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Routledge Handbook of Transport in

Junyi Zhang, Cheng-Min Feng

The Asian and Trans-Asian Railway networks

Publication details A.S.M. Abdul Quium Published online on: 08 Jun 2018

How to cite :- A.S.M. Abdul Quium. 08 Jun 2018, The Asian Highway and Trans-Asian Railway networks from: Routledge Handbook of Transport in Asia Routledge Accessed on: 29 Sep 2021


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Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 h oeunro h rsn NEooi n oilCmiso o saadtePacific the and Asia for Commission Social (ECAFE), and East Economic Far UN the and present (ESCAP). the Asia the in for of initiated Commission was forerunner Economic Asia (UN) in the Nations networks United rail destinations. and the and road by products regional 1950s many developing for of economical idea more the and this, faster Following be could Asia within routes land 44 ideas. of sharing and languages trade, a of culture, expansion establishing technology, the in knowledge, to effort contributed of col- successful had transfer a centuries routes, many and was trade for Road which track Silk system, historic caravan transport The land of global Road. network Silk the extensive the as an of connected known were days through lectively Asia early region West the and Mediterranean to Central the South, back East, to date centuries, system many transport For development. land of global history a establishing towards efforts The land regional a for need the and Background 3.1 einadrvvdteitrs netbihn nAinln rnpr system. the transport in land connectivity Asian better an of establishing goal in to the interest urge shared the an shared They revived countries connected. and Asian the closely region of more leaders new countries remained The their Asia. in get and development of course transportation developments, new a new global of these of With mode back. shipping. decades nineteenth predominant few the maritime a of the in until revolution unchallenged became growth steam the remarkable shipping and con- a 1869 maritime transport in to land Canal of led Suez importance the century the of diminished which opening and place, The taken shipping nectivity. had maritime transportation of in maritime prominence to in Europe to developments from led route major sea some new made a then, of that Since discovery Empire the Mongol 1497. included and the difficult, factors of routes main fall the the The along after passage collapse. especially safe final routes its the and along time insecurity growing over were disintegration gradual its to led factors h n fWrdWrI n h olpeo h l ooileprsmre h beginning the marked empires colonial old the of collapse the and II War World of end The of number a Eventually, time. of test the survive not did however Road Silk historic The rnpr ytmi Asia in system transport 4 rn-sa ala networks Railway Trans-Asian rgn,pors fdvlpetand development of progress Origins, h sa iha and Highway Asian The rset ntefuture the in prospects ...AdlQuium Abdul A.S.M. 3 2 twscerthat clear was It 3 1 Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 oeta o ute eeomn,ptnilbnft frgoa rnpr infrastructure transport regional of benefits conclusions. potential some presents development, finally and and further development challenges the development, of for of formalization state phases, potential different current links in agreements, rail development and intergovernmental of road through progress of networks inclusion networks, for TAR criteria and and AH development the of in process the of account an provides n utrldvlpeto h ein ntecs flnlce onre,hgwycom- commerce. highway neighbouring and the countries, trade with landlocked for areas outlets of those providing linking case thus of social and the means economic, countries important In the an foster region. to considered order the were in munications of links such development develop in to cultural the 1959 need on and the in awareness to of general held a governments Subcommittee was session, the Highway There of fifteenth region. part the ECAFE its the of at within recommendation highways ECAFE international the develop by endorsed initiated Commission was The AH Australia. the of development The and AH the of development of phase initial The 3.2 .. sa Highway Asian 3.2.1 xeinesgetta h upyo oeefcetln rnpr ikgshsteptnilto actual 2006). potential and Fujimura, the and studies has (Edmonds empirical linkages demand that transport transport land note and efficient to trade more cross-border important increase of also significantly supply is the transport It that land future. regional suggest for the experience demand in the the increase that With period expected also region. is that the would it within during trade, more 50% intraregional trading above of now 2014, are pattern at in region changing stable the 54% in quite to Countries 2002 remained 2015a). in imports ESCAP, exports (UN intraregional Asia-Pacific of total exports share of intraregional the 46% of from while share decade The past Asia. the in during development increased transport future shaping in force betterdriving countries. neighbouring a with offer trading could for networks especially countries. transport cases other many land in regional in networks shipping of maritime the development to to the alternative links that those re-establish realized connect to also opportunity and was an links It provided transport also former ECAFE these of of initiative some The borders exist. at not flows did traffic formerly to barriers that Indian non-physical the and in physical example created for Asia, countries, Central new and of subcontinent emergence the cases, other In developed. linkages well transport not land inter-country were result, a As areas. coastal towards orientated are countries Asian eecnee.Temi ups fcneigwriggop a opooerue obe to routes propose to was groups working convening of purpose main The convened. were rail Euro-Asia and of Asia. development transport in road countries the land-locked of support regional for connectivity also efficiency improving important Trans-Asian networks as well and TAR and as are and linkages development transport (AH) AH networks the The Highway Asia. TAR enhancing Asian in at and infrastructure the aimed AH as initiatives The known cooperation networks. now are (TAR) which Railway ECAFE, by initiated current the from much benefited to not potential inland development. have huge deeper of which offers spate areas in areas such infrastructure inland in development through transport economic networks land generate transnational underdeveloped of to development The partially areas. due areas coastal in h rwho xenltaeadiscagn atr ntergo sepce ob major a be to expected is region the in pattern changing its and trade external of growth The many of networks transport land the reasons, topographical and political historical, various For olwn h omsinsedreet he okn ruso nentoa highways international on groups working three endorsement, Commission’s the Following networks rail and road inter-country the of development of history the traces article This been has region Asia-Pacific the of countries in development economic the of much Further, A ewrs(ni al 1970s) early (until networks TAR sa iha n rn-sa Railway Trans-Asian and Highway Asian 7 6 h article The 45 5 Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 ik ewe h ebrcutiso httm.Teiiilycnevdntoklength network 1971. in conceived km initially 64,000 about The to time. 1959 in that km 11,000 of mere countries a from member increased the between between consensus links develop give to to network. started the levels gradually to which Highway structure, various shape network a Asian highway at agreed an Ministerial-level respectively. on undertaken 1968, countries a and neighbouring were 1965 standards, in up activities set technical also were Subsequently, of bureau technical setting a progress and further and Committee make Coordination To planning countries. donor network some and Fund in Special UN’s the by network. provided AH support the and cooperating complete planning 1960. to the the in for help and and would session 1962. surveys, that entities and Commission pre-investment projects relevant out 1961 the of carrying execution the in at for Commission requested assistance time extend the matters, first to by countries other the adopted among for were resolutions, AH AHs These the on as resolutions in to two with network connections Subsequently, referred highway necessary international was The as region system. well highway the as European sites, the and countries ports, and landlocked important centres, capitals, the consumption between links and direct production provide would which network, the in included Quium rgesmc nte17sad18sa oiia odtoswr o aorbet the to favourable not were not conditions did political networks as the 1980s 46 of and implementation 1970s The the development. greatly in of was networks phases much TAR and initial progress AH their the both after of development lost development of progress of the progress of momentum the The at of momentum Railway of Malayan Loss the 3.2.3 to and the of considering proposal islands . the and to the added was alignment between an on, connections of via Later Republic km. shipping 14,000 Islamic to of the distance Singapore and a from over India, link , rail , continuous , a , providing through railway for project all TAR. the a with of to region by cooperation the systems of African the countries and link with European eventually the created to by was served be objective those Committee The network region. Communications railway the and in Transport large administrations Inland a The ECAFE. that of recommended report of annual 1967 objective the Middle the in the with . with initiated and also were Singapore but between activities link region this, railway the Following a inter- of providing provide systems. countries to European the order and in between Eastern countries only neighbouring not of connections networks national railway the linking of year. problems that of men- Eastern ECAFE was of Far paper report and working annual other this Asian the and importance, an in organization 1950. its tioned an for in Recognizing such need proposed between organizations. the cooperation was railway of on international association possibility paper Railway the working and Asian Association a an Railway prepared of Secretariat development ECAFE the The for idea an Initially Railway Trans-Asian 3.2.2 ot aswr rprdi h 90 n i aswr ulse n17 hwn road showing 1972 in published were maps six and 1960s the in prepared were maps Route funding with countries member AH in undertaken were studies pre-investment result, a As ntebsso h bv eomnain CF usqetymd fot ogv reality give to efforts made subsequently ECAFE recommendation, above the of basis the On time first the for TAR the as to referred was region the in network railway trans-national The the study should region the of railways the that mentioned ECAFE of report annual 1960 The Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 o oe l h 2Aincutis usqetsuisudrae ne h LI project ALTID the under undertaken countries. studies all Subsequent of countries. did inclusion network Asian the AH 32 facilitated initial the the that all here mention cover to important not is It sub-regions. all covering network ftasotntok loldt nee togrug oetbihcosbre adtransport land cross-border establish to urge stronger even region. an the severance to throughout the led linkages Nevertheless, Asia. also Central networks in severed transport operations borders of their new also Union Asia; affected Soviet Central and the in networks of countries transport dissolution independent the The land-locked War. of Cold emergence the the Soviet to to the end led of an dissolution marked the which after 1991, especially in 1980s, Union late another. the or from way again favourable one became in linkages door region closed whole and the conditions impacted countries adverse major such some to in due policies cooperation regional for environment political eiso studies of series a (see infrastructure. and networks transport routes, of TAR such existing and of set of number AH identical the use the minimize An the to in maximize networks. emphasis links with to the rail selected in were and criteria establish links road These to of 3.1). rail was Box consideration and project for road ALTID adopted certain the was of of criteria strategy inclusion basic for processes The intergovernmental criteria networks. the specific the in impetus of real development a the gathered for project The networks. region. assure TAR the to and in AH conventions boundaries facilitation national across international people various and to goods of accession movements but of physical TAR, efficient the importance the and on the AH the only Development on of not development also the focused Infrastructure through project networks the transport Transport The national for network. of framework Land integration transport region-wide integrated a Asian an provided of project the and ALTID development AH The under launched. on more was work initiative and project the (ALTID) afterwards reactivate renewed and to 1980s A initiative the the TAR. in took situation ESCAP political conditions, the economic favourable of improvement gradual the With (ALTID) Development Infrastructure Transport Land Asian The 3.3 countries. and neighbouring wars between regional especially major some mistrust due and affected caused tensions was political which work global Further conflicts time. and that regional at domestic, region prevailing the to in linkages transport land of development oee,teoealpltclstainfrtedvlpeto rs-odrln transport land cross-border of development the for situation political overall the However, vrapro ftenx e er ewe 92ad20,teECPsceaitcompleted secretariat ESCAP the 2002, and 1992 between years ten next the of period a Over the both for development of history the in watershed a was project ALTID the of launch The     into links specific including for Criteria 3.1 Box rjc:awtrhdi h itr fdvlpeto the of development networks of TAR history and the AH in watershed a project: oncin omjrcnanrtriasaddepots. and terminals container major to ports. Connections river and sea major to centres. Connections agricultural and industrial main to Connections links. Capital-to-capital HadTRnetworks TAR and AH 9 ne ifrn hssfrtedvlpetadfraiaino h AH the of formalization and development the for phases different under sa iha n rn-sa Railway Trans-Asian and Highway Asian 8 h bec of absence The 47 Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 h HadTRrue nAENadEOsubregions. ECO and more ASEAN Consequently, in upon networks. routes building TAR TAR and consolidation and and through AH AH emerged the have the networks rail by taking and by up road subregional level opened had dense subregional possibilities the (SAARC) Cooperation at the Cooperation connectivity of Economic transport Regional advantage land (ASEAN), for greater consider Association Nations to Asian initiatives Asian taken South and subregional of (ECO), on later Association Organization that surprising the not of therefore such is goal It shared groups region. the the of in principle connectivity in transport acceptance greater their signified endorsement This countries. member time. of link period by had long ESCAP link that literally, goodwill the routes. place and neighb TAR in knowhow nical between and networks especially AH the consensus agreed put on on to based consensus helped process build development to network helped The level subregional the at countries would which link. links” the into “missing any along taken of of impossible existence assessment also movements the an were and make with barrier, factors points this break-of-gauge overcome important of to other solutions existence technical possible the Two linkages: of borders. the set identifying national a in of operation with account railway sides of links compatibility both identified 3) and on the speed; and of practices load conformity axle gauge, 2) loading ALTID as 3.1; the such satisfy Box requirements that in links proposed mentioned potential the of as in identification inclusion criterion 1) their meth- included: finally similar criteria and These followed links network. potential studies TAR the development identifying in network criteria These and network. odologies the of formalization the 0mme ttsaesgaoist h gemn,o hc 9aeprist h Agreement the 2015, to December parties of are updated 29 As the which 2005. provides of July Secretariat Agreement, ESCAP 4 the The on to 3.1). force signatories (Table into are States came member which 30 Agreement, the signed States Quium 48 2004. April 26 on ESCAP , the , during in signature held for session, opened Commission was and 2003, November in meeting text. intergovernmental agreed level, an subregional the of at development organized consensual the were a to meetings negotiate the group led to expert order ultimately of In by which agreement. series the a mandate for agreement, text the a agreed for purpose an text main following develop The to network. 2002 was AH project the the in on of on agreement project initiated intergovernmental a regional undertook was a secretariat of ESCAP development The network 2001. in AH Infrastructure on the Conference Ministerial of formalization The network Highway Asian networks 3.4.1 TAR and AH the of Formalization 3.4 iino he-ii ubrn sas hr o otsta ol iktemi n-o two-digit or one- main pro- the link A would subregion. that routes neighbouring for a indicate there also to to is assigned numbering connecting three-digit are cross those of numbers that vision including route routes subregions, two-digit highway within subregion; the routes one The are the than routes south. more one-digit the in The in countries system. Indonesia several numbering , route to a north, has the network in Federation, Russian Torpynovka, from h otipratsgiiac fteATDpoetwsisedreetb h ESCAP the by endorsement its was project ALTID the of significance important most The member the of meetings of series a with together studies development network The ial,teItroenetlAreeto h sa iha ewr a dpe yan by adopted was Network Highway Asian the on Agreement Intergovernmental the Finally, ntecs fteTRntok orstudies four network, TAR the of case the In h urn Hntoketnsfo oy ntees oKpkl,Tre ntews and west the in Turkey Kapikule, to east the in from extends network AH current The uigcutis trqie ilmc,tech- diplomacy, required It countries. ouring 10 eeudrae ewe 96ad20 for 2001 and 1996 between undertaken were eeae ihmme oenet vra over governments member with generated 12 Hnetwork. AH 11 nta cain 6member 26 occasion, that On 13 Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 ubro ots 47 2013) December of (as new Data constructing 142,804 in both standards, minimum the to ones. existing conform cement the to two or modernizing effort with and asphalt interchanges make highways upgrading grade-separated to to in (DBST) at refers ramps and treatment obligation via routes II provided surface an is to class bituminous have highway refers the double lanes; Countries from I to more exit only. Class or refers or to lanes. III access four means more Class Access-controlled with lanes; or lanes. highways two four with carriageway with refers highways dual highways Primary concrete standard. carriageway concrete grouped desirable dual minimum cement are the concrete routes or as specified cement guidelines, asphalt is or those which III, In asphalt class routes. and access-controlled II; AH to class I; of class maintenance primary; classes: and four improvement into construction, the 32 for guidelines Notes 29 (km): length and roads of Type routes: of Number Agreement: Highway (km): Asian length the Total to party countries Highway: of Asian Number by linked countries of Number Item 3.1 Table h A ewr ossso ormjrcrioswt ahcrio rsnigdifferent presenting corridor each with links corridors Corridor Northern major The characteristics. operational four and configuration of their in consists characteristics network TAR The network Railway Trans-Asian 3.4.2 Asian the in specified are routes AH the of for alignment numbers Agreement. three-digit detail Highway and The two- subregion. of the set within a routes assigned the been has subregion Each routes. AH numbered ls I:33,837 53,924 22,213 20,915 11,915 others: and III Class Below III: Class II: Class I: Class Primary: Source      below: as summarized cooperation Asian be development can in highway has effects subregional network major development of AH the highway The development of countries. the Some on many programmes. for of reference effects plan a national positive as the used many in been included produced been has has AH AH The countries. the Agreement on Highway work Asian The the of benefits major Some 3.2 Box h Hcasfcto n einsadrsicue nteAreetpoietemnmmsadrsand standards minimum the provide Agreement the in included standards design and classification AH The : rae neeto eeomn ak nfnnigrgoa odprojects. road regional financing in trade; banks inter-country development of of growth interest the greater supporting been has development; that highway of connectivity for enhanced development standards technical the and design to common led developed subsequently which networks; connectivity subregional greater level; regional in at interest networks road generated of development coordinated for basis provided w.nsa.r/u-oktasotainhgwyaot(cesd2 uy2017). July 27 (accessed : ain etrso h sa iha network Highway Asian the of features Salient sa iha n rn-sa Railway Trans-Asian and Highway Asian 49 Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 oteifraincretyaalbei h aaae bu 100k 8 ftettl fthe of total) the of (8% km 11,000 about database, According the States. in member available from currently received information data the using updated to is standards minimum with pliance oc n1 ue20.TeECPSceaitpoie h pae A network. TAR updated into the came provides it Secretariat and ESCAP 2006, The November 2009. in June , 11 in held on Transport force on Conference Ministerial the at t eso nJkrao 2Arl2006. at in April Commission held 12 the by on Meeting adopted was in Intergovernmental which session An Agreement, its the 2005. finalized 2005 throughout November further level in for subregional basis and at reviewed a subsequently refined was provided agreement further draft which The prepared, involved. countries was the between agreement negotiation draft A segments agreement. four governmental the along runs All ; Poland. in in successfully. Malacewicze implemented and to Mongolia; were to in Federation Ulaanbaatar four to China Russian along in in in Brest run ; were in trains to included China block in segments container These 2004, June segments. and corridor. selected the 2003 par- in routes November organizations the along between international trains Finally, block two container and of demonstration-runs countries case in test directly Eight ticipated a readiness. as selected operational was its Corridor Northern considering The formalization. subsequently and the ationalization readiness. in operational link of missing level a high of a exception characterizes North–South the Corridor the Northern With the and Gulf. peninsula, Persian Turkey; Korean the and to Thailand Europe Russian Lanka, Northern links Sri the Corridor Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar, links Iran, Corridor Peninsula Southern India, the Korean China, Nam; Viet the and Thailand Singapore, Mongolia, Democratic Malaysia, People’s Republic, Kazakhstan, Lao Indonesia, China, , China, links Corridor Indo-China of the Federation; networks rail the Quium 50 network the of years. quality the the over routes Consequently, upgraded new ones. been constructing existing significantly in the has both modernizing standards, and taken minimum upgrading have countries in the years and to significantly the conform varies over to it Nevertheless, the measures uneven; countries. however within considerable provide is as network well Agreement AH the as of along countries Highway maintenance highways between and the Asian improvement of The quality construction, the routes. The the some routes. in for along guidelines bridges included and few standards a standards minimum except design links missing and any have classification not does network AH The networks TAR Highway and Asian AH 3.5.1 the of development of status basis. Current biennial a 3.5 on meet WGs The any. if Agreement, the the to alignment including amendments of and Agreement change routes routes, respective existing new their of of their inclusion at for of proposals WGs and implementation development further countries. status, to current member related two respective Agreements, issues networks’ of the discuss comprise the of meetings WGs provisions by The the network. nominated each with officials for line one government In established, networks. were (WGs) static Groups not Working separate are Agreements TAR TAR and and AH AH The the managing for Mechanisms 3.4.3 n20,teECPCmiso gedt omlz h A ewr hog ninter- an through network TAR the formalize to agreed Commission ESCAP the 2004, In oper- its test to steps took ESCAP completed, was network the of definition the After h sa iha Database, Highway Asian The 16 hc otis mn te hns nomto ncom- on information things, other among contains, which 14 h gemn a pndfrsgigo h countries the of signing for opened was Agreement The 15 Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 ainlriwy ytm uha nBnlds n ni.Teeaedfeetmeasures some different within are exist There India. also and discontinuities Bangladesh Such in Pakistan. as and Kazakhstan, such and Iran China systems of as railways such Republic national routes Islamic TAR the the in and countries neighbouring some between exist hn’ otws.Sne21,Shne alAtmtv a aae otie risfrom China. trains in in container hub to managed industrial Germany has the in Chongqing, Automative Wackersdorf and Rail and Antwerp Schenker Leipzig of 2011, Port Since the southwest. between long- China’s direct 2011 five-days-a-week example, in a service For introduced freight Railways Asian side. rail Chinese Central the increased. operational and have China railways’ Mongolia as and the such countries countries in many between achieved traffic railway been cross-border distance also has success Notable     routes: TAR the along links  important following the PDR. construct Lao in to operation ongoing railway completed is of was beginning work section the the Currently, short marked through a which PDR, 2009, infrastructure Lao In rail and Bangladesh. Thailand continuous and between India now Pakistan, is Iran, of of there completion Republic 2008, Since Islamic completed. in been already section have - which of the some network, TAR the along and links operations railway seamless in operation. interruptions railway causes in gauge costs whatever additional of However, involves break gauges. a track in considered, difference is to solution due discontinuity network railway overcome hnriwylnswt w ifrn agsme tapoint. a at and meet gauges Asia different South-East two in with estimated are lines an railway which is when of there most 2015, network, of TAR As the disuse. in long or links Mongolia. conflicts missing or political of constructed, to never km neigh- were due 10,000 Missing links of exist country. the to networks same because TAR the ceased railway either within they the the exist links countries along railway between neighbouring of links continuity continuity between missing of of links absence absence many an the are or countries is there bouring link’ network, ‘missing AH A the routes. Unlike TAR. on agreement sa h n f21,teTRntokcmrss1750k friwyrue finternational party of are routes which railway of of 18 km countries, 117,500 member comprises Asian network 28 TAR serving importance the 2015, of end the at As Railway Trans-Asian 3.5.2 periods. higher a previous to during routes undertaken of upgrading also Such standard 4.5% was standards. or III of standards km, class and of of 5,835 higher II about class a end 2014 to Class the and upgraded and 2010 were of Between 31% network, As network. the about AH of 2014. covered the in of routes 60% standards AH about desirable covered standard routes minimum I the Class meet and not Primary 2014, did network the in roads ubro ntaie r newyt eeo,ugaeadcntutsm ftemissing the of some construct and upgrade develop, to underway are initiatives of number A h ra fguei nte su ntedvlpeto h ewr.Abeko ag exists gauge of break A network. the of development the in issue another is gauge of break The a D,Mamradipoigteeitn ie oVe Nam. Viet to lines with connect existing to the construction, improving or and planning of Myanmar stages PDR, different Lao at are projects Thailand. various China and In reconnect India to with Thailand Sea. rail and Myanmar Mediterranean by India, the Myanmar between on made been ports has Turkish arrangement tripartite which to A access and rail Turkey . direct between to section provide Kars-Akhalkalaki link would 98-km rail a will cross-border on a route started has constructing this Work is Bangladesh. Sea; Iran to of Caspian Europe Republic Western the Islamic from of infrastructure coast rail continuous western provide the along section --Astara sa iha n rn-sa Railway Trans-Asian and Highway Asian 18 icniute ftakgauges track of Discontinuities 17 oteintergovernmental the to 19 51 to Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 Quium vradtaeepninb h Hntok ersinbsdcs oe a sdt estimate 52 to used was of model potential cost huge based a regression suggests A work network. Their AH countries. the network by AH expansion 32 trade of overland out 18 in of trade some overland of on findings main the summarizes section This works. environmental region. research development, the these economic in and effects trade socio-political two overland the and on of potential impact the their articles examined which Many including literature researchers. networks the among in interest appeared drawn have have publications networks research TAR and and AH the years recent In overland on networks TAR and AH the of Impact 3.7 Commission’s the at adopted and 2012 in of approved series a was through draft 69 refined insti- finalized and The the reviewed a meetings. was process, Subsequently, Agreement regional discussed. negotiation Intergovernmental were an ports the of dry draft In of working issues ports. operational and dry to technical 2010 on regulatory, in initiative tutional, agreement an took intergovernmental ESCAP blocks, an building important develop ports. two its dry as inland networks TAR as and serve AH and linked rail of are ICDs network these facilities, a of warehouse Many maintains oriented. bonded India export–import CONCOR customs are of example. 48 have which good Corporation of (ICDs) a Container Depots Container as the Inland mentioned 62 Asia, be In may (CONCOR) services. information Ltd. (ICT) and facilities technology distribution other communication related warehousing, of bonded and provisions processing, with customs locations as suitable such at services interfaces inland through transport of modes freight of footprint carbon the increase reduce transport, and freight chain, the of distribution cost expanding transport. and the supply reduce for utilization overall to need the Greater help in ones. also the efficiency new would building reducing waterways for inland thereby need and railways the transport, of limiting road and/or highways for exiting demand of would capacity the shift This reduce waterways. inland to and railways help as such modes, transport resource-efficient more as well as process transport sustainable. overall more the development in Asia transport efficiency in making greater system bring transport intermodal to integrated opportunity an inland further of and provides development ports the dry to as leading such merits. depots interfaces own container intermodal their through on integration development functional further their for consideration However, deserve networks an TAR and of AH The development the networks: TAR and AH the Linking 3.6 fIa ln 040k ot i aahtnadTurkmenistan. and Kazakhstan Republic via Islamic route the km and 10,400 China a between 2016, along introduced April been Iran Since has of . service via Istanbul train and container monthly between a route long km 6,500 the along run sa rnpr iitr nBnkk n aeit oc pi 2016. April 23 on force into came and Bangkok, in Ministers Transport Asian th ape n oio 20)ivsiae h mato odugaigadimprovement and upgrading road of impact the investigated (2008) Sodikov and Parpiev with system transport intermodal integrated Asian an developing of value the Recognizing different integrating of region the outside and within both examples good many are There of share modal the increase can interfaces and ports dry through linkages intermodal of use The oepors a lobe aei te urgos n20,acnanrboktanwas block-train container a 2009, In subregions. other in made been also has progress Some eso n21.TeAgreement The 2013. in session oi-oiia fet:ltrtr review literature and effects: environmental socio-political development, economic and trade Asia in system transport intermodal integrated 20 a pndfrsgauei h aeya tteFrmof Forum the at year same the in signature for opened was Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 vrg ossaerte ml bu . o04.Teptnilgiso h oiieyaffected positively 2.8%. the of to their gains 2.2 but potential about lose The 0.4%. larger, will to regions significantly subnational 0.3 Some are about the benefit. – regions (at small will regions rather many most are projects, losses Although these average positive. by are unaffected studies remain simulation level) these of results The   were: routes These of available.  part were form data which relevant routes which three for on and ESCAP network for AH simulations the conducted from IDE impacts. attained such be study could Greater billion the $8.1 in facilitation of trade by gains and study transport welfare Subregion. A land that physical studies. in suggested such improvements in (2009) moderate found Strutt been and have Stone investments projected infrastructure their subregional of 10% increased of order the 2020. of in were (GDP) Asia product in estimated domestic countries the gross developing investment, annual for required gains the welfare With total development. long-term Asia’s for promise nipratosrainta a emd rmterslsi httepstvl fetdregions affected positively the that is scenario. results third the the from for made be most can were that gains and observation Total important facilitation, Myanmar. An and customs Bangladesh of through implementation traffic infrastructure, through of improvement studies: simulation ansgiiatyfo h xaso frgoa nrsrcuei rnpr n communi- and transport in infrastructure regional would of countries Asian expansion developing the the cations. that is from study The the significantly Asia. by of gain drawn countries been developing has in that development conclusion infrastructure major regional of impacts welfare the of gains welfare global regional minimum increased and 2017. and costs by trade agreement billion com- lower trade $261 and to a comprehensive lead Francois through a would and by that Asia investments costs found infrastructure trade South study study on and CGE investments Their East infrastructure gains. A regional linking welfare increased policies. of and trade effects agreement trade likely supportive prehensive the of examined adoption (2008) the Wignaraja were that with infrastructure found regional along in have investments studies made appropriate These if significantly Asia. gain in would countries investments Asian infrastructure subregional and a regional from had has 0.6–1.4. of infrastructure range the road in elasticity cross-border its with commodities major of in development trade intraregional on the effect positive that 35% suggested about (2006) or by Fujimura 20% trade of about increase results by an The increase predicted would respectively. annually. scenario billion trade 75, second $89.5 intra-regional the and or total while 50 annually, scenario were to billion first improvement up $48.7 the road indices in to improve of used quality that was and scenarios road suggested approach upgrade Two of model to gravity expansion. improvement The required trade considered: roads. was of overland billion km evaluate 15,842 $6.5 quantitatively selected estimated the An of upgrading. condition surface road of cost the h nttt fDvlpn cnme IE nJpnhsas eeoe G oe to model CGE a developed also has in (IDE) Economies Developing of Institute The from gains potential Similar level. subregional the at undertaken been also have studies CGE namr eetsuyb hi(02,agoa G iuainmdlwsue oinvestigate to used was model simulation CGE global a (2012), Zhai by study recent more a In gains potential identify to used been have studies and (CGE) equilibrium Edmonds general by Computable Subregion Mekong Greater the for study based model gravity Another H H4 umn Cia ue(yna)–Daa(agaeh eh (India). – (Bangladesh) and Pakistan); – of (Myanmar) border Muse – near (China) (India, AH14: – + – India AH1 North-East (India) – (India); Delhi (Myanmar) Delhi – – – (Bangladesh) (Thailand) (Bangladesh) Dhaka Sai Dhaka Rai/Mae – Chiang (Myanmar) AH2: + Mandalay AH1 – (Thailand) Sot Mae AH1: 21 h uniaieaayi ugssta neteti einlifatutr od great holds infrastructure regional in investment that suggests analysis quantitative The 22 he cnro eecniee o the for considered were scenarios Three sa iha n rn-sa Railway Trans-Asian and Highway Asian 53 Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 iess(Ts n ISaoganwA ot nnrhr a epesDmcai Republic. Democratic People’s transmitted Lao sexually northern to in route route minorities new AH ethnic The new a of along vulnerability AIDS the and (STDs) studied diseases (2012) al. et Slesak people. emissions. road total the of 82% for accounted which noesgiiatyvre ysaillcto swl sbtenubnadrrlareas. rural and urban between as well household as average location the the that in spatial show collected by study data varied their survey from household significantly including Findings the method income 2010. analyse (ANOVA) July–November to They variance of indices province. of period inequality Songkhla analysis income in one-way and (AH18) and poverty network AH statistics the descriptive along adopted Thailand Southern trade. in and inequality The ties relations. geopolitical about cross-border geopolitical ill-feeling future locals Potential risk cross-border perceptions. the could local anticipatory locals to of listen the the to perception among need understand the The emphasizing contribution to Subregion. by significant concluded used Mekong researchers a was make Greater to bridge the expected of the was development connecting project AH3 The the Lao and along China. in to link thoughts in crucial locals’ the Kunming and the form Thailand to would find in Bangkok bridge Khong to The Chiang Republic. sought between Democratic study bridge People’s their proposed in the about (2012) feelings Grundy-Warr highway. and the Lin along researchers. positive. minorities the the by of ethnic among suggested findings the detected were The efforts among 1,249). was prevention of vulnerability infection adapted (538 HIV culturally 2008 HIV and Further alarming No 933) an condom. of (924 reveal a 2006 study use in transmission. the VCT not sex, HIV received non-cohabitant did of who last ways the villagers 61.9%) of any or case know the not (86/139 In did contacts. majority sexual 47.0% bordering reported HIV. old, them for in years of (VCT) 82.1% 15–49 areas testing However, aged and villagers prevalence counselling 470 voluntary alongside higher the and villages interviews minority Of with four structured in using area vulnerability road HIV prevalence new the the assessed HIV study The low China. and a Thailand linking country the ign C.I h bec fsc nitroa aiiy l h rih ol aehdt be to had CO have would in freight savings the estimated all facility, The the intermodal road. an serve by such rail of (Haldia--Sitarampur-Patna--) transported TAR absence the India the and In in ICD. in port Birgunj AH42 2008/09. Haldia in cargo from in of of case link (MT) (TEU) a ton unit As metric equivalent Asia. twenty-foot 237,104 16,928 in and handled development containers Nepal port in article, ICD dry their rail-based of in Birgunj studies the (2011) case point, Regmi selected and reviewed Hanaoka things, emissions. help other ports. reduce and among modes and dry transport congestion and resource-efficient traffic ICDs more road as of ease share envir- such to modal interfaces and the intermodal economically increase of can system interfaces use transport Such the overall through the efficient make more to onmentally promise the hold which systems, sub- from be gains could minimum gains the actual results. as The the interpreted than programmes. be larger policy could stantially and (2009) estimates infrastructure Darjes model subregional and CGE and Wignaraja the regional Madhur, that context. view dynamic the a held in agreements (2012). ESCAP trade impacts. UN comprehensive in distributional found positive affected be have negatively can also the results may than the projects on capita regional details per these Further (RGDP) that product implies domestic This gross regions. regional lower a have Quium 54 fe rs-odrtasotifatutr a nneddavresca mat nlocal on impacts social adverse unintended has infrastructure transport cross-border Often epn n akn 21)i hi td xmndtesau fpvryadincome and poverty of status the examined study their in (2012) Calkins and Neupane always be not may infrastructure transport cross-border about people local of perceptions The h HadTRntok aepvdtewyfrtedvlpeto nemdltransport intermodal of development the for way the paved have networks TAR and AH The and investment infrastructure from externalities the capture fully not may models CGE The 23 a osrce ewe 04ad20 hog eoemliehi ra of areas multi-ethnic remote through 2008 and 2004 between constructed was 2 msin o 080 ee5,8 MT, 57,687 were 2008/09 for emissions Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 ao osa iisi sa biul,frti ohpe te nrsrcuefclte,policy facilities, the place. infrastructure in on other be pressure happen to relieve to have also and this will for development institutions Obviously, spatial and Asia. balanced interventions in more cities a coastal to major lead corridors. can economic can domestic corridors to corridors economic similar on, These corridors transport Later cross-border markets. along wider considered be to also access improving and bottlenecks structure odeape ftasainltasoteooi ordr nteAeia,Erp n Africa. and Europe Americas, many the are in There to corridors 2015b). transport/economic Pakistan trans- ESCAP, transnational southern (UN of major China in examples in Port good recent Xinjiang Gwadar of a connect region autonomous will is domestic north-western that are the (CPEC) AH4 India Corridor along Corridor Industrial in initiative Delhi-Mumbai Economic project development DMIC the national China-Pakistan on-going on The the more and corridors. for economic Japan, 3.3 in Box corridors See The cities. (DMIC). major other Mumbai some Republic and Delhi the between and corridors in such developing and is Osaka) India Busan). and and Tokyo (between (between Korea Japan of in exist corridors generate such Asia in to example, For investments 2008). FIAS and and institutions, 2013; Brunner, and 2014; (ADB, policies growth facilities, economic they activities; infrastructure economic of together organization spatial gateways bring allow international corridors and Such area. clusters geographic urban that centres, logistics within production major infrastructure, link ICT same and that industrial networks the urban, distribution linking quality and transformed providing be networks by can corridor corridor transport transport economic surface A an area. into adjacent geographic defined of corridor a within transport combination destinations By and a origins system. meant transport is intermodal it an here of development a the along facilitating multi- interfaces development coordinated transport a on – development capitalizing to development approach corridor. economic geographic new countries to many a fact, approach this taking of sectoral are view In donors transport. improved international of are and benefits measures the intervention other realize necessary, – to is development necessary economic transport often development. generating While for economic understood. sufficient well and always and not transport is clear between it always linkage not a are however, is linkages, there These that recognized generally is It and AH by created potentials development the Unlocking 3.8 lower 1.17%. much of was ratio poverty count of head incidence the the with that route was AH study the along their from observation important An bu 100k o % ftentokde o ettemnmmcasIIsadrs The standards. III class is minimum the phases meet intra-subregional early ensure not to critical does their is Myanmar, AH, network in example the since for the routes, of these networks of of case some of 8%) development TAR the (or In and development. km further 11,000 AH require about networks the the developing both However in encouraging. progress and overall AH The the of development further in issues major Some 3.9 epiln ra,hv h oeta ob eeoe sntoa n/rcosbre transport cross-border and/or national as developed be to potential corridors. the have areas, inland deep hr r ainladtasainltasoteooi ordr nmn at fteworld. the of parts many in corridors transport/economic transnational and national are There intermodal with developed is corridor logistics) (and transport quality high a short, In ayA n A otsadohrajcn iha n ala ots seilyalong especially routes, railway and highway adjacent other and routes TAR and AH Many A ewrs rnfrigtasotcriosinto corridors corridors economic transport transforming networks: TAR A ewrsadteritgaintruhinterfaces through integration their and networks TAR 25 uhcrioscnspoteooi rwhi nadaesb eoiginfra- removing by areas inland in growth economic support can corridors Such sa iha n rn-sa Railway Trans-Asian and Highway Asian 55 24 Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 lzto ycutismyb osdrda is tptwrsetbihn einlland regional a establishing towards step first a as form- considered their be and networks may of countries Identification connectivity. by ensure alization cannot alone hardware) the (or Quium 56 connectivity greater facilitate to is network) development transport finance to projects. bi-lateral ways innovative and created alternative explore Nonetheless, either newly to future. have the the also are will in – countries from situation sources available the improve financing financing such may additional (AIIB) Bank from that Investment external Infrastructure expected resources Asian is Available on It banks. however. development dependent sufficient, the needs. not remained from investment loans the have or meet arrangements to countries have countries arrangements Some other financing networks. alternative TAR Most and making AH in of successful development and the been to AH for sufficient not needs the are financing budgets national the along their meet from upgraded allocations regular ones countries, developing most existing For the and developed Intermodal be facilities. to networks. border-crossing have TAR constructing be also and also will will routes investments Further facilities existing billion. 25 upgrading US$ over for be to required estimated are alone links missing these network the along facilities safety improved. infrastructure be Road to upgraded. need be also to need also network AH ofthe sections many demand, transport growing the With connectivity. transport road intraregional and nimdaega fdvlpn h HadTRntok o o htmte n transport any matter that for (or networks TAR and AH the developing of goal immediate An needs. development above-mentioned the meet to required be will investments capital Huge of costs Construction network. TAR the in links missing of km 10,500 estimated an are There sources. Source and develop to Delhi–Mumbai established called been has organization project. the separate (DMICDC) manage A Corporation manufacturing. Development in Corridor be various new Industrial at would million three are which create project of to expected DMIC 67% is from the project jobs, come The of to implementation. components and are planning individual projects their the of The stages for cities, sources. Funds smart private and and infrastructure. and ICT zones port public and investment existing both energy ports, of new to place expansion links in involves investment putting railway also eight and of some project development involving The and project areas. capacities billion airport industrial 100 13 US$ project some a (DMIC) and is Corridor regions corridor Industrial DFC Delhi–Mumbai Western The the corridor. along economic an into DFC Western their to Gujarat and major Maharashtra in is the ports DFCs six linking hinterlands. these linking DFC being northern of Western are One Delhi–Mumbai (DFCs) country. DFCs long the km corridors The in 1,500 demand country. the transport freight the growing rapidly in rail the centres meet dedicated to consumption developed and six industrial develop and cities to metropolitan planned has India (DMIC) Corridor Industrial Delhi–Mumbai 3.3 Box nidsra ordrdvlpetpoeti loudripeetto otasomthe transform to implementation under also is project development corridor industrial An ae nifrainaalbea:wwdid.o/(cesd2 uy21) n other and 2017); July 27 (accessed at: available information on Based : 27 ewe onre.Hwvr h hsclnetwork physical the However, countries. between 26 Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 nentoa odTasot C rni rnpr rmwr gemn,ASEAN Road countries, International Agreement member of SCO Vehicle Facilitation Agreement, between 2012 on Motor in Agreement signed and the Transport Framework Under Transit, Asia. South in Transport in Goods countries four of between Transit Facilitation the ECO on Agreement of Framework Transport, Facilitation on Road Agreement (SCO) International Organization Cooperation Shanghai (CBTA), Agreement salsmn ftasainlgvrac tutrso ehnssa h prtoa ee for corridors. level transport operational along the issues at operational mechanisms day-to-day the or managing structures governance transnational of establishment expedited. be to a need other of works with development along These the transport Transport works. rail considering has international related also Road on ESCAP is facilitation International for ESCAP regard, framework States. strategic of member this regional similar the Facilitation In by for adopted aspects. been Framework operationalization has which Strategic and Regional facilitation a on developed made be to needed transit for Russian accessible Asia. Petersburg, be Central also St. from will Federation and and Russian to the China traffic and Lianyungang, China in between ports road more Two a Federation. including opened initially be a enmd ttesbeinllvl nrcn er,anme fsbeinlareet have agreements subregional of number region. a the years, recent in In signed level. been subregional the at made been has businesses, or (meaning borders. transactions the actual parties the through The make allow flow to borders. order that to in national traffic function measures to the people) to individual across and relates networks flows and functional network rules traffic necessary the or other of transactions and operationalization measures (transport) regulatory permit oper- and legal to and the procedures place software) in the putting and (or institutions facilitation are elements main network. the other of two ationalization The system. transport r adtss h aiiainmaue aeee eprlgl diitaie iaca and financial administrative, legal, deeper even have measures facilitation The tasks. hard a are make alternative needs. to other financing able find the be to meet will have to banks also ways will development innovative countries the matters. Nonetheless, and that future. and these hoped the is in deeper on contribution It and negotiation greater huge. willingness also further are political and needs greater countries, Investment requires between resolution are some understanding Their regulatory, and accommodating nature. technical are in these of political Some resolved. also be to need that growth. networks economic TAR regional and of drivers new economic find to regional efforts of context of the the in for support priority especially major a countries, Asian become in Asian has Connectivity region. the of the element prosperity in living encouraged and people development billion important overall three have continued than more the an they for vital as is that which integration connectivity is and cooperation initiatives improve these to of countries outcome land-locked important for connectivity An improving at as countries. aimed well supporting as initiatives and linkages Asia transport cooperation Euro-Asia in infrastructure of transport rail development and the regional road important the of efficiency are and development networks the enhancing TAR and AH The Conclusions 3.10 netefcltto ragmnsaei lc,cutismyas edt osdrthe consider to need also may countries place, in are arrangements facilitation the Once are efforts greater over, from far is development network TAR and AH on work the While ofrtepors ntasotfcltto ttergoa ee slmtd oee,progress However, limited. is level regional the at facilitation transport on progress the far So involves which connectivity operational to relates facilitation transport terms, broad In h dniiainadfraiaino rnpr ewrswt h osn fgovernments of consent the with networks transport of formalization and identification The AH the of operationalization full and development further to related issues many are There 28 ot etoigaogte r:GSCosBre Transport Border Cross GMS are: them among mentioning Worth sa iha n rn-sa Railway Trans-Asian and Highway Asian 29 bu 500k fra otsaeto are routes road of km 15,000 about 57 Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 upre tallvl ainl urgoa n regional. and be subregional should and national, component approach, – sub-sectoral) major levels (or sectoral a all current at as the supported than transport alternative implemented. better with and a be sectors, approach to other seems development in transport multi-sectoral major developments how coordinated to reconsider linked The to important planned, is are it projects this, development Given welfare. people’s to contribute and should barriers a com- overcome. no require will, connectivity, to political would regional difficult collective better and too support with be difficult to However, less understanding levels. and no different wisdom be at mitment, effort to of expected amount may intergovernmental considerable securing facilitation such, transport As on implications. agreements cross-border environmental and social other Quium 58 UN of States member the Notes not do of and or author secretariat the ESCAP of UN those the are of article the views ESCAP. in the presented reflect analyses necessarily and expressed views The Disclaimer oeo hs tde nld:1 td o h eeomn fteA ewr 19–94;2) (1993–1994); Network AH the of Development the for Study 1) include: studies these of Some 9 superpowers two with region the in countries most of alignment include events political these of Some E/3214/-E/CN.11/506,8 2, No. Supplement 1959, Council, Social and Economic the of Records Official , 7 , Afghanistan, are: They region. ESCAP the in countries land-locked 12 are There 6 border India–Pakistan the on at 2012 in operation (ICP) point check integrated an launched India 5 Social inland: and Economic located the as were renamed was capitals (ECAFE) historical East Far Asian the and the Asia for of Commission these Economic many The in that role 4 here a played note Road to Silk interest the of how be know may to It (2007) 3 Chanda to referred are readers Interested 2 gratefully He Thailand. Bangkok, in secretariat ESCAP UN the of member staff former a is author The 1 h ucs ftasotdvlpeti o nisl u o tcnhl h cnm grow economy the help can it how but – itself in not is development transport of success The h usa eeainadKra Peninsula Korean Mongolia, and Kazakhstan, China, Federation Connecting Network Russian Road Network on the Highway Study 4) a (1997–1999); Routes of AH the Development the on Study the takeover. and Iran; in military in tension after Revolution Indonesia; Islamic (Burma) Union; and Myanmar Soviet China of the in and conflicts isolation China tensions regional between political tension major internal border countries; peninsula; Asia); Korean South neighbouring and between Indo-China especially in tension (wars and division political and , 307. para. Nepal, Mongolia, , cargo Kazakhstan, import . Republic, and carrying Democratic (2014b). value trucks ESCAP People’s in UN and Lao 122% See 41,248, by , 166%. grew increased to revenue exports 3,882 customs and 33,599; from 81%, to by increased 19,087 grew from exports imports increased carrying year, first Trucks the terms. member During trading. 32 facilitate which to 2017). of July members; membership 27 of associate (accessed Details regions. nine geographic Asia other at: for and and found Pacific arm members the be development from can are 53 the rest is the has Asia, Nations, from ESCAP United are countries region. the constituencies. of Pacific Pacific its commissions the reflect regional better and five to order the in of 1974 in one (ESCAP) ESCAP, Pacific the and Asia for Commission globalization. for vehicles earliest the of one as considered be may Road networks. Silk Railway The Trans-Asian respects. develop- and the Highway in Asian involved directly the were of others, processes among Madan formalization whom, of Mr. and both especially ment Chartier, colleagues, Pierre former Mr. and his Regmi from B received information and cooperation acknowledges eh,Koo adlyadPkn,freape aiietasotdvlpetto lc after place took development transport 2007). Maritime ESCAP, example. (UN for came Peking, Europeans the and Mandalay , Delhi, 19–01;5 rmto,dvlpetand development Promotion, 5) (1998–2001); nCnrlAinRpbis )Ugaigof Upgrading 3) Republics; Asian Central in Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 9ECPpoie sitnet h ebrcutisfrteSOadCT aiiainAgreements. facilitation CBTA and SCO the for countries member the to assistance provided in are ESCAP agreements these 29 of some only region, the in agreements such 42 some are there and estimates within ESCAP both facilitated, 28 are activities exchange which to degree the to refers funds, connectivity special term financing, The debt partnerships, 27 public–private fees, user and tolls include arrangements Such 26 Regional Asia Central and Subregion Mekong the Greater the Canada; in and corridors Subregion USA Mekong Greater Mexico, The involving 25 Corridor Ports-to-Plains the of made be can the Mention AH3. between route 2030 24 Highway Asian in The GDPs 23 regional simulated the in differences as telecommuni- and defined airport are port, losses railway, road, and – Gains transport from: of 22 available modes is all status in current investments its included as These well 21 as other Agreement and the transshipment of gauge, dual copy to A conversion 20 gauges, track of unification include Indian measures the Such in gauge 19 (broad mm 1,676 gauges: track different five of composed is network TAR https:// at: The found be can 18 details The Agreement. the to accede or ratify to yet are countries the of rest The 17 at: found be may and secretariat ESCAP the by maintained is database 2017). The November 16 24 (accessed from: available is Agreement the of copy new 2017). A many November 2003, 14 24 in (accessed adopted was Agreement 13 AH the Since networks. static not are TAR and AH The 12 1Acp fteA gemn saalbefo:www. from: available is agreement AH the of copy A 11 Kazakhstan, China, of networks rail the connecting on study Feasibility 1) were: studies four These 10 oc,hwvr lo oeta 0 iaea gemnso odtasothv ensge nthe in agreements. signed facilitation been these have on more transport for road 42–46 on pp. agreements (2014a), bilateral ESCAP UN 100 See than region. more Also, however. force, transactions. or activities exchange make networks to functional plus required infrastructure are institutional and which physical includes and boundaries, national across . Asia; etc. – Central payments, – beneficiary and (China) indirect Dhaka; Liayungang – transport are: Delhi potential examples – Some other networks. Almaty; many – TAR however Abbas and are Bandar organ- AH international There the by donors. supported along bilateral being corridors are and initiatives banks These Asia. development initiat- transnational in izations, present corridors the transport of develop some to are ives Asia Central in corridors (CAREC) Cooperation Economic cations. 2017). July 27 (accessed intergovernmental-agreement-dry-ports bogies. involving solutions technical Asia South-east in India). gauge and (metre mm (standard Bangladesh 1,000 mm of and 1,435 (Indonesia); parts Asia); mm and 1,067 Central Turkey); and and Federation Iran China, Russian in in gauge gauge (Russian mm 1,520 subcontinent); 2017). July 27 each (accessed in routes AH the about database. information the in Detailed available 2017). are July country 27 (accessed asian-highway-database 2017). July network. 27 (accessed trans-asian-railway-network TAR the to made been also inclusions have such for changes process Similar specified the Agreement. following AH countries the the by in routes existing the to added were links n )Dvlpeto h rn-sa ala,TasAinRiwyi h ot–ot Corridor, North–South (2001). the the Gulf of in Persian (1999); Railway Development the Routes Trans-Asian to 3) Asia-Europe Railway, Europe Trans-Asian of subregion; Northern the Corridor ASEAN of Southern Development and the 4) in Indo-China and Railway the Trans-Asian Development in Railway, 2) Corridor; Railway Trans-Asian Northern Trans-Asian – (1996) the Peninsula Korean of and Federation Russian the Mongolia, gemn-sa-iha-ewr acse 7Jl 2017). July 27 (accessed agreement-asian-highway-network h Hntokadrltditroa oncin n rih terminals. freight and connections intermodal related and network inv Identifying AH agreement 7) the intergovernmental and regional (2002–2003); a network of AH Development the 6) on IV; through I Phases AH, of formalization fifatutr,ipeetto fcsosfcltto,adtruhtafctruhBnlds and improvement Bangladesh considered: through traffic were through scenarios and Three facilitation, scenario. customs Myanmar. project of specific implementation each infrastructure, of and 2005 in baseline a-uoenCrio IIbtenIay lai,McdnaadBlai teeaetnsuch ten are Africa. (there in corridors (SADC) and Community Development Macedonia African Southern Albania, and Italy, Europe); in between corridors VIII Corridor Pan-European c=TREATY&mtdsg_no=XI smn ed n eeomn roiisfor priorities development and needs estment sa iha n rn-sa Railway Trans-Asian and Highway Asian -C-5&chapter=11&lang=en s/intergovernmental- 59 Downloaded By: At: 06:33 29 Sep 2021; For: 9781315739618, chapter3, 10.4324/9781315739618-3 D (2014). ADB References Quium 60 (2008). G. Wignaraja, and J. Francois, (2007). N. Chanda, (2013). H.-P. Brunner, aak,S n em,MB 21) rmtn nemdlFegtTasotTruhteDevelop- the Through Transport Freight Intermodal Promoting (2011). M.B. Regmi, and S. Hanaoka, i,S n rnyWr,C 21) n rde w on n he onre:Anticipatory Countries: Three and Towns (2009). P. Two Darjes, and Bridge, G. One Wignaraja, S., (2012). Madhur, C. Grundy-Warr, and S. Lin, IS(2008). FIAS (2006). M. Fujimura, and C. 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Jul. 27 on [Accessed at: Available integration regional and development sustainable a ADBI. 130, after No. Series Minorities Paper Ethnic Working ADBI of Vulnerability HIV . High Northern 570–575. Remote pp. (2012). 23(8), in H. Construction highway Barennes, Trans-Asian and A. Phengsavanh, Network. eeoigeooi ordr nSuhAsia South in corridors economic Developing uainJunlo uiesadEconomics and Business of Journal Eurasian pca cnmczns–promne esn ere,adipiain o oedevelopment zone for implications and learned, lessons performance, – zones economic Special on together Bound h is alaeto sa it er fteeooi n oilcmiso o saadthe and Asia for commission social and economic the of years sixty Asia, of parliament first The rwn oehr cnmcitgainfra nlsv n utial saPcfccentury Asia-Pacific sustainable and inclusive an for integration economic together, Growing saPcfctaeadivsmn eot2015 report investment and trade Asia-Pacific ago:U ESCAP. UN Bangkok: . eiwo eeomnsi rnpr nAi n h aii 03 rnpr sakyto key a as transport 2013: Pacific the and Asia in transport in developments of Review eiwo eeomnsi rnpr nAi n h aii 2015 Pacific the and Asia in transport in developments of Review einlcnetvt o hrdprosperity shared for connectivity Regional hti cnmccrio eeomn n htcni civ nAi’ subregions? Asia’s in achieve it can what and development corridor economic is What D nttt icsinPprN.4.[nie vial t at: Available [online] 48. No. Paper Discussion Institute ADB . D okn ae eiso einlEooi nerto o 37. No. Integration Economic Regional on Series Paper Working ADB . Acse n2 u.2017]. Jul. 27 on [Accessed f rnpr nrsrcueadtaefcltto ntegetrMkn Subregion Mekong greater the in facilitation trade and infrastructure Transport e eh:PnunViking. Penguin Delhi: New . nrsrcuefrAinConnectivity Asian for Infrastructure mato rs-odrra nrsrcueo rd n neteti the in investment and trade on infrastructure road cross-border of Impact cnmcipiain fdee sa integration Asian deeper of implications Economic e ok ntdNtosPbiain p4–6 [online] pp.42–46. Publication, Nations United York: New . od o sa nerto:mauigABscnrbto to contribution ADB’s measuring integration: Asian for Roads Geopolitics hagMi hiad MEPes p 191–206. pp. Press, CMSE Thailand: Mai, Chiang . iles/Regional%20Connectivity%20for%20Shared () p 85–101. pp. 1(2), , h sa eeomn Bank. Development Asian The . 74,p.952–979. pp. 17(4), , ago:U SA,p 8 [Online] 28. p. ESCAP, UN Bangkok: . AS Research IATSS e ok ntdNtosPublication, Nations United York: New . nentoa ora fSD&AIDS & STD of Journal International on ulcto fteADBI the of Publication Joint A . 5 p 16–23. pp. 35, , e ok United York: New . okn Paper, Working . sa Economic Asian The . ADB . . ,