A FHAOE BWOIIN NET PAID CIHCPLATION QQ A?A SEPTEMBER O 5 U 1 111 111 0 1 .smjNstjmmmteRR i 1 1 in I, im n


"I Forgive the Man That VOW WOUTII. , Oc. i -- 7. -- II, New Demand by Men Pre- iHARDING LAUDS Muskogeean Me," J. C'nuhran, under n'rrest Boyhood Pal He May Be Old NOMINEE QUIZZED Shot Yoakum Says nt Aspermont, Texas, In connec- vents Settlement at In Last Breath tion with nn alleged Uf0 insur- Ideas-W- eil, ance fraud, added ti new theory Last Minute OfIrish Martyr, MacSwiney But for today to tho rensnii for his T.R., M'KINLEY BY OHIOHEARERS grave being found empty when Read 'em TAKEN FOR A BURGLAR ho told u newspaper correspon- DIFFICULTY Recalls DaysWhcn Ho Played Hunger dent bo bolloe.l ho had been SERIOUS With Famous Striker; 1 . drugged ami burled nllvo whtl.) Mayor Weighed but 75 Pounds at Time of Death, Drop- "Authors of a New Era of 11 AMotintoil 1'lcM SUtu Wlrr. drugged on March 10, 1919. ping OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct 27 Heckler Fires "Moral Ob- . Helped Capture Off From 175 Pounds During His Fast. i Police Officer Later In. was "dug up," Cochran Cabinet Called to Meet Knrly Development," He Says An initiative pellllon seelilng. tu ligation said ho behoved, by Moxicat s wipe out exlHlliig slnllltes govein-ni- f Question" Point Negro ; Shot of Sleepy Itos- - prpn Leaders who wanted to collect n ijo.oon Today; No Details of New iiy A...ci..tr,i HtHte W ire brother, worked in n grocery iloro of Great Hie pliiitee iif medicine ill Blank at Him iJent Takes Its Affect reward offered for hli arrest for Ml'SKOdllK, Okln., Oct. 27. "I at the time I also was a delivery N Olihihomii was filed with the iiec-iiln- Disclosed Ukln-hom- participation in h fight at .S- Situation cannot plctuio Terance MsiHwIuoy. boy. Wo saw much of each oilier lii of stale icduj. by an a ocorro. 1S M., in which two Mnr.HwInoy, tuv boyhood pal, golni, ( lint way. and the three of us played OFF ON LAST SWING City man. Tho petition prominent f Mlrthi. flit, IT'S UP TO INSISTED ON BADGE NO. 13 Mexicans yero killed. l....i,il l( .....fill lniti.f,.!' tnirellinr iiiui.li it limn i'l.. propiv.ies to nuhttlttito fur the CONGRESS Today's slntement, Cochran EMERGENCY BILL PASSED 'that he did. I'm sorry he's dead. iuy mild. Hlnliitcs nn aei pioiliMilg for the mild, was in amplification of ono but I am glad he died la the way he licensing of philslrntiH by tho made yesterday to Hheriff W. 11. maityf n hero to his Doctor 'I'clls Suffering, Scpublican Candidate Delivers upon Police Patrol Driver, Veteran niughiitii did. a and of ecrporntioii couiiiiissloii That's Candidates' Answer in whleh ho said hu Parliament Fnacls Measure cause." , LONDON, Oct. 27. Terrenee Several Speeches to Home' piMenlntlon by npplleants ur had been abducted nnd taken to Muskogee MncSwIney weighed 7fi When Questioner of World War, Wanted Star Now John J. Tlemey, only pnunds sallsfaclory oredentliilB from Insists on Mexico, where ho wan hold to. Meet All Contingencies today recnUed the dnvs wluili when he died In llrlxtou tall after a Stale Audiences schools. several months by Mexicans. mcdliiil Definite With Unlucky Numerals Transport Men be he and the duutl lrlsli nun Ihungor strike of nearly 74 days. It . All picMt'ilptloUM would be Statement During hln nhsncc, Cochran's If Quit siih was weighed wife, now ger striker, played together, romped learned today. He ICS lo be written In KiikIIsIi deceased, colloc.ted fought, nt their Iioiiiom in Ire- - ipounds when he Ihiriwi his fast on would be required 1 10,000 llfn insurance, behoving nnd PRAISES ROOSEVELT HIGHLY ihI a wltni'ss 'Will, they got l!lQ,lUt If it WIIS l)y The .iMocUtal I'reJu. land. .ugUHi -. 'rim noiiy vtiis emai'l- - In attend the peiformnnvo of nil DEBATE RILES BIG CROWD her husband dead. Itecently of- nted Iho an accident I forglvo man thnt diffl-- c "Wo lived very near each other until bones protruded iiiiijor opprnfloiiH. tho ficers opened the grave LONDON, Oct. 27. A new - supposed n the County Mnyo before) the Mac- tlirougli the parchment-lik- e skin. filed thot mo." to contain Cochrane body and tlty nrinon doluylng com- Hojies to Tmulato Example of The iiiaii who the petltkn has tho Pwlney family moved lo uoriv The sufferings of MncSwIney bo wns U0 yours old and hud Speaker Checks found it empty, 111 said he Move to Oust tlcally his dying breath fore ho died day of his - I'm with plete settlement of tho coal strike, Tlerney said. tho 7llh Man Who lCarncd the Title served in- ii soldier In Franco In did Ld Yoakum, pollcb putro! driver Knew ShniUey mid MfCoriunrk. hunger strike, were descitbed lit - Who Stirred Up nb-wi- which this nflcrnoon was bollovcd th'- war with Onrmany In ISJO. nnd veteran, (.I....L....I..n..u filtlll.l. til tllllH.I by Dr. (irlfflths of American" a wirld war thus the tumicst the of "Great JJJs dlssallsfnellon with tho pre.-m- l K. W. CottrcIMilH slayer. Yoa- to hayo been nttalned on tho basis .0I.U),ll t)lo railroad -- Ide Jlrixton Jail Infirmary staff. Hot Discussion hospital gtvon of Tom "During his look io slim, ho (l'lolated, arose kum died nt tho Oklahoma of an IncreoBO in tho earlier j,y Nde with the father delhluin it the of ;i wo.ind ho n 4 WILSON IN 1 too, also two mule to I'nyliiK from irentment t 30 Wednesday morning, nn FIRST announcement. Hhiirkoy. knew him, anil efforts of attendants CLHVI.LAND, Oct. 27. In war, J - hold MncSwIney in bed. When lecelied the lid father DAYTON, Ohio. Oct. 7- hour nnd a half after being shot lultlm mmous smgor. .loini ..niiu- he trlgute to Thcodoro lloosevolt and In 10H 2- That tho difficulty Is serious ...... II I I.. ll.M nl.vt i.MIIII. tineiWHvlouH he was fed, A was Id led n duel when Whother or through tho limit byX'ottroll at tho inaeK, aviui iii'u in "i i.vAv became William McKlnley an u new era of old, his grandfather was not the Amorlcan con- II hump, iiul.cated by tho fact that tho cabi 1v." Tlerney wild. fair ituaiitty of food was ad- yeius gress Cottrt 410 South ,, YEAR Hard-lu- g h would Im boiihd niornllv to SPEECHJN "MacHwiney was a imy. lie ministered. Mrs, MncSwIney, the uiitloiiiil development, Senator HI years old when died and mvi being mistaken for a nurgiur net haw been summoned to muet ipieer a single ono of nls fore- ndopt recomniMtidatlonB who been nnd vlfe, tins Mnriied that her husband told a crowd In (Iray'M armoiy net tliroit from tha h.id Just disarmed arly morning, before 111 COO u tomorrow .f,!"",. replied! 'As you tonight lilx wns to per- fathers Und died bed for hagtio of natloim wan to- arrested by Youkum and other po-- ',' would bo fell. She horu uinbltlnn ttUcussed - Hi (i fore- years, lie declared. e ! ccnierence oi uie iiiinern unu by himself, and uiu not line ,nro u uocior, you Know inn proper petuate spirit of united and further day by dnvurnor off era. Presidnet's Voice off - Cov. during n Chokes renssorii-bles- . soumue. tiling no.- ". handed nationalism which he said trrltiienf officials It when we broke Into his in I demonslrntlvo day spent In hln lllack Caught HciMliindetl. (Irlfflths snld ho believed M'ic-whii- Ihey had awakened, As He Makes At mnmoift Iho miners We soon learned to respect this homo communities', n. standing In tho Plea for the last If Kocalllug today wns thu an. lni:iudlnr Yoakum was back leiviitfil it new ilniimnd, whUh r liln, Kttlne.V would hiixo died Instnntly that Ohio, his linviuin.i immf, ho was League n ulvcrtmry of ltoosevell's birth, the yard of Cottrell's homo when Approval cumpelled ndjouriiment of tho con- Tom MncHWiney, icrrenre ;iiii nail neen uircioiy leu - fin1 tonight In hln honn city. shot He had nsslsted W. It. nomine' declined the ltoosovelt pol- Just ference with the of ,. leg brought SPEEDY SERVICE ...u muli,"'" "i i mural nmigs. Wllkersnn, police caplnln, In disarmi- Nothing yet had lo the lion wan nuked point by ng negro. tho govornmcnt. ha:j "a new conscience and a staiwuri hlanlt a and arresting Tom Smith, IT WAS TRAGIC beciidlscliiKUl as t" the nature of MAYOR WALTON WOMAN INDICTED must bo man In nn itudlonce nt Mlddlalown. o( 702 Hartford, who had SCENE doctrine that all rights North the miners' new demand. founded ution obligations nnd u fun- - WORLD PARTY Without giving a "yos or no" nn. como sneaking out tho back door of emergency bill, He AJ nwer, Oovornor Cnx doclnrod tfero is Tht government's dnmeiitnl sense of fair play." Cottrell's homo. Cottrell, who nil contingen- unreservedly ' .vwuin i mi hu leifiu ouugiitoa upon which piovid'S for IN VAUDAL ROLE IN DENTON CASE praised lloosevolt for Mm- - an auditor of tho Iron Moutalu Oil "Inexpressibly Solemn and the miners strike , blgtietn wisdom uuu Iho United Htntca, but "the by cies in the event hln nt licait, In company, had been awakened Involve tho railway and outstniiiling Integrity." the eonsclomo of tho telephone, neighbor and Tender" Says Statement should Special Telegraph Wire worm wills of a transport workers, w.ia rushed What TlK'y Accomplished. win neiormino sotni neucn told that burglars wero lnitH homo v which will not, only bo right by His Hearers Later through.all Ih remaining stagis Political Car- Mrs. Louise Peete Faces IJmler leiidrMhlp of McKlnley, Installed at Convention but and that ECvoral policemen had passed tho third rending, Tears Down the which Will bo effective." Un udilid m rounded tho A watch and nnd Mr, Harding added, tho Viation found Hall for the Night thnt tho Monroe place. wlilch is final, tonight. Tho voto toon That Displeased Charge of Murdering a now dextrine hnd been KS In money which had been taic-r- n n new unity and Industrial lite mnintnnieu without iho firing of ii wero WASHINGTON, Oct 27. Presi- was 22R to ns. which Itonsevelt fostered by his abil shot nuil ho from tho Cottrell homo Itoports'thnt a virtual settlement His Ideas Coast Millionaire In citizen- favored a Hitchcock found in pockets. dent Wilson In his first fpeech since ity to iiwaken Amerlcnn reservation, declaring congress tho ncBro'B of the nrltlsh coal miners' strike had ship u new buiiso of nationality und TO GIVE ALL RETURNS hend-quartc- rs ho was should bo free to tincntit Colt-e- ll appeared ut pollco taken ill more than a year been reached were current this aft- advancement. "I see buforn us cr rnlect s leiiguo nilvlco early yesterday morning ngorSvalltd on his "fellow country- ernoon. It was said tho govern-mont'- ACT OF PRESUMPTION PLEADS 4N0T GUILTY' imoiber ureal work to do," the oanrl- - ns to employing following been accepted by in American military fori!'?. tnd told in substatico tho men" today to indnrho tho league terms had datn continued. "Thn worhv an Cox itory to A. Outitafsoii, chlof the miners' lenders And tho guish calls to Amorlm for a now National, State, County nnd Governor moda flvo speeches, John of nations and. boti n. summoned thorn to owners, tho nettle-me- nt mostly devoted to tho Innguo of ot police: Answering thifcoontlnUDUs tho "concern of poaco and tl.e com- mlno and that contribution. Jt cans rur unit under- City to Be Flashed1' ring proposal would ho submitted Sec thc Act and' But Police Present Impress among peoples and national Kesults After two nddresHos nt Alil of tho tolephnno wlilch hnd pletion great aohlcve-mcnt- ," Many People standing of the moral delegates ihh-inii- dlotown, tin) governor spnlco to a wakened hint, Cottrell heard a to a conference of miners' mat snail draw nn uiKuuiur i Upon World's Screen or their part, which ho said plan as now In- Free in Condemning the ive Chain of Circumstantial ami unity." woman h nudlonno at Knglon hnll nun's ydco tell there were Tho settlement 5 h.n that the world war represented. dicated, call for the two shilling 'llio armory speech was ono of Innlght. to another ntidlncu nr. Ate. twslars in tho liouso. Procuring High-Hande- d Procedure Evidence Against Her i you arrangements1 i Speaking from his wheel to to until a national by Hard Have made to mortal hnll and to a larvn overflow hie gun from under a pillow and not chair contlnuo several delivered Senator n delegation of e republi- wage board has been formed, tho ing In tho first drty of hi rinnl cam- attend The World's party nt Conven rneellnir oiilsldo, A red torchlight fully nwako ho went through the wages thereafter is swing, through Ohio, nnd was tion linn election night, No cm nor prncesslon, containing' niirneroun 1 fcou" open cans nnd Independents who called nt fluctuation of 27. Mm, paign nnd found tho back dnnr Houpo by unlt of six pence, the rev Btaff CnrrMponilenee. LOS ANOELUM. Oct. a of n Vtyornus program during 2f You're both Invited nnd expect bands and hundreds of nci-sm- i In and In yard. tho White. tho president to bo Denver, charged part a man standing the bnck "tha great enue raises nhovo or falls below n PITY. Oct. 27 The. Louise l'eeto of his stny In Cleveland, on tho way ed, regardless1 of any political views inarching clubs, preceded tonight's Cottr ll once nnd heard a man moral Intluenif" pro-- r blchblndlng was with the of James C. Den you may hold, or with party o fired of the United StatCB would; bo "abso- sum representing tho reynuo I iviitiirnl hero from Marlon he had made nlyirt which ralllen which flraworkn wero a tfrenm . duccd from an annual ouput of 240,- - nttalned in this city Tuesday when ton. wealthy mining promoter. In nil talks from his car at Shelby arid you limy be apflllalcd. Tho World rcftturo. Not Detained. lutely tnroun away" if the nation Into the. Indictment returned today by the being wants you to como and make your Cottrell did" not "coniploto which 000,000 tons Mnvnr I t! Walton walked Crestllnf, ami nrter escorted Held n Rplrllcil Debute. story the tnsk of K. It. Vim Dcrvoori. .grnmi jury tonight wns in the through streets In torchlight pa- self coufortnblo In one of thn 3, COO Af'rr telling his Cottrell iin vfildlers and sailors so seriously elirnr store the con- - Discussion of Oustnf-in- n or Jirouiiwny unu county Jail awaiting trial set for hero ho was culled upon to chairs that will Insure your moril oluhraPons as not detnlned and Chief undertook to executo." STEGER rade yon under thn Iconic- wn ihn tlur- - mid Inst night no. charges BURY 0LLIE streets, and tore down a enr""'" November 29, for refuslnl to testify. mnko his fourth speech lodny. All vnnlenre whllo listen to election flrt that lmpcri-ill.'tl- every lug the govonior'n rampatgnlui; would Other Xiilloiw, ...vin, t.r.,1 exhibited In tho Proceedings ngnlnst the former except the nrmory uddress, however, returns from nook und corner nnd be filed against him. When iien to ad of United States. wan broached lit" n strnnuer In llm skci! last night for n direct state- Tho Amorlcan people, Mr. Wilson window. The act wns performed occupant of tho Denton residence, were brief nnd wore devoted the Tnl-- ii Died ill Trance KiK-cla- 'ntovornor'rt Mlddtctovn miillenre. Ml Cot- Youth Who wns aliseni.j,, tj,0 ,.Piiar of mining vocacy of a "return to constitutional l Herllco for Count v. It ment in regard to tho shooting, said, should not bo deceived into whon Mr. Vnn Dervoort which the vnn Hit In man, tod (Jhiii Military IhiicimI at nep-temb- tho who sin that trell old the World that he did not supposing Imperialistic schemes from his placo of business, his wlfu man s noiiy wftB lotinn ourieu government. Nothing Is being left undone that ! that Arlington n or will one will be ono llino hn hnd (might soiiocl, re- feel l na position to all to nny-'d- y with defeat of alono belpg present. .Mayor 13, moved todny with Dinner tJilest Jews. make thn parly thnt ended the Cieimu. Hrrclal to Tlio Wor!. Sen- come, Hnl-Iitl- fused to givo hla name, llo nnd. but police. were other na- hody torn down tho cartoon of Sliced Tho shortor speeches iiiuiIh by the remembered for ywirH to the lie declared thero Oct. 27. The of Inde-rv..,i..- (Invenur Cox hold a spirited WoshlnKton. standing beneath tho lo to tho ,ii will be received every minute but Yonk'um and tions Which were'llkely to bo power- Hteger of Tulsa, an overseas ator Harding When the time ciuno for her candidate hero were friendly Joint dchato. '.i'riln Wllkerson. moved, Ollltf flag, whilo next to him plead she removed n enpo from her Alii Hoeletv. to tllllso who or two over tho International Nuws 'i JlofrtytI Officers Winn nnd Davis fully moved or already wero arrived liero and will American Set vice leased wlro now The Incident rnusinl tho governor de- has wns a reproduction of tho flag bend nnd fnc'o and, standing with Joined In tho torchlight purado and which is Kswtrcd a burglar Call to Cottrell's "by commercial Jealqiisy. bv tho be burleit with full military honors of nntions. I'ttrtc hos- - being Installed In Convention hull. to relate other rlrnilina'nnci h of iho for tho leaguo hand nnd chin out, answered: to a crowd at Falrvlew "heck-Jcrs- howo to and have their own eomotery. - campaign In which ho s.il:l " iinrt as thoy approached tho sire dominate tnorrow'ht Arlington Governor Cox wns "Not guilty." He nnd dinner in In nildltloii Tho World, ban arrnii-i- rlJ'-- no way In politics nnd in enterprise," In 330th under which pltal. '"" overy and other niennn had unidentified man appeared Stcger wtu a private tho utnndlng. Tho evldenco upon which the In- uii lintnl nn ituest of tho Jewish ed fir special scrvlco from lecn in sug-Ees- te nnd It won "necossar to apprise tho In county, used by Chairman lloyn In nllompta the middle of tho street and that n nchlno gun batta'.ion. At time dictment was based was said to in- society und wns to spend tho night precinct the so tho county I would bs Hteger explanation of his vandalism at tho house bo surrounded them that the .woild of enlistment he gavo W. C. In Van alleged thu greater part of tomorrow voto mny be known within u few ernlmrassnment. tht th-- was Mayor explained to clude these facts: and Oovernor Cox also wnllc ho over! tho united against as It , na inwr Walton minutes after Iho polls close. State 'ontlnafcd hot called Cottrell brother, ii Tulsa nenresi .1.,, ry linn fl tO Mrs. l'eeto caused to bo hauled here before leaving ior nia uuuiunn I telephone against Oeimany, if they attempted mm rltlllt ns well nn national reports will hu fire In nil today'H nponcties ngDlimt i iy.laflvo Denton earth tin Thursday nll.'ht at AIj(in. ng hhp. thn flag of tho United Suites into tho cellar the armory, Hon- - Senator Harding, ridlo-ittl- Aordlng o Captain Wllkerson, any similar thing." which tho body was burled. Kh In his uddress at the received over the leaned wire. that for advertising purposes and wiuioiht outlined nt 'ongth his tho senator wan "wlgifll.ig nnd wab- he nnd Yoakum wero nt tho rear Tho president read Ms address, ARRESTED was so used, ho gave (caused the pawning of a dl.imend ator Harding While The World hclleVon election bling" upon lcnguo of de BOGUS TULSAN his rntloon not Den- - conception of thu mission which returns alonn will provldo imf fit thn Imtio mid the house when a negro came from a manuscript. IJJs visitors reason fpr tearing it whch had belonp.l to do- lent trying to secure ,1 creeping after that as his jing awaits thn nation, both In Its cause ' for general Interest at tho election "under out of tho back door with clare'l In a formal statement Artlnt' falsn prctonsen." The governor hli - evi- City Had Chock Says mestic and foreign affairs. jiarty, It will vnry tho program to shoes in on&- hnnd and a gun In leaving tho house, that it was Atlantic l0.,n' Mile dlspimul of bin iiutom..bllu. uw Hint n "great 4' profoundest He'H Olilahonui Oil .Mini. away part of his doth- - Today is Uie iiunivornrj. reuove me nig i lention under wtl cii wnvfl of ifATI.Nl'uo ON 1'AOB THIHTEEN dent lie whs voicing the wv. Bald, tho or man wan Hague snutlment wua sweeping tho , that more ATLANTIC CITY, N. .1.. Oct. 27. 1atrf,ora0rooltworo,;5 "of birth llial snrno nervous voters might bo watch emotion-- of hi heart" and .,! ...... i OI nation. especial- claiming to bo Itobort F. nr,.antit to witness i n l.v en ess lieari, wimmni "ii ing and IlNtenlnr, Intent upon tho than orce his voice choVd A man v.ntni.'il mayor. The isne ensued is neariPiT in" ,.i,t,.i,,niiinL- - lutein 11 v nnd cournKe, SUES dX Oklahoma netlon of the H . , particular rare In which their fa Cox KviiilW tho Point. FOR STATE'S SHARE ly when ho referred tft'tho soldier King, president the ,, rlgnnturu of J. C. Denton, niter. ' . .. ..u ll,,. irrellt Producing company Btnrn hns carried thn straw 11 ' 2 vorite rnudldale may bo running O.N' TACK NINE. Ueflning and company believed ho had t.een murdered. VMnrV iioomvcU? It When he reiterated tho conten. CdNTINUKD returns of iv certain drug neck nnd neck with his opponent. tlon only of Tulsa, Okla., was nrrested hero Hnrd-Ing-Co- x my tribute to thnt congri Im.l power OUilmm.i .Mil- - m the Is my privilege to add Ho n urogram light m Wunts IVrtui today on a charge of passing worth-Ic- and it is the second time It shall be of and tuneful to declare war, "In or out of tho torn down. hiu iniilvlni: iniitnory. nnd melodies H llonntrrV ltiip MACSWINEY came to the city enrtoon hns been un- hns been nrranged by league," nnd tho lenguo r- HOLD MASS FOR checks. He n THE WEATHER upon this ocnsslnn that rotlnrll - 1 Mayor action follows my attempt bund which Is to piny UUd I'rM. mate Wire. about a wcok ago nnd hns been Walton's OKLAHOMA' Tliuriiliiy nnd KrMar lair, Inspiration of tho eternal wns limited solely to ndvlco. thn ' waged In OUbib'-nw- i City der tho. throughout the evening. A slmtlar governor'H ' MIO.MA CITV, 27. Dur- living nt h hotel. The proprietor rrtl'ade poli- rl'tnK itnpiTHtur. nil must have tlestlouer Interjiy.tcd: Vc IJuslnp-- f Completely StiKpcnded negro participation In arm oin love which Amerlmns nrogrnm will be given hy i Inherltancl-tt.- among who placed charges over the Kansas r"lr hat warmer Kmest The president would ndvls-- i eon- - Iniv. tax Mu.wir. Is those mayor Joined with Thurnlnr. I'rtiUy iwrl clotidr. roNTivt-K- " PAin: niiinnHN Prai'g Ht it in in, oigniilst for Wank c. Carter, ing Konlnn for M.ulr against him. tics. The has at the First gress as to tlin rroonimiir.dilliiiH 27. Kolemn who have striven to raise the hrlxileu church, who will preside ' auditor, today filed in thr COI5K', Oct. rcn.lcn' those op- of Ihn council. Would th u morally suit - - it the pipe ' soul of Terence Mftc- mco Untie- and they have been r'oiiventlon hull organ. bind congress?" cf New York to obtain a mass for tho There H nn such firm as tho who are Mny He n CoimI '". into lord mayor of CorK. I'roduclng posed by other democrats Khoiv, It Is very distinct'!' tdMied nhrrityjnpo tax of $Sr.,00(l.l4, HwlrV. the "Oklahoma Refining nnd Present 11 f A t it 11 the ' today cartooning tho negro policeman Indications ftrn to governor tin nddltlonaPpeiinlty of 115.-f- ? was celebrated nt Quecnstown company" listed In Tulsa. Officials theLeague lie Home repllod, "in unu of tho . bv mayor nnd who have Gordon on hlnhly exeitlnit contoslM In ror to promot in St. Coleman'!, cathcdi-al- of. concerns with similar names say the Doctor eoiinty. Hitchcock reservations, wo iindrr. fni.urc nuke wn- - com- - been obnoxious to white democrats slate and national rnces. nothing ' on a ! Wlillnni Huslpcss In the town nil F. King" Is connected Then there mny lake which binds the f' "'. the r.f tor- - "llobort within the city. be some landslides. United go In ress, New York, who Tletoly suspended daring the so as they know. m any rate, In StntcH'to war iioiiusa "'ir' of here far At no time within state nlstory hns interest the coming it hnd no power to inatto l V" fl ret In l.n Q'lti... Wa r.lll vices. democratic election Is at high pitch II Is prob. surh an T'f .( - . 1 the fcellne between rlvsl nrringement, In view of n iI. J j lain. esses iiim sbly the most Inlenmi the linil nunc ipe aim ihi MUCH ARRESTED BURGLAR factious been bitter In the capital lowing addressed lo the editor of The World, expi in it his )rr.n undar the cnn4'.It'itlon, J'l on-.pan- to- nrilcle for mnnv vesrs Harding tillon Tih "las In Oklahoma. Police Chief city nnd the action of the mayor of (he illlilo on the league of nations. and Cox covenant of the is based Ir I'Mknesi loft an estate of Chicago fi cling to an ternretatlon lllble as ll.elr guide, ought mo each claiming flection. A sim- day hns aroused that or World: People who take th. Ml I n upon the idea thnt rlvlllz.nl Ion hua to probate. Man Held at Okmulgee Han Sericil with- 'Kilt th 'man made' ilar h t Ion prevails locally with 11:SS12.12 according Summoned for urana In I'rlMin, Intensity not heretofore known not to be in .loubt. very long, us to thelduty toward bad n lesson and this covenant in Cr.r-e- r I'ltc" Sentence both republicans nnd y "1 Is suc:eHsful Mr. democrats lno.-nlir- ' 'ho suit Ring Hy' A'iocUtt.1 KUt Vlr in the state. league of nations. Imply a bet on tho of the .itd the stato would recelvn tho in Whisky Itw decisive on this mntler. Ihelr cnndlrlnteii win nay Juru OKMULUKL. , Out. 27. II. M. "Oods word Is clear, plain and weild. You to uie 'liow do I hlV.oiy. I It In Oo.l the county courthouse, for (lie next 1 lTisi inheritance tax In Its Moore, who was arrested heri last 'Kxodus 34 10: Ood says, behold make a covenant. wo know moral force will be 1U yeiirs niiffl. f'ate seeks to obtain 27. of Friday morning on n charge of bur Dcmocratn Intimidate that in.tkes leagues, und not man. As lent?' I Will glvo you a ils'nrlf tax on In Okla-r- . C1IICACJO. Oct. Chief chapter he says. Take lies, to thy- veil Whtih nil HXeltlrnr linr. stuck held glary, served entiinceH In five and-Can- cel "in the 12th verse of tl.e same race from jireeedent, Isn't the covenant of Iho . r Onrrlty tonight was ht of the land lest It the grandstand, so you Pollco John J. prisons, acionllng to a report irom Sapulpu Negroes self, lest make a covenant with tho Inhabitants may t lenguo Internationally r.re Iselv '4 thou witch the polie,-- rn.ee--n- r appear , served with a mibpoonn to the bureau of original investigation Registrations lie ri snare In the midst of thee. from a sent In CnnvnnMm. hat the Monroe doctrine M n thin to- Kftnsss. whloh-wa- s verse Lest thou make n covenant with the Inhabitant! 'ce is sk I rlt-l- i grand Jury nt "Fifteenth hall o'ectlnn night. Come continent? What behbid tho llivogiilllt'iif before the federal l go u whoring gods. when von , in- received here todny. inger pr.iurt of the bind, arid they after other wish: leave nt .Monrpo doctrine except imr in, nil vsiUNnTON-- 27. Argu-7''- " with the InlmbltiintN of will. It', nil rv. Oct. morrow in connection were to the federal prison for "Judges. 2.2 And ye shall make no lenguo with the - nave wo over to w,hlakcy sent Bpol; t" Th- - V.,rld election leturrm, inunlr- every-bi- n force7 IPid firo " f.ivoi-in- rocognltion of the vestigation of lllgel despa-rat- o and 100 yearn identification. I.PA. Oct. 27 i In a 1,10 And if vV.u nr.. o n shot in to maintain lev, for-f- r SAIH ye There-for- e mm that rcpuWic of Ireland" wero traffic. Arcordlng I" the Information re eleventh-hou- r fttfVmpt to swing ll'ut yo have not obeyod my Voice why Imvo done this? U 1177' Colby godB bo a aili'fctedo Uiu of the "weed." I resented to subpoena was issued after ceived here Moure served two terms into the deuioi ratio Ihey shall bo as thorns In your sides, and their shall omy ii That doesn t answer my ques 'ht a The Creek ou''y t.mi iki yourself right at (kpaitiiieiit tonight bj Mike do Pike" Ileltler. former In Washington slate prison at Walla column several hundred citations snare unto you. , home bv slit In if mi f h. i.i, tion." the governors; ciut'stlonor J rCa if-'-i convict, CoUrdo wero spoMn to Hods people, and thin eommnnd of Irish symathlzer saloonkeeper and had Walla; one lerm at springs; served on negro citizens and other "Now these words and smoking an much or as littlei,.ns J'TI 1 by Prank Walsh, former been on the stand for nearly 24 one at Folsom, Cnl.. and one In Oro- - making It mandatory upon has never been abrogated, but holds good today. And the American "Well, then I will answer It In w i. Salem, serv- voters 3 ' lulrmnu with William II. Taft hours, by federal officials, who con state prison at lie them 'to appear before Torn Wallace, i people are certainly Gods1 people. f There will l e no reservations, IPs CONTINrBIWlM l'AOK TlHIlTBirr Hi ' war labor board. him with making a con- ed these sentences under the name county registernr, on October 30 to ''in the fucu of this word of (lod we have no right whatever a esse of first eome. credited O Harry up Idol worshipping na- first served. fession which implicated govern- of Harry Moore. Morton show cause why their registration American people, to link ourselves with tho The onlv iffues! maijn by The ment officers nnd officials of sev- and Harry Mooro. receipts should not be cancelled. Air tions of thn world, World Is that smoking be confined In reglw.ered as "Cod pd.lllvfly forbids II. to the b.--i Irony. mlddlewuatern tnwni purtles served are y THOUGHTS TO eral thus Is we war. No, no ono wants IL Hut if wn ills-obe- was KINSMAN DEPOSED Hut It said, dont want Tl' ,)Y.';iUl ,18'1 ques-flop- - I liquor traffic Ilrltler BISHOP republicans, It Is Mid. ""'veil tho NcwYorkLife re-- wo with (lod, nutlons also, - released tonight after his attorney Wtillaco, a lawyer, wh.i only 1 Ood will surely havewiir nnd th for Where wl- I spend election THINK upon Clod says rb. If we want to prevent war, let us obey (lodAnd 1 believe night to ABOUT had promised he would appear Kplscopal Church I lend Who contly appointed registrar, tho, the best ndynntnge?" Il..y . If we ratify thin man made league Ood will punish us, A discarded pleco of machinery when wanted. I" Hull, riflgiintb-- of M. Whlcelefy. The that o . signed, Striken 'rom only league Ood wants us to ratify is the one. that Jesus Co. offe-c- 'l was' "Tho that Mnrpliy "Coyiinltinl Insurance throuKh a. Kor Salo Ad Chief riarrity wis lnstrucied-t- KT. LOIIS, Oct. 27. Former petition asking for citations "go yu Siilelile," s A. Hopkins Christ made with the dlwlples, when ho said, into all the world COUK. Oct. 27 A I by a maclrtneit, brine with him all amj Hln hop Predi-ric- J. Kinsman of the signed by Charles and military n. urchased preach tho gospel to every creature." That is thw league that links I by might havo concern- Delaware, who resigned Karl Tankeisley, the latter being1 hnd ei'lrv Into lie death of Ioki nil Mur-p'- n " . red find overhwiled him evidence he diocese of us up In tho might wny with the Idol worshipping nations of thu world. in a' profit through ing the liquor traffic especlallv year, uftf rwnrds entering tho ntary of the Qreek county ii.in resulied In n e folowlnir nt Ust "We never ran havo peace Ik iwe. n man and man, until we have ver-- t World Ads. Call Osage the theft from ra'irr-i- yardt of ' I'll li f lurch w.ia formally .'tr- .I romrnlt'ie They wore "Ha fcp nUusly kpu j Want peace Ood mrtn- league Hint Uod chris- i to a s to Ortobtr 26 between und That li tho wunls lilrni i if v jslii- - r, & Duran .7 Ad take. SITS 000 worth of IPiuor ild it mn Irg of the ho of appartn iy prtda'ed people to ratify. iiurMion is not 'What does man think ref ,i forms Farmer 'JC'ant )ic-- n ' I c R' opal um only h. rvi d today in tian The ubout poiiri.' i " yiJtNwIll meet Iho bargiln I,.. hffn brought ll'em'lv ;h"l"! rf I'p rhir'h tiny w does Ood say hr n' SPICCI L AH12NTH i It" but 'What ubou' If" "-- of this city. It will pay " rrU" Ilcl'lr Is i harcd c liii II n 'arnr wa". rtibken thw fvi ul irt. Juh' how fan 8, U -- UOKDON" ' ' Implicated the rcil call of tho house, It the mat iinthus gone outnide of thli hTANIXV JlrCfNi: 203 Palato Illdg, Phono 131 ti use World Want Ads. la this ' n' Tulsa, October 27. H '"t was t:ud. city tho county in not yet known. Punrral dlr tors llnnldrr Phon. i transaction. lrr 0, 1(22, O. U0 II. Amlulmice acrvlct. Advt. I