Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:138 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimes www.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes TUESDAY. DECEMBER 18. 2018 -Qaws 27, 1397 HS AT News Report KABUL: Six civilians are feared dead in an aerial attack in Logar UN Secretary General António province, a provincial councilman Guterres on Monday submitted iban that would soon start to work. said, the government however his report on Afghanistan to the AT News Report claims those killed were militants. UN Security Council in which he Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, leader of The Afghan air force targeted Hezb-e-Islami (Islamic Party) as provided an update on the activi- KABUL: The government-desig- a civilian vehicle in Charkh dis- ties of the United Nations in Af- well as representatives from Hezb- trict of the province, said Logar Emirati and Pakistani representa- nated Peace Consultative Board e-Wahdat, Jamiat and other par- tives in the latest attempt to bring ghanistan, including political, hu- held its first session on Monday, provincial council deputy head- manitarian, development and hu- ties believe that negotiations with Abdul Wali Wakil. Some elderlies a negotiated solution to Afghani- but none of the leaders of political Taliban militants would be the only stan’s grilling protracted conflict. man rights efforts, since the issu- and jihadi leaders attended. Presi- from the Mohammad Agha dis- ance of the previous report, on solution but through the political trict were en route home from a A delegation from Afghanistan dent Ashraf Ghani chose most of parties who can attract Taliban’s travelled to the UAE, Deputy September 10 this year.