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Senate20.S.Pdf RIOTS, CIVIL AND CRIMINAL DISORDERS HEARINGS BEFORE THE) PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-FIRST CONGRESS FIRST SESSION PURSUANT TO SENATE RESOLUTION 26, 91ST CONGRESS JUNE 26 AND 30, 1969 Part 20 Printed for the use of the Committee on Government Operations U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 27=3&1 O WASHINGTON : 1969 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C . 2002 - Price $1.75 COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, Arkansas, Chairman HENRY M. JACKSON, Washington KARL E. MUNDT, South Dakota SAM J. ERVIN, JR., NorthCarolina JACOB K. JAVITS, New York EDMUND S. MUSKIE, Maine CHARLES H. PERCY, Illinois ABRAHAM RIBICOFF, Connecticut ROBERT P. GRIFFIN, Michigan FRED R. HARRIS, Oklahoma THEODORE F. STEVENS, Alaska LEE, METCALF, Montana EDWARD J. GURNEY, Florida EUGENE MCCARTHY, Minnesota JAMES B. ALLEN, Alabama JAYSe R. CALLowAY, Chief Clerk and Staff Director PERMANENT SIIBCOMMTTTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, Arkansas, Chairman HENRY M. JACKSON, Washington KARL E. MUNDT, South Dakota SAM J. ERVIN, JR., North Carolina JACOB K. JAVITS, New York ABRAHAM RIBICOFF, Connecticut CHARLES H. PERCY, Illinois LEE METCALF, Montana ROBERT P. GRIFFIN, Michigan Jnaoxa S. ADLmRMAN, General 0090869 DONALD F. O'DONNELL, Chief Counsel PHILIP W. MORGAN, Chef Counsel to the Minority RUTH Youmo WATT, Chief Clerk CONTENTS MILITANCY, EXTREMISM, AND VIOLENCE ORGANIZATIONS : Page Bearse, Lt. Lawrence H ., Jr----------------------------------------- 4393 Beatson, Robert J------------------------------------------------- 4175 Courtney, Det. Sgt. Thomas J---------------------------------- 4209, 4271 Grubisic, Sgt. Joseph P-------------------------------------------- 4462 Manuel, Philip R---------------------------------------------- 4175,4427 McCoy, Lt. William R--------------------------------------------- 4348 Olsen, Lt. William L------------------------------------------------ 4434 Reichert, Glenn L------------------------------------------------- 4313 EXHIBITS Introduced Appears on Page on Page 518. Chart-Republic of New Africa, Headquarters-Detroit, Michigan ------------------------------------------ 4176 4176 519. Sixteen page booklet entitled "Now We Have a Nation- The Republic of New Africa-------------------------- 4176 4177 520. An article appearing in the July-August 1964 issue of "The Crusader" Robert F. Williams, publisher in exile--------- 4193 (*) 521. Copy of November 1968 issue of "The Crusader" with an article entitled "On The Republic of New Africa" by Robert F. WiMams, publisher in exile------------------ 4193 4194 522. Document entitled "black Guard Structure and Organiza- tion------------------------------------------------ 4211 4211 523. Indictment by the people of the State of New York against Herman Benjamin Ferguson and Arthur Harris_ _- __ __ _ _ - 4218 (*) 524. Indictment by the people of the State of New York against Milton Ellisetal------------------------------------ 4218 (*) 525. Article from the New York Times June 1968 entitled "Ferguson, guilty, is freed on bail----------------------- 4218 (*) 526. Copy of a publication of the Revolutionary Action Move- ment (RAM) referring to Banjo Billy incident at Jamaica Savings Bank--------------------------------------- 4219 527. RAM publication "World Black Revolution--------------- 4220 (*) 528. Document taken from a publication of RAM "On Organiza- tion of Black Ghetto Youth---------------------------- 4221 4221 529. Copy of "The Crusader" of May-June 1964--------------- 4226 (*) 530. A publication entitled "Black America" published quarterly_ 4226 (*) 531 . Publication entitled "World Black Revolution-------------- 4226 (* ) 532. Publication entitled "Liberator" December 1966----------- 4226 (* ) 533. Cop of the New York-Newark application form for the Back Panther Party--------------------------------- 4232 4232 534. Excerpts from Black anther Newspapers----------------- 4236 (*) 535. Chart--Black Panther Party-State Chapter, New York__ 4241 4241 536. Document entitled "Declaration of Independence"- "-------- 4247 (*) 537. 16 page booklet entitled "Now We Have A Nation-The Republic of New Africa------------------------------ 4247 (*) 538. Document entitled "Birth of Our Nation----------------- 4247 4247 539. Document entitled "We Want Georgia, South Carolina, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama Right Now" _ -- _ _ _ _ 4247 (*) 540. Document entitled "Why Vote Friday larch 21st ."_... .. 4252 4252 541. Article from the New York Times, bctober 18, 1968, en- titled "Why The Board Canceled Summer Camp Pro- gram"__ 4267 (*) 542. Document entitled "Vote for Power and Independence"--- 4267 (*) IV Introduced AppePageare On Page on 543. Copy of a letter dated February 1969 Citizen addressed to Dear and Friend of the Republic of New Africa, signed b Herman Ferguson, Minister of Education, Republic ew Africa of ----------------------------------- 4267 ('~) 544. Document entitled "Ocean Hill-Brownsville Is Plantation"_ Now_-----a 4267 (*) 545. Copy of a paper "The New African" dated April Detroit, 20, 1969, Michigan---------------------------- _______ 4267 (*) 546. Document entitled "Republic of New Africa Papers"_ Working 547A. Document entitled 4267 "Republic of New Africa" 4269 4269 547B . Document entitled "To Build a Nation" the Freedom Corps working papers 548A . A ------------------------------ 4269 (*) SNCC publication entitled "SNCC Rebels With A Cause" relating some activities they have been volved in- in----------------------------------------- 4271 (*) 548B. An article from a SNCC publication entitled "From Freedom High to Black Power: relating activities have been involved they in------------------------------ 4271 (*) 549. Leaflet issued by William Muhammad Hunt "Brooklyn entitled SNCC's Initial Four Point Program" _ _ _ _ __ 4274 4274 550. A copy of a statement by Stokeley Carmichael Swedish press from a interview-_________-------------------- 4278 (* 551. Copy of June 24, 1968 New Left Notes------------------ 552. New York SDS 4303 Regional Newsletter, December 21, 1968__ 4303 553. SDS bimonthly magazine "CAW" published in 1968 February ---------------------------------------------- 4303 (*) 554. Monthly Newsletter printed and distributed by ment for the Move- a Democratic Society----------------------- 4303 (*) 555. Document entitled "The Columbia Statement" September 1968, by Paul Rockwell ----------------------------- 556. SDS New York 4305 (g) regional chapter contact list-------------- 4312 4312 557. Newspaper article entitled "Appeals filed for 39 ousted versity of Denver Uni- Students' 4328 4328 558. Copy of New Left Notes pamphlet on 559. A sabotage----------- 4329 (*) small pamphlet passed out at the University of Colorado entitled "Sabotage" 560. Photograph 4329 of bomb damage in Denver, Colo------------ 4329 (*) 561. Photograph of bomb damage to a gasoline storage Denver, tank in 562. Colo--------------------------------------- 4330 ('~) Photograph of electrical transmission towers that have been bombed-------------------------------------------- 563. Newspaper 4330 article entitled "Significant Date on CY Scene"_ 4331 (*) 564. Copy of a pamphlet called "Sundiata------------- 565. Copy of a 4332 (*) newspaper article entitled "Au Naturel Hailed as Utopia"------------------------------------------- 4332 (*) 566. Copy of newspaper article relating opposition to CALM 567. 4332 M Copyy of a letter to the editor, from the Denver Chronicle, signed by Lauren Watson --- 568. Article ------------------------ 4332 (*) entitled "Incite Riot" by Lauren Watson, from the Black Panther News, October 19, 1968---- _ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ 4332 (*) 569. Document used at the Black Panther Party retreat, land, Calif., Oak- in November 1968------------------------ 4332 4333 570. Articles appearing in the Black Panther News authored the minister by of information --------------------------- 4342 (*) 571. BPP pamphlet entitled "Free Huey 572. Rally" "-------------- 4342 4342 Copy of a newspaper account of a press conference called by the Black Panthers 573. ---------------------------------- 4343 ('~) Photograph of agroup of Black Panthers at a rally of the University of Colorado ------------------------------ 4343 (*) 574. Copy of a law enforcement telegram from Cheyenne, Wyo., stating whereabouts of Marshall Chambers, et al__ 4343 (*) 575. Newspaper account of Black Panther Party members in- volved in a junior high school boycott----------------- 4343 (*) IntroducedAppears on Page on Page 576. .50 caliber bullet, symbol of Black Panther Party member- ship----------------------------------------------- 4344 (*) 577. Report from the State college newspaper on Lauren Watson's speech to class at CSC ------------------------------- 4344 (*) 578. Copy of city and county of Denver model cities program per diem record------------------------------------- 4344 (*) 579. Copy of an interoffice correspondence to Howard K. Phillips, manager of safety and exercise from Lt. L. C. Gebhardt ; subject, model cities program dated July 15, 1968------- 4345 4345 580. Photograph of rifles recovered from the Black Panther Party------- _-------------------------------------- 4347 4347 580A . Chart, Black Panther Party, Colorado ------------------ 4348 4442 581. Document entitled "Duties of the Black Guard------------ 4349 4349 582. Copy of an article which appeared in the Michigan Chronicle, dated March 23, 1968, entitled "Black Government Parley Called----------------------------------------
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