issue binding rulings in disputes. lateralism that has been dormant for decades”. Shea Dubai’s DP World lead reform efforts. Shea described the US economy as “one of the most said the United States was committed to working with US trade ambassador Dennis Shea drew fire from open and competitive economies in the world”, with like-minded members to address concerns on the func- Chinese envoy Zhang Xiangchen who said the Trump among the lowest tariffs globally, rejecting criticism by tioning of the WTO. “Reforms are necessary for the seeks to quash India administration’s tariffs on steel and aluminium products some of the US approach as “unilateralist and protec- continued viability of the institution,” he said. allowed protectionism under the guise of dubious tionist”. China has pursued “non-market industrial poli- Zhang echoed his call, but said: “If the roof of this antitrust probe over national security concerns. The heated words, in texts cies and other unfair competitive practices” aimed at building is leaking, we should work together to fix it, seen by Reuters, were exchanged at the start of a supporting its domestic industries while restricting or rather than dismantling it and exposing all of us to rains closed-door review of US trade policies, held every discriminating against foreign companies and their and storms.” Mumbai court filing two years at the WTO, which continues tomorrow. goods and services, he said. Meanwhile, the European Union said yesterday the Shea expressed concern about the WTO dispute “The WTO is not well equipped to handle the funda- World Trade Organization (WTO) was mired in a “deep NEW DELHI: Dubai’s DP World has approached an settlement system having “strayed far from the sys- mental challenge posed by China, which continues to crisis and the United States is at its epicentre”, and it Indian court to quash an antitrust investigation recent- tem agreed to by members” and said that the embrace a state-led, mercantilist approach to the econ- called on the Trump administration to put forward con- ly ordered to probe its alleged anti-competitive Appellate Body had overreached in some legal inter- omy and trade,” Shea said. crete reform proposals. behavior at the country’s largest container port in pretations. Zhang countered that by blocking the He did not refer to the dispute on steel or automo- EU Ambassador Mark Vanheukelen, speaking at a Mumbai, a legal document reviewed by Reuters selection of judges, Washington was putting the sys- biles which brought the two powers to the brink of a WTO review of US trade policies, also criticized limita- showed. The Competition Commission of India (CCI) tem into paralysis. major trade war but defended the US. “Section 301” tions on the US procurement market, in particular last month said it suspected alleged antitrust violations To force reform at the WTO, Trump’s team has investigation that found in March that Chinese prac- through “Buy American” legislation, and its “heavy by DP World and Denmark’s A.P. Moller-Maersk at the refused to allow new appointments to the Appellate tices related to technology transfer, intellectual proper- restrictions” on maritime transport. —Agencies terminals they operate at state-owned Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT). The CCI’s probe followed a complaint by Singapore’s PSA International Pte Ltd, which had alleged that “Take the Victory!” Trump has repeatedly broken Maersk and DP World businesses created barriers to Trump calls on with norms of recent decades, hammering the central hinder the growth of PSA’s terminal by colluding on cer- bank this year over its moves away from the zero tain charges they levy at JNPT, Reuters reported last Fed not to raise interest rate policy implemented during the global month. In a filing in the High Court in Mumbai last week, financial crisis. the DP World unit Nhava Sheva International Container As the US economy has recovered, the Fed has been Terminal said the CCI’s decision to order an investiga- rates on eve of raising the benchmark lending rate gradually since tion was “arbitrary” and “capricious”. December 2015. The Fed on Tuesday opens its two-day The filing, dated Dec. 13, has been reviewed by policy meeting, and it widely expected to raise the key Reuters. It has not been previously reported. policy meeting rate for the fourth time this year, working to get ahead Allowing the CCI’s order to stand “would lead to of expected gains in inflation. gross discrimination and grave economic harm” on the WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump yester- Policymakers have offered little reaction to Trump’s business, the DP World unit said in its petition, urging day called on the Federal Reserve not to raise interest string of taunts, with Chairman Jerome Powell indicat- the court to quash the CCI’s order, put it on hold, or ing official tune out political noise. rates, one day before a meeting at which policymakers Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell speaks during ask the watchdog to withdraw it. But analysts and former Fed members say Trump’s are widely expected to do so. a press conference in Washington, DC. —AFP A spokeswoman for DP World in India, Heena The Twitter outburst renewed the president’s rock unprecedented vitriol could cause the central bank to Sharma, declined to comment, saying the matter was throwing at the central bank, which he accuses of prove its independence by raising rates even if policy- sub judice. PSA declined to comment. A.P. Moller- undermining his economic agenda of tax cuts, slashed makers might otherwise have paused. And with global growth also weakening, there is a Maersk, the world’s biggest container shipping group, regulations and multi-front trade offensives. Inflation is holding right around the Fed’s two per- growing feeling the central bank will not have to raise did not respond to queries. “It is incredible that with a very strong dollar and cent target, but if markets believe the Fed can be rates as much as previously expected next year. The CCI did not respond to Reuters questions. virtually no inflation, the outside world blowing up swayed by political pressure, inflation fears could ignite Powell and other officials in recent weeks have Handling 66 million tonnes of cargo in the last fiscal around us, Paris is burning and China way down, the and become a more serious problem. suggested they could show patience in 2019 as they year to March, JNPT is critical to India’s international Fed is even considering yet another interest rate hike,” Amid brisk economic expansion after a decade of study incoming economic data. Futures markets cur- trade. The port handles more than half of India’s traffic Trump wrote, in a message sent one hour before stock steady job growth, US unemployment is flirting with 50 rently put the odds of a rate hike this week at about of shipping containers each year. —Reuters markets were due to open. year lows, but the US economy is expected to slow. 80 percent. —AFP 12 Established 1961

Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Business

NBK Economic Report Oil price softness, OPEC cuts to impact Kuwait’s growth outlook Crude price plunge triggers OPEC+ policy change

KUWAIT: November’s fall in oil prices and the just- announced production cuts by OPEC (see below) will impact the growth outlook for the Kuwait econ- omy. The oil sector accounts for around half of GDP in real terms and about 90 percent of government revenues, so recent developments - not yet cap- tured in the forecasts presented in this document - will have a considerable impact on the outlook for both growth and the public finances next year. Meanwhile news on the non-oil economy over the past month was mixed, with real estate sales recov- ering to solid levels in October but consumer spending weak in November, likely affected by severe weather conditions. Having declined 7 percent in October, the price of Kuwait Export Crude (KEC) plunged by a still- larger 22 percent in November to end the month at $58/bbl. The fall - triggered by fears of an emerg- ing oil glut due to a combination of higher than expected Iranian output thanks to sanctions waivers for key customers, rising US shale output, and con- cerns about a global economic downturn hitting oil demand - provoked a change in policy by the OPEC+ group which agreed in early-December to cut output by 1.2 million b/d for six months starting from January 2019. The decision provided some near-term support for oil prices, with the interna- tional benchmark Brent jumping 5 percent after the deal was announced before subsequently falling back on concerns that the cuts may still not be enough to prevent oversupply in the global oil mar- ket next year. OPEC data show that Kuwait’s crude oil output fell back in October to 2.76 million b/d, its second consecutive monthly fall and despite the easing of earlier OPEC production restrictions in the summer Provisional data for the public finances show that Consumer spending contracted by 0.9 percent Credit growth edged higher to 2.1 percent in that it had been assumed would see production the government recorded a fiscal surplus of KD3.1 y/y in November, the first decline in 17-months, fol- September from 1.7 percent in August, as seasonal move higher. Although country quotas have not billion in the first seven months of FY2018/19 (April lowing a small pick-up in October. NBK consumer factors that weighed on the previous month’s per- been assigned, OPEC’s latest move to trim produc- to October, and before transfers to the Reserve spending index formance faded. The uptick was supported by faster tion could see production move lower still from Fund for Future Generations), a sharp turnaround lending to both businesses (2.0 percent) and house- October levels - which represents the base month from the KD1.5 billion deficit recorded for the same Source: NBK holds (6.3 percent) and the usual end-of-quarter from which the latest cuts are applied. These devel- period a year earlier. Two main factors account for The slowdown stemmed from declines across the jump in lending for the purchase of securities. The opments came out just before sending this report to the improvement. First, oil revenues - which typical- board, with growth in the consumption of durables non-classified sectors and real estate were the sec- publication and therefore we have not yet formally ly account for 90-95 percent of all budget receipts (mainly autos) and non-durables contracting, and tors that experienced the most increases, while changed our forecasts. But it seems plausible that - surged 51 percent y/y due to a similar-sized rise spending on services easing over the month. The lending to the trade sector fell for a second consec- output could be trimmed back over coming months in oil prices, while non-oil revenues fell slightly. weaker spending figures were almost certainly utive month. Meanwhile, private deposits increased to the 2.7 million b/d attained before the summer. Second, government spending saw a surprising fall affected by the restrictions to moving around and by a strong KD455 million, driven by gains in KD This would lower our GDP growth forecast for 2019 of 9 percent y/y, despite the 8 percent full-year rise emergency public holidays in November triggered sight deposits and FC deposits. This helped push considerably from its current 4 percent, which was factored in to the official budget. Within the overall by severe weather conditions. growth in the M2 money supply measure to 4.8 per- predicated on a rebound in oil output next year. total, both current (-8 percent) and capital (-13 per- cent y/y, up from 4.4 percent in August. cent) spending recorded declines. Inflation drops again The Boursa Kuwait All Share index logged its Real estate sales gain Although we do not dismiss the weak spending Consumer price inflation fell again in October, first increase in four months in November, up 1.3 October data showed relatively solid real estate figures entirely, we suspect that the scale of the hitting a near-15-year low of 0.2 percent y/y from percent m/m, buoyed by strong activity in its pre- sales, at KD 285 million, up 31 percent y/y and 42 decline reflects reporting issues and that the under- 0.3 percent in September. Inflation in most sub- mier market (1.6 percent) which accounted for more percent m/m, and representing the second consecu- lying spending picture is stronger. The large segments of the index was flat-to-falling, with the than two-third of the month’s average daily traded tive monthly rise in sales since the slump observed recorded drop in wages and salaries - the biggest largest downward contribution coming from the value (KD 11 million/day). The segment is benefit- in August. This is well above the monthly average component of the budget and normally paid on time ‘miscellaneous’ category, where inflation fell to 0.7 ting from Boursa’s inclusion into FTSE’s Emerging for 2017 (KD 181 million), and slightly above the - is particularly unusual. percent from 1.7 percent in September. Reflecting Market index, which will see 11 out of the 17 pre- average for 2018 (KD 265mn). Higher sales were this, one measure of ‘core’ inflation - which mier listed companies fully join the index late in driven by a rise in transactions in the residential Consumer spending dips excludes food and housing costs - fell to just 1.3 December. Sector-wise, the increase was led by sector, but more notably a strong rise in commercial Without this drop, overall spending would have percent; this is just half the rate seen as recently as telecoms, real estate, consumer services, and finan- sector activity. Meanwhile, investment sales risen 4 percent y/y. If we are correct and spending April. Food inflation also edged down to 0.3 per- cial services. Overall, the improving dynamics declined moderately (-9 percent) from the previous at the end of the year is back on track, the budget cent, though deflation in housing services (mostly helped grow the market capitalization by KD 475 month, but still remain relatively solid at just under outcome will turn out to be less buoyant than the rents) eased slightly to -1.4 percent. These figures million to KD 29.2 billion. KD 100 million. The drop in investment sales was latest figures imply - especially once the fall in oil highlight the continued broad-based absence of As the market prepares for the second tranche of despite transactions rising by 39 percent m/m, while prices since October is factored in. Our current significant price pressures throughout the economy, the FTSE inclusion in December, another $500 mil- the average transaction size for investment proper- forecast projects a small deficit of around KD 0.4 reflecting a combination of only moderate economic lion in foreign inflows are expected. So far, the mar- ties declined by 34 percent m/m. The latter could be billion, or 1 percent of GDP, for the year as a whole. growth, the strength of the dinar against many trade ket has seen $473 million in net foreign and GCC due to either a drop in prices or more likely a But the deficit is likely to be revised higher this year partners’ currencies keeping import costs down, inflows, making up 23 percent of total traded activi- change in the type of apartment being traded - i.e. and next once the above factors are taken into and weakness in the housing market which is pres- ty during the month, up from 18 percent the previ- average building size/quality. account. suring rents. ous month. Infiniti Al-Babtain China trade steps invites customers seen as good start to benefit from but leave core US exclusive leasing offer demands untouched KUWAIT: Abdulmohsen Abdulaziz Al-Babtain Co (AABC), the sole authorized dealer of Infiniti vehicles in WASHINGTON: The United States has welcomed the State of Kuwait, continues to offer its loyal fans lim- Chinese concessions since the two declared a trade itless opportunities to enjoy Infiniti’s high performance war truce in early December, but trade experts and models ranging from INFINITI Q30 to QX80. people familiar with negotiations say Beijing needs to Infiniti Al-Babtain guarantees attractive leasing do far more to meet US demands for long-term prices in addition to a benefit package of free compre- change in how China does business. hensive insurance, maintenance and a replacement car US President Donald Trump and his Chinese coun- that comes along with the leasing offer. terpart, Xi Jinping, agreed on Dec. 1 in Buenos Aires The Q30 which is Infiniti’s signature design is a premi- to stop escalating tit-for-tat tariffs that have disrupt- um compact vehicle that is popular among the younger ed the flow of hundreds of billions of dollars of goods drivers. Q30 comes with a double-arch grille with a between the world’s two biggest economies. unique 3D mesh and is powered by 1.6L or 2.0L Turbo Since then, Beijing has resumed buying US soy- engines in a 2WD configuration. For enthusiasts, the 2.0L beans, the single largest agricultural export between Turbo is also offered with an optional AWD drivetrain. the two countries. China has also cut tariffs on imports The 2.0L Turbo engine is a power-horse as it delivers of cars from the United States, dialed back on an 208hp and 350Nm torque. At peak performance, the industrial development plan known as “Made in China INFINITI Q30 blasts from 0-to-100kph in 7.3 seconds. 2025,” and told its state refiners to buy more US oil. The QX70 comes with exterior enhancements, LED Trump took those as signs that “China wants to daytime running lights along with unique 21x9.5-inch make a big and very comprehensive deal.” multi-spoke premium paint-finished aluminum-alloy But they only start to bring Beijing and wheels mounted with 265/45R21 V-rated all-season Washington back to their pre-trade-war status quo, tires. The QX70 is powered by a 329-horsepower 3.7- experts said, and do little to resolve core US liter V6 with VVEL (Variable Valve Event & Lift). The demands for structural changes in China to end poli- engine is matched with a 7-speed automatic transmis- cies that subsidize large state-owned enterprises and sion featuring Adaptive Shift Control (ASC). effectively force the transfer of American technology The QX80 has a refined and spacious cabin that to Chinese firms. features high-quality materials, a hand-crafted finish “I think these are goodwill gestures, but they don’t and advanced drive-assist technologies. With a taut go beyond offers that were on the table before Trump yet comfort-oriented suspension, and ample perform- launched his trade war,” said Gary Hufbauer, a senior been upgraded. Higher-resolution screens provide the Infiniti Al-Babtain welcomes its customers to take ance from its 5.6-liter V8 engine, the QX80 gives interface for connectivity and entertainment devices. advantage of the exclusive deal and visit the Infiniti fellow and trade expert at the Peterson Institute for drivers an assured feeling of control and confidence at International Economics. —Reuters The system also now supports 31 languages, up from showroom located in Al-Rai that opens every day the wheel. The rear entertainment system has also three in the outgoing QX80. except Fridays. Established 1961 13 Business Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Marmore reveals ‘Top 30 Stocks in GCC based on RODE Metrics’ Markaz research arm and UIC hold a presentation KUWAIT: Kuwait Financial Centre ‘Markaz’ research free cash flow and they do so consistently, which is arm, Marmore MENA Intelligence, organized a presen- measured by the financial metric ROIC for non-banking tation in collaboration with The Investment Studies stocks and through ROE for banking stocks. We have Center (ISC) at Union of Investment Companies (UIC) considered those companies, which have consistently titled “Top 30 Stock Picks in GCC based on RODE achieved ROCI/ROE over their weighted average cost Metrics” yesterday at Kuwait Chamber of Commerce & of capital, as they add economic value.” Industry. The presentation by M R Raghu, Head of Distribution of the cash flow generated to share- Research at Markaz and Managing Director of holders is measured by dividend yield and earnings Marmore, is based on a report by Marmore that yield as this helps one to determine the valuation of the revealed the portfolio of top 30 stocks identified using stock on a relative basis when compared with its peers. metrics such as ROIC (Return on Invested Capital) or The companies were subjected to other stock filters ROE (Return on Equity), Dividend yield and Earnings such as stocks that have a dividend yield of at least yield (RODE) as stock filters/screens. It also dwelled on two-thirds of S&P MENA bond yield and whose earn- the back-testing results and highlighted how much an ings yield are at least twice that of the S&P MENA investor could have gained over the benchmark index bond yields . Thus, the ‘RODE’ metrics shall help the through simple stock selection methods. investor to filter out stocks that are involved in efficient Raghu stated, “Businesses with strong fundamentals business operations, shareholder friendly and are not are most certain to weather the market volatility and overvalued. build shareholder wealth in the long run. The scenario is Companies that were shortlisted were further M R Raghu makes a presentation no different when it comes to stock selection and build- screened based on other parameters such as the free ing a portfolio. The stocks identified using RODE metric float, turnover ratio and market capitalization to ensure provide stocks with fundamentally strong businesses that the stocks have adequate liquidity and that a that could generate wealth, irrespective of the way the potential investor could take a position in the stock three times in 5 years and is worth over 3.37 dollars at broader industry level. The report also does a compara- broader equity markets sway.” without impacting its price, to arrive at the list of GCC the end of 2017. tive analysis of the performance of a portfolio consisting Raghu added, “In order to pick fundamentally strong top 30 stocks. of top 30 RODE stocks with that of the S&P GCC index, stocks, it is vital that an investor is well-aware of met- While Marmore report exhibits 30 stocks, one Large cap stocks a widely used equity benchmark for the region. On per- rics such as ROIC (Return on Invested Capital) or ROE example would be Dubai Islamic Bank, a large cap bank The GCC top 30 RODE group consists primarily of forming a back-test, the portfolio comprising of the top (Return on Equity), Dividend yield and Earnings yield, from UAE with a free float of 64.7 percent. The stock large cap stocks and is well diversified in terms of sec- 30 RODE stocks returned 11.2 percent annually for the that reflect the fundamental value of a company most exhibited an average ROE of 16 percent during the tor. The group of stocks consists of 11 banks followed by period 2013 to 2017 as against S&P GCC Index annual- appropriately irrespective of the direction equity mar- period of assessment, commanded an average dividend four capital goods and materials companies each, and ized return of 1.6 percent for the same period. The kets take.” yield of 6 percent and had an earnings yield of 15 per- three real estate companies. Further, Marmore report objective of this comparison is to show how stock selec- He pointed out, “Better performing businesses, in cent. A dollar of shareholder’s money invested at the has also analyzed the top 30 stocks in terms of market tion using specific parameters could result in substan- general, efficiently use their capital to generate healthy beginning of 2013 in the company has increased over capitalization, both at the country level as well as at the tially higher returns as compared to the benchmark.

Hun Sen strongly defended the con- hails troversial scheme at the official opening in the northeastern province of Stung Treng, saying affected villagers were opening of compensated with houses and land. “Most people support this develop- As trade war bites, country’s largest ment project, but some villagers created a difficult situation due to incitement by China advisers some foreigners,” he said, adding that dam despite the hydropower dam would help reduce electricity costs. advocate lowering opposition The United Nations has previously raised concerns about the dam while 2019 growth target STUNG TRENG: Cambodian premier some scientists had joined calls for it to Hun Sen yesterday opened the country’s be halted over fears for the region’s food BEIJING: China should lower next year’s growth largest hydropower scheme, swatting supply. The NGO International Rivers target to 6.0-6.5 percent as headwinds including a aside dire warnings about the environ- has warned it will have a “costly cata- trade dispute with the United States increases risks mental impact of the $780 million proj- strophic impact on the Mekong River’s for the economy, according to government advis- ect and its effect on local communities. fisheries and biodiversity”. A general view of the Cambodia’s 400 megawatt Lower Sesan 2 hydroelectric ers’ recommendations to top leaders who will meet Backed by Chinese funding, the impover- Maureen Harris, Southeast Asia pro- dam is seen during the inauguration in Stung Treng province yesterday. to map out the 2019 economic agenda. ished Southeast Asian nation has gram director with the group, told AFP Cambodian premier Hun Sen yesterday opened the largest dam in the country, This week’s annual Central Economic Work embarked on a dam-building spree in the threat is “especially acute in swatting away warnings about the disastrous impact it could have on the envi- Conference, a closed-door gathering of top par- recent years, as it tries to boost its ener- Cambodia”, where local people get up to ronment and local livelihoods. —AFP ty leaders and policymakers, is being watched gy capacity and jump-start its economy. 80 percent of their animal protein intake by investors for any fresh policy steps to ward But the 400 megawatt Lower Sesan 2 from freshwater fisheries. ernment after 40 years of operation. tion or forcibly moved in the process. off a sharper slowdown in the world’s second- is one of several dams criticised by envi- Built along tributaries of the Mekong, Cambodia has also come under fire Southeast Asia’s dam-building boom largest economy. ronmentalists for threatening crucial fish The Lower Sesan 2 is a joint venture for allowing companies to clear hun- has come under scrutiny after a col- The economic conference is likely to convene stocks along Mekong River waterways. between Cambodia’s Royal Group (39 dreds of thousands of hectares of forest lapse in neighboring Laos in September tomorrow, two policy insiders said, a day after an An estimated 5,000 people — mostly percent), Chinese state-owned — including in protected zones — for killed dozens. Following the disaster, event marking the 40th anniversary of China’s from marginalized indigenous groups — Hydrolancang International Energy (51 everything from rubber and sugar cane which sent floods of water downstream reform and opening up, where President Xi Jinping have been resettled due to the project, percent) and Vietnam-based EVN plantations to hydropower dams. to northeastern Cambodia, Hun Sen is due to make what the official Xinhua news according to activists, while a few hun- International (10 percent). The plant will Rights groups say evicted villagers called for more cross-border disaster agency described as an “important” speech. dred remain. be handed over to the Cambodian gov- are often given inadequate compensa- management. —AFP The meeting will not result in any public announcement of economic targets, which are usu- ally reserved for the opening of the parliamentary the budget on Saturday evening, pledging to find more mon- below consensus forecasts, calling the budget a “positive session in early March. China’s trade war with the ‘Positive surprise’: ey for both the elderly and unemployed youngsters by slim- surprise” for the market. United States is spurring some Chinese entrepre- ming down several government ministries, and in expectation “Rating agencies will be kept at bay for at least the next neurs, government advisers and think tanks to call of higher tax revenues. He also vowed to run a larger budget six months or so, as it would take meaningful slippage versus for faster economic reforms and the freeing up of a Investors soothed surplus, excluding interest payments on debt, than Mexico the plan to trigger downgrades,” they said in a research note. private sector stifled by state controls. did last year. The budget is a major test of President Andres Mexican bank Banorte echoed the sentiment, predicting Government advisers and think tanks, which are by Mexico budget Manuel Lopez Obrador’s economic credibility, which was markets would respond well today. influential in the decision-making process but aren’t shaken when he said on Oct. 29 he was scrapping a partly- The peso strengthened by 0.8 percent against the dollar empowered to execute policies, have recommended built $13 billion new Mexico City airport on the basis of a in early Asian trading. Raul Feliz, an economist at the CIDE a growth target of 6.0-6.5 percent for 2019, versus MEXICO CITY: The first budget presented by Mexico’s referendum that was widely panned as illegitimate. Rating think tank in Mexico City said markets could take heart around 6.5 percent in 2018. —Reuters new leftist government met with a positive initial response agency Fitch warned it could downgrade the country’s cred- from the fact that “there’s no really crazy stuff” in the budg- from financial markets on Sunday with banks describing the itworthiness after the decision. et. Due to be approved by Congress before the end of the plans to keep a lid on spending as credible and helpful to Lopez Obrador took office on Dec 1, and much of the year, the plan forecasts a slight slowdown in economic investor sentiment. Mexico’s peso rose against the dollar in new spending covers pledges made during the election cam- growth to about 2 percent next year from an estimated 2.3 UK, Switzerland Asian trading after Finance Minister Carlos Urzua unveiled paign. Still, analysts at Citi said the spending promises were percent in 2018. —Reuters hit post-Brexit Uncertainty reigns European stocks “European stocks are in the red and uncertainty reigns ahead of a week full aviation deal fall ahead of of central bank decisions,” said IG ana- GENEVA: Switzerland and Britain signed an agreement yes- lyst Joshua Mahony. “Meanwhile, ASOS terday guaranteeing that flights between the two countries shares have plunged after a series of can continue uninterrupted even if London opts to leave the a busy week deep discounts failed to garner much in European Union without a deal with Brussels. “We have the way of additional demand.” LONDON: Europe’s major stock mar- managed to ensure a flawless transition, which is in the inter- ASOS saw its share price collapse in kets fell yesterday ahead of a busy week est of both of our countries,” Swiss Transportation Minister London by about 40 percent as it jam-packed with central bank interest Doris Leuthard said in a statement after signing the deal in warned over sales and profits after rate decisions. The London stock mar- Zurich with her British counterpart Chris Grayling. ket, already beset with Brexit concerns, experiencing a “significant deteriora- Switzerland is not a member of the EU, but its relations took an additional knock after British tion” in trade in the run-up to the key with Britain are based on a long line of bilateral agreements online fashion retailer ASOS issued a Christmas season. The news sparked between Bern and the bloc. profits warning. alarm among retailers already struggling If London and Brussels manage to reach a deal for an Frankfurt fell 0.5 percent and Paris with sales in their physical stores. ASOS orderly Brexit, the bilateral agreements between Switzerland slid 0.6 percent in early afternoon deals, chief executive Nick Beighton said and the EU will continue to apply to Britain through the end while London was down 0.4 percent in November had been the “most difficult of 2020, the statement said. midday trade. The European single cur- month relative to expectations for five But in the case of a “no-deal” Brexit, those agreements rency bobbed higher versus the dollar. years”-as he blamed Brexit, weak con- will no longer apply to Swiss-British relations. NEW YORK: Traders and financial professionals work at the opening bell on Monday’s deal would then kick in on March 30, allowing The US Federal Reserve will conclude sumer confidence and deep price dis- the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York City. —AFP its rate-setting policy meeting counting for the shock warning. for a smooth transition and avoiding chaos for travellers Wednesday and while expectations are As a result, shares in British clothing between the two countries, it added. There are some 150 for another hike in borrowing costs, group Next sank 3.9 percent while bell- President Donald Trump suggesting a year have highlighted a slowdown in the flights each day between Switzerland and Britain, mainly comments from chairman Jerome Powell wether Marks & Spencer lost a similar trade deal could be hammered out Asian giant and observers are forecast- through the airports in Zurich, Geneva and Basel, and 25 will be closely watched for an idea of its amount. Asian stock markets meanwhile between Washington and Beijing. While ing leaders will unveil fresh measures to British airports. Some 6.7 million passengers flew these plans for 2019. The Bank of England will mostly closed higher yesterday as traders there are signs the world’s top two pep up the economy, which is on course routes in 2017. In September, the International Air Transport follow suit on Thursday with its latest looked ahead to the Fed, and a Chinese eco- economies are beginning to move for another year of relatively weak Association (IATA) raised the alarm over the impact on air monetary policy decision. The European nomic policy-setting conference this week. towards a resolution in their bitter tariffs growth. The British pound remains some- travel if the Brexit negotiations failed. Central Bank last week held interest However, there is still caution on trad- spat, there are increasing concerns about what bogged down as Prime Minister IATA chief Alexandre de Juniac warned of the rates steady as it ended its crisis-fighting ing floors after Friday’s sharp sell-off the global outlook following another Theresa May struggles to win conces- “extreme seriousness of what is at stake” and stressed economic stimulus known as quantitative fuelled by concerns over China’s econo- dour set of indicators out of China. sions from EU leaders over her Brexit “the huge amount of work that would be required to easing (QE). my, and despite a tweet from US A string of below-par readings this agreement. —AFP maintain vital air links”. —AFP 14 Established 1961 Business Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Lexus tops Consumer Reports’ annual list of most reliable cars

Well-finished interiors, smooth engines, and fuel-efficient hybrids cited as among the brand’s strengths

KUWAIT: Lexus topped the list for the sixth con- Lexus GX SUV took the top spot, supercharged increased emphasis on technology, performance, art, secutive year in the Consumer Reports annual list of cross-over NX secured 6th place. Consumer Reports fashion - to offer “experience amazing”. It is success- most reliable cars. Lexus took the top spot with an said the GX was fast and quiet for an SUV, offering a ful in launching many first-time technologies in the average reliability score of 78 out of 100. Consumer smooth ride and a comfortable cabin. market including active safety, car manufacturing and Reports cited Lexus’ well-finished interiors, smooth Inspired by performance vehicles, the tur- on-board premium features. Other innovation engines, and fuel-efficient hybrids as among the bocharged NX combines the expertise of racers includes first premium cross over with the RX. Lexus brand’s strengths. within the engineering team and the impeccable has also the largest range of self-charging, industry “Lexus is an excellent example of how technologi- touch of Lexus luxury through an exciting and new design global strategy was a major success in leading hybrids which is testimony of experience cally advanced luxury vehicles can also be very reli- sporty design to set a new benchmark in the auto- Kuwait and the region. Additionally, the new tech- amazing, selling over 1.3 million units globally. able,” Consumer Reports said. motive world. nologies that had been introduced into the Lexus “The quietness which was a great feature for The publication created the list by analyzing sur- According to Mubarak Naser Al-Sayer, CEO Al- model lineup had given our customers a new feeling Lexus is even better. The interior design had hit a vey responses on more than 500,000 vehicles and Sayer Holding, “The very foundation of Lexus is to for the driving dynamics that had even surpassed the cord with our customers because they think it has used the responses to predict which cars will create offer our loyal customers highest level of product previous Lexus records.” taken Lexus to a new frontier of luxury and a feeling the fewest problems for their owners. While the quality and an experience beyond compare. Lexus Lexus brand is continuing to evolve with an of serenity,” added Mubarak Naser Al-Sayer.

Adwani, Abdelfattah the market. The Bank aims at meeting the diverse KIB announces Sayed Abdelfattah, needs and lifestyles of all its customers. The Rani Ayoub Al- ‘Double Your Savings’ campaign reflects KIB’s Sayegh, Obaid Mardi commitment to rewarding its customers for their winners of last Al-Anzi, Saad Mutlaq continued trust and loyalty in the Bank. For a lim- Al-Rashidi, Wadha ited time only, this new campaign allows new and Ahmed Al-Harban, existing customers a unique opportunity in bank- Italy coalition agrees ‘Double Your Qutaiba Abdul Jabbar ing. In addition to enjoying the highest return in Al-Tumah and Eman the market at 1.65 percent, with the Savings on new budget, Expects Savings’ campaign Hadi Alwais. Account, customers can save and win a grand Ongoing until prize, doubling savings up to KD 5,555. Savings KUWAIT: KIB announced winners of the last December 12, this lat- Account customers can also enter the draw to win EU approval draw for its latest campaign, the ‘Double Your est KIB campaign KD 100 for every KD 100 deposited.” Othman Tawfiqi Savings’ for Savings Account customers. The first reflects the Bank’s KIB offers a wide range of benefits for its in Kuwait, the Savings Account combines both ongoing commitment Savings Account customers. The Savings ROME: Italy’s coalition government has agreed on the “num- savings and investment under one account. With to rewarding its customers, as well as encouraging Account is unique in offering the benefits of both bers and contents” of the budget it will propose to Brussels in the campaign, customers are offered the chance them to increase their savings in the account, as it savings and investment combined into one single an effort to avoid disciplinary action over its plans to hike to enter a monthly draw for every KD 100 has the highest return in Kuwait at 1.65 percent. account. Additionally, customers are able to deficit spending next year, a League party spokeswoman said deposited in their account, qualifying them to win Additionally, each KD 100 deposited into the open the account in Kuwait Dinar or any other yesterday. the campaign’s grand prize, doubling their savings Savings Account will give customers the opportu- major foreign currency and enjoy a free debit The European Commission rejected the Italian budget in up to KD 5,555. Additionally, the campaign offers nity to enter the grand prize monthly draw that card that can be used all over the world - all with October, saying it would not lower the country’s huge debt 10 customers the opportunity to win KD 100 doubles the amount saved up to KD 5,555. This is no restriction on minimum account balance. With and declaring it in clear breach of EU fiscal rules. Rome sub- every month. in addition to KIB’s other cash prizes which allows the Savings Account, customers can also enjoy a mitted a revised plan last week with a lower deficit. But a final The lucky grand prize winner was Mohammed 10 customers to win KD 100 every month. range of features, and comprehensive online deal with Brussels has yet to be reached, and the government Atef Al-Shareef, who won up to KD 5,555. On this occasion, General Manager of the banking solutions, such as easy money transfers sat down on Sunday evening to a marathon meeting to ham- Moreover, 10 lucky customers won the KD 100 Retail Banking Department, Othman Tawfiqi, said: and fast access to account balance and details; mer out the details of a possible compromise. cash prize, namely: Namsha Marzouq Bokharma, “KIB is committed to providing its customers with allowing them to fulfil all their banking needs “We have found an agreement on further fiscal reductions Anwar Reden Al-Mutairi, Nadia Mohammed Al- the best offers and most innovative products in anytime, anywhere. that probably will be appreciated by the EU,” Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, leader of the right-wing League par- ty, said after the meeting, Ansa news agency reported. He did not give any details. Italy’s original budget proposal envisaged a deficit equal to 2.4 percent of gross domestic Hitachi to buy product in 2019, up from 1.8 percent this year. The revised plan presented last week lowered that to 2.04 percent. majority stake in “We are optimistic” that the EU won’t open a disciplinary action, economy ministry undersecretary Massimo Garavaglia said later in an interview with state-owned radio RAI. ABB’s power grid Time is running out to finalize the 2019 budget law, which must be passed by the end of the year. The government summit arm for $6.4bn ended after more than four hours and few details were given. Salvini and his coalition partner Luigi Di Maio, leader of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, have agreed with TOKYO: Japan’s Hitachi yesterday announced Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte that any deal with Brussels plans to buy a majority stake in the power grid must not interfere with their flagship reforms - income sup- business of Swiss-Swedish engineering giant port for the poor and a lower retirement age. ABB for $6.4 billion, in what would be its “(There is) total agreement between Conte, Salvini and Di biggest ever buyout. Maio on the numbers and contents of the proposal to send to The deal would make Hitachi the world’s Brussels,” Salvini’s spokeswoman said in a statement as the largest power grid company, local media said. government meeting neared an end. Under the plan, ABB will spin off its power The spokeswoman denied tensions within the government grid unit, for which Hitachi will buy an 80.1 TOKYO: Japan’s Hitachi President Toshiaki Higashihara attends a press conference in Tokyo yesterday. and a media report that Conte had threatened to resign. “I can percent stake for 704 billion yen in early Hitachi yesterday announced plans to buy a majority stake in the Swiss-Swedish power grid business of only say the atmosphere was relaxed because that’s the truth. 2020, the Japanese company said in a state- engineering giant ABB for $6.4 billion. — AFP We have faced political issues and we have solved them,” said ment. “We plan to buy the remaining shares so Garavaglia, who is a League lawmaker. that Hitachi can make the unit its wholly He also said Salvini and Di Maio had agreed that savings owned company,” a spokesman said without would come from revisions to both the income support disclosing, how much that would cost. scheme and the pension reform. 5. Hadeer Saad Madi Aahi ABB’s power grid unit makes and operates “This does not cause a problem in 2019 and it allows the In addition to the daily draw, Burgan Bank infrastructure including power transmission Burgan Bank two measures to run for the three-year budget term,” also offers a quarterly draw with more chances equipment and control systems in numerous Garavaglia said. Also included in the budget are measures to to win higher rewards, offering the chance to one countries. raise taxes on luxury cars in order to provide incentives for announces lucky customer to win KD 125,000 every three The deal would also make Hitachi the world’s electric and hybrid models, the League spokeswoman added. months. The Yawmi Account offers daily and second-largest heavy electrical equipment mak- An earlier version of the measure had put Salvini and Di winners of Yawmi quarterly draws, wherein the Quarterly Draw er by revenue, behind only General Electric, Maio at odds over plans to raise taxes on a wider range of requires customers to maintain a minimum according to local media. fuel-powered cars. amount of KD 500 in their account for two The Nikkei business daily first reported the account draw Andrea Montanino, chief economist of the business lobby months prior to the draw date. Additionally, every planned deal last Thursday, but Hitachi shares Confindustria, said in a television interview with private KUWAIT: Burgan Bank announced yesterday KD 10 in the account will entitle customers to have since dropped 2.5 percent. Ratings broadcaster La7 yesterday that the revised budget “does not the names of the daily draw winners of its Yawmi one chance of winning. If the account balance is agency Standard & Poor’s said the power make Italian public accounts any better”. He added that “in account draw, each taking home a cash-prize of KD 500 and above, the account holder will be transmission and distribution business is grow- theory” the EU Commission should still have objections but KD 5,000. qualified for both the quarterly and daily draws. ing globally, with service solutions a particular- underlined that the final decision is up to the EU political The lucky winners are: Burgan Bank encourages everyone to open a ly promising field. leaders. 1. Hassan Ibrahim Abdullatif Alkhalil Yawmi account and/or increase their deposit to But “the business’ profitability can be The yield gap between Italian bonds and benchmark 2. Mohammad Abdullah Ali maximize their chances of becoming a winner. volatile, depending on how well a company Germany’s narrowed yesterday as chances of a rapproche- 3. Abul Bashar Mohammed Ismail The higher the level of the deposit, the higher the manages projects related to equipment deliv- ment with the European Union grew. — Reuters 4. Ammar Hussain Gholoum Hussain likelihood to win. ery”, it added. — AFP 15 Technology Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Scientists create bee vaccine to fight off ‘insect apocalypse’ More than 40% bees, butterflies face extinction HELSINKI: Scientists in Finland have devel- Medical breakthrough to their offspring. “They could actually con- with “very positive” feedback so far, accord- euros) worth of food grown every year relies oped what they believe is the world’s first vac- The vaccine, developed by a team at vey something by eating. I just didn’t know ing to Freitak. “There are many regulatory directly on pollinators. The study said the vol- cine to protect bees against disease, raising Helsinki University in Finland, works by giv- what the mechanism was,” Freitak said. “I hurdles. Four to five years until reaching the ume of food produced that depends on polli- hopes for tackling the drastic decline in insect ing bees resistance to fight off severe micro- met with Heli Salmela, who was working on market is an optimistic estimate,” she said. nators has risen by 300 percent in the last numbers which could cause a global food cri- bial diseases that can be fatal for pollinator honey bees and a protein called vitellogenin. half century. sis. Bees are vital for growing the world’s food communities. “If we can save even a small I heard her talk and I was like, ‘OK, I could Crop growth affected As pollinator numbers have declined, some as they help fertilize three out of four crops part of the bee population with this inven- make a bet that it is your protein that takes Diseases are believed to be just one of a farmers have turned to either renting bees or around the globe, by transferring pollen from tion, I think we have done our good deed and my signal from one generation to another’.” number of reasons for the loss of pollinators, pollinating by hand-as with fruit trees in some male to female flowers. But in recent years bee saved the world a little bit,” lead researcher The pair started to collaborate and creat- alongside pesticides and intensive farming, parts of China-in order to replace the populations around the world have been dying Dalial Freitak said. “Even a two-to-three per- ed a vaccine against American foulbrood, the which reduces the diversity of insects’ nutri- processes that nature previously provided off from “colony collapse disorder”, a mysteri- cent increase in the bee population would be most globally widespread and destructive tion. But the team believes that protecting free of charge. In Helsinki the project relied on ous scourge blamed on mites, pesticides, virus, humongous,” she told AFP. bee bacterial disease. The treatment is bee populations against disease will make external funding, but the team has now taken fungus, or some combination of these factors. Vaccinating insects was previously administered to the queen bee via a sugar them stronger, and therefore better able to up a more secure tenure at Graz University UN-led research in 2016 found that more than thought to be impossible because the crea- lump, similar to the way many children are withstand the other threats. in Austria, where further research on vacci- 40 percent of invertebrate pollinators, particularly tures lack antibodies, one of the key mecha- given polio vaccines. The queen then passes The European Union and Canada have nations will begin early next year. Graz is bees and butterflies, are facing extinction. The nisms humans and other animals use to fight the immunity to her offspring, spreading it voted to introduce bans on insecticides based also the previous seat of noted zoologist Karl study also found that 16.5 percent of vertebrate disease. But a breakthrough came in 2014 through the bee community. As well as work- on neonicotinoids after studies showed the von Frisch, whose discovery that honey bees pollinators, such as birds and bats, are under when Freitak, a specialist in insects and ing on vaccines against further diseases, the chemicals harmed the ability of bees to communicate by performing the figure-of- threat. Scientists warn that the die-off will result immunology, noticed that moths who are fed team has also begun trying to raise funding reproduce. UN-backed research in 2016 esti- eight “waggle dance” won him the Nobel in higher food prices and the risk of shortages. certain bacteria can in fact pass on immunity to make the vaccine commercially available, mated that up to $577 billion (511 billion Medicine Prize in 1973. — AFP

Why does 5G pose security risks? 5G: A revolution The first reason is that more data and more types of ITS named Critics’ data will be travelling across 5G networks. Much of the data transmitted by sensors could be sensitive, such as not without risks information about manufacturing processes that business Choice Best Digital rivals would be interested in acquiring. Or the data from PARIS: The recent diplomatic dust-up over Chinese tele- our homes that could be gleaned to determine all sorts of Banking Solution coms company Huawei, one of the leaders in developing things about us. The treasure chest of data for hackers is equipment for fifth-generation mobile networks, has getting much, much bigger. demonstrated that this technology which promises to A second reason is that an increased reliance on the KUWAIT: International Turnkey Systems Group (ITS) is enable an internet of things and self-driving vehicles also mobile network means its disruption would have even a key player in the provision of advanced financial tech- poses risks. What is 5G, what will it be able to do, and more serious consequences, both in terms of safety and nology solutions (FinTech) and services that are what are the risks? economic activity. A failure during a remotely guided designed to transform banks and financial institutions operation could lead to the death of a patient or a crash of (Islamic & conventional) to the new digital age. The What is 5G? a self-driving car. A longer outage could disrupt an econo- Company was named the winner of the Critics’ Choice 5G stands for the fifth generation of mobile network my. This poses national security risks. Best Digital Banking Solution 2018 for its innovative technology, which should begin to be rolled out in 2020 in While the diplomatic spat over the arrest of Huawei’s ‘ETHIX’ product range at the 4th Islamic Retail Banking Asia and the United States. Each generation has offered chief financial officer was based on accusations the firm Awards (IRBA). The award presented during a presti- improvements in data transmission speed and capacity, violated US sanctions on Iran, the United States has long- gious ceremony held at the JW Marriott Marquis Hotel, and with 5G the networks are really set to make the transi- standing concerns about Chinese telecommunications Dubai, on 21, November 2018. empowering banks and financial institutions to suc- tion from telephony to other objects. equipment being a Trojan horse for Beijing’s intelligence Esam Alkheshnam, Chief Executive Officer of ceed in today’s digital banking age”. He added: “The and military. Huawei is a major manufacturer of equipment International Turnkey Systems Group (ITS), received ETHIX Digital Suite delivers next generation online What will it be able to do? The much vaunted internet of things has so far been used to build 5G networks, and the US defense establish- the award during the grand Gala Dinner which was banking services to corporate and retail banking cus- ment fears it could enable it to disrupt American military attended by VVIPs, CEO’s from Islamic financial institu- tomers and provides financial institutions with com- hobbled by the limitations of mobile networks, both in terms of transmission speeds of handsets and the fact the back- communications or otherwise wage asymmetrical warfare tions from the GCC, the Far East, Africa and the Western petitive advantage.” bone of networks hadn’t been expanded sufficiently in many in a confrontation. The United States has essentially barred ITS ETHIX is the Company’s award-winning and hemisphere and members of the press. Winners of the cases to handle huge volumes of data. With 5G, transmission use of Huawei equipment in domestic networks, as have Critics’ Choice Awards are selected by the Critic’s innovative solutions package that drives the digital speeds should accelerate sufficiently to allow for self-dri- Australia and New Zealand, with other countries consider- Choice Committee, which comprises of leading Islamic transformation of Islamic financial institutions. The ving cars to take to the roads or for doctors to conduct ing following suit. The promises are always hyped, but the banking experts from around the world. ETHIX suite of solutions includes ETHIX (Core, operations remotely. It will also cut the cord on augmented delivery is often a disappointment. Early buyers of 4G Commenting on the announcement, Esam Finance, Branch, 360, Portfolio, Fund, Treasury, Trade and virtual reality. The ability to connect more sensors will smartphones were often let down: their handsets could Alkheshnam, said: “It is an honor to be awarded the Finance, Salary Domiciliation, FATCA, Bad Debts help make many services “intelligent”, such as helping man- handle nippy speeds but the backbone of networks was Critics’ Choice “Best Digital Banking Solution’ from Collection, ETHIX Digital, and Profit Calculation and age traffic flow and telling the sanitation department when often not yet bulked up to handle the higher data flow. IRBA. This award is a testimony to our continued suc- Distribution), in addition to other extensions that garbage bins need to be emptied. Industry is in particular Operators have now built up the capacity of their back- cess in delivering on the commitment and to continue together create an evolved financial operation. looking forward to 5G to reinvent manufacturing and allow bone networks, but if 5G is to keep its promise the number it to monitor all sorts of processes. of base stations needed is enormous. — AFP 16 Tuesday, December 18, 2018

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Tel.:TTeel.: 2222693692269369 - Fax:Fax: 2226936822269368 Al-Jabriya - Block 1A - St.1 - Mazaya Building - 15th Floor - Clinic B email: [email protected] Tel.: 965 22269411/ Mob.: 965 99212228 Jabriya, 4th Ring Rood,Block 1A Floor 9 -Clover Center Mazaya Building Established 1961 17 What’s On Tuesday, December 18, 2018

International Women’s Group host Annual Seasonal Dinner n the evening of December 9, 2018, the makes it ideal to welcome the new year with one heart ented Middle Eastern band (arranged by the Embassy from Sears, Mais Al Ghanim and Nana Salon to a huge International Women’s Group (IWG) gathered and one wish for peace across the globe. of Palestine) set the ambiance with live oriental music TV screen as the big raffle prize! The women were on Oto celebrate the season with their Annual Dinner CletheGubler, President of IWG, welcomed the and a video representing the different celebration their feet while they anticipated the gifts they are about held at Al Afrah Ballroom at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. ladies and wished them well for the night and the year methods that Middle Eastern cultures adopt for the to receive. A wonderful and truly ‘jolly’ evening that Members and friends, walked into a Christmas themed ahead. She also conveyed warm wishes on behalf of season. was accompanied with performance art and delicate ballroom where women of different cultures and back- Honorary Chairperson of the group Sheikha Anwar Al There were also a big number of gifts that were giv- cuisine, will be cherished and remembered as a great grounds met to socialize and share general knowledge. Sabah. The evening was full of entertaining acts and en out. From beautiful crystals handed to everyone end to 2018 and fabulous start to 2019 for all IWG Always a reason to celebrate, this fun-filled season games that kept the smiles on the ladies faces. A tal- from Santa, lovely poinsettias, several gift vouchers members.

scientific and cultural achievements. He GUST president appreciated the KFAS experiment with inter- national programs and agreements, particular- presents at Cultural ly with the Massachusetts Institute of Chicken and Chutney Burger - a ten- Technology (MIT), as the best example of the McDonald’s der 100 percent white meat Halal importance of joint research and the resulting chicken patty topped with spiced Development added value. The cooperation yielded major onion chutney, smooth yoghurt mint projects and gave the opportunity for new introduces mayonnaise, topped off with freshly Symposium project suggestions in the areas of water, shredded lettuce and slivered onions, energy, environment and health. Indian- all generously stacked together Prof Bouhamra also shed light on the major between a chili-dusted semolina bun. n cooperation with the Arab Thought challenges facing Arab researchers in interna- The flavorful menu also includes Foundation, the Kuwait Foundation for the tional research cooperation, the most impor- inspired menu the Tandoori Veg Bites side item, an IAdvancement of Science (KFAS) organ- tant of which are intellectual property and irresistible combination of potatoes, ized the 10th Annual Arab Report on Cultural patents rights, defining the criteria of the oming on the heels of the vegetables, and bold seasoning, finely Development Symposium, titled: “Innovation find solutions to today’s issues, and to high- rights in accordance with the performance delightful French menu, coated with golden crispy bread- and Extinction - Arab Scientific Research: Its light the role of scientific research, construc- and achievement of the research, variation of CMcDonald’s Kuwait’s ‘Tastes crumbs. The menu then cools down Reality, Challenges and Perspectives.” GUST tive thinking, creativity and innovation for the expenditure and funding rate, as well as high- of the World’ campaign - a promo- with the Mango McFizz drink and a President, Professor Walid Bouhamra, gave a future. This entails the necessity of supporting lighting each researcher’s role when publish- tion that brings internationally Mango Sundae dessert option. presentation and participated in a discussion the role of scientists, to drive the research ing the scientific research according to schol- inspired flavors to the McDonald’s “At McDonald’s, we are taking bold panel at the symposium that highlighted the process and enhance the capabilities of sci- arly performance. menu - is hitting another high note steps to deliver quality and memo- importance of supporting the role of scientists ence and technology. GUST as a university has always been keen with an exciting and delicious rable culinary experiences to cus- to drive the research process and enhance the He stressed on the importance of support- on supporting scientific research within its Indian-inspired menu. In its commit- tomers across Kuwait,” said Sherif capabilities of science and technology. ing scientific research in the Arab societies faculty, and even more so today. The universi- ment to always bringing something Coutry, Senior Marketing Director at Moderated by KFAS Director General, Dr particularly through Arab-international coop- ty aims to provide its faculty with every new and exciting to customers, McDonald’s Kuwait. “As a modern and Adnan Shihab Eldin, the symposium hosted eration in joint projects with the best universi- opportunity to strengthen and develop ‘Tastes of the World’ this year progressive burger company - our many other esteemed researchers and scien- ties and research centers in the world. Such research collaborations through KFAS as well brought about a first for McDonald’s role is to listen, understand, and deliv- tists including the Arab Thought Foundation research ventures would culminate in notable as annual fellowship programs with affiliated Kuwait with the introduction of a full er what our customers want. We know Director General Professor Henri Al-Oweit, scientific output which is a major indicator of universities internationally. menu - burger, side item, drink, and our customers are quite fond of fla- Secretary General of the National Council of dessert - as highlighted by the limit- vors and cuisines originating from the Scientific Research in Lebanon, Dr ed-time French-inspired menu Indian subcontinent and, in light of MoeenHamzah, Secretary General of the released three weeks ago. this, we are certain they’ll be thrilled Supreme Council for Planning and This edition of ‘Tastes of the by our delicious Indian-inspired Development, Dr Khaled Mahdi, Kuwait World’ continues with an exciting menu.” The Indian menu is available University Management Professor, Dr Moudhi Indian-inspired menu that dishes up until January 4, 2019 at all Al Hmoud, Kuwait University Sociology the diverse and fragrant flavors that McDonald’s restaurants across Professor, Dr Mohammed Al Rumaihi, Kuwait India is renowned for. The Indian taste Kuwait and through all available University Assistant Vice President for trip begins with a mouth-watering delivery services. Research, Dr Laila Maarouf, Executive President of the Energy and Construction Center in the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Dr Osama Abdullah Al Sayegh. In his presentation, Professor Bouhamra noted that embracing methodological scientif- ic research to address the problems and issues of modern living has become necessary Greetings and inevitable to explore the root causes of the problems and propose suitable solutions for them in order to drive the wheel of sus- appy 5th birthday tainable development in our Arab countries. to our dearest son He added that scientific research is undoubt- Sean, We wish you edly the cornerstone for the progress and H all the best in life! Thank development of nations and in view of the you for bringing a smile challenges and political, economic, social, environmental and cultural changes that weigh to our face every day. heavily in today’s unprecedentedly accelerat- Best wishes to the best ing and dynamic world. son in the world. Prof Bouhamra pointed out that the sym- Love: Dad, mom, Alex, posium presented a good opportunity for Aliya, family and friends debating and discussing different points of view and new ideas among Arab scholars and academics who are enthusiastic and eager to 18 Established 1961 Stars Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

You are one of a kind. Today all things seem to work to bring out all Even though you may be feeling fiercely independent today you may want that is unique and special about you. A kind spirit with a soft heart. You seem to to remember to keep an open mind and be receptive to the input of others. Take a step accept others as they are. This is a great day for a breakthrough concerning a back and go with the flow when it comes to sharing your opinion today. This will help new creation for you. Do not be surprised when others turn to you for advice. You in avoiding confrontation. Today you may have a deep craving to love and be loved. are looked at as a role model. You may find much admiration and attention seem Leave your door and heart open for what this day may bring your way in that area. Be come your way today. When it comes to getting to the root of a problem, you are bold, don’t be afraid to stand out today. Wear that bright shirt hanging in your closet the person for the job. Solution oriented with a quick mind is how others may be and face this day with a “look at me attitude”. Some days it is better to let our appear- describing you today. ance speak rather than our words. Libra, face this day with a smile on your face.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

You may find yourself ready to get out and about and hit the town. You You should find great pleasure in working with others today. You are ready to add a bit of spice to your life and the social scene is what you have your could find yourself being offered a new position or asked to take the lead on a mind set on. Take into careful consideration the company you chose to keep today. new project. You seem to begin to develop a desire to start taking your health You may find there is a fine line between friend and foe. Choose your company wisely seriously. Join the gym, take the walk, or start the meal planning. You won’t be as to not encounter conflict. You may find yourself extremely disciplined today when it able to shake this urge. You know to take care of all that you responsible for you comes to a task set before you. You have a goal and you become dedicated and first have to take care of yourself. You not only want to feel good about who you devoted to accomplishing this. You seem to be very productive and find things work- but how you look. This is a step in the right direction for you. The beginning of ing in your favor today. You may find an extra bit of support from one of your closest wonderful new time in your life. You have a lot to look forward to. friends. This gives you a boost and a sense of reassurance you have been looking for, Scorpio. Being in touch with others seems to give you a sense of peace. Harmony and peace enter your life when you feel others truly understand you.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) ACROSS DOWN You may not place much value on thoughts and ideas today. 1. A hormone secreted by the anterior 1. Powerful mackerel shark of the Atlantic Something someone says or communicates to you may offend you and you may You may feel as if you are being disrespected from all directions. pituitary gland that controls the and Pacific. take this the wrong way. You could easily find yourself in conflict in this person. Why is it that others seem to find it difficult to treat people as they want to be degree of pigmentation in 2. Any of a number of fishes of the family It is a day you may find yourselves called upon by friends for assistance today. treated? You strive to treat others this way. You may find you a have a great tal- melanocytes. Carangidae. Circumstances today may force you to reorganize and be more conservative ent for organizing. You are able to focus today on organizing all that surrounds 4. Clover ferns. 3. A man distinguished by exceptional today. This should go smoothly. You may find that others truly appreciate you for you. It seems you may be noticed in the workplace for your ability to organize 12. Counting the number of white and red courage and nobility and strength. your giving nature. Continue to be the friend others want to have. people and put them in the best positions. This may make you a prime candidate blood cells and the number of platelets 4. A Chadic language spoken south of for a management position. Your talents do not go unnoticed nor unappreciated in 1 cubic millimeter of blood. Lake . today. Your hard work is paying off. 15. (informal) Of the highest quality. 5. A radioactive element of the actinide 16. Relating to or demonstrating acapnia. series. 6. The ninth month of the Moslem calen- 17. Any of various long-tailed rodents sim- Cancer (June 21-July 22) ilar to but larger than a mouse. dar. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) 18. The unit of measurement for the pro- 7. A cut of pork ribs with much of the meat portion of gold in an alloy. trimmed off. Get a grip and try to remain calm. You could find yourself in a situa- tion that actually makes you angry today. Keep your emotions in check and try New solutions to old problems seem as clear as the nose on your face 20. United States educator who intro- 8. A hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers. not to fly off the handle. This may be a very difficult time for you to remind calm. today. You are unique. You may find that others are drawn to these qualities. duced reforms that significantly 9. An associative relation. Remember, sometimes a fight just isn’t worth it. You have a choice in this life. You Being different isn’t so bad. You are drawn to the unusual and find yourself with a altered the system of public education 10. (Akkadian) God of wisdom. can be right or you can be happy, Cancer. To infinity and beyond. That is exactly desire to express all that is unique about you. New solutions and inventions (1796-1859). 11. A flat wing-shaped process or winglike where you have your sights set. could come easily for you today. Your creative juices are flowing. You are starting to embrace your true inner self. 21. Lighted up by or as by fire or flame. part of an organism. 23. Germanic barbarian leader who ended 12. A Ukrainian peninsula between the the western Roman Empire in 476 and Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. became the first barbarian ruler of 13. Having the head uncovered. Aquarius (January 20- February 18) Italy (434-493). 14. Comb-plate or locomotor organ con- 24. Unknown god. sisting of a row of strong cilia whose Leo (July 23-August 22) 26. A primeval personification of air and bases are fused. You may find romance, recreation, and creativity begin to be the fac- breath. 19. Reprehensible acquisitiveness. You are on fire. Your mind is quick but your wit is quicker. You’ve tors that give you inspiration. The experiences you have now can truly stir your 27. A state in northwestern North America. 22. A sheet or band of fibrous connective got snap! Others are eager to hear what you have to say. You could find that soul. You could find someone you care about is having a hard time distinguishing 28. Remove gas from. tissue separating or binding together you are extremely persuasive with others. Be sure to use this power in a positive the difference between reality and fantasy. You may be approached with a business 30. Give over. muscles and organs etc. manner. Others seem to hang on every word you say and follow any advice you deal that seems too good to be true. Chances are it is so keep your money to your- 31. The capital and largest city of Ghana 25. An ancient Assyrian city on the River give. Make sure the advice is truly good advice and something you put serious self to avoid a bad investment. You may find you have a strong urge to get out and with a deep-water port. Tigris and traditional capital of thought into. Others will take your word and run with it. about this evening. Conflict could be found easily so choose your company wisely. 34. A river in central Brazil that flows gen- Assyria. erally northward (with many falls) to 29. A humorous anecdote or remark. join the Tocantins River. 32. A vertical cylindrical furnace for melt- 36. (Judaism) A Jewish holy day commem- ing iron for casting. Pisces (February 19-March 20) orating their deliverance from mas- 33. Supply with battlements. 35. Having help. sacre by Haman. Virgo (August 23-September 22) If you have been on a mission to find yourself, consider the job com- 37. A republic in West Africa on the Gulf of 38. French diplomat who in 1793 tried to plete. Today you truly feel as if you are your true self. Your true emotions shine . draw the United States into the war through. It seems as if there is an overabundance of good will and support being 40. An organization of countries formed in between France and England (1763- Today is a day of emotional overload. High energy and high emo- showered on you. This is a great time to understand those around you and spend 1961 to agree on a common policy for 1834). tions could find you coming across as very forceful in what you say and in the some special time with someone you love. An all around good feeling comes over the sale of petroleum. 39. A genus of Ploceidae. way you think. You seem to be able to really get your point across to others. you and this is a wonderful time in your life. 42. Large brownish-green New Zealand 41. North American republic containing 50 parrot. states - 48 conterminous states in 43. An industrial city in the Donets Basin. North America plus Alaska in north- 50. A yellow trivalent metallic element of west North America and the Hawaiian Wordsearch Puzzle Yesterday’s Solution Islands in the Pacific Ocean. the rare earth group. 44. Hard to endure. 51. Fermented alcoholic beverage similar to 45. Trailing grass native to Europe now but heavier than beer. cosmopolitan in warm regions. 52. (used especially of commodities) In the 46. The act of emitting. natural unprocessed condition. 47. (trademark) A liquid that temporarily 53. Marked by extreme anger. disables a person. 55. Support column consisting of a steel 48. Mild yellow Dutch cheese made in cylinder filled with concrete. balls. 57. Any plant of the genus Erica. 49. Power to control. 59. A tiny or scarcely detectable amount. 54. A pad of paper for keeping notes. 60. The branch of computer science that 56. Potentially existing but not presently deal with writing computer programs evident or realized. that can solve problems creatively. 58. An intensely radioactive metallic ele- 61. (law) The privilege of using something ment that occurs in minute amounts in that is not your own (as using anoth- uranium ores. er's land as a right of way to your own 62. (of pain or sorrow) Made easier to land). bear. 63. A member of the beat generation. 64. A member of an Iroquoian people for- 67. An association of nations dedicated to merly living on the south shore of Lake economic and political cooperation in Erie in northern Ohio and northwest southeastern Asia. Pennsylvania and western New York. 70. Nicaraguan statesman (born in 1945). 65. On, to, or at the top. 74. 100 pyas equal 1 kyat. 66. The United Nations agency concerned 75. Originally a stronghold captured by with atomic energy. David (the 2nd king of the Israelites). 68. The 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 76. Choose and follow. 69. A quantity of no importance. 78. A resource. 71. Any of various primates with short tails 79. The month following August and pre- or no tail at all. ceding October. 72. Failing to detonate. 80. Of legislation. 73. The compass point midway between 81. A nucleic acid consisting of large mole- east and southeast. 77. A gray lustrous metallic element of the cules shaped like a double helix. rare earth group.

Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution Established 1961 Lifestyle TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2018

Catriona Gray, Miss Philippines 2018 poses on stage during the 2018 Miss Universe national costume presentation in Chonburi province on December 10, 2018. — AFP (See Page 21)

Taoos still give Japan the needle as Olympics loom

hen Mana Izumi got her first tattoo at But I like being a bit different.” Tattoos still pro- part but a recent crackdown involving several ate pepper it would be too hot, but as a spice it 18, she wasn’t trying to rebel or shat- voke deep-rooted suspicion in Japan as the coun- police raids and fines has plunged Japan’s tattoo adds flavor.” Katsuta estimates between 500,000 Wter any taboos — just copy Japanese try prepares to host the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. industry into confusion. and a million Japanese — or one in every 100 or pop diva Namie Amuro’s beach- People with body ink are refused entry to pub- Meanwhile, a potentially game-changing legal 200 people — have tattoos. bronze “surfer chick” look. In Japan, where tattoos lic swimming pools, bathing spots, beaches and battle recently ended after Osaka tattooist Taiki Japan’s squeamishness about tattoos will be put have for centuries been demonised for their asso- often gyms, while visible body art can be harmful Masuda was arrested in 2015 for violating an to the test at the Tokyo Olympics, and before that to job prospects. “It’s pathetic the way people dis- obscure law that dates back almost 70 years. The at next year’s Rugby World Cup, both set to bring criminate against tattoos,” Izumi said while getting 30-year-old was fined 300,000 yen ($2,600) an influx of foreign visitors — including athletes a $500 Aztec skull inked onto her leg. “People under the Medical Practitioners’ Act, which forbids with body art. “I don’t know how much the might think I look a little scary,” she added, taking anyone other than a doctor from performing med- Olympics is actually going to change opinions,” a drag on her cigarette. “But I don’t regret getting ical procedures. said author Ashcraft, noting that Japanese televi- inked.” A 2001 Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry sion still blurs out tattoos. “When people look at Japan has long had a prickly relationship with notice ruled that tattooing was medical work foreigners with tattoos they kind of see that as for- tattoos. In the 17th century criminals were branded because it involves needles, technically criminaliz- eign culture.” In this picture taken on as a form of punishment, while today Japan’s ing Masuda’s job. He decided to fight the law and At the root of much of the prejudice towards October 28, 2017, yakuza mobsters pledge their loyalty with tradi- last month, a court overturned his previous guilty tattoos in Japan is the ancient Confucian idea that Japanese tattoo artist tional, full-body “irezumi” tattoos. As Japan verdict after a lengthy and controversial appeal defacing the body inherited from one’s parents is Horitatsu displays his opened up to the outside world in the 1800s, tat- process. “There’s no legal framework regulating disrespectful, according to Ashcraft. “I don’t think tattoos as he poses for a toos were outlawed — along with snake-charming the tattoo industry in Japan,” Masuda told AFP. people are actively thinking that it’s dirty any- photo at his studio in and public nudity — because the Japanese feared “Livelihoods are at stake — that’s why I had to more,” he added. “But I do think that collective Tsurugashima, Saitama outsiders would think they were “primitive,” fight it, to hopefully help legalize tattooing.” consciousness still lingers.” Izumi has little time for prefecture. — AFP photos according to Brian Ashcraft, author of “Japanese Masuda’s struggle polarized opinion among such outdated arguments. “Among my mum’s gen- Tattoos: History, Culture, Design”. At the same Japanese tattooists, estimated to number as many eration, anyone tattooed-up like me was thought time, European royalty would come to Japan to as 3,000. Noriyuki Katsuta, a member of “Save to be yakuza,” she shrugged. “But when people secretly get inked, so coveted were the country’s Tattooing in Japan”, a non-profit co-founded by preach about spoiling the body my parents gave tattoo artists. Masuda, called his arrest “a human rights viola- me, it really makes me sick. I don’t feel I have to tion”. But many older artists are fiercely protective explain myself to anyone.” — AFP Police crackdown of tattooing’s underground roots and resist the ciation with criminals, former porn star Izumi turns The ban lasted until 1948 when the occupying idea that it should become a legitimate profession. heads with her copper tan, bleach-blonde bob, and American forces lifted it but the stigma remains in an array of designs inked across half of her body. Japan. “They look at tattoos and they think ‘Like pepper on noodles’ “I wasn’t really an Amuro fan but I thought her ‘yakuza’ — instead of admiring the beauty of the “Tattoos should have a dash of the outlaw tattoos were cute,” the 29-year-old told AFP. art form,” said Ashcraft. “Until that changes, tat- about them,” insisted Horiyoshi III, who slammed “When my mum first saw my tattoo she burst into tooing will continue to exist in a grey zone.” Masuda’s actions as “provocative” and unhelpful. tears and I thought my dad was going to kill me. Authorities turn a blind eye to the ban for the most “It’s like adding pepper to noodles — if you just

Japanese tattoo artist Horiyoshi III works on a tattoo for his customer, Japanese tattoo artist Noriyuki Katsuta, a member of “Save Tattooing in Mana Izumi gets a new tattoo design on her fingers at a tattoo studio in Japanese “salaryman” Kyono, at his studio in Yokohama. Japan”, displays his tattoos as he poses for a photo at his studio in Tokyo. Tsurugashima. Established 1961 20 T Tuesday, December 18, 2018 L i f e s t y l e Fe a t u r e s

Opening of Mirrors Second Season at Hub Gallery nder the patronage of Mohammed Nasser ing a platform that combines creative people to The ideas become a major part of our Al-Jabri, Minister of Information and State become Ambassadors of truth under one roof emerging intellectual constitution that we have UMinister for Youth Affairs, the opening of through their creativity and encouraging become increasingly incapable of critical self- Mirrors Second Season “Creative Platform” research and fact-finding. Our aim is also to reflection. Even if we do, we have little faith that Group Creative Show, took place at the Hub eliminate media revolution towards false allega- self-questioning analysis would do any good Gallery. tion and the respect of copywriting. Creativity is anyway. When truth dies, all of its divergent Pieces from Abd El Moein Saleh Egyptian used as a tool to encourage originality in all its principles, such as ethics, perish with it. If truth sculptor, Abdullah Alawadi Kuwaiti artist & forms. It is a part of our social responsibility. can’t be known, then the concept of moral truth designer, Amirah Behbehani a Kuwaiti self- Over the last few decades, we have been in becomes incoherent. Ethics become relative, taught artist, Nada Alawi founded “Annada” the throes of a quiet but desperate revolution of right and wrong matters according to individual designer on fashion-accessories, Dr Anas freedom of idea that anything can be known for opinion. This may seem as moral liberty, but it Alomaim professor of architecture, Beshr certain. Today we’ve lost the confidence that ultimately rings hollow. The freedom of our day Koshaji Syirian artist, Hamed Ani artist, Haider statements of fact can be anything more than is the freedom to devote ourselves to any values Alzaeem professional global Iraqi artist, Hatem just opinion. We no longer know that anything is we please, on the mere condition that we do not Al Ahmad artist, Mohammed Al Hemd Kuwaiti certain beyond our subjective preference. The ultimately believe them to be true. The death of native artist, Mohammed Alotaibi entrepreneur word truth now means “true for me” and noth- truth in our society has led to moral decay, and and internationally recognized business Mogul, ing more and we have entered an dogmatic era. every debate ends with the question “says Noura AlRashidi jewelry hand craft, Rania By means of repetition and passive acceptance who?” When we abandon the idea that one set Abulhasan Kuwaiti artist, Sheikha Alhabshi over time they take on the force of common of laws applies to every human being, all that artist, Talal Hamadah artist, Wael Alkhars artist, wisdom, a “truth” that everyone knows but no remains is subjective, personal opinion. Yasser Dib Lebanese Artist were displayed at one stops to examine and thus becoming a kid the gallery. of intellectual urban legend. Once ideas like these take root, they become difficult to replace. Attempts to do so result in something akin to OurA goalstatement is to continue from the expanding organizers on build- Bloom’s “uncomprehending” stares. Divided Cypriots unite over heritage

esidents from both sides of Cyprus are Bastion that protected it from attack have also coming together to restore their ancient “ThisChurch is a tangible and Tanners’example ofmosque the important been restored. The bastion was originally built Rheritage and mend ties away from politics role cultural heritage can play in reinforcing a into natural rock by the Lusignans, before being even as peace talks remain stalled. Over the past shared identity and contributing to peace and fortified by the Venetians and later modified by decade Greek and Turkish Cypriots have joined confidence building,” said Tiziana Zennaro, who the Ottomans. It reopened in June. “This proj- forces to rebuild and restore dozens of churches, heads the UNDP’s Cyprus office. Zennaro spoke ect... creates communication and communication mosques and historical monuments on the this week during a presentation on ruins that means understanding each other,” said Turkish Mediterranean island, after they were damaged have been restored on both sides of an UN- Cypriot poet and Famagusta resident Ruhsan by conflict or neglect. patrolled buffer zone which slices through Iskifoglu. “We are cooperating, we are working togeth- Cyprus, and conservation work that is still A mosque in Deneia, inside the UN-patrolled er and we are bringing new hope to the people underway. The city of Famagusta — which buffer zone, is also being restored. Residents living on this island for a better future,” said boasts an ancient walled city and breathtaking say it was originally built using stones from a Turkish Cypriot Ali Tuncay, who sits on a bi- medieval ruins, abutting the buffer zone in north church that was destroyed in 1571 during an communal body that oversees the work. “Some of Cyprus — is at the heart of the joint restoration Ottoman military campaign. Traces of an Islamic our friends are saying that we are a mini-model initiative. mural can be seen on a wall in the one-room Moroccan laborers pick saffron flowers in a field in the Taliouine region in southwestern for the future of Cyprus,” added the member of Landmarks in old Famagusta — including house of worship, while on another wall hangs a Morocco. — AFP photos the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage. Saint Anne’s Church and Tanners’ mosque — frame inscribed with the words “Hatred is my John Karis, the Greek Cypriot secretary of the have had a makeover. Historians believe the only enemy” — the words of the Turkish poet Saffron’s rarity and its painstaking culti- committee, agreed. He said the project was church was built in the 4th century as part of a Yunus Emre. vation help explain its price — it takes “vital” because it brings people together. monastic complex, initially for the Catholic Christakis Panayiotou, who heads Deneia Moroccan saffron nearly a kilogram (2.2 pounds) of flowers Alongside “restoring the buildings, we also order before being given to the Maronite sect in council, is proud of the conservation work and to create 12 grams of the spice. In restore our history”, he said. Cyprus has been the 14th century. A peek through the metal bar- the cooperation that gave rise to it. “The most Morocco, PDO-certified saffron sells for divided since 1974 when Turkish troops invaded riers surrounding the construction reveal the important thing... is to be able to show and to farmers battle about three euros ($3.5) a gram, according and occupied the northern third of the island in freshly painted wooden frames of stained glass tell the world that we Greek Cypriots and Turk to Dar Azaafaran, or The House of Saffron, response to an Athens-engineered military coup, windows boasting French Gothic designs. Cypriots must live together.” For Meltem which works with 25 local cooperatives. To after a decade of inter-communal tension and Tanners’ mosque, named after tanners who Onurkan Samani — a political advisor to knockoff spices maintain their PDO-label and association violence between the Greek majority and the worked nearby, lies across the street and was northern Cyprus’ president Mustafa Akinci — with Dar Azaafaran, producers submit their affron farmers in southern Morocco Turkish minority. originally a small church, before the Ottomans the restorations seek to heal “historical harvest for various tests that check for have long taken pride in the coveted The last talks to reunify the island collapsed laid siege to Famagusta. Tanners reputedly went wounds”. The EU has so far provided 14.7 mil- moisture content, taste, color and smell. spice they produce from the purple- last year. A 12-member team oversees the con- there to avoid going to larger mosques where lion euros ($13 million) for the project, while S Counterfeit saffron can sell “for less than a petalled Crocus sativus, but some are wor- servation project that was launched in 2008, they feared the smell that stuck to their skin and funds have also come from local associations euro a gram at the famous Derb Omar ried knockoff versions are threatening their sponsored by the United Nations Development clothes would offend other worshippers. and NGOs. — AFP business. “The pure saffron of Taliouine is Program (UNDP). Six were picked by the inter- the best in the world, according to nationally recognized Republic of Cyprus, and experts,” local grower Barhim Afezzaa the other six by the Turkish Republic of Northern Famagusta’s‘Hatred “Land is my Gate” only — enemy’ the walled city’s boasted, proudly noting his spice’s desig- Cyprus, an entity still only recognized by Ankara. main entrance — and the towering Ravelin nation of origin (PDO) label. But the 51- year-old is worried that “counterfeit” crops are tarnishing Taliouine’s reputation and its PDO — which guarantees a prod- uct’s origin and uniqueness. In small plots below the snowy peaks of Mount Toubkal, saffron cultivation in Taliouine has remained largely unchanged for centuries. The flower requires drastic climate conditions — hot summers and cold, wet winters — and it can only be har- vested during a month-long window from Workers sort and clean saffron flowers dur- mid-October to mid-November. Workers ing its processing. start at dawn each morning, meticulously picking the delicate flowers by hand and market in Casablanca”, said Dar placing them in wicker baskets. The purple Azaafaran’s head Ismail Boukhriss. blooms are picked before they fully open Local producers say counterfeiters This picture shows the Tanner’s Mosque, dating back to 15th century This picture shows the Saint George of The Latins Church, dating back to 14th to ensure quality. often use chemical dyes and remains of restored by the Technical Committee on cultural heritage in collaboration century to be restored by the Technical Committee on cultural heritage in col- Once dried and sorted, the flower’s other plants in an attempt to pass poor with UNDP and the European Union. laboration with UNDP and the European Union, in Famagusta, east of the self- crimson stigmas and styles are turned into quality saffron off as a top-shelf spice. proclaimed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). — AFP photos saffron — the world’s most expensive Boukhriss said that while authorities hold spice — popular with top chefs across the PDO-labeled producers to a high stan- globe. Morocco is the world’s fourth dard, “the informal market is not subject- they fell out in the buildup to her wedding to Prince Harry last largest producer of saffron, behind Iran, ed to the same controls”. The National Meghan Markle’s May. The 74-year-old missed the event due to heart surgery, India and Greece, according to the figures Food Safety office told AFP that some amid a furor after he was found to have received payment for published in 2013 by FranceAgriMer, “non-conformities” were detected in bulk dad makes plea staged paparazzi photographs. He ended up watching the France’s specialist institute of agriculture sales of saffron which had not been prop- wedding from California, with Prince Charles taking his place and fishing. erly packaged or labeled. It advised buy- and walking Meghan down the aisle. ers to only purchase “products labeled for reconciliation The couple is expecting their first child next year, and ‘From father to son’ and packaged by approved and author- soon-to-be-grandfather Markle said he was “hoping that The spice is both a source of pride and ized sellers”. Some say salesmen working eghan Markle’s estranged father Thomas yesterday everything goes well and I get to see a little Meghan or a lifeline in the Berber city of Taliouine, to sell saffron outside the PDO-approved pleaded with his daughter to get in touch, saying the Harry.”There has to be a place for me, I’m her father,” he which, along with a neighboring town, pro- collective networks are to blame, while rift caused by her marriage to Prince Harry “can’t added. Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, has faced a barrage duces 90 percent of the kingdom’s saffron. other small growers sell to middlemen to Mcontinue forever”. Markle told ITV’s Good Morning Britain of negative headlines in recent weeks over her relationship Some 1,500 families in Taliouine depend avoid payment delays common to larger (GMB) that he was “hopeful something will be resolved,” with royal staff. Her father ran to her defense, telling GMB that on sales from the crop to survive. Knockoff groups. — AFP adding “this can’t continue forever. “I don’t plan to be silent for “she’s always been very controlling, but she’s never been versions “damage the image of this culture the rest of my life... I would really appreciate if she just called rude... she’s always been polite.” — AFP handed down from father to son, which is me,” he said. our pride”, said 24-year-old Driss, a mem- Markle revealed he had not spoken to his daughter since ber of a local collective in the area. Meghan Markle Established 1961 21 Lifestyle Fashion Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Catriona Gray of the Philippines (C) is congratulated by contestants after winning the Miss Universe 2018 on December 17, 2018 in Bangkok. — AFP Catriona Gray (R) of the Philippines speaks while host Steve Harvey listens during the interview of top three finalists. Miss Philippines crowned Miss Universe 2018

iss Philippines was crowned Miss Universe yes- President Donald Trump, whose administration has Mterday in Bangkok after a trailblazing ceremony attempted to block military recruitment of transgender praised for featuring its first transgender candi- people. “I always say: having female genitals didn’t trans- date but marred by gaffes about the English-speaking form me into a woman. I am a woman, already before birth, ability of two Asian contestants. Catriona Gray, 24, finished because my identity is here,” Ponce told AFP on Saturday, first ahead of the South African and Venezuelan finalists in gesturing to her head. the glittering televised event hosted by American comic She added she wanted her appearance to be empower- turned TV host Steve Harvey and supermodel Ashley ing and that she hoped for a “new generation of human Graham. beings who are raised a lot better, more tolerant and In the final round, Gray earned applause describing her respectful.” But issues of tolerance and respect came cen- work in the slums of the Philippine capital Manila. After tre stage during the competition when Miss USA Sarah winning she told reporters she would like to expand her Rose Summers appeared to poke fun at and work with an organization in the Philippines that promotes Miss Cambodia on social media for not being able to education on HIV and AIDS. “A few years ago I lost a speak English. close friend to health complications with HIV,” she said. The comments went viral but Summers later posted an “So spreading awareness on that cause and encouraging apology on Instagram, saying she did not “intend to hurt” people to get the simple test and knowing their status is her fellow competitors. Gray’s victory was closely followed definitely one of my first projects that I’d like to pursue.” in the Philippines, where beauty pageants are hugely pop- Gray — a student of music theory — beat more than ular. Social media exploded with clips of fans jumping for 90 contestants from around the globe in the 67th install- joy and hugging each other as the Filipina contestant went ment of Miss Universe, which was held in the Thai capital’s through each successive round and eventually won. A Impact Arena. During the competition, which was broad- spokesman for President Rodrigo Duterte in a statement cast live, candidates were asked questions on press free- praised Gray’s win for putting the Philippines on the world dom, legalization of marijuana, refugees and the #MeToo map “for its beauty and elegance”. — AFP movement. This year’s event drew positive feedback for Manita Devkota of Nepal competes after being selected as themes of inclusivity and an all-women panel of judges Catriona Gray of the Philippines smiles after being crowned top 10 finalists. made up of business leaders and former Miss Universe the new Miss Universe 2018. titleholders. Miss Spain’s Angela Ponce made history as the first transgender candidate in a competition once owned by

Miss USA 2018 Sarah Rose Summers poses on stage during the 2018 Miss Universe national costume presentation.

Tamaryn Green of South Africa competes after being selected as Top two finalists Catriona Gray of the Philippines (L) and top 10 finalist. Tamaryn Green of South Africa hold hands while waiting for the announcement of the winner during the 2018 Miss Universe Pageant.

Angela Ponce of Spain poses on stage during the 2018 Miss Universe national costume presentation.

Marta Stepien of Canada competes after being selected as top 10 finalists. Yulia Polyachikhina of Russia poses on stage during Sthefany Gutierrez of Venezuela competes the 2018 Miss Universe national costume presentation. after being selected as top 10 finalist. Established 1961 22 T Tuesday, December 18, 2018 L i f e s t y l e G o s s i p releasing her J.Lo own skincare line

he 49-year-old actress-and-singer has revealed that over the years to stay looking great. She said: “I want it to be something that she’ll be launching her own range of products so her fans encompasses all the things I’ve learned and all the secrets I have, and it can have glowing skin just like her and has admitted it’s doesn’t have anything to do with needles.” Although the ‘Get Right’ hitmaker T taken a long time to create the range because she “does- is sharing her skincare secrets she has previously credited her youthful com- n’t want to put just anything out”. Speaking to Refinery29, she plexion to a healthy lifestyle and drinking lots of water. She previously said: said: “I will be coming out with a skincare line; I’ve been working “I don’t drink or smoke or have caffeine, that really wrecks your skin as you on it for a long time because I don’t want to put just anything out. get older.” J.Lo also revealed that she is “rarely in the sun” but always wears It’s going to be something that works, that’s what you can count sunscreen if she does enjoy a day in the rays, and her commitment to UV on when my name is on something.” The preventative range, protection is another reason her skin is in such great condition. which will launch next year, will stave off signs of ageing and the ‘Second Act’ star wants to share “all the secrets” she’s learned

Meek Mill says that her style is ‘constantly changing’ claims Nicki Lilyhe 29-year-old Collins screen beauty is known for her effortless fashion choices and has revealed her wardrobe is made up of items purchased from T “so many amazing vintage shops” from all Minaj has over the world. Speaking to The Sunday Telegraph news- paper’s Stella magazine, Lily said: “In Brussels there are so many amazing vintage shops. I found some incredible old Adidas and Fila jackets. But I’m constantly changing blocked him when it comes to fashion.” Lily gets to walk numerous red carpets for her career and she always likes to give credit to the designers who have supplied her outfits for the glitzy events if she is asked what she is wearing but he ‘All Eyes on You’ rapper - who dated Nicki that was a win of course. Of course breaking up with she’d rather talk about her work. She said: “Well, I like to between 2015 and 2017 - was asked for his anyone you love is a loss. Period. Game time. Want me to give credit where credit’s due, and if I’m wearing some- opinion on her new boyfriend Kenneth Petty make up a lie or something? It’s so easy to tell the truth thing a designer has created, they deserve the credit. One T and when he went to look at the rapper’s new now.” Nicki and Meek reportedly split because they were hopes there’s going to be more than one question - and if man, he found out he had been blocked. Asked about “fighting on and off”. A source said of their split at the it is just the one, I’d rather be asked what I’m doing Nicki’s new man during a Twitter Q&A session, he time: “They were fighting on and off for a little while there.” The ‘To The Bone’ actress’ father is music legend replied: “I don’t feel nothing ... and I don’t know that man about a few topics that upset Nicki. They had a bigger Phil Collins and she has revealed that he gave her some to judge him ... I went to check him out on her page and fight and then called it quits. She is doing great and is just invaluable advice when she began her acting journey. She found out I was blocked.” Meek had previously admitted putting her mind and soul into her music at this time. She shared: “For every positive review you read you’ll proba- he was left heartbroken after he split from Nicki. He can’t predict the future, so getting back with Meek could bly find two negative ones, so if you’re proud of some- explained: “It was a win. I got Nicki when I was ... like I happen down the road again, because even with fights, thing, don’t let anyone take that away ... I feel like I came up. I always wanted Nicki my whole life. I use to she will always have a love for him.” already have this armor built in, which I can use at any talk ... remember I had the rap about it. I bagged that. So moment.” ‘focusing’ Letitia Wright Kateon herselfHudson discovered her he 39-year-old actress wants to start getting back into shape after the birth of her two- favorite foundation T month-old daughter Rani Rose, who she shares with Danny Fujikawa, but admits it can he 25-year-old actress only started be “hard” with children. She said: “It came at a perfect using her favorite skin product, time for me, because at this point after having three Bareminerals Original Foundation, babies it’s like sense memory. You want to start getting T after borrowing it from her sister and back into shape and to get strong again and focus on thinks the “amazing” foundation immediately your own personal health. It’s hard when you have makes her “face glow” after applying it. In an babies. Everyone comes before you, and you have to find interview with British Vogue, she said: “I used to that time to just focus in on yourself.” And the ‘Almost steal Bareminerals products from my sister! Then Famous’ star - who also has Ryder, 14, and Bingham, sev- a few months later I was thinking I really wanted en, from past relationships - has signed up to be an to work with them, and they hit me up. Every day ambassador for Weight Watchers, which has rebranded I go straight to Bareminerals Original Foundation. as WW, and is looking forward to “understanding” more “I just dip into it, real quick, get it onto the brush, about food and fitness to help her weight loss journey. swipe my face. And I don’t know what happens She added: “I don’t think it’s as much about changing but my face starts to glow. “I don’t know what anything, as it is about knowledge of the things that you they put in that thing, but it’s amazing. And then I love. That’s the thing that sets it apart to me from every- put my mascara on and some lip balm, which is thing else. This is about understanding your wellness. It’s also from Bareminerals, and I just go! I’m out of about understanding your fitness activity, understanding the house and it stays on my face all day, you your food, understanding the things that you love. It’s don’t have to worry about it.” Although the ‘Black about how to balance.” Panther’ star opts for a more natural look during the day, her go-to party look includes “something funky” with her eye make-up although “nothing is crazy” as she wants her make-up look to enhance her natural features. She said: “For going out, I’m Pitbull’s New Year’s resolution more of an eyes person, I like to keep everything finally going on neutral with my lips. We try to do something funky or make it pop. “You know, dark eye shad- is to educate children ows, really big eyelashes sometimes. Nothing her honeymoon crazy - I always try to make everything stay in Kaley Cuoco alignment with myself. I just want to enhance he ‘Big Bang Theory’ star married Karl Cook in he ‘We Are One’ hitmaker co-founded SLAM! what’s already there, you know? “ July but they weren’t able to head out on holi- (Sports Leadership Arts and Management) day after their nuptials because she had shoul- charter schools, which helps to educate young T der surgery so the couple are thrilled to now T people, and he is hoping to double the number be enjoying a romantic trip to Switzerland to end 2018. of people they help by the end of next year. Asked what Sharing a picture from their holiday, she captioned it: “The his New Year resolution is, he said: “When it comes to Honeymooners @mrtankcook” Kaley had to undergo education, we have now 10 schools with 10,000 kids in it. shoulder surgery during her honeymoon. Sharing the news So I would say for next year my resolution would be to on Instagram, she wrote at the time: “When your ‘honey- be up to 20 schools with 20,000 kids in it.” And Pitbull moon’ is shoulder surgery and your husband looks just as wants to use his music to “unite people instead of divide happy lol on the road to recovery - thank you for all the people”. He told Variety magazine: “Bottom line, my goal love and support! knowing @mrtankcook I’m sure he will is always to show people the power of music and how be posting tons of hilarious gems ... thank god my hair col- that can unite people instead of divide people and the or is on point (@clarissanya) (sic)” Whilst Karl shared on society that we’re living in right now, everybody’s about his own page: “Everyone has their own version of a newly- instant gratification and they’re more about negative wed glow.... well @normancook yours is memorable news rather than positive news. So if we can continue to #shouldersurgeryhoneymoon ... @normancook snoring put out music that brings people together instead of sep- like a distressed walrus. I love you so much but wow! arating them, that to me is always the major accomplish- #shouldersurgeryhoneymoon (sic)” Whilst some thought ment. Because that leads us to be able to do things like Kaley’s shoulder surgery was unexpected, she revealed education and really help those that really need it and she had planned to have her shoulder surgery so soon those that really crave and starve and take advantage of after her wedding. Explaining what happened in her opportunities. So with that said, as always the major goal Instagram story, she said: “This was a planned surgery I’ve is utilizing music to the best of its ability to bring every- had for over a year. I hurt [my shoulder] over a year ago body together.” and did not need immediate surgery so brilliantly planned it five days after our wedding. I knew I’d have a babysitter. I’m in a pretty big cast. No horsies for a minute. Time to lay low and hopefully not kill this guy [her husband]. Or him kill me.” - (Bangshowbiz) ClassifiedsTuesday, December 18, 2018


I, Santhosh Theruparambil (House), S/o. Bhaskaran, Kariyannoor, Erumappetty (PO), Thrissur, 680584, holder of Indian Passport No: J5238774, Civil ID No: 277021014999, converted to Islam and has changed my name and address to Muhammed Suhail, S/o. Bhaskaran, Theruparambil (House), Kaippuram (PO), Thiruvegapura, Naduvattam, Palakkad, Kerala-679308, hereinafter in all my dealings and doc- uments. (C 5438) 17 17-12-2018 For labor-related inquiries and complaints: Call MSAL HOTLINE 128 Airlines

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Arrival Flights on Tuesday 18/12/2018 FDB 059 Dubai 14:20 Arrival Flights on Tuesday 18/12/2018 JZR 221 Riyadh 12:00 Airlines Flt Route Time KAC 672 Dubai 14:25 Airlines Flt Route Time JZR 213 Jeddah 12:00 JZR 406 Kochi 00:10 KAC 364 Colombo 14:30 AIC 988 Hyderabad/Chennai 00:05 JZR 405 Kochi 12:45 JAI 572 Mumbai 00:15 KAC 286 Dhaka 14:30 JZR 407 Ahmedabad 00:05 MEA 405 Beirut 12:55 KAC 503 Beirut 00:45 GFA 221 Bahrain 14:40 FDB 072 Dubai 00:40 QTR 1075 Doha 13:00 SAW 702 Damascus 13:30 KAC 102 London 00:50 KAC 618 Doha 14:40 BBC 044 Dhaka 00:45 JZR 707 Luxor 01:00 JZR 113 Doha 13:30 THY 772 Istanbul 00:50 SVA 500 Jeddah 14:45 JZR 123 Dubai 13:40 JAI 571 Mumbai 01:15 JZR 722 Alexandria 00:55 KAC 412 Bangkok 15:00 MSR 611 Cairo 14:10 PGT 858 Istanbul 00:55 KNE 529 Jeddah 15:05 JZR 111 Doha 01:45 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 JZR 734 Cairo 01:25 KAC 788 Jeddah 15:10 KAC 677 Dubai 01:50 AXB 394 Kozhikode 14:15 DLH 625 Dammam 01:25 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 15:15 KAC 363 Colombo 01:50 JZR 103 Bahrain 14:40 KAC 417 Manila 02:00 RJA 642 Amman 01:35 JZR 222 Riyadh 15:30 QTR 1079 Doha 15:00 DLH 625 Frankfurt 02:25 UAE 853 Dubai 01:45 KAC 562 Amman 15:35 FDB 060 Dubai 15:10 THY 773 Istanbul 02:30 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:25 THY 764 Istanbul 01:50 OMA 645 Muscat 15:35 PGT 859 Istanbul 02:30 KAC 673 Dubai 15:40 IGO 1757 Kochi 01:55 KAC 304 Mumbai 15:40 IGO 1758 Kochi 02:55 SVA 501 Jeddah 15:45 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 02:15 UAE 857 Dubai 15:45 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 03:05 KAC 775 Riyadh 15:50 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:30 JZR 732 Cairo 15:50 UAE 854 Dubai 03:40 KNE 530 Jeddah 15:55 QTR 1086 Doha 02:40 SAW 705 Damascus 16:00 KLM 446 Amsterdam 03:55 KAC 615 Bahrain 16:05 JZR 404D Hyderabad 02:50 ABY 127 Sharjah 16:05 OMA 644 Muscat 03:55 KAC 563 Amman 16:10 KKK 1268 Istanbul 02:55 KAC 118 New York 16:05 KKK 1269 Istanbul 03:55 KAC 619 Doha 16:10 OMA 643 Muscat 02:55 JZR 212 Jeddah 16:25 THY 765 Istanbul 04:00 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 16:20 OMA 646 Muscat 16:35 MSR 612 Cairo 03:05 KAC 502 Beirut 16:30 QTR 1087 Doha 04:00 KAC 785 Jeddah 16:40 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 03:05 KAC 542 Cairo 16:30 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:05 JZR 261 Beirut 16:40 QTR 1076 Doha 04:00 QTR 1072 Doha 16:35 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:45 IGO 1751 Chennai 04:10 FDB 051 Dubai 16:40 JZR 701 Asyut 04:30 KAC 675 Dubai 17:05 KAC 418 Manila 04:25 JZR 114 Doha 17:10 PGT 861 Istanbul 04:45 KAC 504 Beirut 17:15 KAC 784 Jeddah 04:30 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 LMU 511 Cairo 05:00 FDB 052 Dubai 17:40 DHX 170 Bahrain 04:35 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 KAC 103 London 05:10 KAC 283 Dhaka 17:45 FDB 069 Dubai 05:00 JZR 214 Jeddah 17:45 IGO 1752 Chennai 05:10 UAE 858 Dubai 17:45 KAC 382 Delhi 05:05 UAE 875 Dubai 18:00 QTR 1077 Doha 05:30 KAC 331 Trivandrum 18:00 KAC 1544 Cairo 05:10 FDB 063 Dubai 18:15 FDB 070 Dubai 05:50 JZR 721 Alexandria 18:00 QTR 1073 Doha 18:00 JZR 404 Hyderabad 05:10 JZR 124 Dubai 18:20 JZR 215 Jeddah 06:00 KAC 303 Mumbai 06:10 KAC 343 Chennai 18:00 THY 770 Istanbul 05:10 QTR 1080 Doha 18:30 JZR 733 Cairo 18:10 JZR 502 Lahore 05:25 MSR 620 Cairo 18:30 JZR 713 Sohag 06:15 JZR 121 Dubai 06:35 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 KAC 346 Ahmedabad 05:30 KAC 744 Dammam 19:00 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 THY 771 Istanbul 06:40 KAC 332 Trivandrum 05:40 ABY 123 Sharjah 19:25 KAC 621 Doha 18:25 GFA 212 Bahrain 07:15 KAC 344 Chennai 05:50 KAC 156 Istanbul 19:30 JZR 127 Dubai 18:35 RJA 649 Amman 07:15 JZR 403 Hyderabad 18:40 JZR 402 Mumbai 06:05 KAC 616 Bahrain 19:30 JZR 115 Doha 07:30 KAC 302 Mumbai 06:10 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:30 JZR 501 Lahore 18:40 QTR 8512 Doha 07:55 KAC 381 Delhi 18:55 KAC 284 Dhaka 06:10 FDB 057 Dubai 19:50 KAC 171 Frankfurt 08:10 JZR 253 Amman 19:15 JZR 254D Amman 06:10 KAC 776 Riyadh 19:50 KAC 165 Rome 08:20 FDB 064 Dubai 19:20 JZR 112 Doha 06:30 KNE 381 Taif 20:00 BAW 156 London 08:50 CLX 7907 Hong Kong 19:30 KAC 678 Dubai 06:55 KAC 620 Doha 20:15 FDB 054 Dubai 08:50 UAE 876 Dubai 19:30 KAC 204 Lahore 07:10 OMA 647 Muscat 20:20 KAC 501 Beirut 09:00 MSR 621 Cairo 19:30 BAW 157 London 07:10 DHX 172 Bahrain 20:20 KAC 613 Bahrain 09:05 QTR 1081 Doha 19:55 KAC 354 Bengaluru 07:35 QTR 1088 Doha 20:35 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:05 RJA 641 Amman 20:00 FDB 053 Dubai 07:50 KAC 674 Dubai 20:35 KAC 791 Madinah 09:10 SYR 342 Damascus 20:00 KAC 384 Delhi 08:00 DLH 624 Frankfurt 20:45 JZR 731 Cairo 09:10 RBG 556 Alexandria 20:05 ABY 124 Sharjah 20:05 KAC 358 Kochi 08:05 KAC 174 Munich 21:15 KAC 117 Shannon/New York 09:15 GFA 218 Bahrain 20:15 KAC 691 Muscat 09:20 UAE 855 Dubai 08:35 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:20 FDB 058 Dubai 20:35 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:05 ALK 229 Colombo 21:20 KAC 541 Cairo 09:30 KAC 345 Ahmedabad 20:40 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:05 MEA 402 Beirut 21:20 KAC 561 Amman 09:40 KAC 353 Bengaluru 20:55 QTR 1070 Doha 09:30 KAC 164 MXP 21:25 KAC 101 London 09:45 KAC 301 Mumbai 20:55 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 KAC 168 Paris 21:30 KAC 741 Dammam 09:45 JZR 401 Mumbai 20:55 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 UAE 859 Dubai 21:35 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:45 KAC 357 Kochi 21:00 AXB 395 Kozhikode 10:50 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 KAC 671 Dubai 09:45 OMA 648 Muscat 21:20 JZR 702 Asyut 11:05 KLM 445 Amsterdam 21:50 UAE 856 Dubai 10:00 DLH 624 Dammam 21:30 JZR 301 Istanbul 10:05 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 AXB 889 Mangalore/Bahrain 11:10 KAC 162 Geneva 21:55 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:10 QTR 1089 Doha 22:00 JZR 122 Dubai 11:20 KAC 564 Amman 21:55 KAC 773 Riyadh 10:10 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:10 QTR 1074 Doha 11:35 JAI 574 Mumbai 22:00 FDB 056 Dubai 10:35 KAC 1543 Cairo 22:15 JZR 216 Jeddah 11:45 AZQ 4565 Baku 22:00 KAC 617 Doha 10:35 KAC 203 Lahore 22:15 MEA 404 Beirut 11:55 QTR 1082 Doha 22:05 IGO 1754 Ahmedabad 10:40 MEA 403 Beirut 22:20 ALK 230 Colombo 22:25 JZR 714 Sohag 12:35 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:15 IRA 664 Shiraz 10:40 KAC 383 Delhi 22:30 UAE 871 Dubai 12:50 AIC 975 Chennai/Goa 22:25 JZR 211 Jeddah 10:40 MSR 610 Cairo 13:10 KAC 622 Doha 22:30 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:30 KAC 155 Istanbul 10:45 KAC 783 Jeddah 22:55 QTR 1078 Doha 13:35 SVA 514 Riyadh 22:30 IRC 529 Ahwaz 10:55 KAC 411 Bangkok 23:00 KAC 774 Riyadh 14:00 SVA 502 Jeddah 22:45 QTR 1071 Doha 11:00 UAE 860 Dubai 23:00 RBG 553 Alexandria 14:05 KAC 786 Jeddah 22:45 SVA 513 Riyadh 11:00 JAI 573 Mumbai 23:00 KNE 231 Riyadh 14:10 JZR 128 Dubai 23:15 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:25 ETD 310 Abu Dhabi 23:05 IRA 667 Esfahan 14:10 FDB 071 Dubai 23:45 KAC 515 Tehran 12:00 QTR 1083 Doha 23:20 24 Established 1961 News Tuesday, December 18, 2018

A woman walks in a tunnel decorated with festive lights for the upcoming holidays in central Moscow yesterday. — AFP Google joins tech move east, to invest $1bn in New York campus WASHINGTON: Google became the latest US tech ties, offices and jobs.” The new site is a former industri- giant to announce a major expansion plan, unveiling a al area adjacent to the Greenwich Village and Soho dis- towards Riyadh. Khashoggi, a Saudi contributor to the $1 billion investment yesterday to create a new campus tricts. The expansion would make California-based Riyadh condemns Washington Post, was killed on Oct 2 shortly after that could double its New York City workforce to Alphabet one of the city’s largest commercial tenants, entering the kingdom’s consulate in Istanbul in what 14,000. The move by Google comes following The Wall Street Journal reported. Riyadh called a “rogue” operation. UN chief Antonio Amazon’s announcement of new headquarters sites in US Senate vote Guterres on Sunday called for a “credible” probe into New York and suburban Washington DC worth some Finding new workers the murder. Anger at the human cost of the war in $5 billion, and Apple’s $1 billion expansion to Texas and Alphabet, Amazon and Apple are three of the world’s Yemen has also prompted a harder line in Congress other areas. most valuable corporations and have been outgrowing as ‘interference’ about the US military’s role in backing Saudi-led coali- Google parent Alphabet’s chief financial officer Ruth their home bases even with new headquarters building. tion strikes against Houthi rebels. Porat said it would lease large office buildings in lower Google this month released an updated plan for RIYADH: Saudi Arabia yesterday slammed as “interfer- Meanwhile, Canada is looking into ways to cancel a Manhattan, which will become the centerpiece of a expanding its Mountain View, California, headquarters ence” US Senate resolutions over its war in Yemen and giant 2014 weapons deal with Saudi Arabia, Prime campus of more than 160,000 sq m. The new campus, to create a new village-type campus with more than critic Jamal Khashoggi’s murder, warning that the move Minister Justin Trudeau said Sunday. Trudeau had ear- which should be operational starting in 2020, will be 6,000 new homes, some of which would be available to could have repercussions on its strategic ties with lier said that it would be “extremely difficult” to with- known as Google Hudson Square and “will be the pri- low-income residents. Both Google and Apple handled Washington. “The kingdom condemns the latest posi- draw from the contract, signed by the previous conser- mary location for our New York-based Global Business their expansion plans quietly, while Amazon asked for tion of the US Senate that was based on unsubstantiat- vative administration, “without Canadians paying exor- Organization,” Porat wrote in a blog post. “New York municipalities across North American for proposals, ed allegations and rejects the blatant interference in its bitant penalties”. Canada in late November announced City continues to be a great source of diverse, world- prompting critics to call it a “Hunger Games” contest. internal affairs,” the foreign ministry said in a statement sanctions against 17 Saudi nationals linked to the class talent - that’s what brought Google to the city in All three companies have been struggling to attract released by the official Saudi Press Agency. killing of Khashoggi. 2000 and that’s what keeps us here,” she said. workers with technology skills, and that appears to The Saudi ministry warned that the kingdom would “The murder of a journalist is absolutely unaccept- Alphabet earlier this year said it was buying the have been a key factor in the three expansion moves. not tolerate any “disrespect” of its rulers. “This posi- able and that’s why Canada from the very beginning Manhattan Chelsea Market for $2.4 billion, and planned The massive growth in the tech sector has however tion by the US Senate sends the wrong messages to all had been demanding answers and solutions on that,” to lease space at Pier 57 on the Hudson river. The com- passed over much of America’s industrial heartland, those who want to cause a rift in Saudi-US relation- Trudeau said Sunday in an interview with CTV. “We pany currently employs some 7,000 people in New creating economic and social rifts. Porat said the latest ship,” the ministry said. “The kingdom hopes that it is inherited actually a (Can)$15 billion contract signed by York. “With these most recent investments in Google investment “is a huge part of our commitment to grow not drawn into domestic political debates in the US to (former prime minister) Stephen Harper to export Chelsea and Google Hudson Square, we will have the and invest in US facilities, offices and job,” and added avoid any... significant negative impact on this impor- light-armored vehicles to Saudi Arabia,” he said. “We capacity to more than double the number of Googlers that “we’re growing faster outside the (San Francisco) tant strategic relationship.” are engaged with the export permits to try and see if in New York over the next 10 years,” Porat said. She Bay Area than within it, and this year opened new A day after the Senate vote, Secretary of State there is a way of no longer exporting these vehicles to said the company’s “investment in New York is a huge offices and data centers in locations like Detroit, Mike Pompeo again defended US ties with Saudi Saudi Arabia,” he added. part of our commitment to grow and invest in US facili- Boulder, Los Angeles, Tennessee and Alabama.” — AFP Arabia on national security grounds, saying the king- The penalty for breaking the contract could dom was a bulwark against common foe Iran. The exceed Can$1 billion, Trudeau said in an interview Senate resolution acknowledged the US-Saudi ties with CBC Radio in October. Trudeau has been criti- ally, Pakistan. In recent months Saudi Arabia has offered were “important” but called on Riyadh to “moderate its cized by political opponents and Human Rights Afghan Taleban a $6 billion rescue package to Islamabad as the country increasingly erratic foreign policy”. The resolutions activists for failing to cancel the contract. London, attempts to plug its rapidly deteriorating finances. “At cannot be debated in the House of Representatives Ontario-based manufacturer General Dynamic Land this juncture, if Saudi Arabia tells Pakistan to support the before January, and would likely be vetoed in any case Systems Canada inked the deal in 2014 to supply 928 hold meeting... Afghan peace process then there is no way that Pakistan by US President Donald Trump. LAV 6 armored personnel carriers to Saudi Arabia. can ignore it,” a senior Western diplomat in Kabul said. But the Senate votes send a strong message to the The deal, worth US$11.5 billion, was the largest arms deal in Canadian history.— Agencies Continued from Page 1 Relations between Washington and Islamabad have White House over anger on both sides of the aisle long been strained over accusations that Pakistan sup- As well as establishing direct contacts with the ports insurgent groups in Afghanistan, a charge it Taleban, US officials have stepped up efforts to win sup- denies. But earlier this month, US President Donald Osama Al-Shaheen said the committee discussed port from countries with an interest in Afghanistan, Trump requested Pakistan’s support to advance the Govt accepts changes to the end of service system, specifically including Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Afghan peace process. Taleban officials from the move- whether to include public holidays in such calculations. Western diplomats said the decision to move the ven- ment’s political headquarters in Qatar and two repre- The manpower authority agreed in principle to the ue of the talks from Doha to the UAE underscored sentatives sent by Mullah Yaqub, elder son of the oil minister’s... amendment but said a final decision is linked to the efforts to involve Saudi Arabia, which is hostile to Qatar, Taleban’s late founder Mullah Mohammad Omar, will be opinion of the social security agency. more closely in the process and to exert influence on its present. — Reuters Continued from Page 1 The legal and legislative affairs committee yesterday decided it will take a final vote on the legal status of the The motion was signed by lawmakers Adnan grilling against the prime minister on Sunday, its rappor- bolstering joint humanitarian virtues between China Abdulsamad, Riyadh Al-Adasani, Safa Al-Hashem, Shuaib teur said. MP Abul said that he expects the final report on Amir’s envoy hands and Kuwait and activating a multifaceted exchange Al-Muwaizri and Abdulkarim Al-Kandari. They demand- the issue will be ready on Monday so it can be debated in between their peoples in educational, cultural and ed that the Assembly should vote on the two draft laws the Assembly session on Tuesday. MP Muwaizri had filed athletic fields. Sheikh Nasser invited all Chinese peo- approved by the financial and economic affairs commit- to grill the prime minister over alleged government failure letter on... ple from various backgrounds to visit Kuwait, explore tee after the debate on the Amiri speech, which is expect- to face the heavy rains, but the government insisted that its urban and natural landmarks, and meet Kuwaitis ed to be completed next week. the grilling breached the constitution. The Assembly then Continued from Page 1 directly. The first bill calls for scrapping increases in fuel prices, asked the legal committee to see if the grilling violated Kuwaiti Ambassador to China Samih Johar Hayat especially that of petrol, and electricity charges, which the constitution. Linking such important development projects said the Phoenix TV team showed keen interest in were applied only on expatriates. The second bill seeks to MP Majed Al-Mutairi, who last week revived a pro- would empower Kuwait to become an international learning about Kuwait’s regional and international restrict the government’s powers in raising the cost of posal asking the government to purchase the bank loans economic and financial center, Sheikh Nasser Sabah status during Sheikh Nasser’s interview. Most ques- public services by requiring the Assembly’s prior of Kuwaiti citizens, said his proposal is getting solid sup- affirmed. As part of its strategy to transform its econ- tions focused on Kuwait’s role in international human- approval of any such hikes. Adasani said on Sunday the port from the rest of the lawmakers. Mutairi said that the omy into a diversified and sustainable force, Kuwait itarian action, effective and positive political initia- two draft laws have been approved by the financial com- issue is very simple as the government maintains huge has invested in its geographic location in the northern tives, and contributions to world oil markets’ stability, mittee since April 2017 and it is high time the Assembly deposits worth tens of billions of dinars in local banks at a Arabian Gulf by linking its safe economic and com- said Hayat. The Kuwaiti diplomat also pointed out HH approves them. very low interest rate of just 1 percent, thus wasting huge mercial passageway with the “Belt and Road” initia- the Amir’s pivotal role in bringing views of Gulf The Assembly’s health and labor committee yester- returns for state coffers. He said all the government needs tive, he added. states’ leaders closer, affirming his country applies day debated amendments to the labor law in the private to do is to use part of the wasted returns on its deposits The Kuwaiti minister underlined the significance of neutrality and moderation in its diplomacy. — KUNA sector with the Public Authority for Manpower. MP and ask local banks to forgive citizens’ loans. 25 Sports Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Simmons’ rare triple-double carries Philadelphia 76ers Fox, Hield help Kings snap Mavs’ home win streak CLEVELAND: Ben Simmons had 22 points, 14 assists and could have tied the franchise record for longest home win 11 rebounds to lead the visiting Philadelphia 76ers past the streak. But Dallas, playing without starting guard Dennis Cleveland Cavaliers 128-105 on Sunday. It was Simmons’ Smith Jr. and bench spark plug J.J. Barea, couldn’t slow third triple-double this season and the 15th of his career, down the Kings’ emerging dynamic duo. Hield finished and he completed it with more than four minutes remain- with a season-high-tying 28 points on 12-of-23 shooting, ing in the third quarter. He also had zero turnovers in his 32 while Fox also poured in 28, hitting 11 of his 19 attempts. minutes, becoming the fourth player in NBA history to His pretty floater with 1:21 to go gave the Kings a 114-107 post a triple-double with at least 22 points, 14 assists, 11 lead and all but sealed the victory. rebounds and zero turnovers. Joel Embiid added 24 points and nine rebounds, while Jimmy Butler returned from a HEAT 102, PELICANS 96 two-game absence because of a strained groin to score 19 Josh Richardson led a balanced attack with 22 points points. Landry Shamet scored 16 points, JJ Redick added and Miami defeated host New Orleans as Dwyane Wade 14 and Wilson Chandler had 11 for the Sixers, who added 19. Hassan Whiteside tallied 17 points and 12 rebounded after a home loss to the Indiana Pacers two rebounds, Tyler Johnson scored 15 and Derrick Jones Jr. nights earlier. Cedi Osman and Jordan Clarkson each had put in 11 for the Heat, who finished 4-2 on their road trip. 18 points for the Cavaliers, who fell to 5-12 at home. Anthony Davis led the Pelicans with 27 points and 12 Rodney Hood and Matthew Dellavedova contributed 13 rebounds. Julius Randle had 17 points and 10 rebounds for points each, and Collin Sexton had 12. New Orleans before limping to the locker room with a sprained right ankle midway through the fourth quarter. WIZARDS 128, LAKERS 110 John Wall scored a season-high 40 points and had 14 PACERS 110, KNICKS 99 assists as Washington routed visiting Los Angeles to snap Victor Oladipo scored a game-high 26 points on a box a four-game losing streak. Wall converted 16 of 27 field- score-stuffing night and surging Indiana pulled away goal attempts, including 4 of 8 from 3-point range. Bradley from visiting New York in the fourth quarter. Oladipo Beal had 25 points and 12 rebounds for the Wizards, and also added eight rebounds, seven assists and five steals Jeff Green and Sam Dekker scored 20 points each. for the Pacers, who have won seven straight. It is Kentavious Caldwell-Pope scored 25 off the bench for the Indiana’s longest winning streak since a seven-game run Lakers, who had won three of four, and Kyle Kuzma added from Jan. 26 through Feb. 6, 2017. Enes Kanter had 20 20. LeBron James had 13 points, his fewest ever against points and 15 rebounds for the Knicks, who have lost six CLEVELAND: Ante Zizic #41 of the Cleveland Cavaliers dunks the ball against the Philadelphia 76ers on Washington, on 5-of-16 shooting in 32 minutes. of seven. Tim Hardaway Jr. scored 19 points while Emmanuel Mudiay and Kevin Knox added 18 points and Sunday at Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. —AFP KINGS 120, MAVERICKS 113 15 points, respectively. Sacramento’s young backcourt of Buddy Hield and was 13 for 19 from the field and 5 for 9 on 3-pointers and straight. Atlanta lost its third straight and has dropped sev- NETS 144, HAWKS 127 De’Aaron Fox combined for 56 points as the Kings added six rebounds and seven assists. He scored 18 in the en of its last eight games. The Hawks were led by John snapped Dallas’ home win streak at 11. The Mavericks, who D’Angelo Russell scored 32 points and Brooklyn Nets first half. The Nets are in the middle of their longest win- Collins, who added 29 points and eight rebounds, but saw entered the day tied for the league high with 13 home wins, won its fifth straight, hammering visiting Atlanta. Russell ning streak since the 2014-15 season, when they won six his streak of double-doubles end at six. — Reuters

Over 2,900 registrations recorded for FSHN’s eighth RunKuwait race

Alessandro Chianese, Ahmed Al-Afasi and Saad Al-Mutairi. KSSC to organize Mustafa Karam & Sons shooting tourney

By Abdellatif Sharaa KUWAIT: Fawzia Sultan our community. KUWAIT: Kuwait Shooting Sports Club Healthcare Network (FSHN) con- We deeply thank all the indi- (KSSC) will organize Mustafa Karam and cludes yet another successful vidual participants and compa- Sons Company Shooting tournament at RunKuwait race in support of nies for joining us this year and Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- children with special needs. The we look forward to their continu- Sabah Olympic Shooting Complex from race which took place on ous support towards the Thursday Dec 20 for three days. Shooters Saturday, December 15, marks the RunKuwait initiative,” commented from the club, National Guard and from the biggest race in the history of Dr Elham Hamdan, President and Qatari Shooting Federation will participate RunKuwait. More than 2,900 par- CEO at FSHN. in the clay target events of skeet and trap ticipants had registered to the In its early years, the for men, women and juniors. race to support one cause, raising RunKuwait initiative was suc- Kuwait and Arab Shooting Federations awareness and funds towards the cessful in gaining community’s Secretary General Obaid Al-Osaimi said treatment of children with special empathy and support, which led Mustafa Karam tournament is organized needs. the FSHN team to direct all the annually and sees strong competition The RunKuwait initiative in its initiative’s efforts and funds between all participants. eighth year raised more than KD towards the children with special Al-Osaimi thanked Mustafa Karam and 60,900 which is estimated to needs treated at CERC. The unit Sons Company for its continued support of provide more than 1,000 treat- offers services for children in a the shooting club, and lauded both moral ment sessions at no cost for the number of areas which include sponsors for the RunKuwait ini- The sports enthusiasts who and material contributions to the shooters Obaid Al-Osaimi children treated at the non-profit physical therapy, speech patholo- tiative this year were Al Anba opted for a shorter race distance, who make significant achievements in the Children’s Evaluation and gy, counselling/behavior therapy newspaper, Kuwait Times news- 5KM, were also awarded within name of Kuwait. Deputy Chairman of KSSC is keen on acti- Rehabilitation Center (CERC). and occupational therapy. paper, Bazaar magazine and the same categories. The first Al-Osaimi said that Mohammad Karam, vating the local shooting program and These free of charge sessions are The race participants and their 248am blog as the exclusive place winners included, Director General of the Company and improve the technical level of shooters. in addition to the subsidized ones, families, friends and supporters social media sponsor. The initia- Mohammed Salman (Male), Amal which are offered on a case-by- were welcomed with a number of tive was also supported by Alroumi (Female), Omar Qanbar case basis, where up to 90% of fun-filled activities at the race vil- Mullenlowe Blu. (Youth), Abdulla Al Saraf the costs are also covered by the lage including warm-up exercis- First, second and third place (Masters). Everyone who joined vived, for now, despite widespread calls for center. es. All attendees were served winners were awarded across dif- the race, whether to compete or Cheika survives change. “We are confident that Michael is “The community’s response to refreshments and snacks ferent categories for the 5KM & simply support the cause, the right man to lead the Wallabies to the our cause and their engagement throughout the day, offered by 10KM race including, Male, received their participation medal rugby World Cup and the appointment of is our driving force to continue the event’s sponsors and partici- Female, Youth (18years and as they crossed the finish line and axe with powers Scott Johnson will support Michael and his offering the utmost levels of med- pating companies. below) & Masters (55 years and returned to the race village to join coaching team as they prepare for the ical care and to support raising RunKuwait’s race this year was above). The serious athletes were in the relaxing sports activities. tournament in Japan next September,” the awareness on how to maintain supported with generous contri- able to complete the 10KM race For additional information curtailed Castle said Monday. an environment where a child butions from the following spon- distance within 36 minutes. The about RunKuwait and how to “Scott Johnson has built a strong repu- with special needs is raised. We sors: Agility as the Founding first place winners announced continue contributing to the ini- SYDNEY: Under-siege Wallabies coach tation in the international rugby landscape are proud to complete eight Partner, INTERSPORT and ASAR were Abdullah Rabeea (Male), tiative, please follow the official Michael Cheika has survived the axe but over more than a decade, and since taking installations of RunKuwait, which Legal as the Gold sponsors and Taiba Alnouri (Female), Abdulaziz social media account, will have to report to Scott Johnson who over as director of rugby in Scotland the is evidence of the tremendous EQUATE and KDD as the Silver Alduaij (Youth), Robert D’Silva @RunKuwait on Instagram and was yesterday recruited from Scotland to national team has climbed to its highest support we are receiving from sponsors. The exclusive media (Masters). Facebook. assume the new role of director of rugby. ever world ranking of fifth.” Governing body Rugby Australia also She added that Johnson would take announced that Cheika must work with a responsibility for the management of the three-man selection panel-himself, Johnson Wallabies’ off-field programme, which and an independent-in an overhaul to halt would allow Cheika “to focus on what he the team’s alarming slide in form ahead of does best, which is coaching the team”. the World Cup in Japan next year. The fate of Cheika-world coach of the Cheika has faced a mounting backlash year in 2015 — has split the rugby world from dismayed fans and former players with some, including Wallabies legend after winning just four of Australia’s 13 Matt Burke, describing his position as Tests this year-their worst campaign in “untenable”. But others threw their support decades. behind him as the best man for the job. Despite the dire results and a drop to “It’s a great move for Australian rugby sixth in the world rankings, Rugby and I know it will prove to be the best long- Australia chief Raelene Castle has consis- term structure for the game in this country,” tently backed him to take the Wallabies to said Cheika. “I’m looking forward to work- Japan. ing with Scott and finishing the work that I His coaching team of Stephen Larkham, started by making Australians proud of our Nathan Grey and Simon Raiwalui also sur- performance.”—AFP 26 Sports Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Kohli falls to Lyon as Australia closing in on overdue victory Set 287 to win on an unpredictable pitch

PERTH: Australia is poised for their first Test match win SCOREBOARD since the ball-tampering scandal after spinner Nathan Lyon claimed the prized wicket of Indian captain Virat Scoreboard at stumps on the fourth day of the second Test Kohli in the second Test in Perth yesterday. against at Perth yesterday: Set 287 to win on an unpredictable pitch, India were reduced to 112 for five at stumps on the fourth day. Australia 1st innings 326 (M. Harris 70, T. Head 58; Sharma 4-41) Hanuma Vihari was 24 not out and Rishabh Pant was on India 1st innings 283 (V Kohli 123, A Rahane 51; Lyon 5-67) nine. The visitors still needed 175 to win with just five Australia 2nd innings (overnight 132-4) wickets in hand as Australia seek to level the four-Test M. Harris b Bumrah 20 series and claim their first Test win since beating South A. Finch c Pant b Shami 25 Africa at St George’s Park in March. U. Khawaja c Pant b Shami 72 It was during the following Test at Newlands that S. Marsh c Pant b Shami 5 Cameron Bancroft was caught using sandpaper to alter P. Handscomb lbw Sharma 13 the ball. The scandal led to lengthy suspensions from T. Head c Sharma b Shami 19 Cricket Australia for Bancroft, captain Steve Smith and T. Paine c Kohli b Shami 37 opener David Warner. Australian paceman Josh Hazlewood said the home P. Cummins b Bumrah 1 team were excited by the chance of an overdue victory M. Starc b Bumrah 14 on the fifth day. “It has been a bit of a long time N. Lyon c Vihari b Shami 5 between wins,” he said. J. Hazlewood not out 17 “We’re pretty excited to come back tomorrow. Extras (b8, lb3, w4) 15 “There is still a bit of work to be done, there is obvi- Total (all out, 93.2 overs) 243 ously enough there in the wicket and we just have to hit Fall of wickets: 1-59 (Harris), 2-64 (Marsh), 3-85 (Handscomb), the right areas.” India lead 1-0 after victory in Adelaide, 4-120 (Head), 5-192 (Paine), 6-192 (Finch), 7-198 (Khawaja), 8- but have never won a Test series in Australia. The loss 198 (Cummins), 9-207 (Lyon), 10-243 (Starc) of Kohli appeared a fatal blow to their chances of a Bowling: Sharma 16-1-45-1, Bumrah 25.2-10-39-3, Shami 24-8- famous win. 56-6 (2w), Yadav 14-0-61-0 (2w), Vihari 14-4-31-0 Lyon dismissed Kohli for the seventh time in Test cricket, two more than any other bowler, when he had PERTH: Australia’s bowler Nathan Lyon (R) celebrates after dismissing India’s Virat Kohli (C) during day four of India 2nd innings him caught at slip by Usman Khawaja for 17. Kohli was the second Test cricket match between Australia and India in Perth yesterday. — AFP KL Rahul b Starc 0 unable to repeat the heroics of his first innings century, M. Vijay b Lyon 20 the ball catching the outside edge as he probed for- C. Pujara c Paine b Hazlewood 4 ward defensively. inside edge by Lyon, who took two for 30. Cheteshwar Pujara then feathered a short delivery from V. Kohli c Khawaja b Lyon 17 His departure was the cause of great delight for The pair of wickets continued a fine match for Lyon, Josh Hazlewood on four, as India slumped to 13 for two. A. Rahane c Head b Hazlewood 30 Australian captain Tim Paine, after the pair had who picked up five in the Indian first innings to move Across the two teams, eight wickets fell for 68 runs H. Vihari not out 24 exchanged words at the conclusion of the third day. into the top 25 all-time Test wicket-takers, currently on between lunch and tea, as batting appeared to become R. Pant not out 9 The Australian wicketkeeper, looking for his first win as 333. After Australia lost their last six wickets for 51 runs very difficult due to variable bounce. Australian number Extras (b6, w2) 8 skipper in five Tests since taking over from the dis- to be dismissed for 243, with Mohammed Shami claim- eight Pat Cummins was the chief victim of the pitch Total (five wickets; 41 overs) 112 graced Steve Smith, celebrated the dismissal with a ing a career-best 6-56, India made a disastrous start to gremlins after lunch, when he was clean bowled for one Fall of wickets: 1-0 (Rahul), 2-13 (Pujara), 3-48 (Kohli), 4-55 cheeky comment to not out batsman Murali Vijay. their run chase just before tea. Opener KL Rahul didn’t by a Jasprit Bumrah delivery that kept very low off the (Vijay), 5-98 (Rahane) “Murali, I know he’s your captain, but you can’t seri- survive long, falling to the fourth ball of the innings wicket. The home team had resumed at 190 for four Bowling: Starc 10-2-28-1 (1w), Hazlewood 11-3-24-2, Cummins ously like him as a bloke,” Paine said, in comments from Mitchell Starc for a duck. after lunch, but Shami cleaned up the tail, removing 8-0-24-0 (1w) , Lyon 12-2-30-2. picked up by microphone. Just two overs later Vijay Rahul attempted to pull the bat away and only suc- Khawaja for 72 and Paine, on 37, with sharply rising was also on his way back to the pavilion, bowled off an ceeded in getting an inside edge onto his stumps. deliveries. —AFP

Hope accelerated the ’ run chase with 55 nerships of 25 and 30 respectively with Mahmudullah Cottrell, Hope off 23 balls that included six sixes and three fours. Riyad and Ariful Haque to lift the side briefly. Victory never looked in doubt as he struck spinner “Everything (fell) apart from the toss. Batting failed Mehidy Hasan for three sixes and a four in just the sec- and then the bowling also obviously went wrong,” India’s Shaw out for guide WI to ond over of the innings, yielding 23 runs. Shakib said after the match. “Was a good pitch, should Spinner Mahmudullah Riyad dismissed Hope after have probably got about 180 on the board.” Australia Tests, Pandya crushing T20 win medium pacer Mohammad Saifuddin broke a 51-run He hit eight fours and two sixes before being dis- opening stand with Evin Lewis, who fell for 18. But missed by Cottrell. Paul wrapped up ’s Nicholas Pooran and Keemo Paul ensured West Indies innings with 2-23. The West Indies are hoping a series and Agarwal get call SYLHET: Left-arm pacer Sheldon Cottrell delivered a cruised to their target, with quickfire innings of 23 and win will end their Bangladesh tour on a positive note career best 4-28 before Shai Hope struck a half-centu- 28 respectively. Cottrell and fellow pacer Oshane after losing their Test and one-day international series PERTH: Indian batsman Prithvi Shaw has been ry as West Indies crushed Bangladesh by eight wickets Thomas earlier choked Bangladesh, who opted to bat 2-0 and 2-1 respectively. “Very good win but it’s only ruled out of the remaining two Test matches in their Twenty20 series opener yesterday. first, at the start of their innings. Openers Tamim Iqbal one game,” skipper Carlos Brathwaite said. “We have against Australia due to an ankle injury, the Indian West Indies raced to 130-2 in just 10.5 overs after and Liton Das, as well as Soumya Sarkar, all fell for started with a win before and then gone on to lose the cricket board (BCCI) said yesterday. Cottrell and his fellow pacers bowled out Bangladesh single-figure scores to short-pitch deliveries. series in recent times. So, it’s important to be respectful The 19-year-old opener injured his ankle while for 129 runs in Sylhet. Bangladesh skipper Shakib Al In-form Mushfiqur Rahim was run out for five, leav- of the opposition.” Bangladesh and West Indies play fielding during a tour match against a Cricket Hasan scored 61 off 43 balls for the home side but could ing Bangladesh on 48-4 before six overs of batting the remaining two T20 internationals of the series in Australia XI in Sydney last month and has missed not stave off a thumping defeat. power play had elapsed. Shakib put on two small part- Dhaka this week. — AFP the first two matches of the series. Indian fans had hoped that Shaw, who scored an aggressive centu- ry on debut against West Indies in October, would SCOREBOARD be fit-again for the third test which begins in Melbourne on Dec. 26. Scoreboard of the first Twenty20 international in a three-match series between Bangladesh and West Fellow opener Mayank Agarwal, who is yet to Indies at Sylhet International Stadium yesterday: make his Test debut, was named as Shaw’s replacement. The Indian selectors also called up Bangladesh Bowling: Thomas 4-0-33-1, Cottrell 4-0-28-4 all-rounder Hardik Pandya who has recovered Tamim Iqbal c Brathwaite b Cottrell 5 (w1), Paul 4-0-23-2 (nb1), Brathwaite 3-0-13-1, from a back injury sustained in the Asia Cup earli- Liton Das c Brathwaite b Thomas 6 Allen 3-0-19-1, Powell 1-0-7-0 er this year. Soumya Sarkar c Powell b Cottrell 5 Murali Vijay and Lokesh Rahul, who were Shakib Al Hasan c&b Cottrell 61 West Indies paired together to open the innings following Mushfiqur Rahim run out 5 E. Lewis c Ariful b Saifuddin 18 Mahmudullah Riyad c Hope b Cottrell 12 S. Hope c Mustafizur b Mahmudullah 55 Shaw’s injury, have struggled in the first two Ariful Haque c Pooran b Allen 17 N. Pooran not out 23 matches. The out-of-form Rahul has scored 48 Mohammad Saifuddin c Pooran b Brathwaite 1 K. Paul not out 28 runs in four innings while Vijay, who was recalled Mehidy Hasan c Hope b Paul 8 Extras ( lb 5, w1) 6 to the side after being dropped from the England Abu Hider not out 1 Total (two wickets; 10.5 overs) 130 series earlier this year, has managed 49. Mustafizur Rahman b Paul 0 Did not bat: S. Hetmyer, D. Bravo, R. Powell, C. India won the opening match in Adelaide by 31 Extras (b4, lb2, w1, nb1) 8 Brathwaite, F. Allen, S. Cottrell, O. Thomas Total (all out; 19 overs) 129 Fall of wickets: 1-51 (Lewis), 2-98 (Hope) runs to take a 1-0 series lead. Virat Kohli’s side Fall of wickets: 1-11 (Tamim), 2-19 (Liton), 3-31 Bowling: Shakib 3.5-0-32-0, Mehidy 2-0-37-0, were in a precarious position in the second test in SYLHET: West Indies cricketer Shai Hope (L) plays a shot as Bangladeshi cricketer Mushfiqur Rahim (R) looks on during the first Twenty20 (T20) cricket match (Soumya), 4-48 (Mushfiqur), 5-73 (Mahmudullah), Hider 1-0-15-0, Saifuddin 1-0-13-1 (w1), Perth after the fourth day’s play on Monday, hav- 6-103 (Ariful), 7-110 (Saifuddin), 8-122 (Shakib), Mustafizur 1-0-15-0, Mahmudullah 2-0-13-1 ing been reduced to 112-5, 175 runs short of their between Bangladesh and West Indies at the Sylhet International Cricket Stadium 9-129 (Mehidy), 10-129 (Mustafizur) Result: West Indies win by eight wickets. target.— Reuters in Sylhet yesterday. — AFP

goals and an assist, while Brandon Tanev and Mathieu Allen was pulled after the first period, the victim of four Sabres get best Perreault also scored goals for the Jets, who improved goals on 16 shots. Jordan Binnington made 10 saves in to 9-1-0 in their last 10 games. Connor Hellebuyck had the final two periods. Lyon humbled by 43 saves to pick up the win in net. Steven Stamkos had a of Bruins again goal and an assist, and Nikita Kucherov, Tyler Johnson Golden Knights 4, Rangers 3 (OT) Tendulkar praise and Alex Killorn also scored goals for Tampa Bay, which Alex Tuch scored his 12th goal of the season 2:11 into had an eight-game winning streak snapped. Ondrej overtime, and visiting Vegas beat New York. Tuch scored BOSTON: Buffalo’s Jeff Skinner scored two goals, includ- Palat and Brayden Point each added two assists, and by waiting for goalie Henrik Lundqvist to go down and PERTH: Australian off-spinner Nathan Lyon says is hum- ing the go-ahead tally late in the third period, as the Andrei Vasilevskiy had 37 saves. then lifted a wrist shot under Lundqvist’s left arm to fin- bled after Indian legend Sachin Tendulkar praised him as a Sabres knocked off the host Boston Bruins 4-2 on Sunday. ish off an odd-man rush with Paul Stastny. Tuch’s fourth “very special” bowler. Skinner broke a 2-2 tie when he lifted a pass from Jack Sharks 7, Blackhawks 3 goal in six games gave the Golden Knights their fifth win Lyon took 5-67 in India’s first innings 283 during the Eichel for his team-leading 24th goal to give Buffalo its Evander Kane, Melker Karlsson, Tomas Hertl, Logan in the last seven games (5-1-1). Vegas also improved to ongoing second Test at Perth, the seventh time he has third lead of the game with 3:31 remaining. Eichel put it Couture and Kevin Labanc each had a goal and an assist 10-2-1 in its last 13 games. Reilly Smith, Stastny and bagged a five-wicket haul against them. away with an empty-net marker, his second goal of the as San Jose rallied past host Chicago for its fourth straight William Carrier scored in regulation as Vegas rebounded It put him alongside Sri Lanka great Muttiah game, with 25 seconds left. Eichel also had two assists, win. Five of San Jose’s goals came after Blackhawks goal- from blowing a three-goal lead in Friday’s overtime loss Muralitharan as the other bowler to achieve the feat, and it Sam Reinhart had three assists-all in the third period-and tender Corey Crawford was forced to leave after hitting at New . Chris Kreider scored the tying goal early didn’t go unnoticed by Tendulkar. “Australia have got a Rasmus Dahlin posted two helpers for the Sabres, who the back of his head on the goalpost following a collision. in the third for the Rangers, but New York fell to 2-5-3 in very special spinner in @NathLyon421,” he tweeted. won for the third straight time in Boston. Steven Kampfer Marcus Sorensen and Barclay Goodrow also scored for its last 10 games and lost its third straight home game “He has got terrific variations and uses the pace and and Torey Krug scored for the Bruins, who lost their sec- the Sharks, while Aaron Dell stopped all 16 shots he faced beyond regulation. bounce from the pitch to extract maximum value.” Lyon ond straight. Krug hit the post with 90 seconds left, and in relief of Martin Jones, who was chased early. said he was humbled by such praise from the master bats- Boston then pulled goalie Tuukka Rask. Buffalo’s Linus Hurricanes 3, Coyotes 0 man. “That’s amazing to get something like that from Ullmark stopped 35 shots. Rask made 23 saves. Flames 7, Blues 2 Petr Mrazek posted his first shutout of the season with Sachin Tendulkar,” he told reporters. “He’s obviously one Johnny Gaudreau scored twice in a three-point game 23 saves as Carolina defeated visiting Arizona in a of the greatest of all time to ever play the game. So, to get Jets 5, Lightning 4 (OT) and Alan Quine had two goals as Calgary scored four matchup between two struggling teams in Raleigh, N.C. recognised from him it’s a massive honour.” Mark Scheifele scored the game-winning goal with first-period goals en route to a thumping of host St. Warren Foegele, Andrei Svechnikov and Sebastian Aho Lyon, 31, said he still had plenty of gas left in tank and 41.4 seconds left in overtime as Winnipeg Jets moved Louis. David Rittich made 26 saves for the Flames, who scored for the Hurricanes, who won for only the second plans to add to his 331 Test wickets in the years ahead. “I into first place in the Central Division with a victory are on a three-game winning streak and riding a 9-1-1 time in an eight-game span (2-4-2). Mrazek picked up his think I’ve still got a lot of improvement, a lot of learning over visiting Tampa Bay. Scheifele, who also had two run. Matthew Tkachuk, who calls St. Louis his home- second victory since late October. His most-recent about the game and about off-spin bowling,” he said. “I assists, slapped in a rebound of a Patrik Laine shot from town, kicked off the one-sided opening frame by burying shutout came last February when he was playing with the believe there’s a lot around the corner for me if I keep the slot for his 21st goal of the season and give a rebound for a power-play goal at the 5:58 mark, his Detroit Red Wings. Arizona rookie goalie Adin Hill made working hard and keep wanting to get better.” — AFP Winnipeg its fifth straight win. Nikolaj Ehlers had two 15th goal of the campaign. Blues starting goalie Jake 24 saves. —Reuters Established 1961 27 Sports Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Despite fan protest, Roma revive, Napoli keep pace with Juventus Piatek scores 12th goal of the season to overtake Ronaldo as leading scorer MILAN: Roma battled back for a 3-2 Serie A victory “My only other option in attack was Patrik Schick, I over Genoa to give beleaguered coach Eusebio Di had no options off the bench in midfield, while in Francesco a lifeline at the Stadio Olimpico on Sunday defence I picked Juan Jesus because he is tough and I despite goalkeeper Robin Olsen’s early blunder. It needed that in this game. “We had a lot of technical ended Roma’s five-match winless streak dating back errors, but the most important thing was a show of to a 4-1 triumph over Sampdoria on November 11, and character. lifted Di Francesco’s side to sixth-two points behind “Genoa are in good shape and they knew that they AC Milan in the final Champions League berth. were up against a Roma side that was a little fright- Napoli earlier beat Cagliari 1-0 in Sardinia to pull ened, so they tried to make the most of the situation.” back to within eight points of leaders Juventus, who Roma next travel to seven-time defending champions won their derby against Torino by the same scoreline Juventus who remain unbeaten with 46 points from 16 on Saturday thanks to a Cristiano Ronaldo penalty. games. Roma got off to the worst possible start in a tense atmosphere among the 29,000 crowd in Rome where MILIK LIFTS NAPOLI fans had a silent protest in the first ten minutes at the Earlier, Polish striker Arkadiusz Milik’s superb club’s management and transfer strategy. injury-time free-kick kept Carlo Ancelotti’s side eight “I have to congratulate the lads for how they points behind Juventus. Milik scored the winner in the played in a very surreal environment, for them it was 91st minute with a perfectly curled effort which left not easy,” said Di Francesco. “The team is still sick, Cagliari goalkeeper Alessio Cragno with no chance. but I saw the pride and the desire to bring home the Ancelotti had rung the changes after Napoli’s three points.” Champions League exit to Liverpool but the visitors The hosts were trailing after Swedish keeper Olsen struggled in attack against the well-organised let the ball slip through his legs and hands to allow Sardinians. Milik had a chance to break the deadlock Polish striker Krzysztof Piatek pounce in the 17th on 68 minutes but his header hit the bar, with Cragno minute. Piatek slid in for his 12th goal of the season to rushing to prevent Kalidou Koulibaly’s attempted fin- overtake Ronaldo as Serie A’s leading scorer. ish from the rebound. But goals from Federico Fazio and Justin Kluivert But Napoli poured forward in search of a winner twice pulled Roma level before the break, with Bryan with Milik settling the game with his eighth goal of the Cristante grabbing the winner just before the hour season and fourth in three games. “Anfield was a big mark. Di Francesco was reported to be set for the axe blow, but the lads immediately responded as I expect- ROME: (From L) Genoa’s Italian forward Cristian Kouame, AS Roma Czech forward Patrik Schick and if his team failed to deliver a win against Genoa, who ed them to,” said Ancelotti. Genoa’s Argentine midfielder Esteban Rolon go for the ball during the Italian Serie A football match AS Roma vs Genoa on Sunday at the Olympic stadium in Rome. —AFP are now 16th. “I chose a fresher initial line-up to give us energy And amid an injury crisis, the 49-year-old switched throughout the match. It was a mature victory with things around after his side’s Champions League intensity.” Cagliari, in 13th position, suffered their first fourth-placed AC Milan who play Bologna today. scored the opener in the 66th minute in Genoa with defeat midweek with Nicolo Zaniolo in a new attack- home defeat of the season. Fiorentina ended their Fabio Quagliarella, meanwhile, continued his fine Quagliarella further punishing Parma with a second ing role. “I chose above all players who were fresh, eight-match league winless run with a 3-1 comeback form, scoring in his sixth straight Serie A game to seal three minutes later for his ninth goal this season and young and free of the pressure,” said Di Francesco. victory over Empoli, and are now four points off a 2-0 win for Sampdoria over Parma. Gianluca Caprari seventh in six games. —AFP

But Barca did not take long to start moving through Messi’s pass, before keeping his cool and rolling the Messi hat-trick the gears, with Messi curling wide from long range ball home. before testing Oier Olazabal in the Levante goal with a Sevilla reclaimed second place earlier on Sunday as free-kick. Just seconds after Boateng hammered a left- second-half strikes from Ever Banega and Pablo restores Barcelona footed strike against the crossbar, the reigning Spanish Sarabia sealed a 2-0 win over Girona. Pablo Machin’s champions broke the deadlock as Messi jinked through side are unbeaten in seven league games since a 4-2 Chelsea to face La Liga lead a mesmerised home defence and picked out Suarez loss at Barcain October. who volleyed home. The hosts had to wait until the 55th minute to break Malmo in Europa MADRID: Lionel Messi continued his sublime form by But Levante, who had ended Barcelona’s dreams of the deadlock, when striker Andre Silva was tripped in netting his 31st La Liga hat-trick as Barcelona thrashed going through last season’s La Liga campaign unbeaten the area by Girona defender Juanpe. Argentinian Levante 5-0 on Sunday to regain their three-point lead with a remarkable 5-4 victory in the penultimate game, Banega stepped up to send visiting goalkeeper Gorka League last 32 at the top of the table. came close to a quick response as Jose Luis Morales Iraizoz the wrong way from the penalty spot. NYON: Former champions Chelsea will face Malmo in The 31-year-old Argentinian arrived in Valencia hav- fired over. The points were wrapped up only nine minutes later, the last 32 of the Europa League while Arsenal will lock ing scored two free-kicks in last weekend’s derby The match was all but ended as a contest when as Wissam Ben Yedder cut the ball back for the onrush- horns again with BATE Borisov. The two sides met in the thumping of Espanyol. He took his goals tally for the Messi bore down on goal two minutes before half-time ing Sarabia to slide home his 14th goal of the season in Europa League last season, the Gunners hammering the season to 20 after a virtuoso display, while also teeing and drilled low into the net. “I’m happy to have won all competitions. Belarussian side 6-0 at the Emirates. up Luis Suarez’s 35th-minute opener and Gerard here, because last year we came and they put five goals “In the first half they (Girona) were very good,” said Five-time champions Sevilla, currently second in La Pique’s late fifth. past us having gone the whole season unbeaten, so we Machin. “They were very organised and had good Liga, face a difficult tie against Lazio, beaten finalists in Barca were under pressure after Atletico Madrid knew about the danger of Levante and it was a match chances, when (Sevilla goalkeeper) Tomas (Vaclik) was this competition in 1998, who are fifth in Serie A. and second-placed Sevilla had both moved level on we had marked out,” added Valverde. He wasted little splendid. “In the second half we were the better team.” The 2004 champions Valencia will have to overcome points with the Catalan giants. time after the restart to add his second in the 47th Elsewhere, Villarreal were plunged further into crisis Scottish champions Celtic while another Spanish side But after resting his key stars for their final minute, sweeping home Jordi Alba’s clever cutback, as Samuele Longo’s 93rd-minute strike saw them held Villarreal, currently hovering just above the Liga relega- Champions League group-stage match against before completing his treble with a simple tap-in from to a 2-2 draw at bottom club Huesca. Villarreal, who tion zone, face an Iberian battle when they take on Tottenham in midweek, coach Ernesto Valverde saw his Arturo Vidal’s square pass on the hour mark. replaced Javier Calleja with Luis Garcia Plaza as coach Sporting. refreshed side cruise to a third straight league win Messi has scored five goals in two league games in midweek, are only one point and one place above the Napoli, demoted to the Europa League after they without conceding a goal. since finishing only fifth in the voting for the Ballon d’Or relegation zone. were knocked out of the Champions League at the group “At the beginning it was difficult, they squeezed us earlier this month. A bad evening for Levante worsened Real Betis eased to a 3-1 win at Espanyol to move stage, face Zurich. and had a chance that hit the woodwork,” said with 14 minutes to play, as left-back Erick Cabaco was into fifth place after a third successive league victo- Portuguese giants Benfica, three times runners-up, Valverde. Levante started the game brightly and visit- sent off for a reckless lunge on Ousmane Dembele. ry. Espanyol, who led the table earlier in the season, tackle Turkish side Galatasaray, UEFA Cup winners in ing goalkeeper Marc-Andre ter Stegen was forced into Centre-back Pique added further gloss to the score- have lost five straight matches to slip into the bot- 2000, and Inter Milan, another team who failed to an early save by Ghanaian Emmanuel Boateng. line in the 88th minute, rampaging forward to collect tom half. —AFP progress to the Champions League knockout stage, will play Rapid Vienna. The ties will take place on 12-14 and shown that, with goals and victories. Our 20-21 February. —AFP Liverpool draw team is very strong and we can be calm and confident.” Bayern as United Bundesliga leaders Dortmund will meet Tottenham Hotspur for the second season in a row, having faced each other Full draw for Europa face PSG in in last year’s group stage, while Roma meet two-time former champions Porto. League last 32 CL last 16 “We’ve already met them (Tottenham) twice. A strong opponent, the chances Rennes v Betis NYON: Liverpool will take on fellow five- are at 50-50. The team has top players. BATE Borisov v Arsenal time winners Bayern Munich in the last 16 We are also strong, it will be interest- Malmo v Chelsea of the Champions League, while Jose ing,” Dortmund CEO Hans-Joachim Viktoria Plzen v Dinamo Zagreb Mourinho’s struggling Manchester United Watzke told Sky. Club Brugge v Salzburg face French giants Paris Saint-Germain. United, at a low ebb after Sunday’s 3- Rapid Vienna v Inter Milan Holders Real Madrid were paired with 1 defeat to Liverpool, meet PSG for the Slavia Prague v Genk Ajax in yesterday’s draw in Nyon as the first time and a formidable task awaits Krasnodar v Bayer Leverkusen Spaniards attempt to lift the trophy for against a side featuring Neymar and Zurich v Napoli the fifth time in six seasons, while Lionel Kylian Mbappe-the world’s two most Shakhtar Donetsk v Eintracht Frankfurt Messi and Barcelona will play Lyon. expensive players. Celtic v Valencia Both Liverpool and Bayern have a rich “It’s always difficult to play Olympiakos v Dynamo Kiev tradition in the competition, with Jurgen Manchester United,” said PSG boss Lazio v Sevilla Klopp returning to his homeland to face Thomas Tuchel. “They have lots of expe- Fenerbahce v Zenit Saint Petersburg the side that beat his Borussia Dortmund rience in this competition, they’ve won it Sporting Lisbon v Villarreal team in the 2013 final. numerous times. It’s always difficult to Galatasaray v Benfica Liverpool, defeated finalists last sea- play at Old Trafford, it’s always a big First legs to be played February 14 with return son, are the current form side of the two legs on February 21. —AFP challenge. “It’s the same thing against and sit top of the Premier League while Bayern have been far short of their own Mourinho. He has lots of experience in high standards in the Bundesliga this this competition and you must have term. “That’s the team of the hour, the respect,” he added. Manchester City’s league leaders in England, they are play- director of football Txiki Begiristain Matches on TV ing really good football, very physical, warned the English champions will not (Local Timings) really stepping it up. We are looking for- have it easy against a Schalke outfit lan- ward to it,” Bayern sporting director guishing in 13th place in Germany fol- lowing a nightmare start. “Teams that ITALIAN CALCIO LEAGUE Hasan Salihamidzic said of the tie with Bologna FC v AC Milan 22:30 Liverpool. have been struggling in their leagues NYON: (COMBO) This combination of pictures shows the slips of Liverpool beIN SPORTS “A tough cookie, but that’s something have still they’ve done very well in the FC (up) and FC Bayern Munich during the draw for the round of 16 of the to look forward to as a player.” Klopp Champions League,” said Begiristain. UEFA Champions League football tournament at the UEFA headquarters in GERMAN BUNDESLIGA said: “It will be a tough one, an interest- “Schalke will be difficult. After a win- Nyon yesterday. —AFP Borussia Monchengladbach v FC Nuremberg 20:30 ing one, and I am looking forward to it.” ter break, German clubs are always very beIN SPORTS dangerous.” Lyon coach Bruno Genesio Hertha Berlin v FC Augsburg 22:30 Pep Guardiola’s Manchester City take beIN SPORTS on German side Schalke 04 while says his team can draw on their group- against City,” said Genesio. “It’s tough. playing at home. Barca are potential VfL Wolfsburg v VfB Stuttgart 22:30 Atletico Madrid, runners-up in 2014 and stage displays against City-a 2-1 away They are a team that Lyon has already champions. We have nothing to lose. beIN SPORTS 2016, come up against Cristiano Ronaldo win and 2-2 home draw-ahead of their played against but never beaten. Barca Everything is a bonus for Lyon.” Teams Fortuna Dusseldorf v BV Borussia Dortmund 22:30 and Italian heavyweights Juventus. “A clash with five-time European champi- are more experienced and stronger but that finished in second place in the beIN SPORTS very difficult match, with few goals,” Juve ons Barca. over two matches anything is possible,” group stage will host the first legs on “We’ll need to pull off two big per- Gerard Houllier, who holds an advisory February 12/13 and 19/20 with the return FRENCH LEAGUE vice-president Pavel Nedved predicted. Caen v Toulouse FC 21:30 “No doubt Cristiano is the man of the formances, in the first leg and in the role at the French club, told RMC Sport. matches scheduled for March 5/6 and beIN SPORTS Champions League, he has always return, but we can do it. We did it “The first match is key and we are 12/13. —AFP Established 1961 Sport


Simmons’ rare triple-double Kohli falls to Lyon as Australia Liverpool draw Bayern as United 25carries Philadelphia 76ers 26 closing in on overdue victory 27 face PSG in Champions League last 16

PITTSBURGH: Joe Haden #23 of the Pittsburgh Steelers intercepts a pass intended for Julian Edelman No 11 of the New England Patriots in the fourth quarter during the game at Heinz Field on Sunday in Pittsburgh. —AFP Steelers knock off Brady, Patriots Bears pick off Rodgers, take NFC North division title PITTSBURGH: Ben Roethlisberger threw two touchdown pass- and two touchdowns, and Chicago clinched its first NFC 157 yards and one interception for Tampa Bay (5-9). Peyton VIKINGS 41, DOLPHINS 17 es, and the Pittsburgh Steelers’ defense stopped Tom Brady and North division title since 2010 with a win over visiting Green Barber rushed for 85 yards and a touchdown. Mike Evans had Minnesota set the tone in the first quarter with a three- the visiting New England Patriots twice in the red zone in the Bay. Tarik Cohen and Trey Burton each hauled in touchdowns four catches for 121 yards. touchdown outburst on the way to an easy win over visiting fourth quarter to seal a 17-10 win Sunday. The Steelers (8-5-1) for the Bears, and Jordan Howard scored on the ground. Miami. Quarterback Kirk Cousins threw touchdown passes to ended a three-game losing streak. New England (9-5) lost its Chicago (10-4) snapped a five-game skid against Green Bay 49ERS 26, SEAHAWKS 23 (OT) Stefon Diggs and Aldrick Robinson, and Dalvin Cook rushed for second straight and missed a chance to clinch the AFC East title. and clinched its first division crown at home since 2006. Aaron Robbie Gould’s fourth field goal of the day, a 36-yard kick two scores and Latavius Murray ran for another as the Vikings It was Pittsburgh’s first win against New England since October Rodgers completed 25 of 42 passes for 274 yards, no touch- with 3:06 remaining in overtime, gave San Francisco the victo- (7-6-1) set a season high in points scored. Minkah Fitzpatrick of 2011, with the Patriots winning the previous five meetings downs and one interception. Jamaal Williams scored the lone ry over Seattle in rainy Santa Clara, Calif., denying the and Kalen Ballage scored touchdowns, and Jason Sanders (including playoffs). Roethlisberger threw for 235 yards, with touchdown for Green Bay (5-8-1), which dropped to 1-1 under Seahawks an opportunity to clinch a playoff spot. Doug added a 25-yard field goal for Miami (7-7), which lost for the scoring passes to Vance McDonald and Antonio Brown, and interim head coach Joe Philbin and was eliminated from post- Baldwin caught two touchdown passes for Seattle (8-6), which sixth time in seven road games. was intercepted twice by Duron Harmon. Rookie Jaylen season contention. can clinch a playoff spot with a win against Kansas City or Samuels ran for 142 yards on 19 carries (7.5 average). Brady Arizona in the next two weeks. It would be the Seahawks’ REDSKINS 16, JAGUARS 13 threw for 279 yards, including a touchdown to Chris Hogan, and COLTS 23, COWBOYS 0 sixth playoff berth in the last seven seasons. The win was the In a game lacking offense, visiting Washington put together two one interception. Rob Gronkowski, who has been a Steelers- Marlon Mack rushed 27 times for 139 yards and two touch- first for the 49ers (4-10) over their NFC West rival since late scoring drives and got a Dustin Hopkins field goal as time killer, was held to two catches for 21 yards. downs as host Indianapolis ended Dallas’ five-game winning December of 2013, snapping a nine-game, regular-season los- expired to earn a win over disappointing Jacksonville. The win end- streak in emphatic fashion with a shutout at Lucas Oil ing streak against Seattle. San Francisco, which surprised ed a four-game losing streak for Washington (7-7) and keeps the EAGLES 30, RAMS 23 Stadium. Adam Vinatieri added three field goals for Denver 20-14 last week, won its second straight. Redskins alive in the NFC playoff picture. In his first NFL start since For the second time in as many seasons, Nick Foles took Indianapolis (8-6), which remains in contention for the AFC’s 2011, Redskins quarterback Josh Johnson was 16-of-25 passing for over as Philadelphia’s quarterback at the Los Angeles Memorial second wild-card spot. The Colts, Baltimore Ravens and TITANS 17, GIANTS 0 151 yards and a touchdown. Cody Kessler had just 57 yards passing Coliseum and guided his team to a victory, leading the Eagles Tennessee Titans are tied at 8-6. Dallas (8-6) could have Derrick Henry followed up a record-setting performance as the Jaguars (4-10) lost for the ninth time in the past 10 games. past the suddenly struggling Rams. Starting in place of injured wrapped up the NFC East title with a win but will have to wait with 170 yards and a pair of short touchdown runs as Carson Wentz on Sunday night, Foles threw for 270 yards and for a Week 16 home game with Tampa Bay. The Cowboys were Tennessee eliminated New York from postseason contention FALCONS 40, CARDINALS 14 the visiting Eagles (7-7) improved their playoff chances while shut out for the first time since Nov. 16, 2003, when they fell with a shutout in East Rutherford, N.J. A week after setting a Linebacker Deion Jones began a 26-point first-half outburst Los Angeles (11-3) lost consecutive games for the first time this 12-0 at New England. franchise record with 238 yards in a Thursday night game with a 41-yard interception return for a touchdown and Atlanta season. Wentz was also injured in a December game at Los against the Jacksonville Jaguars, Henry recorded his second ended its five-game losing streak with a blowout over visiting Angeles last season, with Foles finishing off that victory and RAVENS 20, BUCCANEERS 12 100-yard game of the season and fourth of his career as the Arizona. Atlanta (5-9) was led by quarterback Matt Ryan, who then guiding the Eagles to a Super Bowl title. The Rams looked Gus Edwards rushed for 104 yards and a touchdown as Titans (8-6) are tied for the sixth seed along with Baltimore was 22 for 36 for 231 yards and two touchdowns. He also ran out of sorts for the third consecutive week since their dynamic Baltimore topped Tampa Bay on a cold and rainy afternoon in and Indianapolis. three times for 18 yards and one touchdown. Tailback Tevin 54-51 Monday night victory over the Kansas City Chiefs on Baltimore. The Ravens (8-6) remain in control of the second The Giants (5-9) had won four of their last five games but Coleman rushed 11 times for a career-best 145 yards and one Nov. 19. AFC wild-card spot and in contention for the AFC North could never develop a consistent rhythm while playing without touchdown. He had a career-long 65-yard run. Rookie Josh crown, rushing for 242 yards to become the first team since Odell Beckham Jr., who missed his second straight game with Rosen suffered a long afternoon for the Cardinals (3-11). He was BEARS 24, PACKERS 17 the 1976 Steelers with five straight games with 190 or more a quadriceps injury. New York was shut out at home for the 13 for 22 for 132 yards and two interceptions, getting lifted mid- Mitchell Trubisky completed 20 of 28 passes for 235 yards rushing yards. Jameis Winston completed 13 of 25 passes for first time since Dec. 15, 2013, against Seattle. way in the fourth quarter for backup Mike Glennon. —Reuters

mittee said yesterday. Egypt launched a diplomatic and trade boycott of Qatar largest stadium. Lusail Stadium, an 80,000 seat venue, is Qatar won’t decide FIFA President Gianni Infantino said last week that a in June 2017 that has complicated the prospect of shar- expected to host the tournament’s opening and closing majority of national soccer federations were in favour of ing the tournament under an expanded format. matches and be the centrepiece of a city being devel- expanding the tournament and a decision is expected by The countries accuse Qatar of supporting terrorism, oped north of Doha. on 48-team WCup March ahead of the draw for qualifying matches. which it denies. “We need to remember that Qatar won FIFA last year voted to increase the tournament to 48 “FIFA is undergoing a feasibility study and is now in the right to host the World Cup with a 32-team World teams starting from 2026 but, since then, Infantino has the consultation process and we don’t have any details Cup, so at the end of the day FIFA will take the decision been mulling the possibility of bringing the change for- until it’s seen to know what the feasibility study has,” said Nasser Al with Qatar and only if Qatar agrees,” said Khater. ward to 2022, saying that would likely require playing Khater, Assistant Secretary General for Qatar’s Supreme The tiny but wealthy state has pushed ahead with an some matches outside of Qatar. FIFA study Committee for Delivery and Legacy. ambitious scale-up of its infrastructure ahead of 2022 “Who actually is ready with four years to go?” The study is expected to include aspects of schedul- that includes $6-8 billion on eight stadiums and sporting Khater said of regional countries that could help host ing, the number of required venues, training sites, and facilities, many of which will be either broken down and the tournament. “You have to see FIFA compliant stadi- DOHA: Qatar will not take a decision on whether to how many games per day would be played under an re-purposed after the event or donated to promote ums, FIFA compliant training sites, the correct infra- expand its 2022 World Cup to 48 teams from 32 until it expanded format, Khater said. sports in developing countries. structure. These are things that have to be discussed has seen the details of a feasibility study from FIFA, an Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Last week, Qatar unveiled the design for its final and first,” he said. —Reuters official from the country’s World Cup organising com-