Boothe Cautiously Optimistic About Chase by St

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Boothe Cautiously Optimistic About Chase by St Volume 14, Number 3 Northern Kentucky University Tueaday, September 10. 1985 Boothe cautiously optimistic about Chase by St... e Roluo 1be Nort,__.. Thio oummar, the council propooed to during public hearingo throughout tho close one Kentucky law school due to an otata, he oaid. When the Council on Higher Educa· ''Until It Is official, overabundance of attorneys in the state "I think !tho reaponoe) Ia celainly one tion informally announced laat Thuro· and declining enrollment, and many felt of the reaoona," he oaid. day that no Kentucky law achoola would we can 't count our Chase Law School was the moat likely Chase LllW School Dean Henry 'be clooed, NKU president Leon Boothe candidate. Stephen• said cbe chanp occurred •• amiled. But Boothe won't be satlafied chickens before But the council decided that inatead part of the public perception tho council until the word is official. of closing one of the schools, the cap on diacovered. "I won't be relieved until the final they hatch." the number of out of state students "!The council) got the feeling after plan ia approved," said Boothe. "I'd allowed in Kentucky law schools would learning that Kentuckians were not will­ BS have to say I'm cautiously optimistic." be dropped. ing to sacrifice their education system,'' "Until it is official, we can't count said Stephens. "They were willing to our chickens until they hatch," said pay more to fund it at a greater level. .... Student Wins grade appeal Boothe. " But right now, we have some President Boothe said although there common ground." have been rucurring attempts to close Boothe said the council came to the Chase, this will probably be the last time after reaching Provost conclusion that there was not sufficient the council makes the proposal. evidence to close a law school. The coun· " It's pretty well evident this is the by Dave Mendell was no way the student could lose. " cil found little support for the proposal last of this issue," he said. The Northerner The procedures of a grade appeal are not well known by the students, accor­ An NKU student's grade appeal ding to Stephenson. She said that from the spring semester was recently students will come up to student govern· decided in the student's favor after run· ment offices and want to lodge a grade ning its full course and reaching Provost appeal for a grade they received two Lyle Gray's office. years ago. So here are the steps that ''This was the first time in a long this srade appeal went through and that time th&t an appeal has gotten to this all must go through until they are level," Gray said. "We usually have resolved. 'about four or five academic appeals a year, but I never had to do a grade ap· First, the student must contact and peal." . discuss the grade with the instructor Gray said that after discussions with within ten days of receiving the grade. the dean and chair of the department, Second, the student must contact a and with the student, the appeal was student government representative. satisfactorily resolved from the Third, a let tar must be written to the student's perspective. chairperson of the department. If the In a grade appeal, one of the steps is ·chairperson approve~ . the matter will be to obtain a representative from student taken to the dean. government. In this case, the student Fourth, if the dean approves, the ap­ chose SG president Shelley Stephenson. peal will go to Lhe Committee on Grade Stephenson said that she chose to help Appeals. The committee will conduct a the student because, in her opinion, the hearing to decide if the case is strong student could not lose. enough to be taken to the provost's of· "There was no way the provost could fica. overturn the case.'' Stephenson said. Last, the provost will make the final "The case was so well documented, there decision. Randy AileD photo Tho NKU Faculty Art Show, which jual -ned in tho Mai!l Gallery of tho Fillo Antony named Arlo Building recently, Ia scheduled to lao! until Oct. 5. For mon Oil the ahow, oee as a top Teke atory, pqo 7. by ShoUy Cropper The members of the Pi.Qmicron 1"bb N«thernlr chapter here at NKU nominated Antony Friday's fest to the Grand Chapter of TKE. The m&n by U..da Naobitl Managing his time is one thing Johr at the Grand Chapter had to decide bet· TboN....,._ Antony must do-he is one busy person. ween all the nominees froru over 280 na· As he · says, "If you want something tionwide chapters who would be among September IS io the data for Nor done right, oak a busy person to do it the top tan TKE 's. them's annual Music Fest. Ac:tivitiet and it will got done right. Buoy people Antony was chosen because he is an on Unlveroity Center Plaza and tho ad generally lmow how to manage their outatanding student with a major of in· joining lake area besin at 11:30 a.m. and 'time." ternational studies and minors of will run through 6:30 p.m. Antony baa been involved in ac· polltical science, Spanish and buoinooo. tivitiee ranging from president of Tau Kappa Epailon fraternity to working on see Antony see Fest tluo Grievanca and Affirmative Action Committee. Thia past oummor oomo of hie dodieation luoo paid off. Antony had page 6 page 6 Jolul Aatoay the honor of recalving a top TKE award. 0023.tif 2 The Northerner ~pt. 10. J~ Calendar Technical Center a future plan Tueaday, Sept. 10 Unitad Methodist Student Group from 12:15·1:15 p.m. in the UNiversity Centar Cefeteria. by Dave Mendell Schuh said that the Council of Renovation and expansion of the ,.N........,_ Higher Education must approve fun· library is fourth on the list. The removal Wedneaday, Sept.ll ding and that she has no idea when of the escalator snd installetion of stairs "The parables of Jesus" Bible study The president's staff recently sub· NKU stands on the state's priority llst will take place. The maintenance con· spon_,.j by the Wealey Foundation, mitted a priority list of conatruction pro­ of funding. tract for running the escalator for one from 12:15·1:15 p.m. in the University ject& including a new technical building year is $16,000 and the university juat Centar, room 201. and a parking garage to Mary Paula could not pay it. Consequently, the Student Leaderahlp Conference in Schuh, campus planning director. "If I had a crystal ball, escalator has been idle. UC room 108 at 12:15 p.m. Schuh said she has no idea when the "It (the escalator) hao been sitting projects will be constructad, only that I could tell when things there for four years and would probably Thursdey, Sept. 12 when the funds are available, the pro­ would begin. It's hard to · need a mechanical overhaul," Schuh "Bread for the World" world hunger, jects will be undertaken. said. group will meet every first and third' "If I had a crystal ball, I could tell anticipate when things However, ehe said that it may not be Thursday of each month fro 12:15·1:15 when things would begin," Schuh said. a total loss since the parts and whole p.m. in UC 201 · ''It is hard to anticipate when things will will fall Into place." escalator may be able to be sold. Alchoholics Anonymous open fall into place." Fifth on the list comes the parking meeting in UC 232. For information, call Schuh said that any project costing garage, although Schuh said that this is Helen at 572-6373. more than $75,000 for construction and actually regarded higher. She said that Women's Center Peer Support Group $50,000 for equipment requires Second on the construction priority the university may decide to bond it, or, for the non-traditional student Thurs· ' legislative approval, regardless of where list is the closure and expansion of the in effect, take out a mortgage to pay for day and Friday at 12:15 in the Health the funds will come from. University Center and the Adrninistra· this project. She also said that parking Centar room 206. Topping the priority list is building a tion Building. Schuh said that a glass revenues would have to offset the cost of Film Festival in UC theatre 3:30, new Applied Science and Technical atrium balcony, a sort of skywalk, will the bonds. 7:00 and 9:30, featuring Purple Rain, Center in the parking lot next to Lake extend between the two buildings. She "We know, in terms of funding, that Karate Kid, and The Breakfast Club. To­ Inferior. Schuh said the building would also said that the ballroom and cafeteria we will have to fund this ourselves,'' day and tomorrow. cost $9.9 million and would encompass will be expanded and the entrances of Schuh said. 88,000 square feet. She said the the two buildings will be reworked. Sixth, and the last forseeable project Friday, Sept. 13 building would be technically orientad Third on the list is the completion of on the list of 38 priorities, is the lighting MUSIC FEST on Lake Plaza 11:30 a.m. and would contain computer labs and a wing on the Fine Arts building and the of the new roads and parking lots that to 6:30p.m. have plenty of classroom space.
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    SL' . k Jc ./s . - ■< '■¥ ■ ^ k__ ^ T» if'W ■>?■' ' ' ’■** 'JO?* ^ II% 'f^1 ^^ -fI I 3w ''.X ^ m I v,. ; . N ; . \ / , ' - \ ^ l !tr^ 1' Ki:t '♦•4' '■'’ uLC. -VCfsSfAiV/ 'v .S K ^ • > ':*.-^ “ ■-' • V»' V S \ t;i- ■- jV^ ■; { fj*-- . (i.. .--ji TCJwl > m Ri 5-1 . C l V' - I ' i iGwr; l i f t M d t « S ^ ^ . V ■ ■■ t > - . fuM ii ftitob ■r&i;&>irt''■ V i ' TiGo To Nev 4' {^s:} I S.--S * » fiototoBaiMl, TIm q» ■V ui Jhiwi't > i ' ; ' Hartford, Aug. is.—iAR)—Hope-^majyagtoB, ln.l932, be the fixat to New T * it m d R e tto % Hit I Ssmiiderwi To. « - i <> -y + lUl todt' toe rmeOroT of Confidence demoantoato that, business leeovmy * C' < Tophita; I i - ‘ -.V anioBg business men la toe first rign is. actually. uudmL way^ hto penjoiu^ w ^'At the prtoent mmnent, the levd —> k I n T p | i I ^lAljrvBfxvegy: from ftop current de- • |BMeuttt«-caMHBb«rr AlbuQb N. the Bagbteento'^u^^i^ of confidinice anid^the bustoess totte > presstoB, Dudley Hariikm, execiitiye of New Engbind are: distinctly highi- Siad Hndnu. T;,'A^. 18.—(AP)—WWte J(^ J. I/' c ptosriUgocQ^dence to^evtot^lpub- vH^ ^presidait of -tiu^New SSoglahd er. While toe staliatiics of buriness oictio,.- eblbst c o m ^ to; Mayor Geneva, Aug. 18.—(AP>—P resi- Cess of Afidfifistratlbii - le fts ' to Cdunril, pointed to definite indica- actlvity:'dp. not. yet reveal any aubr y^tiker, axsuod M ora Oovamor dent Hoover was charged today by tolng' reii^: ^ fboixi ;lim depfesrimt. tfOBa-of-lncrisased- activity ' in - the stahrial change in^ business -vChime, l^^dtotCCuriiSto^ ta^.ac- New Snglahd states, in a talk given it la appurent to all that , than has .BU UJEX D n ■ ^ Ikx^M n^ today fmr the dlmnlaaal of Bishop James CAnnon, Jr., of the toptad'rmtoiphiation by the P^pub- euiitar dmcaa^too-oouniMl obtatoad at the-Idontf Club: luncheon at the been an almoat complete reversal of London, A.fig.
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