The year 2020 was characterised by the COVID-19 pandemic that hit not only but the rest of the World. The pandemic continues to weigh on business, and resulted in the disruption of global supply chains for both raw materials and final products and services and a slowdown of global financial flows. Dr Tinashe Manzungu

The Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce recognises the role that business plays to achieve our shared goal during this crisis, to maintain jobs and business continuity; to support health, stability and social well-being of the Zimbabwe populace. Despite the effects of the pandemic the Chamber continued and continues to make strides in servicing its members given that business is the antidote for an economic recovery, hence this report outlines achievements by the Chamber during the year 2020.

Over the year, the Chamber continued to engage with policy makers and engagements continued to provide a harmonious and productive working relationship between Government and the Private Sector. While the year has been characterised by the effects of the covid-19 pandemic, the Chamber acknowledges efforts by the Government in addressing constraints on the economic front. These include;

 Introduction of a forex auction system which has somehow helped in both price discovery of our exchange rate as well as availability of forex. Quite a number of our members can now access forex which was not feasible in the first half of 2020  Infrastructure expansion projects which are domestically funded. Notable infrastructure projects include the Beitbridge - Chirundu Highway and the expansion of the Robert Mugabe International Airport  Zimbabwe ranking third on Budget Transparency in Africa in terms of the Open Budget Survey (OBS) 2019  2020 Ease of Doing Business Ranking – where Zimbabwe managed to register some significant improvements, moving from position 155 in the world up to 140 out of 190 countries

However, the Chamber continues to engage Government on challenges which continue to weigh on the ease of doing business. The year 2020 saw the Chamber rebranding in line with the modern trends and demands of the new economy. The Chamber also launched the ZNCC Training Centre in 2020. These initiatives were carried out to bring out chambers desire to speak into future and emphasise its role in the economy.



Who will call the shots around the world in 2021? Tech giants have become so powerful to silence most powerful voices like we saw with Twitter and Facebook silencing the former US president; Donald Trump. Boris Johnson is still suffering from identity crisis after Brexit is to be followed by intention to join the Pacific trade group.

Christopher T Mugaga In Uganda an election pitting the incumbent Museveni and the youthful pop star Robert Kyagulanyi (Bob Wine) has sent warning shots to powerful African leaders of their shaky future in the mix of Agenda 2063 which the African Union has committed to. In SA, the Zondo Commission is coming to a conclusion with scams of corruption and misgovernance making everyone wonder if the Pretoria administration is ready to superintend over the most advanced economy in Africa. Zimbabwe is no exception with the impact of hard lockdown to remain even 5 years post the pandemic, in fact we expect almost 40% of SMEs not to survive this harsh period. Zimbabwe’s private sector is undeniably one of the most hard hit constituencies in the country and as a Chamber our commitment remains predicated on lobbying for the survival of businesses, their growth and expansion into regional markets whilst at the same time making sure that anti-business policy measures are loudly decried. It is indeed one of the most difficult periods for our members and we continue encouraging open communication between you and us as your challenges are the reason for our existence, we are obliged to tackle such challenges. Let me take this opportunity once again to remind you of the new ZNCC Training Centre which we launched last year, its purpose remains to capacitate your skills in growing your business concerns to markets beyond Zimbabwe. We believe it’s the best path to mitigate against the harsh effects of these trying times knowing fully well that empowerment through education is the most tried and tested means to adopt to the new normal. It’s no longer business as usual, corporate strategies have to shift, organisational culture has to move in tandem with new focus areas and 80% of sales are now concluded virtually compared to the same time last year when only at most 10% of deals were concluded virtually; what a disruptor the virus has become, hence the need to take advantage of the Chamber’s Training Centre. This year, ladies and gentlemen, we are following up on the survey we did last year by proposing a blue print on “Post Covid-19 Recovery Strategy & Reconstruction.” Unlike many years when our focus has been on interrogating the challenges impacting on our businesses, the focus has become proactive as we aim to set the pace in proffering solutions to our policy makers. Your contributions towards our upcoming policy blue print to deal with the after effects of the Pandemic are welcome and together we go far!


No nation and no government would have found this pandemic easy to deal with and none has performed perfectly. However, as we reflect on 2020 it is undeniable that some countries have handled the virus better than others and that there are lessons all governments must learn. Crucially, we must learn to cooperate better. This is not a race in which a single business will emerge the winner, nor a virus we can fight alone.

Zimbabwe s economy had a pre-existing condition. The economy was ill before the corona virus crisis - and will still be unwell when it has passed. We expect a sharp decline in GDP, tempered by a dragged increase in the latter half of the year, assuming a significant catch up for diminished consumption and investment spending. Privately, many speculate about a multi-year decline. The snail pace adjustment of the forex auction rate is no longer signalling a strengthening currency but rather an exchange rate management culture scared of a pressing rising demand for forex post unnecessarily too hard lockdowns we continue covering ourselves in . As the year 2021 opens up, let us remember to renew our membership subscriptions, these are indeed tough moments and it is safer to belong than to stand aloof hoping such a ravaging threat can be tamed with our solo brilliance, Never!!!!! Thank you and may the Lord bless you all and remember to observe all WHO Health Guidelines together with supporting measures from our government.



Never in recent memory has so much uncertainty hung over global as well as Zimbabwe’s growth prospects. That is not just because prospects for the Zimbabwean economy depend on how much we handle the virus and the vaccine rollout. It is also because it is unknown just how much lasting damage the pandemic has done as it has choked economic growth, shut down a number of enterprises, with the recent case of Greyhound/Citiliner a tale tell, and left workers jobless. Its full impact on Zimbabwe has been obscured by limited demand for forex notably with almost 70% of industry hermetically sealed off. In other blessed economies, the massive emergency government intervention to bail out companies and support workers has somehow equally obscured its impact in such economies too. Only when that support is withdrawn will the veil be lifted. For Zimbabwe, a mispriced exchange rate is certainly sending wrong signals about the market sentiment with confusing trade and fiscal surpluses only of academic relevance once we factor in the inability of the Zimbabwean government to import the drugs without support from either private sector or donor community. Just as epidemiologists have had to learn about the virus as it advances, economists must judge its economic toll on the fly.

Monetary policy is the most predictable part of the economic landscape, but the same does not apply to Zimbabwe with fire fighting monetary interventions continuously choking the wherewithal to plan ahead by private sector and to a certain extent households. The real action has to be in fiscal policy. Governments must judge whether the economic recovery needs more help. Unlike USA, the nation of Zimbabwe does not have to spend a month of Sundays to pass emergency bills which are pro-growth. We witnessed President Trump struggling to pass more stimulus even as their economy is taking an unprecedented nosedive. Across the rich world, too rapid a turn to fiscal austerity is risky as governments fret about deficits, notably when a rapid rebound in activity is mistaken for a full recovery. With monetary policy more or less fixed, the effect of tax and spending decisions will be amplified. Watching the behaviour of finance ministers will be more important than studying central banks. It is argued that the pandemic has not put as much pressure on their exchange rates and foreign exchange reserves as initially focused.

With an exchange rate dictated by market for essential goods, it remains a mystery to try placing a prediction on Zimbabwe’s exchange rate, but one thing for sure the local unit can only continue depreciating albeit at a slow pace not due to economic fundamentals but rather the presumed threat a free exchange rate is said to pose to a nation with a zero forex reserve balances. Going forward, we expect an elevated demand for forex as black market is expected to fund at least 60% of market needs for the forex.


In the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic, doctors were befuddled by a peculiar phenomenon: some patients’ ill enough to be admitted to hospital seemed at first to respond well to treatment, recovering almost enough to be discharged before suddenly deteriorating again. Zimbabwe seems to have suffered the same fate as GDP forecasts in the last budget can only be a mirage.... we will be thankful to the Almighty if we are to post even a +0.5% GDP growth for 2021, with a negative 6%-9% being our forecast before the economy moves out of the hole in the second half of 2022. Services sector is becoming the major driver of Zimbabwean economy and hard lockdowns we continue experiencing will not do favour to an economy with almost 61% concentration of the services sector. Frankly, we have had enough of lockdown and we have to graduate to smart and targeted lockdowns with all formal businesses expected to remain open whilst adhering to guidelines of Covid-19.

A third wave of the pandemic is unavoidable and as a Chamber, we see it hitting us before the year comes to the last quarter. Success by any politician in Zimbabwe can only be measured by the ability to turnaround corporate Zimbabwe which has suffered a savage downturn. Total profits for the Top 10 listed counters on ZSE might have surpassed analysts’ expectations, this is unfortunately not translating into job creation or real revenue contribution (tax contribution wise). Corporate balance sheets are under strain, which could hold back investment and lead to an eventual rise in defaults. The mood in the boardrooms of SMEs is foul. Sentiment has stalled, since the beginning of the year, due to increased concerns about an unclear lockdown pattern. The gloomy outlook, the most pessimistic in 12 years may be explained by the fact that 25% of SMEs believe they won’t come back to normalcy after the pandemic or will change their business models to become traders than manufacturers for some .

The biggest unknown, though, remains the pandemic. Even with media awash with introduction of a vaccine, no one knows how far we will survive the ravaging effects of the virus. That should serve as a sober reminder to all business leaders and politicians alike, that difficult days still lie ahead.




Through the support from Friedrich The training and host support was Naumann Foundation, ZNCC staff provided by professionals who have members were trained to host conferences, several years of experience in setting up, seminars and meetings via Zoom. The hosting, moderating and supporting online training covered planning and successful events and events using Zoom in hosting of 4 Regional Annual General particular. Meetings (AGMs) and 1 National Annual Training focused on: General Meeting over Zoom. Due to the  Planning and preparation, Covid-19 the AGMs could not be done at a including practise sessions physical location thus there was need to  Host support & debrief for the fully understand the functionalities of initial regional AGM Zoom to enable staff to conduct AGMs as  On-call availability for the regional per ZNCC constitutional guidelines, AGMs including the election of office bearers by  Planning & host support for the secret ballot. national AGM





The Month of 2020 August saw the ushering in of New Leadership for the Chamber at Regional and National level. The first ever Virtual National Annual General Meeting was successfully held on 14 August 2020. This was done through the Branch Annual General Meetings and the National Annual General Meeting. The following are the leaders at national and regional level:

1. Dr Tinashe Manzungu – National President 2. Golden Muoni – Deputy National President 3. Mike Kamungeremu – Vice President, Mashonaland 4. Michael Phiri – Vice President, Midlands 5. Charlton Chimbira – Vice President, Manicaland 6. Dr W T Chinembiri – Vice President, Matabeleland 7. Josephine Takundwa – Branch Chairperson 8. Itai Zaba – Gweru Branch Chairperson 9. Louis Herbst – Branch Chairperson 10. Bernard Chimanga – Mutare Branch ZNCC Immediate Past President Mr Tamuka Macheka Chairperson handing over the presidential chain to current President

11. Gilson Chakauya – Kwekwe Branch Dr Tinashe Manzungu – (August 2020) Chairperson 12. Andrew Chekani – Interim Masvingo Branch Chairperson


As per ZNCC Constitution item 8.1.5, which reads “At any Annual General Meeting of the association the “NEC” may propose any number of persons to be elected by the majority of the members present at such meeting as honorary life members. There is a provision of honouring life membership to past presidents who would have worked timeously for the Chamber even after their tenure expires,” The following past presidents were recognised with honorary membership;

1. Mr James Sanders (2003-4) 2. Mr Luxon Zembe (2005-6) 3. Mrs Marahativagone (2007-8) 4. Mr O J Z Sibanda (2009-10)



The Annual Business Review Conference was held on the 17th of December 2020 under the theme: “Managing Disruptive Change.” The Conference’s main objective was to lay out a sustainable path towards recovery from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The conference also provided an opportunity to gauge business performance and to formally register business concerns towards policy makers. ZNCC CEO Christopher Mugaga (right) and Minister of Industry and Commerce Hon Dr during the Business Review Conference The Minister of Industry and Commerce, Hon Dr Sekai Nzenza was the guest of honour. Among the presenters was the Central Bank Governor Dr John Mangudya who presented on Macroeconomic Stability – Current Economic Fundamentals underpinning Macroeconomic Stability, which was then followed by a panel discussion. The presentation focused on reserve money developments, exchange rate developments, distribution of foreign currency on the auction market and annual inflation outlook. Panel discussion topics “Covid-19 Response Best Practise: Other Countries response to the pandemic and lessons for Zimbabwe”

RBZ Governor Dr John Mangudya presenting; ZNCC BRC

ZNCC President Dr Tinashe Manzungu giving remarks Minister of Industry and Commerce – Hon Dr Sekai during the Conference Nzenza giving remarks during the 2020 Business Review Conference


The Business Review Conference included ZNCC Rebranding and the ZNCC Training Centre launch.


The Chamber rebranded in December 2020. The ZNCC emblem draws an inspiration of upward movement and growth. The top yellow component is overarching, symbolic of every aspect of business that the Chamber represents. The middle red component is an upward directional arrow which represents ZNCC’s philosophy to see business growth. The green component at the base is supportive of the other components of the logo. This is reflective of ZNCC’s support to organisations it represents to ensure they grow thereby growing the economy.

ZNCC PR Subcommittee Chairperson Dr Eldrette Shereni making a presentation on Rebranding

Unveiling of the new logo



The ZNCC Training Centre was launched during the Business Review Conference. The strategic intent of the training school is on empowering Chamber members through business capacitation, skills enhancement and business linkages. The Centre will offer extensive programmes which include Business continuity & recovery, Dispute Resolution, Corporate Governance, Digital marketing, Tax Administration, Export and Import capacitation, Trade Finance and Quality standards. This follows a realisation that most of our members lacked basic skills on scaling their businesses beyond the SME status. The Centre will offer relevant and accessible services to individuals, local companies and international organisations. Objectives of the training centre are;

 To build and strengthen skills of business personnel in various sectors of the economy  To proffer solutions and provide knowledge about special considerations related to business systems  To nurture business ideas and start-up companies  To offer training in line with Industry 4.0

Lectures will be delivered and these are useful for passing information and knowledge. Resource persons will be drawn from diverse backgrounds which will include specialists, academia, practitioners, government agencies, business professionals and industry trade groups. Certificates will be issued to the participants upon training completion; these will bear the ZNCC logo together with that of the partnering organisation and institution. Opportunities to partner the Chamber are available.

ZNCC Public Relations Manager, Melody Kaingidza making a presentation during the Training Centre launch

The Chamber calls for Members to check on available Training Courses and to register for the Courses.



Energy Challenges

As part of implementing 2019 Congress Resolutions, the Chamber conducted a State of the Economy Survey on the Impact of Energy Challenges on Business in Zimbabwe. This was following a resolution on the need to lobby so that ZESA sustains electricity demands.

As a result the Chamber conducted evidence based “Impact of Energy Challenges on Business in Zimbabwe” Survey. The survey captured Business concerns/challenges on energy supplies weighing on the Ease of Doing Business. The survey also proffered recommendations and was launched during the 2019 Business Review Conference and submissions were made to policy makers.


There was a resolution on the need for ZNCC to lobby for an increase in government annual allocation to infrastructure development projects (Transport facilities, Energy, Water and Sanitation, Housing) to at least 3% of GDP, given that Zimbabwe allocates around 1% of GDP annually towards infrastructure projects while other countries in the region allocate as much as 7% of their GDP annually towards infrastructure.

Implementation: ZNCC lobbied to Government on the need to increase resources towards infrastructure development. In the 2021 National Budget; Support towards Infrastructure Development was increased – with overall support under the 2021 Infrastructure Investment Programme amounting to ZWL$139.8 billion. Consistent with Government decision that projects with capacity to generate cash flows be funded from the market, ZWL$39.9 billion will be mobilized through loans, mainly targeting the energy and transport sectors.


For the past few years, the organisation faced challenges in terms of financial accounting of its records. The organization’s accounts department was seriously affected by a high staff turnover which resulted in incomplete and inaccurate financial records. This resulted in series of qualified audit opinions. The organisation then hired consultancy services for its accounts

12 department and the financial reporting process improved significantly and resulted in unqualified audit opinion for 2019 financial reports; for the first time in many years.



The Chamber produced a position paper on Sustainable and Flexible Economic Interventions to Address Covid-19. The position paper recommended a Partial lockdown to help in curbing the spread of the pandemic instead of a total lockdown. The paper also highlighted on the need for continued monitoring and that businesses’ be allowed to operate within adjusted working hours and this was adopted.


The Chamber lobbied for the removal of a price moratorium and a position paper on “Sustainable and Market friendly Interventions to addressing Price spiralling during the lockdown” was submitted to policy makers. This was after Government announced, on 22 April 2020, that it had agreed with some business member organisations to put in place a price moratorium/freeze which would see prices return to the levels they were on 25 March 2020. The paper outlined the effects of a price moratorium outlining devastating effects of previous price controls which resulted in shortage of basic commodities, queues, inflation and ultimately the fall of the Zimbabwe dollar. The paper also proffered recommendations to address price distortions.



ZNCC made 2021 National Budget Input submissions to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development. Presentations were also made to the Parliament Portfolio Committees on Industry and Commerce and to the Parliament Portfolio Committee on Budget, Finance and Economic Development. Our National Budget Submissions included monetary submissions given that some of the drivers of the cost of doing business are as a result of monetary interventions which could not be overlooked.


From left:Dumisani Sibanda (ZNCC Senior Economist), Josephine Takundwa (ZNCC Harare Branch Chairperson), Moses Chundu (ZNCC Macroeconomics Subcommittee Member), Tapiwa Karoro (ZNCC Harare Branch 1st Vice Chairperson); Parliament after making presentation to the Parliament Portfolio Committee on Budget, Finance and Economic Development




In an effort to improve the business environment, the Chamber has been conducting Evidence Based State of the Economy Surveys to help inform Policy makers on challenges that are being faced by business and giving recommendations on what needs to be done. The Chamber conducted a Survey on the Impact of Covid-19 on Business in Zimbabwe. The primary objective of the survey was to assess the impact of the Covid- 19 pandemic on Zimbabwean business operations in various sectors of the economy. The impact was assessed in terms of reduction in output and revenue of the business enterprises as well as job losses, brought about by necessary measures that were put in place to contain the pandemic.

Survey recommendations are anchored on the need for the Establishment of a Post Covid-19 Economic Recovery Strategy which brings together all stakeholders given the impact of Covid-19. The recommendations to minimize the negative impact of Covid-19 on Zimbabwean business emanating from the survey address both demand and supply side impacts.

The Chamber launched the “Impact of Covid-19 on Business in Zimbabwe” Survey Results on the 14th of August 2020.



On the 19th of August, Mutare Branch engaged ZERA in Manicaland region for an interactive discussion on Energy challenges being faced by business. Issues raised varied from consumer rights, the issue of blending petrol and ethanol, sale of fuel in foreign currency (USD to be precise), the use of solar energy as well as the process of licensing to companies who develop alternative renewable energy. ZERA noted the concerns and recommendations from the business community and also gave clarity on some of the highlighted issues. ZERA was represented by the regional team comprising the Consumer Services Manager, Electrical Inspectors and the Consumer Services Department.


ZNCC met with the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement on Thursday 27 August 2020, on a courtesy call visit. The meeting was meant to gain a better understanding on how the Chamber and the Ministry can complement each other. The Chamber made a presentation on 2020 resolutions, which the Chamber has embarked on, to the Minister. In his response the Minister pointed out that the Ministry will continue to work with the private sector. The Minister also presented his Vision for the Ministry and indicated that after the launch of the US$8.2 billion Agriculture and Food Systems Transformation Strategy, by His Excellency, focus is now on transforming the Agriculture sector to achieve food security, import substitution, export promotion, value addition and beneficiation, and employment creation.

From left: Hon Douglas Karoro – Deputy Minister; Hon Vangelis P Haritatos – Deputy Minister; Christopher T Mugaga – ZNCC CEO; Dr A J Masuka – Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement; Dr Tinashe Manzungu – ZNCC President; Dumisani Sibanda – ZNCC Senior Economist; Tamuka Macheka – ZNCC Immediate Past President



The Chamber made courtesy visit to the Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce Hon Raj Modi on 9 October 2020. The Chamber was welcoming the Deputy Minister back into the country after he had been locked out of the country when a total national lockdown, due to covid-9, was announced in March 2020. During the courtesy visit, the Chamber briefed the Deputy Minister on how business was performing during his absence. The Deputy Minister agreed to regularly meet with Bulawayo stakeholders every month to discuss on pertinent issues affecting business as the country grapples with effects of the covid-19 pandemic.

From left; Louis Herbst – Bulawayo Branch Chairperson, Hon Raj Modi – Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce, Christopher Mugaga – ZNCC CEO

From left; Louis Herbst – Bulawayo Branch Chairperson, Hon Raj Modi – Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce, Mduduzi Ncube – ZNCC Regional Manager


The Chamber paid a courtesy call to the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs, Hon Judith Ncube on 9 October 2020. The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss on business concerns and to gain a better understanding on how the Chamber can continue complementing Government.


From left; Louis Herbst – Bulawayo Branch Chairperson, Hon Judith Ncube –Minister of State for Provincial Affairs, Christopher Mugaga - ZNCC CEO, Mduduzi Ncube – ZNCC Regional Manager


The Chamber officially opened a PG Industries Branch in Bulawayo, on 4 December 2020, and the ZNCC Matabeleland Vice President Mr Chinembiri was the Guest of Honour. Over the years, PG Industries has diversified into a wide range of products and services which include timber, boards, hardware, plumbing, glass, cement products and value added products. Being in the construction sector, PG has grown to be a key player on the national economic development.

Left: ZNCC Matabeleland Vice President, Dr Chinembiri giving remarks during the official opening of a PG Industries Branch in Bulawayo

Right; PG Industries Factory tour with the Guest of Honour – Dr Chinembiri



The Chamber participated in the formulation of the National Development Strategy (2021 – 2025). It was part of the Growth and Stability thematic working group which focused on coming up with National Development Results Frameworks (NDRF) as well as the Sectoral Development Results Framework (SDRF). It had to also come up with Concrete Programs, Projects and Interventions to undertake during the strategy period in order to realise the identified outcomes.


The Chamber partnered with the Standards Associations of Zimbabwe (SAZ) for a training session on Standards. The training provided an insight on practical information and tools important to help businesses build a reputation for quality through gaining accreditation with a recognised quality standard. The inaugural training was conducted on 18 September 2020 and centred on Standards and Training, Testing and Certification (Systems and Products). A case study was presented on Tendo Electronics, an organisation that went through the process.


The Manicaland Region hosted a virtual Accounting & Taxation Training Workshop in partnership with ACCA. The workshop was a success as SMEs were trained on Accounting and Taxation issues.


The Chamber and members participated in the Trade Defence Mechanism Workshop, which was held from 12 to 13 November 2020 in Mutare. The objective of the conference was to train the private sector on antidumping and safeguard investigations. Most of the ZNCC Members in the Manicaland Region attended the workshop.

TRIPARTITE NEGOTIATING FORUM The Chamber continues to be part of organised business in the Tripartite Negotiating Forum (TNF) whose role is to consult and negotiate broad economic, labour & social policies. Its role also includes putting in place guidelines & parameters to guide relevant institutions as they deal with these issues or craft related national policy, and as they deal with specific sector issues. As a result, a meeting of the Main TNF was held on 17 March 2020, to deliberate on submissions that were made to cabinet and to deliberate on the outstanding issue of erosion of wages and salaries, which is yet to be finalised.



In an effort to help address challenges being faced by Business, the Chamber introduced the ZNCC Business Agenda on Fridays. The ZNCC Business Agenda is an online talk show where different authorities/stakeholders are invited to discuss on different policy issues which have a bearing on business.Stakeholders that were invited as guests and interacted with business on the online talk show include the Minister of Industry and Commerce Hon Dr Sekai Nzenza, Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI) President Mr Chabuka J Kawesha and Monetary Policy Committee Member Prof Ashok Chakravati.


ZNCC Mashonaland Vice President, Mr Mike Kamungeremu was appointed to serve on the Zimtrade Board. Zimtrade is the National Trade Development and Promotion Organisation of Zimbabwe. Mr Kamungeremu is also the Chairperson of the ZNCC Finance Committee.

ZNCC Mashonaland Vice President, Mr Mike Kamungeremu


The Chamber would like to express its sincere condolences to the families of the following Members who passed on in 2020.

1. Eddie Mukarakate – past ZNCC Vice President; Motel Sungano 2. Worthwhile Mugabe – Managing Director; DSK Electrical 3. Joshua Maligwa – ZNCC Mutare Branch Audit and Governance Chairperson; Town Clerk; City of Mutare 4. Prof Munashe Furusa – Vice Chancellor; Africa University 5. Luke P Masamvu – Director; Masamvu and Sons



 On 22 January 2020, ZNCC National Office Accounting Officer Tanyaradzwa Chokuda - Phiri tied the knot with Lawrence Phiri.

 On 08 August 2020, ZNCC National Office Administration Assistant Tatenda Gwanyanya – Runyongwe tied the note with Vitalis Runyongwe.


 On 31 October 2020, the Chamber witnessed the holy matrimony of our staff member Prayer Katsaruware (PR & Marketing Officer; Manicaland Region) and Irene Rufaro Musekiwa - Katsaruware.

F r o m

l e f t; Loice Ndangwa, Melody Kaingidza, Irene Rufaro Musekiwa - Katsaruware, Prayer Katsaruware, Christopher Mugaga


 On 5 December 2020, ZNCC Interim Masvingo Branch Chairperson Andrew Chekani tied the knot with Clemencia Ndume - Chekani



1. Terms and Conditions of Lockdown

Current conditions are unfriendly to businesses. We are lobbying for Government to;  implement a smart lockdown approach where no formal business should close its operations but rather strictly adhere to WHO covid-19 guidelines

 review closing hours to 1800hrs from the current 1500hrs.

 letter from employer with traceable contacts should to be enough for employees to travel to work - A letter from employer with seal of stamp as authorisation from the Business Member Organisation the company belongs to

2. Intermediate Money Transfer Tax

 remains an albatross and as business we want it redesigned so that the 2% tax becomes an allowable as a business expense for formal businesses

3. The need for Tax Relief for businesses

4. The need for a Comprehensive Private Sector Post Covid-19 Economic Recovery Strategy



 A Voice of Business-: The Chamber represents the collective voice of its members, your views and concerns at a local, national and international level. You will have the opportunity to make your business concerns and ideas known to a wide audience

 Events and Networking-: you will have an opportunity to make business contacts through our regular business networking luncheons, seminars and social events. Provides an opportunity to interact with other business people, to keep abreast of trends in business and promote your own business. You will be able to participate in events locally and abroad to further your business interests

 Special Rates-: On attending seminars, investment missions, conferences and training courses organised by the Chamber

 Information-: you will have an opportunity to regularly receive updates on issues and developments which affect your business

 Development Training-: You will be able to develop a skilled and qualified workforce by taking advantage of a whole range of training activities

 Specific Training Courses-: Chamber also provides training in conjunction with other institutions, for you and for your staff

 Provides an opportunity to benefit from a wide range of services which assist you in promoting and growing your business

 Our Web Site-:Available for your business use



From left; ZNCC CEO Christopher Mugaga, CZI President – Mr Henry Ruzvidzo, ZNCC Macroeconoimcs Subcommittee Member – Mr Moses Chundu, Member of Parliament – Hon Temba Mliswa, World Bank Senior Economist – Stella Illieva, Tanzania Ambassador to Zimbabwe – H.E Prof Emmanuel DML Mbennah, ZNCC Macroeconomics Subcommittee Chairperson – Mr Herbert Mazonde, Mr Andy Hodges, ZNCC President – Dr Tinashe Manzungu: 2020 Business Review Conference

Delegates during the 2020 Business Review Conference

Right: University of Zimbabwe Vice Chancellor – Prof Paul Mapfumo and Economist John Robertson during a panel discussion session; ZNCC 2020 BRC



From left; Farai Nyaguse, Sabina Baut, Catherine Sakonda, Linda Chapoto, Christopher Mugaga - CEO, Melody Kaingidza, Dumisani Sibanda, Breedon Sibanda; 2020 Business Review Conference

Left picture: ZNCC Past President Company – Codchem receiving ISO Certification: From right – SAZ Executive Director – Dr Eve Gadzikwa, Mr Hativagone, Past President- Marah Hativagone, ZNCC CEO – Christopher Mugaga

Right: World Bank Senior Economist – Stella Illieva during the panel discussion session on“Covid-19


Response Best Practise: Other Countries response to the pandemic and lessons for Zimbabwe”

From left: Tanzania Ambassador to Zimbabwe – H.E Prof Mbennah, ZNCC PR Manager- Melody Kaingidza, ZNCC CEO – Christopher Mugaga : during a courtesy call to the Tanzania Ambassador

Tour of Mineeazy plant by ZNCC Bulawayo Branch Chairperson Louis Herbst (second from right), ZNCC Regional Manager- Mduduzi Ncube (right), Provincial Administrator – Mrs Khonzani Ncube (left)

Left; AGS Managing Director Caleb Mudyawabikwa (left) and ZNCC CEO Christopher Mugaga during the tour of AGS which is a ZNCC Member

Right picture: Tour of AGS by ZNCC CEO – Christopher Mugaga (second from right), ZNCC PR Manager – Melody Kaingidza (centre), ZNCC Policy Officer – Breedon Sibanda (second from left)


Right; ZNCC Bulawayo Branch Chairperson Louis Herbst (right) and ZNCC regional Manager – Mduduzi Ncube (left) and the Mayor of Bulawayo – His Worship Mayor Mguni (centre), planning on an engagement between ZNCC and the City of Bulawayo on coming up with strategies to best serve SMEs in the city

Dinner Engagement between the Minister of Finance and Economic Development – Prof Mthuli Ncube and the Manicaland Business Community – 7 November 2020, Mutare


ZNCC Mashonaland Golf in Pictures – 4 December 2020


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