Sunday, October 14, 2018 Vikings Quarterback

Q: Can you explain the dance that you celebrated with? A: Adam [Thielen] calls it the Dead Arm Dance. He says that’s what they used to do back in the day at Mankato State. It looked pretty familiar because I’ve been at some parties where some people who can’t dance do that as well. I like to embrace, my limitations as a dancer. I guess I’m honest about it. That’s a dance I can get behind. I was asking Diggsy [] about his dance from Week 1 and I didn’t really know what he was trying to do and so I tried to do both of them after the rushing . We had fun with it. It was great when the linemen joined and it’s kind of a group thing, that’s when it becomes fun.

Q: What do you attribute the tipped passes to? A: One was a keeper so I attribute it to an unblocked end that we’re trying to influence with the run fake, he doesn’t buy it and then I’ve got to touch it up and over. If I touch it too much the safety drives down and blows up C.J. [Ham], so I was just trying to get it up and over quick. I made that throw several times this season, but that one he got. Other ones were quick game and I felt like a back’s trying to cut the end and get hands down, but then the end could get back up and he got that one. The last one was regular protection I don’t even know who batted it, it just is what it is, but I thought it was more a credit the Cardinals defense and their scheme and the way they played and they were ready to bat balls down then it was anything we were doing.

Q: Was it refreshing to close out the game with the running game? A: Yes, absolutely. I’ve always said that the run game is going to be an easier way to move the football when it comes to less risk. Anytime we can get the run game going and have explosive runs that’s always preferred, especially in the second half there when we got a three score lead and we were trying to churn clock. So anytime we get that going we’re going to try, but it’s tough to stay patient at times. You have a second and short, you run the ball and you lose a couple yards, now it’s third and four, and you’re back to your drop back game and you’re thinking why did we run on second down. It’s that balance of trying to be patient and run the ball, but also not wasting plays.

Q: How important was it to get the score before the half and then score off the kickoff in the third? A: So, Coach Zimmer talks about that. He says back in May during OTAs we sit in a team meeting and he shows us film of teams that do that. He calls it a double dip – where you finish the half and you start the second half and you score on both possessions. He says many times when you double dip you can put teams away quickly and so we talk about it and because Coach Zim preaches it, a guy like Kyle Rudolph is on the sideline saying, “Hey man let’s double dip”. Before we even go down to score to end the half we’re talking about how important it is to do that and today we were able to. Would have loved to been able to do more in the second half to really pull away.

Q: Would any quarterback hit like you fumble the ball or is there something you can do? A: All fumbles are different and I think when you have ones like I had against the Bills where I was running forward and the ball was not secure against my body and it got punched out from behind. That’s unacceptable. That’s 100 percent on me. When you’re in the pocket, there’s two hands on the ball, when you’re having to see down the field, and something happens that’s a little different. If I’m going to drop back scared about fumbling I’m never going to make a throw or a play. There were completions today that we made that the only reason they’re being made is because I’ve got to be aggressive and fight to keep the play alive and find a completion. So finding that balance of protecting the football while being aggressive is ‘Welcome to quarterbacking in this league’, but I felt on the one that I fumbled that they returned for a touchdown, specifically that one, I was climbing the pocket, I didn’t want to take another sack, I had two people I could dump it to in front of me and I was just trying to dump it to him and I was just trying to pull my hands apart to dump it. The minute you don’t have two hands on the ball now it’s free reign for the defensive lineman to grab it and I thought he had me more on my lower half and I thought I could get rid of it, but he clearly was able to punch it out.

Q: Was the rushing touchdown just a perfect call for that situation? A: Kyle Rudolph got me a really good block on the strong safety there. It’s one-on-one with him, so if that’s got block got to get made then I just read the end and pretty, pretty stand play. Both the receiver and Kyle did a great job of holding up to get me in there. I think it was another good play call and gives us some flexibility.

Q: Will you continue your 2-0 streak with passionate pregame speeches? A: You’ll have to ask Linval [Joseph]. It’s his show, I just do what he tells me. Try to keep him happy.

Q: Did Linval Joseph give you permission to make the pregame speech? A: Yes, he told me on the flight back last week he said, “You got it next week.” I said, “Ok”. In pregame he just looked at me and just pointed and stared at me. That was enough for me to know I better bring it. I gave him the thumbs up, “I got it.” You’ll have to ask him.

Q: What is Latavius Murray’s greatest strength? A: He is a good back. He runs downhill really well. He has good body lean. He has a nice spin move. He just runs with a forward lean that I think helps us and does a great job of protection. He catches the ball well and is a smart player. He is very conscientious and he’ll come over to me and talk about details in the game plan to make sure he is doing his job down to the proper step every time. That is when you know a guy is a professional. I think he is a total package there and has done a great job for us.

Q: Were you always confident that you would get that running balance you wanted? A: I feel like it’s week to week so much. You just play the game that you have to play that week. When our defense is causing them to be 0-for-10 on third down and holding up and standing up the way they were, it’s just not a game to invite Chandler Jones to come wreck it and get them right back in the game. We were trying to run the ball and keep a great player like Chandler Jones from ruining the game. He still made plays, certainly. We didn’t want to play to his strength. Anytime you can run the ball it gives you that chance. It is week to week. Other games, I think the play was to drop back and throw it all over the yard. We’ll just see what each week calls for.

Q: Did you feel like converting Adam Thielen’s 3rd-and-13 was a turning point today? A: I just think that is a hidden play, right. We went down and scored on that possession. If we don’t convert that, we are punting. The odds of converting a 3rd-and-13 with their pass rush are not high. We hadn’t been very successful on third down prior to that. That is a big deal. With how close the game ends up being, I think that is a huge play and it is kind of a hidden play because it’s not the one that scored the points or the one that people will talk about but that is a big, big play. Especially because they dropped. They weren’t bringing the house. It wasn’t like there were a lot of windows up out there. Took a great play and it was huge that we got that.

Q: What has the progression been of becoming more of a vocal leader and the team giving you the keys to lead? A: I think we’re past that now in Week 6 going into Week 7, I think we’re past tiptoeing in. I think April, May to kind of feel your way through things. Maybe a little bit even in July. But once the season gets going, it is full team ahead and I have to be me and lead anyway I can and be assertive. If I have an opinion, I have to speak up. My temperament is one that usually not being very self-promotional and just do my part. At times, if I feel my need to speak up or share my opinion, I will certainly do that. I am more of a reluctant leader. When given the opportunity or asked to, then yes I will step up.

Q: How does Thielen continue to do so well when teams are focused on him? A: We are going to get that. We are going to get that as the year goes on. Defenses are going to look at where does Stefon [Diggs] get the ball, when is Adam getting the ball, when is Kyle Rudolph getting the ball. Let’s situationally, formationally try to take away things and so we are going to have to play off that. That is why you want depth. That is why you want your team to stay healthy because they can take away. I saw at times was shadowing Stefon, so when he does that you know at least he can’t cover Stefon and Adam. Teams will try to take things away. We have to play that chess match and have an answer in return. That will be the challenge all year long.

Q: How important is having the balance with fun for this group? A: That is a great question. That has been my biggest challenge as a pro. This game is so challenging and I feel when I take my eye off the ball for one second, I get beat. As a result, it drives you away from having fun. That is too bad because you want to enjoy this game and love it and have a blast and do it with a smile on your face. I’d like to think like Harrison [Smith[ said we can play at a high level and do it with a smile on our face and have fun. But that is a sweet spot that is hard to find sometimes. Something I am always working on, certainly.

Q: What happened with the delay of the game? A: It was my fault. My fault. The ball has to get snapped. I was processing all they were doing as a defense and what to do in response and there was a lot of moving parts there and situational football. Knowing there were no timeouts of what I wanted to do and be smart with it. Can’t do that.