Office of the Cantonment Board Cannaught Road, Deolali Cantonment-422401 Nashik, Maharashtra STRcT <H<4>^, TSTT <H^M4 ^™*^^ Govt of India, Ministry of Defence : 0253-2491206, I^rt : 0253-2492599, ^-^5T :
[email protected] ORDER Ref: Notification No. DMU/2020/CR.92/DisM-l dt. 31.05.2020 of Deptt. of Revenue & Forest, Disaster Management Relief & Rehabilitation, Govt. of Maharashtra, Mumbai. I, the undersigned, Station Commander-cum-President, Cantonment Board, Deolali, hereby issue the following order, under the powers conferred upon me under Section 157 of the Cantonments Act, 2006, for prevention of spread of Corona Virus (Covid-19) in Deolali Cantonment area. It has been observed that the pandemic of Corona Virus (Covid-19) is increasing on widespread in Nashik District including Deolali Cantt. area and that many people are not wearing masks though it has been made essential by the Govt. of India including State Govt. of Maharashtra. Non-wearing of mask may lead to vigorous spread of Corona. Therefore, the undersigned has decided to impose a fine of Rs. 200/- (Rupees two hundred only), per head, on the people, who are found not wearing the mask in Deolali Cantonment area. All the General Public of Deolali Cantt. are hereby required to wear mask compulsorily while leaving their residence for any purposes in outside, within the limits of Deolali Cantonment, failing which appropriate legal action as provided under Disaster Management Act, 2005 & Epidemic Prevention Act, 1897 will be initiated besides imposing of fine, as mentioned above. (BRIG. J.S. GORAYA) President, No. 58/ADM/E-l/ Cantonment Board Office of the Cantonment Board Deolali Deolali 422 401 \^ /06/202Q Copy to: 1All Notice Boards within Deolali Cantt area 2The Health Supdt, CBD .for necessary action.