1. PaDIL Factsheet

Scientific Name: Tranzschelia discolor (Fuckel) Tranzschel & Litv. (: : Pucciniales: Uropyxidaceae)

Common Name Tranzschelia discolor Live link: http://www.padil.gov.au/maf-border/Pest/Main/143078

Image Library New Zealand Biosecurity Live link: http://www.padil.gov.au/maf-border/

Partners for New Zealand Biosecurity image library

Landcare Research — Manaaki Whenua http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/

MPI (Ministry for Primary Industries) http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/ 2. Species Information

2.1. Details Specimen Contact: Eric McKenzie - [email protected] Author: McKenzie, E. Citation: McKenzie, E. (2013) Tranzschelia discolor (Tranzschelia discolor)Updated on 5/6/2014 Available online: PaDIL - http://www.padil.gov.au Image Use: Free for use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY- NC 4.0)

2.2. URL Live link: http://www.padil.gov.au/maf-border/Pest/Main/143078

2.3. Facets Commodity Overview: Field Crops and Pastures Commodity Type: Rosaceous produce Distribution: Oceania, Afrotropic, Antarctic, Australasia, Indo-Malaya, Nearctic, Neotropic, Palearctic Groups: Fungi & Mushrooms Host Family: Rosaceae Pest Status: 1 NZ - Non-regulated species Status: NZ - Exotic

2.4. Other Names Puccinia discolor Fuckel Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae var. discolor (Fuckel) Dunegan

2.5. Diagnostic Notes **Disease** Peach leaf , stone fruit rust. Sori on small (about 0.5 mm wide) angular, yellow or brown spots on lower surface of leaf. Yellow or brown angular spot on corresponding upper surface.

**Morphology** _Uredinia_ on lower surface of leaves, on yellowish or brownish angular spots that are visible on the upper surface, also on branches and fruit, scattered, pale brown, circular or oval, ca. 125–250 µm diam. Brown discolouration on upper surface of leaf corresponds to infection on lower surface. _Urediniospores_ pale brown, obovoid, oval, elongated oval or bluntly fusiform, apex bluntly acuminate, aseptate, 25–32(–38) × 12–18 µm, wall 0.75–1.5 µm thick at sides, up to 7 µm at apex, conspicuously echinulate near base of spore, spines smaller towards apex and often smooth at apex, germ pores 3–4, equatorial; paraphyses present, pale to yellowish brown, capitate, thick-walled at apex, thinner below. _Telia_ on lower surface of leaves, dark brown, circular or oval, 125–250 µm wide. _Teliospores_ noticeably aggregated in bunches, ellipsoidal or subclavate, 28–35(–42) × 17–22 µm, 1-septate, deeply constricted at septum with cells sometimes separating, straight; wall 2–2.5 µm thick at sides, up to 5 µm thick at apex and at equator of basal cell; upper cell warted, dark golden brown, subglobose or obovoid, apex rounded; lower cell less strongly warted, paler, subglobose, oval or oblong-ellipsoid, base rounded; pedicels up to 30 × 6 µm, thin-walled, hyaline.

**Notes** There has been confusion in the literature between this rust and a related species, _Tranzschelia pruni- spinosae_ (Pers.) Diet. In _T. discolor_ the lower cell of the teliospore is generally paler and almost smooth when compared with the coarsely verrucose upper cell. This contrasts with _T. pruni-spinosae_ where both cells are dark brown and coarsely verrusose. In _T. disolor_ the wall at the apex of the upper cell, and at the equator of the lower cell is thickened, whereas that of _T. pruni-spinosae_ is of equal thickness all round. _T. pruni-spinosae_, which causes rust of plum and wild Prunus species, is not known in New Zealand or the Pacific islands.

2.6. References - Hiratsuka, N., Sato, S., Katsuya, K., Kakishima, M., Hiratsuka, Y., Kaneko, S., Ono, Y., Sato, T., Harada, Y., Hiratsuka, T. & Nakayama, K. (1992). _The Rust Flora of Japan_. Tsukuba Shuppankai, Takezono, Ibaraki, p. 365. - Laundon, G.F. & Rainbow, A.F. (1971). _CMI Descriptions of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria 287_, 1–2. - Wilson, M. & Henderson, D.M. (1966). _British Rust Fungi. London_, Cambridge University Press, pp. 304–307. 3. Diagnostic Images

Tranzschelia discolor symptoms on leaves Tranzschelia discolor symptoms on upper of peach and lower surfaces of peach leaves In Life: E. McKenzie Landcare Research In Life: E. McKenzie Landcare Research

Tranzschelia discolor teliospores Tranzschelia discolor urediniospores and Teliospores: E. McKenzie Landcare capitate paraphyses Research Urediniospores: E. McKenzie Landcare Research

Results Generated: Saturday, October 2, 2021