Sri 2003

Sri Vyasa Puja Offering

aghunath Das Goswami boldly asserts that ultimately Consciousness is Rrealized at the feet of the devotee. In the highest sense devotee means Radharani, and lotus feet means service.

He shows us that our ultimate concern (prayojana, necessity) is more with Radharani and her serving group than Krishna directly. He also counts himself among the followers of Sri Rupa. Das Goswami expresses no interest in serving Krishna in the absence of a superior servitor. So his focus is upon the service of the most superior servitor, Sri (Radharani).

Srila Govinda Maharaja is a living testament to this truth. He is exclusively dedicat- ed to serving the lotus feet of Srila Guru Maharaja who is Radharani's (Sri Rupa's) delegation. He personifies the import of the anthem of Gaudiya , Sri Rupa Mañjari Pada: the service of the lotus feet of Sri Rupa is everything. That serv- ice is the wealth of the real Vaishnavas. It is their worship and (, , tapa, vrata etc.). It gives meaning to life and is the reason for one's existence (abhid- heya). It also reveals one's internal identity in the siddha plane (spiritual reality). This is the exclusive madhura rasa conception: self-forgetfulness to the extreme in favor of slightest service of the other. Srila Govinda Maharaja's more than fifty-five years of unalloyed service shows that our ultimate concern (prayojana) is with the service of Srila Guru Maharaja, and I am suggesting that can be realized under his most capable guidance (govindanghri nisevaya sukrtivan sri rupanuga sprham).

While accompanying Srila Guru Maharaja on madhukari in Srila Guru Maharaja examined his devotion by asking which place he liked best (ruci pariksa). Srila Govinda Maharaja answered that he preferred Lalita Bhar, the place of Lalita Sakhi. Srila Guru Maharaja approved, "You have got much good fortune." He took this as the expressed preference of a particular mood of devotion, namely Lalita Sakhi. Her specific mood of devotion has been identified and glorified in 's Lalitastakam: mukunda pada sambhava gharma bindu nirmañchanopakarani krta deha laksam

Lalita Sakhi cannot tolerate that even the slightest disturbance will come to the pas- times of Sri Sri Radha Krishna and is prepared to give up her life hundreds and thousands of times to that end. In other words, she is bold, confident and intense (in service). She exists for the fulfillment of their pastimes. This is devotion of the highest type personified to the extreme: wholly given over to the other — Sri Vyasa Puja 2003

no separate existence.

When I once declared Srila Govinda Maharaja a "fanatic" for Guru Maharaja, he accepted that gleefully as a title of honor. Devotion is the pure form of fanaticism. Das Goswami only accepted a leaf full of buttermilk for his sustenance but even rejected that when he discovered that the leaf cup was from Sakhisthali, the place of Radharani's opposition (Candravali and her group). Srila Govinda Maharaja has similar abhorrence for those who disregard Srila Guru Maharaja and would not accept their remotest connection if his life depended upon it. He is -sundara (lalita) on account of his intense serving mood (pragalbham). In the mood of Lalita Sakhi he would not allow any disturbance to go upstairs, to Srila Sridhar Maharaja to disturb his bhajan, as she will not allow anything to go up to the higher plane to disturb the Lila. The basis of this sort of Krishna Consciousness is to consider their remotest inconvenience infinitely more significant than one's near and dear life magnified unlimitedly.

Srila Saraswati Thakur instilled in his followers the conception of "upstairs" as the abode of superior servitors who serve in Radha Kunda and our aspiration is to assist them in service there and return to Govardhan (pujala raga patha gaurava bhange). The emphasis is always upon the subordinate position (dasyasya te mama raso'stu raso'stu satyam). Das Goswami takes the conception of dasyam (servitor- ship) to its ultimate conclusion: Radha Dasyam under the auspices of Sri Rupa (rupanuga).

Additionally Srila Govinda Maharaja has established Guru Gauranga Radha Gopinath Jiu (prayojana tattva) in Srila Guru Maharaja's birthplace, Hapaniya, which he worships as Barshana (the appearance place of Srimati Radharani), while Govardhan remains the plane of his service aspiration.

We are spiritual light years away from that plane but at least we should know what it is: the galaxy of devotion, our goal and final destination. In this way perspective (sambandha) can be established, and to substantially connect with that plane, we may approach those who personify that reality, offering ourselves in service.

Srila Govinda Maharaja sums up his conception of Srila Guru Maharaja, "One word from him is of such immense value as to make us his slaves forever." This is the devotion of Lalita Sakhi reflected into the followers of Sri Rupa including Das Goswami and personified in the modern day Saraswatas (followers of Saraswati Thakur) by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaja.

With full dandavat pranams to Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj,

Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Sri Vyasa Puja 2003

Dear Srila Govinda Maharaj,

offer my dandabat pranams in the dust of your divine feet. Srila Govinda IMaharaj, we are blessed by your being in this world, and every day, so many per- sons are meditating on how they may serve and satisfy you.

This is very appropriate, because you are always giving so much mercy to everyone, and all who know you, or hear of you, are benefited. What is the importance of life without the mercy of a real Vaishnava?

In the newspapers, on the television, on the roadways, in the air, there are unlimited jiva souls competing for attention, and they are celebrated as important persons. But their fame is of little more significance than the dust that floats in the sunlight. Their fame, like their existence, is fading, and age eventually carries them to their final resting place; gradually they are forgotten.

When I was born, in my own ego driven mind, I imagined I was destined for great- ness. But now I am becoming older, and I am daily understanding that everything I have tried to grasp is eluding me, and my own existence is fading, as the fall season and early winter cause the reddened leaves to fall from the trees.

My real solace is that even with the realization that life is very ephemeral, beyond my own limited capacity, I have come in contact with you, who are the most benev- olent Vaishnava thakur.

By your mercy, I have transcended my own limited, conditioned existence, and become blessed. Because of you I have some service connection with Divinity. By your grace I am conscious, alive.

As Gopinath Pattanayaka was taken down from the changa by the mercy of Mahaprabhu, I have been saved from the gallows of material life and become some- how an object of affection of you.

Were I able to glorify you with appropriate prayers and verses celebrating your kindness, your beauty and your mercy. Were I able to truly take shelter of your lotus feet. Were I able to truly serve you.

On this your divine appearance day, perhaps all this and more may be possible.

Aspiring to be your servant, Bhakti Pavan Janardan Sri Vyasa Puja 2003

A Vyasa Puja homage to

His Divine Grace Vishnupad Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharya Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj

oà ajïäna-timirändhasya jïänäïjana-çaläkayä cakñur unmélitaà yena tasmai çré-gurave namaù

This verse from the Gautaméya Tantra reveals the essential truths of ourselves, our potential state, our guru and the relationship between them.

"I am living in the depths of the darkness of ignorance and my guru has opened my eyes with the light of knowledge. I offer my obeisance to him."

What is it that I can now see by his light? I see I am a fallen soul. I am ignorant, but living in denial of this fact. Acknowledging this I can begin the process of uncovering my true identity. I can proceed on the path to discovering my true value. Srila Srridhar Maharaj speaks to this point in one conversation "The eye to detect our disqualification is our real wealth. And we are given the eye to see by the grace of our Gurudeva." I am, at present, existing as a particle of potential energy defined by position (fall- en) and condition (soul) in a state of more or less passive equilibrium. I am unaware of my energetic potential, which is to be realized only when accelerated into motion, having being drawn into the serving orb of the Supreme central and unifying entity, Sri Krishna. Scientists, feverishly trying to make sense of the mysteries of the universe, have busied themselves searching in all the wrong places for something that will forever elude them: one simple principle that governs all things. Einstein called this the “unified field theory.” Had they been as fortunate as ourselves, they would have heard the words of our Guru explaining as Krishna did to ,

jïänaà te ’haà sa-vijïänam idaà vakñyämy açeñataù yaj jïätvä neha bhüyo ’nyaj jïätavyam avaçiñyate

"I shall now declare unto you in full this knowledge, both phenomenal and numi- nous. This being known, nothing further shall remain for you to know."

They would be even further encouraged upon hearing the words of Sri Krishna Chaitanya who solved the entire problem with one simple equation Sri Vyasa Puja 2003

just as they had sought:

jévera ‘svarüpa’ haya——kåñëera ‘nitya-däsa’ kåñëera ‘taöasthä-çakti’ ‘bhedäbheda-prakäça’

“It is the living entity’s constitutional position to be an eternal servant of Krishna because he is the marginal energy of Krishna and a manifestation simultaneously one with and different from the Lord."

In the opening verse, çré-gurave namaù is translated as "offering obeisances to him [sri guru].” This is generally interpreted to mean bowing down or paying homage to our guru but the substantial meaning is much more than this. The root meaning of obeisance is "to obey.” Thus, the qualification of one whose eyes have been opened is that he is the submissive servant of Sri Guru. This submission is not borne easily. Rather, it comes at great personal expense as described by Srila Sridhar Maharaj "Those who can conquer their partiality and prejudices can stand amongst the most qualified." As such, I must abandon all remnants of my present conception of self in favor of a revolutionary conception dictated by my master. I must leave aside my free think- ing, randomly selected ideas derived from an unending stream of "consciousness" in favor of a disciplined injection of specific instructions and injunctions administered by Sri Gurudev. By inference we should now know something of the qualities and characteristics of Sri Gurudev. The following verse is intended to offer further clarification.

tasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasuh sreya uttamam sabde pare ca nisnatam brahmany upasamasrayam

Srila Sridhar Maharaj's explanation of this sloka is found in Sri Guru and His Grace.

"One who is not only well-versed in the precepts of the revealed scriptures, but who has also come in contact with the revealed truth. One who is conversant with the very object of the scriptures, and who has practical experience, who is established in pure consciousness, is a genuine guru." It is the prominence of these qualities in the person of His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, which help us to recognize him as jagat guru and joyfully extol his glories and celebrate his Divine Appearance. On this auspicious occasion we pray that he may be merciful to us all.

An aspiring servant, BK Giri Sri Vyasa Puja 2003

All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Dear Srila Govinda Maharaja,

offer my humble dandavat pranams at your holy lotus feet and to all the devotees Iassembled around you like so many bumblebees gathering and distributing nec- tar. Although I am unable to be there personally, I send my sincere wishes for a happy Vyasa Puja celebration and temple inauguration in the fortunate village of Bamunpara.

Pranamami sada Prabhupada padam, sang Srila Guru Maharaja. Pranams are to be offered eternally to Sri Gurudeva. The Bhagavad-gita (4.34) states that pranipat, pariprasna and seva are the three ingredients necessary for attaining knowledge at the lotus feet of Sri Guru. First is prani-pat, pranams at the pada or feet of Guru. This reverential mood is necessary to establish internal negativity or self-abnegation. Then comes prasna, proper conceptual adjustment - the negation of all dogmatic misconceptions. Then service and obedience to Guru establishes external or objec- tive negativity for the disciple.

In the Christian scriptures it is written in numerous places, "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (Proverbs 1:7). Thus even in the Bible fear or reverence is con- sidered the beginning or first principle of knowledge of the Absolute Truth, in con- formity with the teachings of the Gita. Yet all three ingredients are required accord- ing to the Gita.

Without reverence, service becomes mere egoistic self-accomplishment. Without proper conception the whole process becomes the bondage of blind animal servi- tude. Without service the whole thing is just empty theoretical formalism. Thus no ingredient may be eliminated without losing the goal.

What all of this produces in the disciple is thoroughgoing negativity - internally, externally and in their unity - which is the very nature of consciousness. In other words, by this process the disciple is raised to the platform of consciousness. In this way we may eventually come to be established in the spiritual plane of life. This is the positive process of progressive fearlessness or immortality.

We are fortunate that the tattva darshanah, the spiritual master, who is enlightened by scripture and experience, is transferring this knowledge to us through our Guru- varga - those who follow the current that is flowing from the heart of Srila Rupa Goswami. This process is not unscientific - rather it is most scientific.

One does not transcend the plane of mundanity by contempt and condescen- sion toward it but only by proper concept and comprehension, otherwise it Sri Vyasa Puja 2003

may be just another form of bondage or mere imitation of the higher sentiments of the transcendental world or of the previous exhaulted . Even author- ization is not enough if there is no authenticity. A doctor may have many certificates on his wall, but if he is killing his patients instead of healing them, then he is not only useless but also dangerous.

Of course it is our duty to accept reproof from our guardians in whatever form it may come, always remembering Mahaprabhu's instruction - amanina mana dena, trusting that Krishna will make any adjustments where they are needed. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura fervently prayed to his Gurudeva, "Please take me to your lotus feet and punish your servant." This may sometimes be a little difficult to accept, but it is the recommended process followed by our previous acharyas who teach by their own experience.

In making spiritual progress so many anarthas will have to be eliminated in the per- formance of our devotional activities. Following the path laid out by Srila Rupa Goswami, beginning with sraddha, we may make progress toward the goal of Krishna prema, love of , by the mercy of Sri Guru and his grace.

Praying I may eternally offer my pranams at your lotus feet, I remain, yours faith- fully,

Bhakti Madhava Puri Swami Sri Vyasa Puja 2003

All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

oday is a very happy and auspicious day for me and for Tthe world because it is appearance of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, the pres- ent of the world-renowned Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math. So many nice devotees from various parts of the world are gathered here for your Sri Vyasa Puja festival. I am feeling very happy and joyful to see such an auspicious occasion where many are participating in the worship of Sri Gurudev, the messenger of the Divine World. I am not feeling qualified myself, so how I can worship a great Acharya who is a very big Divine Personality, whereas I am a very small person with a very bad material mind. Only I can pray to you, the most dear associate of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Rakshak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj, the great preacher of Sri Chaitanya Rupa-Saraswat-Sridhar-Gaudiya Vaishnav . Please accept my humble obeisances and forgive my many offenses. Oh Rupanuga Acharya! You are so kind and merciful that you have given me san- nyas. As an expert teacher you are giving so much divine knowledge as Siksha Guru. You are a great Guru for so many fortunate jivas of the world. You are like Sriman Nityananda Prabhu, not discriminating between good and bad, giving Harinam to everyone who comes to you. You are trying to release them from this world of suffering.Your Harikatha is so sweet and perfect that everyone who listens gets that nectarian taste. Therefore, they are coming from so far. Your nectarian com- position in Sanskrit and Bengali is also so sweet, full of siddhanta. Your inspiring, joyful devotional mood for preaching Sri Guru Gaura Vani today is showing to be a great success. You have established so many preaching centers, and many jivas are coming to you for shelter. You easily take all of the responsibility by your Divine Power. What I can say of your many Divine Qualities? Our most worship-able Srila Guru Maharaj, His Divine Grace Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj, described your Divine Qualities, which we say every day as a prayer: gurvabhista-supurukam guru-ganair asisa-sambhusitam cintyacintya-samasta-veda-nipunam sri-rupa-panthanugam govindabhidam ujjvalam vara-tanum bhakty anvitam sundaram vande visva-ganum ca divya-bhagavat-premno hi bija-pradam I worship the holy lotus feet of He who perfectly fulfils the most cherished wish of his Divine Master; who is adorned resplendently with the blessings of his Guru Varga; who is adept in all Vedic conceptions both conceivable and inconceivable; who is the faithful follower in the line of Sri Rupa; who is known as Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Maharaj; whose beautiful divine figure revels in the mellows of divine love; who is Guru of the world and the bestower of the seed of divine love for the Supreme Lord. Your servant, Prapanna Tirtha Sri Vyasa Puja 2003

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga.

Sri Vyasa Puja Offering for the 75th Appearance Day of His Divine Grace Om Visnupad Sri Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj. gurvvabhista-supurakam guru-ganair asisa-sambhusitam cintyacintya-samasta-veda-nipunam sri-rupa-panthanugam govindabhidham ujjvalam vara-tanum bhakty anvitam sundaram vande visva-gurun ca divya-bhagavat-premno hi bija-pradam

“O destroyer of sins! My heart, devoid of even a trace of devotion, is burning with despair after hearing about the strict and unparalleled devotional practices of the previous great devotees. But now my heart, moistened by a drop of hope, is being cooled with relief after hearing about the waves of Your compassion which, inun- dated the entire universe.”

Most worshipable Srila Govinda Maharaj, please accept my humble and respectful obeisances unto Your glorious lotus feet. With my heart and soul, again and again, I am wishing You endless glories on Your 75th most glorious auspicious appearance.

Faithfully, Your everfresh wellwisher, Swami BM Ban Maharaj.

Sri Sri Guru-Gauranga Jayatah

Dear Srila Govinda Maharaj,

Please accept my unreserved dandavats at your beautiful feet.

Your Appearance Day is today, and it is glorious. Like the Sun, it is effulgent in and out of itself. It spreads light and love to all who will just put themselves in its holy rays. I am very fallen, awkward and unfortunate by nature, and full of ghastly sam- skaras, but this is the day to talk about Your Holiness, not me. So I will just say that if words could do justice to you then I would write a beautiful poem or a sympho- ny. But in fact I would also question my sincerity in even that; so from my heart I only offer you whatever is service-natured there and pray to see and understand your guidance along the path of Krishna Consciousness. All glories to Your Divine Grace and all those who are dear to you.

Your ever-son,

BS Tridandi Swami An offering at the lotus feet of my Master, His Divine Grace Om Visnupad Sri Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj on the auspicious occasion of the platinum jubilee celebrating his 75th birthday.

“The scriptural name is sraddha, or faith. That is the developed state of sukrti or spiritual merit. When our faith is developed, it leads us to sadhu sanga, the association of saints. The agents of the divine world, who are in the plane of reality - the nirguna wave beyond this world of creation - come to establish some connection with reality in our soul. That is the deepest element. The connection with saints produces faith, and faith can see reality.” —Subjective Evolution of consciousness

Gurudev give me the eyes to see how much faith we must have in thee, drain inspectors stay away… faith is the want today!

From birth we are taught to guard that which makes our hearts so hard, now the touch of Sri Guru’s Grace takes us to a sweeter place. Two ghosts sit on either side here there is no place to hide, only the mercy of your hand can take us to a truer land.

Faith in the Lord can take us there but faith in You is beyond compare, Your sweet planting of the bhakti-lata seeds grants connection with Holy Name on beads.

Through your affectionate correction we are steered in the right direction, our sweet Lord seems so far away we are blessed to have you with us today.

Though we’ve searched in every place Krishna’s mercy is in your grace, only through thy blessing can we see sweet beauty in Reality.

Offered to the lotus feet of my Divine Master on the auspicious occasion of his 75th birth-day by his unworthy servant,

Tridandi Bhiksu Bhakti Chandan Parvat