"58 years ago I came to this Island with two suitcases, $50 in my pocket and a tag hanging from my n'eck. Never, in my wil~est imagination, would I have expected to return to this Island accompanied by the Alex Manoogian Governor of this State of New Ellis Island Remembered York and the Mayor of this City Program of New York!" September 23, 1978 ALEX MANOOGIAN-THE MAN

The Nightmare Of A Nation During its 3, 000 year Takvor Manoogian, his Alex Manoogian's Armenian history, the Armenian nation father, was a successful grain heritage stretches back through experienced very few years of wholesaler, and a highly respected history for more than 3, 000 actual peace and stability. Its community leader. His mother years. His people are a people darkest hours were felt during the Tacouhie, a woman of extreme steeped in tradition, with a vast turn of the century when millions intelligence, was the embodi­ appreciation for their ethnic of Armenians were slaughtered by ment of the Armenian Christian background, culture and art. the Turks. Between 1896 and faith. Alex, the eldest of five chil­ Despite the tragedies that befell 1923, nearly two million country­ dren, was well educated, speak­ the Armenians, they have survived men and women were killed. ing five languages. He spent his to become a unified community This was the Turkey in which Alex youth apprenticing in a number with a strong impact on the his­ Manoogian was born and raised. of different businesses. tory of civilization.

Bridgeport, 1920 Smyrna, 19 19 The American Dream left his homeland and arrived at lie also took it upon himself to from the Canadian border, and Smyrna, Alex Manoogian's the turnstiles of Ellis Island, teach the to accomplished two goals: providing birthplace, engulfed in tragic dreaming of a life of freedom, Turkish speaking Armenian his family with an easier access events, held no future for this happiness and success. Little did immigrant youth. As he worked, route to the U.S.; and, working young Armenian man wanting he know at the time, that years he became consumed with the within the burgeoning automotive desperately to prove himself. In later his dream would be fulfilled idea of bringing the rest of his industry where he could earn the 1920, at the age of nineteen, he many times over. family to the United States, away wages necessary to bring them lie soon settled in Bridge­ from Greece where they had fled here. port, Connecticut, and worked in from the Turks. a number of sniall stores and a He learned that while the small screw machine business. U.S. immigration laws were fairly strict for Eastern European immi­ grants, an alternate route to the United States, through Canada, offered considerable more prom­ ise. Alex moved to , not far The Dream Becomes thousand dollars and went into and the stock market crash made As grew, he was able Reality business selling screw products doing business a risky under­ to bring his family to the United In 1924, he took a job as a to the automobile manufacturers. taking. In 1934 two partners left States. His father, Takvor, having machinist at a screw machine In its first year of operations, the business and in 1937 a fire survived one of the worst trag­ factory. While there, he learned Masco had gross sales of nearly caused the ruin of the edies in history, felt forever grate­ everything he possibly could $66,000. The company operated company. And relying on the ful to America. During family about metalworking and the tools out of a fifth floor plant on Fort automobile manufacturers for its or community gatherings, he involved, with the hope of some­ Street in Detroit. parts orders seriously limited never raised his glass without day starting his own business. Although it got off to a shaky Masco's independence and thanking America. Alex married Five years later, he and two start, Masco grew under Alex's growth. However, through hard Marie Tatian in 1931, the same partners capitalized Masco Screw perseverance. During its first dec­ work, ingenuity and foresight year his family arrived. In the Products Company with several ade, major events challenged the Alex Manoogian was able to coming years, they had two future of Masco. The Depression overcome all such handicaps and children, Louise and Richard. put Masco on a firm footing geared towards progress and expansion. In early 1936, the company went public and was listed with the Detroit Stock Exchange. Trickle Of Drops Form Manoogian bought the sale rights Masco Corporation passed the Today, Masco Corporation Delta and proceeded to redesign the billion dollar sales mark for the has over 100 manufacturing The turning point in Masco's faucet from scratch. As a result, first time. In its 55 years of oper­ facilities in eleven countries with history came in 1954, twenty-five the new faucet was on its way to ation, Masco has acquired more nearly 12,000 employees. years after the founding of the making it on its own. In 1983 the than 30 other companies so that company. Alex Manoogian had sales of the single handle faucet, the small screw products com­ secured a small contract to man­ now named Delta, exceeded pany is now a diversified "Fortune ufacture machined parts for $200,000, 000. 500" company manufacturing a new faucet-the single handle Like Father, Like Son faucets, plumbing fittings, gear type. The sale of this single han­ The company's growth and shift levers, power transmission dle faucet soon came to a halt. diversification is a tribute to the shafts, ventilating equipment, Quite simply, it didn't work. Alex foresight and creativity of its oil drilling tools and numerous founder. In 1972, Richard, a Yale other products. University graduate with a degree in Economics, succeeded his father as President of Masco Corporation, and Alex continued as Chairman of the Board. A year later, Masco was listed on the New York Stock Exchange. In 1983, from Corporation His devotion to his religious "I don't believe I would be Alex Manoogian's life as a To Community roots has been substantial. For standing here tonight as family man, business executive, Even as Alex was building nearly seven decades, he has Governor of America's most and community leader sets Masco Corporation into a record­ served the Armenian Apostolic populous state if it were not for . an example for the millions of setting conglomerate, he was Church as a choirboy, deacon, the friendship of so many Armenians in the Diaspora, as devoting a good portion of his member of his parish council, Armenian-Americans across the well as for countless others, of all time and money to his people, delegate to and chairman of nation, " Governor George nationalities, here and abroad. Church and other charitable Diocesan assemblies and pres­ Deukrnejian of California said in causes. ently as Honorary Chairman of his address at the AGBU Tribute the Armenian Church Endow­ Banquet held for him in New York ment Fund. in 1983. He continued by men­ Alex Manoogian has always tioning Alex Manoogian, and encouraged the involvement of others who had gone to Cali­ fellow in the fornia at a critical time during his political process of the United uphill campaign to lend their States. He has given his moral support. and financial support to Ar­ menian and other worthy can­ didates in the pursuit of public office. ALEX MANOOGIAN-THE PRESIDENT

Humble Beginnings first few decades of its existence with extinction. Through the Today, the organization is The Armenian General AGBU labored mightily for the efforts of its committed member­ governed by its Central Board of Benevolent Union was founded in actual survival of the Armenian ship and leaders it survived to Directors with the following spe­ 1906 in Cairo, , by a group people to recover from the losses become the primary source of cific administrative entities: the of philanthropic leaders headed they had suffered during Armenian unity. As time passed, Managing Committee of Lausanne by Pasha, for the 1896-1923. the philanthropic organization as­ (responsible for European opera­ purpose of providing financial and At that time, even its found­ sumed the role of protector, edu­ tions); the Regional Committee moral support to the suffering ing fathers could not have predict­ cator and aide to the millions of of the United States; the District Armenians; helping them secure a ed the impact the Union would Armenians in the Diaspora. Committees of , Syria better future through education; have on Armenian communities in and Egypt; and the Chapters at and promoting the 3, 000 year-old the years to come, from to Large of Canada, the Far East, the Armenian cultural heritage. In the ; from to San Middle East and South America. Francisco. The Most Formidable Armenian Institution Throughout its early years, the AGBU, together with the peo­ ple it supported, was threatened

New York Chapter picnic, 19 19 Alex Manoogian Assumes His influence throughout his In addition to his own personal He brings to his role as The Presidency tenure as President of the AGBU financial contributions to the AGBU President the same drive In 1953, Alex Manoogian was has been far reaching. He has Union's various efforts, more than and spirit that have earned him elected President of the Central helped to establish the Union as $12 million during the past 30 renown in the business world, Board of Directors of the Arme­ the largest philanthropic organi­ years, he has devoted time and and he has imbued the Armenian nian General Benevolent Union. zation in the wqrld for Armenians. energy to assisting Armenians o.f General Benevolent Union with At that time, the AGBU had a total the Diaspora. · ' his indomitable character. capitalization of approximately $7 million. Today, after three dec­ ades of his guidance, the Union has over $70 million in assets.

Three decades ago, there were essentials of their heritage, in­ Under Alex Manoogian's lead­ added to the Union's capital in the only 1, 253 students in AGBU cluding language, history and ership, the AGBU has becom e a form of bequests and endow­ schools; today there are 6, 000 culture, in addition to giving guiding light for the Armenian m ents as a result of the trust and with a total faculty of 500. Thirty them a strong academic back­ people and an internationa l ex­ the faith of the people in the AGBU years ago, the AGBU owned and ground. ample of unity and pride. and its President. operated eight schools; today, in Other activities that have addit ion to 65 assisted schools, it been a significant part of the Life President Of The AGBU operates 20 of its own elemen­ AGBU's program for maintaining His work for the Armenian tary and high schools, in Cyprus, ethnic identity have included the General Benevolent Union was Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Greece, Ar­ support of related publications recognized by the Union's General gentina, Brazil, , Canada and the developm ent of world­ Assembly in 1970 , when he was and the United States. Several of wide cultural centers and youth named Life President of the AGBU. these schools bear the name of activities. In his role as Life President, Alex Manoogian and his wife During the past thirty years, Al ex Manoogian has helped Marie. All o f them are devoted to the organization has grown into a spearhead a number of successful teaching young Armenians the network of 117 Chapters with fund raising efforts to support the 22,000 m embers, and 27 cultural organization's activities. In thirty and community centers. years, 63 million dollars has been PROGRAMS AND ALLOCATIONS OF THE ARMENIAN GENERAL BENEVOLENT UNION IN 1983 In 1983, AGBU spent over seven million dollars for its various WELFARE educational, cultural and welfare activities throughout the world. Dispensaries and Summer Camps 89,329 Assistance and Relief 274,215 EDUCATIONAL JTPA and CETA Allocations (Social Services) 122,118 Eight AGBU Secondary Schools $2,470,689 Pensions to Retired Employees 29,653 Ten AGBU Primary Schools 2,210,083 515,315 AGBU Trade Schools 21,968 AGBU Y. Hussissian Inst. for Armenian Studies 25,787 ALLOCATIONS Assisted Schools and Armenian Studies 353,809 To Individuals (Specific Fund Bequests) 199,691 Scholarship Grants and Student Loans 483,929 To National and Religious Institutions 81,026 5,566,265 280,717 TOTAL $7,197,917 CULTURAL & YOUTH PROJECTS AGBU Publications 142,912 In addition to the above, the Union allocated in 1983, Assistance to Various Publications 167,097 $1,602,161 for the purchase of real properties and school buses, Armenian Youth Organizations & Programs 275,256 construction of cultural, educational and youth centers, as well as Cultural Activities 250,355 other constructions and major renovations, in , , 835,620 Sydney, Beirut Damascus, Sao Paulo and Saddle Brook (New Jersey). The AGBU Alex Manoogian Recipients of contributions Cultural Fund from the Fund also include: The In 1968, he established the Alex Manoogian Cultural Centers Alex Manoogian Cultural Fund, (Paris, Buenos Aires, , with his own financial resources, Montevideo, Sydney, Zahle, Beirut under the auspices of the AGBU. Sao Paulo, Montreal); The Marie To date, the Fund has dis­ Manoogian High Schools in tributed more than five million Buenos Aires and ; The dollars for the development of Community Home in Almelo, Hol­ Armenian educational, ethnic and land; The Nubarian Elementary cultural activities throughout the School and Alex Manoogian High world, including publications and School in Montevideo; the Yervant the financing of the efforts of Hussisian Hall in Valence, France; writers, poets, teachers, scholars and the Alex Manoogian Schools and artists. The assets of the Fund in Detroit and Montreal. total more than $11 million today. Marie Manoogian (center) in Detroit play Supported By His Family instrumental in promoting the Louise Simone has been Alex Manoogian has guided AGBU publication of the extremely and continues to be, active in the the AGBU with his unmatched successful and popular "Treas­ Church and AGBU. Currently, she spirit and his desire for progress. ured Armenian Recipes." Mrs. is a member of the Central Board His wife, Marie, his daughter, Manoogian, known affectionately of Directors of the AGBU. Louise Simone, and his son, as the First Lady of the AGBU, has Richard, are active in their support accompanied her husband in his of the Union and its goals. Marie, travels around the world to AGBU an active member of the AGBU annual assemblies, centers, and Detroit Women's Chapter, was schools. " I feel very fortunate that I have had her as my wife, and the two of us are proud of our child­ ren. She has never neglected her maternal responsibilities, at the same time always finding time for the AGBU and Armenian activi­ ties," Alex Manoogian said.


The Consummate Leader sharing his successes with others triumphant. Time and again, Alex Alex Manoogian's story is less fortunate. Throughout his Manoogian has shown that he is replete with superlatives. He has lifetime, he has exhibited a the embodiment of the truly achieved a great deal of success penchant for strong and well­ creative leader. individually and professionally, directed humanitarianism. and he has do nated substantial There are certain fundamen­ portions of his time, energy and tal characteristics associated with wealth to noteworthy causes, thus fine leadership. Among these are integrity, humility, responsibility, fortitude and initiative. The cre­ ative and successful leader meets adversity head-on and em erges

Cornerstone ceremony of the Alex Manoogian Seminar y, Jerusalem, 1971

Recognition Of His has received Encyclicals and was outstanding services to the United Honorary Member of the Society Leadership awarded the Cross of St. Gregory States of America. He was granted of Manufacturing Engineers and a Many of Alex Manoogian's the Illuminator by His Holiness a Doctorate by the Lawrence Director of Detroit Renaissance, a philanthropic, community, social Vazken I, Catholicos of All Arme­ Institute of Technology and in group of business leaders orga­ and business achievements have nians; the Cross of St. James; 1983, the degree of Doctor of nized for the revitalization of the brought him numerous awards Highest Order of the Cedars by Humane Letters was given to him city of Detroit. He is a Past Grand and accolades. To name a few: he the President of Lebanon; and the by the American Armenian Inter­ Commander of the Knights of 50th Anniversary Medal by the national College of La Verne, Vartan. Prime Minister of . He has California. Alex Manoogian is an been cited in the Congressional Record in Washington, D.C., for

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With Prime Minister 1\aram e o f Lebanon, 1963 With President Videla of Meeting With U.S. And World Leaders Alex Manoogian has travelled extensively, visiting and m eeting with U.S. and other Presidents, Prime Ministers, and other gov­ ernment leaders throughout the world; the Catholicos of All Arme­ nians and the Pope; discussing matters pertaining to Armenian communities. In this capacity as an emissary of his people in the Armenian Diaspora, he is recog­ nized by all as a leader of his people.

With Gov. and Mrs. Milliken of With Gov. Carey and Mayor Koch Alex and Marie Manoogian Treasury, Etchmiadzin

St. John's Church, Detroit A True Philanthropist Bentley College, the University o f and other charitable projects, in where priceless Armenian reli­ "When Fortune magazine Southern California, Wayne State the millions of dollars. gious art objects, paintings, man­ went looking for new super­ University in Detroit the Univer­ His philanthropy has also uscripts and ancient coins are on millionaires-people who got sity of Michigan, the University of reached into diverse community permanent exhibit; he built the enormously wealthy in the last five California in , Stan­ and religious areas. He contrib­ Armenian Seminary in Jerusalem, years-Alex Manoogian was one ford University, Columbia Univer­ uted a great deal of time and where priests have been educated and the man who had given most sity and the American Armenian funds to the architectural design and trained to serve the Armenian to charity," wrote a reporter· in a International College at La Verne, and building of St. John's Arme­ Church throughout the world. Detroit newspaper. California. As an expression of nian Church complex and the While Alex Manoogian's busi­ In 1954 he established the gratitude to the City of Detroit he AGBU Alex Manoogian School in ness and personal achievements Alex and Marie Manoogian donated his home as a permanent Detroit. He has established the are legendary, perhaps his most Foundation, which today has residence for the Mayor of Detroit. Tacouhie and Takvor Manoogian significant contributions to his assets of approximately 20 million Alex Manoogian is a benefactor of Old Age Home in Livonia, Michi­ fellow man have resulted from dollars. the Gerald Ford Library and gan, in honor of his parents. his limitless generosity and able Alex Manoogian has donated Museum in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Alex Manoogian financed the leadership, for which he is recog­ over 30 million dollars to various and the Jimmy Carter Library in construction of the Alex and Marie nized as one of the world's great­ charitable organizations and Atlanta, Georgia. He has con­ Manoogian Treasury, a museum est philanthropists and the programs. He has given funds to tributed generously to hospitals in Holy Etchmiadzin, Armenia, undisputed leader of the Arme­ numerous colleges including: nian people in the Diaspora.

With Mayor Coleman Young of Detroit