1 Mutations in TOPORS Cause Autosomal Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa with Perivascular RPE Atrophy Christina F. Chakarova*, Myrto G. Papaioannou*, Hemant Khanna, Irma Lopez, Naushin Waseem, Amna Shah, Torsten Theis, James FrieDman, Cecilia Maubaret, Kinga BuJakowska, Brotati Veraitch, Mai M. AbD El-Aziz, De Quincy Prescott, Sunil Parapuram, WenDy A. Bickmore, Peter M.G. Munro, AnDreas Gal, Christian Hamel, Valeria Marigo, Chris P. Ponting, BernD Wissinger, Eberhart Zrenner, Karl Matter, AnanD Swaroop, Robert K. Koenekoop anD Shomi S. Bhattacharya From Institute of Ophthalmology, UCL, LonDon, UK (C.F.C.; M.G.P.; N.W.; A.S.; T.T.; C.M.; K.B.; B.V.; M.M.A.E.; D.Q.P.; P.M.G.M.; K.M.; S.S.B.); Departments of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (H.K.; J.F.; S.P.; A.S.); The McGill Ocular Genetics Laboratory, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Quebec, CanaDa (I.L.; R.K.K.); The MRC Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh, UK (W.A.B.); Institute of Human Genetics, Hamburg, Germany (A.G.); INSERM, Montpellier, France (C.H.); Department of BiomeDical Sciences, University of MoDena anD Reggio Emilia, MoDena, Italy (V.M.); The MRC Functional Genetics Unit, University of Oxford, Department of Human Anatomy anD Genetics, Oxford, UK (C.P.P.); and Department of Pathophysiology of Vision anD Neuro-Ophthalmology, University Eye Hospital, Tubingen, Germany (B.W.; E.Z.) *The first two authors contributeD equally to the article 2 AdDress for corresponDence anD reprints: Shomi S. Bhattacharya, Institute of Ophthalmology, UCL, LonDon, UK. E-mail:
[email protected] Running title: TOPORS mutations in aD RP 3 Abstract We report mutations in the gene for TOPOisomerase I - binding - RS protein (TOPORS, MIM 609507) in patients with autosomal Dominant retinitis pigmentosa (aDRP) linkeD to chromosome 9p21.1 (RP31).