1956 CONGRESSIONAL RECO~D ~ SENATE 8517 tional Security Training Commission for a Col. Edward Anderson Pagels, 0318906. of second lieutenant, under the provisions term of 5 years; expiring June 19, 1961. Col. William James Sutton, 0263659. of section 506 of the Officer Personnel Act Col. Harley Bruce West, 0268317. of 1947 (Public Law 381, 80th Cong.), sub­ IN THE ARMY ject to physical qualification, which were RETIRED LIST APPOINTMENT AS CHIEF OF FINANCE, UNITED received by the Senate on May 7, 1956, and STATES ARMY, AS MAJOR GENERAL IN THE REG• Gen. Anthony Clement McAuliffe, 012263, which may be found in full in the Senate ULAR ARMY OF THE , AND AS Army of the United States (major general, proceedings of the .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD MAJOR GENERAL (TEMPORARY), ARMY OF THE U. S. Army), to be placed on the retired list for that day, under the c~ption "Nomina­ UNITED STATES, UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF in the grade of general under the provisions tions," beginning with the name of Julian SECTION 206 OF THE ARMY ORGANIZATION ACT of subsection 504 (d) of the Officer Personnel Leo Abell, which is sho-m on page 7581, and OF 1950 AND SECTIONS 513 AND 515 (C) OF Act of 1947. ending with the name of Martin B. Zimmer­ THE OFFICER PERSONNEL ACT OF 1947 The following-named officers for temporary man, which occurs on page 7583. Brig. Gen. Harry Weils Crandall, 016238, appointment in the Army of the United States to the grades indicated under the IN THE AIR FORCE Army of the United States (colonel, U. S. provisions of subsection 515 (c) of the Officer The nominations of Francis Marshall and Army). Personnel Act of 1947: 422 other persons for appointment in the The following-named officer under the pro­ To be major generals Regular Air Force, which were confirmed to­ visions of section 504 of the Officer Personnel .day, were received by the Senate on May 9, Act of 1947 to be assigned to a position of Brig. Gen. Conrad Stantion Babcock, 1956, and appear in full in the Senate pro­ importance and responsibility designated by 016104. ceedings of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for the President under subsection (b) of section Brig. Gen. William Everett Potter, 017098. that day, under the caption "Nominations," 504, in rank as follows: Brig. Gen. Carl Henry Jark, 017556. beginning with the name of Francis Mar­ Lt. Gen. Cortlandt Van Rensselaer Schuy­ Brig. Gen. John Elliot Theimer, 017566. shall, which is .shown on page 7797, and ler, 014905, Army of the United States (major Brig. Gen. Henry Ray McKenzie, 017623. ending with the name of Marie L. Killwey, general, U.S. Army), in the rank of general. Brig. Gen. Barksdale Hamlet, 018143. which occurs on page 7798. The officers named herein for promotion as Brig. Gen. James Lowell Richardson, Jr., IN THE NAVY Reserve commissioned officers of the Army 018232. under the provisions of the Reserve Officer Brig. Gen. August Schomburg, 018422. To be admiral Personnel Act of 1954, Public Law 773, 83d Brig. Gen. Edwin John Messinger, 018503. Vice Adm. Robert P. Briscoe, United States Congress. To be brigadier generals Navy, to have the grade, rank, pay, and al­ To be major generals Col. Jacquard Hirshorn Rothschild, 018077, lowances of admiral while serving in com­ Brig. Gen. Henry Kimmell Fluck, 0415805. United States Army. mands and other duties designated by the Brig. Gen. Henry Kirksey Kellogg, 0286132. Col. John Anderson Berry, Jr., 018473, President. Brig. Gen. Ralph Julian Olson, 0232882. United States Army. To be vice admirals Brig. Gen. Joseph John Scannell, 0350527. Col. Gunnar Carl Carlson, 018515, United The following officers to have the grade, Brig. Gen. Edmund Robert Walker, 0291567. States Army. rank, pay, and allowances of vice admiral Brig. Gen. Edward Otto Wolf, 0298530, Col. John Chandler Steele, 018668, United while serving in commands and other duties States Army. To be brigadier generals designated by the President: Col. Robert Augur Hewitt 018713, United Vice Adm. William M. Callaghan, United Col. Noah Dwight Allison, 0278182. States Army. States Navy. Col. Cllff. Frederick Beyers, 0267530, Col. Ray Joseph Laux, 042102, United Re~r Adm. Carl F. Espe, United States Col. Francis Halsey Boland, Jr., 0233853. States Army. Navy. Col. James Charles Cairns, 0285315. Col. Joseph Edward Bastion, Jr., 019162, RETIRED LIST Col. Leona.rd Nichols Dunkel, 0178133. United States Army. Adm. William M. Fechteler, United States Col. Gilbert William Embury, 0233743. Col. Chester Braddock DeGavre, 019262, Col. Leslie Lee Evans, 0246332. Navy, when retired, to be place on the retired United States Army. list with the rank of admiral. Col. John Simon Gleason, Jr., 03989Q9. Col. William Beehler Bunker, 019402, Army Col. William Joseph Hixson, Jr., 0302021. The nominations of Asher P. Seip, Jr., and of the United States (lieutenant colonel, 1,051 other persons for appointment in the Col. Graber Kidwell, 0295004. U.S. Army). Navy, which were confirmed today, were re­ Col. John Martin McGreevy, 0278060. Col. John Lathrop Throckmorton, 019732, ceived by the Senate on May 7, 1956, and may Col. Eugene Maier, 0270647. Army of the United States (lieutenant be found in full in the Senate proceed­ Col. Theodore Henry Marshall, 0235213. colonel, U. S. Army). ings of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for Col. Leon Lewis Mathews, 0255628. The nominations of Julian Leo Abell and that day, under the caption "Nominations," Col. Fernando C. Mencaccy, 0278275. 356 other cadets, United States Military beginning with the name of Asher P. Seip, Col. William Eugene Miller, 0283629. Academy, for appointment in the Regular Jr., which appears on page 7583, and ending Col. George Poindexter Munson, Jr., Army of the United States, effective June 1, with the name of John B. Wyatt, which 0257114. 1956, upon their graduation, in the grade occurs on page 7586.


Observance of Armed Forces . Week and lion viewers from coast to coast to ob­ In presenting the various services, Wide, serve nationwide demonstrations by the Wide World first introduced the Chiefs of National Broadcasting Co.'s Wide, Wide Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Staff and Commandants of all our Armed World Program Forces at the Pentagon. They, in turn, ex­ and Coast Guard. plained to the viewers the role played by Mr. President, I ask unanimous con­ each service in the defense of this country EXTENSION OF REMARKS sent to have printed in the CONGRES­ and as a deterrent to war, later presenting OF SIONAL RECORD some further observations their commanders in the field in live dem­ of niine about this program and Armed onstrations of "power for peace." HON. ALAN BIBLE Forces Week which I believe are timely. Through the eyes of television on last OF There being no objection, the state­ Sunday afternoon, the viewers of this Na­ ment was ordered to be printed in the tion were able to see an Army demonstra­ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES tion from Fort Benning, Ga., an infantry­ Friday, May 18, 1956 RECORD, as follows: tank-artillery demonstration team in action, STATEMENT BY SENATOR BmLE showing modern techniques and weapons Mr. BIBLE. Mr. President, the week Using some 83 television cameras, the used by today's Army and also, an airborne from May 14 to 20 marks this country's largest number ever assembled for one pro­ assault where the viewer was present with observance of Armed Forces Week. I gram, Wide, Wide World established the live cameras in the plane as the paratroopers want to call the attention of the Senate dedicated theme of Armed Forces Week when prepared to jump and actually took part to an outstanding tribute paid to our sol­ Dave Garroway, the narrator, said: in the jump as one of the men carried a diers, sailors, marines, and airmen on "There's nothing free about freedom. We portable signal corps television camera with Sunday, May 13, by the National Broad­ don't inherit it as we would a building and him in a graphic exhibition of combat tele­ just move in and live• . It has to be bought vision. casting Co.'s Wide, Wide World televi­ and cherished and maintained. Each of us The Navy's participation included a spe­ sion program. can add to the strength of the Nation­ cial run by the U. S. S. Albacore off Long Conceived on the theme of power for morally, economically, politically, and mili• Island with live cameras above and below peace, this program inaugurated Armed tarily.· And out of this strength will come decks, a visit to the aircraft carrier Essex Forces Week, and enab~ed some 35 mil- power--out of this power will come peace." off San Diego as a parade of Navy Jets were 8518 ,CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE brought up from below d~ks and launched Americans of Rumanian descent continue May I say that I am very much pleased lnto the air. ) to keep alive the spark of freedom behind to be . away from Washington, 1f .only. for a At Quantico, Va., the Marine Corps por.a. the Iron .Curtain. Ma..y 10 was- marked in few short hours, to discuss with you a subject trayed its newest assault methods of verti.;. the United States by traditional ceremonies in _wh~cl:J. . we. al_l _h~re a· great. and abiding cal envelopment, as helicopter assault units and celebrations as were held in Rumanla r1nterest-rice. 1 flew over simulated. beach defense areas and before the Communist aggressor subjected : I am pot going to g~orlfy ric;e today; the selzed. vital points of land with concen~ this gallant nation. It . was an inspiration ,good Lol'd aµd you folks who grow, ip.111, and trated. firepower. to hear an outstanding Rumaniiµi-Amerlca.n, ,market rice haye already done that. On the The Wlde Wide World cameras again wen~ the Reverend Father Eugene Lazar, pastor of _otp.er hand, I am _not going· to gloss over the into action at San Diego, this time showing the Rumanian Orthodox ·church, Gary, Ind., problems our rice industry faces this year, the Coast Guard's watch on sea. and shore deliver the -opening -prayer as ·the United and prol;>ably in th_e year to come. Instead, I to protect the lives and the property of our States Senate convened. on May 10. Its text want ta talk to you · straight from the countrymen. Here th~ viewer:s participated is as follows: shoulder. ' 1n an air-sea rescue mission. "O Heavenly King, spirit of truth, who · - Just a little more- than 5 months ago I had The pentagon of power needed to keep art pre·sent everywhere, treasure of blessings, the opportunity of visiting throughout the our country strong and :free was completed and bountiful giver of life: Come Thou and ·Louisiana ·Rrce Belt. . As a matter of fact, from Eglin Field, Fla., where the Air Force abide among us, as we pray that unto our during last fall I visited almost every agri;. paraded before this great television audience ,God-fearing President, and the Members· of ·cultural belt" in our country, talking with the plane designed to give this country the this House, and all civil authorities, and our ·farmers, and getting their views in an effort superior global airpower on which the se­ -Armed Forces, Thou ·wnt· grant· a peaceful -to help draft. a. farm program which would _curlty of the free world depends. · The Air life, health, salvation, and conquest over halt the drastic decline in farm income. Net Force also showed how planes are tested the enemies of these United States of farm 1ncoine in. "1.951 was $14.8 bllllon and under Arctic conditions. America. as of the last quarter of 1955, it had fallen To complete this American story of "power "O Almighty God, our help and refuge, to $10.3 billion or a net.decline .of $4.5 billion for peace," the live television cameras al­ fountain of wisdom and -tower of strength, over the last 4 years. Falling farm income lowed the mmions of viewers to pay their who know~th that we can do pothing with­ · has become an infectious disease, one which first visit to the Combat Operations Center ~mt Thy guidance, direct us to· divine wisdom · is gnawing away at the economic health of of the Continental Defense Command in and power, that we may accomplish whatever .our _en.til:e Nation, Farm income has fallen Colorado Springs. This dedicated defense task we may undertalte, faithfully and dili­ even as corporate and labor income have mission portrayal was climaxed with a train­ gently, as we beseech Thee, O Master, to continued to reach record highs-this in ing mission in which an unidentified plane 'remember those who liye in oppression an:_d spite -of the fact that agriculture is basic-­ was intercepted at sea and d<;>wned by fear, in countries ·behind the Iron Curtain, . that it is t.he single most important segment rocket power. as they seek the same ,freedoms Thou ha§t · of our entire economy. · This week marks the seventh year tbat ,we bestowed upon us so generously, wl;lo are To a very large extent, the hearings· I held, have celebrated Armed Forces Day and ap_,. judged and condemned to prison and exl!e as chairman of the Senate Committee on propriately enough through the live · tele­ _- and bitter slavery, an,_d who _have n~ed. of Ag:riculture and Forestry-he~rings_ wh_lch vision ·cameras of NBC's Wide Wide World, Thy mercy. . . drew farm opinion from every major agri­ millions of Americans were able to particf­ "As Thou de~lrest._ :O Lord, that all peo­ cultural region of this fertile country-were pate in this salute to the meri and women ple be free, we ask that Th.au especially the basis of the President's farm message of of our Armed Forces. These men and women ·remember the God-feari!).g people of the January 9. They provided the. raw material and their comrades ln arms · stationed all Kingdom of Rumania, on this me.morabte from which Congress drafted, approved, and over the world are America's visible day, and as in the past they found and en­ sent to the White House a farm bill which strength. . . . joyed the gift of freedom, assist them to find the President promptly vetoed. Together they make up the ultimate all:­ the same road to recovery, to liberation, and As you are well aware, among the provi­ American -team in maintaining power for to freedom from injustice and the yoke of sions of this bill was a two-price plan for peace. tyranny, and that Thy blessings be upon rice, a program which you, the rice mlllers, them as upon us in this hour. -and other segments of the rice industry sug­ 'This we ask in the name of the Risen gested and helped us draft. It was aimed Rumanian Independence Day Christ our Lord and Saviour. · Amen." at three specific objectives: First, to make available to the American consumer an abundant supply of rice at reasonable prices; EXTENSION OF REMARKS second, to increase the income of rice farm­ OF ers an!f protect them against further drastic Rice Production cutbacks in acreage; and, third, to restore HON. ROMAN L. HRUSKA the American rice industry to its traditional OF. NEBRASKA EXTENSION OF REMARKS ' competitive position in world markets. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES The two-price plan for rice was · your in­ OF dustry's idea; it had its genesis at the- grass­ Friday, May 18, 1956 HON.ALLENJ.ELLENDER roots of the American rice-producing States. Mr. HRUSKA. Mr. President, I ask It was, I believe, a sound, forward-looking OF LOUISYANA approach-a new look in agriculture. It unanimous consent to have printed in IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES has been vetoed, but the fight is not yet over. the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD a statement As a matter of fact, the :fight has only be­ which I have prepared relative to Ru­ Friday, May 18, 1956 gun. Just the day before yesterday, the Sen­ manian Independence Day. Mr. I ate Agriculture Committee reported a new There being no objection, the state­ ELLENDER. Mr. President, ask farm . bill, one which contains a soil bank. ment was ordered to be printed in the unanimous consent to have printed in the But, even more important, it contains pro­ RECORD, as follows: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD an address de­ visions which are designed ·to return eco­ livered by me at New Orleans, La., op nomic vigor to the American rice industry. STATEMENT BY SENATOR HRUSKA May 12, 1956, at the 57th annual meet­ One of the new rice provisions empowers May 10 was, in brighter years, the most ing of the Rice Millers' Association. the Secretary of Agriculture to institute a hallowed national holiday to Rumanians. There being no objection, the address 2-year trial -of a 2-price plan for rice before May 10 is Rumanian Independence Day, the was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, 1959. The Secretary could declare that the anniversary of Rumania's uniting her prov­ 2-price program would go into effect in 1957, inces into one nation and declaring her as follows: to run through 1958; he could,- in the alter­ independence. - ADDRESS DELIVERED BY SENATOR .ALLEN J. Er..­ native, choose 1958 as the initial year, and May 10 ls no holiday on the Communist LEN:DER OF LOUISIANA, A~ NEW ORLEANS, Lf., operate the 2-price plan over the years 1958 calendar. There were no celebl'ations, no ON MAY 12, 1956, AT THE 57TH ANNUAL and 1959. ceremonies, no reminders of this revered MEETING OF THE RICE MILLERS' ASSOCIATION In the meantime, rice acreage for 1957 and -holiday. But no communistic rule will ever It is indeed a privilege and a pleasure to be 1958 would be frozen at present levels; this stamp out the heritage and meaning of this present here with you today. It is a priv'­ freeze would affect not only the national independence day. llege, because I can always be sure when I rice acreage allotment, but the State allot- Rumanian Independence Day ls being am with this group that I will come away · ments as well. No State would have to suffer perpetuated in the hearts of freedom-loving 'from your meeting having learned a great . an acreage reduction over the next 2 years. Rumanians now living un

ORDER FOR TRANSACTION OF The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ SENATE ROUTINE BUSINESS pore. The clerk will call the roll. The Chief Clerk proceeded to call the MONDAY, MAY 21, 1956 Mr. BIBLE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that there may be roll.