Ed. by Michael H. Mitias

AmsterdamJAtlanta, GA 1999. IX,208 pp. incl. 28 illustrations (Elementa 74) ISBN: 90-420-0786-9 Hfl. 75,-IUS-$ 41.50

Contents: List of Illustrations. Preface. ONE T.J. DIFFEY: . Art and Works of Art. TWO Tom LEDDY: Architecture as At. THREE David FENNER: Pure Architecture. FOUR Michael H. MITlAS: Is Architecture an Art of Representation? FIVE Robert STECKER: Reflections on Architecture: Buildings as Environments, as Aesthetic Objects and as Artworks. SIX J. BAJLON: As Architecture. SEVEN Allen CARLSON: The Aesthetic Appreciation of Everyday Architecture. EIGHT Rachel McANN: Receptivity to the Sensuous: Architecture as "Wild Being". NINE David LEWIS: The Aesthetic Experience of Ambiguity: Athenian Acropolis. TEN Crispin SARTWELL: Written in Stone: Architectural Communication and Disintegration. Illustrations. About the Contributors. Index.

Editions Rodopi B.V. USAlCanada: 2015 South Park Place, Atlanta, GA 30339, Tel. (770) 933-0027, Call toll-free (U.S.only) 1-800-225-3998, Fax (770) 933-9644 All Other Countries: Tijnmuiden 7, 1046 AK , The . Tel. + + 31 (0)20 6114821, Fax + + 31 (0)20 4472979 E-mail: [email protected] - TERRITORIAL INVESTIGATIONS (including the Smooth Space project)

Annette w. Balkema and Henk Slager (eds.)

AmsterdamlAtlanta, GA 1999. 192 pp. ISBN: 90-420-0616-1 Bound Hfl. 100,-fUS-$ 55.50 ISBN: 90-420-0606-4 Paper Hfl. 35,-fUS-$ 19.-

Nowadays there are many spaces of fascination in visual art. Of course, installative space and contextual space have been on the art scene for awhile. However, they are now accompanied by other spaces such as urban space, architectural space, cyberspace, hyperspace, and screen-based space. In this volume, architects, artists, theorists, three symposia and four exhibitions attempt to find answers to questions such as: Could the architectonic study and/or deconstruction of space playa decisive role in the shift of attention to space? Which theoretical factors structure the current experience and meaning of space? What is the role of the aesthetization of the environment on our concept of space? Smooth Space - VCC de Brakke Grond, Amsterdam - is a project at the heart of this publication. Spatial interests range from how the concept of space is redefined and exploited in our current visual culture to how the digital world influences our spatial concepts. Participants in this issue are: Jean Attali, Annette W. Balkema, Andrew Benjamin, OIe Bouman, Bemard Cache, Paul Crowther, Christoph Fink, Hugo Heyrman, Hou Hanru, , Geert Lovink, Karlheinz Lüdeking, Bartomeu Mari, Kas Oosterhuis, Jan van de Pavert, Keiko Sato, Eran Schaerf, Lara Schnitger, Roger Scruton, Martin Seel, Nasrine Seraji, Henk Slager, Sjoerd Soeters, Lars Spuybroek, Ann Van Sevenant, Peter Weibel and Mark Wigley.

Editions Rodopi B.V. USAlCanada: 2015 South Park Place, Atlanta, GA 30339, Tel. (770) 933-0027, Call toll-free (U.S.only) 1-800-225-3998, Fax (770) 933-9644 All Other Countries: Tijnmuiden 7, 1046 AK Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Tel. + + 31 (0)20 6114821, Fax + + 31 (0)20 4472979 E-mail: [email protected] -