Cover Story 8 .... Christy Jordan

Features 3 .... Mauldin Scholarship 13 .... Sam and Jenny Evers 16 .... Scott Frost 20 .... UNA Reaches 25-Year Milestone 23 .... 20th Anniversary of 1991 National Champions 26 .... Homecoming Awards 34 .... 60 Years of UNA ROTC 38 .... Legends of the Fall

Departments 2 .... President’s Message 4 .... Around the Campus 24 .... UNA Alumni President 42 .... Class Notes 46 .... In Memory

SPRING 2011 • VOLUME 19 • No. 1 for alumni and friends of the University of North Alabama

president’s message ADMINISTRATION President William G. Cale, Jr. William G. Cale, Jr. Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost John Thornell Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs I have learned Change and the possibility of change Steve Smith this winter that continue to focus our attention. A Vice President for Student Affairs there is yet another has been signed for construction of the Black David Shields part of my job Box Theater, and ground should be broken Vice President for University Advancement that falls into the about the time you read this message. The Alan Medders “all other duties as student center is undergoing major changes assigned” category, with the addition of a large recreation and Vice Provost for International Affairs William G. Cale, Jr. Chunsheng Zhang namely weather game room, new food options, and the Center prognosticator. for Financial Literacy. World of Wings eatery STAFF When nearly a foot of snow turned our campus just opened in the student recreation center Editor into a majestic wonderland it was easy enough on north campus. Plans for a new Academic Carol Lyles (’70) to close up, but deciding when to reopen was and Student Commons Building are very Designers not nearly so obvious. Our guys did a great close to completion and with that project will Karen Hodges (’84), Chuck Craig (’79) job clearing the campus, especially when their come (on the entrance level) a Starbucks, a Photographer main weapons were the sun, leaf blowers, Chick-fil-A, a dramatically expanded book Shannon Wells (’05) garden shovels and sand. And then there was store, and the permanent home of the Center Contributing Photographers our latest storm event, which started with for Financial Literacy. On the second floor we Carol Lyles (’70) another foot predicted and as we got late will consolidate all of our academic support Evan Whisenant Johnny Wang into the evening before the big event, the activities into a Student Success Center, and prediction was down to one to three inches. the Department of Criminal Justice will be on Contributing Writers Lucy Berry With everyone around us closing or delaying, I level three. Our new science and technology William G. Cale, Jr. opted for a delayed opening the next morning building is in the design stage and we hope Jeff Hodges (’82) and we put that word out to the media. At to complete office and laboratory layouts by Brad Holmes (’02) 5:30 the next morning when I looked out the end of February. The expectation is that Jason Lankford Carol Lyles (’70) my window there was not one snowflake Physical Plant operations will relocate to their Jenn Lyles anywhere! This weather stuff is way beyond new building (28,000 square feet, completion Josh Woods my pay grade and I’m glad this week to be back in March, 2011) on East Campus and their working on our three new building projects, present location on Pine Street will become Send correspondence and leading our progress toward reaffirmation of the site for construction of the science and address changes to: accreditation, responding to the Governor’s technology building. UNA Magazine call for budget planning, and preparing a When people ask me how things are Office of Alumni Relations presentation to our local State delegation. Easy going at UNA, my answer is always that UNA Box 5047 by comparison! we continue to make outstanding forward 2 University of North Alabama After graduating nearly 700 students progress. The concern all of us have in Florence, AL 35632-0001 in December, our Spring 2011 enrollment Alabama’s higher education community is the e-mail: [email protected] of 6758 is up slightly in comparison to last uncertainty of stable state financial support year. That is good news for us since the and the risks to educational opportunity that STATEMENT OF NONDISCRIMINATION It is the policy of the University of North Alabama to afford equal opportunities December graduation was one of our largest declining support poses for all students. UNA’s 2011 springin education UNA Magazine and in employment to qualified persons regardless of age, color, for a fall semester. American-Iranian scholar alumni and friends continue to step forward to creed, disability, national origin, race, religion, or sex, in accordance with all laws, including Title IX of Education Amendments of 1972, Title VII of the Civil and director of the Middle East Program at help us with new support for scholarships and Rights Act of 1973, Americans with Disabilities Act, Civil Rights Act of 1991, and Executive Order 11246. The coordinators for nondiscrimination policies the Woodrow Wilson International Center other needs. As we move ahead into some very are: for students, Irons Law Firm, 219 North Court Street, Florence, AL 35630, and for employees, the Director of Human Resources and Affirmative Action, for Scholars, Dr. Haleh Esfandiari, gave a exciting and transformational times, I hope 217 Bibb Graves Hall, telephone 256-765-4291 or email: [email protected]. moving presentation to the graduates and everyone will consider a gift to help a student was given a standing ovation by the 4000 be successful. Information contained herein is as it currently exists but is subject to change without prior notice. people attending. In all my years and all my And do come see us on campus – the commencements, that was the first time I’ve WOW wings are great! witnessed such recognition for a speaker. It was Sincerely yours, much deserved. William G. Cale, Jr., President 2011 spring 3 UNA Magazine next semester. in hopesofsavingmoremoney forthe additional hoursatherpart-timejob a littledaunting,asshehasworked concept ofpayingforcollegehasbeen For UNAfreshmanTori Peden,the win theaward. but didn’t daredream,thatshemight award inUNA’s history largest singleendowedscholarship Fennel MauldinScholarship,the considered fora$10,000Edward one of500studentsthatwouldbe saved upfornext semester to havework togetthemoney about howmanyhoursyou aregoing such areliefnottohave think award,” shesaid.“Itisablessing. It’s when theyfoundoutabout the the ceremony Accent byMauldin’s widowduring Nov. 2andgivena2009Hyundai presented withthescholarshipon stunned whenshewasofficially down to12students,Pedenwas for LauderdaleCountyfreshman Mauldin Scholarshipfinancesdream When shewasinformed “My familycouldn’t stopcrying After thecompetitiondwindled Student Writer forUniversityCommunications By LucyBerry . , shehoped, .” to helpmeget theeducationIwant.” expensive, sothisscholarship isgoing is goingtobetough,hard and others,” Pedensaid.“Iknow nursing being abletohelppeopleand dofor chairman untilhisdeathlastMarch. Independent, whereheservedas Bank, whichlaterbecameBank merged itwithFirstColbertNational the BankofFlorencein1975and Town Creekwhofirstorganized banker andcommunityleaderfrom student fromanareacounty. she isafirst-generationcollege high academicrecordandbecause selected fortheawardbasedonher top 10studentsofherclass,was High Schoolin2010asoneofthe

“I’m thetypeofpersonthat loves Edward Mauldinwasafarmer, Peden, whograduatedfromRogers

2011 spring3 UNA Magazine 2011 spring4 UNA Magazine CIS DepartmentOffers Program SpecializinginSAPSoftware content inthespringsemester2011.A Several CIScoursesareintroducingSAP increased jobopportunitiesforthefuture. er market,whichwillgiveCISstudentsatUNA prise ResourcePlanning(ERP)softwareprovid- gram, thedominantproductwithinEnter- America Corporationworldwidesoftwarepro- Systems hasrecentlyenteredintotheSAP information systems worktogetherandhow ter feelforhow businessorganizationsand Paulette Alexander. dents, accordingtoCISdepartment chairDr. education toofferthesoftware trainingtostu- UNA isthefirstAlabamainstitution ofhigher in theprocessofestablishing aSAPprogram, summer. Though somestateuniversitiesare SAP softwareisexpectedtotakeeffectnext tion intheMBAprogramthatspecializes Higher Education,anewgraduateconcentra- approval fromtheAlabamaCommissionon The DepartmentofComputerInformation “This isgoingtogivestudents amuchbet- waiting Anne-Marie Hall,ofRussellville,wasthirdrunnerup Marie Ross,ofFlorence,wassecondrunnerup,and to Dream.” UNA, sheplanstopromotetheplatform“AChance major, wasoneof12contestantsforthetitle.AsMiss UNA 2011Jan.22.Lewis,aseniorpoliticalscience

Crowned MissUNA2011 Brandi Lewis university attheMissAlabamaPageant. as auniversityrepresentativeandrepresentsthe the platformofherchoice,makesofficialappearances university andShoalsareacommunity. Shepromotes Miss UNAspendsheryearinservicetothe professional lifebeyondheruniversityexperience. to developskillsthatwillenrichherpersonaland funding andprizes. university’s youngwomentocompeteforscholarship for 35years.Itprovidesanopportunitythe pageants. ThepageanthasbeenaUNAtradition preliminary fortheMissAlabamaandAmerica The MissUNAScholarshipPageantisanofficial and undergraduatelevelsbynextyear. bring specializedSAPcoursestothecertificate tional classroomsetting.Alexanderhopesto be availabletostudentsonlineandinatradi- ing”) hasarichhistory ofinnovationandgrowth as atrueindustryleader. (which standsfor“Systems, Applications,andProducts inDataProcess- companies ofallsizes andindustriesrunbetter. Founded in1972,SAP As marketleaderinenterpriseapplicationsoftware, SAP(NYSE:SAP)helps Alexander said. information systemsinaglobalmarketplace,” our studentscancontributetoworkingwithin Norma Mills,ofCullman,wasfirstrunnerup.Ann- Brandi Lewis,ofHomewood,wascrownedMiss Each contestantisencouragedandmentored The SAPprogramsandconcentrationswill . 2011 spring 5 UNA Magazine Fuel NewResearchatUNA Electron Microscopeto Z research that is notofferedanywhereelse in power. Tuscaloosa touseasimilarmicroscopeof this scientists andresearchershave hadtotravel manufacturing, antiquesand more. quality controlinengineering,forensics,parts advantage ofthenewtoolforhelpwith wouldn’t bepossiblewithoutit.” such asbiology, geologyand engineering microscopes. Manyresearchtopicsinareas we can’t evenseewiththemostpowerfullight instrument opensupanentireworldofthings in thecommunity,” Puckett said.“This many differentdepartmentsandbusinesses it’s afundamentaltoolandcanbeusedbyso the department’s regularlightmicroscopes. objects, whichwasnotanoptionbeforewith opportunity todoelementalanalysisof focused depthoffieldoffersusersthe to manuallytracksmallobjects. which allowsuserstooperateanarrowbeam uses anelectronicbeaminsteadoflight, the SpaceHubbletelescope,”Puckettsaid. difference betweenapairofbinocularsand electron microscopecomparestothe powered microscopeandthisscanning times themagnification. regular lightmicroscopecanonlygoto3,000 times themagnificationofobjects,whilea microscope (SEM)cangoupto1million of geology, saidthescanningelectron research endeavors. electron microscopethatwillassistinfuture last fallpurchasedastate-of-the-artscanning the DepartmentofPhysicsandEarthScience “This toolpresents greatpotential He saidthat,inpreviousyears, area Puckett hopeslocalbusinesseswilltake “This isagreatthingforUNAbecause The SEM’s highmagnificationand Unlike aregularmicroscope,theSEM “The differencebetweenaregularhigh- Dr. MarkPuckett,associateprofessor With thefundingofa$150,000grant, ooming I n (HRSA) granttofundthemicroscope. Health ResourcesandServices Administration and HumanResourcesawarded UNAwitha A yearlater, the U.S.DepartmentofHealth proposal forthemicroscopetwoyearsago. microscope forhisresearch,helpedwritea on microfossilswithintheyearanduse this area,”hesaid. Puckett, whoplanstopublishawork

2011 spring5 UNA Magazine 2011 spring 6 UNA Magazine Educator oftheYear Lisa DarnellNamedSPRF April. other communication programsatUNA,” Pittssaid. of professionaleducationour studentsreceiveinpublicrelationsand department, thecommitment ofthefacultytostudentsandtype the area. Darnell’s award provesthatUNAcancompetewithlargeruniversities in years andwasnamedSPRFseniorpractitionerin2007. public relations.ShehasattendedthePRCAandSPRF conferences for18 advising UNA-PRCA,thestudent-runchapterthatworks intheareaof we havewinningfacultyandstudentsinthisdepartment.” to ourstudentsthattheyhavechosentherightcollege to attendandthat Council ofAlabama’ (SPRF) inSeptember. ShehadbeenpresentedwiththePublicRelations Educator oftheYear awardfromtheSouthernPublicRelationsFederation “Darnell’s award isonemoregreataffirmationofthequalitythis Dr. GregPitts,chairoftheUNADepartmentCommunications,said Darnell hasbeenheavilyinvolvedsince1993inorganizing and “I wasshocked,honoredandexcited,”Darnellsaid.“The awardaffirms Lisa Darnell,assistantprofessorofspeechcommunication,receivedthe s (PRCA)EducatoroftheYear awardtheprevious higher level,”Pearsonsaid. literature inthementalhealthcounselingfieldandtobeinvolvedata “I amincrediblyhonoredtohavetheopportunityimpactprofessional associate editorforthejournalorhadequivalenteditorialexperience. of qualifiedapplicantsacrossthecountrywhohadeitherservedasan doctoral, researchinstitution.” educator. Thisisanuncommonopportunityforauniversitythatnot quality ofDr Counselor Education.“Furthermore,herselectionisatributetothehigh national journal,”saidDr. PaulBaird,chairoftheUNADepartment editor afterservingseveralyearsonthejournal’ American MentalHealthCounselorsAssociation.Pearsonwasnamed focusing onclinicalstudiesandcounselingpracticesformembersofthe of MentalHealthCounselinginJuly. Thejournalisaquarterlypublication counselor education,willbeginathree-yearpositionaseditoroftheJournal Named JournalEditor Dr. QuinnPearson Pearson wasselectedforthepositionaftercompetingwithasmallpool “Dr. Pearsonisanexcellentchoicetoserveaseditorforthisimportant Dr. QuinnPearson,alicensedprofessionalcounselorandprofessorof . Pearson’s scholarshipandtoherexpertiseasacounselor s editorialboard. 2011 spring 7 UNA Magazine culture andregional geography, subcultures, history andculture trackfocusesonChinese world market,andbusinesspractices, whilethe economic reform,China’s economicroleinthe The businesstrackfocuseson Chineseculture, students: business,andhistory andculture. offers twotracksforundergraduate andgraduate professionally andpersonally the experiencewillbenefitthemacademically, life-changing experienceforourstudents.Ihope that theChinastudyabroadprogramwillbea provost forinternationalaffairs.“Iamconfident China,” saidDr. Chunsheng Zhang,UNAvice people, Chinesehistoryandculturebygoingto the opportunitytolearnaboutChina,Chinese UNA-China StudyAbroadProgram. group willtravelJune3-July3aspartofthenew program inTianjin, China,thissummer practices first-handduringanintensivefour-week Chinese cultureandinternationalbusiness UNA-China ProgramOffersBusinessandCulturalStudies

The UNA-ChinaStudyAbroadProgram “This isthefirsttimeUNAstudentshave A groupofUNAstudentswillexperience .” . The affiliated with the100,000StrongInitiative. for theprogram. Thestudy-abroadprogram is $1,500 scholarshipstoeligible studentsselected U.S.-China EducationTrust, whichisproviding offered inpartthrougha$20,000 grantfromthe city ofBeijing. ancient capitalofXi’anandtheChinese as Confucius’s hometown ofQufu,theChinese as wellculturalfieldtripstodestinationssuch


Scholars. East ProgramattheWoodrow Wilson InternationalCenterfor Fall CommencementSpeaker past three years perseverance, survivalandtherefusaltogiveindespair.” and weeksofinterrogation,”shesaid.“Butitisalsoastory confinement afterbeingaccusedofaspyandtraitor. of Iran,duringwhichshespentmorethanthreemonthsinsolitary Journey ceremony wasDr you willrememberthatasgooutintotheworld.” to theforcesoffearanddarkness,wecanprevail,”shesaid.“Ihope the samewayshehasfromhers. She hopesthatgraduatesdrawstrengthfromtheirownstruggles The UNA-ChinaStudyAbroad Programis The program willincludeclassroominstruction Esfandiari saidthattherehasnotbeenevenonedayduringthe “My storyisoneofarrest,imprisonment,solitaryconfinement Esfandiari’s presentation,titled,“MyPrison,MyHome,Your The guestspeakerforUNA’s Fall2010commencement “If weremaintruetoourbeliefs,persevereandrefuseyield , arts,customs,cuisinesandlifestyles. ,” concernedherperiodofdetainmentinnativecountry when she has not thought about her imprisonment. . HalehEsfandiari,thedirectorofMiddle

2011 spring 8 UNA Magazine Sweet! UNA StudentWriter By JennLyles, looking forit success without UNA graduatefinds 2011 spring 9 UNA Magazine Christy Jordan than 15millionhitsamonth. Jordan’s SouthernPlate.com receives more And therest ishistory. Today Christy surprise itgainedevenmore attention. Jordan bloggedanotherrecipe, andtoher to score thefront pagetwodaysinarow, recipe ontheirhomepage. Attempting hundred hits,andthesite featured her The nextday, herblogreceived acouple pictur pudding forherfriend,uploading post. her successstartedfrom a simpleblog many perkstoherseeminglynormallife, that hernew-foundfamehasbrought “normal day”forher. Although it’strue on adayshejokeswastypically NBC’s Today ShowthispastDecember, City, where shefoundherselfontheset of first-class flightstoplaceslikeNew York Alabama, herlifealsoincludessporadic home momwithtwochildren inNorth has thebestofbothworlds. A stay-at- Jordan postedarecipe forbanana es withstep-by-stepinstructions. the passingof time.” by thatseem evenmore deliciouswith so manywonderfulones from daysgone Southern heritage,”she said. “Ther [.com] istopreserve therecipes ofour with lovethat’ssoimportant. ingredients inabowl;it’smakingdish She teachesthemthatcookingisn’tjust shares great recipes tofansnationwide. an insidelookintoherkitchen,and and funnystories.Jordan givesthepublic through recipes, photos, familyportraits, Jordan shares herlifewithloyalreaders October. In“SouthernPlate,”Christy able torelease herfirstcookbookthispast petite blondewithadistinctdrawlwas she callsher“SouthernPlatefamily their wonderfulfamilies.” incredibly honored tobeasmallpartof of myr tells meabouttheirfamilylovingone a commentaboutoneofmystoriesor she said.“Everytimesomeoneleaves read myramblingsandtry myrecipes,” “My mainemphasison Southern Plate With enoughloyalreaders andfans “It’s anamazinghonortohavefolks ecipes, Ijustcan’thelpbutfeel e are ,” the

2011 spring9 UNA Magazine 10 2011 spring UNA Magazine very firstpublic to showoff those culinaryskillsather fall forabooksigningwhere shewasable Jordan paidavisitbacktoUNA thispast before theofficial release of hercookbook, in homeeconomics2002. And just Alabama, where sheearnedherbachelor’s recipes totheUniversityofNorth Shetookthatloveforcookingfamily kids today.” bake anditisstillafavoriteofhismy remembered. “Itwasmyone-skilletchili I hadbeenmarriedafewweeks,”she my ownwaswhenhusbandand “Thefirst recipe Ieverdevelopedon at averyyoungage. kitchen, shedevelopedaloveforcooking and mother. Working nexttotheminthe culinary skillsfrom hergrandmother grew upin Alabama, learningher TheTennessee Valley nativeresident been doneinhalfthetime.” you couldhavejustusedyourhandsand it, andwashitputawayagain, you togetanapplianceout,setitup,use she said.“Ifindthatinthetimeittakes nowadays are luxuries,not necessities,” kitchen toolsandappliancestheysell “It’syourhands!Themajorityof for thekitchen. already hasthemostessential appliance in thekitchen.Infact,shesayseverybody or buyfancyingredients toimitateJordan You don’thaveto alotofmoney, cooking demonstration. working onmydegree,” sherecalled all ofmyprofessors theentire timeIwas students. Ihadpersonalguidancefrom where theprofessors actuallyknowtheir “I’msogladIwenttoauniversity Southern cooking. so allwhowere there leftfullofgreat made samplesofallJordan’s food, culinary departmenthandedoutready- After eachdishwaspresented, UNA’s and evenshared hercookingwithguests. read apersonalexcerptfrom herbook cooking infront ofthem.Shetoldstories, stage, Jordan interactedwithattendeesby SetuplikeaTVsetwithkitchenon first month alone, her popularity has been and sellingmore than50,000copiesin the With therelease of“SouthernPlate,” ours. She’smadehistory.” love toseemystudents do well.She’s hardworking person,”Wilson said.“I so creative andhasalwaysbeensucha “Christyisvery, verysmart.Sheisjust was honored tohavetaughtJordan. environmental sciencesatUNA,saidshe of Jordan’s andchairofhuman JaneWilson, aformerinstructor one occasion.” and goingwithpeptalksonmore than Wilson, inparticular, keptmemotivated of hertimespentatUNA.“Mrs.Jane 11 2011 spring UNA Magazine to-earth attitude makesheruniquefrom love withChristy Jordan. That down- said. them whentheygetoff thebus,”Jor with theirschoolparties orbewaitingon whether ornotI’mgoing tobeablehelp to them,itisn’tnearlyasimportant make itabigdealtothekidsbecause when shetriestoexplainhercareer toher. is proud ofher greatest cookintheworld.” chips. “She’sthebestmomever, andthe delicious chocolatecookieswith said, afterbraggingabouthismom’s family, thenitallexploded,”BradyJordan now laughed. cool websiteandmyMomwritesit!’”she about SouthernPlate.com?Itisareally grocery store andsay son, Brady. goes, shegivescredit toher 11-year-old business sideofthings.ButasfarPR site, andherfriendJylassistswiththe Her husbandRickyisagr associated withherSouthernPlateempire. nearly 10hoursadaywiththings spent onhersite,admittingsheworks away from it.” the livesofmyfamilyratherthantake what I’mdoingshouldservetoenhance keep inmindisthatattheendofday, others, ofcourse,butthemainthingto home ornot.Somedaysar though, whethertheyworkoutsidethe think allmothershavethesameproblem is more balancedthanothers,”shesaid.“I turning outthisway. said shenevercould’veimaginedherlife was alsoaguestonThe700Club.Jordan for themagazine“SouthernLiving.”She was evenfeatured inaseven-pagespread managed tosqueezeinabooktour, and growing steadily. Thesmall-townmom And that’swhypeoplehave fallenin “I realized thatIdon’tneedtotry She jokesthather5-year-old daughter “It’s kindofcooltoseewhere weare “He hasbeenknowntostopfolksinthe Jordan findsthemajority ofherdays “It’s allabalancingactandsometimesit . A coupleyearsagowewere anormal , butlosesinterest quickly , ‘Hey, doyouknow eat helptoher e crazierthan dan television show filmed apilotepisodefor apotential company outofL.A.and they’vealready in thenearfutur to seeingheronQVCatsomepoint affects onmyfamily.” as longtheydon’thaveanyadverse opportunities thathavecomemyway, I havekeptmyselfopentoallofthe “People justcallandinviteme of peopleordoingliveTV comfortable speakinginfront ofagroup fried pies. right athomeasshemadefruit-filled Today ShowDec.29,where shelooked informed hershehadbeenbookedonthe head ofmarketingatherpublisher, who cookbook, Jordan wascontacted bythe Her humor others whohavegainedsimilarsuccess. the nextfew monthsbuttheyare really she said.“We’ll seewhatcomesofitover film it,too,andI really appreciated that,” future. big plans,apossibleshowcouldbeinher no official release dateyet. As farasother started workingonhernextbook,with “home cook.” people notcallhera“chef,”butrather be anybodyspecial.Infact,sheinsists through onhersite.Shedoesn’tclaimto “I’m workingwithaTV production Jordan saidherfanscanlookforward “No oneeveraskedifIwas With word gr , charmandcharactershine . Theyflewto Alabamato owing abouthersiteand e. Shealsosaidshe’s ,” shesaid. 11 2011 spring UNA Magazine 12 2011 spring UNA Magazine want towatch mykidsbloomhere, too.” this hasallbloomed on Alabama pretty deeplyrooted rightwhere Iamand bloom where you’re planted? Well I’m and youknowhowfolks sayyoushould money canbuy these wonderfulthingsno amountof “Neither ismoneywhenwehaveallof are notamotivationtomove,”shesaid. searching for, butgratefulitfellintoherlap. A career, Jordan stressed, shewasnever her homestatejustbecauseofcar UNA graduate, shehasnoplanstoditch tells herreaders onSouthernPlate.com. obviously mymostimportantjob,”she home mom,andwithyoungkidsthatis from herfamily. promotional gigisanother minuteaway often, becauseeachminutedoinga said she’slearningtosay“no”more opportunity thrown Jordan’s way excited, too.” excited andIcan’thelpbutbealittlebit Regardless ofwhatliesnextforthis “Television camerasandcontracts “I considermyselftobeastay-at- But ratherthanhoppingatevery . Thisarea ismyhome, soil. I , she eer. watch Jordan’s kidsgr don’t expectitatall.HertimeUNA when youleastexpectitto,or people everywhere. Sometimesitcomes through statusupdates. her kids,asshetellsstoriesaboutthem times daily, andoftenuploadspictures of as apersonaloutlet.Shepostsseveral uses herSouthernPlateFacebookpage that’s triggered bythedish.Jordan also recipe wascreated, orafamilymemory Often, you’llseeastorybehindhow ingredients downforuserstocopy. she really is.Shedoesn’tjustwrite life withfanssotheygettoknowwho for everyoccasion,butsheshares her Sure, itholdsdozensofgreat recipes together. That’swhathersiteisabout. pictures ofherfamilyenjoyinglife accomplished. and loyalreaders are proud ofallshe’s on themap,andherformerprofessors nationwide. ShehasputNorth Alabama her cookbookcontinuestobeasuccess subscribe tohere-mailednewsletter, and mom. Currently, more than20,000 is definitelythelimitforthisSouthern past fewyearsare anyindication,thesky future holdsforChristyJor yield alifetimeofreturns.” is theonlyinvestmentguaranteedto to obtaininlife,”sheadded.“Your mind towards. from, orwhatdreams theyare working become today. undoubtedly addedtothepersonshe’s but thefirstoneismypriority. she said.“I’menjoyingliving bothdreams but Ididdream ofgettingtobeamother the overallwisdomyouhaveandar knows whotheyar a universitywhere noneofthefaculty said. “I’dhatetothinkofthemattending And fornow, justaboutanyonecan Although it’shard totellwhatthe “I neverdreamed ofdoingallthis Jordan’s successisaninspiration to “Your educationaddstowhoyouare, “I hopemychildren goto UNA,”she e, where theycame ow up,andsee dan, ifthe ” e able has ,” 13 2011 spring UNA Magazine Where willyoubein10Years? 2006. With anewsetof challengesontheir nurse. found solaceinthewisewordsofacaring comfort atthehospitalafternews,Sam would affecttheirlivesorSamuel’s. Seeking about thechromosomaldisorderorhowit syndrome atbirth,theydidn’t knowmuch showed thephysicalcharacteristicsofDown (’01) Eversdiscoveredtheirfirst-bornSamuel Student Writer forUniversityCommunications By LucyBerry away twomonths afterSamuel’ concept ofchangeasJenny’s motherpassed a newdefinitionofnormal andembracedthe place, butyou’renotexpecting it,”Samsaid. going toAlaskainstead.Itisanequallynice get ontheplane,butthenpilotsaysyou’re getting readytogoonvacationHawaii.You During thenextyear, SamandJennylearned “She saidhavingachildwithDownsislike When UNAalumniSam(’99)and s birthinApril Jenny syndrome oranyone whohadbeenaffected certain reason.” chose ustodothisandgave usSamuelfora to ourlives.Goddoesn’ because Samuelhasbrought nothingbutjoy the disorder,” Jennysaid.“We feellucky think itwillbewhenyoufirstfindoutabout undergraduate degreeincommercialmusic. September 2001afterJennycompletedher campus get-together. Theyweremarried in when herfriendintroducedthetwoat former Lionette,wasrushingZetaTau Alpha was amemberofSigmaChiandJenny 1997 fraternityparty. Sam,amarketingmajor, happy, freespirit.” now 4-year-old boytheydescribeasa“very hands, theEversadjustedtotakingcareof The Eversdidn’t know anyonewithDown “Life isreallymuchmoretypicalthanyou The Evers,both33,metasstudentsata t makemistakes.He , a 13 2011 spring UNA Magazine 14 2011 spring UNA Magazine challenges. of otherswhoaredealingwiththesame inspired tomakeadifferenceinthelives in theUnitedStates,youngcouplefelt 400,000 peoplelivingwithDownsyndrome B.U.D.S. BecauseSamuelisoneofmorethan their callingupongettinginvolvedwith newborns, theEversknewtheyhaddiscovered the numberonegeneticvariationamong in oneoutofevery773birthsandactsas know thedisorder untilyou’relivingand accomplishments,” Samsaid.“You don’t really Down syndromeandtocelebrate alloftheir disorder. to supportingfamiliesraisingachildwiththe (B.U.D.S.), anon-profitorganizationdevoted led themtoBringingUpDownSyndrome support groupsandeventsuntilasocialworker Sam andJennygotinvolvedwithnumerous search ofguidanceduringthatvulnerabletime, where Samworksasaninsuranceadjuster. In by thedisorderinMadison/Huntsvillearea Because Downsyndromedisorderoccurs “Our missionistopromote thosewith where theymeet withmedicalproviders, started anewprojectcalled “ChangingLives,” perceptions. Asaresult,the B.U.D.S.group statistics, resources,andmisinformed it difficulttosortthrough the contrasting about thedisorder, theEversinitiallyfound run.” always feellikewe’reattwospeeds:stopand produced awholeothersetofchallengesaswe each other,” Jennysaid.“Thenewbabyhas for Samuelatfirst,butthey’vecometolove typical 2-year which affectshisfoodintake,Matthewisa Other thanhavingapeanutandmilkallergy child, Matthew, and gave birthtohimin2008. Jenny becamepregnantwiththeirsecond continued toadjustSamuel’s specialneeds, philanthropic effortsthroughB.U.D.S.and world wewouldhaveotherwiseneverknown.” working withit,butSamuelhasopenedupa tigers andhisbigbrotherSamuel. In aworldwithwealthofinformation “Having Matthewwasabigadjustment As thecoupleremainedbusywiththeir -old withaloveofdinosaurs, 15 2011 spring UNA Magazine sat therefora longtimewithoutinformation to offertheirsupport. parents ofDownsyndrome childreninorder hand-delivering packetsof information tonew works togethertoputaface toB.U.D.S.by and otherareasintheNorthAlabamaregion, Guntersville, FortPayne,Hartselle,Decatur which bringsinmembersfromtheShoals, duties aspresidentsofB.U.D.S.Thegroup, hectic scheduleastheycarryouttheir hours ofworkeachweektotheiralready than $25,000indonations. people. In2010,thewalkbroughtinmore when theyjoinedB.U.D.S.attractedonly100 for B.U.D.S.ThefirstwalktheEverswentto area residentscameouttoshowtheirsupport Davis StadiuminHuntsville,wherealmost700 organized theeighthannualBuddyWalk atJoe and thedisorderinNorthAlabama,Evers characteristics andpeopleprejudgethem.” disadvantage becausetheyshowthephysical on himsinceDownsyndromekidshavea we don’t wantpeopletoputanylimitations to beacceptedandloved.Ourbigdealisthat that botherme.It’s justthatIwantmychild said. “It’s notthechallengesorstruggles on ourchild’s ability, nothisdisability as anyoneelse,Jennysaid. Down syndromehavethesameopportunities to informthepublicthatpeopleaffectedby disorder gain amoreenlightenedperspectiveaboutthe Syndrome Society, andhelpmedicalproviders to-date informationfromtheNationalDown of aDownsyndromediagnosis,givethemup- handle anewfamilywhenbreakingthenews offices andhospitalstotrainthemonhow about thedisorder. and otherhealthprofessionalstoinformthem nurses, doctors,pediatricians,gynecologists “We deliver tofamiliesifwecanbecause we Sam andJennyaddanadditional25 In ordertoraiseawarenessabouttheirgroup “As parents,weonlywantpeopletofocus Jenny wantstogethands-onindoctor’s . Oneofthegroup’s mainprioritiesis ,” she typical thanyouthinkthey willbe.Y to beokay,” Samsaid.“Thingswillbemore you iscongratulationsandthatit’s allgoing diagnosis, thenumberonethingIwanttotell families inNorthAlabama. and worktoimprovelivesforstruggling and passionateaboutDownsyndromedisorder her ownfamilyandlifestyle. affectionate termthatalsorelatescloselyto Samuel as“half-typical,half-special,”an energetic, andgiftedchildren.Jennydescribes intellect andabilities justlikeeverybody else.” Down syndrome childrenhaveawiderange of you canbecausethepotential isalwaysthere. much downtheroad,soyou justdothebest worry abouteverythingbecause there’s so way.” people weknowintheirareaandnetworkthat make ittoanewmember’s house,wetrytocall families scatteredeverywhere,soifwecan’ who tocallorwhatdo,”Samsaid.“We have and itwasamiserablefeelingnotknowing “For parentswhohavejustgottenthe Sam andJennywillcontinuetobeproactive The Eversareblessedwithtwoplayful, ou can’t t 15 2011 spring UNA Magazine

17 2011 spring UNA Magazine school. School istheirsafehaven.” ken homesand theycan’t waittocome from toughfamilysurroundings andbro- love tothestudents.Our studentsare mission fieldtoteachand demonstrate are intheteacherswhowere calledtothe cally butthegreatestbeautyandsuccesses This schoolisdoinggreatthingsacademi- Birmingham. previous homeintheaffluentoutskirtsof in Boliviaarevastlydifferentfromtheir Hemisphere andthelivingconditions the clouds.”TheclimateinSouthern and deemedasthe“cityattopof attend. at theschoolandallthreeFrostchildren rainfall. a dirtroadthateasilyturnstomudin accessing theschoolismadedifficultby Challenges abound:anactassimple in acountryknownforIncantreasures. converted fromaruggedoldbrickfactory with 175students.Thecampuswas headmaster ofanAmericanK-12school to workwithanotherculture.Frostisthe commitment ofaminimumfouryears apartment forahome.Theyhavemade as theirmodeoftransportationandan than theyareaccustomedto,usingataxi AlloftheFrostschoseadifferentlifestyle and learninginLaPaz,Bolivia. Fay, Logan,andAmeliahavebeenliving ’90), hiswifeT UNA AlumniMakingaDifference

Frost said,“Boliviaisahiddengem. Scott’s wife,Tammy isascienceteacher Since Julyof2009,ScottFrost(’89& La Pazis12,000feetabovesealevel ammy, andchildrenAnna 17 2011 spring UNA Magazine 18 2011 spring UNA Magazine impact thaneducatorsintheclassroom. none, however, hasamorepowerful classroom, onthestreetorelsewhere; lives, whethertheybeathome,inthe Children havemanyteachersintheir influence ofChristianeducatorsoverseas. can happenintheclassroomwith evangelism anddiscipleshipforChrist on thebeliefthatamajorthrustforworld tian Schools),anorganizationfounded NICS (NetworkofInternationalChris- leadership. Theschoolisamemberof is centeredoncorevaluesandservant an excellenteducation,educationthat has soughttogivethestudentsofLaPaz their children.FromthebeginningHIS English-speaking Christianeducationfor of familieswhodesiredaworld-class (HIS) beganin2003withahandful T he H ighlands I nterna tional S chool and currently isworkingonamaster’s Finance andManagement fromUNA accreditation fromboth organizations. SACS andisintheprocess ofobtaining tions. HighlandsisamemberofACSIand Grade 12studentsfromover100na- educational needsof4,500pre-Kthrough schools in16countries,NICSmeetsthe With 20English-speaking international Frost receivedabachelor’s degreein of 19 2011 spring UNA Magazine influential leaderofmenallhislife. for theCityofFlorence.Hehasbeenan tics, eventuallybecomingafive-termmayor retired fromeducationandwentintopoli- father EddieFrostwasacoach.His ing fromBradshawHighSchoolwherehis ficult taskhefacesinSouthAmerica. firm incorporateAmericaaswellthedif- for tenyearsasthepresidentofamajor Affairs. Hisleadershipskillspreparedhim he servedastheassistantDeanofStudent dent ofthatfraternity. Aftergraduation silon fraternitychapterandbecamepresi- Frost helpedfoundtheSigmaAlphaEp- South Carolina.WhileastudentatUNA, educational leadershipattheUniversityof Frost isanativeofFlorence,graduat-

ing opportunitiesaroundtheworld. http://nics.org/ toreadmoreaboutteach- in ordertomakeadifferencego follow theirheartsandchangevocations Todd V he ismakinganimpactonothers,”said ored tocallScottafriendandknowthat has beenacallingonyourlife.Iamhon- change vocationsisonlydonewhenthere The decisionScottandhisfamilymadeto of someonetrulybeingavailabletoGod. now isatrueblessing.Heanexample and seeingwhatheisdoingwithhislife 30 years.Havingknownhimthatlong

Athletic DirectorforCompliance. Frost encouragesotherswhowishto “Scott andIhavebeenfriendsforover ardaman (’90),UNAAssistant 20 2011 spring UNA Magazine Championship GameinMcAllen, T to theDivisionIBaseball any sportonlevelhasbeenhostedatonesite,secondonly longest continuousperiodthatanyNCAAchampionshipin two ofDivisionII’ the previous13years,butitalsoresultedincreationof game stability, asithadbeenplayedatfivedifferent sitesover accomplished thatandmuchmore. Game, itwasobviousthatthegame’s movetoFlorencehad its 25thconsecutiveDivisionIIFootballChampionship the UniversityandLions’footballprogram. move wouldenhancetheimageandbroadenvisibilityof Championship GametotheShoalsarea,itwashopedsucha in 1986totryandbringtheNCAADivisionIIFootball the newlycreatedShoalsNationalChampionshipCommittee field. With twoothernationaltitlesfollowing in1994and to wintheDivision IIfootballchampionshipon its home Pennsylvania 41-34 tobecomethefirstDivision IISchool a reality, butin1993 UNAdefeatedIndianaUniversityof home field.Itwouldbeeightyears beforethatwouldbecome the hopethatLionscouldplay foranationaltitleontheir community andUniversitytoinitially bidonthegame,in Lions receiverecognitionaswell. to behonoredbuthavealsoseennumerouscurrentandformer for currentandformerstudent-athletesfromacrossthecountry and theawardprogramshavenotonlycreatedopportunities Trophy andtheDivisionIIFootballHallof Fame.Thegame It wasUNA’s appearanceinthe 1985 DivisionII The game’s 25yearsintheShoalsmarkssecond The game’s movetotheShoalshasnotonlygiven This pastDecember, asUNAandtheShoalshosted When theUniversityofNorthAlabamapartneredwith UNA REACHES25-YEARMILESTONE s premierawardprogramsintheHarlonHill

World SeriesinOmaha,Neb.


exas, thatpromptedthe

information department handlesallmediacredentials, press championship week andgame,whiletheschool’s sports medicine staffprovides allnecessaryassistanceduring the also utilizedbythecompetingschools. TheUNAsports Stadium pressbox.UNA’s football practicefacilitiesare from theschoolsandNCAA ongamedayattheBraly teams andtheUNAPresident’s OfficealsohostsVIPs an annualluncheononcampusfor thetwoparticipating Game, UNA’s commitmentisextensive. TheUniversityhosts McKinnon followedin2007. recognized awardsincollegiateathletics. to berecognizedandtheHillTrophy isnow oneofthemost Division IIstudent-athletesfromacrossthenationachance candidates overthelast25years.Theawardhasgiven Hall ’04(2003),buttheLionshavehad15HillTrophy Trophy winnersinRonaldMcKinnon’09(1995)andWill Championship Game.NotonlyhasUNAhadtwoHill at abanquetontheeveningpriortoDivisionII 1995, coach areamongthe28currentinductees.FormerUNA Braly Stadium.Two formerUNAplayersandaLion Hall ofFameishousedintheSportsman’s Clubroomat have playedinthedivisionsinceitscreation1972.The created tohonorthemostoutstandingstudent-athletes for UNAalumnus honor theDivisionIIfootballplayerofyear. Named the Shoalsin1986,HarlonHillTrophy wascreatedto school towinthreestraightnationalchampionships. As hostfortheDivisionIIFootballChampionship In 1999,aDivisionIIFootballHallofFamewas Once itwasannouncedthatthegamecomingto

UNA becamethefirst,andsofaronly, DivisionII CodyGross’96wasinductedin2006and ’55,theawardispresented

21 2011 spring UNA Magazine Fighting JoeCourse. at theRobertTrentat theRobertTrent Jonesat theShoals Jonesat theShoals Division IIMen’sDivision IIMen’s GolfChampionships GolfChampionships when theschoolplayshostto 2011 when theschoolplayshostto 2011 legacy ofhostingNCAAchampionships legacy ofhostingNCAAchampionships women’s basketballandgolf. volleyball, football,men’svolleyball, football,men’s basketball, basketball, NCAA regionalchampionshipsin the past25years,UNAhasalsohosted the past25years,UNAhasalsohosted II FootballChampionshipGamefor II FootballChampionshipGamefor and coachesrememberforever.” It’sIt’s anincredibleexperiencethatplayers anincredibleexperiencethatplayers exists downthere,andyoufeelspecial. exists downthere,andyoufeelspecial. there isincredible.Southernhospitality there isincredible.Southernhospitality YoderYoder said.“Theatmospherecreated said.“Theatmospherecreated at homewhenyougettotheShoals,” at homewhenyougettotheShoals,” what schoolyourepresent,willfeel what schoolyourepresent,willfeel Yoder. II FootballCommitteememberDick II FootballCommitteememberDick winners, accordingtoformerDivision winners, accordingtoformerDivision Shoals, atleastthrough2013. game willcontinuetobeplayedinthe community arebigreasonswhythe and thehospitalityoflocal game, thechampionshipatmosphere the Shoals.Theadministrationof components inthegameremaining have neverwaveredandbeenkey the hostcommitteeandUniversity commitment andenthusiasmshownby Division IIChampionshipGame,the since UNA’s lastappearanceinthe been suchasuccess.” the SNCCandthat’s whythegamehas “UNA ismuchmoreofapartnerwith been here25years,”Haddockadded. name only, thisgamewouldnothave administration ofthegame. and manyothersplaymajorrolesinthe information director, ticketmanager “The athleticdirector, thesports said SNCCPresidentMickeyHaddock. scenes andinkeyleadershippositions,” support forthegame,bothbehind institution butitprovidestremendous hosted atBraly. all 25DivisionIIChampionshipGames Dixie MarchingBandhasperformedat activities. Inaddition,UNA’s Prideof aspects oftheChampionshipweek departments arealsoinvolvedinvarious Public Safetyandothercampus Events, FoodService,PhysicalPlant, of theathleticstaff.UNA’s University include theUNAticketofficeandmuch day operationsatBralyStadiumthat The athleticdirectorcoordinatesgame operations thatincludehostingESPN. conferences andpressboxgameday In May,In May,UNA will furtherextendits UNA will furtherextendits In additiontohostingtheDivision In additiontohostingtheDivision “No matterwhereyou’refromor “No matterwhereyou’refromor Participating teamsarethereal Even thoughithasbeen15years “If UNAwasjuststrictlyahostin “Not onlyisUNAthehost ALNHL TROPHY HARLON HILL in 2006,followedbyformerLions’All- a starterwiththeLions,wasinducted Gross ’96,whohada41-2recordas with threeofthosecomingfromUNA. players andcoacheshavebeeninducted, division sinceitwascreatedin1973. all-time greatstohaveplayedinthe Fame wascreatedin1991tohonorthe surrounding thegamethatwouldrecognizedivision’ssurrounding thegamethatwouldrecognizedivision’s student-athletes. student-athletes. idea wastoenhancetheDivisionIIChampionshipexperiencewithother events Division IIFootballChampionshiptotheShoalsareaofNorthwestAlabama. The FOOTbALL HALLOFFAME Division II Former UNAquarterbackCody Through2010,28formerDivisionII The DivisionIIFootballHallof The HarlonHillTrophy wascreatedin1986aspartofthemoveNCAA Hill ’55wasaperfectexampleofanoutstandingstudent- Hill ’55 athlete atthenon-DivisionIlevelwhowentontomakea athlete atthenon-DivisionIlevelwhowentontomakea name forhimselfasRookieoftheYearname forhimselfasRookieoftheYear and Most Valuable and Most Valuable Player intheNationalFootballLeague. Player intheNationalFootballLeague. As thenamesakeforaward,UNAgraduateHarlon As thenamesakeforaward,UNAgraduate from ShoalsNationalChampionshipCommittee from ShoalsNationalChampionshipCommittee Cody Gross (‘96) was aperfectexampleofanoutstandingstudent- The ideaforthecreationofawardcame The ideaforthecreationofawardcame Chairman GradyLiles,andtheinitialproposalwas Chairman GradyLiles,andtheinitialproposalwas produced byUniversityofNorthAlabamaSports produced byUniversityofNorthAlabamaSports Information Director Information DirectorJeffHodges’82,whohas Will Hall(‘04) Will football andisnowamongthemost recognized football andisnowamongthemost recognized awards incollegiateathletics. awards incollegiateathletics. served astheChairmanofNationalHarlon served astheChairmanofNationalHarlon the trophy,the trophy, UNAhas alsogarnerednational UNAhas alsogarnerednational has hadafar-reachinghas hadafar-reaching impactonDivisionII impactonDivisionII attention withtwoHillTrophy winnersin attention withtwoHillTrophy winnersin Ronald McKinnon’09 Hill AwardHill Award Committeeforthelast25years. Committeeforthelast25years. Ronald McKinnon’09(1995)and Will Hall ’04 ’04 (2003). (2003). In additiontohavingHill’s nameon In additiontohavingHill’s nameon Since itscreation,theHarlonHilltrophy Since itscreation,theHarlonHilltrophy who servesasthechairman. Information DirectorJeffHodges’82, most foranyschool. inducted in2010. was inthefirstclassofcoachestobe three straightnationalchampionships, Bobby Wallace, wholedtheLionsto ’09 in2007.FormerUNAheadcoach American linebackerRonaldMcKinnon The hallwascreatedbyUNASports UNA’s threeinducteesisthesecond

Ronald McKinnon (‘09) 21 2011 spring UNA Magazine Bobby Wallace 22 2011 spring UNA Magazine SCHEDULE INCLUDESTRIPTO U At 4p.m.UNAwillfaceperennialDivisionIIpowerAbileneChristian. the noongameMidwesternStatewilltakeonTexas A&M-Commerce. the three-gameLoneStarFootballFestivalinArlingtononSept.17.In Bowden saidthe2011scheduleissomethingtobeexcitedabout. Division IIplayoffsforthesixthstraightyear, UNAheadcoachTerry schedule atBralyStadiumandafive-gameGulfSouthConferenceslate. a gameatCowboysStadiuminArlington,Texas, asix-gamehome football schedulethatincludestwogamesagainstfirst-timeopponents, broadcasts ofapopular Birminghamsports- when itstartedairing theWJOXweekday the popularitythat WVNA’s AM stationhad many sportsfansinthearea,and noticed School. his highschoolalmamater, BradshawHigh sports broadcastsandbecamethe voiceof for WVNA. and radio/televisionbroadcasting,worked with adoublemajorinbusinessmanagement at theUniversityofNorthAlabama. was there.Havingbeeninradiosinceworking UNA’s gameatthe$1.2billionCowboysStadiumwillbepartof Coming offa9-4seasonthatsawtheLionsadvancetoNCAA The UniversityofNorthAlabamahasreleasedatentative2011 During thoseyears,heheardfrom Throughout theyears,hecontinued live Thornton graduatedfromUNAin1980 Greg Thornton(’80)knewthemarket N THORNTON SCORES A sports byhisfreshmanyear Sheffield HighSchool by-play announcingof sports ontheair. special appreciationof Thornton alwayshada year inhighschool, as adiscjockeyhisjunior FOOTBALL He wasdoingplay- Cision Top 10. nationally inthat ranking,accordingtothe market listenstothestation. those markets,comparedtohow muchofthe station. region inthecountrythathasasports-talk looks atthepotentialmarketshare ofevery follows varioustrendsinthemediamarket, of sports-talkshowsthroughoutthenation. to thrivetoday, asevidentbyarecentranking do that,”Thorntonsaid. FM atthetime,andnowit’s prettycommonto sports radiostation,TheScore. Florence andstartedtheShoals’firstlocalall- In 2002,hepurchasedWYTK93.9FMin Ben Cook. WinchesWinches and and by Herb talk showhosted talk showhosted The findings: Scoreranks10th It thenlooksattheArbitronratings for The rankingbyCisionNavigator, which The riskpaidoff.stationcontinues “It waskindofashottoputsportstalkon Thornton decidedtotakethechance. COWBOYS STADIUM

BIG season andthefinalfiveagainstGSCopponents. includes thetraditionalGSCrivals. includes agameagainstprovisionalGSCmemberLambuth,but and ArkansasTech ontheroad. former GSCmembers,facingHardingathomeandSouthernArkansas Conference, NorthAlabamawillstillhavethreegamesagainstthe A&M at8p.m. In thethirdgameofday, Texas A&M-KingsvilleplaysWest Texas etme 3 Sat 3 September DATE oebr St ETGOGA OE 6:00 Valdosta, Ga. HOME at Valdosta State * Sat 12 WEST GEORGIA * November Sat * 5 Sat 29 November LAMBUTH * Sat 22 October * Sat 15 October Sat 8 October Sat 1 October October Sat 24 September etme 1 Sat 17 September Sat 10 September 2011 UNA FOOTBALL SCHEDULE(Tentative) North Alabamawillplaysixnon-conferencegamestoopenthe The GSCschedulehasbeenreducedtoafive-gameslatethat Despite thesixArkansasschoolsleavingGulfSouth DAY OPPONENT

ETA KAOA OE 6:00 HOME CENTRAL OKLAHOMA (Homecoming) (@Cowboys Stadium) at West Alabama at STATE DELTA Techat Arkansas Southern Arkansas at HARDING LNIL TT WV) OE 6:00 Christian vs. Abilene HOME GLENVILLE STATE (W.V.) from TimesDaily articlebyBernieDelinski sports totheShoalsairwavesfor alongtime. situation, andplanstocontinuebringing programming,” Thorntonsaid. having UNAbasketballandother Network. Falcons sportsandtheCrimsonTide Sports games, AtlantaBravesbaseball,Florence broadcasts inadditiontoUNAbasketball also madetheranking,finishingfifth. Oklahoma City, Okla.,andSeattle.WJOX range fromlocationsincludingNashville, major mediamarketsintheNortheast.Others station inamarketoursize,”hesaid. station inamarketoursize,”hesaid. ranking. ranking.

at Thornton ispleasedwiththestation’s “It’s reallyaddedtoourresume The stationairsvariousESPNgame Many otherstationsintheTop 10arein “That’s aprettybigdeal,especiallyin “That’s aprettybigdeal,especiallyin Thornton admitsheissurprisedbythe Thornton admitsheissurprisedbythe OE 6:00 HOME 93.9 *GulfSouthConferenceGames OE 6:00 Livingston, Ala. HOME Russellville, Ark. 6:00 Magnolia, Ark. HOME IE TIME SITE Arlington, Texas4:00 23 2011 spring UNA Magazine different playersscoredover20pointsinthree than 20timeseachduringtheseason,andthree different playerswhoscoredindouble-figuresmore themselves. 20 gamesagainstteamsthatwonormore played thetoughestscheduleinschoolhistory, playing Perhaps evenmoreimpressiveisthatthisteamalso ranked inthetopeightDivisionIIallseason. opponents, hada16-2recordontheroadandwas history. TheLionswent16-0againstnon-conference most winsandbestwinningpercentageinschool this 1991teamfinishedwitha29-4recordforthe 1991 NCAADivisionIINationalChampionship. February 5tocelebratethe20thAnniversaryoftheir men’s basketballteamreturnedtoFlowersHallon of NorthAlabamaprogram,membersUNA’s 1991 in themorethan70-yearhistoryofUniversity 1991 NCAADIVISIONIINATIONAL CHAMPIONS The ultimateteam,the1991Lionshadsix Under thedirectionofheadcoachGaryElliott, Twenty yearsafterpostingthewinningestseason

20 th ANNIVERSARY Scott Cooper(’95). (’92), AllenWilliams andCarlWilmer, andredshirt Liles (’92),KevinSimmons,EricSmith,FredStafford Darryl Hardy(’92) McDaniel andmanagerConleyBush. assistant coachAnthonyReid,athletictrainerKevin Also backwereassistantcoachBillyGamble,graduate conference championshipsandtworegionaltitles. He tooktheLionstofourNCAAtournaments,two coach inschoolhistorywithastrong270-150record. as theLions’headcoachandfinishedwinningest wins overAshland,V consecutive gamesattheEliteEighttoleadUNA Division IIMen’s BasketballNationalChampionship. win overBridgeportthatgaveUNAitssecondNCAA Hall tocelebratethe25thAnniversaryof79-72 two membersofthesupportstaffreturnedtoFlowers Former playersinattendancewereTony Dorsey, The attendeesincludedElliott,whospent15years The entirecoachingstaff,11formerplayersand , RickyJohnson,EricLacy, Darin irginia Union,andBridgeport.

23 2011 spring UNA Magazine UNA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Brad Holmes (’02), President Sarah Beth Alexander (’04), President Elect message from the Pat Burney (’88), Vice President Rod Sheppard (’98), Vice President Alumni President Faye Torstrick (’65), Secretary Lucy Trousdale (’89), Treasurer Heath Trousdale (’88), Legal Counsel I am so proud to be an alumnus of UNA and Reeda Lee (’74), Chapter Advisor am grateful for the trust you have placed in me Pat Roden (’77), Faculty Advisor William Smith (’89), President Advisor as your 2010-2011 UNA Alumni Association John Battcher (’65), Past President President. Jan Ingle (’85), Public Relations As many of you are aware our University Carol Lyles (’70), Director of Alumni Relations is in the midst of a magnificent transformation. UNA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Stuart Ausborn (’98), Florence For many of us UNA looks and feels Bucky Beaver (’64), Florence different than what we remember from Sandra Behel (’77), Birmingham our undergraduate and graduate years Andy Betterton (’75), Florence Judy Cafiero (’65), Athens on campus. These changes have added to Clint (’00) and Rebecca Carter (’02), Montgomery the natural beauty of our campus and that Ryan (’01) and Lisa Clayton (’00), Florence Brad (’02) and Sara Holmes (’02) tradition is continuing with renovations and new Kay Davis (’73), Muscle Shoals Nikki Durr (’00), Atlanta construction which will allow our institution to provide a superior Jeff (’64) and Pam Edwards (’65), Birmingham education for current and future students. But these enhancements come at a cost, so I Mark Hall (’85), Nashville ask you: Have you joined the Pride? Janie (’57) and Ernest (’58) Haygood, Florence Brenda Mayes (’86), Muscle Shoals We are very excited about the new partnership that has been created between your Christa Raney (’97), Florence Office of Alumni Relations and the University Foundation. Any contributions to the Bart (’96) and Shannon Rickard (’04), Tuscumbia University Foundation (you select the fund that is a priority to you) enroll you in the Justin Sizemore (’03), Florence Larry (’89) and Elaine Softley (’88), Tuscumbia UNA Alumni Pride program. This program allows you benefits and gifts to show off Robert Steen (’60), Florence the Purple and Gold and keep UNA present in your community while increasing the Amanda Terry (’00), Chattanooga number of scholarships available for current and potential students. Ron Tyler (’96), Muscle Shoals Linda Vaughan (’70), Madison I hope you will consider making a contribution to UNA. In 2010 only 3% of our Maria (’00) and Brad (’00) Warren, Killen alumni gave back to UNA. My goal is to be able to report to you in the fall that we Pete Wesson (’84), Florence have increased our alumni giving percentage to 10%. Remember, this is not about the Charles Winters (’86), Huntsville Don York (’60), Muscle Shoals size of the contribution it is about the number of us that make a commitment to UNA. UNA ALUMNI CHAPTER LEADERS Will you join me in showing our current students that their alumni support them? Alabama Let me take a moment to thank those of you who have made a commitment to Greg McCormick (’86), Athens UNA. The changes that are occurring—the new buildings on campus, the renovations James Ingram (’78), Greater Birmingham Area Jim Page (’01), Decatur and additions to student housing, the upgrades in athletics, new band uniforms, added Ernest Haygood (’58), Florence scholarships, and the addition of academic programs—have all happened because an Tom Greenhaw (’60), Gadsden alumnus had a vision and took the lead. You have set an amazing example for all of us Tommy Whitten (’77) Huntsville Nicky Ray (’96), Marion County to follow, thank you! Ron Wright (’70) Greater Montgomery Area In addition to the changes occurring on campus your Office of Alumni Relations Clayton Grider (’08), Mountain Lakes is traveling more than ever to meet you and tell our story. That effort begins with Joe Bailey Pride (’69 & ’72), Russellville Gaye Choat (’81), Dothan updating your information. Please go to http://alumni.una.edu and update your Florida records today. Maury Shipper (’78), Jacksonville As President Cale and our University Trustees lay the groundwork for substantial Georgia growth within our University, so too must we, as alumni, lay the ground work for David Taylor (’83), Marietta Toby Davis (’80), South Georgia growth in our ranks. This process begins with our first UNA Alumni Leadership Mississippi Summit to be held on campus April 15-16. This two-day event is for anyone who Amanda Everett (’74), Jackson would like to learn valuable skills needed to reconnect with alumni in your area. Please

UNA Magazine join us as we reach for the future and empower our alumni and friends to lead the Chris Shumaker (’02), Greater Memphis 24 Logan Key (’02) Greater Nashville charge in developing local chapters/clubs in your area. For more information please Mac & Cathy Brown (’72), Southern Middle Tennessee contact your Office of Alumni Relations at 256-765-4201 or log on to your website at Bobby Clemons (’70), Knoxville/East Tennessee http://alumni.una.edu. George Cudabac (’67), Chattanooga Tri-State Even as great things are happening to better support each of our alumni, I think it Texas Charles Inman (’71), West Texas is appropriate to brag on the Office of Alumni. I think it’s important to note that under Paul Smith (’66), Dallas Metroplex 2011 spring their guidance the UNA Alumni Association has grown our network of alumni chapters Tom McNeill (’69), Houston and have now met or exceeded the goals set forth in our strategic plan. International Fellow Alumni and Friends of UNA, there is no greater time than now to be a part Ge Pengyan (’09), China Aygul Ozer (’00), Turkey of our University. I hope you will join me over the next year as we work to add value to Departmental your degree and strengthen the love of fond memories of UNA that we all share. Jeff McCrary (’83), UNA Band I look forward to the future opportunities that we will all be a part of and am very Bryan Mitchell (’99), Geography Jasmine Williams, Student Alumni Association humbled and proud to be your President. Stacy Childers (’01), Social Work ROAR LIONS! Brad Holmes ’02, President UNA Alumni Association Proud Alumnus 25 2011 spring UNA Magazine 25 2011 spring UNA Magazine 26 2011 spring UNA Magazine 1 6 7 9.RalphAkalonuandCierraSmith 8. Bobby Champagne, MaxBarnett,EddieFreeze, DennisHargett (‘79&‘82)and 7.2010EducatoroftheYear KendyBehrends (’87) 6.2010EducatoroftheYear FranVest Rowe(’69) 5.SusanHolley, AmandaTerry (‘00),EllaMarieandLisaClayton(‘00&‘02) 4.JayHurt(’87),Lea(‘88)andAmanda,AdamJohnMichael 3.JoanJones(’58),Kembrell Jones(’82)andPamelaTyner 2.JamesIngram(’78) 1. 2010EducatoroftheYear RoderickSheppard (’98,’04&’07) Troy Barnett HOMECOMING 8 4 2 2010 5 3 9 27 2011 spring UNA Magazine recalls wasthecoverageofSeptember11 event fromthepolicechasetopre-trialhearings. for thearrestandtrialofOJSimpson,coveringevery coverage oftheAtlantaOlympicsandremoteproducer Obama. inaugurations ofPresidentsGeorgeW. BushandBarack He alsoservedascoveragecoordinatorforthe well astheDemocraticandRepublicanconventions. Hampshire primaryinthepastthreeelections,as coordinating coveragefortheIowacaucusandNew of politicalcampaignsandpartyconventions, Couric, CampbellBrownandAlRoker. top on-airpersonalities,includingTom Brokaw, Katie “Hardball withChrisMatthews.” crews forninedailyMSNBCshows,including studio techniciansandmanagedtheproduction CNBC. Hesupervises25NewsChannelemployees,10 nationwide programmingforNBC,MSNBCand operations andmanagessevenstudiosthatprovide position in1997. affiliate servicesuntilbeingpromotedtohiscurrent 1993. Heservedasaseniorproducerandmanagerof journalism herefor23years. his heartbecausemother, BobbieHurt,taught broadcast journalism.UNAholdsaspecialplacein for NBCNewsChannel,canclaimjustthat. years, butJayHurt’87,theWashington BureauChief every majorAmericannewseventduringthepast16 that theyhavebeeninvolvedinthecoverageofalmost By JasonLankford surreal experiences I’veeverhad.” the entirecity being deserted.Itwasoneof the most whole cityshutdown.Iremember drivinghomeand the Capitol.Itwasaverytough andintenseday. The plane andeverybodywassaying itsdestinationwas the Pentagon,”Hurtsaid.“We heardwordofanother crash siteaswell. coordinated localcrewsforcoverageofthePentagon crews thatwouldbedispatchedtoNewYork. He came in,hehadtoactquicklyorganizecoverage attacks. AfterthereportsofcrashesinNewYork One ofthemostmemorableassignmentsHurt Hurt hasalsobeenseniorproducerforthe He hasbeenheavilyinvolvedinthecoverage Hurt hasworkeddirectlywithmanyofNBC’s Hurt overseesthechannel’s editorialandtechnical Hurt startedworkingforNBCNewsChannelin Hurt graduatedfromUNAwithadegreein Few peopleworkinginthemediaindustrycansay “Here inWashington wescrambledtogetcrews , Student Intern UNA A th terrorist lumni Jay Hurt ’87 oftheY ear 27 2011 spring UNA Magazine 28 2011 spring UNA Magazine UNA A James Ingram’78 lumni delinquency, dependencyandpaternitycases. for theinvestigation,preparation andtrialsof Family CourtofJeffersonCounty. Hewasresponsible Society ofBirmingham,practicing intheAlabama criminal cases. practice in1984Birmingham,litigatingciviland preparing courtopinions.Heestablishedaprivate reviewing appellatebriefs,doinglegalresearchand Janie L.ShoresoftheAlabamaSupremeCourt, criminal defense. cases involvingpersonalinjuries,bankruptcyand Florence forHigginbotham&Whitten,handling in 1981.Hebeganhiscareerasatrialattorney Cumberland SchoolofLawSamfordUniversity award. HeearnedaJurisDoctoratedegreeat economics fromUNA,receivingaTurris Fidelis agencies atthefederal,stateandlocallevels. training fordomesticandforeignlawenforcement forfeiture andmoneylaunderingsection,conducting department’s officeoflegaleducationandtheasset forfeiture litigation.Heisalsoaninstructorforthe Justice Director’s Award forhiscontributionstoasset bars, andhasreceivedtheU.S.Departmentof and Iamquiteexcited.” said Ingram.“Ihopeit’s goingtoberewardingwork countries whohaverobbedtheirownpeopleblind,” proceeds thathavegonetocorruptleadersofforeign recovery initiative. will beinvolvedintheDepartmentofJustice’s asset and moneylaunderingsection’s internationalunit.He for oneyearasatrialattorneytheassetforfeiture criminal assetforfeiturecasesformorethan22years. and moneylaundering.Hehashandledcivil involving bankfraud,securitiesdrugtrafficking and leadassetforfeitureattorneyforhisdistrict. division, servingastheassetforfeiturecoordinator since May1987.Heisassignedtothecriminal States AttorneyfortheNorthernDistrictofAlabama By JasonLankford Ingram wasastaffattorneyfortheLegalAid Ingram wasstaffattorneytoAssociateJustice Ingram graduatedwithabachelor’s degreein Ingram isamemberoftheAlabamaandVirginia “The objectiveistotargettherecoveryof Ingram willsoonbegoingtoWashington, D.C., As atrialattorney, Ingramhasprosecutedcases James Ingram’78hasbeenanAssistantUnited


, Student Intern ear 29 2011 spring UNA Magazine much morethanaprestigious businessschool. of allthestudentsinhiscare and makeWhartoninto forge ahead,challenginghimself toimprovethelives the basicsandcreatedagoodfoundation,butaimsto of Happiness,”Jonesfeelslikehehastakencare feel inundatedorjustneedsomeonetotalkto. support andashouldertocryonforstudentswho “Dr. PhilofHuntsmanHall,”heprovidesemotional and fun-lovingpeopleaswell.Astheself-described only bright,motivatedandcapable,buttheyarekind majors anddemonstratethatthestudentsarenot debunk stereotypesthatpeoplehaveaboutbusiness Coca-Cola DreamChallenge. UNA Magazineandraised$500,000aspartofthe giving, established50newscholarships,createdthe relations, Jonescreatedthefirstprogramforannual ’58. WhenhereturnedtoUNAasdirectorofalumni he isthesonofformerbasketballCoachBillJones advancement atSavannahCollegeofArtandDesign. Emory University, andvicepresidentofinstitutional of marketingattheGoizuetaBusinessSchool programs andassistantprofessorinthepractice and annualgivingatUNA,assistantdeanofMBA Southern College,directorofalumnirelations dean anddirectorofstudentactivitiesatBirmingham- director ofadmissionsatMiamiUniversity, assistant positions intheeducationfield.Hewasassistant Emory University. as aMasterofBusinessAdministrationdegreefrom Social PolicydegreefromHarvardUniversity, aswell Doctor ofEducationinAdministration,Planningand He laterearnedaMasterofEducationdegreeand degree inmarketingandorganizationalmanagement. need someonetobethereforthem. and offeringcounselingservicesforstudentswho 1,650 MBAstudents,planningrecreationalactivities of studentlifeatWharton,hetendstotheneeds as the“DeanofHappiness.”Asdeputyvicedean Wharton SchooloftheUniversityPennsylvania By JasonLankford After completinghisfirsttwoyearsasthe“Dean In hiscurrentpositionatWharton,Jonesaimsto Jones hasaspecialattachmenttoUNAbecause Throughout hiscareerJoneshasheldmany Jones graduatedfromUNAwithabachelor’s Kembrel Jones’82isknownbymanyatthe , Student Intern UNA A Kembrel Jones’82 lumni oftheY ear Lifetime Achievement Award Created to recognize and honor alumni or non-alumni who have left lasting impressions on this campus, a brick in a permanent location in our Alumni Victory Garden is dedicated to the winners.

Dr. Kenneth Ray Johnson In 1971, Dr. Jack Sellers taught history at UNA for 30 years, became UNA’s first full time Social beginning in 1966. He served as Work faculty member. He developed department chair, published more a nationally accredited social work than 30 articles in professional program and set up student volunteer journals and introduced three new opportunities in the local community courses: History of Urban America, during his 36 years as chair of the History of Afro-Americans, and social work department. Historical Research. One of his In 2006, the City of Florence specialties was Alabama history, presented Sellers with a certificate which he taught for 18 years. of commendation for his role in He is very active in his church establishing numerous social work and community as well, giving programs, including the Single Parent Dr. Kenneth Ray Johnson presentations about local history, Mentor program and the North editing the Journal of Muscle Shoals Alabama Girls Group Home. Music History and helping to organize He was also awarded the the North Alabama Conference Significant Lifetime Achievement Historical Society of the United Award from a national social work Methodist Church. organization and received the 25- Johnson has held positions in year Professional Service Award from several local organizations, including the Alabama Conference of Social the Florence Historical Board, the Work. Tennessee Valley Historical Society He continues to serve his and the UNA Institute for Learning community as a board member of in Retirement. several organizations, including the Lauderdale County Department of Human Resources and the Westminster Interfaith Caring Place. Dr. Jack Sellers

Military Service Awards recognize the men and women from our armed services who have chosen careers dedicated to the service of our country and to the protection of each one of us.

Col. Edgar Wylie ’63 was a After graduating from Florence State Distinguished Military Graduate College, Col. Don York ’60 received from Florence State College. He has a Regular Army Commission. He served completed tours in Korea, Vietnam and as platoon leader, company commander Turkey, serving as Battalion Commander and special weapons officer for the 4th for the 7th Infantry Division and Chief Armored Division in Germany. York

UNA Magazine of the Army Section for the Joint U.S. was Intelligence Staff Officer at the 30 Military Mission for Assistance to Turkey. Pentagon, Special Security Officer at the He has also been an ROTC instructor at Headquarters of European Command in . Germany, Special Agent in Charge in Col. Edgar Wylie ’63 Wylie has received numerous Tampa, Fla., and Deputy Chief of Staff awards, including the Defense Superior for Intelligence in the Central Army 2011 spring Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Group of NATO. Star, the Defense Superior Service Medal, York’s final command position was as the Legion of Merit, the Meritorious Brigade Commander at the United States Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster and Army Intelligence Center and School. He the Joint Services Commendation Medal. retired in 1986, after 28 years of service.

Col. Don York ’60 31 2011 spring UNA Magazine Wimpy Gillespie’56 Wimpy Tammy Irons ’86 Joel Kimbrough ’80 Wayne Higgins’71&’76 model citizenswhohavegivenlong-terminvolvementprofessionallyandasavolunteerwheretheylive. C dedicated service. government inanelectedorappointedpositionandbringrecognitiontothisUniversitybecauseoftheirinfluence P oli omm t ical u ni ty S S e rv e rv ice ice Aw Aw Shoals EconomicDevelopmentAuthority Association, andaformermemberofthe president oftheLauderdaleCountyBar Study Commission.Sheistheformer Committee andtheAlabamaFamilies on GovernmentAccountability. Oversight CommitteeandtheCommission committees, includingtheADECA of thestatehouse,sheservedonnumerous Irons LawFirminFlorence.Asamember of theAlabamaHouseRepresentatives. received morethan 30awardsfrom Rifles Drilland Ceremony Team, and Representatives. Award fromtheAlabama StateHouseof in EducationandtheOutstanding Service received theGovernor’s Volunteer Award award fortheStateofAlabama.Higgins award andtheVFWTeacher oftheYear the FlorenceCityTeacher oftheYear School Systemfor36years,earning instruction. school administrationandsupervisionof education andamaster’s degreein a bachelor’s degreeinelementary Washington, D.C. to ExcellenceAward, andwashonoredin retirement. club leaderandvolunteerfor24yearsuntil scholarship programandservedasthelocal established andraisedfundingforthe4-H Federation 4-HHallofFamein2009.He and aninductionintotheAlabamaFarmers of AchievementinForestryandWildlife earned himtheW. KellyMoseleyAward with 4-Hclubsinlocalschools. conservation duringhisvolunteerwork environmental issuesandnaturalresource wildlife toeducateyoungpeopleabout used hisknowledgeofAlabamaforestsand 30 years.Gillespie,anavidoutdoorsman, He wasateacherinLawrenceCountyfor from FlorenceStateTeachers College. a rd Nominatedbypeers,theserecipientsservetheirstate,regional,orlocal a Irons wasthechairofElderJustice Irons isanattorneyandtheownerof Tammy Irons’86servedasamember He wasthedirector oftheWheeler He taughtintheFlorenceCity Wayne Higgins’71&’76obtained Gillespie wasalsoawardedtheSalute Gillespie’s commitmentto4-H Wimpy Gillespie’56graduated rd s areforextraordinaryservicetotheircommunity Alabama StateSenateinNov. 2010. in 2010.Shewasrecentlyelectedtothe NAACP JamesR.CobbLeadershipAward Juvenile JusticeReformActandreceivedan Judicial Systemforherworkonthe T. HeflinJustice Award bytheUnified Association, IronswasawardedtheHowell Cabinet andtheMuscleShoalsMusic Association. is pastpresident,LauderdaleCountyBar Children’s PolicyCouncil,Inc.andshe She servesontheLauderdaleCounty and ShoalsEntrepreneurialCenter. as the“manwithbigheart.” hosts fundraisersathishomeand isknown Wish FoundationoftheMid-South. He and servesaschairmanfortheMake-a- currently apartnerwithTheBarnettGroup Audit CommitteeforAldagen,Inc.Heis and theboardofTrust OneBankand the RegionalMedicalCenteratMemphis their childrenwerebeingtreated. hospital wherefamiliescouldstaywhile donated moneytobuildawingofthe he becameChiefFinancialOfficer. He Health, Inc.,whereinMarchof1996, country, andthepredecessortoAccredo pediatric homecarecompaniesinthe The Companywasoneofthepremiere Le BonheurChildren’s MedicalCenter. financial officerofafor-profit branchof vice presidentoffinance,thenchief in Memphis,Tenn. In1989,hebecame ’80 wasemployedbyErnst&Young, LLP degree inaccounting,JoelKimbrough consultant forregionalmuseums. Arts andMuseumsamilitaryhistory curator fortheFlorenceDepartmentof Museum, andiscurrentlyasubstitute years asaprojectofficerforPope’s Tavern Florence HistoricalBoardforover20 levels. veterans’ groupsatlocalandnational A memberofUNAPresident’s Kimbrough servesontheboardof After graduatingwithabachelor’s Higgins servedasamemberofthe , inordertorecognize Faculty/ Staff Service Awards are presented to successful alumni among peers from UNA. The award winners possess far-reaching, long-term involvement and influence with students, organizations, and colleagues at the University.

Karen Hodges ’84 graduated Tina Sharp ’79 & ‘92 began from UNA and she is now employed working in the UNA Registrar’s as Creative Director for University Office the year she completed her Publications. For 23 years Hodges has undergraduate degree as a secretary. lent her creative talents and technical She moved up the ranks, eventually expertise to every department on earning her current position as Associate campus by designing brochures, posters, Registrar. She oversees numerous handouts and magazines. functions related to enrollment services Hodges is a patient, dedicated and and student data as part of UNA’s committed staff member who works long Enrollment Management Team. She hours. She is married to UNA Sports was a team leader for student data while Karen Hodges ’84 Information Director Jeff Hodges and she implementing two different software is the mother of three children: Dillon, systems. Melanie and Shanna. Sharp is a member of the Southern Association of Collegiate Registrars and Pam Kingsbury ’81 has been an Admission Officers and the Alabama English instructor at UNA since 2003. Association of Collegiate Registrars She has chaired the Writer’s Series and Admission Officers. She received a Committee for the past four years. service award from the division of student She has also served on the English affairs in 1999. She is married to Mark Department’s Scholarship Committee, Sharp and has two daughters: Juliana and the Sophomore Committee, and the Jenalane; and one granddaughter: Brook. Pam Kingsbury ’81 Publications Committee. In 2005, Enolam Press published Inner Voices, Inner Views, a collection of Kingsbury’s interviews with Southern authors. She has served two terms on the Alabama Writer’s Forum Board and has been serving on the Alabama Book Festival Committee since the festival’s inception.

Tina Sharp ’79 & ’92

Promising Alumni Awards are selected by UNA faculty and staff who select seniors excelling in leadership, scholastics, character, service, and potential.

Breann Boughton

UNA Magazine Thomas Corum 32 Cory Hamilton Bethany Oliver Matthew Van Ormer Katherine Posey

2011 spring John Sercel Joseph Thigpen Breann Boughton Thomas Corum Cory Hamilton Bethany Oliver Katie Todd

Katherine Posey John Sercel Joseph Thigpen Katie Todd 33 2011 spring UNA Magazine Heather Brown ’97&’01 both K-12educationandhighereducation. outstanding institutionforteachereducationandadministration.A Edu philosophy of“People been groundedinthe began in1952andhas Listerhill CreditUnion financial institution profit, member-owned diversity. as aleaderinpromoting Multicultural Council recognized bytheShoals Commission andwas the StateTeacher Tenure She wasappointedto years, retiringin2010. City Schoolsfornine superintendent ofFlorence of Alabama. at UNAandtheUniversity professor ofEd.S.courses became apart-timeadjunct programs. Shelater as directorforTitle XX school teacherandserved became anelementary the Philippines,Behrends Peace Corpsvolunteerin Alabama. from theUniversityof in instructionalleadership from UNAandanEd.D. earned amaster’s degree special interestswheretheycansharetheirexpertiseandtalents. their donationoftime,resources,andenergy F r ien The not-for- Behrends wasthe After servingasa Kendy Behrends’87 ca d t o o f t r o he f t

Uni he

v Yea e Helping People.” employs 46UNAalumni, in 12counties.Listerhill in assetsand17branches members, $430million to includeover67,000 institution hasgrown r of theYear, State Middle and wasVFW’s Teacher Volunteer ServiceAward, received thePresident’s training sessions.She workshops andleadership Hospital andorganized than $10,000forSt.Jude’s of thelocalcommunity. plan thatincludedhistory and createdacurriculum elementary schoollibrary She helpedestablishan and middleschoolteacher. career asanelementary immediately beganher 1969, FranVest Rowe Who inAmericanEducation. and isincludedinWho’s of NorthAlabama,Inc. sponsored byGirlScouts of DistinctionProgram, Award intheWomen the LifetimeLeadership r si ty Aw a Rowe raisedmore After graduatingin She hasreceived w a . TheyareUNApatrons,silentlyseekingtoselectdeservingcausesand rd ismostappropriateastheUniversityhasalong-standingreputationan Brad Green ’91 a

The rd honorsthosewhopromotethemissionofUniversityby area childrentoattend voucher systemthatallows Listerhill created“CUTIP,” a research. marketing valuable work jointlyinconducting UNA Businessstudentsto and formedanalliancewith development trainingneeds; leadership andmanagement Outreach tomeettheir of ContinuingStudiesand partnered withUNA’s Office scholarships. Listerhillhas and laterendowedtwo Eminent ScholarsProgram the CollegeofBusiness’ union helpedtoestablish years agowhenthecredit friendship beganalmost20 over thepast20years. they havehosted28interns staff areUNAstudents,and 36 membersoftheircurrent ward winnerscoverthebreadthfromadministrationin football coachand an studies teacher, anassistant experience. most oftheireducational potential bymakingthe people reachtheirfull out ofhelpingyoung winner, hasmadeacareer NAACP President’s Award ’98, ’04&‘07,a2005 degree inEducation. also earnedamaster’s her teachingcareershe Hurricane Katrina.During benefitted victimsof for charitablecausesthat activities andraisedfunds organized andledmany years, duringwhichshe council advisorfor11 Teacher Award. Citizenship Education and receivedtheNational School Teacher oftheYear The UNA-Listerhill He hasbeenasocial Roderick Sheppard Rowe wasastudent Student CommonsBuilding. new AcademicCenterand Center tobehousedina also makeitpossibleforthis Listerhill’s generousgiftwill more far-reaching impact. graduate, tohaveaneven their communitiesasthey take theirnewskillsinto literacy andbeableto become certifiedinfinancial have theopportunityto education majorswill Finance, economics,and peer-to-peer environment. sound financialadviceina and youngpeoplewith Literacy, providingstudents and aCenterforFinancial credit union,“TheHill,” created astudent-operated of charge.InJuly, Listerhill UNA athleticeventsfree Unity Breakfast. Martin LutherKing,Jr., of events,includingthe Ceremonies atanumber has beentheMasterof on theUNAcampusand chapter ofAlphaPhi the presidentofalumni Mentoring Program.Heis member oftheSevenSons Sunday schoolteacherand ways aswell.Heisa to youngpeopleinother School Principals. Association ofSecondary president fortheAlabama Center anddistrict the FlorenceFreshman currently theprincipalat assistant principal.Heis Sheppard isamentor Student Intern By JasonLankford 33 2011 spring UNA Magazine ROTC Celebration Brings Hundreds of Veterans to UNA Campus

By Lucy Berry Student Writer for University Communications

UNA alumnus Robert Jackson, who was and what he sacrificed in combat, the close friends commissioned as a U.S. Army officer at the we lost in the war, and the people who risk their Memorial Amphitheatre in 1963, never anticipated lives to serve and do their part.” UNA Magazine what lessons he would learn through three combat The celebration, which took place at the 34 tours in Vietnam and the Dominican Republic Amphitheatre, attracted a wide blend of UNA or what impact he would ultimately have on the graduates, war veterans, current cadets, and military. family and friends of soldiers. A 60th anniversary Jackson, who was the keynote speaker at the luncheon honoring more than 70 current corps 2011 spring 60th anniversary ROTC Veterans Day celebration cadets and Lion Battalion alumni followed the on Nov. 11, which honored 1,105 commissioned ceremony. cadets at UNA since 1950, was thrilled to come Cadet Battalion Commander Joseph Thigpen, together with hundreds of people who had served who was recognized as one of UNA’s most their country. promising alumni and is in the top 10 percent of “I’ve grown to appreciate Veterans Day more,” more than 5,300 cadets in the nation, also spoke at he said. “When I came back from Vietnam to Los the celebration. Angeles, there was a low appreciation for the “The event was very successful and I was military, but I’ve begun to see more and more of extremely pleased to meet and hear the stories an appreciation over the years, as I’ve seen my son of some of the veterans who had served in 35 2011 spring UNA Magazine alleviate thecosts oftuitionandtextbooks, offer students fortwo, threeandfouryears,help while gaininganeducationat UNA. the opportunitytobecomefuture militaryleaders Scholarship Fund,whichgives deservingstudents the veteranstocontribute the ROTC president ofUniversityAdvancement,challenged know themilitarycadre.” One ofthehighlightsmydaywasgettingto impressed withthecurrentcropofROTCcadets. was goodtovisitWesleyan HallandIwasvery with theguysIgraduatedwith,”Allensaid.“It 60th anniversarycelebration. among thehundredsofveteranswhoattended resident whograduatedfromUNAin1975,was the firsttimeonUNA’s campusin1950. on theG.I.Bill,17officerswerecommissionedfor World War II.Whensoldiersreturnedtocollege was builtin1936,15of318UNAsoldiersdied War I,leavingsixdead.AftertheAmphitheatre 288 soldierswhostudiedatUNAservedinWorld and outlinedUNA’s longmilitaryhistory. Hesaid his respectstoveteransattheNov. 11program hard workandmakethedifficultdecisions.” weaknesses. You havetogiveyourselfup,dothe have toknowyourpeopleandtheirstrengths way ofsayingyouneedtoknowyourself.You You needtoknowyourcode,whichisanother who doesthingsbestandpeoplecometo. an expertinyourfieldandbethego-toperson and knowyourpeople,”hesaid.“You needtobe takes tobeasuccessfulleadertoday. at the60thanniversarycelebrationaboutwhatit the military, Jacksonreachedouttoyoungcadets during theday-longcommemoration. Company,” whichguestswereabletoviewatUNA winning documentary“TheWorld ofCharlie featured inWalter Cronkite’s 1970EmmyAward- Purple Heart,SilverStarandfiveBronzeStars,was branch from1963to1976andrecipientofthe the yearstocome.” stories thathelpeddefinethemfortheircareersin got tointeractwiththeveteransandheartheir served intheLionBattalion.Thecurrentcadets everybody wasthattheyhadallparticipatedand Military Science.“Whatwascommonamongst Commander andchairoftheDepartment combat,” saidLTC MichaelSnyder, LionBattalion The scholarships,whichareawarded to At thecelebrationDr. AlanMedders,vice “It wasawonderfulopportunityforreunion Retired LTC LarryAllen,aHuntsville UNA President Dr. William Cale, Jr., alsogave “You havetoknowyourjob,code Reflecting onhisownleadershipexperiencein Jackson, aU.S.Armyofficerwiththeinfantry online attheabovelink. Advancement at256-765-4670ormakeyourgift to theROTCScholarshipFund,contactUNA edu. Formoreinformationabouthowtodonate Anniversary Reuniongotowww.alumni.una. university.” to haveoncampusandispartofthelegacy continues theROTCprogramasitisagoodthing over theyears,”hesaid.“Thescholarshipfund new buildingsandchangesthathavehappened anniversary celebration. and traveledfromFloridatoattendthe60th and Germany, donatedtothescholarshipfund and infantryofficerwhoservedtoursinKorea contractor FrankBush,a1975UNAgraduate scholarship is$60,000. qualified. Theoverallvalueofafour-year ROTC and studyabroadopportunitiesforthosewhoare board, andgivepaidsummerinternship,training a stipendforlivingexpenses,provideroomand To viewthephotoalbumof60 “It wasgreattoseethecampusand Retired militaryanalystandgovernment th


Walter Ingle (‘50) and Jackie (’70) and Jim Noles (’67) Wayne Brown (’50)

NEW CREATIONS Peggy and Richard Allen (’63) Frank Bush (’75) and Bob Proctor (’61) As a nationally known fashion designer, Marigail Mathis was always creating something, whether it was a new clothing line or a new women’s store. Now, a year after her death, she’s still creating. This time, her creation is this: the opportunity for a successful fashion career like hers. The Marigail Mathis Endowed Scholarship memorializes Marigail’s life and career by paving the way financially for students wishing to study merchandising and fashion design at UNA. UNA Magazine

36 “Marigail always wanted to be remembered as a mentor for young women and men,” said Marigail’s husband, artist Mel McLemore (’60), Billy Don Anderson (’62) and Tom Greenhaw (’60) Tommy Mathis. “She’d be so delighted to know they can fulfill their dreams and passions because of

2011 spring an opportunity like this.” Build Your Own Creation!

To create life-changing opportunities through a UNA endowed scholarship, contact Melissa Pettus, coordinator of endowed scholarships, at 256-765-4757 or [email protected]. 37 2011 spring UNA Magazine 38 2011 spring UNA Magazine LEGENDS L Paul Pressley (’81) Don Smith(’83)and Luther Bivens(’80) Burnis Rose,Stan Walker (’80),JudyJackson(’91 &’02)and Terrance (’79) Witherspoon Andy Morris(’76)and EGEN DJ Thomas(’82) Mike Thorn(’82),HerbieJones,Jeff Patterson(’81)andHampMoore (’82) D S of the FALL Kathy (’73)andWendell (’73)Hathorn Billy (’73)andJan (’73)Hargrove, Roger Ferrell (’76),NancyTrowbridge, Sam Moore, andRodBrooks (’83) Olie McGee(’82),Fred Riley(’82),MikeMcGowen,RonnieLewey Barry Koehn(’75),SpryMitchell,andSusanFrankie(’73)Patterson Jerry Hill(’81) Clarence Johnson Steve Pierce (’75)and 39 2011 spring UNA Magazine Jeff Hittinger(’78) John Byrd (’78),ClarkGalenLanaRobertsNaleand Bubba Gibson(’78),JerryMizell(’76)andEdBall Morris, JohnBenton (’57),Harold Hargrove (’49),KarlBradley, ShirleySelf(’60& ’70),JoeBrewer (’55) Dick Pollard (’49),DonParker(’52),BimolPoole (’55),EdBurrows (’53), George Lindsey(’52),Chuck Beard, Billy Bimol Poole(’55)andBobbyBowden George Lindsey(’52) and Anne Wilson Lonzie McGants(’82) Garner Ezzell(’78&’88) Grady Lilesand Chuck McCurley(’85) ‘Go Lions!’” can onceagainsayproudly, time andbethankfulthatwe that Victory Torch onemore Tears thisweekend.Let’s light brothers inBlood,Sweat,and So Ilookforwardtoseeingmy other’s giantextendedfamily. but collectivelyweareeach We havefriendsandfamily, more eachdayforallofus. friendship willcountmoreand ever. Health,happiness,and need oneanothermorethan likelihood wewillprobably as timegoesonandinall appreciate eachothermore and stayintouch.We will years aswestayconnected coming weeks,months,and our reunionshouldbeinthe said, “Thebiggestwinof “Bubba” Gibson(’78) friendships. catching upwithalifetimeof reliving momentsofgloryand time togethertellingstories, during footballseason,spent championship teamreturned 1973-1976, andthe1980GSC Mickey Andrewsteamsfrom (Legends oftheFall),Coach the originalteamfrom1950 In planningareunion Football playersfrom 39 2011 spring UNA Magazine

41 2011 spring UNA Magazine Roy Stevens1964-90 U Steve Carter1978-80 Kenyatta Jones1993-94 N A ATHLETIC HALLOFFAME Alan Pate1993-96 Michael Williams 1992-95 Michael Williams Billy Gamble1988-02 Carol Lyles (’70),JoanJones(’58)andOtis Boddie Shirley Tucker Cheatwood, BobbyIrons (’65), GradyLilesandDickYoder Robert Steele(’78) 41 2011 spring UNA Magazine 42 2011 spring UNA Magazine her husbandGeoffrey bankers Briggs Roepstorff (’73)and Association named Robbie The FloridaBankers City Schools. athletic Director ofGadsden Danny Kimble(’73)isthe husband David. She livesinFlorence withher in-home care fortheaging. founded in1996toprovide Eldercare Services,whichshe is president andCEOof the joysofliving.JeanGay happiness anddailyreinforce the goodthingsthatbringus and rekindling memoriesof and history, embracinglife of place,family, friends,food, Potpourri unveilsthetreasures recipes, Potluck,Postscripts& and 160-plusSouthern more than100stories With Cooking. genuine Southern tradition, andatasteof culture, generationsoffamily two centuriesofSouthern unforgettable jour has writtenabookonan Jean Gay District 2,CullmanCounty House ofRepresentatives, was electedtoAlabama M Sulligent, Ala. near beef cattleontheirfarm plenty ofexercise byraising and grandchildren. They get Larry, are enjoyingtheirfamily years. Sheandherhusband, is aretired educatorafter32 Rebecca F. Franklin(’64) 970s 19 960s 19 arvin M ac Buttram(’69) M ussleman (’72) ney across . Curriculum Dir Gar Euharlee, Ga. for theKellogg’s Companyin is anOperationsSpecialist James “Buddy” Florida inPensacola. at theUniversityofWest Community HealthEducation (’77) Francis StephenBridges Gadsden, Ala. Gas Companyandlivesin division ManagerofAlabama Jerry Decatur, Ala. owner ofVarsity Computingin Roger Ferrell (’76)isthe Rome, Ga. Studies atShorterCollegein and Pr John Myers, Fla. Edison NationalBankinFort husband andwifeteamrun of theyearin2010.The president/owner ofPrimeWire Robert Steele (‘78)isthe Center inTallassee, Fla. Premier HealthandFitness executive dir Len Championships inFlorida. director oftheTransitions Golf president andtournament Gerald Goodman(’78)isthe live inDadeville,Ala. Lucile LawleyGibson(’78) Company. Heandhiswife Region ofCocaColaBottling Development fortheEast the Director ofOrganizational Joe “Bubba”Gibson(’78)is City Schools. c ner H is aprofessor of C M arvey (’78)isthe ofessor ofChristian onnell (’75)istheChair E izell (’76)isthe zell (’78)isthe lass ector ofthe ector forAthens C hilds (’77) cr of DecorativePainters.She to beamemberoftheSociety 500 artistschosenworldwide and livesinFt.Deposit,Ala. of “ArtByHart,” aworking Institute. Sheis theowner Gallery attheSmithsonian been onexhibitattheRenwick Dianne Texas. Patricia, liveinFlowerMound, in Denton.Heandhiswife, University ofNorthTexas director ofmajorgiftsatthe Stan Walker (’80)isthesenior renovation projects. their free timedoinghome at TheMed,andtheyspend a SeniorProgrammer Analyst Rhetoric. HerhusbandPaulis she isalsopursuingaPh.D.in addition toherworkatUM Assistant Development.In of GraduateTeaching where sheiscurrently Director of Memphisforthree years has beenattheUniversity Lori Aylsworth Stallings(’80) Ala. Sabrena (’82)liveinMobile, Stainless USA.Heandhiswife at ThyssenKruppSteeland a humanr M Bob brothers. Phi GammaDeltafraternity was greeted bymanyofhis Public Librarywhere Robert the Florence Lauderdale book’s debutwasheldat a bookSteeleHere. The area. Hehasjustwritten and livesintheAtlanta 980s 19 eated an ornament thathas eated anornament arcene M artin (’79)isadentist H art (’81)wasoneof E esource manager mmett (’80)is n ot to openinSavannah2011. Treatment Center, scheduled the DarrylWorley Cancer recently broken ground on Darryl Worley (’87)has located inLosAngeles,Calif. since1984.Heis as Chairman Martin Group andhasserved He isalsothefounderofThe metropolitan infrastructure. inner-city housing,and focusing onurbanreal estate, institution investmentfirms is oneofthenation’s premier which ofCityView Chairman curr David O. Mississippi, andTennessee. Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Trust andCustody divisionin for thebank’s Institutional development ofnewbusiness He isresponsible forthe Custody inBirmingham. Bank InstitutionalTrust and development officerbyU.S. president andbusiness recently namedvice Steve Richter(’84)was the Year. as the2010Volunteer of Firm Volunteers LawyersProgram recognized bytheBirmingham was Reese andShinnlawfirm and partnerofBond,Botes, Brad Botes(’83)founder position forover17years. holding theexecutivedirector years attheArc oftheShoals, been servingmore than27 Citizen oftheYear. Shehas Sheffield KiwanisClub’s Donna Akins(’82)wasnamed Ala. studio indowntownMadison, ently serving as Vice ently servingasVice M artin (’86)is e s 43 2011 spring UNA Magazine child, Gabriel. to Monicaandtheyhaveone linebacker. Ruffinismarried positions, defensiveendand All-American honorsintwo the school’s onlyplayertowin three-time All-Americanandis days atUNA,Ruffinwasa standings. Duringhisplaying Athletic Conference) IntercollegiateSIAC (Southern annually atthetopof Tuskegee hisdefenseswere . At and linebackercoachat as thedefensivecoordinator Miles Collegeafterfiveyears as theheadfootballcoachat (’98) entershisfirstseason American ReginaldRuffin UNAfootballAll- Former children. Hamilton, Ala.,withtheirtwo He andhiswifeCarlindalivein Church ofGodinLynn, Ala. serving aspastorattheLynn N University. School, UNA,andDeltaState High School,Athens stops atLauderdale County coaching resume alsoincludes UNA AthleticHallofFame,his High School.Amemberofthe head coachatColbertCounty School afterthree yearsas coach atSparkmanHigh 2010 seasonasanassistant Florence. Gross spentthe HighSchoolin at Wilson named headfootballcoach C UNAquarterback Former ceremony. Center towitnessthis Health ServicesActivities gathered intheCommunity Approximately 100people of Walker CountySchools. newly-elected Superintendent recently inasthe sworn Jason Adkins(’94)was Morgan County, Ala. annual CelebrityChefeventin participated inthethird pitmaster andr is anationallyrecognized Bob GibsonBar-B-Q. He the executivechefofBig C 990s 19 ody Gross (’96) hristopher Lilly(’90)is ick Ray(’96)iscurr

ecently has been ently Leslia needed inAfghanistan. quarters forthe30,000troops improve thelivingandworking construction supportto its missionwastoprovide part ofNMCB-133where in Gulfport,Miss.Hewas Construction BattalionCenter was assignedtoNavalMobile During hisdeploymenthe deployment toAfghanistan. finished anearlyfive-month William J.Dean(’03)recently Johnson. featuring trackswrittenby Germany, willbereleased similar toAmericanIdolin reality/competition program fr downtown Florence. Analbum at NoiseblockStudiosin is anengineer/songwriter M College. Northwest ShoalsCommunity He iscurrently aprofessor at at theUniversityofAlabama. and BiologicalEngineering the DepartmentofChemical most outstandingalumniof He wasrecognized inthe100 of theirCentennialFellows. Biological Engineeringasone Department ofChemicaland the UniversityofAlabama was r C at theUniversity ofW season asheadfootballcoach Will Advisory Board. Corporation and Cerner Palliative Care Organization, National Hospiceand Care AssociationofAmerica, of America,HospitalHome Care Technology Association Managers Association,Home Care andHospiceFinancial Care andHospice,Home National AssociationofHome 2005. Sheisamemberof Health andHospicesince director oftheNMMCHome promotion, Carterservedas Medical Center. Before her Services atNorthMississippi of Post-AcuteRehabilitation pr school’s offensive coordinator Alabama after serving asthe 000s 20 om thePopstarsprogram, a laude omoted toadministrator atthew Johnson(’02) H ecently selectedby all (’04)isinhisfirst C E arter (’05)hasbeen ubanks (’98) est Kevin Europe. is expectedtobeabighitin will bereleased inGermany. It to AmericanIdolinGermany, competition program similar Popstars program, areality/ Noiseblock Studiosfrom the An album,produced by joining theUW Studios indowntownFlor house engineeratNoiseblock completed aMaster’ James income-producing properties. multi-family, site selection,and Ala. Hespecializesinland, Associates, Inc.,inFlorence, development atPounders& r is workingincommercial Justin expected inMarch. “Tripp”Hall withanotherson in LivingstonwithsonWill Amory, Miss.,andtheyreside RebeccaRandle,of former record. Heismarriedtothe playoffs in2003witha13-1 the semifinalsofNCAA native quarterbackedUNAto winner, theAmory, Miss., appointed theDir Amy impairment. epilepsy, andcorticalvisual challenges ofcerebral palsy, how Michaelovercomes the Michael McCarley, showing made thefilmabouthisfriend block. Luke,whoiseleven, during theYoung Filmmaker’s Lindsey UNAFilmFestival will beshownattheGeorge short film,“Michael,”which be featured inLukeBroyle’s of MichaelMcCarley C awaiting statecertification. Education thispastfallandis State. College (S.C.)andHenderson Baptist University, Presbyterian at Monticello,Southwest at theUniversityofArkansas previously wasanassistant 2009 NCAAPlayoffs. helped leadtheTigers tothe coach BobbyWallace. Hall UNAhead under former for thepastthree seasons is currently inthesecond Washington, D.C.Amy University Law Center in Student LifeatGeorgetown eal estatebrokerage and hris Bethea(’07)isthe E

AHarlonHillTr M M . Garrison(’08)was M c . Bishop(’06) . C M arley (’07)isfather ock (’06) A staff, Hall ector of , whowill s in

Before ophy ence. C serving asradiooperator, 2 Achievement Medalwhile received aNavy/MarineCorps Jacob Philadelphia, Pa.) Region (Charleston,S.C.,and and travelingthemid-Atlantic working forPhiGammaDelta their twodogs. Va., withBrianBeall(’07)and Blind. AmylivesinAlexandria, Columbia LightHouseforthe is avolunteerreader withthe and Delta GammaFraternity Chair fortheD.C.chapterof She istheCitySponsorship George Washington University. Administration program at Education: HigherEducation year oftheDoctorate Mike LaneFieldlastfall. HittingFacility at Willingham in theopeningofJosh baseball program resulted His donationstotheUNA runs and336battedin. average with103home and hasa.265career batting the Washington Nationals Florida Marlinsandtwowith played fiveyearswiththe has Leagues, Willingham eighth seasonintheMajor League. Settobeginhis first seasonintheAmerican 2010 andwillbespendinghis Athletics inDecemberof was tradedtotheOakland American JoshWillingham UNAbaseballAll- Former WilliamB. of Huntsville. Marine Divisionstationedout relations. in advertisingandpublic seeking aMaster’s Degree at theUniversityofAlabama curr Battalion, 14 010s 20 hristopher R.Pigg(’09)is ently aGraduateAssistant H N Alum . C on-Graduating on-Graduating ude (’10)r H th odges (’10)is Marines,4 ecently



44 2011 spring UNA Magazine Harscheid (‘94), Winn Brewer (‘09)andJerry White(‘60)attheSGAPresident’sHarscheid (‘94),Winn Breakfast. Page (‘01),Gene Hamby(‘65),RobertSmith(‘81), Ed Gosa(‘62),BishopAlexander (‘09), Glenn Ray(‘80),RandyMcCann (‘77),Jim (‘95), MichelleRupe Eubanks(‘96),GrahamSisson (‘87),Tim Jennifer Steffen Brake Kimble(‘97),SamThigpen(‘11),CoryHamilton, KatrinaBrown (‘05), Ryan with MelissaandJamesMedlin Leah andMarkTucker withLaneyBethandShelia(‘70)JoeTucker (‘70),Tucker andHeather of theentrancetoUNA.More detailsregarding For additionalinformationjoinusonFacebook UNA AlumniStriplinHallandFlorence Hall. permanent limestonememorialinthevicinity the markerandpotentialscholarshipwillbe Several studentsfrom Florence andStriplin forthcoming buttheimmediateneedisfor to commemoratethesebuildingswitha residence hallshaveorganized aneffort 2011 HomecomingSeptember24 HOMECOMING funds topurchase thememorial. DEDICATION WILLBE Rowe (‘69)andFayeHunterTorstrick (‘65) (‘70), DennisTaylor (‘71), JoeTucker, FranVest Tucker (‘70),BobSeeley(‘68)LarryChapman Wynell Brewer Chapman(‘70)SheliaMaddox Sherri Stewart(‘69),PeggyDudleyScott(‘70) 2010 Laura (’55)andDon Harrison Mimi (’78)Kirkland Lisa Keys-Mathews(’85),Dave(’78)and GEOGRAPHER OFTHEYEAR Jesse Glasgow(’98) 2010 UNA 45 2011 spring UNA Magazine Ladies ofthe60s Fiji’s atRobertSteele’s (’78)BookSigning Mickey andDianeAndrews 46 2011 spring UNA Magazine the KillenLibraryBoar United MethodistChurch and was amemberoftheKillen He retired from Reynolds Service Board ofAppeals. of theLauderdale CountyCivil Ross Palmerwasamember Baptist Church. a valuedmemberoftheFirst in Florence until2009andwas Eliza Coffee MemorialHospital She servedasavolunteerat throughout hercollegeyear. exhibits superiorleadership awards afemalestudentwho Leadership Scholarship as thePaulineE.Gravlee endowed scholarshipknown women beginningin1954.An administrator anddeanof well knowntoUNAasan Pauline Gravleewas Church inFlorence. member oftheFirstMethodist antiques. Hewasalongtime to collect,restore, andsell Preservation Societyand loved member oftheHistorical in Sheffield,Ala.Hewasa from Ford MotorCompany James D. State Teachers College. Mother”atFlorencea “Dorm many yearsasateacherand Library. She also enjoyed town ofKillenandthe work anddedicationtothe Town Councilforallherhard a resolution from theKillen of theLibraryandreceived ofFriends was co-chairman Patricia Davis Metals company. than 40yearsatReynolds He retired afterservingmore Sons ofConfederateVeterans. Shooters Association,andthe Association, NorthAlabama a memberoftheNationalRifle in theNationalGuard. Hewas the Korean W veteranwhoservedin army George J. Y e ars Uni I ngrum, Sr. E llis, Jr., wasan ar andenlisted E d mmons en t , retired d. She i f in mem ie d M Alabama.” elected “Mr. MutualAgentof Agents andin1969-1970was State AssociationofMutual He servedaspresident ofthe Agency inTuscumbia, Ala. owner ofTom JonesInsurance department. Hewasthe for 17yearsinthefinance College. HeworkedatTVA attending Florence State lettered ingolfwhile Thomas R.Jones(’45) taught pianoformanyyears. the Florence MusicClub, and the Florence PianoEnsemble, 1974. Shewasamemberof to teachinguntilretiring in her children, shereturned High School.Afterraising joining thefacultyatCoffee at DeshlerHighSchoolbefore taught schoolinLinvilleand Teacher’s Collegein1931.She year classatFlorence State graduated inthefirstfour- Ruth O.Scarborough (’32) Rogersville CityCouncil. elected tothreeonthe terms battleship Iowaandwas in theU.S.Navyaboard the Masonic Lodge.Heserved member ofRogersville Church, andwasa50-year Rogersville UnitedMethodist was alongtimememberof working there 39years.He Metals Companyin1996after on B-24s.In1999, Gov. Pacific theatre asaradioman served intheU.S. Navyinthe Don J.Jones(’49)was Lady Cattlemen’s Association. was amemberoftheAlabama withherhusbandand farm Bell. Sheretired toher family then hadalongcareer at Blue 940s 19 30s 19 adre Thor n (’46)taughtand James enjoy theirretirement. moved backtoAlabama mid-80s. HeandhiswifeSue school untilheretired inthe graduation andtaughthigh moved backtoOhioafter William R.(Bill)Goings(’57) he retired in2007. Anderson Companies,where as personneldirector forthe Tenn., Carlwasemployed wife relocated toKnoxville, Association. Afterheandhis for theAlabamaEducation dir He alsoservedayearas superintendent ofeducation. during 18ofwhichhewasthe Sheffield CitySchoolSystem, employed for34yearsinthe C Church ofCenterPoint,Ala. active memberatFirstBaptist Nashville, Tenn. Shewasan from PeabodyCollegein Education andamaster’s Florence StateinBusiness a bachelor’s degree from r a teacherforover40years, M 1990 afterserving formany r to Florence. retired in1999andreturned during World War II.He He servedintheU.S.Army University ofNewOrleans. joined thefacultyat economics from LSUand hisPh.D.in later earned Central JuniorCollege.He career inMississippiatEast Bobo (’50)beganhisteaching Florence nativeJamesR. Riley reappointed himin2005. Compensation andGov. Bob Appeals forUnemployment him totheStateBoard of Don Siegelmanappointed 950s 19 etiring in 1989. She earned etiring in1989.Sheearned etired from activeministryin or arl Boley(’53)was ary ector ofpublicrelations H E ue La . Beasley(’58) was M arsh (’50)was y other lovedones. brother, stepmother, andmany son, three grandchildren, survived byhiswife,daughter, financial planner. Heis estate broker andacertified licensed commercial real Solutions, LLC.Hewasa Walker andWalker Financial Later hewasco-ownerof Bob Walker andAssociates. Accountant andtheownerof (’66) wasaCertifiedPublic Robert W. “Bob”Walker States Army. was aveteranoftheUnited president atCrestar Bank.He 1995, hewasaseniorvice University from UNAandLoyola Sheffield, Ala.,andgraduated He r Northwest JuniorCollege. University ofAlabama,and County HighSchool,the basketball coachatColbert Terry S. Daily AgProducts. established hisowncompany, Vulcan Materials.Helater until hebeganworkingfor Tennessee Valley Stockyard and beganoperatingthe Jerry in thearea. basketball andfootballofficial he servedasahighschool and baseball.Formanyyears UNA heplayedbasketball for sixyears.Whileattending National Guard, Sheffield unit, and servedintheAlabama Reduction forseveralyears 2001. HealsoworkedatU.S. years before hisretirement in Dean Foodsformore than16 as asafetydirector forJimmy John R.Bush(’59)worked Camp Resort. Helen, Ga.,atUnicoiSprings ministering over19yearsin years. Hewasalsoknownfor 960s 19 etired from coaching H . Daily(’66)wasa M . Before retiring in aclin (’66) 47 2011 spring UNA Magazine Education andCounseling. Florence Stateinboth received herdegree from Muriel D.Glaister(’72) Fools, andPickwickPickers. Hackers, SecondCreek Fishing Drive member ofHermitage of golf.Hewasafounding relationship withthegame fishing, andhadalove/hate passionate abouthuntingand an avidoutdoorsman,was Northwest Alabama.Hewas coach from severalschools in was aretired teacherand Robert GanumSmithIII(’71) & Construction. manager forURSEngineering was employedasaproject Steven P. Cotney(’71) Regional Director. Alabama andSoutheastU.S. including StatePresident of positions and international serving manylocal,state, Gamma SocietyInternational, of servicetotheDeltaKappa Hills, Ala.Shegave29years Middle SchoolinVestavia classroom teacherinPizitz retired after27yearsasa (’67) Elizabeth N.Garner 970s 19 I want togetinvolved withUNAalumniinmyarea... Business telephone Home telephone City Address Graduation Year(s) andMajor(s) Name q AthleticEvents q LocalChapterDevelopment (include maidennameifapplicable) Office ofAlumni Relations, UNA Box 5047, Florence, AL35632-0001 [email protected]. Your UNAclassmates would liketoknow moreaboutit!Sendusyour news andwewillpublish it in asubsequentissueofthe UNAAlumniMagazine. Pleasecompletetheform andsendittothe Have you won anaward, jobs, changed earnedapromotion, orcompleted anotherdegree?

during “OperationDesert served acombatassignment Franklin D.ButtrumJr. (’81) Madison Countyfor19years. native ofFlorence andlived in Ricky Wilkes(’76)wasa Rehabilitation Center. at theNorthwestAlabama 17 yearsinMuscleShoals era. Hethenafterworked War II,Korea andtheVietnam serving asapilotduringWorld 26 yearsintheU.S.AirForce retired in1968afterserving Charles W. Casteel(’75)was region championships. Central tonumerous area and Lexington HighSchoolleading basketball atCentraland administrator. Hecoached years asateacher, coachand educated studentsfor30 in abasketballgame.He the titleofmostpointsscored of Famemember, stillholding native andUNASportsHall Smith (’72)wasaFlorence Larry Emmett“Snuffy” Alabama Huntsville. degree from Universityof anursing She laterearned 980s 19 Alumni InformationUpdate q NAABoard Member q Homecoming UPDATE YOURRECORDS Position E-mailaddress State Delta. Sigma Iota,andAlphaKappa receiving honorsfrom Phi of severalclubswhileatUNA, Martin (’91)wasamember Theresa MarieBeavers ’72 wife PhyllisEmmonsRomine in 2008.Heissurvivedbyhis Ala. Hospital inBirmingham, field andretired from theUAB hospitals inthehealthcare HeworkedatareaVietnam. during served intheU.S.Army Richard M.Romine(’86) Saudi Arabia. CentralCommandin Army Provost MarshalOffice,U.S. and OperationsOfficer, Asia asMilitaryPolicePlans inSouthwest Shield/ Storm” teacher atWaterloo. he wasahighschoolscience County SchoolSystem,where retired from theLauderdale NFDC andmostrecently War. Hewasretired from TVA’s duringtheKoreanU.S. Army was aveteranservinginthe Patrick L.Keeton(’00&’03) ’00s 990s 19 q RecruitStudents q NAACommitteeAssignment Zip UNA’s ROAD SCHOLARS When youbuyaUNAlicenseplate, q Reunions q Mentoring $47.50* ofthe$50feegoesto student scholarships. Support *Tax deductibleasperIRSregulations 48 2011 spring UNA Magazine Allen Williams and KevinMcDaniel Allen Williams Gary Elliott Tony Dorsey Kevin Simmons,DarinLiles,Tony DorseyandDarrylHardy NATIONAL CHAMPIONS 1991 NCAADIVISIONII 20 th ANNIVERSARY William SmithandCarlWilmer William Ricky Johnson Alan Williams and EricLacy Alan Williams They’re attendingyouruniversity, sittingwhereyouonce sat, dreamingthesamedreams,chartingpaths. But notwithoutthehelpofgenerousalumnilikeyou. When aUNAstudentcallsyouthisspring,talkwith them, shareyourstories,listentotheirs.Andsayyes The It’s yourgiftthatbuildstheirfuture. [email protected] Melody Stewart,Director ofAnnualGiving when theyinviteyoutogivethe y’r Fo UNA ScholarshipFund. r M e

a o 256-765-5080 re I L o n •www.una.edu/give f o t L r ma i t k ion e

Yo u The next 18 years will go by fast.

That’s why your gifts to the UNA Scholarship Fund are so important. With your help, little Lions like Emerson can have peace of mind knowing their UNA education will be affordable. Meanwhile, he can just focus on cutting those teeth. Isn’t that the way it should be?

MAKE YOUR GIFT TODAY The UNA Foundation • UNA Box 5113 • Florence, Alabama 35632-0001 • 256.765.4670 • www.una.edu/give NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION PRESORTED U.S. POSTAGE PAID UNIVERSITY OF NORTH ALABAMA