YANKEES MISS CHANCE TO EVEN BIG DIAMOND SERIE,| POOR GEORGES Wil H. S. PLAYERS How Siki Did It soin Season Basketball speedways] III WORKOUT with «ι» beStarted by Night A week previous toTomorrow the date they St. Stephen's auditorium can be reached taking a car from openedHere their home season last year, by trolley State and Smith streets to Bucking- Furman Now With the Speedway basketball team of Past Year Was Most Excit- Under Coach Waddell Yester- "Lanky" ham avenue. The hall is well suited this will start on St. One in Both the Season a Week Crack Senior Team Which city, Stephen's for basketball and dancing. The ing Big day-Start auditorium court on State street» Speedways will make this court their Today Opens Next Week near Buckingham avenue, tomorrow home throughout the present season Leagues night. and on same will dc'-nd their hon- Last season the Michelin Tire ors, the championship of Perth Am- of Milltown the boy, Middlesex county and the third School Correspondent) The Danbury Separates of New company opened Bj (High season with the Speedways, and an congressional dietrict. The Perth Amboy high School York City, who are to open the bas- The 1922 season just effort was made against this sea: η In the lineup of the TottenviUe football candidates went through a ketball season (or the newly organ- closed, stands out as one of the to get the old Amboy rivals to play team tomorrow night will be Char- signal drill under the direction of ised Perth Amboy Five of this city fcmost In major league the contest on the State ley Sher, "Piggy" Price, "Bi" La remarkable Coach Robert S. Waddell on the or. the New Auditorium court on opening street court, but Dorn has Forge, Dave Preacher. Joe Corel! Pb iston1. Raritan Copper Works fi?ld yester- Saturday night, Oct. 14. announce has not his basketball ar- and a new man in TottenviUe bas- The unexpected happened, day afternoon. through their manager that they completed thrills rangements. ketball circles. It is probable that records have been broken, Some of the signals of the team have bolstered up their lineup con- In engaging Tottenville, Manager the new man may be « ringer from galore have been produced. are complicated and need to be re- siderably since last season by the Poulsen has booked a team in which this city for the contest against the The pennant hearsed considerably before addition of Charles Lustig. the New they and is inter- Speedways. was until a Perth Amboy vicinity winner not decided day can be worked to perfection. A tew York all-scholastic and high scoring will have ested. Recently one of the greatest; The Speedways Harry before the close of the season. Of the signals are patterned after forward ot Stuyvesant high school baseball series in the history of this Davis ,Ray Handerhan, Bob Han- Third place In the American the Rutgers College system, that is a few yea» ago. section, closed with Amboy the vic- derhan, Paul Sutton, Charley Brown carries with It a through plays with swiftness The Danbury quintet made its League race, which going tor in three out of four contests. miller, John Bradley and a New cut In the world eerie», also and without yelling out signals. first appearance in this city Uit juicy Last season the Speedways won three York state league tosser. The lat- be- In addition to the signal drill year when it decisively defeated the hung In the balance until a' day out of four from the Totten- ter player will perform with the Coach Waddell advanced further in local Y. M. H. A. basketba.l games ^ fore the close of the race. Strong ville basketball team. perform with the Speedways his explanation of the gridiron rules team and later appeared on the au- representative Some Idea of the battle for third Manager Walter'» forces i.re of the throughout the season at home and brought out at a meeting of the in- ditorium court giving a good ac- place whicn was won by Detroit can opinion that the start of the basket- in traveling games. tercollegiate football rules commit- count of themselves and winnlag do be gleaned from the fact that De- ball season will be like another year "Chuck"Solador will the ref- tee last January. A new rule con- the favor of local fans by the.'r troit finished one game ahead of to the Tottenville representatives ereeing and he needs little introdns- ^ cerning the substitution of players classy game. The fact that they fourth team and are confident that will tion to the fans of this locality. Mu- Cleveland, the pace is no man can be returned to their team with they they that have strengthened sic will furnished Sam Ton- \ and Indians were one return to their home town with the be by the just game the fray in any quarter or half, but a man of Lustlg's class promises bacon tomorrow night. The usual ghini's Royal Serenadem and the In advance of Chicago. during an intermission between two the Perth Amboy Five a game that crowd of Tottenville fans will ac- game will be started about 9:10 Is the , second succeeding quarters. will by no means be an easy one | the team * orrow night. o'clock. and third place positions in the race A new addition to the rule on the The Amboy quintet is putting va company were not decided until the final day time of periods is that the referee | the finishing touches and experts of the season. , can now order as many minute to be in rare form a^ireek from to- Cincinnati, by winning a Rouble periods as he desires. Mutual agree- morrow night when they strive for header from Pittsburgh took second ment between representatives of the favors of basketball fandoijn teams also as South place from that club. An even split contesting can agree 'Lanky" Furman, the popular ut would have Insured the Pittsburg to the time of periods. Amboy basketball star, appeared BRIEF BITS OF SPORTS is defined the audito- club the running-up position. St. Unnecessary roughness the practice session at more in the new rules tutelage of Captain Louis, by defeating Chicago worked completely rium and the and severe penalties ranging from "Bank" Thomas and Manager itself Into a tie with Pittsburg for IN ALL FIELDS fifteen yards to half the distance to Rufy" Allen gives promise of put- third place honors. the goal line will be meted out lor South Amboy's popular son in The home- habit started two ting offenses of this nature. ih· continued throughout limelight. years back, When a player has an opportuni- The locale will hold another prac- home- Duplicating the fighting spirit the fane who are desirous of wit- the 1922 season. As a result, to make a fair no auditorium Tues- ty catch opponent tice session at the which featured the victory of the nessing the second diamond clasb were shattered. in- run totals erstwhile shall interfere, also when the ball — to which the fans are Georges Çarpentier, 1 day night New York Giants in the opening of the Perth Am boy and Landing Last season the American League European fistic champ, taken is in the air on a forward pass no Georges Car pen tier, vited. being Here's 8tkl, Senegalese fighter, bending over game the New York Yankees yes- teams. teams made 477 home runs, the Na- from the ring battered and bruised opponent may bat same to prevent I doubled one-time champ after he had dealt the blow ,that terday afternoon came from behind tional a total of 9S7 circuit after his disastrous conflict with an opponent from securing it. A European 460, on the floor, hi* championship and and succeeded in holding their op- As a result of the contest played battler. loss of fifteen yards is the punish- Georges up Into a pretzel amputated clouts. Sijrt, Senegalese countenance. ponents to a tie. yesterday, it will be possible lor the closed the ment for these offenses. muddled up his movie In the campaign Just Yankees and Giants to play as many Penalties that may lose a National League made 629 homers, game Emil Meusel of the New York games this year as they did in tne ords were tied by Cobb. can be imposed for clipping, accord- the American 625, a total of 1054. Giants clouted out the first homer world s eerie· last season. to BUSSES 1 the 1922 rules. The main FOUR better than .300 Cobb ing A new home-run king was crown- By hatting of the present world's series in the the record of Hans feature of the new rules is the posi- 'ed In the person of Roger Hornsby. equaled Wagner, first inning of the contest played Messrs. Jacobowita and Xannen tion which a team may take after "With 42 home rutis to hia credit he who Tor 17 seasons, topped that yesterday afternoon. of the Roosevelt Separate basket- \ scoring a touchdown. The ball is Centre Athletic Club dethroned the erstwhile "Sultan of figure. ball team are confident of the abil- brought to the five-yard line and a Ruth. Lest season more 200 base base- ity of their team to take the open- Swat," Babn In making than for the one be made Tottenville and Speedway try point may contest on home 21 home rune. he the record of Wil- TO CAMS ball teams are in top condition ing their schedule Hornsby madeonly hits, equaled by means of pass, kick Show tip scrimmage, Run as did last season. Will the basket- just they In the American League. Ken lie Keeler, who for eight seasons, or rush. Opening f&r the opening game of j in this tomorrow Williams of St. Louis and THly beat that mark. The above rule was adopted by ball season city out To New Brunswick Sunday The contest will be played in Walker of Philadelphia nosed By batting better than .400 Cobb the rules committee to eliminate Nov. 2 nignt. Ot Season On St. auditorium on State . A late start of eight the feat of Jesse Burkett. individual play. Prior to the mak- Stephen's CAPPER AND CHARLES ARE equaleS for Second "Little Worlds one the best courts in the weeks cut Ruth's to 35 for ing of the new rule the ball was street, of figure who, for three seasons, recorded a District- Williams made 39, brought to the twenty-yard line and defeated Game Third Congressional the season. .400 or better average. The Centre Athletic Club of this ponent. Cangro recently Series" READY FOR B0XIN6 a over bar was BOUTS Walker S7. kick the required to run Willie Curry in a bout Tor the Cobb's record, in a way, is more city has obtained its permit The Chicago representative major to tally a point. of Staten Island, and In 42 home runs since a boxing show in the local audito- championship Four buses will leave the corner teams are in & city Two more Hornsby, making remarkable than Burkett's, The candidates will not time. league engaged local boys have de- practice rium on November id In great shape at the present and McClellan streets Sun- Bet a new National League figure. the foul strike rule was not in ef- but Thursday night, of Smith series at the present time. Both cided to enter the professional box- today on Monday afternoon the of the Carroll made a good showing in his Perth Amboy In 1884 Ed Williamson made 27 was 2. This is the first show day afternoon to take teams finished in the same position ing game and are fect when Burkett In the game. hard grind for the Metuchen game the Roosevelt Boxing ready to engage stood season to be run under the last light at fans to New Brunswick to witness in ring home runs. That mark has However, the ball today is much a week from today will be started. present in their respective leagues. battles with any man in of the Centre organization, Ciub in Coughlln'8 auditorium. the second game of the "little the test of all great hitters until livelier than the one Burkett at. auspices their class in this vicinity. been staged the lat- Wltherldge is a rapidly rising series'1 between the Perth came through. three several having world's Bob Shawkey and Jess Barnes Kid Capper, a 130 pound lid, Horniby , by getting and this Rahway the Hudson county Association n.ne Browns and ter part of last year early la4.a|id Amboy Athletic are both sure of getting another made a reputation for himself in Ken Williams of the hits in five times at bat in the last should him plenty of ac- year by the same club. boy give and the Landings of New Bruns- chance to start a series game as a grammar school Walter Henline of the Phillies In finished the season a trifle Wllh- football circles last game, For program, Johnny tion in the semi-final event. wick. This game will be played at of in the runs In one the opening result their showing game year and needs little introduction making, three home better than .400. r Michael Can- eridge has In this city on Brunswick. Carroll of Chrome and appeared Buccleuch Park in New played yesterday. to the fans in this city. He packs game, pulled the unusual. Not since 1899 han eny National have been sign- various occasions and will draw a In this city gro of Staten Island According to reports a sleep producing punch in either of the Athletics and over In DOUBLE BILL Walker batted .400. con- crowd from Rahway, League player ed to meet in the eight-round big at the present time Alcer Jensen, The advance^ sale οt tickets for the mitt. of the St. Louis Cardinals Ed with the Rail- It is the intention oi the Centre Charles Hornsby that year Delehanty test, while Bob Witheridge of Ed "Blackie" Regan and clambake of .Joe's Argonne Associa- Young Chartes, weighing 135 «η five occasions during the season, Nationals had a mark Lewis of Jersey City Club to run about seven or eight of this city, and Philadelphia way and Kid "Pud" Stlnson tion to be held at Nickenig's Grove. pounds, is also open for engage- made two home runs In a gam·· .408. In six-round semi-final shows this season, about one a of South Amboy will he of wlil clash the Rogers Sunday, October 22, is reported to ments. Recent workouts have re- 's team after holding National month. The remainder of the card with the In an effort to Only eight League play- bout. Landings be quite large. sulted in his being declared a new of last place one of the most popu- for the opening show la. being com- the New Brunswick repre- undisputed possession ers since the inception of that organ- FOR THIS CITir Carroll is prevent "find" in the fistic game for Perth and in at the time and will ! the cham- In thé American League since 1914, nation have batted better than .400 lar boxers in this vicinity pleted present sentatives irom losing A week from tonight the fourth Am boy. dark hole he is a op-1 be announced shortly. | by dropping this contest. emerged from that damp The showing of the Boston Red Cangro, meeting tough pionship boxing show of the Roosevelt Box- Both boys are under the man- Sox. The Landings brought a record In fayor of the against the New York Yankees ing Club will be held is Coughlin's agement of Abe Lewis and chal- crowd to this last Sunday after- The Winning of 27 games by Eddie during 1922 Is proof positive of the Recreations and city auditorium, Roosevelt. The card for lenges should be addressed to Gold- Brooklyn noon and will have a better delega- Rommel, with the Athletics, stands uncertainties of the National pas- this show has not been announced. berger's confectionery store, Fay- Giants Are to tion out for Sunday's game, and out as one of the pitching Royal Clash ette street. greatest time.. at least as well this city should be a in years. The Ath- New York won the In the Groh and "Ward are without performances pennant Again represented at the county seat as 65 Rommel win- finished doubt two of the shining stars play- letics won games. American League. Boston Manager Hefferman's fans wore them. in the world's series. ning nearly half of last, yet the Red Sox team was the here last Sunday. Business Manager ing present DUCK, GEESE AND SNIPE Their and fielding featured , as usual, played a prom- only club to win the series from the Edward Poulsen arranged for the hitting Announcement has been made of to date. inent part In the unusual happen- American League pennant winners, bus service. the two games the booking of a baseball game be- SEASON OPENS OCTOBER 16 ings of 1922. Boston taking IS of the 22 games. If the Landings are beaten on tween the Recreations of Plainfleld Tottenville is a inter- Three major league batting rec- Joe Bush, who by hie great pitch- Sunday It is probable the Amboys taking great < ■· and the Brooklyn Royal Colored séé^weÏlMH'JÎss est in the game between With the wildfowl season opening assisted New York will play one more contest before basketball ing, materially Giants in a twin bill on the Rarltan team and the Monday, October 16, New J erst, y the American League finally closing the season, but the their representative in winning Copper works field, Sunday after- YORK, Oct. The Ruth, right field. this to be gunners can anticipate a fall and NEW β.—(By announcement of an opponent will Speedways of city played pennant, also has a grievance noon. This field is made vacant on Giants and Plpp, first base. winter of excellent sport on the Associated Press)—The be deferred pending the outcome of Sere tomorrow night. if BROTHERS against the Red Sox. this date by the departure 6f the to ap- R. Meusel, left field. bays and river· of the state, which NUTT Yankees having attempted the New Brunswick game. Bush won 26 games and lost only Perth for New Brunswick to Schang, catcher. of Amboys pease thousands of fans who weren't For the third time this season the began with the elimination spring 7, yet five of the seven games that the second game of their coun- world Ward, second base. under federal laws, is still more play a wit satisfied when the second Orioles Will Aloiher Perth Amboys will leave their home he lost were won by Boston. championship series with the E. Scott, short stop. marked this flock· of " ty series game was called by umpires The Lyceum midget baseball Held tomorrow afternoon. This time year. Large SEEN THAT Another unusual series was the Landings of that place. the score Hoyt or Mays, . to biack ducks and the vanga&rd of 1 HAVEKÎT in the tenth Inning with of was they go to New Brunswick get Detroit and the Union team this city defeated by one staged between the The Brooklynites the entire a crack at the Landings of other wildfowl already are making HE STARTED tied at t to Î, by giving Giants the Oriole nine on Sunday after- second mi£M SINCE and the Chicago White Sox. county combination have met three and their appearance along the coast Tigers gate receipts to disabled soldiers noon, 12-11. This was the Oriole's that place. was one times on the diamond this year, the busi- short and inland streams. TO WORK )N THE PRESERVE Inability to beat Chicago charity, returned today to the Bancroft, stop. eighteenth straight win and twenty- the Detroit former having taken two of these third base. who re- Game which may be hunted dur- of the big reasons why ness of settling the championship. Oroh, first in twenty-two starts. The saine A majority of the fans contests. It is probable that Teu- base. this open season includes wJd FACTORY club had to be content with third The umpires said it was too dark Frisch, second teams will again Sunday. oeive the baseball returns at the ing scher and Gingras will take care of play ducks wood ducks). wi*d place. Chicago won 17 out of the 22 to play when they called the halt, E. Meusel, left field. News office missed an added attrac- (except the pitching for the Plainfleld club field. announce- geese, coot, galinules and Wilson or games player with the Tigers. bu( there were few fans who agreed Young, right Flyer Seconds Booking tion just after the final in these games, while "Mountain" base. on Jack snipe. Wood ducks are pro- Another incident decidedly out of with them about the condition of Kelly, first Manager Fred Kuhlthau of the ment was made. Two venders Hubbard and "Speck" Starks appear center field. in tected during the entire year. The the ordinary was the feat of the daylight. Cunningham, Flyer Seconds, would like to ar- duty at the corner participated as the likely choice for mound duty and sticks. wildfowl season continues to Jan- Pruett, of the Some of the fans turned to Com- Snyder, catcher. a for this Sunday, par- a spirited battle of mitts young college pitcher, for the Brooklyn nine. range game the boss of all Scott, Ryan or McQuillan, pitcher. uary 31. St. Louis Browns, who struck out was missioner Landis, ticularly any organization claiming The Plainfleld team originally (N), behind Mike βοο of the Perth Amboys is The game laws fix the following Babe Ruth nine times during the Lincoln Giants . Commission- Umpires—McCohmick the championship of the clasa in scheduled to play the Owens first base; Klem to hoid the daily bag limits on wild fowl afrd er Landis had nothing to do with plate; (A), which his team is entered. confident of his ability season. in New York, but this game was can- 25 of ducks but he made a nice (N). second base; Hilderbrand (A), Landing nine in a game scheduled shore birds: in all (ex- The game in which the Chicago and Inasmuch as the Recrea- calling the game, celled of third base. Game starts at 2 P. M. for tomorrow afternoon no matter cept wood ducks and Eider duck*}, to 23 will target for their bombardment Football Team Booking Cubs beat the Phillies 26 tions cannot play on their regular 8 geese, 8 brant, 25 Wilson or Jack criticism. The Y. M. A. C. football team of how many new men the New live in the records of baseball field on Sunday, it was decided to 25 in all sor*^ long the Giants been and Brunswick representatives will cnipe, of rails (except the double bill for the local The third game with Tottenville has organized as one of the greatest of slugfests. arrange have. including marsh or mud hen, coots the Am- "at home" again la on today. Mc- is ready to engage in games with field. This is the third time and "galinules; 50 sora, 15 in all of this Graw's men still have the edge, hav- teams averaging 150 pounds. For boys have left their home field HUNTERS MUST black-bellied and first and today WOODCOCK write to Joi»es, 246 Tet- Arrangements are being made to golden plovers Fords Isaacs Challenge season, twice to go to Tottenville and ing won the game games Roy "Dea- several busses at the service of and greater or lesser yellow-legs. to New Brunswick. they will play behind Pitcher man avenue, Tottenville. have baseball team is with- this time The Fords from Sunday, weather con John" Scott. Miller Hugglns has HAVE SPECIAL LICENSES and Man- A week out a game for Sunday the Amboys will be back selected , the youth who Antone is ready to arrange a permitting, of ager as the home team once caused the Giants no end worry have been made Sacred Hearts, on hand Arrangements booking with the in the 1921 series. Call Perth «gain. by the State Fish and Game Com- Charleston or Sherldans. McQraw is elated over the show- Series Gates 7 and 8 in the mission whereby sportsmen can Wait Outside World Amboy 1051 between of his . "They said they Throngs ing procure from state wardens the spe- evening. weren't In a class with those of the cial woodcock license required un- .Tanks. Nehf, Ryan and Barnes der a new law for those who would NAW.HE GOT LOST IN haven't been so awful have they?" hunt woodcock before the opening Yanks The newest concoction ef dope Leads season or be- has it that the Yankees, despite the of the upland game tween October 1 and November 10. Heads Giants one game loss, have an equal chance Π in with the Giants to win the series. This special license costing $2 The argument for this is that the addition to the regular hunting Giants have used two of their best lincense may be procured from the pitchers and have won one game, office of the commission at Trenton. while the Yanks have used two of The game laws limit upland their best pitchers and lost one hunting during the above period to game. This leaves the Yankees with woodcock. As there is no other ex- two pitchers rated among the top cuse for carrying a gun in the fields Mc- notchers, Hoyt and Mays, while or woods during this period, an up- Quillan, Scott and Ryan, the remain- land hunter without a special wood- ing regulars of the Giant's staff, are cock license makes himself liable not regarded so highly. to arrest. A heavy penalty of 1100 the third of Prospects for game for each violation applies to the the world's series were excellent at of other protected game dur- o'clock this morning. The day killing 10 this Six woodcock Is dawned fair and slightly warmer. ing period. the bag limit a hunter may Today's batting order. daily take. Reports from numerous parts Yankees of the stato indicate that early Witt, center field. flights of the birds are on and a Dugan, third base. prospect for excellent sport.

roll COUGHS AND COLDS Take Our Sjnrnp of Tar With Extract of Cod LlT«r OU and Menthol. It'* Pleasant and Effective. 75c a Bottle at the CITY PHARMACY, INC. "THE HOME DitHU STORE" 288 Smith Street, Corner Oak FHONK 1944 Iéi little difference whether Met· Soott'e Emnlalon of QQC It make· Cod Unr OA} Bottla the American League contender* John J. McGraw, manager of th· for the world'· baseball champion- Bvenrthlnc «t a Fair Co* Price at the New York Glanta, photographed at ship are winning or ioein*. Killer INC. aerie», may not b· waartn* » CITY PHARMACY, the Benin·, diminutive manager et York. The mort popular fora πα nom Dice ROtl" uniform white the eerie* la on, hot the team, mapped at the aerie·, to oC th· **» «MWi***>*# ***** he'· playing game aa ha. -J m mv.edition wm 286 Smith Street, Corner Oak thf watching rnrj play. any ot£te men «α «to MA. ■imm Wp|