D. Volkers Parks P. Zizka Biking Trails Banff Area in the Mountain these activities. Park inCalgary, where there are designatedtrailsfor areas BCorCanadaOlympic suchasGoldenorFernie, If yourobjectiveisfreeriding ordownhilling,pleaseconsider alpine meadows,andwildlifespecies. landscape ofruggedmountains,broad valleys,glaciers, appreciation andenjoymentofthepark’s spectacular Banff NationalParkencouragestheuseofbikesfor as possible. while keepingthepark’s naturalenvironment aspristine you plananenjoyableandsafemountainbikingexperience, typically extendsfrom MaytoOctober. Thisguidewillhelp Trails rangefrom easytodifficult andthebikingseason trails, bikingisanexcellentwaytoexplore thisspecialplace. famous nationalpark.Withmore than360kmofcycling Welcome toBanff NationalPark,Canada’s firstandmost • Carrybearspraywithyouatalltimes Tips: roads andpavedtrails. Be aware ofpossibleencounterswithwildlife,evenon with asfewhumansurprisespossible. population, wildlifeneedaccesstoasmuchqualityhabitat To successfullyraisetheiryoungandsustain ahealthy grizzly andblackbearpopulationsinNorthAmerica. wildlife, includingelk,wolves,cougars,andtheremaining The CanadianRockyMountainnationalparksare hometo is safetodoso. encounters toParks Canadastaff at403-762-1470, whenit Report bear, cougar, wolf andcoyotesightings Travel corners. ingroups, bealertandalways look ahead. through shrubbyareas and whenapproaching blind putsyouatriskforsudden wildlife encounters.Slowdown • Slowdownandmakenoise. Your speed andquietness tousebearspray, visit:parkscanada.gc.ca/bearspray hand,andknowhowtouseit.To watchavideo abouthow andPeople Wildlife parkscanada.gc.ca/banff-wildlife

, ensure itisat

campers, elk,deerandcoyotes. are manyplacestostopand rest. Besure towatchoutforstrolling forms alargelooparound Tunnel MountainCampground. There Perfect forbeginnersandchildren, this simple,packedgraveltrail Trailhead: Tunnel MountainCampground 6.4 kmloop April toOctober. Anabsolutemust. This three-season trailistypicallysnow-free andridablefrom Cascade Ponds,theBanff EastGateandtheTown of Canmore. connects theBowValley ParkwaywiththeTown ofBanff, with breathtaking views,rest stopsandpicnicareas. Thetrail other outdoorenthusiasts29kmofpavedtrailsandroadways The Banff LegacyTrail offers cyclists,runners,roller skiersand and Fireside day-useareas oreastendofBanff Avenue Trailheads: Valleyview, CascadePonds,Vermilion Lakes 29 kmoneway bring abikelock.Connector:HealyCreek (4) . trail. Sundanceispopularwithhikers.To experiencethecanyon, Canyon picnic area where you can explore a lovely creekside hiking it windsalongtheBowRiverandclimbsgentlytoSundance This pavedtrailisperfectforfamilieswithkidsandbiketrailersas Trailhead: Cave andBasinNationalHistoricSite 3.9 kmoneway the challengeyou’re lookingfor. routes offer stunningmountainscenery, flowingcurves,andall Are youlookingfora“bucketlist”bikingexperience?These Recommended Family Friendly Trails (16)toexperiencethethrillingrideagain. you makeyourwaydown,looparound ontheTunnel Technical is fullofnaturalandbuiltfeatures withanincredible flow. Once the riderandwildlifeduringsummerberryseason.Topp Notch fall. Aseasonaltrailrestriction duringthesummerprotects both riders. LakeMinnewankatrailisbestriddenearlyspringorlate Minnewanka (12)andTopp Notch(19)trailsare forexperienced Now, itistimeforyouradventure ride!BothLake Technical Adventure and packalunch–don’t forgettopackouttheleftovers. renowned FairmontBanff SpringsoverBowFalls.Bringacamera iconic MountRundle,theBowandSprayValley, andseethe meanders alongriversidepathways.Take inastonishingviewsof climbs anddescents,passesthrough anopenmeadowand from Tunnel Mountaincampground, thistrailhassomesustained (14).ClosetotownandacrossHoodoos toSurpriseCorner One ofthemostspectacularscenic,must-domountainridesis ScenicRoutes wildlife. While riding,stayalert–thistrailisalsousedbyhorse-ridersand ride, itevenhastheperfectpicnicsitenearSprayRiverbridge. through theforest hasrolling hillsandgentlecurves.Agreat family West andEast(5)trailshouldbeonyourlist.Thiswide If yourultimaterideincludesreflecting byariver, theSprayRiver RiverRides Always remember topack outeverythingyoubringin. snack andenjoythedayatoneofrest stopsalongtheserides. elevation changesandoffer spectacularviews.Bringapicnicor a gentleadventure. Mostlypaved,theseeasyrideshaveminimal These trailsare great forbeginners,children, andridersseeking 19 12 14 3 2 1 5 Topp Notch Banff LegacyTrail Tunnel Campground Loop Sundance 19



P. Zizka 12

and back. Pacific railgradetotheghosttownofBankhead.Rideasout and lefttocross MinnewankaRoad.FollowtheoldCanadian From CascadePonds,ridepastthepicnictables,overcreek Minnewanka Road Trailheads: CascadePondsday-usearea orLake 2.4 kmoneway to yieldhorses.Connector:SprayRiverandGoatCreek (11). River. Great asafamilyoutingandpicnicnearthebridge.Besure Choose yourownadventure! ThetrailparallelstherushingSpray in eitherdirection orasanout-and-backfrom eithertrailhead. This winding,rolling graveldoubletrackcanberiddenasaloop West trailheadbehindFairmontBanff Springs 5.7 kmonewayfrom SprayRiverBridgeto Course Road)toSprayRiverBridge 5.6 kmonewayfrom SprayRiverEasttrailhead(Golf

an outandbackfrom eitherend. gravel road leadingtoJohnson Lake.Thistrailiseasilyriddenas tower, it’s worthyourwhiletocontinuealongashortsectionof mountains, RundleandCascade,are spectacular. From thewater Trans-Canada Highway. oftheBowValley Views and itsiconic itswayalongtheedgeofescarpmentabove and turns trail tothewatertowerisaneasy, sweetsingletrackthatdips moderately challengingsectionofthetrail).Theremainder ofthe ride-up setofsteps(prepare forsignificanthike-a-bikeonthis crosses asmallcreek, andclimbsupanalmostimpossible-to- ofCascadePonds, This trailbeginsatthenortheastcorner Trailheads: CascadePondsorJohnsonLakeday-useareas 3.8 kmoneway Stoney Creek campground (Cr15). through primebearhabitat.Cyclingendsjustbefore theremote sustained climb.IttravelsintothewildsofCascadeValley, This formerfire road isagraveldoubletrackthatopenswith a Trailhead: UpperBankheadparkingarea 14.6 kmoneway

before theBanff Avenue bridge. A shorttrailwillbringyoualongCaveAvenue totheparkinglotjust Sundance Trail (1)totheCaveandBasinNationalHistoricSite. not permittedinthecanyon).Aftercanyon,continuealong detour toSundanceCanyon(bringabikelockasbikesare parking lot,andattheendofHealyCreek trail,takeashort one-way adventure, arrangeadrop-off attheHealy/Brewster wanting toexperienceatasteofthebackcountry. Foramemorable This forested trailclosetotheTown ofBanff isidealforvisitors Trailhead: Healy/Brewster ParkingLot 5.6 kmoneway Banff Lake Louise Tourism/N. Hendrickson Easy 15 4 6 5 7 8 Lake Minnewanka Tunnel Bench Loop Cascade Ponds–Bankhead Spray RiverWest andEast Water Tower Cascade Healy Creek


Banff & Lake Louise Tourism / P. Zizka Photography wet conditions. content oftheGoatCreek trail,itisnotrecommended in Riverside Trail (20)andGolfCourseRoad.Note:Duetotheclay Canmore Nordic Center(taketheBanff Trail) withtheRundle trailhead andridethelong,gentledescenttoBanff. Connectors: Canmore. Alternatively, arrangeforashuttleuptotheGoatCreek at theGoatCreek parkingarea ontheSmith-DorrienRoad above it risesgraduallyalongthelowerslopesofMountRundle,ending over thebridge.From there toamoderateratingas thetrailturns past thebaseofashortdownhillsection.Forkleft,thenheaddown before reaching thatveersoff theeasy-to-missturn ontheleftjust This popular, rolling doubletrackfollowstheSprayRiverfor10km Banff Springs Trailhead: SprayRiverWest trailheadbehindtheFairmont moderate toCanmore) 18.7 kmoneway(trailisratedeasyforfirst10km,then

Lodge, ShadowLake,andEgyptLake. order toaccesspopularhikingdestinationssuchasShadowLake must leaveyourbikeattheendofroad andcontinueonfootin backcountry hikingneartheGreat Divide.Bringalock,asyou This formerfire road provides bikeaccesstosomeveryscenic Trailhead: RedearthCreek parkingarea 10 kmoneway

hike-a-bike sectionatasetofstairs. Rundle, ashortsectionalongbraidoftheBowRiver, andashort and descending.Theroute hasspectacular viewsofMount This trailoffers anexhilaratingexperience withsomesteepclimbing Can beenjoyedinbothdirections butbestriddennorthtosouth. Trailheads: parkingarea Hoodoos orSurpriseCorner 4.3 kmoneway trail (14). and return totownviatheHoodoosSurpriseCorner into town,connectwiththeTunnel Bench Loop(15),Coastline at Tunnel thesamewayorforalongerride Mountain Road.Return open meadow;headleftonnicerolling singletrack.Thetrailends through thickforest. Thetraillevelsoff graduallyuntilitreaches an then rideorwalk100muntilyouseeasteeppathgoingup the startofLegacyTrail locatedattheeastendofBanff Avenue This rolling trailrunsparalleltoBanff Avenue roadway. Accessfrom Legacy Trail orTunnel Mountain Road Trailheads: EastendofBanff Avenue atthejunctionwith 3.2 kmoneway Banff Avenue Trail closed tocyclingbetweenJuly10andSeptember15. rides inMay/JuneandSeptember/October. NOTE:Trail is popular hikingtrail,somountainbikersshouldaimforweekday (16 kmreturn) andtheWarden’s Cabin(32kmreturn). Thisisa at Devil’s Gap.DestinationsincludetheAylmer Passjunction heads eastonarollicking singletracktowards theparkboundary exposed sidehilltrailclimbssteeplyoutofStewartCanyonand bike handlingskillsandpreparation. Thechallengingandattimes demands andtheremoteness ofthistrailrequire excellentfitness, Don’t letthegentleopeningofthisiconicridefoolyou;physical of picnicarea Trailhead: LakeMinnewankaday-usearea, kioskatfarend 24.9 kmoneway wet conditions. commercial horsetraffic andisnot recommended in lodge isnotsuitableforbeginners.Brewster Creek isusedby to theSundanceLodge(serviceforguestsonly).Theride double trackthatclimbssteadilyuptheBrewster Creek valley Brewster Creek Junctionwhere thetrailbegins.Thisisa Ride Sundance(1)and/orHealyCreek (4)untilyougettothe Brewster parkinglot Trailheads: CaveandBasinNationalHistoricSiteorHealy/ 9.8 kmoneway

partnership with theBowValley MountainBike Alliance. the looponReturnofJedi . Thetrailswere designed andbuiltin switchbacks. Riders typicallyridedownStarWars andcomplete curving berms,awallride,ladder bridges,skinniesandendless These funandtwistytechnical trailshavewoodenfeatures, big Trailhead: Tunnel MountainDrivenearreservoir 3 kmloop Toe (14) . (23)andHoodoostoSurpriseCorner uncomfortable, besure towalkyourbike.Connector:The that somesectionshavesignificantverticalexposure. Ifyouare Cascade MountainaswelltheFairholmeRange.Beaware gain. Take inthespectacularviewsoficonic MountRundleand winding andvariedentry-levelsingletrackwithminimalelevation Coastline, Teddy Bear’s PicnicandDon’s Bypasstomakea Typically riddenclockwise,thispopularloop connectsTheSpine, Mountain Campground Trailheads: Hoodoos parkingarea orTunnel 9.7 kmloop

Moderate 11 10 12 16 15 14 13 9

Tunnel Technical Trails Spray RiverandGoatCreek Redearth Hoodoos toSurpriseCorner Lake Minnewanka Brewster Creek Tunnel BenchLoop

Rides Golf CourseRoad. Nordic Centre (Banff Trail), SprayRiverandGoatCreek (11)and trail maybeanissueifyougetintotrouble. Connector:Canmore recommended. Beprepared witharepair kit;theremoteness ofthis track approaching theCanmore Nordic Centre. Fullsuspensionis of rough androoty singletrackgivewaytosixkilometres ofdouble rocky roller coastertraillinkingBanff andCanmore. Eightkilometres Intermediate andadvancedridersmayrelish thechallengeofthis Trailhead: GolfCourseRoad(kioskatfarend) 13.9 kmoneway accessible loopoutoftheTown ofBanff. Connector: LowerStoneySquaw(21)forachallenging,yeteasily trail backtotheoldskirunsaboveMt.Norquay daylodge. there, continuenorthanddescend arocky, twistingtechnical views ofCascadeMountainandtheBowValley beyond.From snack andawell-deservedrest at theviewpoint,withastonishing Mountain. Ifyoucan“clean”thistrailyou’re a rock star!Enjoya steeply, through thickforest tothesummitofStoneySquaw This narrow, technicallydifficult, rooted littletrailclimbs,attimes parking lot Trailhead: Immediate rightatMt.Norquay SkiArea 4.5 kmloop extra cautionwhenbikingalongthisbusysectionofhighway. Banff alongtheTrans-Canada HighwaytotheNorquay exit.Take technical descentandbesure to toclose thefencegate.Return to thehighway. Watch forhikers,horsesandbearsonthisfast, features manyrough androcky sections,anddrops continuously sign indicatingtheentrance.Thesteepsidehillnature ofthetrail near thecascadeliftfor1.4km.Watch closelyontherightfora skills. Ridepastthedaylodgeanddownskiarea serviceroad This isagreat trailforintermediateriderstoworkontheirtechnical Trailhead: Mt.Norquay SkiArea parkinglot 3.7 kmoneway please ridewithcare. Alley. Thisarea issensitivetoerosion andwildlifemovement— short sidetrailsalongthemainloop,tryoutStinkyDandWolf Scat be riddeninanydirection andhassomeexceptionalviews.For long climbsanddescents,windingnarrow single-track.Itcan An exhilaratingmixofchallengingandexposedtechnicalriding, Mountain Campground Trailheads: Hoodoos parkingarea orTunnel 7.9 kmoftrails

and backintotown. (14) another run,orcontinuetoHoodoosSurpriseCorner trail connectsupwithReturnoftheJedi.Ridebackhillfor and endlessswitchbackswithanincredible flow. Attheend,this full ofwoodenfeatures, bigcurvingberms,ladderbridges,skinnies This trailisastepupfrom theTunnel Technical Trails (16),and feature—if youcannotrideit,return toStarWars fortheridedown. Built forexperiencedriders,thetrailstartswithachallenging entry totheTunnel Technical Trails (16) Trailhead: Tunnel MountainDrive nearreservoir, westofthe 3.9 kmoneway

Sulphur Mountain. Peak boardwalk, thegondola,ortrailoneastsideof same route youcameup–bicyclesare notallowedontheSanson and makebrake-coolingstopsonthedescentbackdown access road isagruelling“Sulphur-fest” ofaclimb.Usecaution trail branchingbacktotheeast.From there thisoldweatherstation to thejunction,where you’llfindtheSulphurMountain Westside This rideisforenduranceseekers.FollowSundance(1)2.6km Trailhead: CaveandBasinNationalHistoricSite 5.2 kmoneway Difficult can becomequitemuckyinwetweather. lot. Somepartsofthetrailare usedbycommercial horsetoursand Spray RiverWest trailheadandBanff UpperHotSpringsparking Several loopsconnecttheMiddleSpringsneighbourhoodwith Trailhead: SprayRiverWest trailheadorSulphurMountain 7 kmoftrails 23 22 21 20 19 1 18 17 Sundance The Toe Upper StoneySquawLoop Lower StoneySquaw Rundle Riverside Topp Notch Sulphur MountainBackside Middle Springs


P. Zizka P. Zizka trailconditions,descriptions,andweather. • AskforadviceattheBanff VisitorCentre about • Avoid wearingearbuds. Bealertatalltimes. • Travel with othersandkeepyourgroup together. toreturn. • Alwaystellsomeonewhere youare goingandwhenyouplan changesquicklyanditcansnowanymonthoftheyear. contaminatedandunsafefordrinking.Mountainweather • Bringextrafood,waterandclothing.Surfacemaybe • Wear ahelmetandappropriate safetygear. suitableroute. staff orbikeshopemployeescanhelpyouselecta conservative—startwitheasier, shortertrails.ParksCanada • Chooseridesthatmatchyourgroup’s abilities.Be the necessarytoolsandparts. breakdown oraccident.Knowhowtorepair yourbikeandcarry You are responsible foryourownsafety. Beprepared fora Safety before yougettooclose,andaskforinstructions. from behind,slowdown,letridersknowofyourpresence stopandallowthehorsepartytopass.Whenpassinghorses approaching oncominghorses,movetothesideoftrail, • Bicyclesare fastandquiet,caneasilyspookhorses.When bepassingontheirleftsotheyhaveachancetomoveover. courteous.Useyourvoiceoruseabelltoletthemknowyou’ll • Ifyouare passingotherbikers,walkersorrunners,pleasebe riders.Rideincontrol andbeready tostopatanytime. trails— • ThebiketrailsinBanff NationalParkare allshared-use Share theTrail travellingdownhillshouldyieldtoonesheadeduphill. coming.Makeeachpassasafeandcourteousone.Cyclists • Yield appropriately. dogundercontrol andonaleashatalltimes. • Forthesafetyofwildlife,yourpetandyourself, naturalandculturalobjectsundisturbedforotherstodiscover. • Leavenotrace. putyourselfandothersatrisk. • Ridewithinyourlimits. yourbike. notaround them.Ifobstaclesare aboveyourskilllevel,walk avoidskiddingyourtires byhard braking.Rideoverobstacles, • Helppreserve thequalityoftrails. drytrailsare more likelytobedamaged. • Avoid ridingduringextreme conditions. youcanandcannotlegallyride. • Ridedesignatedtrails. spray, andlookahead. oftheirtravel.Bealert,makenoise,slowdown,carrybear dangerous bearencountersbecauseofthespeedandsilence • Bebearaware. under theCanadaNationalParksAct. These activitiesare alsoillegalandviolatorsmaybecharged riding off-trail displaceswildlifeanddestroys soilandvegetation. Riding non-designatedorclosedtrails,buildingnew Be amountainparksteward, ridewithcare! Rules oftheTrail ISBN: 978-0-660-07433-7 CatalogueNo: R64-413/1-2017E © HerMajesty theQueeninRightofCanada More Information Plan AheadandPrepare In caseofEMERGENCY, call911 orsatellitephone: 403-762-4506. For more informationontrailsortovolunteer, contactthe Cell phonesare notalwaysreliable inthebackcountry. For bikerentals, Banff area maps andguidebooks,

expect toencounterhikers,vehiclesandhorseback Bow Valley MountainBikeAlliance(BVMBA). 224 Banff Avenue and327RailwayAvenue Banff NationalParkWebsite: visit alocalretail bikingoutlet. [email protected] Besure topackoutwhatyouin.Leave Cyclists are particularlysusceptibletosudden, Trail ConditionsReport: Banff VisitorCentre:







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E Weather: I N Y









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A Ride, don’t slide—




N C E R IDE Wet, muddyorvery

keep your

Family Friendly Rides EASY LEGEND Visitor Centre Shelter • Suitable for all cyclists, including those with little or no experience. 1 Sundance 3.9 km one way Family Friendly Rides Washrooms Bike Repair Station • Flat to gently rolling with no obstacles. Elevation gain 143 m, elevation loss 60 m • Little or no elevation gain or loss. Easy Rides Police Bridge 2 Tunnel Campground Loop MODERATE • Suitable for most cyclists who have some 6.4 km loop Moderate Rides Hospital Golf Course July 10 to Sept 15 Elevation gain 68 m, elevation loss 68 m basic experience and are prepared 12 The Lake Minnewanka trail is with proper equipment and water. 7 closed, shortly after Stewart 3 Banff Legacy Trail (Bow Valley Parkway to East Gate) Difficult Rides Parking Gondola • Gently rolling with short, steep sections Canyon bridge, to cycling to ensure 29 km one way and infrequent obstacles. visitor safety and allow bears to Elevation gain 24 m, elevation loss 113 m Trans-Canada Highway Campground Canoe Docks • Moderate elevation gain or loss. Lake Minnewanka feed on berries, a critical food Day-use Area source. Dogs are not permitted on the trail during this period. 1A Bow Valley Parkway Day-use Area Stables DIFFICULT Easy Rides • Suitable only for cyclists who have experience and are prepared with proper Lake Road Viewpoint Bus Station equipment and water. Healy Creek Minnewanka 4 • Long, steep sections with frequent obstacles. 5.6 km one way Other trails Backcountry Camping Roam Public Transit Stop • Major elevation gain or loss. Elevation gain 161 m, elevation loss 171 m Spray River West and East 5 0 500 1 000 11.3 km round trip Your speed and quietness puts elevation gain 242 m, elevation loss 113 m N Metres you at risk for sudden wildlife Upper encounters. Carry bear spray Bankhead Cascade Ponds – Bankhead Roam public transit to Lake 6 15 with you at all times, ensure Minnewanka runs in the summer 13 2.4 km one way orquay Ro only. Service begins the third nt N ad it is at hand, and know how to Lower ou Elevation gain 50 m, elevation loss 5 m M Bankhead weekend in May and ends the use it. To watch a video about r e second weekend in September. v 2 how to use bear spray, visit: Cascade Mountain i R 7 Cascade 2 998 m parkscanada.gc.ca/bearspray e

3 9836’ d 14.6 km one way Two Town of a e u 6 c Two Jack Main Elevation gain 314 m, elevation loss 154 m n s Jack ve A a Campground ff C Lake an B 8 Water Tower M Banff o unt Two Jack Lakeside 3.8 km one way e riv F Campground D N o s orqu Elevation gain 97 m, elevation loss 82 m ke x La n io a Cougar il y m oad r R R e Fenland tain V o un a o Day-use d l M R e e n t un u Area T r 16 n

o Moderate Rides f l

t re h E e

lk ir J u


q d

S M S i oo ta arten s r W Brewster Creek e ar M s

9 d

a 9.8 km one way o Cascade R T L a u 16 Ponds ake ank Elevation gain 333 m, elevation loss 158 m n Minnew Wolf n e 19

L B l

y M e n

B a St o x Redearth ow r u 10 Ju n t l a A ien 10 km one way Caribou in v Fort e D Tunnel Mountain y Mile Elevation gain 403 m, elevation loss 95 m n r Cr u iv 1 650 m eek r at e er e e r

kr 5410’ v av e i s t Mount Norquay d e

t R u a B Spray River and Goat Creek (Banff to Canmore) O o 8 w M Ski Area R 11 o in 18.7 km one way B 22 21 a Buffalo 14 nt Elevation gain 271 m, elevation loss 473 m ou l M Mount Norquay nne Tu C 2 522 m M as ne c 8275’ o pi ade R Lake Minnewanka u S iv 12 n 13 he e t N Green T r 24.9 km one way Banff Park S o Stoney Squaw p 3 Jo ve Avenue rq hn Ca Museum r u Spot Mountain Co son Elevation gain 58 m, elevation loss 27 m a a 2 astline La National y y k 1 868 m e A Surprise R e Historic Site u v Corner o 6129’ n e a e 15 Tunnel Mountain n d v Banff Avenue Trail u A 15 13 1 e d f Campground a nf Hoodoos 3.2 km one way r o a e B Viewpoint and Cave and v R Elevation gain 66 m, elevation loss 51 m i e Basin R s day-use area Bow ow r National B u Historic Site Falls o C c S ni t Hoodoos to Surprise Corner lf Don’s Bypass ic in 14 o s P k ear’ y 4.3 km one way 17 G Teddy B M Fairmont 2 14 S o W un ti Elevation gain 7 m, elevation loss 20 m Banff o n t l k a f y i o S

n D 3 A Springs o ca v d t A e oo ll Tunnel Bench Loop nue ey 15 5 9.7 km loop

S l 23 id Elevation gain 7 m, elevation loss 39 m 3 e s h o 16 S up First e er v Tunnel Technical Trails Second i

16 r

Vermilion D r

Vermilion 19 14 e Fairmont

3 km loop n

i v

Lake a i Banff Springs

e Lake t R Elevation gain 102 m, elevation loss 102 m v Banff Park n T

ri ow Golf Course h u B e

Verm D Museum il s o ion Lake or

National Tunnel Mountain aine M

Historic Site l 1 650 m Middle Springs Third e

17 Fireside n 5410’

7 km of trails 3 Vermilion n

u Surprise Elevation gain 124 m, elevation loss 124 m Lake T Corner To Canmore d and Calgary a Cave Avenue o Sulphur Mountain Backside R e 18 rs 5.2 km one way Bow River u ow Valley P o To Banff B arkway C 20 Elevation gain 843 m, elevation loss 58 m lf East Gate 1A Cave and o Basin Bow Falls G National Spray East Trailhead Valleyview 1 Historic Site M Difficult Rides oun Fairmont t ain Banff Springs A 17 ve nue To Lak Topp Notch e Loui Spray West Trailhead 19 Redear se 3.9 km one way th and 4 Trail Sundance Elevation gain 299 m, elevation loss 357 m Canyon Sundance Junction Canyon Brewster Rundle Riverside (Banff to Canmore) Creek 2 949 m 20 Junction Sanson Peak 9675’ 13.9 km one way Healy/Brewster 4

18 2 256 m

Parking Lot d 7402’ Elevation gain 265 m, elevation loss 296 m a Banff 5

o Upper Hot R YIELD TO

Springs e

Lower Stoney Squaw n CÉDEZ


21 h 3.7 km one way s

n Elevation gain 57 m, elevation loss 329 m u N S Redearth Banff Sawback Gondola

Upper Stoney Squaw Loop B 22 o 4.5 km loop Copper Mountain w Sulphur Mountain V 2 795 m a 2 451 m Elevation gain 228 m, elevation loss 243 m l 9170’ T le 8042’ ra y 10 n 9 s P - a C r a k The Toe n 23 a w 7.9 km of trails d a 5 a y H Elevation gain 82 m, elevation loss 82 m ig h 2 935 m w 0 1 2 a 1A 9630’ Massive Mountain y DONE WITH THIS BROCHURE? All elevations are an approximate to give riders an idea of 2 435 m 7889’ Kilometres Please return to a park facility or share it what to expect on each route. Elevations are calculated as Muleshoe the total amount of elevation gained and the total amount with others. of elevation lost (all the ups and downs) over the entire To Banff HOW WAS YOUR TRIP? N distance of an out-and-back trail or a loop. Mount Brett Please send your comments to 2 984 m 9791’ [email protected] 4

Spray River Looking for a paved cruise or Bridge epic ride? 9 0 2 4 Pick up the Road Riding Guide at a Parks Mount Bourgeau 11 Canada visitor centre or view online at 2 930 m Kilometres 9613’ oad To Goat e R Creek Trail pc.gc.ca/banff-brochures shin Sun For fares and schedules, visit roamtransit.com. Sundance Lodge