Name: Lubinka Dimitrova Date of birth: 15/09/1975 Address: M. Botsari 13, Evosmos, 56224 Telephone number: 0030 2310574256, 0030 6982212905 email address: [email protected] Marital status: married


 1994 – 1999 – Bachelor Degree in Modern Greek Philology and Culture, Teacher of Modern Greek and Greek Literature, Modern Translator at Sofia University «St. Kliment Ohridski», degree marks: 9,7/10

 July 1995 – August 1995: Scholarship for a summer seminar on “Modern Greek Studies and Culture” at the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece

 1989 – 1994: Deutsches Gymnasium, Sofia, Bulgaria, degree marks: 9,6/10


 2012 until today: Subtitles Timing, Translation and Proof-reading. In particular, since 2016, as a freelance subtitler for NETFLIX and other TV platforms. Among other duties, I was in charge of and coordinated the team that translated the whole Star Trek series for Netflix in Greece, including the composition and supervision of the key names document which grew to almost 3500 terms. 90.67% Greek test results on NETFLIX’ Hermes platform. Freelance translator/subtitler with Hippeis Media, SDI Media, Authorwave, La Gaya Scienza Consulting.

 2016 until today: AUTOIASI Thessaloniki, Greece. Duties: Communication with company’s clients in Greece and abroad, writing and answering mail, secretarial duties, travel preparation and organization, research, document translation, interpretation, handling the company’s social media. Maintaining the company’s various webpages. Copy-writing.

 2010 – 2016: Accounting Office Athanasios Zournatzis. Duties: invoice listing, VAT declarations, customer service, payments management, dealing with banks and state services. Incoming and outcoming mail management, document archive organization.

 1997 – 2004: Translations and Language lessons in Greek, English, Bulgarian and German.

 1996 – 1997: Embassy of Cyprus in Sofia, Bulgaria. Duties: Secretarial tasks. Document and mail translation from and to Greek. Archiving. Interpretation.

 1994 – 1995: Company “Milky Way”. Duties: Secretarial tasks – trade mail with suppliers and clients, both domestic and foreign (Europe and Asia), etc. Invoice issuing. Payments management. Public relations, communication with prospective clients.


 Bulgarian (mother tongue, excellent knowledge)

 Greek (Bachelor degree in Greek Philology)

 English (Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English – CPE, Grade A, Overall Score 124/130 )

 German (C1)

 Russian (B2)

 Basic knowledge of French, Italian and Spanish


Touch typing (47 wpm), excellent knowledge of Windows, MS Office (ever since 1997), excellent knowledge of SDL Trados Studio, VSS, EZTitles and Subtitle Edit software, image editing, well versed in the use of the internet in order to complete various tasks.


Long standing experience with translations from and to English, German, Russian and Bulgarian. Good communicational and interpersonal skills, professional dedication, excellent organizational competence. Attention to detail, smooth work under pressure. Efficiency and ability to achieve goals and objectives within specified deadlines. Flawless cooperation when supervising or cooperating with teams with numerous members. Deeply ingrained sense of humor.

Administrator for the social media pages (Facebook - Goodreads) of the biggest Greek Book Forum (www.λεσχη.gr ).

Major interests in literature, history studies, foreign languages and linguistics. Music theory and piano playing. Broad involvement in various sports activities and traditional dances.

Driver License.