
8 May 1980


Agenda item 37


Report by the Director-General

Following the accession of Equatorial Guinea to membership of WHO, the Director-General recommends that the Health Assembly should establish an assessment rate for that Member.

1. Equatorial Guinea, a Member of the United Nations, became a Member of the World Health Organization by depositing with the Secretary-General of the United Nations a formal instrument of acceptance of the WHO Constitution on 5 May 1980.

2. It is accordingly necessary for the Health Assembly to establish the rate of assessment of Equatorial Guinea in WHO for 1980-1981 and future financial periods. The principle was laid down in resolution WHA8.5, and confirmed in resolution WHA24.12, that the latest available United Nations scale of assessments should be used as a basis for determining the scale of assessments to be used by WHO. The assessment of Equatorial Guinea has been fixed by the United Nations General Assembly at the minimum rate of 0.01% in the United Nations scale of assessments.

3. When considering the assessment rate for 1980, the Health Assembly will wish to take into consideration resolution WHA22.6, in which the Twenty-second World Health Assembly decided "that from 1968 new Members shall be assessed in accordance with the practice followed by the United Nations in assessing new Members for their year of admission". In accordance with this practice, the 1980 assessment rate of Equatorial Guinea, which acceded to membership of WHO on 5 May 1980, will need to be reduced to one-third of 0.01%.

4. In the light of the above considerations, the Health Assembly may wish to consider the adoption of a resolution along the following lines:

The Thirty-third World Health Assembly,

Noting that Equatorial Guinea, a Member of the United Nations, became a Member of the World Health Organization by depositing with the Secretary-General of the United Nations a formal instrument of acceptance of the WHO Constitution on 5 May 1980;

Noting that the United Nations General Assembly, in resolution 34/6, established the assessment of Equatorial Guinea at the rate of 0.01% for the years 1980 to 1982;

Recalling the principle established in resolution WHA8.5, and confirmed in resolution WHA24.12, that the latest available United Nations scale of assessments should be used as a basis for determining the scale of assessments to be used by WHO;

Recalling further that the Twenty-sixth World Health Assembly , in resolution WHA26.21, affirmed its belief that the scale of assessments in WHO should follow as closely as possible that of the United Nations; А33/39 page 2


(1) that Equatorial Guinea shall be assessed at the rate of 0.01% for 1980-1981 and future financial periods ;

(2) that the assessment rate for 1980 shall be reduced to one-third of 0.01%.