8-13 May 2018 PALAIS -1, AISLES 14 & 18 9:00 TO 18:30

For 6 days, NEXT welcomes innovation at the Blockchain Corner or in the space dedicated to Virtual Reality. Learn more about Blockchain applied to production and distribution, immerse yourself in VRE cinema (150 VR pieces), join the conferences to learn how to navigate our global, digital and virtual world. NEXT 68 Activity: ahdcvmaehlvkaejnbfvklajfvklajbfnv Evgenia BORISOVA Juan-Sebastian ENDLER Christian BAUERMEISTER & 15148447474 Cannes office: Email: Askims Fornborgsvag12B Serge PETROV Cannes office: & 14242682889 Hollywood 78-348 Cannes office: Email: Tempelhofer Ufer32 Myriam ACHARD Cannes office: 407 Saint-Pierre Bernd KRACKE Cannes office: & 496980059178 Hochschule fürGestaltungOffenbach Cannes office: Email: Sechskrügelgasse 10/14 Liliya VALIHUN Anne SophieLEHEC Dzmitry PAMAHA Sam KLEBANOV Adrian LUGOL Nira BOZKURT EXHIBITORS Ana SUA Pavel RABETSKI Jordan MATTOS Anna-Katharina GERSON Jordi WIJNALDA Gerda LEOPOLD

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Content Manager

• Founder

• founder • Producer

CENTREPHI • FestivalDirector-President •

• • • CEO • •

CEO • DirectorPRandCommunications

• CTO B3BIENNIALOFTHEMOVINGIMAGE Co-Founder, DirectorofContent CEO Content Manager


PALAIS -118.02 PALAIS -114.B PALAIS -118.01–BlockchainCorner PALAIS -114.E PALAIS -1Booth14.K PALAIS -118.03 Head ofContent Content Manager

• • Cell.: •

– QCH2Y2M3MONTREAL • Cell.Cannes:79676393313 • Cell.Cannes:4915732793404 •

Cell. Cannes:46733573674 Cell.:

• Cell.:

• • – Web: – Email: Director ofPhotography

– CA90028LOSANGELES Head ofprogramming Lawyer

– Email:

46707214771 43676 5504719

– 10963BERLIN

49 1788887776

– Web:

• – 1030VIENNA •

& 49303279830 Cell. Cannes:31617731557

– ASKIM [email protected] • (Canada)

& 8613241328810 [email protected]

• Cell.:

– Web: – – (Germany)

• & &

49 1726103485 • Cell.: Cell.:

19176515075 – 380 978218443– 49 1726103485

(Usa) 1 5147798868 – Schlossstr.31

• Cell.:


(Austria) – Web:

Blockchain Corner – Web: Blockchain Corner



(Sweden) REP/DIS

DIS (All rights) (Th-Tv-VOD) FEST/TRNG/INT DIS /FUND/SALES ORG/PROD /MKTG/INT (VOD) /VODP PROD Patrick KUNZLER Mark VANRAAI Marie MAYOLY Marc LOPATO Web: Jonathan PETERS 2 OatleyRoad Camille LOPATO Cannes office: Email: 373, ruedesPyrénées & 16043475650 Cannes office: & 33176641611 Cannes office: Danny MCNAIR Michael GIBSON Cannes office: 42 BrowningAve IMMERSANT VR Angela MATUSIK 1501 PagemillRoad HP, INC. ELASTIC TIME Camille KAISER Emmanuel CUENOD Cannes office: & 16, RueduGénéralDufour Georges COSTE 55 rueHenriBarbusse Amy DYSON Southside, 105VictoriaSt EDELMAN Cannes office: & 16502005044 & 61420530079 Cannes office: Stella JACOB Nathalie GREGOLETTO Stephan FAUDEUX LIMBIC CHAIR VR 41228096907 [email protected] • AccountManager • • Communication • • (Usa) • DigitalandProfessionalProgrammesCoordinator • Cell.: Operation &businessdevelopment • Acquisitions • HeadofBrandJournalism Match-Making Manager • Founder Producer (United Kingdom) DREAMCHANNEL – MarkBOULOS • GENEVAINTERNATIONALFILMFESTIVAL-GIFF GENERATIONNUMERIQUE(SCREEN4ALL360FILMFEST) DIVERSIONCINEMA • Executive-ArtisticDirector President – Paddington PALAIS -114.G PALAIS -114.C PALAIS -114.J PALAIS -114.K PALAIS -114.J PALAIS -118.06– PALAIS -114.H 33 649766543 – Patrik KÜNZLER • Deputy ArtisticDirector&ProgramCoordinator – ONM4K1V7TORONTO – Web: – Email: – Email: • – Email: • &6161299694376 – Web: Cell.: (Canada) – 94304PALOALTO • • Cell.: Cell.: – 75020PARIS – 92190MEUDON 1 4166694457 33 609673966 33 677926953 – Switzerland, Usa – SW1E6QTLONDON [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] – POBox5730 – NSW2021SYDNEY – Switzerland • Cell.: Blockchain Corner – Web: (Australia) 41 796815427 (France) – Web: ouetr,VR – Documentary, – VR – 1211GENEVA – Web: – 2017 • Cell. Cannes:41228096920 – Web: – 7 min – English – 2018 (Switzerland) (France) INV/FUND/PROD/VODP INT/EXH/DIS Screening onBooth Screening onBooth TECH/INT MKTG (Th-VOD) PROD FEST Activity: ahdcvmaehlvkaejnbfvklajfvklajbfnv Jordi WIJNALDA Anne SophieLEHEC Pavel RABETSKI Evgenia BORISOVA Dzmitry PAMAHA Liliya VALIHUN Jordan MATTOS Juan-Sebastian ENDLER Christian BAUERMEISTER Nira BOZKURT Cannes office: Email: Sechskrügelgasse 10/14 Sam KLEBANOV Cannes office: Email: Askims Fornborgsvag12B Serge PETROV Cannes office: & 14242682889 Hollywood 78-348 Adrian LUGOL Cannes office: Email: Tempelhofer Ufer32 Myriam ACHARD Cannes office: & 15148447474 407 Saint-Pierre Bernd KRACKE Cannes office: & 496980059178 Hochschule fürGestaltungOffenbach Anna-Katharina GERSON Ana SUA Gerda LEOPOLD • ContentManager [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] • Founder • founder • Producer CENTREPHI • FestivalDirector-President • CEO • CTO • CEO • Co-Founder,DirectorofContent • CEO • ContentManager • DirectorPRandCommunications • LeadDeveloper B3BIENNIALOFTHEMOVINGIMAGE • HeadofContent AMILUXFILMPRODUKTION CINEZENBLOCKCHAINEDENTERTAINMENT AB CINEMAWELL.COM CINEMARKET • ContentManager PALAIS -118.01–BlockchainCorner PALAIS -118.02 PALAIS -114.B PALAIS -118.03 PALAIS -114.E PALAIS -1Booth14.K • Cell.Cannes:46733573674 • Cell.: • Cell.: – QCH2Y2M3MONTREAL • Cell.Cannes:79676393313 • Cell.Cannes:4915732793404 • DirectorofPhotography • Cell.: • Headofprogramming • Lawyer – Web: – Email: – CA90028LOSANGELES – Email: 46707214771 43676 5504719 – 10963BERLIN 49 1788887776 – Web: • &49303279830 – 1030VIENNA • Cell.Cannes:31617731557 – ASKIM [email protected] • &8613241328810 (Canada) [email protected] • Cell.: – Web: – – & (Germany) • Cell.: & 49 1726103485 • Cell.: 19176515075 – 380 978218443–BlockchainCorner 49 1726103485 (Usa) 1 5147798868 – Schlossstr.31 • Cell.: 33613037833 (Austria) – Web: Blockchain Corner – Web: – 63065OFFENBACH (Germany) (Sweden) REP/DIS DIS (All rights) (Th-Tv-VOD) FEST/TRNG/INT DIS /FUND/SALES ORG/PROD /MKTG/INT (VOD) /VODP PROD Paul BOUCHARD-VPAcquisitions&InternationalDistribution Stella JACOB • Marc LOPATO • Camille LOPATO • Angela MATUSIK • Camille KAISER•DigitalandProfessionalProgrammesCoordinator Marie MAYOLY • Nathalie GREGOLETTO • Emmanuel CUENOD • Stephan FAUDEUX Web: Danny MCNAIR Michael GIBSON Cannes office: & 16043475650 42 BrowningAve IMMERSANT VR Cannes office: & 16502005044 1501 PagemillRoad HP, INC. Cannes office: & 16, RueduGénéralDufour Georges COSTE Cannes office: & 33176641611 55 rueHenriBarbusse Amy DYSON Cannes office: Southside, 105VictoriaSt EDELMAN Jonathan PETERS Cannes office: & 61420530079 2 OatleyRoad Cannes office: Email: 373, ruedesPyrénées ELASTIC TIME LIMBIC CHAIR VR 41228096907

[email protected]

• AccountManager Communication

Operation &businessdevelopment • Producer (Usa) • Cell.:

Match-Making Manager

• Founder (United Kingdom) DREAMCHANNEL Acquisitions • – MarkBOULOS


– Paddington PALAIS -114.G PALAIS -114.H PALAIS -114.J PALAIS -118.06–BlockchainCorner PALAIS -114.C PALAIS -114.J PALAIS -114.K Executive -ArtisticDirector •

33 649766543 – Patrik KÜNZLER

Deputy ArtisticDirector&ProgramCoordinator •

– ONM4K1V7TORONTO – Web: – Email: – Email: • Cell.:

– Email: • &6161299694376 – Web:


– 94304PALOALTO • Cell.: Cell.: 33677926953

– 75020PARIS

– 92190MEUDON 1 4166694457

33 609673966

– Switzerland, Usa – SW1E6QTLONDON [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

– POBox5730


– Switzerland

Cell.: 41796815427

– Web: (Australia) (France)

– Web:

– Documentary, VR – VR

– 1211GENEVA

– Web:

– 2017

Cell. Cannes:41228096920

– Web:

– 7


– English

– 2018 (Switzerland)



Screening onBooth Screening onBooth TECH/INT MKTG (Th-VOD) PROD FEST 69

NEXT NEXT 70 Patrick KUNZLER Mark VAN RAAI Cannes office: Wolfgang KRSEK Web: Brentenmaisstrasse 1 NOISIA Michael GEIDEL Cannes office: & 491795054665 Klemmstr. 4 Aurore DEBLOIS Cannes office: & 16475462873 457 ClintonStreet Technoparkstrasse 1,TraktPauli5.OG LIMBIC LIFELTD. SofianKAMEL• Guilhem OLIVE [email protected] Pierre-Emmanuel LE GOFF • Cannes office: & 8 rueGodillot Ravindra VELHAL Cannes office: & 14696677487 5200 NEElamYoungPkwy,Hillsboro,OR97124,USA INTEL CORPORATION Robin MANGE Cannes office: Web: Chemin duPré-Fleuri3,CH-1228Plan-les-Ouates Javier BELLORUIZ Julian KRSEK 90 Romance, Drama, Animation HOLOMAN SAVES THE WORLD EXHIBITORS THE (UNLUCKY)BIGBUSINESS (WT) STOLEN LITTLE FROM THE FISHSHOP THE TROLLS FROM THE OREMOUNTAINS 33760388964

min – English


(Austria) Distributeur • VFX

• CTO&co-founder

• ProducersNetwork

• Creator,Witer,Producer,Director,VFXSupervisor • Postproductioncoordinator • Cell.:

– 04277LEIPZIG • CEO&co-founder


– PôleaudiovisuelCommuneImage Palais -114.J PALAIS -114.F PALAIS -114.G PALAIS -114.K PALAIS -114.C PALAIS -114.G • Cell.: 330648086755

1 5036218201

– Email: – Email: – Email:

– NiallJOHNSON – ONM6G2Z1TORONTO – Email: Producer -Director •

(Switzerland) – 3013PRESSBAUM

– 72



[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] • CEO-Producer

(Switzerland) – Germany

min [email protected]

– M$

– Germany

& 33664262258 • – UnitedKingdom, NewZealand, Germany


– VR, Science-fiction, Action/Adventure z

– Germany 3

– 8005ZÜRICH – Czech, English

– Romance, Blackcomedy


– Drama, Fantasy, TV Series Cell. Cannes:330664262258 (Germany)

(Canada) – GENEVA ​

(France) – Web: – 93400SAINT-OUEN

– 2015 – CzechRepublic, SLOVAK REPUBLIC, Germany

– Web:

– Web: – 97224HILLSBORO

– Web:

– 90

– 6

min – Action/Adventure, VR

– 90


– German

min – German, Chinese

– 2018

– 2019


– 2017

– (All rights)

Screening onBooth Screening onBooth Screening onBooth /PROD/PUBL TECH/PROD Development Development PROD TECH INT Elaine DUMONT Oliver MAHRDT Alexey EREMENKO San Francisco & 3314422 44 avenuedelaRépublique–92326CHATILLON Matthieu LABEAU Avenue Louise326 NOZON Cannes office: & 3227019375 & 13102996010 Cannes office: Yana BORODYUK Cannes office: & 2 TroizkyPereulok5 TVZAVR DEVELOPMENTLLC Mauricio ALVAREZ Cannes office: Sekr EN-12 Louise LANTAGNE Cannes office: & 215, RueSaint-Jacques,#800 Jake CRAVEN Cannes office: 217 WaterStreet;Suite201 SINGULARDTV Jeffrey TRAVIS Cannes office: & 3501 OceanViewBlvd–91208GLENDALE POSITRON Eugene CHUNG Cannes office: & 491793849773 & 1 Olesya TEPLOVA Christina TASOOJI Elena KHLEBNIKOVA Sara JaneJOHNSON Anne-Lyse HAKET Julie MORIN Jennifer RUNDELL 74956401397 15148412200 15125763841 – Web: ORANGE • Directrice,opérationsetrelationsd’affaires (Belgium) • Dir,ContentPartnerships • Cell.: • Founder • Cell.: – Einsteinufer17 • Directricegénéraledesaffairesinternationales • VicePresidentforStrategicCommunications • Cell.: • Déléguéedesaffairesinternationales SPINDIGITAL • COO • Producer • Présidenteetchefdeladirection (Usa) • CEO PENROSESTUDIOS – #3 • Cell.: • HeadofAcquisitions SODEC (SociétédeDéveloppementdesEntreprisesCulturelles) PALAIS -118.05–BlockchainCorner PALAIS -114.F VILLAGE INT’L-RivieraSide127&PALAIS-114.E PALAIS -118.04–BlockchainCorner PALAIS -114.F PALAIS -114.M PALAIS -114.D PALAIS -114.D 1 5127445118 1 9174955887 (France) 89060616191 – Email: – Email: – Email: – Web: – Email: (Usa) – CA94107SANFRANCISCO 1 5127445118 – BRUSSELS – Web: • Cell.: – Web: – 129090MOSCOW 1 9497352112 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] – NY10038NEWYORK – D-10587BERLIN • Cell.: – QCH2Y1M6MONTREAL (Germany) 7 074956401397 (Russia) • &15148412250 • Cell.Cannes:9497352112 • Cell.: • &0492590224 (Usa) • Cell.: 1 5148412306 • &0492590224 7 9639633686 – Web: – Web: • Cell.Cannes:15149176731 • Cell.Cannes:15144734414 – Web: – Web: • Cell.: 1 5142426828 (Canada) TECH/INT/PROD ORG/INV/FUND INT/TV/VODP VODP/SERV TECH TECH INT THE TROLLS FROM THE OREMOUNTAINS Julian KRSEK Sofian KAMEL Guilhem OLIVE & 16475462873 Ravindra VELHAL & 14696677487 5200 NEElamYoungPkwy,Hillsboro,OR97124,USA INTEL CORPORATION Robin MANGE Chemin duPré-Fleuri3,CH-1228Plan-les-Ouates Wolfgang KRSEK Web: Brentenmaisstrasse 1 NOISIA 90 Animation Romance, Drama, HOLOMAN SAVES THE WORLD Michael GEIDEL Cannes office: & 491795054665 Klemmstr. 4 Aurore DEBLOIS Cannes office: 457 ClintonStreet Mark VANRAAI Patrick KUNZLER Technoparkstrasse 1,TraktPauli5.OG LIMBIC LIFELTD. Pierre-Emmanuel LEGOFF Cannes office: & 8 rueGodillot Cannes office: Cannes office: Web: Cannes office: Javier BELLORUIZ THE (UNLUCKY)BIGBUSINESS (WT) STOLEN LITTLE FROM THE FISHSHOP 33760388964 min – English (THE STOLEN) (Austria) • VFX • Distributeur • CTO&co-founder • ProducersNetwork • Creator,Witer,Producer,Director,VFXSupervisor • Postproductioncoordinator • Cell.: – 04277LEIPZIG • CEO&co-founder – 2016 IMVERSE MIRIQUIDIFILM-STUDIOS M31ENTERTAINMENTINC. LAVINGT-CINQUIÈMEHEURE – PôleaudiovisuelCommuneImage Palais -114.J PALAIS -114.F PALAIS -114.G PALAIS -114.K PALAIS -114.C PALAIS -114.G 1 5036218201 – Email: – Email: – Email: • Producer-Director – NiallJOHNSON – ONM6G2Z1TORONTO • Cell.: – Email: (Switzerland) – 3013PRESSBAUM – 72 33 0648086755 (Usa) (MALÁ ZRYBÁRNY) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] • CEO-Producer (Switzerland) – Germany min [email protected] – M$ • &33664262258 – Germany – UnitedKingdom, NewZealand, Germany 1 R cec-ito,Action/Adventure – VR, Science-fiction, z – Germany 3 – 8005ZÜRICH – Czech, English – Romance, Blackcomedy – Jan BALEJ • Cell.Cannes:330664262258 rm,Fnay TVSeries – Drama, Fantasy, (Germany) (Canada) – GENEVA (France) – Web: – 93400SAINT-OUEN – 2015 – CzechRepublic, SLOVAK REPUBLIC, Germany – Web: – Web: – 97224HILLSBORO – Web: – 90 – 6 min cinAvnue VR – Action/Adventure, – 90 min – German min – German, Chinese – 2018 – 2019 – DIS – 2017 – (All rights) Screening onBooth Screening onBooth Screening onBooth /PROD/PUBL TECH/PROD Development Development PROD TECH INT Elaine DUMONT Alexey EREMENKO Christina TASOOJI Oliver MAHRDT Cannes office: & 3227019375 Cannes office: & 2 TroizkyPereulok5 TVZAVR DEVELOPMENTLLC Mauricio ALVAREZ Cannes office:PALAIS-114.F & 493027014942– Helmholtzstr. 2-9AufgangH10587BERLIN Cannes office: & 215, RueSaint-Jacques,#800 Jake CRAVEN Cannes office: & 13102996010 217 WaterStreet;Suite201 SINGULARDTV Cannes office: & 3501 OceanViewBlvd–91208GLENDALE POSITRON Eugene CHUNG Cannes office: & 1 San Francisco & 3314422 44 avenuedelaRépublique–92326CHATILLON Matthieu LABEAU Cannes office: Avenue Louise326 NOZON Yana BORODYUK Louise LANTAGNE Jeffrey TRAVIS Elena KHLEBNIKOVA Sara JaneJOHNSON Olesya TEPLOVA Jennifer RUNDELL Anne-Lyse HAKET Julie MORIN 15125763841 74956401397 15148412200


• Directrice,opérationsetrelationsd’affaires (Belgium)

• Dir,ContentPartnerships

• Cell.:

• Founder • Cell.:

• Directricegénéraledesaffairesinternationales

• VicePresidentforStrategicCommunications • Cell.: • Déléguéedesaffairesinternationales


• Producer • Présidenteetchefdeladirection (Usa) • CEO

PENROSESTUDIOS SODEC (SociétédeDéveloppementdesEntreprises Culturelles) – #3

• Cell.:

• HeadofAcquisitions VILLAGE INT’L-RivieraSide127&PALAIS-114.E PALAIS -114.F PALAIS -118.05–BlockchainCorner PALAIS -114.M PALAIS -114.D PALAIS -114.D PALAIS -118.04–BlockchainCorner

1 5127445118

1 9174955887 SPIN DIGITAL(Germany)

(France) 89060616191 – Email:

– Email: – Email: – Web: – Email: (Usa)


1 5127445118


– Web: • Cell.:

– 129090MOSCOW

1 9497352112 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


• Cell.:


7 074956401397

(Russia) • &15148412250

• Cell.Cannes:9497352112

• Cell.:

• &0492590224 (Usa)

• Cell.: 1 5148412306

• &0492590224

7 9639633686

– Web:

– Web: • Cell.Cannes:15149176731

• Cell.Cannes:15144734414 – Web:

– Web:

• Cell.:

1 5142426828 (Canada) EXHIBITORS


NEXT NEXT 72 Jesse AYALA • Jasmine LEE • George IOANNOU • Antoine BERNARD • Ricardo GOMES•SalesManager Louis CACCIUTTOLO•CEO-Founder•Cell.:330628565644 Aaron KOBLIN • Daniel COPLON • Colin DECKER • Elodie LORRAIN-MARTIN Web: Cannes office:PALAIS-114.J, Email: 3760 MotorAve,2ndFloor Cannes office: & 9, RueBleue Cannes office: & 108, rueSaintHonore John HAMILTON Cannes office: 2205 Pathenais Ana PERROMAT 0153950464 RAIN OFHOMS 2 HOURSFROMPARIS Loïc MAGNERON EXHIBITORS Danya HANNAH Maxime MONTAGNE WE THE PIG TAZZEKA SMILE ONE MANDIES A MILLION TIMES OBEY NINA LIGHT AS FEATHERS CONSEQUENCES ACID THE PIGEON MEPRISES DENMARK CARGA 33153950464 336285644



– Jamie JONES – SteffenKÖHN

[email protected] – BrunoGASCON

– Dragomir SHOLEV

– Jean-PhilippeGAUD

– BernardDECLERCQ General Manager – KasperRuneLARSEN Director COO

Co-Founder/CTO • Buyer • Buyer – BanuSIVACI • CEO/Producteur

Business [email protected] • Buyer

– 75009PARIS


CEO • (

– Netherlands

• Buyer صمح رطم RIVIERA G2&PALAIS-114.A PALAIS -114.L PALAIS -114.E


• HeadofSales • InternationalSales

– UnitedKingdom • VPDéveloppementdesaffaires

• President-AcquisitionsDirector – RosannePEL Cell.: 330611490913

– Poland – Email: – Email: – Germany

(A 2HEURESDEPARIS) • BusinessAffairs,Acquisitions,VRProject

– Web:

– Portugal

– 75001PARIS )

– Bulgaria

– JoudSAID – Turkey – Russia (Usa)

– Darko ŠTANTE

(France) – Drama – France, Morocco

– Drama

– Belgium

• Cell.Cannes:33760678335 [email protected] [email protected] – CALOSANGELES (Canada)

– Drama – Denmark

• Cell.Cannes:33761579686

– JessicaORECK

– Netherlands – Drama (ADEF) – Drama

– Drama

– Drama – Drama

– 100 – 130 – Syria

– Drama, Thriller – 81

– Drama – 113 • &15148158091 – 76

min • Cell.: – 98 min – Slovenia

– 92 – 100 – Drama min

– Family – Virginie VERRIER

– Drama – Dutch, Flemish min – Polish



– German 33 660439686 min

– Russia, Usa min – 90

– Turkish

– Russian – English, Russian, Portuguese

– 100

– Web: – English – Drama

– 95

– Bulgarian

– 90 – 2018 – 85 min

– 2018

min min

– 2018

min – 2018 min

– 2018 • Cell.Cannes:33

– 90 – 2018

– Drama – 2018 – Arabic – French, Arabic

– French – 2018 – France

– Web: – 2018


– Slovenian

– 2017 – 87

– 2018

– Comedy, Drama


– 2018

– Russian – 2018

– 2018

– 80 – 2018



– French


INT/PROD Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Screening Screening Screening Screening Screening Screening Screening Screening Screening Screening Screening (All rights) UNLTD VR (Canada) INT/PROD/SERV 2205 Pathenais – QC MONTREAL Web: Cannes office: PALAIS -1 14.E John HAMILTON • CEO/Producteur Elodie LORRAIN-MARTIN • VP Développement des affaires • & 1 514 815 8091

VRROOM (France) INT/FEST/VODP 108, rue Saint Honore – 75001 PARIS & 33 6 28 56 56 44 – Email: [email protected] – Web: Cannes office: PALAIS -1 14.L Antoine BERNARD • CEO • Cell.: 33 0611490913 George IOANNOU • Director Jasmine LEE • General Manager Jesse AYALA • Director NEXT exhibitors are showcasing Virtual Reality experiences on their booths . Come visit them! NEXT WIDE (France) (ADEF) SALES/PROD/DIS(All rights) 9, Rue Bleue – 75009 PARIS & 33 1 53 95 04 64 – Email: [email protected] – Web: Cannes office: RIVIERA G2 & PALAIS -1 14.A EXHIBITION OF Loïc MAGNERON • Buyer • President - Acquisitions Director • Cell.: 33 6 60 43 96 86 • Cell. Cannes : 33 0153950464 Ana PERROMAT • Buyer • Head of Sales • Cell. Cannes : 33 7 60 67 83 35 VIRTUAL REALITY Maxime MONTAGNE • Buyer • Business Affairs, Acquisitions, VR Project Danya HANNAH • Buyer • International Sales • Cell. Cannes : 33 761579686 EXPERIENCES

2 HOURS FROM PARIS (A 2 HEURES DE PARIS) – Virginie VERRIER – France – Comedy, Drama – 80 min – French – 2018 Screening PALAIS -1, AISLE 14 ACID – Alexander GORCHILIN – Russia – Drama – 98 min – Russian – 2018 Completed CARGA – Bruno GASCON – Portugal – Drama – 113 min – English, Russian, Portuguese – 2018 Screening 8-13 MAY 2018 CONSEQUENCES (POSLEDICE) – Darko ŠTANTE – Slovenia – Drama – 90 min – Slovenian – 2018 Completed DENMARK – Kasper Rune LARSEN – Denmark – Drama – 90 min – 2018 Screening 9:00 TO 18:30 LIGHT AS FEATHERS – Rosanne PEL – Netherlands – Drama – 85 min – 2018 Completed MEPRISES – Bernard DECLERCQ – Belgium – Drama, Thriller – 90 min – French – 2018 Screening NINA – Olga CHAJDAS – Poland – Drama – 130 min – Polish – 2018 Screening OBEY – Jamie JONES – United Kingdom – Drama – 92 min – English – 2018 Screening ONE MAN DIES A MILLION TIMES – Jessica ORECK – Russia, Usa – Drama – 87 min – Russian – 2018 Completed Joud SAID – Syria – Drama – 100 min – Arabic – 2017 Screening – (صمح رطم) RAIN OF HOMS SMILE – Steffen KÖHN – Germany – Drama – 81 min – German – 2018 Screening TAZZEKA – Jean-Philippe GAUD – France, Morocco – Family – 95 min – French, Arabic – 2018 Screening THE PIG – Dragomir SHOLEV – Bulgaria – Drama – 100 min – Bulgarian – 2018 Completed THE PIGEON – Banu SIVACI – Turkey – Drama – 76 min – Turkish – 2018 Screening WE – Rene ELLER – Netherlands – Drama – 100 min – Dutch, Flemish – 2018 Screening

WITHIN (Usa) INT/PROD 3760 Motor Ave, 2nd Floor – CA LOS ANGELES Email: [email protected] – Web: Cannes office: PALAIS -1 14.J, Colin DECKER • COO Daniel COPLON • Business Development & Content Licensing Aaron KOBLIN • Co-Founder/CTO NEXT Station 3-GreenLibrary Presented byFableStudio 9:30 (600’) WOLVES INTHEWALLS All stations-GreenLibrary Presented byBaobabStudios&Orange 14:00 (240’) CROW :THELEGEND 74 SCHEDULE VR EXPERIENCES SCHEDULE VR SPECIAL EVENTS SATURDAY 12 SUNDAY 13 ACROSS THESPACE FRONTIER(ATSF) AUTHENTICALLY US:WE’RESTILLHERE AUTHENTICALLY US:SHEFLIESBYHEROWNWINGS ARDEN’S WAKE (EXPANDED) presented byImmersantVR Canada –DramaEnglish24’ presented byPENROSESTUDIOS USA –AnimationEnglish18’ presented byVRrOOm Shannon Scott–9’ presented byVRrOOm –English4’ USA –Documentary (Booth14 (Booth14 (Booth14 . . (Booth14 L) L) . C) Contact: and passdownthewisdomofhisFirstNationsTwo Spiritelders preserve andrevive educate, hisheritageinintergenerationalstruggle tolearn, Aiden Crawford, aTwo-Spirit artistandhistorianinBoise,Idaho,strugglesto Studios Produced by:Forvth Directed by: Contact: her Shannon Scott’s fightforjusticehonorsthosewhochampionedequalitybefore From hergrassroots advocacytothemarbledhallsofWashington D Produced by:FovrthStudios Directed by: Contact: storytelling invirtualreality Penrose Studios’award winningArden’s Wake embracestheartoflong-form the depthsofoceanafterhisunexpecteddisappearance young womanlivinginapost-apocalypticworldandsearching forherfatherin ARDEN’S WAKE ofMeenainPenrose(Expanded)” beginsthejourney Studios’award winning Featuring thevoiceofAcademyAward®-winner AliciaVikander, “Arden’s Wake Produced by:PenroseStudios Directed by: Contact: of adventure universe Astronaut beyondEarthandintoanalternate Jo-AnneKeplerjourneys Produced by:M31Entertainment Directed by: . M) . Louis Cacciuttolo-louis@vrroom Christina Tasooji -cannes2018@penrosestudios Michael Gibson-mike@immersantvr Louis Cacciuttolo-louis@vrroom

. Jesse Ayala Eugene YKChung Aurore deBlois,DougDrexler, MikeGibson,DannyMcNair Jesse Ayala . Arden’s Wake ofMeena,a (Expanded)followsthejourney .

. . buzz buzz . com VR EXPERIENCES

. com . Thisexpansionof . . C . , 75

NEXT NEXT 76 presented byHP –FRENCH15’ France, Germany–Factual,Documentary BEING ANASTRONAUT(PART 2) presented byHP –French15’ France, Germany–Factual,Documentary BEING ANASTRONAUT(PART 1) presented byAmiluxFilmproduktion Austria –DramaEnglish4’ BALLAVITA presented byVRrOOm Australia, USA–DramaEnglish,Chinese(Mandarin)20’ AWAKE: EPISODE1 VR EXPERIENCES (Booth14 (Booth14 (Booth14 . . J) J) . L) (Booth14 Contact: [email protected] interstellar void and Earthasseenfrom theCupola,before undertakingaspacewalk inthe virtual reality imagesshotinspace,explore thestationandadmire outerspace Soyuz spacecraft’s take-off andarrivalattheISS Part 2:ThomasPesquetisabouttotakeoff fortheISS Télévisions/ DVMobile Produced by:LaVingt-Cinquième HeureCo-production:ProspectTV/France Directed by: Contact: [email protected] activity will beplungedintothegiganticpooldesignedtosimulateextravehicular prepare astronauts totravelintospace Part 1:AttheNASAtrainingcentre inHouston(USA),experiencetheteststhat Télévisions/ DVMobile Produced by:LaVingt-Cinquième Heure,Co-production:ProspectTV/France Directed by: Contact: by overcoming herfearsandacceptingwhoshereally is intoanightmarewhich quicklyturns an oldman,whoistryingtostealherdreams Maria isayounghotheadedbutinsecure womanislured intoamirror worldby Produced by:AmiluxFilmproduktion Directed by: Contact: beloved wife,ROSE,isstillalive through hisvividdreams Harry Whitbread, abroken manboundtohiswheelchair, liveshislifevicariously Produced by:StartVR Directed by: . . B) Gerda Leopold-office@amiluxfilm Louis Cacciuttolo-louis@vrroom Pierre-Emmanuel LeGoffandJürgenHansen Gerda Leopold Martin Taylor Pierre-Emmanuel LeGoffandJürgenHansen . . Inhisdreams Harrystillhasuseofhislegsand . . Shecanfinallyescapetheoldman’s realm . AfterthehighG-force centrifuge, you . buzz . com . Sheissentonafantasticjourney, . Thankstotheveryfirst360° . Closelywitnessthe . CHORUS presented byBAOBABStudiosandOrange(Green VRLibraryonSaturday May12from 2pm-6pm) USA –AnimationEnglish12’ DREAMS OF“O” CROW: THELEGEND CONSTRUCT VR presented byHP USA –Animation,Interactive,MusicEnglish8’ presented byQuébecCréatif(SODEC)andtheCentre PHI Canada –12’ presented byNozon Belgium –action/dramaEnglish8’ (Booth14 (Booth14 . J)

. D)

Contact: [email protected] Orchestrated tothesong“Chorus”byJustice. Contact: [email protected] Cirque duSoleil surreal amphibiouscharactersofthebreathtaking aquaticmasterpiece“O”by virtual reality universecomprisedofaerialacrobatics, daringdives,fire andthe Dive intothehypnoticworldofDREAMSOF‘’O’’ Produced by:Felix&PaulStudios,CirqueduSoleil Directed by: Contact: need isCrow soon realize thattheirlivesare indanger animals imaginespringwilllastforever comes BaobabStudio’s latestvisionaryVRanimation From thedirector ofMadagascar, INVASION!, Emmy Winning andASTEROIDS! Produced by:BaobabStudios Directed by: Contact: [email protected] fellows .ButtodayBillshowsupalittlebitearlyandwhathewillseechange likes it,hisbossandcolleaguesare notverytalkativebuttheyare good Since amonth,Billcomestoworkeverydayatthesameconstructionsite.He Produced by:Nozon/Starbreeze Directed by: on you sends Chorus transformsyouandfivefriendsintofantasticalfemalewarriors, Pictures. AGentleManhandsProduction Produced by:AWITHINOriginal,producedinAssociationwithAnnapurna Directed by: his lifeforever. Kane [email protected] . Eric Darnell Kevin Margo/XavierLeconte TYLER HURD FRANCOIS BLOUIN,FELIXLAJEUNESSE&PAUL RAPHAEL• an . epic journey to battle space monsters in a faraway galaxy . faraway a in monsters space battle to journey epic (Booth14 . E) . However, wintercomesandtheanimals . Whattheyneedisahero; whatthey VR EXPERIENCES . Submergeyourselfintoa . Thecarefree forest SPECIAL EVENT 77

NEXT NEXT 78 presented byQuébecCréatif(SODEC)andtheCentre PHI Canada –13’28’’ Geneva International FilmFestival(GIFF) presented byGenevaInternational –English10’ Switzerland, USA–mixedrealityinteractivedocumentary presented byQuébecCréatif(SODEC)andtheCentre PHI United-States, Canada–AnimationEnglish5’25’’ KÀ THEBATTLE WITHIN ISLE OFDOGS:BEHINDTHESCENES(INVIRTUAL REALITY) FRENCH KISS ELASTIC TIME VR EXPERIENCES presented byWIDEVR France –ComedyEnglish15’ (Booth14

. A) Directed by:MarkBoulosProduced Contact: [email protected] heroism andmartialarts avirtualreality epicadventureEnter theworldofKÀTheBattleWithin, of Produced by:Felix&PaulStudios,CirqueduSoleil Directed by: Contact: [email protected] motion film,whilethecrew creates theanimationaround you Come facetowiththe‘dog’castofWes Anderson’s upcomingstop- Studios Produced by:FoxNext,FoxSearchlight,GoogleSpotlightStories/Felix&Paul Directed by: Contact: stories colleagues orlovers?Getalittlecloserandslipintotheirintimate,personal are they?Whatare theytalkingabout?Are theybrothers, sisters,friends, You glancearound theroom andatthepeopleseatedothertables You’re sittingatatableinthecaféoftheater, waitingfortheshowtostart Produced by:TEN2TENFilms,2MOROProductions,NexusForward Directed by: Contact: time toyourwill,creatingblack-holes,worm-holesandportals. integrated intotheobservatoryroom.Usingcontrollers,youbendspaceand narrated byastronomerTonyStark.Areal-timehologramofyourbodyis Elastic Timeisamixedrealityinteractivedocumentaryaboutspace-time

. Maxime Montagne-mm@widemanagement Camille Kaiser-camille FELIX LAJEUNESSE,PAUL RAPHAEL&WESANDERSON Pascal Tirilly FRANCOIS BLOUIN,FELIXLAJEUNESSE&PAUL RAPHAEL (Booth14 (Booth14 (Booth14 . . G) . . E) E) . kaiser@giff Imverse (JavierBelloRuiz&RobinMange . ch . com .

. Who .

NOMADS: HERDERS presented byQuébecCréatif(SODEC)andtheCentre PHI Canada –Factual,Documentar presented byINTELCORPORATION India –DramaVREEnglish241’ PRELUDE TOLEMUSKCINEMAVRE NOMADS: SEAGYPSIES NOMADS: MAASAI presented byQuébecCréatif(SODEC)andtheCentre PHI –Englishsubtitles9’ Canada –Factual,Documentary presented byQuébecCréatif(SODEC)andtheCentre PHI –Englishsubtitles11’58’’Canada –Factual,Documentary y –Englishsubtitles7’46’’

(Booth14 Contact: Mariam Zohrabyaninleadroles adulthood musician, forwhomthesmellofmuskisatrailthatrunsfrom herchildhood to an orphanedheiress JulietplayedbyFrench actress NoraArnezeder, aparttime by twotimeOscarandGrammywinnerA Reality(VR)filmdirectedLe Muskisanupcomingmulti-sensoryolfactoryVirtual entertainment, SriThenandalFilms Produced by:YMMovies,IntelCorporation,Zilvermeerproductions,Ideal Directed by: Contact: [email protected] and alwaysshare acommunalspirit with nolandnornationality, theBajauliveoneitherstilthousesorhouseboats toexperiencedailylifeoftheBajauLaut north ofBorneo forcenturies coasts ofBorneo An encounterwiththeSama-Bajaupeople,whohavelivedonseaalong Produced by:Felix&PaulStudios Directed by: Contact: [email protected] stunning Great RiftValley walkabouts theyledalongsidethezebras,giraffes, lionsandhyenasofthe and themen’s craftingofunmatchedhuntingabilitiesovertherepeated Enkutoto (somethinghollow),likecoming-of-agejumpingdancecompetitions, This episodeshowcasestheMaasai’s formidablelivingheritageinthevillageof Produced by:Felix&PaulStudios Directed by: Contact: [email protected] including amanplayingtheharp,herders atwork,andafamilyeatingtogether yak herders inMongoliathrough aseriesofscenespresented insingletakes, The firstpartofthistrilogyoffers ameditativelookatcommunityofnomadic Produced by:Felix&PaulStudios Directed by:

. F) Ravindra Velhal -ravindra . Shot in Rome, the film stars Guy Burnet, MunirihJahanpourand ShotinRome,thefilmstarsGuyBurnet, Felix Lajeunesse&PaulRaphael Felix Lajeunesse&PaulRaphael Felix Lajeunesse&PaulRaphael A RRahman (Booth14 (Booth14 (Booth14

. . . . E) E) E) . Nomads:SeaGypsiestransportstheviewer . . . velhal@intel . R . Rahman VR EXPERIENCES . com . Thefilm revolves around . Nomadsfrom thesea, 79 .

NEXT NEXT 80 presented byINTELCORPORATION USA –ActionandAdventureVREEnglish276’ presented byWIDEVR –English19’ Netherlands –Factual,Documentary THE LASTCHAIR SPACE EXPLORERS: ANEWDAWN SAVE EVERY BREATHE: THEDUNKIRKVREXPERIENCE RIO CARNIVAL 2018VRETEASER VR EXPERIENCES presented byQuébecCréatif(SODEC)andtheCentre PHI –English19’35’’Canada, USA–Factual,Documentary presented byINTELCORPORATION Brazil –MusicalVREPortuguese224’ (Booth14

. A) (Booth14 (Booth14 Contact: perspective Rutger HauerandDerek deLint)takeyouintothestoryandslowlychange Fred orEgbert amixofaudio, 360°videoandanimationyoustepintothedailylifeof With Realitydocumentaryseriesaboutthelaststageoflife The LastChairisaVirtual Produced by:PietervanHuysteeFilm Directed by: Contact: [email protected] understand ourplanet,universeandorigins exploration, andwillshinealightonmankind’s to mostambitiousjourney Space Explorers: ANewDawnisaVRseriesaboutthe new ageofspace Produced by:Felix&PaulStudios,Warrior Poets Directed by: Contact: 21, 2017 enemy closesin are trappedonthebeachofDunkirk,France,withtheirbackstoseaas tantalizing tasteofthemuch-anticipatedfilm,inwhich400,000Alliedsoldiers Through three tightlywovensequences,thevirtualreality experienceoffers a viewer intheworldofChristopherNolan’s epicactionthriller“Dunkirk on land,seaandair Save EveryBreath: TheDunkirkVRExperiencewillpropel viewersintotheaction Corporation Produced by:Warner Bros,PracticalMagic,Microsoft,DellandIntel Directed by: Contact: virtual reality produced byGloboandIntelCorporation feeling ofbeinginsideRioSambadrome Paradein tobeapartofCarnival Reality Virtual 2018parade capturedfamous RiodeJanerioCarnival inahighresolution 360 2018VRexperiencetrailerwilltransportviewerstotheworld- Rio Carnival Produced by:GloboandIntelCorporation Directed by: . . F) F) . Ravindra Velhal -ravindra Ravindra Velhal -ravindra Maxime Montagne-mm@widemanagement . . Felix Lajeunesse&PaulRaphael Matthew Lewis Ravindra Velhal Jessie vanVreden, AnkeTeunissen ImmerseyourselfintherhythmofSambadanceandexperience . Thevoicesoftheelderly(narratedinEnglish bylegendaryactors . “Dunkirk”openedinconventionaltheatres andIMAXonJuly

(Booth14 . Thepulse-pounding360-degree shortfilmimmersesthe

. E) . . velhal@intel velhal@intel . . com com . . . com

. ” .

INSIDE THEWHITEHOUSEWITHBARACKANDMICHELLEOBAMA THE PEOPLE’SHOUSE: presented byQuébecCréatif(SODEC)andtheCentre PHI Canada –14’30’’ THROUGH THEMASKSOFLUZIA THE WILDIMMERSION:AFRICA THE REALTHING presented byDiversioncinema –English608’ France –Documentary presented byDiversioncinema –Chinese/Mandarin960’ France –Documentary presented byQuébecCréatif(SODEC)andtheCentre PHI –English8’ Canada –Factual,Documentary

(Booth14 (Booth14 . . Contact: [email protected] and dreamlike fantasy production, isavibrantcelebrationofMexican culture, shrouded insurrealism Through theMasksofLuzia,basedonacclaimed Cirque duSoleil Produced by:Felix&PaulStudios,CirqueduSoleil Directed by: Contact: from Cambridge Jane GoodallisPeaceAmbassadorforUnitedNations,shealsohas66PHD famous Doctorwhodedicatedherlifetopreserving Life environment andWild elephants, hyenasandmore wonders andexperiencewhatitmeanstobeseveralinchesawayfrom lions, around theworld Habitat Immersionisa360VRexperiencewhichdrivesyouintheWild Wild Produced by:Virtual Ltd,BrainWorks Reserve Directed by: Contact: both toenhanceawholenewfeelingofubiquity Walking thethinlinebetweenreality andvirtuality, thisdocumentarycombines tourism, copycatcitiescompetetooffer areal experienceofstatictravel parallel worldwhere theyhavechosentolive London andVenice -withoutleavingChina film explores themoststunningofthese“fakecities” largest cities,entire neighbourhoodshavebeeninspired byforeign models intoacopyofourworld THE REALTHINGisaVRjourney Produced by:ArtlineFilms,DVgroup,andARTE France Directed by: Contact: [email protected] the Obamaadministrationtodefiningeventsoflasttwocenturies to explore theiconicinstitution’s profound history-from thepasteightyearsof An intimatetouroftheWhiteHousethatgivesviewerextraordinary access Produced by:Felix&PaulStudios Directed by: H) H) Paul Bouchard -paul@diversioncinema Paul Bouchard -paul@diversioncinema Adrien Moisson&RaphaëlAupy Benoit FeliciandMathiasChelebourg Felix Lajeunesse&PaulRaphael FRANCOIS BLOUIN,FELIXLAJEUNESSE&PAUL RAPHAEL

. . (Booth14 (Booth14 Teleport yourselftotheotherside oftheplanet,feelits

. . . . Wild Immersion issupportedbyJaneGoodall,the Wild E) E) . Theinhabitantsguideusinthe . AsVRleadsthewaytovirtual VR EXPERIENCES . . . com com . Ittravelsfrom Paristo . Around China’s . .

. The 81 .

NEXT NEXT 82 presented byFABLE STUDIO(Green VRLibraryonSundayMay13from 9:30am-6pm) USA –AnimationEnglish9’ presented byQuébecCréatif(SODEC)andUNLTD Canada –SciencefictionEnglish13’ YOUR SPIRITUALTEMPLESUCKS WOLVES INTHEWALLS TRINITY VR EXPERIENCES presented byWIDEVR Taiwan –ComedyEnglish10’

(Booth14 . A) Contact: o solvehis maritalcrisisandfinancialproblems, hesummonshis a bigmistake…withhilariousconsequences guardian -TheThunderGod destiny Mr Produced by:SerendipityFilms Directed by: Contact: [email protected] character insideaVRmovie?” “What woulditbeliketointeract,havearelationship, andgoonaquestwith be areality Not everythingisasitseemswheneightyearoldLucy’s imagination proves to Produced by:FableStudio Directed by: Contact: [email protected] against anallpowerfulSingularity humans havebeenextinct,thesurvivingandroids fightafinalwarfor freedom Trinity isalive-action,immersive,interactive,sci-fihead-trip Directed by:

. Changarrivestohis“SpiritualT . T (Booth14 Maxime Montagne-mm@widemanagement . BasedontheworkbyNeilGaiman,thisimmersivefableasks: John Hsu Pete Billington Patrick Boivin•Producedby:UNLTD

. E) . They attempt to tidy his life, which turns outtobe They attempttotidyhislife,whichturns emple,” aplacethatrepresents one’s . . com . Inafuture where SPECIAL EVENT At NEXT VR Theatre you can experience VR cinema as a simultanous and collective NEXT screening for 30 spectators. Each curated market screening, has a duration VIRTUAL REALITY between 30 and 45 minutes. THEATRE PALAIS -1, AISLE 14 8-13 MAY 2018 10:00 TO 18:00

Access: Only for Market badge and entrance with ticket. Tickets must be picked- up on the day before the screening at the VR Ticket Office located at NEXT. NEXT 84 SCHEDULE VR THEATRESCHEDULE VR VR Theatre Presented byVIDEOFABRIKA 17:00 (60’) VIDEOOFABRIKA PRESENTSHERMITAGEVR VR Theatre Festival andCollectiveReality Presented bytheByronBayInternationalFilm 14:00 (60’) AUSTRALIAN IMMERSION COLLECTIVE REALITY/BYRONBAYFF: VR Theatre Fund &PHICentre Presented byTéléfilmCanada&Media 10:00 (60’) CANADA, BIGONVR-PROGRAM1 VR Theatre Presented byEVRSTUDIO 14:00 (60’) KOREAN CINEMATICVR VR Theatre Presented byRussianVRSeason 10:00 (60’) Russian VRSeasonsShowcase2017-2018 VR Theatre Presented byMK2 15:00 (60’) MK2 FILMS&V VR Theatre Presented byARTE 11:00 (60’) ARTE VREXPERIENCES VR Theatre Presented byTrends 16:00 (60’) TRENDS PRESENTS VR Theatre Presented byFullEye 12:00 (60’) FULLEYE.NET -CINEMATICVR WEDNESDAY 9 VR Theatre Presented byTrends 15:00 (60’) TRENDS PRESENTS VR Theatre Presented byARTE 11:00 (60’) ARTE VREXPERIENCES VR Theatre Presented byEJE 15:00 (60’) JAPENESE FUNVRFILM VR Theatre Presented byARTE 11:00 (60’) ARTE VREXPERIENCES VR Theatre Presented byGo!Picture 16:00 (60’) GO! INSIDEVRSHOWCASE VR Theatre Presented byVirtuality 12:00 (60’) BEST OFVIRTUALITYEUROPEANCINEMA VR Theatre Presented byVRrOOm 14:00 (60’) A DISCOVERYOFCHINAANDITSPEOPLE SATURDAY 12 TUESDAY 10 FRIDAY 11 AN IMMERSIVETOUR WONDERS OFTHEWORLD: VR Theatre Presented byGENGISKHANPRODUCTION 15:00 (60’) VR WITHASOUL THE CLIFFSOFV.FULLVERSION- VR Theatre Presented byTRIBECA 16:00 (60’) BEST OFTRIBECACINEMA360@NEXT VR Theatre Presented byVRrOOm 12:00 (60’) VRrOOm@CANNES PART1 VR Theatre Presented byDIVERSIONCINEMA 16:00 (60’) DIVERSION SPECIALSHOWCASE VR Theatre Presented byVIRTUALITY&TRENDS 12:00 (60’) AMERICAN CINEMA360@CANNESNEXT BEST OFTRENDS-VIRTUALITYLATIN VR Theatre Presented byDIVERSIONCINEMA 17:00 (60’) DIVERSION SPECIALSHOWCASE VR Theatre Presented byVRrOOm 14:00 (60’) 14:00 VRrOOm@CANNES PART2 VR Theatre Presented byVRrOOm VR Theatre Fund &PHICentre Presented byTéléfilmCanada&Media 10:00 (60’) CANADA, BIGONVR-PROGRAM2 (60’) VR Theatre Presented byPOLYHEDRON 15:00 (60’) BEST OFCHINESEIMMERSIVEEXPERIENCES IMMERSIVE CHINA: VR Theatre GESHER MULTICULTURALFILMFUND Presented by 11:00 (60’) I TOEYE:STORIESOFDISABILITYINVR SUNDAY 13 SCHEDULE VR THEATRESCHEDULE VR VR Theatre Presented byMK2 16:00 (60’) MK2 FILMS&VR VR Theatre Presented byTWICEOUT&RYOT 12:00 (60’) IMMERSIVE EXPLORATIONS FROM SONGTOCINEMA: 85

NEXT NEXT 86 HANI GIRL DREAM SHOW COLORFUL CHINA BOERTALA: THEMYSTERY BENEFICE Presented byVRrOOm Wednesday 9May-14:00-15:00 A DISCOVERY OFCHINAANDITSPEOPLE VR THEATRE Country: China Produced by:HRDVR Directed by: Directed by: Directed by: Country: China Produced by:EscherVR Directed by: Country: China Produced by:MXVR Country: China Produced by:Sightpano everything youcandream of Attend acreative fashionshowinChina,andfind original rainforest minorities inChina Colorful Chinaisadocumentaryabouttheethnic dinosaurs also “livingfossils”thatare more ancientthan There are mountains,lakesandgrasslands history havecreated theuniquestyle ofBoertala The specialgeographicalenvironment andlong Boertala islocatedinthenorthwestedgeofXinjiang people anditiswhere Ilive,itismyplace,home rice terraces Yuanyang Countyiswellknown foritsspectacular . DiaoLONG LiBO MichaelGU HailangZHANG . ItistheancestralhomelandtoHani . . Experiencelifeasitisinthe . . There are .

. .

meute derequins prédateurs(2 Une expéditionscientifiqueenPolynésieFrançaise menéeparLaurent Ballesta,uneimmersion ausein dela 700 REQUINS:LEMYSTÈREDEFAKARAVA 700 REQUINS:AUCŒURDELAMEUTE Presented by Thursday 10May11:00-12:00,Friday11Saturday1211:00-12:00 ARTE VREXPERIENCES TERRACOTTA ARMY NO, 33,BEISTREET ARTE ARTE e épisode). Country: Produced by: Frédéric Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: bringing thispastbacktolife. historical relics inChina.Archaeologists are now The Terracotta Warriors are oneofthemostfamous world. of thebustlemodern chance toseetraditionalcraftsbeingpractised,out Luomu isalittletownwhere youmayhavethe de lameuterequins prédateurs(1 menée parLaurent Ballesta,uneimmersionausein Une expéditionscientifiqueenPolynésieFrançaise GOURDET France China China Shaohua Guo Manuel Sightpano EscherVR Lecinquièmerêve,Neotopy DONGDONG LEFÈVRE QI aveclacollaborationde VR THEATRE er épisode). 87

NEXT NEXT 88 MC360 ISLE OFTHEDEAD I SAW THEFUTURE A BARAT THEFOLIES-BERGÈRES VR THEATRE Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Charon, theferrymanofUnderworld. apartment towards ourfinaldestination, guidedby Isle oftheDeadisatimelesstrip,from anaverage predictions ofArthurC.Clarke a three-dimensional spacereflecting thefuturistic I SAW THEFUTUREinvitestheviewertoplungeinto A four-acts immersionintoManet’s famouspainting. française invitésàréaliserunfreestyle . d’orchestre etplusieursrappeursdelascène l’esthétique hip-hop,avecunbeatmakerenchef MC360° estunprojet collaboratifautourde France France France France François Gabrielle Sami Benjamin DaProd IKO,ArteFrance Sourdoreill LesProduitsFrais BATKHI VAUTIER LISSOT NUEL INSIDE MANUS EVERY KINGTIDE CARRIBERIE Presented by Saturday 12May14:00-15:00 AUSTRALIAN IMMERSION MOZART 360 the Byron FilmFestivalandCollectiveReality BayInternational Country: Gingerbread Man Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Edge ProductionforSBSandScreenQueensland Produced by: Directed by: expressions ofAustralia’s indigenousculture . from traditionalceremonies tocontemporary throughviewers onajourney time&space.Moving From theheartofoutback,DavidGulpililguides spatialisé . une immersiondansl’orchestre à360°avecson3D Insula orchestra etLaurence Equilbeyvousinvitentà Centre vividly tolife. Campbell (Sutu)bringManusIsland Detention Graphic novel-styletilt-brushanimations from Stuart & passionfortheislandtheycallhome. 1st-person perspectiveofacommunity’s spirit,faith is slowlybeingeroded &swallowedbythesea.A Poruma, atinyislandintheTorres StraitofAustralia, Australia Australia France Australia ColinLAURENT Lucas Aaron Dominic CAMERALUCIDA/INSULAORCHESTRA AHoodlum,ChemicalMediaandCutting BunyaProductionsinassociationwithThe RedDogsVRdom TAYLOR FA’AOSO ALLEN andCraig VR THEATRE DEEKER 89


Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Brooklyn . explores adysfunctionalAmericanfamily intoday’s Through intimatestoriesthisimmersivedrama soontobeforgottenspaces. be foundadorning stunning large-scaleportraitsofwomen’s facescan A distinctiveportraitofthestreet artistRone,whose anthology telling scarystoriesinthisfun,frighteninghorror summer campfire circle asagroup ofkidstake turns Master ofhorror Alexandre Ajainvitesyoutojointhe

ArgentinaEEUU Australia Spain,USA . Lester Alexandre JoséCelestino StudioBento Oculus,FutureLighthouse,DarkCorner CineBruto FRANCOIS AJA CAMPUSANO 02:09 Presented by Saturday 12May16:00-17:00 BEST OFTRIBECACINEMA360@NEXT KIDNAPPED K.I.S.S.I.N.G. ONATREE EURYDICE TRIBECA Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: the junglesofColombia. himintoakidnappedvictimin kidnapping, turning transport theviewertohorrifyingworldof Kidnapped isa360/3Dexperiencethatwill until aninnocentprankgetsoutofhand. A group ofteenagersplayhideansikeinthewoods Country: Produced by: Directed by: thesedays. Carnival Eurydice andOrfeuare livinganewlovestoryinRio refugees leave theplanetbefore itis toolate. stranded .Acouplewatchesasthelasthuman Earth; thosewhocouldn’t afford privateshuttlesare In 3minutes,theworldwillend.Therichhaveleft Colombia,Canada Mexico Brazil Sweden/China Carlos Priscila Svante MauricioVelez GIFFincolaborationwithOniria FeelXR Virtual RealityProductions ExploraFilms,SignalSpaceLab HAGERMAN GUEDES FJAESTAD DOMINGUEZ VR THEATRE , Luisa VALENCIA 91

NEXT NEXT 92 THIS ISCLIMATE CHANGE:FEAST THE CARETAKER MEETING AMONSTER INTO THENOW VR THEATRE Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: begins tosuspectthatsomethingsinisterisatwork. woman’s boyfriendsuddenlygoesmissing, she a couplechecksintostrangehotel.Whenthe After theircarbreaks downonthe side oftheroad, movement—and thepathshetooktogetout. of theeightyearsshespentinsidewhitepower white supremacist AngelaKingrelives thememories Through audiorecordings andre-enactments, former with thesecuriousandintimidatingcreatures . the tranquilitythatispossibleunderwater, engaged lifelong fearofsharkseventuallyledhimtodiscover Legendary sharkphotographerMichaelMuller’s places beinghithardest byclimatechange. oftheearthto discoverthepeopleand far corners tothe Participant MediaandConditionOne,journey In thisexpansivevirtualreality docu-seriesfrom USA USA USA USA,Brazil GabrielaARP Michael Danfung Jacob VRFORGOOD/LIFEAFTERHATE RSAFilms ParticipantMedia/ConditionOne HiddenContent,RealMotionVFX WASSERMAN MULLER DENNIS &Eric , Nicholas STRAUSS PESCE , Adam THE REALTHING OUT OFTHEBLUE I SAW THEFUTURE DESSINE MOIUNFUTUR Presented by Thursday 10May-12:00-13:00 BEST OFVIRTUALITY EUROPEANCINEMA VIRTUALITY VIRTUALITY Country: Produced by: Directed by: predictions ofArthurC.Clarke three-dimensional spacereflecting thefuturistic I saw the Future” invites the viewer to plunge into a Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: ROSENTHAL DENEPOUX Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Mexico whobecameunexpectedconservationists Yerick, achildamongstcommunityof fishermenin intothelegacy inheritedby8-yearsold A journey s’imagine dufutur En 1962,Simone,10ans,dessinecequ’elle their real stories. insidethisworldof“fakecities”todiscover journey by foreign models.THEREALTHINGsetsoutonaVR All around China,vastneighbourhoodsare inspired when facedthedepletionoftheirmarineresources . France,USA,Mexico,Australia,Russia,HongKong FRANCE France France , Florian Alice Benoît Sophie François INA/CREATIVE PEPPER DVgroup,Artline Sophie DaProd BÉDARD PANNETIER . FELICI ANSEL ANSEL VAUTIER , Mathias , Sandrine , Quentin CHELEBOURG VR THEATRE CORBEIL PIAT andAlexandre , Hugo 93


SPOTLIGHT ON CANADIAN PRODUCERS BREAKFAST MEETING Monday, May 14, from 9 to 11 a.m. Plage des palmes

Caramel Films Clique Pictures Goodbye Productions Valérie D’Auteuil Lauren Grant Amber Ripley

JA Productions Peripheria Violator Films Jessica Adams Yanick Létourneau Lori Lozinski

Get more info and meet the Canadian delegation at the SEE Canada Pavilion Village international Nº 122 BIG. T +04 92 59 00 01 RDVCANADA.CA Jessica Adams JA Productions Valérie D’Auteuil Caramel Films NETWORK PRODUCERS OF THE PARTNER PROUD BIG. SEE Plage despalmes Monday, May14, from 9to11a.m. BREAKFAST MEETING SPOTLIGHT ONCANADIANPRODUCERS Yanick Létourneau Peripheria Lauren Grant Clique Pictures ASK US! ASK DEAL. IT’S A BIG COPRODUCTION. Lori Lozinski Violator Films Amber Ripley Goodbye Productions RDVCANADA.CA T +0492590001 Village internationalNº122 Canada Pavilion the Canadiandelegationat Get more infoandmeet TIDAL TRACES WITH BARACKANDMICHELLEOBAMA THE PEOPLE’SHOUSE:INSIDEWHITEHOUSE ISLE OFDOGS:BEHINDTHESCENES(INVIRTUAL REALITY) BLIND VAYSHA Presented byTéléfilmCanada&MediaFundPHICentre Saturday 12May10:00-11:00 CANADA, BIGONVR-PROGRAM1 Country: Canada Directed by: Directed by: Directed by: Country: Canada Directed by: Country: Canada Produced by:Felix&PaulStudios Country: Canada,USA Stories etFelix&PaulStudios Produced by:FoxNext,FoxSearchlight,GoogleSpotlight ANDERSON years oftheObamaadministrationtodefining institution’s profound history-from thepasteight viewer extraordinary accesstoexplore theiconic An intimatetouroftheWhiteHousethatgives crew creates theanimationaround you Anderson’s upcomingstop-motionfilm,whilethe Come facetowiththe‘dog’castofWes Vaysha, theycalledher only thepast Vaysha isnotlikeotherlittlegirls through their gaze viewer joinsin—directly composingtheperformance TracesTidal isa360-videoVR dancepiecewhere the events ofthelasttwocenturies TheodoreUSHEV NancyLEE&EmmalenaFREDRIKSSON FelixLAJEUNESSE&PaulRAPHAEL FelixLAJEUNESSE,PaulRAPHAEL&Wes . Herright,onlythefuture . . . VR THEATRE . Herlefteyesees . . Blind 95

NEXT NEXT 96 THROUGH THEMASKSOFLUIZA SPACE EXPLORERS: ANEWDAWN ISLE OFDOGS:BEHINDTHESCENES(INVIRTUAL REALITY) BLIND VAYSHA Presented by Sunday 13May10:00-11:00 CANADA, BIGONVR-PROGRAM2 VR THEATRE Téléfilm Canada&MediaFundPHICentre Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Stories etFelix&PaulStudios Produced by: ANDERSON Directed by: Country: Directed by: Country: Produced by: RAPHAEL Directed by: light onmankind’s to mostambitiousjourney the newageofspaceexploration,andwillshinea Space Explorers: ANewDawnisaVRseriesabout crew creates theanimationaround you. Anderson’s upcomingstop-motionfilm,whilethe Come facetowiththe‘dog’castofWes Vaysha, theycalledher only thepast.Herright,future .Blind Vaysha isnotlikeotherlittlegirls.Herlefteyesees dreamlike fantasy of Mexicanculture, shrouded insurrealism and Cirque du Soleilproduction, isavibrantcelebration Through the MasksofLuzia,basedontheacclaimed understand ourplanet,universeandorigins. Canada Canada,USA Canada Canada Theodore Francois Felix Felix Felix&PaulStudiosCirqueduSoleil Felix&PaulStudiosetWarrior Poets FoxNext,FoxSearchlight,GoogleSpotlight LAJEUNESSE LAJEUNESSE . BLOUIN USHEV . , Felix etPaul , Paul LAJEUNESSE RAPHAEL RAPHAEL &Wes &Paul THE WILDIMMERSION:ASIAOCEANIA THE WILDIMMERSION:AFRICA THE REALTHING Presented by Thursday 10May17:00-18:00,Friday1116:00-17:00 DIVERSION SPECIALSHOWCASE DIVERSION CINEMA Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: from Cambridge. Ambassador forUnitedNations,shealsohas66PHD Life.JaneGoodallisPeace environment andWild famous Doctorwhodedicatedherlifetopreserving ImmersionissupportedbyJaneGoodall,the Wild inches awayfrom lions,elephants, hyenas andmore . wonders andexperiencewhatitmeanstobeseveral yourself totheothersideofplanet,feelits Habitataround theworld.Teleportyou intheWild Immersionisa360VRexperiencewhichdrives Wild replicas ofParis,Venice and London. world, exploringreal-life storiesinside China’s intoacopyofour THE REALTHINGisaVRjourney from Cambridge. Ambassador forUnitedNations,shealsohas66PHD Life.JaneGoodallisPeace environment andWild famous Doctorwhodedicatedherlifetopreserving Immersionissupported byJaneGoodall,the Wild inches awayfrom lions,elephants,hyenasandmore . wonders andexperiencewhatitmeanstobeseveral yourself totheothersideofplanet,feelits Habitataround theworld.Teleportyou intheWild Immersionisa360 VR experiencewhichdrives Wild France France France Benoit Adrien Adrien ArtlineFilms,DVgroup,andARTE France Virtual Ltd,BrainWorks Reserve Virtual Ltd,BrainWorks Reserve FELICI MOISSON MOISSON andMathias &Raphaël &Raphaël VR THEATRE CHELEBOURG AUPY AUPY 97



Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: (AN ITALIAN COPRODUCTION) Produced by: Directed by: War Tourist isanimmersive360filmshotinand hydrofoil surfboard design. up to6minutesbecomenormalatoptheinnovative 8-10 footwavesstretching overamile, where rides Laird andhisfriendschaseperfection intheformof experience . Playing togetheristhefirstitalianfictionalVRmusic around Mosulduringtheoffensive toretake the city USA USA Italy FedericoGIUSEPPINIandGabrieleGIULIANI Emiliano BIZART S.R.L.andTWICEOUT RYOT RYOT RUPRAH VR THEATRE

99 .

NEXT NEXT 100 SYNTHESY VR RAILWAY VR NOSFERATU VR BEYOND SINVR Presented by Wednesday 9May-12:0013:00 FULLEYE.NET -CINEMATIC VR VR THEATRE FULL EYE Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Onboard thenewSiemensVectron trainengine. the bloodofanoblevirgin. magic ofhisimmortalityforanothercenturythrough The lastvampire Masterawakesto prolong the Ballet . Get behindthescenesofSlovakNationalTheater How deepdoesthevirtualworldgo? Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Samuel Samuel Samuel Samuel FULLEYE.NET FULLEYE.NET FULLEYE.NET FULLEYE.NET IVASKA IVASKA IVASKA IVASKA REMAIN AT HOME OUR NORTH POLE HEROES OFNIGHTANDTRAGIC Presented by Thursday 10May16:00-17:00 GO!INSIDEVR SHOWCASE TRUE PASSION Go! Pictures Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Real expeditiontothetopofworldaboard the fight back? claim yourlife?Doyourun,dohideor What happenswhenyour‘averageyou’comesto Theater On thestagewithballetdancersinSlovakNational abandon theirhomeandescapethe war needs toconvincehergrandsonand hisfamilyto slip intotherole ofanaltruisticgrandmotherwho EPISODE I-AcinematicVRexperience where you “50 Years . ofVictory” most powerfulnuclear-powered icebreacker UnitedKingdom,Russia Croatia Slovakia Austria Samuel GeroA.E. Olesya Bruno FULLEYE.NET GO!PicturesKG Vivalter, KustovaMediaGroup Ateatar MARGETI_ KUSTOVA IVASKA EGGER VR THEATRE .


NEXT NEXT 102 NO WORDS MOSHI MISS VERTIGO Presented by Sunday 13May11:00-12:00 I TOEYE:STORIESOFDISABILITYINVR VIRTUAL TARKINE RAINFORESTRIVER–TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA VR THEATRE GESHER MULTICULTURAL FILMFUND Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Just before thefamilymovesfrom Tel-Aviv to freedom, butcanherbodyfollowmind? rhythm ofmusic.Inhermindsheneverlost and yetshealwaysdreams tobeable tomovethe Rona losthervoice&bodybalanceinacaraccident, Tasmania’s takayna/Tarkine . threatened ecosystemattheedgeofworld: humanityanddiscoveraunique,fragile modern Immerse yourselfinaworldlargelyuntouchedby communicate withBarInhisown special way fight erupts,butintheend–Dror getsto Bar withoutsayingasingleword .Anunexpected Dror hangs withfriendsinadance-barandflirts and chasesthecattofindnewmeaningsinhislife. Iddo, aparaplegicfather, jumps tohiswheelchair London –Moshithecatrunsawayfrom thetaxi. Israel Israel Australia Israel Fraser Ivgeny Iddo Rona CrowsNestMedia&BobBrownFoundation DaromaProductions DaromaProductions DaromaProductions GRUENGARD SOFFER JOHNSTON GASHINSKY


Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: can youreally tellwhat,where andmostlywhen? factory find out somethingabnormal happeningbut The camerasthatcontrol thesafetyofanuclear refugees leavetheplanetbefore itistoolate. stranded .Acouplewatchesasthelasthuman Earth; thosewhocouldn’t afford privateshuttlesare In 3minutes,theworldwillend.Therichhaveleft hospital’s rooftop . tosmokeajointonthe obstacle-filled journey the otherinjured intheIsraeliarmy-setoutonan 2 brothers –onevisuallyimpaired from youthand China China,Sweden Israel Gaston Gianluigi Svante DaromaProductions PolyhedronVRStudio/BlurLimit Virtual RealityProductions FJAESTAD DRUGUER PERRONE VR THEATRE 103

NEXT NEXT 104 BLUE THERMALVR Presented by Friday 11May15:00-16:00 JAPANESE FUNVRFILM TRANSCEND THE LIGHTOFFAITH FREE WHALE VR THEATRE EJE Country: Produced by: Directed by: . intothedeepestTibet A journey Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: touch withthewombofcreation .”DeepakChopra “When wetranscendourownthoughts,getin understand more abouthiswork. going through adream-like experience,hestartsto surprisingly encounteringamachinewhaleand assignment tofetchonPlanetKandinsky distance deployments,Shemiscompletinghislatest responsibility istobringbackAIsamplesfrom far As anewfetcherfrom StarfleetAcademywhose Club . group ofyoung boysandgirlsinanAviation Athletic Blue Thermalapopularmangaseries thatdepictsa This isaliveactionfilmbasedon an originalstoryfor China China China Japan Marsh Peibin Shinichiro Gianluigi BlurLimit SandmanStudios dubinc. PolyhedronVRStudio/BlurLimit ZHANG MA PERRONE UEDA .After BOHWAGAK -ALONGTHEWAY TOUTOPIA Presented by Friday 11May14:00-15:00 KOREAN CINEMATIC VR ULTRAMAN ZEROVR TIED TOPOLE EVR STUDIO Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Zero Ultraman…! There wasabigbattlewiththehugemonsterand you openthedoorofemergencyexitfrom life, suddenly thespacemonsterelekingappears.When During theconference attheoffice building Japanese Hero/ AcertainplaceinMinato kuTokyo . the factthattheyare tiedup. storehouse andendupdancingexuberantly, despite but nevertheless,thetwogetintosake the stick.ThemasterthentiesupTarokajaas well, demonstrating hisskillatstickfighting,tyinghimto Tarokaja totricktheotherservantJirokajainto his winewhileheisout.Heplotswithservant master isirritatedthathistwoservantsalwaysdrink A danceplaybasedonaclassicalKyogenfarce .A examples ofKorean Art. utopia andanaspirationtodemonstratethefinest Surrealistic expression insearch ofthejourney ofthe Japan Japan SouthKorea ChiakiMishiro Bryan Bryan Kiyotaka EJEInc EVRStudio TSUBURAYA PRODUCTIONS KU TAGUCHI VR THEATRE 105

NEXT NEXT 106 OVERVIEW SATURN CIRQUE DUSOLEIL:KATHEBATTLE WITHIN ALTERATION Presented by Thursday 10May15:00-16:00,Sunday1316:00-17:00 MK2 STAY WITHME VR THEATRE MK2 Country: Co-Production Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: dematerialize hissubconsciousinorder tofeedoff it. of ArtificialIntelligence,who’s goingtodigitizeand going tobesubjectedtheintrusionofElsa,aform to studydreams .Hedoesn’t evenimaginethathe’s Alexandro volunteersforanexperiment carriedout and vivaciouswould-beactress Yeon-Soo . of astage-frightenedprospective musicianWoo-Jin A VRromance filmaboutbittersweetfirstlove story dreamed of. astronauts tothestarswe have all .Itisthejourney immersive real-time simulationtestedwith Much more thanadocumentary, isan OVERVIEW Solar Systemtothegalaxiesbeyond theMilkyWay the objectsofcosmos,from theplanetsinour isa30minutesnarrativeexperienceon OVERVIEW reality epicadventure ofheroism andmartialarts . avirtual Enter theworldofKÀTheBattleWithin, Canada France SouthKorea France Bryan Bryan Paul Jérôme BarunsonE&A,EVRSTUDIO I.C.E.B.E.R.G/OrbitalViews ACirqueduSoleilandFelix&PaulStudios Okio-Studio,Arte MEZIER KU BLANQUET . RESERVED PEARLSOFRUSSIA OUT OFBODY HERE ANDTHERE Presented by Friday 11May10:00-11:00 SHOWCASE 2017-2018 RUSSIAN VRSEASONS THE SUNLADIESVR Russian VRSeason

Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: resistance ofhischaractersandimportunatewife. for therightstorybutshouldovercome the He livesamongbarricadesofbooks.issearching Yazidi sistersfrom sexslavery take uparmsagainstISISinorder torescue their Singali, captainofanall-femaleKurdish brigadewho ofXate An in-depthlookatthepersonaljourney northern airoftheKolaPeninsulaforestsnorthern . birds ofthe Volga Riverdeltaortothebreathe the the amazingplacesofRussia:from watchingthe The filmin360-degree formattransfertheviewerto experiment toprove thetheoryoflifeafterdeath. An ingeniousscientistcarriesoutadangerous Russia Belarus Iraq,USA Russia Christian Anton Maxim Kiryl JackBlueInc.,LucidDreamsProductions PlanetpicsFilmLLC LenVR FeelingFilmsLLC HALITSKY ZHDANOV NIKONOV STEPHEN , Celine . VR THEATRE TRICART 107

NEXT NEXT 108 THE CLIFFSOFV. -CHAPTERS1AND2 Presented by Wednesday 9May15:00-16:00 VR WITHASOUL THE CLIFFSOFV. FULLVERSION- UNCAPITALS: POMORSIN360 REVOLUTION 360:ART TOTHEPEOPLE! VR THEATRE GENGISKHAN PRODUCTION Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: traditions, historyandculture . getting a_quaintedwiththeancientPomor team ofyoungartistsandculturalworkersare 360 pieceofthecollectiveart-project where the taken overbylocals. estates, abandonedbytheirprevious owners,were further toothercitiesandtownsofRussia.Many The eventsof1917engulfedthecapitalandspread of freedom . prisoner whoisabouttotradesomethingforyears headset, theviewerisinvitedtoshare thelifeofa exchange ofaparttheirbody offers sentenceremission tolong-termprisoners,in Facing anorganshortagecrisis,thegovernment

Russia Russia France Georgy Alexander Laurent Fridaymilk RT GengiskhanProductions MOLODTSOV BAZIN SKRYABIN GEN - VRwit , Taisa .Wearing aVR G SEVENARD IS h aSoul- K HAN FIRE INTHEFOREST ETIÉNNE DEEP BOLIVIA COLLAB Presented by Wednesday 9May-16:00-17:00Saturday12May-15:00-16:00 TRENDS PRESENTS TRENDS Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: 360 short,inwhichthespectatorwillfindoutheis Etienneisa ETIÉNNE (360°SCI-FICORTOMETRAJE) at thecenterofstoryforfirsttime. potential ofthe360video,whichputsaudience record possible,takingadvantageoftheartistic uncontaminated andunconditionaldocumentary protagonists .Theproject seeksthemost record withthelessinterventioninlifeofits The documentaryDeepBoliviahasananthropological collaborate onuniquepiecesofartinVR. artists from sixdifferent countriesandaskthemto Collab isavirtualreality artlaboratory from deforestation around thevillage. which fightsagainsttheout-of-control fires resulting The filmportraysaBrazilianindigenous ethnicgroup not justapassiveobserver USA Colombia,Canada BRAZIL Marcela Tadeu JUNGLE Mariana JoséCelestinoCampusano Viceversa Productions Cine,LittleWindow ISA-ACADEMIADEFILMES JoltVR CINEBRUTO,FUNDACIÓNCOMPA, INT.CINE LIZCANO ACUNA . , Tanya , Lorraine VR THEATRE LEAL PRICE .We invite 109

NEXT NEXT 110 HERMITAGE VR Presented by Saturday 12May17:00-18:00 VIDEOFABRIKA PRESENTSHERMITAGE VR THE INCIDENT: DINNERPARTY IN THECLOUD:VRAFTERLIFE HOTEL ZENTAI VR THEATRE VIDEOFABRIKA Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: abduction . 1961 reported thefirstnationallyknownUFO Hill,aninterracialcouplewhoin Betty andBarney Dinner PartyisaVRshortbasedonthetruestoryof Based off theCrackleOriginalMovie,InTheCloud. entering thecloudmightnotbeassafeyouthink. mind virtuallywithCloud,Inc.Butbewarned, Ready tobeuploadedtheCloud?Explore your toe . wear lycrasuitscoveringthemselvesfrom headto discipline andsexualfetishinwhichitspractitioners In azentaimeetingspace,fourstoriesintersect.The Catherine TheGreat day untilthemodern Hermitage Museum,thestoryspans from theeraof Based onthekeyeventsinhistory oftheState Spain USA Chile Russia Leo Mikhail AngelManuel FutureLighthouse Merced Videofabrika/Super8 SkyboundEntertainment MEDEL ANTYKOV SOTO Virtual realityintheHermitage Виртуальная реальностьвЭрмитаже e xper ience .

Virtual realityintheHermitage Виртуальная реальностьвЭрмитаже e

xper ience e xper ience MASTERS OFTHESUN EVERYTHING FLOWS AUTHENTICALLY US:WE’RESTILLHERE AUTHENTICALLY US:SHEFLIES BYHEROWNWINGS Presented by Saturday 12May:12:00-13:00 VRROOM@CANNES -PART 1 VRrOOm Country: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: Country: Produced by: Directed by: homesick foraplacethatdoesn’t evenexist. distorted beyondrecognition .It’s likefeeling year, yourealize everythinghaschangedoris toyourhometownafterbeingawayfor Returning Nations Two Spiritelders. educate, andpassdownthewisdomofhisFirst heritage inintergenerationalstruggletolearn, Aiden Crawford strugglestopreserve andrevive his before her justice honorsthosewhochampionedequality freedom andjusticeforall.Shannon’s fightfor Shannon Scottpullstheleversofdemocracytourge into soul-suckingzombiesthrough Z-Drops . zero fora drug epidemicthattransformedcitizens driven byanancientevil.Theghettobecameground In 1983,LosAngeleswasfacingutter destruction China/USA USA USA USA . Jesse,Pasha Yumeng Jesse FovrthStudios BlackEyedPeas FovrthStudios AYALA AYALA DU SHAPIRO VR THEATRE , Ernst WEBER 111

NEXT NEXT 112 AU REVOIR ANTHOLOGY I&II 02.09 Presented byVRrOOm Sunday 13May14:00-15:00 VRROOM@CANNES -PART 2 THE GREENLINE VR THEATRE Country: Cyprus Produced by:PolarEffect A younggirlsearches foramysteriousrelic onlyto Synopsis I Directed by: Directed by: Directed by: Country: France Produced by:REALITY-INA Directed by: Country: USA Produced by:Auberweir Country: Sweden/China Produced by:Virtual RealityProductions refugees leavetheplanetbefore itistoolate stranded Earth; thosewhocouldn’t afford privateshuttlesare In 3minutes,theworldwillend no-man’s landspanningtheentirety ofCyprus patrolled buffer zoneknownastheGreen Line,a Since 1974,CyprushasbeendividedbyaUN in ahumouristicwayhispoignant speech before he steps down addresses the nationontelevisionforlasttime 1981: formerPresident V land ofthedead continues herstrugglebyunleashingwrathuponthe Battling consciousnessduetoafatalstrike,thegirl Synopsis II her afterthehorror hassetin? unleash terror uponherworld . Acouplewatchesasthelasthuman IoannisBEKIARIS,AlexisMAVROS LucasDOPPELT, DUCHENE William Tristan Tyler DANIELS SvanteFJAESTAD . . Thisshortmovieletsusrelive . Giscar . Whatwillbecomeof . d d’Estaing Therichhaveleft . . . DRAGON AIRPANO: JOURNEY AROUNDTHEWORLD Presented byVRrOOm Thursday 10May-14:00-15:00 AN IMMERSIVETOUR WONDERS OFTHEWORLD: THE DREAMCOLLECTOR MASTERS OFTHESUN Country: China Produced by:PintaStudios Country: USA Produced by:BlackEyedPeas Directed by: Directed by: Directed by: Country: China Ltd. Produced by:JiangsuMytimesCultureCommunication Co., Directed by: Country: Russia Produced by:AirPanoLLC dreams An oldmanandhisplayfuldogcollectotherpeople’s into soul-suckingzombiesthrough Z-Drops zero foradrugepidemicthattransformedcitizens driven byanancientevil In 1983,LosAngeleswasfacingutterdestruction dragon where reincarnates asawarriortofightfierce A girlgamerentersthegamespace invirtualreality the bestAerial360videoproduction team AroundAn amazingJourney theWorld withoneof . MiLI,PashaSHAPIRO,ErnstWEBER QiYUE SergeySEMENOV . Theghettobecameground , SergeyRUMYANTSEV VR THEATRE . . 113




Access: Marché Badge. NEXT 116 A TSF A DREAMOFINSPIRATION A BARAT THEFOLIES-BERGÈRE 700 REQUINS-LEMYSTÈREDEFAKARAVA 700 REQUINS-AUCŒURDELAMEUTE 02:09 VR LIBRARY Contact: universe ofadventure . immersive VRexperiencethattakesthe viewer beyondEarthandintoanalternate Aurore deBlois’original mini-seriesproduction ofATSF comesalivewithan time: Directed by: Contact: dare to connect. from curiosity tocourage?You knowyourtruth.Jumpintothedeependand have found yourself On the verge of letting go, wondering: How to take that leap make itreal? Notknowinghowitwillbe.You may havetriedbefore You may one truething.Thethatmakesourbloodrunthrough ourveins.Howto We come intothisworldpulsingwithdreams, hopes,ambitionsLookingforthat 7’40’’ Directed by: Contact: visitor attheCourtauldGallerywhere themasterworkiscurrently exposed. four characters:thepainter, hismodelSuzon,theclientobservingheranda A BarattheFolies-Bergère VRtakesusintothehead, theeyesandthoughtsof time: Directed by: Contact: les requins gris. ce qui a conduit Laurent Ballesta et toute l’équipeà orienter leurs recherches sur passe de Fakarava ainsi que le quotidien des explorateurs . Cet épisode explique leur stratégiedechasse,apprécierlessplendeurssous-marinesetaériennesla Nager enimmersionaveclaplusgrandemeutederequins aumonde,observer Produced by: Directed by: Contact: les stratégiesdechassedesrequins grâceàdesimages saisissantes. rapide sousunemultitudedepointsvue,permetenfinmieuxcomprendre nuit .Latechniquedubullettimeshot,quidécomposeunescèned’action Dans cettevidéo,nousplongeonsparmiles700requins grisquichassentla Produced by: Directed by: Contact: it istoolate. on arooftop .Infront ofthem,thelasthumanrefugees are leavingEarthbefore In three minutes, the world will end . A man and a woman are waiting together Stockholm Directed by: 5’43’’ 720’ Igal [email protected] Caroline OLTZ [email protected] Caroline OLTZ [email protected] Louis CACCIUTTOLO-louis@vrroom .buzz Mike Laura TALSMA -l.talsma@samhoudmediacom •Runningtime: Gabrielle Manuel Manuel Svante Aurore Marijn Le cinquièmerêve,Neotopy Le cinquièmerêve,Neotopy GIBSON KORVER FJAESTAD DE BLOIS LEFÈVRE LEFÈVRE -mike@immersantvr LISSOT 4’ •Producedby: •Producedby: aveclacollaborationdeFrédéric aveclacollaborationdeFrédéric •Producedby: •Producedby: •Runningtime: •Runningtime: .com &samhoud IKO, ArteFrance M31 Entertainment Virtual RealityProductionsin •Runningtime: 5’ 5’ GOURDET GOURDET •Running •Running Interactive • • AIRPANO: JOURNEYAROUNDTHEWORLD AUTHENTICALLY US:SHEFLIESBYHEROWNWINGS ARDEN’S WAKE (EXPANDED) ANTHOLOGY I&II:KORA ALTERATION Contact: and passdownthewisdomofhisFirst Nations Two Spiritelders preserve andrevive educate, hisheritageinintergenerational struggletolearn, Aiden Crawford, aTwo-Spirit artist andhistorianinBoise,Idaho,strugglesto Directed by: AUTHENTICALLY US:WE’RESTILLHERE Contact: honors thosewhochampionedequalitybefore her advocacy tothemarbledhallsofWashington D levers ofdemocracytourgefreedom andjusticeforall Shannon Scottdrivenbythemilitarytenetof“LeaveNoOneBehind,”pulls Directed by: Contact: ChristinaTASOOJI storytelling invirtualreality Penrose Studios’award winningArden’s Wake embraces theartoflong-form the depthsofoceanafterhisunexpecteddisappearance young womanlivinginapost-apocalypticworldandsearching forherfatherin ARDEN’S WAKE ofMeenainPenrose(Expanded)” beginsthejourney Studios’award winning Featuring thevoiceofAcademyAward®-winner AliciaVikander, “Arden’s Wake time: 18’ Directed by: Contact: What willbecomeofherafterthehorror hassetin? A young girl searches for a mysterious relic only to unleash terror upon her world time: 7’38’’ Directed by: Contact: Victoire THÉVENIN in order tofeedoff it Artificial Intelligence,who’s goingtodigitizeanddematerializehissubconscious even imaginethathe’s goingtobesubjectedtheintrusionofElsa,aform Alexandro volunteersforanexperimentcarriedouttostudy dreams time: 18’ Directed by: Contact: [email protected] lights, bearsandmuchmore! the most dangerous sharks,erupting volcanoes, the highestmountains, polar planet, includingArctic andAntarctica, AmericaandAsia:thehighestwaterfalls, ships andevenunderwaterinVR The mostbeautifulplacesofourplanetcaptured from drones, helicopters, boats, Runningtime:837’ • LLC Directed by: Louis CACCIUTTOLO-louis@vrroom Louis CACCIUTTOLO-louis@vrroom Louis CACCIUTTOLO-louis@vrroom

Eugene CHUNG•Producedby:PenroseStudiosRunning Tristan TYLERDANIELS•Producedby:AuberweirRunning Jérôme BLANQUET•Producedby:Okio-Studio,ArteRunning Sergey SEMENOV Jesse AYALA •Producedby:FovrthStudiosRunningtime: 4’ Jesse AYALA •Producedby:FovrthStudiosRunningtime:9’ . Arden’s Wake ofMeena,a (Expanded)followsthejourney . . -cannes2018@penrosestudios -victoire , SergeyRUMYANTSEV •Producedby:AirPano . Thevideoswere takenonallcontinentsofour . thevenin@mk2 . . . buzz buzz buzz . C . . , Shannon’s fightforjustice . com VR LIBRARY . From hergrassroots . com . Thisexpansionof . . Hedoesn’t Interactive 117 .


BOERTALA: THEMYSTERY BENEFICE BLUE THERMALVR BLUE -RISEBEFOREDEMISE BLIND VAYSHA BEYOND SINVR AWAKE: EPISODEONE Contact: ancient thandinosaurs. mountains, lakesandgrasslands.There are also“livingfossils”thatare more environment and longhistoryhavecreated theuniquestyleofBoertala. There are Boertala islocatedinthenorthwestedge ofXinjiang.Thespecialgeographical Directed by: Contact: that depictsagroup ofyoungboysandgirlsinanAviation AthleticClub. action filmbasedonanoriginalstoryforBlueThermalapopularmangaseries in whichmembersflyaround inengine-lessaircraft called gliders.Thisisalive I, afreshman atAonagi University, accidentally end upjoining the Aviation Club, Directed by: Contact: from Unity the NorthPoleisshownto connect withreality featuresjourney real life radio news . In the end an exclusive 360° short docu from the deep sea and back towitness the changing marine flora and fauna.The The userfollowsthewaterandplasticlifecyclefrom thebathtubtosewer, 12’ Directed by: Contact: the future .BlindVaysha, theycalledher Vaysha isnotlikeotherlittlegirls.Herlefteyeseesonlythepastright, time: Directed by: Contact: preparations forthegrandpremiere from adifferent perspective. like tostandonthestagenextprofessional dancersandexperiencethe in thespiritofcontemporaryprodigy ofchoreography BorisEifman.Feelwhatit’s The filmbringsyoutobackstageofaballetproduction “The Brothers Karamazov” Directed by: Contact: transform hisworldforever Harry ispointedtowards amysteriousARTEFACT thatholdsthepowerto beloved wife,ROSE,isstillalive.Butwhenastrangeforce entershisdream-state, through hisvividdreams .Inhisdreams Harrystillhasuseofhislegsand Harry Whitbread, abroken manboundtohiswheelchair, liveshislifevicariously Directed by: 8’ Michael Myriam MACHARD-machard@centre-phi .com Samuel Louis CACCIUTTOLO-louis@vrroom .buzz Louis CACCIUTTOLO-louis@vrroom . buzz Katsutoshi . Samuel Michael Theodore Martin Diao Shinichiro IVASKA GEIDEL LONG MACHIBA TAYLOR IVASKA GEIDEL USHEV UEDA •Producedby: -samuel.ivaska@fulleyenet -m.geidel@miriquidifilmde . •Producedby: •Producedby: •Producedby: •Producedby: [email protected] •Producedby: . HRDVR FULLEYE.NET Start VR MiriquidiFilm .The360°animationisrendered dub inc. Theodore •Runningtime: •Runningtime: •Runningtime: VR LIBRARY USHEV •Runningtime: •Runningtime: •Running 8’12’’ Interactive 20’ 12’ 119 7’


Contact: J'[email protected] Contact: DanielBURY people whomustrebuild theirhomes andtheirhearts earthquake epicenterGorkha,where they come facetowithdevastated an adventurous trek through theheightsofHimalayastoHari’s homeinthe Bahadur Rokaonthebusfrom Kathmanduto Pokhara Among thehighestmountainsinworld, DanielbefriendsamannamedHari time: 8’ Directed by: Opera House songs inthedesert&fromtipofAustraliatoSydney’s themostNorthern iconic expressions;to contemporary&modern from Uluru,torainforests &funeral throughjourney time&space From the heartofoutback,DavidGulpililguidesviewersacross Australiaona time: 9’46’’ Directed by: Contact: Teal GREYHAVENS and screams secret to goonabrutalmidnightmarch, butlittledotheyknowoneboyhasadark mystery andhorror A group of kids at summer camp gather around the fire to tell each other tales of Dark Corner•Runningtime:12’ Directed by: Contact: MartinianoCABALLIERI psychotic motherandofanabsentfather vocation whoare fightingtobuildtheiridentitybyfleeingthememoryofa family intoday’s Brooklyn Through intimate stories this immersive drama explores a dysfunctional American Running time:6’ Directed by: DRESSEN Contact: Arnaud Bonjour IndiaFestival during Wonda VRJamWorld Tour inpartnershipwithInstitutFrançaisand The oppressive challengesofgenderintheworkplace Institut Français•Runningtime:15’ Directed by: Contact: Young MINKIM visit themuseumthrough virtuallyreality shown reinvents Bohwagakthrough thelensofvirtualreality, invitingviewersto Kansong ArtMuseum,foundedbyChunHyungpilin1938 Bohwagak, whichmeans‘HouseofBrilliantTreasures’, istheoldnameof Directed by: . He turns the tables on the bullies, resulting He turns in a wild ride of laughs, chills, . . Pritham Alexandre AJA•Producedby:Oculus,FutureLighthouse, José CelestinoCAMPUSANO•Producedby:CineBruto KU•Producedby:EVRSTUDIORunningtime:5’ Bryan Daniel BURY•Producedby:ChasingtheWorld •Running Dominic ALLEN•Producedby:RedDogsVRdomRunning . Inthisepisode,asadisticcounselorfor . KUMAR &PrashantKRISHNA•Producedby:Wonda VR/ -dbury11@gmail -ym@evrstudio . Greg andLizare twoteenagerswithastrong social -arnaud@wondavr -teal@darkcornerstudios . Movingfrom traditionalceremonial dance&song, -mcaballieri@gmail . . com . . com . com . . . Aproject produced in48h com . . com Together, theyembarkon ces agroup ofcampers . Interactive Thework DEEP BOLIVIA CROW: THELEGEND COLORFUL CHINA COLLAB CHURCH OFTHEMULTIPLICATION CHURCH OFTHEANNUNCIATION SPECIAL EVENT Contact: the centerofstory forthefirsttime. advantage oftheartisticpotential 360video,whichputstheaudienceat uncontaminated andunconditional documentary record possible,taking intervention inthelifeofitsprotagonists .Theproject seeks themost The documentaryDeepBoliviahasan anthropological record withtheless FUNDACIÓN COMPA |INT.CINE Directed by: Contact: Crow realize thattheirlivesare indanger imagine springwilllastforever comes Baobab Studio’s latest visionary VR animation. The carefree forest animals From the director of Madagascar, INVASION!, Emmy Winning and ASTEROIDS! Directed by: Contact: and deforestation toexperiencelifeasitisintheoriginalrainforest . you awayfrom thecity, andexperienceadirect transitionfrom slash-and-burn Colorful Chinaisadocumentaryabouttheethnicminoritiesin.Itwilltake 8’14’’ Directed by: Contact: one cohesiveworkofart. dialogue betweenthem.Theuserstandsintwoplacesatoncebutexperiences degree frame . The two ‘sides’ interact and play off one another, creating a disciplines, givingeach‘side’avirtualcanvasof180degrees withinthe360 The Collabvirtualreality project pairsartistsfrom 6different countriesandartistic Productions Little Window Directed by: Contact: completed in1982.Itisthe3rd church tobeconstructedthere . Order five loavesandtwofish(Mark6:30-44).Itisunderthecare oftheBenedictine This locationassociatedwiththestoryofJesusfeeding5,000peopleonly Running time: Directed by: Contact: her household. spring that fed Maryís Well, where she was usually going to take the water for downtown Nazareth, nextMaryísWell .IndeedtheChurch islocatedoverthe MaryshewillhaveasonofGodatthisplace,incenter announced toVirgin However, according totheGreek Orthodoxtradition,theAngelGabriel Running time: Directed by: . .Thecontemporarychurch isareplica oftheoriginalbuildinganditwas Louis CACCIUTTOLO-louis@vrroom .buzz Caroline OLTZ [email protected] Yanai Yanai Paulina Kane presented byOrange– Saturday 12May–14:00-18:00(Green VRLibrary) Eric Hailang Marcela Yanai Yanai José Celestino LEE ARFI ARFI 5’ 7’ DARNELL PORTELA -kane@baobabvr ARFI ARFI -Yoann@HolyPlaces .TV -Yoann@HolyPlaces .TV ZHANG LIZCANO •Producedby: •Producedby: •Runningtime: •Producedby: -mcaballieri@gmail .com CAMPUSANO •Producedby: •Runningtime: .However, wintercomesandtheanimalssoon ,Lorraine .Whattheyneedisahero; whattheyneedis .com HOLY PLACESPRODUCTIONS HOLY PLACESPRODUCTIONS PRICE •Producedby: Baobab Studios 5’ Sightpano •Producedby: 7’36’’ •Runningtime: VR LIBRARY •Runningtime: CINE BRUTO| Viceversa Cine, • • 12’ 121

NEXT IFFR PRO worldwide support 35 years of CineMart | 30 years of Hubert Bals Fund (HBF)

Tiempo compartido Touch Me Not by Adina Pintilie by Sebastian Hofmann La cama by Mónica Lairana

Romania, Germany, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Mexico/Netherlands Argentina/Netherlands France

Won the Arte France Cinéma Award with a HBF Script and Project Development HBF Script and Project Development value of €10,000 at CineMart 2011 Support in 2014 and part of CineMart 2014 Support in 2014, NFF+HBF support in 2015 selection and part of BoostNL in 2017

Hard Paint The Reports on Sarah and Saleem La omission by Sebastián Schjaer by Marcio Reolon, Filipe Matzembacher by Muayad Alayan

Argentina Brazil Palestine,Netherlands,Germany,Mexico

HBF Script and Project Development HBF Script and Project Development HBF Script and Project Development Support in 2014 & NFF+HBF support in 2016 Support 2014 Support and part of BOOST NL in 2016, NFF+HBF and HBF+Europe in 2017


18_CANNESPROGGUIDE_155X240mm.indd 1 23-04-18 11:29 18_CANNESPROGGUIDE_155X240mm.indd 1 value of€10,000atCineMart2011 Won theArteFranceCinémaAward witha France Romania, Germany, Czech Republic,Bulgaria, Touch MeNot upr in2014&NFF+HBFsupport2016 Support HBF ScriptandProjectDevelopment Argentina La omission 35 yearsofCineMart|30HubertBalsFund(HBF) #IFFR by Sebastián Schjaer Schjaer Sebastián by by Adina Pintilie Adina by worldwide support IFFR PRO by Sebastian Hofmann Sebastian by Tiempo compartido Support 2014 HBF ScriptandProjectDevelopment Brazil Matzembacher Filipe Reolon, Marcio by Hard Paint selection Support in2014andpartofCineMart HBF ScriptandProjectDevelopment Mexico/Netherlands NFF+HBF andHBF+Europein2017 Support andpartofBOOSTNLin2016, HBF ScriptandProjectDevelopment Palestine,Netherlands,Germany,Mexico Alayan Muayad by The ReportsonSarahandSaleem and partofBoostNLin2017 Support in2014,NFF+HBFsupport2015 HBF ScriptandProjectDevelopment La cama Argentina/Netherlands by Mónica Lairana Mónica by 23-04-18 11:29 DESSINE-MOI UNFUTUR DREAM SHOW DRAGON DINNER PARTY DEVIL’S LUNGS DESTROY

Contact: Attend acreative fashionshowinChina,andfindeverythingyoucandream of Running time:9’58’’ Directed by: Contact: [email protected] the film’s soundtrack her “notebook” warrior, fights withafierce dragonwithheartandbloodfinallytamesit gamer enters the game space in virtual reality where of she,in the incarnation The filmtellsofthestorythatinaspecifictimeandspacevastuniverse, a Co., Ltd.•Runningtime:3’15’’ Directed by: Contact: the Hills’abductions recorded hypnoses to theirfriends, which leads to aradically different account of recall details ofanevent,they sought hypnosis couple whoin1961reported thefirstUFOabduction DINNER PARTY isaVRshortbasedonthetruestoryofHills,aninterracial Running time:13’ Directed by: Contact: [email protected] and dance. and hellish female, music Finnish through women of and power celebrating everyday, and ecstatic male heavenly, contemporary, and traditional between boundaries challenging is experience 360º 3D deadpan surreal Kovgan's Alla Director traditions. dance folk of mix eclectic an with together thighed music accordion Finnish Mystical Running time:10’15’’ Directed by: Contact: SoniaDICLEMENTE abnormal happeningbutcanyoureally tellwhat,where andmostlywhen? The cameras that control the safety of a nuclear factory find out something Limit •Runningtime:10’ Directed by: Contact: des visionsdufuturannées50-60 canevas deSimone,alorsquesontraits’animeetdonnevieàcesidéesinspirées vie desgensquil’entourent En 1962,Simone,10ans,dessinedefollesinventionsdanslebutd’améliorer la CREATIVE PEPPER•Runningtime:4’ PANNETIER, QuentinPIAT andAlexandre ROSENTHAL •Producedby:INA/ Directed by: Jake Sally-jake Sarah FONTAINE -intlfest@mk2 Louis CACCIUTTOLO-louis@vrroom Angel ManuelSoto•Producedby:RYOT, Skybound,Telexist • Alla KOVGAN•Producedby:LoikkaKontakti,CapefinnOy Gianluigi PERRONE•Producedby:PolyhedronVRStudio/Blur Alice BÉDARD,SandrineCORBEILHugoDENEPOUXFlorian Michael GU+8615800982818•Producedby: MXVR • Qi YUE•Producedby:JiangsuMytimesCultureCommunication . BianLiunian,thewell-knownChinesecomposer, hascreated . . . sally@ryot . -touchme@polyhedronvrstudio CetteexpérienceVRinvitelespectateurdans . org, . . com . . buzz Atadinnerparty they playtheir . WhentheHillscouldnot VR LIBRARY . com Interactive 123 .


Contact: J'[email protected] Contact: UlricoGRECH-CUMBO magic viewer intotheverymiddleofthisphenomenon, foranunparalleledviewintoits predators ordiesimplyofexhaustion Tanzania toKenyaand backagain proportions The Great Migrationisknownasnature’s greatest show duetoitsepic Running time:9’ Directed by: Contact: mixture ofpainting,videocapture, sounds,dreaming, memory, andreality memories are stillvivid feeling tohometownaftermanyyear’sReturning ofabsence,theDirector hasastrange Directed by: they callhome A first-person perspective of acommunity’s spirit, faith & passion forthe island are atriskoflosingtheirhomes&connectiontohistory, countryandculture The peopleofPorumaare oneofAustralia’s firstvictimsofclimate change, and A tinyislandintheTorres Straitisslowly beingeroded andswallowedbythesea Productions inassociationwithTheGingerbreadMan•Runningtime:10’21’’ Directed by: Contact: to youdecide forever, tolookather hemustleavetheabysswithoutturning the crowd, He goes down into the darkness to retrieve her and to retrieve her the most in the midst of this effervescence inRiodeJaneiroDuring thecarnival OrpheusandEurydiceare theoneswholove Directed by: Contact: he isnotjustanobserver park where notsoordinary thingsstarttohappen;attheendviewerdiscovers degree short thatputs the viewerin first personpoint ofviewas anobserverin a Cultural Retrospective holdattheThinkTank GalleryinDTLA,Étienneisa360- Originally commissionedfortheArtExhibitTHEFUCHUR:A22ndCentury time: 5’39’’ Directed by: Contact: GeorgyMOLODTSOV spacewalking invrgooglesandshare theirimpressions experiences cameras Specially for360-degree filminginouterspacewedevelopedarigmadeoftwo Directed by: . . Everythinghaschangedorisdistortedbeyondrecognition . Thefilm’s innovativeapproach isincombinationof real andvr Priscila GUEDES-conception@feelxr Mariana ACUNA-mariana@joltvr Louis CACCIUTTOLO-louis@vrroom . . Everyyear, 2million wildebeestmakeatreacherous from journey Two friends,RussiancosmonautandAmericanastronaut experience Ulrico Aaron FA’AOSO andCraigDEEKER•Producedby:Bunya Priscila GUEDES•Producedby:FeelXRRunningtime:2’30’’ Mariana ACUNA,Tanya LEAL•Producedby:JoltVRRunning Yana YERLASHOVA •Producedby:RT Yumeng DU•Runningtime:4’54’’ . . GRECH-CUMBO, Telmo DOSREIS•Producedby: Deep VR• . ThisVRexperiencepresents asurreal cityviewswitha . -gm@russianvrseasons -ulrico@deepvr . Manydrown, mayothersare eatenby . Exodus:TheGreat Migrationthrows the . . But when Eurydice suddenly dies in com . . com buzz . co . za •Runningtime:8’ . . ru . Will he turn? Up heturn? Will . However, the Interactive . . .

HANI GIRL GHOST BIKES FREE WHALE FOLLOW THEWHITERABBIT FIRE INTHEFOREST FINDING JAKOB Contact: is theplacewhere Ilive.Forme,thisistheplaceofmyown, home,Yuanyang . intoterracedfields.This farmed forgenerationsinmountains,which haveturned families .FieldisthelifebloodofHanipeople .Myforefathers andourcattle The Hanipeopleliveonplowingfrom generationtogeneration,sodomy Directed by: Contact: meaning . There are manyGhostBikesinthiscity, onceyoufindonewillknowits time: Francisco Jesus Directed by: Contact: his work. and goingthrough adream-like experience,hestartstounderstandmore about to fetchonPlanetKandinsky samples from fardistancedeployments,Shemiscompletinghislatestassignment As anewfetcherfrom StarfleetAcademywhose responsibility istobringbackAI time: Directed by: Contact: become thehero ourselves. to our childhood innocence as we that takes us on a journey an emotional journey strange landwithawhiterabbit,insearch forlonglostkeyfrom herchildhood-It’s Inspired by Directed by: Contact: resulting from deforestation around thereserve . Xingu Reserve,inBrazil.Thestoryraisesawareness abouttheout-of-control fires The filmportraysthe Waurá people,anindigenousethnicgroup wholiveinthe Running time: Directed by: Contact: Jakob? Canyoutrusther?Howwillgetoutofthissituation? who yourfoe?Are youwillingtohelpthegirlinfront ofyoufindherbaby, participant canretreat withoutbeingexposedtodanger Standoff! 4peopleincludingyou,gunsandaconfrontation from whichno Imagine opening your eyes and finding yourself inthe middle of aMexican Directed by: 7’ 3’ Sonia Rachel [email protected] Mr Wesley Jasmine LEE-louis@vrroom .buzz Mario [email protected] Alice inWonderland .Alexandre Peibin Chuck TADEU JUNGLE Olivier Li Dora Alicia CEPEDA RUBIO DI CLEMENTE 6’55’’ BO DEGLISE •Producedby: ZHANG PESCH CHAE QUESADA RUBIO BORREGO [email protected] •Producedby: •Producedby: •Producedby: .Aftersurprisinglyencounteringamachinewhale •Producedby: -touchme@polyhedronvrstudio .com •Producedby: , an ordinary high school girl takes a journey to a , anordinarytoa highschoolgirltakesajourney -alexandre@academiadefilmes .combr Escher VR , Mario Dexter Studio Samsa Film Sandman Studios •Runningtime: ISA -ACADEMIADEFILMES Cienciacinema CEPEDA MEDINA •Runningtime: •Runningtime: .Whoisyourfriend, VR LIBRARY •Running •Running 4’16’’ &Mario 10’ • 125 4’


Contact: Gero EGGER worse, heisthreatened byhisaverageselfwhocomestoclaimlife And the very next moment he becomes a protagonist in his never told story A personwantstotellastoryaboutsomeonebeingtrappedinsideshoebox Directed by: Contact: Russian monarchs museum withcollectedworksofart,itisimperialresidence –homeofthe to get there, its history but travel to the past and learn Would youliketogetinsideoftheHermitage?Together wewillnotonlybeable Running time:18’ Directed by: Contact: GeorgyMOLODTSOV finishing itbyyourself the fictionworld computer games characters performaweird dancecreated byhim in thereal worldandusestheauthor’s laptoptowritehisownstory laid intwoworlds overcome theresistance ofhischaractersandimportunatewife He livesamongbarricadesofbooks time: 10’ Directed by: Contact: A womanknockingthedoorwhenitrains,sayinghelpme time: 10’ Directed by:YOUTae-kyung •Producedby:DEXTERSTUDIORunning Contact: like 360°cameras&aboyshereally likes,ontheeveofher13thbirthday HannaH isaBelgian360videoshort,aboutyounggirlgettingintonewterritory 10’ Directed by: Rachel JOO-rachel@mline-distribution Piet SONC-pietsonck Mikhail ANTYKOV-1@videofabrika Mikhail ANTYKOV•Producedby:Videofabrika/Super8 • HALITSKY•Producedby:FeelingFilmsLLCRunning Kiryl Piet SONCK•Producedby:GypsyProductionsRunningtime: Bruno MARGETI_•Producedby:AteatarRunningtime:9’ . . Theauthortakestheoccasionandshowsboydoorto . Thestoryisincomplete . Itseemsthatthedoorbetweenisopen . -production@gopictures

-gmolodtsov@gmail . gypsyproductions@gmail . Heissearching fortherightstorybutshould . Buthowdare youeventhinkabout . ru . at, 00436763834217 . . com Finallytheboydecidestoplay . com . . com Amadcapboysneaks . . This is not simply a . Thesceneis Interactive . . . . Even The .

INCITEMENT IN THECLOUD:VRAFTERLIFE I SAW THEFUTURE I AMAZAIAKHAI HOTEL ZENTAI -TRAILER HOLOMAN SAVES THEWORLD Contact: chest .withaverypeculiar motive. meetings, Luissees awindowofopportunity sheets .Whensheadmitsthatshe’s goingtohavegobackParisformore just surprised her with has ended with some passionate dessert between the Sara’s beenabroad forwork,andthewelcomehomedinnerherboyfriendLuis MADELEINES PRODUCTIONS Directed by: Contact: Crackle OriginalMovie,IntheCloud. thatyourinnertruthmaynotbewhatitseems.Basedoffbegin tolearn the human brain.Ashedigsintoyoursoulandbetterunderstandsmorality, you inventor behindCloudInc.,walksyouintotheCloud,atechnologythatmaps In theCloudVRAfterlifebeginsasTheoJames(Tomiwa Edun), thegenius Produced by: Contact: precision tothechangesbrought abouttodaybytheadventofdigitalera. the screenplay for“2001ASpaceOdyssey”,lookedforward withextraordinary BBC . The British author, famous for having collaborated with Stanley Kubrick on In 1964,ArthurC.Clarkerevealed hisvisionofthefuture tothecamerasof Directed by: Contact: help discoverwhotheyare . music usingBuryatlanguage,folktunesandshamanchants.Allinaneffort to bring Buryatmillennialsbacktotheculturalroots oftheirancestorsthrough his cultural andsocialidentity cultures, theyounggenerationoflocalBuryatpeople strivetodefinetheir In themiddle of Siberiaatthecross-roads between theWesternandAsian Running time: Directed by: Contact: but visible.It’s afilmaboutshameinChile. them from headtotoerubeachotherorgoouton thestreet anonymously discipline andsexualfetishinwhichitspractitionerswearlycrasuits,cover Hotel Zentaitellsfourstoriesthatintersectinazentaimeetingspace,the Directed by: Contact: consciousness . enemies are powerful.Araceagainsttimestartsasthevirusbeginstogain implemented aswellChinesestudentAnneandactorDanieltohelp.Buttheir Berlin todaytostopadigitalvirusthatwillruletheworld.HolomanhasanAIunit Holoman istheonlyknownsurvivorofaCSIteamfrom thefuture sentbackto Running time: Directed by: Caroline OLTZ [email protected] Elena VASSILIEVA [email protected] Daniel Michael Wiebe VANWiebe DEN [email protected] Mari François VAUTIER Elena Leo Carl Wiebe VANWiebe DENENDE KYLE Future Lighthouse 15’ 5’ FERREIRA MEDEL GEIDEL WHITE VASSILIEVA [email protected] , Michael •Producedby: -m.geidel@miriquidifilmde .AlhanDzeisarapperandmusicianwhosegoalto -daniel@merced .cl •Runningtime: •Producedby: •Producedby: •Runningtime: GEIDEL •Producedby: .com •Producedby: Merced .Hegetsabigconfession off his 10’ DA PROD AMAITUS VRProduction •Runningtime: 4’08’’ LA MADOFILMS/P’TITES VR LIBRARY •Runningtime: MiriquidiFilm 3’40’’ Interactive • • 127 7’

NEXT NEXT 128 JOURNEY OFGOLD:CONGO ISLE OFTHEDEAD ISLE OFDOGS:BEHINDTHESCENES(INVIRTUAL REALITY) INTO THENOW INSIDE MANUS VR LIBRARY Contact: Buchiza Project miners inNyamurhaleastheyworkto create asafehaventhrough theBwenge the gold in Congo is illegally mined and exported in everythingfrom electronic devicestomedicalequipment Every dayyoumayholdapieceofCongo inthepalmofyourhand Directed by: Contact: Rachmaninov’s symphonicpoem accompanies theVRexperience Böcklin Swiss symbolistpainterArnold Isle oftheDeadisVRadaptation1883best-knownpainting time: 8’ Directed by: Contact: MyriamACHARD film, whilethecrew creates theanimationaround you Come facetowiththe‘dog’castofWes Anderson’s upcoming stop-motion time: 5’25’’ Directed by: DRESSEN Contact: Arnaud Jam World Tour 2017inpartnershipwith InstitutFrançaisandDigitallabAfrica group ofthree musiciansinvariouscombinations this shortvirtualreality experience,youare invitedtoarrangetheaudiofrom a “Iphupho” means “a dream” in the various Nguni languages of South Africa Produced by:Wonda VR-InstitutFrançais•Runningtime:15’ Directed by: IPHUPHO Contact: explores marinelifeandoceanconservationviaMuller’s journey owninternal these curious and intimidating creatures led himtodiscoverthetranquilitythatispossibleunderwater, engagedwith Legendary sharkphotographerMichaelMuller’s lifelongfearofsharkseventually Directed by: Contact: J'[email protected] heartbreaking stories,toldintheirownvoices&words razor-wire ofAustralia’s secretive offshore processing regime - sharing their Manus Islandimmigrationdetentioncentre transportstheaudiencebehind This powerfultestimonyof3refugees whowere heldinAustralia’s (nowclosed) 11’30’’ Cutting EdgeProductionforSBSandScreenQueensland•Runningtime: Directed by: Loren HAMMONDS-lhammonds@tribecafilm Sarah HILL-sarah@story-up Oriane HURARD-oriane@lesproduitsfrais Felix LAJEUNESSE,PaulRAPHAEL&Wes ANDERSON•Running Grace DELAHUNT Michael MULLER•Producedby:RSAFilmsRunningtime:10’ Lucas TAYLOR •Producedby:AHoodlum,ChemicalMediaand StoryUP XR•Runningtime:7’07’’Jenn DUONG•Producedby:StoryUP Benjamin NUEL•Producedby:LesProduitsFraisRunning .

-guillaume@wondavr -machard@centre-phi , PhumulaniNTULIAmyLOURETHWORSTER• . com . This stunning stereoscopic VR experience . Directly inspired from thepainting, . Produced aspartofWonda VR . . com com . . com “Journey of Gold” follows “Journey . . com . However, muchof . . . Goldisused Interactive . . In . LOST INTIME KIDNAPPED MARIE ANTOINETTEVR LAS MENINASBYDIEGOVELAZQUEZ KÀ THEBATTLE WITHIN K.I.S.S.I.N.G ONATREE Contact: Includes additionalinteractive features . dramatically explores thehistoricalmisrepresentation ofthelastqueenFrance . Marie AntoinetteVRisacinematic360 interactivelive-actionepisodicseriesthat DVMobile (France) Directed by: Contact: time from thefuture .hehasdiscovered somethingweshouldallknow After travelingthrough different eras,hemanagestosendamessagebackhis first voyagethemachinefailsandbeginstoleapintofuture uncontrollably After yearsofwork,theprotagonist managestocreate atime machine.Onhis time: Directed by: Contact: endlessly questionsourreason . stop playing.Betweenillusion and reality, Velázquez seizesoursensesand along withthepainterintovertigoandenigmaticechoesthathewon’t other sideofthismiror paintingandbustintotheheartofworktosubmerge Diego Velázquez stared atusbehind hiseasel.HisgazeinvitesusWe passtothe time: Directed by: Contact: for 11years. jungles ofColombia,nexttoamanwhohasbeenchainedbyhisnecktree world of aperson who after being abducted by an insurgent group, is held in the Based ontrueaccountsfrom victimsofkidnapping,“Kidnapped”recreates the Explora Films/SignalSpaceLab Directed by: Contact: production byCirque duSoleil,toepicnewheights. narrative andexperientialboundariesoftheuniverseKÀ,colossaltheatrical pushesthe into horizontalandverticalchoreographies .KÀTheBattleWithin combat .Theveryfabricofreality istranscended,asthephysicalworldbroken confront oneanotherinafuriousclashofvertiginousacrobatics andbreathtaking heroism andmartialarts.Two rivalclansfrom anancientandmythicalworld avirtualreality epicadventureEnter theworldofKÀTheBattleWithin, of A CirqueduSoleilandFelix&PaulStudiosCo-Production Directed by: Contact: out ofhand A group ofteenagersplayhideansikeinthewoodsuntilinnocentprankgets Oniria Directed by: •Runningtime: 5’ 15’ Martiniano Victoire [email protected] Pilar Thomas VILLEPOUX -carol@u-mastudios .com Perez GIL-adriano.perez .gil@gmail .com Saskia NILLY -saskia.nilly@poissonsvolants .com Félix Carlos Mauricio Carlos Carol Adriano GARDUÑO •Runningtime: LAJEUNESSE LIU FRANKLIN HAGERMAN CABALLIERI PEREZ GIL •Producedby: VELEZ DOMINGUEZ 10’ -direccionoperativa@guanajuatofilmfestival .com , Paul •Producedby: •Runningtime: •Producedby: [email protected] •Producedby: RAPHAËL 4’ U-Ma Studios(US)co-producedwith , Luisa , François Les PoissonsVolants VALENCIA Adriano Perezgil 10’ GIFF incolaborationwith BLOUIN •Runningtime: VR LIBRARY •Producedby: • Produced by: •Producedby: •Running •Running . 13’ 129 .

NEXT THE GOVERNMENT OF MOSCOW MOZART 360:GLORIA MOSHI MISS VERTIGO MEETING AMONSTER MC360° MASTERS OFTHESUN Contact: dans lamatière musicale. ou unprocédé d’écriture, etluiproposera ainsi quelquesentréesplustechniques tout aulongdeson parcours .Untexteaiguillera son attentionversunmusicien Mozart .Alamanière des audio-guidesmuséaux,l’utilisateurestaccompagné unique deressentir lamusique,une“lecture presque physique”del’œuvre de classé auxMonumentsHistoriques,la CathédraledeSaint-Omer l’orchestre, captéet enregistré dansunchef-d’œuvre dugothiqueflamboyant Expérience sensorielle:Uneplongéedans lamatière sonore, unparcours dans ORCHESTRA Directed by: Contact: chase bringsIddotosubconsciouslyre-confront hispast. and chasesthecatinneighborhoodwhilehiswifetriestostophim.The cat runawayfrom hiscageinthetaxi.Thefather, Iddo,jumpstohiswheelchair Iddo andhisfamilyare abouttoflyLondontoday, butamistake letsMoshithe Running time: Directed by: Contact: who triestosweepheroff herfeet. her step.Themusicinheadcomestolifewhensherunsintoachoreographer her mind,shedependsonacaneandwhisperingprayerthatwillnotlose Rona hadacaraccidentwhichleftherdisabledinbodyandvoice.Stillfree in time: Directed by: Contact: inside thewhitepowermovement—andpathshetooktogetout. King relives the memories of, and motivations behind, the eight years she spent Through audiorecordings andre-enactments, formerwhitesupremacist Angela Running time: Directed by: Contact: (pouvant être élargieauxréseauxsociaux). Thématique communeàl’ensembledesrappeurs:lesnouvellestechnologiques Le tout se déroule dans une pièce filmée à 360°,avec unson binaural spatialisé. Directed by: Contact: city back-HipHop. nightclub ownerfoundtheirunifiedvoice,andusedanewweapontotake soul-sucking zombiesthrough Z-Drops, untilaragtagcrew ofmusiciansanda ghetto becameground zero foradrugepidemicthattransformedcitizensinto In 1983,LosAngeleswasfacingutterdestructiondrivenbyanancientevil.The Eyed Peas Directed by: 14’ Liz Loren [email protected] Jose CORREIA-j-correia@artefrance .fr Louis CACCIUTTOLO-louis@vrroom .buzz •Runningtime: Kay Liz •Runningtime: SHREM SHREM Rona Gabriela ARP Sami, Pasha Colin LAURENT Iddo MESEBERG 9’ 13’ GRUENGARD BATKHI SOFFER -Lizs@gesher -Lizs@gesher -kay •Producedby: •Producedby: •Producedby: 20’ •Producedby: SHAPIRO .meseberg@artetv 5’19’’ •Producedby: .coil .coil , Ernst Sourdoreill VR FORGOOD/LIFEAFTERHATE Daroma Productions WEBER CAMERA LUCIDA/INSULA Daroma Productions •Producedby: •Runningtime: VR LIBRARY •Running .Unefaçon • Black 8’ 131 •

NEXT NEXT 132 OUR NORTH POLE NOW! NOSFERATU VR NO.33, BEISTREET NO WORDS NIMITZ: ACITYAT SEA VR LIBRARY Contact: the world,50Years ofVictory extraordinary voyage aboard themostpowerfulnuclear-powered icebreaker in geographic topoftheworld,90ºnorth latitude.Itcaptures inamazing detailthe This isthefirst360°filmthatwas madeduringanactualexpeditiontothe Become a part of this unique VR project and discover yourself at the North Pole . Running time: Directed by: Contact: The broadcast TVconcertisnotgoingasplanned,soenjoythemoment. Running time: Directed by: Contact: of theworld,OravaCastle,partUNESCOculturalheritage. blood ofanoblevirgin.Thestorytakesplaceinonethemostmagical castles awakes toprolong themagic of hisimmortality for anothercentury through the In theyearof1922,deepinCarpathianMountains,lastvampire Master Directed by: Contact: life inthesmallquitetown,notbedisturbed,andforgotten. were manypeoplewithskillslikethem.Hopetheywillforever livingapeaceful small famousrestaurant inNo.33BeiStreet .We foundthatinthistownthere Located onthefootofMountEmeiisanancienttownnamedLuomu.There isa 5’34’’ Directed by: Contact: secret isrevealed andhemustfindnewwaysto“speak”. heart -withoutsayingasingleword .ButwhenafightoverBarerupts,Dror’s flirts withBar, ahearinggirl.Duetotheloudmusic,Dror managestowinher Dror isadeafguywho’s hangingwith friends inadance-bar Running time: Directed by: Contact: city atsea. active warshipwithmore thanfivethousandUSservicemembersonthisfloating Veterans thanking them fortheir service .“Nimitz” is arare glimpseinsidean sailors aboard theUSSNimitzgiveapersonalmessagetoagingWorld War II The USSNimitzistheoldestUSwarcarrierinactiveservice.Inthis360experience, Directed by: Samuel IVASKY -samuel.ivaska@fulleyenet Jasmine LEE-louis@vrroom .buzz Liz Sarah [email protected] Gero Egger-production@gopictures .at Roberto SHREM Samuel Olesya Guo Ivgeny Sarah Roberto 7’11’’ 7’ 4’ CANO DONGDONG HILL -Lizs@gesher KUSTOVA GASHINSKY IVASKA CANO •Producedby: -roberto .canolopez@gmailcom •Producedby: •Producedby: . •Producedby: •Producedby: •Producedby: .coil StoryUP XR StoryUP FULLEYE.NET El SeñorDeLosVídeos Vivalter, KustovaMediaGroup Escher VR Daroma Productions •Runningtime: •Runningtime: •Runningtime: .There he meetsand • • 4’12’’ 9’ • • POLDER THESERIES Contact: PLAYING TOGETHER OVERVIEW OUT OFTHEBLUE OUT OFBODY GABRIELE [email protected] Contact: user tryingtoshuttheenginedownand possiblysavingthehumanspirit. game thathasbecomeasuper-intelligence .Eachepisodetellsanotherstoryofa In thePOLDER VR Series, humans are battling the game engine of a computer Zurich Directed by: harmony betweenmusicandcreativity stage infront ofGiovanniAlleviandhisparticularwayfindingtheperfect Equilibrium .ThankstoVRyoucanfeeltheuniqueexperienceofbeingon working withhismusiciansonthesong“Together”, from thenewalbum What ifyoucouldsnoopinsidearehearsal ofanorchestra? GiovanniAlleviis 10’ BIZART S.R.L.andTWICEOUT(anItalianCoproduction) Directed by: Contact: astronauts tothestarswehavealldreamed .Itisthejourney of . documentary, isanimmersivereal-time OVERVIEW simulationtestedwith your ownperception, theanswerstothesequestions .Muchmore thana the Sun? What does it feel like to beinside a nebula? You can now find,from and poeticadventure forallages.Howbigisourgalaxy?farare wefrom using data from NASA and the European Space Agency, is an accurate OVERVIEW Created andfilmdirector byOrbitalViews PaulMezierwithateamofscientists from the planets in our Solar System to the galaxies beyond the Milky Way is a 30 minutes narrative experienceon the objects of the cosmos, OVERVIEW Running time: Directed by: Contact: she leavestoherson. the child.ThisVRexperiencedivesintostoryofamother’s loveandthelegacy choice hasaprofound impactonboththeirenvironment andtheeducationof facing evershrinkingcatches,makeabolddecisiontochangetheirfate.Their A childinMexicoinherits an unexpected future afterhisfamilyoffishermen, Directed by: Contact: scientist isforced tofightfortheopportunity tolife. return body andthenreturnback,buteverythinggoesnotaccording toplan,andthe life afterdeath.Duringtheexperiment,hemustdiesothathisspiritleaves An ingeniousscientistcarries out adangerous experiment to prove thetheory of Directed by: •Runningtime: Victoire [email protected] Sarah FONTAINE [email protected] Georgy Samuel Federico GIUSEPPINIandGabrieleGIULIANI Paul Sophie Maxim Samuel 4’ MOLODTSOV SCHWARZ MEZIER NIKONOV ANSEL SCHWARZ 15’ •Producedby: •Producedby: [email protected] [email protected] •Producedby: , Janina . WOODS I.C.E.B.E.R.G /OrbitalViews Sophie Ansel LenVR •Producedby: •Runningtime: •Producedby: VR LIBRARY •Runningtime: •Runningtime: Digitalbühne Interactive • 13’ 133 10’ .

NEXT NEXT 134 REMAIN AT HOME RAILWAY VR PUFF POSITIVITY: YOURBRAINASAVRINPUT PORTAL POMPEII. VOICESFROMTHEPAST VR LIBRARY Contact: accompanies them. despite theheart-wrenching realization thattheymightnotmake itifshe MAHMUT andhisyoungfamilytoabandon theirhomeandescapethewar, role ofaltruisticgrandmotherZAHIRAwho needstoconvincehergrandson In EPISODE I of the cinematic VR series REMAIN AT HOME the viewer slips into the time: Directed by: Contact: engine-driver andconductor See thebrandnewVectron trainengineandfindoutwhatit’s like toworkas 4’44’’ Directed by: Contact: on thehospital’s rooftop . Israeli army, they both need each other to perform a simple task – smoking a joint While onebrother isvisuallyimpaired andtheotherbrother wasinjured inthe 2 brothers whowere inArgentina&raisedIsrael are born thebestoffriends. Running time: Directed by: Contact: with feelingsofpositivity as well.Thisexperienceispowered bygammaasymmetrywhichisassociated how yourthoughtscontrol thingsnotonlyinthevirtual world,butthereal world See yourown brainwaves displayed in VR goggles and become more self-aware Float upthesideofabeautifulwaterfallusingpoweryourbrain’s positivity time: NeuromeditationInstitute,IMRealLife XR,Everywoah, StoryUP Directed by: Contact: while carefully composedbinauralsounddesignamplifies theimpendingdread . is givenanextratouchofhapticinteractivitythrough the useofreal worldprops and spiritsemerge.Directed byAdriánRuízdelCerro -thiscreepy VRexperience unexpectedly taken on a fearful encounter with the dead when a portal opens In thisatmospherictakeonaseancewithpowerfulpsychic-thevieweris Running time: Directed by: Contact: Stanislav Demchenko,OlegVasilkov • Runningtime: Directed by: 4’ 3’52’’ Liz Sarah [email protected] Patricia M.VAL [email protected] Oleg VASILKOV -o.vasilkov@arviziocom Gero Samuel IVASKY -samuel.ivaska@fulleye .net SHREM Gaston Sarah Adrián Stanislav Gero Samuel EGGER 10’ 5’ 5’05’’ A.E. EGGER HILL -Lizs@gesher RUÍZ DELCERRO DRUGUER IVASKA -production@gopictures .at DEMCHENKO andDr. Jeff . . •Producedby:

• Producedby: •Producedby: .coil , Oleg TARRANT •Producedby: VASILKOV •Producedby: FULLEYE.NET GO! PicturesKG Daroma Productions •Producedby: Futura VRStudio •Runningtime: •Running Healium XR, •Running Interactive • ARVIZIO •

. SPACE EXPLORERS:ANEWDAWN ROSE COLORÉ RONE REVOLUTION 360:ART TOTHEPEOPLE! REVOKED RESERVED PEARLSOFRUSSIA Contact: understand ourplanet,universeand ourorigins. exploration, andwillshinealighton mankind’s to mostambitiousjourney Space Explorers: A New Dawn is a VR series about the new age of space Studios etWarrior Poets Directed by: Contact: of herexistencebeginstounravelaswell… on thestraythread ofdoubthangingfrom thehemofherlife, thewholesweater perfect face,everythingisjustabittoo….PERFECT knowssomethingisamiss .Fromdown, Victoria herperfectboyfriendto user, and that’s his job: to make sure she’s happy Victoria’s personalAI,Kliveisonlydoingwhathisprogram thinkswillbenefithis Directed by: Contact: giving themafront-row seattohisepicmurals. The 360’filmandinteractiveVRartgallerytakestheviewerinsideRone’s world, portraits of women’s soon to be forgotten spaces . faces can be found adorning RONE isadistinctiveportraitofthetitularstreet artist,whosestunninglarge-scale 8’ Directed by: Contact: resound . musicians rehearse theL’Internationale andpoemsabout“the new freedom” over bylocals.Peasantsandfarmerserect revolutionary sloganspaintedinred, towns ofRussia.Manyestates,abandonedbytheirprevious owners,were taken The events of 1917 engulfed the capital and spread further to other cities and Directed by: Contact: RealityExperience) (Virtual formed immigrationsecret police,theBureau Security ofAnti-Government Greene, JanemustfindawaytoCanadawhileevadingthePresident’s newly thehelpofherchildhoodfriend,Tessaor elsefacedeportationtoIran.With U.Sresidents’Iranian-born green cards, JaneManeshmustfleetheUnitedStates Set inanot-to-distantAmericandystopianfuture, when thePresident revokes all Directed by: Contact: Reserve, Kronotsky Reserve,AstrakhanLosinyOstrov footages of:LenaPillars,KandalakshaReserve,Caucasus Reserve, Lazovsky The filmtransfertheviewertoamazingplacesofRussia.included time: Directed by: 11’ Lester Georgy [email protected] Fran Georgy Myriam Vincent Adam Lester Alexander Stevo Anton Felix ERVIN FRANCOIS MOLODTSOV MARCHARD EDWARDS LAJEUNESSE CHANG COSCO FRANCOIS [email protected] ZHDANOV •Runningtime: SKRYABIN [email protected] •Producedby: •Producedby: [email protected] -machard@centre-phi .com •Producedby: [email protected] etPaul •Producedby: •Producedby: RAPHAEL 19’ INVAR Studios Chaos Labs StudioBento •Producedby: Planetpics FilmLLC .Andwhenshebeginstopull . No matter what . But deep RT •Runningtime: •Runningtime: VR LIBRARY •Runningtime: •Runningtime: . Felix &Paul •Running Interactive Interactive 3’ 17’ 135 18’ .

NEXT JOIN THE BEST IN GENRE FILM Frontières International Co-Production Market Fantasia International Film Festival — Montreal July 19-22 INDUSTRY REGISTRATION NOW OPEN Over the course of 4 DAYS in Montreal, the genre film industry will convene for a series of pitch sessions, one to one meetings and networ- king sessions. 20 PROJECTS from across Europe & North America will be presented to over 400 INDUSTRY LEADERS.


FRONTIÈRES PLATFORM IN CANNES Marché du Film — Festival de Cannes May 12—13 Join us at the Marché du Film for the Frontières Proof of Concept Presentation (MAY 12, PALAIS K, 10—11:30AM) and the Frontières Buyers Showcase (MAY 13, PALAIS K, 4—6PM).

Access open to Marché du Film badges. TAKE EVERY WAVE: LAIRDIN VR SYNTHESY VR SUZDAL. AWHITESTONECHRONICLE STAY WITHME SPEED KILLSVR(8EPISODES) Contact: experience theoceanwhilebreaking boundarieswiththenewesttechnology after alltheseyears,thislegendarywatermanisstillfindingnovelways to virtual reality that’s as beautiful as it is poetic . The reminder here being that even surfboard design.InTake EveryWave: Laird inVR,Laird takesyouonajourney mile, where ridesupto6minutesbecomenormalatoptheinnovativehydrofoil friends astheychaseperfectionintheformof8-10footwavesstretching overa what’s regarded as the longest wave in the world: Chicama, Peru . Join Laird and condition andforward-thinking wave-ridingisstillthrivingattheageof53.Enter Laird Hamilton’s life is unlike many others in that his pursuit of excellent physical Producedby: Contact: An experimentalmusicvideocombiningreal worldfootagewithCGI. Directed by: Contact: The historyoftheancientRussiancityfrom theIXcenturytopresent day • Runningtime: Directed by: Contact: into asuddenseparation. they supporttheirdreams andhopes.Oneday, anunexpectedmiseryputsthem Yeon-Soo whilesheisdoingheractingpractice.Theyfeelmore profound loveas public yet.Hedecidestoperformhisfirstbuskinginaplacewhere heencounters Woo-Jin whowantstobeasingerhasnotbeenablesingsonginfront ofthe time: Directed by: Contact: Modine, JenniferEsposito,MichaelWeston andAmauryNolasco Travolta, KellanLutz,JamesRemar, KatherynWinnick, Jordi Molla,Mathew that landshimintrouble withthelaw, casting:John womenanddruglords .With Legendary SpeedboatRacingChampionandmultimillionaire leadsadoublelife Directed by: 829’ Samuel IVASKY -samuel.ivaska@fulleyenet Oleg VASILKOV -o.vasilkov@arviziocom Young Travis Benjamin VACCARO -benjamin.vaccaro@oath .com Samuel Bryan Bryan Stanislav Travis RYOT Films CLOYD MIN KIM 6’32’’ CLOYD KU IVASKA [email protected] DEMCHENKO • Produced by: [email protected] •Runningtime: •Producedby: •Producedby: , Oleg Barunson E&A, EVR STUDIO VASILKOV TopDogVR 4’ FULLEYE.NET •Producedby: •Runningtime: VR LIBRARY •Runningtime: • Running ARVIZIO 60’ 137 . 3’

NEXT NEXT 138 THE EMPATHY MACHINE THE DREAMCOLLECTOR THE CLIFFSOFV. -CHAPTER1AND2 THE CARETAKER TESTIMONY TERRACOTTA ARMY VR LIBRARY Contact: Camden, thecastoftwoactorsplayout allsevennoircharacters Shot inLondon’s hub spacebeneathTheRoundhouseTheatre eerie Victorian drama andtheactionunfoldsaround youlike animmersivetheatre performance In this360liveactionVRfilm,theviewer isthecentraldetectivecharacterin Familia Films,LondonFilmAcademy•Runningtime: 8’13’’ Directed by: Contact: cherish it back tolife,themantinkersawayuntilhecanre-gift ittosomeonewhowill the remnants ofpeople’s abandoneddreams spend theirdayssortingthrough thetrashleftbehindbyothers An old man and his playful dog live together in a garbage dump, where they Directed by: Contact: JBBRUCENA for yearsoffreedom the viewerisinvitedtoshare thelifeofaprisonerwhoisabouttotradesomething long-term prisoners,inexchangeofaparttheirbody offersFacing anorganshortagecrisis,thegovernment sentenceremission to Directed by: Contact: Loren HAMMONDS is atwork occurrences withinthehotel—shebeginstosuspectthat somethingmore sinister the woman’s boyfriendsuddenlygoesmissing—thelatestinaseriesofunsettling couple checksintoastrangehotelwhiletheywaitformechanictoarrive After theircarbreaks downonthesideofroad onacoldwinternight, Hidden Content,RealMotionVFX•Runningtime:13’ Directed by: Contact: assault andissuesaround consent examples havehelpedcreate theperfectstormofpublicoutcryoversexual against HarveyWeinstein leadingtothe#MeToo campaign The Brock Turner case,BillCosby’s sexualassaultsandthecurrent accusations Directed by: Contact: [email protected] bringing thispastbacktolife China, symbolizingChina’s longhistoryandcivilization The Terracotta Warriors andHorsesare oneofthemostfamoushistoricalrelics in Directed by: . . Zohar KFIR-zohar@zzee Anna MACDONALD -anna@londonfilmacademy Louis CACCIUTTOLO-louis@vrroom Laurent BAZIN•Producedby:GengiskhanRunningtime:26’ Jacob WASSERMAN, NicholasPESCEAdam•Producedby: Zohar KFIR•Producedby:Dpt. Shaohua QI•Producedby:SightpanoRunningtime:8’10’’ Avril FURNESS•Producedby:FurnessFilms,FlossCreative, Mi LI•Producedby:PintaStudiosRunningtime:12’ . -jb@gengiskhan . -lhammonds@tribecafilm . . net . paris . Determinedtobringthesedreams . buzz . . Archaeologists are now . com Wearing aVRheadset, . com . Theobjectsare . . Theserecent . When .

WITH BARACKANDMICHELLE OBAMA THE PEOPLE’SHOUSE: INSIDETHEWHITEHOUSE THE NOMINALEMPIRE THE LIGHTOFFAITH THE INCIDENT: DINNERPARTY THE GREENLINE THE GREAT OCEANDEBRIS Contact: Obama administration todefiningeventsofthelasttwocenturies . explore theiconic institution’s profound history-from thepasteightyearsof An intimatetouroftheWhiteHousethat givestheviewerextraordinary accessto Studios Directed by: Contact: story toaspectator where artists,directors andactorsbecomepoliticalbosses.Hisantagonisttellshis where art – is the only value . Then he calls all Soviet territories “Nominal Empire”, totalitarian leader Vsevolod MeyerholdkillsthehighestranksofSovietpowerandbecomes a Revolution Directed by: Contact: faith . soul ofBudda,glimpsetheirfaith,artpursuitfortruthandenlightenmentby Buddhismontheplateau,meetmonkwhoguards the we examineTibetan Chinawhere tofindbalanceinsouthwestern Join usonthisspellbindingjourney Directed by: Contact: the Hills’abductions. recorded hypnoses to theirfriends, which leads to aradically different account of recall details ofanevent,they sought hypnosis.Atadinnerparty they playtheir couple whoin1961reported thefirstUFOabduction.WhenHillscouldnot DINNER PARTY isaVRshortbasedonthetruestoryofHills,aninterracial Running time: Directed by: Contact: half acentury documented glimpsesofareas barred from theiroriginalinhabitantsforalmost Cyprus .In2016,theGLPteamwasgrantedaccessintoGreen Line,where we buffer zoneknownastheGreen Line,ano-man’s landspanningtheentirety of Since 1974,afteraTurkish invasion,CyprushasbeendividedbyaUNpatrolled Running time: Directed by: Contact: shot attheNorthPole. news, touchpointinformation,CalltoActionsandanexclusive360°shortdocu navigating freely in5environmentswithreal andinteractivelylearning liferadio the deepseatwicetowitnesschangingmarinefloraandfaunawhile The userfollowsthewaterandplasticlifecyclefrom thebathtubtosewer, 20’ Directed by: •Runningtime: Sonia Jake Louis CACCIUTTOLO-louis@vrroom .buzz Michael Myriam Georgy •Runningtime: . Marsh Angel Manuel Ioannis BEKIARIS,AlexisMAVROS Michael Felix Denis SALLY DI CLEMENTE 13’50’’ 6’15’’ MOLODTSOV .Heproclaims thedictatorshipofproletariART –asociety, ACHARD GEIDEL LAJEUNESSE . SEMENOV -jake.sally@ryotorg, MA GEIDEL •Producedby: -m.geidel@miriquidifilmde 22’ -machard@centre-phi .com SOTO 7’ •Producedby: -touchme@polyhedronvrstudio .com , Natalia [email protected] &Paul •Producedby: RAPHAEL SEVERINA Blur Limit MiriquidiFilm •Producedby: •Producedby:

•Producedby: •Runningtime: Skybound Entertainment VR LIBRARY •Runningtime: PolarEffect Felix &Paul Cultural Interactive Interactive 12’ • 139 •

NEXT NEXT 140 THE WILDIMMERSION:AFRICA THE WEDDINGAT CANABYPAOLO VERONESE THE SUNLADIESVR THE REALTHING VR LIBRARY THE WILDIMMERSION:ASIAOCEANIA Contact: [email protected] Cambridge Jane GoodallisPeaceAmbassadorforUnited Nations,shealsohas66PHDfrom famous Doctorwhodedicatedherlife to preserving Life environment andWild elephants, hyenasandmore wonders and experience what it means to be several inches away from lions, around theworld Habitat Immersion isa360VRexperiencewhichdrivesyouintheWild Wild Ltd,BrainWorksReserve •Runningtime:11’08’’ Directed by: Contact: [email protected] Cambridge Jane GoodallisPeaceAmbassadorforUnitedNations,shealsohas66PHDfrom famous Doctorwhodedicatedherlifetopreserving Life environment andWild elephants, hyenasandmore wonders and experience what it means to be several inches away from lions, around theworld Habitat Immersionisa360VRexperiencewhichdrivesyouintheWild Wild Ltd,BrainWorksReserve •Runningtime:10’08’’ Directed by: Contact: unbridled Venetian setting us the biblical story of Christ’s first miracle andtakesus away ina festive and Paul Veronese leadsusonthesumptuous stageoftheWedding atCana Poissons Volants •Runningtime:7’ Directed by: Contact: CelineTRICART bring backtheirsistersandprotect thehonoranddignity oftheirpeople women who escaped started a female-only fighting unit called the SunLadies to The menwere killed,andthewomengirlstakenassexslaves In 2014,ISISfightersinvadedIraqandtargetedthe Yazidi communityofSinjar Lucid DreamsProductions•Runningtime:7’ Directed by: Contact: combines bothtoenhanceawholenewfeelingofubiquity travel way tovirtualtourism,copycatcitiescompeteoffer areal experienceofstatic guide usintheparallelworldwhere they have chosen to live travels from ParistoLondonandVenice -withoutleavingChina foreign models Around China’s largestcities,entire neighbourhoodshavebeeninspired by Artline •Runningtime:16’ Directed by: . Walking thethinlinebetweenreality andvirtuality, thisdocumentary Saskia NILLY -saskia

Paul [email protected] . . Adrien MOISSON&RaphaëlAUPY•Producedby:Virtual Joséphine DEROBE&CarlosFRANKLIN•Producedby:Les Christian STEPHEN,CelineTRICART •Producedby:JackBlueInc., Benoît FELICI,MathiasCHELEBOURG•Producedby:DVgroup, Adrien MOISSON&RaphaëlAUPY•Producedby:Virtual . Thefilmexplores themoststunningofthese“fakecities” . . Teleport yourselftotheothersideofplanet,feelits Teleport yourselftotheothersideofplanet,feelits -celine@luciddreamsprod . . . Wild Immersion issupportedbyJaneGoodall,the Wild Wild Immersion issupportedbyJaneGoodall,the Wild . nilly@poissonsvolants . . com com . . AsVRleads the . Theinhabitants . Someofthe . Hetells . . It . . .

TRINITY TIED TOAPOLE TRANSCEND THROUGH YOU THROUGH THEMASKSOFLUZIA THIS ISCLIMATE CHANGE:FEAST Contact: against anallpowerfulSingularity humans havebeenextinct,thesurviving androids fightafinalwarfor freedom Trinity isalive-action,immersive,interactive,sci-fi head-trip.Inafuture where Directed by: Contact: everybody’s existence. Transcend willleadyouinsideofthewombUniverseandorigin chakras, thankstoasensorialexperimentationonCGIandsounddesign, of minduntilbeingasonewiththeuniverse,through theopeningof7 Transcend isthemotherofmeditationimmersiveexperiences.From theempting Limit Directed by: Contact: the factthattheyare tiedup. the two get into the sake storehouse and end up dancing exuberantly, despite tying himtothestick.ThemasterthentiesupTarokajaas well,butnevertheless, to tricktheotherservant Jirokajainto demonstrating hisskill at stick fighting, servants always drink his wine while he is out . He plots with his servant Tarokaja A danceplaybasedonaclassicalKyogenfarce .Amasterisirritatedthathistwo Directed by: Contact: found again?” the 1970sto2046andbeyond,where thequestionis harbored, “Canlovebe and actorAmariCheatom,takeusthrough thecoursingperiodsoftime,from and seeminglygoneforever, ThomasWood, dancersJoannaKotzeandMarni lived,lost,burned, Using dancetoinhabitacommonmortalstoryofloveborn, Running time: Directed by: Contact: fantasy is avibrantcelebrationofMexicanculture, shrouded insurrealism anddreamlike Through theMasksofLuzia,basedonacclaimedCirque duSoleilproduction, Felix &PaulStudiosCirqueduSoleil Directed by: Contact: being hithardest byclimatechange. oftheearthtodiscoverpeopleandplaces tothefarcorners One, journey In thisexpansivevirtualreality docu-seriesfrom Participant Media andCondition Media, ConditionOne Directed by: •Runningtime: . Katsutoshi Brighid GREENE-brighid.greene@gmail .com Myriam Achard -machard@centre-phi .com Loren [email protected] Elodie Sonia Lily Chiaki Francois Blouin,FelixLajeunesse&PaulRaphael Danfung Patrick Gianluigi 14’ DI CLEMENTE LORRAIN-MARTIN BALDWIN MISHIRO MACHIBA BOIVIN •Runningtime: DENNIS 8’ PERRONE , Saschka •Producedby: •Producedby: -touchme@polyhedronvrstudio .com &Eric [email protected] •Producedby: [email protected] UNSELD •Runningtime: STRAUSS 9’ •Producedby: UNLTD EJE Inc •Producedby: Polyhedron VRStudio/Blur •Runningtime: •Runningtime: 14’30’’ VR LIBRARY •Producedby: Fictionless Films Participant Interactive 13’ 12’45’’ • • 141

NEXT NEXT 142 VIRTUAL TARKINE RAINFORESTRIVER–TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA UNFRAMED, THEISLEOFDEAD UNFRAMED, INTIMACIES UNCAPITALS: POMORSIN360 ULTRAMAN ZEROVR TRUE PASSION VR VR LIBRARY Contact: unchanged . is callingforWorld Heritageprotection toallowcontinuation of anecosystem allowing thesegiantstogrow uptoameterin length!TheBobBrown Foundation systems whichare stilllargelyintactbycomparisontootherriversinTasmania, “The CrayfishMan”, Todd Walsh, explainstheecology ofthe Tarkine river Brown Foundation Directed by: Contact: and discoverfrom auniquepointofviewwhatsecrets liesinside. In TheIsleoftheDead,getaboard arowboat Böcklin’s forArnold famousisland Running time: Directed by: Contact: the lovelifeofawomaninParislateXIXecentury In Intimacies,MisiaSertguideyouthrough FélixVallotton’s engravingsdepicting Running time: Directed by: Contact: story usingnovelapproaches . region, toresearch Pomorhistoryandculture .Theycooperatedtotelltheirown artistsandcuratorsvisitedOnega,Arkhangelsk In September2017Northern Vorzogory isaoneoftheoldestanduniquePomorplacesuntouchedbytime. • Runningtime: Directed by: Contact: monster andZero Ultraman.! door ofthe emergency exit from life, There wasabig battle withthe huge office buildingsuddenlythespacemonsterelekingappears.Whenyouopen Japanese Hero/ AcertainplaceinMinatokuTokyo .Duringtheconference atthe Running time: Directed by: Contact: opportunity todancetogetherwithballetdancersdirectly onthestage. mesmerizing 360°video.ThankstotheSlovakNationalTheater, youhavean Now youcanenjoytheworldofdancefullmovementandpassionvia Produced by: Camille KAISER-camille.kaiser@giff .ch Georgy Katsutoshi Samuel IVASKY -samuel.ivaska@fulleyenet Gero Camille KAISER-camille.kaiser@giff .ch Georgy Martin Kiyotaka Fraser Martin CINEMATIC VRPRODUCTION EGGER 6’ 6’40’’ 6’ MOLODTSOV 6’ •Runningtime: JOHNSTON MACHIBA CHARRIÈRE CHARRIÈRE MOLODTSOV -production@gopictures .at TAGUCHI [email protected] [email protected] •Producedby: •Producedby: •Producedby: •Producedby: , Taisa 8’26’’ SEVENARD •Runningtime: Crows NestMedia&Bob TSUBURAYA PRODUCTIONS RTS (Radio TélévisionSuisse) RTS (RadioTélévisionSuisse) • Produced by: . 1’43’’ Fridaymilk • • •

WOLVES INTHEWALLS WILDE EASTERN WHITE SYNAGOGUECAPERNAUM WAR TOURIST Contact: inside aVRmovie?” would it be like to interact, have a relationship, and go on a quest with a character a reality Not everythingisasitseemswheneightyearoldLucy’s imaginationproves tobe Running time: Directed by: Contact: consequences . to payattention,youwouldn’t wanttomissaclue, thatcouldhavedire historic Manorfilledwithcuriouscharactersquestionableintentions.Besure through the In thismulti-ending immersive 360 experience,followWilliam Running time: Directed by: Contact: language. modern inthe and byJosephFlaviusinhiswritings.Thus,wekeepsayingCapernaum bytheGreeks,was translatedasCapernaum andtheword isusedintheGospels village ofahumî(NamedaftersomebodycalledNahum)Thenamethe The nameofthecitywasoriginallyKfarNahum[ney-huhm],whichmeansìThe Running time: Directed by: Contact: violent actwillforce himtoquestioneverything. darkness tounderstandtheconflictatfrontlines .Comingfacetowitha will followarookieashegoesdeeperandintotheheartof warjournalist This 360documentaryexplores therole imagesplayinmilitarizingcivilians.We Directed by: .BasedontheworkbyNeilGaiman,thisimmersivefableasks:“What Edward SAATCHI -edward .saatchi@fable-studiocom Christina Elizabeth Yanai Gabriele [email protected] Pete Penelope Yanai Emiliano ARFI 9’ 6’50’’ 5’ SPECIAL EVENT BILLINGTON ARFI -Yoann@HolyPlaces .TV RUPRAH LAWSON •Producedby: HALL •Producedby: •Producedby: •Producedby: – Sunday13May9:30-18:00(Green VRLibrary) [email protected] HOLY PLACESPRODUCTIONS Fable Studio RYOT Pink RevolverPictures •Runningtime: VR LIBRARY •

• • 29’ 143

NEXT Meet the Norwegian & Swedish Film Commissions International Village Pantiero #217 Facebook: Norwegian & Swedish Film Commissions in Cannes Check it out for updated activities NEXT

Meet the Norwegian & CONFERENCES PALAIS -1, AISLE 14 Swedish Film Commissions 9:30 TO 18:00 International Village Pantiero #217 Facebook: Norwegian & Swedish Film Commissions in Cannes Check it out for updated activities


NEXT NEXT 148 Speakers: capital forstartupsandrunningaudiovisual creatives andmedia companies. accelerator takesadvantageofEstonian digitalecosystemandlegalregulation, helpingtofacilitateraising picked techentrepreneurs andcontentcreators more .Comeandlearn aboutStorytek, andhowthe brings togetherdeepaudiovisualsector knowledge,technologyandfundingwithaglobalselectionof hand- Storytek Accelerator(www 16:00-18:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom MODELS THROUGHESTONIANDIGITAL ECOSYSTEM STORY +TECH:ACCELERATING FUTUREBUSINESS Moderator: MESA Speakers: media experiences. motion VRchairandultrahigh-res videotechnologies(8Kandbeyond)drivingthenextgenerationimmersive Prelude toLeMuskVREbyA.RRahman,IntelbringsimmersiveCinemaVRexperiencelifePanelhighlights Latest trends inCinemaVRErevolution drivenbyimmersivetechnologies:from theproduction ofDunkirkVRE, 14:00-16:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom AND THEFUTUREOFIMMERSIVETECHNOLOGIES CINEMA VRE(VIRTUAL REALITYEXPERIENCES) Moderator: Speakers: financing inanewinnovativeway Can theblockchainrevolution really produce blockbusters?Getintothegameoftrust,transparency and 11:00-13:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom BLOCKCHAIN BLOCKBUSTERS WEDNESDAY 9MAY Speakers: assumed afilmmakingindustrywithsomuchfunandopportunitiespackedinoneplaceatalmostnocost! Blockchain technologyisintroducing humankindtoaworldofseveralnewpossibilities.Whocouldhave time .Thisfostersanentirely newsocial network withunlimitedpotentialsintoday’s digitalworld.Indeed, number ofonlineuserstogathertogetherandviewthesamevideocontentinonevirtualtheaterat (IVCV), anewwayofdistributingvideo,whichallowsanunlimited Co-Viewing Video platform?s Internet its users the opportunity to connect with other viewers across the globe . This is possible through the employ otherbenefitsoftheplatform!TheCinemaWell .complatformgoesbeyondcashrewards byoffering platform tobeseenbythewholeworld,monetizetheirwork(setpriceperticketsaspreferred), and advanced metricsforproducers andfilmmakers!Moreover, nowfilmamkerscanuseallnecessarytoolsonthe CinemaWell .comisablockchain-basedplatform,whichpaysviewersforwatchingmoviesandprovides 15:00-17:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom THE FUTUREOFCINEMAANDTVONBLOCKCHAIN TUESDAY 8MAY CONFERENCES Moderator: VFC) -Canada,Adam RANG(EnterpriseEstonia)-Estonia (SpinDigital)-Germany, Avenir Serge Dan Tihana SMITRAN(AmuletStudioNordics) -Croatia,Tihana Charles-Stephane ROY(LaMaisonDeProd/ Ravindra Sten-Kristian SALUVEER (StorytekAccelerator)-Estonia Ravindra Tiffany HYMAN PETROV PRITCHARD VELHAL VELHAL (SingularDTV)-USA,ArieLEVY-COHEN (Blockhaus)-Switzerland (CinemaWell .com)USA,Liliya .storytekeu),launchedin2017isaninnovation &developmentplatformthat (Intel Corporation) - USA,Jeffrey (IntelCorporation)-USA (Screen -UK International) . VALIHUN TRAVIS (CinemaWell .com)USA (Positron) - USA, Mauricio

ALVAREZ- Speakers: presence of DLApartners.TheAward Ceremony willbefollowedbyacocktail. winning projects oftheDLAOnlinePitchCompetition(vote.digilabafricacom)willberevealed atNextinthe Digital Lab Africa isthe1stplatform dedicated tocreative content linkedwithinnovation in Africa.The10 16:00-17:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom DIGITAL LABAFRICA: MEETWITHAFRICANCREATIVITY Moderator: MELCHIOR (FintageHouse)-Netherlands,Ray Blockchained Entertainment) -Sweden,HarrisTULCHIN (Harris Tulchin & Associates)-USA,Maarten Speakers: films . howblockchaincan monetizeyour first trulydecentralizedandcommunity-drivenBVOD-marketplace.Learn transparency and verifiability Blockchain isanewpowerfultechnology, whichtransformsoldbusinessmodelsandintroduces unparalleled 15:00-16:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom CINEZEN :BLOCKCHAINREVOLUTIONINVOD Moderator: Speakers: foster meaningfulhumanconnection,especiallythrough shared experiences. apps &experiencesoneverymajorplatformspanningAR/VR.WITHINbelievesVR’s transformativepower can MediapresentedA discussionaboutthestateofArtinVirtual byWITHIN,aleaderinimmersivemedia,with 14:00-15:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom OF VR&ARDISTRIBUTIONANDSTORYTELLING WITHIN :BUILDINGTHEFUTURE Moderator: RISHER Speakers: A panelwithnewstorytellerspresented byAmiluxfilm 11:00-13:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom CAN VRREPLACETRADITIONALFILM? WHO ISAFRAIDOFVR? session (ask-me-anything)andguestpanel. and utilizesblockchaintofacilitatepaymentbetweenyouthefilmsrightsholders.FollowedbyAMA on whateverpeer-to-peer platformyouchoosetostream from .WhiteRabbittechnologyrecognizes content Alan R.Milliganpresents WhiteRabbit.allowsyoutoreward thefilmsandseriesyoustream, 9:30-11:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom CAN BLOCKCHAINREALLY MAKEADIFFERENCE? FILMS, SERIESANDSTREAMING- THURSDAY 10MAY Moderator: CAYROL (Hologate) - USA, Christina Elizabeth HALL (Tisch SchooloftheArts)-USA (Hologate)-USA,ChristinaElizabethHALL(Tisch -AtlasV(France), Alizée Aaron Gerda Gilles Sam KLEBANOV(CinezenBlockchainedEntertainment)-Sweden, PavelRABETSKI(Cinezen Juan-Sebastian Erika Evgenia BORISOVA (CinezenBlockchainedEntertainment) -Sweden Joanna POPPER(HP)-USA KOBLIN FREISSINIER LEOPOLD DENIS (Media,Film&Music, French Embassy|Digital LabAfrica)-SouthAfrica (WITHIN)-USA,Colin (Amiluxfilm)-Austria,Celine . CINEZEN employs it to revolutionize film distribution and tocreate the world’s ENDLER (ARTE) -France,Lesley (ARTE) DALLEMAGNE (Amiluxfilm)-Austria

YOUNG -DigitalLabAfrica (France) DECKER

(RightsLedger)-USA WILLIAMS (WITHIN-USA TRICART (Tshimologong) -South Africa, Antoine (LucidDream Productions) -USA,Nick CONFERENCES 149

NEXT NEXT 150 (Filmmaker) -USA, Patrik Speakers: Chair VR,ahands-free navigationdeviceforVRcombiningneuroscience-based research andergonomicdesign. amixedreality interactivedocumentary aboutspace-timenarratedbyastronomerTime, Tony Starkand Limbic FilmFestivalpresentsThe GenevaInternational two ofthemost prominent and innovative SwissVRprojects: Elastic 14:00-15:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom THE SWISSDIGITAL SHOWCASE BEYOND CINEMA: Moderator: Commission withkeypartnerslikeKarlovyVary . FilmFestival,EuropaandTitraFilm International International promote, browse, find, buyand reuse existingsubtitleseasily European filmsbypromoting andsharingavailablesubtitles.CinandoSubtitlesallowsindustryplayerstostore, Cinando introduces: CinandoSubtitles.Thisgame-changingonlinetoolwillboosttheappealanddistribution of 12:00-13:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom MONETIZE YOURSUBTITLESWORLDWIDE CINANDO SUBTITLES:SHAREAND Moderator: Couch andFilmChain)-UK,Dana Speakers: you bethinkingabouttoday? of howBlockchaintechnologyisimpactingthescreen industriesintheshortandlongerterm.Whatshould Johanna KoljonenoftheNostradamusProjectandin-depthdiscussion hostsBlockchainexpertsforanearnest DISTRIBUTION ANDFUNDING BLOCKCHAIN -HOWWILLITCHANGESALES, Followed by Moderator: and whatEuropean filmmakers,financiersandexhibitorsneedtodocompetewiththeglobalmajors. future ofthescreen industries.Thisyear’s report discusseswhetherthefilmindustryasweknowitwillsurvive, A high-energypresentation ofthefifthannualNostradamusReportfrom theGöteborgFilmFestivalonnear 10:00 -12:00–NEXTConferenceRoom FOR EUROPENFILM DO ORDIE-AMOMENTOFTHRUTH and production todistributionandmarketing. how award-winning filmmakersand producers are utilizingthisnascenttechnology, from contentdevelopment its way through the world of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR), we will hear The strongest demandcurrently comesfrom industriesinthecreative economy prestigious CarltonHotel.Immersivetechnologiesare expectedtogrow intoa$95billionmarketby2025. Bakerwillhostits2ndAnnualImmersiveSummitatthe In partnershipwiththeMarché duFilm,Winston 09:30-12:00 –CarltonHotel 2ND EDITIONOFTHEIMMERSIVESUMMIT FRIDAY 11MAY CONFERENCES Moderator: Erwin M Javier Bello Johanna Camille Kaiser (Geneva International FilmFestival)-Switzerland Camille Kaiser(Geneva International Speaker: Nicolas Johanna SCHMIDT KOLJONEN KOLJONEN RUIZ KÜNZLER , (Imverse)-Switzerland,Robin (BerlinbasedCinemathon,TheFilmTech Office)-Germany, Maria

COIG O’KEEFE (GöteborgFilmFestival)-Sweden (GöteborgFilmFestival)-Sweden (LimbicLife)-Switzerland, Mark (Cinando-Marché duFilm)-France (CineticMedia)-USA,Alan

.CinandoSubtitlesissupportedbytheEuropean MANGE

VAN RAAI MILLIGAN (Imverse)-Switzerland,Mark

.Asthefilmindustrynavigates (WhiteRabbitAs)-Norway (LimbicLife)-Switzerland 2 10NOVEMBRE2018 TANJALA BOULOS (Big (Big

Moderator: Speakers: formats: VR,ARand“flattie”2D. start upHumensewewillintroduce immersivefeature length“films”tobe realised inthree different viewing developing newstoriestotaketheaudienceinsidescreen .Utilisingleadingvolumetrictechnologyfrom VR ContentLabscreates new&excitinglongformimmersiveexperiences:re-imagining traditional& 12:00-13:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom HOLOGRAPHIC ACTORSANEWREALITY STORY-LIVING: FEATURE FILMSWITH Moderator: LLC) -Russia,Alexey Speakers: to marketinganddistribution. independent filmmakersdirectly toviewersandhelps reduce thecoststhatproducers facewhenitcomes MoviesChain bytvzavristhefirstfilmdistributionplatformsbuiltusingblockchaintechnology 10:00-12:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom OF INDEPENDENTFILMDISTRIBUTIONMARKET BLOCKCHAIN REVOLUTION:DECENTRALIZATION SATURDAY 12MAY Moderator: MEDEL Speakers: obtained inthisguide. from Argentina,Brazil,Mexico,amongothers,theywillreview thestateofXRdisciplineswithstatistics the firstCatalogofIbero-American CompaniesandInstitutionsofImmersive panelists Technologies .With Trends ofVentana SurtogetherwiththeNeoMediaLabofNationalUniversityTres deFebrero launch 16:00-18:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom CATALOGUE PRESENTATION TRENDS’ IMMERSIVEIBEROAMERICAN Moderator: Speakers: development project byTrends ofVentana . SurandVirtuality-Paris immersiveanimation.“GloomyEyes”hasbeenchosenasthebestIbero-Americanworld ofinternational directed bytheArgentineJorgeTereso andproduced byAtlasV(France)and3DAR(Argentina),willshakethe Presentation ofthefirstco-production invirtual reality betweenFranceandArgentina.“GloomyEyes”, 15:00-16:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom COPRODUCTION BETWEENFRANCEANDARGENTINA. GLOOMY EYES?,FIRSTVIRTUAL REALITY(VR) (Merced) -Chile,Priscila Antoine Dr Ross Elena Ralph Jeremy Gabriel Dr Ross Dr .Alexey KHLEBNIKOVA HAYEK HOWDEN CAYROL KAY EREMENKO GIANDINOTO HOWDEN EREMENKO (INCAA)- Argentina, Marcela (Screen -UK International) (AtlasV)-France,Jorge (VRContentLabs)-Australia (VRContentLabs)-Australia (TVZavrDevelopmentLLC)-Russia,Olesya GUEDES (TVZavrDevelopmentLLC)-Russia,Dr (Trends) -Argentina (TVZavrDevelopmentLLC)-Russia (XRBR)-Brasil,Sarah TERESO LIZCANO

(3DAR)-Argentina HOCH

(Viceversa Producciones) (Viceversa - Colombia,Leo (GuanajuatoIFF)-Mexico .Jessica


HOPE CONFERENCES -Jordan (TVZavrDevelopment .Itconnects 151

NEXT NEXT 152 SOMMERVILLE Speakers: terms ofcoproduction, distribution,monetization. resources isgoingtoinfluencemassivlythe marketandhowtobepartofthislongtermbusinessplanin China reserved aleadingrole inthefuture RealityIndustry ofVirtual 11:00-12:30 –NEXTConferenceRoom FOR THEVIRTUAL WORLDS A FERTILE GROUND IMMERSIVE CHINA: Moderator: Speakers: WALLS 30-minute presentation followedbypaneldiscussionwithwriter-director andproducer ofWOLVES INTHE 9:30-11:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom THE FUTUREOFENTERTAINMENT? INTERACTIVE AR/VRCHARACTERSINTHEHOME- SUNDAY 13MAY Moderator: France CAYROL Speakers: production anddistribution. major challengesahead.Creative talentsandpublicpartners mustelaborateincentivestrategiesforVR Notes onBlindness,IPhilip,Firebird orAlicehavepavedthewaytoanew‘French Touch’ butthere are still Over the past few yearsFrench VR has acquired astrong reputation worldwide . Remarkable projects like 16:00-18:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom FOR FRENCHVIRTUAL REALITY WHAT CHALLENGESLIEAHEAD Moderator: COPLON WHITTAKER Speakers: and platforms. exhibition willoutlineandanalyseamyriadofnewfinancing revenue opportunitiesacross industrysilos This sessionexplores emergingbusinesspractices .Leadingfigures from production, funding,distributionand Whilst immersivecontentformatsevolverapidly, thefinance,licensinganddistributionecosystemisnascent. 14:00-15:30 –NEXTConferenceRoom IMMERSIVE CONTENT FINANCING ANDMONETISING CONFERENCES (AtlasV)-France,Marie (Within) -USA (Within) Gianluigi Pete Marion Stéphane (TheOtherSet&Dogwoof)-UK,Wendy Valérie Liz Edward (ArtistLane)-USA,Azel BILLINGTON ROSENTHAL THÉVENOT LÉPINE-KARNIK PERRONE SAATCHI CARDIN (FableStudio)-USA,Jessica (PowertothePixel|Venice FilmFestival)-UK International (CanadaMediaFund)-Canada,Antoine (Polyhedron VRStudio)-China,Eddie (InstitutFrançais)-France,Frédéric (FableStudio)-USA

JOURDREN (FilmFrance)-France JAMES (DVGroup) -France,Vincent (LUCI/BlurLimit)-USA

BERNFELD SHAMASH (RightsStuff) -TheNetherlands,Daniel BEREYZIAT (FableStudio)-USA LOU .Howtheinfluenceofchinese (SandmanStudios)-China,Marisa CAYROL (UniFrance)-France,Antoine RAVALEC

(AtlasV)-France,Andy (writer&director) - Moderator: Speakers: in thecreative andaudiovisualsectorstakefulladvantageofthedigitalfuture experiences andviewsonnewmodels,EricPeterswillexplainhowEU policieshelpinnovativeentrepreneurs After sixdaysofanintensivemarketatNEXT, where Reality&Blockchainpioneersshared Virtual their 17:00-18:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom FOR DIGITAL ECONOMYANDSOCIETY. EUROPEAN COMMISSIONER ADVISER AT THECABINETOFMARIYA GABRIEL, CLOSING KEYNOTEBYMR.ERICPETERS,SENIOR Moderator: GIEZENDANNER Mobile) - France, Antoine Speakers: experiences (UX),ideallytakingintoaccounttheuserstateofmindsuchasemotionsandgazedirection . enabling innovative, non-linear, elastic, stretchy storytelling that provides unheard-of, exceptional user World expertsdescribehowartificialintelligence(AI)iscurrently revolutionizing immersive(VR…)contentsby 15:30-17:00 –NEXTConferenceRoom TOOL FORNON-LINEARSTORYTELLING INVR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE:THEEMERGING Moderator: VR/AR Association-ParisChapter)-France (Maison desScénaristes)-France,Johanna MARIE Speakers: A conference withwomenfrom across theglobeworkinghard fortheprogress ofXRindustry 14:00-15:30 –NEXTConferenceRoom GLOBAL XRWOMEN Moderator: TribecaFlies ByHerOwnWings, 2018;We’re StillHere) -USA,Gilles Sun) -USA,Martin Speakers: their experience,from ideaandfundingtopipelinedistribution. Creators of2018mostsuccessfulvirtualreality projects discussthechallengesofAR-VRproduction andshare 12:30-13:30 –NEXTConferenceRoom TO MARKETINGANDDISTRIBUTION) (FROM CONCEPTANDPRODUCTION, PRODUCING STORIESINVIRTUAL REALITY (HapticMedia)-UK,Marine Jim Eric Pasha Joanna Priscila Louis Cacciuttolo(Cinder, TheLastFootprint|VRrOOm)-France,HongKong Wendy Jacques CHABIN PETERS (Zéro deConduite)-France,Marine SHAPIRO TAYLOR POPPER GUEDES MITCHELL VERLY (TheCabinetofMariyaGabriel,European CommissionerforDigitalEconomyand Society) (AdvancedImagingSociety)-USA,Jake CAYROL (Creator ofMasterstheSun)-USA,Ernst (HP)-USA,Sarah (StartVR-Creator ofAwake) -USA,Jesse (Stereopsia) -Belgium (FeelXRStudio)-Brazil (Screen International) (AtlasV) - France, Lilia HAVERLAND VAUDE

HOCH (Screen .BrusselsFilmCommission)-Belgium,Maud (Artist&Filmmaker)-France,Soraya HAVERLAND (Guanajuato International FilmFestival)-Mexico,Ash (GuanajuatoInternational SCHNEIDER

ZIM (Screen .BrusselsFilmCommission)-Belgium (SonyPictures) -USA,Thomas (Ciné-LittéProductions) - Germany, Fabienne FREISSINIER

AYALA WEBER (FovrthStudios-Creator ofShe

(Arte)-France (Creator ofMastersthe CONFERENCES JABER VILLEPOUX . (Opuscope& CLAVIER (DV (DV 153