HEDSHarwell Everton Issue No. 381 June 2020 Drakeholes Scaftworth Contact us: e: [email protected] // t: 01777 818180

To all THANKthose wonderful young people who areYOU putting the lovely stones around the village, especially the two young ladies who left them in Pine Close. To all those who ring to see if people are OK or wave through windows to them. The shoppers who fetch and carry for us. All those who smile and say hello at a safe distance. All those who come out on a Thursday evening to clap for the NHS and all who are caring for the community. To all the small kindnesses are done, quietly and unasked for. To all those who celebrated VE DAY Harwell // Everton // Drakeholes // Scaftworth EVERTON RULES OK!! What a great village we live in! The usual offers of help , kindness and community spirit have been prevailing through this difficult time. Although VE Day could not be as originally planned, here in Everton you could see and hear a variety of ways small groups and individuals safely marked the occasion. What a commemoration! Stay safe! Christine Dunn Metcalfe Charitable Trust The Trust hopes you are all keeping well during the current lock down. I would like to share the Trust’s news with you. (Please bear in mind though that Government rules are subject to change) Due to the recent easing of some lockdown restrictions the planned maintenance works at the Village Hall have now started. In addition, we can now look at the reopening of the Bowls Green to Bowls Club members and the Tennis Courts on a pre booking basis only. Hopefully, we will be able to do this shortly whilst adhering to Government Guidance and undertaking due diligence. At the present time though we are still prohibited from opening any indoor leisure facilities and some of the outdoor ones where social distancing is more challenging. The Playground remains closed for the time being. Park areas can still be used for daily exercise but are subject to social distancing rules which we are sure you will adhere to. Please refer to Government guidelines on social distancing and exercise. Although our Groundscare contractors are continuing to manage the Recreation Grounds the improvements to the children’s slide have been postponed, as the necessary materials are currently unavailable. We are hopeful that this situation will change sooner rather than later. We will of course continue to manage any emergency works which arise, to ensure the safety of neighbours and everyone accessing the Recreation Grounds. Please stay safe and take care. With best wishes Catherine Shatwell Trust Secretary and Finance Officer Email: [email protected]

2 HEDS British Broadcasting Service A friend recently said ‘I don’t watch the BBC seekers of the ‘truth’ and real intent. anymore. It’s all biased.’ But the BBC is undoubtedly under political He was probably correct, but to assume and financial duress and the population seem the media that he was now watching was no longer willing to pay for an independent unbiased was to miss the reality of all service. Free services abound on line, but is publications from what ever source. What it really free? Yes you will not pay up front but he was watching was more in line with his there is always an agenda, be it political or personal beliefs and the BBC wasn’t. financial to ensure huge profits for the many We have so much media choice with all media platforms and their pound of flesh will viewpoints today it is quite mind boggling and be gleaned, although you may not realise it. therefore we need to try to be aware of what This means that while you may not like to pay the publishers persuasions or intents are. for your information and having to listen to All of them punt the owners point of view, be some points of view you may not agree with, it political or financial. There will be a bending by doing so it will at least be in plain sight. or adjustment to what happened or will maybe So while it is always good to hear other happen to bring the reporting of ‘facts’ in line people’s take on things, all media should be with their world view. “Tell a lie often enough read or viewed with a degree of skepticism, and it will become the truth” so said a famous whether in line with your world view or not or dictator and so it did. Then millions of people whether you pay for it or not. died. “All art is propaganda”, someone once said, I recall my 6th form teacher bringing 3 be it paintings, writing, films, social media, newspapers into the classroom. She read the sculpture etc and even this very modest piece, same news event from each paper and we all for we all edit and we all adjust things to became aware that world events as reported bring into line our conscious and or our sub- may not be entirely as things happened. How conscious thoughts and beliefs into reality. to distinguish the truth will never be easy but I hope and many oppressed people around if you unquestionably believe in what they the world will undoubtably pray that the print then it must be ‘true’. That was the point BBC can remain close to its mandate and to of the lesson. continue to challenge all who have an agenda For many decades now the BBC foreign of their own and wish to impose it on others. service has been the go to radio channel for Read and watch everything with a critical eye people in countries that have a repressive and don’t believe everything you see and hear. state controlled service. To find information We have had friends and relations from that will closely reflect what is actually Australia, America, Spain and France visit and happening many people rely on this service. they all say that having watched our television They have achieved this reputation because that we don’t know how lucky we are. while it is described as a British service it has I think they are right, because you never know endeavoured to remain impartial in all things what you, and not Mr Johnson or Mr Starmer, and because of that it has kept its reputation truly have until it’s gone. as a place to seek the ‘truth’. NAME AND ADDRESS KNOWN TO EDITOR Our right and left of centre parties complain bitterly of the bias of BBC interviewers and editing. It seems that as they all cry foul, then the BBC must be doing something in line with their mandate to be impartial, balanced

3 Harwell // Everton // Drakeholes // Scaftworth Wildlife Notes from Everton Sluice Lane Great to hear the cuckoo, very close, on a number of recent occasions; earlier it had been reported in the vicinity of Carr Farm. We hope it becomes common again, and not just a lockdown effect. A sighting would be interesting, let us know. The lawn is often populated with birds feeding their young; blackbirds, starlings, robins, etc. Some are finding worms, and probably also the last of the moisture, in any gutter not yet cleared of leaves. The pheasant made a fleeting appearance one evening recently; we’re still puzzled by its habit of only coming into gardens for a few months of the year. Another rare event, perhaps annual, was the sight of one of “the cats that visit” making off with a baby bunny; very often this is sport and the bunny makes its escape. Sad to have report that one hedgehog was predated, probably by a fox; we still see evidence of another visiting the garden at night. Sue & Mac May 2020


Bowls Club has been informed that the green can now be opened. At the moment it will for existing members only following strict guidelines. All members will be informed of the rules and procedures. For further information members and anyone who is interested in joining the bowls club please contact Ray or Pauline Harris on 01777 817375.

4 HEDS peace will be with you.” Feed on good things. For example God’s The Vicar word, being conscious of His presence, the beauty of nature, the kindness of other peo- ple. Lose yourself in a good book, exercise Writes your mind with your favourite sort of puzzle, There is a saying “you are what you eat”. exercise your body, take advantage of whatev- That’s worrying because it means I might turn er social interaction is offered - even if it’s in into a custard cream if I’m not careful. That the virtual world. “Think about such things”. was a light-hearted comment by the way, Those verses are actually Paul’s answer to the before you all start ringing or writing to tell me “But How?” question arising from the previous to eat properly! But we know the truth of that paragraph. saying. Junk food tends to produce a body that is less than perfect. Poisoning ourselves There Paul wrote - with alcohol or caffeine gives us headaches “Do not be anxious about anything, but in or worse. every situation, by prayer and petition, with But I need a different saying to help explain thanksgiving, present your requests to God. my thoughts at the moment. It might be “You And the peace of God, which transcends all are what you watch and listen to”. That’s al- understanding, will guard your hearts and ways true and I could talk about the negative your minds in Christ Jesus.” effects of too many soaps (The telly ones not So often in the gospels we hear Jesus say the ones you wash with!), or what pornogra- similar things to people going through at least phy does to our value systems, but I want to as a difficult a time as we face. “Do not be concentrate on something else. anxious”, “Do not worry”, “Do not be afraid”. At the moment we are being offered a mental, How? Well, through faith of course, but more emotional and spiritual banquet of virus news practically by being careful what we feed our and stories. If we binge on this - which is easy minds and emotions with. to do - we should not be surprised if we are Now, where did I put those custard creams? anxious, fearful and tending to despair. The news concentrates on the death and grief, the economic consequences, and how the gov- ernment appears unsure on what to do next. And that is a reality that we are living through, but there is another way of looking at all this. That is through the lens of faith. In his letter to the Christians in Philippi Paul writes this - “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admi- rable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me – put it into practice. And the God of

5 Harwell // Everton // Drakeholes // Scaftworth Rob’s Agri-Blog ‘Farming all around us’

24th May 2020 long hours of solitary working is pretty normal The last farming article I wrote was back in for farms these days. So, we have been very March when the weather was just changing lucky in this respect. from being horrendously wet – and the soils To summarise the spring work that has been were drying out just enough for us to start taking place on the farms around us since some spring planting. Now all the spring crops March is as follows: all the spring cereals are planted and the weather has flipped to the have been drilled – mostly spring wheat and other extreme of being horrendously dry! This barley, but also a few oats; the sugar beet was means that all crops are now crying out for all drilled on time around the end of March/ some water. early April; potatoes have been planted, we The winter cereals have grown through the have sown our pea crops in early April ( for very wet winter and are therefore very shallow the dried pea market for processing into rooted- as they didn’t need to root deeply to animal feed or for human consumption if the find enough moisture – now we are in drought quality and variety is right) these peas will conditions they are suffering much more than be harvested when completely dry, with the normal. combine in the summer, much the same as cereals. And finally for ourselves, we drilled Spring sown crops are in need of moisture to the forage maize (a week earlier than normal) get growing away and some cereals drilled in the last week of April – and that saw all the into heavy land, that baked hard near the 2020 crops sown. surface, have not even germinated yet! It’s going to be another tough year in farming. Current tasks at present include spraying crops for diseases and weeds, applying last Link this in with the economic effect of the applications of fertiliser and starting the Coronavirus lock-down measures and it is grass harvest – which for ourselves, starts going to be a hugely tough year for most with haylage for the equine and cattle market of the country – we are all going to have to and then in June moves onto haymaking – for pull together to get the economy back on similar markets. We also contract to make track and make sure we look out for those hay and haylage for other farms in the area – members of our community that may need which keeps us very busy from now onwards. some help along the way… So, that’s a very brief resume of the state As we all entered lockdown in March, farming of local farming activity. I’ll just like to end was entering one of its busiest periods of the on the note of thanking all key workers for year – especially this season – as many of us keeping us all going through these challenging had double the amount of spring drilling to do, times – from the NHS staff, shop workers, due to not being able to drill crops in the wet truckers and delivery drivers, etc,etc and from Autumn – so work on farms had to go on – a farmers point of view – all the machinery which did not mean doing too much different dealers staff who have kept our machines to normal – one man, one tractor and crack going through our busy times and our on! We didn’t swap tractors unless absolutely agronomy and farm supply companies who necessary (disinfecting if we needed to) and have kept us supplied – thank you all!

6 HEDS Well, enough of the serious stuff – time for some rural humour… A guy hears a knock on his door. He opens the door and sees a snail; he picks it up and chucks it as far as possible. Six months later, the same guy hears a knock on his door; he opens the door, and sees the same snail. The snail says, “Hey man, what did you do that for?!” A farmer went to the Doctors – “Doc, I can’t stop singing the ‘Green Green Grass of Home’. He said: ‘That sounds like Tom Jones syndrome’. ‘Is it common?’ asked the Farmer. ‘It’s not unusual’ replied the Doctor!!! Fred was travelling down a country road near Everton, when he saw a crowd of people gathering outside a farmhouse. It was a cold November afternoon, so he stopped and asked Farmer Ellis why such a large crowd of men was gathered there. The farmer replied, ‘Jo’s donkey kicked his mother-in-law and she died.’ ‘Well, ‘replied the man, ‘She must have had a lot of friends.’ ‘Nope, ‘said Farmer Ellis.’ We all just want to buy his donkey.’ On that note, be careful out there - until next month. Robert Troop

7 Harwell // Everton // Drakeholes // Scaftworth Where the Crawdads Set in North Carolina in the early 1950s through to 1970, the story follows two timelines that slowly intertwine. Known as the ‘Marsh Girl’, Kya Clark is an abandoned child who grows up in the marsh. Struggling at times to Sing find enough to eat when the rest of by Delia Owens her family gradually leave. A story of loneliness and survival, ostracised by the people who should have helped her. She learns to trust no-one, but as she grows up she yearns to belong. With the gulls as her friends you will find yourself rooting for Kya. This is a book for lovers of nature, and as she becomes an expert, we enjoy with her the beauty of life in the marshes. The novel starts with a body being found, and with very few friends to stand by her, natural suspicion from the townsfolk falls on Kya because she is an oddball, she lives in poverty, she is different. This is a fabulous read. With rich descriptions and language and a great ending. It will definitely go on my Top Ten list of books and I highly recommend it.

8 HEDS IN BETWEENIES Fill in the gaps between the words. (Time allowed, 3 minutes) Alternatively, you may wish to try and fit the 40 given words, at the bottom of the page, into the correct places within the puzzles, within 2 minutes.

Rose---Joint------Capitalist Garden----Flower---Head Table---Table---Break Village-----Light-----Guest Sunday-----Weight----Adjuster Walt------Cartoon------Actor Weather-----Door----Down Grey-----Burst----Dream Road----Language------Official Dance------Accommodation------Book Masking----Measure—Right Youth----Sandwich-----Level Bus------Train------Door Police------Material------Management Barber’s-----Leg-----Dance Lavender----Sky------Science King’s-----Section------Board Moon-----Bank------Destination Green-----Pie------Station Fish----Mixer---Dance

ANSWERS: Tap. Hip. Leg. House. Officer. Sign. Carriage. Lock. Break. Rocket. Club. Board. Passen- ger. Address. Venture. River. Chair. Student. Front. Green. Apple. Holiday. Wall. Paper. Cloud. Tape. Blue. Filling. Up. Pipe. Loss. Bed. Top. Disney. Wealth. Cross. Food. Leader. Course. Character. Howard Huntridge 2020

9 Harwell // Everton // Drakeholes // Scaftworth

active on Facebook where, amongst other The door events, we stream a live service at 10.30 on Sunday mornings, see “The Bene- fice Churches”. For village news we also have may be a local Everton Facebook page” Everton Holy Trinity”. For personal matters our vicar, Jona- closed but than Strickland, may be contacted on 01302 710298. A final thought from the bible…….. the church? Have no anxiety about anything, but in Our village church has now been closed for everything by prayer and supplication with over eight weeks along with many other public thanksgiving let your requests be made known buildings nationally. The last time that all to God. And the peace of God, which passes church buildings were closed in this coun- all understanding, will keep your hearts and try was more than 800 years ago, back in your minds in Christ Jesus. 1208. The reason then was due to a dispute Philippians 4 v 6-7 between King John and Pope Innocent 111, it was not only Henry V111 who had disagree- ments with the Vatican! Interestingly, the pope issued his order on 23 March, the same day as we found ourselves in lockdown. Although the building may be closed, the church is very much open for business. We meet on line, speak over the phone and, most importantly we continue to pray. It is reported in the media that since lockdown more people are praying. When the disciples came to Jesus and asked him how they should pray he gave them a guideline, he said…. “when you pray, say”… Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Back in 1208 the church buildings remained closed for six years, hopefully our building will re-open fully before too long and we may then pray again, together. In the meantime, we are

10 HEDS Dingbat Puzzle This Month’s Dingbat: X Mascara

4 - 3 - 4 - 2

You Past

7 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 3 Answers are elsewhere in the magazine A new Heds deadline defibrillatorhas been Thank you to all who have installed in Harwell near the road junction by contributed again this Month to the Parish Council notice board and the post HEDS. Please keep let us have copy box. The unit was paid for following local fund for the July edition. raising and a donation from the Matthew Good We feel it is too early to go back to Foundation. the printed word, as we need to think Step by step guidance for using the unit can of the safety of everyone involved. be seen on U Tube, type in ‘Zoll AED Plus But we review the situation monthly.. demonstration’, noting that in the video non If you know of someone who cannot UK emergency numbers are referred to. see a copy on line, please print them one out - The original defibrillator unit is located in the Thank you and stay safe entrance to the Village Hall. Step by step Many thanks guidance for using this unit can be seen on U Editorial Team Tube, type in ‘LifePak CR Plus Training Video (Physio Control) The code to unlock either of these units is obtained by ringing 999 Martin Wright

11 Harwell // Everton // Drakeholes // Scaftworth Police Report for Bassetlaw East Reported crimes of interest for the Bassetlaw East Everton/ Beckingham Beat Area - APRIL 2020. The Everton/ Beckingham beat area includes highly likely to be due to most properties being the following villages and hamlets – Misson, occupied throughout most of the day and night. Misson Springs, Newington, Scaftworth, Police have recently started Harwell, Everton, Gringley on the Hill, using a new system for recording incidents. Walkeringham, Saundby and Beckingham. As from February 2020, the Police report The crimes of interest – incidents of burglary, will include anti-social behaviour incidents criminal damage and thefts – reported for only, negating other incident types from this the beat area between 01/04/2020 and category, such as hoax calls to the emergency 30/04/2020 were – services, found/ abandoned vehicles and Theft from Motor Vehicle – 1 – Saundby. wildlife/ animal issues. Again, these figures should, therefore, start to decrease but will be Criminal Damage to a Motor Vehicle – 1 – more accurate in relation to actual anti-social Gringley on the Hill. behaviour incidents on the area. However, as Criminal Damage Other – 1 – Gringley on the has been confirmed by the Force, there has Hill. been an increase in this type of incident being This month there have been three reported reported to the control room last month. The crimes of interest across the whole beat increase in reports is mainly from community area. This compares with two crimes reported members concerned that Government throughout March 2020 and twelve crimes in instructions around the Coronavirus not being the same month last year. adhered to. Some instances were found From 01/04/2020, there have been three proven; whilst others were not. This month crimes of interest reported across the beat there have been ten reported incidents of anti- area. This compares with twelve reported in social behaviour across the whole beat area. the same period last year. As such, at the This compares with three reported incidents conclusion of the first month of this tracking for March 2020 and six reported for the same year, these figures equate to a decrease in month in 2019. reported crime of nine crimes. As the Government instructions in relation to Please continue to report crime - and incidents the country’s situation runs into May, it has - through to our control room on 101, or 999 been noticeable that the greater majority as appropriate. Even in these most difficult of of community members are complying with times, where possible, reported crimes will be all of the guidelines. It is also evident that dealt with in the same way as they have always community groups have been set up in been recorded, and dealt with. Generally individual parishes to help and support older, speaking, there has been a reduction in and vulnerable, residents at this difficult time. reported crime in the last month, or so. This is This is very pleasing to see and I am sure is welcomed by those who are receiving this

12 HEDS exceptional assistance. with assistance and reassurance during Please constantly review the Government these unprecedented times and I have been guidelines in relation to what we are being working hard and changing my shifts to try and advised to do, and not to do. Please stay safe accommodate this. and I look forward to seeing you when the My contact number is 07525 226838 and my situation gets better. E mail address is david.airey@nottinghamshire. In last month’s Police report, it was mentioned pnn.police.uk PC 3258 Jason FELLOWS is the that there has been a significant increase in beat manager for the beat area, has a contact the number of scams circulating where the number of 07525 226893, and his E mail intention of the scammers is predominantly address is [email protected]. to try and extract bank details from innocent police.uk victims. With the introduction of Government Please do not use these telephone numbers loans and grants to businesses to help them to report incidents and/ or crimes. Our works through this period, there are some scams out numbers should only be used for non-urgent there that are trying to exploit this situation. matters – including seeking advice and/ or Links from the scams put the enquirer through information. to what appears to be legitimate request I continue to receive calls on my works phone forms. However, in many instances these are from residents wishing to report incidents not legitimate and the purpose of the same is and crimes. In many cases these calls are purely to extract personal information from the received when I am on rest days or annual enquirer. leave and have not got my works phone to While the Coronavirus pandemic has brought hand. Residents must be comfortable in out the best in many people, there are also reporting these occurrences to our control others trying to exploit the situation. The room on 101 in order to receive the best, and National Cyber Security Council (NCSC) has real time, service from those officers who are launched a new way of reporting suspicious on duty. e-mails. Anyone can now forward them to When ringing 101 the first item which is [email protected]. If anything is found to asked is which Police force you require. This be malicious, the NCSC will take it down and is because 101 is the non-urgent number help protect others from falling victim to scams. for all Police forces throughout the country The service has been co developed with the and the signal is picked up from where you City of London Police. As well as taking down are ringing from. In rural East Bassetlaw malicious sites, it will also help by identifying many parishes are located close to county new patterns in online offending. Victims of boundaries, hence the first question. Then, fraud, or cybercrime, should contact Action you are asked if you know the person or Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or www.actionfraud. extension number of the department you police.uk require. At this stage, just hold the line. After As ever, the beat team will keep an eye out this, there are a number of options available. to look after you and your homes. However, For reporting an incident or crime the option please continue to report suspicious persons, is option 7 – there is no need to listen to all vehicles and activity in your local area to allow the alternatives before selecting this option those officers on duty to attend in real time number. and to check out on their purpose. As you Thanks, as ever, for your continued help and can appreciate I have a large area to Police support – it is very much appreciated. and am trying to provide the communities PCSO 8139 Dave Airey.

13 Harwell // Everton // Drakeholes // Scaftworth Rhubarb & Date Chutney There is usually someone offering to share their METHOD rhubarb glut at this time of the year so here is a way 1 Put the onions in a large pan with the of using it up. ginger and vinegar and bring to the boil, then simmer for 10 mins. Add the rest of INGREDIENTS the ingredients except the rhubarb , plus 50g fresh root ginger, grated 2tsp salt and bring to the boil and simmer for a further 10 mins until the apples are 300ml red wine vinegar tender. 500gr eating apples, peeled & finely chopped 2 stir in the rhubarb and cook uncovered 200g pitted dates, finely chopped until the chutney is thick and jammy, (about 10-15 mins) Leave chutney to sit 200g dried cranberries or raisins for about 10-15 mins and then spoon or 1tbsp mustard seeds transfer carefully to a heatproof jug and pour into warm sterilised jars, and seal. 1 tbsp curry powder Label and keep for at least a month to mature before eating. 400g light muscovado sugar Footnote 700g rhubarb sliced into 2cm chunks I have made this many times and always 500g red onion roughly chopped had to simmer for longer to achieve the jammy consistency. It is a case of using your own judgement. Nigel Bower Catering Tel 07976217532 Email [email protected]

FROM THE PARSIH REGISTERS HEDS Editorial Team Ann Hickman - Editor RIP. Charles Stanfield who was buried [email protected] 01777 818993 Tony Hercock - Treasurer in Everton Cemetery 21st April 2020. [email protected] 01777 818180 Ann Hercock - Advertising [email protected] 01777 818180 Adrian McGuigan - Design and production [email protected] 01777 816784 Sue Redfern - Distribution 01777 817194 Mollie Hall DEFIBRILLATOR Disclaimer & Copyright Just in case you are new to the village, there The views expressed within this newsletter DO NOT necessarily reflect the views is a defibrillator in the porch at the village hall. of the Editorial Panel. We make every effort and take great care in the assembly and production of this newsletter. However, we accept no responsibility for You are given the access number to it when matters or disputes arising as a result of errors, printing errors, stories, features you ring the Ambulance in an emergency. or advertisements which appear in this publication. Submitted articles, pictures and advertisements are accepted on the understanding that the contents are true and accurate and that the contributor owns the copyright or has cleared the material for use and that HEDS Together has permission to publish all or part of that submitted material. Dingbat Puzzle answers: Kiss and make up Putting the past behind you