STV674/502V-R01 USB Flash Drive Camera User Notes


This document details the contents and operation of the STV0674 Flash Board evaluation kit. It may be used as a reference to allow the generation of user manuals for products based on this design.

Order Codes

Table 1: Order Codes

Part Number Description

STV-674/502V-R01 STV0674 USB Flash Drive board featuring the miniature VS6502VF lensed VGA color CMOS sensor module

STV0674T100 Digital video co- (100TQFP package)

VS6502V015/T2 VGA CMOS color image sensor module

July 2004 1/20



Chapter 1 Introduction ...... 3 1.1 Key Features ...... 3

Chapter 2 Minimum System Requirements ...... 4 mode ...... 4 NMS mode ...... 4

Chapter 3 Basic Camera Operation ...... 5 3.1 Untethered Operation ...... 6 3.2 Tethered Operation ...... 7

Chapter 4 Software Installation ...... 8 4.1 NMS mode ...... 8 4.2 Webcam mode ...... 8

Chapter 5 DirectCap ...... 10 5.1 Video / Audio device ...... 10 5.2 File Menu ...... 11 5.3 Edit menu ...... 11 5.4 Properties menu ...... 12 5.5 Clock menu ...... 12 5.6 Help menu ...... 12

Chapter 6 AVICreate ...... 13

Chapter 7 Upgrade ...... 17

Chapter 8 Firmware Identification ...... 18

Revision history ...... 19

2/20 Introduction STV674/502V-R01

1 Introduction

This document details the contents and operation of the STV0674 Flash Board evaluation kit. It may be used as a reference to allow the generation of user manuals for products based on this design. The STV0674 Flash Board operates in two distinct modes that are selectable during “power on”: Webcam mode and Native (NMS) mode. This document distinguishes between these two modes where appropriate to describe the Flash Board and associated software operation. See Section Basic Camera Operation for details on how to select between each mode.

1.1 Key Features

WebCam Mode

● No stand-alone operation – must be plugged into USB ● DirectShow Driver Support ● Real-time video – up to 30fps VGA ● Real-time audio ● DirectCap – sample DirectShow application

NMS Mode

● Still image capture ● Movie clip capture (synchronized audio\video) ● Audio clip capture ● format ● Behaves as removable disk drive for when tethered ● ~400Kbyte/s Write ~500Kbytes/s Read. ● AVICreate – application to convert movie clips to AVI format

3/20 STV674/502V-R01 Minimum System Requirements

2 Minimum System Requirements

Webcam mode

● IBM PC or compatible ● Win98SE, WinME, Win2K + SP3, WinXP + SP1 ● DirectX 8.1 or later ● Graphics Adapter capable of 800x600 resolution, 64k colours (“thousands of colours”) ● PII 266, with 64M RAM (Win98/ME) or 128MRAM (Win2K/XP) ● No support yet for Mac

NMS mode

● IBM PC or compatible ● Win98SE, WinME, Win2K + SP3, WinXP + SP1 ● Mac OSX & MacOS9

s 4/20 Basic Camera Operation STV674/502V-R01

3 Basic Camera Operation

The STV0674 Flash Board has three buttons and 2 LEDs to provide the User Interface. LED1 is the upper bi-colour LED. LED2 is the red LED below. The SHUTTER button is on the top of the PCB, the MODE button is on the side and the Power On button on the front close to the USB\Power connection.

Figure 1: STV0674 Flash Board

Operation is described as “untethered” (stand-alone) when the board is not plugged into USB and operation is controlled via the on board UI only or “tethered” when the board is connected to a PC via USB and uses the power supplied by USB. Untethered operation requires a “AAA” battery on a separate PCB to provide power which is connected to the main PCB via the USB connector.

5/20 STV674/502V-R01 Basic Camera Operation

3.1 Untethered Operation Ensure that the separate “AAA” battery PCB is connected.

NMS mode For stand alone operation simply give a short press to the Power On button to switch the camera on. It will run through an initialisation before a ‘beep’ and LED flashes once to indicate ready. The following diagram illustrates the UI operation when untethered in NMS mode.

Figure 2: LED based UI

MODE MODE MODE Audio Movie P/up Stills Format Clip Clip Constant Yellow Green LED2 Red Constant Constant Flashing (slow)

Press Press Shutter to Press Shutter to Press Shutter for Shutter START START Format warning

(Low & (Piezo: 3 high Take Yellow Flashing Green Flashing LED2 short beeps beeps) Picture (slow) (slow) Flashing (fast) repeating)

Press Shutter to Press Shutter to Press Shutter to STOP STOP FORMAT

LED2 Constant

Beep when complete

On each display there is a 5 second timeout after which it will revert to ‘Stills’. ● Every button press causes a ‘standard’ beep unless otherwise stated ● For file transfer green will ‘flicker’ for reads while red (LED1) will ‘flicker’ for writes ● For WebCam mode: hold MODE on power up till both LEDs are RED (buttons are disabled) ● For memory full then stop action, low beep and UI returns to stills ● Power down timeout set for 20 seconds of inactivity ● Low Battery indicated by flashing RED (LED1)

Webcam Mode Webcam mode is available only when tethered. Please see the following section.

s 6/20 Basic Camera Operation STV674/502V-R01

3.2 Tethered Operation When the flash board is plugged in to USB, the firmware delays USB enumeration until the firmware has completed its “boot up” sequence. It can enumerate in either NMS mode or Webcam mode.

NMS mode When connected to the PC, the flash board is set by default to NMS mode, it enumerates to use the standard USB mass storage drivers provided by the OS.

Webcam mode The flash board enumerates as a webcam when the MODE button is held down while the device is plugged in to USB. The user must hold the MODE button until both LEDs have a red display. As the webcam is a ‘Composite USB Device’, when it has successfully enumerated, it appears in Windows Device Manager in two separate locations: 1 In the “Imaging Device” key as “NMS Video Camera (webcam)”. 2 In the “Sound, video and game controllers” key as “USB Audio Device” Webcam mode requires ST drivers to be installed to provide the video functionality (See Chapter 4: Software Installation). The audio functionality is provided by the standard Windows audio drivers.

7/20 STV674/502V-R01 Software Installation

4 Software Installation

4.1 NMS mode Software driver installation is not required for all OS that natively support Mass Storage devices. This includes all supported Mac OS and Windows versions later than Win2K. Win98 Gold and SE do not support Mass Storage natively. It is therefore necessary to install an additional software driver that is provided by ST in the ‘stvnms.exe’ executable installer. Movie clips recorded in untethered NMS mode are stored in a proprietary file format with the file extension “.stj”. An application to convert this file into a standard AVI is supplied by ST (AVICreate). To avoid software installation problems and to maximise mobility of the Flash Board, this application is designed to be stored on the board itself and supports all Windows OS. ST recommends that the application is placed on the Flash Board during production and then also supplied as part of a software installation package on CD. See Chapter 6: AVICreate for information on using AVICreate. To playback AVIs created using AVICreate, an MJPG codec must be installed. DirectX 8.1 or later includes a suitable MJPG codec. See the following section.

4.2 Webcam mode Webcam driver installation should be performed before the camera is plugged in. The PC is assumed to already have DirectX 8.1 or better installed. Note: DirectX 8.1 is installed automatically with WinXP. For all other OS's, the user may have to upgrade to v8.1 manually. ST recommends that DirectX 8.1 or later is provided on the software installation CD. DirectX is available in a re-distributable installation from the Website: and look for “directx”. Alternatively, the end user may be directed to the ‘Windows Update’ site: ● Video The webcam video driver is supplied in an executable installer from ST. Usually named "dm1NNNwq.exe" where 'NNN' is the version of driver. The latest version is 2-01 (dm1201wq.exe). Double click on the executable file and follow the onscreen installation instructions. The webcam video driver supports Microsoft's DirectShow architecture. Video for Windows (Microsoft's legacy webcam architecture) is supported through a mapper provided by Microsoft which is installed with the OS. Applications such as Netmeeting are implemented using VfW. Note: 1 The VfW mapper for WinXP does not operate correctly. This is fixed by installing WinXP service pack 1. 2 The VfW mapper on all OS does not support the custom property pages that are implemented by the DirectShow driver. These property pages are therefore not accessible in applications that are written for VfW. See Properties menu for information on the property pages.

s 8/20 Software Installation STV674/502V-R01

● Audio The device is compliant to the USB Audio Class specification and so uses the standard audio drivers supplied by Microsoft. No software installation is required for audio support Note: 1 After installing on Win98 Gold, the PC will require a reboot before the audio device may be used. 2 While installing video drivers on Win98 Gold /SE the user will be prompted for the original Win98 CD to find some files used by the DirectShow system. The user should have this CD ready and insert it into the CDROM driver when prompted. The requested files may be found on the Win98 CD under ‘Win98se/setup/win98’ directory.

9/20 STV674/502V-R01 DirectCap

5 DirectCap

To demonstrate webcam mode, an application called DirectCap is provided by ST with the STV0674 Flash Board evaluation kit. The application is supplied with its own executable installer. Just double click on the ‘DirectCap.exe’ file and follow the onscreen instructions.

Figure 3: The DirectCap window

5.1 Video / Audio device To start streaming video, select ‘NMS Video Camera’ from the pull down menu under Video Device then press the Start button. To stop, press the Stop button. To start streaming audio, select ‘USB Audio Device’ from the pull down menu under Audio Device then press the Start button. To stop, press the Stop button. Note that on WinXP, the OS displays the device name from a string in the firmware and so it appears as ‘ST’ instead of ‘USB Audio Device’. This may be customised for OEM products. Video and audio may be streamed simultaneously, but the ‘preview’ shows a short time lag for audio. When streaming to file, this time lag does not occur. To capture a still image from the video preview, press the BMP button. The picture is taken when the button is pressed and then a dialog prompts for the user to select a filename to save the image.

s 10/20 DirectCap STV674/502V-R01

5.2 File Menu As well as playing audio and streaming video to the screen, you can also save video AVI’s to the HDD. ● Set Filename Use this option prior to video streaming to select where the AVI file will be saved. ● Stream to File This option becomes available after a filename has been selected. Once stream to file is selected, the next time the Start button is pressed, the audio and video data is written to file until the Stop button is pressed. ● Exit Stops video/audio and closes the application.

Figure 4: The stream to file option with DirectCap

5.3 Edit menu No options are available under this menu at present.

11/20 STV674/502V-R01 DirectCap

5.4 Properties menu Under the properties menu, there are the standard DirectShow options to show the driver property pages.

Figure 5: Driver property menu

Video Capture Filter This property page is supplied by the STV0674 DirectShow driver and allows the user to manipulate standard video properties such as brightness, contrast, saturation, white balance and banding filter (50Hz or 60Hz).

Video Capture Pin This property page is provided by DirectX and is standard to all DirectShow drivers. It allows the user to select options such as framerate and video resolution.

5.5 Clock menu Not implemented at present.

5.6 Help menu The help menu provides access to the ‘About’ box which details the application version number.

s 12/20 AVICreate STV674/502V-R01

6 AVICreate

The AVICreate application is provided by ST to allow users to translate video clips that are captured in the proprietary ‘.stj’ format into AVIs that may then be played using any standard media application (eg. Windows Media Player). This document describes ‘1-03’ version of the application. The application is used in two different ways. When first run on a PC, it prompts the user to allow ‘registration’ of the application on the system as illustrated below.

Figure 6: Registration of the application

It is recommended to register the application in this manner so that the system automatically associates ‘STJ’ files with this application. A copy of the application will be made in the local ‘Program Files’ directory. The user may then directly manipulate STJ files from Windows Explorer as described in Section : File Association. If the user does not require this functionality, then they must select ‘Do not ask me again’ and click ‘No’. The application must then be run directly to convert STJs as described in Section : File Association. Once registered, the user does not need to directly run the AVICreate application. Note, however, that the registration must be performed on each new PC that the Flash Drive is used with. It is therefore recommended that a copy of the AVICreate application is retained in the Flash Drive memory to allow full portability. When the Flash Drive is plugged in to a new system AVICreate should be run once to allow registration.

13/20 STV674/502V-R01 AVICreate

File Association If AVICreate application is registered as described previously, the user may then convert STJ files to AVI format from Windows Explorer without directly running the AVICreate application. Three options become available to the user by right clicking on an STJ file as illustrated below.

Figure 7: Three options with STJ files and AVICreate

● Open (also invoked by double clicking on the file). The STJ will automatically be converted to AVI format. The AVI file will be created in the current directory and will retain the same name as the original STJ but with the new AVI file extension. The STJ file is removed after the AVI has been successfully created. The AVI file is then automatically played by the systems default media player. ● Create AVI in My Documents. A new AVI file is created the users ‘My Documents’ folder. The original STJ file is not altered. ● Create AVI. The user is prompted to specify a folder where a new AVI file will be created. The original STJ file is not altered.

s 14/20 AVICreate STV674/502V-R01

Dialog Interface If the application is not registered on the system, then it is necessary to run AVICreate directly each time a conversion to AVI format is required. When run, the application will present the following dialog. The dialog controls are described in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Dialog controls from AVICreate

● STJ Source Location (left) The edit box at the top left presents the location where the application looks for ‘.stj’ files to convert. This directory defaults to be the current directory where the application is run from. The user may change this directory by typing in a new path in the edit box or by pressing the ‘browse’ (…) button and selecting a directory in the normal Windows fashion. When a new directory is selected, the application will automatically update the list of ‘.stj’ files available to convert. Source List (left) The list in the left half of the dialog shows all the ‘.stj’ files that reside in the source location. The list supports multiple selection in the usual Windows fashion using the ‘ctrl’ and ‘shift’ keys. One or more files may be selected before pressing the ‘create’ button to convert to AVI file format. Alternatively, the user may double click on a file to convert it. ● AVI Target Location (right) The edit box at the top right presents the standard ‘My Documents’ directory as the default place to store ‘.avi’ files that are created. The user may change this directory by typing in a new path in the edit box or by pressing the ‘Browse’ (…) button and selecting a directory in the normal Windows fashion. When a new directory is selected, the application will automatically update the list of ‘.avi’ files currently in the target directory. ● Target List (right) The list in the right half of the dialog shows all the ‘.avi’ files that reside in the target location. The list supports single selection only and the user may either double click or press the ‘Play’ button to view the ‘.avi’ file selected.

15/20 STV674/502V-R01 AVICreate

● Delete Original (centre) This option allows the user to specify what happens to the original ‘.stj’ file in the source location.. If checked, the file will be deleted and replaced with the new ‘.avi’ file. If left unchecked, the original ‘.stj’ file will remain in the source location and the user must use this application again to convert on any new PC. ● Create (centre) Press this button to convert all selected ‘.stj’ files in the source list to ‘.avi’s. ● Create All (centre) Press this button to convert all the ‘.stj’ files listed in the source list to ‘.avi’s. ● Cancel (centre) This option becomes available during ‘.avi’ creation and when pressed causes the current operation to stop. ● Play (centre) Press ‘Play’ to view the currently selected ‘.avi’ file in the target list. ● Exit (centre) Quit the application.

s 16/20 Firmware Upgrade STV674/502V-R01

7 Firmware Upgrade

The STV0674 Flash Drive may easily be upgraded with new firmware. Each firmware update is distributed as a PC executable file which may be downloaded from a website and requires no other installation than the standard webcam driver. Simply run the executable and follow the onscreen instructions. The following points should be noted for ease of use: ● Start with no devices plugged in to the PC when you run the EXE (otherwise you will be prompted to remove them) ● Only plug one device into the PC at a time. ● It is recommended that the device be plugged directly into the PC’s inbuilt USB ports. Avoid using a hub during firmware upgrade. ● After upgrade, it is recommended that the device be reformatted using the UI ‘format’ option. ● If using a customised version of firmware that does not support format from the UI then format the drive from Windows. After format, unplug without copying any files to the drive and power up in untethered mode once before continuing operation (the drive is reformatted when powered up for the first time when empty).

17/20 STV674/502V-R01 Firmware Identification

8 Firmware Identification

ST provides a simple application called ‘PatchInfo’ which may be used to display information about the firmware patch on a device. This is designed for use by developers and test engineers only. The application should not be included in a release software package for any devices based on the STV0674. The device must be connected in webcam mode for this application to work. Also, the correct ‘OEM’ must be selected before the patch information is displayed. See below.

Figure 9: Patch information

● OEM This edit box allows the user to select which driver to use. Each customised firmware\driver has a different OEM name. The generic USB FlashDrive included in this package has an OEM of ‘679’. The OEM name for a particular customised driver\firmware may be found from the name of the webcam driver files (eg. stvxxx.sys, where xxx is the OEM name). If in doubt, contact your ST support engineer. ● Display Click this button to connect to the camera and display the patch information. ● Save. Click this button to save the current contents of the output window to file. It is useful to include this file as part of any support query to ST. The information displayed in the text output window may be used to identify the firmware patch. In particular, the ‘PatchID’ is unique for every patch released from ST. A secondary verification may be made using the build date and time.

s 18/20 Revision history STV674/502V-R01

Revision history

Table 2: STV674/502V-R01 Revision History

Version Date Comments

0-01 18-Mar-03 Created

0-02 31-Mar-03 Updated to describe features in NMS10 firmware release Updated to describe AVICreate v0-08 Distinguishes between RevA1 board and RevA2

0-03 22-Apr-03 Updated to include info on RevC board

0-04 30-Apr-03 Removed info on RevA board. This document now describes RevC only and is used to accompany the salestype.

0-05 4-Jun-03 Firmware release updated to STD002 Updated support to include MacOS9 Updated to ‘dm1201xv’ webcam driver Updated to v1-03 AVICreate Updated to ‘clearnand2’ Includes Win98 NMS driver Added some advisory notes for webcam driver installation on Win98 Updated to DirectCap 1-17

1-00 2-Oct-03 Includes reference to 502 SmOP board Now uses firmware upgrade EXE Updated to dm1202xv webcam driver Updated to DirectCap 1-18 Included picture of flashdrive buttons\LED

1-01 13-Oct-03 Added PatchInfo application

1-02 28-Nov-03 Removed differentiation between 501\502

1-03 10-May-04 Document formatted prior to Web publication. Changes only affect the format.

19/20 STV674/502V-R01

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