FREE Issue 241 the Diocese of Lancaster The Official Newspaper to any longer. maintain it afford to as they cannot July year this at theendof ‘Brettargh Holt’ to have to close are very sorry St. JohnBosco Sisters of Salesian The ‘Brettargh’ + July 2012 B Brettarghday. Bringapicnicandenjoy beautiful Brettargh as we biditFarewell. Sister Ella celebrate Massat3.00pm. We look forward to welcoming our many friendsonthat Sisters atBrettargh HoltonSunday July 15thfrom 11.00am.BishopCampbell will and sadnessthat we have to close it.There will bean opportunity to jointhe cost of maintainingBrettargh issimply beyond our meanssoitis with great regret particularly valuable apostolate today andhopeto continue itatanother site. The traditional Salesian Family Spirit. We consider this work with Volunteers to bea delivering thisprogramme. Sisters and Volunteers live asonecommunity inour and greatly benefitfrom it.Our Pastoral Leaders cooperate withtheSisters in gramme of formation while atBrettargh the young people receive their own pro- The Team Volunteers of whowork with precious, you are loved”. of themessage:“You are young, you are HoltTeacher of Youth sohe would approve our founder, isknown astheFather and the spiritof theplace. St. JohnBosco, saw alarge banner which epitomized games. Onentering the young people of prayer, reflection, and lots of funand “Time Out”.Theprogramme offered three days Brettargh from allover thenorthof Hundreds of boysandgirlsfrom bothJunior andSenior schoolshave come to In thelast decadeBrettargh hasbeenthe venue for the“Time OutProject” south have enjoyed holidays atthisbeautiful place. Sisters’ residence atBrettargh, young people from our Salesian Housesnorthand 80’s “Youthcall” formation for aspiringSisters andaConference andRetreat Centre. Inthe70’s and Under theauspices of theSalesian Sisters ‘Brettargh Holt’ after they leave sothese visits may nolonger bepossible. always receive a warm welcome -theSisters have noidea who will take over were there from 1941.Many of thepeople bornatBrettargh return to visit and Home staffed by theSisters of theSacred Heartof Jesus andMary. They efore theSalesian Sisters boughttheproperty in1971,it was aMaternity welcomed girlsfrom allover theU.K.andover theforty years of the p13 p9 p5 Inside this month: L’Arche Preston Open To AllConcert Series Introducing YouCat and from even farther away to enjoy draws to a Close has beenahouseof . 2 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + July 2012

EDITORIAL olidays are not a luxury or a grudging concession to will enrich the holiday time and provide true relaxation. Hemployees from hard-done- by employers but an essential dimension of being human. The Bible tells us that Pope Benedict further recommends that ‘we contemplate the taking time to rest after work is holy because we share in the greatness, and admire the beauty, of creation around us, recognising repose of God. We need to rest, just as much as we need air to in it the wonderful presence of the Creator. We need to observe this breathe, water to drink and food to eat. magnificent gift with the same attention Jesus did. He knew how to interpret the language and signs of Creation, which is a gift we must When we rest on Sunday we imitate God who after He created respect, protect and care for, in the name of God, humanity, and Heaven and Earth ‘rested on the seventh day after all the work He future generations.’ had been doing’ (Gen 2:1). Sunday is holy because we share in the repose of our Creator. Finally, we need to apply our ‘intelligence and curiosity to discovering the monuments of the past – witnesses of culture and True holidays are also, like the Sabbath, Holy Days that reveal the faith, examples of our spiritual roots and heritage. Cathedral and image of God within each one of us. The rest we enjoy on holiday abbeys, in particular, are places where beauty helps us feel the can be a foretaste of the divine repose of heaven, which is both presence of God and inspires us to pray for the rest of humanity, rest and celebration. God alone grants us the true repose that on its pilgrimage through the Third Millennium.’ Contact us we seek. The Catholic Voice of Lancaster The thing all four of Pope Benedict’s tips for a good holiday have is published on the last Sunday of the Pope Benedict has given us four tips about how best to attain in common is that the focus is away from self and towards God, month previous to publication date. the rest and recuperation we seek on holiday: His creation and others. If we try to grasp happiness, force having a good time, then happiness and fun will elude us, but if we The Catholic Voice of Lancaster is The Holy Father invites us ‘to use our vacation time in a way that forget ourselves by giving time to God, friends and family then, published by its owners. The Trustees helps renew our relationships with others and with God. Interrupting paradoxically, we will find the repose that we seek. The truth is of the Roman Catholic Diocese of the hectic and frantic pace of daily life, we can take time to dedicate that man only fully finds himself through the sincere gift of Lancaster, a registered charity, ourselves to others and to God.’ himself. This is the key to having a good holiday. (No. 234331), and is wholly independent of and separate from any previous We would also benefit from including a ‘copy of the Sacred Scriptures The editor and editorial team of The Catholic Voice of Lancaster newspaper published by or on behalf in our suitcase.’ According to Pope Benedict such spiritual reading wish all our readers restful holidays in the best sense of the word. of the diocese.

EDITOR: Edwina Gillett BY THE WAY… 01253 736630 / 07969 967268 [email protected] Olympic Flame arrives ADVERTISING: Caroline Gonella / CathCom Ltd. 01223 969506 [email protected]

DESIGN & LAYOUT: Rob Hotchkiss / Hot Creative 01253 730343 [email protected]

PUBLISHED BY: CathCom Ltd. N2 Blois Meadow Business Centre, Blois Road, Steeple Bumpstead, Haverhill, Suffolk CB9 7BN 020 7112 6710 / Articles to: [email protected] Letters to: [email protected] VoiceXtra: [email protected]

Postal Address: FAO Edwina Gillett t was with great pleasure that the Editor of the Catholic ethics-based 99 Commonside, Ansdell, Voice accepted an invitation from BBC Radio breakfast Lytham St. Annes FY8 4DJ I to welcome the historical arrival of the Olympic Flame into programme Lancashire at Chorley Town Hall. and often Please send articles for publication on CD includes guest or by email, supplying any photos separate The atmosphere was electric as thousands of people lined the speakers from to the text (i.e. in jpeg format). Otherwise streets to cheer on the carriers of the Olympic Flame. the Diocese please type double spacing or write very of Lancaster. clearly. Last date for copy is the LAST BBCs Radio Lancashire’s Graham Liver and the Breakfast team Why don’t DAY of the month prior to publication. broadcast live from Chorley on the morning and many people you tune in Photographs will be returned if you milled round the BBC bus for the occasion. In addition the BBC sometime! remember to put your name and address provided a facility whereby people could have their photograph on the back of each and enclose suitable taken with the Olympic Stadium forming a backdrop. stamped and self-addressed packaging. The invitation provided the Editor with the opportunity to meet Aziz Rashid, the BBC’s Head of Regional and Local Programming, North West during which there was time to talk about BBC Radio Lancashire Sunday Breakfast Show presented by Joe Wilson from 6am each Sunday. This is Lancashire's only faith and July 2012 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + 3 The Cracked Pot

water-bearer in India had two unhappy pot spoke to the water-bearer the hill, the cracked pot took notice of the every day, as we have walked back from Alarge pots. Each hung on one day by the stream. beautiful wildflowerson the side of the the stream, you have watered them. For opposite ends of a pole that he path, bright in the sun's glow, and the two years I have been able to pick these carried across his neck. One of the “I am ashamed of myself, and I want to sight cheered it up a bit. beautiful flowers to decorate my master's pots had a crack in it, while the apologise to you,” the pot said. table. other was perfect. The latter always But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad Without you being just the way you are, delivered a full portion of water at “Why?” asked the bearer. “What are you that it had leaked out half its load, and he would not have had this beauty to the end of the long walk from the ashamed of?” “I have been able, for these so again it apologised to the bearer for grace his house.” stream to the master's house. The past two years, to deliver only half my load, its failure. cracked pot arrived only half-full. because this crack in my side causes water A story from India, author unknown. to leak out all the way back to your master's The bearer said to the pot, “Did you notice Extract taken from 'Ruthless Trust' by Every day for a full two years, the house. Because of my flaws, you have to do that there were flowers only on your side of Brennan Manning, Ch10, p133-5. water-bearer delivered only one and a all this work and you don't get full value the path, not on the other pot's side? That half pots of water. The perfect pot was from your efforts,” the pot said. is because I have always known about your proud of its accomplishments, because flaw, and I have taken advantage of it. I it fulfilled magnificently the purpose The water-bearer felt sorry for the old planted seeds on your side of the path, and for which it had been made. But the cracked pot, and in his compassion, he poor cracked pot was ashamed of its said, “As we return to the master's house, I imperfection, miserable that it was want you to notice the beautiful flowers able to accomplish only half of what it along the path.” Indeed, as they went up had been made to do.

After the second year of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, the

double celebration to mark the occasion of the Aretirement of Mrs Rosaline Hoare took place in Saint Mary's School, Harrington, Cumbria where she has been the Mrs Hoare school administrator for the past 37 years. On Wednesday 25 April, Holy Mass was concelebrated by Frs Paul Retires Swarbrick and Paul Harrison in school, followed by a buffet and two days later pupils, staff, governors, parents, friends and family members gathered again for a celebratory assembly, to say farewell to Rosaline.

“Rosaline will be sorely missed by the whole school community” said Catherine Pearson.

Rosaline has served the school loyally and visitors would often comment on her warm welcome when they enter the school. She has seen three generations of pupils come and go from the school, some of whom are grandparents now!

The Catholic Voice wishes Rosaline good health and every blessing in her well earned retirement. Silver Medal

aul Woodhouse and Elizabeth PCavanagh of St Kentigern’s Parish, Blackpool both have been awarded their silver medal from the Guild of St Stephen.

The silver medal is given to those servers who have given over 10 years of service.

Paul began serving in 1990 and was enrolled into the guild the following Easter and Elizabeth began serving in 2000 and was enrolled in 2001. St Stephen, pray for us. 4 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + July 2012

Being a Young Catholic Today like years, I received an email saying that Vincent, 21, Castlerigg Manor I had been accepted to join the team at Castlerigg Manor. I couldn’t have been more thrilled: this was everything and more I had ever hoped for. England had always been the country I had wanted to visit most in the world; never in a million years did I think I would be able to live there for a year, and better still, with other young Catholics. After 2 months of The Google money and visa issues miraculously falling into place perfectly, I was on a ‘Full of Life’ Missionary plane to Manchester with all my (Californian) winter clothes for the year. Chaplaincy at St. Mary’s come from San Diego in California I have now been here for nine months Catholic College, Blackpool Iand in late March of last year I and I still have moments when I can’t randomly Google-searched “How to believe I’m here, living my dream. I know Become a Catholic Missionary”. I hadn’t it sounds like a cliché, but I don’t think thought it through but I knew that I this was my doing at all. God totally ere in the chaplaincy we run a range Since our ‘gaplains’ returned from Ghana, had always wanted to do some kind brought me here. I’ve been completely Hof different events and the students have been writing letters to of missionary work, and I hoped I overwhelmed by the whole experience, activities to engage and encourage our pupils there and we are now working on a would one day be able to go to a first by being in this beautiful country, students. Our team is made up of two Ghana project with the aim of making place like Africa or South America. On but also by all the people I’ve met and full-time staff, one part-time and two links with schools over there. Each May this particular night, all I had wanted the many friends I’ve made. I’ve been gap year chaplains or ‘gaplains’. we run a ‘Mary Group’ with the aim of to do was to read some stories of really surprised and humbled by the encouraging pupils to engage with and missionaries and how they came to faith that the people of Lancaster We run a vibrant SVP group of about 100 understand Mary more deeply. It is hugely be a volunteer in some exotic place Diocese have. In America it’s very rare members for those in Year 10 upwards. successful and the group has started a overseas, something to inspire me that you hear about the Catholic Church They take part in many activities such as project which they hope to present to our and to motivate me to one day to in England. I always thought that the fundraising projects; their latest being TOG (‘Time out with God’) session which is follow my dream to become a Church in England was very quiet and based on the ‘parable of the talents’. Other run every Friday lunch-time. missionary. I had no idea at the time almost insignificant. That sounds projects include volunteering in our that this late-night Google search ridiculous to me now as I have had the local schools, a sleep-out in St Mary’s A lot of our time is taken up with would eventually end up in me opportunity to meet so many Catholics grounds in aid of the ‘Streetlife’ youth mentoring and pastoral care. This is moving from California to Northern on fire, and especially such a large homelessness project, and liturgy and mainly one-to-one but we also run a England to a place I had never heard number of young people. It has been lunches for parish groups. Another of our programme called ‘Rainbows’ for students of before. something really beautiful to witness. It student groups is called ‘Activate’, which is who are suffering from bereavement. seems to me that the young Catholics in primarily aimed at Years 7 and 8. They run Preparation for worship is a key part of our After typing “How to Become a Catholic England have a stronger faith, and a a monthly Fairtrade Café the group has work. Weekly Mass, liturgies for feast days Missionary” into Google, I clicked on the more confident faith than the young played a key role in establishing our and special occasions, staff prayer and first website at the top of the page and Catholics that I know in America. The college as an ‘Eco-school’. The group also opportunities for deepening prayer life are browsed through it. It looked quite sense of community that the young hit the headlines just before Easter when all integral to our ministry, summed up by confusing but as I was browsing the Catholics have over here is something they walked around the college carrying Jesus’s beautiful words in John chapter 10: page all the way at the bottom there that I have never experienced before, buckets of water to raise awareness about ‘I have come that they might have life, life was this little link that said something almost like a special jewel that you don’t CAFOD’s ‘Thirst for Change’ campaign. to the full.’ like “Volunteers needed in the UK”. So I come across very often. I feel so blessed clicked on that link which took me to to have seen all this, and be involved in this other which listed voluntary it, and I don’t think my desire to be a positions. Immediately I thought “This missionary means that I have to be in a is all too good to be true.” Then I found place like South America or Africa. something that really appealed to me (as if living in the UK didn’t already appeal Rather God has called me to do His work to me) and it was for a youth worker, here in Lancaster Diocese by working doing retreat work in this place called with young people every day and inviting “Castlerigg Manor”. That night I applied them into this fruit-filled community to be a Gap Year Volunteer (something I that the young people of the Lancaster had never even heard of before because Diocese have created. This year has been the term doesn’t exist in America) for the a real blessing for me. I have grown so Youth Service. At this stage I still much in my faith and my independence. thought it was all too good to be true, I thank God for this experience and and nothing would come of it. I thought wouldn’t want it any other way. I will I would be lucky if I got an email back, remember this special year for the but at least I had actually applied for rest of my life and will take so much something. knowledge, joy, and confidence back home to California with me to try and Two days later I got an email back build up something of what I have saying that I would be considered, and experienced here in England for the after a long process and what seemed young people in my home diocese. July 2012 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + 5 A New Creation - Family Weekend at Castlerigg

entecost weekend saw Castlerigg adults and the time to be quiet in prayer is a PManor open its doors to families chance we don't get very often, so it is very from across the diocese. Pauline and much appreciated. The Team at Castlerigg is Bill Drake from Ansdell explained that amazing. We celebrated the great feast of the ‘recent Family Weekend gathered Pentecost and the Holy Spirit was certainly children between the ages of one to with us all weekend. I would encourage all fourteen, parents and grandparents. families around the diocese to come and share a family weekend, meet new friends We also had a group from the diocesan and experience this fantastic gift’. Margaret "Faith and Justice" group and a lady came to Johnstone who came all the way from give us a talk about the stars and pointed Scotland loved not ‘having to cook and them out to us in the night sky. On the lighter loved the beautiful context of Castlerigg. side we had a great talent show "Castlerigg's Since returning home, we marvelled at how Got Talent," displaying a whole range of there was not one cross word, not one skills and ages singing, acrobatics, conjuring tantrum among the children. It was all very and musical instruments.’ calm and relaxing and so well organised! The level of care was amazing and the spiritual David Pope from Lytham added, ‘The care was wonderful, inspiring, varied, warm, Family Weekend is a gift from God ! My and gentle. For my husband, who has not family has been joining other families from been confirmed’, Margaret writes, ‘it was all around the diocese for some time now and new and for him the Mass was the highlight we get so much from the weekends. This because it drew everything together. For her particular weekend was centred around eldest son, who is starting to really search, the theme of creation. Where better to the star talk was the best...for her second experience the wonder of creation than in son, the fire alarm, and for the youngest - it the Lake District? To be able to walk and talk was all of it. I don't think I have seen him so with other families and share your family happy before for such a long time. He says stories is fantastic. As adults, being given the he is doing his gap year there so... only 7 opportunity to share our faith with other years till then!’

Introducing ‘YouCat’

his past month, ‘YouCat’, the young to be more deeply rooted in the faith than Tpeople’s Catechism of the Catholic the generation of your parents so that you Church, has reached the rank of the can engage the challenges and temptations best-selling Catholic book in the world. of this time with strength and determination. In the World Youth Day events since the You need God’s help if your faith is not going introduction of the Catechism—Rome, to dry up like a dewdrop in the sun, if you Toronto, Cologne, Sydney—millions of want to resist the blandishments of young people from all over the world consumerism, if your love is not to drown in have come together, young people who pornography, if you are not going to betray want to believe, who are seeking God, the weak and leave the vulnerable helpless”. who love Christ, and who want fellowship on their journey. ‘YouCat’ applies the content of the Catechism of the Catholic Church to a In this context the question began to format intended to engage young people arise: should there not be an attempt to and young adults, in fact everyone. The translate the Catechism of the Catholic format includes questions and answers, Church into the language of young highly-readable commentary, margin people? Should not an attempt be made photos and illustrations, definitions of key to bring its great riches into the world of terms, Bible citations and quotes from the today’s youth? The result was ‘YouCat’. saints and other teachers. How about this one from our very own Pope: “We are not Commenting on its publication in time for some casual and meaningless product the World Youth Day in Madrid this past of evolution. Each of us is the result of a year, Pope Benedict said, “Many people say thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of to me: The youth of today are not interested us is loved, each of us is necessary” (p.38). in this. I disagree: the youth of today are not as superficial as some think. They want to And this one too, from Mother Teresa, know what life is really all about”. “Draw your strength simply from your joy in Jesus. Be happy and peaceful. Accept Addressing young people, Pope Benedict whatever he gives. And give whatever he writes, “You need to know what you believe. takes, with a big smile.” (p.177) And St You need to know your faith with that same Augustine, “Someone who is not tempted is precision with which an IT specialist knows not tested; someone who is not tested makes the inner workings of a computer. You need no progress” (p.286). All great food for to understand it like a good musician knows thought and maybe something to pop into the piece he or she is playing. Yes, you need the basket for the upcoming Year of Faith. 6 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + July 2012 Fr. Tad Pacholczyk - MAKING SENSE OUT OF BIOETHICS

n a 1999 study published in the sense of being a passive and unwilling IJournal of the American Medical participant in his own suffering and death. Association, patients with serious illness He was in control. He emphasised, with were asked to identify what was most otherworldly authority, that, “nobody takes important to them during the dying my life from me: I lay it down, and I take it process. Many indicated they wanted up again.” to achieve a “sense of control.” This is understandable. Most of us fear our Yet we see that his life was, in fact, taken powerlessness in the face of illness from him by those various individuals and and death. We would like to retain an groups who plotted his death and sought element of control, even though we his execution. His life was taken from him realise that dying often involves the by evil men, even though, paradoxically, very opposite: a total loss of control, nobody took his life from him, because over our muscles, our emotions, our nobody had power over his being, unless minds, our bowels and our very lives, granted from above. as our human framework succumbs to powerful disintegrative forces. We experience a similar paradox in our own deaths: while it may seem that our Even when those disintegrative forces life is being taken from us through the evil become extreme and our suffering may of a particular ailment or the ravages of seem overwhelming, however, a singularly a particular disease, we can reply that important spiritual journey always nothing takes away our life, because remains open for us. This path is a “road nothing has power over our being, except less traveled,” a path that, unexpectedly, what is ordained from above. In his enables us to achieve genuine control in providence and omniscience, years before the face of death. The hallmark of this the fact, God already knows and foresees path is the personal decision to accept our that unique confluence of events that will sufferings, actively laying down our life constitute our death, whether it be by on behalf of others by embracing the stroke or cardiac arrest, liver failure or particular kind of death God has ordained Alzheimers, or any other means. By for us, patterning our choice on the choice spiritually embracing in God that specific consciously made by Jesus Christ. path to death, our freedom is elevated to new heights; indeed, we “achieve control” When asked about the “why” of human in the most important way possible, suffering, Pope John Paul II once stated, through willed surrender and radical gift with piercing simplicity, that the answer in our innermost depths. has “been given by God to man in the cross of Jesus Christ.” He stressed that Jesus went toward his own suffering, “aware of its saving power.” The Pope also observed ...Jesus charted‘ the path of that in some way, each of us is called to love-driven sacrifice, choosing “share in that suffering through which the Redemption was accomplished.” He to lay down his life for his concluded that through his only-begotten friends. He was no mere victim Son, God “has confirmed His desire to act in the sense of being a passive especially through suffering, which is man's weakness and emptying of self, and He and unwilling participant... wishes to make His power known precisely in He was in control. this weakness and emptying of self.” The Holy Father echoes St. Paul's famous passage: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Jesus foresaw that his’ greatest work lay ahead as he ascended Calvary to embrace his own powerlessness and self-emptying. Although we may feel condemned to our My grace is“ sufficient for powerlessness as we receive help from others in our sickness, and although we you, for my power is made may feel supremely useless as we are perfect in weakness. “nailed” to our hospital bed, our active, inward embrace of the cross unleashes important graces for ourselves and others, and reveals a refulgent light beyond the The greatest possibility” we have for obscurity of every suffering. Jesus' radical achieving control, then, is to align embracing of his Passion - and our radical ourselves in our suffering and weakness embracing of our own - marks the with God and his redemptive designs. supreme moment of a person who This oblation of radically embracing our achieves control over his or her destiny Powerlessness, particular path to death, actively offered through immersion into the hope-filled on behalf of others and in union with and redemptive designs of God. Christ, manifests our concern for the spiritual welfare of others, especially our or the Hidden friends and those closest to us. We are Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. earned his inwardly marked by a profound need to doctorate in neuroscience from Yale and sacrifice and give of ourselves, a need that did post-doctoral work at Harvard. He is a priest of the diocese of Power in Our manifests our inner capacity to love and Fall River, MA, and be loved. serves as the Director of Education at The As no one had ever done before, Jesus Suffering? National Catholic charted the path of love-driven sacrifice, Bioethics Center. See choosing to lay down his life for his friends. He was no mere victim in the Bioethics July 2012 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + 7

Dear Editor

The world today stands in great need of purification so evident by the immorality and disbelief in God that is spreading rapidly throughout the nations.

What hope is there for His little ones who are immersed in this present culture of sex, greed and violence? Surely the Church of God is that hope.

Let we then, its’ members, take up the battle cry of St Michael – ‘Who is like to God’ and offer up morning and night that prayer for his protection given to us by Pope Leo XIII after our Blessed Lord had revealed to him the increasing confrontation Your letters between Satan and the Church. How to send us Sincerely, your letters: Deacon John Kennedy, Whitehaven Write to: The Editor, Saint Michael the Archangel 99, Commonside, Ansdell, Defend us in battle Lytham St. Annes, FY8 4DJ. Be our protection against the wickedness Email to: and snares of the devil; [email protected]

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; • Please keep your letters concise And do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, (max 300 words), • Include your full name and address By the power of God, • Letters should not include any personal criticism or attacks thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits • The editor reserves the right to: - amend or shorten letters or to Who wander through the world refuse to publish them (no correspondence to discuss decisions or the ruin of souls. taken will be entered into) - publish a response if deemed Amen appropriate

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wo years ago Sean walked the Twell-known ‘Camino’ trail from Jean Pied-du-Port in the foothills of the “I will walk French Pyrenees, through to Santiago De Compostela for the international charity, which takes thousands of 500 miles children with disabilities or special needs on pilgrimage holidays to Lourdes.

and I will This year, he will re-visit the famous Camino trail but this time including a strenuous trek across the UK and walk 1000 Northern France before reaching the start of the trail at Jean Pied-du-Port, France. In the first section of his walk he will pass more…” through Stone close to his home-town of Stoke before taking countryside routes around Manchester and Birmingham. On his journey further south he will make his way through Oxford, before taking the ferry from Portsmouth over to France (not 50 Years a Catenian even he can walk on water!) From here, Sean will navigate his way to Jean rother Mike Gough was presented Father with the words ‘this is for you Dad!’ Pied-du-Port where he will face perhaps Bwith his 50 years Scroll at Preston amid tumultuous applause. the most challenging section of the & District Catenian Circle 144's by The Camino – walking over the French Grand President Tony Godden. Mike was Preston & District Circle Pyrenees. President in 1973 and served as Provincial On acceptance of his Scroll Mike gave Councillor from 1977-80, and held offices Sean is walking for around 11 hours brothers and their wives a flavour of his as Registrar, Marshall and Catena starting each day at 6.30am, stopping family life from early years to adulthood Correspondent. He has been a keen only once at around 1pm for lunch and and finished with a very moving tribute to member of the Catenian Caravan Fellowship finally resting at 6pm in any hotel or hostel his late father and his time as a Catenian, for many years, having travelled abroad Cardinal Newman College he manages to find along the way. He will finally dedicating his scroll to his late extensively with his wife Norma. football coach Sean finish his journey by 19th July in Santiago Haslegrave is taking the after leaving Preston on 17th May. walk of a lifetime this summer If you would like to donate or would like for the HCPT: The Pilgrimage more information of Sean’s unbelievable Trust, as he is set to trek charitable walk, please visit across 1500 miles of Europe over two months – on his own! sean-haslegrave-charitywalker And of course, if you see him en route (most likely wearing a Celtic shirt) please give him a wave!


eacon Bill Kirkley, members of the the Parish of Our Lady and St Wilfrid, DLegion of Mary and some of the Warwick Bridge at the statue of Our younger members of the congregation Lady of the Wayside in the grounds of St Ninian's Church in Brampton, in where they crown her with flowers.

Team St Anthony’s

hanks to the generosity of the There is still a little money to come in. Tparishioners of St. Anthony's, You can check the actual total on Preston, their friends and families, ‘Team St. Anthony's’ has raised over The Just Giving page will remain open for £500 for CAFOD's water appeal. a while for donations. Peter Towers July 2012 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + 9 Open to All a series of concerts from Monday 16th – Saturday 21st July.

he well known names of Luke Donald, Tiger Woods, Lee TWestwood and Rory Mcllroy will tread the fairways at Royal Lytham & St Annes Golf Club hoping to add their name to the famous Claret Jug. And thousands of people will pour into the town to support them and the other competitors.

But what happens when the sun goes down and the players head back to their hotels for a good meal and night’s sleep before tackling the course again the next day?

Well, visitors, as well as locals, are being offered the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of musical performances over the course of the Golf Open week. Jazz, folk, community choirs and gospel music will all feature in the series with the highlight of the week being the BBC Symphony Orchestra Players.

Mary Whittle, one of the organisers, explains “The Concert Series is a joint venture between the CAFOD groups at Our Lady Star of the Sea, St Annes and St Joseph’s, Ansdell. The two churches are the venues for the concerts and both churches are within walking distance of Royal Lytham & St Annes Golf Club. As well as enjoying some marvellous and varied music, people will also have the chance to visit two of our lovely churches”. Profits from the concerts will be shared between CAFOD, the church venues and the performers. Some performers are donating their fees to CAFOD and others are performing for expenses only.

Further information about the concerts and ticket sales can be found at A booking form can be downloaded from this website. Bookings can also be made at Lowther Pavilion in Lytham in person, on their website or by phoning 01253 794221. During the week of the Open Golf, bookings can also be made at the blue roofed glass dome situated outside WH Smiths in St Annes Square between 9am and 5pm and outside the respective churches in the hour before each performance. 10 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + July 2012 Fr.Diocese TadAround Pacholczyk the - MAKING SENSE OUT OF BIOETHICS

Divine Providence L’Arche Communities are places where people can take time to explore who they are, not just what they can do. They are places of welcome – Testimony by David Prescott where people are transformed by an intense experience of community life, relationship, disability and difference. To find out more about our life and how you can be part of our community in Preston contact: Brian Kelly, Community Leader, 71 ne Saturday afternoon, I was taking my dog, Max, for his it was 2.35pm. And I saw people entering it, so I thought I’d go in Road, Preston, PR1 1LB 01772 251113 or [email protected] Owalk along the route I normally took, down Fox Lane, and see what was going on? There were lots of people there, and when I was approached by someone on the ‘square’ at the priests seated on chairs in the side chapels. I decided to go into Cross in Leyland, offering me a leaflet with the face of Christ the priest who was situated in Our Lady's Chapel, and then asked on it and a prayer on the reverse side, and so I ‘popped’ it in him if I may have a chat with him and if it were possible, to hear my jacket thinking: “I'll read it later”. When I got home, I did my Confession – it has been 36 years since I was in Church. He just that; I had never seen a picture of Christ like this one, nor agreed and kindly heard my Confession, from which I felt so free the prayer on the reverse, but I realised what a lovely prayer it from the heavy burden that I must have been carrying for all was and began to say it each day when I walked with Max, past those years. St Mary’s on my way back home. Each time I passed, I had a strong feeling of being detached from the Church – because I I felt I had come home, and still today ask the Holy Spirit to guide was struggling with Vatican II, I had become lapsed – although me and walk with me each day. The next stage of the ‘event’ was I still said my prayers and still had my devotion to our Blessed the Service, of which I was handed a programme for the ‘Divine Mother through the Rosary, as I was a member of the Legion Mercy’. I looked at the picture and thought to myself: “I have seen of Mary. I felt if I was to go into the church, I would be a this picture before”, and getting the picture of the face of Jesus hypocrite going back to Mass. from my coat pocket, I realised that they were, in fact, one and the same. I was so overcome to think of the timing of the events, I enjoyed going to the Fox Lane Cricket Club, for the cricket and from the handing me the leaflet in the Square, that day, then to also for the social side, so each Saturday afternoon, I would me stumbling into the Divine Mercy Day Service. I knew it was go down and have a blackcurrant juice (due to me being an Divine Providence. alcoholic) and to mix with people – other than the socialising I would do when walking my dog. Unfortunately, Max died I am slowly learning to live with the changes and try and keep an shortly after that day I was given the leaflet – and this left me open mind, but most importantly, I feel fully back with God at my very ‘empty’. side, where I once belonged, especially each time I receive Him in Holy Communion. One bright Sunday afternoon, I was feeling low, missing Max, and so I decided to go along to the Cricket Club. It was ‘empty’, so I The reason I wanted to share with you this amazing episode had my blackcurrant juice and still felt bored and ‘fed up’. It is in my life, is because it may be of help to others who are hard when you have been used to drinking and socialising along experiencing difficulties with changes in the ways of the Church, with everyone. Well, I thought I may as well make my way home, or even with alcoholism. If you keep that chat-line open to and as I came out of the Club, I was going to go the route I would Heaven, then He will do the rest and work wonders in your life – normally have done, but for some reason, I guessed it was all in His own good time. because I was feeling melancholy – I thought I’d go the way I walked the dog past the church. When I approached the Church JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU David Prescott Dive into My Sacred Heart

My faith has been for a lifetime on the and hear My voice there, Yes, Lord I am ready to trust surface of the ocean, “This is like My love” You say, You completely,

I have been swimming on the surface On the surface you cannot see And as I slowly descend, Your beauty afraid to dive under the water, the beauty beneath, and peace surround me,

Staying in the shallows always able to Many noises distract me, It is everything You promised and more, stand in the sand when afraid. people disturb my peace, I can see so much more, feel so much and the silence is so beautiful, Yet, You Lord call me to be strong, Yet I feel you say to me N.D. “Let yourself come to Me”, My faith is richer for seeing your woodland management-landscapes and trades To have courage, to love Your Son Jesus, majesty under the sea, Based in Kendal, covering all areas in Lancaster Diocese To have faith and trust in You alone, Trust Me – Dive into my Sacred Heart, Fully qualified and insured All aspects of tree surgery undertaken for there you will see so much beauty, As I dive deeper into Your Sacred Heart, (tree felling, pruning, crown reduction, “Dive deep and trust Me” you say, I surrender my heart and soul to You, thinning, sectional felling, windblown/damaged trees) like the colours of the coral and firewood available “Behold the beauty under the waves, my beautiful creations, Never again will I swim in the shallows, Nik: 07768321446 listen to the silence, My faith now needs the deepest oceans, Come and place your Trust in Me, Diego: 07900616880 which is only in the depths, Where You Lord are to be found Trust Me and listen to the silence “Fill your soul with true faith and love” in all Your wonder. A follower of Jesus July 2012 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + 11 DioceseAround the

Bring Flowers of the Rarest

aturday 5th May 2012 – a very special date on the we crown thee with blossoms today…………..” Marie and I laid our Scalendar. Men would say; “Oh yes, FA Cup Final Day”. But blossoms in front of the statue. something far more special was happening at St. Mary’s Church at Fernyhalgh - the crowning of Our Lady. Following the special moment of the crowning by Fr. Tom at St Mary’s, the whole congregation processed the ¼ mile to When Fr. Tom Hoole first mooted the idea of holding the Ladyewell Shrine – saying the rosary along the way. ceremony as something special for Preston Guild Year, I immediately contacted my old school friend Marie Cuerden to After lunch benediction was celebrated in the Martyrs Chapel – Martin's see if she would be interested to join in on that day. Fr. Tom was a fitting end to a very special day. The parting shot from Fr. Tom The Funeral Directors 188, Tulketh Brow, Ashton-on-Ribble, Preston inviting anyone who, in the past, had: crowned Our Lady, been was, “Are you all coming back next year?” A hearty “Yes” was the 1, Stonebridge Parade, Preston Road, Longridge handmaids or carried the crown. We qualified as handmaids. reply! And so we will with God’s grace. And let us hope other Tel. 01772-733007 or 01772-782121 Marie was as enthusiastic as I was and in the diary the date went. churches will follow Fr. Tom’s example and restore the wonderful Proprietor W. Martin Wootton Crowning of Our Lady in May. Anne Swarbrick Dedicated and Blessed Chapels of Rest So 5th May arrived – fine and beautiful - and we joined St. Mary’s Golden Charter Pre-Paid Funeral Plans congregation at 12 noon for the mass. The church was packed. The complete funeral service People had come from far and wide to honour Our Blessed Lady. from a private family owned and run firm We sang with gusto, some of the old beautiful hymns to Our Lady – resulting in lumps in the throats for Marie and me – and by the time “Bring Flowers of the Fairest” started we were both practically in tears!

The years rolled back – 63 in all! – and there we were side by side once again waiting in the porch at St. Gregory’s for the procession to begin. Dozens of little girls in white dresses and veils – little boys in white shirts and ties – with the wonderful scent of spring flowerspervading the whole atmosphere.

There, in 1949, we processed to Our Lady’s statue – which had been duly crowned by Eileen Healey – and at the third “Oh Mary

St Clare’s celebrate Preston Guild

012 is an exciting year for our Parish and the town. Hodova over for Guild week in September and they will take part 2Preston is celebrating the Guild, which is a major event in in the Ecumenical Procession on Monday 3rd with us. “I am the Preston every twenty years. Here in St Clare’s Parish we are Bread of Life” is our theme for the Procession and we are working busily preparing for our next Preston Guild events. with the United Reform Church preparing our floats.

During the last three years St Clare’s Preston and our local We also have a Flower Festival with the themes “I am the Bread of schools have been helping the people living in a Settlement in Life” and “One World”. The Flower Festival will be held for three Hodova in Bosnia. We are bringing a small group of children from days in our Church from Friday 6th July to Sunday 8th July. 12 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + July 2012 Being a Parent Today: Children, Faith and Family Life Launch of new publication to support Catholic parenting skills

n London in May there was an evening of drama from the Speaking on behalf of Ten Ten Theatre, Martin O’Brien explained ICatholic theatre company, Ten Ten, to mark the beginning of how the booklets will be distributed: their project to give away 10,000 copies of their new booklet, Being a Parent Today, published in partnership with Each day, we visit schools with our plays and workshops which Singing the Catholic Truth Society. aim to help children understand more deeply the beauty of the Church’s vision for life and relationships. As part of the visit, we The drama performances included scenes from three plays that also run sessions for parents to share the vision of the work and Friar the company performs for children in schools across the UK, provide an opportunity for discussion and sharing. By giving mixing humour with a strong Christian message, against a this beautiful booklet as a gift to all parents who attend our backdrop of everyday situations in families and between friends. sessions, we hope that it make the experience even more meaningful. The performance was followed by the presentation of the nglish Martyrs Parish , Poulton le booklet by the company's director, Martin O'Brien, the booklet's Fergal Martin of the CTS said: ‘The CTS is very proud to be part of EFylde celebrate their Golden Jubilee editor Fr Stephen Wang, and Simone Finaldi from the CTS. this initiative. It is a fantastic new way for us to move forward in our in September. In preparation they are mission to support Catholic families, children and young people. As inviting Fr Francis OFM to offer a Fr Wang, editor, said that the booklet had been three years in the Ten Ten’s great plays demonstrate, young people’s lives are full of Mission of Talks and d Refelctions from making. “Ten Ten have been working with parents for a number of incredible challenges and opportunities; with this booklet we hope to Sunday July1st to Sunday July 8th. years, and there was a growing desire to give them some extra provide a valuable resource to help in answering God’s call to love support and resources; not to provide a manual or a rule book, but and support the children he gives to us.’ Father Francis is a Capuchin Friar living something that would help them reflect on their own lives as and working in Chester. He is also known parents, and learn from the wisdom and experience of other parents. What the booklets are about as the “Singing Friar” and has raised I was asked to edit the booklet, so I put a simple question to various In straightforward language, this booklet deals with topics such money for charity over the years with his mothers and fathers I know, and some priests and teachers I have as spending time together, listening, discipline, forgiveness, singing, often in shopping centres and in worked with: if you met some young parents starting out, what prayer, school, Sunday Mass, sex education, the internet, family malls. He contributes weekly articles to a would you say to encourage them? It's another way of asking: what celebrations, and much more. As well as helping individual local newspaper and also writes for a do you wish someone had said to you when you were a new parent? families, it should prove invaluable for parishes and schools that Catholic magazine. A good deal of Father are looking for resources to share with parents. Francis’s time is spent travelling the This new booklet is their responses: some very practical, some quite on Missions in parishes. profound, some a little bit quirky and fun. We hope it will reach a lot Copies of the booklet are available to purchase from CTS: Fr John Collins of families. The reaction from parents so far has been very positive.” or call 020 7640 0042.

n Saturday 12 May St Vincent de Paul members gathered ENGLISH MARTYRS’ Oat a special SVP Renewal Meeting at St Walburge’s R.C. CHURCH Preston. They were welcomed by Peter Smith, Sr Maria Parcher 154 High Cross road, DC, from Manchester, Elizabeth Palmer from London and Mrs Poulton FY6 8DA Mary Abel from Yorkshire. Parish Mission Sr Maria started the day with spiritual direction for SVP members Saturday 30th June – Sunday 8th July 2012 and a presentation followed on the present work of the SVP with throughout the UK. Father Francis, O.F.M. CAP ‘The Singing Friar’ SVP It was wonderful to hear about what is being done nationally and Father Francis will preach at each weekend and daily Mass during locally by our many conferences such as visiting the sick at home the week of the Mission. Mass times are: and in hospital, visiting the lonely and the housebound. Some Each Saturday 6.00pm Renewal Day SVP conferences also help the homeless, people in need of Each Sunday 10.00am financial support and asylum seekers. Each weekday 10.00am and 7.00pm

Services and Themes The SVP would really like to hear from people, young and old, Father Francis will introduce the Mission at the weekend Masses ‘I needed clothes and you who feel they may have some spare hours in the week, where on: they could use their gifts and talents for the good of the local • Saturday 30th June at 6.00pm, and clothed me, I was sick and • Sunday 1st July at 10.00am. community. SVP members meet regularly and support each you looked after me, I was other in prayer and fellowship but we are always looking for new Date Morning Mass 10.00am Evening Mass 7.00pm members who can renew and refresh us in our work. If you think Monday 2nd July The real reason why I go to confession and in prison and you came Jesus became Man I get no better this may be you, please ring Mr Tony Rowland on 01772 774968, (Matthew 25:36) to find out more about the work we do. Tuesday 3rd July Mary’s role in How do I pray? to visit me' our redemption Wednesday 4th July The Holy Spirit – the The Holy Mass, our forgotten Person of the greatest act of love Blessed Trinity Thursday 5th July Praying the Rosary The Person of Jesus Titanic hero Father Thomas Byles Friday 6th July Devotion to the Holy Souls Christian Marriage and Family Life memorial plaque has been unveiled to honour of a Aformer pupil of , at a memorial Saturday 7th July Anointing the Sick Father Francis in Concert’ (after Mass) service led by Bishop Campbell. Fr Thomas Byles had Sunday 8th July Renewal of Baptismal Promises and a Papal Blessing attended Rossall School in the 1880s before being ordained a priest in 1904 and later serving as a parish priest in Essex. Confessions will be heard after each morning Mass and before and after each evening Mass. Fr Byles went down with the Titanic 100 years ago. Refusing to Tea and coffee will be served in the Parish Hall, next to the Church, after each Mass. leave the stricken ship Fr Byles instead stayed and said prayers with fellow passengers on the stern of the ship moments All are welcome before it sank in April 1912. July 2012 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + 13 L’Arche Preston

here was great excitement in the L’Arche community in Preston when it Tlaunched its Opening Doors – Building Lives capital appeal to raise £150,000 on 26th May. The community is working towards the conversion of the English Martyrs Presbytery, Preston into flats that can support up to six adults with learning disabilities and also provide accommodation for assistants. £350,000 has already been raised including a contribution of £150,000 from the parish of English Martyrs. Ask the question... We were joined by the Guild Mayor and Mayoress, local councillors as well as seventy people who were keen to find out more about the project and L’Arche. The afternoon Experience was greatly enhanced by the singing from the One Voice Community Choir. the answer.

There has been a L’Arche community in Preston since 1998 and since then there has In a world that been a real desire for the community grow so that more people may be welcomed to places such value share life together. Today six adults with learning disabilities live in our community on success and house in Preston. They are supported by a number of assistants who live in the house winning, L’Arche communities and many others who are closely involved in the community in many different ways support people in employment or in a voluntary capacity. From our house on Moor Park Avenue with learning people are supported to be part of their local community through accessing local disabilities to colleges, volunteering in local organisations, using leisure facilities, membership of reach their local churches and other groups. full potential.

L’Arche is not primarily a provider of support to adults with learning disabilities although it is registered with the Care Quality Commission in England and is a preferred provider with Lancashire County Council. We take very seriously our responsibilities as a public funded organisation and ensure that the quality of our support is to the highest possible standards that ensure that people with learning disabilities have a rich, fulfilled and secure life.

L’Arche communities are communities of faith that invite people of all faiths and none to share life together. Some people come to L’Arche for short periods; others make long term commitments to the community. Some people live in L’Arche houses others make their commitment through being close to the community and joining for gatherings, prayer and liturgy, celebrations and supporting the work of the community. Sharing Talents and Bringing Joy In 1964 Jean Vanier founded the first L’Arche community in a small village in arlier this year two of Our Lady’s northern France when he began living with Philippe and Raphael. It was never his School, Lancaster, finest singers, intention to found a worldwide movement which has grown to more than 130 E Sophie Gudgeon and Caitlin Bibby sang communities in 35 countries on five continents. Jean Vanier wanted to simply live a beautiful arrangement of popular with these two men with disabilities. But God intervened and L’Arche was born. songs for the residents of Nazareth Jean Vanier discovered in Philippe and Raphael a real gift from God, a gift that was House, Lancaster. to transform his life and the lives of countless others who have come to L’Arche. The event was to celebrate the 110th the girls and said it brought back many At the heart of L’Arche are mutual relationships. The hallmark of a L’Arche anniversary of Nazareth House as a happy memories of his performances in community is the quality of welcome, joy and celebration, acceptance of the nursing home caring for the elderly. We The Amateur Dramatics Society! unique gift of each person. In L’Arche we believe that everyone is gifted, we are received a delightful letter and telephone also wounded and vulnerable but each of us can become a channel of each other’s call thanking our pupils for the wonderful Well done Sophie and Caitlin for sharing healing and growth. If you want to find out more about L’Arche please contact contribution they made to the occasion. your musical talents so willingly and Brian Kelly, Community Leader, L’Arche Preston, 71 Garstang Road, Preston, The residents loved the music and bringing such joy to other members of PR1 1LB, telephone 01772251113 or email [email protected] joined in and sang along with the well our local community. known numbers. One gentleman thanked Mrs Pendlebury, Head of Music

COME PRAY WITH US AT THE CARLISLE Carmelite DAY A Day Of Prayer And Community In The Carmelite Tradition For Carmelites and Non-Carmelites

SATURDAY, 15th SEPTEMBER, 2012 10.30am - 5pm We are not just St.Bede’s Church, 120 Wigton Rd., Carlisle, CA2 7ES accountants - we THE SOUND OF are here to help you SILENCE with all family & Mary ‘pondered all these things in her heart’: Luke 2:51

business matters. Programme Statutory Audits, Accounts Preparation, Tax Planning, 10.30 am Refreshments in church hall Advice and Compliance, Payroll, VAT and Book-keeping 11.00 am Assemble in church Services, Management Accounts, Business Planning & 11.15 am Gathering Service Financial Projections, Family Tax Planning, Retirement 12.45 pm Lunch in church hall - please bring packed lunch Planning, Inheritance Tax advice 1.45 pm Talk on ‘The Sound of Silence’: Please support our Fr. Richard Copsey, O.Carm. 89 Marsden Road, 3.00 pm Mass - Celebrant: Fr.Richard Copsey, O.Carm. Blackpool, FY4 3BY - followed at advertisers that T: 01253 405 125 4.00 pm by refreshments and Talk in church hall F: 01253 341 561 Tax There will be an opportunity after lunch for those wishing to enrol support the Planning in the Brown Scapular to do so. VAT Payroll If it’s on your Everyone welcome - no need to book. Catholic Voice of Retirement For further information please contact: Planning mind … it’s Inheritance John or Patricia Wilson, 9 The Ridge, Eastriggs, Tax advice our business Annan, Dumfriesshire, DG12 6NR. Lancaster Book-Keeping Tel: 01461-40434 or Email: [email protected] 14 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + July 2012

n July 5th I will have been ordained of people I've met in the five parishes I've Opriest for fifteen years. It only been in I know that the observation made The Joy of seems like yesterday that I was still at by that Friar was correct. Understanding, the Beda College in Rome where I did empathy and compassion are only truly my training. possible to offer if we ourselves have the Priesthood had need of it in the first place in some As I prepared to leave in 1997 I asked my situation akin to those to whom we Spiritual Director, a Francisan Friar, if at minister. I have had cause for many great Fr Andrew Broster the age of forty-four a lot of years had happy moments in my life, along with been wasted knowing that many men are great sorrows. These past fifteen years ordained at twenty-five. He said it wasn't have been by far the best of my life. God Ordained: 5th July 1997 the number of year's possible ministry does work in mysterious ways! that was the issue it was more that God Currently: Parish Priest knew I would be able to call on my life's experience to help me as a priest. of Maryport and Silloth When I look back and recall the hundreds

The Sacrament of Matrimony Brothers in Service “You British you love your neat and tidy gardens with their well trimmed borders but the Lord, he creates Jungles!”

here are few situations in which this is the author of marriage. Authentic Tquotation rings more true than that married love is caught up into divine love ichard, Matthew and Jamie Poole are enrolled into the Guild of St Stephen. Also of our present one in regard to marriage and is a sign of the love Christ, the Spouse, Rbrothers and were all baptised, Thank you to each one of the Altar and family life. The Church teaches the has for his Bride the Church. received their first Holy Communion and Servers’ Bella Fulton, Cameron Glaister, importance of fidelity and stability on are Altar Servers at Our Lady Star of the Alex Glaister, James Montgomery, marriage as a sure foundation for the In marriage the couple bear witness to the Sea and St Michael’s (OLSM) in Workington. Matthew Poole, Richard Poole, Ben Scott, upbringing of children. Nevertheless fidelity of Christ who laid down His life for Robson Scott, Robert Smith and Bailey almost every day as a priest working in a His Church. They keep alive in our world All started serving at the age of seven and Younghusband-Mawson who give of their parish, I encounter the jungle of tangled the ‘rumour’ of God’s love, a love which by Richard is now 21, Matthew 17 and Jamie time to serve at the Altar of the Lord each and broken relationships. its very nature is sacrificial, creative and 10. Jamie could not wait for the day when week and when needed. They are a credit fruitful. he could become an Altar Server and follow to the parish and a big thank you to all the Consequently the priest and indeed the In the footsteps of his two big brothers. parents who support them in their role. Church is presented with a sensitive and This points directly to that other Congratulations to Jamie Poole on being Paul Briers, Master of Ceremonies difficult balancing act. That of respecting important purpose of marriage. Marriage the realities of peoples’ lives and showing exists for the good not only of the couple compassion when relationships have but also of the children. The Vatican broken down, whilst at the same time Council continues: A stunning retirement community upholding the Church’s teaching on marriage and its permanence. Fewer and “By its very nature the institution of set on the edge of the Ribble Valley fewer people in society seem to have an marriage and married love is ordered to understanding of the rich and profound the procreation and education of the off Catholic vision of marriage. Many couples spring and it is in them that it finds its The next phase of this success story is now are distracted from what is at the heart crowning glory.” well underway. Book your village tour today of the ceremony by a disproportionate emphasis on having their ‘perfect day’ and Yes the Lord created jungles but they are all the expense and energy that this dangerous places. Our society has become involves; wedding dresses, receptions and a place fraught with dangers for the well honeymoons etc. In saying this I do not being of its members, especially its most intend to be a kill joy, far from it. I am all in vulnerable, our young. If I am honest I am favour of a joyful celebration, it is simply a much more at home in a beautiful English question of balance. garden. In the account of creation the Lord, the Spirit hovered over the waters Often marriage is reduced to little more bringing order out of chaos. In creating than a contract between two parties with marriage God is seeking to provide us a bit of religion added on. It is just such an with the order and stability in society impoverished view that has led politicians which enables both parents and children to propose the idea that marriage be to flourish, to find security and happiness. made available to same sex couples. Such Located at Beardwood in Lancashire, these elegant one and a proposal utterly fails to grasp the The marriage ceremony begins with the two-bedroom apartments and bungalows are situated in the Catholic understanding of the sacrament. words: delightful wooded grounds of the former Nazareth House. The Second Vatican Council presents this Village leisure facilities include lounge, restaurant, bar, coffee shop, hairdressing salon, games room, activities room, wonderfully in its Decree on the Church in “Father you have made the bond of minibus, cinema and visiting GP’s surgery. the Modern World. In paragraph 48 we marriage a holy mystery.” A daily Mass is celebrated in the Chapel, which is always read: open for quiet reflection; spiritual support is provided by a priest and visiting Sister. The vocation to marriage is a noble and Available support services include handyman, domestic Nazareth “The intimate partnership of life and the love sacred mystery, entrusted to us by the cleaning, laundry, 24hr emergency response and personal Retirement which constitutes the married state has been creator from the beginning out of love. Yes care. Villages established by the creator...for the good of it is a high ideal but one that is attainable Selected properties are available for purchase or rent. the partners, of the children and of society. through God’s grace. Whilst always One month trial period and ‘Try before you buy’ schemes are also offered. This sacred bond no longer depends on showing understanding and compassion human decision making alone. For God for those who suffer when the ideal falls Prices from: £115,000 himself is the author of marriage.” short we as a Church must uphold this Telephone: 01254 677926 Catholic vision of marriage not just for to arrange your village tour Larmenier In refusing to support same sex marriage our own sake but for the sake of the whole Village the Church is not being homophobic, She of society and above all for the sake of is simply remaining faithful to God for He our children. Rev Emmanuel Gribben July 2012 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + 15

t is not long now before the end of term and the summer Iholiday. And this means a change. A change in the clothes we wear and a change to our routine.

There will be more time to play and explore or even take up a new hobby. And there will be the Olympic Games to enjoy as well as possibly a holiday away with our family. Wouldn't it be a good idea then amongst all these activities to stop and say thank you to God for everything He has given to us. You can pray at any time, when you get up in the morning, when you are on your way to meet your friends, when you are playing or when you are going to bed.

You can pray out loud or silently. You can pray sitting down, standing up, kneeling down or lying down in bed. So this summer holiday just stop for a moment now and then and remember to say thank you to God.

“Dear God, I’ve had a super day with my friends, thank you” “Dear God, thank you for the lovely morning, the sun is shining and the birds are singing, help me to have a good day” “Dear God, things haven’t gone very well for me today, I misbehaved once or twice, please help me to do better tomorrow” “Dear God, my family is setting off on our holidays soon, please take care of us and help us to enjoy ourselves”

And don’t forget the best pray of all is going to Mass on Sunday and sharing the celebration with your parish family. Happy Holiday Happy

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Care and Support as you need it, when you need it. Personal care plus light domestic duties such as shopping and cleaning Call 01524 402340 The Lighouthouse Centre, 1 Townley Street, Morecambe LA4 5JQ, County Care Services Ltd (Carewatch) Caring Community Services in North Lancashire, South Cumbria, Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre 16 + The Catholic Voice of Lancaster + July 2012 Icon of St Aidan at Lindisfarne

t Aidan was an Irish Monk from “He gave his clergy an inspiring example of peace and love, purity and humility; he was Dedicated by Bishop John Arnold Auxiliary Sthe community founded by St self-discipline and continence, and the above anger and greed, despised pride and Bishop of Westminster Titular Bishop of Columba on Iona. He became a highest recommendation of his teaching to conceit; he set himself to keep and teach the Lindisfarne. Thursday 26th March 2009.” Bishop. King Oswald (a ChristianSt all was that he andAidan his followers lived as they laws of God, and was diligent in study and convert) invited him to Northumbria taught. He never sought or cared for any in prayer. He used his priestly authority to We celebrate the St Aidan’s feast day and he established a monastery and a worldly possessions, and loved to give check the proud and powerful: he tenderly on 31 August. wooden Church on Lindisfarne in 635. away to the poor whatever he received comforted the sick; he relieved and Lindisfarne became one of the most from kings or wealthy folk. Whether in town protected the poor …. I greatly admire and The Holy Island of Lindisfarne :In 635AD important centres of learning in or country, he always travelled on foot, love all these things about Aidan, because St. Aidan came from Iona and chose to Europe. St Aidan was respected for unless compelled by necessity to ride, and I have no doubt that they are pleasing to found his monastery on Lindisfarne. The his learning, preaching, miracles, whenever he met anyone, high God.” (The Venerable Bede, The History of Christian message flourished here and kindness to the poor, education or low he stopped and spoke The English Church and People, Penguin, spread throughout the world. of children, lack of interest in to them. If they were not 1955.) possessions and status, and dislike Christians, he urged them to However Holy Island is not only a centre of pomp. He supported women and be baptised; and if they were The plaque underneath the Icon states of pilgrimage. The Island’s tranquillity, ensured that St Hilda was given land Christians, he strengthened “The Icon was presented to St Aidan’s spirituality and scenic beauty attracts for a convent in Northumbria. He died their faith, and inspired the Church on the Holy island of Lindisfarne by a multitude of visitors to its shores in 651 and was buried on Lindisfarne. by word and deed to live a Father Michael Masterson and the generous every year. Jacquetta Gomes good life and to be generous parishioners of The Church of Our Lady and (Alumna of St Aidan’s College The Venerable Bede says of him: to others …. He cultivated St Peter, Leatherhead, Surrey. Blessed and University of Durham)

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