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FRA.VE L. TOMPKINS. Forsale Hy AMIUS NO. 25 VOL. XVIL MASON, MICHIGAN, THUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1892. HiOCAJLARTO GBWEIIAL ItfBWS. Large slock of .'lO cent working shirts ul rnriiiors' Sco This. • Katlllcatlon Mooting. Gordon's. *1 You can gel tho best five foot mower in The democrats of this city and surroun Ihe murltot for 9'I0. Bindora aud horae ing counlry will ratify the nominalion of rsi JBqst ilOe tobacco in town nt Uoyt Bros,'* C. L. Boolio favors the with DEMOCRAT Ex-Presidonl Clavoland and llie vico-preai. papers Irom Memphis, Tenn., and Littlo rakea in proportion. Be sure and soe me CE dent wilh a jollification next Saturday evoti Ford's Bazaar TAKE! Home strawberries are iu tho market. Rook, Ark. before you buy. JOHN LASEXHY, Mason.' ing. Thero will not be n two weeks' wait Circuit court adjourned last Salurday for A. Ury, at tbe Fnir. has (riven out Japanese seed buckwficat at Chapiu's, Judge n, P. Henderson nnd others will be tho May teruL Cleveland bndges lo several liemoorats present aud mako short addreaaoa,^ Lota of The Royal Arcanum ia 10 years old to ill this city. music, fireworks nnd noise will bo in ordor. The Ainericaii Rambler bicycle is sold dny. Full particulars will be givon on dodgers by Longyenr Bros. * Buy fl pair of the .$1.00 pants of Seal m Wodoii, thoy are tho best for the money. *1 Special aalo of herring at the Bee Hive whioh will bo circulated. Lot all democrats Republicans were a little slow with thoir next Snturdny. See ad. turn out. The hot weatlier is liere. rstilioation, but they finally got there. Frank L. Tompkins has a word to aay WIio are Selling The baud boya cleared over $11,00 at New line of gents' dress shirts, linen In all having wool lo sell. Read his iioticu The First iMichigan Infantry holds their social last Friday oyetilng. collars and cnlTs at Seal Worden's. *1 If you want a nice, cool in husinesa local column. annual reunion nt Lansiii); to innriiinc. Don'l forget where she dropped—oil,gaso. The republican pole raised yesterday Soo nolico of siring of keys lost. Find lino and snlt. Chapin, oppoailo ' opern STRAW HAT Lnnaini: has a inininturo jag cure nnd in perlect keeping with that parly—being and return nnd got the reward. for men house, . * may be enlnrged niid made a periimnoii very crooked and old in tho middle. Chauihormaid and kitchen girl wanted at thing. • Tho last three days of ihis week A. G or boys, for little money, Boaulifiil fans cheap at Hall ADuBois'. once at the Donnelly House. '^l CHEAP. S. P. Siroud & Co. havo a few bnby car Bnll will hold a apeciul snlo on towels rjnges whiuh lhay will close out at cost. June 2,3, 2-1 nnd 25, Last Saturday Justice Parkhurst niiited Sovoral republicans worked out their and at the same time in inarriago Chaa. Haynior ol Baton Rapid The Ladies' Library will bo oponed poll (7) tax last Tuesday and Wednosdny. The Grand River Uoat Club ot Lansine We do not quote prices. Ca nnd Mra. Clariasa Keeler ol Aurelius. every Salurday evening from 7 to fl o'clock has purchased a $5,000 site for n clnb something to celebrate at our store and we will con during tho sumtner months. Tho band will give an ice cream sooinl houae. A Slate teachers' instiliito for Ingham vince you we are doing jus on tlie court house square next Thursday Mills Dry Goods Co. call attention to county will be held in this city commencing Remember thnt Seal Worden sells inen'i evening. the 4th with, come to the as we advertise. speeial sale Saturday, alao thoir line of August 22d. Il will bo conducted by Supt nnd hoy's fnrnishiiig goods cheaper than thin goods. C. N. Kendall of Saginaw. nny firm in Mnson, *1 Come lo Mason and celebrate. Onr oilizflua will give you a hearty and generous Bazaar. Patent leather low shoes at Webb's. * Now line of wash gooda just received this Tho Ladies' Library Association wi week at Hall & Dubois', serve ice cream at thoir rooms next Satur welcome. We will giyo you first class on Otis Fuller ia genernl manager of th day evQuiiig. Everyone invited. tertainmont. Respectfully, J. an lis "Shakespeare Drittnalio Coinpauy," a Si The Maccabees havo 17 I'lainos upon th Johns organization. ist for initiation. Thoy will get a bible Themes for the M. E. pulpit next Snu Mnson dotnoorats were much pleased oUVred by llie Great Tom lor nny local tun dny nt 10:30 "Sponking ainoolh things," with the decision of the supremo conrt npon FORD & KIRBY. .Just Itic ,Saii»« as «:;;i.'ih. lii.fackeon alrnwberries retail at six taking in leu mombors during the month at 7:.S0 "Pulling thom out of the fire." tho Miner law. Republicans, woll tho shoe cents por quarl. Nearly twice as mnny pinches tho other foot. shortcakes na hero. All intoresied in hutter making would I sell lawn hose lor six cents per loot Calhoun county voted upon local option W. M. PRATT Pike's circus of Charlotle, went the roatJ do well to bo present nt the Elm Shade end up. G. F. BROWN. laat Monday and the result is vorv unax of nil poor shows and became slrnndot] at lawn picnic Salurday, nnd henr the practi Col. J. A. Slinniiou has been quite sori looted. Tho majority against local option Owosso last Thursday, caltalkof H. E. Loyslor ol the Dudson ously ill with peritonitio since Sundny. At is over 500. There was not muoh over hnlf Biisliiesfi Dlrcctorr. creamery. You can save money hy buying lawn thia writing ho shows signs of iinprovo a vole polled^ hose of C, F. 13rown, * Call at Filch & Raymond's aud see their inont. PHYSICIANS. awn mowers. *w Tho republican polo wns successfully BEE HIVE Second Lieut. Edsou A. Lewis, oigh Tho Fourth .llichigaii Cavalry, of Jell' raised last evoiiing, but enllinaiasm waa R. A. .1. THOMSON, Physician aud Surncon. Of­ Davis fame, will hold its annual reunion at Last Monday night a initstang pony waa teenlh infantry, has boen detailed as pro. lico over li. M. Wiillanis' dniK store. Mason, not very exuhernnt. Spnechos were inndo alolen in the township of Ononciaga and fessor of military science nnd taolics at the Dllesldence, Slclloliort house, OaK alreet. St, Johns on July 5lh. in thn court room by C. E. Townsend of was traced into Jackson, SberilT Paddock M. A.O. O OinSON, Physician, Surgeon ami Oculist, Jackson, and Senator Holbrook of Lnnsing Mra, Chas. M. Shule beuan hor engage oilers $25 reward lor the arrest nnd cotivic I, Night calls answered, Olllce over PostoiUco. inont as soloist at tho First Baptist church Patent leallior cnngri'sa shoes nt Webb's* to a houso about two-thirds filled, tion oi the thief, D ORKEN, M.U., Horaiopathisl, ORlceln I'olar Lansing, last Sunday. Married, Wm. A. Tubba and Mrs. Kiltie . i.lock. Residence, first door east I'ros.chiircli Mrs. .Tatie W, Poole asks $2,000 from _ F. R, Savage, a inorcliant tailor of Lan David Foote has had bis pension reiaauai Slovens, both of Lanaing, nl the M, E the City of Lansing for a broken hip BUS sing, haa been arrested upon complaint of and increaaod from .$4 to "pl-l por month and parsonage. Mason, by Rov, W., J. Maybee ATTOR.NF.YS. lained by « fall on Mnrch IG, 1891, She rivals in business, charged with conducting feola correspondingly elated. Juno 20lh. alleges that the cause of hor fall was a de a lollory or eift enlerprise. He had formnd M, CL'MMINS, Attorney ami Counselor nt loclive crosswalk, Wm, M. Crimea of'Buffalo, N. Y., has Law. oniceover Howard's Crocery, Mason. Window ahadea at S. P. Stroud & Co's.* a club for Iho purpose ol selling suits n A. been in Iho city this week perfecting tho ON SATURDAY When in need of anything in the dry clothes to those who paid so much a wook T REMANS, Attorney and Counselor al Law Wilco."; & Tyler, meat marital men, dia title to some land in Erie county, N. Y., goods line, ynu will Ond just what you want Mr. Savago has taken counsel and proposes , Ollioo over First Slate and Savings Ran'- solved parlnersbip, divided up nnd dtscon deeded hy the lato Tobias Holden nearly LMason. Mich. lo defend his action in tho courts. Wc sliall liavc a tinuuil business last Thursday. nt the lowest possible price—qualily con 50 years ago, J. liOOn, Atlorneyat Law. Onice over Brown aidcred, at Uall k DuBois'. John 11, Clarke did not tneot'wiih a very Co. B, 2d U. S. Shnrpshootora, hnd O. Bros' shoe store, MaHon, Mich. Hoyt Bros, are selling oi and gnsolino flatlpring reception hare, his lectures were aincn our last iasue Judge Person haa for 8 cents ])or gallon. moat delightful time nt their twelfth annual Law, S. AVBltV, Attorney and Counselor nt not very strong drawing cards. granted the Ibllowing decrees for divorce reunion nt Iho residence of U. D. Ward Offlco over Kariners' Bank, Mason, R. A. Montgompry is ihe Miohigaii SPECIAL SALE E. Laura Darrow vs. Rensellanr D, Darrow ycsterdav nitcrnooii. Thu following ollicers Buy No, 1 line suit at S, A, Paddock it mombcr of the committee on notification \V, WHALLON, Attorney and Counselor nt Law John R, Bell vs, Sarah A, Bell; Ella Spar were elected for the ensuing year; Presi onice in Darrow Block, Mason, Mich.
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